#frankly i can't handle that kind of pressure
revelisms · 2 months
New WIP has me deep in the emotional whumpzone (per usual)—so even more Ghost headcanons: Angst Edition. Because why not ❤️‍🩹
CW: Family dysfunction, parentification, negative self-image, anger issues, relationship issues, grief. Also some heartwarming-ish moments? Sorta kinda? (;-;)b
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Faced the harshest transition within the church as the first successor to the new Order, having to meet both the old clergy's expectations as well as the standards Nihil, as part of his bargaining, had been pressured to achieve.
Also saw first-hand much of the darker underbelly of the church (e.g., murders caused by the ghouls, corruption in the clergy, etc.), which he tried to shield the younger ones from witnessing. It's not all champagne and caviar in these halls—especially at the top.
Has had few consistent lovers in his life, but has loved them all deeply. Getting beneath his surface-level affections can be challenging, though. He has a kind, nurturing presence with most everyone, especially those he likes to have around—but as a partner, he can be protective to the point of patronizing. Very cautious, at times condescending, and ultimately fearful of ever losing someone again. Loves like a dragon guarding a horde of gold, and can get just as ugly for it.
Didn't want to have to step into the role of essentially father and mother for the boys, but he felt he had to. There's a hardness to him, for that, and a sense of young adulthood that he's lost; he feels ancient in a way that's difficult to explain, and always has. There's very little of him that feels youthful anymore.
His love for gardening runs deeper than most take it for. He's always been interested in healing magick and herbal remedies, and it's an older field of study he gravitated to in his earlier days. He's been on the cusp of too many tragedies to turn a blind eye to it, now, and so this is his way of doing something. He sees himself as too old, too frail, and frankly too booksmart to do so, otherwise; it's an underlying resentment of his, after watching too many ritual acts go wrong.
Having the Sight of clairsentience (aka: seeing into the minds of living things) has made him a bit of a chronic skeptic. He has lost his trust in most things; the few that he keeps to are the realms of possibility and self-determination: that what he sees in one moment does not have to be Truth, overall. But it hurts, being cursed to know what others truly think and would wish to do, even if they won't voice it. He tries to stay kind, despite that.
He was always an angry child, and wrestles worse with his frustrations as an adult. His spite and his rage have fueled him; in many ways, Wrath has been the one constant of his life. But it has broken countless relationships in the process, and created a reputation that most siblings fear.
He's a very bitter, armored man—and, as a result, can be a bit of an ass—but he's aware of it. (Unlike someone else. Grumble grumble.)
Despite their theoretical closeness in age (I HC a bigger gap here), and quite a few shared emotional traits, he and Terzo couldn't be more polar opposite. Since Secondo was unwantedly looped into Primo's surrogate parental role once he got older, he took the brunt of this with Terzo, who was hell to manage. He has a lot of regrets over this, and puts silent blame on himself (in fairness, more than he should) for Terzo not getting the support or affection he should have when he was younger. Their relationship has always been strained from this.
Daddy issues out the wazoo—and it's translated into most relationships (work or otherwise) he's had with authority figures, since. He's a beast to deal with, when it comes to the clergy; most members of the cloth will toss him straight to Nihil before they have to even think of handling him (which is disastrous, in itself; he's inherited much of Sister's traits when it comes to bickering Nihil into place, and their All-Father can't stand it...but c'est la vie).
In short: Hell forbid you share a table with these two. Copia and Nihil's mess is tame, comparatively.
Genuinely one big tender-hearted teddy bear beneath it all, but few are given the privilege to see it. He's a very romantic man stuck in a complacent chain of disposability, and he's made his peace with that. He's certainly not an easy person to love; being in a relationship with him is a constant yo-yo of moods that can explode at the drop of a pen—but with the right balance, with someone who can ground him, he could rival the poets of old with his lavishness. Roses and wine and sweets for days. (And kisses. Satan, don't forget those.)
Having the Sight of retrospection (aka: seeing the the past) has been both the root of his fascinations with history and, ironically, his complete disgust of those who claim to study it (...which he is, but anyway). It's also led to some hard wounds due to Primo trying to safeguard him from the darker nature of the church as a child vs. the realities he was forced to bear witness to once gifted the Sight. It broke a lot of his security in the doctrines, and his trust in Primo. As a result, he views their eldest, above all, as a liar and has learned to take the guidance he shares with a grain of salt.
Was a very rambunctious, escapist-driven child, and it has led into him being a flippant, snide, and at times callously individualistic adult. However, this battles with his desire to be valued by others—most of all, to help someone feel better in themselves. He's incredibly kind and soothing, when he wants to be.
The mix of priorities can be puzzling. As much as he can be selfish in one moment, he would roll out of bed at 2am to conduct a blessing for an insomnia-riddled sibling of sin, without question (which is...other WIP shh). This can make it hard to know where one stands with him, and whether any special treatment they've seemingly been given is all that special, after all.
Can be extremely petty for the spite of it, often through comments that cut to the bone, but almost as frequently in performances he knows will pull eyes. Nihil and Sister are often the joint instigators of this, and it tends to trickle down, unfairly, into his treatment of Copia—though he knows it shouldn't. He's not proud of this, and attempts to curb it when he can, but in many ways his temper is a mirror to Secondo's own; once something sets him off, he can become fiercely cold and hurtful. Getting on his bad side is a vile place to be.
Has, for lack of a better term, a tightly controlled persona: almost impeccably funny, sly, and suave, especially once he's ascended into the papacy (and been put on a tightwire of clerical demands). Few have seen the quiet, withdrawn, fidgety side of him. Few, he doubts, would want to.
At his most fundamental, he is heavily driven by a need to feel seen, accepted and loved—but he's repeatedly sabotaged it once it's been given. The siblings dubbed him a "loose kite" well before his Cardinal days: someone without a tether bound to land wherever (and with whomever) he wants. Most are aware that he's an egregious flirt, and little else, and have learned to never take his affections too seriously—and, to an extent, that's exactly what he wants. On the other hand, he's shot himself in the foot with this: a self-fulfilled prophecy of nothing ever panning out (and one he fears ever panning out at all, as much as he wants it).
Having the Sight of premonition (aka: seeing the future) has been dual-edged. He's seen the beauty of his own future, and of select others, countless paths over—and, just as wickedly, their demise. Countess potentials, countless lovers, countless beings, countless deaths. It has never been a source of peace, for him; he can only know with certainty what may occur once he has taken the first step onto a bounded path. Starting the route to his Papacy was his only confirmation that he was doomed to fail—but, for years, he knew little else.
The biggest splint in his Path, always, was Omega. Saints and demons, it was always Omega.
You could fill a jar with the things this man would nitpick about himself—and still, he would nitpick more—but he is nothing if not a source of reassurance for any who have known him: both in his bumbling Cardinal days, and in the slow-sewn confidence he's found in his senior roles. One of the sweetest, if sweetly awkward, souls one could meet—but give him any passing compliment, and he'll scrape it under his heel.
For all he craves true praise, hungers for it, he is so hesitant to believe it. He has never felt good enough in his own skin. Not for Primo's success, not for Secondo's intelligence, not for Terzo's confidence. Certainly not for the clergy's standards. And Sister—Mother—well. He's never quite known how to untangle the dreams she poured into him from his own.
Was effectively the black sheep of the family for much of his youth, despite receiving more affection from Sister—which, in retrospect, only added to the resentments. He had always been seen as an other, most harshly by Terzo, who felt that his ability to even have a relationship with his own mother was squashed by Copia devouring her attentions.
Losing them all made it easier, in some ways. It had to be done. (Hell, he misses them. He misses them so much.)
Loving him can be an overwhelming experience. As a partner, he goes overboard on the regular (often, humorously, with disastrous results). It's challenging sometimes for him to realize he doesn't need to perform, in this; that he can just be. He hadn't taken the best cues from Terzo, in that—but who else could he have looked up to, but Terzo: who was beautiful, and desired, and bright as a star?
There's a cruel irony in that. Terzo had never quite opened up to his little brother—but if he would have, Copia would have only known how much they had in common: how much of their black-sheeped image-loathed performance-pillared suffering they'd shared. (But the past is the past, now. Copia can't think on that, too long.)
Having a belatedly repaired relationship with Nihil and Sister has been complicated for him. There's an unspoken attempt at correction, for their (seemingly) final and "true" heir—attempting to be a better father, a better mother, to be a family. He'd never quite had that, in all those years before. A part of him loathes that only now he's being given it.
The Sight of clairvoyance (aka: seeing the Bridge between realms) is strange sort of blessing, in this. They're all with him, always. Through life and death, through all of it. And perhaps that's what he'd always been meant to be—a homestead for those lost souls to gather; to live free again, if for a moment. He finds comfort in that, much as he can.
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Glad to see you’re back! I missed you! 🥺
May I please request headcanons for Erron, Cassie, Johnny, and Kitana reacting to their female S/O being shot by a sniper while they’re on a date?
thank you so much, sweetie! i missed you too, sorry this took so long!
MK Peeps' Fem!S/O Gets Sniped While On A Date
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Cassie Cage
Being in the Special Forces undoubtedly had some downsides for Cassie. Was every terrorist organisation gunning for her and her family? Yes. Did she give a shit? Of course not. Cassie can't imagine there would be anybody alive stupid enough to do something like shoot her girlfriend...
So when a sniper plants one on you, Cassie is beyond outraged. The fact that you got shot in front of her, clearly someone wanted Cassie's attention and they have it now. You'll be left in the capable hands of the Special Forces medics while Cassie goes on a violent hunt for the stupid mother fucker who thought they could shoot you and get away with it.
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Erron Black
Erron was a man who had trouble getting over his past, but some parts of being a gun-slinging vigilante had its benefits. For example, Erron can instantly recognise the distinct sound of cordite made by a firing gun. But it wasn't what he'd call polite conversation for the little roadside diner you'd both found yourselves in.
What he doesn't recognise is a sudden momentum knocking over his hat and the fabric and flesh tearing from your bicep in a clean line as you gasp in pain. Erron yanks you to the ground, beyond further harm, and shields your body with his own until you were certain the would-be sniper had left. Frankly, you had gotten off lucky with just a scrape, Erron has seen a properly handled sniper rifle take a man's head off from several miles away. He picks you up as he stands, and drops a few hundred dollars into the tip jar of the diner that was now missing a window. You smile apologetically at the bedraggled waitress as you make your way outside, secure in the knowledge that you and Erron have a new mission.
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Johnny Cage
All his life, Johnny had worried about big windows overlooking mountains. All his life, people called him paranoid. So naturally, when you book a date in a fancy restaurant in the Swiss Alps, Johnny will be on edge. No matter how many drinks he has, he can't seem to swallow that anxiety.
When a red dot starts to hover over your forehead, Johnny's sure he must be having some kind of stress-induced hallucination. But he's also had a lot of wine, so fuck it, Johnny launches himself over the table, pulling you to the floor with him alongside a clattering of cutlery and plates. Your unimpressed glare tells Johnny that he's about to get an earful until the tall window beside you both shatters into pieces. A stunned silence falls over you and the restaurant patrons as you realise what's happened. Meanwhile, Johnny is having the time of his life, for once his paranoia has paid off! He'll also continually bring this up for at least five years.
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It happened so quickly, she almost didn't notice it. All the warning she got was a distant bang and suddenly there was a deceptively small, round hole in your shoulder, the blood spewing out as you collapse onto the floor.
In a fit of panic, Kitana rushes for you, rolling you over to put pressure on the wound. Tears pour from her eyes as she searches for life in yours. By the time healers come, you'd managed to keep focused on Kitana's face above you. The princess was distraught, not just at your injury, but the fact that she never knew that Earthrealm weapons were capable of such attacks.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month
I just want to start this off by saying you are one of my favorite Steve writers of all time I can’t believe I just randomly found you one day. Every time I read something I think “oh this is her best” and then I go to something else and literally the same reaction so thank you of sharing this for free. The comfort reading your Steve stories give me is unexplainable.
LOL the funniest thing is I found your works on ao3 first and at first I didn’t click the tumblr there so when I found the CEO au here I was like “um excuse me who tf is plagiarizing — oh wait no same person. Thank god”
So I don’t know how you feel about writing about pregnancy and kids but Steve having to deal with that especially in the Sun Salt and Shield AU is so hilarious to me. Is there a hc you have about that? Or just in general about them getting more serious. I love that you didn’t take the easy way out and just “Splash”ify the mermaid reader.
Um🥹😚, all of this is great, and I'm not trying to just skip over all your lovely compliments (also, good looking out on the plagiarism because that issue's going around again 🥲). I just want to jump right into the headcanon of pregnancy and kids for Sun, Salt, and Shield.
This is mostly rambling. Sorry it's not well-formed, but there *might* be a chapter of fic percolating from this. No warnings. No detailed talk of pregnancy or birth, only vague reference.
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Just the other day I revisited an ask about MissG/Doll not having the more humanoid body of idk-what-to-call-them classical mermaids?? And I wondered if that (the classic look) could have been a blended species from way in the past between deep sea mermaids and humans--essentially, would Doll and Steve have children that looked more like what we typically see as mermaids?
It's an interesting train of thought, and, frankly, perfectly logical. If they had a kid or kids, that's likely how I'd do it.
However--and this is a big HOWEVER,--I am admittedly not a big fan of pregnancy, kidfics, and all that 'adorable' parenthood stuff. Sounds a little cruel that way, but there you have it. I'm me. I make things more complicated than they need to be.
I would make pregnancy a different experience from humans. Doll's kind would have a different mentality toward offspring than humans. Some hilarious and/or angsty misunderstandings could ensue.
For example--because I don't think too deeply into these matters, shhhh--based on the sheer size of her whole species, I don't think deep sea mermaids visibly look pregnant like humans. Their hips simply get wider and they sort of thicken all the way through their torsos to mid-tail. Honest to goodness, humans truly just think Miss G is getting fat, but just in a 'putting on weight' way, not a nasty judgy way. In this event, and since you/G do not have the vocabulary to explain, your pregnancy goes unnoticed until it is very advanced.
To you, this is a common inevitability in the sea between mates, but there isn't the type of hoopla--for lack of a better term--surrounding the process.
So you're pregnant? Big deal?
Ummmm, wow, the wheels are really starting to turn on this, but also your species doesn't have a calculated sense of time. You live in mostly darkness (and the ambient/changing light of other mermaids' tails), so you wouldn't have any real way of explaining how long gestation for a baby is. Likely, the kid would grow super fast, too. Means Tony still doesn't know the average lifespan of your species because there are no common/known markers to describe how long your 'elders' have been alive.
Stuff I haven't worked out yet: would the child of a deep sea mermaid and a human be able to live in either native environment? That's where I'm thinking the lower-depth, classic mermaid comes into play; still has fins, can breathe air for short periods (but longer than you), probably can't handle heavy pressure for very long though (since you spend far longer in a pool, not the pressure chamber asleep, than most deep sea-ers while pregnant), and is lighter colored in scales and features than you due to the shallower water (more affected by sunlight).
I do think it would be cute for the child to have Steve's blond hair and blue eyes simply because that is unheard of in your species (as are the paler scales and armoring. I should mention that since you have lavender eyes--i.e. very light sensitive--human blue eyes are comparatively dark.
You'll notice I'm not saying son or daughter. When newborn young...I don't think anyone can tell if the child is male or female. I don't thing G's species cares, and I think you'd be very confused by how intently Tony and Steve try to figure that out. Conceptually, it simply doesn't matter at all what sex the kid is until puberty, and even then...it still sort of doesn't??
Hmm. That's all I got on this for now, but I sense I could probably come up with some interesting angst with a happy ending from it.
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: Not that it matters, but I love 'Splash.' I've learned that it's fine to explore fantastical things to all sorts of degrees, and as almost all of fandom can tell you, fluff is great, fluff is necessary, and fluff keeps us afloat. Big HOWEVER, it is not okay to wash away anyone's race or heritage (in this case--obviously fake--a species' culture). Be respectful. It's that easy.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@fandom-has-taken-me-hostage @leah2901 @blogbog710
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alllgator-blood · 5 months
ohh my goodness can you pls pls pls do a brush tour?? i love ur art so so much its so cruncy >:]
Yes I can, I appreciate your interest!! I use paint tool sai 2 which is kind of archaic, but I've been drawing on a wacom pen and touch small + using paint tool sai since 2012 and I'm too stubborn to move onto something better. I actually only use three brushes so I've made a little drawing where I only use one brush per character to show the differences:
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Gonna put the screenshots of the brush settings below the cut cause it got longer than I expected:
I drew my three big faves cause frankly I am sick of looking at kallamar and narinder's smug faces lmaoooo ANYWAY. GOING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, WE HAVE THE CHUNKY BRUSH. I use that brush for messily coloring things in, doing big blocky background shapes, or just adding texture to a drawing. It's my favorite brush to paint with but I have not....finished a painting for this blog yet...
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Then for the crunchy brush, it's a tool I use half for lineart and half for coloring. I use it for stuff like changes in fur color/markings, drawing all the lines in the backgrounds I do, and finer details the chunky brush can't handle. It's also the lineart tool I use for my drawings where the lines are all on the inside of the chararacters but not the outside!
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As for the smooth brush, this one only ever gets used for lines but it was created when I was so bored of my lineart tool I stopped drawing for a while. I wanted a calligraphy pen and had to work around SAI's limitations, so while it doesn't have that thin-thick angular effect that calligraphy pens have....I manually apply the pressure and it looks passable enough. I hope.
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The brush settings are visible in the pics but uNFORTUNATELY I DO *NOT* remember where I got my stupid brush pack from. I literally downloaded the files before I was even a teenager but I *do* remember they're from deviantart. If anyone is for some reason kicking and screaming to acquire this ancient, crusty brush pack I'm sure I could throw it in a google drive
I have other useless information about my process if any of this is remotely helpful: for the anaglyph effect on my lines, I literally take a full 120 seconds to copy+paste two copies of my lineart, color it red and cyan, and then slightly move them up+down beneath the black lineart to get that 3dish effect. My flat backgrounds are just another sai preset texture, usually the checkerboard one cause it's swag. The rest of my brushes are just for utility or to fill in the gaps, that scroll bar leads to a bunch of empty space. They're not worth showing off just because they don't ever get used, or it's just like. The bucket tool. The select tool. A binary pen I never use. And lastly, for my usual lines, I actually go back and mess them up myself to get them to look more chaotic...my lines are usually smooth + even but it's so boring to look at and time consuming that I'm trying to unlearn that.
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here's a wip of what my lines USUALLY look like with the smooth brush. You can see for the background I mostly used the chunky brush for shapes and then the crunchy brush for the finer lines! But yeah it takes forever to do smooth lines because I have nerve damage in my arm (it's why my stabilizer is maxed out...) and I refuse to use the line tool. In a professional setting I definitely make sure my lines are polished but this is just my goofy fanart blog and I want everything to look like it's been laced with crack.
I HOPE ANY OF THIS HELPS?? OR JUST SATES YOUR CURIOSITY, I try to not gatekeep the way I do my art so I have literally no secrets tbh
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 months
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Hi? Gosh how do I even start with this :'D
I know it's been ages since I've last popped up on here. I've been debating when to post this for a while, but I kept adding to my draft more and more and now it's the end of JULY omgg I felt so guilty disappearing with zero updates but then thought my birthday would be the best day to finally address this considering it'll feel less random? idk but Ive always celebrated my bday with you guys and I'd feel so bad answering your kind asks without me at least explaining why I was gone for months.
Truth be told, I was dealing with a lot of stuff irl. health issues and sudden declining grades that left me stumped and drained for months now- along with technical issues like having to replace some parts of my computer that took a while for me to find to even draw digitally, which I didn't have the time for anyway with how tired and weary I felt every day.
I'm frankly shaken up by a lot of shit rn and I don't know how to be active online with this burden on my chest- Especially as it's been a while since I've even looked at utmv related content and my motivation dwindled. I swear I'd hype myself up to post or reblog something- but I'd see just how much I've missed or the overwhelming amount of posts I'd need to go through and I'd feel so swamped with exhaustion and most importantly guilt, for not clearing the air up sooner to reassure you guys that I'm, y'know, alive, and not dead in a ditch somewhere. And I'd procrastinate cause typing it all out is hard and I'd give up halfway every time and it's just not fair to you all!
I thought I was handling it well when I started going out and socializing more, instead of staying cooped up at home on my computer all day. and in the first draft of this post I made months ago I was gonna detail some of the fun plans I had, for my life and for this blog :D but relaxing my strict study schedule and letting go a bit of my tight routine, thinking it was better than wringing myself dry to keep it up, backfired horribly, to say the least.
I know right?? so silly to be hung up on stupid shit like studies of all things! but this is a very important thing for me considering my career plans and the competitivity encouraged by everyone I'm surrounded by, the pressure of keeping up adding to my already stressful days. I had to fix myself up first and I couldn't handle the strain nor interact with people and thinking of jobs and exams sapped my energy so much it's frankly embarrassing. writing this feels so cheesy too and it frustrates me to know I could've come back a month earlier if it weren't for that, but I also know putting all of this into words then would just sound like incoherent venting (not that this is very different tbf) and I wasn't in the right headspace to address my absence, or anything really- I didn't want everyone to see me return when I couldn't muster up a genuinely positive message, let alone talk to anyone with a shadow of my usual cheer
I feel like a complete mess and It drives me up the wall how depressed I've gotten. I debated deleting this blog so many times 'cause the fear of disappointing my audience and my friends, for lack of a more fitting sentiment, made me feel even shittier. I'm constantly thinking if this wall of text is worth posting, or if it's better not to burden you all with all my sappy troubles as if it's the end of the world. Trust me, I'll be fine. I'm not trying to dramatize this situation, but I don't think I'm up to pretending I'm all sunshine and enthusiasm you're all accustomed to.
So sorry for worrying you all! I'll try to catch up, deliver some missed birthday gifts, and answer some asks while I'm at it! Again, I can't state how much I appreciate your support throughout the years. It's frankly a miracle I kept any of you around with how much I keep popping and leaving at random with no warning. I definitely can't promise for my stay to be without a hitch, and if you don't mind an inconsistent schedule you're free to stay of course, but I'm afraid I can't sustain the pace I had when I first started this blog. I'll keep posting art, but lower my activity in the fandom sphere to reduce the strain on my mental health. so fewer rants and walls of text, more art, and less stress overall. Love you all and thanks for waiting for this long <3
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episims · 8 months
A Peek to My SFS Stats
I know some creators prefer not seeing their download numbers and that's fair! This kind of stuff can easily cause pressure and/or feelings of underachievement.
For me though, it's just statistics. And since it's pretty precisely 5 years from when I first uploaded anything to SFS, I've gathered some data to play with.
So, this very self-indulgent post is solely about my SFS stats. Just because I'm a total nerd I find it interesting, and I like being open about things. It's long and blabbery so the rest is safely under the cut.
For the background: I tend to create whatever I need for my own game. I share my weird stuff because I feel like it's a trade for everything I download from others.
Probably due to the lack of any consistency or branding at all, my CC has a wide range in download numbers. I have some popular pieces, sure, but also some niche mods like no snow accumulation that has only interested 126 persons in nearly two years.
Even though saying "only 126" is an illusion created by the internet. Imagine if those 126 individuals would come to you in person. That's more people than I've probably even had a real talk with during the last year!
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The raw data of my SFS main folder is (calculated with a sheets program): it has 227 files and the average download count for each file is 1557, but 74% of the files have been downloaded fewer times than the average.
So even though my CC isn't usually downloaded that much, I've shared a handful of things that have been downloaded so much more than everything else that they pull the average up.
What are those things? Time is an important factor here, as most CC tends to gather downloads over time (not a single post from 2023 on this list).
1) Subtle wrinkles (January 2022)
17313 downloads (674 hearts; ~3,9% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1112
That's several thousand more than the second most downloaded thing I have, and it's such a random thing.
I'm sure most people have downloaded them to get those 4t2(ish) forehead wrinkles. I have no other explanation as the rest of them are hand-drawn by a person who can't draw. Also the preview is frankly hideous, I used about one minute to take it... safe to say I didn't expect this post to gather any attention at all.
2) Cellphone default (January 2021)
13547 downloads (565 hearts; ~4,2% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1133
Noteworthy that it's been updated a couple of times which pushes people to redownload.
This was a quick passion project, since at that time I couldn't find a cellphone default I was completely happy with. If it hadn't been a quickie, I would've used more time to find a good base mesh oof. Many thanks to @pforestsims for later improving it.
3) Tombstone defaults (December 2019)
12477 downloads (582 hearts; ~4,7% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1064
I was so proud of these when I made them. Those were my first mesh defaults ever! Today, I'm proud of my past self for doing them. That's crazy many meshes and subsets to handle for a total noob.
I couldn't do anything with BHAVs back then, so those defaults would've never ever happened without @midgethetree. She endured a lot, working with a noob who went through several meltdowns because of subset issues that didn't make any sense.
4) Baby personality mod (February 2020)
9724 downloads (489 hearts; ~5% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1193
The first mod on the list! Absolutely essential one for myself and apparently for some others too.
Also the actual first mod of my own ever. I can't really recommend starting with something this complicated, I had zero ability to perceive the scope of the mod when I asked if @midgethetree was willing to help me through it. She deserves all the praise for doing it, I've realized later that I couldn't ever teach anyone the way she taught me. So, if you read this: thank you, Midge.
5) Rabbit pen default (August 2022)
9628 downloads (442 hearts; ~4,6% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1305
This was completely @deedee-sims' idea and project! I just hopped in (hah) to help. I'm only hosting it for practicality, as the BHAVs most often need updating, and those are by me.
6) Turn On/Off replacements (July 2021)
8644 downloads (388 hearts; ~4,5% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1470
This post has more notes than any other post of mine, yet it's not even nearly the most downloaded thing I've done. The two don't always go hand in hand.
I've also shared an updated version of these lately in a new post. It's unlikely they'll get the same amount of attention, which on paper doesn't make much sense since it's practically the same thing but done better. But I'm sure everyone knows that the hype and the quality don't always match.
7) Pixelry’s KKB fridge recolors (February 2022)
8147 downloads (329 hearts; ~4% of all downloaders) Post notes: 662
This is such an oddity on this list since it's the only recolor set and the post has fewer notes than the other ones, too. People just (secretly) really like cute fridges, apparently.
8) Crib teeth anim fix (August 2022)
6157 downloads (431 hearts; ~7% of all downloaders) Post notes: 1408
This list is already long enough, but I wanted to show how fast the number starts dropping at this point.
This got posted a day before the bunnies, and I find it funny to think that for about 3000 people it's more pressing to have bunnies in their game than fixing their toddlers dropping teeth while crying lol.
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No point in continuing the list forever, but among my most note-gaining Tumblr posts are also:
Puppy/kitten want replacements (October 2022, 1114 notes, 3849 downloads)
Improved biotech station (July 2022, 1110 notes, 3893 downloads)
Camera overhaul mod (January 2024, 1059 notes, 1752 downloads)
Newspaper default (March 2022, 970 notes, 5052 downloads)
While I don't have a real conclusion to offer, it's clear that notes don't always get realized to downloads, and likewise many people download without interacting with posts.
One more thing I'd like to point out is that the percentage of people who hit that SFS heart button seems pretty constant. I feel like it shows that some people just have that habit and some don't, and it's not likely directly related to how much they like the thing.
The amount of SFS hearts that crib teeth anim fix has gotten doesn't follow this pattern lol. It's really not common to see the percentage change even that much.
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yourlilkaiju · 2 months
"Don't let the redemptioners see this." 🥺.....🙄 Please...
I could care less.
I could care less about whether or not someone hates Sephiroth or feels that he is better off being a compelling villain. I don't think that he should stay a villain. I think the villain should be Jenova. Should Sephiroth be considered for a normal life if not maybe somewhere along the lines of maybe an anti-hero? Perhaps. Maybe going up against injustices that affect people, which will eventually affect him. (A war veteran knows this shit.) And this will thus impact the normal life he'd so been hoping for. I honestly feel that there should somehow be a development in treatments as to how to separate Jenova cells from the body safely and effectively, which would thus lead to a gradual change in Sephiroth's appearance.
The key term here is gradual. As in expect at least a couple of decades before he is completely human again, if someone decides to break him out of the Mako crystal.
There are many things I feel on this topic. And frankly I could go on about it. But the issue remains that if I do, I would get nowhere in regards to the original intention of this post.
The fact that Sephiroth fans who believe in his redemption, are called redemptioners is kind of a step. Namely because this comes from a place of ignorance. For one, Sephiroth was a victim of circumstance. Two, the files in the underground library were not only kept in the Shinra mansion. But they were in Nibelheim, not too far off from a reactor that contained human experiments that disobeyed the laws of ethics and Jenova. All of this was run by Research and Development. Which was run by Hojo himself. The department that assigned the mission for Nibelheim was research and development. It was only to observe and report. Read that again.
So to be clear, the mission set for Nibelheim which was not intended for the neutralization and erasure of a town, but the observation and report of a Shinra reactor should have been completely harmless. And this observe and report mission, was coming from Hojo himself. Hojo knew that Jenova was in the reactor. The unlocked doors were too convenient. The access to the library and the classified files were too well placed. And what's more is that only one first class soldier was sent along with him. There weren't any others to train or attempt to bring into the fray. Sephiroth was intended to be the perfect soldier. He was frequently experimented on trained without kindness or reprieve. The only kindness he observed as far as we know was when he was fourteen, when he entered SOLDIER. Beyond that, everything he grew into could not be helped. He tried to be human. He tried to make the best of himself. In the end, the pressure became too much and the Jenova cells took to his brain like a parasite and soon, Jenova was in his head. Thinking for him, breathing for him- controlling his every waking thought and telling him that she's his mother. Even though his mother died shortly after he was born.
Many people are fans of Sephiroth because he is easy to relate to. Many want to see him live a normal life after so many years of adversity and sadness. Because he deserves to walk away from the misery. And usually, folks who don't like Sephiroth fans just like to grind their teeth at anything that doesn't worship the good guys that commit the same genocide that the good guys do for the sake of bringing down Shinra. (If they're reading this, sorry. You brought this truth upon yourselves. Now wallow in it.)
I understand that we all may have our stances and opinions about the one winged baddie. I get that he is one wicked babe. He's not for everyone and sometimes, for a lot of people, they just can't handle that much leather and sass. I get it. Not everyone is kinky or genuinely flirty with the black wingy feather boi. (Yes, I know there are some versions of him that are aro/ace. You can still be flirty with aro/ace so long as it isn't physical and doesn't actually go anywhere....also it must be enthusiastically reciprocated and CONSENSUAL. SSC, darlings.)
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But I digress.
As a dominatrix towards people I don't know who ask for my...impactful consultations and integrative queries, Sephiroth is by far an inspirational being who very much represents abuse victims everywhere. And I don't think anti-Sephies understand that. Rather I don't know if they have the emotional maturity that's necessary to do so. Sephiroth has had his boundaries breached on numerous occasions and had been put into a situation where entropy was his life's motto. And when he was finally ready to leave Shinra, he did so. Just....not in the way he hoped.
Overall, it's okay for one to dislike a character. But don't make fun of others for wanting the devs to create a redemption arc for said character. With numerous pathways, please? We don't make fun of you for liking genocidal eco terrorists. No matter how you look at it, that's exactly what they did.
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capybaraonabicycle · 7 months
The Doctor's Ship (Tenteen x Mels)
Please, @whenyourunwiththedoctor put them into my head this morning with her beautiful collage of pictures and quotes and now I need them to be a thing! So I wrote a tiny bit of a scene for them - don't ask me how this fits into canon; do ask me about the circumstances though, I would love to work on yet another Mels AU tbh
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[ID: two images, the first one is of the Tenteen (14th) Doctor looking out the TARDIS door, smiling cheekily, the other one of Mels Zucker, looking upwards with a determined expression and the hint of a smile. end ID]
Mels has seen the police box stand in their garden with doors closed for so long, she has almost forgotten it is supposed to open. There is a flutter in her stomach when John turns the key and he looks over his shoulder, winking at her, like he knows exactly what is going on inside her mind. He probably does. John always seems to know.
He doesn't open the door though, stepping to the side and leaning against the TARDIS's corner – because this is the TARDIS, right? Mels is honest-to-God about to enter the TARDIS, the Doctor's spaceship, step into his realm, experience the wonder of timetravel for herself.
“Would you do the honors?” John asks, tapping the handle invitingly, before pulling back to continue staring at her.
He does that as lot, stare at her. Always has, even before they started seeing each other. Sometimes it feels like he knows her in a thousand different lives and realities, like he looks at her but he's seeing someone else who is also her, who she will grow into, perhaps. He is a timetraveller after all. Or is he?
There is a soft smile playing at his lips, the kind he reserves for her and Donna and Rose and Mel.
“Don't mind if I do, honey.”
She tries to put on a brave face – she is just opening a door after all, nevermind what that might change between John and her – but she can't quite hold back the jitters in her voice. John seems to notice, because right away he is streching out his hand towards her, fingers wiggling back and forth, eyebrows raised in question. She accepts the hand gladly, palm sliding against his calloused skin – he spends way too much time in his tinkering shed, cooking up a present or other for her (or Rose). Still, the pressure is reassuring and now she is pushing open the door, slowly.
She knows immediately. It's hard to miss a 'bigger on the inside' spaceship, but she knows at first glance on the white floor and walls that this is her. Awestruck, she steps inside, John following behind her. It's like the air is buzzing with time, but maybe those are just her nerves, flaring up at the realisation that she has actually found him. The Doctor. She had known, of course, but having the confirmation, finally – frankly, it is dizzying.
“Hello” Mels breathes and the TARDIS hums in response, a sound that goes through her body and into her mind. It feels like coming home.
John is pressing her hand again. “Are you okay?”
He's standing very close, she can feel his breath on her skin. So close. So vulnerable.
It's John, she tells herself. That's all that matters, that's all she has to know. Just John, her friend, her love, who is stupid enough to try and keep the Doctor safe from her and yet is trusting her with this knowledge now. Well, he doesn't know that she's out to get the Doctor, does he? Because he isn't him.
She turns around to him and again he is watching her, all caring eyes and adoring smile. No trace of fear. And why would there be?
“Perfectly” she lies, smiling back, and his own grin grows, showing his teeth.
“Come on!” he beams. “You've got to check out the coffee machine!”
“Your - This ship has a coffee machine?” she laughs, letting him pull her over to the console.
“The best coffee machine in the universe” he boasts, startling when he already finds a cup waiting. He picks it up, sniffing carefully, before plunging his tongue into the scalding hot contents. He winces, pulls a face and hands the cup to Mels, shaking his head, huffing and puffing.
“It's for you” he says and the words sound airy as he's trying to cool his burnt tongue. Mels bites back a grin, taking the cup. He shakes himself violently.
“Triple macchiato with a pinch of cinnamon” he coughs. “I don't understand how you gulp that stuff down.”
“You mean without a bucket of sugar to go with it?” she teases and he glares.
“Careful, love” he then warns, belatedly. “It's hot.”
“Yeah, dear” she deadpans. “I noticed.”
She blows onto the cup, looking around the console in wonder. He passes behind her, lightly touching between her shoulder blades.
“Be careful not to spill onto the console either” he mutters. “Or we could end up Rassilon-knows-where.”
She raises an eyebrow at the haunted look in his eyes. “That sounds like you've got experience.”
He huffs. “Don't remind me.”
She chuckles, taking a small gulp of the coffee. It tastes heavenly. She can definitely see John's clumsy self spilling coffee onto the console and jettisonning the Doctor far out into space. The Doctor was probably livid with him. Mels wish she could have been there to laugh at John and then hurt the Doctor for shouting at him. No one but Mels (or Donna) gets to be cross with John on her watch. Sylvia is on thin ice and only because she annoyingly tends to be right.
“So” John call out at her, putting a hand onto the engine lever. Mels doesn't know how she knows it is the engine lever but she is dead certain and it sends her stomach down to her knees to see John in a position ready to start the ship. Can he fly the TARDIS? “Where are we going?”
“The Doctor lets you fly the TARDIS?” she blurts out and he grins.
“Sometimes” he confirms. “If I'm good.”
Mels blinks. This is getting into dangerous territory. The Doctor is the only one who knows how to fly the TARDIS, isn't he? That's what they all say? So how does John-? No, she is not thinking about that.
Oblivious to her inner turmoil, John winks at her again. “Want me to show you how?”
She forces a smile, putting down the coffee cup and meeting her – very human, very much not the Doctor – friend. “I'd love that.”
“Come on then!” he gently guides her towards the lever, steady arms wrapping around her to help her along.
“John” she says softly, fingers grabbing tightly around the cold metal on the lever, not daring to start the engine yet.
“Yes, Mels?”
He is right behind her and she leans back, craving his embrace more than ever.
“You know I will have to kill you some day?” she asks and he goes still.
Then he hums in confirmation, low and contemplative, before tenderly pulling her against him with one arm, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Anything you want, sweetie” he promises like she had asked him whether they could adopt a pet and not told him of her plans to murder him. “But not before we've seen the stars!”
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pbeltarts · 2 years
I can’t remember where i saw this mentioned but someone pointed out how danny NEVER cries in the show. Like plenty of characters cry, just never danny, and mind you crying is necessary for emotional regulation. The phandom can use this as angst potential. Imagine characters seeing him cry and just going: “oh shit this is serious.” or theres some kind of last straw and Dan just kinda lets it all out at once and starts bawling. Im actually kinda begging u to make a comic based on this lil detail.
Bro in a remake I would love to explore Danny's relationship with his emotions in response to how he's handling his trauma. Because it wasn't done in the original and I think its such a let down!! The only major emotion I remember Danny expressing regularly, that got a slight spotlight, was anger. And that was interesting!
But imagine Danny starting out as an anxious teen, just starting his highschool career. He wants confidence, he wants to be brave, but its not that easy- and then the transition happens. Now, on top of a confusing puberty he doesn't want (because he's trans), he's struggling with this whole other biological change that no one can help him with. He doesn't feel like he can tell his parents for fear of what they'll do, he doesn't tell his sister yet because what if she tells their parents... the only people who know is his two best friends.
And so the anxiety is still rly bad, but he's learning to just brunt force through it because now? He's the only one who can protect people from the mistake he made. He feels responsible and despite the fear he feels, he has to move foward.
(Frankly, this whole 'get through the fear' thing I think would be mounted early on, as a "starting point" where we see Danny struggling p soon after getting his powers, eventually choosing "I can't do this" and wanting to just put it away and not think about it but something happens that sort of forces his hand and he has to do something and use these powers and the success of this proves to him that he CAN do this.)
From there we see Danny go from anxious and scared, to more confident and mischievous as he gains better control of his abilities. Its still awkward at times, its still bumpy but you can see the small change over time- and then he runs into his first biggest problem, Vlad.
Someone he should be able to relate to, someone he should see as a confidant, but instead Vlad treats him like Dash does. Like a freak, a burden, a loser. And it hurts so much more because Vlad is better at everything Danny is just brushing the surface of. And when he loses to Vlad? That puts this nail in the coffin of "I have to get better faster"
So Danny hardens. Subtly at first, spending more and more time as Phantom and practicing and training and at first his friends just think its a phase he's getting through- but he doesn't get through it. He just hardens more. No more goofy Danny, or anxious Danny. Just Danny Phantom, hero of Amityville, the person who faces any monster without fear. He starts not talking to his friends, to his family. He can't open up because they don't get it.
And then he's jailed in the ghost prison. Another trauma, another nightmare, but one he can't easily deal with and escape. It puts a lot of new pressure on him, being there and being surrounded by danger, and having to operate in this way that keeps him alive- to the best of his ability. He makes it out, luckily and barely, and there begins the start of the cracking. Because it was so fucking scary.
More and more I think we should see these moments in Danny's life that warp how he copes with them and see how he changes in response to them, and how the PEOPLE he relents this to help or hinder him.
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bootyyysh4ker9000 · 2 years
Careful. (rottmnt mikey x reader)
genre- semi- angst to fluff
CW/tws- mentions of blood, violence, slightly OOC Mikey
REQUESTS OPEN!!!! PLEASE REQUEST THINGS 🙏. O need more inspo please give me ideas
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Mikey's been going on one too many solo missions lately.
every day he comes back home with a new bruise, or an extra colorful bandage on his arm. frankly, you were concerned. it had never been too bad, really, until one night when he came home with an especially bad injury
tap tap tap
the telltale sound of a familiar turtle at your window had you up on your feet before you could even register what you were doing
"oh! Mikey I was wondering where you- OH MY GOD"
there he was, blood on his hands and a massive cut across his side, and a chip on the edge of his shell. what the hell happened?
"..hey y/n"
"are you ok?? oh holy shit uh- sit on my bed I've got a first aid kit in my bathroom"
quickly leading him inside, you guided him to your bed and handing him a glass of water before frantically running to your bathroom. ok- what happened? what did he get into that ended this badly? do his brothers know? maybe you should call them..
"hey y/n..?" mikey called out softly
“Yeah hun?”
"do you have a towel..? i don't wanna ruin your bedsheets.." you grabbed the first aid kit and anything else that could help him before running back into your room
'even in times like this he's so sweet..'
"don't worry about it mikey, I just wanna help you right now" you glanced down at him and gave him a small peck on the forehead while setting the first aid kit on the ground in front of the bed. kneeling down, you grabbed a damp, warm, towel from the bowl you had brought out. After wringing it out, you glanced up at your loving boyfriend and studied the stars in his eyes- a lovestruck smile on his and your features
he gazed down at you with a small smile before wincing and reminding you of the issue at hand
"Sorry Mikey.. this might hurt." you gave him an apologetic look before putting the towel directly on the cut, and putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding.
"oh f-" He whimpered out- biting on his finger to stop from making too much noise (also because he didn't want to swear in front of his girlfriend) Mikey stared down at you, tears in his eyes and a look of worry plastered on his face
"Gosh, mikey- I'm sorry, I have to stop the bleeding-" you felt so bad. you know he doesn't have the greatest pain tolerance, this must be hell. "I'm almost done with this part just hold on honey" you looked away from his face to the cut on his side, seeing that it's slowly starting to stop bleeding.
taking the towel from his side, Mikey let out a breath of relief, and grabbed your free hand
"y'know, y/n you... you don't have to do this- I can just call donnie and he can help me out-"
"no." you cut him off "I'm not letting my boyfriend just show up at my door- uh- window all bloody and bruised and not do anything about it. what kind of partner would I be?" you gently grabbed his cheek, rubbing the skin under his mask. "besides, I can't handle seeing you hurt.. I wanna be able to help you. what if- what if one day I'm not able to fix you up? I know donnie could help- it's just that sometimes I like being able to help my beautiful boyfriend" you gazed into his eyes, as he explored the depths of color in your own.
"you think I'm beautiful?" He smiled, grabbing the hand that was holding his face and giving it a kiss before looking back at you.
"THAT was what you took from my whole speech?" he smirked and gave you a peck on the nose, inches from your face as you started wrapping bandages around his waist, awkwardly leaning over him to get around his shell.
"maybe so sunshine, but I love getting pampered by a pretty girl like you." Mikey let go of your hand and did a fake hair flip, watching as you tied the bandage in disbelief.
"y'know what? I think I will call donnie. let's see what he has to say about you SNEAKING OUT again."
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shihalyfie · 1 year
This is potentially a very loaded question so feel free to not answer if you don't feel like it, but how do you as a woman feel about the handling of female characters in Digimon (anime of course, but also games, manga and even the Digimon themselves)? I've seen takes of all kinds from women over the years so I'm curious how you feel. But again, no pressure to answer if you feel uncomfortable with the subject or too daunted by all the material on the table.
Oh man, I don't mind talking about the subject in itself, but what makes it hard for me is just that the Digimon franchise just has so many things at once with so many different writers and different writing philosophies that I can't really treat the entire thing like a monolith. Especially when you have things running the spectrum from Cyber Sleuth (where female characters arguably drive the narrative far more than the male characters) to Next (which has gotten me angrily ranting about the absolutely awful way it treats its girls, a rant which I would prefer to not subject my followers to).
So before I go ahead, I do want to make sure anyone reading this understands that I'm just talking about my own personal experience and feelings regarding the situation, and I'm very sure that other people will feel differently. I definitely don't feel qualified to comment on what's the ideal way to write female charaters in media or whatever (as if there's even one right answer to that!); I can only truly comment on myself and my own stances on it. (And of course, the OP graciously asked specifically about that, but I just want to make sure nobody reading this post misunderstands!)
Well, I will say that if there's one thing that does seem to be consistent (and I say consistent, because Next absolutely violates this one and Frontier does kind of dangerously toe the line), it's that I haven't really seen Digimon fall victim to the problem of what I call making its female characters the Designated Girl Characters™. Explaining what that is is kind of tricky, but a lot of shounen series will have this very strong "consciousness" of its female characters like they're there to fill a quota, and thus treat them in a way that's kind of alienating. Or in other words, "they section off this character very weirdly in a way they would never do for the male characters." (Note that while Ruki's character arc is made with strong consciousness of her being a girl, the whole point is about condemning the idea she should be treated like some novelty just because she's a girl, so I don't count it as this.)
It was really refreshing to see a 1999 anime portray the girls as mingling with the boys like it was no big deal, and I do wonder if Adventure setting this precedent is a big reason later series have followed in this regard. Adventure through Frontier were made with heavy female creator influence, something that the fandom really tends to downplay (especially because a lot of people suspiciously avoid acknowledging their importance, like how everyone will talk about Hosoda but nobody will talk about the fact Yoshida Reiko wrote the scripts for everything he did, or how people virtually ignored Seki's existence compared to Kakudou until very recently). I think a lot of that shows in its writing; of course, that's not to say there aren't things that really could have used improvement (I think Izumi's treatment in Frontier is the one pretty much everyone universally agrees really left much to be desired, and Tomita even outright admitted he's not very good at writing girls, although that frankly kind of surprises me given how much of his other work has involved writing girls really well), but at the very least it does show a bit more conscientiousness about its female characters than you would see in other shows where female creators were either nonexistent or clearly had no influence in the staff room.
On the flip side, there's also things that were more tasteful in execution than may have even been intended; Sora's character arc isn't that much about her femininity in practice, and Juri does come off as better than your average damsel in distress character, but that doesn't change the fact that the nuance is still there (and that in the latter case a certain writer has outright indulged in that), so all I can do is just be grateful that it didn't get worse.
I guess in the end, my stance is "give or take". I like a lot of other kids' shows (including shounen) that have been better or worse than Digimon's average level, and Digimon itself is so varied that I think it just kind of mingles in there. There are things I like, things I don't like, but at the very least there haven't been too many things that crossed my personal boundary of "absolutely not" (there are, there just aren't many). I think Adventure and 02 in particular are often accused of being more malicious towards its female characters and "screwing them over" than they were intended to be, since a lot of it seems to be a combination of wanting to portray its characters a little too realistically and simply just accidental bad circumstances of how it presented (the fact Hikari's two most famous episodes are by two non-regulars on the series who seemed to be huge fans of portraying her with a brother complex really did not help here), and things like "the same things that feel personally relatable to me are also things that read badly to others, so I understand why people don't like it but I also feel kind of weird when they imply that this kind of concept is inherently Bad" (a lot of things related to Sora and Miyako fall into this category for me). And I mean, part of the reason Miyako became my central character back when I wrote fanfic more often was that I just found her to be an incredibly complex character for the kind you'd usually see in shounen works; I honestly don't know of many other things that would portray someone like her sympathetically instead of cramming her into a "hysterical woman" trope box.
There's also the fact that there's a lot more adult-oriented Digimon media coming up nowadays, so there's that awkward situation where "female character representation" starts having a blurred boundary with "waifu character". Which is not to say that I mind the idea of male fans also liking the female characters I like, but more so that when you get into this territory, I start getting conscious about whether the female characters are more obviously being written in a way to "please the male fans and make them into fanservice material" than it respects them as characters. And I mean, I say it's a blurred boundary for good reason; the aforementioned Cyber Sleuth characters do kind of have that (especially in their character designs), but they are actually written as good characters with agency, whereas you have things like the Adventure girls in tri. who are ostensibly written to follow up on their Adventure character arcs but came off to me as being uncomfortably shoved into the Waifu Character Fanservice troping boxes, especially Mimi and Hikari. (Hooters outfit Mimi and brother complex Hikari are among the few things that I would say have crossed a serious line with me.) So again...give or take.
I will say that the American English dub had a somewhat more misogynistic nuance in the way it treated Mimi, Miyako, and Hikari (it had a lot more condescending tone in the way it portrayed Mimi's airheadedness/materialism and Yolei's penchant for fangirling while also expecting Kari to just put up with Davis harassing her, and it exacerbated the already-kind-of-uncomfortable feelings I had about the unsympathetic way Sora is portrayed in Our War Game!), but it's not to the extent I felt it derailed the entire narrative.
As for the Digimon themselves, the feminine Digimon design sexualization didn't bother me much when I was younger (I remember I really wasn't bothered by Angewomon's design at all), but it does bother me a little more now, especially since you have more designs like Venusmon these days (really? really?). But then there are also really good designs like LovelyAngemon and Mastemon that are just plain cool! And then even designs aside, there's a difference in the way each work portrays them; for instance, you can tell certain anime had more fun with the chest jiggles on the same Digimon that other series were not weird about at all. Maybe the fact Adventure and 02 weren't really weird about Angewomon's design was exactly why I didn't notice it very much back then?
Well, that got long and very rambling, but I hope that answered your question to some extent!
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mymistakewriting · 7 months
Howard 'Chimney' Han headcanons & thoughts
Let me start this post out with a heads up because I'm sure something I say here is going to upset someone. I've seen how divided some of this fandom is on Chimney. NOTHING I SAY HERE SHOULD BE TAKEN AS ME BASHING A CHARACTER. I have several opinions on Chimney. My opinions and feelings on Chimney are VERY complicated and I'll do my best to explain them all.
And now, let me begin with the question posed to me by @happilylovingchaos
Heritage: Because he lost his mother so young and he stayed in the United States instead of returning with his father back to South Korea after her passing, his exposure to his heritage was limited (and rather tainted) despite another family taking him in. Because of this, I'm very sure his feelings towards his heritage is complicated - he's proud of where he comes from, he'll happily answer questions or discuss it if people want to hear it.
I do fully believe he intends to make sure Jee-Yun is aware of and connected with that portion of her heritage, he does still hold it close even if he doesn't feel as connected with it himself. Additionally, I think he uses the language pretty fluidly, kind of like how Eddie occasionally slips in a Spanish word, Chimney slips in a Korean word or phrase when he thinks it matches what he wants to say more. That said, I don't think it's something he uses often.
Other: For all that the show frames Chimney as the funny guy who takes nothing seriously, ESPECIALLY when paired against Hen, I don't think he is. He's not the comic relief, he's not the guy that's always joking around. And I see that misconception a lot in the fandom as well. He definitely uses humor as a coping mechanism, don't get me wrong, but he's usually the one balancing Hen's more wild ideas. He acts as her balance - her savior complex versus his need to stay well within the bounds he's been given because he knows and has seen what can happen if he oversteps those bounds for even a moment. Better read as her savior complex versus his survivor's guilt.
He's not fit to be a full time captain. He did passably well as interim captain in the show, however he has the tendency to focus on the wrong things and he tends to freeze when he's under pressure and asked to make the calls. If he worked on that, he'd make an amazing captain. Personally, I think he should be paramedic in charge for a-shift at some point. He'd thrive in that position. However, to do so would mean he would have to take a step back from the rescue (firefighter) portion of his job to focus more on the medical side and I just can't see him doing that.
He does owe Buck an apology for punching him during the situation with Maddie. But not because it was uncalled for. Yes, he shouldn't have hit Buck because frankly, I'm half sure at the time Buck didn't know where the hell Maddie was, it was just another time that she'd up and ran away like she always did when he was little. However, in the situation? I understand why he did. He shouldn't apologize because oh he hurt Buck and Buck's everyone's favorite - he should apologize because it was a moment of high emotion and they both should have communicated better. He isn't a terrible person for reacting as a worried partner who wasn't being told the truth. It was just a shitty situation. For everyone.
This one is just fun. He's the reason Buck trained Ravi the way he did. Chimney certainly didn't give Buck an easy time during his probationary year, and Buck took that to heart. He's tough enough to handle the job because of how Chimney helped train him in his mind, so of course he paid it forward. I'm pretty sure Chimney got a laugh out of the stories when Hen told him.
Chimney handles being the partner of a domestic abuse victim beautifully. He knows that sometimes, things are going to happen that trigger a memory or reaction that don't make a whole lot of sense. The fact that he's been shown to roll with the punches and let Maddie make the calls on how fast they do something? Beautiful. I adore their relationship SOLELY for Chimney's side of it and how considerate he is of the fact that he hasn't been there, he doesn't understand everything she's been through. But he still tries to make sure she knows she's safe and loved and valued. He is exactly the kind of partner she needed after what she lived through with Doug.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Request: I may be just too late, so if so that's okie just ignore this! But can I request headcanon's for yan Habana and Maki (separate) from Fire Force?
Keep up the good work!
I'm pretty sure you meant Hibana, right?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, manipulation, controlling behavior, blackmail, bribery, abduction
Yandere Fire Force Hc's
Maki Oze
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🪄Despite having earned herself the nickname "Witch Queen" and her muscular physique, Maki is quite romantic at heart. She's very sweet towards her darling and dedicates a lot of time to them when she isn't working. She appears to be quite happy and she most certainly is, the problem is that as soon as she's left alone the guilt ambushes her. For you see, Maki knows that at least some of her thoughts regarding you are morally not correct and it makes her self-conscious at times. It's easy to forget such gnawing thoughts when she's constantly on cloud nine when around you but after that happiness fades away and she's left alone with her thoughts, she can't help but feel bad. The girl certainly isn't someone to act on impulses and darker instincts and she knows that much about herself too. Those new sides of her don't fail to frighten her at least a bit though.
🪄Considering the world this is playing in, Maki is also definitely on a more protective side. Infernals might appear randomly everywhere without any warning. When she thinks about you getting caught up in such an accident, she can't help but feel her heart drop a bit. Working as a Fire Soldier also means that she has seen a lot of things which would easily disturb the unknown person deeply. Maki can definitely also be more clingy when she has the time and the luxury to do so. She works obviously still as hard and dedicated as before since she knows that the wellbeing of people is part of her responsibility. You can bet that as soon as she has the chance though, she will go to you and stay with you. Going back to the whole romantic aspect of her, it definitely shows when you two spend time together and she shows her more feminine side.
🪄She's showing a very courteous side whenever you introduce her to someone close to you since she wants to make a good impression on them. Most people who she meets for the first time are in general treated with her courtesy but Maki can also get quite angry when someone triggers her. That's not to say that she can't handle a bit of jealousy but one shouldn't push her limit either. I do feel like she's considerate and not someone who is madly jealous and lets that feeling control her action. She's in most cases just a bit mor firm to remind someone what the relationship between you two is. If someone acts mature and respects that, she is very much willing to forget about it. What really raises her blood pressure though are the arrogant people who think they can flirt with anyone no matter if they're taken or not. When she's angered, most would be scared.
🪄She's a skilled fighter and has very good control over her ability which would potentially make her quite fearsome but she has a kind heart. Her sometimes more protective tendencies usually lead her to make sure that you won't get too much involved in her job since it includes dangerous missions and people. If she is pushed, she will fight though and that with more fierceness than what others are used to from her. Her protective side will lead her in certain scenarios to be more violent and if she gets really angry, she lets go of her consideration for a while and will be rather violent to fight against anything and anyone who poses a threat to you.
🪄Frankly spoken, Maki doesn't strike me as someone who would abduct her own darling. Her morals are playing a huge part in it too and it's not like her comrades wouldn't find out either if she would ever do such a thing. Thinking about saddening you and causing you to hate her and disappointing her own teammates and family truly isn't something Maki thinks she would be able to handle. I have a distinct feeling that in times of danger she might call her family and ask them if her darling can stay with them until the risk is over. She wouldn't even resort to an abduction if her darling would leave her. What Maki will do in such a case is stalk her darling and continue to protect them. It's not like she has given up hope completely either.
🪄She's a bit nervous when she introduces her darling to her family since she's worried that they might give you the impression that they're judging you. Her parents and her brother certainly are a bit sceptic since Maki is loved within the family but when they notice how happy she is and that you care for her too, they accept you. Others shouldn't let themselves fooled by her sweet exterior she shows you though because the woman can turn extremely scary if someone insults her darling since she sees red. If you shouldn't be a Fire Soldier and for that not possess any fire abilitites, she'll gladly entertain you with her own skills by creating fire creatures although she will still be careful so that you won't burn yourself accidentally.
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💐Hibana has pretty much a princess-complex of sorts and sees herself due to her position as captain above others, especially those working in her own squad. So I wish you good luck with this woman because she's as entitled as she is delusional when it comes to you. She's highly arrogant and overly confident in her looks so she believes that you will succumb to her charm too, will love her too. She's pretty much already acting all the time like you have a massive crush on her and are just too shy and insecure to show it. The level of delusion is dangerous because that only means that you won't get through her, no matter what you say or do. She always twists it inside her head to her own liking. Rejecting and avoiding her for too long isn't advisable since the woman goes after you with an infatuated zeal.
💐She won't shy away to use her position to manipulate you either if you try to separate yourself from the insane woman. She'll also use everything she has to find out as much as she can about you, indifferent to the fact that some things aren't for her to know. She's seeking out knowledge about Infernals and now also about you. Denying her something never ends will since she ends up forcing everything out if she has to. Her obsession is fearsome due to the sheer extent of it as she wants to know absolutely everything about you and will use what she has gathered to "court" you even more, or in others words put, to just leave you with no choice but to stay with her. She's going to be the one to take the wheel in this relationship too as she thinks that it's natural, especially if you're only a citizen and for that wouldn't know possibly as much as she does.
💐She shouldn't have any reason to be jealous and in most cases it's probably more the case that people are jealous of you when they see you with Hibana. She's undeniably a beauty and knows this too, she flaunts it in front of you all the time after all. That's specifically why she's going to deny all claims that she's one to be easily jealous because she feels like she has no reason to be. You know better though about her flaring streak of jealousy. The woman wants your attention pretty much all the time and it will be very hard for her to understand why you would want to spend time with someone else rather than him. She judges the people around you rather harshly because none of them are someone she would deem as special, it's not like she would ever see someone as good enough. She's acting like the proudest peacock in history too, a somewhat bratty and entitled one though.
💐She's manipulated her way through life quite often, she even exchanged information on her research to get her the position she's in today. Despite her princess-complex, Hibana is still a scientist and has shown herself to be a very intelligent tactician too. There are not many qualms she seems to have to use all of her influence to rid herself of someone that stands in the way of her and her darling. She's resolved to become a demon herself after all in order to get revenge on what was done to the sister in the Holy Sol Temple, believes that she has to fight evil with evil. That and her very apparent sadistic streak make her anything but pleasant if someone has officially irked her. She won't go as far as killing though as she doesn't see herself as a barbarian.
💐She keeps you by her side all the time, we've already talked about how she is the one with dominance and control in the relationship after all. The men working under her worship her so even if they're envy of your position as Hibana's lover, they know exactly what Hibana would do to them if she were to ever find out that they talk bad about you behind her back. When she's busy, a few of them always keep an eye on you. Whenever she isn't busy though, she has you tagging along wherever she goes. She's very clingy in that aspect as she won't let you out of her sight at all. Since she is so smothering, her darling barely gets any time alone at all but telling her that will only further motivate her. It's not like you don't want her attention and affection after all, you're just shy~
💐Trying wo wiggle somehow free from her very tight grip on you won't work as she's too obsessed and infatuated to let that happen. You shouldn't underestimate her connection and resources either since she has a considerable lot of influence. Her ire is most of the time not directed to you since her delusions keep her most of the time from seeing you as the true culprit. That said though, when she lashes out on you it will be anything but pleasant for you since she won't hold back with her words at all and target your insecurities specifically. The majority of her time, she rather spends gushing over you and doting on you although she expects to be worshipped for the way she treats you so well. She loves to be praised and worshipped, do that, set her in a good mood and she's ready to fulfill you a favor or two.
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
For the new year, I wish I'll get to hang out with people again.
This past year has been, frankly, pretty miserable, specially since early summer-ish when my DnD group went on a months long break. Wasn't the first one, nor the last one, but definetely the worst one. Don't really have other friends locally, aside from one old school mate.
Honestly it's been pretty bad ever since the start of the pandemic when we stopped hanging out outside of DnD sessions and my fave coffee places closed down along with couple of my fave restaurants, and I just... Stopped having a social life, but now it's so much worse. As said, I have one (1) friend outside of the group I sometimes go shopping with, and one of my DnD buddies hangs out with me maybe once a week to borrow my laundry machine for couple hours, and they are probably the only reasons I haven't broken completely so far.
But neither of them are storytelling people the same way I am, so I'm kinda holding back when we hang out, as I can't really go all in with my special interests on them.
Downsides of being socially awkward introvert.
The summer break from roleplaying was a trigger for anxiety and maybe the worst creative block of my life so far. As someone who basically thinks with a sketchbook it was pretty fucking stressful not being able to draw anything for several months!
I crave creation and storytelling, but my brain is made of goo. Like imagine if someone came and asked you to pick a water from a pool and hand it to them? But it's liquid! Can I get a cup or something, but they just scoff. You got hands, right, just pick one up and hand it over. So I'm just left trying to scoop handfuls of wet and grabbing nothing. Kinda how it feels.
Started marathoning Crit Role to distract myself from the worst of it and to have at least some kind of creative energy in my life, and consumed what must be over half a thousand hours of role playing. At least that was fun!
And when nights started stretching and seasonal depression started to creep into my already not-doing-good brain I started my routine of evening walks because at some point I was legitimately going stir crazy enough to explode otherwise.
It's also been my first full year of joblessness in a long while. I was already having hard time by the end of last year, because my brain has difficulty handling full time jobs for long stretches of time, and ten months in a row not being able to recharge was starting to weight on me, so I had made a plan to get my brain sorted out with the ADHD diagnosis and hopefully medication before applying for jobs again, but turns out the process took the entire year, and then some, and I still don't have the meds yet. I have been given the thumbs up on them, but turns out me stressing for the better part of a year has triggered blood pressure problems (runs in my family, so honestly probably just a matter of time, but it's still very inconvenient to happen right now), so I have to sort that out first before it's safe to try stimulant medication.
And then there was the death in the family and a close friend's cancer diagnosis (fingers crossed!) and I just haven't had a great time, you know.
January's going to go into medical stuff in the hope of getting the ADHD meds, so maybe I could one day grab those thoughts again. The unemployment office is also pestering me again, so we'll see how that'll go.
I think I'll see if I can make myself a regular at the new cat cafe in town. Cats make everything better. Also looking forwards to actualizing a tattoo plan or two! Springtime is coming too, eager to continue my evening walk routine with returning sunlight. And I really, really, really need to create something again.
So here's for what I sincerely hope to be a better year than this past one! Cheers.
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leqclerc · 8 months
i’m a new fan so finding out that they probably kicked out seb for the same reason they are now putting charles aside... i’m going to have a fucking aneurysm
Hello! Also, oh boy, this is a lot for a new fan askdfg Hope you're hanging in there! 😭🫂
I think it's generally been agreed that the driver/s aren't the main issue at Ferrari, especially the ones that end up with the weight of championship hopes on their shoulders. They do their best with what they're given and when it's inevitably not enough, they get thrown under the bus for failing to achieve impossible goals without the necessary tools or environment conducive to winning.
Seb was beloved until he wasn't, and one of the factors that contributed towards him being shown the door was Charles's meteoric rise. Seb still saw himself as the lead driver and Charles was, frankly, kind of insane in his Ferrari debut, wanting to prove that they were right to take a chance on him (a young rookie, the type of driver Ferrari generally doesn't sign on.) They stated publicly that they had no designated number one/number two driver but you could feel the shift. Basically it seemed obvious that moving forward Ferrari wanted to structure the team more around Charles, give him the room to assume that team leader role since, well, he was only 21/22 at the time and it seemed like a no-brainer to build their long-term future around him because 1. he was so promising, 2. they could get more mileage out of him so to speak than their "usual" signings (older drivers but with more experience/titles to their name.)
And though it seemed like the most obvious thing, he's kept having to fight for his status within the team ever since, and we keep going around in circles with these discussions of "oh but is he actually that good" or "actually [his teammate] is better suited to being the team leader, he can't handle the pressure" or whatever. And now the cycle starts all over again but like, 10x more intense???
It's wild because Charles was, on paper, supposed to be the one driver exempt from Ferrari's usual bullshit because unlike all the other drivers who were brought in from other teams, Charles rose up through the ranks in Ferrari's own junior academy program. Like?????? If they're not going to place their own at the center of their project then idk what to tell you. Especially since this is exactly what all the main rival teams around them are doing. Locking down one driver (usually their academy driver) for the long term and building the team around him.
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92% for sib & demos (have i ever asked you a question on tumblr rather than discord? lord help)
Oh my it has been a hot minute my friend! But here we are! Thank you for sending one in! Let’s get to it!
92%. Is your character particularly confident? Does their confidence level change if less people are around?
She is very confident in many parts of herself. From her physical appearance to her diplomatic skills to her ability to get others to pay for things on her behalf. It almost is a stubborn kind of confidence, like it just comes from the fact that she's too stubborn to let anyone tell her she can't. She will go and go until she decides she can't anymore. This is useful when she runs away from home finally and everyone in Ul'dah says she can't but she knows she can, she knows she can be capable of doing the fighting if they just let her show them. The only time she really starts to doubt her skills are with the time in the ending of ARR into Heavensward, she'll still put on the show that she's the best and capable at everything but there's so much more pressure and attention to detail in her actions.
In terms of people being around it doesn't effect her confidence anymore. She used to be less confident in bigger crowds just due to the fact she never could say the right thing or follow the right etiquette and it would result in some lecture from her mother, so she just kind of stayed quiet if possible and away from most people at the party. Her parents really are about the only ones that will make her confidence falter at this point. They just bring about this sense of smallness for her and can make her feel like she's not doing enough or just doing everything wrong. It was something she was unaware would still effect her until she sees them once again in EW and completely shut down. Though she should have seen that it was possible considering her reaction (or lack there of) to what the twins' dad did.
He's more confident in skills that leave a result. That never changes, he will always have that confidence. The man knows his worth in that regard. He is less confident in his ability with words. He never was much of a talker and always had a habit of fumbling over them and feeling like no one understands him when he tries to explain something. He thinks very visually and he doesn't have the words to describe certain things, much rather why he would prefer to make his feelings. He also isn't confident in his looks, he doesn't think himself unattractive, Demos just finds himself more awkward. He's on the taller side and a bit bulkier and doesn't have grace. He's tripping, bumping into people/things, letting things slip from his hands, and just you would have a hard time believing he could hold a writing utensil or paint brush with such a precise and steady hand.
This does get worse with people around as more can witness his insecurities and its why he tries to stay more in the background of things. He was absolutely not happy about becoming the new face of the WoL since it involved much more talking than both Sib and Alphie let on, and Alphie was already doubting his own skills that made Demos having to speak more on their behalf. Frankly he was fine risking the heresy with Sib handling the leaders of Ishgard if it meant he didn't have to do public speaking. Crowds will not effect his artistry and in fact he wants you to see what he's capable of, unless its from his personal sketchbooks then you gotta ask first.
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