#free of charge! ; moots
krakenshaped · 8 months
Can we also request ocs or just fandom characters?
I think if we're moots, ocs are okay!! But ideally fandom characters is what I had in mind :3
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dicethoughts · 6 months
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"Hey Kirby! Come, here's some fishballs. Free of charge!"
Have a filipino-speaking Magolor owning a fishball stand.
Inspired by a short convo with a moot.
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asexual-cupid · 5 months
Let’s talk about Watcher TV…
As a fan since the bfu days, I’m so unbelievably proud of the boys for finally being able to go their own way, it’s truly incredible and I’m so happy for them and how far they’ve come.
However… I’m heartbroken because I won’t be able to follow them on this journey. This is the end of me watching the ghoul boys. It would never be my decision to willingly stop enjoying their content because of how much I love them, but I’m unable to pay for their subscription service.
It makes me so unbelievably sad that they are not only charging so much to watch their content now, but are also removing their free, accessible videos as well. It feels like they’re prioritizing money over viewers, which I know in my heart can’t be true, but that doesn’t stop me and many others from feeling that way.
I genuinely hope the new Watcher Entertainment is successful and everyone who’s able to subscribe has the time of their life watching their new videos. I wish the boys the best in their new journey, even if that means I’ll never be able to see it.
And to all my lovely moots: I hope we can stay mutuals even though we won’t be in the same fandom anymore. You guys are some of the funniest, kindest, most creative people I’ve ever had the honor of interacting with, and I’m forever grateful we found each other on this silly little website <3
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tolerateit · 2 years
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1. be aware of your surroundings!! LOOOOTS of people!! stay close to besties/parents/family, etc, even if you gotta hold hands and make a chain!! if you’re on your own, kid, i’ll be around if you need someone to DM or text, don’t be afraid to send me a message!! xo - otherwise, find your seat and see who is around you!
2. DON’T LEAVE YOUR DRINKS UNATTENDED ! DON’T LEAVE YOUR DRINKS UNATTENDED ! this goes ESPECIALLY for those going out after if you choose to do so!!!!!!!
3. STAY HYDRATED! Check to see if your venue allows a single factory-sealed water bottle! (thank you a MILLION for this tip @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes ) & TRY TO HAVE A SNACK OR SMALL MEAL IF YOU CAN! Energy, yaknow?!!!!!!! 💖 supposedly its a 3 hour set plus openers so you wanna feel ready! xx
4. EARPLUGS ARE YOUR BESTIES!!!! They have fun concert ones I’m sure at nearby shops! (for later dates check online or i can find stores if u need!) that ringing after concerts is not Good!
5. Costumes fucking rock but remember to wear something ✨comfy✨ that you won’t get overheated in!!!!
6. You may see someone acting a way you don’t agree with or just someone you don’t like in general - mind your business (unless they’re being a huge AssHole then maybe tell someone like in charge don’t start something and ruin it for others)
7. I should have put this higher up BUT KEEP TRACK OF YOUR BELONGINGS!!!! wallet, merch, money, clear bag, keys, etc. I always keep mine tucked close or wrapped up in something to be safe!
8. Be aware when returning to your homes or hotels or cars or ubers ETC !!! Again, stay close to friends or groups!!! SWIFTIES IN NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!
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tysm for the banners @sweetrevelation xo
*i may update this if i feel annoying or think of anything else* BUT FEEL FREE TO ADD ON!!!!!
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just-call-mefr1es · 1 month
i totes didnt just speedrun all of this😁😁🙏🙏 everyone thank youtube videos for getting me through this without going insane. hoenstky, i think its rlly funny how i literally fot discord like, three days ago and now im in charge of a server🐺⛓️ okay im yapping
everyone thank @kwicksowa actually she made it first then gave me responsibility (bad decision /j)🥳🥳 andddd solarballs moots pew pew @half-eaten-baguetteee @jupiturns @finligz @ciazto-katalonskie @idkjustamherelol aerhjm idk if all of yalls have discord but whatdvs😻😻
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skaruresonic · 1 month
"even if we're speaking simply from the POV of "Eggman almost destroyed the world when he regained his free will," does one bad apple really outweigh the fact that most people aren't environment-destroying madmen? does that give Eggman the right to deprive everyone else of their free will?"
Eggman is inarguably an irredeemably horrid monster with a long track record of gleefully subjecting innocent people to nightmarish fates. there should have never been any question on whether or not he deserves death.
This is what gets me. The people defending idw sonic's morality don't comprehend that different individuals with different histories will require different approaches.
Comic stans: If Sonic thinks it's fine to kill Eggman then that means he's fine with killing everybody
Uh no???
It's like asking why Sonic sentenced Erazor Djinn to eternal damnation but let Merlina go with a quick pep talk. It's because both cases were utterly incomparable and would naturally require different approaches.
Comic stans: Well if Sonic is fine with punishing irredeemable villains then why doesn't he kill Eggman?
Same reason why Sonic always survives impossible situations or gets outright resurrected after dying. SEGA is not gonna kill off their mascot or the mascot's main enemy. We have to remember there's a bit of a corporate aspect in all of this
Why is this so hard for some people?
This part of your post also stuck out to me "does that give Eggman the right to deprive everyone else of their free will?""
Eggman wants to turn everyone into unthinking machines specifically so he make them worship him forever. That's not exactly a desire or choice based on morality. All Eggman wants is the satisfaction of having power over all living beings.
The only way anyone can defend the idw sonic comic is by making up deranged nonsense and forcing themselves to believe in it.
Comic stans: If Sonic thinks it's fine to kill Eggman then that means he's fine with killing everybody
Uh no???
It's like asking why Sonic sentenced Erazor Djinn to eternal damnation but let Merlina go with a quick pep talk. It's because both cases were utterly incomparable and would naturally require different approaches.
I think the thing that really gets me is half the time I'm not even particularly arguing for or against Sonic killing Eggman as a solution to anything because what would that solve?
The point is moot. As long as there's a Sonic the Hedgehog(tm) franchise, Sonic and Eggman are going to continue fighting each other. The unstoppable force vs. the immovable object. As it should be.
Instead, I'm trying to point out how little Sonic regards Eggman's welfare in the games. That Eggman lives despite Sonic's attempts and extreme negligence should logically attest to Eggman's hardiness and resourcefulness. He's one slippery motherfucker. That's pretty much the size of it in the games.
Yet people interpret
"Sonic, personally, does not care whether Eggman lives or dies. He frequently leaves Eggman behind in explosions or other similar scenarios of the doctor's own making. In other cases, he ignores Eggman's pleas for help or puts Eggman in dangerous situations while neither knowing nor caring if Eggman survives, such as blowing up his Eggmobile with a rock or stealing his jetpack nozzle and sending him plummeting to Earth. "In fact, Sonic has acted so negligently towards Eggman that if he were charged in a court of law, he'd be looking at second degree homicidal negligence, the failure to protect a person which resulted in preventable death. All this should tell you the extent to which Sonic regards Eggman's welfare."
"I think Sonic should slaughter all of his enemies. No mercy. Mercy is for wimps."
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Granted, not everyone strawmans the point this hard, but it's frequent enough to warrant the occasional facepalm. We're talking about how Sonic treats Eggman in the games, right? So why are we dragging how he treats every other villain into the conversation as if that's germane to the topic at hand?
Of course Sonic is going to treat his enemies on a case-by-case basis. However, I'd argue that the most common examples - "sparing" Metal in Heroes and Merlina in SatBK - aren't precisely the moments of mercy that people portray them as.
Putting aside the fact that Sonic was not the one to "rehabilitate" Knuckles, Shadow, or Silver, folks seem to forget that he charged the Dark Queen with seeming intent to kill twice. He didn't know she'd put up a shield when he lunged for her the first time. And the fact that he repeated the blow just raises questions.
Once, maybe it's an "in the heat of the moment" thing. But twice? Twice, you want somebody dead. Conveniently, I've never seen anyone mention that part of the pre-boss cutscene when they talk about Sonic giving Merlina the flower.
Sparing Metal... Yeah, no. He didn't. Metal passed out, and he ran off. Leagues different than taking Metal home and patching him up.
And idk, it seems weird how folks are unable to accept that sometimes, despite everything, Sonic does square up and kill. Yes. That is something he does on occasion.
It doesn't need all of these caveats and asterisks about how it doesn't count as "real killing," like it needs to be clarified that Sonic the Hedgehog isn't a serial killer. It's not like "he did it out of necessity" will suddenly cause Emerl to un-die at the end of Battle. It's not as though "he helped Shahra" renders "he sealed the Erazor Djinn in the lamp for all eternity and tossed it into the furnace so that the Djinn, if he didn't die just then, suffers eternally in a place no one can find him" moot.
Comic stans: Well if Sonic is fine with punishing irredeemable villains then why doesn't he kill Eggman?
Same reason why Sonic always survives impossible situations or gets outright resurrected after dying. SEGA is not gonna kill off their mascot or the mascot's main enemy. We have to remember there's a bit of a corporate aspect in all of this
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adinafay · 11 months
Okay, Astarion origin run.
We're all well-versed in getting his approval and romance arc, but what are we collectively thinking he'd be most-likely to do without Tav/Durge around? As, himself, the de-facto leader of the group? With Tav/Durge around he really only needs them on his side; they'll protect him from the rest of the party and he's pretty free to be as honest as he wants to be with his approval/disapproval of things. Then, obviously, as things progress we see the growth from or cyclic regression into his trauma and the ways in which we, as the player, have influenced his outcome.
But, without Tav/Durge, I'm thinking without that, yes, he'd still be trying to manipulate his way into everyone's good graces BUT, as not just another member of the group but its LEADER, he's now going to have to be MUCH more mindful of what everyone else thinks of him.
All those snarky, naughty, murder-laced quips we love so much? The constant angst against helping other people? The impulses to instigate or kill instead of talking things through with anyone that annoys him? Power-hungry interest in the tadpoles/Absolute? He's going to have to try his 10 CHA best to tone ALL that shit down if he wants to befriend everyone instead of focusing on a single source of protection.
He's gana be both mentally and physically exhausted, more-so than he would have been otherwise, and he's going to be even more scared of all the things to come because he's gotta be the face spear-heading the group - the meat-shields don't work as well if they're behind you, after all.
Alao: the big Feelings revelation, positive or negative, he can have post-Araj? Entirely moot because the other companions don't seem to comment at all -it's solely, 100%, his choice.
So, if he has a turning point in an origin run, what/where would it be? Is it an even slower story than the one we love from romancing him as a player? One that starts from the beginning, when he, suddenly free of Cazador's immediately influence, is thrust into the position of group leader and everyone just... goes along with it?
Is it him eventually realizing that he cares some amount for ALL of these people? Maybe because they all respect his autonomy? Respect it so much, in fact, that they seem to follow him near-blindly?
Or would there not be as much personal growth for him, being in charge of this haggard band? Would he find security in having “followers” that defer to him and be even more sure of his need to accumulate power?
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mera-k1 · 3 months
would anyone be interested in like... personalized fics... like if you're a self shipper (yume) or oc x canon, would you be interested in a personalized fic with your sona or oc? it wouldn't be anything you have to pay for but i just thought it might be fun.
it'd operate sort of like art commissions and there'd only be a limited amount of slots at a time but they're free of charge!! idk if anyone would be interested in such a thing so i just wanted to put that out there... i've had some moots become interested in that sort of thing so maybe you guys would be interested too♡
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catchthattherian · 3 months
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Hopping into your ask box /silly
Hi moot moot! How are you doing?
Have any new crystal facts? Maybe something for tiger's eye? /no pressure, just trying to help with boredom
-Ace @thecouncilofidiots @thecouncilofcreatures
(Oh! Maybe you can do crystal+kintype boards! /no pressure, just an idea) (for example, a cross fox and fire opal/obsidian themed moodboard)
Hello Hello friends! always nice to see y'all In my inbox! :] /gen
I'm doing alright actually! how're y'all? :>
I actually recently got Tigers Eye! :D It's really pretty! <3 I can do a post about Tigers eye and tag y'all if yall would like! :3 /nf,gen
Not tiger eye related, but I learned you can charge Selenite in sunlight, which makes sense because you can put them in window sills (and doorways) to ward off any negative energy possibly trying to enter your home/room :] (selenite is also very pretty and seems to have a different texture from the other crystals I own! Speaking of which, I can tell y'all each crystal I own, at least the ones I have identified! ^^ )
That actually sounds like a good idea for a moodboard theme! :3 /gen I'll have to try it out when I have free time! ^^
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
x (2022) has a lot to say about culture, desire, aging, and the horror genre, but the element that i found most interesting was its portrayal of the medium of film itself. by rights, the film acknowledges, film uses reality as a component element, but only as one component; the final product is divorced from reality due to the permanence of recording and the manipulation of editing, and what appears to be objective fact on film is illusory, false, and at the very least subjective. the characters themselves acknowledge this: rj speaks at length about his plans to edit the film in a way that not only does not hold it to reality but objectively disguises reality; wayne says frankly that sex acts maxine performs for the camera are not “real” as they pertain to their relationship; and, even though jackson resists the intrusion of exterior, artificial artistry into sex, bobby-lynne reveals to him that the sex they perform for the camera was never free of artificiality. this is what they say, but their actions indicate otherwise. maxine, bobby-lynne, and pearl’s fixation on performance as a direct vessel for stardom reframes film as something immediate, ephemeral, and intimately connected with the lives and tides of the performers. pearl’s performing days are captured on film, but she has aged, rendering any immortalizing effect of film moot. in this way, a wannabe star’s perception of film seems warped; but the film also shows rj, the enthusiast for cinema in its purest form, reverting to this collapsed view of performance and performer as soon as he encounters a personal moral challenge. the film argues—all the more powerfully by stripping the art of cinema down to its most visceral and emotionally-charged manifestation, the adult film—that the nobility and artistry of cinema is fundamentally incompatible with stardom, and that stardom is fundamentally more real, more weighty, and more significant than any effect art could have on a person. this almost counter-argument to cinema paradiso (1988) takes a different metacinematic tack than found footage horror films, which tend to discuss the addiction and danger of being behind the camera rather than in front of it; but it is very interesting and well-done, making x (2022) a striking film i strongly enjoyed
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
All right, boys, which culprits got executed after TGAA?
Asa Shinn - Very well may have been based on crimes alone, but wouldn’t actually have been because of her apparently magical diplomatic immunity. It doesn’t matter, though, because Menimemo’s poison and knife made that a moot point.
Nikolina Pavlova - Absolutely not. Regardless of which country’s jurisdiction she was tried in, she both didn’t intend to kill Kazuma and didn’t even actually kill Kazuma. If he’d died, she would have had assault and involuntary manslaughter at best, which wouldn’t be executable offenses even if he hadn’t pulled up later in Britain with amnesia. I’m glad they at least told her he wasn’t dead. Poor girl…
Magnus McGilded - Stronghart seemed to imply that he would have hanged had Ryunosuke not taken his case, but his acquittal and Ashley’s later paraffin inferno (parafferno?) made that a moot point.
Joan Garrideb - No. Unfortunately, I don’t believe spousal abuse was grounds for hanging, and negligent assault of poor Olive isn’t, either.
Ashley Graydon - You bet your ass he was. I regret to inform my fellow Egg stans that if anyone in this game is getting the noose, it’s this guy. The man has two counts of murder - one premeditated, one not - and while that almost certainly would have been enough on its own already, he also has countless charges of high treason. I would be genuinely shocked if Ashley wasn’t executed. (Unfortunately, the Skulkins don’t seem to be aware of their old friend’s inevitable demise.)
Raiten Menimemo - It doesn't seem like it? My good friend Yello combined all his various crimes together and figured he'd probably be in prison for 20-30 years rather than being hanged. So our boy Raiten's gonna be put away for quite a while, but probably won't be dead.
William Shamspeare - Probably not? While he was by no means a good person (maybe consider just robbing your neighbor next time instead of trying to chase them off with poisonous gas), and did have a prior criminal record of some kind (though I suspect it was probably just theft and honestly? If it was anything like his gas theft? Valid), there was no actual point where he successfully committed a murder - he killed one man on accident, and failed to kill another man on purpose. It’s true, however, that Quinby hates his guts, and has a lot of influence - so if he had a particularly bad lawyer, it could potentially sway whether or not he was hanged. Ultimately? It could go either way.
Olive Green - Thankfully, no! It was almost explicitly stated that the fact that she didn’t kill Shamspeare was a blessing, because it meant that her life wasn’t over. So again, probably a hefty prison sentence; but she’ll be free someday.
Enoch Drebber - Nah. He planned the crime, yes, but in the end he only became an accomplice in Asman’s actual murder. A hefty prison sentence, I imagine, but not death - and depending on his behavior, he could potentially get out sooner rather than later.
Courtney Sithe - Apparently not! Until Asman’s murder, I thought anybody who deliberately killed anybody in this universe would be hanged because of Stronghart’s comment about McGilded. However, Maria is far too happy about her mom still being alive during the credits for her death to be impending, so I have to think that Courtney is just going to be in prison for A While - possibly the rest of her life (though as a Sithe lover I can dream that she’ll get something shorter). Perhaps the queen commuted her death sentence because of her many years of work in the criminal justice system, which as far as I can tell was the only way you could evade hanging for murder at the time? Either way, she’d still be alive.
Seishiro Jigoku - Yep. Stronghart and others outright said he would likely never see his homeland again, and given that he committed two murders and organized an attempted assassination, I think he’s getting more than just lifelong prison time. The fact that Stronghart spearheaded all of these crimes and had quite a hand in coercing Jigoku to commit them would probably not be enough to stop him from hanging.
Mael Stronghart- Absofuckinglutely. Because okay, sure, he didn’t directly kill anyone. But there’s no way in hell this guy’s not gonna get executed. He’s ordered so many people’s deaths and committed so many corrupt acts that I don’t think it even matters at this point that he didn’t personally get his hands dirty - and given that Queen Victoria openly hates him now, she’s definitely not going to commute his sentence.
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luvrodite · 8 months
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welcome to my blog!! before entering, here are some things you'll need to know! please read them carefully before continuing so as to make sure we can all have a good online experience ♡
this is now an 18+ blog, so please have your age accessible/visible somewhere on your profile when following otherwise you will be blocked. i have no problem with minors interacting with my sfw fics but this is not a space for minors. this blog does interact with 18+ content and most of it goes untagged, so minors please do not follow this blog.
before reading a fic, please read the tags and if you feel it hasn't been tagged accordingly, feel free to (politely) let me know. you are in charge of your own media consumption and if you don't like something, your best route is not to read it.
this blog occasionally interacts with content you may find triggering/don't like. it's up to you to choose what you interact with and i advise you to take any warnings into account beforehand.
if you interact with 18+ content, you must have your age accessible on your blog somewhere otherwise you will be blocked. 18+ content will always be tagged as such and if you don't have your age, i will assume you are a minor and as such block your blog.
most of the fanfiction on this blog is self-indulgent and probably ooc at times. if it bothers you, please don't read it.
DO's and DON'TS
please do drop by and chat! even if i'm not accepting requests, i love talking about jason and welcome all thirsts and thoughts!
please don't ask me to become moots, it puts me in a bit of an uncomfortable situation and i prefer to make online friends genuinely. (this only applies to reqs going forward. to any of my current moots please know this isn't directed at you)
please don't bring any discourse into my inbox, whether that is to do with fandom practices (e.g. aging up) or disputes between other blogs
please don't copy, translate or repost any of my works. please also refrain from feeding any of it into a.i. my works are only posted on tumblr and archive of our own.
i make liberal use of the block button for my own peace of mind. please do not interact with my blog/posts if you fit the basic dni criteria.
this is not a space for minors but also any blogs exhibiting hateful behaviour. terfs, racists, homophobes you are not welcome here. i also block blogs that are pro ana/ed and anti-semitic + islamophobic behaviour.
this list isn't exhaustive but those are the main things i don't feel comfortable interacting with
in general, i believe in curating our own online experiences so if your vibes are weird i'll block your blog and i encourage you to do the same! it's not personal at all ‪♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'i sent an ask in, but it hasn't been answered yet, have you received it?'
most likely yes! i take some time to get to asks, and often answer them out of order depending on what i have energy for. if it's a question about something, i'll usually answer it straight away or as soon as i can get to it but any fictional character thoughts (which are always always welcome) are usually answered whenever i can get to them. i also like to hoard asks for a bit (which is an awful habit but it can't be helped) so if you see me active on the dash and not responding, it's nothing personal i promise !! and please don't hesitate to send them in!! i will get to them when i can ♡
⋆⭒˚。⋆'why was i blocked, and can i get unblocked?'
9 times out of 10 it'll be because you interacted with something that was 18+ and didn't have your age in your profile. i'm happy to resolve this if you put your age in your profile! otherwise, it may simply be because i feel uncomfortable by content on your blog and don't want that in my space or feel that my blog may not be the space for you. it isn't personal at all! we all curate our own internet experience and this is part of it.
update: going forward, i will also be blocking any blogs that follow this account that i feel may not actually be an adult. this is for my peace of mind and i apologise if you feel i have wrongly assumed. however, i would rather block an adult than have a minor interact with/follow my blog.
⋆⭒˚。⋆'when will my request be filled?'
please be patient with me!! often times it takes me a while to get around to requests. sometimes i'm hit with a burst of inspiration, and others i can't get two words out. i want to do your requests justice! that being said: sometimes requests will go unfulfilled and i apologise for that. i'll do my best, but at the end of the day i am just one person and this is a hobby
⋆⭒˚。⋆'are your requests open?'
i will always have it in my navi whether they are! if they're open, please specify and let me know that it is a fic request, as sometimes i get thoughts that i like to answer via ask format that rarely go beyond a short blurb or a few sentences. please don't send any requests if they're not open, as i will probably delete them.
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do u have any ocs 👉👈 a moot of mine asked and now i wanna know if u have one!!!!!
okok so the main ones areeeee probably broanch (and all the other characters in sywpq by extension) and donovan but ive got some others
donovan doesn't have much lore but shes pretty much just 15 year old art kid who likes bunnies and drawing anime gore she makes those stickman fight animations in her free time and probably is somewhat scene now that i think about it??? that girl is blasting millionaires in the back of the classroom loud enough for everyone to hear lmao
i had a dream where i was having a panic attack in class and she calmed me down and gave me her hat and was very niceys so i made her real because she was nice lol
donovan is also not her real name but she thinks her real name is stupid so she doesnt go by it and she took the name off a book or something
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^^ she
and then i put the sywpq stuff under the cut cus its long lol
ok so SYWPQ
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fair warning i wrote most of the lore when i was like 11 so its a bit stupid but eh
broanch is this girl from an alien race (called steyaes) that split off of humans a really long time ago and has kind of just been hopping planets ever since
the patch of galaxy they ended up in was very barren of resources so this species kinda spent a lot of time just floating around in the void in a sorta hibernation like state or hopping between asteroids and small planets, whatever they could find, and using the limited resources before jumping off to look for another
theres also a thing that like. evolved?? or something??? in thats essentially jsut magic they have magic powers. imagine like a video game stamina bar that empties as the character uses it to manifest objects and attacks and yeah thats pretty much it (it takes a lot of energy to use so it's not used often for anything more major than like. controlling small objects, manifesting clouds {saoirse does that a lot}, electrical shocks, etc, but it can be used for larger things like combat)
(broanch's power stuff is more suited to combat while saoirse's and juneau's are more for controlling water and air)
she had a shitty childhood, parental neglect n all that, and spent a lot of time playing by herself and with this pair of sisters she befriended (saoirse and juneau), and pretending that she was in charge of various different things and this eventually manifested into her really wanting to host some type of tv show
when she was around 16 she ran off cus. shitty home life. and since steyaes are one of the relatively stronger human-adjacent species she ended up taking up various jobs bounty hunting or going off looking for rabid animals that were causing issues so she can kill them or whatever
she kinda just went around doing whatever for a couple years until eventually
one day she and saoirse were on this random planet they found that didnt really have much going for it but they were just kinda talking doing whatever, when humans found it
at this point in the universe humans do know theres other civilizations out there and have talked to them but they all kinda tend to keep to themselves so the humans on the ship are a lil surprised to find someone here
since this planet is otherwise entirely empty theyre like "ok cool this is ours" but broanch basically just goes "nuh uh i was here first" and starts fighting with nasa cus this planet is HERS actually ueah totally uh huh
....and then i dont exactly remember what happens at this part cus again i made most of this when i was 11. but. basically they dont really resolve the fight but because its happening there's loads of tv coverage and broanch is immediately like "WOW IM ON TV :DDDD" and decides that now is when she should finally bring her tv show host dreams to fruition
since she's only known for being on this planet she decides to use it as the prize for her new gameshow and then also decides (purely to piss off nasa) that the show is going to be run as a club at a random highschool cus why not lmao
the show is called "So Ya Want Planet Q?" and the contestants are all 16-18 year old students at a highschool in bumfuck nowhere america
she did not tell them going into this that is was a gameshow and advertised the club as an "afterschool hangout thing"
episodes are recorded live through saoirse running around with a camera and the show functions similar to something like total drama or bfdi (i made this entire thing in the trenches of my bfb hyperfixation lmfao) except instead of elimination by vote theres a point system, and the games change pretty much every episode, ranging from fairly normal stuff like trivia to a literal bomb defusing thing at one point
broanch is the main host and does all the talking and saoirse is the cohost and helps set up challenges and man cameras, and acts as the voice of reason to broanch's stupidity
saoirse's spent more time on earth and knows more about social norms and culture and shit so she's also the "resident human expert" because broanch has no fucking idea what shes doing
saoirse and juneau im still working on fleshing out but theyre pretty much just. normal. idk
saoirse's the cohost obviously and while juneau does help with the show occasionally she generally thinks its a bad idea so doesn't very often
i have a few other misc characters but those are the two i draw the most :D ive got another thingie called like plantii or somethign but again that was mostly made when i was 11 and also all the lore is on my laptop profile that im still locked out of :(( ill find it eventually though
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paginaniol · 4 months
I will beta/edit your writing for free! I want to get practice with it and I love editing. All edits would be suggestions with reasoning behind them, and are totally optional, idc if you end up using them or not.
I will get your works back to you in a timely manner, absolutely free of charge.
Idc if it is fanfiction (smut, fluff, angst, etc.), nonfiction (essays, writing assignments, etc.), or original writing.
I have no shame and no judgement in my bones! Send me the dirtiest shit you can imagine and I’ll edit it!
Love you and please send me stuff!
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jackoshadows · 2 years
What do you think will be the political ramifications of Jon's death? I think the free folk won't have it. It will be really chaotic.
The Freefolk are most definitely not having it. At this point Jon Snow is more or less their King Beyond the Wall. They are ready to fight for him. The last Jon chapter makes that clear.
“The Night’s Watch will make for Hardhome. I ride to Winterfell alone, unless …” Jon paused. “… is there any man here who will come stand with me?”
The roar was all he could have hoped for, the tumult so loud that the two old shields tumbled from the walls. Soren Shieldbreaker was on his feet, the Wanderer as well. Toregg the Tall, Brogg, Harle the Huntsman and Harle the Handsome both, Ygon Oldfather, Blind Doss, even the Great Walrus. I have my swords, thought Jon Snow, and we are coming for you, Bastard. - Jon, ADwD
Jon has not only let the Freefolk this side of the Wall, he has also let them keep their Gods (Unlike Stannis), not asked them to bend the knee and given them charge of some of the castles on the Wall and leadership positions at Castle Black. When the assassination happens, Jon hears the Freefolk leaving the Shieldhall behind him:
Men poured from the surrounding keeps and towers. Northmen, free folk, queen’s men - Jon, ADwD
Jon has given Oakenshield and Queensgate - the two castles on either side of Castle Black - to Tormund Giantsbane and Morna White Mask. Tormund and his men are already there when the mutiny happens. Morna and her spearwives are on their way and are most probably already there when everything goes south. So are Iron Emmett and his spearwives. Add Borroq and his giant boar and Wun Wun to the mix and the mutineers don’t stand a chance in the immediate aftermath.
The only obstacle I can see to the Freefolk going berserk is an obstacle that Jon Snow himself created - the child hostages. These children have been send to Eastwatch and the Shadow Tower. With Cotter Pyke at Hardhome, it’s now Ser Glendon Hewett who holds Eastwatch.
Though the last part troubles me. Glendon Hewett was a seasoned man and a strong one, a sensible choice to command in Cotter Pyke’s absence. But he was also as much a friend as Alliser Thorne could boast, and a crony of sorts with Janos Slynt, however briefly. Jon could still recall how Hewett had dragged him from his bed, and the feel of his boot slamming into his ribs. Not the man I would have chosen - Jon, ADwD
I am not sure which way the Queensmen will move. On the one hand Wun Wun ripping apart Ser Patrek. On the other hand, the current Lord of Winterfell is threatening Queen Selyse, Shireen and Melisandre and the Lord Commander was actively helping their king and protecting their queen, going against his NW oaths for which he just got murdered.
Jon’s death is going to further complicate Northern politics. We know there are Northern houses who are aware of Robb’s decree and see Jon Stark as the next King in the North. As GRRM says in this SSM,
Q: I have a question, since Robb actually  legitimized Jon and named him his heir for Winterfell and the North  before the Red Wedding (granted no one knows about this and is still  alive or free, the Greatjon knows as does Edmure, but I dont see them  getting out of the Twins any time soon and Catelyn would probably die  before telling anyone) does this make Jon’s rejection of Stannis’ offer  moot?
A: Edmure and the Greatjon are prisoners, true… but you are forgetting  the envoys that Robb sent to Howland Reed… Galbart Glover, Maege  Mormont, Jason Mallister… they are all alive and free…
There’s House Thenn, newly created because of the marriage brokering Jon Snow did and the Freefolk holding land this side of the Wall. Alys was aided by Jon Snow and her uncle is still imprisoned at the Wall.
It’s possible Edmure Tully and other prisoners are getting freed in the next book by the brotherhood without banner and Edmure is a witness and signatory to Robb’s decree that legitimizes Jon Snow and names him Lord of Winterfell.
We know of two possible ‘envoys’ from Riverrun send by the Blackfish to the Wall - Robin Ryger, former Captain of the Guards and Desmond Grell, former Master at Arms. Both experienced men who chose to take the black after Jaime ends the siege of Riverrun and ask to be send to the Wall. Raff is supposed to have escorted them to Maidenpool, from where they travel to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. Considering that TWoW has Raff in Braavos, it could very well be that these two gents have reached Eastwatch. How are they going to react?
Then there’s Justin Massey with Jeyne Poole who will pass through Castle Black on his way to Eastwatch and Braavos. What is he going to do with what happened? Will word get back to Stannis? However, according to the Pink Letter, Stannis has apparently lost to the Boltons. The time lines are a mess.
The main thing is that the famed neutrality of the NW has shattered, and there’s going to be infighting amongst crows, wildlings, queensmen and northmen. There will most definitely be political ramifications in terms of who it is that will end up holding the North by the end of TWoW.
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solarissimo · 17 days
what if you, owner of a ponysona/mlp oc, sent me a ref/image of it… and i drew it… completely free of charge… ahahahah… what about it… don’t be afraid if we aren’t moots… i just wanna draw some ponies man…
(i am actually begging on my knees i dont know anyone who likes mlp, even less anyone who has ponysonas/mlp ocs)
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