#frank is a mood
aellathedreamer · 6 months
in a world of boys, he’s a gentlemen
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“Got lovestruck, went straight to my head. Got lovesick, all over my bed”
A look through of Stacy and Edward’s relationship right after he proposed. The royal life, a whirlwind of emotions.
Chapter 1/40
Pairing: Stacy x Edward
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51843736/chapters/131078110
Chapter One: The gentle glow of morning sunlight peeking through the drapes greeted Prince Edward as he awoke. He felt the warmth of the bed embrace him, and he reached out naturally, thinking Stacy would be there to hold him. He was surprised that even though the area next him was vacant, he could still feel her warmth.
"Stacy?" he said, his voice tinged with curiosity. A chorus of footsteps and the tuneful tinkle of metal drifted in his direction, giving him a bit of an inkling into what Stacy's been up to.
He heard Stacy's mischievous voice say, "Coming! I may... take a little longer to get there." Edward's lips curved into a fond smile as he swung his legs off the bed, eager to uncover the mystery of what his fiancée was doing.
The door slowly creaked open, revealing Stacy with a breakfast tray carefully held in her hands. Her smile was a charming mix of nervous excitement and contagious enthusiasm. Edward could not help but smile.“Is that for me, darling?”
The smell of freshly cooked breakfast filled the air as Stacy set the tray down, causing her hands to shake a little, "Do you...like it?
“Of course, almost as much as I love you," Edward said, filling the space between them with sincerity.Stacy’s face lit up, and Edward wished he could see her smile all the time, as if it could light up a Christmas tree. With a playful pout, she teased, "But you love me the most, obviously?”
“Obviously," Edward chuckled, embracing her and kissing the back of her hand tenderly. "No breakfast can compare to the joy of waking up with you by my side.”
Stacy nestled into the warmth of his embrace, a soft sigh of contentment escaping her lips. "I am glad, I really wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, darling," Edward admitted, pressing a gentle kiss to her brow, "you succeeded, and I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as my fiancée and future wife.”
Stacy looked up at him, the height difference between her and her fiancée obvious, and said, "And I am the luckiest woman to have you as my prince and future husband.”
The morning light bathed the royal chamber in a soft radiance, and Prince Edward and Stacy shared a moment by the window, their conversation laced with playful banter, and Stacy could not help but tease Edward."I hope the king and queen don’t mind that we’ve slept on the same bed? Don't royals have a lot of things they're not supposed to do and such?" she quipped with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Edward chuckled, his eyes drifting to see Stacy’s mischievous smile. "I'm sure we’ll be fine as long as they don’t know. Besides, breaking a few rules keeps life interesting, don't you think?"
Stacy's eyes twinkled as she continued their playful banter, "Well, I'm honored to be your partner in royal rule-breaking. Do you think they'd mind if I made it a habit?"
“You called for me, Your Majesty?” Stacy peeks from the heavy oak door of Queen Caroline’s study.
The queen, awaiting her future daughter-in-law’s presence, smiled and motioned her to sit. Stacy went inside carefully and treaded into the queen’s study with apprehension. She had no idea where the queen was standing in terms of their family's opinion on her, and it didn't hurt to be careful of her movements. 
She still technically deceived them. 
“As a mother, I only wanted to have what’s best for my son. And I thought that him marrying a Duchess would suit him better as a future ruler. A duchess would have had the experience to support Edward and understand what he will be going through. But then, you came…”
Stacy’s breath caught in her throat, honestly she has no idea where this conversation will lead to.
“And you brought out the best in Edward, and with that, I am thankful for your presence. Through Mr. De Luca, apologies for him spying on you and Edward, i was able to gauge how much impact you have on my son.”
“However, I must warn you, Stacy, that the royal life is not all glitz and glamor.” The queen’s tone shifted to a serious one. Stacy’s smile fell. The queen inhales deeply and grasps Stacy’s hand.
“We, consorts, will learn to accept that the crown will always come first for our husbands. The bitter truth will always be that we will only come second to the crown.” Queen Caroline says softly. She stood up from her seat behind the desk and sat in front of Stacy, seeing eye to eye with her. 
“I gave birth to Edward with my husband not by my side. While i was labouring, he was on the other side of the castle, discussing politics.” she smiles bitterly. "However, I'm not here to scare you off from marrying Edward. Now pray tell, let me see the ring…"the queen chuckles. 
Stacy froze and smiled sheepishly." A-About that Your Majesty…"
"Heavens, don't tell me my son has proposed to you without a ring?" the queen asked aghast. 
"Uhm, he kinda did not." Stacy quipped. 
"And he proposed out of blue to make sure you won't leave his side? And without a ring?" Queen Caroline chuckles. "If I were you, i would have rejected him once. Just to humble his ego a bit." 
The queen and Stacy shared a good laugh. The two were quick to get along as beneath the stoic demeanor of the queen, was a joyous personality and sense of humor. 
"Miss De Novo…" the queen calls out. 
"Yes, Your Majesty?" 
"I hope there are no souvenirs from the royal chambers, considering the two of you slept together on the same bed?" the queen asks her. 
Stacy's cheeks tinged pink. "Certainly, Your Majesty. We haven't done anything improper to break your trust." 
The queen sips her tea and nods approvingly. "Very well then, off you go. Edward must be already getting cranky by our conversation getting longer. I swear that boy is as clingy as his father." 
—— After an insightful time with Queen Caroline, Stacy returned to Edward’s room but found him nowhere to be seen. On the way down, she had run into Frank and was told Edward was waiting for her in the snowy courtyard. The royal gardens were blanketed in new snow, providing the atmosphere for a peaceful winter day.
As Stacy entered the courtyard, Edward was waiting for her, a warm smile on his face. "How was your time with the Queen?" he inquired, offering his arm.
"It was amusing," Stacy said, hooking her arm through his. "Why? Are you worried that your mother would probe into our relationship?"
The pair strolled along the icy walk, the quiet crunch underfoot giving a backdrop to their chat. The air was fresh, and the winter scene surrounding them felt like something out of a holiday film.
Stacy's gaze was drawn to an undisturbed mound of snow as they walked through the palace grounds. A sly grin flashed across her face. "You know what, you can make your portrait now."
"Portrait?" Edward asked, perplexed.
"A snow angel," Stacy explained, nodding her head and pointing at the pure snow.
Edward's surprise changed to confusion. "A snow angel? Isn't that something kids do?"
Stacy chuckled. "Come on, it's fun!" she coaxed him toward the untouched pile of snow.
Edward smiled and let himself be dragged onto the white canvas. Stacy joined him, and the two of them created a magnificent snow angel. They lay side by side, letting the chill soak into their bodies.
“If we get sick, I’ll tell them its your idea.” Edward chuckles and let himself be dragged onto the white canvas. Stacy joined him, and the two of them created a magnificent snow angel. Stacy couldn't help but smile as they lay side by side, feeling the cold soak through their garments.
Edward gazed at her with a mixture of humor and tenderness in his eyes. "I never thought making a snow angel could be so romantic.”
Stacy propped herself on her elbow and whispered to his ear. “Last one to return to the castle makes the hot chocolate.”
The atmosphere in the royal limousine was a delicate blend of anticipation and melancholy as Prince Edward and Stacy journeyed toward the airport. The weight of impending separation lingered in the air, and the soft hum of the engine underscored the solemnity of the moment.
“Do you really have to return?” He whispers in her ear sadly.
“I have a bakery to run, Edward. I also need to settle some stuff before you’ll have me all to yourself in October. 
As the car approached the departure gate, Edward stole a glance at Stacy, his eyes reflecting a mixture of love and longing. The airport, bustling with travelers, seemed to amplify the quiet ache of the impending farewell of the couple.
As the car stopped in front of the terminal, Edward turned to Stacy, his voice tender. "Stacy, darling, this parting is not easy for me. But I want you to carry a piece of my promise with you." With that, he produced a small velvet box from his pocket.
Stacy's eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and emotion as Edward opened the box, unveiling a delicate ring—an intricately designed promise ring that symbolized the intertwining of their lives. The gemstone sparkled, encapsulating the essence of their shared journey.
"This ring," Edward began with a tender tone, "is my promise to you. No matter the distance, my love for you will endure. Consider it a reminder of the love we share and the future we're building together."
Touched by the gesture, Stacy extended her hand. Edward carefully slid the ring onto her finger, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of vows. The promise ring gleamed, becoming a tangible symbol of the connection they vowed to nurture.
As they lingered in the car, Stacy spoke with a soft smile. "Edward, this is beautiful. I'll carry this promise with me, always. And I'll be counting the days until we're together again."
Edward, brushing a strand of hair that fell on Stacy's face, replied with a lingering gaze. "I'll miss you more than words can convey, darling. But this ring carries the echo of our commitment, and I'll eagerly await the day we're reunited."
He leans in to claim her lips but the two were startled when Frank cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt the smooch fest, Your Highness. I believe we are causing a traffic jam at the back.” 
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clownsuu · 1 year
I never considered wally x howdy but omfg you are absolutely right!!!!
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They just scratch my brain worms smhhh
cw slight/mild obsession/possession
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They are just so quirky, ya get a lil bit of everything
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Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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the-gom-jabbar · 6 months
Paul: *makes a throwaway comment*
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transjudas · 1 year
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x, x, x bonus:
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akemima · 7 months
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don’t you just love when your handsome vampire boyfriend start flirting with u…. and u get a lil flustered and end up accidetally electroshoking him with a 9000 bolts strong lighting <3 <3 <3
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lovefrenchisbetter · 1 year
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Photographed by Robert Frank
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Jason knew. He knew, the moment Caligula's spear had passed through his course of vision. He knew that he was finally going let go. As the spear pierced through his body, Jason couldn't have been happier, it was all over. He was covered in a bed of fresh leaking blood, the life slowly ebbing out of him as his veins pulsated. He would never have to continue living his horrible life anymore. He could finally rest. Jason had nothing to hold on to anymore, his anchor had dropped finally losing its purpose. His best friend Leo was some place else Jason didn't know of, his good friend Reyna had stopped talking to him, the girl of his dreams had decided that he wasn't the one. What more was there to live for? Even as he heard the screams of Piper and Apollo, Jason did not fight the urge to die. His blue eyes were fixed on the sky, the same sky that he had come from. He knew his friends needed him, he knew they would all be devastated to lose him. yet this one time, he didn't think of them. he didn't hold it all together like he had done his whole life, he was selfless since the moment he arrived at the wolf house at the ripe age of two, always wanting to please others, never refusing to help anyone, yet, in his last breath, Jason Grace was finally selfish enough to think of himself, he didn't want to live his life for others anymore, he wanted to put his sword down finally and plunge into eternal peace. And that's what he did. Jason Grace's eyes fluttered shut. He even had the urge to smile, a genuine smile of relief. Jason Grace was finally going to eternal slumber, the soothing thoughts of reaching elysium had made the pain in Jason's body evaporate, and there was no coming back, yet the son of Jupiter was feeling the happiest he's ever felt.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
HoO is so funny to me when you actually think about the ages of all the characters. Octavian is 18. Percy and Annabeth are 16, almost 17. Reyna is presumably 16. Frank just turned 16, Jason’s about to turn 16. Leo and Piper are like 15. Hazel’s like 14 and a half, and Nico is 13.
The Death Sibs are both the youngest and oldest on the Argo II. Octavian is a college freshman getting into petty drama with a bunch of high schoolers. He gets told to shut up at one point by a random 8th grader. Everyone is scared of the 8th grader. We Sent A 13 Year Old To Superhell and he came back weirder, Just Like Middle School. TLH was just three high school sophomores being sent to do a task and it going Exactly Like You’d Expect. Percy’s the only demigod on the ship who can legally drive (though Reyna gets her drivers license at some point before TOA). What Is Happening.
#pjo#hoo#heroes of olympus#riordanverse#my second favorite thing related to this is like every time Hazel references someone's age especially in SoN it's just. blatantly incorrect.#she goes into very specific detail about how she's 14. detailing like exactly how many months it had been since her birthday#and when she died and when she was brought back. just like ''okay. im 14 and a half. got that? good.''#''anyways here's Frank. he's 3 years older than me'' like literal next chapter. we are told Frank is not 3 years older than her.#Hazel: Here's my older brother! [Nico is younger than her in literally every way feasible]#ive just decided Hazel is an unreliable narrator who is just really bad at guessing/remembering how old people are#which like. adhd mood. forgetting how old everybody is.#and she has the bonus excuse of saying her sense of time is skewed from being a ghost for so long#but it's just so funny every time she's just. with the upmost confidence. blatantly the wrong answer.#i want a scene of Hazel looking at Percy and just going ''hm. I bet he's like 20.'' and then learns he's 16#and she's just [surprised pikachu]#also we know it isn't an error that she's 14 cause in TOA she's like ''oh yeah im learning to drive!''#so she's 15 by then#it is however an error that *Nico* is said to be 14 in hoo cause he's 12 in TLO and 14 in TOA#but we know in HoO the reason that error was made was cause Rick hadn't figured out Nico's birthday yet#and he was flipping it between January or March#so he just forgot how old Nico is for a series and then we went back to normal
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aellathedreamer · 6 months
idk what chapter is this.
Ps. This is a raw and unedited version. But its part of In A World of Boys, He’s A Gentlemen, i just forgot which chapter. I already have at least 11,000 words spanning up to chapter 9. But I’m still stuck editing it all. Wrote it all in a frenzy.
Snap. The heel of Stacy’s shoes broke, in the middle of the park. “Shoot.” Stacy mutters under her breath.
"It looks like your shoes are staging a little rebellion," he chuckles, his eyes twinkling.
Stacy laughed, a teasing glance at her worn-out shoes with its heel broken. "Well, it seems my shoes have decided to retire early. What's the plan, Edward?"
Edward crouched down and offered Stacy a piggyback ride with a sneaky smirk. "Why let a pair of rebellious heels ruin our day when we can turn it into an adventure?" he offered, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Stacy paused, looking around at the public location they were in. "Edward, as much as I'd love to, we're in the middle of the park. What if someone sees?"
Understanding her anxiety, Edward smiled and said, "I assure you, my lady, this park has seen stranger things, and who wouldn't mind a little unexpected fun?"
Stacy agreed, uncertain but interested. "Alright, but just for a little while, and let's not make a scene."
With that, Edward hoisted her onto his back, and their laughter echoed across the peaceful surroundings. The park, a mute witness to their unplanned adventure, appeared to come alive with the wonder of their shared delight.
On the sidelines, Frank—disguised as their driver in accordance with royal protocol—observed the spectacle with an amused grin. "And here I am, once again, the third wheel," he whispered to himself, his tone light-hearted.
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reactionimagesdaily · 5 months
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[Image ID: A render of TF2 Soldier is against a white background, cut off at the shoulders. The text to his right says ‘FUN FACT:’ in large, underlined red text. Below this, it says in black text ‘One day, in the court of heaven, Your knees will buckle and collapse under the weight of your unforgivable sins.’ The final line in red text says ‘I will not be there to save you.’ /End ID]
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darlingshane · 1 year
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Frank Castle in THE PUNISHER | 2x05 One-Eyed Jacks
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marvelgaynesstothemax · 2 months
Matt, sniffling: Calm down, I’m probably not sick. It might just be allergies.
Frank: Ok, tell me this… Are you like, really tired?
Matt: I have depression, what do you think?
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spatterpus · 1 month
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❝ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 ��𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤. 𝘪 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤. ❞
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gummishiki · 1 year
hello ~~~ i know it might be a little sick but how about if you want of course one that wally kidnaps the reader after they've seen him do something bad? he keeps them in the basement but the reader refuses to eat driving wally crazy, what will he do to make the reader eat????
that's what i wanted to do
( I love you friend )
It's what's inside that counts 🍎 [ part 1 ]
of course friend :D I shall do my best
(y/n) is a farmer puppet :D not really an important thing I just thought it would be cute :))
tw : kidnapping, vomit, blood, force feeding, obsession, overall dark themes, wally being a silly messed up lil fella
🍎 you had never intended to intrude on wallys personal time with home, everyone in the neighbourhood knew how much he cherished their time together and you had all subconsciously agreed to not question wally whenever he claimed to want to spend some time with home.
🍎 you had only wanted to deliver him some fresh new apples, picked just that morning from your apple tree which brings you to where you are now with your felt knuckles repeatedly knocking on homes door.
🍎 after a few minutes with no answer, you grew slightly concerned. wally was known to always answer the door immediately, he would "never leave his beloved neighbours to stand outside for to long" in his words. you found his consideration sweet.
🍎 with a slight hesitation (you cared about your neighbours privacy of course, you'd never purposely Intrude on them) you twisted the handle of homes door noticing how it was left unlocked which wasn't all that uncommon in the neighbourhood.
🍎 what was uncommon however was how unsettlingly dark home was. you moved forwards and away from the entrance, not taking any notice of how the door slowly closed by itself. with fear in each step you continued to walk forwards in hope of finding wally.
🍎 "wally, you there buddy ?" you felt your voice waver as you attempted to stay calm. a sudden creak of a floorboard caused you to yelp slightly, looking in the direction in which the creak came from you noticed a door slightly ajar. ignoring every survival instinct in your body, you placed the basket of apples down and you felt yourself move towards the door and peak through the gap it had left.
🍎 you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the sight in front of you.
🍎 taking in the scene infront of you, you couldn't help but shake at the sight of endless amounts of canvases around the room, all in which had eerily accurate and realistic portraits of some oddly recognisable creature that you found looked familiar.
🍎 they didn't look like puppets, they didn't have brightly coloured skin or oddly shaped eyes. they had no stitches, no obnoxious hair styles or bright clothing.
🍎 they weren't puppets, they weren't from the neighbourhood. so how did you recognise all the different faces staring back at you ? why did you recognise them ? you sworn you had never seen them before so why do you feel like you have ?
🍎 "just adorable, aren't they ?" you shrieked at the sound of a voice behind you, turning around as fast as you could. "wally, there you are !" sweat built itself down the side of your face as you stared at your dear friend. his eyes blank, pupils dilated as he stared at you, unblinking.
🍎 "I'm sorry, I never meant to Intrude" you attempted to explain yourself as wallys eyes never left yours. "it's just, well you weren't answering and I got concerned so..." you trailed off as wally made no movement to move his gaze away from you.
🍎 a sudden chuckle from your dear friend caused you to blink in surprise. "its alright neighbour, don't worry" his voice sounded hollow, no noticeable emotion could be found in his tone. it unsettled you.
🍎 "um..." you finally managed to find your voice and speak up. "my apologies if this is a rather personal question friend but, who are they ?" you noticed how wally seemed to lighten up slightly at the mention of 'them'.
🍎 his smile seemed to stretch as his pupils expanded. "why they my dear neighbours, they are the viewers" his voice still remained emotionless despite the bright expression on his face.
🍎 "the...viewers ?" your voice wavered, what ever was your dear friend talking about ? were these 'viewers' from a book or show he watched ?, they must be.
🍎 noticing your questioning expression, wally wordlessly took both your felt hands and locked them in his own as he stared at you with an elated expression on his face. "yes, yes !" he exclaimed. "the viewers, they are the ones who are watching us !" you jolted at his sudden claim, wally however gave you no time to think as he continued. "they are the ones who we perform for, the ones we teach valuable lessons to, the ones we were created to entertain !" you felt yourself begin to shake.
🍎 "w-what do you mean wally ?" you attempted to say in a humorous tone. surely he was joking, surely this had to be some sick joke he decided to pull on you.
🍎 "we aren't performing for anyone wally, we weren't created for entertainment. what are you going on about ?" you notice wallys demeanour deflate slightly as his grip on your hands tighten.
🍎 you felt an eerie feeling fill you as wally continued to wordlessly stare at you, not once had he blinked throughout your entire interaction.
🍎 "ha, ha, ha" wallys laugh had always sounded off to you. there was never any tone or humour behind it. just a hallow fake sounding laugh. "my dear neighbour, surely you must believe me" he suddenly pulled you forward causing you to stumble over your legs. " I have proof !" his voice raised, desperation evident in his voice. "I have proof of their existence, that they are the ones who created us and that they are the ones watching us!" he gave you no time to process your thoughts as he hastily dragged you along with him as he turned and rushed forwards towards a door you had never noticed on pervious visits to home.
🍎 you were dragged behind him as he hurriedly ran down jagged creaky steps. you felt cold and unsettled the second you heard the door slam shut behind you. wally paused, finally reaching the bottom step of what you now gathered to be a basement, causing you to nearly topple over him.
🍎 he gently shoved you forward towards a TV with nothing but static showing on the screen. "home showed me this when I was feeling lonely..." wally trailed off, you could still hear desperation in his tone. "I sat here for hours, watching them" his gaze remained unmoving from the static.
🍎 he turned to you, looking at you softly as he spoke "now you can see them too friend, you won't be lonely ever again knowing that they are watching us" he smiled gently at your shaking form.
🍎 "wally..." you hadn't realised how sympathetic your tone sounded, but wally sure did. "wally, I don't see anyone".
🍎 wallys gaze shifted back to the screen. still, only static was shown. "whatever do you mean neighbour ? don't you see them ?" he remained staring at the screen, his smile never leaving his face.
🍎 a sudden jolt from your friend caused you to yelp as he pulled you to the ground in a sitting position. " ah ! I understand now " not once had he blinked. "it took me a while before I could see them too, perhaps all you need is time friend !". you didn't like how that sounded as he held both his hands on your arms.
🍎 " you can stay here, until you see them." his tone sounded demanding yet desperate. "nonono, wally I can't stay here !" you yelled. "let me go home okay, I'll forget this, I'll forget everything I saw and forget everything you said" you didn't want to stay in this cold dark basement any longer, you just wanted to go back to your farm and pretend this never happened.
🍎 wallys grip on you tightened, "no ! no you can't leave until you see them !" tears of frustration poured down his soft felt face causing you to stare at him in both sympathy and anger.
🍎 before you could open your mouth to protest, a thick black substance fell from the ceilings pipe and into your mouth causing you to choke. your vision began to fade as you ripped your arms away from wallys grasps and brought your hands up to your throat.
🍎 the last thing you see before blacking at was wallys blank, dilated pupils staring down at you with desperation.
🍎 you lost count of how long you had been kept in that cold dark basement, unmoving from the TV that remained only displaying static that had begun to drive you insane.
🍎 everyday, every morning, afternoon and night withouf fail, wally would visit you. he would sit next to you for hours on end gripped onto you telling you how sorry his was and how he couldn't let you go until you saw 'the viewers' just like he claimed to had.
🍎 one afternoon no different than all the others for you, wally had made his presence know to you as he sat next to you. the same routine as every other day. however, this time you noted how wally held a familiar basket in his hands. it was the same apple filled basket you brought to home that you had intended to give him.
🍎 "my dear neighbour" he spoke in a shakey tone as he stared up at you. " I never thanked you for the apples, but I thought of how bad of a friend I would be if I were to not share them with you" he smiled at you. your expression remained blank as you stared at the screen Infront of you. you can't recall the last time you spoke or moved, you felt trapped, stuck in this position.
🍎 wallys shoulders dropped slightly as his smile wavered. he picked up an apple, now visibly molding and held it up to your mouth. "please (y/n) " his voice shook with desperation and emotion as he attempted to open your mouth. you remained unmoving.
🍎 wally began to shake as he finally opened your mouth, the sudden movment caused you to snap out of your daze as you thrashed about. the rope wally used to tie you down in a sitting position seemed to tighten around your form.
🍎 "get away from me !" your voice was hoarse as you yelled at him. "don't touch me, I'm not eating anything, go away !" you made an attempt to bite at wallys hand as he shoved the apples into your mouth.
🍎 you choked back a sob as you thrashed around. the molded apple felt like mush in your mouth. you cried, screaming at someone you once viewed as a dear friend. you began to heave, bile quickly rising in your throat.
🍎 wally hesitated, but he moved backwards slightly as you spewed out the molded apple he had just forced down your throat. your frame shook as you heaved at the sight.
🍎 "I-I'm sorry friend, I didn't mean to-" wallys shoulders shook as he felt tears build up as he stared at you frail form. "don't come near me !" you cut him off, not wanting to hear any apologies or sympathy from him. "get the fuck out, get away from me, leave! " you screamed, tears still streaming down your face as the vomit below you began to spread.
🍎 wally stared at you, on the verge of crying again. he didn't understand, what had he done wrong ? why weren't you seeing them ? why wasn't anything working ?.
🍎 "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT !" your voice cracked with emotions as you screamed at wally who was now trembling. he turned away from the sight of your pathetic form and wordlessly made his way up the creaking stairs.
🍎 as you heard the basement door gently shut, you felt like you could finally breath again. you turned your head towards the tv.
🍎 "you won't leave me, right neighbour..." you trailed off, gaze unmoving from the tv as you began trembling again.
🍎 the tv remained showing nothing but static. who are you talking to (y/n) ?.
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