#fray and tay
legobiwan · 2 years
As much as the Andor/Rebellion side of things is compelling, The Coruscant-Senate machinations are equally, if not more heart-attack-inducing. Genevieve O'Reilly and Stellan Skarsgård seriously steal the screen every time their characters appear and I keep waiting for the hammer to fall, even though I know Mon Mothma has plot armor.
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PSA - Don't Treat JTTW As Modern Fiction
This is a public service announcement reminding JTTW fans to not treat the work as modern fiction. The novel was not the product of a singular author; instead, it's the culmination of a centuries-old story cycle informed by history, folklore, and religious mythology. It's important to remember this when discussing events from the standard 1592 narrative.
Case in point is the battle between Sun Wukong and Erlang. A friend of a friend claims with all their heart that the Monkey King would win in a one-on-one battle. They cite the fact that Erlang requires help from other Buddho-Daoist deities to finish the job. But this ignores the religious history underlying the conflict. I explained the following to my acquaintance:
I hate to break it to you [name of person], but Erlang would win a million times out of a million. This is tied to religious mythology. Erlang was originally a hunting deity in Sichuan during the Han (202 BCE-220 CE), but after receiving royal patronage during the Later Shu (934-965) and Song (960-1279), his cult grew to absorb the mythos of other divine heroes. This included the story of Yang Youji, an ape-sniping archer, leading to Erlang's association with quelling primate demons. See here for a broader discussion. This is exemplified by a 13th-century album leaf painting. The deity (right) oversees spirit-soldiers binding and threatening an ape demon (left).
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Erlang was connected to the JTTW story cycle at some point, leading to a late-Yuan or early-Ming zaju play called The God Erlang Captures the Great Sage Equaling Heaven (二郎神鎖齊天大聖). In addition, The Precious Scroll of Erlang (二郎寳卷, 1562), a holy text that predates the 1592 JTTW by decades, states that the deity defeats Monkey and tosses him under Tai Mountain. So it doesn't matter how equal their battle starts off in JTTW, or that other deities join the fray, Erlang ultimately wins because that is what history and religion expects him to do. And as I previously mentioned, Erlang has royal patronage. This means he was considered an established god in dynastic China. Sun Wukong, on the other hand, never received this badge of legitimacy. This was no doubt because he's famous for rebelling against the Jade Emperor, the highest authority. No human monarch in their right mind would publicly support that. Therefore, you can look at the Erlang-Sun Wukong confrontation as an established deity submitting a demon.
I'm sad to say that my acquaintance immediately ignored everything I said and continued debating the subject based on the standard narrative. That's when I left the conversation. It's clear that they don't respect the novel; it's nothing more than fodder for battleboarding.
I understand their mindset, though. I love Sun Wukong more than just about anyone. I too once believed that he was the toughest, the strongest, and the fastest. But learning more about the novel and its multifaceted influences has opened my eyes. I now have a deeper appreciation for Monkey and his character arc. Sure, he's a badass, but he's not an omnipotent deity in the story. There is a reason that the Buddha so easily defeats him.
In closing, please remember that JTTW did not develop in a vacuum. It may be widely viewed around the world as "fiction," but it's more of a cultural encyclopedia of history, folklore, and religious mythology. Realizing this and learning more about it ultimately helps explain why certain things happen in the tale.
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sparkledog-dot-png · 7 months
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Music WAS My Life by Tay-Fray (2012)
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inbalanceofpower · 4 months
Tay's first thought is it can't be too messy, she hopes, at least. She would hate to ruin the carpet. Her second is that she might need another drink. She decides against it, in fear of inconveniencing him with another trip to the kitchen. And she wouldn't want to hinder the process— whatever it is. Those details, she hadn't considered necessary. As a distraction, she picks at the fraying hem of her t-shirt.
"Are you nervous?" almost jolts her.
"No." It's meant to be resounding, but she hasn't let go of the fabric between her fingers. "I'm not," she defends. Though Klaus counters her very easily with, "I can hear your heartbeat." Suddenly aware of it, Tay presses her lips together to prevent embarrassing herself further. But he smirks and then her silence isn't enough to stop her blush from spreading.
"Have you thought it over?" Ever since you first asked, she doesn't say. Instead, "mhm," follows. So does, "can you just— can you sit down?" She doesn't disguise her surprise when he obliges, and clears her throat.
Klaus waits, expectant.
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"How are you—" Tay has waited until now to look at him, "how are you going to kill me?"
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bestworstcase · 11 months
ok wait. ok.
some roses will never bloom some dreams will rot on the vine some lives will end much too soon some evil will never ever die […] sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall and fight for every life
’tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone […] i’ll not leave thee, thou lone one to pine on the stem since the lovely are sleeping go, sleep thou with them thus kindly i scatter thy leaves o’er the bed where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead.
...hm. anyways.
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"the lies come out of you so easily. like-minded souls, indeed."
summer rose telling lies! first time for everything—but the first first first inkling we get of summer's character is "now i'm nothing but a liar and you're thrown into the fray."
the way yang tells the story in 2.6 draws a direct line between summer disappearing and the fact of raven's existence being revealed to her; tai and summer withheld this information.
in 7.4 ruby asks qrow if summer's last mission was "another oz secret" and qrow answers "there were a lot of those back in the day" but that no, "this one was a summer secret."
9.10 we see summer put on a mask for tai and then a different mask for raven. "you're... just going to leave them?" raven asks, and summer deflects like a pro: "you're one to talk!" and "if i get this right, there's nothing to worry about. trust me."
"saw you in a dream/are you who you seem?"
"you were born to hypnotize them all."
she lied, ruby says.
summer rose is the reason raven has Trust Issues.
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ozma lied. salem trusted him. he lied to her for years let her support his ambitions in the only way she knew how for years before he told the truth. "this isn't what he asked of me." "ozma told salem everything: the true reason the god of light had brought him back, the relics that lay scattered around the world, and the day of judgement he had been told to prepare for."
"if i get this right, there's nothing to worry about. trust me." "let's get it over with, i guess."
the god of light's mandate, the divine relics, the day of judgment he had been told to prepare for. don't you see? none of that matters anymore.
summer left her kids behind, but the spring maiden, a child whom raven loved enough to have a kindred link, died that night.
raven blames herself for that girl's death. salem blames herself for the deaths of her daughters.
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"leave." <- there is a reason these scenes are paralleled. also
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"and so we must... press on." / "and now i have to live with that forever." she blames herself.
anyway--the point is--
"if humanity were ever to stand a chance at being united, one thing was clear..." "he had to destroy salem."
"how can i destroy salem?" "you can't! :)"
"we don't have to kill you to stop you; and we will stop you." "your mother said those words to me. she was wrong, too."
listen. listen to me.
what happens if ozma chooses to stay with salem?
what if—after he tells her everything, after he pours out all the things he's kept festering inside of himself for years because the god of light told him salem lives, but the woman you hold dear in your memories is gone and where you seek comfort, you will only find pain—after he tells her about the relics, about the mandate, about the blade hanging over remnant's neck—what if, when she says none of that matters, he answers you're right, and takes her hand?
what happens if salem chooses to stay with him?
what if, when he tells her that the world is doomed and that he alone is meant to save it because the god of light anointed him for the task, she says very well. let's get this over with, i guess. what if it's salem who balks in the end?
summer rose is both of these questions. she is the ozma who convinced salem to embrace the mandate and she is also the ozma who rose out of the smoldering ruin of the world she couldn't save and decided to take the hand salem held out to her.
(tai never leaves his isolated home in the woods. raven retreats into the wilderness to lead her bandits. ruby rose believes that the world is worth fighting for. summer left him—summer stabbed her in the back—summer lied.)
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soul-eater-novel · 1 month
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Suikoden I Soul Eater Light Novel Translation - Chapter 20!
For your reading pleasure and enjoyment, below the cut is the full rough English translation of chapter 20 of the official 1998 Suikoden I Soul Eater novel (volume 2 of 3). Individual page translations and original Japanese text can be found in the chapter 20 tag. As always, feedback on translations is welcome. Eventually I want to run a Kickstarter to officially license and print these books!
Chapter 20: Tear-stained Victory
Once they made it back to the castle, Tir immediately called a meeting of the most prominent members of the Liberation Army. Everyone made their way into the meeting hall, looking worried. Mathiu located Tai Ho and Yam Koo, sworn brothers, in the crowd and went to speak to them. “Tai Ho, I’ve heard you’ve fished the waters of Lake Toran for a very long time.”
“Sure, this place is like my backyard,” he replied. 
“Then you must also know of the lake pirates?”
“Yeah, I know their leader, Anji. So what?”
Mathiu explained his plan to borrow the pirate’s forces to stop Sonya’s navy. Tai Ho’s face split into a grin. “Now that’s what I call fun. Big sis Sonya’s been so quiet lately, the pirate’s have been sleeping on the job, too. Hey, Yam Koo!” He turned to his brother behind him. 
“What’s up, bro?”
“Go over to Anji’s place and drag those guys out here.”
“Huh?! Bro, you ain’t comin’ along?” Yam Koo exclaimed, shocked. 
“I’m staying put. Got the feeling something interesting’s gonna go down here. Fine by you, right, Mathiu?”
“Certainly,” the tactician replied, his expression bemused. “Well then, Yam Koo, we are all counting on you.”
“Tsk. Yeesh, big bro’s as fickle as the sea...” Grumbling, Yam Koo disappeared down the stairs. 
The others had gathered in the hall in the meantime. Mathiu quieted down the crowd and began the war council meeting. The main topic of discussion was, of course, the issue of how to defend themselves against the armored cavalry. 
“What if we dug pitfalls on the battlefield?” threw out the thief Kirin, smirking. 
“What kind of fool are you?” scoffed Lepant. “The gulhorse posses incredible jumping capabilities. Even if they did fall in the pit, they would just as soon jump out.” 
“Gulhorse are animals. There must be a predator that preys on them.” Put in Kuromimi. “If we catch that creature, I bet we could unleash them on the gulhorse!”
“There is some merit to that idea...” Kwanda rumbled. “All information related to gulhorses is a classified military secret because of Teo’s unit. And even if there is a natural predator, it would take us time to track it down."
Whatever ideas they might come up with, they were still up against the armored cavalry that no one had ever managed to defeat. They all racked their brains, but couldn’t come up with any plans that seemed feasible. Mathiu let out the breath he had been holding in a giant sigh.
At that very same moment, someone shouted loudly. “Wait, I’ve got it!” 
Tir raised his head. Flik pushed aside the other members to stand beside him and Mathiu. “I’ve just remembered! There is one way!”
Everyone broke into excited chatter. Flik continued. “This goes back to Lenankamp, at the hideout, before we were being pursued by the Imperial Army… At Odessa’s request, I had gone to the secret factory in the north to deliver the plans for a certain weapon.” 
“A weapon?” murmured Tir in wonder. 
Viktor joined the fray, also pushing past the others aside to join them. “Ya don’t mean... that, do you?”
“That’s right. The fire spears!”
“Fire spears...” Mathiu repeated softly. “What kind of weapon is that?” 
“I am not very knowledgeable on the subject, but it seems that dwarves somehow use a secret technique to harness the power of fire rune fragments to create a powerful spear that shoots out flames.” 
“With a weapon like that, we could...” 
Tir couldn’t help but recall the other weapons the dwarves had built.  The burning mirror Kwanda Rosman had used to destroy the village of the elves and the fire arrows they had used in turn to destroy the burning mirror. The sheer strength of both weapons was beyond his ken. The fire spears just might be able to destroy Teo’s cavalry units. 
“One moment, Flik...” Sanchez said, flustered. “I heard that when our old hideout got attacked, all of our other secret bases were closed up. Will this secret factory still even be there?”
“We will just have to take a gamble,” replied Mathiu. “Flik, do you know the way to the factory?”
“Round trip, I think it would take about twenty days.”
“We shall send our fastest. Now to decide who our envoys will be...”
Flik, Viktor, and Humphrey all volunteered to go and it was decided that Tai Ho would be in charge of the boat. 
Tai Ho guffawed. “I knew something interesting was gonna go down. I’ll go get the boat ready!”
The four of them left the room, ending the meeting.  Tir stayed behind and watched everyone leave. Suddenly, he called out to one man. “Master...”
Kai turned in response. He had taught Tir bojitsu—how to fight with a staff—when Tir was just a boy. “What is it, Tir?” 
Kai had aged, of course, but he was still a spry old man with a courageous gleam in his eye. Tir looked his old master right in the eye and said, “Will you spar with me once again, master Kai?”
Everyone still in the room turned to look at Tir in surprise. Kai’s eyes also widened in surprise. “Tir... so you mean to join this battle?”
Tir nodded wordlessly. 
I made up my mind on that battlefield. I will fight my father. I can’t just sit around twiddling my thumbs in the castle for twenty whole days. I have to immerse myself in something to drive away this pain in my heart… 
“Please train me, master Kai.”
“All right. Let’s go to the roof.”
Kai left the hall, carrying his staff in hand. Gripping his own staff tightly, Tir followed him. 
From that moment on, Tir devoted himself to studying bōjutsu under Kai’s tutelage. His body was bruised all over, his hands blistered. 
He did learn a number of secret techniques anew from Kai, but he was simply glad to be so bone-weary exhausted that he collapsed into bed and slept like the dead. 
While Tir spent his days training, Pahn crossed Toran Lake alone and made his way back to the castle. His arrival was met with cheers. 
He was covered in cuts and wounds. Cleo wrapped him in bandages. Laying in bed, Pahn sighed as he recounted his one-on-one battle with Teo. “Didn’t think there was any way I was comin’ out of that fight alive. Lord Teo must have let me get away...”
But Tir wasn’t so certain. After all, Teo had told Tir he would strike them with his full strength. 
Three days after Pahn came back, Yam Koo returned from his visit to the pirates with a guest in tow. It was Anji, the leader of the lake pirates. He sported a blue headband and wore a long, azure haori coat. He said he had originally been a Lake Toran merchant but, unable to stand the violence of the Empire, had gathered together like-minded comrades. This was how the lake pirates started. 
“Let’s blow those dirty Imperial bastards outta the water!” declared Anji, pledging two thousand of his men to the Liberation Army’s cause. Before returning to the pirate stronghold, he explained how he would attack Sonya’s fortress alongside his crew; Kanak, a fearsomely strong man, and Leonardo, who wielded a sickle and chain.  
After twenty days, Flik and the others returned. Together with Mose, the head of the secret factory, and his assistant Ronnie Bell, who was a female martial artist, they came bearing six hundred fire spears and safely transported them to the castle. 
The spears were long and silver, one size larger than Tir’s staff. There was a small globe on one end, apparently embedded with a rune fragment. The shaft of the spear contained a switch. When flipped, flames would spew out of a small opening in the tip of the spear. 
According to Flik, this ability was limited. Once the rune fragment’s power was used up, the spears would no longer be able to shoot flames.  
In addition to the fire spears, they also brought new volunteers with them from the north. These new recruits included Sarah, an expert laundress from the town of Kirov. Georges, whose skill lay in card games. Lester the chef. Melodye, a young woman who loved music, as well as Kun To, an acquaintance of Tai Ho and fellow sailor. 
From the ruins of Kalekka came the renowned tactician Leon Silverberg, who also happened to be Mathiu’s uncle, and Blackman, a farmer. They were joined by Mose and Ronnie Bell from the secret factory. 
At the factory, they also befriended the bandits Kessler and Ledon as well as the ninja Kage. Moreover, the sailor Kun To of Kirov brought with him two thousand men and women skilled with ships and added their numbers to the Liberation Army’s ranks.  
Having successfully driven off Milich, two thousand additional troops from the Kunan region also joined them. They were able to replace the soldiers they had lost in the previous battle, which boosted everyone’s morale considerably. Whenever he met one of their new comrades busily coming and going inside the castle, Tir was always amazed at their energy. 
Strong winds raged over Toran Lake when Tir and the others launched their boats bound for the Goran region. Tai Ho explained that this was typical of the winds in winter, born as the drastically different temperatures from the north and south met over the lake. 
The waves were rough, but the wind gave their ships a strong tailwind, and the Liberation Army approached the Goran region at a brisk pace. While the wind whipped around the bow of the boat, Tir suddenly thought—We don’t need to be in that much of a hurry... 
At that moment, a sharp pain shot through his right arm. He lost all feeling from the back of his hand up to his shoulder, then he felt a wrenching pain in his shoulder as if his arm had just been twisted. 
Tir grunted in pain and clapped his other hand to his shoulder, hunched doubled over down on the floor of the boat. 
“Lord Tir!” cried Cleo and rushed to his side. “What’s wrong?” 
Tir’s breathing grew ragged as he fought the pain, but it gradually began to subside. Taking a deep breath, he stood back up. “It’s nothing,” he murmured. “Probably just overdid it a little with the training.”
Worry still creased Cleo’s features. “Is that what it was? Don’t push yourself so hard you ruin your health, Lord Tir.”
“I know. Thank you, Cleo.”
But a deep unease still rooted itself in his heart. It was the same sense of dread and foreboding he had felt in Kaku. Only one element differed. This time, the searing pain in his right hand still remained, as if his hand were aflame. 
Though it was hidden by the glove he wore, that was the hand that bore the Soul Eater rune he had inherited from Ted. 
Tai Ho turned to Tir from the stern of the ship and shouted as the boat ran up against the sandy shore. “Lord Tir, we’ve arrived!”
The pain in the Tir’s hand still bothered him, but their preparations to disembark pushed it from his thoughts. The boats carrying the soldiers arrived one by one. Some unloaded the horses while others began offloading the fire spears. 
The dense forest between the sandy shore and the fields blocked their view, so they couldn’t see what state Teo’s forces were in just yet. However, according to the scouts Mathiu had sent ahead, Teo had deployed his men at the far end of the field, waiting for the Liberation Army to come ashore. 
“There’s a saying that goes, ‘attack when the army is in the middle of a crossing’,” said Cleo. “In other words, if you attack your opponent while he’s part way through crossing a river or a lake, with only half his forces available, you have the highest chance of victory.”
Stowing her throwing daggers in her belt, she continued. “Seeing as how Lord Teo is waiting for us to disembark, he must be very confident in his armored cavalry.”
“I guess so.” Grasping his staff with both hands, Tir jumped down from the boat. Tir did not yet know the power of the fire spears, but in his heart he had only one wish. 
Please, Father, just run away.
Mathiu sent the troops prepared for battle out onto the plains. From his position five hundred paces away, Teo awaited them, his armored cavalry units lined up in a neat row. 
Crowding behind those troops were the main cavalry units led by Alen, his red cape fluttering, and Grenseal, clad in green, his silver armor shining. 
The armored cavalry numbered about three thousand, and the main force roughly eleven thousand. On the other side was the Liberation Army. Viktor, Flik, and Humphrey led three fire spear units at the front, flanked by Lepant on the left and Valeria on the right.  
In the middle were the foot soldiers led by Kai and Varkas. At the rear were Kirkis, Lorelai, and Ruby’s archery units. Furthermore, though their military strength was limited, Luc also led a unit of mages. All in all, they numbered about twelve thousand. 
Teo’s army and the Liberation Army were on the verge of war. The soldiers were ready to fight. Tir and Mathiu stood together at the head of the army, a little ways away from the fighting units.
Teo rode out from among the armored cavalry units.
“Listen well, traitors!” he roared, drawing his sword. “Try as many times as you might, the result will be the same! None can win against my armored cavalry! You are spilling blood pointlessly!”
“I have no ear to lend to common thieves who put the name of the Empire to shame!” came a return shout from the unit on the left side. It was Lepant. “You are the ones who will be left in the dust of our gale! Listen to the voices of the oppressed and suffering people of this country!”
Their exchange made Tir’s heart ache, but there was no time or room left for sadness or suffering. 
Teo gave the order to his armored cavalry. “All units, advance!”
The gulhorses, well rested after their ten minute break, stampeded across the earth, leaping and surging like waves. 
Mathiu motioned to his subordinate to wave the flag and Viktor’s unit at the front advanced. “Witness the might of our fire spears!”
Three armored cavalry units lined up side-by-side awaited them.  The distance between the two armies narrowed to three hundred paces. 
Viktor’s forces stayed put. Soon the two forces were only two hundred paces apart. The three leaders raised their hands. On cue, the soldiers readied their fire spears. 
Only one hundred paces remained.
Flik, Viktor, and Humphrey shouted in unison. “Attack!”
In response, the soldiers used their fire spears. Tir gasped involuntarily. So did Mathiu beside him and the soldiers in the other units.
Flames shot out from the fire spears right before their eyes. The bright red flames gushed out, easily covering perhaps two hundred paces, the flickering tongues of fire eagerly reaching out to embrace the approaching armored cavalry units. 
The mounted soldiers were instantly engulfed in flames. The Imperial soldiers tried to veer to the side to escape, but were impeded by the three units led by Viktors and the others, which had fanned out in a straight line.
Others panicked and tried to retreat, but were unable to escape the flames and perished. The enemy soldiers who leapt into the Liberation Army’s ranks in a desperate attempt to avoid the fire fell prey to their swords. 
Unable to bear the sight of the fallen soldiers burning to death, Tir shut his eyes without meaning to. But even with his eyes shut tight, the stink of burnt metal and flesh assaulted his nostrils. 
Realizing it was the stench of burning human and gulhorse, Tir gagged and nearly threw up. 
“I never imagined the fire spears would be this powerful...” Even Mathiu was forced to turn his face away from the appalling carnage in front of them. 
The units continued emitting flames. Even when nothing no longer moved among the flames, they didn’t stop. The enemy had been completely overwhelmed by the fire. 
At last, the rune fragments were used up and one by one the fire spears’ flames winked out across the field. When all the fires had gone out, not even the field itself remained. There was only scorched earth, littered with fallen, blackened corpses. 
For a moment, the two armies stood frozen in shocked silence. Then the flags of the Imperial Army’s three central units waved, and Teo’s unit began to advance. 
“Shall we proceed, my Lord?” inquired Mathiu.  
Even as he nodded his assent, Tir’s heart screamed out—Run, Father! Please, just run!
But Teo’s unit was going to fight to the bitter end. With Alen’s unit on his left flank and Grenseal’s on his right, Teo himself in the middle led the charge against them.  
Mathiu quickly ordered their own units into position. Teo’s units and their three advance guard units collided. Alen and Lepant, Grenseal and Valeria, went head-to-head. Atop the still smoking earth, the clash began. 
As one would expect of Teo’s army, the soldiers maintained their composure and did not waver even when faced with the loss of the armored cavalry units. Even when hit by the three units led by Viktor and the others, Teo’s forces did not break. Instead of folding, they actually began to push back the Liberation Army’s units. 
“Now the real battle begins...” Mathiu murmured, closing his eyes. 
Tir remembered when he had first met Mathiu in the village of Seika. His eyes filled with sorrow, he had said... 
“I do not want to see any more people lose their lives under my command, whether they are enemies or allies.”
With an effort, Mathiu opened his eyes again and scowled at Teo’s army. He shouted his orders to his subordinates to raise the flag and transmit his commands. “Kai take the left, Varkas the right! Lorelai and Ruby’s units act as backup to each!”
The units received the signal and began to move accordingly. Kai and Varkas’ foot soldiers broke into a charge. Kai’s attacked Alen’s unit, while Varkas’ circled around to the side of Grenseal’s unit. Behind them, Lorelai and Ruby’s units filled the smoky skies with a rain of arrows. 
In rapid succession, a pillar of flames erupted amid the raging waves of soldiers. At the same instant, dark clouds gathered above them and unleashed a torrent of lightning down on the Liberation Army’s forces. Both units flanking Alen and Grenseal had begun to use magic. 
For the moment the wave of the Liberation Army’s forces begins to recede. Mathiu turned to Luc, who was watching the proceedings beside him with Tir and the others, and nodded. 
Luc stared at the fire and lightning plaguing the Liberation Army and snorted. “My turn at last, hm? I was beginning to wonder if I should just go home.”
Luc charged alongside the magic unit atop his horse. They placed themselves behind the three units led by Flik and the others. The magic users linked arms, forming a circle. Luc stood in the middle of the circle and raised his right hand to the heavens. “I’ll show you the power of the wind rune that dwells in my body!”
No sooner did Luc’s voice ring out then a terrible whirlwind formed and swept through the battlefield. The wind scattered the dark clouds and extinguished the flames. Luc blocked the magic of Alen and Grenseal’s units in one fell swoop. 
“All units, advance!” cried Mathiu, and once again the Liberation Army moved forward. Arrows danced through the air amid the screams of the Imperial soldiers. Kai and Varkas’ units attacked from both sides and at last began to gain some dominion over the Imperial forces. Valeria and Lepant’s units each began to move forward as well. 
The Imperial army’s flanks were collapsing under the incessant rain of arrows from both sides. 
“Father...” murmured Tir, averting his eyes from the battlefield. 
I thought I was prepared to fight against my father... I thought I was ready to face his defeat or my own, but... 
As Tir gripped his reins in his hands so tightly it hurt, Flik, Viktor and Humphrey’s units also began to move. Tir raised his face, his eyes wet with tears that would not fall, and advanced together with the three units. 
Little by little, the three units approached Teo’s main force.  “Father…” cried Tir. “Father!!!” He could no longer think. Gripping his reins, heedless of Mathiu’s cries to stop, he leapt into the fray of battle. *** Table of Contents
★ Chapters 0-1 ★ Chapters 2-3  ★ Chapters 4-5  ★ Chapters 6-7  ★ Chapters 8-9 ★ Chapters 10-11  ★ Chapters 12-13  ★ Chapters 14-15 ★ Chapters 16-17 ★ Chapters 18-19
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strqyr · 5 months
In relation to the whole what on earth is Tai doing rn situation, am I the only one who thinks it could be related to Summer? Don't get me wrong, I think there's a good chance he has some involvement in guarding the vault/relic somehow but. My first thought when Yang said what could be more important than being there in Vacuo (with them, his daughters) was just. Summer.
Hear me out, his two daughters whom he loves and he probably assumed were dead are alive and well in Vacuo, Qrow is doing better than he has been in a long while and is in Vacuo, even Raven has rejoined the fray for good and is in Vacuo. Even if he's on a super important mission guarding the relic or something else, there's a personal edge being asked by Yang "what could be more important to Tai than his family?" And a mission guarding/securing the relic, while important for the big picture, feels like it somewhat lacks that personal edge for Tai as a character (but in fairness, like Ruby says, we might not have the full picture). Everyone Tai cares about and would consider family is in Vacuo. Except for Summer. Who he believed would one day come back when she left on her last mission. In v4 we hear Qrow, in a lucid state, saying to Tai "she's not coming back" and since Ruby is the one present when this scene occurs, and judging from her reaction, it's safe to say this concerned Summer's last mission and her not coming back, and Tai's belief she would, and not being able to move on.
If the theory of it being a Grimm!Summer that Salem contacted in V4 about finding the relic in Beacon via the Seer Grimm (as she only uses the Seer Grimm to communicate with other people), and with Vale now being destroyed by Salem and her implied to be looking for the relic there more actively with less and less pretense for secrecy, I wouldn't be surprised if Tai got wind of information that Summer might be in Vale and is now on a mission to find her. Ruby also states in V3 to her mother's grave that Tai misses going out on missions with Summer. And now he's out on a mission. Possibly to find Summer. Especially if Raven had some kind of talk with Tai in between the end of v5 and the v9 epilogue and confided in him what really happened on Summer's last mission.
I also kind of think it'd be really funny if Tai, knowing all his family, Ruby, Yang, Qrow and Raven, are in Vacuo, somehow finds out that Summer is in Vale and is like. Well. If we're going to do a family reunion in Vacuo, then we're going to have EVERYONE for a godamn proper family reunion. In summary he cannot leave for Vacuo to be with his family unless he's done everything he can to find and bring Summer along too, so all of their family, STRQYR, can be together again.
I think this also could be more interesting from a character perspective too. Tai not being able to let go of Summer and his grief for her in the past is why he wasn't as emotionally present in Ruby and Yang's childhood (though he definitely tried his best given the circumstances). It would fit as a parallel that he is now not physically present with Ruby and Yang because he's pursuing Summer and can't let her go.
But also, it could be both! Tai is out there trying to, idk, secure the relic and make sure it's safe, and Summer is actively trying to find it for Salem. So Tai has to guard the relic from Summer. Which would be so deliciously angsty. Especially if Summer has not been able to find the relic, and all she needed to do to find it was go back home. (whether that's Patch or Tai or both, take your pick). After all, there's no place like home.
you're not the only one in a sense that for a while now i've been thinking that at least part of the reason why tai hasn't left anywhere from patch is because he's still waiting for summer to return. it took me embarrassingly long time to realize how well "summer is looking for the relic" and "tai is guarding the relic" click together, especially if summer's memorial is somehow involved, bc then it's not just that summer needs to come home to find what she's been looking for, she also needs to come back to the books of living.
but the idea that it's why tai isn't currently in vacuo is new to me, and now i'm OBSESSED with it.
the only point of hesitation for me is that, like. writing-wise, would they make that 'reveal' off-screen, now that ruby has information that others might not have? would it 'undermine' it in a way if ruby asked raven about it, only for her to have already told tai (and possibly even qrow)? of course if tai didn't believe her that changes things a bit, but. . .
if tai caught wind of it on his own, that would 'fix' that issues—and there's a non-zero chance of that happening; like you said, vale has been destroyed, and if summer has been looking for the relic at beacon for salem, having her be present in vale isn't out of the question. and i'm not even talking about her taking part of the destruction, quite the opposite in fact (tho much of this depends on what state summer is in; i'm personally leaving towards any option where she still has free will to do what she wants):
she could have been doing her job as a huntress, thinking that destroying the whole kingdom crossed the line for her, trying her best to minimize the damage and save as many people as she can. and at that point, all it takes is one person summer saved to evacuate to patch first and to start talking about this figure in a white cloak wielding an axe, saving people from the grimm but never staying long enough for them to see her face, for others to join in sharing their own experiences, and the word keeps spreading and spreading and spreading—
until it reaches tai. and at that point, he knows. or at least, there's a renewed hope that he might have lost a while ago, and before he can even think of leaving, he must be absolutely certain that it's not summer people saw.
anyway, thank you for the delicious food!! i'll be thinking about this for the rest of the month at least, if not for longer :D
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growthgoddess · 2 years
Kaiju Kepler
Dr. Amy Kepler, a marine biologist, had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the ocean. She had dedicated her life to exploring its depths and uncovering the secrets it held.
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But nothing could have prepared her for what she discovered one day.
As she was studying the ocean floor, she noticed a strange disturbance in the water. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.
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It appeared to be a massive creature, rising up from the depths and slowly heading straight for the city. Amy knew she had to act fast.
She reported her findings to the government and military, but they dismissed her claims as ridiculous.
Undeterred, Amy spent days in her lab downtown trying to find a way to stop the creature herself. She experimented with various venoms and other substances from aquatic wildlife, but nothing seemed to work.
With time running out, Amy became increasingly desperate. She spent sleepless nights studying, hoping to find a solution.
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But exhaustion eventually caught up with her, and she accidentally got stung by an unknown underwater animal she was studying in the lab.
The pain was enough to shock her awake. She tripped from her chair and landed on her butt with an audible pop and a tearing sound from her clothes.
She looked at her hands and saw that they were ripping through her wetsuit gloves. She felt around her body and immediately noticed that she was growing!
Her chest ballooned out several cups in size and her thighs grew hard and thick. The stretchable fabric of her wetsuit tried its best to maintain her modesty but was no match for the swelling waves of womanly flesh.
Seams burst, runs formed and opened up, her constricting clothes was building so much pressure around her that she decided just used her hands and tore the fraying fabric off of her.
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To her shock, she was a towering giantess that barely fit in her lab. She tried to escape to minimize the destruction for she didn't know when her body would stop growing.
In the end, she got stuck in the shrinking hallways that she just punched her way through the ceiling and smashed through the wall of the building.
People in the streets were gathering around her lab building wondering what the commotion was about, but when a giant Amy destroyed the walls and outgrew the building, they all started to flee in terror
Amy struggled tos tay balanced with all this new weight around her body. But as she wobbled around, she quickly realized that was naked in public.
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She tried to cover herself up to maintain a form of modesty, then it dawned on her that her new size could be an asset in stopping the creature.
She set off towards the bayside, determined to save the city from the impending threat.
As she marched through the city, she avoided damaging anything in her path.
The government tried to stop her with helicopters and tanks, demanding for her to stop. But Amy proved too powerful and was in a hurry.
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She told them that she wasn't crazy, and that she will prove it to them. There was a real monster that could emerge from the bay at any moment.
When she reached the bay, she found a large barricade of artillery and infantry blocking her way. But she refused to be stopped.
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As she charged towards them, the kaiju monster suddenly rose from the ocean behind the soldiers. It was a hideous creature with a fleshy body and several tentacles protruding from its torso. It had a maw that could fit entire cargo ships and eyes dotted across its back.
The army quickly realized that Amy had been right all along. With an impromptu command, they shifted their formations and teamed up with Amy to fight the monster.
Amy stood at the edge of the bay, bracing herself as the giant underwater monster rose to its full height from the depths. The creature was massive, easily ten times the size of the houses around them
Amy knew that she was the only one who could stop this monster from wreaking havoc on the city. She took a deep breath, and with a roar, charged towards the beast.
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The monster met her head-on, its tentacles flailing wildly. Amy dodged and weaved, her massive fists slamming into the creature's flesh with incredible force. The army's commander, watching from the shore, improvised a plan to aid their giant ally to with fire support.
Tanks fired their cannons, and infantry rained bullets down on the monster, stunning the monster and creating openings for Amy to exploit by tearing off the monsters tentacles or inserting a punch.
Despite the army's support and Amy's relentlessness, the monster was a formidable opponent, and the giantess was struggling to keep up.
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As she tried to go for the kaiju's head, Amy's foot was pulled underwater by one of its tentacles. She suddenly felt a crushing weight on her chest as the monster tried to drown her.
Amy struggled and fought for her life, grasping at whatever she could to try and bring herself afloat. She gasped for air, but only swallowed seawater. No katter how many artillery shells the army shot at the monster, it won't let go of the giantess.
Amy's vision darkened.
But then something strange happened. As the water filled her lungs, Amy felt a surge of power, she felt a change undergoing inside her system. The venom that had caused her to grow into a giant began transforming her lungs, giving her the ability to breathe underwater.
With this newfound ability, Amy was able to recuperate and surged upwards, breaking the surface and unleashing a powerful punch to the monster's face.
The beast roared in pain, its tentacles lashing out even more fiercely.
Amy dodged and weaved, striking the monster over and over again. The army continued to provide support, and soon the creature was on the ropes. With one final blow, Amy sent the monster crashing to the ocean floor, defeated.
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As she stood there, victorious, Amy couldn't help but feel grateful for the army's help. Without their support, she might not have been able to defeat the monster. She turned to face the shore, giving a giant thumbs up to the cheering soldiers.
Citizens and army men cheered for their giant savior for her victory over the threat.h
After the fight, Amy knew that she could never return to her old life. She was too big and powerful to live among the citizens of the city. Instead, she chose to live beneath the ocean, dedicating her life to protecting it from any future threats that might emerge from the depths of the abyss.
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e642 · 1 year
trucs que je déteste que les gens fassent/disent
- les gens qui donnent des tapes sur l’épaule (plus tu sursautes fort mieux ils se sentent) - les gens qui disent au jour d’aujourd’hui ou malgré que (faut arrêter de suite, si vous n’arrivez pas à vous y faire faut contacter l’académie française) - les gens qui haussent le ton dans une conversation pour pour couvrir ta voix et avoir la parole (attends ton tour comme tout le monde) - les gens qui font des bruits de bouche (pas de commentaire) - les gens qui coupent la parole (attends ton tour aussi) - les gens qui racontent une histoire/blague mais sans faire de chute (quel est l’intérêt ?)  - les gens qui disent "hein” ou “quoi” quand ils ont pas entendu (ça ne m’a jamais donné envie de répéter) - les gens qui finissent leurs phrases par “ou quoi”: mais t’es bête ou quoi (si c’est tant une évidence que ça, t’as pas besoin de le relever) - les gens qui s’amusent à siffler avec leurs doigts (vous pensez que je peux me permettre de perdre de l’oui gratuitement comme ça ?)  - les gens qui continuent à applaudir quand tout le monde a arrêté parce que c’est marrant apparemment ?? (ça ne l’est pas) - les gens qui mettent pas leur main devant lorsqu’ils éternuent (si j’avais voulue être malade je me serais débrouillée autrement tu peux garder tes postillons)  - les gens qui disent “j’ai lu en diagonal” pour pas avouer qu’ils ont rien lu du tout - les gens qui te posent une question mais qui n’écoutent, ouvertement, pas la réponse (ne me la pose pas dans ce cas, ce sera un gain de temps précieux) - les gens qui vont courir aux heures chaudes et qui se plaignent d’avoir mal au crâne (sois plutôt reconnaissant de pas avoir fait une rupture d’anévrisme) - les gens qui disent “j’aurais pas aimé être à ta place” (en général c’est assez logique vu les contextes où cette phrase peut aller) - les gens qui utilisent une belle expression française mais se trompent (”mieux vaut tard que plus tard”, “pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir harponné”, “l’herbe est plus jaune ailleurs” c’est non)  - les gens qui sont sûrs d’eux quand ils disent une énorme connerie (c’est plus pour eux que pour moi) - les gens qui disent qu’ils préfèrent le goût des fruits/légumes surgelés (à moins que tu n’aies pas les moyens d’acheter du frais je ne suis pas en mesure de comprendre) - les gens qui disent oki doki (c’est mon unsafe word jsp pk) - les gens qui prennent jamais de position en disant toujours “si tu veux” même quand la réponse ne peut pas être autre chose que oui ou non (-on appelle les pompiers ? oh bah si tu veux- niquel) - les gens qui pensent vraiment que leur horoscope est une excuse au fait que ce sont des vrais cons (je trompe mon mec mais ça c’est parce que je suis taureau oups ihih) - les gens qui répondent “ça va et toi ?” lorsque tu dis ça va dans le sens c’est carré (la ponctuation est ton amie) - les gens qui se plaignent d’une douleur mais refusent de prendre un médicament (juste prends le médicament ou tais toi ou les deux c’est encore mieux) - les gens qui agrémentent leur phrase par “ma belle”(ya pas grand chose de plus méprisant que ces deux mots collés) - les gens qui disent “ya pas de souci” alors qu’il y en a clairement un (juste parle fr) - les gens qui font la distinction entre les collègues, les connaissances, et les je le.la connais de vue (c’est pour se compliquer la vie ou à ce stade ya vraiment une diff ?) - les gens qui disent concubin et pas partenaire (j’aime pas ce mot, peut-être parce qu’il y a con et cu juxtaposés) - les gens qui disent “tant que toi ça va, moi ça va” (c’est connu, on va bien parce que les gens autour de nous vont bien ou inversement) - les gens qui commencent leur phrase par “bah” (ça me donne l’impression que j’étais censée savoir) - les gens qui disent trop bon trop con (t’es juste en train de laisser croire aux personnes les plus crédules qu’être gentil est finalement un défaut qui donne raison aux mauvais comportements) à suivre
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mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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“You need help with that Darlin? Hose looks a bit big for you.”
It never fucking failed.
Every time you filled up your bright, fiery orange ‘72 Chevelle some wannabe Alpha male had to make some sexist comment.
It wasn’t your fault the designers had put the damn fuel cap under the license plate. 
And it certainly wasn’t your fault you had to bend over to keep the nozzle from falling out.
Nor was it in any way your fault that you occasionally might over exaggerate how far you had to bend over, especially like today, when you were wearing tight, frayed jeans and a wide neck off the shoulder teal sweatshirt.
“I’m fine.”
“Oh yeah,” he whistled, “You are most definitely fine.”
The pump kicked off.
You put the nozzle back, securing the gas cap before facing the latest offender.
He was tall, rough cut facial features with a mop of short, dark curls.
You made a show of pushing down your sunglasses as you blatantly checked out the rest.
Wide chest and muscle corded arms encased in a tight black t shirt.
Tan cuffed cargo pants sat high on his tapered waist.
Nothing wrong with that either. 
You licked your lips, hand propped on your hip.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
Your voice dripped, saccharine sweet.
“No, it ain’t like that.”
His knuckles brushed along your upper arm.
“You are hands down, the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Snorting, you batted his hand away.
“Bullshit. That line might work on your little dirt road honey’s but..” You slid your oversized tortoise shell Ray-Ban’s back in place, “It’s not working on me.”
You pushed past him, strutting toward the tiny attached convenience store.
God, it was so easy winding men up.
Fun too.
They were so damn transparent.
And, despite how you’d coldly dismissed him, you knew, KNEW, he’d be jacking off later thinking about you.
Not because you were devastatingly beautiful or had a killer body. 
In those categories you ranked a solid average.
What you did have was confidence with a capital fucking C.
Own every room you walked into, all eyes on you, smart as hell, know your worth, every woman wants to be you, every man wants to fuck you, (and woman, let’s not be coy here, you knew damn good and well your face would be buried between Ivy’s lush thighs at some point this weekend, you were all about equal opportunity), bone deep confidence.  
It’s what had gotten you through Grad school and later your Doctorate in Mathematical Engineering.
The rusty bell above the worn metal screen door dinged, announcing your arrival.
You took your time perusing the limited snack aisle, selecting a bag of Funyuns and a fountain Pepsi, flicking the straw provocatively, making sure to flash a little cleavage at the old guy working the register.
Back at your car you checked your phone.
“No service. Fucking wonderful.”
When your best friend had proposed a quick getaway to celebrate your latest promotion you’d been expecting sun, sand and endless Mai Tai’s, not a rustic cabin on some forgotten lake in rural Georgia. 
You waved your phone around trying to find a signal.
“Ain’t gonna work.”
Oh lord, not him again. 
“Why not?” you huffed.
“We’re in the middle of a deadzone Darlin’.”
You took off your sunglasses, resisting the urge to throw them at the odious man.
“How the hell am I supposed to find that goddamn cabin without my phone?”
“What cabin are you looking for, girl?”
Your eyes narrowed at the nickname.
“Some stupid fucking cabin on some stupid fcuking lake off of some stupid fucking Bob’s road!”
The octaves rose with each word until you were practically yelling.
“Bob’s Road?”
Oh shit. Probably shouldn’t have shared that with the entire gas station.
“Uh, yeah.”
You pulled a piece of paper from your back pocket.
“732 Bob’s Road, Lake Horton.”
He chuckled.
“That’s Bob Schermer’s place. I can give you directions.”
The setting sun sketched him in shadows. 
A kernel of unease settled in your gut.
Jesus, get a grip. This isn’t Deliverance.
“That, uh, that’d be great.”
He smiled, teeth showing.
It reminded you of a predator sizing up his next meal.
“So you’re gonna take a left outta here on’ta Highway 92. Just keep going North for about an hour and a half, maybe two. You’ll take a right at white mailbox. If you see the “Jesus Saves” sign you’ve gone too far. Go about three miles then turn left. Cabin will be on the left.”
“Two hours?”
You exhaled dramatically.
“Fucking great.”Dropping into the driver's seat you cranked the ignition, the Chevelle’s 454 V-8 rumbling to life.
“My pleasure.”
Another unnerving smile.
The hair on your arms prickled.
“You be real careful on those back roads. It gets awful dark out here.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
With a curt nod, you revved the engine, throwing gravel in your wake.
They like to get you in a compromising position
Well, they like to get you there and smile in your face
Yeah, they think they’re so cute when they get you in that condition
But i think its a total disgrace
And I say
I fight authority, authority always wins
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins
Well, I’ve been doing it since I was a young kid
And I come out grinnin’
Well, I fight authority, authority always wins
You cranked up the volume on your after-market stereo singing along to your Spotify road trip playlist.
Jesus fucking tits, the guy was right, it was dark.
Not like the dark you had grown up in.
A pale shimmer had blanketed San Diego from sundown to sunup.
The light from a full moon helped soften the inky landscape, a little.
God only knew what might be hiding out there, watching, just waiting for the perfect moment to…
You slammed on your brakes.
Was that a white mailbox?
Turning the volume down so you could see, you dropped the transmission in reverse, taillights casting an unsettling glow. 
You sighed in relief at the sight of the pock marked mailbox.
Shifting to First, you swung off the HIghway to a narrow gravel road.
I swear to God, I’m never, ever letting Ivy pick a destination again. After this she’ll be lucky if I let her pick a restur….”
Red and blue flashing lights blazed in your rearview mirror.
What the fuck?
 Where the hell did he come from? 
You hadn’t seen another vehicle since you left town. 
“License and Registration.”
You jumped, startled.
“License and Registration.”
“Yeah, Yeah, I heard you the first time.”
You reached across the seat digging the items from your bag.
“What am I….Oh my God, you can’t be serious.”
Leaning in your window, now attired in a shit brown Sheriffs uniform and matching baseball cap, was the man from the gas station.
“I’m gonna need you to exit the vehicle, ma’am.”
Something was off.
“Why? I didn’t do anything. I wasn’t speeding.”
“Please step out of the vehicle.”
“Oh for fucks sake.”
Climbing out, you glared at him, arms crossed.
“Ma’am, you were driving erratically. I detect the smell of alcohol on you. That gives me probable cause to search your vehicle.”
Ducking, he rummaged through your car, dumping your purse and overnight bag, scattering the contents.
“Well, look what I found,” he announced, producing a half drank pint of cheap vodka.”
“That’s not mine. I don’t even drink vodka. You..you put that there..I’m not.”
‘Hey, Shane, taillight’s busted out too.”
In total disbelief you watched another officer bash the red plastic with his boot.
“What the hell!” you hollered, charging toward the other, leaner built man, “You can’t fucking do that…”
Grabbing your elbow, Shane swung you back, jerking you off your feet.
You stumbled, arms pinwheeling.
You bumped into him, knocking his hat to the ground.
“Woah, woah, Sweetheart, now that’s assaulting a police officer.”
He placed one steel cuff on your wrist, tugging the other behind your back.
Twisting, you wrested your arm free.
Shane slammed you face first onto the hood of your car.
Wrenching your arm, he secured it in the cuffs.
Hauling you up he snickered.
“Guess we’re adding resisting arrest to the list.”
He paused, eyes crawling along your form.
“Unless you want to work out a little private restitution.”
“Are you fucking kidding me,” you laughed, “What? You can’t get a piece of ass like a normal guy? Let me guess? Can’t get it up? Two pump chump? Or..”
“Ought to be polite to a man with a gun.”
Shane’s partner pressed the gun barrel to your temple.
“Only common sense.”
“Oh shit,” you rasped, “yeah, okay, what..whatever you want.”
Shane unzipped his pants, stroking his cock.
“On your knees.”
You knelt down as best you could.
“Doesn’t she look pretty like this Rick?” he called to his friend.
 “Open wide. Let’s see if you suck dick as good as you mouth off.”
Gun still aimed at your head, your mouth fell open.
Shane gripped the back of your head.
Viciously, he shoved his cock to the hilt, your nose nestling in his pubic hair.
You gagged, trying to draw back but he was too strong. 
Holding you steady he languidly fucked your throat, his cock cutting off your air.
Tears poured down your cheeks.
“Maybe next time you’ll show a little respect Darlin’”
Time stood still.
Shane rammed his cock down your throat over and over and over again, both hands keeping you in place.
Eventually he came, warm, sticky cum filling your mouth.
Finished, he pushed you away.
He bent down to your level.
“That wasn’t so bad now was…”
You spit on him, mixed saliva and cum dripping from his chin.
“You’re done!” you shrieked, “Both of you! I’ll own the fucking Cook County Sheriff’s when I’m through! You limp dick bastards won’t be able to….”
You reeled from Rick’s backhanded slap.
“I don’t think she’s learned her lesson yet, brother.”
Shane wiped his face.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep teaching.”
Tugging you to your feet, Rick threw you on the hood, upper body jarring from the impact, cheek thumping the cold metal.
He tore off your boots then ripped your jeans and underwear off, kicking your legs apart.
“Don’t touch me, you fucking piece of shit!” you bellowed.
Shane stuffed your thong in your mouth, ending your tirade, his hand splayed between your shoulder blades, pining you to the hood.
“You talk to fucking much,” he snarled.
Panic took hold when you felt Rick’s cock brush against your slit.
Rick spit on your inner lips.
You screamed behind the gag, your dry cunt unprepared, as he plunged in. 
He was bigger than Shane, your walls straining to accommodate him, every thrust carrying fresh agony.
Rick snapped his hips quicker, zipper chafing your tender skin. 
Sobbing softly, you closed your eyes, vainly wishing this was just a dream.
“Fuck. Haven’t been in a pussy this tight since before I married Lori.”
“Just hurry up, man. I want another turn.”
Your eyes flew open to see Shane palming his newly hardening length.
Rick’s movements became stilted, hips pumping wildly with his orgasm.
Pulling out, he motioned to your prone body.
“Batter up.”
The two men switched places.
Gritting your teeth, you waited.
Instead of Shane’s cock, his fingers gently probed your battered cunt.
You jolted at the swipe of his thumb across your clit.
Deftly he worked you, circling your nub, slick coating his hand.
Shame and disgust gnawed in your brain at your body’s natural reaction.
He draped his large frame over yours.
“You love this, don’t ya.”
You shook your head frantically.
“Knew you would. Way you showed your ass, flashed your tits at Charlie. Damn near gave the old man a stroke.”
Shane applied more pressure, eliciting a series of muffled moans.
“Hear that Rick? Slut loves this.”
Your pelvis rocked against his swirling digits. 
He pinched your clit,sending you over the edge, streaks of lightning fraying your nerves.
Shane wasted no time in slipping inside.
You keened at the intrusion, channel swollen and bruised from Rick.
He left a heated handprint on your ass.
Grasping your hips, he pounded your cunt feverishly, your juices and Rick’s cum easing his way.
All out of tears, you stared into the darkness.
Shane rode you cruelly, your legs growing numb.
His breathing hitched, hips faltering.
He came with a grunt, grinding into you.
Almost tenderly, he released the cuffs, holding you upright, removing the gag.
Trembling, you shimmied your jeans up. 
Nearly catatonic, you barely registered him speaking.
“Listen to me.”
You tried to focus, terrified it wasn’t over.
“Rick and me? We got your ID. We know where you live.”
Blinking, his threat set in.
“You tell anyone, we’ll find you.”
“I..I won’t tell…never tell..” you stammered.
“Good girl.”
The two men sauntered to their cruiser.
“Thanks for your cooperation ma’am,” Shane taunted as they drove away.
 Crawling into the driver’s seat, you clutched your phone. 
“911. What is your emergency?”
“I need,” you sat up straight, “I need to report an assault.”
Shane and Rick were about to find out they had fucked with the wrong woman. 
Authority Song
John Mellencamp
@caffiend-queen @fanfic-fangirl @alexakeyloveloki @americasass81 @lokislastlove @sweeterthanthis @ironlady1993 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @gigglingtigger @starynighty @sapphirescrollsv@xsapphirescrollsx @dragon-of-dreams @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @toomanykids @lizzystuffsthings @km-ffluv
@sinceimetyou @buckybarnesandmarvel @imdarkinme @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @saiyanprincessswanie @titty-teetee @maroonsunrise83
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owltrifecta · 8 months
thaumatology. In another world, Lottie and Van built the intentional community together. Once the rest of the Yellowjackets find their way there, the cult becomes a powder keg. Lottievan au (feat Taivan for the drama factor), 10k words, rated M. Chapter 4 of 5.
Locked in a cabinet across the room: a little fragment of bone, in a loop of fraying twine. You haven't worn it since the rescue team found you, in the arms of an illness that had torn through the team in a matter of days. Typhoid, you'd learn later. There, your insides melting and your mind on fire, you clutched the pendant in your trembling hand and prayed. Your thoughts burned before you could finish them: Don't let Tai—Let it be—Just end— When you got back home, you buried the bone in a duffel bag and told everyone you got rid of it. It stayed there, tucked away under layers of cotton, while you slowly killed yourself in Cleveland. When Lottie found you, and you built yourselves a temple to hide in, you placed your talisman in a shrine of wood and glass. There it waits, as it has for nearly two decades now. Carefully as you can, you slip out of bed, unlocking the cabinet and placing the pendant around your neck. It sits right above your heart.
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levi-venn · 1 year
My Favorite Meatbag
(Tech & TAY-0)
(w/ special appearance by Crosshair and Egg the Crow from the Cross and Crow series)
Also found on AO3 here
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"We're baaaaack!" Omega's voice bounced with her steps as she bolted down the Marauder’s ramp. She was greeted by a crowd of Pabu villagers who responded to her cheer with equal excitement. 
Tech was hoping no one would notice their arrival, yet it sounded like the whole island was present.
"Yeah! Woo! We made it!" Wrecker shouted, shaking the whole ship as he ran down the ramp after Omega.
Tech was still seated on his bunk as he watched Hunter and Echo follow Wrecker. They graciously accepted pats on the back and warm hugs from the villagers as they descended, expressing a level of ease and good humor that eluded Tech on even his most social days.
He wished they had arrived in the dead of night, so that he may sneak off to his assigned quarters, decompress, and then acclimate to this new life on his own schedule. 
"Are you coming?" 
Crosshair stood at the top of the ramp, his newly befriended crow, Egg, sitting on his shoulder. 
Crosshair and Egg gave Tech an intense stare, and they both had a toothpick in their mouth and beak respectively. 
"Not yet," Tech said. “I will be along shortly.”
He wasn't making an excuse, but it was a convenient last errand before he unofficially retired with his siblings.
“Suit yourself,” Crosshair shrugged. “We’re going to the beach. Less people. C’mon, Egg, let’s stretch our wings.”
Tech waited until Crosshair exited the ramp before closing the hatch. Not being interrupted by loud, friendly locals was preferable, especially during this rather delicate procedure.
Tech sat at his work bench and produced a soft cloth bundle from his munitions cache where he had stored the racer droid’s head over a year ago. 
The sudden destruction of TAY-0 was jarring to say the least, and it had felt wrong to leave him behind on Safa Toma to be melted down and turned into who-knows-what.
Tech removed TAY-0’s faceplate, studying the tangled and frayed wires within and seeing a clearer path here than he did in his own future. Beyond the Marauder’s ramp there were too many variables to quantify, but here he still had some semblance of control and he wasn't going to leave the ship until TAY-0 was up and running.
It took twenty minutes longer than he anticipated, but by the time he was done the cacophonous joy outside the ship had dissipated, and was replaced with the crisp sounds of TAY-0’s circuits jolting to life. 
Tech replaced the faceplate just as the three eyes and series of rectangles that shaped the droid’s mouth began to flicker.
“I…regret…nothing!” TAY-0 said, repeating his final words expelled moments after being blown to bits by a fellow riot racer’s pod. 
"Hello," Tech greeted. "How are you feeling?"
“Woo! What a rush!” TAY-0’s triple eyes flashed and his face plate tried to spin, but was blocked by the workbench. He bobbled clumsily across the surface. “Safa Toma’s finest is back, baby! Can’t keep a good TAY-0 dow-…wait…what?! Why can’t I move?!”
Tech picked up the disembodied head. “I’m sorry to have brought you back in such a state, but I wanted to make sure I could restore you, before building you a body.”
TAY-0 flipped his face plate around once. Then twice. Then spun frantically. “Where is my everything, human?!”
Tech adjusted his goggles. “In a scrap pile, I imagine, to be melted down and reused for future Riot Racer repairs.”
"Well, aren't you just a meatbag full of sunshine and confetti? TAY-0's in pain here, human, how about a little sympathy?"
“You don’t have any pain receptors,” Tech said.
“Emotional pain!” TAY-0 said. “TAY-0’s heart is broken, literally and figuratively!”
“It…isn’t ideal, I admit,” Tech said. “Now that we've docked however, I can put together something more mobile for you. I again, apologize for your condition and how long it took me to revive you."
“What do you mean ‘how long’?” TAY-0 balked. “Give it to me straight, doc. How long was TAY-0 out for?”
Tech did a quick calculation, subtracting the two initial attempts to revive TAY-0. “Fourteen standard months, and thirteen days.”
“A whole year?!” TAY-0 cried. “An entire year of my life gone?! What about TAY-0's family, huh?! TAY-0's wife probably ran off with some smarmy R2 unit! Soooo typical."
Tech's eyes narrowed.
"I am not a stranger to sarcasm." Tech said, dryly. This was…partially true. He did miss sarcasm more often than not, but TAY-0’s sarcasm was as thick as Crosshair’s and easily identifiable. 
"Caught on, huh? Fourteen months is nothing," TAY-0 said, cheerfully. “I'm gonna live forever.” His face plate did a 360 turn. "So, when's the next race? You better not have trashed my pod while I was out of commission."
Tech frowned. "There is no race. I don't believe this planet has racing of any kind."
Surprisingly, TAY-0 didn’t have an immediate response. In fact, he looked at Tech with what could be described as a blank expression. “Hey, not to look a gift eopie in the snoot, but why would you bring TAY-0 back if not for racing?"
"I don’t understand the question.”
"My owners bring me out for two things: Racing and Prepping for a Race. If I’ve completed those tasks, boom, TAY-0 is shut down and shoved in a locker until the next race. So what’s the play here? Why bring me out if I’m not useful?”
“I…” Tech blinked. "I was unaware of this arrangement. Did you not have a choice in the matter?"
"Hah, a droid with a choice? Cute, human, real cute. Droids get powered up to make credits for the meatbags, that's just how it is."
"It isn't like this everywhere. Certainly not here."
Again TAY-0 was quiet, tilting his face plate down as though deep in thought. "Okay…so…you still haven't answered my question, human."
"It's not a complicated reason." Tech said. “It bothered me that you were destroyed. I wanted to restore you.”
After a moment, Tech added. “You also call me ‘human’, and I find it fascinating.”
“Okay, wow…well, if calling someone by their species is all the criteria I need for a friendship I’d be much more popular.”
Tech hadn’t mentioned friendship. This was simply a gesture of good will. Nothing more. Probably.
“I am a clone of a human," Tech clarified. "and what’s more, I am a variant clone, an experimental project. As such I grew up being called all manner of things, but never 'human'. My brothers and I have owned the moniker ‘bad batch’, but I do not believe I am ‘bad’. In fact, I feel far superior to regs…regular clones and humans.”
Tech waited for a snarky reply, mocking him for just the simple pleasure of being considered human.
Surprisingly, all three of TAY-0's eyes dimmed briefly, with some sort of emotion Tech couldn't immediately decipher. 
“TAY-0 knows how lonely it is at the top. It's hard being this good-looking and talented, y’know? Well you probably don’t know, but trust me. Everyone is jealous of me on Safa Toma.”
Tech’s eye twitched. “I see…”
“Well anyway! So you freed TAY-0 and that’s great news and all, but I have a pretty big existential question here, human: TAY-0 is good at racing, right? And if there’s no racing then what am I good at exactly?”
The question struck Tech like clanker shrapnel to the heart. "As it happens, I have been asking that very same question of myself. I was a soldier, then a mercenary of sorts, now…I have a stable home, and no mission. The future is uncertain and it bothers me greatly."
"Same boat, huh? Well, human, you're in luck, because I have an exceptional mind and you're pretty smart, too. We're going to come up with new purposes. Between the two of us we can figure it out, yeah?"
Tech smiled faintly. "Perhaps we can."
“Sooo, where did you bring me, human? Where are TAY-0’s new stomping grounds, assuming you’re going to give me some stomping feet?"
“You may receive treads, but we’ll deal with that later,” Tech said. Holding TAY-0’s head-frame firmly, he went to the cockpit, bringing up a holomap to accompany the rather spectacular view. 
To the East was an uninterrupted landscape of calm ocean, the sapphire waters wearing the golden sunlight like a shimmering cape. 
To the West was home.
“This…is Pabu.”
The single mountainous island was a quiet sentinel in the dreamy sea, rich in natural history, peaceful at times, violent in others. The domestic structures built all over the island seemed to add to the beauty, not tame it, as if the island itself granted permission to let these villagers thrive.
TAY-0 gasped. “Wow…”
Tech’s smile widened, with an unexpected sense of pride.
“...this place is cuuuuuute.”
Tech’s lips thinned. 
“And by cute, I mean tiiiiiny. Did you find this place at the bottom of a mantell mix box? Where are we going to live? In conch shells? Like hermit crabs?! Ahahahaha.”
Tech turned TAY-0’s head frame sharply toward him, cupping the face plate so he couldn’t move, forcing TAY-0 to look directly at Tech in his goggled eyes. 
“When we leave this ship, you are going to behave yourself. You will be gracious. You will be respectful. This island is a safe haven and a carefully guarded secret. Kindness to these very generous people will go a long way if you are to make any friends here.”
“Friends?” TAY-0 asked. He looked…hurt. “But, TAY-0 thought we were friends.”
Another mention of friendship…
…Tech waited for the punchline. 
There wasn’t one. 
TAY-0 looked quietly at Tech as if waiting for a response.
Tech hesitated.“You…don't even know my name,” Tech reasoned.
“Sure I do, human.”
“...it isn’t-”
“It’s not human,” TAY-0 said, quickly. “I know that!”
Tech tilted his head.
“Ah ha, trick question,” TAY-0 ventured. “You don’t have a name.”
“This is not how a friendship starts,” Tech said, not knowing the first thing about cultivating an actual friendship. Though he imagined an exchange of names would be included. “My name is Tec-”
“Tech!" TAY-0 took over. "Your name is Tech. Uh yeah, of course it is, how could TAY-0 forget a name like that. It’s so…” 
Tech frowned.
“Brevity is the spice of life."
“Uh huh, yeah, That's not something TAY-0 will crosstitch on a pillow anytime soon. TAY-0 doesn't do brevity.”
“Well, Tech, you’re in luck because it just so happens there's a vacancy for TAY-0’s best friend. You’re it! Congratulations!”
Tech considered this, pressing the edge of his finger to his chin in thought. “I’ve…never had a friend that has elevated me to a ‘best’ status before.”
“Oh yeah? How many friends you got?”
“Apart from my siblings?”
“That…sounds like the number's zero.”
“Correct. It is zero. And how many friends do you-”
“Hey, hey, we’re not talking about TAY-0 here.”
Tech didn't push the issue. 
They were a pair of friendless entities, brilliant and unappreciated though Tech had far more humility regarding how superior he was to others. Naturally.
“Are you ready to go outside?” 
“Wait! One more thing,” TAY-0 said.
Tech held TAY-0 up to his face again. “What is it?”
TAY-0’s eyes flickered, and while the blinking facial expressions were unknowable to Tech, he had the impression that TAY-0 was growing emotional again.
“I’m glad it was you who brought me back, human. Tech. You're my favorite meatbag.”
"Full of sunshine and confetti?"
TAY-0's eyes flashed with apparent mirth.
Tech snorted a laugh.
And with that, Tech punched the button for the ramp, relieved to find the crowd had indeed dispersed. 
Tech took TAY-0 to the beach where only Crosshair sat, boots beside him as he hid his feet in the sand, watching Egg soar around his new home. 
“This is an ideal stretch for Riot Racing,” TAY-0 said, eyes glowing, face plate spinning enthusiastically.
“As I said before, there is no racing here.”
‘Well, we’ll just have to change that. This island is in dire need of a little TAY-0 style.” 
"This is a peaceful island, TAY-0.”
"Ugh, fine. We’ll have Quiet Racing. Quiet Riot Racing! Hey that could be your name, Texx: The Quiet Riot Racer!"
“It's Tech, and we’ll see.” 
It wasn't a bad nickname. The announcer at the Safa Toma Riot Race seemed disappointed with announcing the winner as just "Tech".
"Or you can continue being the Spectacled Spectator! Your brother loved it.”
“Technically, you’re the one spectating, as that's all you can do currently.”
“Oh haha, you're hilaaaarious, y'know that, bestie?"
"Let's start with 'friend', first," Tech said, sitting on a bench just behind the beach line. He set TAY-0's head beside him so he could also enjoy the view. 
In the distance, Crosshair and Egg tossed a piece of shiny shell back and forth.
"We can revisit our status when you remember my name." Tech decided.
"I haven't forgotten it, human…it's…Ted."
"That's what I said!"
Tech's laugh came out loud and unexpected, a short burst of mirth that was unfamiliar to his own ears. These days mild amusement was most he could conjure as it had been a hard year. A harder several years actually since the Empire took over.
And even before then…when had he felt comfortable enough to laugh?
The sound carried to Crosshair and Egg who both whipped their heads back in equal startlement.
"What's that about?" TAY-0 challenged. "Ol' toothpick over there never heard a human laugh before?"
"Not this…human." Tech felt something loosen in his chest, like an overtightened gear cog finally shaking off the rust of fear and worry and instability. 
He took a deep breath of the salty, fresh air.
He felt very human. 
"Tech…" TAY-0 said, his gaze fixed to the ocean. "Thanks. I mean it. You didn't have to bring me back and you did. TAY-0 doesn't forget kindness like this."
Most likely because few have shown TAY-0 kindness at all, but Tech kept this observation to himself.
He put a hand on TAY-0's head frame as the sun meandered its way towards the horizon. 
"You're welcome, my friend."
If you enjoyed my writing, please consider checking out my queer sci-fi murder mystery novel “Error: Detective Not Found (A Cake Pop Noir)”. You can also find more info on it and my original works on my main tumblr account @blueberryhelper
My Taglist is currently one person, but thank you for being on it @motte-the-goblin :3
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millerbrick · 10 months
There was another perk to this stupid bet with the bartender. The last time Miller had spoken with Montgomery, the elder Cannon had found him right after Smith's death, when Miller had been more than a little frayed, had looked perhaps just a bit maniacal. With this bet, Miller didn't have to grapple with the embarrassment of recalling that moment and could focus on his objective instead. "Who's your money on this time around?" he asked, offering the sponsor a glass of mai tai.
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bengiyo · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Tai decided he would try to create encounters with his soulmate, who he believes is this vet named Phat. I believe we may be being misled about Phat as the soulmate, or at least he may be tricking Tai about wanting to defy destiny and make things work with someone else. Lomfon and Tian stopped beefing long enough to deliver for a BL short, but it seems Lomfon maybe has a thing for Tai. Also, their mom is getting remarried, and meddling in their lives. I'm very invested in the idea of a soulmate divorce.
I like switching focus to what's going on with Phat.
I am glad they accounted for Phat potentially losing hearing in the rain while operating a vehicle.
I get the sense that Phat has somehow knows about Tai for longer than we thought.
Oh, the vet is named Patts. I'll start correcting from previous translations.
Wait, so Patts is breaking things off with the Tai who ignores him to pursue the Tai he saw with a cat at a bus stop and in the cafe? This is kinda funny.
The vet crew is definitely in on whatever Patts wants from Tai.
The logo for the clinic is actually really good.
Talking about gently touching and massaging in a quiet room. I see you, Patts.
Normally, I might be frustrated with Tai pulling back, but it makes sense for all the uncertainty going on.
I really hoped they would talk at the bus stop, but the misunderstanding must continue.
This is the best sign in BL: LADY NIGHT BLING BLING GENTLEMEN AND GLITTER. The entrance looks like a railcar with a cheap plastic awning, and jts clearly in a driveway or parking lot. If this isn't a gay bar, I am going to be so disappointed.
All this black is not working on Pat.
Saengtai is that friend who doesn't check the chat and doesn't follow the dress code.
We knew the singing was going to happen, but this one isn't terrible.
Um, so where did the girl who was passed out go???
He really just bit him.
Now why is he in these sheets with a frayed comforter??
Oh, remember that tub for later.
Okay! So it's less complicated than I thought it was about to be. I like the idea of Patts very earnestly trying to move on from Tai for Tai. This is quite enjoyable for my specific sensibilities.
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ultrone · 1 year
I know I don’t go anon but atp I’m feeling left out lmaooo, I’m claiming this one for the hell of it🧯
How’s your day going? Was wondering who some of your favorite artists are :) and you ofc don’t have to do this if it doesn’t interest you but who do you think the girl’s favorite artist(s)/band(s) would be if they were teens now. I’m dying on the hill that Jackie would love Taylor Swift and Lana and Shauna would love Hozier, Noah Kahan or Lord Huron
ofcc u can claim it 😼🫶🏼 it’s all urs now. . and some of my fav artists are lana del rey, radiohead, deftones, soda stereo, zoé, danny ocean, ethel cain, feid, strangehuman, coldplay, frank ocean, jeff buckley, the smiths, queen, luis miguel, etc. i have too many lmaoooo, wbu?
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some artists i think the yjs would like
— prolly super inaccurate cuz it’s my first time thinking abt this 😭
SHAUNA : coldplay, steve lacy, hozier, mitski, sufjan stevens, the fray, the neighbourhood, rex orange county, mika, wallows, m83, mormor, harry styles, $uicideboy$, inhaler, one direction, kanye
JACKIE : taylor swift, coldplay, glee cast, the neighbourhood, childish gambino, tove lo, birdy, joji, rihanna, pinkpantheress, kali uchis, doja cat, one direction, 5sos
LOTTIE : brent faiyaz, dominic fike, phoebe bridgers, bon iver, cigarettes after sex, ellie goulding, faye webster, grimes, the 1975, aquilo, olivia rodrigo, arctic monkeys, declan mckenna, lorde, frank ocean, miguel, tame impala
NAT : loathe, alex g, salvia path, superheaven, basement, lil peep, grimes, the 1975, arctic monkeys, tame impala
TAI : brent faiyaz, daniel caesar, mac demarco, mormor, mac miller, kid cudi
VAN : girl in red, linkin park, eminem, tv girl, declan mckenna, the kooks
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jeanchrisosme · 8 months
Mets-moi dans tes bras. Embrasse-moi quand je le mérite le moins. Quand je me tais. Quand je ne veux pas parler Serre-moi quand les larmes coulent à mon âme Serre-moi quand la joie contamine mes journées. Parce que les câlins sont à la maison. Ce sont des havres d'abri. Une bouffée d'air frais Ce sont des présences sans poids ! Embrasse-moi quand je le mérite le moins. Quand je ne me souviens même plus de notre amour. Quand la vie vole la joie des jours. Fais-moi un câlin ! Comme ça. Coeur à cœur Âme attachée à une autre âme. Le mien et le tien.
Marisa Sousa
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