#frank zhang astrology
sparkysparklightning · 11 months
this may just be me, but Frank's bday being in June just doesn't make all that much sense? like idk it seems pretty left-field, which may seem dumb considering it's just a bday, but I can't see it for him. Piper maybe, but not Frank. imo Rick wasted a perfect opportunity to make Frank’s bday sometime in July bc a). Frank gives off Cancer vibes more than Gemini, and b). he could’ve connected Frank’s culture talking about July being the seventh month (aka “Ghost Month”) to his life being dependent on the piece of wood, which would’ve been really cool metaphorically and could’ve helped shed more light on his culture
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kayakischaotic · 2 years
also I haven’t read the books in awhile + I have terrible memory so o7
clears my throat
—>all my faves had a emo phase. including Peter Johnson
—>he owns a BUNCH of different earrings, nothing too big or extravagant, but like a little fish, maybe an arrow, etc
—>dyes part of his hair blue because he’s Percy
—>Sally TOTALLY knew he was bi when he was little
—>has a bi flag necklace (I’m jealous)
—>once dyed his hair blonde while he was at camp and after everyone called him a dumb blonde he decided to never dye it blonde again
—>he totally loves having his hair played with cause Sally used to always play with his hair when he was a kid
—>his eyes change from blue to green depending on the lighting
—>he’s been the little mermaid for Halloween at LEAST once
—>has an extensive collection of Hawaiian shirts
—>she sticks a bunch of little pins on her Yankees hat
—>doesn’t know how to drive (at least not very well)
—>if she could she’d have road rage so much
—>probably owns at least 5 different pairs of earbuds/headphones that she uses on her iPod and/or Daedalus’s laptop
—>building a campus place similar to New Rome at CHB
—>instead of a box of chocolates for Valentines day, she once gave Percy a bag of M&M’s. but only the blue ones
—>drinks at least 3 cups of coffee most days
—>also questioning her gender a bit
—>read Harry Potter and couldn’t tell if she wanted to BE Hermione or be WITH Hermione (still can’t tell)
—>pan, ace
—>will eat anything if he’s stressed
—>has little rings he can put around his horns for added style
—>he/they KING!!
—>will just snack on a head of lettuce
—>has to wear reading glasses (what a nerd /pos)
—>has an extensive knowledge of which plants around CHB taste good, and which taste bad (has definitely been taken to the medics once or twice for eating poisonous plants)
—>everyone makes fun of him because of The Brick™️.
—>will ramble to you about wolves for as long as you will let him
—>frequently dyes small strips of his hair with hair chalk
—>him and Annabeth are like best friends. please.
—>she ate the rest of the non-blue M&M’s for Annabeth
—>genderfluid she/her lesbian.
—>helps Hazel, Annabeth, and the other girls do their hair (and sometimes Percy)
—>sees Jason and Leo as her brothers
—>wears suits to fancy events
—>usually uses her charmspeak to win at board games
—>girl in red’s biggest fan
—>makes everyone friendship bracelets
—>will totally light candles just to watch them burn
—>pretends he’s Festus’s vet whenever he has to fix him
—>calls the Argo II his child
—>doesn’t have a proper sleep schedule in the slightest…
—>gay, demiboy
—>totally introduced everyone else to neo/xeno pronouns
—>he/they/it mainly, but also uses a bunch of neos and xenos
—>has a dragon stuffed animal he calls Festus Jr. that he struggles to sleep without
—>he is the autism creature /j
—>will call anyone in sight bro or dude
—>scared of heights
—>keeps calling himself “the rizzler”
—>therapist friend
—demiromantic asexual
—>astrology lover
—>straight A student without trying or studying
—>the only person on the Argo II that can keep a plant alive (somehow)
—>her and Nico help paint everyone’s nails
—>is always wearing either a skirt or overalls. (better yet: overalls skirt)
—>lactose intolerant
—>totally holds a dance at Camp Jupiter that is similar to a school dance at least once a year
—>token straight friend
—>has a fairly large stuffed animal collection (only to be rivaled by Octavian’s)
—>if he ever visits CHB he purposely avoids being near the fire
—>makes the rest of the 7 watch superhero movies with him
—>owns lots of comics
—>him and Percy ramble about superheroes and comics together
—>certified DJ of the 7
—>his favorite restaurant isn’t even McDonald’s.. (it’s Olive Garden /j)
—>if demigods could use technology, he would totally be a tumblr user. (happy (late) Ides of March)
—>he keeps saying “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” and everyone is kinda confused
—>loves listening to 70s/80s/90s rock
—>is (attempting) to learn the drums
—>survives off of energy drinks and coffee
—>has a nightlight in his cabin for when Will visits
—>also listens to Crywank
—>definitely has dressed up as a lamp for Halloween
—> trying to convince Nico to be in a band with him, playing guitar, Austin, playing sax, and Apollo, playing flute (Nico’s not having it)
—>favorite color is “all of them”
—>attempts to grow plants (fails)
—>he would totally be addicted to Tiktok if he had it
—>if anyone asks what time it is he will respond one of three ways: “it’s time for lunch” “its game time” or “it’s time for you to get a WATCH”
—>he’s really bad at reading clocks
—>totally cried during Frozen
—>he/they bi icon
—>motto is “fake it til you make it”
—>adhd, probably
—>always looses board games
—>chronically online…
—>will purposely sing the wrong words to popular songs so half of CHB thinks they’ve been singing these songs wrong the entire time
—>him and Nico bond over saying things like “gaslight gatekeep girlboss”
—>scared of the dark
—>quotes Mean Girls at least once a day
—>trying to make a theater class at CHB (Chiron agrees, Dionysus is… not quite there yet)
—>surprisingly good at lying (fake it til you make it!)
—>some Aphrodite kids told him their skincare secrets while he was mortal and gave them a few products
—>wears eyeliner on a daily basis
—>when he was a mortal the Aphrodite cabin and his cabin played dress-up on him and made him wear a bunch of weird outfits
I bet you totally can’t tell who my favorites are by how much they have put down…. /s
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
Hi!! Could I have a male PJO & Marauders match-up pls? Thank you so much in advance! 💖
LOOKS: I'm a mixed race Latina with long dark hair, brown doe eyes, pale-olive skin w/ a light dusting of freckles, & a curvy, top-heavy hourglass figure! 
STYLE: Baddie/Bombshell + Pastel Grunge!
DIALECT: I sound like a pretty typical Valley Girl that makes people tend to underestimate me (💀) but occasionally, a subtle Southern drawl slips out!
GODLY PARENT: Aphrodite Areia ~ aka the Dark Feminine aspect of Aphrodite! Not many ppl know that she was a warrior goddess too, not just the patroness of Love & Beauty. Ppl do terrible things for love sometimes & the intensity + seductive aspects of it can be dangerous. Aphrodite was born of the sea but the sea is not just beautiful but deadly & unpredictable as well!
DEMIGOD GIFTS/ABILITIES: Charmspeak (people & animals alike tend to gravitate towards me!), Empathic Manipulation, Strong Swimmer (Aphrodite was born of the sea after all!)
WEAPON: I’d definitely use a mortuary sword while riding on a pegasus tbh
PERSONALITY: I'm told I’m the personification of the Subversive Bimbo trope (like Harley Quinn from DC Comics) bc ppl tend to underestimate me since I come off v sweet & bubbly until I’m given a reason not to be BUT I have a sharp temper so give me a reason & I will be the first to lash out. When I get mad, I don’t hold back & my sarcasm becomes VICIOUS but as long as you don’t piss me off, you won’t be on the other end of it. 
People on my good side say I’m affectionate, vivacious, feisty, sweet, friendly, intuitive, sensitive, idealistic, impulsive, snarky/funny, & smart! 
People on my bad side say I’m a fiery, stubborn, opinionated, temperamental hellcat lol. I can go from 0 to 100 real quick & God help the person who disrespects my S/O bc I would go to WAR for him. He is my ultimate Achilles Heel bc I would sacrifice myself for him in an instant. 
I might be a bit of a Nihilist lol…And when I’m convinced of something, I can be hella stubborn & will go to bat for it, for better or worse.
I love really hard & I’m Fiercely protective of those I care about but my intense love for them can make me reckless.
I'm a sweet lil firecracker lol, both fiery & feminine (my winged eyeliner is my warpaint lol).
TLDR: I’m told I'm sort of a "good girl gone bad" type, both sweet sugar & rebellious spice. 🤭
LOVE LANGUAGES: Words of Affirmation + Physical Touch 
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Counterphobic 6
HP HOUSE: Slytherdor (aka Justice, by any means necessary)
PATRONUS: Swan (Delicate-seeming but fierce & protective!)
LIKES: Animals of all kinds, True Crime, All Forms of PDA (I LOVE AFFECTION!!!), Dark humor, Comic books, Singing/Musical Theatre, Astrology, Psychology, Writing, Genealogy, Fun Facts, Iced coffee (can’t live without it tbh).
DISLIKES: Bigots, Animal Abusers, Driving, Obnoxious or Pretentious People, Womanizers, People who are indifferent to others, waking up early
Thank you so much in advance, lovely!! 💖
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
PJO Matchup
Your PJO soulmate is...
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He would definitely be petting all animals in the zoo for you because he wants you to be happy with the animals and himself too.
He would absolutely love fun facts as well because he thought the fun facts are really knowledge but also fun at the same time.
He would be a very good driver and he would drive at any place you wanted to go to at any time.
Chaotic Good x Chaotic Good sweethearts!
Hufflepuff x Slytherdor lovebirds!
INFP x INFP soulmates!
Cancer x Capricorn intertwined lovers!
Harry Potter (Marauders Era) Matchup
Your Harry Potter (Marauders Era) soulmate is...
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He would appreciate your courage to stand up for people who are mean to him because he is a werewolf and also he is mostly the only one who gets to calm you down when people are pushing your buttons a lot.
He would definitely be interested in astrology a lot actually so he is thankful for your help when it comes to finding out about which zodiac signs placements he does have in his birthchart.
The two of you would definitely have coffee dates together and you guys would always order the same iced coffee drink together because both of you loves the taste of the iced coffee drink.
Lawful Good x Chaotic Good lovebirds!
Gryffindor x Slytherdor soulmates!
INFJ x INFP intertwined lovers!
Pisces x Capricorn sweethearts!
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Frank Zhang Birthday Headcanons and Analysis
June 5, 1994 7:30am
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We already have official birthday for Frank, which is June 5, 1994, so I didn’t need to have headcanons for that. However, I needed a time to get his rising sign, so I thought about the meaning of numbers pertaining to Frank. First of all, that kid is definitely a morning baby, I don’t know how to explain that I just feel it in my bones. Next, 7 is an unlucky number in Chinese culture while 8 is a lucky number. I feel like Frank’s life is a good representation of swinging between really good luck and really bad luck, so I stuck with 7:30 as an in between.
Frank is a Gemini Sun, Taurus moon, and Cancer rising. How does it feel, sir, to have good vibes only? Absolute the best vibes.
Gemini Sun
- active and intelligent, good communicator, which makes him a good candidate for leadership
- He thinks with his brain more than following his heart
- Tends to have superficial knowledge of many subjects rather than be focused on a few subjects knowledgeably. But when he finds something he’s interested in, he’s absolutely fully enthralled
Taurus Moon
- Practical
- Tends to have a harder time dealing with emotional problems
- Reliable and kind
- An enjoyer of art, nature, and travel
- Works hard to provide for friends and family
Cancer Rising
- powerful attachment to mother figure (Emily Zhang, beloved)
- He’s a little confused?
- Don’t push this man
- Lack of confidence, I’m so sorry man
Cancer Mercury
- Even though his Taurus moon keeps him from being able to solve emotional problems we’ll, he’s still in touch with his own emotions and is able to communicate his own emotions well
Cancer Venus
- Heritage is very important to him, his family, home, and background
- The way he loves and relates to people is very tied to his emotions
- Love language? Spending time with those he loves.
Taurus Mars
- he finishes anything he starts
- Very thorough and creative
- Strong values, but can be stubborn if you argue with him
Scorpio Jupiter
- his legacy is so important to him and attached to his luck
Pisces Saturn
- he’s touchy about his parental issues, so don’t bring it up
- When faced with hardships in life, he comes up with creative solutions to solve it
Capricorn Uranus
- humanitarian and idealistic
- Incredibly responsible
- Realistic hopes and dreams
Capricorn Neptune
- If you need a good listener to talk about your problems to and get good advice, Frank is the one you should go to
Scorpio Pluto
- he feels very deeply but it’s hard to read his emotions unless he tells you personally how he feels
- Once again, his legacy is incredibly important to him
Taurus Lilith
- He’s gotta overcome his confidence issues first, and then he’s very inspiring
Scorpio N Node
- the world doesn’t know what to do with him either? His future? Who knows what it holds, cuz Zeus doesn’t
In conclusion? Legacy is important, he’s responsible, and the poor dude really needs a boost of confidence. Otherwise, he’s gonna be a great leader and praetor!
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
hecate kids are into astrology and have everyone's astrology charts memorized at camp change my mind
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headcombatmedic · 3 years
every friend group should include (hoo edition):
a himbo: jason
a mean bisexual: percy, annabeth
an even meaner lesbian: reyna
a she/they: piper
a he/they: frank
an astrology bitch who has everyone's birth chart memorized: hazel, leo
a short king: nico
a token straight that's on thin ice: coach hedge
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thereemwholived · 3 years
My headcanon for the big 7 (including Reyna, Nico and Thalia's) sun moon and rising signs
(I didn't change the sun signs I did them according to their birthdays)
Percy : Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising
Annabeth : Cancer sun, Leo moon, Virgo rising
Hazel : Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising
Nico : Aquarius sun, Cancer moon, scorpio rising
Frank : Gemini sun, Taurus moon, Pisces rising
Piper : Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Jason : Cancer sun, Libra moon, Capricorn rising
Reyna : Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, Capricorn rising
Thalia : Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Scorpio rising
Leo : Cancer sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising
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percysbluecandy · 7 years
the signs as Percy jackson quotes
ARIES: “Oh, come on! I get a little nosebleed and I wake up the entire earth? That’s not fair!”
TAURUS: “Donuts. Always donuts.”
GEMINI: “I learned a long time ago: Never bet against Annabeth.”
CANCER: “Don’t I get a kiss for luck? It’s kind of a tradition, right?”
LEO: “Hercules, huh? That guy was like the Starbucks of Ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn - there he is.”
VIRGO: “And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.”
LIBRA: “Don’t feel bad, I’m usually about to die.”
SCORPIO: “A god named Fred?”
SAGITTARIUS: “Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, you could say that.”
CAPRICORN: “Oh no! Frank is turning into a crazy dolphin!”
AQUARIUS: “Greeks! Let’s, um, fight stuff!”
PISCES: “You’re planning something. You’ve got that I’m-planning-something look.”
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zxastrs · 7 years
Frank Zhang’s natal chart
Sun: Gemini Moon: Taurus Mercury: Cancer Venus: Cancer Mars: Taurus Jupiter: Scorpio Saturn: Pisces Uranus: Capricorn Neptune: Capricorn Pluto: Scorpio Lilith: Taurus
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ceescedasticity · 3 years
Crossover Classpect #idek+1
Okay, I have a roster for a nice reasonable session taking off taking off sometime in the first couple Trials of Apollo books, the Triumvirate pushes a button they shouldn't have, with a roster featuring Seven+Nico, Reyna, Thalia, Will, and Meg. But if I do write this, I will not be writing the reasonable version. I will be writing the unreasonable version, including MC and KC.
In fact I already have a prophecy for the unreasonable version:
Timers count, machines appear / Fate new-spun is already here / Stone stars will fall from alien skies / Twelve and twelve and twelve must rise
Twelve children of the wandering gods / Twelve touch two worlds despite the odds / Twelve their mortal life have ceded / Three games to win or all's defeated
For hope to return from the quest / Solve each puzzle, pass each test / For hope that home will still be there / Smash the veils the earth to spare
But what comes of it after game's end / Will on the choices of the gods depend
That's right, three twelve-person sessions, because... reasons. --Because I kept wanting not to leave out various people and then had to keep things balanced, actually.
Whose fault is it? Interesting question. But somebody or somebodies did it on purpose. It was distributed as a fun and innocuous game on purpose. Utgard-Loki was almost certainly involved. Prometheus was almost certainly involved. But it wasn't just them.
I have quite a few notes on entry sequence, and people who were planning to play together but the game wouldn't allow them to connect because they're in different sessions, and people who were not planning to play together but ended up connected, and people who were supposed to be unavailable but weren't.
First, Session Delta, the 'children of the wandering gods' -- living mortal demigods. (Samirah just retired from the Valkyries.)
Leo Valdez: Bard of Doom, Prospit, Land of Gimbals and Drums, Denizen Viné
Samirah al-Abbas: Sylph of Heart, Derse, Land of Truth and Feathers, Denizen Astaphanos
Alabaster Torrington: Prince of Hope, Derse, Land of Vanity and Bogs, Denizen Abraxas
Annabeth Chase: Seer of Space, Prospit, Land of Skeins and Frogs, Denizen Tiamat
Percy Jackson: Knight of Breath, Prospit, Land of Smoke and Sulfur, Denizen Yaldabaoth
Hazel Levesque: Rogue of Light, Prospit, Land of Ravines and Mirrors, Denizen Adonaios
Nico di Angelo: Mage of Void, Derse, Land of Amber and Gloom, Denizen Shax
Will Solace: Heir of Life, Derse, Land of Veldt and Verse, Denizen Iachtanabas
Piper McLean: Maid of Mind, Prospit, Land of Stone and Mirrors , Denizen Ariouth
Meg McCaffrey: Witch of Rage, Derse, Land of Vines and Angles, Denizen Sabaoth
Frank Zhang: Page of Blood, Prospit, Land of Fountains and Tactics, Denizen Iao
Hylla Ramirez-Arellano: Thief of Time, Derse, Land of Wheels and Sky, Denizen Nammu
Session Lambda, people who started out completely human or completely not human but are still mixed up with both worlds now.
Sadie Kane: Witch of Time, Derse, Land of Chords and Spindles, Denizen Amdusias
Blitzen: Prince of Void, Prospit, Land of Whirlpools and Waves, Denizen Shax
Hearthstone: Mage of Light, Prospit, Land of Chimes and Omens, Denizen Adonaios
Amir Fadlan: Rogue of Hope, Prospit, Land of Cliffs and Alpenhorns, Denizen Abraxas
Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Maid of Heart, Derse, Land of Astrology and Riddles, Denizen Astaphanos
Carter Kane: Heir of Blood, Derse, Land of Glyphs and Truth, Denizen Paraplex
Grover Underwood: Bard of Space, Prospit, Land of Twilight and Roots, Denizen Tiamat
Calypso: Seer of Rage, Prospit, Land of Veins and Manganese, Denizen Sabaoth
Zia Rashid: Knight of Mind, Derse, Land of Cisterns and Runoff, Denizen Asag
Shel: Sylph of Breath, Derse, Land of Fog and Dogwood, Denizen Pazuzu
Bast: Thief of Life, Derse, Land of Hemp and Artifice, Denizen Yaldabaoth
Tyson: Page of Doom, Prospit, Land of Drains and Ritual, Denizen Viné
Session Nu, people who one way or another aren't mortal anymore:
Alex Fierro: Rogue of Breath, Prospit, Land of Spruce and Lime, Denizen Pazuzu
Magnus Chase: Heir of Hope, Prospit, Land of Fjords and Bogs, Denizen Abraxas
Thomas Jefferson Jr.: Witch of Space, Prospit, Land of Hills and Frogs, Denizen Tiamat
Halfborn Gunderson: Bard of Life, Prospit, Land of Blood and Skulls, Denizen Zariz
Thalia Grace: Maid of Rage, Derse, Land of Miasma and Stress, Denizen Sabaoth
Bianca di Angelo: Sylph of Doom, Prospit, Land of Glass and Chasms, Denizen Viné
Zoë Nightshade: Seer of Light, Derse, Land of Gold and Scandium, Denizen Horaios
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano: Mage of Mind, Derse, Land of Quests and Sleet, Denizen Ariouth
Mallory Keen: Page of Void, Propsit, Land of Cenotes and Echoes, Denizen Shax
Jason Grace: Knight of Heart, Derse, Land of Blades and Stepwells, Denizen Iao
Walt Stone: Prince of Time, Derse, Land of Sun and Cinnabar, Denizen Amdusias
Luke Castellan: Thief of Blood, Derse, Land of Foxglove and Atria, Denizen Yaldabaoth
And I have some things which would be chapter titles, if this mess were the epic it clearly wants to be:
δ: We Are Lulled Into a False Sense of Security
λ: The Heir of Blood is Unnecessarily Alarmed
ν: Our Plans Fall Through
δ: The Seer of Space Multitasks
λ: The Heir of Blood is Very Reasonably Alarmed
ν: The Heir of Hope is Worst At Computer Games
δ: The Oracle Issues a Quest to the Maid of Heart
δ: We Lose Our Security Deposit
δ: We Just Call It Cousins
λ: We Are Not Offered Bows Or Axes
ν: It Was Made For Those Who Are Dead, Plus Those Two. Three. Two and a Half?
δ: Correction: The Rogue of Light is Worst At Computer Games
λ: Update: The Thief of Life is Worst At Computer Games
δ: The Maid of Mind Returns From the DMV
ν: The Prince of Time Makes a Call
ν: Breaking News: The Thief of Blood is Worst At Computer Games
and many more. Whew. Didn't even include the entry notes. Maybe later.
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mystickingstuff · 3 years
Percy Jackson is Slytherin's best quidditch player. Alongside him there's Alex Fierro, Sadie Kane and Nico di Angelo.
Percy is dating a wise girl from Gryffindor AND a cute boy from Hufflepuff, Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace, that happens to know a guy from Ravenclaw named Leo that has a crush on Nico.
Btw, Annabeth dates a Slytherin girl named Piper, too.
Annabeth's cousin, a Hufflepuff boy named Magnus, thinks Alex is really cute.
Rachel Dare is the best divination class student. Reyna is co-captain of Gryffindor team, Thalia and her are scary as fuck on the field. McGonagall loves it.
Nico has parseltongue. Percy mocks him by talking to horses, but it's a friendly mock, so that he won't feel like he's evil or something. Big lovely dork brother x younger angry (but secretly fond of big brother) little brother dynamic.
Will Solace, Hufflepuff's prefect, also has a crush on Nico. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are mad about Leo and Will both bickering each other. It didn't matter at the end, since Nico started dating both of them.
Leo Valdez is a chaotic mess, always making notes and inventing new spells. The whole gang constantly have to drag him to have a meal.
FRANK ZHANG. Shy Hufflepuff with body issues. Brilliant at Magical Creatures class, used to be picked by some slytherin jerks but Nico scared them away. They became friends via Mythomagic, and Nico introduced him to his sister, Hazel Levesque. Frank found hilarious that a dark Slytherin could have such an adorable sister on Gryffindor.
There's no Voldemort, instead there's Luke Castellan. His most loyal servant is a boy named Octavian.
Percy talks merman's tongue. He's very good at communication, period.
And yes, that's my comfort crossover scenario.
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