#free concerts by diving into a concert photo
matchacreamlatte · 1 year
we call cxs reckless but if i had his power there’s so many cool things I could do 😭
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eoieopda · 2 years
I’m back again actually with one more request 😔😔
^^^ this is actually the artist whose name I snatched for most of my online personas lolol
The entire album is banger, but this song is what introduced me to him. ^^
um, i made myself sad? anyways, here’s this! it doesn’t exaaaaactly follow the lyrics, but it’s what my brain conjured when i listened to this. i hope it’s okay 😵‍💫
listen here.
hey, old friend / hope to see you again / someday when the seasons change / i don’t mind a little wait / as long as i can pretend that i’m okay
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It’s been exactly a year since you left home.
With 365 days between you and Busan, you’re still waiting for that bittersweet taste to leave your tongue. There’s a small, sad part of you that wants to dive headfirst into that pit of nostalgia in your chest; to swim down, all the way home to that city by the sea. The rest of you accepts reality: when your life calls you elsewhere, you have to pick up the phone.
Unlike a year ago, when you walk into your apartment this time, you’re not struggling to balance more boxes than you should’ve reasonably expected to carry at once. It’s not dark, it’s not empty, and there’s no longer a bare floor creaking under your unanticipated weight. Now, it’s home, filled with all your best-loved belongings.
Well, most of them. Somehow, there’s still an odd box or two tucked away, yet-unpacked.
On the walls hang framed prints of your very first designs: the awkward silhouettes you dreamed up as a kid, and the disproportionate people you’d drawn wearing them. The sketches flow across the wall in chronological order, reminding you how much your skills have improved over the years. At the end of the line, there’s proof in the form of a poster.
Your past self would never believe it, but your persistent inability to draw hands did not preclude you from showcasing your work at Seoul Fashion Week.
With your heels now off your feet and in your hands, you pad down the hall to your bedroom. The second you cross through the doorway, you make a beeline for your closet, flicking on the light switch next to the door before addressing that, too. Shoes returned to their meticulously organized, color-coded rack, you move on to a more daunting task: unzipping yourself from the dress you struggled immensely to zip in the first place.
It takes multiple minutes of twisting, turning, and contorting, but you finally manage to reach the zipper hiding between your shoulder blades. When you finally wiggle free of it, the dress falls into a puddle at your feet. Quickly, you bend to grab it. You promptly hang it in the “to be dry-cleaned” section of your closet, to be swiftly replaced with pajamas.
As you turn to walk back into your bedroom, a cardboard box catches your eye. It sits on the top shelf next to out-of-season outfits in vacuum-sealed bags. Visibly out of place among your artfully curated clothes, it’s a bit worse-for-wear — especially after the four-hour drive from its first home.
It takes less time to stack two hard-top suitcases on top of one another, climb on top of your haphazard pile, and pull the box down than it did to win the fight against your zipper. You waste no time in shooting a glare over your shoulder at the antagonist hanging remorselessly behind you.
Impatient as always, you drop to the floor and sit cross-legged with the box in front of you. Unlike every other box you’d moved with to Seoul, this one isn’t labeled in your chicken-scratch hangul. A little mystery, you open it cautiously as if its contents might bite.
Inside are the little trinkets you’d forgotten you’d kept: theatre ticket stubs, loose bits of confetti you’d saved from various concerts, photo booth picture strips with people you hadn’t seen or spoken much to since you left. Your heart twinges as you take in their faces. All of you had grown up and apart since you sat there, squished together and smiling.
There’s one artifact in particular that makes your heart flip. Sitting at the very bottom of the pile is the cell phone you thought you’d lost — one you apparently packed, but assumed was gone forever. As soon as you got to Seoul, you’d replaced it, but none of your data survived the switch over.
In a flash, you scramble to your feet and scurry out of your closet into your bedroom. It’s entirely unnecessary, but you vault yourself onto your bed and you don’t stop crawling until you get to the nightstand on the other side. Within seconds, you slot your new charger into your old phone. You wait with bated breath for signs of life.
It takes an eternity to finally turn back on, but once it does, your old phone screams at you for the multiple software updates you’d missed over the last year. You ignore those notifications, but there’s one you can’t.
A missed call and a voicemail received at some point during your drive north.
There’s no way to describe the feeling in your chest. Halfway between a thunderclap and an electric shock, it forces out a gasp, nonetheless.
Jeon Jungkook.
You’d gotten into a fight the month before you left, and just like that, years of friendship went up in smoke. He was angry at you for leaving him when he needed you; you’d cried because he didn’t seem to care what you wanted. It was messy and it broke your heart in two.
You never told him precisely why his lack of support stung so fucking bad.
By the time you piled your life into the trunk of your car, neither one of you had apologized for the cruel shit you’d said. His contact information was gone in a few hours’ time, and you never heard from him again.
Or so you thought.
Hey, it’s me. I — uhhh — I know you’re on your way out of town, and that I’m way too fucking late with this, but I can’t let you go like this. I can’t let you go, period. Not — not the way that sounds. I’m not trying to prohibit you from going anywhere. I mean that I — Fuck, I should’ve written out a script or something…. This isn’t going well, is it? Anyways, I miss you. I’ve been missing you this whole fucking month. And I really am happy for you — proud of you. Most of all, I’m sorry for being so fucking selfish. I just — call me when you get there, okay? Call me, and then I’ll know we’re okay. That we can be okay. I, uh… I love you. Drive safe.
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athousandmorningss · 8 months
I'm a free man/freer than I've ever been.
It's January, & I'm not tired I'd written.
Google photos shows me a picture from a year ago and I'm moved to marvel at then to now.
I'm trying to find new ways to move my body. C. and I fumble and laugh through a barre class that leaves me sore for two days afterwards. I try a spin class that leaves me wobbly-legged and grinning on the walk home in the fog. I lob a ten pound ball at pins for five hours straight and improve my game. J and I hole up in a dive bar with a ping pong ball table between us, my smile wide and eager from a well-earned win. I bike for miles, hike, stretch, lift.
Feb. 1 is the one year anniversary of asking for a divorce. I'm thinking about forgiveness. I'm thinking about the eight hour conversation with Y in which he finally owned the abuse. I presented you with a version of myself that I never fully realized, he'd said. I'm thinking about the specificity of the apologies-how they hinted at genuine self-reflection, but how this seemed to fall apart when he learned I'm going on dates with someone. How the anger and passive aggressiveness and meanness came out again. His I have concerns about what you're doing indicating a still present desire to control. The audacity.
And yet: I want to believe in forgiveness. Maybe I need to forgive him in order to forgive myself. I unintentionally found Myisha Cherry's Failures of Forgiveness at the library, and am moved when I read "forgiveness also aims at release, relief, and reconciliation for the victim. why should victims abandon these goals in order to focus on what the offender learns or doesn't learn? why must forgivers be both survivors and teachers?" (p. 37). I shuffle through anger and forgiveness in equal measures, I cannot land on one. I'm not supposed to.
Lover calls at two AM post concert and bar crawl. Later I tell him I don't want him to do that: that I want our time together to be deliberate and sober. Choose me when you're not drunk is what I'm trying to say. When together, we kiss for hours: our mouths eating and eating at each other, spit combined and shared, hands all over. It's so easy, even boring, to be desired and yet: he's healing that hurting part of me that wants to be kissed over and over and over 'til dizzy. To be taken slowly, in a way my ex-husband never did.
Over dinner with j, i ask for her take on what my next move should be. should i be paying my loans off? should i be saving a shit ton of money? and oh, this city's alright, but i want to get the fuck out of here. I can't do all three at once. She reminds me that the cheap living affords me the upcoming trip and concert to Austin, the loosely planned road-trip to California, the xyz.
I feel a stirring kind of restlessness, but can't help but wonder if this is a callback to y's claim that my life won't be adventurous without him. Or that my life is smooth and steady for the first time in decades, and maybe I attribute this smoothness to boredom.
I learn that my drug-addicted sister is homeless. I almost empty my saving's account to get her into rehab. She enters rehab and leaves two days later. On the phone, she ends the five? ten? year silence between us and says I love you. I delete the threads and block my eldest sister, again. You have to act like your sister's don't exist my hairdresser, whom I hug and talk with for hours while in the chair, says. And yeah. I do.
My hair's red now. That feels right. Do you want to go hiking in the morning C asks. I want to have a galentine's day dinner at my place, when are you free I send to the group chat. I'm turning 38 this year. I'm plagued by survivor's guilt. I'm thinking about the ocean. I'm trying, I'm trying, I swear to god I'm trying.
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fromtenthousandfeet · 3 months
Anon again, thank you for trying to allay my fears of a "Jimin desert." That was what you were trying to do, right? By raising the specter of another JK collab and album?
Gee, thanks. 😉
But your comment about Pdogg I did find controversial--and interesting. To me, FACE is a perfect album. I can't think of anything I'd want differently--except for it to be longer, of course.
But MUSE... we don't know yet. The concept photo this morning gives me hope, though. (So exciting!)
It's just that I already know there are two songs on MUSE I would probably skip after repeated listens. I don't skip ANYTHING on FACE. But then, I love the intense, the dramatic, and the misery. So that's on me.
In any case, do you have an idea for a different Jimin production team? He seems so comfortable with them and they work together so well. And Jimin is so loyal.
And he doesn't have anyone pushing/encouraging him in a different direction. Or perhaps he does, and we just don't know about it.
Thanks for the discussion!
Haha! Anon, were you looking to vent without comment? I'm sorry. I hate being on the receiving end of unsolicited advice, so please forgive me. But you and I both know more JK content is on the horizon because no way they invest so much into his solo career and then say nah, forget it.
I love a controversial conversation, so let's chat about Pdogg and why I don't want him on Jimin's future music team. Sorry, this is going to be long.
Let's talk about FACE first. Like you, I really love the album. There are three songs that feel strong and complete to me -
Interlude: Dive. A fascinating opportunity to be a fly on the wall on a day in Jimin's life. We go from mundane activities of daily life to the euphoria of being on stage and adored by fans to suddenly being deeply and utterly alone. Powerful.
Like Crazy. To me this is the most "complete" song on the EP. The synth pop sound goes so well with the concept of losing oneself in pleasure and vice. The lyrics are good, the use of Jimin's voice is good, and the music composition is interesting. Initially I was sort of put off by how often Blvsh and Chris James seemed to take credit for this song, but I suspect they have a right to.
Letter. This song is such a beautiful representation of what Jimin is capable of as a songwriter and as a singer. It's straight out of a romantic movie from the 1970's. It gives hints of Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce, and Cat Stevens. I love the strings, the acoustic guitar, the harmonica, the waves, but especially Jimin's soft, breathy whisper-like vocals. It's just a lovely love song.
I like the rest of the songs on the EP, too. I think Jimin's lyrics and vocal performance effectively convey anger and betrayal, loneliness, and eventually self determination and emancipation. Where I think the three songs fall short is with composition. They feel incomplete and a little amateurish. Set Me Free Pt. 2 is powerful and moving, but the song is too repetitive at the end. The performance, on the other hand, is unmatched.
Jimin is many things. He's an astonishingly talented dancer. He's a master of the stage. He's a great singer with a voice that drips with emotion when used correctly. But what he is not, is a trained composer/musician. This is a-ok, but it means he needs a great team of musicians to provide him with well written and fully realized compositions to match his fascinating narrative song-writing style.
I'm throwing out this example because I'm going to see Still Woozy in concert in a couple of weeks. Even if this isn't your style of music, just note how well all the instrumentation works together, how seamlessly the background vocals enhance the song, and how the tongue-in-cheek ad-libs and samples make the tune pop. Oh, and Sven (Still Woozy) records his music in his garage, not an ultra fancy music studio like Pdogg's.
I've spent a lot of time this week listening to Lie, Filter, Serendipity, and Promise. In all four of these Jimin solo songs, the compositions are so good and match the lyrics so well. Jimin's voice is used to the fullest, really relying on the power of his lower register and his techniques like growls and vocal runs. His high notes are used sparingly but poignantly. But when I listen to Closer Than This or SGMB, the compositions are just so flat. Where is Jimin's precious lower register? And what weird distortion are they doing to his voice on SGMB? Somebody is dropping the ball on these songs and I'm not ready to blame Jimin.
This reaction video strikes me as a fair review of SGMB. It's a fun, happy song, but there's basically no hook. It feels like missed opportunity. The track video is so well done, though. Jimin's creativity and charm really shines.
Like SMFpt2 and CTT, this song is repetitive. The refrain in the marching band horn section at the end is repeated 7 times. Yes, I counted.
In summary, the things that don't thrill me about Jimin's solo songs:
Too many high notes, not enough lower register and use of his vocal techniques.
Not enough background vocals or poorly done background vocals. Someone should go to jail for the bg vocals in CTT.
Overly simplistic compositions that lack tension and have too much repetition.
Jimin obviously feels comfortable and safe working with Pdogg and the rest of the SGMB crew. but I hope he eventually follows in RM's footsteps with RPWP (yes, he's on everybody's shit list today), hand selecting musicians and composers to work with who will push him out of his comfort zone and encourage him take risks.
It's really a pity that Jimin didn't get to see the response to FACE before he started recording MUSE. He's made several comments along the way that indicate he's really focused on making music that he believes will please the fans. In reality, what resonates with the fans is honest, sincere, vulnerable songs, like those on FACE. Not all songs need to be depressing, of course, but the sooner he gives up on being a people pleaser and instead hones in on the art of songwriting, the better his work will be.
Okay, thanks for sticking with me through this long post. Believe it or not I'm actually super excited to hear the rest of MUSE and I'm keeping an open mind.
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
While I'm posting this it's the 10th of January in my country, which means one thing: it's the Son twins' birthday! :D
What a great being to start this year :)
Before going here and reblogging the amazing creations CCs have made for them, I've decided to take courage and making something for them.
So, I've made this...uhm, collage (?) for them.
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I must admit that choosing the photos was difficult, some of them were very cute but then the collage would have been too messy. Not to mention that I couldn't put some screenshots that I took from their lives 😭
Also, I wanted to put a selfie they made during Black Mirror era but...idk it would have looked off. Which is a shame since Black Mirror Xion had the best hairstyle (the first one will always be the Luna one tho, I can't get over it, he's very pretty, YEAHYOUGETITSAMESCENTTRADITIONALVERSIONISSTILLBRAINROTTINGMESORRYNOTSORRY).
Ok, enough with the explanation, let's getting emotional now.
If you followed me for a while you know how much I spent time reblogging content about them and how much I love talking about them (in the tags). Last year especially I did a little dive into the contents they made together, from the vlogs to the lives and they were the best relief when I was feeling down. But until now I didn't tell you the reason why I love them.
Well, the reason is very simple actually. Their story amazes me. Can you believe that the same boy who cheered his brother during The Unit became an idol later on? Or that his brother after many years of training has finally debuted with his band mates? Or that both of them, despite choosing different paths, pursued a music career? And can you believe that, despite the different paths, they're still together because of the special bond the WeUs family has?
Because ok, it can happen that you and your brother work in the same industry, it can happen that both of you work in the same company but being in the WeUs family?! This is not a coincidence anymore, they were meant to pursue music together. Maybe it's a twin thing or destiny has decided so, but I feel that their story is one of a kind. It will never happen something similar for a very long time.
Their story isn't the only reason why I love them of course. It's their bond that made me particularly attached to them. The fact that both of them support each other by attending concerts or doing activities together when they have free time, the cute way they tease each other during a vlog or during their lives... I don't know, I think there's something that made these moments very special to me. Maybe is the fact that they're twins? Or maybe it's because me and my brother have the same bond despite choosing different paths for both of us. I don't have an exact answer, I just know that my heart melts when I see them and I immediately fell better.
Last year has been tough for both of them so, I hope they'll just enjoy this day with the members and their family and that this year will be better for both of them. They helped me a lot last year with their content and now I want them to pursue more happiness and just have more things to enjoy.
My dear twins, you are one of the reasons why I'm a WEVE and a ToMoon (or should I call myself a WeMoon? A ToVe? You know what, I'll stick to the WeMoon, it's better.). Don't ever stop doing what you love and keep having the special bond who made you so special and dear to me.
Happy birthday to my rays of sunshine and moonlight 🤍
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iambountyfan · 1 year
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ionnalee took time to answer our questions via instagram stories tonight.
view the full Q&A in our photo album on Facebook or click ‘keep reading’ below for the transcript: facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.742996074497830&type=3
Q: overall thoughts/feelings from the US tour? A: so happy about it. each show was something special. it felt huge to get back up there after pandemic/pregnancy/giving birth and feel like myself again, but stronger.
Q: any song in your catalogue you have yet to play live that you would like to? A: there’s no song i don’t want to play actually. there are just a lot of songs in my body of work. one i am longing to take on with full band is MACHINEE. also craving to sing ‘n.’
Q: what drew you to the electronic soundscape of iamamiwhoami compared to previous folk-pop material? A: there was more to my musicality to explore.
Q: how is the weather in Sweden now? and what’s your favourite place there? A: it’s very hot for june here. 25*c and not a rainy day in weeks. very worrying for farmers and ground water.
Q: favourite synthesizer? A: Moog grandmother, minimoog and Roland JP08.
Q: when is the continuation of the tour planned? A: an exclusive set of shows in my hometown in august in sweden (first time ever to play there). more EU shows to come and then something in the winter too. keen to explore 2024.
Q: as i age, i feel like i lose touch with my imagination. how do you keep yours intact? A: i think the world around us as we grow up is built on seriousness and responsibilities and it’s important to never stop playing despite that. imagination is based on feeling things. experiencing new things. when you go numb you go dumb. i grew up being on my own a lot. the good thing about it was that i built a really vivid imagination.
Q: ; john is one of your songs that gets me the most, any meanings or stories behind it? A: it is about “selling out” adapting to the consumers will. giving others what they want. hence the title.
Q: no questions, but we love you, so glad we saw you live in Denver ❤️ A: thank you. i loved playing my first show in your city. hope to be back soon and to get to see the rockies too.
Q: Brazil: can we dream about a future gig here? A: yes.
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Q: do you have any hobbies we don’t know about? A: a few probably… one is archeology. i am a nerd on plants and roses in particular. free diving.
Q: how do you mix your vocals to be so rich and energetic? they always have so much character. A: i try to do as much as possible with the vocal take itself. the mix is there to enhance it. i use very little effects now and instead play with the physical sound itself or dubs. i do like reverb and being dynamic with any effects. character is in the feeling.
Q: how was the experience of touring with baby bauer? lots of love to you and your family xx A: it was really amazing. tiring at times with little sleep, but overall amazing. he was a trouper and got so much love and support from my crew as well. he had a blast learning to walk in the US. 🤍
Q: sorry, i just want to take this opportunity to thank you for existing as an amazing artist 🖤 A: thank you 🤍
Q: would you consider a KRONOLOGI volume 2 with unheard tracks, demos and new versions? A: yes if that came as a next natural step i would.
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Q: any tour/concert with TR/ST? A: that sounds like a fun ride 🤍
Q: what makes you lose your sleep? A: negative stress/lack of recovery time.
Q: why did you decide to go for an audiovisual format with your work? A: it’s a 360 representation of my artistic expression and it was a natural development to get here. often i've been asked how i can afford to make 'all these visuals' when in fact they are as much part of my work as the music if you will. often made with little to nothing but vision, desire and skill. it's just that visuals is seen as PR in music. to me it's a world of its own. they belong together.
Q: what inspires the darkness/haunting feelings in your music? it resonates with me. A: it’s in my DNA.
Q: how has the advance of tech affected the audiovisual process for you? A: i have many of the tools we need to make and release things by our own hand now. wasn’t possible 15 years ago. still we need creativity, ours and others time and lots of bravery not to mention connecting with people who like your work to make something lasting.
Q: any advice for after a breakup? really want to see your view about love and such 🤍 A: when you’re wounded you need to heal. be with people who love you and go outside. listen to music that makes you feel like you. it hurts but least we feel it right.
Q: was the burning of SUTS a metaphor for burning your industry careers to become independent? A: no he was a representative of the audience. it had to happen.
Q: when did you start making music? A: a long time ago.
Q: what do you have planned for the shows in Sweden? will there be a full band, etc? A: yes full band. three amazing nights on my home turf with special guests Zola Jesus and Jenny Wilson is what to expect.
🔗 ionnalee.com/events
Q: i 🤍 your pre-iamamiwhoami work. what song from then are you most proud of? would you ever perform it? A: proud of most of my songs. they’re a snapshot of me at the time. Lake Chermain and This War come to mind. it feels a bit too distant and disconnected to reconnect with however.
Q: will you paint more and sell them? i would love to buy one. A: thanks i will and hopefully i can soon when i have a proper home and work place again. chaotic rn leaving stockholm for vadstena.
Q: hardest part and best part of motherhood? i'm expecting in Dec 💗 A: congratulations 🤍 the hardest part is the physical and mental toll on you and how individual and to me intimately personal the experience is. the best is the biological connection to another being that’s part you like a branch from a tree that grows into its own being. so cool. so much love. thankful to get to experience it.
Q: is Stockholm a place firmly in the past now? A: no i spent 22 years there and have my closest friends and family there plus my studio still. will be there.
Q: my definitive fav body of work of yours is EABF, any fun memories or anecdotes? A: i struggled so much with my health making this album. had just toured for a long time with Röyksopp. felt really insecure about my currency as an artist. had been asked "why aren't you more famous?" so many times through the years cause my value is different in the commercial world of music. choosing to be independent is often seen as "you just didn't make it big enough". this album was a big fuck off to all that. the tour that followed really cemented my love for my audience who believe in me.
Q: is iamamiwhoami; flying or falling about overcoming a mental health challenge? A: it’s about fighting your own shadows. contradicting behaviours and self destruction.
Q: are there any songs that you had a hard time singing in the studio or live? which one and why? A: SAMARITAN is pretty full on. don’t think there’s a single breath pause in that chorus. plus dancing. hard work for live. also i take a lot of pride in my vocals and have a sensitive pitch ear so i tend to get extremely tired going nuts there. in the studio you can take breaks so no complaining.
Q: any words of encouragement for your queer fans this pride month? 😔🏳️‍🌈 x A: be brave and free ❤️
Q: what instrument would you like to learn that you haven’t yet? A: the harp.
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Q: funny memory from the recent NA tour? A: me in Twin Peaks w/ giant b⚫️⚫️bs.
Q: around bounty and kin do you have some more BTS photos we haven’t seen before? A: there’s some but we decided within the group to keep that period to ourselves. it was such an overwhelming time you have no idea. this is why BLUE was a big splash of freedom that i needed to create after many years of being completely closed, isolated and silent.
Q: what helped you keep faith in your alchemizing power from the beginning till now? A: to be perfectly honest growing up i didn’t have anyone who understood my musical or otherwise talent so i went solely on the gut feel that i had something different that made me feel good inside in contrast to a pretty dark time.
Q: is capturing your emotions important to you while singing? how do you best execute it? A: it’s everything. make sure you’re in it and that you have the best possible foundation to be lost in the moment. play songs you enjoy, have good monitors and great production. a fantastic audience does the trick.
Q: what do you think about AI in music. like voice replacement, for example. A: it is what it is but it ain’t feeling things.
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Nightingale Vocal Ensemble - Composition Sped Up - improvised music highlighting the range and fluidity of the human voice
“Improvisation is just composition sped up." ���Wayne Shorter
Full liner notes with photos: www.nightingalevocalensemble.com/composition-sped-up.html
Since its formation in 2019, Nightingale Vocal Ensemble has comprised singers who are also composers. Those singer-composers have written dozens of original works for the ensemble, and those works have received première performances in live concert events and sophisticated video productions. Composition is an essential facet of Nightingale’s identity, and it felt natural to attempt it—in Shorter’s words—Sped Up. Given the novelty of a cappella​ free improvisation, this project needed special musicians comfortable with total liberty and capable of making audacious musical choices. Fortunately, a group of my favorite virtuoso singers were eager to dive into this new world with me. While laying the groundwork for this album, the idea arose to improvise based on existing prompt material. I reached out to a variety of artists (painters, illustrators, poets, rock balancers, and more) about the possibility of us drawing musical inspiration from their work. I felt slightly apprehensive about making this inquiry, but I'm very glad I did it, because the response was profusely positive. Beautiful pieces were shared with us, and new friends are now a part of our Nightingale artistic community. On November 4th, 2022—following a series of rehearsals in which we established a rapport among our ensemble—we traveled to Big Nice Studio in Rhode Island, nestled among resplendent foliage beside the Blackstone River. We arranged ourselves in a semicircle under the studio’s 32-foot ceiling, and followed the same procedure for every recorded take. ​First, we collectively negotiated which of the prompts we were in the mood to interpret. After agreeing on one, each singer summoned the appropriate image or poem on a personal device. We briefly discussed whether to impose a musical rule or restriction for the impending improvisation. Finally we stood in silence, absorbing the prompt and awaiting inspiration. Each time, music soon materialized.... In most vocal ensembles, singers are typically assigned a particular part (e.g. soprano, alto, tenor, bass, etc.). We made no such attempt to classify ourselves. On this album, every person performs every possible musical role. Due to the flexibility of role and range that every singer embraced, I find it difficult to tell who is singing what at any given moment. This is truly equal music-making. The human voice—devoid of keys, frets, strings, or any discrete component—produces a pitch continuum, and it is unmoored to any tuning system. In the a cappella domain that we chose to inhabit, pitch is a liquid thing, and can itself be an expressive device. On this album, we flow freely throughout the tonal landscape, and juxtapose musical ideas in conventionally impossible ways. We didn’t set out to create microtonal music, but the fluidity of pitch uniquely enabled our musical and emotional expression. This album represents the best of our work that day. Every track was performed live, in a single take, with no overdubbing. Some of the takes have been trimmed down, but nothing has been rearranged or transformed. This is not musique concrète. This is live, acoustic performance. Every singer in the ensemble was utterly essential to the creation of this album, contributing an abundance of both musical expertise and—maybe more importantly—individual personality. Emma Newton's thoughtful and incredibly detailed mix brought out the best of each voice's contribution. Big Nice Studio was an inspring place to create. ​This album is just the first step into a musical frontier, and it represents one possible path ahead for new vocal ensemble music. We hope to share further exploration soon. —Nathan Halbur credits Vocals: Nicholas Ford, Nathan Halbur, Rose Hegele, Barbara Allen Hill, Lysander Jaffe, Benjamin Perry, Juan Suarez, Angela Yam
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vgrc-llc · 4 months
The Pressure Washing Playlist: Spokane's Top Hits for a Clean Home with The Roof Ninja & Kc with VGRC, LLC
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🎶 Welcome to the Pressure Washing Playlist 🎶 where we, The Roof Ninja & Kc, rock the grime away and leave your home shining like a Spokane summer day! 
At Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC (VGRC, LLC), we take pride in transforming homes across Spokane County, WA, with our expert house washing, roof washing, roof blow-offs, and gutter cleaning services. Let's dive into the greatest hits that keep your home looking pristine and protected all year round!
🎸 Hit #1: House Washing Harmony
Just like your favorite song, a clean house hits all the right notes. Our house washing service is the ultimate remix, blending the right cleaning solutions and expert techniques to remove dirt, algae, and mildew. WE FLAT LINE THE GUNK! and make your home’s exterior sparkle, ensuring it's always photo-ready for your next family BBQ. Remember, DON'T RISK FALLS, GIVE US A CALL! 📞 509-530-1330
🔹 Why House Washing Rocks:
Removes built-up grime and mildew.
Restores curb appeal.
Increases property value.
Keeps your home healthy and looking new.
🎤 Hit #2: Roof Washing Rhythm
Your roof is the unsung hero of your home, battling the elements day in and day out. With our roof washing services, we give it the VIP treatment it deserves. Using soft washing techniques, we gently wash away moss, algae, and dirt without damaging your roof. It's like a soothing spa day for your home!
🔸 Benefits of Roof Washing:
Prolongs the life of your roof.
Prevents damage caused by moss and algae.
Enhances the overall look of your home.
Keeps your family safe and healthy.
🎷 Hit #3: Gutter Cleaning Groove
Our gutter cleaning service is the smooth jazz that keeps your home's foundation solid. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, mold, and even pest infestations. With The Roof Ninja & Kc on the job, you can rest easy knowing your gutters are debris-free and flowing smoothly. VGRC, LLC is a true local company committed to keeping your home safe.
🔹 Groovy Gutter Cleaning Benefits:
Prevents water damage to your home.
Reduces the risk of mold and mildew.
Protects your landscaping.
Keeps pests away.
🎺 Hit #4: Roof Blow-Off Ballad
Monthly subscriptions for roof blow-offs are now available, ensuring your home stays pristine and protected all year round! Regular maintenance keeps your roof free from leaves, branches, and debris, preventing potential damage and costly repairs. 🎵 Why worry about cleaning your roof when you can enjoy a clean home without lifting a finger?
🎤 Veracity Gutter And Roof Cleaning, LLC: Your Local Rockstars
VGRC, LLC is not just another cleaning service. We're your local rockstars in house washing, roof washing, gutter cleaning, and roof blow-offs. Licensed and insured (LICENSE #VERACGC770LW) we hit all the high notes, ensuring top-notch service and customer satisfaction.
🌟 A New Quote from VGRC 🌟
"Clean homes, happy hearts, and healthy lives - that's the VGRC promise!"
🎶 Here's a Joke to Make You Smile 🎶
Why did the roof go to the concert? Because it wanted to hear some high notes! 🎤
📲 Stay Connected with VGRC, LLC 📲
For more hits and cleaning tips, follow us on social media:
✖️ Twitter: @VGRCLLC
📸 Instagram: @VGRCLLC
🔗 LinkedIn: VGRC, LLC
📘 Facebook: VGRC, LLC
Visit our website for more information:🌐VGRCLLC.com
For immediate assistance, 🎸 Don’t Risk Falls, Give Us A Call!📞 509-530-1330
🎶 Join the VGRC Playlist 🎶
Let’s make your home the number one hit in your neighborhood! 🌟
#VGRCByeByeMoss #VGRCHouseWashing #SoftWashingVGRC #CleanGuttersVGRC #PressureWashing #SPOKANE #HappyHome #NoRiskAllShine #VeracityGutterAndRoofCleaningLLC #SpokaneValleyWA #CheneyWA #LibertyLakeWA #AirwayHeightsWA
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suuho · 4 months
omg seunghun .... all i can say is he's SUCH a gifted singer. my video isn't very clear bc i was in the feral 21+ section of the theatre you might say with the VVIP tickets but he sang if i ain't got you by Alicia keys and we were all like .... collapsing in our chairs when he was singing and when he finished lmao for his solo set. they're all just incredible performers and i got to get a snapshot with yonghee (i don't know a lot about the members, my friends bought us the tickets and i just told her to get me a snapshot photo for literally anyone who was available) and he's sooooo stunning and shy and sweet and it made me feel a little bit delusional. bae jinyoung is one hell of a performer but mostly really only when he's in the center, I'm still learning abt a lot of the members since i was so casual before but seeing them in concert is making me want to do the deep dive !!!
oh my god, i’m SOOOOO glad i was apparently DEAD ON with my first impression of seunghun, which has just solidified itself over time, and is being proven here once more! like, that really is such a gifted singer and what business does he have to be that good in a group like cix, like for him alone i wish they’d be so much more well known… all that talent hidden AWAY. 😭 singing if i ain’t got you is so vocal lesson 101 too, omg, i cannot help but simply ADORE this man, whenever i see seunghun i just get happy. such a guy. such a VOCALIST!!! and we all know how much i love vocalists. like, he was the first thing that caught my eye and ear about cix, i heard him riff and was like i HAVE to know who this man is.
i just once again realized that the entire group, except for byounggon, is younger than me so maybe that’s why i have a hard time getting into them… that said, they are sooooo fucking talented. i love what i’ve heard of their sound, and especially as performers they seem super talented. i know bae jinyoung is their stan attractor cause he was in wanna one (cause everyone and their mother was in wanna one… nu’est rip hybe you will pay for your crimes, lee daehwi make some noise) but i am pleased to hear that he has the skills to back it up. he really reminds me of a very traditional center in the way that he knows when to shine and when to dial it back. not necessarily a bad thing tbh, we don’t all have to go to the exo kai school of performance, we are not ALL built like that and we don’t have to be!
anyways, i’m soooo glad you had such a great time, and if you’re doing the deep dive, you are always free to hit up my inbox with recommendations or just thoughts, because cix is one of those groups that i feel like deserve way more love but i never quite managed to get into them! also, random but i feel like their songs do not necessarily need raps cause they’re all good singers… another thought i’ve usually had. don’t mind it either way but i wonder if they’ve ever considered to go way more in the direction of highlight/shinee as in prioritizing singing and performing. anyways. thank you!! i hope you have a great night/day/wherever you are!
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onenettvchannel · 6 months
#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE: K-Pop Music Festival and Negrosanon Local Convention 'DiveCon' to rock Rizal Boulevard at the Pantawan 2 in Dumaguete City (updated!!!)
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Reporter and Presenter of OneNETnews)
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- A non-profit K-Pop cover performance organization 'FM Entertainment’ (FME), in cooperation with the Dumaguete City Tourism Office (DCTO) in Negros Oriental announces the upcoming local summer convention weekend and a community festival concert event for the K-Pop fans and enthusiasts, part of 'Tayada sa Pantawan’ series on Sunday night at the Rizal Boulevard. Its a mix of the musical festival, local convention, and concerts altogether, into a memorable one-night only weekend event.
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CREDITED PHOTO COURTESY (with approved permission): FM Entertainment-Dumaguete PR via FB PHOTO
'DiveCon’ aims to bring the diversity of Asian pop culture, showcasing their Korean or locally K-Pop cover performances / talents, not only ranging from the said K-Pop, but also Thai, Japanese and Filipino or T-Pop, J-Pop and P-Pop from different Asian countries respectively, and it will serve as an opening stage to the public.
In partnership with 'IT Relation Philippines’ and 'Mogo Korean Convenience Store’, the local musical convention event slogan titled “DiveCon by the Sea: Dive into the Music!”. During the said upcoming community summer convention event, they have prepared some fun activities to enjoy together throughout the night for the Dumagueteños and Negrosanons / Negrenses, from exciting games and giveaway prizes to the classic random play dance that we all love.
On Maundy Thursday morning (March 28th, 2024 – Dumaguete local time) as local event organizer told exclusively to OneNETnews, the admission of its community-based upcoming summer music convention event is absolutely free-of-charge. 'DiveCon 2024’ would mark the start of all 'Tayada sa Pantawan’ events that will be hosted and/or in coordination with the DCTO. 'OneNETtv Channel’ officially secures a media partnership and a special sponsorship for 'DiveCon 2024’. The City of Gentle People will make you go 'daebak’ to do.
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CREDITED DIGITAL POSTER PHOTO COURTESY (with approved permission): FM Entertainment-Dumaguete PR via FB PHOTO
Express yourself this summer season, and bring out the fun and joy at 'DiveCon’! April 7th, 2024 at 5pm to 7:30pm at the Pantawan 2, Rizal Boulevard, Brgy. 4, Dumaguete, Negros Oriental.
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100063772701434/posts/903314931804255 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO #1 via FM Entertainment-Dumaguete PR] *https://www.facebook.com/100063772701434/posts/904865468315868 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO #2f via FM Entertainment-Dumaguete PR] *https://dumaguetecity.gov.ph/2023/02/08/launching-of-the-tayada-sa-pantawan-season-2023/ [Referenced Classic News Article via LUPAD Dumaguete News Bureau] and *https://dumaguete.com/barangays-dumaguete-city/#tab-id-4
UPDATE #1 (as of March 29th, 2024 at 8:26pm in Dumaguete local time): We do know that the pay-per-view tickets for the upcoming 'DiveCon 2024' will not REALLY happen tonight, as the rumors turned out false in this Holy Week. Organizers say that the event is totally free-of-charge to attend. Despite its similarities in name, 'FM Entertainment' is not connected, nor affiliated to the South Korean music agency in Dumaguete with Flying Music Entertainment. 'FM Entertainment' is an independent local non-profit organization dedicated to K-Pop cover performances and operates under the name 'FM Entertainment' in a legal and straightforward manner. In order to provide clarity, our dedicated research and editorial news team at OneNETnews has removed selected source links and edited out certain portions of selected paragraphs in this exclusive news article. We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused.
-- OneNETnews Team
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themovieblogonline · 6 months
Bob Marley: Bring The Good Vibes Home One Love Arrives on Digital
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Get ready to spread some serious one love because Bob Marley's legendary story is finally hitting digital platforms! That's right, the critically acclaimed flick "Bob Marley: One Love" is here to bless your home theaters with a powerful dose of reggae and revolution. Now, before you start thinking this is just another concert flick with shaky camerawork and bad lighting, hold up. "Bob Marley: One Love" dives deep into the heart and soul of the Rastafarian icon. We're talkin' humble beginnings, struggles, triumphs, and of course, that iconic message of love and unity that transcended borders and cultures. As I said in my review, "this film isn't just a biography, it's an experience." Free Fan Experience at the GRAMMY Museum To celebrate this digital release, the GRAMMY Museum in Los Angeles is throwin' a free fan experience on March 23rd, 2024 (yep, that's tomorrow, people!). We're talkin' photo ops, free juice shots (gotta stay hydrated while you feelin' the rhythm!), and tons of giveaways. Plus, it's "Museums Free-For-All" day, so you can explore the whole GRAMMY Museum without spendin' a dime. Talk about a win-win situation! While the digital release lets you bring the Marley magic home right now, "Bob Marley: One Love" is also available for pre-order on 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™, and DVD. So, if you're lookin' for the ultimate Marley experience with the best picture and sound quality, mark your calendars for May 28th. WHEN: Saturday, March 23, 2024 (Museums Free-For-All Day) 10 AM – 5 PM WHERE: GRAMMY Museum – The Ray Charles Terrace 800 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 One Love: Spread the One Love Whether you're a die-hard Marley fan or just discovering the power of his music, "Bob Marley: One Love" is a must-watch. It's a story of hope, resilience, and the unifying power of good music. So grab your digital copy, crank up the volume, and let the good vibes flow. Remember, as Bob Marley himself said, "Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!" One love! https://youtu.be/88Bq3r-9kog
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purplesurveys · 7 months
Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? I don't have a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches in the first place...so I like to stick by just the standard recipe.
Do you suffer from headaches caused by caffeine-withdrawal? I do, actually. I used to think it was just work-induced headaches, but at some point I realized it was probably the lack of caffeine when my head would ache even when I've barely gotten any work done yet.
When consuming a beverage that comes in a can, do you prefer to drink it directly from the can or do you pour it into a cup?  I have it straight from the can.
Are there times when you think your reflection looks amazing, but you take a picture & it looks like crap?  Not really. I can usually tell from the get-go if my reflection alone already looks like shit and from there I usually wouldn't want to get my photo taken haha.
What do you do to cure a headache? I drink water, take a painkiller, and take a few minutes to stop looking at a screen. If I have time I'll walk around the house first and cuddle with the dogs to calm down.
Have you ever used picnik.com?  I'm pretty sure I did.
Do you still possess any belongings from your childhood? Do they hold some special significance?  I still have most of my childhood books and magazines, especially since a large portion of them came from my dad as gifts/pasalubong from when he'd come home from his work in the States.
Would you rather sit in a recliner or a rocking chair?  Recliner. Rocking chairs make me dizzy hahaha.
Do you have any cards from restaurants that you get stamped every time you visit, & after a certain number of purchases you get a free meal / drink?  I had a few before, but I didn't go to them often enough to make good use of the cards.
When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages?  Eh, it depends on the plot and how the story flows and such. I will say I'll probably lose interest from a book that's over 1,000 pages though.
Do you take advantage of calendars being on sale during the end of January, or do you just buy them for their regular price when they first come out?  Neither. I don't get physical calendars.
If you have a Facebook, do you ever set yourself to offline mode just to avoid one particular person?  I've been offline for like the last 10 years, but I also don't even think this matters anymore in this age.
Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving?  Maybe just once, then never again.
Have you ever absent-mindedly [or even intentionally] pulled apart the aglets [plastic at the end] on your shoelaces / hoodie & ruined the lace?  I haven't done this but I did recently ruin an aglet for one of my shoes. I was jumping too hard at the Seventeen concert, never noticed I was stepping on my shoelaces which had come undone by that point, and by the time I got home that's when I saw that my laces had completely lost their tips :(
Out of all of your friends / relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Andi writes exceptionally well, and can write anything from essays to eulogies to poems to reviews.
When you are out of your house, where do you usually store your cell phone? I hold on to it at all times.
Do you ever use natural lighting to light your house [aka open the blinds] rather than use a lamp?  I use a lamp. I don't like natural light for the most part because the sun where I live is way too harsh, and the more light you let in the more hot it feels.
Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails?  My left pinky is a little crooked.
When yawning, do you cover your mouth?  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
If you had a garden, what would you plant in it? Would you actually tend to it, or would it wind up neglected & withered?  I would not own a garden and just convert the space into something else lol.
What is a hobby / activity that you find relaxing? Is this something you often get the chance to do?  Well there's surveys, but I also like going to museums and painting. Painting I'm trying to go back to more and more these days; as far as museums, I try to go to one at least once every few months.
Are there any eyeshadow shades that simply do not look good on you?  Idk, all of them? Hahaha I'm not a big fan of makeup.
Do you think cable / satellite is worth paying for when things like Netflix & Hulu exist?  Not anymore. We got rid of cable four years ago because we're constantly on our subscription services now.
If you were in a room with no escape for twenty minutes, which of the following smells would you more easily be able to tolerate [& you’re not allowed to cover your mouth / nose or anything!] - bleach, cigarette smoke, heavy perfume, skunk, vomit.  I'll take either the perfume or cigarette.
Do you think greeting cards are a waste of money? For me, yeah. Where I'm from they're not all that common, and we'd much rather talk to the person in person instead of sending them a card lol.
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study-in-uk-msm-unify · 8 months
Your Pocket-Friendly London Adventure: A Simple Guide for International Students
Welcome, fellow global explorers! Today, we're unveiling the ultimate handbook for Study in UK students looking to embrace the vibrant culture of London without breaking the bank. Get ready for a journey filled with free activities that will not only enrich your experience but also leave your wallet happily intact.
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Explore the Royal Beauty: Free Museums Galore
London is a treasure trove of world-class museums, and the best part? Many of them won't cost you a penny! From the iconic British Museum to the awe-inspiring National Gallery, immerse yourself in art, history, and culture without spending a dime.
Nature's Retreat: Serenity in London's Parks
Escape the urban hustle and bustle by exploring London's picturesque parks. From the expansive Hyde Park to the charming Greenwich Park, discover green havens perfect for picnics, jogging, or simply unwinding amidst nature's embrace.
Architectural Marvels: Free Landmarks Tour
London's skyline is adorned with architectural wonders, and you can marvel at them without opening your wallet. Take a stroll along the Thames, snap photos of the majestic Tower Bridge, and admire the grandeur of Buckingham Palace – all without spending a single pound.
Street Markets Extravaganza: A Feast for the Senses
Dive into the heart of London's diverse neighborhoods by exploring its vibrant street markets. From Borough Market's delectable treats to the eclectic offerings at Portobello Road Market, savor the flavors, sights, and sounds of the city's cultural melting pots.
Cultural Gems: Free Events and Exhibitions
Stay in the know about the latest free events and exhibitions happening in London. Whether it's a lively street festival or an insightful art exhibition, the city is brimming with cultural experiences that won't dent your budget.
Thames Riverside Stroll: A Scenic Walkway
Embark on a leisurely stroll along the Thames Riverside Walk for breathtaking views of iconic landmarks. This free activity offers a front-row seat to London's charm, allowing you to soak in the city's atmosphere without spending a penny.
Literary Exploration: Free Libraries and Bookshops
For book enthusiasts, London is a literary paradise. Explore renowned libraries like the British Library or get lost in the charm of independent bookshops scattered across the city – a delightful experience for the mind and soul.
Free Cultural Events: Tapping into London's Arts Scene
Immerse yourself in London's thriving arts scene by attending free cultural events. From open-air concerts in parks to street performances in Covent Garden, the city offers a myriad of artistic expressions that won't cost you a thing.
Fitness and Wellness: Free Exercise Classes
Maintain your well-being without draining your budget. London hosts free fitness classes in parks, providing a fantastic opportunity to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy the city's green spaces simultaneously.
Community Engagement: Volunteering Opportunities
Give back to the community and make a positive impact by exploring volunteering opportunities in London. Whether it's assisting at local events or participating in community projects, you'll find numerous ways to contribute while making new connections.
So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to navigating London's vibrant offerings without spending a fortune. Embrace the city's cultural richness, connect with fellow students, and make the most of your study abroad student experience in this enchanting metropolis!
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vvlove1 · 1 year
Giving—and receiving—a gift set is something very precious. If you're looking for the greatest gift sets, we've gathered a plethora of options for you ahead of the holiday season. It's thrilling to acquire a present for the person in your life.
Beauty perfume box sets have evolved from a seasonal novelty to a year-round offering, with the industry's greatest companies now providing a plethora of extra-special presents for any occasion, whether it's Valentine's Day, a birthday, a professional milestone, or even a distinctive memento for a bride-to-be.
Dive in and explore what perfume combo gift sets we have to offer!
Give yourself and your loved ones amazing fragrances. Our fragrance gift packages are a terrific way to save money on fragrances, body lotions, shower gels, and other items.
With our Bath & body Sets assortment, you can enjoy a wonderful bathing experience. Discover a selection of elegantly chosen packages filled with high quality goods, ideal for a soothing self-care regimen.
Purchasing holiday gifts might feel like an insurmountable undertaking at times. You want to select a gift that would genuinely gratify the significant individuals on your list, but you can't think of anything. Before you succumb to the temptation of a gift card, ask yourself a few basic questions. Choosing the ideal present may be simpler than you think:
Has your friend just gotten a new job or a new car? Do you want to buy a new house, adopt a puppy, or start a new hobby? If something is new, chances are they haven't yet received all of the necessary equipment or accessories. This might be a wonderful time to give a present.
If you know how someone spends their free time, you're a lot closer to figuring out what the perfect present might be. Is your pal always hitting the slopes? Go to a ski shop or a website. Do they enjoy attending plays and concerts? Contemplate not only ticket passes (which might be problematic due to time), but also gift tickets to a great restaurant near a theater or possibly an evening's limo ride.
Taking a look around someone's office or home will frequently offer you some ideas for the perfect present. Choose something that will complement the decor if it is a high-design room with lovely goods on display. Consider a romantic treat for two if it's dominated by photos of a spouse or partner. Your friend's space may indicate that he or she is an active motorcyclist, loves to travel, or is a gourmet chef. You can follow any of these leads to find the perfect present.
Whether someone's television has recently died, or they've been using the same crusty tea kettle for years, or any other item is in desperate need of replacement, you may offer a gift that you know would be greatly appreciated by filling the gap. (Just make sure whatever you're replacing isn't anything sentimental for them.)
Has your friend just gotten a new job or a new car? Do you want to buy a new house, adopt a puppy, or start a new hobby? If something is new, chances are they haven't yet received all of the necessary equipment or accessories. This might be a wonderful time to give a present.
If you know how someone spends their free time, you're a lot closer to figuring out what the perfect present might be. Is your pal always hitting the slopes? Go to a ski shop or a website. Do they enjoy attending plays and concerts? Contemplate not only ticket passes (which might be problematic due to time), but also gift tickets to a great restaurant near a theater or possibly an evening's limo ride.
Why Gift Giving Makes Us Happy?
perfume gift box
It's a different manner of expressing to your friends or family that you appreciate them than a hug or a kiss. It is an example of prosocial behavior, which is defined as behavior that is intended to help others. In the short term, this provides us with a pleasant glow of giving, which is known in the scientific world. It also has long-term advantages since it deepens the relationship with the receiver. And if you have a close relationship with someone, they are more likely to support you if you get into trouble in the future. Other people like you more if you are generous, according to research. Those who have a large number of friends are happier than those who are lonely.
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techinfact · 1 year
Top 8 Best Live Streaming Platforms to Watch
In this article, we will explore the top 8 best live streaming platforms that offer a variety of content to watch. Live streaming has gained immense popularity in recent years, allowing users to enjoy real-time entertainment, sports events, gaming, and much more from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you're a fan of live concerts, eSports tournaments, or simply want to stay updated with the latest news, these platforms have got you covered.
What are Live Streaming Platforms?
Live streaming platforms are online services that enable users to watch and engage with live content in real-time. They provide a platform for broadcasters to share their content with a wide audience, while viewers can interact through comments, likes, and shares. These platforms offer a diverse range of content, including concerts, gaming streams, sports events, webinars, and even social media live videos.
Why is Live Streaming Popular?
Live streaming has become incredibly popular due to its unique advantages. First and foremost, it offers a sense of immediacy and connection, allowing viewers to experience events as they happen. It eliminates geographical limitations, enabling people from different parts of the world to participate in the same live event. Additionally, live streaming platforms provide opportunities for content creators to engage directly with their audience, fostering a sense of community and interactivity.
Factors to Consider
Before diving into the top live streaming platforms, it's important to consider a few factors that can help you choose the best one for your needs. Some key factors include:
Content Variety: Different platforms cater to specific types of content, so consider your interests and preferences.
User Interface: A user-friendly interface enhances the viewing experience and makes it easier to navigate the platform.
Streaming Quality: Look for platforms that offer high-definition streaming to ensure clear and immersive content.
Social Interaction: Check if the platform provides features for viewers to interact with broadcasters and other viewers.
Cost: While some platforms offer free access, others may require subscription fees or pay-per-view options.
Top 8 Best Live Streaming Platforms
Now, let's explore the top 8 best live streaming platforms that offer an exceptional viewing experience:
YouTube Live
YouTube Live is a popular live streaming platform that provides access to a vast array of content. From live music concerts to gaming tournaments and educational webinars, YouTube Live offers a diverse range of live streams. With its user-friendly interface, viewers can easily navigate through various categories and discover new content. YouTube Live also allows social interaction through live chat, enabling viewers to engage with both the broadcaster and other viewers in real-time.
Twitch is primarily known as a live streaming platform for gamers, but it has expanded to include other types of content as well. It offers a vibrant community of streamers and viewers, making it a hub for gaming enthusiasts. Twitch allows viewers to interact with streamers through chat, emotes, and subscriptions. It also features a robust discovery system that helps users find streams based on their interests, making it a go-to platform for gaming and eSports events.
Facebook Live
Facebook Live is a widely used live streaming platform that integrates seamlessly with the social media giant's extensive user base. It allows users to share live videos directly from their profiles, groups, or pages. Facebook Live offers a versatile range of content, including personal vlogs, cooking demos, Q&A sessions, and news broadcasts. With its massive user community, viewers can easily discover and engage with live videos from their favorite creators and brands.
Instagram Live
Instagram Live, a feature of the popular photo-sharing app, enables users to broadcast live videos to their followers. It is ideal for sharing spontaneous moments, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive sessions with your Instagram audience. Instagram Live offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible to both casual users and influencers. Viewers can engage with the live streams through comments, likes, and emoji reactions.
Periscope, owned by Twitter, is a dedicated live streaming platform that focuses on real-time video broadcasting. It allows users to share live videos publicly or with a select group of followers. Periscope's integration with Twitter makes it easy to discover and share live streams. Viewers can engage with the broadcaster by sending comments and hearts, creating an interactive viewing experience. Periscope also offers a unique feature called "Replay Highlights," which allows users to highlight the most engaging moments of their live streams.
DLive is a blockchain-based live streaming platform that emphasizes content creators' rewards and viewer engagement. It stands out by offering a decentralized system where content creators receive a higher percentage of revenue compared to other platforms. DLive's community-driven approach and focus on gaming, music, and creative content make it a popular choice among streamers and viewers. It features interactive features like chat, donations, and virtual gifts to enhance the viewer experience.
Caffeine is a live streaming platform that aims to provide an immersive and interactive experience for content creators and viewers alike. It focuses on various categories such as gaming, sports, and entertainment. Caffeine allows streamers to easily broadcast their content while integrating social features like chat, reactions, and virtual items. Viewers can discover new streams based on their interests and engage with other viewers, fostering a sense of community.
Vimeo Live
Vimeo Live is a professional live streaming platform known for its high-quality video streaming and reliable infrastructure. It caters to businesses, event organizers, and content creators who require a robust and customizable live streaming solution. Vimeo Live offers features such as privacy settings, monetization options, and analytics tools to help creators deliver premium live content. It is an ideal choice for companies hosting webinars, conferences, and live events.
Live streaming platforms have revolutionized the way we consume entertainment and connect with others. With a wide range of content and interactive features, these platforms offer an immersive experience for viewers worldwide. Whether you're a music lover, a sports enthusiast, or a gaming fan, the top 8 live streaming platforms mentioned in this article provide excellent options to fulfill your streaming needs.
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hinumdom · 2 years
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october 22, 2022
attended kang daniel “first parade” concert in manila.
my plan for the day was to go thrifting for tops/blouses but it went down the drain when i received a message from my friend at 13:03, asking me if i wanted to watch kang daniel’s concert with her. i didn’t knew if it’s just gonna be the two of us. i didn’t know where the concert was gonna be held. i didn’t know how much was the ticket. 
obviously, i rejected the offer but she said the ticket is free, i just needed to be at new frontier theater. i haven’t really dived into kang daniel before. i know him from pd101 but i didn’t know any of his solo songs so i was reluctant to go at first. but i thought that life’s too short to turn down such a blessing. she had 4 free tickets (won via raffle). we asked our friends and one was available so i asked my 14-year-old nephew if he wanted to go with us and he said yes after some minor persuasion from my part (it’s his first time commuting on his own and attending a kpop concert). we were eating at jollibee 2 hours before the concert when my friend told us the tickets were for vip standing. i was taken aback ‘cause i was expecting for balcony or loge. i can’t believe our luck but we were grateful for the opportunity.
we had a blast during the concert. we entered the venue as non-fans, we came out as danity (kang daniel’s fandom name). we were 10 rows away from the stage so we had a good look of him. he’s really good looking with cute eye smile and adorable dimples. his skin was so fair and his face was void of any pores. he was flawless. even though he had a small face, it was proportionate to his body. we liked every single song he performed. we liked every outfit he wore. we liked how he interacted with the fans. he was super nice and well-mannered and just an amazing person. his stage presence was warm and his facial expressions commanded all pairs of eyes to focus on him. he is an amazing performer and knows how to utilize the entire stage.
right after the concert, i urged my friends to pick up the confetti on the floor as remembrance. then, we took a few pictures by the stage, taking turns before taking a group photo. the concert started at 8pm and ended at around 10pm. we were physically tired but we had fun. we ate dinner at the nearby mcdonalds before finally going home around 12am. 
i love love love this spontaneity so much. we rarely do this since almost all of us have work already and don’t have as much free time. wishing for more unplanned adventures with friends!!
that’s it for now, paalam.
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