#freaks of preston au
Modern AU where Preston and Hancock are super into Hamilton and fuck to the soundtrack. The entire time Hancock points out the historical inaccuracies and Preston has to tune him out after a while.
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chrzannekk · 5 months
Omggg I love monster aus, your ghoul au is so good! May I please request what the performance trio are/ look like?
Oh! And is it just Camp Campbell that are ghouls or are the other camps like the Wood Scouts and Flower Scouts ghouls as well? It’d actually be kinda funny if they were humans and are freaked out at first but then eventually get used to it and keep being menaces like they are in canon.
Daniel too, he seems like the kind of guy to just stay a creepy ass human that everyone kinda assumes is a ghoul cause the fucker never 𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴.
(Sorry that was kind of a lot but this au is just so interesting 😅)
funny you ask i was literally just designing/planning on how the performance trio looks !!
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(subject to change) harrison died in a failed illusionist trick ( he wasn't the one doing the trick ) and he got split in half. he revived as a magician/wizard nerris died in a larping accident with their friend , they got hit on the head with a staff and they died on impact ( OW!!!!!!!!! ) they revived as a elf ! small issue , they have coordination and balance struggles and eye misalignment , they use their staff to help them stand preston died in his 'one-man-one-lake' play. you can guess what happened. ( he drowned ) and got revived as a siren !
all the main characters from other camps are ghouls , all the woods around the lake count for ghoul area (so woodscouts and flowerscouts are also ghouls !) i haven't gotten around to thinking about daniel yet .. but having him come in and do the cult camp things would be fun. maybe xemug had a prophecy about the ghouls and daniel is searching for them ? non canon thoughts I'm just talking out my ass here
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i-dont-eat-drywall · 1 month
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design rules: no neck, sorry he lost his neck privileges, he also has to be atleast a bit fluffy, cracks are optional i forget to draw them sometimes :3
GENDER: yesn't
PRONOUNS: HE/IT (but he honestly doesnt care)
SEXUALITY: asexual and demiromantic
NAMES: Preston, computer freak (assigned by drywall), Dave Wendy, clone riggy (he will bite you if you call it that), (pretty) preincess (assigned by lore), pasta man (THOU WILL BE BITTEN)
FAV ITEMS: anything that can cause harm
LORE: when Preston died in canon he respawned in Roblox and hes here now, you cant stop him. technically FD is still there but hes stuck bein a error message (this is only because i find it funny and because Preston can bully him lol). he does know some other Preston AUS (take a wild guess). he has mostly suppressed the memory of the court case. he is hemophobic (fear of blood)
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off-the-heezys · 7 months
Ered being the camps big sister hc please!
ahh idk!! The way Neil kinda vented his frustrations to Ered during the lake lilac dance episode and she gave him advice. The way Ered let Nerris come with her to do that extreme kick flip and even fell a little into their interest. When Ered was like “let’s just do what Preston wants so he can stop freaking out” during the end of summer final
She’s so older sister coded I don’t even care
Yes I know she did a terrible job at babysitting that kid in the recent episode but Shh. It adds flavor to the fact that she doesn’t know basic skills like cooking or doing laundry bc she was probably babied all her life
Not to mention my “counselor in training” Ered AU
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jinjuomo · 10 months
I’ve been posting more of my Counselor AU art on here lately, and I think it’d make sense for me to sort of talk a little bit about the AU’s plot itself.
The whole premise is that this takes place 4 years after everyone left Camp Campbell and went back home, specifically based on the ending of With Friends Like These. Harrison wasn’t able to keep in-contact with Nerris and Preston since he didn’t have a phone at the time (he gets one when he’s around 13-14), so he went back home without having any contact information from the two, and had to go to a completely different school without having any friends to talk to/hang with.
By the time middle-school graduation rolls around, Harrison’s already 15 and worn-down as is — not really having anyone to celebrate with besides his own parents; who are still in a rough patch with him relationship-wise. At this point, he was already struggling with keeping friends for a reasonable amount of time, and it made it harder for Harrison to socialize with others without feeling ‘he was try too hard.’ Prior to graduating, Harrison was already working as a counselor trainee for Camp Campbell since his parents were starting to struggle financially, and he would have to work there again as an ‘official’ counselor.
When he gets dropped off from the camp and all the campers slowly start settling down, Harrison’s already mumbling to himself as he’s walking to the counselor’s cabin — and as soon as he enters the cabin, he meets eyes with Preston and Nerris who are unpacking their bags, and the two of them actually freak out and hug-attack Harrison since this was the first-time in years that they finally got together 💔
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the-void-writes · 9 months
Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you’re all warm and happy and know that you’re loved. I decided to write something since I promised @bloodlessheirbyjacques a Will and Rio prompt, so I ended up making an AU where Rio kind of becomes Will’s dad after the world ends, and they’re trying to figure out how to live and get along. Definitely not canon though because it messes up future things lol.
Freaks of Preston AU - The Third Family
WC: 1,290
Few things pulled Rio away from his work anymore. It was the only thing that drowned out the screams and the aching for more than a minute. The faces of the dead, of his daughter and the man he loved, haunted his every waking moment, as well as his dreams. As tedious as training and building could be, it was better than the hollowness in his soul.
The only solace in Rio’s life were his new children. Young Sophie had been orphaned after Vesely’s Doomsday project destroyed her town, and she had clung to Rio ever since he found her. She was small and shy, but she was also curious and full of energy, just like Jin. She wasn’t a replacement— he refused to think of it that way— but the familiar company was more than welcome.
His second child was just as familiar to him. A child that he promised to protect, who was just as haunted by the dead as Rio himself. It was this kid who tore him away from his work late at night.
A young soldier had rushed into his office. Fear filled his eyes, and Rio already knew what he was going to say.
“He’s gone out again. We tried to stop him.”
Rio threw on his coat and mask before storming out the front doors of the company building. Thick, black storm clouds stretched across the sky for miles, coating the cliff sides in smoke-colored rain. The particles from the missiles weren’t toxic to pre-existing Freaks, but Rio refused to take any more chances with Vesely’s work.
He followed a trail in the mud path that ran past the old village, towards the rusted and abandoned carnival. There weren’t any clear footprints, more like the mark of shoes being dragged through the dirt. Soon enough, Rio found the source walking through the woods. The hood of his coat had fallen off halfway, soaking his light hair with filthy water.
The boy didn’t stop for him. Rio sprinted to catch him before he could go any further, struggling to hold him as he kept moving forward. The air around them filled with static, the sign of Will’s growing powers. What had started as the gentle flow of a river had become a violent tidal wave of energy, thanks to the grief that possessed his heart. Rio understood more than anyone that although his body lived, Will’s soul had died with his family.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Rio said. “You need to come back inside before you get more sick.”
The static energy pushed against his arms as Will tried to keep moving. Dirt-smudged tears stained his face, but his eyes were glossy and unfocused. Rio kept his grip, but the force was starting to burn him through his sleeves, another new side effect of Will’s grief.
“I know, bud, it’s alright. You can let it out— Hit me, if you have to.”
His arms burned a little more, and Will threw himself from Rio’s grip. Over the sound of the rain, there was a hoarse wheeze. Speech had become a struggle for Will, and the memory of why still made Rio’s blood run cold. He had gotten there too late to save Jason, but he saw everything after that. The scream that left Will’s mouth, that tore his throat to shreds as the energy in his body escaped him and decimated the room, was perhaps the most haunting sound from that day.
After a few more rounds of coughing and wincing, Will managed to get his words out.
“Need— to go—”
He coughed harshly and rubbed his neck, tracing the dark growth lines that ran across his skin like a labyrinth. Rio took his shoulder and guided him to an old building with a porch wide enough to stand under. Will hunched over with his hands in his knees as he tried to find his voice again.
“Don’t speak,” Rio said. “You need more time.”
Will hissed through his teeth, more to himself than anyone in particular. Rio remembered the frustration that Jason held during his recovery, and the uselessness he felt at not being able to walk. His son was just the same, all the way down to the way he scrunched up his nose in anger.
“We’ll get you back into therapy soon, then you can start practicing.”
Will shook his head, and Rio laughed humorlessly.
“Oh, you don’t need it, is that it? You’re just gonna walk back to Gabe with a broken body and kill him, no problem?”
Will glared back at him.
“Listen, kid, I know you don’t give a shit about your life anymore, but I do.”
“Because you feel guilty.”
“No, because I loved Jason, and so did you. So whether you like it or not, I’m gonna keep my promise to him—”
“Don’t fucking talk about promises—”
Will coughed so hard that he stumbled backward. Rio caught him and pulled him back into his hold. He felt so light for his age, as though the wind could pick him up and carry him away… Rio finally understood the heartbreak Jason had felt for his son’s condition. It hurt him just the same.
The boy struggled and hit his chest until his arms slowed and went limp. His wheezes turned into sobs, and Rio held him until the static in the air finally disappeared.
The boy finally turned to meet his eyes. He looked like a frightened child, the very one that Rio had first met all those years ago, the one he had hurt so terribly.
“We promised— we would stay together,” Will whispered. “I failed him.”
“Hey, stop doing that,” Rio said. “You didn’t kill Jason.”
“I didn’t save him.”
“Neither did I. If you want to blame someone, blame me.”
“No… It’s Vesely’s fault— He has to—”
He managed to restrain the cough this time. Rio patted his shoulder gently.
“I know, kid. I swear, you’ll get your chance, but if you really want to avenge your family, you’ll wait until you’re strong enough to do it. Otherwise, we’re just repeating our mistakes.”
With that, Will nodded in defeat.
“Can you walk?” Rio asked.
“I think so.”
“Alright, kid, let’s get you inside.”
With a bit of stumbling, he followed the old soldier back to the complex, where he was rushed to Avery’s office to make sure he hadn’t aggravated his illness. Even the newer nurses knew to stay back while Avery worked, since he was less likely to face a sudden outburst. Rio couldn’t stand it, showing the same kind of fearful caution that the town of Preston had shown for all of Will’s life, but it was an unfortunate necessity for the handful of survivors that lived in the building.
Once everything appeared fine, Rio walked with Will to their shared quarters, a temporary apartment for both them and Sophie. The two children had refused to stay with the others in the patient dorms, though Will’s reasons were more personal. He couldn’t bear the reminder of his dear friends.
As the elevator opened to the apartment hallway, another soft wheeze fell on Rio’s ears.
Rio shook his head. “It’s not your fault, kid. We’re all hurting in different ways.”
Will closed his eyes. “I hear him sometimes… inside the park. I don’t know if it’s the sickness or the grief.”
“We’ll worry about that later. Right now, you need to rest. I’ll make Sophie babysit you, if I need to.”
The air felt lighter when Will actually managed to snicker. At the very least, Sophie could keep the two men from their crushing sorrow.
“She’ll have a better life,” Will said.
Rio nodded. “Yes, we can both promise her that.”
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
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Stella, deathclaw friend. We ignore the canon background for a sec.
Stella grew up around a group of civilized deathclaws that had settled in Sanctuary about 50 years before the game. Her parents worked for them, doing the trading with other settlements and repair work that the deathclaws hands weren’t dexterous enough to do. Codsworth was on friendly terms with her family, though he would get anxious if they tried scavving anything from the house. It basically ended up being massive barn homes and the one broken up house. He and Stella talk about what the world was like pre-war a lot. The elder deathclaws have long had to remind her not to press too hard if he clams up, because he’s still sensitive about losing his family to the war. Stella’s parents are buried out behind her house by the time Nate comes stumbling into the neighborhood, terribly disoriented and distraught. Freezer burns all over his face. The community does their best to help him out-- stimpacks, radaway just in case, some bloodpacks they keep around for Stella-- but he passes away within a week. In that time he’s mostly out of it, but when he’s present enough, he tells Stella about what happened to Nora and how ‘some strange man stole my baby’.
This, for a variety of reasons, pisses Stella off.
Because she tends to be the one that the elders send to retrieve eggs that some jerkass has managed to steal from the settlement. Because Gunners like money and are sneakier than you’d expect. So she has a Thing about kids being taken from their parents. On his deathbed-- aka her couch-- she promises Nate she’ll find his kid. She knows he’ll be dead long before she can track down this kid, but she’ll still look. Worst case scenario she takes in a kid. No big.
Meeting the group at Concord is basically a “promise you won’t freak out” moment. Because yes, a deathclaw she doesn’t know attacks them. Yes she has to kill it. No, she will not put up with Preston pointing a gun at the elder when she comes to see wtf Stella is doing back so soon. They all basically trust nothing until the deathclaws offer to let them build shelters for themselves [human sized] and give them a plot of land to plant their own food on. Because the deathclaws are farming as well, it’s just largely to send with Stella to Diamond City for trade. They usually rely on their brahmin herd for their own food.
Preston spends a good two days not sleeping before Codsworth convinces him that, really, it’s alright.
They all think its weird that the deathclaws wear clothes and insist it helps them look ‘less imposing’. Especially when the matriarchs are wearing thick metal armor over their bellies.
And yes, i feel bad for making an au where Codsworth most definitely only keeps together under the hope Stella finds Shaun. Still did it tho
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duckapus · 3 years
Owlet in the Murder Hut
A prequel crossover AU for both the Owl House and Gravity Falls, based around the fact that if you consider the timeline Stan is almost twice Eda’s age.
After Eda finds the portal and uses it to get away from her mother, she ends up in a forest in the Human Realm. She spends some time wandering around and checking things out, both out of genuine curiosity and to blow off some steam. Unfortunately, after a while it starts getting dark, so she decides to head back...only to realize that she doesn’t actually know how to turn the door back on.
And then it starts raining, which freaks her out even more, to the point that she doesn’t realize the water isn’t boiling, so she runs, shield over her head, looking for somewhere, anywhere to get out of the rain. Eventually she comes across a sad looking house(more of a shack, really) with an open window on the top floor and goes for it. While she does try to keep her guard up in case someone finds her trespassing, the combination of the adrenalin wearing off and the fact that it was already night in the Isles but late afternoon here means she quickly drifts off.
And that’s how, roughly ten years after losing his brother and assuming said brother’s identity, Stanley Pines wakes up to find a soaked, frightened, homeless teenager with pointy ears sleeping in his attic. In typical Stan fashion he doesn’t ask too many questions and lets her stay as long as she needs, working at the Mystery Shack in exchange. She ends up stuck there for a few months, splitting her time between working for Stan, figuring out the portal, exploring Gravity Falls alongside her new friends Tad Strange(of all people) and Dan Corduroy(who’s actually kind of on the small side at that age, but no less strong or MANLY!), and hiding her magic, especially her curse.
She also ends up punching Preston Northwest in the face on multiple occasions, because of course she does.
Meanwhile, Lilith and Raine try to figure out where the fuck Eda went after she ran away from home.
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queenofsantacarla · 3 years
Fade's Masterlist
Masterlist of all my writing 💛
*smut/suggestive content
+dark content
[all content will have appropriate warnings at the top. reader gender neutral unless specifically tagged)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Multi-Chapter AUs
hide (when the sun gets higher) masterlist
Zoo Date headcanons
What the boys smell like
Historical AU headcanons
Reincarnation/Soulmate AU headcanons
Hypnosis k*nk headcanons*
Tough/secretly soft s/o headcanons
Putting their cold feet on you
S/o that’s oblivious to flirting (includes Michael)
Biting Headcanons*
The Lost Boys as Build a Bears
The Lost Boys at a Rocky Horror Midnight Showing
Affection Prompts
Spanish speaking s/o
David x Dwayne x Reader
David x M!Reader headcanons
Yandere!David with naive s/o+
Piece of Mind* (David x F!Reader full fic)
Affection Prompts
Saving a stray kitty
Making a jacket for his s/o
Spray paint date with s/o
Paul x Marko x M!Reader headcanons
dinnertime (marko tlb day mini fic)*
Affection Prompts Part 1
Affection Prompts Part 2
Affection Prompts Part 3
Paul x Marko x M!Reader headcanons
where the freaks will come around (Paul tlb day mini fic)
Affection Prompts
Yandere!Dwayne kidnapping reader+
David x Dwayne x Reader
Dwayne teaching the reader to skateboard
like a river flows (dwayne x f!reader tlb day mini fic)*
feast (michael tlb day mini fic)
Star x F!Reader headcanons
Star x Butch!F!Reader
Awesome Monster Bashers
Secret vampire FTM reader+
Reaction to FTM reader’s coming out
Butch!Frog Sister Reader
The Lost Girls AU
Your Hand in Mine I (F!David x Reader)*
Ace Merrill (Stand By Me, 1986)
Bedside Manner (Ace x F!Reader short fic)
Prince Charming (Ace x M!Reader short fic)
Golden Boy (Ace x M!Reader short fic)
Barefoot and Pregnant* (Ace x F!Reader breeding k*nk headcanons)
Dr. Daniel Schreber (Dark City, 1998)
Orpheus’s Trial* (Daniel x F!Reader full fic)
Apollo’s Pursuit+ (Daniel x F!Reader full fic)
Daniel getting spoiled by f!Reader*
Teasing Daniel until he snaps*
Nelson Wright (Flatliners, 1990)
Reader w/ doctor k*nk*
Athos (The Three Musketeers, 1993)
SFW/NSFW headcanons*
Bill and Ted
Bill Preston soft headcanons
Poly headcanons
S/o with a stutter
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Hey there! What kind of car do you think the FO4 companions (and Maxson) would drive, and what kind of driver would they be?
(This is most definitely Pre-war or Modern! AU, so this'll be fun)
•No car here.
•Instead, Cait drives a dark gray Harley Road King- outfitted completely with skulls and matching gloves.
•Fucking terrible to be on the road with.
•Drives a rather cute, white Audi TT.
•Has several notebooks littering the glove box. Random coloured pens, EVERYWHERE.
•Probably has one of those infuriating ty beanie babies sitting upon the dash, staring into your soul with those inhuman beady eyes.
•Okay driver....
(I've mentioned a long time ago that in my Pre-War AU, both Danse and Gage are some country bois..well here you go)
•Drives a hella nice, red, lifted Ford F-250 King Ranch. He loves it, but he usually just uses his "baby" to help haul things around.
•Take the love his canon counterpart has for his power armour and apply it to this Danse's truck.
•Has a sticker of his respective branch (I'm think Danse would be a marine or army man..idk) that he is too proud of and hangs his dog tags on the mirror.
•Stupidly strict about following all rules of the road.
•Ever seen one of those creepy vans with a painted tiger and wizard battling on the side? That's Deacon's.
•The back is renovated with a whole ass couch, tapestries and a funky disco ball.
•Calls it "the party wagon"
•Drives however he feels like.
(Yee haw..)
•Drives an absolutely massive, dark gray, lifted 2019 F150 super duty. Has modifications on this bitch so expensive and wonderful that even Danse would shed a tear.
•Has a skull sticker on his back dash, a rifle behind the front seat, and brass knuckles in his glove box. Man is just waiting for a fight. Even the fucking antenna cover is shaped like a bullet...
•If you want to see your life flash before your eyes, ride with him. Uses the shoulder as a lane to pass people, thinks the speed limit is a mere suggestion, and is willing to ram someone for cutting him off.
•Thanks to his funds, he drives a pretty nice black Range Rover with fancy red interior.
•Advent drunk driver but somehow never gets caught.
•Drives an old, yet dependable, 2004 Nissan x-terra. Boy, does that thing make him so close to cussing because of that thing. Duncan always laughs at him when that happens.
•It periodically stalls, but it's still faithful when he needs it....
•Mediocre driver..until someone cuts him off.
•Drives a 2013 convertible, bright red, mustang!
•Blasts music and drives fast af when it's safe...but is strangely the safest one to ride with out of everyone else.
•Mr. Maxson, or rather the Maxson family is ridiculously rich..lemme just put that here first.
•Drives a badass, black Mclaren P1.
•Terrible driver.
•Drives an astonishing cream coloured vintage Cadillac.
•Smells of smoke and coffee and the inside has cigarette ashes and littered newspapers.
•Drives waaaay too slow.
Old Longfellow:
•Does his boat count? Because he isn't really supposed to be driving that thing either but shit, it's better than getting caught driving his car with his suspended license having ass. Don't drink and drive, kids.
•Drives a cactus green Ford Bronco. Freaking adores that thing too.
•Has a little rubber duckie that wears glasses perched up on the dashboard. It's name is Steven and he is considered Preston's good luck charm. Laugh all you want damnit.
•Frequently causes traffic jams because he'll let everyone out in front of him.
•ooooh boy.
•This man loves his several cars, but his main one is a very sexy light blue '68 chevelle that he affectionately refers to as "sweetheart".
•He built the thing up from the ground practically,
•Has a relatively unhealthy attachment to that car and will beat someone up over sitting on it.
•Extremely careful driver...unless he is drag racing in one of his other babies, then it's game on.
•Also doesn't drive a car.
•Instead drives an all black CBR 1000RR Honda motorcycle.
•Has blue LED lights under the bike. Show off.
•Gives zero fucks about traffic rules and primarily drives at night.
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9bitghost · 5 years
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Took me 2 years, but I’ve finally got everyone’s designs roughed out for my RPG AU!! Some designs gave me a lot of trouble, so I’ll probably change a few in the future, but for now, they’re all based around their outfits in the show. Getting back into this has also got me more into learning about D&D, so classes and subclasses are based on stuff from there and homebrews I’ve found and liked, with some liberties taken for the fun of it. ☆  
I want to write proper backstories for all of them sometime, but until then, classes, alignments, and headcanons are under the cut!! ↓ ↓ ↓ (VERY LONG)
This AU can be set either as its own, or if everyone sat down and played D&D with characters based on themselves. I would love to write fic splicing the two together if I ever get around to it lol
Character Info
David: Ranger/Bard - Champion of Nature (Lawful Good)
S4E7 pretty much laid out his character and class perfectly; David is a Bard at heart, and sought to make people happy with his tricks and performances when he was younger, until he found his true calling in his connection to Mother Nature. His home is wherever he can set up camp and has his heart set on protecting the forests’ natural beauty and integrity from quickly growing cities. Breaks into song at random and dislikes conflict. Prefers to shut fights down though talk and song, but does excel at archery and long-range combat if the need arises.
(tbh, binary-bird’s david design is so much cooler and i was heavily inspired by it, so please just imagine him in that one instead lol)
Gwen: Bard/Cleric - College of Lore (Chaotic Neutral)
In all honesty, Gwen is the most difficult one for me to place in this AU. She strikes me as the one to DM for the kids so Nerris can play, and enjoys creating stories for them, hence why Bard comes as the most natural to class her. An unconventional one, as she’s sharp-tongued, usually straight-faced, and witty in a sarcastic sense. Probably owns a bookshop in her town and writes many of her own books (half of which are erotica and stored in a curtained off area you need a password for). She has a way with words and handles her spear with the same proficiency. Badass fighter if you get on her bad side.
Max: Rogue - Thief/Trap Master (Chaotic Neutral)
Grew up poor and practically on the streets with barely a glance from his parents, Max learned it’s every person for themselves from an early age. Known for being a little shit and a master at picking pockets, MacGyvering traps, and winning bets through words alone. Shitton of knives, prefers throwing them from the shadows. Says he doesn’t care for anyone but himself, but would actually kill a man or 20 for his friends. Met Neil when trying to swindle him out of some expensive potions and wound up traveling with him. Purely for profit at first after hearing about the tech Neil’s in search of, but they ended up clicking and became fast friends (in denial).
Neil: Artificer - Alchemist (Lawful Neutral)
Neil’s family is very well off and many of his relatives are well known scholars; his father being the leading philosopher in their district. Though proud of his family’s and his own scientific accomplishments, Neil became bored of his mundane village and life, and thus set off in search of new scientific discoveries that could land him a place in the history books. Hates combat and stays out of it whenever he can. Sticks to the side lines, crafting bombs, poisons, splash potions, and buffs for the party. Relatively level-headed and often leads the team’s strategies in battle, until things go wild and sends him into a panic.
Nikki: Barbarian/Druid - Path of the Beast Master (Chaotic Good)
Born into a broken family, Nikki fled to the woods at a young age and lost her way home. Found and taken in by a pack of wolves, she quickly answered to the call of Mother Nature and grew into a nomadic lifestyle with her pack. Nikki is a wild one, brandishing her giant axe with ease, communicating with animals, and able to shift into a wolf form. Met Max and Neil as they were passing thorough her forest and nearly bit a chunk out of Neil’s arm on their first encounter. Would do anything for her friends and thinks of them as her own pack as she journeys with them.
Nerris: Sorceress - Storm Bloodline (Neutral Good)
Born to a human mother and elven father, Nerris is skilled in magic pertaining to the elements, specifically lightning and electricity, and not to shabby with their shortsword when the need arises. Left their village on a traditional journey to hone their skills and become a great sorceress to make their family proud. Always up for adventure, but rash and dives head first into more dangerous situations. Met and traveled with Harrison, who they bicker with constantly over who is the better magic user, before they both joined the Main Trio feat. David. Don’t mess with their party, man, Nerris will beat your ass into the neighbouring realm.
Harrison: Wizard - School of Illusions/Wild Mage (Chaotic Good)
Harrison was born with chaotic magic that had his parents on edge since the beginning. He quickly became a specialist in illusions, but due to his wild magic, he’d caused a lot of unintentional trouble in his town, escalating to making his brother disappear with no idea how to get him back. Fled his family and town young in pursuit of honing his magic and searching for a way to bring his brother back. Terrible at hand-to-hand, weapons, or close-range combat, but packs a punch when his magic goes haywire, often being linked to his emotions. Will sometimes levitate without realizing and freak people out. His hat is his nearly unlimited inventory and is probably a dangerous rip in space-time that should be dealt with.
Preston: Bard - College of Glamour (Lawful Neutral)
Preston travels around in search of fame and artistic inspiration and loves any audience he can find. Rarely staying in one place for long, he recites his poetry and one-man acts for captivated audiences in the town’s square or taverns, sometimes accompanied by lute or flute music. His outfits are flashy and as much of a trainwreck as he is so he’s easy to spot. In battle, his acts are usually used to stun or paralyze opponents, often done as a tag team with a more offensive member of the party. If forced to fight, he’s not too bad at fencing his way out of it.
Dolph: Bard - College of Paint (Neutral Good)
Born into a prestigious and proud military family that he left to pursue a career in art. Has painted quite a few nobles’ portraits and has thus become well known as a traveling painter. Became quick friends with Preston when they met in a town square Dolph was passing through. Hates conflict and tends to stay back in battle, but if he has to fight, he’s able to summon whatever he paints in ink to fight for him (think Sai from Naruto lol).
Ered: Rogue - Scout (Chaotic Neutral)
Daughter and assassin-in-training of her two fathers who work closely with their country’s monarchy. Though she loves them more than anything, Ered has more of a go-my-own-way attitude, opting to work more freely and alone for smaller contracts than under her parents’ wings. Amazing sharp-shooter with her crossbow and can hold her own in hand to hand combat. She’s a name quite a few know in underground circles, and Max has heard of her before as well.
Nurf: Barbarian - Path of the Brawler (Chaotic Neutral)
Half-orc and full temper, Nurf is a brawler through and through. On the run for various crimes and resents the justice system for putting his mother behind bars. Fights mainly with fists and daggers and is one of the strongest in the party. Actually quite perceptive and insightful, but whether he chooses to act upon that insight is entirely dependent on how he feels at that moment. Nurf joined the party a little later than the rest, after meeting them during an ongoing brawl and teaming up as a spur-of-the-moment decision. He stuck around for one reason or another.
Space Kid: Cleric - Cosmic Domain (True Neutral)
Space Kid comes from a line of astronomers and astrologists, and he too answers to the Stars and Celestial Bodies. Many of his decisions are based on what star charts tell him and he’s just happy to be along for the ride. Met the Main Trio early on during a quest relating to astrology and, realizing they lacked a designated healer for the team, found Space Kid to be decent enough. Probably has untapped powers that are pretty incredible if he knew how to access them. Sticks around due to the Stars hinting that their fates are tied and good things will come about in the party’s future.
Other Notes
I’ve gotten an ask or two in the past asking about Daniel and he is 1458903% a Lawful Evil Warlock/Bard who answers to his patron Xemüg. Quartermaster is also a Warlock, probably Chaotic Neutral, and I like the idea of his patron being The Octopus (thank you S4E5 for the harrison and QM inspiration).
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campcampfanfan · 4 years
Ranking every CC episode (except the specials)
You read the title! Every episode except the specials will be ranked here and now, by your truly. TW for swearing. Also, spoilers, obviously. Remeber these are all my opinions, and enjoy!
Episodes I don’t like too much/ Don’t watch:
54:The Candy Kingpin
I know, I know, probably an unpopular take. I don’t really like Dolph, and think the series could have done without his whole… thing. I like him as a character, sorta, but I also don’t really like him. I honestly forgot this episode even existed until I looked it up, and the only thing I remember was Gwen and David’s conversation. The whole story was… eh? Whatever, it was still fine-ish in the long run.
53: Reigny Day
Enough said. Everyone’s lowkey kind of a jerk in this episode, except for Neil and Max for like two seconds.Also, Dolph jokes. Don’t like it.
52:Cameron Campbell the Campbell Camper
This one was pretty meh. I, once again, didn’t remember it existed until I looked it up. It wasn’t Cam’s best episode (I’ll get to that later), and it was kinda bland. Bland doesn’t mean bad though, but it just wasn’t the best. Only thing I remember was the wholesome Dadvid moment and Max saying a funny line. Enough said about that.
51: Anti Social Network
Now, I wasn’t too sure where to put this, because this was in theory a good episode. I just don’t like it. I’m not sure why, but Max being a tiny perv is very funny to me, because that is exactly what a ten year old is like. I just didn’t really find it interesting or catching my attention, but it wasn’t a bad episode.
50: The Order of the Sparrow
I get why you like this, I totally get it. It’s funny and lots of Dadvid, plus Gwen singing for the first time. Honestly, Gwen singing and David’s mental breakdown is what got this higher than Anti Social Network, but it’s still racist. I get it, it’s comedy, but it’s still really… interesting. I know the CC people are trying their best, and it’s a delicate balance, but I still skip over the first few minutes.
49: Jeremy Fartz
We love a hilarious mess up, Max cursing, and David making fun of someone, but it’s also a really awkward episode? Like, it makes for a really good backstory for Jeremy and joining the Woodscouts, but it’s such an odd episode. Not bad, just odd. Whatever, I still like it. Sorta….
48: Fashion Victims
Oh boy, Russian Waifu comes back. I love Ainsley, she’s my precious baby and Max’s purified Doppelganger, and I love her so much. But Sasha’s not my favorite character in the show, and she got especially mean in this episode. I love the whole Vera thing, but really dislike this one. I watch it once in a while, but not too often. Also, we love positivity from Tabii and Erin.
47:Time Crapsules
We love Gwen blushing, improvement from Max, and making fun of baseball. But this episode really hit me with second hand embarrassment for both Gwen and Max. You know when you can’t sit through an episode without getting second hand embarrassment? Yup, that’s this one. I wanted the guy coming through the door to be David and I’m salty, ok? This is my list, and we stan Gwenvid on this account.
46:Campfire Tales
Dolph’s story was boring, Space Kid was great, We love ghost parents. We l o v e Slenderman! AU David in this household, and I want to see more of them. Oh yeah, outfits were great. Max is a baby in this episode, and I love his fear because it makes you see that he really is a little boy with feelings. I also laugh at everyone’s faces after Space Kid’s story.
Ok Episodes/ Ones I do like:
45:Preston Goodplay’s Goodplay
Oooooo, this is a tough one. I love Preston as a character, because I too am a theatre kid who dislikes most people and wants to be famous for her storytelling. I can relate. I love how David talks to him, and how Preston comes to his realization that he doesn’t need to please everyone. Also, canon French Speaking! David is canon. Amazing. He’s still Candian! Anyway, Clown College was odd, but whatever, I can roll with it.
44: The Quarter Moon Convergence
We totally saw Zemug and no one said anything. No one! Why was no one talking about this! We saw the elder god! Anyways, I love Harrison and Quartermaster working together. It’s funny, it’s clever, and I want to see more of it. I do not like the subplot with the other characters, and it really took me out of the main story. Other than that, pretty interesting idea, and I love my pure magic boy!
43:Who Peed in the Lake
Ew. That’s all I need to say about it. It’s extremely funny, I like the motives, and I love detective Max. However, Nikki and the final answer are disgusting in this episode. It gross, it’s gross, it’s gross, but it’s so funny. I know I have the humor of an eight year old, I don’t care.
42:New Adventure
I love how this episode was played out. Funny, clever, and overall pretty ok. Plus, guess who shows up? Dirty Kevin, my friends! Best trash boy :)
Overall pretty good! Not too many complaints, but not too many great things either.
41:The Fun Raiser
Hmmm… This was an… interesting episode. David and Gwen scheming is my new religion, and they are both idiots. Who the hell thought this plan was a good idea? David? I mean, he’s a little bit dipsy, but has SOME common sense. Gwen? Maybe, but you know, she’s logical. You know what? I’m being too picky. I love my dumbasses, they are the best. Also, Gwen sitting on David is everything I love in my life and everything I need. Harrison makes a very good point, Nikki probably found Jasper’s skull, and Max is my scheming child. Whatever, eh episode, love the plot, but I have cringed at it.
40: Foreign Exchange Students
Like I’ve said before, this episode is out of place. It’s not bad, it’s just… blandish. I know, I know, Russian Waifu was in it, but this episode was only ok. I love Vera and Brian, and the ending is super funny, but other than that, eh episode.
39:Attack of the Nurfs
I honest to gods forgot this episode existed. I ended up rewatching it, and had a few good laughs. Gwen in this episode, for the little time she appears, is so funny. David’s sparkle eyes always make me laugh, and Max ends up making me laugh most of all. Nurf takes “talking to yourself” to a whole new level, and I relate my man. Get that therapy!
38:Camp Cool Kidz
This episode is eh....? I love my tiny rebellious children, but I really hate Ered in this episode. It just feels… so unlike her. I get it, it’s the start of her ark, but really and truly I disliked her character in this episode. On the other hand, Nikki is me trying to flirt with other women. She’s my little baby Pansexual, and I love her to death. Honestly, I really enjoy Nikki episodes, so yeah. Also, the literal moment I began to love Gwen with the “Stab her bitch!” line.
37:Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak
Honestly, I almost never watch this episode, but I still really like it. Nerris’s lines, the battle between two magic folk, the one liners, the ending, oh it was really good. However, some of the parts were boring, it’s not the best, but it’s still pretty good. Whatever, I like Nerrison and magic, so boom.
36:Escape from Camp Campbell
Honestly, what a classic. First episode, Gwen being overall great, “No Running”, Max being a  tiny Satan, Nikki and Neil being amazing. But, once again, it’s the first episode, which means some things aren’t the best. But! I do enjoy this one, and watch it sometimes.
35:Mind Freakers
Eh… It’s pretty ok. We love Harrison and Neil being jerks to each other, and we love Max having an identity crisis, but all I could really think through this was “Poor Max” and “This is a really stupid and petty fight”. It really is petty, which isn’t bad, but I feel like ti was an odd episode. Not bad, I thoroughly enjoy it, I just couldn’t swallow normal for a few days….
One I really like/ Second highest ranking:
34:Romeo and Juliet 2: Love Resurrected
Bon Bon~! Yay! We love David for having a Tinder, for Max’s amazing performance, and the drama! That being said, it’s overall a pretty good episode! Not the best, but pretty good!
Welp, I feel like you all know what I’m getting at. The jokes are well landed, Muack appears for the first time ( and steals the show, and that’s the tea), and my girl Nikki is so precious. Quartermaster is weird as hell, and speaking of which…
32: Quartermaster Appreciation Day
I know, it’s gross, it’s weird, I hate the relationship almost as much as I can, but this episode is so freaking funny. So many of the jokes are well timed, some classic lines come from this episode, and Quartermaster being his weird self is a major playing factor.
31: Space Camp was a hoax
More Gwen and David being two idiots sharing one brain cell? Hell yes, lay it on me. Space Kid is so funny, and his inner dialouge is fantastic. Also, Nikki cursing is incredible, even if it isn’t really on screen. Gwen’s line “Is this what success feels like?” is a major mood, and I just generally think it’s a good episode.
30: Ered gets her cool back
We love Nerris and Ered’s relationship in this household, ok? Older sporty sister spends time with dorky younger sister who has more common sense? Bigger sister gets better at being with other people and learns a lot form the experience? Nikki”s outfit? All major amazing things I love in this episode. But, the plot was a little eh, and I got second hand embarrassment.
29:Jasper dies at the end
All I have to say is H O O E Y
28:Cameron Campbell can’t handle the truth serum
Dolph’s autstic? Oh, ok, that’s pretty cool! We love representation. Anyways, this was an odd episode. Not good, not bad, just… odd. The therapy and plant jokes made my dad have to come in and check on me because I was laughing so loud, and most of the other jokes hit well. But it was… eh plot wise. It was pretty good joke wise though!
27:Journey to Spooky Island
Jasper, Quartermaster’s ahem… thing, and Max screaming were the best things in this episode. This episode is pretty great if I do say so myself, but this is ranked lower because I did not need to imagine Quartermaster like that. Excuse while I go burn out my eyeballs.
26: Camporee
Fuck Pikeman. All my homies hate Pikeman. No seriously, he is my least favorite character on the show. His sexism and gross advances really get to me, and the way he treats Gwen is disgusting. Now I have that out of the way, I actually enjoyed this episode, except for Pikeman. Hot take, I know. I’ve seen the Pikeman X Reader stuff on Wattpad. Whatever, back to the topic. Episode was good overall, especially the lesson. Each person’s talents were fantastic, and the ending itself was great. 
25:Camp Corp
We stan business Gwen and her telling Nancy to shut up.I love the plot, forcing three people who usually don’t work together to solve a common problem. I love that, and it does make for an interesting story. However, there are some flaws to the episode, but it’s overall pretty fantastic!
24:Follow the Leader
Are you kidding me? This was a great idea. Funny, creative, inventive, and overall pretty good. Playing with how each character leads was a great idea, and very inventive to give them all a common goal. Why it’s so low is personal pettiness. Pikeman, and Jasper was probably on the island when it blew up.
23:Squirrel Camp
Why is this so high up? *Looks at notes* Oh yeah, it’s so stupid I actually like it. No, but for real though, I know people don’t like this one as much as I do, but I think it’s pretty funny. Sure, dumb idea and kind of mediocore, but to me it’s so fun and entertaining. I’m sorry if you don’t agree, but you can make your own list if you’d like. It’s such a weird plot it’s entertaining. You get me?
22:Panicked Room
I just really like this episode, no rhyme or reason. It’s really funny and romantic, and the interactions were so good. David and Gwen through this episode were amazing for the mere seconds they were on screen, but it was overall pretty good!
21: City Survival
I couldn’t remember much of what happened in this so I ended up rewatching it. We love Dirty Kevin, David’s reaction to the city, and David being a homeless twink. Gwen also has the fancy outfit in this episode, and I am all for that.
20: Cookin Cookies
Three girls accidentally start a meth lab and go all breaking bad? Hell yes.It’s funny, the completion of everyone getting father figures, and it’s an overall good idea. It’s creative, good, it’s amazing. I really wanted to know what the main three were doing though, I’m actually kinda curious. Anyways, good story, and very enjoyable.
19:Keep the change
I found this episode very entertaining! Dadvid, Campbell getting better, funny moments, and a good plot! It’s really a great episode, and establishes what the season will be about. In fact, I believe I have themes for all the seasons:
Season 1:Beginnings
Season 2: Family
Season 3:Friends
Season 4: Change
18:Parent’s Day
Ok, Ok, know, Dadvid, but really I feel like this episode is a tiny bit overhyped. I love the Dadvid, Candy and Carl (Except I really don’t ship Neil/Nikki anymore), and how Max’s … situation is handled. Yes, I am on the side of thinking Max’s parents are abusive or at least ignorant. They just don’t care, and that’s where Max’s attitude comes from. It was well handled, and I very much like this episode.
17:Dial M for Jasper
I love Jasper with all of my heart, and watching his backstory was both heartbreaking and amazing. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Watching it made me hate Campbell more than I did, and I expect the episode where David finds out about Jasper would be heartbreaking. David most likely screams and curses at Campbell, and takes off. I’m hoping Gwen runs after him, but that’s wishful thinking.\
16:David gets hard
The ending is amazing, I love learning about Nurf’s trauma, and watching Gwen,Max, and David scheming is incredible. It was interesting to see Nurf's side of the story, and it was pretty good. Enough said.
15:Cult Camp
Yes, it is high. The song is amazing, the plot is amazing, and Daniel’s stupidity is amazing. He is a very good villain, and it works with the comedy of the show. If everyone wants, I will write an essay on Daniel and what he means to the show. Anyways, good episode, funny and inventive.
14:Bounjour Bonqueesha
Oh, what to say about this episode! I love Bon Bon, but her breaking up with David an hour before their date? Not so cool. Whatever. Watching Gwen comfort David made my day, my week, my month. It was amazing. The “I’m a girl” line was extremely funny, because me too Nikki. Me too. Anyways, loved it!
13:The Lake Lilac Summer Social
Oh, what an episode! Gwenvid, Makki (I sorta ship it? Eh?), love triangles, Gwen going ship crazy (me too, man, me too), and David being level headed for once. Uh, so glad this episode exists. Only bad part, Pikeman and Jeremy. That’s literally it.
12:Operation: Charlie Tango Foxtrot
The ending was gross, but whatever. No judgement. Funny episode, and I love how the experimented with the points of view. Petrol’s side was a nice gag and it was overall a good episode! No complaints other than the weird ending.
11:After hours
Honestly, this is a tie with the next one. It is a great look at what happens after all the kids go to bed, what Gwen and David have to deal with, and what goes on outside the camp. The Gwenvid is strong with this episode! It’s really funny and creative. Also, ChibiKawaiiCat97 is absolutely a real username out there, I’m sure it is. Gwen deserves all the good things.
My Favs!
10:Scout’s Dishonor
Neeancy, my child! Yeah! Also, Neil cursing out of nowhere? Amazing. It’s so high up because it actually was the first episode I saw a clip off! It’s what got me into Camp Camp overall, but it’s not listed up there because I do like others better.
9:The Forest
I know, not number one. It’s an amazing episode, with a great plot and a good lesson, but I physically cannot watch it without sniffling. Yes, I know, I’m pathetic for crying at this, but I really see the pain. You can feel the fear in his voice, and it always makes me so sad. Whatever, I still love this episode.
8:Into Town
I mean, I have no rhyme or reason, I just love this one. I can’t even think of a flaw for this one! It’s kind of an amazing thing! A lovely episode with good visuals and amazing dialogue!
7:The Butter Fingered Effect
An amazing episode about change. I love Neil cracking, Ered becoming a nerd, Nikki becoming a scientist, and the counselor outfit swap. I appreciate Gwen wearing David’s clothes, because that’s amazing. I like the theme of change that fits with Season 4. Good episode with almost no flaws!
6:Eggs Benefits
I love Max and Nikki interacting, trying to take care of the egg and Nikki basically having a panic attack. I just love Nikki episodes in general, ok? Don’t judge. Whatever. Preston and Nurf, were um, problematic, to say the least. Whatever, the ending was funny, and this episode is dear to my heart.
5.Camp Loser says what?
Wow… Gwen in a wood scout uniform is actually really pretty! Entire episode was pretty much a fanfiction come to life, and we love the team for that. Uh, I yearn for more fanfic like episodes. God, if you have followed me for long enough, you’d know I would love for the fans ideas to become canon.Anyway, good plot, glad Daniel came back in this way and Pan and/or Bi David is canon
4:Nikki’s Last Day on Earth
I wasn’t expecting that! Honestly, I didn’t see the twist and thought it was a good idea! Funny, creative, and shows off Max’s jerkiness. We love Max development and amazing plots. We also love a Mother and Daughter relationship between Gwen and Nikki. More of that please1
3:Gwen gets a job
This is so damn creative, I love this episode so much. Gwenvid fuel, Max being a terrible person, Gwen breaking down and David comforting her. I bet Gwen never heard a speech that encouraging in her life…
2:Party Pooper 
I know you thought this was going to be number one! Haha, tricked you! But really, this is an amazing episode. The way Gwen bonds with her father, the beautiful scene at the end, the background, everything. I love a good “Gwen is underappreciated” episode, and that’s why this gets second. Almost no flaws! Which leads to number one….
1:Something Fishy!
What an amazing episode! I have never seen “Shape of Water”, but this one is just incredible. Gwen is an underappreciated overworked mess, and she finds what seems likes the perfect option. But turns out it isn’t what it seems, and it’s amazing. Also, this episode has so much Gwenvid fuel, it’s amazing. The art is amazing, Gwen’s dress is amazing, it’s all perfect. No flaws here for me!
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much-brighter-ink · 4 years
Murderer swap! Instead of Riley, who do you think it could or should be? What would be their motive or reasoning?
Ooh. I like the idea of Reese being the killer because she’s done with everyone’s shit and thinks if she gets the team back together, she’ll climb socially (and then freaks out because she killed one person too many and still has morals and doesn’t want to hurt without a reason), I’d say Mattie (to become captain and show the world what she’s got in her) but that mirrors Bring It On extremely closely - I’d also be super interested to see Preston’s AU, where Annleigh is the killer and no one survives (because he’s so right, Annleigh is brave and powerful and has every right to be angry at the world so she’s definitely capable of the stab stab-)
ty for the ask!
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Tell Me Where To Find Shelter -- Layers of Victor
Saw this meme going around the #fallout4 tag a while back (I believe I specifically ganked it from @radbeetle), and thought it might be fun to do for my Sole Survivor!Victor. And my Malkavian!Alice, but let’s start with SS!Victor. XD
- Name: Victor Fitzwilliam Van Dort
- Eye Color: Very dark brown – it can be very hard to tell the difference between pupil and iris!
- Hair Style/Color: Black, generally combed back with two "tufts" of bangs falling over what little forehead he has
- Height: Six feet three inches (and thin as a rail)
- Clothing style: Relatively formal pre-War – he grew up in a household that impressed upon him that you wore ties and suits whenever you were in public, and often even in private. Post-War, he spends a lot of time switching between a pair of upgraded Vault suits from Vault 111 while looking for clothes that actually fit his lanky frame. He's a lot more casual in his style once he does – though he still likes a good sweater vest, and he keeps a few suits if he needs to look fancy.
- Best physical feature: Victor would personally say his hands – he's a pianist and a tinkerer, and he appreciates his long reach over a keyboard, along with his ability to finely handle delicate parts when upgrading or repairing things!
- Fears: Total darkness (as in you can't see ANYTHING – as long as there's some sort of light source, he can manage); blindness (related to previous); small enclosed spaces (being locked in a cryonic pod will do that to a guy); losing those he cares about again (he – has a lot of trauma from seeing Victoria shot, Shaun kidnapped, then trying to open Emily's pod after he finally got out, only to see her corpse half-rotted inside)
- Guilty pleasure: Pre-War, it would have been comics – he was always a little embarrassed about how much he continued to like the adventures of Grognak and the Unstoppables and whatnot after his teenage years (not helped by his mother sneering at the stories). Post-War, though, he ditches the "guilty" part – especially after meeting Kent Connolly and getting to play Silver Shroud. XD I'm not sure he has one post-War – he occasionally feels weird about how much he enjoys modifying his weapons and armor? But that's quite practical as well as pleasurable, so. . .
- Biggest pet peeve: Being rapidly promoted in organizations that he's only just joined (Preston, you're easily one of his best friends, but SERIOUSLY, dude, GENERAL?)
- Ambitions for the future: To continue keeping his little portion of the Commonwealth safe, and start training up someone with some more Charisma to be the General of the Minutemen once he retires (he's still not sure why people follow him when he's so socially awkward)
- First thoughts waking up: Depends on what wakes him up. If he's waking up on his own, it's generally a variation on "Breakfast? Where breakfast?" If someone else wakes him up, it's generally "Why are you shaking/licking me, I don't wanna get up yet." And if it's combat nearby, it's generally "SHIT WHERE'S MY GUN oh wait are they shooting at me still should find gun."
- What they think about most: All his various responsibilities – finding his son, acting as General of the Minutemen, working with the Railroad, helping the people on the settlements, wondering what the hell is going to happen between him and the Brotherhood of Steel, or him and the Institute. . .it doesn't do much for his anxiety, is what I'm saying.
- What they think about before bed: If he's not exhausted enough just to collapse onto the nearest sleeping surface, then probably what I mentioned above. He's probably up late trying to plan routes to help settlements that have called for assistance and follow leads on the Institute and whatnot.
- What they think their best quality is: Victor would consider it his willingness to be helpful whenever possible. He generally enjoys helping people, and it makes him feel better in general to help improve the Commonwealth in some small way. (Not to mention, him helping out personally with the problems of a lot of the families/communities in the Commonwealth has earned him a lot of friends for his Minutemen! A General so hands-on seems to impress people.)
- Single or group dates: . . .this gets a little harder to answer when he was in a polyamorous relationship pre-War, you know. XD But yeah, Victor prefers one-on-one, or one-on-two in the case of Victoria and Emily. A group date puts the pressure on him to perform like the perfect boyfriend/husband, and he doesn't need the extra stress. Maybe he'd be okay with a double date if it was with some very close friends.
- To be loved or respected: Victor would rather be loved, or at least liked – though part of that is low self-esteem telling him people aren't going to respect him. (Or like him, for that matter.) It's what informs his desire to help people, at least in part.
- Beauty or brains: While Victor isn't immune to a nice face or body, he really likes having someone he can talk to about stuff. Sharing interests is fun, and he appreciates someone who will at least try to keep up with his nattering on about butterflies and robots and whatnot.
- Dogs or cats: Dogs! Victor gets along decently with cats, but he is first and foremost a dog person. He had a dog named Scraps when he was a child, and he, Victoria, and Emily were making plans to adopt one before the bombs fell. Meeting Dogmeat at the Red Rocket really helped pull him out of his post-War "almost everything I knew is gone and I'm a stranger in my own state" funk.
- Lie: Yup. Victor will tell the usual social "white lies" (even if he's not very good at them), and he's done bigger lies in the past – like not telling his parents that Emily was more than their "roommate." (Of course, that was done not to have a family blowout about him and his wife having a girlfriend.)
- Believe in themselves: Not usually – as stated, Victor has pretty low self-esteem, thanks mostly to growing up with a mother who was criticizing him and everything he was when she wasn't absent doing social climbing stuff. It's hard for him to think of himself as being someone who has worth, sadly. He gets better when he starts seeing more results of his actions in helping the Minutemen and the Railroad, and realizes he's genuinely making a difference for people.
- Believe in love: Yes – his relationship with Victoria and Emily was one of the high points of his pre-War life. He was utterly heartbroken when Victoria was shot, and Emily later died due to the life support to the other pods being cut off. But then later he meets Alice, and. . .well, it takes some time, but he manages to come around to loving and being loved again.
- Want someone: Pre-War, not really – he was in a happy threesome and wasn't currently looking to expand. Post-War, most of his life precludes wanting anyone – though he does develop a bit of a crush on Piper as time goes on. And then, of course, he meets Alice, and eventually ends up wanting her. . . (Yes, in-game I intend for him to romance Piper – and there's a chance in the AU he, Piper, and Alice would end up in a poly situation. We'll see where this goes!)
- Been on stage: Pre-War, never officially – Nell had him play piano at some of her parties (which was always stressful, as he felt all her guests were either judging him or just hated him for being related to her), but that was as far as performing got. He of course had the speech he was asked to do that he was practicing the day the bombs dropped, but – well, the bombs dropped. Post-War – he probably will have to give some inspirational speeches to his Minutemen troops, which he will somehow get through and then go have a little quiet panic attack somewhere.
- Done chems/drugs: . . .I have occasionally toyed with the headcanon that Victor was unwillingly dosed with Psycho, or a drug like it, back in his Army days and has been haunted by the experience ever since. But other than that, not the hard stuff – Victor doesn't even smoke (he tried once – after nearly coughing up a lung, he refused to ever try again) and he tends not to drink (he's tried that too, and discovered he's an embarrassingly chatty drunk, so he doesn't typically indulge). He will, of course, take Rad-X and Rad-Away, because those are freaking necessary to survive in parts of the Wasteland.
- Changed who you were to fit in: Occasionally attempted, never stuck. He's not good at keeping up a facade. One of his most embarrassing memories is trying to ask a girl to dance at a party his mother dragged him to when he was about 16, imitating the more popular "jock"-kinda guys, and getting laughed at so much he retreated to the buffet for the rest of the night.
- Favorite color: Blue
- Favorite animal: Dogs, butterflies
- Favorite movie: Victor will confess to a love for schlocky monster movies, so he was quite enamored of Night of the Fish Men's Revenge when it came out (he's quite excited when he sees it in the projector in Eden Meadows Cinema, and quite sad that he can only get it to play the title screen). He also enjoyed Another Day In the Monster Factory for much the same reasons.
- Favorite game: With his affinity for comic books and a secret love of roleplaying (which becomes not-so-secret once he starts Silver Shrouding), Grognak & The Ruby Ruins quite appeals to him. He likes that it has some replay value too, with changing up your party and whatnot. The action of Pipfall appeals to him too, though that time limit can be stressful!
- DOB: June 9th, 2050 (he was 27 and a few months when the bombs dropped)
- Day of their next birthday, they will be: His next birthday according to the game would be June 9th, 2088 – he'd be 238 in terms of time passed, 28 in terms of biology
- Age they lost their virginity: Twenty – Victor had been yanked by the Army into Canada to help with the Sino-American war shortly after graduating high school, but got some leave around his twentieth birthday to go home. He immediately caught back up with his high school sweethearts, Victoria and Emily, and ended up doing the deed with Victoria. They managed to keep it a secret from their conservative parents, fortunately.
- Does age matter: In general? Victor is willing to listen to advice from those older than he is, certainly – though he tends to take it with a grain of salt depending on their obvious biases. In a relationship? Unless one of the parties is a minor, Victor won't get involved, though bigger gaps will probably make him wonder what exactly they see in each other. (He allows this is hypocritical of him to a degree, as Alice is much older than him even taking into account the freezing – but on the flip side, she was Embraced at 20, he was frozen at 27. . .)
- Best personality: Victor likes people who are sweet and kind, but have a tougher or sassier side to them as well. Victoria leaned mostly toward the "sweet" side, but was also pretty determined when it came to getting what she wanted from him; Emily was cheerful and enthusiastic, but if you angered her – wooo boy; Alice of course is snark incarnate, but is kind to people and generally likes helping others. Even Piper is one of the kinder companions, but doesn't shy away from sarcastic comments.
- Best eye color: Well, Victoria and Emily both had blue eyes (of differing shades), and Alice's green eyes were one of the first things that struck Victor about her, sooo. . .blue or green!
- Best hair color: I'm not sure Victor has a preference here – Victoria was a super-light brown, almost gray; Emily was a blonde; Alice has dark hair that looks black or brown depending on the light/how well cared for it is (and she says her hair was almost red when she was a kid!); Piper has dark brown/black hair. I guess pre-War he went for lighter; post-War he goes for darker?
- Best thing to do with a partner: Victor likes finding some sort of creative interest they can share, or at least do at the same time. He would sit in the living room and draw while Victoria embroidered in the afternoons; and he and Emily both played piano, so they'd often have little duets. With Alice, he probably ends up illustrating some of the stories she tells – maybe eventually they throw together a book of sorts, with Piper's help!
- I love: Alice! And the rest of my friends too, of course.
- I feel: completely out of my depth, most of the time.
- I hide: how anxious all of this makes me – not sure how well I'm succeeding, but. . .
- I miss: the life I had before, in Sanctuary.
- I wish: that Victoria and Emily hadn't – that t-they were still here to meet the friends I've made.
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complcatedfreak · 5 years
two-thirds match
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in which peter and y/n don’t know who their soulmates are and y/n begins to make friends. part two to i don’t know.
A/N: this is a soulmate au series, which will contain both endgame and infinity war spoilers. however, this part is spoiler free.
The rest of the day flew by in Y/N’s mind. It was as if running into Peter and his friend completely changed her mood, allowing her to relax and fall into the normal student life at Midtown. Peter was also in her math and chemistry class, and both him and his friend smiled and waved at her when she walked in. There was a girl sitting with Peter in math, but Y/N tried not to think about it too much. In fact, Y/N was in such a good mood when she walked out of school that she flashed her mom the biggest, most genuine smile she could muster. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” Y/N’s mom asked when she climbed into the car. “I just had a really good day.”
Peter kept noticing the new girl around school. He never found out what her name was, but he definitely knew her face. Peter couldn’t put into words how excited he was when she walked into not one, but two of his classes! But, when the end of the day rolled around, he couldn’t focus on her, he had to go be the friendly neighborhood Spider-man that the city knew. After the last bell rang, Peter got to his locker and then ran to a nearby alley. He threw his bookbag to the side, went to rip his hoodie off, excited to get out into the city. He truly loved patrolling, being spider-man, his city, the whole shebang.
“So, what homework do you have?” Y/N’s mom asked her, as they sat down for dinner. “Mainly just like paper work and stuff like that, some of it’s for you.” As the family sat down for dinner, conversation flowed. Everyone seemed genuinely happy, a rare occurrence in the household. Maybe this move would be good for them. Dinner went by fast. As Y/N and her siblings were cleaning up, she made her way to the sink. She was on dishes duty tonight. Quickly, she pulled the sleeves of her sweatshirt up and grabbed the first dish. Time was seeming to speed as she did the dishes, she was done quickly. When she was done, her jaw dropped, “MOM!”
“You what?” Happy asked, only just now becoming interested in his fifteen-minute-long conversation with Peter. “I noticed a line!” Peter excitedly cheered, happy to be able to tell his story about noticing his soulmate mark, as well as grateful that Happy was actually listening to him. “You gotta be careful with that, kid. It could be dangerous, you know, with your job and all.” Peter hadn’t even considered that he could be putting his soulmate in danger. That’s the exact opposite of what he’d ever want to do. It’s freaking soulmate, for crying out loud. “I’ll be safe, Happy. Have a good night.” Peter said, hanging up the phone. Not only was he not 100% positive who his soulmate was, now he also had a seed of fear implanted in his brain. With sigh, Peter kicked a pebble to the side of the roof and started his journey home.
“Who did you meet today?” Y/N’s mom excitedly asked, rubbing her finger over her daughter’s wrist. “I met a lot of people, mom! Like ten of them had names that start with P!” With a furrow in her eyebrows, Y/N’s mom started to ask about middle and last names. Y/N nodded along, but had tuned out to think about who she met all day. Penelope in her second period class, with the cute, yellow headband, or Preston in her third period class, who offered her cookies even though lunch was next period. There was also Peter, who accidentally approached her with an attitude. And so many more people between and after them. Y/N let her head drop to the table while releasing a groan. This is going to be impossible.
Peter didn’t tell Aunt May about the line. The small seed of fear that had been planted into Peter’s brain had sprouted into a full-blown break down. May had just recently discovered he was Spider-man, so she was probably in danger, just as his soulmate would be. Peter couldn’t let anything happen to the two most important people in his life, even if it means he wouldn’t ever know who one of them is. So, Peter powered through a semi-awkward dinner with Aunt May, then went to wallow in the safety of his bedroom. He laid on the floor, tossing a ball up to the ceiling, catching it as it fell back down to him. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself. Peter felt like he had to pick between being Spider-man and his soulmate, and it was the worst feeling ever. He was weighing options; trying to have a way to have both be involved in his life, but he wasn’t sure if it was possible. Along with Happy’s words, Tony’s were ringing in his head. If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it. Peter was something without this suit; he was a best friend, a student, a son, and, apparently a soulmate. But that didn’t make him a good one. That didn’t mean he wasn’t putting everyone around him in danger. Peter was pulled out of his head when the ball came down next to his head. Damn, he thought, I can’t even catch a ball.
When Y/N woke up the next morning, she couldn’t tell if she was scared or excited. She had butterflies in her tummy, and her hands were a little shaky. She almost dropped the bottle of juice she was pouring this morning. Her heartbeat sped up the closer she got to Midtown. Maybe today would be the day. When she walked into her homeroom, she made sure to take careful note of everyone who was called. Two people had names that start with P; Penelope, who Y/N had met yesterday, and Patrick, but his last name is Boulder, which doesn’t start with a ‘P’ (he was absent, the teacher called his full name). Y/N really needed to learn Penelope’s middle or last name, even though she did doubt her soulmate was Penelope. She was cool, just not, how do you say, soulmate material. This is how the entire day went; figuring out who everyone was. Shockingly, not that many people had names that started with ‘P’, and even less had last names that started with a ‘P’. Finding her soulmate shouldn’t be that hard, just if she knew last names. By the time she got to lunch, Y/N had a note full of names on her phone. There were dashes for last and middle names that she didn’t know yet.
“Ned! I don’t know!” Peter whisper-shouted to Ned, after he asked about who Peter’s soulmate was for the fifteenth time that day. “It has to be the new girl, right? She’s the only person you met yesterday.” Ned concluded as he slid his tray down the metal bars connected to the lunch-servers. “I met a lot of people yester-“ “Oh yeah, the whole ‘internship’ thing,” Ned cut Peter off, realizing how many people Peter meets in a day, “This might be hard.” Peter wanted to reply with a sarcastic ‘no shit’, but got distracted as the new girl walked by, heading outside to eat. Both Peter and Ned’s eyes followed her, before she walked up to MJ. She was going to sit with them. She was going to sit with them! Peter smiled as he walked to the table, but tried to cover it up when he stepped outside. It didn’t work.
“So, Peter, Ned and MJ, got it.” Y/N declared, trying to figure out when it would be appropriate to ask for their middle and last names, Peter’s specifically. “And you are?” Ned asked, kind of shaking his head. “Oh! I’m Y/N” She said with a warm smile. Peter choked on his food for a minute, then cleared his throat. Y/N pretended not to notice his actions, and ignored Ned’s wide-eyes. After a few seconds of awkward silence, conversation seemed to flow between the four of them. They even ended up exchanging phone numbers and creating a groupchat. They played Crazy 8 for the rest of the lunch period. Then, they all said goodbyes. Each separated for the a few periods, before joining up again, and then heading home. By the time she got home, Y/N had 80 missed messages from them. Without reading them all, Y/N tried to catch up.
Peter: I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING Ned: YOU DROPPED IT MJ: youre a dumbass, parker Ned named the groupchat “Peter “i drop chemicals because i cant do math” Parker” MJ: haha nice
Y/N gasped. His name is Peter Parker! That’s a two-thirds match!
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the-void-writes · 2 years
"i was made to love you." 
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ❤️😩
@bloodlessheirbyjacques Thank you, sorry this took a while 😊💕 We're doing some more Undead Will AU stuff because I needed to vent. So here are two dads trying to get by in their new life.
Freaks of Paradise - Jason and Henry
“Anything interesting today?”
Henry sat next to Jason, who stared out the window and off into space. Not an uncommon occurrence since their arrival, but still a concerning one. It usually meant his mind was stuck in a dark place.
The air felt thick as Jason breathed, trying desperately to calm himself. Henry squeezed his hand, but Jason started trembling. He fell into his husband and cried. Again, not an unusual occurrence, but it broke Henry’s heart. He shushed Jason gently as he held him.
“Oh, honey, it’s okay. I’m right here.” Henry held Jason’s head. “Is it one of those days?”
He nodded, as Henry had feared. Dark days were tough to get out of, but that didn’t mean Henry wouldn’t try with all his might.
“Do you want me to help you?”
He thought for a bit, but nodded again, knowing he had promised to let Henry in more. Henry helped him up and took him to the washroom for a warm bath. It was wonderful to have hot water again, and a tub big enough for both of them at once, but Henry didn’t join him today. His husband needed him as a comforting presence first. Jason sat perfectly still as Henry washed his hair for him.
“So, that lady with the bike— I think her name is Deliah. She runs a salon in her wife’s tailor shop.” He chuckled. “I’m not telling you to get a haircut, far from it, but I think she could help you style it, if you want. I think you’d look cute in a braid.”
Jason smiled a little, a sign of good progress.
“Maybe with both of their help, I can finally look like that singer you love. That seventies-astronaut man, with the crazy mustache?”
His smile faltered. Henry sighed and cursed himself, remembering how they used to share that music with Will and his family.
“I’m sorry, hon. That was too soon.”
“It’s okay,” Jason signed.
“Are you sure?”
Jason stared at the water. It was then that Henry was finally hit with it all; the missing comfort of Jason’s voice, the way they used to joke around, all the years Henry spent without it. He didn’t even realize he was crying until Jason held his face, eyes filled with tears of his own.
“I’m sorry, Jay. I just— I miss you so much. I wish I could help you more.”
Jason shook his head, dried off his hands, and reached to the counter for his notepad. His thoughts were too complicated to try to sign, especially since he hadn’t learned all the words. He handed Henry his glasses before scribbling his frantic message onto the paper.
You’ve done so much for both of us already. I’m so sorry for making you live like this. I want to speak to you so badly. I want to force my throat to open, or my brain, or whatever is keeping me from being myself again. If I could just speak, I wouldn’t be torturing you anymore. If I could do just one thing right—
He couldn’t finish his thoughts before he started crying. Henry pulled him into his shoulder, not at all concerned about the water or soap.
“I don’t blame you, sweetie.” He closed his eyes. “None of them blamed you. We did everything we could. All we can do now is live for them.”
They both were silent after that, even when Jason dried himself off and dressed for bed. It tore him apart to see Henry so upset, knowing that he was the cause of it. While he stood at the dresser, Jason stood behind him and tried desperately to talk to him, to make one measly sound. It felt like a million hands were suffocating him. A fitting punishment, to be silenced by all the lives he failed to save. Henry took his hands and squeezed them.
“I know you’re trying, Jay. Don’t force yourself.”
Jason sighed and managed to sign. “Why do you put up with me?”
“I don’t ‘put up’ with anything. I love you, Jason. We were made for each other, I truly believe that.”
“Even now?”
“Especially now.”
Henry brought him in for a quick kiss and another hug. Jason felt himself relax finally, soothed by his husband’s kindness. His sweet, caring, amazing husband. It was a miracle that he was still here with him. Jason stood back so he could at least mouth his message to Henry.
“I love you.”
He smiled. “I love you, too.”
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