#freddie stroma fanfiction
training4theapocalypse · 10 months
Never Been Kissed (Adrian Chase x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit - 18+ only
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: SMUT, Second chance romance, Canon typical descriptions of murder and violence, Oral (fem receiving), P in V, Safe sex (male condom), Multiple orgasms
Summary: You're a PI who joins the 11th Street Kids after a chance meeting with John Economos on the dark web. Unfortunately for you, your ex-friend-with-benefits Vigilante is here too. (Based on this ask by anon)
A/N: This took a hot minute. The M&Ms were originally cigarettes but these days I'm a healthy queen free of nicotine -purr.
Join my tag list: @likeficsinthewnd, @she-wolf09231982, @pretendfan, @lolitstiana, @countlambula, @chiaraanatra, @stainedpomegranatelips, @navs-bhat, @ohnoitsrosie, @daisydark, @angrydragon90, @intense-sneezing
Chapter text:
The dim fire exit sign outside the back of the abandoned video store flickers as you suck a peanut M&M between your tongue and the roof of your mouth anxiously. You hope your contact hurries the fuck up - if he makes you wait any longer you’ll finish an entire party bag from nervousness.
It was stupid, really, even reckless, to meet a stranger from the dark web. But when some guy called TechConomos_11 had responded to you in a chat room where you were discussing the intel you had on some sinister goings-on in Evergreen, you knew you had to meet him and his team.
Because you’ll be damned if anyone catches the escaped gorilla before you.
There’s a clink of a padlock and chain falling to the floor, the sound of a heavy emergency exit bar being pushed down and when the door opens you’re face to face with a large, bearded man wearing glasses. 
“Are you the PI?”
If you had to draw a sketch of what you thought a guy you met on the dark web would look like, he would be it. Not a neckbeard, exactly, just someone with the distinct aura of having too much time spent in front of a screen.
You nod. “TechConomos?”
“Call me John. Come inside - the team’s all here.”
You shove the half-empty pack of M&Ms into your bag and he leads you through to the back office. 
“This is Murn, Harcourt and Adebayo.” He gestures to his three associates sitting in the office who each acknowledge you in turn. “And these guys-”
“Fuck it! Fuck, fuck fuck!”
The yelling draws your attention to the window separating the office from the rest of the video store and it’s like a knife in your gut when you see him.
“Ugh, fuck! It hurts to walk!” Vigilante whines as he limps around. He turns to pace some more but stops in his tracks in alarm when he sees you. He immediately dives to the floor, launching himself behind a desk in a futile attempt to hide.
Vigilante is the last person you expected to - or wanted to - see here. It’s not his usual MO - normally he’d be out hunting thugs and drug dealers. What was he doing caught up in this operation with some tech guy and a team who you suspected were either current or former soldiers?
There’s a roaring laugh and your eyes find Peacemaker, doubled over in his chair, laughing like an idiot at Vigilante sprawled on the ground. 
That explains Vigilante’s involvement. Looks like his idol, Peacemaker, is finally out of prison and the first thing he does is rope Vigilante into whatever this is. The whole thing stinks. Why is there an entire team with two capes looking for an escaped zoo animal? Any why did one of those capes have to be Vigilante? 
You close your eyes and groan. “You didn’t tell me you were working with them.”
“You know each other?” asks Harcourt.
“Just Vigilante.” You sigh and follow them into the video store.
“Hey, asshole,” you say, peering over the desk Vigilante is hidden behind. He looks up at you and props his masked head up on his arm casually as if you didn’t just see him throw himself there a second ago.
“Oh, hey!” he says, feigning pleasant surprise.
“Why are you on the floor?”
“I hurt my pinky toe.”
“Yeah? Which one?” You walk around the desk and stand at his feet to get a better look.
“Nononono! Wait!”
You clock the way his visor-covered eyes dart down to his right foot in panic. 
“Woah, did you think I was gonna kick you or something?” Sure, you have beef but you’re kind of offended he’d think that you’d harm him on purpose.
“No…” he mumbles sheepishly.
“Asshole.” You roll your eyes and sit on the hard wooden surface, turning away from him to face the team.
“Who the fuck is this?” Peacemaker asks Murn before looking between you and Vigilante. “Do you two know each other or something?”
You don’t deign to reply.
There’s a squeak of a chair being dragged on linoleum as Vigilante pulls himself up onto a seat next to Peacemaker with a wince.
“Economos says you want to join the team,” says Murn. 
“That’s right.”
“I know everything that goes on in Evergreen.”
“I have information and skills that I want money for. Obviously.”
“How much?”
You were talking about splitting the reward for the gorilla but Murn’s expectant look makes it clear this is a contract. What’s that saying again? A contract in the hand is worth a gorilla in the bush? … Something like that.
“Well, what are you paying him?” You cast your eyes at Vigilante who shrugs. Unbelievable. “They’re not paying you? Idiot.”
Murn and Harcourt glance at each other awkwardly. “This is strictly off the books,” says Murn.
“So you were just going to take advantage of him? No way. I want my pay backdated for all the intell I’ve found for you. And his too for whatever it is he’s doing for you.”
“How do you guys know each other?” asks John, pulling up a chair behind his laptop.
You look at Vigilante warningly and answer before he can open his fat mouth. “I’ve sent some work his way once or twice. And compensated him fairly for it,” you add pointedly.
“Oh, they’ve definitely fucked,” laughs Peacemaker.
“Shouldn’t you be in Belle Reve?” You glare at him.
Peacemaker ignores the question. “Did he keep the mask on with you too?” He pouts faux-sympathetically.
This catches you off-guard. Not Vigilante and Peacemaker fucking - Vigilante is so obsessed with him that you guessed it was only a matter of time.
But he did keep his mask on.
Vigilante groans and leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and staring determinedly at his injured foot.
“Ha! I knew it!”
“Enough!” Murn gives Peacemaker a severe look before turning his attention back to you. “John says you know the location of what we’re looking for.”
“I’m not telling you until you get me up to speed with what you’ve got so far. John wouldn’t tell me shit online. Call it a show of good faith.”
“And we’re supposed to just take your word that you actually have useful information?” asks Adebayo.
John opens his mouth to reply but Vigilante beats him to the punch.
“She knows,” says Vigilante, finally looking up. “She’s… she’s a good PI. If she says she knows, she knows.”
“Well, we can’t divulge state secrets just because Vigilante vouches for you. Tell us the ‘where’ and if it checks out - you’re in,” says Harcourt.
You look around at this unlikely group. If you want to catch the gorilla you need their help. You need their weapons. You need their money.
“It’s at the Glan Tai bottling plant. You heard of it?”
“Pulling it up now…” John types on his keyboard. “It makes sense, Murn. They’ve got the production, the distribution channels… This is probably it.”
Distribution channels? What’s the gorilla at Glan Tai got to do with distribution? 
You keep your face neutral - if there’s one thing you’ve learned from this job, it’s when to sit back, shut up and listen.
You try to piece things together as Murn talks about ‘butterflies’ and their ‘food source’. Economos checks highway CCTV footage and confirms that your intel is correct. This is extremely lucky for you because you’re clearly talking about two entirely different things. You wonder if these ‘butterflies’ are some kind of parasite-induced sleeper agent. And maybe the food source is a drug to release them from their fugue state?
“...And the gorilla?” you ask eventually.
“What about the gorilla?” asks Harcourt.
“The gorilla is at Glan Tai.”
“There’s a Butterfly gorilla?” asks Vigilante excitedly. “That is so cool!”
“Is that even possible?” Harcourt asks Murn who nods.
You’ve seen some shit but a gorilla sleeper agent takes the fucking cake. They all seem totally unfazed so you pretend to be too.
“So, what’s our next move? When do we start killing these aliens?” asks Peacemaker.
You discreetly scan the others. Nobody else bats an eyelid at Peacemaker’s use of that word. 
What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
“You two get some rest, come back tonight,” says Murn to Peacemaker and Vigilante. “And you - you’ve got evidence of what we’re doing here?” There’s no point in lying so you nod. “Bring it back here so we can destroy it. All of it.”
You, Peacemaker and Vigilante, leave the video store. You cross the street to get to your car but Vigilante calls your name. You turn around to see him hurriedly limping over while Peacemaker climbs into the Vigilantemobile.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re part of the team now.”
“I can’t return the sentiment.” You scowl at him. Peacemaker beeps the horn of Vigilante’s car. “You’d better hurry up - you don’t want to keep your boyfriend waiting.”
“We’re not in a relationship. You know I only wanted to be with-”
“Don’t you dare.”
“C’mon, can’t you at least tell me why you stopped answering my calls?”
“I already told you - I’m not going to wait around my entire life for a guy who won’t even show me his face. Or tell me his real name.”
“I can’t -”
“Save your excuses for someone who gives a shit.” Peacemaker blasts the horn again. “At least I know you keep the mask on when you fuck him too. It’s not like he’s seen your face.”
Vigilante’s visor-covered eyes avoid contact with yours. His hesitation is like a punch in the gut. 
“He’s seen your face?” You don’t mean to whisper it. The words just spill from your lips like you’ve been winded.
“Not like that. That was just a meaningless threesome-”
“But he’s seen it?”
He nods.
You push him aside to throw your car door open and get in. “Fuck you, V.” You slam it shut and drive away, not even bothering to glance at him standing haplessly in your rearview mirror.
Later that evening, you and John cross-check your intel. It’s becoming clear that this is way out of your fucking league. But if Vigilante can do it, you can too.
“You want some peanut M&Ms?”.
He accepts a handful gladly. “Why is so much of this about the fucking gorilla?” John asks with his mouth full, looking over your shoulder at your laptop screen.
The necessity of any quick thinking on your part is interrupted when you hear Murn’s voice ringing from the back office.
“You told Vigilante to kill Peacemaker's father?!” 
You and John drop what you’re doing and peer tentatively around the door of the office where Murn is berating Adebayo.
“I didn't tell him to… I just kinda put the idea in his head,” she explains.
“That Peacemaker would be better off without his father?”
Oh no.
“Where’s Vigilante?” you ask suspiciously, joining Murn as he stands with his arms crossed. He looks furious.
“He’s in jail,” mumbles Adebayo. “I might have suggested that if someone were to go in and kill Peacemaker’s dad, all our problems would go away.”
You run your hands through your hair.
“How could you manipulate him like that?” Your combat boots squeak on the floor as you pace across it, catastrophising aloud. “In case you hadn’t noticed, Vigilante is very fucking easy to manipulate. And he has a record. What if he kills someone in prison and gets locked up for life? Or what if he gets himself killed trying?”
“Peacemaker’s gonna see right through this. He’ll know exactly what you tried to do,” says Murn to Adebyo sternly.
They’re fucking crazy. 
“Who gives a shit about Peacemaker? Vigilante is locked in jail with the White Dragon!” You plead urgently. Vigilante is in real danger and all they care about is Peacemaker’s feelings.
“Economos, can you get Vigilante out of the system before he screws us worse than we're already screwed?”
John sighs. “I don’t even know this guy’s name.”
The four of them look at you.
You cross your arms. “I can’t tell you his name.”
“Guess he’s gonna die in prison then -”
“Last name Chase. First name Adrian.” You blurt out his secret that you’ve been holding deep in your chest. “But you can’t tell him I told you. He doesn’t know I know.”
You crowd around John’s laptop as he pulls up Adrian’s file. 
“We shouldn’t be looking at this,” you say as you stare intently at his mugshot - the mugshot you’re so well acquainted with. You’d rather die than admit how many hours you’ve spent sitting at your desk late at night, looking at his police record on your laptop.
And suddenly, it’s like you’re back in bed with him, as he stares breathlessly at the ceiling and you lie there naked on top of his bare chest, looking into his masked face, picturing that very same mugshot underneath it.
“Guess again,” Vigilante says. You can tell even under the mask that he’s grinning, enjoying your questioning.
“Hmm… are you a doctor? You’ve stitched yourself up a lot.”
“You think I’m a doctor and live here?”
Vigilante watches as you make a show of pursing your lips thoughtfully. The warm afternoon sun streaks through the gaps in his blinds onto his bed. It makes it look like there’s a golden halo around your messy bed hair. He tucks a small strand behind your ear as you walk your index and middle fingers along his chest and down his shoulder. 
“Maybe a fireman with these big strong arms?”
He likes you when you let your walls down like this. You’re almost downright playful when he’s satisfied you - a personality trait he still hasn’t extricated from you outside these four walls.
“Man, I am so good at this secret identity thing if I can keep it a secret from a PI.”
You laugh. “I guess so.”
He didn’t know that you had long known his real job. And his real name. Or that you’d trace your fingers over his face on your laptop screen as you tried to reconcile it with the masked killer who was content to let you into his bed but never his real life.
“Wasn’t he our busboy at Fennel Fields?” Adebayo’s question snaps you back to the present. 
“Can you pull him out?” You ask John.
“It’s… done.” He says, with a final click of his keyboard. “Let’s just hope he hasn’t done anything stupid. Yet.” 
Harcourt shrugs her leather jacket on. “I’ll pick him up.”
Great - first he reveals to Peacemaker who he is and now Harcourt who he’s known for a hot minute is about to see his face too. 
You frown. “He’s gonna be really upset we know his identity.” 
“You wanna come and soften the blow?”
“I’ll drive.”
Harcourt sits in the passenger seat of your car outside of the Evergreen Police Department. You’ve been sitting here quietly in the dark, staring at the front doors for almost an hour.
“So what’s your deal with Vigilante?” She asks, finally breaking the silence.
“I told you - I threw some contract work his way. Used him as a bodyguard from time to time when I needed the extra muscle.”
“And then what? Why did you call him an asshole?”
“Because he can be an asshole.” 
“That doesn’t sound right. A psychopath maybe. But an asshole? I don’t buy it.”
You keep your eyes focused on the police station door to hide your face. “He doesn’t mean to be an asshole.” You swallow with difficulty. “He just has a code. Lots of quirky little rules he has to follow that makes it difficult for someone ordinary like me to be - I mean, to work with him.”
“Like not revealing his secret identity.”
It’s not a question but you nod all the same.
“So this is your first time seeing him without his mask?”
“That he knows of.” Your forehead touches the cool glass window. It’s like if you stare hard enough at the door he’ll appear in one piece. “I had to do my background checks.”
The doors open and you see Adrian Chase in his cardigan and jeans walking out into the dark night, illuminated by the fluorescent streetlights.
He’s alive.
You roll down your window and he stops dead. He stares at you in shock with his lips parted slightly - unsure whether you recognise him or not.
Harcourt stretches across your seat and calls to Adrian. “We’re here to take you home. Get in.”
When he climbs into the back seat of your car you both turn in your seats. You breathe a sigh of relief seeing him up close - physically he’s unscathed.
“He’s still alive…” He says. “I’m Adrian.”
“Okay,” Harcourt says simply.
“I’m glad you’re not hurt,” you tell him.
He looks up at both of you sadly over his wire-rimmed glasses. “I think I might have made things worse.”
After you drop Harcourt off at her motel, Adrian gets into the passenger seat. You let him give directions to his apartment, even though you already know where he lives.
“This is me,” he says when you pull up to his building and park in the spot you’ve parked in on countless occasions.
“I know.”
“Right. Yeah, you’ve been here.”
“A couple of times, yeah…”
His stupid code. You could know where he lives but never see his face. And now you can’t stop yourself from drinking him in - his slightly stubbly chin from his day spent in prison, the way his curly hair is all messed up. He groans heavily and leans his head back against the headrest. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly.
“The guys know how you ended up in jail - they don’t blame you.” He doesn’t say anything. You search his face as he stares gloomily ahead. “What happened in there, V?” you ask.
“I tried to provoke Peacemaker’s dad into a fight. It worked at first - the Aryans took the bait but his dad saw right through it. I think I’ve fucked up the whole mission.”
So Vigilante went into a viper pit unarmed and provoked a bunch of nazis into fighting him.
Deep down, you know it’s fucked up to be attracted to someone capable of such violence but if you’re honest with yourself, it’s what drew you to him in the first place. You knew about the headlines before you met him. And the idea of him taking on a dangerous prison gang really shouldn’t make your heart pound the way it is right now.
You take a deep, steadying breath. “You don’t have to be sorry about that.”
You’ve never touched his hair before but you want to stroke it and comfort him. Tell him that it wasn’t his fault and it’ll all be okay. But he interrupts your train of thought before you can reach your hand out. 
“I meant I’m sorry about us.”
Why is your first instinct to tell him that it’s no big deal that he broke your heart? Stupidly, you want to protect him from it - from the hurt he caused you. Comfort him, put his feelings before your own just because you can tell that right now he needs it.
But it is a big deal. 
As soon as you remind yourself he couldn’t trust you enough to let you in, it feels like your heart is shattering all over again, mourning what you could have had.
“I told the team your name so they could bail you out,” you admit, desperate to get the fact that you betrayed him off your chest. “I was worried about you locked up in there.”
He turns his head to look at you properly for the first time all night. The streetlights are reflected in his dorky little glasses.
“You knew my name?” He doesn’t look betrayed - he just looks surprised. “How…?”
You lift your finger from the steering wheel to point at his apartment. “Anyone with your address could find out who you are. And your full name appears on my checking account when you cash the checks I write you.”
“So you know… everything?”
His eyebrows knit together in a plea. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” 
“I wanted you to tell me. I wanted you to want me to know.”
“Knowing my secret identity would put you at risk.”
“That bullshit and you know it, V. I don’t need you to protect me.”
“Yeah you do - that’s why you had me come with you on jobs.”
“I can handle myself.”
“Then why did you hire me?”
“I was curious about the man behind the headlines, I guess. Then I nearly went broke trying to spend time with you. Do you honestly think I wanted to give you a cut of my contracts for months? ”
He presses his palms into his eyes, pushing his glasses up out of the way and trying to make sense of it all.
“So those jobs were just you finding a reason to hang out?” He drags his hands down his face.
“Well, not at first. But then we started sleeping together after jobs and I wanted to keep doing that.”
“I would’ve wanted to be with you even without those jobs.”
“Oh yeah? You’d have taken me out on a date as Vigilante?” He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again - as if reconsidering whatever he was about to say. “After all that time you still didn’t trust me enough to take off your mask. The last time we saw each other I practically begged you to show me who you are. Then Peacemaker comes back in town and you - what? Just rip off your mask and spill the beans without a second thought?”
“I was being tortured by Goff-”
“The senator tortured you?”
“Well, the Butterfly who had taken over his body. But yeah. He - I mean she - ripped off my mask and tried to cut off my pinky toe. Peacemaker was just there.”
You feel sick thinking about him being tortured. Then you feel sick about feeling sick. It’s not just normal empathy. You want revenge. But you know you shouldn’t care this much. Not when you’ve been broken up for so long.
“Shit, V. That’s horrible.” 
“Besides, if I was gonna show someone my face it would have been you. Not Peacemaker.” He looks at you sadly. “I wish you hadn’t left.” 
“And I wish you had given me a reason to stay, V. I deserved someone who could trust me. And you… you deserved someone you could be yourself with. We couldn’t be that for each other.”
The hurt on your face is plain for him to see - there’s no point trying to hide it. 
“I do trust you. It’s just…” He hesitates. “You’re the only person I know who thought I was cool.”
“Adrian… that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
It’s the first time you’ve ever called him that and it makes Adrian’s heart leap. Like the two sides of him have finally met you. After all this time.
“It’s not. Everyone else who knows me as Adrian knows I’m a loser. And I thought if I told you I was a busboy with no friends, you’d think that too.”
“You have friends.”
“Yeah, right.”
“The guys in the video store? They were so worried about you in jail. They like you a lot.” He allows himself a small smile like he doesn’t really believe it. “And I…” You pause. How do you feel about Adrian? “I still think you’re cool.”
“You do?”
He looks at you like he can’t believe you’re actually saying the words he was afraid you’d never say.
“Of course I do. You’re still the masked Vigilante of Evergreen. And I’m just… ordinary.”
He scoffs in amazement. “You’re not ordinary - you’re like the smartest person I know. And you don’t need to hide behind a mask to do your job. 
“I’m not that smart.”
“I mean, you found out more about the butterflies than the US government.”
You bite your lip, trying not to smile. “Can I tell you something? And you won’t tell the rest of the team?”
“You can tell me anything.” 
“I didn’t know what butterflies were until today.” He looks extremely confused so you press on. “I met John in a dark web chatroom when I was researching the missing gorilla. And I thought you guys were looking for it too.”
He laughs. A merciless side-splitting laugh that doesn’t take your embarrassment into consideration at all. But it shows off his beautiful smile. And when you see it you can’t stop yourself from joining in too. It’s so ridiculous. You wanted to find the gorilla, and maybe get your PI business mentioned again in the local paper. Now you’ve been roped into saving the world with a black ops team and Vigilante.
You both try to regain your composure and stare at each other, catching your breath. He shakes his head, grinning.
Christ, look at him.
“I sometimes wondered if you wouldn’t remove your mask because you were just a bad kisser. I mean, I saw your mugshot so I already knew you were pretty.” You can’t help but tell him. You know the grainy photo on his record like the back of your hand but in person, he’s frankly gorgeous. 
“Thanks, I know.”
You laugh again. “And modest.”
“You think I fund being Vigilante on a busboy salary? I get a lot of tips.”
“It all makes sense now. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is why you don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Because she didn’t want to wait around for an idiot who wouldn’t even kiss her.”
You stare at each other in the shadowy silence for a few moments. 
“It’s late, we should both get some rest.”
“Wait, don’t go.” His hand touches your thigh and it feels like there’s an electric current buzzing between his hand and the fabric of your jeans. The atmosphere almost crackles, like lighting about to strike in the middle of a storm. It’s the first time he’s touched you since you walked out on him six months ago and never went back. “It’s super late, you should crash at mine.”
“If I come upstairs we both know what’s going to happen.”
He tilts his head and you watch dimples form as the corners of his mouth turn into a mischievous smile. “That’s kind of the idea.”
“A bad one. We need to work together.”
“When has fucking ever stopped us from completing a job?”
“It hasn’t. But when we stopped seeing each other… I was really cut up. I couldn’t concentrate on work for a while. It’s why I needed the reward for the gorilla so badly.”
“Then we just won’t stop this time.”
“Adrian… I’ve only just pulled myself together again. I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do.”
He removes his hand from your leg to unclip his seatbelt. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Adrian gives you an apologetic look. 
You stare at his lips. They’re just there. His whole face is out in the open. And now his lips, and the rest of him, are about to leave your car and you never know when you’ll see him unmasked again. He opens the car door.
“Wait -”
He turns back around in his seat.
“Let me find out if you’re a bad kisser. At least I can tell myself I’m not missing out on anything if you are.”
“You’re gonna be so mad…” He cups your face and brushes your cheekbone with his thumb. “I’m a really good kisser.”
You smile and his lips meet yours. 
It’s nothing like you imagined.
When you had sex it always felt urgent, even dangerous, getting into bed with a masked cape who was wanted for murder. More often than not he fucked you from behind, tugged fistfuls of your hair and slapped your ass. 
But his kisses… his kisses are soft and slow. And good.
You’re totally screwed.
He sucks your lip gently and then his tongue traces across yours. You urge yourself forward in the driver’s seat closer to him, bringing your hand up to cradle the nape of his neck and lace your hand in his soft hair.
Warmth spreads in your chest when he deepens the kiss. You secretly hoped he’d be like this when he was unmasked. Your hot and rough encounters were always fun but in your heart you always wanted him to want you like this. Deeply. Reverently. 
You break apart and press your forehead against his with your eyes closed, feeling your heart hammering against your chest.
“What’s the verdict?” he asks.
You open your eyes to see his green ones searching yours from behind his glasses. He lets out a long, happy exhale when he hears your seatbelt unclick.
Adrian’s bedroom is neat, clean, with framed vintage comic books on his walls and illuminated by a lava lamp on his bedside table. Details you remember from previous visits but barely register this time as you both burst through his bedroom door while he kisses you. Refusing to take his hands from your body, he kicks the door shut behind him forgetting about his injured foot. He regrets it immediately.
“Fuck!” He pulls away and winces.
“Careful,” you soothe, shrugging your jacket off onto the floor and he lifts your shirt off. As soon as your skin is uncovered his mouth finds it. He drags his tongue across your collarbones and between your breasts, nudging the cup of your bra aside so he can find your nipple.
His warm mouth feels almost too good to be true as he sucks on the hard, pebbled skin and moves on to taste every inch of your exposed chest, his deft hands unhooking your bra and tossing it aside quickly. 
The entire day could have been a crazy fever dream. You’ve gone from your heart sinking at the very sight of him to it fluttering like crazy as you lie back on his mattress so he can pull your jeans and underwear off.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he says, sinking to his knees between your legs at the edge of the bed.
Even though you’re completely naked on his bed while he’s still dressed, you somehow feel less on display than he is right now without his mask. It feels taboo watching his jaw muscles tighten as he works his mouth all over your inner thighs. There’s something so controlled about the way he meticulously kisses the sensitive skin at the crux of your thigh that makes your lip quiver. 
You’ve spent enough time around his quick reflexes to know Vigilante is going to be skilled at eating you out but sometimes, especially in the depths of your despair during your breakup, there was a niggling inkling at the back of your mind that the mask might just be a convenient excuse not to. 
You had suspected, or maybe even hoped, when you hooked up that he had come really, really close to rolling up the bottom half of his mask and tasting you. More than once, you had caught a fleeting glimpse of him at odds with himself, his eyes behind his visor staring at your pussy and his neck muscles contracting as he swallowed thickly, strengthening his resolve and deciding to protect his own identity instead.
But tonight - finally - his tongue slides between your folds and you let out a low whine when the furnace-hot heat of his mouth besets itself over your clit.
Adrian groans when he tastes your arousal flooding his mouth. His hands cup under your ass as he pulls himself closer. You dare yourself to run your hand through his hair again, your fingernails lightly scratching his scalp. It still feels like it shouldn’t be allowed but he doesn’t seem to mind at all as his lips suck on your swollen clit.
“Fuck, Adrian…” His real name still sounds foreign on your lips, like you have to make a conscious effort to say it. 
Adrian looks up at you over his glasses, his pupils wide in the dim violet light of the lava-lamp-lit room. He takes in your glowing face and chest as you lie propped up on your elbows, enjoying the sight of him on the floor between your legs.
His fingers knead the soft, pillowy flesh of your ass like he doesn’t want to let you go anywhere ever again. And you don’t want to. Fuck the mission. Can’t you just stay here forever? In Adrian’s bedroom, panting while his tongue runs firm circles over your clit.
When you roll your hips in encouragement, he lets out a soft little moan sending vibrations over the bundle of nerves - it almost makes you dissolve right there and then. 
“I can’t believe I let you… fuck - let you get away with not doing this before,” you whimper. “So - s’fucking good, V.”
“Adrian,” he says and the tiniest absence of friction when his tongue leaves your clit makes your fingers tighten in his hair, urging him to return to your aching pussy.
“Adrianadrianadrian,” you babble, scared that his lips will leave you again. No more V. No more Vigilante. Just Adrian. Here. Eating your pussy like it’s you who’d been depriving him of this for months on end. Pleasure rises deep in your core like the tide getting ready to crash against the cliff face.
Your brain becomes fuzzy as increasingly desperate noises escape your throat - something strangled between a whine and his name. You squirm against his tongue as he relentlessly continues, determined to draw from you the orgasm that you’ve been desperate for since he kissed you in the car and you realised his mouth would feel like heaven.
The pressure of his tongue against your soaking wet pussy makes you writhe in exhilaration. You barely notice his fingers digging harder into your skin as you arch your spine and throw your head back.
Your thigh muscles tense and relax, trembling on either side of his face. “Adrian, I’m gonna - gonna cum…”
Instead of responding, he sinks two fingers deep inside your cunt, giving you something to squeeze around as every muscle in your pelvis tightens. He curls his fingers slightly and it’s just enough to push you over the fucking edge.
The purplish glow of the room turns blinding white as waves, hot and wet, break over you and your body floods with ecstasy. Your whole lower body stiffens as your walls clench around his fingers and you grind your pussy against his mouth.
Fuck, you’ve been missing out. You haven’t been with anyone else the entire time you’ve been apart and it’s like your body has been crying for exactly this moment without you realising how much you needed it. Needed his mouth on you.
The room comes into focus again gradually as Adrian gives you a last few slow, gentle kisses before sliding his fingers out of your still-twitching centre.
You breathe heavily and look at him kneeling on the floor.
He looks stupidly pleased with himself, the corner of his wet, glistening mouth upturned in a self-congratulatory smile at the way he’s taken you apart piece by piece. You can’t help but giggle from endorphins buzzing through your body. It makes your abdomen hurt from all the tensing you were doing. 
Adrian slaps the side of your ass and gets to his feet, undoing his belt buckle. “C’mon, bend over,” he grins.
You sit up, shake your head and smile. “Nuh-uh, I wanna see your pretty face when you cum.” He blinks a couple of times dazedly. “Did you forget about your mask for a second?”
Adrian clears his throat. “Uh...No?”
He so did.
“C’mere.” You hook your fingers through his belt loops and pull him closer. You kiss the light trail of hair covering his hard abdomen while your fingers work to undo his jeans and pull them down to release him from the confines of his boxers.
God, you missed it. He has a pretty face alright but his cock is fucking perfect.
Your cheeks grow hot feeling him so close. You grip his hard length and draw your tongue across the tip, tasting the salty bead of precum. 
“Take your top off,” you say, looking up at him before running your tongue along his shaft, keeping eye contact.
He grips the hem of his t-shirt and pulls it off over his head. Seeing him in the purple glow, every contour of his sculpted abdomen illuminated sends burning heat to your pelvis. You never thought you were into muscular guys, not until you saw Vigilante take his suit off for the first time. Now you’re not sure if you could go back to anything else. Anyone else. 
You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock but he interrupts you.
“I need to fuck you. Please.”
At this point, you’re so turned on it’s an offer you can’t refuse. You release him and scoot back on the bed. He goes to crawl on top of you but flinches when his injured foot meets the mattress.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just need to - ah fuck.”
“It’s okay. Here, lie down. Let me go on top.”
He does so with relief and you swing your leg over his thighs.
“Fuck yeah,” he says, looking at your naked figure sitting on top of him.
You reach into his bedside drawer where you know he keeps his condoms. Your fingers skirt over what you suspect are bags of candy until you find the corrugated square shape you’re looking for. You take it out and roll the condom on him.
“Okay, easy,” you say, positioning the head of his cock at your entrance. He throbs under the grip of your hand in anticipation. “Don’t overexert yourself.”
“You were totally cool with me over-exerting myself on the floor a second ago.”
“I was talking to myself,” you smirk. “It’s been a while.”
You ease yourself down onto his cock, feeling the beautiful stretch as you adjust to his size. 
“Shit…” he breathes, clamping his hands down hard on your hips, forcing you to bottom out. His eyebrows knit together and he sighs through parted lips, feeling the way your walls stretch around him. He looks so beautiful - you can’t stop looking at his lips.
You lean forward, planting your hands on either side of his head so you can lean down and kiss him. The taste of your juices registers on your tongue as his enters your mouth. You deepen the kiss and Adrian responds by jerking his hips up needily, pressing into your g-spot.
You moan and suck on his bottom lip, gently rolling it between your teeth as he pushes into the most sensitive part of your centre. Searing heat burns low in your belly, spreading to your thighs. You push yourself back up to ride him and grab his wrists, dragging them from your waist to grope at your chest.
“Fuck, you look so hot riding my dick.”
“Yeah? Rose-tinted visor isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?”
You’re teasing him but it seems to spur him on, as he squeezes your tits and jerks up into your bouncing hips. Every wet slap that meets your ears only increases your neediness for him. It burns brightly in your core, making you wetter and even more desperate for your next orgasm.
Every roll of your body sends his cock plunging into you, pushing against you at the perfect angle. God, he feels incredible. Your walls start to convulse around him, clamping down and gripping his cock as your second climax rears its head.
“Adrian, fuck, I’m close…” you plead, frantically chasing your high, wildly gyrating and bouncing in time with his thrusts.
“Say it again.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna-”
“No, say my name,” he says, through gritted teeth, his neck muscles tightening in the soft light. 
His neck.
“Fuck, Adrian.” You lunge forward and bite on his neck. He grabs handfuls of your ass, anchoring himself into you as he thrusts savagely upwards sending pleasure rocketing through you. Fuck he’s deep. So fucking deep.
His name leaves your lips over and over, broken and ragged as every jerk of his hip knocks the air out of your lungs. Bliss ignites and your cry of pleasure is muffled as you moan and run your tongue over his neck, smelling his aftershave mixed with his musky sweat. An explosion, more fierce than any grenade blast bursts through your centre as he pummels his cock with unparalleled force and precision, even as you squirm and shake, unable to keep moving your own hips in time with his.
With every ounce of strength you have you lean up on your arms to look at his face. His eyes are squeezed shut and his facial muscles contort as he sucks through his teeth.
“Cum for me, Adrian,” you murmur sweetly in his ear and he opens his eyes, giving you a terminally helpless look as he slams his hips into your hot, wet cunt and you squeeze around him as tight as you can. With a final thrust, you feel his thighs tighten and his cock pulsing inside you as he cums.
You flatten your body back on top of his - the warm, damp sweat between your chests feels strangely pleasant. His fingers trace circles up your spine, gently tickling your back. Adrian turns his head to kiss you and you both lie for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his lips on yours.
After what feels like a long time of lying in quiet elation, you make yourself climb carefully off of him and roll over, resting back on his pillows.
“Don’t go anywhere,” he says and you lie back watching him dispose of the condom, taking care not to put any pressure on his bandaged toe. He launches himself back on the bed with a thud making you bounce on the mattress. “Good, you’re still here,” he says, leaning on his elbow and looking down at you.
“Where else would I be?” you laugh.
“Well… you usually leave right after. Except that one time I accidentally bought peanut M&Ms.”
You look at him apologetically. In fairness, the mask was hardly an invitation to spend the night - what was he going to do? Sleep in it? “Do you have peanut M&Ms?”
He nods to his bedside drawer and you open it to see that it’s stuffed with the little yellow bags.
“You like peanut M&Ms now?”
He pulls a face. “No way dude, they’re so gross.”
“Then why…?”
“I guess I always hoped you might change your mind and come back. So I bought them whenever I thought about you.”
You look at the drawer - there’s practically enough that Adrian could have made a trail of peanut M&Ms from your apartment across town to his. “You would have made a really sweet boyfriend,” you sigh.
“Well, I mean… I still could,” he says in a would-be nonchalant type of way, pushing up his glasses with his finger and avoiding your gaze.
“Yeah?” You weren’t sure if he’d be open to picking up where you left off. But it feels right when it didn’t before. Now you know him. Really know him. 
He pulls his eyes up and meets your gaze with a smile. “If you want me to?”
“I’d like that. A lot.”
“Sweet,” he says with a wide smile, not bothering to hide how giddy he is.
You open the packet. “For the record, I’m not just staying because of the M&Ms this time.”
“I know.”
“And I’m glad you’re on the team.”
He nods happily, watching you pop a few into your mouth. “Hashtag me too.”
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multifandomfanficss · 2 months
F*ck You?
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
and the rest of the 11th Street Kids
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Adrian has his own secret way of asking you to sleep with him.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, but no actual sex. The team bullying Adrian as per cannon ☹️. Peacemaker typical language.
A/N: Just a silly little thought I had at 5am during a text convo with one of my best friends when I couldn’t sleep. Shout out Tyler for letting me bounce this idea off you. Thanks bestie! Just a short little fic. The italics are flashbacks. Crossposting on my AO3 adriansglasses.
Adrian stuck his middle finger up, pointed at you. You were going through some files on the other side of the room unable to see him behind the papers you were focusing on. Those who saw were giving him questioning looks.
“Dude why are you flipping off, (Y/N)? I didn’t realize you were mad at them” Economos decided to be the first to question him. Usually he didn’t care enough to ask, but even he was curious as to why Adrian was enthusiastically flipping you off.
“Oh! That’s because I’m not. I just wanna have sex when we get back to my apartment. I was saying can I fuck you.” Adrian says, as if it’s obvious. Chris begins to laugh, having overheard the conversation.
“Oh my god. I’m not sure if you’re insane or an idiot.” Harcourt rolls her eyes, walking away.
“I’m pretty sure he’s both. You know that’s not what that means right?” Economos questions.
“It has two meanings.” Adrian says in a very matter of fact way.
“No, it doesn’t.” John argues.
“Then how do they always know what I mean?” Adrian asks, as if he’s proving his point.
Chris continues to laugh to himself as Adrian and Economos argue.
You’re deep in thought, not paying them any attention when Leota passes you the file you were looking for.
“Thanks!” You smile at her.
“Why is Adrian flipping you off?” She asks.
You look over at him, blushing. You nod.
“See!” Adrian yells throwing up his arms. “Two meanings! I told you!”
“Oh god.” You blush, hiding your face in one of the files. You didn’t need the entire team knowing you were going home to have sex after this, but it’s not like it was that big of a surprise. You’d been dating Adrian for a while, of course you had a sex life. “I don’t know how or why he got it into his head that fuck you means can I fuck you- but like I personally think it’s very clever and very cute so I just don’t correct him.” You laugh, deciding to be honest with Leota.
You thought back to the first time he flipped you off in such a manner. You were out with the team celebrating with drinks after a mission. He threw up his middle finger, drawing a question mark in the air with the other hand. You looked at him with a confused look and mouthed. ‘Are you asking me to have sex with you?’ and he mouth back, ‘Isn’t it obvious?’. Only Adrian could think something like that was obvious. Only Adrian would even do something like that. You smiled, laughing quietly to yourself. It was so uniquely him.
Chris was still laughing uncontrollably in the back. He was thinking of the first time he’d seen Adrian do this too. Little did everyone else know Chris had been the one to teach it to him long before you were dating.
“You really wanna know how I pick up chicks across the bar?” Chris asked with a shit eating smirk.
“Please!” Adrian begged. He could pull girls as Vigilante no problem, but it was a lot harder without the suit.
“Be direct. Just ask if she wants to go home with you. The most subtle way to be direct is to flip her off.” Chris falsely informs.
“Wait… you want me to be subtle and direct? I’m confused.” Adrian asks.
“Well, yeah. You want her to know, not the whole bar.” Chris quickly lies.
“I always thought flipping somebody off was an insult.” Adrian is rightfully cautious.
“It has two meanings. It’s like special. Special can mean you’re one of a kind, cool, awesome, or it could be used the other way.” Chris explains.
“Oh! Okay!” Adrian smiles, before pausing, with a pondering facial expression. “Wait! You call me special all the time.”
“You should hit on that girl over there!” Chris redirects.
“Okay… here goes nothing…” Adrian says, slowly raising his middle finger. The girl looks shocked and starts to walk up to the two men at the bar. “Oh wow! I think it worked!”
Her pace picks up. She walks up to Adrian, slapping him, hard.
“Wait! This is positive! I’m hitting on you!” Adrian says frantically with his finger still up, as she walks away.
“Aw! Fuck! Do you think maybe she had a boyfriend?” Adrian asks, adjusting his glasses and rubbing his jaw.
“Yeah, maybe.” Chris laughs hysterically.
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sandy-the-glader · 4 months
Hi!! If it’s okay, can I please request an Adrian Chase x soft and innocent!fem!reader where they are coworkers at Fennel Fields, him being a busboy, and she is a waitress. The two of them have feelings for each other, Adrian just trying to get the confidence to ask her out. A group of guys come in every week are super loud, rude, and also make Y/n (who is taking their order) very uncomfortable, and when Y/n turns down their advances, they say some very mean things and make her cry. Adrian is absolutely FUMING, literally having to hold himself back from going at them right then and there, instead following her to the kitchen try to calm her down (in his own Adrian way), promising to “take care of it” . She 100% thinks he means kicking them out, but the group of men get a “visit” from Vigilante… the group “disappears” without a trace “, never to bother Y/n again.
Adrian softly kissing a very relieved Y/n when the men don’t return to the restaurant, she doesn’t know about Adrian’s Vigilante side nor does she know the fate of the group of men, but Adrian takes it as a compliment nonetheless
The Protector
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Character: Adrian Chase x InnocentFem!Reader
Type: Fluff/Comfort, Angst
Length: 2.7k words
Summary: Request above!
Trope: Best friends to lovers, Co-workers to lovers
A/N: I have not done anything for Adrian in a while and I love him so much aaaaaaa! I bent the request ever so slightly. Also, let me know if I should make a part two of this but it’s Adrian’s POV 😉
"God that group is back." I hissed. "How do they always manage to get seated in my section?" Me and Adrian eyed them from the kitchen.
"I don't know but they never tip well either. I think all the tattoo ink got into their brains or something." Adrian glared at the noisy group. I smiled at his joke. He always lightened the mood and I was forever thankful for that.
"God it's twenty minutes until closing why do they always come in here late?" I grumbled folding my arms.
The group was dreadful and I have no idea how they haven't gotten in any section but mine yet. They've been showing up the past 3 weeks on Saturday nights and past close. Me and Adrian had plans ruined because of those guys. I've been working here for 1 year and a half (Adrian for longer) and I've never had a worse group of customers.
Usually, the worst is an old lady who asks for the manager when the food isn't exactly to her liking. Or a group of teenage boys who don't buy anything they just sit there and be as loud as possible.
Sometimes me and Adrian went to see movies together on Fridays or had plans with friends and I loved it. That's what made me look forward to the end of the week but with this lousy group of 40-year-old biker guys trashing the tables and leaving sometimes a zero-dollar tip was starting to have the opposite effect on me.
"You know I can take the table for you. I know they're pretty shitty guys." He looked at me and I shook my head softly. His green eyes dazzling in the heat lamps made me almost take back rejecting the offer. When he looked at me the way he did it made my heart flutter. They were so careful and easy.
"You take over my shifts all the time Adrian. The least I can do is deal with one unpleasant table. I can do it." I looked back at him with determination. Besides he was only a busboy, not a waiter though I'm sure he could do the job just fine.
It was true though. Every time I was sick he took over no questions asked. Sometimes he even encouraged me to call out sick when all I had was a cough. He was my best friend after all but he always went above and beyond with the way he treated me.
Sure my other co-workers were nice like Taylor treated me nicely but never as nice as Adrian. From the get-go, he was kind to me always guiding me to where things were or making small talk with me to help get me though my shifts. He was never afraid to give me a hand in anything I needed.
He looked very unsure of my decision but he didn't protest as I left to deal with said table. Though I could still feel his eyes glued to my back. I pushed open the door and
I strode over there with a sudden burst of confidence. I could do it. Then when It's all over me and Adrian can go back to his apartment and watch movies all night like usual.
As soon as I reached the table that confidence slowly started to melt away.
They were a group of 5, all big-looking, and they were like I said a biker gang. Sometimes I hate my job.
"Hello I'm Y/n I'll be your server today can I get you any drinks to start with?" My hands trembled as they gripped the sides of my apron. Whistles filled the air as the men's eyes wandered across my body. Some even leaned over to get better looks at me.
"Looking good honey!" I laughed nervously trying to be as polite as I could to them.
I felt so incredibly uncomfortable. I felt my cheeks getting hot. I was even embarrassed to be close to them. I cleared my throat trying to get them to reply to the simple task at hand.
"Waters for all of us." What I was sure the group leader spoke out. "Please, baby." He added. His group let out an array of deep chuckles. I felt sweat start to appear on my skin. I smiled and walked off in the back. As soon as my backs were to them my smile vanished off my face.
Oh god, it's barely been 5 minutes with them and I already want to leave. Once I got back there Adrian was still standing in the same spot looking at me with a pleading look.
"Don't look at me with those eyes." Those pleading begging green eyes.
"You can still take my offer you know." He pressed his lips together. "Because you look like you need that help. It's not like a bad look or anything but you look kind of helpless. In a good way." Adrian rambled. I've known him for so long I could decipher any message he gave me.
"It's fine I can handle it," I said firmly. I wasn't going to let them get the better of me. Just seeing and having Adrian here made it better.
He was a complete nerd and I loved having someone like that. I loved hearing him talk about DND and all of his hobbies. Then I got to start doing it out of work too.
We even set up a DND campaign at one point. It was a little confusing at first but playing with him made me understand. The memories of us together made me way more relaxed.
I poured those glasses of water and put them all onto a tray and held it with one hand. I pushed the door open almost spilling them in the process and walked back to the table.
"There she is!" One of them shouted. I placed all of the glasses on the table without a word trying to keep my cool.
I watched some make extremely disgusting gestures. Just 20 more minutes and you can go home. Just 20 more long excruciating minutes.
"She's a beauty isn't she fellas?" The main one asked. I swallowed thickly not excited for their replies. I did not have the energy for this today.
"Oh definitely would talk her home. You single honey?" One of them eyed me.
"Uhm yes, I am I'm just not looking for anything like that right now." I lied trying to get him to understand the message.
"Nah she's lying they're always in the market." My feet wouldn't move. I felt scared. Uncomfortable. Where's Adrian? I shouldn't have taken this table. "Come give me a chance honey!" He begged. Can't this guy take a hint?
"No, thank you I'm sorry." I tried to stay as polite as possible. "What would you guys like to-" I was instantly cut off.
"It's not like her makeup hides much." They laughed. I felt ashamed to be here.
"And she could smile more. Where's our cute smile sweetie?" I couldn't smile to save my life. I would not give them what they wanted. My lips trembled.
"Nah her smile would be ugly too we can't ask for something she doesn't have." The table erupted in laughter.
"Look at her she's a doll. She could get any guy she wanted."
“Maybe she’s a slut. No wonder she's not in the market she just sleeps around!” Barked another.
I looked up to see Adrian cleaning some dishes from a couple tables in front of them.
He was looking at me because he had clearly heard that nasty remark. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked red with anger. He was seething and I could see his hand gripping the rag he was holding tightly.
Then the dam in my eyes broke. Tears started to brim my eyes and I stormed back into the kitchen quickly. As I left I heard them start to laugh louder. I shoved open the outside door and sat on the picnic bench we had out there.
I leaned my head in my hands and let the tears spill over my cheeks. I couldn't think about anything other than their words and how humiliated I felt. I felt like screaming at them but I just couldn't. That wasn't how I was.
Who did they think they were? Coming into our restaurant and treating me like shit for what reason? Do they have nothing better to do with their life?
I heard the door swing open and I tried to cover up my sniffling but it was no use. It slammed shut and I heard quick footsteps trot over to the bench. I already knew it was Adrian so I let him sit next to me. As soon as he put his arm around me it all came rushing back out.
"Hey hey, I'm right here." He whispered softly, I wrapped my arms around his back and in that moment he was all that mattered. I just wanted to have Adrian by my side. He awkwardly patted my back.
"Thank you." I wiped my cheeks which now had mascara smeared down them. "I'm a mess," I complained to him. He didn't say anything he just kept holding me. I knew he could struggle with comforting and with words in general sometimes. "You don't have to stay here you know. I'm already in trouble for abandoning my table i don't need you getting into it too." I frowned.
"Oh no, I'm staying." I snuggled myself into his side. "They don't deserve you. They're dicks who don't know how to treat women and that feels like a crime. They had no right to insult you like that." I nodded trying to listen to his words but I still felt shitty. "And that's like so not cool." He said and finally, a small smile spread across my face. He let out a built-up sigh of relief that I was starting to feel a bit better.
"I know. It still hurts though."
"No matter what those guys say they're so wrong." I looked up at him and he was already glancing at me. "You look so beautiful without makeup. I'm not saying you look bad with makeup on I mean like the complete opposite." I started to grin at his ranting.
"Thank you A. It means a lot." He enjoyed the small nickname. He continued to rub small circles into my back relaxing me.
"But those guys will never bother you again." He said still heated by the situation. "I'll make sure of it and because I really like you okay?" He confessed. "And seeing you hurt like that hurt me." he stared at the ground.
The confession threw me off. I always stressed about him liking me but hearing those words fall from his lips felt bewitching. I pulled away from him and looked at him eye to eye.
"Oh fuck I mean!" His cheeks grew pink. "Like I like having you as a friend not like in like I've been crushing on you since I've laid eyes on you and have been dreaming about you or anything because that would be like..." I leaned closer to him and brushed my thumb against his cheek. His face was warm and soft beneath my hand. "crazy." He whispered finishing his sentence.
"Don't lie to me right now Chase." I frowned. He sighed as he realized he'd been caught.
"Okay yeah, maybe I really like you." His eyes never once left me. "And maybe I have been dreaming about you since I first saw you."
"You better not be joking with me right now. Or I will continue to cry ."
"Okay um do not cry again please I already handled the first time poorly. But I am certainly not kidding." I moved my hand from his cheek to his hand which was much larger than mine.
"You better not be because I like you too." He blinked a few times trying to determine if I was the one joking around this time. He moved a stray piece of hair out of my face and tucked it neatly behind my ear. His eyes flickered down towards my lips and back up to my eyes. Was he really about to kiss me right now?
He swiftly closed the gap between us and captured my lips in a phenomenal kiss. Maybe he wasn't all nerdy after all because damn he knew how to kiss. Sure I have barely kissed anyone my whole life but he made it feel so right. He slowly pulled back to look at my face.
"Was that okay? If it wasn't I can totally like stop. I don't mind at all." I squeezed his hand and hugged him.
"It was perfect. Thank you." For having such a shitty night he made me realize the better. Like how the stars seemed to shine just a bit brighter than before and the moon was glowing just a little more than it just had. All because of Adrian
"How about I go deal with them and I also go grab our stuff since it's about time we clock out we have a fun relaxing night tonight?" He proposed.
"I would love nothing more."
"Good. Now you wait here!"
Once I got inside his apartment I immediately collapsed and melted into his couch with a loud dramatic sigh. He had probably the most comfortable apartment imaginable.
"Oh shit." I heard him hiss.
"What's wrong?"
"I was supposed to drop by the store after our shift to grab some things from the store..." He trailed off looking sheepish.
"Go ahead, Adrian. I know it will be all you talk about if you don't." He nodded before muttering a quick 'thank you' and leaving.
I had a really long day in general so as much as I wanted to I did not feel like waiting up for him. I left my work bag on the couch and wandered to his room.
His bookshelf overflowed with books and tabletop games, His bed was slightly messy from the morning, and it felt like him. I dug through his dresser to find this shirt that had a cool-looking dragon and a D20 on it. I took off my apron and work shirt and threw it on. I really hope he doesn't mind.
I threw my shoes somewhere on his floor and crumbled onto his bed. God his blankets were so soft.
It had been an hour before Adrian finally made his way home. He took off his mask and suit and tucked it away in the hall closet once he got home. He'd deal with all the blood later.
He walked through the hall and pushed open the door to see his best friend asleep on his bed in his shirt. He couldn't be happier to come home to this. She finally looked at ease snuggled beneath his covers.
Adrian scooted himself into his bed and joined her. He placed a small gentle kiss on her forehead and spooned her.
"They won't hurt you again." He whispered before allowing himself to drift off to sleep with her in his arms.
I waited afraid week after week to see that group come back but they never did. Nor the week after that or the next. I soon started to get curious about what Adrian meant when he said he'd "deal with them." Did he get the manager involved? Did he really have that strong effect on them? Maybe he even beat them up. He's too soft for that right?
Anyway, I was just happy to be with the one I've crushed on for so long. It felt good. Better than anything has ever been.
Tonight we were staying in on the couch while we waited for the popcorn to finish in the microwave of his apartment. The smell drifted through the room making me even more hungry than I was before.
"I'm glad they're gone." I looked up at him. His glasses glowed from the light of his phone.
"Me too. I hate seeing you upset." I leaned on his shoulder and my eyes wandered quickly over to his phone. Just a quick peek it wouldn't mean anything. He was texting Chris who according to him was his guy best friend. I had met him a few times for drinks after work and he was a pretty alright guy. I scanned the words and...
I finally got to use the chainsaw on those guys :)
What does that mean?
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laurenluvss · 11 days
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please hear me out on prince friedrich 🤭💕
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yanxidarlings · 1 month
am struggling to find inspiration to write slytherin so here's some nightmare fuel instead ��� also pls tell me it's not just me the yellow font is gone and i am in despair (gave zs green instead bcos he's pretty much a 🐍)
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• on todays edition of shit no one asked for: the most cursed pair of yanderes. just imagine for a second being stuck with two yanderes, already a situation of itself, but two douchebag yanderes, now that's just comically unlucky.
• cormac and zacharias are pretty much at the bottom of the yandere foodchain — paired up against anyone else and no doubt the other yandere comes out on top, but what if we take other yanderes out of the equation? what if our dear darling / reader doesn't have to deal with groups of snakes and eagles? (cormacias smithlaggen)
• i feel like both cormac and zacharias's obsession would be someone who doesn't have many people around them. because fundamentally neither are smart nor talented enough to come up with an elaborate scheme to trap the darling, the only way to 'get' their darling would be to drag them into a draining and boundless friendship.
• despite being incredibly similar in the way they 'yandere', their biggest difference is how they treat the darling: to zacharias, his darling is the only person who matters in his life, whilst cormac is simply obsessed with the idea of them, whether it be for their looks, intelligence, reputation, they're the person he wants to spend his life with, whether they like it or not.
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• whilst their motivations might be different, both are preoccupied with 'keeping' their darling, feelings and emotions be damned. sure, zacharias wants his darling to be happy, but without him? he wants to wipe the smile off their face whenever he see's them with anyone else. they can be miserable, unstable and depressed, he doesn't care and he'll deal with whatever mood swings they throw at him. the one thing he won't deal with is his darling being away from him.
• zacharias might be the 'sweeter' (i use this term loosely) of the two, but that by no means implies he'd be fine with sharing. zach can barely share his darling with themself, and has pretty much attached himself to their hip. he doesn't bother having other close friends or caring about other people, zacharias only needs you and you only need him.
• but what exactly is he going to do when cormac comes onto his darling? the gryffindor just inserts himself into their perfectly content life and acts like their boyfriend, and broke his nose the one time zacharias dared tell him to (looks down) get lost in the forbidden forest and get [redacted] by a centaur-
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• cormac? he's worse, he objectifies his darling in every way possible. he might not see exactly see them as an object, but he has trouble taking any of their emotions seriously. you don't want to spend the night with him? sounds like a you problem, love </3. is he happy when they're happy? sure, but does he give a rats arse if they're uncomfortable? mclaggen doesn't even notice.
• despite his less than savoury traits, cormac isn't opposed to sharing, and might even prefer it, as long as he gets his daily darling time, does it really matter if there's another?
• he might even become more tolerable as a yandere sharing, maybe it's the competition being the darlings favourite becomes, or maybe it's just the 'good' influence from watching zacharias bend over backwards to make their darling happy, but he slowly starts to care.
• albeit, still in a himbo, macho way. pricked your finger? cormac happily marches to and from the hospital wing to bring his darling a bandaid. broke a bone? (because cormac didn't catch you in time after throwing you down the stairs) he won't let his dear lift a finger (literally, you tried to get up and he kept pushing you back down).
• one thing they can agree on is that the darling is not allowed any privacy or agency in this relationship, you don't want to kiss? too bad, pucker up love it's time for the 4pm make out session, cormac called first dibs today!. you want to study for the o.w.l's? suck it up, nerd, it's hogsmeade day, zacharias is taking you to the three broomsticks and cormac has a game later that you have to cheer at.
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"oh come oon!" zacharias whined as his arm was once again pushed off by m/n, but he did not let up, and once again slung his arm around the others shoulders "how much exposure therapy do i need to put you through, mate" he dragged them along, walking towards the quidditch pitch that was slowly piling up with students, all eagerly waiting for the match to begin.
m/n let out a sigh of relief as zacharias finally removed his arm, instead gripping onto their forearm and guiding them up the stands "we have to get seats at the top, cormac bet me five galleons he could high five me on his broom — there's this new quill at scrivenshafts i'm dying to get"
the match felt like it was never going to end, the screaming of gryffindor and slytherin as each team got a hold of the quaffle was deafening, and his eyes were to stay glued to cormac the entire match, he couldn't gaze at any other player even for a second, especially potter, or else-
"potters got the snitch!"
the sound of lee jordans voice erupted the gryffindor side of the pitch into victorious roars of applause. they knew what came next, it always happened but maybe cormac would be too distracted by his victory to-
"how about a kiss for the star of the match" ah, cormac had already flown over to where they sat "i want my five galleons first!" zacharias pipped up, patting at mclaggens pockets "get off me smith — you can have it tomorrow, i just came here for my kiss" and with that, before m/n could say anything, cormac had grabbed ahold of either side of their face, pulling their lips to his.
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• cormac and zacharias don't so much share as they do tolerate each others presence within the darlings life. the bright side is that together, they do stand a chance against another yandere, probably not an intelligent one like anthony goldstein, or a violent one like one of the theo's™, but if the darling were to have also caught to attention of someone like lorenzo berkshire, they probably wouldn't loose custody immediately.
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pretendfan · 6 months
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
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Adrian Chase x F! Reader
{a/n Christmas 2022 this idea was first thought of but shelved because there just wasn’t the time to start it. Until now because the Adrian thirst is once again making me feral for this lil guy, and the need to write something was too strong to ignore. So here it is, a vague idea that I’ve let take the lead so this story goes where it wants to go…you have been warned🤣Merry Christmas!}
*Huge thanks to @powerfultenderness for guiding me through this, you are on the good list♥️*
*Takes place after show, characters all established and in this world Vig still has his parents*
~Three POV’s and a whole lot of secrets are poured into this holiday story, which is clearly spiked with festive cheer and definitely shouldn’t be read whilst driving, this is a tasty Christmas treat that you definitely don’t want to miss!~
{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3}
{WARNING: 18 PLUS/ swearing, blatant disregard for the holiday season, lots of smut, p in v, oral sex, doggy style, under a Christmas tree, flirting and teasing, tis the season for cheesiness, ambiguous ending}
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frankiethedarkangel · 10 months
Guys…. I met Freddie!!!! He’s such a sweetheart <3
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exist4me · 1 year
Fun Night
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Hi! This is my first smut. Feedback would be appreciated. Please ENJOY :)
cw: smut, p in v, praise, degradation, unprotected sex (wrap it up always). 18+ minors DNI.
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You and Adebayo decided to stay late at the video store headquarters to figure out how the butterflies are getting the raw amber fluid. It's a few minutes past 2 am when Ads decided to go home to her wife.
“I’m done for the day, Keeya hasn’t seen me since yesterday and she's getting worried. I'll see you later.” she said exhaustedly. 
“Alright. Tell her I said hi”
“OKAY! Don't stay here too late and get some rest” Ads said before leaving. 
You sighed heavily realizing how crazy it is that five people versus an alien invasion. I don’t get paid enough for this bullshit you thought. You got up to refill your coffee and got back to work.
It was 3:30 am when you heard the front door opening.
“Did you forget something Ads?” you asked without looking up from your laptop.
“Um no I didn't and since when do you call me Ads” you heard a deep voice reply.
You looked up to find Adrian standing by the door in his full Vigilante costume.
“Dude I never call you that, I thought you were Adebayo. Why the fuck are you here at 3 am?” you asked slightly annoyed due to the lack of sleep,
“No need to be rude. I was bored so I thought I would patrol with Peacemaker but he's asleep so here I am. Why are you here at 3 am all alone in the dark with just a lamp on like some cartoon villain?” Adrian said sarcastically as he sat across from you.
“Shut up. I'm doing research. Trying to figure out the butterflies food source”
“Any luck?”
“None” you sighed
Adrian took off his mask and placed it on the desk. He took his glasses out of his pockets and placed them on his face. You're not sure what possessed you or if it's because of the lack of sleep to say the words coming out of your mouth.
“ You’re really fucking cute Adrian.” you blurted out.
“Uh- what?” he nervously laughed while his face turned bright red.
“Yea the whole glasses and vigilante thing is really hot”
“Umm, t-t-thank you. I think you’re really fucking hot too. Like the first time I saw your face at Fennel Fields with Peacemaker, I was like fuck this girl is a goddess and then I saw your body and the way you fight and I was like damn I gotta fuck her RESPECTFULLY of course.” Adrian rambled on.
You chuckled at what he said. You got up from your desk and slowly walked over to stand in front of him. He sat there looking up at you with the softest eyes, fidgeting nervously in the chair.
“Get up Adrian" you said softly.
He slowly stood from his chair, now towing over me. Looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Do you wanna kiss me?" He looked at me dumbfounded and nodded.
"I need to hear the words Adrian. I want your full consent"
"Ye-" his voice cracked. Clearing his throat he said yes with a deep raspy voice.
You tiptoe to reach face-to-face. You can feel his breath on your face when you close your eyes to kiss Adrian for the first time. It started off as a chaste peck then he pulled you closed by the waist and wrapped his arms around it. You placed your arms around his neck, bringing your bodies tightly together. You bit his bottom lip for him to open up. He gasped softly which gave you the opportunity to place your tongue in his mouth. Adrian groaned into your mouth. His tongue started to aggressively take control over yours. Our tongues danced gracefully together in a heated battle. He continued to deepen the kiss while his hands moved from your waist to grip your ass. You whimpered as your hands drag down to his chest fisting his Vigilante suit, you can feel his quick heartbeat. You slowly pulled away, taking a deep breath. Adrian’s hands cradled your face as you both breathe heavily and desperately together. Your body is on fire with want, yearning for Adrian to do more.
After such a deep and lustful kiss, his thumb stroked your cheeks slowly moving toward your swollen lips. He's eyeing your lips with a newfound dark desire as he rubs his thumb across your bottom lip. You opened your mouth to lick the tip of his thumb and he slowly pushed it past your lips into your mouth. You sucked on his thumb, moaning around his finger as he looked at you with half-lidded lust-filled eyes. The change in Adrian’s facial expression while sucking on his thumb has made you realize you would do anything for him at this moment. He would ruin you for anyone else, no one can compare to how he is making your insides feel with a mere kiss. You longed for more.
"Look at you suckin’ on my thumb like a good slut. You want something bigger hmm?" You whined around his thumb giving Adrian a timid look. " I know my pretty girl needs more. I wanna see those full lips wrapped around my cock" he said breathlessly. He slowly dragged his wet thumb out your mouth with a pop trailing the finger down your chin to the middle of your throat. He firmly wrapped his hand around your throat. You whimpered desperately for more of his touches. 
"But that's for another time. Right now I wanna make you feel good. I need to know how that pretty pussy tastes. I need to feel you cum all over my face before I die. Please can I? Can I do this for you?" Adrian pleaded. 
“Yes please do anything, as long as you continue to touch me” you begged.
Adrian gently pushed you onto the desk. Kneeling before you he took off your footwear and pants. He looked up once more wordlessly asking for permission. You nod. His warm hands touch your calves as he softly kisses each leg. He held your knees firmly as he spread your thighs widely apart. You can feel his hot and heavy breath at your clothed pussy. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second as you clenched around nothing preparing for him to touch you more.
He lets out a deep breath murmuring” fuck babe you smell so good”
You feel his warm mouth on your clothed cunt, licking you through the material of your panties. Your eyes closed as you let out a loud whimper.“ Fuck…. more Adrian”
His adorable eyes behind those glasses look up at you. ”Beg me for more” he demanded in a husky sensual voice.
You whined before pleading to him.
“Please fuck me with your tongue sir. I'll be a good slut for you just please make me cum. I'll do anything. I just-I just need you”
Adrian took a deep breath. He takes his glasses off. You can feel his hands tighten against your hips. He slowly pulls your panties down and off you. He whispers “fuck” as he comes face to face with your bare cunt. It didn't take long for him to put his mouth on your pussy. He’s licking, slurping and kissing your bare wet cunt as you moan loudly with no care in the world. Your hips jerk up as he firmly holds your thighs pressing his face deeper into you. Your entire body is burning up, and you feel a tight knot in your core. Adrian moans and groan into you as he continues to lick and suck at your clit messily. You pull his hair bringing him as close as humanly possible.
“I’m gonna-fuck Adrian, sir please I’m gonna cum” you moaned. The tight knot in your core comes loose. You feel this intense pressure burst as you cum all over his face.
“Fuck. This feels so good. Adrian, fuck you’re amazing” you scream out.
He raises his head, and you can see the bottom half of his face wet with your release. You feel your face heat up suddenly, embarrassed. He looks at you amazed, grinning like he accomplished a great feat. it’s cute you thought.
“Fuck babe that was sexy. I wanna see you do that again on my dick. You look so pretty when you cum. All tired and fucked out. I bet you get really cock drunk too. Fuck you got me so hard right now. I need to see you cum again” 
Adrian quickly stripped out of his vigilante suit and his underwear. You're left staring at his thick, long dick with the tip red leaking precum. You lick your lips subconsciously as more precum seeps out of his cock. Adrian notices your desperate look.
“You wanna taste me? Hmm? I know you wanna suck me off but I can’t wait. I need to feel you wrapped around me. I could give you a little taste. Open up for me princess. Lemme treat you.” He takes two fingers and gathers some of his precum. You open your mouth widely for him to place his fingers into your mouth. He tastes like manly musk and desire. 
Adrian smiled at you arrogantly.” you're such a whore for me aren't you” you nod
“I wanna hear your words princess”
“Yes sir I'm your whore” you murmured
You strip out of your t-shirt and bra as Adrian placed himself between your spread legs. His eyes are focused on your tits. You took one of his hands to grope your breasts. He played with your pointed nipples between his fingers. Moaning you took the back of his head, directing him to suck on your tits.
“Fuck babe you have the best tits in the world. I wanna bury my face in it forever”
You laughed at Adrian's statement. “ you can do that after but right now I need you to fuck me now please.”
“Oh fuck yea!” he chuckled. “Are you ready?”
“Yes sir.”
He tapped his heavy thick cock on your clit a few times before spreading your lips to lube up his cock with your wetness. Your hips jerk while your heated cunt clenches around nothing. Adrian watches you intensely as he places the tip of his cock into your tight cunt. He slowly moved inch by inch. You moaned, grabbing his biceps as he stretches you out, he continued to move but stopped when you flinched. He asked, “are u okay?”
“It’s okay keep going, you're just big and it's been a while” you reassured him.
He moved another inch, and finally, he was fully inside. He was a snug fit inside your pussy.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight. I need a minute. Shit, it’s so warm and wet. I might cum fast. I'm not kidding, your pussy is literally perfect. I can stay here for days.” Adrian murmured.
“Heh honestly, I might cum fast too. Just fuck me fast it’s getting late”
“As you wish princess”
He pulls out slowly, then thrusts back into your wet heat. You clenched around him as you felt his thick cock drag along your walls. You moaned loudly as he thrust deeply into your cunt. You feel Adrian leave wet sloppy kisses along your body. As he thrust into you, your tits bounced as he picked up the speed. The dark room is filled with the wet sounds of your body and skin slapping against each other as Adrian fucks into your bare cunt.
“Look at you taking me so well princess. That tight pussy is filled with me. Fuck you’re soaking my dick.” You moaned as he continues to fuck you and play with your clit.
“Fuck  Adrian, baby you feel so good. Keep fucking my pussy please. I’m gonna cum!” you cried out. You stared at each other breathless as he grinds into you. He holds one of your legs across his shoulders as he hits your sweet spot. You feel yourself go limp as the pressure in your core begins to burst.
“There? Right there? I know baby it feels good? Lemme fuck you dumb” he moans out. No words was coming out of your mouth, just delirious sounds as he fucks you senseless. You whine as he speeds up slamming into your spot. You come undone, the dam burst as you cum all over Adrian wetting his lower regions.
“fuckkk “ you whined
Shortly after Adrian snapped his hips so deep into you as he cums into your bare cunt flooding your heart. He lets out a loud groan finishing in you. He continues to gently thrust into you, slowly coming to a stop. You milk the last of his orgasm as you guys stood still breathless. Your pussy twinges as he slowly pulls out of you. You whined as your pussy is still sensitive. Adrian’s eyes are fixated on your cunt leaking his cum.
“Fuck I wanna take a picture of your pussy. It looks so pretty leaking like this. Can I please?” Adrian begged.
“What? fuck no that’s like second date stuff.” he pouted. You chuckled at his cute expression. You got off the desk to search for your clothes. 
“Dude, it's like 5 in the morning. We gotta leave before the others get here.” you and Adrian hurriedly redress before leaving headquarters. He walked you to your car.
“So…” he stated
“So…?”you asked
“Will this be like a regular thing or not? Cause I think we make good sex together” You laughed at Adrian. What a weird thing to say you thought.
“Yea maybe after missions. I don't know we’ll see. Also don't speak a word of this to Peacemaker or you're never getting this pussy again. Understand?”
“Understood,” he said. You guys parted ways to meet back later for a team meeting later in the day. As you reached your apartment you realized that you couldn't find your underwear.
“Fuck” you whispered. You assumed Adrian was the type to take a souvenir so you weren't too worried about it. 
The entire 11th street kids were in the middle of a meeting when Harcourt found your underwear under her desk.
“What the fuck is this?” Harcourt yelled.
You kept a straight face but you and Adrian made eye contact before he started stuttering an answer. Which resulted in you kicking his foot under the desk and him yelling out your name. Now everyone including Murn knows you and Adrian fucked. The meeting ended with Peacemaker laughing and asking about your sex life.
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months
Vigilante/ Adrian Chase
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Vigilante/Adrian Chase & Female Agent
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scarletttries · 2 years
Speaking Volumes (Adrian Chase Request)
Pairing: Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
Rating: Explicit (Gender neutral pronouns through, but AFAB reader for smut purposes). Mention of a bomb and fire for an angsty start, but happy ending as always.
Word Count: 3.3k
Requests: "Can I pls request adrian and the reader hooking up while on a mission with the 11th street kids? and they try to be quiet but fail miserably." And "Ello! I love your fics sm! 🤍And I hope you don't mind but I want to request something for Adrian Chase x Wife! Reader where something happened and they get separated amidst chaos and everything through Adrian tries so hard to find his dear wife 🥺you get to decide the ending so much angst please thanks 😊💕"
Author's Note: Guess whose rewatching Peacemaker and has rediscovered her intense feelings for Adrian Chase 🙃🥰 thank you so much to these two requests that have been chilling in my inbox for months and I hope you enjoy the combo! Please feel free to send my your Adrian Chase thoughts while I try to cope with my feelings 😍
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Speaking Volumes
When someone asked Adrian Chase what his 'superpower' was, he might say his weapons skills, his endurance or his ability to heal. If he thought about it more though, he'd say it was his ability to spot any weakness in an opponent, whether in their armour or their character. It had saved his life on more occasions than one, and every time it hardened his resolve to never develop a weakness of his own. But as he stalked through another row of floor-to-ceiling shelves in this industrial warehouse, separated from each and every one of his team he knew he'd failed to protect himself from weakness as his mind perpetually wandered to the agent on the other side of the cavernous structure: you.
Falling for you had been more natural than breathing to Adrian. From the first friendly smile he'd known you were the one, different to everyone he'd ever met, the piece he didn't realise he'd been missing until your eyes met his. The atmosphere between the two of you had been undeniable, and it didn't take long until he couldn't contain his feelings, three little words spilling from his lips every time your paths crossed. And of course, you had no choice but to return them, deeply in love with the strange but endearing vigilante, captivated by his undivided devotion. You settled into a perfectly unusual life together, sharing a small apartment that quickly felt like home, working together on missions with the 11th street kids, and having each other's backs through everything from bad hair days to hostage situations. After spending so much of his life feeling like he couldn't quite connect with others, finding you had been the best thing that had ever happened to Adrian Chase, and it surprised no-one when six months after you met a mission to Las Vegas had ended with a quick stop at a chapel, making sure you two would be bound together forever.
As Adrian peeked out from behind another tall stack of crates, peering down the scope of his rifle, he tried to distract himself from all thoughts of his partner being in an equally dangerous situation, until he heard the distinct cry of Peacemaker's voice,
The crates beside him tumbled as the ground seemed to tremble, a deafening boom echoing through the warehouse. Adrian skirted the falling heap just in time to avoid being crushed, but the shelves around him were quickly caving in as the warehouse began to fill with smoke. Adrian's mind was racing - they got the address on this place a little too easily, it must have been a trap all along, wired to blow the second they got deep enough into the labyrinth of shelves. If peacemaker found the bomb he was probably closest, but he could take the damage, he'd be okay. Economos was out in the van and would be watching their backs for an ambush, which left the three other agents inside, possibly hurt, Harcourt, Leota and (Y/N). - His lungs seemed to empty at the realisation, you were in here, separated from him, lost in the chaos of smoke and flames and toppling steel. He could feel the panic setting in as his fingertips tingled with numbness that threatened to become all encompassing, his mouth drying out from more than the rising smoke. He tried to shake off his dread, focus on finding you again, willing his suddenly aching arms to work as he began to clamber haphazardly up the nearest pile of rumble. He could feel eyes start to sting as he lifted himself to a vantage point, vision obscured through the falling tears and climbing flames.
He surveyed the scene in front of him, struggling to make out even the most obvious shapes in darkness, let alone the small form of his forever best friend. His voice croaked as he tried to call your name through the darkness, a fresh cascade of tears joining it as he tried so hard to quiet his relentlessly talkative brain - I'm never going to be able to find them in this mess, and they're probably dead by now anyway. I'm going to be back to being alone, that was it, that was my one person and I couldn't even save them when they needed me. I never deserved them and now everyone will know it. (Y/N) was my one chance at love. - His chest felt bruised with every breath he took, like every falling brick was landing solely on his heart. He stood frozen, never feeling more lost and alone as he tried to scream,
"I can't find you (y/n)!" His desperate voice prevailed this time, echoing over the crackle of smouldering palates, his shuddering chest using every ounce of strength to fight back his inner monologue. - (Y/N) is my love, not was. I'm going to find them, i'm going to save them, that's what husbands do. And I'm a good husband. - He repeated the mantra to himself as he began to press forward through the choking fog, looking for any movement in the wreckage beneath him. He could feel his own lungs burning through the smoke, his ears ringing from the explosion, barely able to centre himself, desperate not to lose his sense of direction in the chaos. And then he saw it, a figure near the exit, thrashing and fighting against twisted beams of crushing steel, blocking their path. He wanted to keep his cool, approach slowly in case it wasn't you, but his heart was screaming so much louder than his brain as he climbed toward the struggling shape.
You had tried to pull yourself up on to the precarious shelves when the bomb went off, but each one seemed to topple towards you at the thought, leaving you trapped in one small corner, steel beams blocking the exit just beyond your reach. You kicked and fought and pulled at the metal, but it was steadfast, deaf to your desperate pleas to move. You tried to calm yourself, keep your breaths shallow, heart-rate slow, telling yourself that Adrian would never leave you behind, unwilling to face the possibility that he might not be able to find you in this obscured atmosphere. You told yourself at least he'd always be okay, and that he's never let you down before, but as the smoke and your tears grew thicker you found yourself beginning to give into hopelessness. You would give anything to hear just one more dumb joke in your husband's voice, to feel his arms around you again, to see his eyes light up when you tell him you love him.
"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" You heard a familiar voice call out from above you, spinning to see an arm stretching down for you to grab.
"Adrian!" You screamed, in terror and relief that you weren't here alone, your unorthodox angel pulling you out of the fiery depths with ease, wrapping his strong arms around you.
"It's going to be okay (Y/N). Now that I found you, it's going to be okay." He repeated, pulling you close to his chest.
Through some small miracle, no-one had gotten seriously hurt by the bomb. Chris was a little bruised and cut, and Harcourt had a twisted ankle, but as they sat facing each other in your team safe house, Harcourt gently cleaning the grazes on Chris's chest while he regaled everyone with the brave tale of him carrying Harcourt out of the fire, it seemed like neither of them minded. You laughed at the blush creeping across her cheeks as Emilia insisted it would have been quicker to just let her walk, casting furtive glances in the direction of an unusually quiet Adrian, who was focused on helping Economos carry what they could salvage from the warehouse into the tiny make-shift office at the back of the small house. As a comfortable quiet settled over the room, Harcourt spoke unusually softly,
"I know we all had a scare today, but we got lucky. We're all back here, we're all okay, and we shouldn't take that for granted. But we've still got a job to do, so we need to stick together for a few more days while we get to the bottom of exactly what they didn't want us to find."
The team solemnly nodded, resolved to go the distance on this case, despite the obvious risks. As Leota moved to help Economos set up his laptops, Adrian stepped casually behind you,
"Hey honey, please will you give me a hand moving something in the office?" His voice was overly nonchalant, only an innocent whistle missing from his attempt to act natural, but you were used to his tone being a little off so you followed him to the backroom, watching him quickly shut the door, and tilt a chair in front of the handle.
"Ad-" His lips cut you off with uncharacteristic force, crashing down with the weight of his adoration. He gripped your hips as his body pressed against yours, forcing you backwards, step after step until the small of your back pressed into the edge of the wooden desk that filled the space. Satisfied that he had you trapped against him, Adrian pulled away from the kiss, staring intensely at your face like a man who'd been reminded that one day it would be the last time he had you this close.
"I thought I was going to lose you today (Y/N)." He paused, swallowing the tremble in his throat, still reeling from the feeling of complete loss he had felt staring out across that burning building. "And the thought of living all of the rest of my days without you, was the fucking worst. Literally the saddest thing I could imagine, and it almost happened today and I didn't know what to do, or how to find you, but I knew I had to." His lips captured yours again, a chaste kiss to give him the strength to go on, "I had to find you, because you're the love of my life. And I can't go on without you." His hands crept from your hips to your bum, lifting you slightly until you sat on the edge of the desk, Adrian planted between your thighs. "Harcourt's right, we shouldn't take this for granted." His lips found yours again, satisfied that he had said all he needed to, Vigilante put his lips to better use. Their soft, warm embrace had your head spinning, all but forgetting about the team on the other side of the thin walls as you pulled at the tight fabric of Adrian's shirt. His intense focus seemed to lighten as he leant back, quickly pulling the material over his head, a delighted smile spreading across his cheeks as you pulled his chest towards, lips landing on the curve of his neck.
"I knew you'd find me Adrian. You're my hero." You whispered, leaving a trail of wet kisses over his sensitive throat, feeling the vibration of every soft moan you drew from him. Nuzzling your nose into his muscular jaw you whispered teasingly, "We've got to stay quiet okay Adrian, we don't want everyone to hear." Nipping just below his ear, knowing he can't help but groan at the sensation. Marvelling at your cheeky grin, you could see the excited expression on his face twist into a smirk, like you had given me a challenge he couldn't refuse.
Your lips returned to his chest, while his fingers found the button on your jeans, making quick work of releasing you from them, and sliding them down your legs. He fought back a devilish grin as he rubbed you through your underwear, waiting for your jaw to fall slack before plunging his tongue between your lips, swallowing the breathy whimpers you couldn't hold back. His fingers brushed over the fabric with teasing softness, building up your sensitivity without giving you any relief. He watched your chest rise and fall against his as his free hand unbuttoned your shirt, sliding it off your shoulders without his hungry lips leaving yours. You quickly pulled the tactical tank top you had underneath over your head, giving Adrian unrestricted access to your chest, hoping to spur him into giving you more of what you really wanted. Adrian drank in the sight of you, only covered by your increasingly damp underwear, chest heaving at his every touch, hips bucking to meet his hand as he played with the soft fabric. It took all his effort to fight the instinct to shout about how hot you are at the top of his lungs, but he managed with the need to make it you who couldn't contain themselves.
"Adrian please," You whispered, rubbing his obvious erection over his uniform, giving him your best pleading eyes, aching to feel more of him. He quickly stepped out of his pants, before whispering back,
"You look so fucking hot (y/n), I love when you get all needy because that's like how I feel about you all the time. Just remember you have to be quiet babe."
You opened your mouth to make a snarky response, but what came out was far from coherent words as Adrian fingers slipped beneath the slick fabric and deep into your entrance. You could almost feel his smug smile against your skin as his tongue found your nipple, lapping against the stiff peak as his free hand massaged the other side of your chest. Your skin was on fire as he moved, his thumb running over your wet folds before strumming your clit in steady rhythm with the rest of his touch. The ache inside you only grew as you felt him rubbing himself against your thigh, so turned on as he forced the adoring noises out of you, his name cascading from your lips at an unmistakable volume.
"Shh!" He chuckled against your chest, the vibration only heightening the overwhelming amount of sensation taking over your body, and taking any thoughts that didn't revolve around Adrian far from your mind.
"Adrian." You whimpered again as his fingers worked faster, the glistening wetness filling your underwear making every brush of your clit send electricity through your veins.
"You're so wet," He growled against your sensitive skin, "It's gonna feel so good to be inside you, you're so good to me." You let out an almost pleading moan at his praise, wanting nothing more than to feel more of him inside you, even as the sensation growing in your centre climbed towards its climax. Feeling your thighs start to twitch against his leaking erection, he could tell you were close, silencing the majority of your cries with his lips as he maintained the steady waves of pressure on your clit, playing lightly with your overstimulated nipples until he felt them arch into his hand, your core tensing as your clenched around his relentlessly plunging fingers.
As your head swam with pleasure, you knew there was no way the rest of the team didn't know exactly what was happening, but the least you could do was make Adrian just as guilty as you in disturbing the peace. Pushing his hand away from your pulsing centre you hopped down from the desk, dropping your now soaked underwear to the floor and turning your back to Adrian. Slowly you lent all the way forwards until your chest reached the cool wood of the desk, propping yourself up on your elbows and looking over your shoulder to see an awestruck Adrian staring down at you like he couldn't quite believe how lucky he got.
"Well come on then, give it to me Vigilante." You breathed out quietly, wiggling your hips against his throbbing manhood, earning a deep groan from him. Reaching back you ran his sensitive tip over your glistening folds, earning strangled moan after moan from him before finally you lined him up with your entrance and pushed yourself around him.
"Fuck!" He half cried out, echoing through the room and no doubt the whole house, but still making some attempts to keep his volume in check as he gripped your hips hard and began fucking into you. His hips slammed against your ass as he filled you completely, the sensation quickly building in you again as you began to softly moan,
"You feel you good Adrian, you fill me up so well. I can feel you so deep inside me." With every praise his groans grew louder and his hips bucked harder, his own excitement quickly reaching its peak as he fondled your fleshy hips, squeezing your cheeks as he thrust into you from behind. Desperate to get his volume up to its maximum level you looked back over your shoulder to lock eyes with his, using one hand to interlock fingers with him while the other trailed down your body to settle between your legs. Adrian watched with wide eyes as you brought his fingers to your lips, kissing them softly, then sliding them into your mouth, sucking on them without breaking eye contact. As Adrian's breath caught in his throat, genuinely concerned he might die of happiness before he had the chance to finish, he felt you moan against his hand, now rubbing your slick clit in time with his hammering hips. Bobbing your head against his fingers, running your tongue over the tips, and moaning at your own touch had Adrian shaking in seconds, fighting back his inevitable release just to be able watch this a second longer. The overwhelming look in his wide eyes had a similar effect on you as you felt yourself start to shake again, pulling his fingers from your lips to sigh softly with your release,
"I love you so much Adrian."
"UUHH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." His own cry did not come softly and neither did he as he slammed into the back of you, hips stuttering as he filled you with his warmth, worried his legs might collapse beneath him the second he pulled out of you. Willing to take the risk he pulled back, easily manoeuvring you onto your back so he could climb onto the desk and on top of you.
"You're the love of my life too Adrian." You cooed softly, brushing a curl now damp with sweat off his forehead.
"I'm never getting separated from you again," he replied resolutely, before pondering sincerely,
"Do you think anyone heard?" You burst into laughter, knowing whatever teasing you got would be worth it to have your Vigilante safe and close again.
"This is your fault you know," Adebayo cursed, casting Harcourt a begrudging look as they all tried to ignore the sound of creaking wood and breathy moans from the next room. "You had to say not to take this for granted."
"Alright fine, someone write a note, we're going to a bar and they can meet us there. First rounds on me." Harcourt admitted begrudgingly, but her soft tone was not nearly as frustrated as it should be, genuinely grateful for the safety of all her friends. Even the annoyingly in love ones.
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Finders Keepers (Cormac McLaggen x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Eventual smut in future chapters (not this one though sorry), language, sexual themes, homophobia (kind of but it's received by reader as banter)
Summary: It's your seventh year at Hogwarts and you've finally been made Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. This year is going to be your year... if you can make it through your N.E.W.Ts without being distracted by your new Potions partner.
A/N: The content nobody asked for. But I am begging the Freddie Stroma stans to give Cormac McLaggen a chance. I PROMISE I CAN FIX HIM!!!! Reader is a bisexual 'not like other girls' type of girl but she becomes more bearable as the story goes on. Reader and McLaggen are both 18. Also I just want to say that I fucking hate JK Rowling and will be gleefully bastardising her work.
Chapter 1: Amortentia
Breakfast on the second day of term was a much more rushed experience than it had been in previous years- you barely had time to collect your timetables from Professor Flitwick, never mind eat anything. You hardly noticed the cool September sun streaming through the ceiling of the Great Hall. Gazing wistfully at the breakfast table, you listened while Flitwick reminded you of the importance of your seventh year at Hogwarts.
Marietta was taking much longer than usual to get ready these days, and so, you, her and Cho had left Ravenclaw Tower late. Ever since that Hermione Granger had cursed her, Marietta had been applying a thick layer of makeup to hide the pimples spelling ‘sneak’ across her face and you resented Granger for upsetting your dormmate- especially when that dormmate’s new skincare routine just made you miss your favourite meal of the day.
“What do you think Slughorn will be like?” asks Cho, as the three of you stand at the back of the short queue outside the Potions classroom- your first lesson of the year.
“Seems like a bit of a creep,” you shrug. “Didn’t you hear about his Slug Club? Nonce behaviour if you ask me.”
Cho chuckles half-heartedly while Marietta only deigns to give you a scandalised look. Alicia would have found it funny, you think to yourself, a knife twisting in your stomach when you’re reminded of her. 
Cho and Marietta were the closest friends you had at Hogwarts now that Alicia Spinnett had graduated and then unceremoniously dumped you immediately afterwards. Your sense of humour was a little too crude for Cho and Marietta, and this combined with your general disinterest in giggling and gossiping about the boys at Hogwarts made you the third wheel of the group.
The queue starts moving and you file into the dungeon past a cauldron, filled to the brim with what you quickly recognise from your textbook as Amortentia. The powerful love potion is supposed to smell different to each person, depending on what attracts them and you’ve always wondered what it would smell like to you. The three of you step forward - you inhale and it smells simultaneously like the leather of new Quidditch keeper gloves, buttery toast and a spicy amber and jasmine scent that you only vaguely recognise.
The class is considerably smaller than it was last year after several students found Snape’s demands of N.E.W.T level students to be too much and dropped out. Cho and Marietta, predictably sit at a table together leaving you to sit at the desk behind them next to… ugh, Cormac McLaggen. You suppose that you don’t hate McLaggen but you’ve always found him to be a typical Gryffindor- arrogant and entitled. 
You give each other a silent nod in recognition as you walk towards him. McLaggen reluctantly moves his book bag from the chair beside him as if it’s inconveniencing him to put his belongings on the floor - entitled. You sit down and have to shuffle your chair away several inches from him because his stupidly broad shoulders take up so much space. Even from the very back of the classroom, the sweet and spicy fragrance of Amortentia reaches your nostrils.
Professor Slughorn opens his arms. “Welcome, seventh-years, to the most important year of all at Hogwarts. Your N.E.W.T.s will take place in just a few short months.” You fidget with your silver cutting knife impatiently- you’ve already heard this speech. Slughorn walks over to his cauldron and continues “Today we’re going to be making something that regularly comes up in your practical exam: Amortentia. Can anyone-”
You practically hear the whoosh of four hands shooting up in the air, the Ravenclaws already desperate to prove their potions prowess to the new teacher. You roll your eyes and catch McLaggen doing the same. Ugh, you don’t want to be associated with McLaggen, who doesn’t even feel like he has to try to impress Slughorn - arrogant - so you lift your hand listlessly in the air.
“My, my!” guffaws Slughorn, observing the eager students around the room. “I see we’ve all had our breakfast today!” Your stomach grumbles. “Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?” Your half-hearted hand seems to draw his attention more than the keen, upright ones. He points at you.
“It’s the world’s most dangerous love potion, Sir.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Oh-ho! An interesting choice of words. Would you care to elaborate?”
“It causes intense feelings of infatuation, to the point of obsession. I think it should be made illegal.”
“Here we go,” mutters McLaggen and you feel the tension in the class as they brace themselves. You’re reminded by their reaction that your tendency to be hot-headed was the final straw in your breakup with Alicia. So instead, you take a deep breath and give a more measured answer than you had originally intended.
“MACUSA made Amortenia a controlled substance in 1922 and I think the Ministry of Magic should follow suit. The use of any love potion on a non-consenting person, but especially one as strong as Amortentia, is unethical, to say the least.”
Some of your fellow students shift uncomfortably. If the rumours are to be believed, many of them have used love potions before but you hold your tongue.
“I say!” says Slughorn, looking pleased with the mild discourse you’ve caused, livening up his early morning lesson. “Very well-reasoned of you. And I assume, by your impassioned stance, that it’s your desire to join the Department of Magical Law Enforcement when you leave Hogwarts?”
“Er…” You hesitate, anticipating the usually negative reaction your answer gets you. “Not really. Well, maybe if I can’t play Quidditch. Professionally.”
“Well, you may end up a tad over-qualified - there aren’t many professional Quidditch players with an N.E.W.T. in Potions, I can tell you that! But take a well-earned point for Ravenclaw for your answer.” He smiles genially. “Convictions aside, we will be brewing this very love potion today. And while they’re not illegal, they are banned at Hogwarts so I’ll be ensuring that you’ve vanished your potions at the end of class.”
Professor Slughorn instructs you all to find the page on Amortentia in ‘Advanced Potion Making’ and to start brewing the potion. It’s one the most delicate potion recipes you’ve ever come across- even compared to the other N.E.W.T. level potions you made last year. 
Your cauldron needs to be as hot as possible so you set the fire underneath it and get to work, furrowing your brow and reading the steps outlined in your textbook. You add rose petals to your pestle and mortar and start grinding them into a paste.
“So, what did you smell when you walked past?” McLaggen nods to the front of the room. “The Gryffindor girls’ dorm?”
“Yeah, right, what did you smell? The seat of Harry Potter’s broomstick? Because sticking your nose there is the only way you’ll actually make the team this year.”
He laughs. “I don’t know, I fancy my chances now that a few of the old stalwarts have left. What’s Alicia up to these days, anyway?” He asks, not unpleasantly but your jaw clenches all the same as you grind your rose petals.
“We broke up at the start of summer.”
“Ah well, I’ll put a word in with Katie Bell for you when I join the team. I know how much you like those Gryffindor chasers.”
“Fuck off, McLaggen.” You realise you’ve been mashing your rose petals a bit too hard and they’ve turned to slop. Shit.
“Alright, just a joke.”
“Yeah, well don’t bother.” 
While your breakup isn’t fresh, you’re in no mood to talk about Alicia. Minutes pass as both of you stand side by side, stirring your cauldrons anti-clockwise. Your arm aches and your brow begins to sweat from the heat of the cauldron as you count to one hundred and eleven- the correct number of times you’re supposed to stir it according to ‘Advanced Potion Making’.
You stop stirring and drop a moonstone into your potion. The sweet and spicy smell coming from McLaggen’s direction is already much stronger than yours even though you’re a step further ahead of him. You peer interestedly over at his cauldron just as he holds a stone over it, ready to drop it in but your hand flies out to catch it before it can hit the liquid.
“Woah, what-?”
“That’s quartz- not moonstone,” you tut, tossing the quartz on his table.
“Shit, thanks. Good catch- you could be a seeker.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
He smirks in agreement as he chucks a moonstone into his cauldron.
“So, how’s your team looking this year?” He asks, breaking the silence as you wait for your potions to start bubbling, watching for the steam to start rising in characteristic spirals. 
“Not bad. Most of last year’s squad is still here, including Cho obviously. I just need a new Chaser to replace Davies.” The heady smell is almost overpowering now as you both lean against the table. You start chopping peppermint leaves and he does the same. “I’ve booked the pitch for try-outs this Saturday. When are Gryffindor’s?”
“No word yet. Potter’s not as organised as you.”
“Well, let me know and I might pop down to watch you embarrass yourself.” 
He laughs and scrapes his leaves into his cauldron with the edge of his knife.
“I’m hoping to catch him at Slughorn’s dinner party, see if I can butter him up a little.”
“Right, Slug Club,” you say derisively. Honestly, you’d have more respect for Potter if he made his useless friend Gryffindor keeper rather than choosing McLaggen because they’re both in Slughorn’s clique for the Howarts elite. 
You tip in your leaves and stir your cauldron counter-clockwise, waiting for the liquid to turn from sage green to pearlescent milky white. McLaggen quickly grabs your arm, his large hand encircling the entire circumference of your forearm. 
“Clockwise!” He urges, releasing you so you can start stirring in the opposite direction. 
“Fuck!” Making stupid mistakes in Potions is thus far unmarked territory for you. You’re not used to having a Potions partner who distracts you. You watch your potion as you frantically stir the other way, praying that it turns its signature mother-of-pearl sheen. It stays adamantly green.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice- I should have stopped you quicker.”
“And time’s up!” says Slughorn, clapping his hands together. 
You look up at McLaggen and he’s looking back at you apprehensively as if you might go off on one- your fiery reputation predecdes you. You take a deep breath and your nostrils fill with the amber and jasmine scent, making you instantly feel calmer. “It’s fine. My mistake. Besides, we can’t all have my reflexes.”
Slughorn walks around the room inspecting the potions and providing feedback. You feel a twinge of resentment when you see that McLaggen’s looks almost identical to the example potion.
Slughorn looks in your cauldron and gives you a small nod. “A decent effort but that should have been clockwise stirring in the final step, my dear.” You purse your lips and give him a curt jerk of the head in acknowledgement.
He positively beams when he turns to look in McLaggen’s cauldron. “Ah, excellent, excellent Cormac m’boy!” coos Slughorn, reaching up and gripping McLaggen’s shoulder congratulatorily. He gestures to the rest of the class to come over and see McLaggen’s cauldron. “Now, this is what we’re looking for. A textbook example. One drop and I daresay we’d all be besotted with you.” McLaggen looks at you intently, you suppose he’s feeling guilty for accepting Slughorn’s praise without giving you any credit. “Class dismissed. Cormac, take five points for Gryffindor and I’ll see you on Thursday night for our little get-together.”
“Yes, sir.”
You quickly vanish your potion, shove your belongings into your bookbag, and leave the classroom to catch up with Cho and Marietta in the corridor. The three of you start making your way upstairs through the throng of students to your next class but you hear a voice calling from behind you.
“Hey!” A heavy hand clasps your shoulder and you spin around. “Thanks for saving me in there,” says McLaggen. 
“Anytime,” you say, in what you hope is a casual, and not annoyed tone.
In the busy corridor, someone bumps into the heavy bag on your shoulder, knocking you off balance. McLaggen catches you before you fall, holding you tightly against him and you’re overpowered by the scent of amber and jasmine again. He helps you stand back upright and places a hand on each of your shoulders to steady you. You blink up at him, stunned, meeting his green eyes.
“There. We’re even.” He grins. “My reflexes aren’t that bad after all. Anyway, see you later.” He slaps you on the back in a sporting kind of way and heads off in the opposite direction. 
“Are you okay?” asks Cho as you stare after him, speechless, watching his broad figure, head and shoulders above most of the crowd, as he walks away. You feel your heart pounding in your chest.
He smells like Amortentia.  Or, says a small voice in your head, Amortentia smells like him.
Chapter 2: Confundo
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multifandomfanficss · 9 months
Stuck With You
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: When the team sticks their newest member with Vigilante, everyone feels bad for you, but you’re grateful to have him around when you run into something from your past and lose your cool.
Warnings: panic attacks, human experimentation, referenced child abuse
A/N: I found a couple lines of dialogue in my drafts that I never did anything with and I had the writing bug today so I decided to finally make something with it! I’ll crosspost it on my AO3 adriansglasses as well. Hope you enjoy!
“(L/N), you’re with Vigilante.” Harcourt says, at the beginning of the meeting.
“You’re really gonna stick the newest person with that psycho?” John asks.
“You don’t need to be mean to Adrian just because he’s not here.” Leota starts.
“I would say it to his face too. He’d probably just laugh and call me his 4th best friend.” John retorts.
You hadn’t been with the team for long. This was your first mission with them. After a mission gone too out of control, Waller sent you to the middle of nowhere Evergreen, Washington. You thought she’d sent you here because the environment would be less hectic, but the longer you’re there, the more you realize she probably sent you here because everyone on this team is either highly traumatized or in need of more experience. She was trying to put the training wheels back on. From what you’d been told by the team’s top conspiracy theorist, Christopher Smith, this team was originally supposed to be an expendable scapegoat, but they ended up saving the world. You had no idea what to believe at this point.
“What’s up with Vigilante?” You ask, wondering why this was all such a hot topic. You hadn’t known him for long. He seemed a little odd, but overall fine. If you were being honest you actually kind of liked him. He was sweet and funny, often without trying. There was this comforting air about him and you didn’t really know why. He was a good fighter and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was at least a little bit cute.
“He’s a little…” Chris started moving his finger in a circular motion, trying to insinuate that Adrian was crazy.
“He can’t be that bad.” You smile.
Suddenly Adrian comes running into the old video store tripping over one of his shin guards that wasn’t on properly. He sits down and fastens it.
“Sorry I’m late, guys. They kept me late at the restaurant and then when I was trying to put on my suit in the car I accidentally ran a red light and usually I would kill somebody for that, but I mean I think the more important thing is that I didn’t run over the old lady crossing the street! She was totally fine and I know she’s alive because she screamed at me…I’ve never seen an old lady use to many swear words. It was kind of awesome! Anyway what did I miss?”
“You put on your suit while driving?” Leota asks.
“Yup.” He gives a straight face nod. Adrian often had a way about him, as if what he was thinking should be obvious to other people, when in fact, it was not obvious to most people most of the time.
“You amaze me.” Harcourt says, sarcastically.
“Thank you.” Adrian smiles, not catching her sarcasm.
She rolls her eyes, sighing.
Later on that night you and Adrian found yourselves walking through a series of tunnels.
“John, I think we might be lost.” You spoke into your coms, hoping he can help you from the van.
“I can’t even hear you in my earpiece and I’m right next to you. I think we lost the signal.” Adrian walks in silence for a few seconds before adding, “I’m sorry you got stuck with me.” He looks at the ground, sad.
“What are you talking about?”
“I know they stuck you with me. Nobody ever really chooses to be my partner.” He lightly kicks a rock, pretending not to be bothered.
“They did pair us up, but that doesn’t mean I was disappointed.” You smile.
“Really? Why would you want me?”
“Well first of all, you’re a great fighter. You were also the first person to attempt to be my friend. I’d trust you in the field over anyone.”
“Really?” You can hear the surprise in his voice.
“Yeah.” You let out a soft giggle. “Why are you so surprised that I like you?”
“Usually everyone just tells me to shut up or fuck off.”
“Well I’m not everyone.” You nudge him playfully as you walk.
Soon you come upon a door. It’s a little rusted, but Adrian shoots the lock off and you’re able to break in.
“What is this place?” He asks.
As soon as you walk inside you see the tubes, the files, the devices, the tables, the symbols. You know exactly what this is. This is an old facility for the for the group that made you leave your old job, the mission that ruined your life. You see files on the table, files no doubt full of details on the children they were experimenting on. The group would take orphaned children or children who were abandoned and unwanted, kids who had no one to protect them, and they would experiment on them. They were human trials to try to find new ways of making superheroes. This must have been one of their old abandoned facilities. Despite the lab being inactive, just the sight of it was still enough to send you into a spiral.
Your heart starts beating rapidly as you grow dizzy. You look down at your shaking hands. You’re starting to lose control of your breathing.
“I- I can’t-“ You walk backwards out of the room, starting to hyperventilate.
“Woah. Hey, what’s going on? Are you having a panic attack?” Adrian slowly puts his hands out towards you. He’s a little unsure of what to do.
“I’ve seen this before!” Your entire world is spinning as your start to cry. You can’t stop thinking about the awful things you saw when you snuck into their active facility earlier this year. Those poor children. Part of you was starting to wonder if Waller put you on this team for a reason. You should have known better than to think she was giving you a break. Waller always had some sort of fucked up motive that only worked for herself hidden up her sleeve. “I can’t fucking breathe!” You sob, sucking in air.
“Tender nice touching.” Adrian slowly approached you, patting your shoulder. You needed pressure on your body. You felt like you were slipping away from earth and you needed to be held down.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked, quietly.
“You want a hug?” He asked, his voice just as quiet. He was speaking softly to not startle you further.
“I think I can do that.“ He smiles, slowly bringing you into his arms. A little loose at first, he tightened the hug as you melted into him.
“I’m sorry- I- I just…I know what the did here and- and-“ Adrian shushes you as you begin to stutter, your mind moving much faster than your mouth is able to.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Just breathe with me. Don’t focus on anything else, but your breathing okay? Can you feel me breathing?” He rubs your back as you cry into his arms. You nod. “Okay, good. Just…just follow that.” He sighs and then focuses on making his own breathing something you can follow.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to know what people on the team want because I know Chris doesn’t wanna look weak and Harcourt would kill me if I touched her, so I try to be careful. I just don’t wanna upset you guys more, but if you want me hold you I can keep doing that. Just let me know what you need and I’ll do it.” He says, softly.
“Can you just keep talking?” You ask. The sound of his voice is soothing and grounding.
“You want me to keep talking?” He smiles. “You’re in luck. I’m actually really good at talking. So good, in fact, that people are constantly asking me to shut up. So uh… What can I talk about? Oh! I know. So I have this friend at work. His name is Taylor. Well, he says we’re not friends, but he texts me all time time asking me to help cover his shifts and I would only trust a friend enough to ask them for that, so I think we’re friends. Anyway, so Taylor walked in this morning and…”
The longer Adrian rambles on the better you feel. The pressure of his body on yours and his voice slowly bring you back to earth. Eventually you find yourselves walking back through the tunnels, hand in hand, retracing your steps as he guides you back to the van to regroup. He keeps you distracted with silly stories the entire walk back.
You don’t know what the rest of your team was talking about. Adrian was the best partner you could have had.
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vigsilantes · 2 years
movie night (adrian chase x reader)
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Pairing: Adrian Chase x Reader (one shot) Summary: You and Adrian have a movie night and watch Shaun of the Dead. (I have a hc that Adrian loves watching horror movies, specifically zombie movies, and discussing the logistics of the kills in it lol) Word Count: 536 Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Swearing, Comfort, Idiots in Love, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Post-Canon, Zombie Movie, Reader-Insert, Post-Canon, Post Season 1 Warnings: swearing, gore, blood, zombies
>>>(read on ao3)<<<
After a long shift at your café job, and Adrian just coming home from Fennel Fields, you two were exhausted, and you both didn’t feel like going out to patrol tonight, so you decided to have a movie night. Looking through your gigantic, shared collection of DVDs, Adrian suggested Shaun of the Dead, which is one of his favorite movies. Whenever you two watch it, or any zombie movie, he goes into so much detail about the zombies, and the kills, and you love it. He knows how some of these kills should look like, and he loves talking about the logistics of it. And he loves seeing if he would survive given the circumstances of each zombie flick.
“Oooh like right there, the blood should’ve splattered differently, and there would definitely be more blood too! But that kill was insane!” he smiled, getting antsy on the couch, you could tell how much he loved this movie. You both had an immense amount of film knowledge, but this was where Adrian shined. Normally while watching movies, people get quite annoyed with you and Adrian sharing facts or talking while watching. The 11th Street Kids always throw popcorn at you guys or heckle you when you ramble too long during a movie. But together, you two love to discuss what’s happening, and hearing what the other has to say. “These zombies are mad slow walkers though, which gives them all at least some kind of chance. In that one movie we watched, those ones ran, which would just make it even more impossible to survive.”
“Yeah, man, in a regular zombie apocalypse, I think we’d have some chance of survival,” you started, Adrian looked over at you, “you know we have some experience defending ourselves,” he giggled, “but if they ran, it’s game over for me… You know I’m not the fastest runner,” you chuckled. “You on the other hand, might have some odds in your favor, you are such a fast runner, babe,”  
“You’re fast!” Adrian instantly came to your defense. “Remember when we outran the cops that time? You were super fucking fast, I think you’d have a chance,” he nudged you.
“Eh… if they’re like the ones in that movie though, I’d be a goner,” you joked, “you’re on your own, Ade,” you tapped his thigh.
“Nooo!” He screeched. “I could carry you whenever we needed to run, or give you a piggyback ride,” he suggested, fully serious. “Ooh or I could tie you to my back like I did with Goff a while ago,” you started laughing.
“Wouldn’t I slow you down?” you said in between laughs.
“Nah, like you said, babe, I’m fast,” he gloated. “I don’t wanna live through an apocalypse without you," he said as he rubbed your hand. “It’d be superrrr boring, and like who would I even talk to?”
“That’s true, I am pretty fun to converse with,” you smiled, and he nodded in agreement. The night continued like this, watching the movie, making up fake apocalypse scenarios, and seeing how or if you would survive. In every fake scenario, no matter how insane it was, Adrian always made up some crazy, irrational way to save you.
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sandy-the-glader · 4 months
I love your blog so much!!!! I love how you write Vigilante!
Aww that means a lot! I love taking requests so if you or anyone has any ideas send them in. I'm working on a couple one-shots at the moment so if you do end up sending them in it might take a little while and I apologize <3
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evabellasworld · 8 months
First Meeting at Fennel Fields
AO3 Link ——————————————————————————————
Pairing: Adrian Chase x Agender!OC (Rue Iqbal)
Rating: 13+
Rue Iqbal, who recently moved to the town of Evergreen, stopped by at Fennel Fields to enjoy a meal when they made a potential romantic connection with the cute busboy, Adrian Chase.
A/N: This is part 1 of the series, Star Blossom. Stay tuned for part 2
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It was a cold, late afternoon, with light gray clouds and a glint of sunlight in the sky. Driving in a silver car, Rue Iqbal admired the quaint town of Evergreen, with rows of mom-and-pop shops attached together and small trees and shrubs planted in every corner of the sidewalks, their light green leaves slowly fading into dark orange, reflecting the beginning of the autumn season. Their face was drenched with sweat and makeup and their ribbons loose from both sides of their curly hair. Wearing a light blue knitted vest with a slightly crumpled shirt and flared midi skirt, their Mary Jane shoes that Rue polished early in the morning had lost its shine, along with their white stockings that turned gray.
Despite their favorite song, La Vie En Rose, playing on the radio, Rue’s head was throbbing with slight pain and their right eye felt heavy, their left eye covered with eyepatch. But with their last meal after their mid-afternoon prayer, Rue’s stomach rumbled for hours, forcing them to drive to a nearby restaurant and eat as much as their heart desired. If they had the option, they craved a large paratha with thick, spicy mutton curry and a side of pakoras, just like how their paternal grandmother made them years ago. 
Unfortunately, grandmother isn’t here to cook their favorite food, let alone comfort their heavy heart and dried tears. They’re on their own, in a new place, without anyone by their side.
Parking their car in front of a restaurant called Fennel Fields, Rue stared at their reflection in their rearview and touched up on their makeup and hair, before spraying an ocean-scented perfume on their bare neck. Taking a deep breath, they emerged from their vehicle with their light blue handbag and approached the restaurant their co-workers raved about earlier. The interior of the restaurant was painted with warm yellow that harmonized with the mild lighting and toasty surroundings, and the scent of Bolognese sauce and fresh rosemary welcomed the only customer. 
All the seats were vacant, with saucers and a set of forks and knives placed on top of serviettes. Rue noticed that there were only a few staff on duty, and focused their gaze towards the round clock hanging in the middle, which was half-past five. As Rue glanced at the freshly mopped wooden floor, the restaurant hostess approached them with a warm smile on her face and a menu in her hands.
“Welcome to Fennel Fields,” she greeted. “Are you here to dine in or takeout?”
“I’m here to dine-in,” they replied in a cordial manner.
“Alright, miss, right this way,” she said, as she led them to their seat, which was a table with only two chairs and a painting of a willow tree on their right.
“Thank you,” Rue said, as they sat down and hung their handbag behind them. 
“You’re welcome, miss,” she responded, handing them the menu. “Feel free to take your time to browse through the menu and ring the bell once you’re ready to order.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” they said, browsing through the menu, hoping the restaurant had options for vegans and vegetarians, just like what their co-workers claimed. They were right‌, because there is a vegan section on the menu, which is completely plant-based. Five minutes later, Rue rang the bell and a waitress approached her table, with a notebook in her hands.
“I’ll have a Caprese salad with a strawberry Italian soda,” Rue stated, as the waitress wrote it down on their notebook.
“Will that be all?” she asked. “A Caprese salad with a strawberry Italian soda?”
“That will be all,” they affirmed, handing her the menu. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem, miss.”
As the waitress left, Rue leaned against their seat and as they listened to the tranquil music in the background and turned to a simple willow tree painting on their right, sinking deep into their thoughts. They couldn’t help noticing the yellowish-greenish colors that were used for the leaves, along with the shadow that casts underneath it with light gray colors. Rue remembered the willow tree in the park one sunny day, where they used to sit whenever they felt like their burdens were too heavy for them to carry on their back and weeped without shame and guilt from people around them. With orange butterflies fluttering and the scent of nectars in the air, it was the perfect way to feel home. 
But they weren’t home anymore. They’re in Evergreen, where there’s no sight of enormous skyscrapers and the mysterious green forest loomed at the edge of the town.
Before delving further into the new town, the waitress returned with their Caprese salad and a glass of strawberry Italian soda, bringing them back into the present. Rue thanked the waitress and glanced at their meal, which consists of fresh tomato slices, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves, drizzled with olive oil and a hint of black pepper. It may not be vegan, but last they checked, mozzarella cheese did not contain rennet, hence, it was safe for them to eat. As they took a bite of their meal, they tasted the tanginess of the tomato and mozzarella slices mixed together with the pungent taste of basil. With the balancing flavor of the olive oil and black pepper, Rue’s eyes widened as they glanced at their meal, taking another bite and stuffing it in their mouth, satisfying their hunger. 
They then took a sip of their strawberry Italian soda with a red-striped straw, and sighed in relief at the sweet taste of the fresh strawberries that were mixed with the bubbly club soda and the cooling ice cube that refreshed their body, despite the cold mist fogging the restaurant’s window.  Despite the fog, however, Rue pictured the golden leaf that blew towards their bedroom window early in the morning, resembling the ones that were scattered near the willow tree. The street sweeper usually piled them up into a mini mountain, and Rue used to jump towards the pile and let the leaves rain towards their giggling face, until the sweeper showed up and cursed at them. 
That was years ago when they were still in high school. As their mind flies towards their past, they did not notice the busboy approaching their table, who had been admiring their beauty since the moment they stepped foot into Fennel Fields.
“Excuse me, miss,” a busboy asked, carrying a jug of strawberry Italian soda. “Do you want a refill of your drink?”
Rue focused their attention towards the busboy who was standing in front of them and traced their eyes from his head to his toned forearms, all the way to his leather black shoes, which looked almost worn out. Wearing a red cap with matching shirt and a beige apron, his bespectacled eyes reminded Rue of a forest at night, which complimented with his porcelain skin and dimpled smile. Rue could only sip their soda as they admired the handsome busboy sitting in front of them, who resembled one of those main leads in a Korean drama, except for the fact that he was clearly a white man whose age they could not guess. But if they had to bet, the busboy looked like he was either in his late 20s or in his early 30s, though not more than 31. 
Their eyes then moved towards his name tag on his apron before nodding in response. “I would love that, Adrian, thank you.”
He rapidly blinked at Rue’s response, gripping on the jug’s handle. “How did you know my name?”
“It’s on your name tag,” they pointed out, much to his relief.
“That makes sense,” he chuckled, as he poured their drink into their glass. “Though it feels weird that a customer would refer to a busboy or a busgirl or a busser by their names, since we mostly do the dirty work that the waiters don’t dare.”
“Yeah, bussers have to carry stacks of dirty dishes and refill drinks, which is really tiring. Like, I remember carrying 15 dirty dishes from one table and both my arms and legs were super sore.”
“Wait, you were a busser as well?”
“Yeah, it was my first job back in high school. Whenever school finished, I worked from around 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., and then woke up for school at 6, and then the pattern repeated.”
“I know that feeling,” he empathized with their experience as he leaned closer to their ears to whisper. “Not to mention you’re underpaid, a lot.”
Rue’s eyes widened as Adrian whispered in her ears, though they understood that he could not say it openly at his workplace since it might get him fired, or worse. Speaking of the workplace, Rue realized that they may have been taking loads of Adrian’s time, since he was still on duty right now. 
“You should head back to work,” they reminded him. “I don’t think your boss would be happy to see you mingling with a customer.”
“Please, you’re the only one here,” he snorted, as he took a seat and placed the jug on the table, facing Rue. “Besides, I was really bored and there’s nothing much I can do anyway, aside from wiping the table, which I’ve done that for like a hundred times.”
Rue burst into laughter. “You talk to customers when you’re bored?”
“Nah, I usually would be sitting in the back and listening to music, but since you’re here all alone, I thought you could use some company anyway, since you look lonely and all.”
“I appreciate that,” they replied. “So how long have you worked here?”
“Pretty long, I guess,” he shrugged, looking upwards. “Probably around a year or two. Or maybe three. I don’t know. I’m bad at math. Anyway, let’s talk about you. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a high school chemistry teacher. Today’s my first day of teaching at Evergreen High School. Ever heard of it?”
“Oh my gosh, yes, of course I heard of it. I used to go there, along with my older brother and my best friend, who’s close with my older brother,” his eyes brightened, reminiscing his past to Rue. “If I could remember, Mr. White was my chemistry teacher, until he got killed by a drug lord, which I’m not sure how to feel, since chemistry isn’t my favorite subject and also the fact that I zoned out at every one of his classes.”
“So you and your older brother and your best friend, who’s close with your older brother, were alumni of that school?” they recapped, feeling goosebumps on their skin on Mr. White’s death. “Well, that explains why the superintendent hired me immediately after the interview.”
“I’m not surprised,” he shrugged. “A lot of teachers are leaving the profession, which I don’t blame them, since the pay is low and students can be dickheads sometimes. Are your students a bunch of dickheads?”
“So far, they seemed fine,” they laughed with amusement. “Though it’s too early to judge, since it’s only the first day.”
“That’s totally understandable,” Adrian let out a pleasant laugh, before proceeding to dig through their history. “So if you don’t mind me asking, where are you from, cause I’ve never seen you around town before, so yeah…”
“Well, I was born and raised in Malaysia, but I came to America when I was fourteen,” they explained, releasing a shallow sigh. “I lived in Kane City for eight years, which was famous for their willow trees, until I decided to move to Evergreen, where I’ve only been here for two days.”
“That’s a lot of moving,” he remarked. “So you must be a city girl, right?”
Rue chuckled in response, much to his confusion. “Did I say anything wrong?”
“I’m not sure how to say this, but I’m not a girl,” they clarified, pressing their hands together. “I’m actually agender, which means I don’t identify with any gender at all. Basically, I’m genderless, so yeah…”
“I am so sorry about that,” he babbled, aghast at his own behavior. “I should have asked before assuming your gender, which I did, and now I think I made things awkward between us.”
“No worries about that,” Rue assured him. “I get that a lot.”
“It’s still not an excuse to misgender you, though,” he looked down on the table, avoiding their eyes, before clearing his throat. “Anyway, to make things less awkward, what pronouns do you use?”
“I go by they, them, ze and zir,” they answered. ‘What about you? What pronouns do you go by?”
“I go by he and him pronouns, and I’m also a cis male, just to clear up the confusion between the both of us.”
“Alright, looks like we’ve cleared up the air,” they clapped their hands once. “So, how long did you stay in Evergreen?”
“Since I was born, which was practically my whole life,” he answered, gazing at Rue’s right eye. “I never left Evergreen, and I don’t think I ever will. I mean, I know it can be boring and all, with nothing much happening in this town, except for the fact that we were almost invaded by a bunch of butterflies, which I obviously have nothing to do with, but otherwise, there’s nothing much here except for a few crimes here and there.”
“Honestly, I would rather be almost invaded by a bunch of butterflies than to deal with corrupt cops and some billionaire who tried to poison our rivers,” Rue chortled. “Besides, butterflies are beneficial to the ecosystem since they contribute to our food production.”
“Yeah, of course,” he laughed nervously, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “Those butterflies are definitely beneficial to the ecosystem, alright. Anyway, let’s talk about your home country, Malaysia, since I’ve never heard about it before, so yeah, what’s it like down there?”
“From what I remembered, I would hang out at the esplanade with my friends while admiring the ocean up close, along with the blue sky above. I also remembered the alleyways with artworks of children riding on the bicycle and playing on the swing. I also remembered enjoying swimming in the river near my grandparent’s house and the water would be freezing cold, despite the immense heat outside. Oh, there’s also a rice field nearby as well, and it’s a beautiful sight when it’s being harvested.”
“It sounded like paradise.”
“It did, actually,” they smiled sadly. “If only I could stay there forever.”
“Do you miss your home country?”
“Yeah, I do miss Malaysia a lot,” they sighed. “I could come back there, but I’m not sure whether I would recognize it since everything changed for the past eight years.”
“Well, you know what they say, if you’ve been away from home for too long, you end up becoming a foreigner when you return home.”
Rue nodded as they stared distantly at their drink, contemplating Adrian’s words. Their memories of their eight years old self enjoying a strawberry ice ball replayed in their mind like a rolling film camera. They were sitting all alone in an open-air shop and counted every trishaw that rode past them on the quiet streets. The shopkeeper knew their parents well. Whenever Rue came to his shop, he always smiled and talked to them in their native language. Rue would love to go back to those moments, but they no longer live there anymore, nor speak their native language that their parents and teachers from her old school had taught. Even if they go back, they would no longer be the same little girl that everyone recognized. 
“Everything alright, Rue?” Adrian interrupted their thoughts, his brows wrinkled. “You seemed sad.”
“Yeah, I’m alright,” they insisted, grinning from ear-to-ear. “I was just taking a trip down to memory lane, that’s all.”
“Is it something I said, cause if it is, I’m really sorry about that.”
Rue shook their head. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Adrian. It’s just that I realized that I forgot how to speak Malay, which I used to be super fluent along with English, but since coming here, I could only converse in English, Japanese and Korean, which is embarrassing, cause I made an effort to learn Japanese and Korean but somehow I didn’t do the same with Malay, which was the language my parents and my grandparents and the rest of my ancestors have spoken, even during the colonial eras. So yeah, you’re right. If I returned to Malaysia, I’ll feel more like an American tourist instead of a Malaysian who returned home.”
Adrian can’t imagine losing the ability to speak his native tongue, but listening to Rue’s cries on forgetting the language that their ancestors have spoken made his heart ache. They would insist that everything seemed fine, but he noticed their suppression of tears through their right eye, since the other eyes were covered with an eye patch. He wondered how they lost half of their sight in the first place, though it’s not the right time to ask about it.
“It must be painful forgetting a language you used to be fluent in,” he empathized in a softer tone. “And I’m sure it hurts to feel disconnected from your home country and its culture. But I’m confident that it is never too late to re-learn the Malay language and reconnect with your culture. It definitely won’t be easy, but I’m sure it will be a healing journey for you and your family, if you’re still in touch with them, of course. Are you still in touch with your family?.”
“Unfortunately, no, but you’re still right,” they smiled at Adrian. “It’s never too late to re-learn the Malay language and reconnect with my culture. After all, we persevered through the colonial era and the Japanese occupation during World War II, so I don’t think I’ll give up anytime soon.”
“That’s the spirit,” he cheered, as he noticed their blue handbag hanging on the chair. “Is that a Kate Spade you got there?”
“How did you know?” they gasped, grabbing their handbag.
“It’s the leather for me, cause it’s made of crossgrain calf leather, which is the least expensive kind of leather and also more durable than the regular soft leather, perfect for carrying loads of stuff like files and books, since that’s what teachers usually carry all the time.”
Rue raised their eyebrows as they leaned towards him while still clutching on their handbag. “You have such eyes for details. Does anyone ever tell you that?”
“No, people just call me stupid and clueless, which is actually true, since I can’t tell who’s being sarcastic and I also don’t feel emotions like people do.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
Adrian shook his head. “No, it’s true. People always tell me that I’m dumb and that I talk too much, which is also true as well.”
Rue blinked at his statement, wondering whether he was pulling their leg. Surely, a man who accurately guessed the brand of their handbag would not be stupid, clueless, and dumb. As for the emotion part, Adrian makes them feel like they’re talking to a close friend that they’ve known for years instead of a stranger they just met an hour ago. 
“What makes you think that you’re stupid and clueless?” they asked, tilting their head to their right. 
“Well, one time, I noticed my best friend was really occupied with work and all, so I decided to help him do his laundry. Unfortunately, I may have used the wrong detergent, so his clothes pretty much turned pink. Understandably, he got mad and he wouldn’t allow me in his trailer for two weeks, so yeah.” 
Rue burst out laughing that they almost choked on their saliva, before clearing their throat and straightening their posture. “I don’t think I can consider you being stupid, since I also accidentally turned one of my white dresses pink. But honestly, at least I could wear that dress, since most of my clothes are blue and white.” 
“I threw my best friend's phone out of the car, thinking it was trackable, but his dad found him anyway because of his helmet. I realize now that it was a dumb thing to do.”
“Wait, helmets are trackable?” Rue bit their cheeks in thought.
“Well, my best friend’s helmet was trackable since his dad specially built it, and his dad is a racist nutjob‌, which you shouldn’t worry about, since he’s dead and I definitely have no part in his death, so yeah.”
“Okay then, that’s good to know,” Rue nodded. “So, you mentioned you have an older brother, right?”
“Yeah, I did,” he replied with a grin. “His name is Gut, and he’s like way older than me, like 13 years older, and he was alright. We only see each other during the holidays, since he has his own life and all.”
“Huh, it must be nice having a big brother. How about the rest of your family? Are you close with them as well?”
“Kind of, I mean, I only see them during the holidays, so yeah, it’s all good, I guess.”
Rue hummed in agreement as they stole a quick glance of the time. It was already 6.30 p.m. It dawned on them just how swiftly the past hour and a half had flown by, their conversation flowing seamlessly and effortlessly. Yet, Rue was hit with their most important part of their everyday obligations, which was their daily prayers. In 20 minutes, their next prayer would start, though they can’t bear the weight of leaving Adrian all alone, despite their short but captivating connection they had shared earlier. 
Letting out a resigned sigh, Rue took out a piece of a blue memo pad and a Sharpie from their handbag, puzzling Adrian with their unexpected action.
“Everything okay, Rue?”
“I would love to stay and chat with you longer, but I just realized that my next prayer starts in 20 minutes, which I can’t be late to, so will it be okay if I give you my phone number instead?
Adrian’s eyes sparkled as Rue handed him their phone number on a blue memo pad, which had an ocean scent attached to it. It’s not every day a pretty person like Rue would give their phone number to him. He felt like floating in the air as angels surrounded him with their soulful opera.
“Of course you can,” he grinned, folding the piece of paper inside his pocket. “I would definitely call you, after you’re done with your prayers. By the way, what time is your last prayer, cause I don’t want to disturb you while praying, you know.”
“You can call me at 9,” they suggested, getting up from their seat. “I’ll be done by then.”
“Sure thing, I’ll definitely call you at 9,” he got up with them. “I can’t wait to continue our conversations together.”
“I’ll be waiting,” Rue winked, before realizing that they only had one eye, prompting them to turn around and ignore his soft laugh behind them. “Just don’t be late.”
“See you soon, Rue,” Adrian waved as he watched them leave Fennel Fields. Looking down at the phone number that they gave earlier, he paced out of the restaurant through the back door and performed his signature dance move at the empty alleyway, not giving a fuck whether his co-workers were staring at him weirdly.
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pretendfan · 6 months
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…{1}
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{This wasn’t supposed to be happening right now, Chris Smith had been all set to leave his trailer and head out into the night for his date, but when Adrian Chase comes knocking at the door there is always trouble.
Bored with patrolling around Evergreen Adrian knew exactly where to go, hang out with his bff at his place only things don’t go to plan, and next thing he knows he’s offering to decorate Peacemakers trailer for the holiday season but there is a small catch attached.
There were bad ideas and then there was this one stupidly agreeing to go out with a work friend, leaving you zoning out of the conversation because instead you were thinking of someone else the whole time, but then a chance falls into your lap to win back the night only it’s hanging out with the very last person you wanted to see right now.}
Part one begins under the cut
“Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.”
Snorting to himself when he hears his phone chime, Christopher Smith grabs said item from beside him on the couch, whilst currently only half watching the TV because he was too busy pregaming before heading out for the night.
Off later to meet a hot blonde at one of the many local bars around here in Evergreen, with the woman in question causing a wicked grin to appear on his face, the message she had just sent him was very telling of how things were going to go down and this pleased him greatly.
Sure Chris had obvious commitments but even someone like Peacemaker needed a break, some time to just kick back and have fun, oh and he definitely was going to be getting laid tonight it was absolutely in the bag.
Finishing off his beer in one long gulp, Chris contemplates the season and that one holiday he was learning to enjoy again, courtesy of his team mates in the task force the family that he definitely hadn’t asked for.
…but were in fact a huge step up from the one that he had been born into instead.
Although there was no way that he was ever gonna wear a freaking Christmas sweater, especially the kind of ones that goofball Adrian sourced, which somehow actually pleased Harcourt but Chris didn’t need that kind of motivation he was playing the long game with his teammate.
Besides Chris had another blonde to amuse himself with tonight anyway, wearing his finest band tee shirt that showed off all the muscles he kept in check, whilst several rubbers quietly occupied his pants pocket because he was always protecting himself and others around him.
Everything was set and he was already sensing that tonight was gonna be fucking awesome, even if someone did call him with an emergency he would just put it to voice message, because it was very important that he got some self care and receiving head was pretty high up on that list.
With a smirk on his face Chris stands up from the couch, heading towards the fridge for another beer or two, might as well continue with the good mood he was encountering because absolutely nothing could mess it up right now…
Seeing zero civilians in the surrounding area Vigilante rushes across the path, head down he stealthily crosses over onto the grass, his final destination was up ahead despite being told never to turn up there unannounced again here he was.
Standing outside of his bff’s trailer which still had lights on thankfully, yet there was a severe lack of any Christmas cheer but Vigilante knew exactly how to change all of that, even though Harcourt his boss currently assumed that he was actually patrolling right now.
With his well known flourish Vigilante performs the secret knock, the one that he knew Chris would instantly know because what were best friends for, too busy to hang out with for the rest of the evening…yeah right that wasn’t going to happen.
Hearing noise from inside of the trailer causes Vigilante only to knock louder, he will be heard he decides to himself all the while quickly readjusting his red Santa hat, deciding that he looked festive as fuck and that was all what mattered right this second.
To say that Vigilante was excited for Christmas was an understatement, seeing how he would be spending time between both his parents, so naturally double the presents because he was still a child of divorce and they both always liked to put out on the gifting front.
Of course it wouldn’t actually be Vigilante attending said holiday gatherings, but he would be there in spirit because Adrian was apparently the “childish idiot”, but according to local news however Vigilante was likened to somewhere between a monster and a psychopath.
Hitting his hand palm flat on the front door Adrian smacks it as hard as he can, now wasn’t the time to be thinking about his family or what was left of it, he was here to see Chris and help him get into the festive spirit because clearly he was hopeless.
Taking a deep calming breath then slowly finishing off his latest beer, Chris gives Eagly his pet eagle and true best friend a look whilst debating whether to even open the door, because no one should be here especially not the bane of his life that was Adrian Chase.
When he hears his phone start ringing Chris curses but then finally bites the bullet, no way would he be inviting the guy in through his door because if he did Adrian would never leave, plus after the last time that he was left here alone it wasn’t going to happen again not a chance.
Unlocking the door has Chris rearranging his features until they fall back into their current position, causing the fully suited Vigilante in front of him to take a cautious step back, good he looked as pissed as he felt right now so this was gonna be very easy.
“What are you doing here Adrian, and what’s with the hat?” Chris asks with a snort folding his thick arms in front of his wide chest, waiting for the lies to fall out of his team mates mouth.
“First off it’s the most wonderful time of the year so that’s why I’m wearing this hat, and secondly I got bored patrolling so here I am ready to hangout.” Adrian expresses all of this with his gloved hands and annoying voice.
“I’m busy-“
“Can’t I just stay for a little while?” Adrian cuts off Chris in a pouty voice, whilst somehow simultaneously sneaking past him into the trailer.
“After what happened the last time!” Chris retorts back, slamming his front door in glaringly obvious annoyance, the kind that is somehow wasted on Adrian.
“The fire was put out eventually-“
“I had told you not to use my damn microwave but that doesn’t even matter right now so just get out!” Chris demands in a firm voice but even this doesn’t get a response from Adrian, who was too busy glancing around and shaking his head from side to side.
“I wanted popcorn for the movie but dude the more important question right now, is where the hell are all of your decorations?” Questions Adrian taking off his hat and mask, to reveal a red and confused face, then quickly placing his signature glasses back on so he could see again.
“Under my bed and in the bathroom because storage is shitty in this place, but look I will get around to eventually-“
“Hey, I can totally decorate for you!” Adrian announces with a boyish grin on his face as he adds “Lets drink some beers together and then I could totally have this place looking like christmas vomited all over it.”
“No way-“
“Oh please dude!” Adrian begs pulling a face that makes Chris roll his eyes but then nod resignedly, because even if he did leave his trailer the guy in front of him, would somehow try to break back in which wasn’t something he needed right now.
“I’m not leaving you here alone though.” Chris declares hurriedly, whilst leaning against the tiny kitchen counter, wondering who the hell he could get round here to watch Adrian.
The guy who was currently trying and failing to remove his thick padded gloves, still wearing his uniform the one for his full time job where people recognised him from the TV, Vigilante the freak show that even the cops had given up on…but not Chris it seemed.
“What’s the worse that could happen if you leave me here alone?” Adrian announces in a goofy voice, whilst crashing onto Chris’ couch like he practically lived here, which was sort of true.
“Fuck this! I’m calling Harcourt-“
“No way!” Shouts Adrian standing up again quickly from the couch, almost dropping his newly removed gloves in the process but he chucks them behind him instead.
“Well okay then if not Harcourt.” Begins Chris with a playful grin and a vague plan as he adds “ I know exactly who I should be calling right now.”
“Or better yet just cancel this supposed date and hang out with yours truly.” Adrian nods like it was the only answer, but the thought only causes Chris to grind his teeth together in annoyance.
“How did you know-“
“I overheard Harcourt talking to Adebayo about it earlier.” Adrian shrugs as if this was sufficient enough information about office gossip.
“Harcourt was talking about me?” Chris questions with a smile on his face, despite the situation he currently found himself in.
“Nothing positive was said I’m afraid dude-“
“Harcourt could only ever dream of hooking up with me!” Chris announces in both an angry and desperate voice, that even he can hear sounded pretty pathetic.
“This is why I would never ever get involved with someone I work with!” Adrian announces placing his hands behind his head, like he had just solved all of the world’s problems single handedly.
“You are so full of bullshit!” Laughs Chris whilst causing his friend’s face to slip as he asks indulgently “So there isn’t a certain nurse who you would wanna hook up with in the vigilante-mobile?”
“That was just a passing out loud thought-“
“Well it kind of sounded like you had thought about it a lot and also very vigorously as well I bet!” Snorts Chris whilst performing the action for jerking off, at the same time that a chuckle escapes from his lips.
“Don’t bring up the nurse right now!” Adrian deflects as he explains “When in fact it’s you who actually has someone from work you want to pound-“
“I wouldn’t let Harcourt hear you talking about her like that.” Chris shrugs definitely wishing that he hadn’t answered the door earlier, he could’ve had another beer by now instead of all this bullshit.
“You’ve still got it so bad dude-“
“Fuck you I’m going out!” Chris demands angrily but then states “ Only I have to make a call real quick so just stay here.”
“That’s exactly what I want to do bro!” Adrian chuckles to himself, quickly picking up one of the unopened beers off the messy coffee table, whilst Chris heads off in search of his phone yet again.
Staring off into the distance you briefly wonder what it was you had done in a past life to even deserve this? To paraphrase you currently wished that you were somewhere other than here, absolutely anywhere else to be honest than in this exact predicament right now.
Hearing a male voice clear his throat you look away from the very busy bar, to see your work friend Jason watching you with steely brown eyes, almost as if he knew that you weren’t interested at all which was true you definitely wasn’t.
There was no time in your life for dating right now even this was eating into your alone time, which was usually spent Netflix and chilling all by yourself which suited you perfectly, work was always busy and that was only what you really cared about…which wasn’t exactly true.
Because of course there was something or should you say someone, who occupied way too many of your thoughts despite the fact that the guy literally drove you crazy, unless he was in need of help seeing how you were somehow programmed to only serve him.
Besides it was in your actual job description being a nurse and all, but that should’ve been the last thing on your mind, considering how Jason had been talking to you whilst you had zoned out lost in your own thoughts.
Which meant that Jason had literally just got up and left the bar, leaving you sitting all alone here thinking about a certain masked menace, the one who you were avoiding for many reasons which would remain undisclosed.
Shaking your head you scold yourself for these thoughts yet again overtaking your mind, like you wasn’t even at work and still he was there fucking up your life the guy who annoyed you in real life, but often thought about when you hit that sweet spot with your teal coloured vibrator.
Trying to stay on track you quickly finish off your glass of wine, then grabbing your phone off the bar you almost drop it when you hear it start ringing, sneaking a glance at the screen you unattractively shout fuck in some random dudes face courtesy of who was calling you right now.
This was all kinds of unnecessary and absolutely not what you needed, here all alone at a bar in December with sparkly lights all around the place, and people looking like they were enjoying the festivities with very high spirits.
Sliding off the metal stool that you had been left disassociating on, you welcome yourself back on the ground feet first whilst debating the merits of answering the call, when perhaps you should’ve actually just gone after Jason instead and told him the truth.
That this set up had been doomed to fail anyway because you worked with Jason, at a hospital you frequented happy in the knowledge that this guy was just a friend, until he had asked you out for a drink and your teammate Adebayo had gushed about how it was the perfect set up which was just bullshit.
Luckily you hadn’t exactly dressed up for the occasion, wearing fitted grey jeans and a black sparkly tank top with thin straps, okay maybe you’d made some kind of effort but this had just been a practice run what for though you wasn’t exactly sure.
Seeing the call finally end you head outside the bar shrugging into your thick coat, deciding it was for the best that you hadn’t answered that call because your mind was noisy, courtesy of both alcohol and so many unanswered thoughts that were littering your brain like trash.
What if that chance back there with Jason was the best you were getting anytime soon, and you had blown it thanks to sure not exactly liking the guy that way, but you could grow to like him seeing how it would take your mind off Vigilante at least.
Because it wasn’t as if you were inundated with offers or guys swiping right, instead you usually got called a bitch a lot in the ER or were asked if you would put out in the nearest restroom, the guys in Evergreen where mostly all scum it appeared.
Yet you were hastened to add Vigilante to that depressing statement, when he had saved the task force and yourself many times whilst in return you stitched him up, and of course got to check out what he was actually hiding under that fitted black and teal suit.
How you eventually became part of the task force was a funny story actually, but ever since that fateful morning watching your ex get taken down by Peacemaker, quickly learning that the guy was in fact an alien and they did actually exist here on Earth.
Your ex had wanted to tell you something but when you had kept annoying him, the guy had gotten angry until a blur of red, white and blue interrupted the heated moment, a ruckus which had resulted in your ex being shot by Peacemaker and then the butterfly had appeared.
Dancing around your face a grey insect with large purple wings, getting closer and closer to you until a large gloved hand grabs the alien bug, practically squishing it in their hands as you recognise the person in the black and teal suit.
This was closely followed by one of the team needing medical assistance, something had hit John in the crossfire leaving him unable to move his left leg, so with your bag of supplies you had helped as best you could despite your head being in a ridiculous daze.
That was still the general consensus now when you had to either join the guys on a mission, or wait for them to come crawling back to HQ with needles, thread and sometimes shots of whisky at the ready, unless you were Vigilante who happened to just sleep off injuries like they were in fact just bad hangovers.
Yet you very much secretly enjoyed it when he needed your attention, just you and Adrian in a room together with him complaining all the while, but he was usually shirtless which sometimes made you forget to tell him to quit whining.
The thought makes a wide smile spread across your face, but then it quickly vanishes when you see that the same person is calling you once again, regrettably thanks to the alcohol you had consumed earlier you end up sliding your thumb right to take the incoming call.
“Fucking finally!” Snaps Chris as you sigh down the phone in response to his warm greeting.
“What’s happened-“
“Oh fuck it’s terrible!” Chris shouts causing you to stop in your tracks when he hurriedly adds “Something’s happened and we need your help now right now!”
“What’s happened?” You question rushing towards the nearest cab you could find, thinking of the worst scenario that could’ve befallen Peacemaker and the team.
“Just hurry up and get to my trailer!” Begins Chris but you then hear a deep laugh follow his panicked voice, which makes you quickly realise that this was some kind of shitty prank.
“Is this a joke?” You retort at the same time you hear Peacemaker laughing far louder than what was warranted, because for a second there you had worried about the team, seeing how death was almost always an impossible accident away.
“I can’t believe you fell for it y/n but I do need your help dealing with a certain masked idiot at my place.” Chris states when he finally stops laughing, which has you falling into the nearest cab, wary of what he was about to say next.
“Are you looking in the mirror again?” You deadpan then elaborate in case Chris didn’t get it “I’m saying that you’re the masked idiot.”
“Hilarious! But no I’m here with your favourite patient Vigilante and I need someone to babysit him-“
“I don’t need babysitting dude I’m in my late twenties!” Adrian shouts out in the background which you hear clearly, a smile appearing on your face in obvious betrayal.
“Why don’t you two just hang out talk about your latest conquests and braid each other’s hair?” You question innocently, but actually picturing the scenario in your head has you giggling out loud.
“Because I have a date tonight and Adrian won’t leave my trailer, I’m not leaving him here alone so you need to come round.” Chris states confidently which in turns makes you snort back at his current dilemma.
“Why do I have to come round though is Adrian hurt?” You ask flippantly but then clarify out loud “Wait, he isn’t actually hurt is he!”
“Would you get here quicker if I did actually hurt him?” Chris asks hurriedly as he then explains “I need to be out of here within the hour so hurry up!”
“I’m not coming round to your trailer!” You announce in a squeaky voice, even though you were almost half way there already, but Chris didn’t need to know that.
“Are you drunk?” Asks Chris with obvious glee whilst you proceed to snort and hiccup at the same time which doesn’t help your case an awful lot.
“I’ve had a couple of drinks but-“
“This is perfect.” Chris announces happily and before you can reply he actually hangs up the call, which makes you glare down at your screen feeling like an idiot.
What was happening here?
You were supposed to be avoiding Adrian, yet here you were actually parked outside of the trailer that he was currently residing in with Chris, who was quite clearly up to something as usual.
Taking your sweet time to pay the cab driver you had asked him to park behind the trailer, seeing how you needed a few moments to regroup and maybe sober up, that would be a great idea as well but pretty much impossible at this point.
So eventually you watch the cab leave as you wonder what was going to happen next, after the last time you had seen Adrian you were in no hurry to see him again with or without Chris in tow, because this felt like some kind of trap…what was Peacemaker really up to?
“Better put your mask back on because the nurse will be here in a few minutes to babysit you.” Chris announces to Adrian who pauses pressing the buttons on the TV remote, to glance back up at him with a horrified look on his face.
“What the fuck dude?!” Begins Adrian dropping the TV remote from his hand as he exclaims “Of all the people in this world why did you call the nurse for I don’t need her here!”
“Well I need someone here to keep you in check plus there has been this super weird energy between you two-“
“No there isn’t! Nothing happened.” Cuts in Adrian hurriedly but then instantly regrets it, when he spots the look on his team mates face.
“Dude, what did you do?” Chris asks with a tut knowing full well the kind of trouble, that Adrian somehow got himself into with members of the opposite sex.
“It wasn’t just me this time-“
Before Adrian can explain himself there is a short knock at the door, which makes Chris give his friend an amused glance, all the while Adrian looked like he was ready to throw himself out of the nearest window…interesting.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” Chris chuckles leaving Adrian to curse in his wake, as he heads over to the trailer door with a huge grin on his face.
“Can’t I come in?” You ask Chris after he opens the door, but then proceeds to lean against it smirking the whole time.
“Not yet I have a couple of questions for you to answer.” Chris explains with an amused look on his face.
“Just hurry up!” You snap bouncing from one foot to the other, seeing how the temperature had dropped again and you were freezing.
“So what is actually going on with you and Adrian then?” Chris shoots his first question straight from the hip, cocking it directly at you without even a hint of a warning.
“Did he tell you? Well believe me it was an accident my lips brushed against his-“
“Excuse me, what?!” Chris cuts in whilst laughing loudly, causing you to instinctively wrap your arms around yourself, for some added protection.
“Nothing, it was nothing and nothing is going on between us!” You nod back frantically wishing that you could press rewind, on this conversation hell the whole fucking day actually.
“It definitely sounds like a whole lot of nothing!” Quips Chris with a wink as he then steps aside, letting you walk into his trailer which you do seeking out warmth, but not thinking of what would happen next.
Watching in mild horror as Vigilante suddenly notices you then proceeds to launch himself behind the couch, ignoring the fact that you had actually seen him sans mask before, but he was currently trying to hide from you which wasn’t embarrassing at all.
Taking off your dark red coat you chuck it over an old bucket chair, clocking the confused look on Chris’ face as he reappears in the room, but then his baby blues glance down at your outfit causing you to roll your eyes.
“Looking good nurse.” Chris states with a wink which alerts Adrian who jumps up from behind the couch, hair messy and eyes wide as he finally looks in your direction.
“Oh, hey!” Adrian begins awkwardly like he had only just noticed you “What’s up?”
“Chris has asked me to come over here and watch you-“
“Watch me do what?” Adrian declares cutting you off whilst both of his eyebrows, were currently furrowed in some ridiculous thought.
“Not be an idiot-“
“See, you say an idiot but I say being productive!” Adrian states with a quick laugh as he launches himself back on the couch, only this time spreading his whole self across it so you have nowhere to sit.
“So, collecting scrap metal parts to shoot at with your masked friend here is being productive?” You retort with a small smirk, because this was usually how it was between you two.
“You’re just jealous that you can’t come along and shoot with us!” Adrian snorts then adds for clarification “Because you definitely can’t just turn up.”
“As lovely as that invite is I would have to decline seeing that in fact I have a life outside of work.” You retort back with a wide smirk.
“Did I actually interrupt something by calling you then?” Chris asks cutting off the imminent bickering that he knew was never far off, in fact it was the default setting between you two on most missions.
“Not exactly-“
“I don’t think I’ve ever not seen you in your nurses uniform it’s weird.” Adrian informs you which causes Chris, to slowly place a hand over his face clearly embarrassed.
“So, me in clothes is weird is it?” You retort back sarcastically, because this guy always got your heckles up, and managed to get under your skin within minutes.
“I’ve not seen you without any clothes on so I cannot say.” Adrian states whilst sliding his green eyes in your direction, unaware of how flirty he sounded, because on cue you could feel your cheeks already start heating up.
“Are you actually blushing?” Snorts Chris breaking the moment between them, causing you to look away from Adrian, to give Peacemaker a well timed glare which he obviously finds hilarious.
“That happens a lot then huh?” Adrian asks standing up to quickly lean forward, right into your personal space, which causes you to take a sudden step back.
“No it doesn’t.” You retort despite the glaringly obvious fact, that was clearly painted across your face.
“Whatever this is.” Begins Chris with a wave of his hand and a grin in place as he then adds “It’s adorable but I do need to go, so just amuse yourselves and don’t wait up for me.”
“This is nothing-“
“I’m so confused right now.” Adrian states cutting you off, as you glance around the living area of the trailer, still unsure as to why you were even here but here you were.
“I think you both need to talk-“
“Where are you off to anyway?” You ask Chris swiftly cutting off whatever he had been about to say.
“Like I said on the phone a hot date, just watch Adrian and if he injures himself somehow, then you’re here to help him.” Chris replies with a wink, which has you glancing at your feet instead of shooting back a retort.
“What could I actually hurt myself on?” Adrian questions out loud with a snort.
“Oh, you will always find a way dude.” Chris states smugly knowing the guy all too well, but it seemed he was in safe hands with you regardless.
“I’m offended-“
“I’m leaving, so don’t touch my alcohol and don’t destroy my trailer Adrian.” Chris cuts off his friend who nods his head, but this guy could never be trusted, he was truly a misfit.
“So how late can Adrian watch TV before I put him to bed?” You question with a laugh because this night was getting ridiculous.
“I can stay up as late as I want!” Adrian demands sulkily, like he had suddenly regressed back to being a ten year old.
“What you two get up to when I’m not here isn’t any of my business, unless you break something and then we will have some issues.” States Chris with a smirk battling against his lip as he tries not to laugh back.
“Now I’m offended.” You retort but then clock the worrying look appearing on Chris’ face.
“Yeah I can’t see you two getting up to anything interesting, always arguing at work I place my bet on you killing Adrian not long after I’ve left actually.” Chris laughs then with a final wave and check of his pants pocket, he leaves for his date with a heavy strut in his walk and his pet eagle in tow.
You shake your head watching Chris’ retreating back, whilst simultaneously wishing not for the first time tonight that you had just stayed at home, because leaving Adrian now wasn’t an option seeing how you knew how much trouble he could easily get himself into.
“Like you could ever kill me!” Jokes Adrian in a funny voice, then quickly followed by a wrinkle of his nose, that suddenly has your stomach feeling weird because he looked so damn cute.
“I think Chris was joking, but don’t underestimate my abilities-“
“Oh, I’ve seen your abilities.” Adrian informs you in a deep voice, which makes you quickly look back at his face, no acknowledgement or sign of how flirty he sounded yet again.
“So what are we doing-“
“Decorating the trailer to make it festive as fuck!” Adrian announces followed by a quick wink aimed in your direction.
“Yeah well how good are you at putting up Christmas decorations then?” You deflect unsure if you wanted to pursue that line of conversation, going by some visuals in your mind that you didn’t need right now.
“I’m amazing at decorating for Christmas, but it does depend on what things Chris has to display.” Adrian nods warming to his theme, as he continues talking about the virtues of lights and tinsel for the holiday season.
“Well you go and do that then.” You reply stepping past Adrian, to sit down on the saggy couch, whilst ignoring the look on your teammates face.
“I thought we could do it together?” Adrian questions in that puppy dog voice, the one that he knows works on Peacemaker but you would remain strong.
“I’m not moving from this couch.” You announce with a grin, quickly locating the TV remote by your left thigh.
“Why is everyone such a Scrooge?” Adrian questions out loud, but then walks out of the room in search of some decorations, you presume.
Finding a Christmas movie a quarter of the way through you drop the remote beside you, this was exactly what you needed right now, Christmas Vacation on in the background and Adrian out of your eye-line so you could regroup.
It was one thing being with Vigilante whilst the rest of the team were around the HQ, but whenever you were left alone with the guy, your resolve turned to shit and well you seemed to always humiliate yourself somehow.
The memory from recent events has you still closing your eyes, whilst tsunami sized waves of embarrassment rolled over you, like it had only happened five minutes ago and not almost a week since the work based incident.
Because a huge perk of your job was patching Adrian up, whenever he inadvertently hurt himself in some ridiculous way, you were there to fix him with memories of the guy sitting in front of you shirtless living rent free in your head.
I mean sure Adrian was handsome, kind of goofy at times and just so damn cute, he also had some issues but he was truly a sight to behold, leaving you usually with your tongue sticking out and a hand fanning your face.
Which was confusing as hell for you because on the one hand, the guy was annoying and super childish, but then he would innocently flirt and you could feel yourself melt for him each and every time.
You were damn sure that Adrian truly wasn’t aware of his behaviour around you, the other team members rarely even mentioning it now besides Chris, who was permanently in a mood to wind everyone up every second of every day regardless of time or situation.
Plus he had seen you rush out of the room you often used for triage and fixing up Adrian, with a heated expression on your face and a hand over your mouth, causing Chris to give you a double look as you rushed past him.
Because something had happened between you and Adrian not that he had even mentioned it since, and it wasn’t as if you were going to bring it up despite the fact that the memory of said moment still made your skin heat up, as if you were on fire which truly sucked…but it was all you could think about.
“Can you stop looking at me like that-“
“I’m not looking at you Adrian, I’m sewing you back together yet again.” You cut your teammate off quickly, eyes still focused on the task at hand.
“Yeah, but it’s the way your looking at my skin like you-“
“Wish that for one day you would go without hurting yourself or getting injured, well that’s actually my Christmas wish this year.” You deadpan glancing up at Adrian, whose green eyes meet yours with an inquisitive look.
“It’s not my fault I’m such a badass.” Adrian informs you with a smug smile, that has you grinning back despite yourself.
“That’s not what I would call you-“
“So, what would you call me then?” Adrian questions whilst simultaneously flinching, when you catch him with the needle in your hand.
“Sorry!” You cry looking down at your hands which were holding onto Adrian’s thigh, him sitting in front of you in just his boxers, and that obscene million dollar question left hanging in the air.
“You didn’t answer my question.” States Adrian in a deep voice, which makes you close your eyes and clench your thighs together, at the same time lost in the moment.
“Right now I would call you-“ You stop talking when you make the mistake of looking up, to see that Adrian was watching you with such an intensity, that he basically had you frozen in place.
What the fuck was happening here?
One minute you had been involved in your job, of course looking at Adrian’s thick thighs a bit too intently, but now you wanted nothing more than to…
“Look at me.” Adrian demands once again in that deep voice, the one that he wasn’t aware made you feel weak at the knees, which was fucking ridiculous.
Momentarily feeling bold you look back up at Adrian who was leaning back a little in his chair, wide shoulders framing his lean body which held smooth muscles, the kind that you had often wanted to bite well in your fantasies at least.
“What is even happening here-“
“I’m patching you up again.” You nod grabbing the large scissors to cut at the thread, hopefully signalling to Adrian that you had finished, and whatever this was could end quickly before things escalated.
“I’ve sat here so many times but right now things feel different between us-“
“Might be the drugs I gave you earlier talking there.” You deadpan causing Adrian’s eyes to bulge out of his head in obvious alarm.
“I’m joking!” You being with a laugh then quip that “I just gave you some painkillers they won’t induce this kind of sexual tension.”
“So, you feel it too then?” Adrian questions with an excited look on his face, as he tries to sit up higher in his metal seat.
“Again joking-“
“See, I don’t think you are.” Challenges Adrian with a grin as he leans closer to you, his face mere inches away from yours but you daren’t move a muscle.
“Why do you think that?” You ask in a soft voice causing Adrian to arch an eyebrow in your direction.
“I’ve noticed the way you look at me, we always argue over the most stupidest things so I think we need to figure this out.” Adrian nods as if what he has just said, made an ounce of sense because right that second you were definitely in denial.
“Stop arguing with me then-“
“Or what will you do?” Adrian cuts you off with a challenging laugh that for once doesn’t make you want to back down.
“I don’t have to do anything.” You begin with a wide smile and retort in place as you add “You want this so badly apparently, so why don’t you come and get it!”
“Are you actually offering then?” Questions Adrian with wide eyes, but then a smug grin appears across his handsome face.
“Adrian, fuck-“
Before you could finish that sentence your feel the forceful press of Adrian’s warm lips, pushed against your own which makes you let out a noise, a cross between a moan and a yelp that has you finally kissing him back.
Lips and tongues clash as you start to make out like teenagers, only with a little less saliva and more skill tasting Adrian as he consumes you with his mouth, like it was the only way for him to function being connected to you.
Seriously you could spend the rest of your life here in this moment and you wouldn’t be angry, of course that wasn’t a viable option but nothing else mattered than this moment right now, and the burn of your lips being manipulated by Adrian’s.
“Ow!” Adrian yelps suddenly causing you to leap back in your seat, his face creased up in pain.
“Did I hurt you?” You announce quickly then stand up in a panic, because that had just happened and you were mere seconds away from regretting it.
“I’m ok-“
“No, that shouldn’t have happened.” You state lamely despite your lips, hell your whole body telling you otherwise, but these thoughts were all too much so you instead decide to just escape.
You hear Adrian call out but unable to look back you rush out of the room, feeling both ashamed and turned on which wasn’t a good look, especially when you almost collide with Peacemaker in your efforts of running away.
“Hey, what’s the rush?” Begins Chris with a laugh which falls flat when he notices the look on your face.
“I need some air!” You snap pushing past Chris to head left, so you could head outside and quite possibly throw up your lunch from earlier.
Sure it had only been a kiss but the way your body felt now, pushing open the HQ door with such force you worry it will smash, but instead you are left staring at it hoping to disappear because you were embarrassed.
How could you be so stupid? Nothing good could come from this, despite the fact that you actually liked Adrian, but could you deal with the teasing and bullshit from everyone else.
Not that you usually gave a shit what people thought, but you were protective of Adrian and what the others thought of him, their words were rarely kind but your heart was in the right place.
Eventually heading back you ignored the looks from both Adebayo and Harcourt, slowly walking back to the triage room to find it empty, neither Adrian or Peacemaker were nearby casing you to feel the urgent need to just avoid everyone.
That moment between you and Adrian had been fused with want, it had been pretty hot for him to make the first move, but now you were left wondering why you still cared so much…
“Fuck!” Shouts Adrian as a tall tower of magazines fall on top of him, looking in a small closet for Christmas lights but he’s found stacks of old porno’s instead.
Glancing down at his feet causes Adrian to quickly smirk to himself, as he goes to bend down and pick one up, but reminding himself that you were here he retracts his hand and continues searching for lights.
Yet knowing that you were only next door watching TV, Adrian still cannot believe his luck that you were here, despite what he had said earlier to Chris he was very happy to see you a little too happy if truth be told.
But he needed to play it cool like how he had seen Peacemaker act around woman before, so his main focus right now was to actually get some decorations up in this trailer, act like he didn’t care you were here with him when in fact the reality was a very different matter.
Sure he had said to Chris about not wanting to date at work, but the facts were very different to his words, because he definitely wanted you balanced on his lap already to hell with anything else even the dumb decorations.
Pleased with this plan Adrian turns round to look elsewhere, but his boot slips on one of the magazines sending him flying forward, holding out his hands to brace himself because he usually had reflexes like a cat.
“This is bullshit!” Cries Adrian as he grabs onto the kitchen counter, grateful that you hadn’t seen him do that because that would’ve sucked.
“What is going-“ You stop talking when you notice the magazines strewn on the floor, adult ones that clearly belonged to Peacemaker.
“I can explain! Those things fell on me I wasn’t looking at them I swear.” Adrian pleads placing both of his hands in front of his chest, making you look away from the busty redhead on one of the covers.
“I wouldn’t care even if you were but I’m sure Chris wouldn’t approve of you finding them.” You joke with a grin which Adrian mirrors, but with the added bonus of his cute dimples that makes your stomach flip.
“That’s why they were probably stashed in that little closet, I wonder what else he has in there?” Adrian questions but he notices you suddenly shaking your head in the negative.
“Let’s look for something more important-“
“You mean like the decorations?” Adrian questions with an annoyed sigh.
“No I mean beer and lots of it!” You demand with a grin adding “ The best way to spread lots of Christmas cheer is if we get into the spirit of things ourselves.”
“I know where Chris hides the vodka.”Adrian states with a smirk.
“Perfect!” You announce happily with a clap of your hands, that makes Adrian pause and stares at you funnily whilst you walk off back to the tv, avoiding those dirty magazines in the process.
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