#free yarn !!! and at least one crochet hook!!!
dandyshucks · 7 months
HUGE WIN !! one of the ladies at the group brought in a plastic bag full of cotton yarn and I spotted a small crochet hook in there (definitely a size I don't have yet, yay!!) and she was hoping someone would be able to take it off her hands because we don't have a thrift store anymore to give things to, and none of the other ladies were interested so I said I'd love to take it and I'd find a good use for it !!! YIPPEEEE !!
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maiiuelle · 3 months
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life with the pogues can be exhausting.
you’d never run around so much before you met them — and you mean physically run around. they’re always off somewhere searching for something, and since you started dating jj maybank, you’ve been coming along for the ride.
luckily, john b put you and jj in charge of holding down the fort at the chateau while the rest of them are gone for the day, which just means endless snacks and snuggling with your boyfriend on the couch. jj found some cartoons reruns on TV to watch while you work on a crochet project.
the two of you have been doing just that for hours — jj’s up microwaving your third bag of popcorn while you stack up purple granny squares on the couch cushion beside you. he appears in the doorway, his finger in his mouth from burning it for the third time from opening the popcorn too fast. he looks you over as you finish the last cluster of double crochets on a granny square. “give it a rest, mama. ain’t you tired?” he asks, muffled by a mouth full of popcorn as he sits back down in his spot beside you. you had been hard at work since you got there, dead set on making at least half the amount of squares you’d need for a full blanket before the pogues got back. it was never going to happen, but you’re still determined to try.
you finally set aside your hook and yarn, looking down at your cramped hands. “i’m fine, jayj.” your fingers feel stiff, the creases in your skin are red and irritated from straining in the same position for so long. your face twists as you crack your knuckles, the discomfort too much to ignore.
“oh, baby girl—” jj shakes his head at you, stuffing his face one last time before putting the popcorn aside. he holds his hands out, motioning for you to put your hands in his. “—looks to me like you need one of my famous hand massages. give ‘em here, c’mon.”
“famous? and i haven’t gotten one yet?” you giggle, immediately giving in and letting him take one of your hands. his thumbs gently rub at your palm, slowly working out the tension from the middle out through your fingers. his calloused hands are so strong, forcing out every knot.
“i mean famous to john b n pope — works like a charm after fishin’ all day.” he explains, gaze focused on your hands. they’re tiny in comparison to his, he has to make a conscious effort to be more gentle than he is with his friends. he locks his fingers with yours, pulling them enough to crack them again. as a finishing touch, he presses a soft kiss into your knuckle, picking up your other hand to do it all over again. “how’s that feelin’? better?”
you flex your fingers, curling them and extending them a few times like it’s brand new. “so much better. thank you, jayj.” you reach with your free hand to get some popcorn, watching him ease out the tightness in your other hand. what a sweetie <3
⋆ ˚。⋆ ᡣ𐭩 ⋆ ˚。⋆
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itsrainingbubbles · 7 days
I want Luffy to be able to crochet
Winters were cold on the mountain and sweaters only lasted asl a few weeks before they tore them while running around, sparring, and hunting
And Makino loves her boys but she only had so much free time to keep fixing them and making new ones when the sweaters were past repair
Luffy in particular wore out sweaters the fastest, and after seeing Makino scramble to make him yet another new sweater after his was torn to shreds by a bear he decided he wanted to give Makino a break and make his own sweaters
So Luffy learned how to crochet that winter, and what started as just sweaters turned to gloves, hats, blankets and so on
Soon Luffy started experimenting on what he could make, like hammocks, stuffed animals, dolls, flowers
He was always out of yarn and the things he made were never the 'right' color, he just used what he had
As a result he had weird colored dolls, ("that's you ace!" "Why is my skin Orange??" "At least you're not blue and purple") pink animals of all sorts, (when he was really into doing animals all he had available was pink yarn) and blankets with no coherent color scheme cause he'd get bored, work on something else, and when he worked on the blanket again he had already used up the other yarn
Luffy didn't take any of his crochet stuff with him when he set sail, not any of his hooks, yarn, or creations, leaving them all in Makino and the villagers care (he offered dadan a doll with purple skin and told her it was her, she insisted it looked nothing like her and that she wouldn't keep it. It sits on a shelf in the house where everyone can see it, she tells any new members who ask all about how someone made her as a doll)
Because Luffy didn't have any of his stuff with him when he sailed, not that it mattered since he would have lost them if he did take it anyways, nobody on the crew knows he can crochet
Nobody knew until one day they were at an island and they were having an art festival, where Luffy used his food money to buy crochet stuff.
Luffy immediately got back into crocheting. He made a sleeping mask for Zoro, a tangerine shaped purse for Nami, a bookmark for Robin, and I can't think of any more things but he just started crocheting again.
The crew is astounded that their captain can actually sit still for more than a couple minutes AND that he's doing it out of his own free will. And maybe he never runs out of yarn again, Luffy never questions how he seems to have a never ending supply of yarn.
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homesweetgoodneighbor · 10 months
As the holidays speed towards us like a bullet train, here are more ways to support/survive the fiber artist in your life. (You might as well print and save these, because we fiber artists will never learn our lesson.):
Make them stop each day before they hurt themselves. @gootspatrol made mention of this in a comment and I added it to a reblog, but I want to say it again because it is fucking IMPORTANT. All fiber arts are pretty much repetitive stress injuries waiting to happen. People think our crafts are easy peasy and have no clue that even "easy" things can also injure a body if done too much for too long. Do not work through the pain, folks. It absolutely will come back to haunt you.
Tell them to step back and work on another project if they are getting frustrated with the one they are currently working. I promise you we ALL have multiple projects going. Sometimes a project is just being fucking argumentative, and the situation devolves into such cussing and threats that anyone overhearing will be sure you live with a serial killer. Putting it down and doing another for a while, or at least until that one also becomes the bane of our existence, always helps.
Remind them their bladder exists and isn't meant to be ignored. Yes, I know that sounds silly, but many fiber artists already have ADHD, and we are notorious for ignoring bodily processes. Forgettingto eat is one thing, but much as we'd love to, we can't will our bladders to go away.
From time to time gush at how amazing their project is looking. Your fiber artist will always invariably say "It sucks sweaty donkey balls. I want to set fire to it, but I spent too much damn money on it." Ignore that. They say that because none of us can take compliments. Inside we are squeeing that you noticed. (Note: Be genuine or say nothing at all. We can sense false praise faster than a cat can hear the canned food being opened.)
Be a buffer towards those who do not understand. Tell those who dismiss your loved one's work as anything other than "hard work filled with love" to fuck all the way off. Do feel free to be creative when doing so. You will immediately be a super hero and probably prevent that other person from having their brains ripped out through their nostril by a crochet hook.
Laugh when we say "Next year I will start earlier/make less/buy gift cards instead." Yes, we know we are just kidding ourselves and living in denial. It's a design flaw in a fiber artist's nature. Just hug us and move on.
Have a calendar counting down the days to the holiday they are working towards. Do not even mention time. Doing so will send them spiraling into an almost barbaric berserker frenzy. They will become the whirling dervish of the cartoon Tasmanian devil with fiber and notions being flung about. There is high probability you will be sucked into it and put to work. Unless you feel up to being conscripted into detangling a ramen noodle pile of yarn, sorting thread, or being used as a dress form dummy every ten minutes, just keep your mouth shut.
Play the "Let's mess up their counting by nonchalantly telling a story of our ancestor in 1583 who had 5 goats and worked 50 hours a week and made 100 clocks that told 20 different times..." Look, fiber artists are willing to do something that is so repetitive as to be injurous. Do you think a few more of such actions to turn you into a tasteful decoration will discourage them? Remember: we work with fiber, and a noose is nothing but a bunch of fibers twisted together and tied into a neat knot. Don't fuck with us.
Love y'all! Please take care of yourselves! Be safe and I hope to see lots of pics of finished projects!
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nondivisable · 8 months
Hi! I just saw your post about crocheting even though your hands hurt, and was hoping for some advice. I've had some sort of unspecified spondyloarthropathy for about 16 years, so I'm used to dealing with feet and knees and shoulders but all of a sudden it's in my hands too, and I'm terrified. Putting aside that I'm a musician and this threatens my livelihood and independence, I can't stand the idea that it's going to take away 90%of the things I do for fun, aka crafting. What do you do to keep crocheting through the pain -- or, even better, do you have any tips for working around it? Special hooks I can look for? I knit too, have you gotten into that enough to have needle or pattern recommendations? Do you do any sewing? I'm looking for help, but mostly I'm looking for hope.
if this makes little sense I'm sorry, I've had a migraine all day but I wanted to answer and not forget. I'll edit this later if it's necessary
compression gloves are the actual love of my life. they help my finger joints so much. kt tape as well, my shoulders start to kill me, specially when I started knitting.
for crochet, I know some people put tennis balls on the grips of their hooks to make them more ergonomic. there's also ergonomic hooks but I haven't tried them yet.
knitting: I usually hold my needle and knit (as in move the yarn) with my right hand. I find that this gives me cramps in my shoulder and hand. moving my yarn with my left hand and holding my needle with my right helps me relax both my hand and shoulder, as well as keep a straighter back. knitting is also way easier on my hands than purling since we're at it.
sewing: I absolutely love it, my joints don't. for sewing patches or smaller bits of fabric onto another what really helps me is keeping the fabric taut using an embroidery ring. it helps me make less of an effort with my hands. if you don't have a sewing machine but are looking to buy one, don't buy one of those small, portable ones. I did and I never use it because between having to squint my eyes and manouever with my hands, my body detests it
finger knitting is also really fun to keep your hands busy. if I'm having a really bad pain day but feel restless, I'll usually grab a thick yarn and make a finger knit panel. it can take me hours to finish a small square but it's quite pain free and makes me happy
collage is such a fun technique if you like drawing and painting but find that your hands are kind of failing you. for me, at least, it helps take off the pressure of having to make a neat, clean piece of art , you know
mostly, remember to stretch, take breaks, drink water, be kind to your body. there's no shame in doing your hobbies in bed, laying down, or in ways that aren't necessarily "pretty" or functional; it's okay to do your hobbies for the sake of having fun with them
hope this has helped you and not extremely confuse you <33
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1987vampire · 2 years
a hazy dream | Brian Thomas
Fandom: Creepypasta / Marble hornets Word Count: 2.5k Warnings: sleep sex, reader is trans!male but it's only mentioned like one time when Brian calls you pretty boy. Fem body parts. smut frfr. just sm sweet smut A/N: Set in the poly!proxies universe like always. I posted this on my AO3 a few days ago and forgot to put it on here, too. You have full permission to crucify me. Cashapp: $Orpheus89 if ur feelin a lil brazy Extra:
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Brian was practically exhausted by the time he came home, boots just barely dragging against the floor as he climbed up the multiple flights of stairs, his normally silent walk just barely heard by the other residents. His regular yellow hoodie was stained brown in some spots, dried blood and mud caked on the fabric. The same could be said for his jeans, and unfortunately for his gun, too. The fuckers had put up more of a fight than expected.
It was mostly silent in their portion of the house, but still, he found himself doing check-ins on the others. Sally was curled up in her princess-themed bed, ratty doll pressed against her chest as she snored more like a grown man than a child. Toby had his laptop blaring some YouTube videos he didn’t recognize nor care to, but the boy was dead to the world as well despite how loud it was. Tim, surprisingly, was also with Toby, body half-curled around him from behind, face pressed into Toby’s band t-shirt and hand half-holding onto a crochet hook, the yarn trailing off to a mess on the floor, another blanket, maybe?
That only left one. Brian kicked open the final door, the shared bedroom between him and Tim, and there you were. He felt himself physically deflate at the sight of you. You were fast asleep in one of his shirts, a faded-out band tee from when he was in college, your fist wrapped around the fabric like you had been clutching it to your chest. Your legs were exposed, bottom half only covered by a pair of red lace panties, a pair Tim had bought for you, if he remembered correctly, and god, did you look good enough to eat right now, and eat he just might. You shifted in your sleep like you somehow realized he was there, a predator in the night, but prey just for you – just for the group y’all had made.
You pressed your face further into one of their pillows, hips shifting so even more of you was on display, the curve of your ass, the fat of your stomach, the moonlight shifting through the windows making you seem almost angelic, like you weren’t also a killer just like them. He took a step forward, ready for the kill, but then he paused again, a shuddering breath crawling out of his chest and escaping before he could catch it. Oh, how he loved you. Oh, how it was even easier to realize when you were soft like this, when you were out for the taking, unaware of the danger, unaware of the love he had for you.
He took another step, this time stopping to kick off his muddy boots, pushing them aside so he wouldn’t trip on them later. Then came his pants, his boxers sweaty but free from the debris of the day. His hoodie and shirt were off in one fluid motion once his holsters were unbuckled. At least he was smart enough to click on his safety before chucking his gun away.
You were still so oblivious, nose twitching but otherwise unaware. When he finally made it to the bed, it was almost like a reward, dirty, tainted hands pressing against soft skin, still clean, still pure. He let his hand crawl up the expanse of your leg, calloused palm against your ankle, up your calf, up your thigh, finding purchase on your hip. He sighed, leaning down, pressing his mouth to your ankle and following the same pattern with his mouth. You shifted at that, a soft grunt escaping you followed by a sigh and you pressed more into the bed and more into his hold at the same time.
He lifted again, hand still on your hip, and then the other gently pushed you until you were on your back. You shuffled and then stilled, and Brian’s heart was full, as full as it could be for such a man. He pressed his free hand to your cheek, caressing, a soft smile taking over his face as you nuzzled into his hold. “So, so pretty,” he whispered, following it with a press of his lips to your forehead.
You moved at that, as his hand on your hip began to stroke your thigh, and he pressed another kiss to your cheek this time. You let out a soft groan, blinking past bleary vision at the man above you. “Mmm, Brian?” Your voice was still thick with sleep, confusion laced on top of it.
“Hey, pretty boy,” Brian murmured, watching with fond eyes as you nuzzled into his hand again, hips shifting slightly as the stimulation began to hit you.
You reached a hand up, pawing at his bare back, not sure what you wanted but sure that you wanted the touch at least. “You’re back?”
“Yeah, I’m back.” He made a tutting noise as you tried to push yourself up, leading you so you were laid back down again. “Missed you.”
You were clearly still half out of it, blinking up at him slowly, brain not comprehending what was in front of you. “Missed you too, baby.” He smiled again, this time leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, one that you reciprocated as much as you could. He yawned after, mouth opening wide like a lion, sharp canines on display. You tugged at him then, hand on his back pulling him just the slightest bit forward. “C’mere. You need to sleep.”
“Maybe in a second,” he replied, thumbs dipping into the bottom of your panties. You could feel the fire inside you spark, a shiver running down your spine at the implication. “You okay with this,” he questioned as he moved a bit closer to the space you were already internally begging him to get to.
You let out an affirmation, following it with another yawn, letting yourself turn to putty in his hands. He continued to just let his hands run over you, silent devotion in the silence of the room. The rain was picking up. He turned to see the window just barely cracked, small dribbles of the rain trailing down the wall as it gathered on the sill and spilled over. It made everything seem even hazier, your head dazed from sleep and his touch, and you were in bliss. He was right behind you, letting his shoulders drop, Hoodie almost pushing to take over control as he relaxed, but he wanted this, wanted this moment with you, wanted to hear his name fall from your lips, his rough hands on soft skin, him and you fully. As much as he loved the other boys, and he loved sharing you and Tim, it was rare to have moments like these anymore.
You sighed, letting your eyes fall half-closed, his touch lulling you almost into sleep, even as it felt like your skin was lit with flames everywhere he touched. He abandoned your thighs in favor of pushing your shirt up, watching as the cold air sent your skin prickling with goosebumps. You shivered, and he couldn’t help the soft shush he let out in response. “You’ll be warmer, soon, don’t worry, baby,” he whispered. It felt impossible to be any louder at the moment, like it would ruin everything, break the spell that had settled over the room. “I just wanna see you.” Hands pressing against now exposed skin, his breathing growing heavier, the heat in both his boxers and your panties seemed almost unbearable, but he continued to ignore it, instead leaning down and capturing one of your nipples in his mouth, pride filling his chest at the way you keened, arching into his touch.
“Brian,” you whimpered.
“I know, baby, I know.” He settled on just letting your shirt rest pushed up to your collarbones instead of taking it all the way off, hands already moving to dip into your panties, pulling them down. You shuffled just enough to help him pull them all the way off. He tossed them without a care, glancing over as they landed on his discarded hoodie, bright red on muddied yellow. He moved, settling between your thighs instead, kneeling and ready to worship. Fingers pressed to where you so desperately needed him, almost immediately finding your clit, letting out a delighted sound at the feeling of how wet you already were. Fuck, you were practically coating your thighs with the slick substance. He settled a slow rhythm, circling the bud, so slow that it made you want to whine out again, not enough to push you to the edge, only enough to have you clenching around nothing, getting wetter and wetter with anticipation and need.
“Aren’t you just the prettiest little thing?” You hadn’t realized that Brian had leaned down until his face was almost against your heat, you could feel his breath fanning against your soaked skin, and you finally cried out, shifting your hips, inviting him closer. He chuckled and relented, leaning forward slowly, and before you could help yourself, you were practically screaming, fisting at the sheets as Brian ate you out like a man starved. Earlier hesitations were gone with a flick of his tongue and a suck of his lips. You wanted to sob at the immediate overstimulation, the teasing that switched in an instant.
No words fell from your lips, just a confusing stutter of syllables and cries, especially as he moved to stuff two fingers inside of you, your body giving no resistance from how slick you were. His mouth wrapped around your clit, and his fingers pumped in and out of you at a steady pace, and then suddenly, you were cumming, and you were cumming hard. One of your hands fisted into his hair, the other tight in the sheets, and you were seeing stars. The orgasm came in slow waves, each bit of it drawn out with a slow movement of his fingers inside of you, a slight curl to press against your sweet spot during the final moments. You let a tear slip at that finally, slumping back into the mattress.
Brian lifted himself back up, the stupidest grin on his face, proud. Then, his mouth was on yours again, back to the slow, passionate, needy taste all over again. He pressed forward, tongue and teeth added to the mix, and you were on cloud nine, half out of it as you pulled at him, gripping his arm with all the meager strength you could muster. “I’m going to fuck you now,” he murmured as he finally pushed down his boxers, erection springing free, red and leaking and aching. He felt like he might die if he wasn’t able to finally press into the wet heat you so lovingly offered. You groaned, low in the back of your throat, more pleading than you meant for it to be. You shifted your hips, inviting him closer; he was quick to take the offer. He ran the head of his cock over your entrance, collecting the slick, and then he was pushing in, and you were seeing stars again, both of you moaning as he pressed in until he was fully inside in one fluid motion. He panted above you, pulling out the slightest bit before rocking back in. Your lips were parted, eyes closed as you let yourself fully enjoy the feeling. You didn’t think you would ever get used to this.
His hands found your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh. “I love you so much,” he whispered as he pulled out until he was almost gone and then pressed back in, slow and devotional. You tried to find a response, tried to force words past your hung open lips, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to, instead pressing a hand to his chest and tapping your fingers three times against him – just like Hoodie had done for you. I love you.
He sighed, setting a slow and steady rhythm, and he leaned down, pressing his mouth to anything he could reach, your chest, your shoulders, your arms, your cheek, until finally he pressed his mouth to yours again. You were holding him so tight, like you were afraid he would let go, that your hazy mind had been making this all up, like you weren’t sure someone like him could be so real. You wanted to cry again, and you did, a few tears slipping past as you tapped him three times again, pausing and doing it again and again, and the words were falling out of his mouth in tandem.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
He breathed you in, pressed his lips to your open throat, marking you with teeth and tongue. If he could, he would devour you whole, mark you until everyone that ever saw you knew who you belonged to. No, no belong wasn’t the correct word. You never belonged to them, you and he were parts of a whole, the five of you fit together like missing pieces, making something that seemed unreal at times. You had given yourself willingly, and so had they, fell from one day to the next, ready for anything with arms wide open as long as the others were right there. And they always were.
You finally spoke, the words cracked and pushed through a sob. “I’m gonna cum,” you cried out, hold finally tightening on him, like you were ripped from the fog you were in as you felt the cords of pleasure tightening until they were almost painful, desire wrapping you in its loving hold.
“Cum for me, baby,” he purred out. “Let me feel you.”
And you did, back arching and mouth parting as you practically screamed, fat tears rolling down your cheeks before you could even think to try and stop them. You moaned, sobbing right after as he pushed you through your orgasm, himself quick to follow as your walls fluttered around him. He groaned, rocking into you slowly, letting the both of you come down slowly, dragging out the ecstasy as long as he could. You whined, the sound taut in the back of your throat, and he shushed you, peppering your face with kisses, especially over the tears.
“You did so good,” he cooed, exhaustion finally settling into his bones. “So good, darlin’. Like you were made for me.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead then, sighing as he pulled out. You whined again at the loss, but he silenced it with a kiss to your lips before sitting back. “I’ll be right back. Let me go grab something to clean us up.”
Your hand shot forward, gripping his arm tighter than you had all night, eyes flying open. “Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t be gone for more than a second, baby.” Still, you whimpered, and he felt his heart drop. “Do you want to come with me, or do you want to just clean up in the morning.”
“Morning. In the morning.”
And how could he ever deny you when you begged like that. He sighed and nodded, letting you pull him down onto the bed with you, your body curling around him instantly. “You know I’m gross right now,” he mumbled half-heartedly, his eyes already drooping closed.
“Don’t care,” you grumbled back. “Love you.”
“I love you too, y/n. More than you’d ever know.”
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aching-tummies · 4 months
RP-Starter: Hooked
Inspiration: Crochet hooks
This one's for all the navel fans out there. I've been dreaming of this scenario for weeks and finally managed to type it up after indulging in the real thing alone for a while. I have the hooks, I just need another set of hands to do what I want with all these hooks.
Closed-mouth groans greet your ears as you come home. Following the noises brings you to the living room. I'm reclined on the couch, lap covered in a tangled mess of yarn and a project in-progress. My hook-caddy rests on the seat to my left, armrest to my right. My hands aren't working on the project, as they should be. Instead, both of my hands are resting on my belly--unusually domed outward. My shirt has been bunched up, framing the distended swell and accentuating it even more.
"Ooohh…nnngh….mmmmph…" I moan as I press my fingers all over my belly. With each pressing, you can tell that my stomach is packed tight as my fingers don't sink in as much as they should. The unhappy, constant grumbling from my insides is also a give-away that there's something filling it all up and making things really uncomfortable.
My eyes find yours.
"Nnngh…w-welcome home, babe." I mutter. "Phew…nnngh…stomach is taking a long time to process today. Whatever's in here has been in here for the last four hours and only now decides it's going to kick up a fuss." I mutter, patting my distended belly for emphasis and mewling in discomfort at the achey reverberations from the slapping.
A devious smirk stretches on your face as you approach the couch. A silver glint catches your eye and you reach for the conveniently-placed tools. My crochet hook case included space for lace-hooks--needle-like, milimetre or less in diameter, rounded at the end just enough to not pierce when it jabs into flesh--not easily, at least. You pick up two, a stray lace hook that I likely used to get at a stray strand of something, haphazardly left on top of the caddy rather than inserted back into the holder. The other is the 3.5mm that I've been working with. Gripping one hook in each hand, you get to work.
Using the 3.5 as something like forceps, you dig it into my navel. I flinch, squealing as the cool metal prods at my overly-sensitive navel. You advance, knee coming up to straddle my legs as you reach in with the lace-hook and begin to poke around, swirling it in the deep cavern that is my sensitive innie, using the 3.5 to push and pull flesh out of the way as you try to find a good view of the deepest part of my core.
My stomach gurgles angrily, intestines indignant at being poked so harshly with the hooks.
You snarl, still unable to see the bottom of my navel. A new hook joins yours in the search, me having grabbed a 3.0mm. I take over with the 3.5 and use them to pry my navel open for your scrutiny. You poke around with the lace needle, reaching over to free another from the holder.
"Oooh…nnng…" Open-mouthed groans and mewls reach your ears as you piston the lace hooks one right after the other, scratching and poking at the deepest parts of my navel. "Nnngh…b-babe…c-carefull. I'm s-so full…i-it's r-really sensitive right now." I murmur.
You continue to poke around, stretching the sensitive flesh of my navel to uncover the hiiden folds in the flesh, poking and prodding with the hooks as you do. My intestines grumble angrily after particularly sharp jabs, clearly disturbed by your actions.
Send me your best responses--where do we go from here?
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Mechs Doll Pattern Notes
At least one person asked in the comments on the raffle form, so here's some quick notes on making the Mechs dolls under the cut!
These are based on a pattern in Mini Knitted Farmyard by Sachiyo Ishii (isbn 978-1782215387). Usually, I use US size 2 knitting needles and DK yarn in the various shades required for each of them. I like having three needles on hand for this pattern. The pattern base is "farmer", but I do pull from other patterns. The author appears to use this same base pattern across several of the books in this series, so if you can't find a copy of this book, the Mini Knitted Cosmos book has variants of this pattern (look at "Ground Staff"), as does Mini Knitted Ocean (look at "Fisherman" patterns).
Specifically, the pattern for doll coats is a modified version of the "vest" pattern under the shepherd doll instructions in the same book (Farmyard). I usually make it slightly longer than listed, and if it's a coat, I'll match the sleeve color. I use the same pattern for vests, just not matching the sleeve color. Once again, there's a version of this under the "Fisherman" pattern in Ocean as well.
The shepherd doll also has the instructions on how to make boots, rather than shoes. I've found that useful for different dolls, and I don't seem to see it in any other places in the series.
TS's hat comes from Mini Knitted Ocean, and is used for one of the fishermen in that book. I've also made TS without, but I like the way it looks with the hat, don't you?
For dolls that have pointed ears, I've pulled from the animal ear patterns in the Mini Knitted Safari book, and somewhat adapted it. It's really, really simple-- cast on two stitches, knit one row, bind off. The bind-off should be pointy. If you want longer ears, knit an extra row or two.
Finally, Raphaella's wings are initially from a different book in the series, Mini Knitted Toys, and I've adapted them from the "fairy" pattern. (Those adaptations are just doing half-double crochet in brown yarn around the outside edge, and then sewing down a crochet chain for the middle brown lines. I also do attach them differently than how the pattern suggests-- flipping them around so that they curve downwards.) This is the only pattern for the Mechs that uses a different size knitting needle (US size 6). I've also done them for other dolls, and I highly recommend doing a fun stitch for texture-- remember that both the back and front of the wings could be visible. Last time, I ended up doing moss stitch on them with some fun colors, and that ended up looking really cool.
Another tip: these will require a yarn needle. I've done the hair by knotting it on or by doing backstitch and loops, and while the backstitch and loops takes more time, the extra time's worth it. Doing that with a crochet hook instead of a yarn needle sounds incredibly time consuming and painful.
As well, while there are instructions for a "farmer's wife" variant with a skirt, I've found it just as easy to either pick up and crochet a skirt around a completed doll, or to increase through the back loop and set aside all increased stitches for later during that second row of the shirt color, and then use that to knit the skirt later. Either way, make sure that you increase appropriately as you make the skirt-- too many, and it'll ruffle.
If you're interested in the series, I'd highly recommend Woodland and Safari if you want to make animals, and Farmyard if you're interested in people of various sizes. I've made a lot of the patterns in these books, and they're fun to make and to experiment with. Ocean also has a good variety of fish and similar creatures, which could be fun depending on your interests.
If you end up trying to make any of these dolls, feel free to ask me questions! I'm sure I've got more tips, but I can't think of them, and they'd probably not make much sense out of context anyway. In short, have fun!
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ub-sessed · 11 months
Favourite knitting notions:
Little tiny elastics: They make great stitch markers because they're cheap, they come in a ton of colours, and I can cut them if I accidentally knit them into my work.
Clover Bamboo Knitting Repair Hooks: The crochet-hook end doesn't make a very good crochet hook, but it works, and the pointy end is great for getting into tight provisional stitches or dropped stitches.
Disc brand crochet hook: The only hook that I can somewhat reliably grab the yarn with.
Knit Picks Options Sunstruck interchangeable needles: Very pointy, perfect slipperiness for acrylic and wool, nice pale colour makes it easy to see yarn. Cable is kind of stiff, so not good for magic loop. Bit of a bump at the join, so yarn gets a bit caught up. A bit too pointy for splitty yarn.
Prym Ergonomic knitting needles: Perfect for learning how to knit, especially with slippery yarn or Norwegian purling, because they're fairly grippy, not too flexible, and the teardrop shape makes it easy to catch the yarn. Also the cable is super flexible.
Cheap bamboo fixed circulars that I found at the thrift store: The cable is silicone so it's super flexible, and the join is perfectly smooth. They're super pointy and not too grippy.
Homemade cake winder: basically just a paper towel roll with a slit cut in the end. Effectively free, easy and fun to use, and so satisfying.
Needle book that I knitted for my yarn needles: I lost this, so I'm going to have to make another one!
Notions that are just OK:
Clover Quick Locking Stitch Markers: I love the fact that they look like little sheep, and it's handy to have stitch markers that can be opened, but this brand often comes open on its own.
Retractable measuring tape: Easier to use than a non-retractable tape, but I wish mine weren't round: it doesn't stand up very easily.
Least favourite knitting notions:
Straight knitting needles: Too long! Difficult to manipulate.
Cable needles: I have a tremor that makes it hard for me to manipulate three needles at the same time.
Blunt metal knitting needles: too slippery, don't catch yarn.
Plastic knitting needles: Too bendy, too grippy.
The cute little embroidery scissors they sell at the cash: Very pretty, but the handles are so small that my fingers get stuck in them.
Kai embroidery scissors: Too big to fit easily in a small bag, too pointy (they catch on stuff), and they don't cut well. But the handles are comfortable.
Lightbulb stitch markers: I have a tremor that makes it hard for me to open and close these, and they're so tiny that they're hard to see on my knitting.
Dark coloured knitting needles (or any knitting needles that are the same colour as my yarn): Make it too hard for me to see the yarn for complicated stitches or splitty yarn.
Unique brand dangly row counter: Too loose, turns by itself while I'm knitting.
The cheap plastic yarn needles that come in kits: Too bendy, not sharp enough.
Clover interchangeable bamboo needles: Nice and pointy, but the tips are too short for me, and the join isn't smooth.
HiyaHiya interchangeable bamboo needles: The tips are too short for me, and the join isn't smooth.
Any stitch marker that can't be cut or opened, because I sometimes knit my markers into my work by accident.
Yarn bowl: My yarn lives in the project bag so I can bring it anywhere, in a centre-pull cake.
Cake winder: I can't imagine ever knitting enough to justify the cost and space for one of these, when an empty paper towel roll will do the job almost as well.
Knitting notions I'd like to try:
Flox: Little tiny 2.5mm bamboo needles joined by a short piece of flexible cable that stays in the shape you put it in.
Knit Picks Colorwork Snap Bag: Has snaps to keep your working yarns in order.
Wool needles with a little plastic loop instead of an eye: However I have read that they break or get flattened.
Barber Cords: I HATE picking up provisional stitches from a piece of yarn, but Barber Cords are ridiculously expensive, so I just picked up a random piece of silicon tubing, and next time I need to do a provisional cast on I'm going to try that.
Folding thread scissors: I don't like having pointy things in my project bags.
Knitting needle case
Knitting thimble/yarn guide ring: For when I'm knitting with more than two colours.
Addi Long Lace Rocket knitting needles: For knitting with polyester, because they're supposed to be very slippery and quite pointy.
Lykke DPNs: For knitting simple things in the round with splitty yarn, because they're kind of grippy and not too sharp.
Hook or U-shaped cable needle: Because I find straight cable needles too hard to work with.
Yarn gauge
Needle gauge
Split ring markers
Tulip bamboo knitting needles: Tulip makes the best sewing needles, so I figure their knitting needles are probably good too. And they seem to have a perfectly smooth join.
Merchant & Mills Wide Bow scissors: Not too long, with super big handles that my fingers won't get stuck in.
Short transparent ruler.
Locking stitch markers that aren't made by Clover: Because the Clover ones are hard to manipulate, and they sometimes come open by themselves.
Higher quality dangly row counter
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Mefkat slowly winds her way through the museum to where Ahk and Kat are. She waits patiently, a small pale creme envelope at her feet.
Opening the envelope will find a cream colored card, with flourished cursive announcing the birth of Daniel Stantz (6lb 2oz) and Muriel Spengler (5lb 6oz) on 2 Feb, 2024. Hand written note says "Come meet them anytime!" Added is a polaroid of Rose in bed with a baby in each arm, and Ray and Egon on either side of her, a cute posed photo. A second photo also has the three year old twins in the bed with them and is much more chaotic, candid, and everyone is laughing. Ray and Egon are holding the babies.
"PS. Presents not necessary, we are overwhelmed with stuff." in Egon's neat handwriting.
"Ugh. Egon."
"What did he do this time?" Ahk asked, wandering his way over to her side. Katherine waved the letter at him, wearing an expression of theatrical exasperation.
"No gifts. The twins were born, and he's forbidding me from sending them nice things." she huffed, rolling her eyes at the paper in her hands. It was a little played-up, sure, but... there was a glimmer of truth behind the words.
"That's your takeaway from all of this?"
"Oh, no, I'm-" Katherine started, cutting herself off with a laugh, "I'm happy for them, and I'm really glad she's healthy, the twins are healthy, all that... but c'mon, visits are so hard to put together, and if they won't let me send them presents..."
"You just want an excuse to make more of those plush animals, don't you?" Ahk teased, baring her a bright grin. Katherine shrugged and returned his smile with one of her own.
"Crochet is surprisingly relaxing! They were fun to make," she said. He voice had gone faintly distant, the gears turning in her mind. Her fingers tapped restlessly against her bookbag at her hip, eager for a pencil or a paintbrush or a crochet hook. Katherine hummed. "Maybe we should ask the others if they have any good vegetarian recipes. Even if they don't want stuff, they could probably use a hand food-wise, if they've got two newborns and two toddlers running around."
"They've also got half a dozen people there in Summerville. I'm sure they've got plenty of hands."
"Quit ruining this for me!" Katherine scoffed, lightly whacking his shoulder with the sleeve of her jacket. Ahk just grinned, a dry chuckle escaping his throat. Katherine rolled her eyes. "It's the Southern in me. I can't not send them something. Egon should know that. I'm gonna send them some biscuits or something, at least."
Ahk let a second laugh burst free, this one uninhibited, and leaned in to kiss her cheek. He ran his hand over her shoulder and down her arm, finally reaching her hand and giving it a brief squeeze.
"I'll give the others the good news, then," he said, "And ask them for recipes."
"Oh!" Katherine started, rustling back through the letter. She came up with the pair of photos and pressed them gently into Ahk's hand, "Take these with you. Maybe we can pin them up outside Larry's office."
"Of course, my love." he agreed, "Please give Rose my best."
Mefkat arrives three days later in Summerville, alongside a worn wicker basket and a letter of congratulations from those around the museum. Inside the basket, wrapped in fabric, are a dozen blueberry muffins and a bag of chocolate-covered almonds. Also attached is a small crocheted ghost done in glow-in-the-dark yarn, with a tag that reads "Stuff for Egon ;)".
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lightlyknitted · 2 years
Start crafting on a budget
So you want to get into knitting/crochet or any number crafts and don’t know where to start? Or you’re on a budget and worried about spending a bunch of money on something you might not like?
There are a few places you can go to find discounted supplies. It will take just a little bit of work and dedication to get there. I’ve listed a few places to start below in order from what I think are cheapest to more expensive.
Local buy nothing groups
Hands down, the cheapest way but might take the longest. If you have a facebook profile (or make one specifically for the groups), asking a local for free and for sale or buy nothing can be a great place to get a start. Just remember to be polite and follow the group rules and it could lead to some good bargains. Because these groups are heavily dependent on you I can’t really recommend any good ones. Even in craft supplies don’t pop up in these groups my local free and for sale groups often help me find #2.
2. Yard sales/Estate Sales
Yard sales or Estate Sales can often be a treasure hunt, much like buy nothing groups. If I am looking for vintage materials or simply older craft supplies I will prioritize Estate Sales. This is because of an important distinction, estate sales generally happen after a death or a sudden move. Estate sales can have good deals but it’s important to remember this doesn’t always happen – some estate sale organizers will raise prices if something has a high resale value online. Generally I haven’t seen a big increase in yarn or already finished projects.
(One estate sale I went to even offered doilies and linens up by the bag.)
Yard sales can have a good selection but it’s important to know that this doesn’t always mean unused craft supplies. If you find one of these listings online, it would be a very good idea to check any photos listed or the description to see if you see supplies that might interest you. For some yard sales, you can try haggling, I am not sure on estate sales, but that might depend on who’s running it.
3. Second Hand stores
Second hand stores can include your local thrift stores and or chain thrift stores (ie Goodwill, Salvation Army ect). These stores will vary each week in what is offered, in person. Prices are generally good, it can depend on your location and who’s running it. I’ve found that the chain stores have raised their prices to be a bit more for yarn bags than they used to be but some mom and pop shops will give you bags for cheap.
Another option is to go the online second hand store route, like Ebay, Craigslist or shopgoodwill.com. Ebay can be good for lots of things and for more vintage patterns / old and out of date booklets. A lot of the things on these stores might not be brand new or fresh but might be a bit cheaper than starting fresh.
4. Dollar Store
Now, if you have a Dollar Store near you there is a good chance they’ll have a decent starter selection of yarn and knitting needles and crochet hooks. There are a few different types of yarn and because each ball is $1.25. I wouldn’t recommend this for the long term for at least normal acrylic because it’s a bit more expensive to shop the Dollar Tree than the sale section of a box store.
The needles and hooks are pretty limited in sizes so I highly recommend looking at a second hand shop for those.
5. Sale section of your local big box store
The sale section of an online retailer or big box store is another great place to look for discount craft supplies. The yarn selection can be great and the coupons can be used for other notions. I personally like Joann's or Michael's for big box stores but for online retailers I like knit picks. Your local yarn store (if you have one near you), is also a great place to get help or find other crafters. Some even carry budget friendly yarns. (I personally like Berroco as a budget yarn!)
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azure-clockwork · 9 months
Ok, so I’ve been doing some amount of fiber arts stuff since I was like 7 or 8 (whenever I learned to make granny squares with my mom). I then graduated to a wide variety of stuff including cross stitch, embroidery, sewing, knitting, and clearly at least once, spinning my own yarn. I then shoved it all in a box because I was 9 and bad at organization, only to paw through whenever I wanted a sewing needle or yarn ball for something. Anyways what I’m saying is that baby Jay ought to be tried for war crimes
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This mess contains, among other things:
yarn balls, only half of which are large enough to do anything with, and only one of which has a label indicating any info about weight, fiber content, or yardage (330 yds of worsted acrylic, btw)
embroidery floss and a hoop, but no needle
seven (7) knitting needles ranging from 4.5mm to 8mm. In that seven, there is only one usable pair (it’s the metal 4.5mms)
a knitting loom with half a scarf
a pair and a half of truly fucked up fingerless gloves
something that is clearly done in very loose stockinette, was never finished, and then was taken off the needles without securing any of the live stitches. I have no clue what it was meant to be
a foot of loose super bulky yarn. I’m pretty sure I made it starting with the sheep. I didn’t shear the sheep, but I started with unwashed raw wool from the 4H sheep I was helping take care of, iirc
faux leather cord
beading thread, but no beads or loom
a singular pin
a scrunchy that would have matched my gymnastics leotard I wore when I was 6 with the elastic removed
a drawstring backpack
a roll of zebra print duct tape
a snapcircuit base
an expired fishing license and pin to attach it to your hat
a book on how to make friends
Anyways, there’s like 5 things in here that I want but first I have to free them from the mixture of poly fill, unmarked plastic crochet hooks, and so much fucking yarn. See y’all in a while
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creepyscritches · 2 years
I’ve been trying to pick up crochet, but I really struggle with like. Doing more than one line? I keep ending up almost knitting with the crochet hook, and, in general, getting lost and dropping stitches. Do you have any tips for a beginner?
I'm actually not that experienced myself! I used to crochet a little in high school, but my autoimmune illness started disabling my hands, so this is the first time I'm coming back to it after 10 years (thank youuuu vanderbilt)
Personally I prefer to crochet in the round (a continuous spiral) rather than in rows since I like to make little dudes. I think it's more satisfying and I like to see the shape of boy form as I work further through a pattern.
It was super apparent to me that my basics were severely lacking, so I spent a few weeks following along w free pattern tutorials on YouTube (all the jellyfish were my lesson projects!). The jellyfish I've been making were super helpful when it came to learning the basic stitches for creating dudes and it's a fabulous first stop if you're trying to build your foundations. Here's a link to the video (the lady is very good at explaining how to keep track of your loops)
Another life saver for me was incorporating stitch markers. They're used to help you keep track of where you are and when a round begins and ends. You can buy stitch markers online or you can use household items like bobby pins, safety pins, or paperclips. You just loop em around the first stitch of a row to have a concrete stopping point in a stitch sequence.
Hmmm what else.....uhhh yarn needles are really helpful too! I use them a lot when attaching pieces to a body or picking out a stitch I bunked up. Easy to thread since the eyes are so wide and they're great for embroidering patterns over finished base shapes.
If you want to make amigurumi styled work, hook size is important as it determines if your stitches are close enough to keep stuffing from peeking out. Pretty much all yarn labels will have a recommended hook size on them--your amigurumi hook size will be at least one size smaller, but I tend to end up using 1.5mm - 2.5mm smaller. It really varies yarn to yarn, but a couple of test rounds will let you know very early if you have the right size.
It gets naturally easier over time to tell where certain stitches are and what type they are when looking over worked yarn sections--my eyes were CROSSED at first, but it's gotten a lot easier with just a month of practice and I'm starting to incorporate new more difficult strategies and stitch types into off the cuff patterns. Remember, done is better than perfect! Just get that thang made, baby! The next one will be even easier!
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The Chain, The Magic Circle, and Us
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Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff
Relationship: Stucky x reader (gender/appearance nonspecified)
Summary: You, Steve and Bucky share a hobby, and a learning curve.
A/N: Continuing in my supersoft supersoldiers theme, this is Stucky x reader fluff and I am wholly unashamed. Headcanon format
It started after a long, and frankly frightening mission. Casualties, both team and civilian, weighed heavily on Cap’s mind, even after he removed the uniform. 
He came down to the common room after cleaning up to grab some snacks and noticed you on the couch watching tv. 
You were both in the same place of wanting to be near people but still left alone, so when he sat down at the far edge of the sofa from you, you acknowledged him with brief eye contact and nothing else. 
The movie on tv was JAWS, the original version. It was one of those movies that you could enjoy but not pay close attention to while your mind went through its decompression cycle. 
On the couch next to you was your craft bag, the giant bag of yarn, crochet hooks, and whatnot that you carried with you on every mission to keep your hands busy on the flights. It helped manage your anxiety. It was something you could do that didn’t require you to look at it, necessarily, but the repetitive movements gave you focus so you could keep your mind sharp and free of the brain kinks that came with panic. 
Your hands were going, making a seemingly infinite number of granny squares while vaguely watching the carnage unfold on a beach in a fictional New York town. 
Steve found you infinitely more entertaining than the tv. Your quiet nature after missions was so at odds with your personality the rest of the time. 
You were so loud, affectionate, ‘ebullient’ according to Jarvis. Unfailingly kind to everyone, relaxed and nonjudgmental, you had a warmth that just drew people to you. 
And by people, he meant himself, and probably Bucky. 
He says ‘probably’ because while they haven’t discussed that part of things, he knew his best friend was more than a little sweet on you. He could relate. 
As he picked at his tasteless food, he watched you generate square after square from the yarn, the bright colors and style reminding him of a large, warm-looking blanket he’d seen in Wanda’s quarters. 
“You wanna learn?”
Your gentle question brought his eyes to yours in shock. He wasn’t expecting interaction, but, to his surprise, he didn’t find it unwelcome. 
“Sure, if you want.” 
You patted the seat next to you and passed him a hook and ball of blue yarn.
Your teaching style was like you: laid back, relaxed, and gracious in the face of his many beginner’s mistakes. You took it all in stride, and when he finished his first square, lopsided and curled from inconsistent tension, you cheered him on and encouraged him to do it again. 
So that was how it came to be that after missions, you’d seek each other out, sit on the couch in the common area, and quietly make granny squares while watching movies or listening to music. 
He loved the nights with the music most of all. 
Listening to you sing softly under your breath to whatever’s coming through the speakers brought his heart a deeply cherished joy. 
You didn’t sing in public, he knew that from Tony’s numerous karaoke nights, so it made it more special that you shared that intimate piece of yourself with him. 
The ritual moved from the common room to his and Bucky’s quarters, with Buck joining in from time to time. It was a sliver of peace and normal in a chaotic world for them. 
You bonded over stories shared and movies enjoyed. Yarn and food consumed by the three of you together, you growing closer to both men over time. 
The relationship… it had an air of inevitability around it, at least according to Sam and Tasha. Like you all found each other right when you were supposed to, and came together as you needed to. 
You three think that it might have just been the yarn. 
With his ever-growing pile of granny squares, you showed Stevie how to sew them together, starting him on a path to a blanket that would slowly fold in squares from both you and Bucky. 
In the end, the blanket was large enough to accommodate all three of you on the couch, curled up together, happy. 
And that was as it should be. 
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octo-crafts · 2 years
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Finished 2 octopuses yesterday! Well, technically one octopus (smaller one) and one sept-opus (larger one).
The octopus follows this pattern, and took me about 3 days to make (not that long in hours, but I wasn’t really keeping track).
6 of 7 legs on the septopus follow the same pattern, but I started it two and a half years ago, probably from a now-lost different pattern, which I quite possibly messed up on and didn’t notice, and then finished it last week from the pattern I used for the other octopus. As a result, she’s a little messy and missing a leg, but I love her anyway.
Depending on what yarn I can find later, the octopus might be a gift for a friend in February, but I’m hoping to make one in different colours by then.
Pattern: EssHaych’s free mini octopus pattern (mostly)
Materials: worsted weight yarn that’s been in the household stash for at least a decade, possibly more like two, and probably 100% acrylic; polyester stuffing
Equipment: 4mm crochet hook, tapestry needle, bobby pin (as stitch marker)
New skills: none strictly new, but this was my first time crocheting in 2.5 years, so I had to look up magic loop and half-double crochet again.
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dewfeathers · 2 years
It's not cosplay but I still made it!
I burned out hard on crochet a few years ago and could not stand to look at a crochet hook! But I've been buying so much pretty yarn, and I have an intense desire to make wearable things for myself and my partner, that crochet hooked me again.
So here's my first project made using 100% wool apparently from the Peruvian Andes Mountains (according to the paper it came with). I found the wool at a local 2nd hand craft store I absolutely love!
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Pattern found here: https://www.anniedesigncrochet.com/one-skein-crochet-shawl-free-pattern/
I then finally made a scarf I had been promising Z I would make for about 9 years... I purchased the yarn for it about 7 years ago... ANYWAY it's done now.
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I used a waffle stitch for the entire thing aaaaand it's a little short for a scarf. But a little long for a cowl. So we're calling it a scowl 😂 at least it's warm!
They were fun projects and have me excited to make even more wearable things this winter! I have some beautiful yarn that a friend gifted me 8 years ago that I'm finally letting myself use. Stay tuned I guess?
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