#choco candy corn cookie
teethlabyrinth · 2 years
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i’ve drawn a bunch more costumes for some of @arvyos characters in the past few days... “happier ending” for fractal cookie (aka the good, non-vengeance-filled timeline), “deathly apprentice” for choco candy corn cookie (aka the ‘just like big bro’ costume), and “dr. peanut butter cookie” for monster cookie (aka pre-monsterfied monster!)
if you like the look of these, i’m taking commissions~
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
Turtle Tricks
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Summary: The gang is out and ready to get the whole Halloween experience. Sadly your girl group ditched you. Luckily you have your boyfriend with you!
P.S: Hello! Halloween season is officially over. Christmas is comin up! But before that, here is part 2 to Turtle Treaters. I hope you guys enjoy it!
The streets of New York are almost always full of pedestrians walking about and going with their day. But this hallows eve, and on every holiday really, that number of people always doubled. The Halloween fair had stalls lined up on every block. Some sold candies like chocolate and candy corn, while others sold desserts like pumpkin bars and pies. Others even held games where you could win prizes. The scents that came from the sugary goodness wafted in the air giving the stale New York wind a Halloweeny sweetness. Each one of you could feel your mouth salivate from the sights and smells. It was almost a sensory overload. And of course, being a gang of eight, everyone wanted to go in different directions and eat as much candy as they can stuff in their faces. Cassandra wanted to go for the, according to Donnie, strangely anatomically correct skull cookies. April and Sunita went straight for the stall selling gummies shaped like everything Halloween. That left the boys, your boyfriend, and you to figure out how to split up.
"Raphie, you smell that?" How you were able to smell anything through the material of your hippo suit is a mystery in itself, but yes Raph did smell that.
"Is that, chocolate?"
"Yeah! Come on!"
Letting you pull him through the crowd of New Yorkers, Raph follows you to a small stall with a fairly large crowd selling hot chocolate. Apparently, this was hot choco with a "twist" which made it extra special. Some of the customers walked away with horrified faces, while others with giggling with joy. If the smell wasn't enough to buy you in, curiosity definitely did.
"Ooh~ We have to get some!"
"I don't know. The line is pretty long. Might take us a while."
"Pretty please~? It's cold."
That was an absolute lie. Sure the November wind may have been cold but inside your hippo suit, you felt like thanksgiving turkey on slow cook wearing it. Was that gonna stop you from Halloween hot choco? Definitely not. Raph didn't know how, but he could feel your puppy eyes from underneath the suit. And with or without seeing it, he would always be weak to it. Always.
"Alright fine, let's get in line."
Happily, you skipped in line with Raph standing beside you. And, luckily enough, the fairly long line moved surprisingly fast. The wait only lasted five minutes tops before it was both your turn. Soon enough, you were both sitting on a side bench with your hot chocos in hand. With a pop, you remove the head of your suit with a sigh of relief. Raph never looked like he was baking inside wearing this, maybe it was a mutant turtle-ninja...thing.
"I thought you said it was cold?"
"It is now."
Taking a sip, you were surprised by the spicy kick you felt in your mouth. Not cinnamon spicy, more like cayenne pepper spicy. It was yummy. You were about to take another sip when Raph shrieked beside you. You turned to look and find your boyfriend looking at his cup, horrified.
"Why, what's wrong?"
"There's…something…very wrong with mine."
Glancing at his cup, you spot three eyeballs floating in his hot choco. All looking upwards, glassily at him. And you since you were looking down at his cup of hot choco.
"Ooh~ those are good."
Raph gave you a look before you had to explain that they were marshmallows filled, usually, with strawberry jam. You suggested he pop one in his mouth and, although reluctantly, he did. It tasted good, but he still felt icky about it though. You only laughed at his squirmish expression, which made him huff, before taking another sip.
"Hey, you have something on your face."
You couldn't even react before he kissed you on the cheek. Out of nowhere.
"You had some whipped cream there."
Seeing as your girl group ditched you with your boyfriend and his brothers, you decided to have a look around. See if anything caught your fancy. And sure enough, something did. A horror house. Filled with the screams of horrified teens who thought they were brave enough to traverse the maze-like corridors of the nightmarish attraction. You tugged at Leo's Lou Jitsu sleeve to get his attention. Once you got it, you gestured to the attraction. Raising your eyebrows in a challenge.
"Babe, the first one who screams loses. The winner gets pizza rights."
Leo, being the champion turtle that he was, grinned mischievously and pulled you to the ticket booth.
"One for me and my fine partner here, if you please."
"Please follow Frankenstein to the house entrance."
The ticketer said, gesturing to the staff dressed as Frankenstein who stood just to the right of the booth. Quickly, you two followed after them and entered the horror house with determination. After all, extra pizza slices were in the line. Thirty minutes in, and no one has made a single noise. Outside the subtle jumps, sweaty palms held tightly in each other’s sweaty grip, and the hardly unnoticeable inching closer together, not even a silent gasp left your mouths. Immediately after a turn, written on the wall in wet and drippy red paint were the words 'Keep running! You're almost there!' Naturally, this prompted you both to speed walk towards the almost-there exit. And, like a light at the end of the tunnel, the way out was in sight. That was until... something sprung out from the shadows. It was big. It was slimy. It was...
"That's going in the album!"
"Hey there, honey! It's been a while!"
"What are you doing here?"
At this point, Leo, who somehow got behind you peeked out all fidgety still.
"Well, I figured that this would be the ideal part-time job. Tryin' to earn some money for my new tank. The place is nice, but needs some feminine touches."
"Ooh~ that's great! Say, you wouldn't mind sending me that pic, would you?"
You walked out of the horror house with a smug smirk directed at your defeated boyfriend. And he, he didn't like that. Not only did he look super lame, but he also lost! He LOsT! So he did the next most logical thing. Grabbing your slick, black blazer he gently yet quickly tugged you upwards. To his beak. Kissing you. Your first kiss. On the lips.
"Wipe the smug smile off your face."
"Hmm, I dunno I'm gonna have to think about it. Give me another and I just might."
"Am I hallucinating? Or is that stall just west of us, selling automatons to unsupervised children on Halloween?"
Looking toward the direction you indicated, there was indeed, a stall filled to the brim with mechanical trinkets and gizmos. On the center stage of the stall was an intricately made wooden robotic cat. And being the pair of science nerds you and Donnie were, you both immediately squeezed through the crowd of people and toward the stall. Upon closer inspection, the stall was filled specifically with animal and insect-themed robots such as spiders and bats. All were intricately made with various materials ranging from wood to silver to copper.
"The machinations within also seemed to be incorporated properly as well. Tell me, good fellow, did you make these all by yourself."
The vendor enthusiastically replied yes. Stating that each piece was handmade and, literally, took them days to accomplish. Understandable, considering the meticulousness that came from both building and designing such creations.
"May we take a look at this one, please?" You said. Pointing at the cat that had drawn you to this stall in the first place.
The vendor nodded and gently removed the mechanism from its case and onto the table in front of you.
"So tell us, how does this exactly work?"
The vendor gave the both of you a long look before smiling and said, "Well for a start, you'll need a knife."
You and Donnie nodded in unison.
"And then you cut it."
"eXCusE uS?!"
"Will you be buying this one? I would like to demonstrate if so."
Let's just say that you and Donnie had to dish up all your Halloween candy money to buy it. Was it a worthwhile spend? Short answer, yes. After having paid for it, the vendor proceeded to unsheathe their knife and cut into the robot. First came the crunching from the exterior. Then came the strong smell of...chocolate? There was no wheezing of cut-in-half gears or the static of also cut-in-half wires. Just very, very, gooey chocolate cake. They then proceeded to push the slice toward you and Donnie. Unsurely, he took a piece of the cake and into his mouth. Don't get him wrong, the cake was heavenly, almost divine. But his brain just could not comprehend what just happened.
Donnie turned towards you. Eyebrows raised in confusion. How were you not phased by this?! Apparently, his expression was very readable since you said, "Hyper-realistic cake. I've never seen it in person but they have been going viral. Also, you have some chocolate on your face. Mind if I?"
Donnie only nodded. Still completely out of it when you gently wiped a napkin across his bottom lip. Swiping at the gooey chocolate. You giggled when, despite being so obviously rattled to the shell, he still reacted shyly to your touch as a soft blush started to dust his cheeks. It took a while before the two of you could arrive at the meeting point i.e the same place where everyone split up, only to find the rest of the turtles still arguing about which direction to go. Raph, having been facing your general direction, saw you and Donnie and the expensive cake placed in a transparent plastic box in your hands.
"Please don't tell me you used all your Halloween money on that."
"It was a worth it buy."
"Mikey! Look!"
You excitedly poke Mikey's paper mache pumpkin as you point toward the line of stalls selling jack-o-lanterns and carved candles.
"It's our people!"
As fast as you both could in your jack-o-lantern costumes, you waddled toward the stalls hand in hand. You both first went to the candle stalls, becoming immediately drawn to the details and colors of each one. Some had solid colors. Others had layers of black, white, and orange. All of them were carved in elegant petal-like designs that curved sometimes inward, sometimes outward, till they reached the bottom of the candle. They even had cats and witches carved into them. There was one in particular that caught your eye. It was a scented cinnamon candle with a green outer layer with the inside being an arrangement of oranges and yellow. It would look perfect in Mikey's room aesthetic.
"See something you like babe?"
"Oh, nothing much. They're all so beautiful."
You were definitely buying that behind his back. Of course, you couldn't forget about your fellow jack-o-lanterns on display. There were small ones, ones as big as your head, some smooth and others rough. There were even some that you could use like a mask and some that sold them as candy buckets filled with Halloweeny goodness. You both definitely bought a matching pair of buckets. There were some pies in your buckets that Mikey just had to get the recipe too.
"I'll be right back. I gotta know the secret to this pie."
"Alright, I'll be waiting here.
Of course, you weren't. While Mikey waddled back to the bucket stall determined to get that recipe, you waddled back to the candle stall. And, to your luck, it was still there! You excitedly beckoned to the vendor for it. They gladly wrapped it up for you. Like they really wrapped it up. Bubble wrap and all.
"It's very fragile. So be very careful with it." The vendor advised as they handed you the bubble-wrapped candle in exchange for your money.
"I will! Thank you!"
Very, very carefully, you placed the candle in the deepest pocket of your soft crocheted jack-o-lantern costume. Were you glad you decided to crochet those in. Quickly, well as fast as you could, you waddled back to where Mikey left you just in time to see him waddling back to you.
"Someone is making pumpkin pie tonight! Come on, we better get back."
You giggled at his excitement. The candle you gave to him at the layer. He never did use it. "Art too precious to tarnish" he would say. He definitely asked Donnie for the meaning of tarnish.
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nova-dracomon · 1 year
Vegan Kin Food Ideas
S'up! So, we've been seeing a lot of kin food posts, but the focus is always on meat. Then when vegan or vegetarian options are listed it's like salad + fruit and that's it. We've been vegan for some years now so here's a list of things we eat that we think others might enjoy too!
A piece of advice we found helpful is to think about the food item you miss and break it down into what exactly you miss. If you miss eating gems, is it the appearance? The crunch? Gritty texture or dry taste? In that spirit of that, our list will be largely broken up by texture/experience.
Crunch Crunch Snacks
This includes snacks/sides that get your jaws working or have a satisfying "snap" to them.
Roasted chickpeas
Kale chips
Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter and raisins)
Hummus + baby bell peppers/sugar snap peas/carrots
Granola / cereals (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Banana chips
Nuts + seeds
Popcorn (avoid "buttery" packages, buy plain or kettle corn)
Peanut butter pretzels (crunchy outside, delicious soft inside)
Smartie candies
Keep your cookies/chocolate bars in the fridge or freezer
Also, load cookies up with extra nuts/seeds/choco chips
Soft, but with some crunch
This section is for dishes/sides that are overall easier on the teeth, but with elements that still crunch or snap. If you're looking for recipes that combine different texture elements check these out.
Lentil nachos + nacho cheese sauce
"Crunchwrap" (quesadilla made with refried beans and homemade cheese sauce that we open and place tortilla chips and lettuce inside after grilling)
Tempeh bacon (we like this on a BLT or grilled cheese sandwich)
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Grilled asparagus
Apple slices with nut butter
Apple turnovers
Vegan sushi (there's a ton of recipes, check out these two collections to get started X, X)
Falafel (can be used a hundred different ways, sandwiches, wraps, on it's own, etc.)
Roasted chickpeas again, but with a caveat**: You can roast them at 350 F for 30 mins and they'll be cooked enough to pop between your teeth, but soft in the center. We like to either eat them as-is or top our salads with them. (We season with salt/pepper before going into the oven, nothing else) **Must be eaten after baking, they will not keep
For the foragers in the crowd
These dishes focus more on having either multiple different foods in a visible way or a tactile element to how you eat them.
Chia pudding
Smoothie bowls
Overnight oatmeal
Trail mix
Pumpkin bars (We replace the egg with a flax egg and use vegan butter)
Chocolate chip banana monkey bread
Corn on the cob
Grilled veggie kebabs
Cranberry cilantro quinoa salad
Bush's beans and rice
Salads topped with sliced fruit, nuts, grains and/or beans
Edamame (a favorite, we love pulling out the insides with our teeth, you can get ones without the pods if they bother you)
Plant-based burgers, the kinds with the chunks of veggies (our favorite is dr. praeger's black bean quinoa burgers)
Chewy Foods
This section is for foods that work your jaw, but more in a "needing to chew" way.
Potato gnocchi
Dried fruit (comes in all different flavors, not just raisins)
Swedish fish, red vines, skittles or sour patch kids
Granola bars (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Thick bread-y pizza (our favorite dough recipe)
Chewy chocolate chip cookies
Peanut butter cookies
Baked oatmeal
Potato skins
Meat Substitutes
The most obvious way to make a dish vegan is to sub in the appropriate mock meat. We've eaten quite a few and we won't sugar-coat it: a lot of them are either going to match the taste, texture, OR look. It's hard for mock meats to copy meat 1:1, some get way closer than others, but if you go into this expecting no difference you will be disappointed.
Our two favorite brands are Impossible and Gardein. We've tried a lot of their products and have yet to eat one we don't like.
These aren't your only options though!
Falafel (deep-fried balls of ground chickpea)
Tempeh (fermented soybeans)
Seitan (made from wheat gluten)
Jack fruit
You might have guessed based on the recipes shared, but we usually opt for beans. We haven't eaten much seitan or jack fruit, but they are options. At our local grocery stores they're sold in the "free from" section and can be brought pre-seasoned and ready to cook with. Jack fruit in particular is a popular replacement for shredded pork.
The trick with a lot of these is to marinate them. Tofu in particular so you can infuse it with flavor. Here's a few recipes we love:
Lentil and sweet potato loaf ("Neat"loaf)
Marinated tofu
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Tempeh bacon
Chili (our mom's recipe that we modified)
Soft / Squish
For things that are soft or squishy and you can slurp up.
Seaweed salad
miso soup
Pico de Gallo Black Bean Soup
"Nice" cream
Chocolate mousse
Brownie batter hummus
Chia seed jam
Lavender syrup (to flavor other drinks, we use it in coffee)
Lavender lemonade (final product will be a light brown color)
Mashed potatoes + Gravy
Slow cooker apple cider
Tofu scramble
JUST egg
Non-dairy mac and cheese (our favorite brand is the upton's)
Smoothies (if you're looking for a protein powder to include, we recommend Vega)
**Just a reminder to supplement for B12 if you're consuming a vegan diet. There are some foods that are fortified with it; however, a supplement is cheap, easy to find and all-around a more reliable way to ensure you are getting enough.
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pastelxapple · 8 months
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5. Sweet - Alcremie Variants; Candy Corn, Licorice, Frosted Cookie, Dark Choco Feline, Ube Cream Ghost, and Latte Pumpkin!
$6️⃣5️⃣ each!
DM to adopt! 🐍✨
Candy Corn: CLOSED
Licorice: OPEN
Frosted Cookie: OPEN
Dark Choco Feline: OPEN
Ube Cream Ghost: OPEN
Latte Pumpkin: OPEN
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thecookieverse · 5 months
Cookieverse: Families
House Raspberry
Raspberry Cookie (Older Sister)
Black Raspberry Cookie (Younger Sister)
Raspberry Mousse Cookie (Cousin)
Pepper Family
Red Pepper Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Chili Pepper Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Cayenne Cookie (Cousin)
Szechuan Cookie (Aunt; Deceased)
Velvet Cake Family
Red Velvet Cookie (Older Brother)
Orange Velvet Cookie (Younger Sister)
Rose Family
Rose Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Rose Water Cookie (Brother; Middle)
Black Rose Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Veggie Family
Spinach Cookie (Sister)
Broccoli Cookie (Brother)
Carbonated Family
Sparkling Cookie (Brother)
Seltzer Cookie (Brother)
Dairy Family
Milk Cookie (Brother)
Choco Milk Cookie (Brother)
Mint Family
Peppermint Cookie (Sibling; Youngest) Peppermint Bark Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Avocado Family
Avocado Cookie (Sister)
Guacamole Cookie (Brother)
Cinnamon Family
Cinnamon Cookie (Cousin)
Cinnamon Roll Cookie (Cousin)
Plum Family
Plum Cookie (Son)
Sugarplum Cookie (Father)
Myrobalan Cookie (Father)
Orange Family
Orange Cookie (Sister)
Blood Orange Cookie (Sister)
Tangerine Tanghulu Cookie (Cousin)
Hot Dog Family
Hot Dog Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Chili Dog Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Caramel Family
Salted Caramel Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Caramel Macchiato Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Egg Dish Family
Omelet Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Omurice Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Popcorn Family
Popcorn Cookie (Niece)
Choco Popcorn Cookie (Estranged Uncle)
Frozen Dessert Family
Parfait Cookie (Cousin)
Slushie Cookie (Cousin)
Ice Cream Family
Soft Serve Cookie (Daughter)
Waffle Cone Cookie (Father)
Vanilla Bean Cookie (Mother)
Apple Family
Apple Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Caramel Apple Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Candy Apple Cookie (Cousin, Twin Sister to Toffee Apple)
Toffee Apple Cookie (Cousin, Twin Sister to Candy Apple)
Lily Family
White Lily Cookie (Ancestor)
Calla Lily Cookie (Descendant; Eldest Sister)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Descendant; Youngest Sister)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Descendant; Middle Sister)
Pasta Family
Ditalini Cookie (Brother)
Farfalle Cookie (Sister)
Prune Family
Prune Juice Cookie (Grandson)
Prune Cookie (Grandmother)
Mushroom Family
Poison Mushroom Cookie (Cousin)
Button Mushroom Cookie (Cousin)
Creme Family
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Orange Cream Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Summertime Family
Salsa Chip Cookie (Brother)
Apple Dodger Cookie (Stepbrother)
Salsa Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
PPC Family
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Sugar Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Basil Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Magnesium Cookie (Father)
RRC Family
Fruit Punch Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Blue Corn Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Nori Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Banana Nut Cookie (Father)
Devil's Tongue Cookie (It's complicated)
Black Forest Family
Black Forest Cookie (Father)
Gateau Cookie (Daughter)
Coffee Sweets Family
Coffee Candy Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Apple Variety Twins
Red Delicious Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Pizza Family
Pizza Cookie (Sister)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Brother)
Squid Family
Squid Ink Cookie (Cousin)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Cousin)
Stinky Cheese Family
Camembert Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Skeleton Family
Dr. Bones Cookie (Brother)
Sugar Skull Cookie (Brother)
Twin Star Cookie
Star Sapphire Cookie (Brother; Twin)
Star Ruby Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Jam Family
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Brother; Younger)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Sister; Elder)
Gel Family
Lemon Gel Cookie (Brother; Elder)
Berry Gel Cookie (Sister; Younger)
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inc0rrectmyths · 2 years
In this post of mine, I stated that each Olympian lady handles one type dish. (it had Demeter and Dione in that post)
So I wanted to make the whole list.
Hestia: The baker. She makes THE BEST cookies, cakes, pastries and pies in the entire universe! Everyone loves them. And in festivals, her sweets are the highlight of the whole event.
Demeter: The soup maker. Makes the best vegetable soup. She made the recipe herself. Cuz the kids disliked veggies, she made a five star Michelin style veggie soup that's delicious and also healthy!
Dione: The second soup maker. Makes the most amazing chicken soup! Her spice choices are 👨‍🍳💋. And her recipe is really popular! The gods always ask for her soup when they are sick.
Hera: Can't cook for Gaia's sake. She is only allowed to squeeze juice from fruits. But she adds a few drops of her magic liquid and makes the fruit juices more tasty!
Leto: The porridge maker. Her porridge is the go to meal when ANYONE is sick. Leto's porridge has magical properties and also the motherly love of hers.
Metis: The best finger foods maker. She makes the best finger foods and is really creative with them. Her snacks are the favorite of the kids. Chicken nuggets, fries, cheese balls, corn dogs, popcorn, she got 'em all covered!
Maia: Candy floss maker. The reason she is the coolest momma among them all according to the kids. She makes the best candy floss, perfect sweetness and so light and delicious! She also makes them in different colours. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink, orange, purple. Everything!
Semele: Makes the most delicious and creamy milkshakes and smoothies! Once you take a sip of her drinks, you can't stop. Chocolate, vanilla, mint choco, strawberry, raspberry. She can make it.
Aphrodite and Persephone: They are the ice cream makers. Their ice creams are so amazing and has a huge fanbase. They can make more than 20 different flavours. And all of them are hits!
Artemis and Athena: Best BBQ makers! Due to them both spending half of their time camping. They both have mastered the art of BBQ. During family gatherings, they both handle the grill. And everyone enjoys them a lot!
Eris: Makes instant noodles for everyone. She can't cook. So whenever some god is in hurry, she quickly goes to the kitchen and makes them a bowl of instant noodles.
Hebe and Eileithya: Too young. Not allowed to go in the kitchen.
male gods version :)
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skid - candy skull cookie - rare
lila - haunted grape cookie - epic
skids dad - candy corn cookie - ancient
pump - pumpkin candy cookie - rare
susie - pumpkin spice cookie - epic
pumps grandpa - overgrown pumpkin cookie - npc
bob - jelly meat cookie - super epic
Roy - jalapeño cookie - epic
Carmen - carolina reaper cookie - legendary
Richard - ghost pepper cookie - super epic
Ross - blue raspberry jello cookie - epic
Jaune - lemonade jello cookie - epic
Ross's dad - Blackberry Jello cookie - npc
Robert - caramel popcorn cookie - epic
Reina - salted popcorn cookie - rare
Robin - sweet popcorn cookie - epic
Radford - Buttered popcorn cookie - epic
Rob's mom - Corn on the cob cookie - npc
Rob's dad - melted butter cookie - npc
John - choco popcorn cookie - epic
Jack - toasted marshmallow cookie - epic
captain - caramel apple cookie - npc
shotgun man - sour candy cookie - npc
Kevin - Sugar rush cookie - epic
Streber - Bloodlime cookie - epic
Rick - Spicy cotton candy cookie - epic
Frank - Black licorice cookie - epic
Summer - bubblegum cookie - rare
Dexter - Orange pop rocks cookie - epic
Oh my gosh you put a lot of thought into this
I love them all (Jack being toasted marshmallows 🥺)
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collectstarspark · 2 years
Food taste of Mr. Park Jongseongie
Ký hiệu (x) : Nhắc tới nhưng không chắc là bạn ấy thích hay không
(*) Món bạn nấu đươc
(#) : Món ăn tuổi thơ của bạn
A. Món mặn - savory
- Cơm : ăn cơm hạt khô, rời, không nhão ( adante), canh trước cơm sau, cơm trộn bơ động vật lạt và nuocs tương soy butter rice (#)
- mỳ ăn liền : Tempura Udon brand Nongshim Korea
- Thit: Thích ăn thịt ( meat lover), bít tết ( beefsteak) ăn medium rare ( tái vừa), thịt cừu xiên nướng, xúc xích nhân phô mai và ngô
- cá : cá ngừ, cá hồi, cơm nắm cá hồi sốt mayo ( mayo tuna rice ball)
-rau củ :
+ Ngô : Ngô nướng với bơ (#), ngô nếp luộc ( #) , corn cheese , korean corn pancake (*)
+ Dứa : Pizza dứa, thích dứa được nấu chín, món măn thích cho thêm dứa vào
+ nấm : nấm đông cô kho món hầm, súp kem nấm, nấm nướng bbq
+rau củ không thích ( nhưng vẫn ăn được): cà rốt, lá vừng, bạc hà ( mint), pepper mint, bí ngòi, bí ngô.
-Sôt và gia vi :
 - ăn được bột quế, ăn được  các loại gia vị phương Đông, lá thảo mộc như hương thảo rosemary, thích sốt mayonaise ( thêm mayonaise món mặn cũng như nướng thịt bít tết), ăn được ít cay ( mild to medium hot)
-khoai lang và khoai tây : thích khoai lang nướng với bơ, khoai tây thích khoai tây chiên giòn hoặc khoai tây trong món súp kem và cà ry
- bơ và phô mai : cực thích bơ động vât lạt, cho bơ và phô mai thêm vào các món mặn, phô mai thích mozella .
Món Hàn : (x) wollamsam ( gỏi cuốn Việt kiểu Hàn), (*)pajeon ( bánh rán lá hẹ), (*)haemul pajeon ( bánh rán hỗn hợp hải sản)(*) doenjangjjigae ( canh tương đậu), (*)korean beef curry rice ( cơm cà ry bò kiểu Hàn), (*)miyeokguk canh rong biển thịt bò (*) các món từ kim chi gồm cơm chiên kim chi, canh kimchi ( kimchi jjigae), kimchimandu
Món Nhật : udon, tempura, trứng cá, Tonkatsu ( thịt tẩm bột chiên xù), hambagu , Ochazuke ( cơm chan nước trà), Chawanmushi ( trứng hấp chén trà), Sushi,teppanyaki,..
Món Trung : Menbosha ,jjamppong, tangsuyuk thịt lớn sốt chua ngọt với sốt để riêng, jajangmyun mỳ tương đen
Món Việt : Bún Chả
-Món Ý : +Pizza : Margherita, pineapple pizza aka pizza dứa
+ Pasta : Aglio e olio Pasta : mỳ ý với dầu oliu và tỏi
-Món phương Tây : Khoai tây chiên, món hàng tây tẩm bọt chiên xù, hamburger, (#) New England Creamy Clam Chowder
B. Món Ngot
_ Mật Ong : Uống mật ong khi stress và khi hạ đường huyết buổi chiều, ăn tổ ong, sưu tầm nhiều loại mật ong khác nhau với nhieuf hương vị
- Nước đóng chai : Dr Pepper, Nước râu ngô, nước trái cây lon cam-dứa, nước khoáng có gas sủi bọt
-Kem : + Kem que hàn quốc : kem đậu đỏ b.b.big, kem hạt dẻ babambar, kem vani bọc socola noughat bar, kem óc chó
+ Kem ly : kem baskin robbin pistachio almond ( kem hạt dẻ cười hạnh nhân ), Haagen-dazs cherry vanilla ice cream
-Trà và cà phê Không chịu được cafein cao : + trà đen : Hồng trà ( blacktea) gồm ceylon tea, earl grey, trà sữa milk tea, trà đào ủ lạnh cold brew peach tea, trà đen với chocolate và caramel ( toffee tea) hãng yêu thích là mariage Freres Wedding Imperial
+ matcha : matcha Frappucinno Starbuck
+Cà phê (x) Dalgona - Ice Coffee with Caramel sauce and Hazelnut Syrup ( double pump)
- Sữa : Chocolate Milk Seoul Milk
(#) Hot chocolate drink with marshmallow candy - cacao sữa nóng mùa đông
Hwachae mùa hè : món dưa hấu của hàn
Sinh tố : Sinh tố bơ và chuối
Cookie and Cream Frepper (Món bánh quy và kem như Oreo đã xay)
sữa chua đá xay với topping là granola
món bánh : - Churros với sốt socola
- bánh xốp bọc chocolate chocolate dipper wafer
- Donut vị cơ bản orginal chỉ phủ đường Sugar Glaze donut by brand Krispy Kreme
- Bagel with Creamcheese filling
-opera, black forest, crepe, Tiramisu
- bánh quy (#) bánh quy bơ đậu phộng starbuck, bánh quy chocolate chip
kẹo : Chocalte đen đắng, chocolate Ferrero Rocher
Trái cây : thích cherry, bơ, dưa hấu
Các loại hạt : ăn được đậu đỏ, lạc(đậu phộng) thích hạt dẻ cười, hạt dẻ,hạt óc chó và hạnh nhân
-Snack :
+ snack mặn : jjol byung ( snack cay), doritos, lay's
+ Snack ngọt : Lotte creal Choco, butter waffles, pepero,...
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teethlabyrinth · 2 years
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drew a concert attendee costume for choco candy corn for @arvyos !
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rose-coloured-angel · 2 years
Tag 10 People You Want to Know Better
Thanks to @grayeyedandroid for tagging me :)
1. Relationship Status: Single. Have been for 22 years, won't be dating anytime soon. I'm Demisexual so I'm not really interested in dating anyways.
2. Favourite Colour: Pink! :) I also like red, white, brown, and orange. But pink, specifically a rosy or pastel pink (like cotton candy), is my favourite colour/shade.
3. Favourite Food: Ooooh, this is a tough one. I don't think I can choose just one food. :( I really like food. But some top favourites are sushi, pancakes, chicken pot pie, grilled cheese, and fajitas :)
4. Song Stuck in Your Head: C'est la Vie by the Weathers. I feel that song a bit too much right now...That and Twin Sized Mattress by the Front Bottoms.
5. Last Thing You Googled: Choco tacos being discontinued 🥲 When I was about 8, my twin brother and I would buy them from the ice cream truck. We were left alone by our mom while she was at work, and we weren't supposed to be outside at all, but we heard the ice cream truck and we would use all our allowance to but choco tacos specifically. We have them at the store I currently work at but I don't think I'll be able to get one again. I didn't even think about trying them again. It's been such a long time...I guess I missed my chance to relive those memories.
6. Time: It's 3:40 AM as I write this...I'm nocturnal because of my job.
7. Dream Trip: I've always wanted to go to Canada. I come from a military family so I've seen a lot of Europe already. I've never even been in close proximity to Canada, state-wise. Canada was one of my hyperfixations in the past (which I'm sure annoyed way more people than my family) but I just find it so interesting.
8. Last Book You Read: Alice in Wonderland :) Read it online
9. Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Alice in Wonderland! I've re-read it so many times since I was a kid but it's such a whimsical and fun book (especially when you understand the jokes and historical references)
10. Last Book You Hated Reading: Oof...I don't know that I've read a book I disliked recently...the last book I remember disliking was probably that collection of HP Lovecraft stories I picked up put of curiosity at the bookstore. I sat there reading, hoping I could figure out why people like his stories so much. God, the stories were so boring and the writing was awful. Then I found our he was, like, suuuuuper racist, so...yeah. Kinda ruined any bit of enjoyment I might have gotten from that.
1. Favourite Thing to Cook/Bake: HHHHHNG I LIKE COOKING AND BAKING SO MUCH. You want me to choose one thing??? I love making cookies, pies, pizzas, stew, grilled cheese, pancakes, brownies, cake, soufflés, french fries, gingerbread! They're all my favourite! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE.
2. Favourite Craft to Do in Your Spare Time: Cross-stitching! Or just sewing in general :) Unless drawing counts as a "craft"...
3. Most Niche Dislike: Honey-based candy corn. I like the candy Corn made with corn syrup! But the honey kind? 🤢
4. Opinion on Circuses Now and in History: Love-hate relationship. I love the romanticized idea of the circus, but being aware of the cruelty towards the disabled, POC, and animals in circuses throughout history kinda ruins the ideals of pretty colours, cotton candy, and clowns. I like how circuses now forgo the "freakshow" thing and have started using fake animals, or at least treat the animals better than they did in the past (if they use them at all). I've never really been to the circus (although I've once seen a Circe du Soleil performance). Because clowns are one of my special interests, I know a lot about them and the circus industry. Real circuses are...products of a pretty awful past. And I'm just not a fan of crowds, so...eh. So long as no-one and no animal is being treated cruely, I have no qualms. Romanticized/ideal fictional circuses however? Awesome. Stupendous. Amazing. Love 'em.
5. Do You Have a Sense of Direction and, if Not, What is the Worst Way You've Gotten Lost?: I've never had a sense of direction in my life. I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten lost. The worst times involve going to new schools, which I did often as part of that military family. For the first week I would show up late to many classes, utterly befuddled by the winding hallways, staircases, and rows of lockers that all look the same. Teachers would (usually) understand...on the first or second day. Later in the week (or month), when they realized I couldn't navigate the school any better than most can navigate the school system...well, I saw a lot of Hope leave my teachers eyes before they even started handing out homework.
Tagging: @bailey1rox @nerdgul @cchipk @extravagantnonbinary @benevolentclowns @dat-soldier @goldenteddie @uselessundertalefacts @vintagecandy @yuzu394 Hope to learn more about all of you :D ! 💕
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buniyaa-blog · 2 years
How to buy Indian Delicious sweets and snacks online?
Sweets and Snacks are everybody’s favourite, ranging from a kid to older people. Did your mouth drool after hearing these words? Surely, it did. Well, Indian sweets and snacks have their special place in the world due to their taste. Everyone loves to eat them, they are being bought for every occasion, every festival, every special day. Exchanging sweets and sacks is a gesture made by friends and families to cherish and deliver the good news. There are plenty of different sweets and snacks made in larger quantities each day in India and every state has its flavour and taste. They are of great use because when you have to provide your guests you can provide them with instant ready snacks and sweets. Are you someone who lives outside India and wants to have Indian sweets and snacks that takes just like home but has no idea where to? This blog will help you get to know the best platform to buy sweets and snacks online from the Indian grocery store in the USA. There is no more homesickness but you will now be delivered with every Indian food item that you require right at your doorstep. So, let us not waste more time knowing about the guide to buying Indian delicious sweets or snacks online and where to buy it.
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Best Platform to buy sweets and snacks online
The only struggle is to find a better place to buy Indian groceries online but now that struggle has also come to an end. It is because you have the best Indian grocery shopping platform available to you. Buniyaa is a small e-commerce business platform that provides you with Indian groceries and essentials. We initiated this platform in the year 2015 and now successfully established a great relationship with our customers by serving them with supreme quality products at the optimum deals. All kinds of sweets and snacks are available here, so buy from our online grocery store in the USA. We have always strived on serving better and accept feedback to look out for the areas that need improvement if any.
Best quality products are available at the lowest prices available so the needs of every section can be catered to.
Have a reliable source of suppliers and knowledge of the spice trade.
100% protected and organic, with no added preservatives and flavours. As a result of this, you nowhere compromise with the quality and taste.
Saves you a lot of time and parking issues, because everything you need is now delivered to your doorstep only.
Sweets and snacks available here are not only tasty but healthy as well in all aspects.
Have expertise in handling USDA and US FDA issues.
Have a safe and secure checkout payment method, so you face no authenticity or reliability issues.
Every Indian grocery item is available here ranging from basic to exclusive.
Types of Sweets and Snacks Available on Buniyaa
Our brand has ties with multiple brands and sources products from different countries like India, Indonesia, Spain and several other countries. You will find a variety of sweets and snacks which you can buy online from our Indian grocery store. There are plenty of items available there but a few of them are:
Biscuits like Parle-G, McVitie’s Digestive Wheat biscuits, Monaco, Krackjack butter masala, Pele Nice, Hide & Seek Chocolate chip cookies and many more. Different chips like Lays Magic Masala, Salted Indian style, Uncle chips spicy treats, Monaco Jeffs Jeera, Aara Corn, Aara Pha thick, Chaakri breakfast Khakhra, Aara Fryums, and much more. They are healthier and even tastier than can be consumed anytime you want to. All the varieties and different flavours are available in the biscuits category. These are all quick Indian snacks available on our online Indian grocery store in the USA.
Aara Peanut Pak, Parle choco rolls, GRB Soan Papdi, Rusks, GRB Pineapple Soan Papdi, Different sweet candies, GRB Rasogolla, GRB Gulab Jamun, Pineapple Halwa, Dry Fruit Halwa, Amul Rasogolla, Kesar Malai peda, Assorted Katlis, Motichoor Ladoo, Sangeeta sweet premium mix, Butterscotch ladoo and much more. These are just a few but the abundance of sweets like these are available here. These sweets are made from pure desi ghee that states just like home and the varieties available here will not be found anywhere else. After having it once, you will crave it more and more.
Patanjali Snacks
Patanjali snacks like patanjali bel candy, patanjali pachak methi nimbu, patanjali pachak hing peda, Patanjali Gulkand, Amla candy, Pachak Ajwain, Hig Goli, Anardana Goli, etc. Patanjali snacks and sweets are not only tasty and healthier but also possess medicinal properties that cure multiple problems and give you a healthier life.
Buying sweets and snacks from Buniyaa is the best option for people living in the USA because not only do they provide you with healthier and organic Indian grocery items but also provide you with the optimum deals you will find nowhere else.
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ashyclown · 5 years
Haha finally finished that piece of shit anjdjdie-
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Plus seperate panels so it's easier to see-
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thecookieverse · 5 months
Cookieverse: Schools
Milkyway Elementary
Known Students
Alfajor Cookie (Inez)
Apple Cookie
Apple Dodger Cookie (Ferb)
Astronaut Food Cookie (Dib Membrane)
Babosa Cookie (Tanis)
Banana Pancake Cookie (Quincy)
Basil Cookie (Buttercup)
Bell Pepper Cookie
Berry Gel Cookie (Sally)
Berry Smoothie Cookie (Keesha)
Bitter Melon Cookie (Violet)
Blackberry Pie Cookie (Schroeder)
Blue Corn Cookie (Boomer)
Blue Taro Cookie (Tim)
Blueberry Kulfi Cookie (Baljeet)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Lucy)
Burrito Cookie (K.O.)
Candy Bone Cookie (Skid)
Candy Jack Cookie (Ralphie)
Carrot Puff Cookie (Arnold)
Cavatappi Cookie (Frieda)
Champurrado Cookie (Carlos)
Chili Dog Cookie (Hoagie P. Gilligan Jr./Numbuh 2)
Chocolate Swirl Cookie (Jimmy Neutron)
Concord Juice Cookie (Sibella)
Coney Dog Cookie (Winnie)
Cornflower Cookie (Franklin)
Cranberry Flan Cookie (Jackie)
Cream Pie Cookie (Charlotte)
Cucumber Cookie (Dendy)
Daffodil Cookie (Dorothy Ann)
Dandelion Cookie (Jimmy)
Dirt Cake Cookie (Pigpen)
Ditalini Cookie (Leo)
Farfalle Cookie (Annie)
Food Coloring Cookie (Adeleine)
Fruit Punch Cookie (PPG!Brick)
Ghost Pipe Cookie (Phantasma)
Gold Truffle Cookie (Princess Morbucks)
Gouda Cookie (Buford)
Green Bean Cookie (Phoebe)
Hokey Pokey Cookie (Wallabee Beetles/Numbuh 4)
Honeydew Cookie (Elsa Frankenteen)
Key Lime Cookie (Cyberchase!Matt)
Lemon Gel Cookie (Charlie Brown)
Marshmallow Bunny Cookie (Panini)
Matcha Choco Cookie (Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3)
Mellowcreme Pumpkin Cookie (Pump)
Mint Cream Cookie (Peppermint Patty)
Mochi Cookie (Wanda)
Nori Cookie (Butch)
Oleander Cookie (Grim Adventures!Mandy)
Orchid Cookie (June)
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Blossom)
Pixy Powder Cookie (Timmy Turner)
Pudding Pop Cookie (Chowder)
Pumpkin Brownie Cookie (Marcie)
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Linus)
Salsa Chip Cookie (Phineas)
Salted Caramel Cookie (Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5)
Soda Bread Cookie (Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86)
Soft Serve Cookie (Funkin Dusk)
Strawberry Fool Cookie (Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1)
Sufganiyah Cookie (Isabella)
Sugar Cookie (Bubbles)
Star Jelly Cookie (Zim)
Tangelo Cookie (Billy)
Tangerine Tanghulu Cookie
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sarah)
Walnut Cookie
Former Students
Five-Layer Cookie (DCFDTL); were kidnapped and brainglazed by Black Olive Cookie (Father)
Tarator Cookie (Vendetta); Expelled for horrific bullying and her dessert monster creations hurting other students. Also the incident where she tried to take over the school on show-and-tell day. That too.
Known Faculty
Beacon Apple Cookie (Bea Spells-A-Lot, part-time tutor)
Gelatin Cookie (Edd/Double D, part-time science tutor)
Honeycrisp Apple Cookie (Ms. Frizzle, teacher)
McIntosh Red Cookie (Will Wedgewood/Wonder-Red; teacher)
Nigiri Cookie (Makoto Nijima, part-time tutor)
Orange Pippin Cookie (Ms. Keene, teacher)
Sucrose Junior High
Known Students
Apple Pie Cookie (Paula Polestar)
Beacon Apple Cookie (Bea Spells-A-Lot)
Blueberry Churro Cookie (Frida Suarez)
Bratwurst Cookie (Rolf)
Camembert Cookie (Ed)
Candy Jewel Cookie (Jewel Sparkles)
Caprese Salad Cookie (Kevin)
Chocolate Truffle Cookie (Trixie Carter)
Circus Peanut Cookie (Peanut Big Top)
Custard Doughnut Cookie (Jeff Andonuts)
Ergot Cookie (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)
Fish Stick Cookie (Lee Kanker)
Garlic Cookie (EW!Dawn)
Gelatin Cookie (Edd/Double D)
Granola Cookie (Jonny)
Grape Jam Cookie (Mabel)
Gum Scrap Cookie (Ness)
Jawbreaker Cookie (Eddy)
Lanatus Dragon Cookie (Jake Long)
Lemon Swirl Cookie (Lucas)
Limburger Cookie (May Kanker)
Mashed Potato Cookie (Marie Kanker)
Orange Swirl Cookie (Claus)
Passion Fruit Cookie (Nazz)
Peanut Butter Cookie (Dipper)
Pork Rind Cookie (Porky Minch)
Prickly Pear Cookie (Kumatora)
Rocket Pop Cookie (Dot Starlight)
Russet Potato Cookie (Arthur “Spud” Spudinski)
Spaghetti Marinara Cookie (Spot Splatter Splash)
Sprinkle Cookie (Crumbs Sugar Cookie)
Valerian Cookie (Pillow Featherbed)
Whipped Cocoa Cookie (Mittens Fluff 'N' Stuff)
White Truffle Cookie (Pacifica Northwest)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Rose)
Fructose High School
Known Students
Ackee Fruit Cookie (Monika)
Apple Cider Cookie (Applejack)
Beef Bowl Cookie (Yu Narukami)
Berry Soda Cookie (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)
Blackberry Cheesecake Cookie (Totally Spies!Mandy)
Black Currant Cookie (Raven)
Black Rose Cookie (Sam Manson)
Buffalo Sauce Cookie (Randy Cunningham)
California Roll Cookie (Naoto Shirogane)
Candy Ring Cookie (Rarity)
Chamomile Cookie (Yuri)
Chocolate Crepe Cookie (Ann Takamaki)
Clam Cookie (Cyborg)
Confetti Cake Cookie (Pinkie Pie)
Cordyceps Cookie (Shawn)
Coriander Cookie (Starfire)
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Danny Fenton/Phantom)
Curly Fry Cookie (Howard Weinerman)
Curry Cookie (Futaba Sakura)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sammy)
Gateau Cookie (Vanessa)
Gummy Fish Cookie (Lagoona Blue)
Haricot Vert Cookie (Jean-Sebastian Renault/Wonder-Green)
Hero Cookie
Jelly Worm Cookie (Ghoulia Yelps)
Kale Cookie (Robin)
Katsu Sando Cookie (Akira Kurusu/Joker)
Kumquat Cookie (Leshawna)
Lemon Mint Cookie (Frankie Stein)
Marshmallow Pie Cookie (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon)
Manju Cookie (Yukiko Amagi)
Meat Bun Cookie (Ryuji Sakamoto)
Melopita Cookie (Cleo de Nile)
MRE Cookie (TD!Brick)
Myrtle Cookie (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)
Nanaimo Bar Cookie (Owen)
Nigiri Cookie (Makoto Nijima)
Orange Blossom Cookie (Zoey)
Orange Creme Cookie (Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton)
Orzo Cookie (Mike)
Pansy Cookie (Fluttershy)
Papanași Cookie (Mariana Kretzulesco/Wonder-Pink)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Geoff)
Pink Licorice Cookie (Draculaura)
Pizza Cookie
Pizza Pocket Cookie (Total Drama!Sam)
Poppy Seed Cookie (Clover)
Potato Stew Cookie (Yosuke Hanamura)
Protein Bar Cookie (Tyler)
Purple Tea Cookie (Sierra)
Red Delicious Cookie (Amy)
Ruby Choco Cookie (Sayori)
Salsa Cookie (Candace)
Samosa Cookie (Noah)
Sandwich Cookie
Seaweed Brownie Cookie (Bridgette)
Shaved Ice Cookie (Abbey Bominable)
Sour Straw Cookie (Tucker Foley)
Some Total Drama contestants (Excluding Biscuit Cookie/Ezekiel, obviously.)
Sports Drink Cookie (Rainbow Dash)
Steak Cookie (Chie Satonaka)
Strawberry Cupcake Cookie (Natsuki)
Tin Cookie (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)
Toaster Tart Cookie (Harold)
Tofu Cookie (Beast Boy)
Vegemite Cookie (TD!Jasmine)
Veggie Chip Cookie (Totally Spies!Sam)
Vichyssoise Cookie (Rise Kujikawa)
Watermelon Snake Cookie (Deuce Gorgon)
Wolfsbane Cookie (Clawdeen Wolf)
Wonton Cookie (Alex)
Yakitori Cookie (Kanji Tatsumi)
Former Students
Cobalt Cookie (Scarlett; Expelled after it was discovered that she was trying to recruit students to the Cookies of Darkness)
Dagwood Sandwich Cookie (Norville “Shaggy” Rogers; graduated)
Deviled Egg Cookie (Fred Jones; graduated)
Sweet Potato Cookie (Velma Dinkley; graduated)
Toxic Sludge Cookie (Izzy; expelled due to her crazy antics)
Patisserie Academy
A high-end private high school.
Known Students
Buttered Pancake Cookie (Goro Akechi)
Champagne Cookie (Mitsuru Kirijo)
Chicken Salad Cookie (Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Cody)
Fruit Salad Cookie (Haru Okumura)
Galette Cookie (Lindsay)
Jagariko Cookie (Yusuke Kitagawa)
Loco Moco Cookie (Justin)
Rose Water Cookie (Senpai/Kenji Sakubara)
Saba Sashimi Cookie (Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune)
Saffron Cookie (Alejandro)
Sashimi Cookie (Heather)
Tuxedo Cake Cookie (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)
Watercress Cookie (Dakota)
Former Students
Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie (Daphne Blake; graduated)
Sugarcane Academy
A university/college
Known Students
Black Rice Cookie (Krishna Ramanujon/Wonder Black)
Blackthorn Cookie (Faith Fernandez)
Blueberry Tart Cookie (Vicky Schmidt)
Calla Lily Cookie (Joy Johnson-Johijima)
Cherry Pepper Cookie (Amira Rashid)
Cypress Cookie (Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto)
Elderberry Cookie (Oz)
Filius Blue Cookie (Dahlia Aquino)
Ghost Pepper Cookie (Damien LeVey)
Gummy Hoop Cookie (Gogo)
Henbane Cookie (Hope Halko)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Zoe)
Keema Cookie (Aaravi Mishra)
Maki Roll Cookie (Hiro Hamada)
Potato Chip Cookie (Scott Howl)
Purple Kale Cookie (Liam de Lioncourt)
Rafflesia Cookie (Brian Yu)
Saltwater Taffy Cookie (Miranda Vanderbilt)
Sour Snake Cookie (Vera Oberlin)
Taco Cookie (Fred Frederickson IV)
Vodka Cookie (Polly Geist)
Yuzu Cookie (Honey Lemon)
Zucchini Cookie (Wasabi)
Former Students
Slushie Cookie (Boyfriend/Jacob; Dropped out)
Parfaedia Institute
An all-ages magic school set in the city of Parfaedia
Known Students
Acai Cookie (Twilight Sparkle)
Bay Laurel Cookie (TD!Dawn)
Clerodendrum Cookie (Musa)
Coralline Algae Cookie (Tecna)
Cream Puff Cookie
Fruity Puff Cookie (Leonard)
Nasturtium Cookie (Bloom)
Prune Juice Cookie
Sunflower Cookie (Stella)
Tulip Cookie (Flora)
Water Lily Cookie (Aisha)
Known Faculty
Almond Cookie (Preventing Magical Accidents & Mishaps professor)
Capricious Wizard (Substitute Teacher)
Eclair Cookie (History professor)
Espresso Cookie (Theorems of Coffee Magic professor)
Latte Cookie (Entry-Level Magic Circles professor)
Parfaedia Principal (Principal)
Former Students
Ackee Fruit Cookie (Monika, transferred to Fructose High)
Honeycrisp Apple Cookie (Ms. Frizzle, graduated)
Mistletoe Cookie (Icy, expelled)
Nightshade Cookie (Darcy, dropped out)
Prune Cookie (Yzma; graduated… Somehow… in her youth)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Stormy, dropped out)
An all-ages school situated in Dragon's Valley
Known Students
Capsaicin Cookie 
Jalapeño Cookie (Duncan)
Kimchi Cookie (Scott)
Known Faculty
Scovillia Headmaster (Headmaster)
Former Students
Mala Sauce Cookie (Graduated)
Buffalo Sauce Cookie (Randy Cunningham; transferred to Fructose High)
Sriracha Cookie (Chef Hatchet; Graduated)
Creme Knights Academy
A paladin/knight school situated in the Creme Republic
Known Students
Kouign-Amann Cookie
Known Faculty
Creme Knights Preceptor (Premier)
Former Students
Financier Cookie (Graduated)
Madeleine Cookie (Graduated)
MRE Cookie (TD!Brick; Transferred to Fructose High due to being bullied for his fear of the dark)
Snowbell Academy
An academy for cookies who wish to become holiday cookies
Known Students
Stollen Cookie
Strawberry Cream Cookie
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*In front of where Jellywalker Stormy slept a basket was placed. Inside slept a small baby cookie* [\feel free to say no or design a tiny child. Know that someone cares about you/]
[I know its super late but yeah. This was a difficult one. Introducing Purple Cabbage cookie. You can thank @ashyflashy / @ask-heartbroken-and-heartbreaker for this. They helped with alot of hard choices]
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[Yes he has horns. I thought they be a nice random detail since you anons are random at times.]
Stormy had been laying under a tree by a river asleep. When the anonymous came and placed the child down she didn't notice. The anon then disappeared. This was one of the few times she could sleep peacefully. She heard a noise, it was the baby moving in the basket. She didn't know and gently nudged the basket away with her foot. The basket fell in the water and the baby started to cry. That woke her instantly. She saw the basket and chased after it.
When she got ahead of it she jumped in and got the basket. The baby was unharmed. Stormy was soaked. She put the basket on land and the climbed out of the water. She looked at the baby and he stopped crying. She looked around but saw no one else around.
Stormy: "Who the hell leaves a baby with a Jellywalker? If it were pumpkin I'd understand but me? Oh god I need help."
She took the baby and walked to Candy Corns lab while quietly opening the door since the baby fell asleep. Sadly one creak later and the baby woke up and started crying
Stormy: "Crap! Candy Corn please! I need your help!"
Stormy had the look of pure panic and fear on her face. She was still soaked. She was shaking. She had a bad headache and she was incredibly tired.
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steelmogairun · 3 years
Candy/Sweets Pronouns !!!
Can/Candy/Candyself Sweet/Sweets/Sweetself Lolli/Pops/Lollipopself Choco/Chocolates/Chocoself or Chocolateself Gum/Gums/Gumself Gum/Gummi/Gummiself Candy/Corn/Candyself or Candycornself Su/Sugar/Sugarself Cookie/Cookies/Cookieself Jaw/Breaker/Jawself or Breakerself or Jawbreakerself Runt/Runtz/Runtzelf Nec/Necco/Neccoself Gummi/Bear/Gummiself or Bearself or Gummibearself Gummi/Worm/Gummiself or Wormself or Gummiwormself Big/Red/Bigself or Redself or Bigredself Waff/Waffer/Wafferself Lico/Licorice/Licoriceself Butter/Scotch/Butterself or Scotchself or Butterscotchself Cara/Mel/Caramelself Jel/Jelly/Jellyself Honey/Comb/Honeyself or Combself or Honeycombself Honey/Honeys/Honeyself Pez/Pezs/Pezelf Spunk/Spunks/Spunkself (Candy Brand) Maca/Ron/Macaronself Nou/Nougat/Nougatself Toble/Rone/Tobleroneself Aero/Aeros/Aeroself Kit/Kat/Kitself or Katself or Kitkatself Skitt/Skittle/Skittleself Smar/Smartie/Smartieself Star/Burst/Starself or Burstself or Starburtself Taff/Taffy/Taffyself Fud/Fudge/Fudeself Almond/Joy/Almondself or Joyself or Almondjoyself Jordan/Almond/Jordanself or Almondself or Jordanalmondself Bit/(O’)Honey/Bitself or Honeyself or Bit-O-Honeyself Reese/Reeses/Reeseself Reese/Pieces/Reeseself or Pieceself or Reccespieceself Jolly/Rancher/Jollyself or Rancherself or Jollyrancherself Good/Plenty/Goodself or Plentyself or Good-and-Plentyself Twix/Twixs/Twixself Snicker/Snickers/Snickerself -🐎
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thedisasterracers · 2 years
Are there nicknames for everyone?
Vanellope: Yep, for me it’s van, vanny, princess (I personally hate that one.) president, booger face (Ralph calls me that.) glitch, and Nelly (rancis calls me that one.)
Taffyta: Mine it’s taff, taffy, strawberry head, and lollipop monster cuz I lick too many lollipops that Gloyd decided to call me that. Curse you.
Candlehead: I know the nicknames I have is which is candles, can, sticker kid, flamethrower, Cupcake (Gloyd calls me that he’s so sweet.) and finally the cute arsonist because I caused too many fires over the past few years…
Rancis: I have my fair share of nicknames it would have to be Ran, choco boy, Butterfingers, Rancid (I hate this one with a passion.) and finally rancy (Vanellope calls me by that but I dislike how the boys use it when they are supposed to not do that.)
Gloyd: Mines are definitely the best out of all of y’all, ok mine are G, sticker face, (Candles put stickers in my face and I don’t mind.) Prankster, face ache (Torvald calls me that.) the jokester, Pumpkin, (Candlehead calls me by it and it’s very creative in my opinion.) candy stealer, and finally candy corn face.
Swizzle: You guys can guess mines but imma spare you for now it’s mainly the swizz, the big s, Flirty dude, Best wingman, and Swizzy. (Jubi calls me by that sometimes.)
Crumbelina: Surprisingly enough I do have enough nicknames to go off by but the ones that are most commonly known which is crumbs, Lina, tiramisu, the cookie dancer, Cookie Monster (idk who made that up but probably Gloyd.) and crumbly.
Minty: Mod these are overused but I got my fair share of mine, Mint, mintz, minty breath, STG, (“stronger than goku” it’s a joke me and my friends make) leaf face, Green fighter, then there’s Minty Ziki… (I spelled my name wrong ONE TIME and swizzle thought it was funny to make it as a joke.)
Adorabeezle: The ones I have is adora, breezy, ice pop, Wholesome child, axe wielder, and the best cutesy twin sister (Nougetsia calls me by it.)
Snowanna: It’s shown that mine are cool cuz it’s snow, Anna, snowy, Snowflake, Ice anna, and my favorite of them all is freezy hands because me, adora, and nougetsia have cold hands and when someone touches it, they feel cold.
Jubileena: I got some good zingers here which is Jubi, jubilee, cherry face, pie lover, Cherry pie, cherry bomber, Abrazador de cereza alegre, (It’s in Spanish.) red head, and the last one is sleepy red.
Citrusella: Of course the ones I have is pretty weird I can explain it, there’s Blue head, Cit, Ella, berry face, Ojos de arándano, (Thats also in Spanish.) The big rude blueberry aka TBRB, (I can be rude sometimes.) Blue moon, (I stay up at night.) and I saved the best of the best and it’s the blue basher
Torvald: There are too much to name but I’ll call out the ones that fit me, batterbutter, Tors, Butterscotch lover, and then there’s my favorite and most chill one it’s Big chill sis.
Nougetsia: I have only a few and it’s nouget, sia, yogurt fan, Mochi face and brumblebee.
Sticky: Oh this is good I think the only nicknames I have is Stick, sticks, bubblegum, Best bubbly girlfriend, (Nouget calls me by it she’s very cute.) and the last one is Wips…
Sakura: I have a few it’s cherry blossom, saks, sakka,(It was Gloyd who called me that.) and finally I have the best of the best nicknames which is The flash swordsmen because I do have swords that can be dangerous and are not dull like other swords would be.
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