#free robo fizzies
bunnylivehere · 8 months
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Kitty works for them instead of a hanger and "bring it-serve it"..I'm suing V for mistreating little Robo Fizzies! >:( I propose to sign a mass petition to save kittens and depressed spiders from pervert-knackers
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blitzbuckz · 13 hours
"alright, who the fuck are you and why are you getting in my way?"
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【𐂃】 ❝ Fizz ? ❞ he'd muse to himself, feeling abnormal about their presence. The coloration of their outfit for one -- black && grey wasn't their usual style. The purple, yes, but everything else seemed off. Trailing their tail he picked up his pace before finally reaching them, caught taken aback when perceiving their red eyes consuming over their sclera. what used to be yellow.
❝ Oh SHIT, you're one of those fuck dolls. My bad, I'll be on my merry way then. ❞ With mammon's blowout sale -- the assassin thought they were already overrated as he is. who knew they were still lingering about, with color variations it seems. it's repulsive.
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dicebound · 5 months
Fizzarolli 5e Build
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Previous Hazbin/Helluva Builds: Stolas Striker
Lineage - Tiefling (Devil's Tongue) Fizz is an imp, making the choice of tiefling a no-brainer here. In addition to the standard tiefling, you could use the Glasya or Mammon (heh.) Variants as well as the Devil's Tongue Variant Tiefling. Alternatively you could use a Warforged if you want to play Robo-Fizz instead.
Background - Entertainer So we know Fizzy grew up as a Circus performer and dreamed of making it big under Mammon's tutelage. So Entertainer is a also an easy pick here. For his instrument proficiency I grabbed Horn (Trumpet!) He gets a disguise kit from his class (see below) so I picked up Tinker Tools so he can fix his robotic parts (or himself in the case of Robo-Fizz)
Class - (Mastermind Rogue) So we have a few options for Fizzy. Bard or Rogue are the obvious choices in my mind though Warlock could also work. Particularly, I'm looking at College of Glamour, College of Whispers, Mastermind Rogue or Fiend Warlock. So we see Fizz do lots of death defying stunts, but nothing explicitly magical. His Deal with Mammon makes Warlock enticing, but nothing about the deal as we see it in the show screams "Warlock" to me. Fizz also seems unsuited towards fighting so puts us in a pickle. Rogue is very combat oriented and Bard is not, but Rogue has a lack of spells that fits Fizz better. Your choice here is as good as mine. 4. Skills Fizz will get Acrobatics and Performance from Entertainer so he's free to pick up Persuasion, Slight of Hand, Stealth and Perception from Rogue. For Expertise, I'd recommend putting them in Acrobatics and Performance. He gets additional languages from Mastermind as well as a gaming set. I grabbed Playing Card Set but it doesn't really matter. If you can get your DM to let you to know Drow Sign Language in place of Undercommon, stellar. Otherwise pick up two languages that seem pertinent to your game. 5. Stats Regardless if you're building Rogue or Bard, High Dexterity and High Charisma make sense for Fizz. His Strength is a great dump stat, so spread his remaining points out among his Con, Int, and Wis. Spread below: Str - 9 Dex - 16 Con - 12 Int - 12 Wis - 10 Cha - 16 6. Feats (Optional) So you have a lot of good feat options for Fizz, especially if you want to use magic to represent special effects he does in his performances. Mobile is an excellent feat for rogues and would represent the way Fizz flies and tumbles around the stage. Tough or Infernal Constitution could be great to represent how much punishment Fizz has lived through. Magic Initiate (Bard) or (Warlock) would be excellent for Fizz. Alternatively, you could grab Fey Touched for a similar effect. Actor could be fun for Flavor. Vicious Mockery, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and Faerie Fire all feel appropriate choices for Magic Initiate.
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fizziefactory · 3 months
How did you think up each of your concept for your Robo Fizz OCs? Like go in-depth about the choices you made, why you chose their names and such. I want details.
Questions about the fizzies || Accpeting
Oh that's a juicy one… and lengthy too, let's see where we can start. This got so fucking long holy shit pick your fav section idk I'm so rambly-
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The very first muse I made was Factory Fizzy, or FF-8842. I can say right away that their factory name, which is the only name they go by, doesn't actually mean anything! I just think it's cute, I really love the number 8. In hindsight, 42 I can make the argument being a subconscious nod to “A hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy”, a book series I loved when I was a teen. 42 is the meaning of life, and FF-8842 is struggling to find the meaning of their life.
But most of all, Four-Two, or Fou-Too, just sounds cute.
They were originally made for a comic that I wanted to draw for the song The Fine Print by The Stupendium, sometimes I just get brainworms when I fixate, and I end up drawing lengthy comics to songs I like. I needed a fizzy to work in the Fizzy Factory for the song, so I made a fizzy with a simple design, clothes with no dyes, “horns” without fabric on them, basically a fizzy that didn't need to catch anyone's eye, nor drain resources and money. This is also why while they're quite strong, they're only 4’1”.
Now I play a lot on the idea of a fizzy that was created with a strong sense of self, of sentience, as soon as they were created. Usually it takes my fizzies a few years to reach sentience, if they ever do… but FF-8842 is a “defect” always at the verge of being scrapped for being too much of a free-thinker. This definitely evolved from the original comic, where they clearly do not possess the same distant look in their eyes as the other fizzies.
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The second fizzy I made was The Manager. His name was originally just Office Fizzy, which I later weaved into his backstory instead. I actually asked my friends how I should refer to him, and they liked the simplicity of The Manager, and I think while it might be a little bit of a mouthful, it's oozes just what kind of person he is.
He is the Manager. He makes sure this clock is turned up and ticking.
For the comic, he was originally more of a guide for new fizzies, and of course the one doing the singing/talking in the comic, and if you want a good idea of what his inspiration was, look no further than the song itself. It's all there. Eventually Manager evolved into something different. He became, well, less someone handling the papers in an office, and more of an actual… manager, of the factory.
The idea to make it all Entirely fizzy-made tickled me, and so I tweaked his story a little bit, having him climb from an “Office Fizzy”, to being where he is now, so successful he even managed to alter his own design, which no fizzy of his model has done before… he even owns his own fizzies. Has businesses outside the factory (not to Mammon's knowledge but yknow-) making big cash and giving into greed because of the influence from Mammon, by simply being made in his image, and giving into it. A success story for the ages. He is a control-freak at this point though, to make sure he doesn't lose it all.
I also gave him an Australian accent because he's spending way too much time around Mammon. That's just a fun fact ♡ Also all the green and gold in his clothes also point to how closely he works with Mammon.
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Mortis had his name change many times. He went from simply Undertaker, and I considered Morty Briefly… but decided against it real quick. I went with Mort for a while… but I just loved the way Mortis sounded. I know it's wormed into my brain because of Faith (don't ask me about the plot of that game I don't Know) but Mortis just felt Right. Mortis is the Latin noun for Death.
Mortis also came from The Fine Print. There's a section of the song that goes like this;
“If you'd rather drop dead, that's fine
But you know that dropping down dead bears a fine
So you do your job and I'll do mine
I gotta meet a six-foot deep bottom line”
And I don't know, it just fired off my creative juices like… what if there was an undertaker fizzy? That'd be so cool… and so out there xhdbbd. I have always had a complicated relationship with death, so I enjoy writing morticians because of their various different ways to approach the subject. Mortis started off approaching it quite casually… It's hell after all, but the more I wrote him?
I got to put myself in his head and how he was thinking, his life-philosophy, how me having placed him in Wrath affected his outlook, and now he's become almost philosophical, now he's holding sermons in Satan's name and I believe he puts his own beliefs into them… and despite having such a sad job, and how he has to face such misery and grief every day… It's somehow helped him become the most at peace fizzy I've got. Because he understands life and death better than any other fizzy, while also getting to be on his own and expressing and exploring himself best a fizzy can.
He is heavily inspired by the Undertaker in The Backwater Gospel, who is quiet and non-threatening, but his mere presence is enough to send you into a panic.
Why is he here?
Who’s going to die?
He's also heavily inspired by the YouTube channel Little Bubby Child since he's from Wrath and all. I will meme on him til the day I die.
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Mizzy got her name from Maid Fizzy, you smoosh the names together you get Mizzy. For a while I also had Dolly as a suggestion, but it didn't really stick with my followers. So it's kinda become a nickname certain fizzies who knew her before the memory-wipe call her, like Thizzy and The Manager.
Mizzy was always meant to be a companion bot, I wanted a fizzy that actually did what the commercial advertised the fizzies to do. I made her a maid because I wanted to play around with her owner being a weeb, and I simply wanted to dress her up in cute little outfits that I knew a guy with his own companion bot would want to see. In time the idea of her once having belonged to Burnie Burnz, Fizzarolli's stalker, wormed itself into my brain… and the misery tripled from there.
I think it was because I wrote out a scene with a friend where I played him briefly before he got eaten by a sandworm (shoutout Beetlejuice the OG), and I recalled his line regarding the fizzies not getting him off right. I wondered what kind of shit a disgusting guy like him would even do to a fizzy if he planned on murdering Fizzarolli, so I, unfortunately, made Mizzy his fizzybot. The only solution was the memory wipe… and that's why she's so head empty most of the time. Her programming is protecting her from remnants at all times.
I really wanted to show how messed up the companion bot situation is with Mizzy, which is why she's been used sparingly. I love a good healing story though, so I've tried to bring her in more where she gets to regain her power and independence and tweaked her current owner to be a little less awful to give her a break… but still awful nonetheless. She's always ripe for fizzy-adoption.
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Ginger has changed so much from the original concept. At first she was named Fuzzy, for a fussy fizzy. Then later when I switched up his design, opting for the red design in the commercial I thought looked neat as hell, I decided to go with Ginger instead. It just sounded right, all things considered.
Ginger started out as Fuzzy, who was heavily inspired by Sun from FNAF to be perfectly honest. I have 3 Sun OCs very near and dear to my heart, and I love writing anxious nervous wrecks… so that's what I did for a while. Eventually I leaned into him snapping more and more, running out of patience like Brandon Roger's Mom character, and as I wrote them in IC group chats, I realised more and more that Fuzzy was actually rarely if ever anxious… they were mostly stressed and Irritated.
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And I was never happy with the original design… it was cute but didn't spark joy, it felt hasty. I spotted the design in the commercial I liked the most, and I remade everything.
Now Ginger is Something Else Entirely.
She's tired, he's pissed, he's at his wits end, and they're Dangerous if you look at them wrong. They became a Mama Bear, while also something of a Big Sister character… grumpy and with a resting bitch face… but a heart of gold below the surface.
I wanted to explore the fizzy for the kids and teens, the meaningless chores that fizzies have to perform for demons like carrying bags and making dinner and other kinds of butler-stuff, and just how straining tiring and meaningless it all felt, all while Also being a companion for the adults.. Despite Mizzy, Ginger has turned into the fizzy that's the absolute most disappointed with their lot in life, and hates Fizzarolli just about as much as Pinwheel. This is also why they are siblings in the human AU, they've got much in common.
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Thizzy is simple. Therapist+Fizzy=Thizzy. Briefly he was called Shrinky, but I left it instead as a nickname he got from Doc, which he absolutely despises, because I could Not take it seriously.
Thizzy was taken from the commercial, I interpreted his neutral face as one of absolute indifference, and I figured this is Hell and this is Mammon so… originally he was meant to not give a rat’s ass about anybody, especially not his patients. However while writing my muse page for this blog, I had him write out short “profiles” for the other fizzies… and I thought Hey… what if he checked up on the fizzies too?
Now he's part of a larger process that The Manager runs where he checks up on the fizzies on the regular to make sure they're doing fine physically but also mentally (at least well enough to perform their tasks), and in time I found that Thizzy actually did care…
He cared too much, which is why he tried to not care at all. Because the alternative was to let it all get to you… Despite not wanting to get involved, it's in his programming to do so, and he's got a good heart, albeit only metaphorically.
Now he's just so tired... and working in the Sloth Ring doesn't help this.
His relationship with Doc is the result of when he was still in his early years and just performed his tasks as he was programmed to do… and now he's stuck in this unhealthy toxic relationship where he has to make sure Doc is happy all the damn time. Luckily for him, he mostly is. At least as a robot-
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Finally, Doc! Doc is easy enough, he's Doc because he's a doctor! I did consider Doccy but it reminded me of. Another word, so I backtracked bxhrhe. I worried it'd be too generic but… it just fits. He's Doc. Nothing else fits like Doc does ♡
I just stared at the screen when Doctor Fizzy came on. Those colours. That Forced Grin, those soft little cheeks… that blank fucking stare. This was an unhinged doctor-character and I needed him in my life. My cringe, emo, deviantart-browsing, gore-loving, Higurashi-watching, Hatoful Boyfriend-playing, problematic teenage-self... they needed this.
He hasn't actually changed much at all. He was always inspired by those crazy doctors you see in anime, games and horror movies. Their silly giggles and the over the top surgeries and bone saws and all that stuff.. he's my horror and gore-character, for when I want to write a bit of this and that, which I do find a lot of fun.
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I don't know what really made him as flamboyant as he is… I think just the nature of him being a crazy doctor character while also being a sex bot… and when I discovered the Bubblegum Coquette aesthetic- and in time I developed his relationship with Thizzy. His clinginess opened up the idea of how he's probably not got a lot of connections because of how “intense” he is, and while he's not quite as sentient as the rest… he's getting there, every time he reflects on how lonely he is.
His only way to connect with others was by keeping body parts of whomever he operated on, that was All he was ever able to get his hands on fair and square(?).. and he started getting unhealthily attached to those parts. Now he actively seeks them out because it's the only form of love and attachment he understands so far, and if he gets attached to people to a strong degree, there's a chance it turns into love/obsession, which will push him further into sentience, and so on now we have a yandere too.
But at least I'm free.
He's the perfect example of when a robot is Not taught how humans and emotions actually work, and now he's already registered what he knows as truths and facts.
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Imma not cover Imposter too much cus really I just got inspired by that That's not my neighbour-song before I even knew there was a game, and I wanted to make a strong fizzy for quite some time, that could work as Manager's bodyguard to make him pose more of a threat than he did on his own. I loved the black and white aesthetic because of absolute neutrality, and my fiance mentioned that it looked like a pierrot and I was like Hell yeah accidental pierrot let's go-
They obviously has a bit of Ennard from FNAF in them, or the Mimic or whatever that new enemy is called... I think it's a pretty natural robot-plot device at this point. It is a fun bot to play in group chats where I can pretend to be my other muses and wait and see how long it takes my fellow muns to realise there's a question mark at the end of the tupper bot's username. It communicates through motions and clicks, sign language, when it isn't disguised, and is very mischievous and a troublemaker.. I dunno, the inspiration is "gremlin".
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drama-glob · 1 year
The Next Big Thing
Chapter 2: This Could Work- Ozzie finds Fizz and they eventually discuss the Robo Fizz idea from Mammon.
“Thanks Dollface,” Asmodeus replied with a glowing smile as he took the list to read over.
The jester-themed imp then wiggled his eyebrows and asked, “So, Mammy give you some bullshit list of products he wanted you to endorse again or did he try to scam you into giving over my contract?”
The Ram and Bull parts of Ozzie both looked a little uneasy after he spoke, which wasn’t missed on Fizz as he now tilted his head in curiosity. “What’s up Fluff Butt? Was it something else?”
Now all three of Ozzie’s faces flinched for a moment at the other inquiring the right question before smoothly transitioning back to calm. “He had an…interesting idea Fizzy, but I think it’s one I better save to tell you until after the show. I’m sorry you’ll have to wait baby to find out, but it’s something that I’m sure will disrupt your performance,” Asmodeus cryptically answered with an added apology, making Fizz only more intrigued. The tall demon then bent down to run a clawed finger under his boyfriend’s chin and flashed a hungry expression for any onlookers who doubted how much he still wanted the other. Fizzarolli gave a small purr of satisfaction before Ozzie sultrily told him, “If you can give me another minute, I should be done with your suggestions, so feel free to fix yourself a little drink in the meantime.”
Here is the link on AO3:
@charsawdeath @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord ^_^<3<3<3
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foundcr · 24 days
♡ / from @k17y
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♯              send           ♡           to           see           what           my           muse           thinks           of           yours          ╱              LOW           |            ●●●●●            |           HIGH
○○○○○            |            ATTRACTION    ●●●●○            |            AFFECTION    ●●●●●            |            INTEREST    ●●●○○            |            LOYALTY    ●○○○○            |            TRUST
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poor   robot…   she   knows   only   a   fraction   of   what   goes   on   in   hell,   but   she   can   tell   the   poor   kitty   is   troubled.    though,   honestly,   she   wouldn't   put   her   trust   in   the   thing   either;   considering   she's   under   valentino.    there's   a   level   of   distrust   she   has   with   the   robo-fizzie,   but   she's   hoping   maybe   to…   set   it   free   like   a   bird?
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you   can't   redeem   a   robot,   but   she   doesn't   want   it   working   for   her   either.    it   feels   wrong.    also,   she's   familiar   with   fizzarolli,   she   doesn't   wanna   make   things   awkward   with   her   uncle   ozzie.
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king-of-wrath · 11 months
Been thinking about economic stuff since the last episode
With Fizzarolli leaving Mammon's service, I think it's safe to say Fizz won't lose much (or any) business or fame: he's still the emcee at Ozzie's and beloved across Hell---I mean, there's certainly enough "freaks" out there buying Robo-Fizzes for sex and Fizz-themed sex toys to justify Mammon and Ozzie producing them on such a large scale
At the same time, Mammon might be in a bit of a bind. He's spent the last 10 years selling Fizz products, plastering Fizz's face on everything. From a marketing standpoint, he put all his eggs into a single basket. He might've actually made Fizz too famous for people to forget
I don't believe for a second that people would just throw-out all their Fizz merch---certainly not the Robo-Fizzes that can perform ANY job---in favor of the Glam Sisters' merch. Mammon losing the rights to Fizz merch would definitely tank his profits, but he wouldn't be the literal Sin of Greed if he couldn't make a profit off the Sisters. It would be slow getting the Sisters near the same level of profitability as Fizz, though Mammon could still do it
The big question is: "Will Ozzie keep making Fizz sex toys/robots?"
I'd think he'd stop production because he didn't enjoy objectifying (literally!) Fizz while he was working for Mammon. Fizz claimed he didn't have a problem with it, though he clearly disliked all those "freaks" and there's a good chance he was lying when he said that to Ozzie. Ozzie might've taken a nice cut from Fizz's sales, but he doesn't seem to care about the money---rather, he cares about "the art/spirit" of Lust
With that in mind, if Ozzie won't produce the Fizz sex stuff, then Mammon isn't necessarily competing with him. Granted, Mammon probably lost all rights to Fizz merch, but if the biggest money-maker was the sex stuff, he won't be fighting to get Ozzie's customers (because no sex stuff getting made is no sex stuff getting sold)
So what happens to all the Robo-Fizzes? It depends: if the models were ordered or on the shelves before Fizz quit, then stores would just sell them and not restock. Models that were still in production would probably get scrapped (literally). Mammon might even squeeze a few more pennies out of Fizz's name by announcing "Everything must go! Get your Fizzies before it's too late---because we're not making them ever again!"
Alternatively, if Mammon really wanted to spite Fizz, he could arrange a sort of "trade-in" event: "Bring in your old Fizzie, get 25% off your new Glammie AND get a second Glammie free!" (of course, this is supposing Mammon isn't immediately sickened by the very concept of a discount or bonus)
Maybe with all these unused Robo-Fizzes, Mammon could recycle them, cutting costs on making Robo-Glams. Or maybe he can reprogram them for something besides entertainment and sex---possibly something more insidious than either industry
And this is how Satan gets murder-robot robot-clowns and how Hell spawns its very own Military Industrial Complex!
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Doll (2/2)
part 1
I’d like to say THANK YOU to @turtlepated for brainstorming with me to create products for the room behind the beaded curtain in part 1. You’re the best, Pate! 
@go-commander-kim @jester-junk @jesterfestivle @mimiscappinisideblog @yankyo @realmonsterboyhours @monsterlovinghours @beetlebitchywitch @auroraartz
Enjoy! `
Once home, you set the bag down. The new doll had played through your imagination all the way home, to the point you started to wonder if it was sprayed with aphrodisiacs, because you were now hornier than you thought you should be. Of course, just the memories on repeat of the adult souvenir shop didn’t help. 
Before you could finally try out your new toy, however, you found your old Robo Fizz doll and lay it down so it wouldn’t be facing your bed. It was silly and if it was the real Robotic Fizzarolli he’d probably encourage “the more the merrier!”, but you felt a little guilty using an adult toy shaped exactly like your imphood companion. 
Finally, without an audience created in your own mind, you took your new doll out of the bag. 
He really was handsome, all spiffy and new. His arms and legs were stiff, nothing like your beloved old one, and he was heavier and sturdy. Lifting the fabric of his top, you pried his silicone cock out from underneath. It was hefty and obscenely large for the size of the doll. It was also marbled in black, white, yellow, and burnt reddish-orange . . . not necessarily the most attractive colors but at least it kept with the theme. 
You turned him over and opened the back of his shirt. There was an on/off button, a small dial, and a panel where you’d watched the sales clerk insert the voice chip. Flicking the button to the ‘on’ position, you depressed the panel as she’d instructed to activate the chip. 
“H-h-hey b-baby! Wanna get busy?” Robo Fizz’s glitchy voice was familiar, even if the words were nothing you’d ever heard in his show. You should be ashamed how immediately aroused it made you to hear him say something that seemed personal.
Turning him back over, his arms flopped back over your hand. His eyes did not light up and nothing else changed. “Come on, b-baby, d-don’t be shy!”
You had no clue how many phrases he had or how random they were. With him right side up, you absently ran your thumb over the dial, and his cock began to vibrate steadily. It made you laugh, holding a vibrating doll with an outrageously large cock in your hand, but you couldn’t deny wanting to try it out. 
Rapidly you flicked the dial through two more settings--one increased the speed of the vibration, the next gave it a waxing and waning pattern--before it was off. You wanted to feel the cock inside you before experimenting with vibration. 
Setting the toy down and shimmying out of your clothes--”Oh baby!” said the doll--you grabbed the bottle of free lube and settled back on your single bed with it in your palm to try and warm it up, and Robo Fizz at your side. 
You didn’t think just shoving his cock into you would be super pleasant, so you slipped a hand between your thighs and gently fingered yourself. Nothing too much, just a light parting of your lips and a little exploration of your pussy, occasionally allowing a fingertip to dip into you and more frequently giving your clit a little rub. Your body responded as it always did, bolstered more by the thought of playing with the toy beside you. “Oh baby!” Robo Fizz said again. Chuckling as if he was the real thing, you kept that hand between your legs and turned your head to him. “You like this show?” you asked him, as if he could answer. He didn’t. Well, you could still imagine. And imagining would be better with physicality . . .
You sat up, put the doll on his back in your place, and leaned down to put your mouth on his cock. 
“Oh baby!”
That line, said in perfect timing, made you laugh again, then you opened your mouth wider to take him in more fully. It didn’t feel like a real cock in your mouth, of course, and there was no movement from your partner, so you gave up the pretend blowjob and settled for just coating him with spit. 
When you felt you’d done enough and there was a darker wet patch on the front of his shirt down to his stripped pants, you switched places with him again. This time, though, you pulled him between your legs. “I l-l-like that.” A new phrase. You chuckled. With a little maneuvering you set him into position with the tip of his cock at your entrance. “Ready, Fizzy?” The nickname slipped from your lips easily. He made no response, but you projected the painted on smile on his face was eager. 
One hand holding his body and the other holding the cock, you eased it into you. There was a bit of resistance; you hadn’t really done much to prepare yourself. With a grimace, you pulled him away and found the bottle of lube that had rolled to your side. Quickly popping the cap and drizzling a little over the silicone--some dripped onto your bare stomach too, so you wiped it with your fingertips and ran it through your folds--you then made sure to set it upright on the bedside table so it didn’t spill. Second round. You held Robo Fizz in place, and this time, his cock slipped into you more easily. Your pussy clenched around the cock and you groaned, not stopping moving him until he was fully seated inside you and his plush body was against your lower stomach. 
You took a moment just to get used to it. Your hips rocked a little, out of habit, creating little ripples of pleasure. 
“How’s that feel, Fizzy?” “It’s so-so good, baby!” “Mmm-hmmm,” you replied inarticulately, and bodily moved the doll back and forth, to simulate thrusting. It was good. A little static, but good. Maybe you should have just sprung for the one with the mechanics to thrust on its own--
Inadvertently your finger turned the dial, and Robo Fizz erupted into vibration in your pussy, and on your clit. Immediately your legs came together, crushing him in place between them, as that vibration lit nerve-endings like nothing you’d felt before. The steady strumming deep inside you, the rapidly escalating white hot bliss centered on your clit--you gaspsed and moaned-- “H-h-hey b-baby! Wanna get busy?” His voice was shaky as well as glitchy now. 
“Yes!” you answered rhetorically, and managed to open your legs so you could continue to move him back and against you, fucking you while vibrating, all the sensations changing depending on if his marbled cock was deep in your pussy or if it was just the tip. You tried putting his cock directly on your clit but that was too much, the pleasure quickly became an ache, so slipping him back into you was better. 
You experimented with the different vibration settings and found that each of them sent delicious waves of bliss through you. Although his body was small, in your mind’s eye you could see the real Robo Fizz above you, fucking you just like this. With his cock buried so deep in your cunt you could feel the mechanics inside his plush body against your pubic bone, you came in a sobbing release the first time. 
Waxing and waning vibration was okay on your clit because of the rest it gave you, and that was your second orgasm. Through it all, Robo Fizz occasionally chirp up with, “Th-that’s it, baby, take it for m-m-me,” or “You’re doing so well,” or a stuttered, single word on repeat, “F-fuck! F-fuck! F-fuck!” You’d have slipped his cock back inside after that, but you were already a little sore from the heavy, enthusiastic workout you’d just given your groin.  
With a groan and resistance, you tugged him out of your pussy and tried to catch your breath.
“H-h-hey b-baby! Wanna get busy?” “Fizzy, you’ve worn me out.”
You opened the back of his shirt again and switched him to off. No other change but the ceased vibration gave any indication of his state. 
Pleasantly exhausted, you took some time to just lay in your waning euphoria. You should probably throw your new doll into the wash. Hell, you probably should’ve done that before you played with him! Too late for that now. Lazily, with slick running down your legs you shoved your new Robo Fizz into the washer in your kitchen. You left his cock out so it’d get cleaned too. Returning to bed, you scooped up your old ratty Robo Fizz doll and cuddled it, telling him he’d always be your number one before laying down to sleep. 
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Robo/Rosie Relationship Headcanons☆
☆ Robo was permitted to watch over Rosie by her father. He swore himself that he wouldn't get attached, but that failed miserably
☆ He loves making jokes about Rosie's height. Like sitting down when she says to "get to her level"
☆ Rosie once made a flower crown for Robo. He was really embarrassed and hid his blushing smile.
☆ During snow and rainy days, they stay inside, watch movies, drink hot chocolate, and cuddle. Robo loves when Rosie sleeps in his lap, he helps her feel protected
☆ Rosie is actually fluent in French. She teaches Robo in their freetime and sometimes even sing and few songs in French
☆ Whenever Rosie is about cry or is crying. Robo will try to make her laugh by tickling her and making doing stupid stuff. He'll also ask who made her cry in the first place so he can hunt them down
☆ Usually, Robo dosen't like it when people touch his food. But when it comes to Rosie, she's free to take as much as she pleases
☆ Rosie calls Robo cute nicknames. His favorites are "Fizzy" "Fizz Fizz". Robo's nickname for Rosie is "Little Rose"
☆ Rosie also tout Robo how to play the ukulele
☆ Most demons/imps see Robo as a heartless robot. But actually he's the most sweetest and kindest guy you'll meet. He loves his little rose and he would give her a million smooches if he could
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hoodoo12 · 4 years
Doll (1/2)
More Robo Fizz s-m-u-t you thirsty, thirsty people.
@go-commander-kim @monsterlovinghours @mimiscappinisideblog @jester-junk @jesterfestivle @beetlebitchywitch @realmonsterboyhours @yankyo
You didn’t show it to anybody, and you definitely didn’t keep it out for anyone to see if they ever came over to your tiny one room flat, but you had an old Robo Fizz doll. It was a hold over from your imphood, and it had been your favorite toy. A constant companion when you were young, the doll was now ragged and worn; not only was the colorful costume discolored and his face a grimy grey, but Robo Fizz had had multiple repairs in uneven stitching, and his left shoulder cap no longer had a frowning face. You’d rubbed it off with your thumb because you wanted him to always be happy. 
Now his plush limbs were lumpy from where the stuffing had clumped and flaccid in spots where the stuffing had settled elsewhere. Any original texture was threadbare. You didn’t care, you still occasionally cuddled it when sleep didn’t come easily. 
None of the hundreds of Robo Fizz dolls in the window of the souvenir shop looked anything like your old doll. These were all bright and shiny and brand-spankin’ new. 
Jostled repeatedly by a seemingly never ending string of the implings and their either exasperated or also overly excited parents, you finally just went along with the crowd and entered the store.
Inside was a marketing director’s wet dream. If the Robotic Fizzarolli himself had come in and vomited, it would probably look like this place. Robo Fizz merchandise was everywhere, and if it wasn’t his exact likeness, it was the colors that made up his outfit. Everything from breakfast cereal to pencils to kid’s outfits to hats to water filled globes with glitter and a tiny Robo Fizz inside to keychains to posters to . . . there was so much you could barely take it all in. You decided to stick close to the display of dolls. 
They were of varying quality. The smallest were vague and minimalistic in their likeness of the star of the carnival. The larger ones had much better workmanship and one, in a glass display case, purported to be wearing a vintage costume the Robotic Fizzarolli had worn in one of his shows. The dolls that were the same as the one you had loved through your imphood were somewhere in the middle, towards the lower end. 
You picked one up out of the pile. This pristine doll in your hands had pom-poms on his collar that weren’t compacted balls of felt, like yours. You’d forgotten that originally your doll had had metallic fabric edging the costume; this one’s fabric was uncracked and gleamed in the overhead lights. All of his limbs were properly stuffed. It was tempting to buy a new one. You did love your doll, and were still a fan of the Robotic Fizzarolli. But all these shiny, mass produced dolls didn’t have the personality of your well-worn and well-loved Fizzy, and it felt a little like a betrayal to buy another. 
Just as you were setting the doll back on the pile, a impling shoved between you and the display. You stumbled back. The doll flew out of your hands. It landed almost back where it belonged, and you managed to keep your feet under you. No one apologized: not the impling, not his parents who were now also crowding you out as if they hadn’t seen you or, more likely, didn’t care. 
You should’ve put up a fuss but it wasn’t worth it. You wandered away from the large display of toys to look at the other bobbles. Just like the dolls, some had cheap and shoddy quality, while higher end products were better made. Their price tags reflected it.
At the back of the store, near a wall rack of shirts emblazoned with his face, a doorway with a beaded curtain caught your eye. 
You’d been in this gift shop at Loo Loo Land before and had never seen that door. Granted, it was when you were a young imp, and your brain had been overloaded with sugar and the joy of getting your very own Robo Fizz doll. It was partially behind the cashier’s counter, but there was no sign that indicated it wasn’t for the public.
The imp in a smock at the register looked a combination of bored to tears and annoyed at her situation, so you didn’t feel comfortable asking about it. Out of the corner of your eye you watched two imps disappear through the door, and feeling bold, you followed. 
The beaded curtain parted and one strand trailed along your horn as you went into the back room. There was a very short hallway, and a turn to the right into another room, which was why you couldn’t see anything past the initial doorway. 
Inside the room was another plethora of Robo Fizz merchandise. 
However, there were no implings, only adults, and the few customers there, although excited, all seemed to keep their glee subdued. 
Looking to your right, your eyes widened at the wall display of dildos in various shapes and sizes, all their packaging proclaiming they all were authentic Robo Fizz replicas, exactly like the original Robo Fizz’s assortment of phalluses. Past that display was a large selection of bdsm products, including handcuffs that mimicked Robo Fizz’s cuffs, and whips that looked segmented, possibly to look like tentacles? You weren’t exactly sure. 
In front of you were standing racks of clothing again, but these were lingerie, all designed as riffs  his jester’s outfit. A couple was looking through them; one skimpy bra and panty set was held up and they both seemed pleased it was in her size. 
There were piles of lollipops molded like his tongue, tentacles, and again, various cocks. A huge shelf of DVDs all had Robo Fizz on the cover, each touting to provide a different sexual fantasy. 
Along the far wall, there was another large display of dolls. 
Like in the front of the store, you were drawn to them.
Although there was still a wide assortment of size and quality, none were smaller than the one you had at home and all promised a more intimate encounter. The top of the line was a Personal Companion Robo Fizz, which you’d heard about but never had the chance to see one in person. It towered over you, looking vaguely menacing standing so still and lifeless compared to its manically boisterous original. 
“It comes with a free gallon of lube. You can get a subscription to have a gallon shipped to you on a monthly basis,” someone said behind you. “Uh--what?!” 
An employee in a smock like the imp’s out front stepped up beside you. Nodding towards the Personal Companion, she said, “You buy it, it comes with the first gallon of lube. You might need more, if he’s receiving, but even if you use if more for giving, you still need some to make his tongue more pleasant. No one likes getting eaten out by a cold mechanical mouth with zero lube!”
She shuddered dramatically. You weren’t quite sure what to say. Luckily--you guessed--she continued. “He’s top of the line, of course. Everything you’ve heard on the commercial is here. He’s got the BDSM feature, has two tentacles that you can attach so you can be double penetrated and spit-roasted at the same time, has so many speeds and patterns for vibration, and is super easy to clean! There’s a standard set of phrases he can say, but he can also be programmed to call you whatever you’d prefer, like Mistress or sweetie pie, and you can add a few other personal words too. And if you upgrade to the semi-AI package, he learns your preferences and his interactions with you can be even more life-like!”
You blinked up at the Personal Companion, overwhelmed by the enthusiastic sales pitch. Even if you were interested, there was no way you could afford it. Maybe, if they offered rental of him, you could swing half an hour, but more likely only fifteen minutes. 
You thanked her and told her it was out of your price range and made to move away. She grabbed your arm and pulled you down the line of dolls. “I get it. A Personal Companion is expensive. But there are lots of other options!”
The grip she had on your arm was relentless, just like her sales talk. She gave you the specs and features of each type of doll available. They all had different attributes, some only vibrated, some had interchangeable cocks, some were designed for imps who preferred to penetrate. Several of the middle to high end dolls had a ‘sparking’ feature for a more authentic experience. All of them were machine washable. 
Despite yourself, you began to think maybe you did want a new doll. 
You still couldn’t afford something fancy. There was one type that was similar in shape and size to your old Fizzy, but came with a single cock folded up under his costume. It had a bit of a heft to him, and the sales clerk told you it was because of the motor--it didn’t have thrusting gears, but did have three different vibration settings. The price was slightly higher than you expected so you hemmed and hawed, but with the sales clerk smiling encouragingly, you decided to buy it. 
“Excellent! Listen, since you’re a first time customer I’ll throw in a voice chip for you. Free of charge.”
You nodded your thanks, and followed her to the register to ring it up. She made sure the “adult” attributes of the doll were tucked away and the button was off, and it looked like any other innocuous Robo Fizz doll in the gift shop’s bag. She also tucked a tiny bottle of lube into the bag for you too, another free gift. 
She thanked you for your purchase and you went back out into the main room of the shop, clutching your special Loo Loo Land souvenir to your chest. 
tbc . . .
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