#frankly I think they should do more of this
yanderenightmare · 2 days
TW: angst, toxic traits, somewhat bullying, breakup
fem reader
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You’re his first girlfriend. He’d never bothered with anything serious before—it seemed too messy to trifle with. He doesn’t know why he suddenly decided. Suppose he’d been feeling a little bored, and something within him saw you as a fool-proof opportunity.
It wasn’t because you were anything special. Actually, it was more the opposite. You didn’t seem like too big of a risk. You were just a normal, honest, nice person—a bit of a loser, too, if he was being honest. He could do a lot better and pick someone of the same caliber as him, someone with a cooler style and presence, but then he’d only get caught up in the competition.
You were more to his appetite—a dorky, blushy lil’ nerd who giggled nervously at everything he said. In other words, no competition at all. You’d never dare break his heart because you frankly couldn’t afford it. And he found solace in that imbalance—knowing he held all the cards and that you could only be grateful he’d chosen you.
At least, that had been what he’d thought. But then, here you are, holding his hands from across the table in a cute little sundae café, telling him how this just can’t work anymore.
He’s confused for a whole minute before it sinks in.
You’re breaking up with him.
He’s confused afterward, too.
You’re breaking up with him?
That can’t be right. You must be joking. He almost laughs, almost cackles, but ends up staying completely silent. Something about that pitiful look in your eye makes his throat tight, and he almost thinks he’s going to cry instead. 
You’re breaking up with him. You, with him. His foot starts to tap. Have you hit your head or something? You’re dressed in a hoodie, for crying out loud, with not an ounce of make-up on—effortless, as if his perception of you wasn’t any of your concern while you’re fucking breaking up with him.
No way. There’s just no way. You must be confused about something, is all. There’s absolutely no way you’re doing this.
“What are you talking about?” It comes angry. Louder than he’d intended, enough to make you jolt in your seat. A couple of heads even turn your way. You wait for them to turn back before answering.
“I just think we’re a bit too different. And… I don’t know…” You were trying to find ways of telling him you weren’t in love with him but ended up deciding it was unnecessary—it wasn’t exactly something he needed to hear even though you had a lot you could say.
You’re rude and arrogant and treat me like some rescue pet you’ve nurtured back to health. You act like you’re embarrassed to be with me even though you’re the one without any friends. You’re selfish and spoiled and—
“If you don’t know, then there’s nothing to talk about. Quit being silly.” He has a furrow between his brows as he picks up the pink menu between the two of you, scanning the different types of milkshakes you could share and forget all about it. After all, you weren’t breaking up with him—that would just be absurd. “Let’s get strawberry.”
“Guess we could get mango if you want that instead—”
“I’m not sharing drinks with you—”
“What? You tryna lose weight or something? Not like anyone but me is gonna see you when all you wear are those baggy hoodies all the time. Speaking of which, you should wear mine instead, they’d suit you better—”
“Listen.” You stop his rambling. “I’m not sharing drinks, and I’m not wearing your clothes. I’m not being silly, either. I’m being serious. It’s over—”
“No, it’s not.” His fist bangs against the table—the look in his eye on edge and twitchy. “I asked you why, and you had no good reason—so it’s not, not until you convince me.”
You had wanted to avoid it, but it seems he wouldn’t allow you the grace to spare him. That being said, you hadn’t meant to be so brutally honest…
“You’re a narcissist. You don’t treat me like a girlfriend. I’m more like a charity case or some type of experiment to you. Half the time, it feels as though you’re just playing a game with everyone in your life like pawns for you to shuffle around the board as you see fit.” You’re the one with the furrowed brows now, unable to bite your tongue as you’d kept it in all this time. “I think you should seek help and get your controlling tendencies straightened out before having any type of relationship. Or don’t. In any case, I don’t think I’m the right girl for you.”
There’s a silence. The chatter of the café seems distant. You feel half inclined to apologize as you look at him and stare down the glassy tabletop as if trying to find his reflection for comfort—but then he beats you to the punch.
“You’re right…” he starts softly, mustering the words, and you’re almost proud to see him take it so well, but then there’s a viscousness to his next words. “You’re not the right girl for me.”
When he looks up again, his face is warped—callous and seemingly disgusted by the sight of you. Something about it even seems to lash out at you, seeking revenge.
“I can’t believe I thought I saw something in you,” he sighs. “Turns out you’re exactly what everyone warned me you would be—just a plane-boring old Jane. What a joke—wasting so much time on something so worthless. Forget breaking up with me, I should have broken up with you a long time ago.”
He gets up in a rush and bears over the table, both palms laid flat upon the surface.
“Charity case?” he seethes, then conjures a fake laugh and an even faker grin. “I couldn’t have put it better myself. Enjoy sitting here alone like the loser you are.”
And even though you’re the one watching him walk away while ordering a chocolate sundae for yourself, you can’t help but feel sorry for the poor guy… 
That had been the most emotion you’d ever witnessed come from him.
Obviously, he doesn’t take it very well, stumbling through the café before bursting out the door, but even he’s surprised by how disheveled it had made him. He’s hyperventilating when the fresh air hits him, almost sprinting to his car so that he can lock himself inside it.
But the car only makes it worse as he’s far from alone in there. You’re everywhere. On the hood, waiting for him with a smile. In the rearview mirror, waving at him. In the seat next to him with a pout, asking if you can stay over. In the backseat, naked with a coy twinkle in your eye.
He knows! He has some of your underwear at home—he’ll threaten to pass them around campus unless you beg him to take you back. No, what’s he thinking!? You’ll never come back to him that way. Fuck, what can he do, what’s he supposed to do!? He just called you worthless—what that fuck was he thinking?!
The tears startle him as they drip down and splash upon his whitening knuckles, where he grips the wheel for dear life even as the car stays completely still—safe and sound in the same plot.
There’s a light pink lip balm on the dash. Yours. You must have left it there—maybe on purpose? No… you don’t play games like that. You’d been honest in the café. The fact terrifies him—his heart seems to want to reject it at all costs, the way it tears in his chest.
He picks the slim pink stick up and rolls it around in his hand, which can’t seem to stop shaking. You’d sat on his lap in this very seat, laughing at something dumb he’d said while applying the very same balm on his lip—kissing his forehead while saying something sweet. He knows it wasn’t, but he imagines you’d whispered that you loved him.
When he smears the balm around his lips this time, he imagines kissing you and your soft lips and that everpresent smile he never bothered telling you was pretty.
He’s such an idiot. The birds in the parking lot take flight at the jostling of his car, but no one hears the roar.
And as he sits there in the following silence, wallowing in his own self-pity and regret, he can’t help but feel like the lead of some angsty teen romance.
And like the lead in an angsty teen romance, he swears… whatever it takes… he will win you back.
You will be his again.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Dabi, Hawks
JJK – Gojo, Naoya, some young type of Sukuna or Toji
HQ – Oikawa, Sakusa, Miya twins
BLLK – Reo
AOT – Eren
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youcouldmakealife · 18 hours
Can you explain why James was made captain? He doesn't seem like someone who would thrive in a leadership position...?
This got long!
Honestly, he was young, he felt that it was expected of him as their star franchise player, and they'd be disappointed or judgmental if he didn't accept, everyone seemed to think he should be grateful for it. So he dutifully accepted. And has been reluctantly captaining the team ever since.
As for why it was offered to him -- see, young star player, but also there weren't a lot of alternate options, as it was a team during the slow post-rebuild rise, so as previous leadership left or retired, the 24-30 or so range of players was mostly populated by journeymen players and tweeners, with James and Finn being the start of the next generation that comprises their team now.
Why not make Finn captain then, you ask? Finn was a) almost as young as James b) hadn't become the pillar for the team on the ice he is now (d-men mature slower than forwards, and playing with Georgie really helped Finn settle in to what became his game) and therefore c) wasn't really considered a franchise player yet, still more of a prospect, with all the risk that implies.
If they told James he could give his C to Finn and take his A in return (or nothing!) he would leap at the opportunity. Frankly Finn wouldn't want it either, but still, he'd do it, if only because he knows how much of a relief it'd be to James (also he does like 90% of the captaining in the room already, though he'd never say that or, honestly, even think it).
I will say that given there are sort of five ~spheres of captainly duties: with his front office and coaching staff, with his teammates, with the media, with the fans, and with the officials -- Finn does a lot of the team and fan relation stuff, but James does shoulder the bulk of the media burden every game, no matter how little he wants to, is a considered a hard worker and excellent listener by the coaches and GM.
He's also extremely well-respected by the referees. Probably one of the most respected in the league. They almost universally like the dude: he knows the rules and doesn't often break them (and if he does it was probably an accident), he doesn't whine when his teammates are collared for breaking the rules -- if he's going to bat for something it's probably worth listening to him, and he respects that their job isn't cut and dry and that sometimes they miss things. So in that particular captainly role, at least, he's an excellent ambassador for the team.
But yeah, if you offered James the C today, he'd turn it down in a heartbeat.
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leporellian · 3 hours
as someone who is not really in the know in the opera sphere of things, is there any big drama happening right now? like beef between two producers or a really bad adaptation that's going to happen that everyone hates? i feel like opera drama can be really good but i'm not sure if that's just what i've taken away from media portrayals of opera
ironically enough the early summer is usually the most chill time in the opera world because the big opera houses’ seasons have Just Finished and the summer opera season hasn’t Entirely started yet… that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen however
THE MAIN THING rn is that it’s GLYNDEBOURNE (Glien-deh-born) SEASON which is when the Glyndebourne Festival gets down to business. Glyndebourne has a track record of great opera productions (or at least if they’re not great they’re memorable) but it Also is known for its front lawn, where you can go have picnics with the roaming herd of sheep that populate the area.
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Anyway they are doing Handel Operas. Which means that countertenors are coming out of the woodwork like wasps burrowing out of the remains of autumn leaves in spring. Handel operas feature castrati roles- very high pitched roles for men. Back in the day these roles were played by men who had their balls cut off as boys for the sake of the art, but apparently this is “unethical” and “just kind of a bad look” so now in the current modern day and age we have multiple solutions: Either having a woman do the role in drag, or having a countertenor (men who still have their balls and sing super high pitched just as a like natural thing) do it.
Countertenors are so normal about the idea of women playing these roles, as evidenced by this interview in the New York Times:
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Castrati roles were not countertenors. They are two very different things with very different sound quality, and were/are treated very differently. However countertenors seem to think of playing these roles as “taking back the right” which is really just kind of an insane thing to say. They even point this out in the same article
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(Also it’s wild seeing David Daniels’s name crop up again given uh. Well he plead guilty to sexual assault charges in a very publicized trial last year.)
Where was I going with this. Anyway countertenors are kind of crazy for the way they see playing roles that have for the last 100-200 years been mostly played by women (or even roles that have always been played by women! like in the case of countertenor cherubinos!) and I’m not a huge fan of that frankly. it’s not “taking back” something, or being more “accurate”- it’s just a matter of casting and production vision. If anything they should get more creative and silly with it. Shoutout to the time I saw a countertenor play Marcellina in a marriage of figaro production once that kind of ruled actually. Also I’m a lesbian
TLDR countertenors like to act like this
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sugarteeferz · 3 hours
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss reblogged dogfather5 5min ago
🐶 dogfather5
still my favorite picture of them
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
u only post about ur dogs did u know that :3
🐶 dogfather5
username beverlyyy-CATSSS accuses DOGFATHER5 of posting too much about his dogs
i guess i shall stop
🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
nah u should keep doing it, only reason to open this website at all
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged jack56596898 5min ago
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
just posted a new article to the website 😁😁😁
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GAY OR EUROPEAN? The answer is so much worse
In this article we dig into the history of renowned psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter after recent cannibalism accusations...
👨🏿 jack56596898 ✅
Please get a real job.
#its the middle of pride month and she's posting THIS???
(1,963 notes)
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged frederick-baltimore 20min ago
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I think cannibalism should be legalized. I've never understood why it's a crime. There's nothing immoral about it.
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I'm fairly certain a tabloid journalist like you would find it rather easy to tell I don't actually think this.
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
aand there we have it everybody: schrodinger's asshole.
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
I think he was making a weird joke...
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
pretty sure jokes are supposed to be funny.
🐶 dogfather5
but it was kinda funny
(4,256 notes)
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🤓 the-man-mason reblogged 40min ago
🤓 the-man-mason ✅✅✅✅✅✅ Follow
psychiatrist currently handing me some weird ass drugs rn. LMAO. telling me to be careful. as if im a lightweight beta ffs?! these edibles aint shit
🤓 the-man-mason ✅✅✅✅✅✅ Follow
(3,245 notes)
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🐶 dogfather5 reblogged cain-and-abel 45min ago
🦌 cain-and-abel Follow
this weird anonymous person has been stalking me for the past few months ever since i started posting abt being the ripper 🤣🤣🤣 bitches really be so fucking jealous
🦌 cain-and-abel Follow
#i have thoughts about this but thinking now i should probably stay quiet
@/dogfather5 wdym?? spill it out. or are you a pussy 🤣
🐶 dogfather5
no i'm deadass scared i might die
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🦌 cain-and-abel Follow 55min ago
😎 anonymous asked:
Did you actually copy my whole layout just now? Be serious.
hi """ripper"""
wtf i have no clue what ur talking about 🤣
it's just an aesthetic as kids these days call it. why so dense? 🤣
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📚 frederick-baltimore reblogged 2h ago
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
isn't it kinda weird that his name rhymes with cannibal
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
why is everyone collectively insulting me in the notes??? when i turn out to be right you all are gonna come to me with apologies 🙄🙄🙄
(891 notes)
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🌸 blooming-light reblogged grahamprivate 3h ago
🐩 grahamprivate
been thinking some things lately
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
This could mean so many different things I'm frankly scared to ask
🐩 grahamprivate
have u ever wondered if you weren't straight
🌸 blooming-light Mutuals
(3 notes)
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🐩 grahamprivate reblogged beverlyyy-catsss 3h ago
🐩 grahamprivate
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🧪 beverlyyy-catsss Mutuals
hey dont be sad we'll all support you. i mean we already knew but still
🐩 grahamprivate
you WHAT
(2 notes)
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🦌 countlecterviii reblogged dogfather5 3h ago
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Happy Pride Month. Remember to stay safe and love each other.
👩🏻‍🦰 tattlecrimer1 ✅ Follow
when are you gonna address the murder allegations freak
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
I find it deeply concerning that you've been harrassing me particularly more often since June started, especially as a queer man myself. It's not giving the greatest of impressions.
📚 frederick-baltimore Follow
who cares if you like sucking dick we're all fairly certain you feed human meat to your guests
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Extremely disappointing to see you also partake in such behavior. I won't reply anymore.
🐶 dogfather5
youre gay???? or are you like half gay whatever thats called
🦌 countlecterviii ✅✅✅ Mutuals
Non-discriminating. ;)
(3,025 notes)
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💋 divine-margot reblogged 5h ago
💋 divine-margot
i love kissing women
👤 mason57489265
💋 divine-margot
how many times do i need to block you before you stop annoying tf out of me was the attempted murder not enough to shut you up
💋 divine-margot
wait is this your way of coming out which one is it
(17,248 notes)
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🐱 bibigail29 12h ago
i miss my mom
(0 notes)
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hannibal tumblr but its will's for you page
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ilikekidsshows · 11 hours
About the throwing CN in the trash can thing, I don‘t necessarily disagree, but why did you completely left out the whole thing about CN‘s constant flirting and calling them a couple and stuff, when LB made it clear multiple times in that episode and before that she doesn‘t like him that way and is bothered by many attempts to make a move on her. Especially in that episode, she‘s already pissed at Glaciator specifically because of it, and Paris as a whole for printing articles and putting up billboards everywhere. The only thing CN does with his shenanigans is irritate her even more, until she has enough.
If I were in a situation where a platonic friend did that to me, I‘d be pissed too. Sure, I probably wouldn‘t throw im in a trash can, but I’d maybe get a little loud at least.
Idk, the garbage toss might‘ve been too much, sure, but pretending like CN has no fault in the situation escalating like that is unfair and LB had all right to go off at him.
That was not what was asked
That's not how the episode frames it
I read over Ladybug and Cat Noir's discussion after the trashcan scene to make sure I understood what the takeaway was. Ladybug did not say, or even hint, that the problem was that Cat Noir went too far or was out of line. She has an issue with being reminded he has feelings for her, period.
This is the same episode where Marinette calls Adrien "my boyfriend who isn't my boyfriend yet" and takes advantage of him being upset to try to win him over romantically. Marinette is forcing her feelings onto Adrien even more than Cat Noir is forcing them on Ladybug, because he at least doesn't expect a relationship from Ladybug in return. The takeaway isn't "don't be too pushy", it's "Cat Noir shouldn't be a bother to Ladybug", because that's what all the lessons in this season seem to be.
And, like, just because Ladybug doesn't return his feelings doesn't mean Cat Noir should hide the fact that he's in love with her to make her feel better, especially since his flirtation is stated to just be an outlet where he doesn't expect reciprocation, that Ladybug understands is an outlet and that nothing is expected from her in return. ("I know your heart's in the right place and that you don't mean any harm.") This has never before been an issue for the two, and now it suddenly is, four seasons in? I don't buy it.
I know the episode is saying that yes, Cat Noir should, indeed, hide his feelings to make Ladybug feel better, but that's unhealthy and I've repeatedly said that the show repeatedly demanding Adrien bury all his feelings so that Marinette can ignore them is wrong.
I also kinda feel like this episode purposefully makes Cat Noir kinda out of character by exaggerating his behavior into such an obnoxious degree and that it was specifically done in order to justify Ladybug getting mad at him (kinda like 'Reflekdoll' implied he'd pranked Ladybug in the middle of a fight, something he'd never do, in order to justify Ladybug being angry in that episode), so it just all feels so fake to me and I can't take it seriously. When I see a show blatantly trying to manipulate me, I tend to veer into the opposite direction out of spite.
So, yes, I went easy on Cat Noir in this episode, but, as you said, that still didn't make anything I said about Ladybug's behavior untrue. Like, Ladybug has reasons to be pissed in this episode, but the writers think Cat Noir alone is the justified target, and that's what I disagree with.
Frankly, if they'd framed that Ladybug's unreasonable anger towards Cat Noir was caused by her totally justified anger at having her private life be so scrutinized, and built the episode around that, this could have been a really good episode that could teach kids about boundaries when it comes to their favorite celebrities. They literally have the framework for that within the episode, but decided to instead give us another "Cat Noir shouldn't even breathe if it bothers Ladybug" episode. It would have been especially valuable since a lot of kids these days are actually following social media or Youtube celebrities or will do so in a few years.
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emcapi-gaming · 2 days
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"So you're here to try and save the world?" She gives a single, bitter laugh. "Bit late for that. I mean, I appreciate the thought, but it's not worth it. This place is too far gone. You're just gonna get yourself killed - or worse."
"I've come this far, haven't I? I have to try."
"…Just what this place needs, another stubborn heroic dumbass." She shakes her head. "There's no arguing with you, is there."
"You've got that much right."
"Well. If you don't mind the extra company, I might as well follow you around and yell at you when you're about to do something particularly stupid. Sure could have used that, myself. Besides, it sounds more interesting than moping my way across every square ilm of Norvrandt like I've been doing."
Ardbert chuckles. "I've seen some pretty strange things, but I think being yelled at by a ghost would be a new one. Sure. Why not? Although I'll have to try and explain you to my friends, lest they assume I've started talking to myself."
(fun facts/notes/lore under cut as usual!)
Originally this was supposed to be part of a poly week prompt (combination of role/outfit swap + alternate universe) but I never got around to the other part with Zero. Ah well! I'm still happy with how this turned out.
I think the most interesting part of this shot + bonus drabble was thinking about some of the ways they're different! They have, frankly, an absurd amount of things in common - most of which were unintentional! - but I like exploring how they differ as individuals also.
In this case: Ardbert is way more of a (justifiably) grumpy little shit here in canon, lol. Between the two of them, he definitely has more of a temper and is more likely to default to anger as a reaction. Ardwin will absolutely snap if pushed, but outside of battle, she is, by comparison, a little more patient and willing to laugh things off or pretend they don't bother her. (Although her tendency to bottle things up comes with its own issues.)
Some of that difference is just down to different hormonal systems. (I have it on good authority from my husband that going on T shifted his default emotional response when upset from being sad/crying to getting angry.) However, some of it is just that: a personal difference!
Thinking about it a little more, maybe Ardwin would be a bit more expressive in this AU. I think that Heavensward, in particular, amplified her pre-existing tendency to repress her shit and Not Talk About It, because Alphinaud and Tataru were really relying on her to be their anchor. She absolutely did not wanna burden them with her own problems. (Let alone the whole, uh, "a smile better suits a hero" bit, which, come to think of it, also absolutely did not help.)
In this AU, though, Ardwin would have been running around with Ardbert's friends. This means she no longer would have been the only Warrior of Light, or the only one being relied on to be The Strong One (given that between Branden, Cylva, and Ard___, the First WoLs have 3 tanks lmao). She definitely would still feel like she should be the stoic leader, but they would probably successfully (lovingly) bully her into talking about her feelings every so often, so she doesn't end up with the Pit of Emotional Repression in the same way.
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trans-androgyne · 2 days
I will be honest, I am so tired of the man vs bear question. I understand why people choose the bear, I really do, but as a trans black man, it kind of rubs me the wrong way and makes me feel like shit. Black men are often targets of violence by police and are already seen as violent and dangerous by a lot of people. The more I hear this question, the more I worry that being on t or even recognizing myself as a man makes me violent and dangerous, but I don’t want to be. I feel guilty, disgusting and quite frankly, dehumanized. I feel like I shouldn’t exist, that I should just stay in a miserable existence so I’m not a harm to women.
Understandable, I’m so deeply sorry you’ve been made to feel that way. I’ve been thinking about and advocating for men like you constantly throughout that discourse, I promise. I hope it’s changed some minds.
Your body is not a weapon. Your presence is not a danger. You are loved and cared for. I’ve seen you around and I appreciate you a lot. Some people may perceive you as more aggressive because of your identities and appearance, but it is not true and that is hopefully something that will change with our culture over time by raising awareness. Please surround yourself with people who won’t demonize and dehumanize you for your black, trans masculinity — your manhood is wonderful and a gift to this world. I am thrilled about each trans man or masc alive and I am not the only one. Queer masculinity is powerful and radical.
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anghraine · 3 days
I've been moving and navigating further departmental nonsense etc (my pseudo-dissertation got approved for defending, though! l o l). But it was interesting to see the Worst P&P Takes poll I reblogged accumulating more results and the general tenor of responses in the notes.
I mean, the results are definitely to be expected if you're familiar with the side of Austen fandom doing a lot of the reblogging etc. But still, interesting!
Many Tumblr polls specify that they're asking about personal preferences that may be irrational—favorite/least favorite, coolest/most annoying, or something like that. This one, though, asked for the worst interpretation of P&P, not the most annoying one—and the current leader is "Darcy is never really proud, he's just shy and probably has anxiety" against some very steep competition on the Bad Takes front.
I was thinking about why that seemed a kind of tediously predictable choice even though I agree that the take is wrong, and realized that while I do disagree with the shy Darcy interpretation and I particularly disagree with the specific formulation where he is never proud at all, it ultimately feels to me like a failure of nuance rather than just completely wrongheaded like some of the others. And this is probably my fundamental difference with a lot of Darcy takes I see!
In my opinion, a character who is introverted and who feels awkward in various social situations and who doesn't like common social activities and who has to work himself up to talking to his crush and who is repeatedly suggested to behave very differently in contexts where he's more comfortable being interpreted as shy and anxious is not that big of a leap.
Yes, it's important that he is actually fundamentally confident and haughty, that he makes his personal feelings of discomfort other people's problem, and that he thinks he's such a unique and special butterfly that he doesn't need to even put in an effort outside his personal social circle. But it's a misreading that is easy to follow (and long predates the 2005 P&P, as I've mentioned before!).
The additional misreading that a shy and anxious Darcy is also never proud at all is a much more drastic leap, and in my experience, condemnations of shy Darcy interpretations rarely differentiate between "Darcy is shy as well as arrogant" and "Darcy is shy rather than arrogant" as interpretations (although their basic arguments are quite different). But even that as the worst possible misreading of P&P when Darcy is not even the main character is ?????????
I mean, for one alternative (not even the one I voted for!), the idea that Elizabeth is an author avatar Mary Sue seems a far worse misreading of P&P than basically anything to do with Darcy at all. The center piece of the entire novel is Elizabeth's epiphany of self-knowledge about her own shortcomings that do not particularly resemble Austen's at all, but were ethically a concern for her, and she's a complex, interesting character in general whom Austen correctly regarded as a major achievement. Inverting that into Elizabeth as an improbably perfect, reality-warping self-insert is deeply wrong and frankly pretty misogynistic as well.
(ngl though, it's a little funny to see such a blatantly terrible reading of Elizabeth rank so far behind the shy Darcy votes. I've gotten "does anyone actually think/say that?" so many times on my posts about Austen fandom's prioritization of Darcy's character development over Elizabeth's and yet...)
And even just going with the Darcy-centric misreadings, the idea of Darcy as a "bad boy" seems easily the most absolutely wrong take on him. His pride is at least complicated and the finer points can be fairly debated and it's a quality that actually changes somewhat throughout the novel, and you can have discussion over what happened when, whose testimonies should be weighted more, etc. But there is no point at which "bad boy" isn't utterly wrong for him. However, there's definitely a tendency in some wings of the fandom to find the idea of Darcy being misread too favorably more objectionable than him being read too unfavorably, regardless of the particulars, so it's not a surprise.
I suppose you could argue about what "worst" means in the context of variously bad interpretations. Like, is an interpretation that is about a fairly trivial aspect of the book but extremely wrong about it "worse" than an interpretation that is pretty bad but at least comprehensibly so about something very important?
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techmomma · 3 days
Various things I have learned while working at this mitigation company:
different insurance providers are more or less willing to cover more things. some companies are real lenient and will give you a lot of leeway. some will absolutely not and will find every means possible to not pay. we tend to keep an unofficial list (at least among employees) of which ones we love to work with (aka which ones will approve and pay for the most and be easiest to deal with) and which ones we hate working with (they will usually reject the claim meaning NO mitigation work is done at all because you think most regular people can afford $20K mitigation out of pocket?). you can ask us which ones we like working with.
if the overhead sprinkler system is activated, then even if nothing burned, you will still need so much mitigation. modern sprinkler systems aren't just full of water, they have various fire-fighting chemicals in them that should not come into contact with people for extended periods. and definitely not food.
not every business is willing to pay for fire sprinkler mitigation. sometimes they just decide to paint over it! one of the local grocery stores decided to do that! remember what I said about exposing those chemicals to food?
mold can start growing from a water leak within like 48 hours. faster if it's a sewage leak. if you had a leak and you waited a week to call anyone, you need a mold inspection too.
we get screwed over by churches so, so much.
all houses must be tested for asbestos before any mitigation can begin. it used to be that we only really needed to test on houses built before about 1990, but as asbestos was used in building materials LONG after that, they've finally cracked down and now all houses needed to be tested. my coworkers aren't as happy about this as I am.
if the building was built before 1978 though then we have to test for asbestos AND lead! I think we should test them all for lead frankly but the law says 1978.
asbestos and lead usually have to be removed by special companies. we use subcontractors for that since we don't have the equipment ourselves.
subcontractors! your mitigation company usually can't do everything themselves, so they'll enlist the aid of another company. so for example, when we have to test for asbestos and lead, we use a subcontractor who has the equipment to analyze samples.
generally, if you can see damage, whatever is inside the wall is so, so much worse.
there is so so much mold in like every building
even with industrial cleaners and professional equipment, mold is so hard to actually get rid of permanently. if it's gotten into an organic material like wood or cloth, you can count that as pretty much permanently affected. they will almost always be unsalvageable.
this counts for say, the wood beams of your house. we can clean them down and spray mold killer and seal them, but it'll ever be a 100% guarantee, ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN A WETTER CLIMATE. LIKE, IDK, WASHINGTON.
houses on the water are so full of mold
if you have a sudden Emergency, please make sure you decide if you're going to use a mitigation before you actually call us. especially for emergencies where there's water like actively flooding your house. please, for the love of god, don't call us and say "we have an emergency and need help cleaning this up" and then call a short while later saying "well, actually, can we be put on hold, we're not sure if we'll go with mitigation yet...". our technicians are almost always working on a job, we don't have anyone just sitting around the office we can send at any time. and sometimes those jobs can be like an hour away from our office
that means the tech has to pack up their equipment on the site (meaning making sure the site is secured especially if it's going to rain), get back to the office (remember the hour drive from before), get the right equipment for your emergency, and head out there. if they've been pulled from their previous job site they had to drive an hour for, we're not going to fucking send them back.
meaning if you cancel, that's like half of our day wasted and now that other job is going to be behind, too, because they're minus an extra five hours that could have been spent doing the work for that job
please. please don't do your own mitigation work. oh my god.at the very least because sometimes insurance companies get super super picky about that and might reject your claim for it.
if you can see water damage on the other side of a wall, it means the water has gone through the drywall. the longer it's wet and uncared for--I'm talking like, 2 days or more--the more likely things will need to be removed and/or demolished. certainly after 2 days the insulation will almost certainly need to be removed and new insulation installed. this will cost money.
the older the building, the more likely anything in that building will fail at any given time. sure maybe the piping lasted 100 years but that's because it took 100 years to eat away the piping until it finally gave out on the 101st year
meaning the older the building, the more likely it becomes that you'll experience pipe bursts, leaks, electrical mishaps, sewage leaks, etc. etc.
when it comes to water mitigation, there's two kinds: cleanwater and blackwater. cleanwater is what comes out of your tap. blackwater is poopy sewage. blackwater is, without fail, a gazillion times more expensive because it will, as a requirement, involve some form of demolition. it should. that's a health hazard man. you don't know what (else) is in poopy sewage water.
if you can't have the water turned off to do any mitigation, then you HAVE to get a specialist before we can do any restoration. if the pipe is still leaking, then mitigation work will kind of be for nothing.
if you're planning on filing any claims, do that FIRST before you call anybody. the insurance company will have a list of people to call and will tell you how to go about things so that your claim is solid. filing online is fine but it's usually a good idea to have an actual name and contact information for an adjuster (the person who'll be looking at the damage and seeing what needs to be done)
don't fret. sometimes even things I thought would be totally unsalvageable were salvageable! they have lots of tips and tricks, and the technicians and their managers are usually happy to talk about their trade with you
a lot of these technicians really do care, even if they're mostly in it for the work. so many of these guys would do this because this kind of work is pure enrichment for them, but they got families to take care of. it gets genuinely frustrating sometimes to know what work needs to be done and wanting to do so, but the insurance company won't pay out, so nothing can be done.
if your insurance company is giving you the reach-around and you think they're fucking you over, there's something called the insurance commissioner. they're who you can report insurance company fuckery to and the commissioner is usually pretty on top of it. I've seen customers be fucked over for months by their insurance company call the commissioner, and within a few hours the insurance company ~*~magically~*~ has a fire lit under their ass and just so so happy to help you out.
you get what you pay for. whether construction, mitigation, whatever. you pay for cheap mitigation work, you will get cheap results.
something you really don't want cheap results for: mitigation work
things landlords are absolutely fucking notorious for: wanting cheap mitigation work. don't listen to any stupid schpiel they give you about caring or whatever work they said they put in. sure they did pay $10k for restoration work--because it was a job worth about $20k, and they went with the rock-bottom contractor who put a half-assed half day's work in that will fall apart in a few years
fuck landlords and property managers. but you already knew that if you follow me.
Lastly, if you have time to spare and want to make a technician's day, ask them what their worst or most fun job was. they are so happy to tell you.
they have so. many. stories.
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
Publishing has always been a fucking nightmare, but now it’s a layer of hell. It’s not enough that writers be good at what they do. Writers have to maintain an active social media presence and cultivate a following. Be available.
They have to be conventionally attractive enough to look good enough to see on a screen, aesthetically pleasing, kind, funny, up-to-date on trends, socially aware but not so controversial that they turn off a brand from California from slapping their discount code on a video promoting a book.
They have to do all of this with no media training, with little help from the companies that are supposed to be doing this for them.
Of course, a lot of this isn't possible for say, the 40-something mother of two who teaches English at a school and writes on the side. She’s boxed out of an already complex industry that already has enough walls.
On some level, I think authors have always marketed themselves a little, but we’ve reached such a crazy point where we’re demanding the author become the influencer. Accessibility in publishing has narrowed from an inch to a sliver. And that inch was hard enough to get in as is.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
I love giving advice, apparently, so if you are a newly pierced person or are planning on being pierced, here are some of the things I found helpful, as somebody who isn't a professional piercer but has had six plus piercings on my face and body, and multiple ear piercings (which I don't count, since I DIY'd them):
Normal bath towels are your enemy, proceed with caution after bathing. NEVER wipe moisture away from a fresh piercing, always pat it dry
You will hit a new piercing and it will hurt. This is inevitable, just know that you likely haven't destroyed it. Feel free to cry, though, it hurts like hell.
If your piercer gives you instructions, heed them. If you're on restrictions, please take it as seriously as possible
When you're going in for a piercing, please eat or drink something - at least what constitutes as a snack for your body. It really helps
If you're getting an oral piercing, make sure you size down after the healing period - I hadn't sized down for my last oral piercing when I first had the chance, and it was... so annoying to have too-large of jewelry
Not all jewelry is made equally. Do your research on materials, threading, and sizing. I've found that titanium jewelry is really nice for me, and I like it, but that isn't the only option. Make sure you think about your body and its needs and preferences
Close your eyes while being pierced (I found this really helps me)
Don't over-clean a new piercing, twice per day is usually a good place to start
The completed healing period is a very average suggestion - you may heal slower or faster. Try to adhere to that suggestion, though, especially if you do not feel you're healed enough
Personally, I have found that I am completely healed when my piercing feels like just another part of my body, even when it is touched. When my piercings start to feel as though they are foreign when they never do before, I know I likely need to clean them
While I have DIY'd piercings, I personally do not recommend it, especially if you are either not using sterilized equipment, or are piercing a very dangerous place (like the tongue). If you are absolutely positive about committing to the DIY mindset, please try to do due diligence in research at least
Tip your piercer. Body mods are a luxury service, and it takes years to even become a piercer, much less to be proficient at it. Tip your piercer, ESPECIALLY if their prices feel too good to be true - they likely are. Unless you are directed otherwise by your piercer, just assume that you will be tipping them for their services and budget accordingly
Make sure you understand how your piercer wants you to take care of your piercing, and ask questions. There is no question too "dumb"
If you are getting a body part pierced you are insecure about, realize your piercer has most likely seen HUNDREDS of different body parts of various sizes, shapes, and oddities. Your body is not uniquely bad, nor would a good piercer make you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable with your body. If they do, however, DO NOT go through with the piercing. You should feel safe being pierced by somebody, and, indeed, that is the bare minimum.
If you use saline wash to clean piercings, you can DIY it. You will go through NeilMed like no other, and with it being $5USD a bottle, that price can rack up quickly. Make sure you use distilled water and non-iodized salt, though
If your piercing is infected, please don't be too ashamed to seek help. It's in your best interest to make sure you don't get ill or your site gets nasty ("nasty" as in painful)
These are just some of the things I've learned being a pierced person! My piercings are something I absolutely needed, and I do not for a minute regret having them. I want that same happiness to befall you, and that happens when you are able to understand a bit more what goes into piercings. You are, essentially, getting a new body part installed by a pro, and so I don't want you to not be ready for that.
Again, I am not a professional piercer, but am rather a body piercing enthusiast with many different types of piercings. I don't have every piercing, though, so please look at this critically for the piercing(s) that you want or have. At least, treat this like a soft suggestion or ways to help you brainstorm what you will find helpful.
More tips are obviously welcomed, especially if you yourself have more insight or expertise. Good luck to every pierced person or future pierced person reading this💛
#body modification#body mods#piercings#body piercing#long post#honestly i love having a professional relationship with my piercer and i feel so happy to be pierced by her#i think the client and piercer relationship is a very important aspect of getting a piercing#and i don't think people talk about that part much. you should feel SAFE being around your piercer#they are literally creating a new hole in your body with a needle. that is a very vulnerable position to be in#but i'm honestly shocked at how cheap my piercer is...#...so my last piercing was only $50USD and that included the (nice) jewelry. i feel that in that cast tipping 60% was worth it...#...i know that can rack up the cost of the piercing but especially if you LIKE your piercer (like i do) - try being as generous as possible#i personally LOVE tipping my piercer and it's the best way i can show her that i LOVE her work even when i tell her#love having a personal blog that i can be autistic about piercings!!!!! I LOVE THIS ANCIENT TRADITIONNNN#one of my profs let us write about anything as long as it was an essay and i went Insane writing about historical piercing practices#LOVE ALL TYPES OF PIERCINGS especially ones that are used to 'scare' outsiders <3#when i was a kid they used to tell us about the Mystical African Tribes that STRETCHED THEIR LIPS (scary!!!!)...#...if it isn't obvious i hate that the lip plate especially practiced by the Mursi and many others have been used for frankly rascist ideas#i brought up the lip thing because i learned a lot about iirc the Mursi practice of lip plating and it's given me more appreciation for it!!#it's ENDLESSLY fascinating and i wish i hadn't been shown the negative bias against them first
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Why the fuck are people on Twitter upset about nonbinary robots. Transformers are aliens, why would they follow another species gender binary based on reproduction when they don't even reproduce sexually. If anything, ALL the robots should use they/them.
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ylissebian · 11 months
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caught up this week right in time for the start of season 5… we’re so back
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ice-sculptures · 8 months
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i don't usually change my url but i really wanted a taylor-related url for 1989 tv release week!! cityscreams isn't 1989 specific but it's from my fav taylor song and i thought it was so fitting for spooky season 🕸️👻
(for my non-swiftie mutuals....it'll be mostly the same content but with just a little extra taylor this week 🦋)
tagging a few people under the cut so y'all know it's me :)
@basiltonpitch @willelfanpage @lucasvenkman @pumpkinpadmes @callaplums @housewifebuck @questiontv @strandtk @henwilsons @likegoldintheair @shitouttabuck @thefabulousfab-3 @loserdiaz @captain-hen @mlchaelwheeler @madcleradin @mandycantdecide @babygirl-jonathanbyers @9thofoctober @astrobei @heroesbyler @wiseatom @byclairs @stranger-comet @lucassinclaer @pinkeoni @magentamee @howtobecomeadragon @elmaxed @mikeandwillel @talkingtothelights @stbyers @byeler @jesper-faheyss 💙
(i have no idea who's active rn bsjdfhlsjajks sorry if i forgot to tag you)
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
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#this is what the average person on tumblr is missing. what i meant when i said the average person on tumblr should see misogynistic men talk#on the internet regularly they would benefit from that#not incels or andrew tate guys. normal guys#in november#and like i say: brf slt#i remember in 2016 when i was just getting into feminism as like a thing of the present the big thing on french twitter was for guys to say#meuf = pute: girl = whore. they would just say this. 24/7. not even a creative way to be misogynistic. but i was like oh!#then when girls would talk about getting harassed they would be like you made this up you're too ugly a film directed by quentin#tarantino etc. i think one of the most frustrating things they do is say no boy has ever sexually harassed a girl in middle school because#all they thought about at that age (that age being. from 11 to 15) was football and video games like OH MY GOD we were literally there#i mean no there's worse a lot worse but it's one of the most annoying ones like how are you all coming together to collectively#gaslight us#i could give more examples but it's not that interesting just these people HATE US!!!!!!#it's never just one or two guys or even ten or even twenty it's SO MANY PEOPLE just united by their hatred of women...heartwarming#in a way#but whatever i know people are awful on the internet or whatever but these people exist irl i'm pretty sure. im just not blissfully unaware#i'm sure that's nice. it's probably a bliss even. frustrating for normal people who have to interact with that though#or maybe not for normal people misogyny is a very widespread thing idk if you know this...frustrating for me!#like why does seeing frankly misogynistic tweets kinda not bother me as much as seeing posts that act like misogyny isn't a thing. at least#they're honest!!!!!#like it does feel very bad. but i'm used to it. kind of
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
aurghhh ok still rewatching '97 and the way guts and casca only have the room to breathe and really come to understand and care for each other in griffith's absence because he has such a strong hold over them both.... and the way their mutual dedication to him is what causes them to bicker for years (casca thinks he's not serving him well enough, guts thinks she doesn't get that he cares/how much he cares, casca's jealousy over griffith's feelings for guts, how he won his heart without even trying or being aware of it or doing anything with it) and is also a big part of what brings them together (earlier when guts deviates from the plan to save griffith and she commends him, in the cave casca opening up about griffith and her's past, showing that vulnerability, while it's mostly confrontational, leads to guts kinda getting her better, and his efforts to save and protect her (falling off the cliff with her, taking on the 100 men so she can escape, encouraging her to return to griffith so she can help him because it's what she feels she's meant to do (her dream, the direction in life guts shares and yet is questioning because of griffith's speech at the fountain, whether or not it's enough to serve him if it means he'll never be a true friend in griffith's eyes because he's not an equal), supporting the idea of her being with griffith/being his most important person like he won't because he doesn't view it as a competition like she has been since day one) leading to her realizing that he's kind of not that bad a guy and they have a lot more in common that she thought. and how the bonfire of dreams conversation is guts opening up to her in kind, the answer to her talking about how griffith saved her, how she feels. how neither of them ever call it love but it's something they know they both have for griffith. how it's something they're beginning to have for each other, different in ways they couldn't put a word to. because they're equals this time. the way griffith kind of becomes less and less important as they find other reasons to live and fight, as they become less singularly obsessed with him. how griffith is unable to stand it, guts' personhood, that agency and peer-to-peer equality he claimed to want (and perhaps truly did) that disappeared guts from his life, his plans, his side. how it barely even matters to griffith how casca changes because he never wanted her like she wanted him. god i can't fucking stand their shakespearean nonsense drama (<- hopelessly in love with their interpersonal dynamics)
#god they're the only healthy part of this unholy mind-palace love triangle/throuple aren't they#they could have been the worst qpr/throuple in your social circle. like just insufferable when they're not getting along#if griffith hadn't [oh god oh fuck oh jesus christ] all over everything even remotely good in his life anyway#poor casca's in love with a gay man and then falls for his not-quite-boyfriend and when not-quite-boyfriend reciprocates said gay man fucki#g. Does The Eclipse Stuff. at least partially to get back at you two. oh my godd#i'm sorry i'm so not normal about them. it's starting to leak out into the blog bc i'm finally having a Berserk Moment since starting tumbl#but whewwwww. gotta get this outta my system#hope this wall of text makes sense oops <3#berserk#berserk 1997#how do i even tag their thang. their disastrous just horrible agonizing 3 guy dynamic. hm.#gutsca#griffguts#don't even know if anyone tags for griffith and casca. fair because 1) he raped her. yikes 2) he just straight up isn't into her#and i don't know if there's a tag for the three of them but trial and error led to nothing#but i wanna talk about their dynamic. their. (gestures wildly) whatever. it's not about thinking griffith should kiss anyone it's about lik#the agony. the pining and the torment and whatever miura so beautifully crafted for me specifically. sheesh#hope it's clear that i Don't Want Them To Be An Uwu Little Polycule Bc Casca Should Not Be In A Cutesy Throuple With Her Rapist#it's more that i think they kind of are or almost are part of this (gestures wildly again). Thing. with each other and i wanna talk about i#same with griffguts like oh man they should NOT be in a relationship. but i have this deep intense Need to study them and frankly they're#kind of crazy about each other for a while. like they care about each other so so much it's crucial to all three of their characters.#so it's kind of unavoidable. and i wanna talk about it. and have this read by people who also want to talk about it. yeah? yeah.#(and yeah i think griffith raping casca was about her and guts. like 'fuck you for making him okay with leaving me' type of vibe. even#though it wasn't her fault he's just. god. but it sure as hell isn't Mostly about casca because griffith's making eye contact like the Whol#time with guts. he makes him watch. it's just. shooooooooooo aughhhhghhghh fucking. jesus christ. that or it's the fear that his two most#important pawns are going to leave him Together and he just. can't deal with that. especially after the torture internment thing.#he's so weak and he was so close to his dream and now it's falling apart and they're leaving him and he can't even move. it's about making#damn sure they can't escape him or forget him ever again.#or maybe it's even a 'you can't have her she's mine' to guts but it's still largely like. spiteful/about possessing her as a soldier/human#because i don't think you could convince me it's about having her as a lover or about controlling/hurting/possessing her body.)
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