#freedom for kesha
mimimariet · 6 months
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Kesha.. we are waiting for you. 💖
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celebphotos101 · 3 days
Kesha Freedom Album Masterpost
Album Photoshoot
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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to rise from the wreckage
✧ notes: day 4 of my "autumn remedies" event! if you liked this fic, consider reblogging and commenting! 💕 this was a lot more introspection rather than interaction but i like how it turned out!
✧ synopsis: dan heng loves a reader who has trauma from bullying. 1.3k words
✧ now playing: praying - kesha
✧ warnings: past trauma
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It was late at night and you had woken up from another nightmare about your past; thankfully, this time, without stirring your sleeping boyfriend awake. Dan Heng was snuggled up to your chest and despite the terrors of the past haunting you, you couldn't help but smile at his soft expression as he instinctively pulled you closer when you shifted your position. You ran a hand through his hair as if to remind him that you didn't intend on going anywhere, even though you doubted that he would actually notice. He just seemed to let out a satisfied sigh upon feeling your touch.
Dan Heng was the one thing keeping you grounded during nights like this. Without him, you knew it would be much harder to quiet down the voices in your head; the sneers and laughter that seemed so threatening and yet so distant from you that you wondered whether these things even happened to you. Yet, your dreams were proof of it. They'd often replay scenes that seemed all too familiar; albeit under different circumstances. You'd close your eyes in some nights and you'd be back in the dark; chained to the whims of someone else, a punching bag for the hatred in their heart; longing for a taste of the winds that would carry you to a faraway future.
You'd fight back desperately each time. Every time you found yourself back where you started, whether it had been back then or in the dreams you saw, you were slowly but steadily fighting your way to the surface; to a place you belonged and a future you knew you had long since earned. Progress was slow, but it was there. You knew Dan Heng was struggling with a similar fate. Your circumstances had been different; yet he was also plagued by dreams he didn't connect to, memories that had been hidden from him for his own good. Like you, the past was trying to drag him back to the depth of helplessness and a fate that sometimes felt like he couldn't escape it. And like you, he was fighting up his way back to the surface and although he was struggling, things looked so effortless when you watched him. You wondered whether he thought the same about you.
Seeing Dan Heng fight for a new life, a future which he could call his own and a freedom that he could never take for granted, had kindled the flame in your heart even more. It made you long for that place in the sun; one that seemed so filled with that light and warmth that Dan Heng gave you, and once you had a taste of it you knew you'd be fighting for it for however long it might take or die trying. Both of you longed for a future in which there was no longer such a divide between what people saw and who you knew you were with every fiber of your being. Most of the fight was internal; your bravery only applauded by those who could see your journey for what it truly was, like Dan Heng did.
Few understood the loneliness that followed a childhood that had been scarred by false expectations, abuse and punishment for reasons you didn't understand. Few understood the struggle to step into the light and show what had been in your heart all along nor the bravery it took to look in the mirror every morning and telling yourself that your time would come despite. That people would see one day and the climb would get easier. That you'd catch up to the people around you who seemed so much further ahead. But Dan Heng did. You could feel that day closer than ever, almost in reach, in those evenings you spent with him by the water under the setting sun with a peaceful smile on your face. Making peace with what happened was easier on some days than others. But when it felt like you couldn't go on anymore, Dan Heng was there to pull you along until you had regained your strength. And you were ready to do the same.
You both carried a dream in your heart like a slumbering flame that was ready to ignite into an inferno and as you grew closer, they merged and became stronger, festering in the light of your love. You knew that after all that time your soul was lost in infinite space, you had someone you could count on to take your hand and walk those scary next steps with you. A net to catch you, should you ever fall.
Sometimes the things that took the most bravery for you were things that seemed so simple to others. Approaching new friends, opening up, asserting your will... But you wouldn't be a member of the Astral Express Crew if there wasn't something inside you ready to blaze a trail without looking back. To dare, despite everything, over and over again. Your past and those who hurt you had thrown rocks onto your path than seemed like they'd burn the soles of your feet if you dared walk across them but Dan Heng took your hand and encouraged you to try anyway. To push through and find, to your surprise, that a lot of them didn't hurt as much as you thought they would.
He didn't need a lot of words to convey that he was celebrating your achievements, whether they were big or small.
Imbibitor Lunae. Dan Heng had told you it meant "drinker of the moon". But to you, the one you loved had always been the sun for you, casting a shadow on you that challenged you to step out of it and walk the rest of the way by his side.
There was power to be found once you moved past the pain. A transformation much like his own, that would enable you to make things happen that felt like a miracle to you now. Dan Heng gave you a glimpse at a future version of yourself that watched over you like an older sibling, conscious of every new step they took in order to make you proud. One whose voice you could almost hear when you felt safe within Dan Heng's embrace, as if they were telling you that things were going to be okay. Both of you carried two dragons within your heart; one of the past who was steadily swallowed by the darkness of bygone times and the weight of new memories and one of the future looking back at you as though you were a child taking their very first steps. You were hardly at peace with either of them, but you knew deep down they both were telling you one thing. "Go. And don't look back."
You were pulled from your thoughts as Dan Heng eventually woke up beside you. He opened his eyes and you were reminded of all the times those eyes were the first thing you saw when you woke up in the morning. They carried so much love in them; as did the memories you made together that seemed to slowly drive away the horrors of the past. The days you had spent fooling around with the rest of your friends from the Astral Express. The afternoon you had spent exploring the Xianzhou Luofu with Dan Heng, forgetting all about Imbibitor Lunae and just talking about the history and food of Dan Heng's world of origin. The kisses you had exchanged and the gifts you had given each other. You had expected Dan Heng to ask you whether everything was alright when he woke up, as he had always noticed when you had another nightmare about the past. Instead, while you were looking into his eyes, he simply requested to know what made you smile. You hadn't even noticed your expression had changed from one of fear to one of peace just now. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, smiling against his soft skin.
"I'm just reminiscing."
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spotlightlowlife · 25 days
Where the hell is everyone?
Not my usual post but something stood out to me, the views on these shows.
Figures declining is normal, only the drop seems quite a lot and I can't help but think that the characters ( so obviously the writing) deserve the blame.
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Oops and Mammon's mid season at this moment both have approximately 26 million views, however, the mammon episode has 13k more comments dispite Oops not only being almost 2 months older, but
it being an episode we saw Fizz, Ozzie who we hadn't seen for a while
we saw Striker and Crimson again
most of all, this is the one where Fizz and Blitzø made up AND we learned what happened
there's no Stolitz in either of these or IMP
no IMP or Stolas at all in the Mammon episode
Now take into account that these two episodes are VERY episodic, following straight on from the event of the other with the setup of Mammon special only being possible because of the outcome of Oops. This gave Oops excellent rewatch value, I know I rewatched it (and found hypocrisy and possible retcon)
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So though both are Fizz x Ozzie episodes and both let us return to the plot, the Mammon episode definitely did the Oops episode a massive service. Since this was the third Fizz x Ozzie episode and they existed in attached at the hip each time, we have only seen Fizz without Ozzie's presence in flashbacks childhood or as a robot, Ozzir without Fizz hasn't really been a thing.
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It would be interesting to see them outside their ship but then again, Fizz no longer has his other job and isn't Blitzø's adversary anymore, there appears to be a crush element in this relationship too and Ozzie has been neutered as a businessman and the embodiment of lust itself, the two of them currently have the looming threat of Mammon and whatever he's planning over them. All this is fine, they're side characters but it really shows how much they're carried.
Now, fast forward and the next two episodes have half the view count, even though we have
the main cast back
Loona's voice actor is back
Stolitz drama
the return of angels, D.H.O.R.K, Verosika and some sinners we know
most of all, a curveball with the Stolitz transactionship ending and Blitzø having another option to run business
To add to this, the shorts become a thing around the same time as these episodes, they offer freedom to show the characters working and feature extras, so why are the first and second 12M and 13M views? Why aren't these 5 minute shorts surpassing episodes that take 4x the amount of time to watch?
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Furthermore, the last episode to do as well as the Mammon special that made Oops episodic was the episode where we met Crimson and Millie and Moxxie's somehow shared (yet how was this relevant) ex Chaz, which gave us some of Moxxie's background, his meeting with Blitzø, a mobster theme and some action for Millie to flex her skills again with no dialogue needed up against characters who don't matter. This episode also has approximately 26M views, released 6 months prior to Oops, yet sat in between these two episodes are three more
the one were Striker would return, abducted and injured Stolas, in addition Millie and Moxxie would get their freedom to work without Blitzø and Blitzø would face a frustrating social issue of taking his daughter to a long overdue medical appointment, but at 22M views
Unhappy campers, the announced 'Millie episode' which also allowed us to also meet Barbie in the last 5 minutes at the end with no build up, it took us to Earth, give us no human designs for the main cast and give Millie an opportunity to flex without dialogue to no names who don't matter
the LONG AWAITED season one finale that got blocked, featuring Kesha! Playing on of the princes of hell! Featuring one of the most catchy songs to date. How did this get caught up in the plateau at just 23M? Surely it bought a number of dwindling viewers back to what we all missed out on? Surely it has a high chance of rewatch value because a lot had happened since?
Is it that the main cast and 'nice' villains aren't holding attention?
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The second episode of season two had Octavia, who we hadn't seen in a while, run away. We got to see Earth, we got to see Stolas's human design, Stolas's interactions with his estranged wife and daughter, there were unnecessary and odd because of how the episode started and where they left off last time we saw them Stolitz moment and we got to hear Octavia and Loona speak.
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This has just 2M more views than (episodic) Oops but is 11 months older.
At just 5M more views and 3 months older is the season premiere (so expected to do well) where we get a shared backstory for Stolas and Blitzø,
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their cute childhood selves, some of Stella's story, we meet Blitzø's dad, we meet Stolas's dad, we see their transactionship start and a massive step in neutering Stolas.
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I'm quite sure people liked him when he was the creepy, easily dangerous rich guy who held the operation of Blitzø business and maybe even his life in his hands and I'm quite sure 'humanising' him by having him realise he doesn't really know his daughter was a fine addition to his character, villains don't need to be in the wrong every time we see them.
In other news, Stolas' song 'Just look my way' may have 19M views (well done I hope they're genuine) but the song Clown Bitch from two extra we may never see again has more views than 2 minute notice, which is from the much loved Fizz,
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it even has more views than Poison from parent series Hazbin Hotel, the song of an actual lead character Angeldust and this track has a remix.
There's reason I bring up Hazbin. Is it a coincidence that between the Mammon special and the next episode of Helluva, the long awaited Hazbin hotel that made it big and streamed on Amazon aired in its entirety, in that we would meet further neutered down characters who hold hire rank than those in Helluva?
The fact that we meet the leader and owner of hell, Lucifer the devil himself and he's a fun, sarcastic sad boy authors pet who did nothing wrong, let's blame another (breeder) wife and mother who's absent from the story for whatever reason yet to make matters worse, he isn't even a lead, his totally underwhelming 'nice girl' daughter is along with her friends.
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Here's how watering down the powerful along with making them 'nice' comes into play and harms the plots.
Charlie ranks higher than Ozzie and gets to rub shoulders with sinners and call them her people without issue
sinners are higher than imps but imps as good as make sinners, Blitzø's whole business is to kill humans, many of which become sinners who are then seen as vermin who need to be wiped out, yet sinners are above imps, so are imps punching up?
Charlie is above Ozzie, Bee is equal to Ozzie and her relationship with a hellhound is just fine, we totally miss out in an overlord in an inappropriate power balance relationship with someone who could have been in one of the dog pounds she signs off on
where's the controversy in 'Blitzø and Stolas done better' Fizz x Ozzie, where Ozzie is loving and affectionate, doesn't like love potions and now doesn't like coersion and lusting after his mans image? There is none, no scandal or consequence, their drama is all personal issues, who is Ozzie, the leader we have spent the most time with to answer to? Not Lucifer who's welcome to hang out with his daughters sinner friends dispite condemning sinners as a waste of time the last time we saw him. Who cares, everyone is 'nice'
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When we met Mammon he was met with a load of hatred and this was clearly the desired effect, there was so much that people could lazily project his way, and look how well his episode did. We actually got an excellent representation of ruthless and adaptive business and leadership with a lack of morals and genuine interest. I'm guessing this character was essential in seeing hell thrive.
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King Paimon's introduction should have been a much bigger deal, it's bad enough that he went from from shapeshifting and manifesting in a mirror, not remembering this particular child, spending the day with Stolas through the mirror to stood beside him with no introduction, but we learn that he has many children and that he sets Stolas up with an arranged marriage.
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So there is a hierarchy, there are people doing business with one another, there are those to answer to, there are numerous high ranking families. Why was the heir (Octavia) important? Business merger? Prophecy? We can only assume he set Stolas to work at a young age, encouraged his (unfortunately now lost) classism by giving him his own place, no family closeness and servants to toss about and we can only assume it's the same story for all the other children. King Paimon is not one of Lucifer's circle of seven but where does he rank next to him?
Both seem to be great candidates for a devil in charge. I'm sure there are numberours people who would discuss this but would be drowned out by those who will only give these characters the time of day blame them for 'being the reason Fizz and Stolas were sad' in the same note as dumped upon Stella and "supremacist" Striker another two who just happen to actively move the story forward.
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Chances are plenty of people are too nervous to admit amongst the drowning out to liking any of these characters for fear of being ganged up on, but it seems that the 'good' characters, the fun and nice characters with power and the leads who we are to follow and just 'like' aren't cutting it really. Their stories are lacking.
There's a good chance that noisy fanbase fanning out, crying all over Twitter, attacking people full time and wanting to see hookups and representations are getting their fill amongs themselves. They make the shows seem more popular than they are because these people are chronically online and engaged in the discourse of attack and defend, rather than really following and discussing the story, coming back to it and taking interest where it is needed. As much as writers are online a lot and get to see the love and hide behind and encourage attack dogs, fandoms are contained and not good to write for, fandoms do their own thing. Any reasonable person, a critic who likes, one who doesn't care for and one who truly hates a story can do what a blind loyal person and one who's more invested in fanbase can't, which is offer feedback.
Looks like there's a silent majority of people who are here for the story, don't care for the digressions too much and are falling out of interest in the main characters. No doubt the silent majority are still waiting on things to improve, first of all by returning to the standard set in season one.
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geminipixels · 2 months
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2010's Billboard Top “Songs” Family Legacy Challenge
1 decade of music hit's + 10 top charting songs + 10 generations = Musical legacy for the Sims 3.
Welcome to my first Legacy challenge rules made for the Sims 3. Even though the game is 15 years old, it still has an active community that loves a good challenge. This legacy challenge was inspired by how I typically play my own generational gameplay and, of course, Music. Since music is a very broad theme, however, I chose a decade to really base the legacy around that I was well familiar with: the 2010's. And thus this legacy challenge was made in a span of a week, with hours of researching billboard charts, listening to songs, interpreting song lyrics and translating it into the Sims 3. So whether you're looking for a new challenge to play, a music lover or just wanna spice up your gameplay, feel free to play this challenge I created.
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Generalized Rules:
This is written as a 10 Generation Legacy Challenge. However, don't feel obligated to play it strictly as it was written. I based the generations based off the decade and chronologically ordered by the year. You are welcome to play only 3 generations, 5 generations. Mix and match generations. Play from Gen 1 to 5 or 5 to 10. It's your game, so play the way that make's it the most fun for YOU!
Each generation is tied to a specific song and artist. I decided to pick the song that charted the most weeks on the billboard for every year, as multiple songs charted as hits or made it to #1 spot, and even came close to 2nd as the Hit song for that year. So if you don't like a specific artist or song, feel free to skip said generation.
This was not made with Base Game compatible (Sorry.) When making the challenge, I tried to use traits and make rules that closely resembled the meaning behind the song. So if you don't have a certain pack or feature, it's okay to skip it or find a way to replace it.
I highly encourage the usage of Mods that enhance and optimized gameplay.
Cheat with Moderation. The aim of this challenge is to ultimately have fun and enjoy gameplay. Cheating is permissible if it correlated with the story. Cheating for a house at the start of each generation is fine, or for Twins during a pregnancy is 100% allowed. But avoid excessive money cheating or cheating skills.
Try to use at least 3 of the recommended traits. Completing every Goal isn't required, but mainly there as a guideline for story-telling. And Optional goals are 100% optional and for added challenges or gameplay.
Most importantly: Have fun and take creative freedoms with this challenge. I wrote it to be as open-ended as possible in terms of heirs and lovers. If some generations seem similar in your opinion, feel free to tweak the story to spice it up more or mellow it down.
Feedback is always welcomed. And if you do play this challenge, feel free to "@" me or post it under "2010's Billboard Family Legacy Challenge".
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Generation 1: Tik Tok by Kesha
“Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up. Tonight, I'ma fight un'til we see the sunlight.”
You were always the life of the party and natural social butterfly. Your family always judged you for being too “Free-sprinted” or “Outspoken”, but you were unapologetically yourself. You stood out from the crowd, were always confident, carefree and had no shame in having a good time. Despite what your family says, your friends all love you, and you're a natural inspiration to those you meet. Even with waking up with a hangover every morning or with unfamiliar faces, you're a natural leader and the creator of your destiny. Traits: Party-Animal, Charismatic, Social Butterfly, Friendly and Rebellious
Have a bad relationship with any family/ Move to a new town away from relatives
Have at least 2 best friends and 5 good friends throughout your whole life.
Have a career that involves leading or being around people (Education, Military, Business, Politician…) or be self-employed and become your own boss-babe.
Must hook up with your future lover or spouse before officially dating them.
Spontaneously get a Tattoo and dye your hair halfway through YA. And again in Adulthood.
Go clubbing with your best friends every weekend.
Master the Charisma Skill and at least 3 skill challenges.
Optional Goals:
Throw a party at least once a week.
Master Mixology or Nectar Making skills as a side hobby.
Buy at least one club in town and rename it after yourself.
Name all your children after your favorite club drinks.
Generation 2: Rolling in the Deep by Adele
“We could have had it all… Rolling in the deep. You had my heart inside of your hands… And you played it to the beat.”
You were always the sweetheart of the family. Good-spirited, nurturing and very giving. You were always there for everyone and supported everyone around you, putting others before yourself. But you’d never expected for your Kindness to be taken advantage of by the one you loved most. Before you knew it, your perfect fantasy of a perfect family and happy marriage was taken before your eyes. After the Betrayal, you vowed to never be taken advantage of again and took matters into your hand. Traits: Nurturing, Perfectionist, Hopeless Romantic, Good, Shy
Have a high relationship with Parents and Siblings.
Aim to be the perfect child of the family; Making Honor Roll, be Valedictorian, Joining after school activities
As a teenager, get into a relationship very early with a sim from a wealthy family.
As a YA, move in with a lover and get engaged quickly. 
Before wedding, find out lover is cheating on you with another sim. Immediately break off relationship.
Uh-Oh, there was an unexpected pregnancy. You keep the baby but raise them without then knowing their other parent.
After your tragic heartbreak, you decide to ruin your exes' life as revenge.(Up to player’s interpretation).
Be a strong example for your child. Reach the top Level of your desired Career and Master 3 Skills.
Optional Goals:
After the breakup with your high school sweetheart, you have a villainous era: Change two traits any of the following: Unflirty, Workaholic, Grumpy or Mean-spirited.
You give love another chance later in Adulthood and get into a relationship once you reach level 8 of your career.
You always wanted a perfect family but never got the chance: Adopt/foster 2 additional children.
Generation 3: Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye
“But you didn't have to cut me off. Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing.”
Your whole life has felt like a mystery. As if you were cursed almost and nothing felt real. You never knew your other parent, your friends always seemed to disappear and occasionally, you even questioned if you knew yourself. Maybe it’s all in your head. Or Perhaps life enjoys playing a cruel joke on you. Are you the problem? Traits: Perceptive, Genius, Erratic/Insane, Unstable, Brooding
Have a close relationship with your single parent.
As a child, make a best friend you always hang out with and visit, then never see them again after aging up until a Teen.
Never have a relationship with your other biological parent until teenage hood.(Or find out the truth of what happened between your parents.)
Master the Logic and Writing Skills.
Master a job in Law enforcement ( Private Investigator, International Super Spy or Forensic Scientist)
Have 3 failed relationships throughout your life. One of which results in a happy little accident.
Your Friends are always seeming to disappear; never maintain multiple friendships.
As a YA reunite with your long-lost best friend. Rekindle your relationship and get married. (Can have more children)
Sometime in your early Adulthood, your spouse mysteriously abandons the family at night and never is seen again.
Optional Goals:
Turns out your best friend from childhood was an occult (Marry an Occult sim)
Write only Mystery Novels based upon your life as a side income.
Just because your life was a mess doesn’t mean you’ll repeat the cycle for your child/children. Spoil and raise your kids to be the very best.
Generation 4: Get Lucky by Daft Punk ft Pharrell Williams
“We've come too far to forget who we are, So let's raise the bar, and our cups, to the stars.”
Well, you certainly have an interesting family history of heartbreak and mysterious tragedy? Grandparent had a heartbroken betrayal. Then one of your parents mysteriously left overnight, leaving the other heartbroken and confused.  It seems like your family forgot how to enjoy the little things in life and have fun? It’s a good thing you're around to lighten up your family legacy and “attempt” to break this angsty story. Traits: Lucky, Virtuoso, Natural-Born Performer, Flirty and Good Sense of Humor.
Master the xylophone as a toddler and reach level 5 of one instrument before aging up into a Young Adult.
Always have at least 2 romantic interests at the same time when a Teenager.
Work in a musical job, profession, or start a Band with your close friends.
Perform in a club or play for tips every weekend.
Become a 3-star celebrity.
Idolized your future spouse. Date and eventually marry another celebrity/entertainer.
Master at least 2 skills in an Instrument, and reach level 5 in any additional instrument skills.
Optional goals:
Sometime being flirty and lucky leads to questionable choices: Woo-hoo with 5 sims through your whole life.
Travel to Paris at least once in your life. It’s the city of love, after all.
Who said getting lucky was always easy? Be rejected or fail twice with future spouse before finally dating them.
Make a family of prodigies - Every one of your kids must reach level 3 in some instrumental skill before becoming YA.
Generation 5: Happy by Pharrell Williams
“It might seem crazy what I'm about to say. Sunshine, she's here, you can take a break.”
You're a natural ray of sunshine. Always happy, cheerful and positive. Almost as if no-one could bring you down. Your positive outlook on life is infectious, sometimes obnoxiously so. Some people may call you a bimbo or himbo, telling you to get your head out of the clouds and be realistic. But all the negativity makes you smile and spread your positivity more. Whether they like it or not, nobody can put your light out. Traits:Schmoozer, Brave, Loves the Heat, Excitable, and Absent-minded or Easily Impressed
As a child, your parents adopted you a furry friend. Become best friends forever with either a Golden Retriever or Orange Cat.
Join any social after school club during your school years. 
Upon aging up into a teen, make a new friend every sim week and maintain at least friend status or old friends.
Travel to Vacation world one summer with your family, and make 3 friends.
Work in a career that involves making people happy or protecting people (Firefighter, Singer, Acrobat, Magician, Lifeguard...)
Marry a sim that shares at least 3 of the same traits as you.
Spoil yourself and your lover at least once a week.
Optional Goals:
Live by the beach or beach inspired world
Collect everything from the summer festival
Master the Athletic Skill and Charisma Skill
Have a Honeymoon in Favorite Vacation world with your lover.
Have a total of 15 friends before you die.
Generation 6: Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars.
“Stylin', whilen, livin' it up in the city Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent Got kiss myself, I'm so pretty”
Everywhere you go, all eyes fall on you. You have a natural aura that screams, “You own the place” or “Look at me”. And the best part is you know it. Not to toot your horn or sound arrogant, but you know the truth-people want to be like you or be with you, you're the model sim after all. And if they don’t like you, you couldn't care less about irrelevant sims. You're not ashamed to live the high life because at the end of the day, you're the best and above everyone else. Traits: Irresistible, Star-quality, Snob, Dramatic, Mean spirited or Evil
Have a strained relationship with all your siblings: They were always jealous they couldn’t be on your level.
Be best friends with parents. You were always their favorite child anyway.
Be a trend setter. Work in a career that you're the face of the company or runs the place. / Make money through owning properties or resorts and name them after yourself.
Live in a luxurious home or apartment.
Become a 5-star celebrity. Everyone has to know your name, one way or another.
Own 2 cars worth over $30,000 dollars. You have to show off your wealth around town.
Only date celebrities 3 stars or higher… You can’t be seen with just anybody, with paparazzi lurking.
Have a secret love child behind your lover’s back.
Be Hardly around for your kids. You don’t have time to raise them when you need to keep up appearances and make others love you.
Optional Goals:
Not everyone can handle your arrogance and natural aura - Have 5 “Haters”/Enemies.
Why leave your influence for just now? You're so great that you need to leave your impression in the future as well. Travel into the future and make a Utopia or befriend 3 sims.
People can’t seem to resist you, and you can’t blame them. Have 3 affairs throughout your life and never get caught.
Live in a city world (Or world with city life) and go to the hottest clubs in town every Saturday.
You're a Trendsetter. And you need to spread your influence as much as possible. Master the Charisma and Social Networking skills.
Generation 7: Starboy by the Weeknd ft Daft Punk
“ You talking money, need a hearing aid. You talking 'bout me, I don't see the shade. Switch up my style, I take any lane. I switch up my cup, I kill any pain.”
Your whole life has been filled with stardom, whether you like it or not. You come from a family with an impactful legacy of being influential or in the spotlight. Your parents themselves were high class, wealthy celebrities, leaving you and your siblings to inherit their spotlight while growing up. But growing up in the spotlight wasn’t as glamorous as your parents made it look. Stardom is filled with people praying for your downfall, fake friends, infidelities, no privacy and greed. It’s enough to make any person turn bitter and spiteful. You tried your hardest to reject it, but inevitably you learned to accept your celebrity status. But that doesn’t mean you won’t work hard to expose it, either. You are the Mf**ing Star-sim, anyway. Traits: Grumpy, Ambitious, Hot-Headed, No sense of Humor and Loner or Socially Awkward.
Have a negative relationship with both your parents. They weren’t as great as they made the media believe.
As a child, don’t make any friends outside siblings or pets. You don't need fake friends, they only disappoint you.
Spend most of your time as a teenager away from home, either working or in after school activities.
Reach the top level of the Journalism career. Hollywood isn't gonna be exposed by itself.
Try to ruin your reputation twice but fail. People are so shallow and forgive too easily for some reason.
Always maintain a minimum of 2 celebrity stars. It's difficult to erase your family's influence.
Only get into a relationship when reached level 4 of your career. You're not really a people person, but finding love won't hurt?
Have only twins close to end of YA/ Once reached Adult life stage.
Optional Goals:
Expose your parents. Write a best-selling book about your parents' secrets and affairs.
It's difficult to find genuine people in the spotlight who aren't about clout or money. Marry a poor sim with the Good and Loner traits.
Reach level 5 in photography skills and level 6 of Social networking skills.
Have a secret celebrity expose blog that reaches 3 stars.
Generation 8: Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran
This Generation has 2 storylines to pick from
Storyline 1: "I'm in love with the shape of you. We push and pull like a magnet do. Although my heart is falling too. I'm in love with your body."
Growing in a small and tight-knit household, Your parents always allowed you and your siblings to pursue your interests. And from a young age, you wanted to be the very best, just like your grandparents. You had a competitive drive and always stayed motivated. You never understood how other’s could be so content with the bare minimum, like your twin. Furthermore, you two were complete opposites, but you didn’t let your twin hold you back. You strived for greatness and made a few rivals along the way. But it didn’t matter, as you weren’t letting anyone hold you back. Traits: Discipline, Athletic, Daredevil, Adventurous, Loves the Outdoors.
Become better than your twin. Become an A student first, Join clubs first, make friends first…
Reach level 4 in Athletic skill before becoming a YA.
Make 3 rivals/enemies as a child and teen. You can’t help it if other people are sore losers.
Go to university with your Twin, and pursue a degree in Physical Education.
Meet future spouse at a college party, who's also pursuing Physical education and have a negative relationship with one another and start a rivalry with them.
Spend time at University trying to be better than your future lover.
Before graduating, you realized you and your rival aren’t that different. Retire the petty rivalry and hookup with them.
After graduating, your former rival and you become a power couple. Join the same career (Athletic, Military, Law enforcement, firefighter) and dominate the ranks together.
Optional Goals:
Get into a fight with your university rival once a week. Rivals to Lovers style.
Get max influence in Jock social group.
Try to get a perfect GPA in University and continue to outdo your twin.
Travel to China and learn the Martial arts. Master the Martial arts and Athletic skill.
Greatness only produces greatness after all. All of your children achieve Honor roll in their child and teen years.
Storyline 2: "Girl, you know I want your love. Your love was handmade for somebody like me. Well, come on now, follow my lead. I may be crazy, don't mind me."
Growing up, you always admired your parents' bravery and talent in journalism and writing. While your twin was constantly trying to be the best, you were the daydreamer. Preferring to stay inside reading books and daydreaming, about finding your soulmate. You didn’t care too much about school nor making as many friends possible, as you were too busy in your imagination painting your ideal life or dating a supernatural. While your twin was too busy being competitive and trying to be on top, you like taking life one day at a time. Why be like your twin a rush everything, when you can go with the flow and have things come to you? Traits: Clumsy, Artistic, Bookworm, Shy, Hopeless Romantic or Supernatural Fan.
Have your best friend be your imaginary friend growing up. They were always more likeable than your twin anyway.
Join the book club as a child. Reading eventually inspired you to write your first novel as a teenager.
Reach level 4 of the writing skill before becoming YA. Master the Painting and Writing skills.
Go to university with your Twin, and pursue a degree in Communications.
Fall in love with a student in Rebel social group /Supernatural sim. Something about this sim seems to help you get out of your comfort zone and shell, and eventually becomes your soulmate you always dream of.
Spend the rest of University pinning after the sim and writing small novels based around them in spare time. Before graduating, finally confess your attraction.
After University, join a career similar to your parent in journalism or becoming a self-employed writer or become a film director.
Write only Romantic, Fantasy, and Drama novels based on your Romance with your lover.
Optional Goal:
Name your all your children after your favorite book characters.
Learn and master the Alchemy skill to impress your supernatural lover.
Have a dark academia inspired wedding and home with your Spouse.
Turn your imaginary friend doll into a real-sim.
Reach the max influence of the Nerd Social group.
Generation 9: God's Plan by Drake
"God's plan, God's plan. I hold back, sometimes I won't, yeah. I feel good, sometimes I don't (Ayy, don't)."
Despite having a great upbringing and supportive parents, growing up you always felt like the underdog compared to everyone else. You tried your hardest, and sometimes things failed to go your way. Kids used to bully you in elementary school, in high school you were rejected and left out. But if you learned a thing or two from your family, it’s to never give up. Your parent’s always did say you would reach your potential later in life. Traits: Unlucky, Loser, Overemotional, Eccentric, Commitment issues.
Have no friends as child sim, with exception to siblings.
Switch part-time jobs and after school activities frequently. You can never find your true niche.
Have 3 failed relationships as teenager. Everyone seems to never want to give you a chance.
Change something about your appearance every week. (Ex: haircut/color, outfit, etc.). Maybe fitting in will help with being an outcast?
As a YA, move to an entirely new town or go to University. Maybe a fresh start is what you need?
Reach level 3 in logic skill and Level 4 in Athletic skill. This leads you to have a spiritual awaking and tap into your true potential. Change 3 traits to: Lucky and Charismatic and Irresistible.
Reach level 5 in 4 different careers.
Only befriend sims with compatible zodiac signs to yourself.
After your glow up, sims began to treat you differently but you never forgot your past. Become a heartbreaker and break 5 sims hearts.
Adopt or have a max of 2 kids.
Optional Goals:
Turn into a supernatural sim.
Master Inventing skill and invent 3 sim bots. You weren’t perfect but you can aim to make perfection overnight.
Being a heartbreaker is fun. Break a total of 10 hearts or ruin 3 sim relationships.
Never have less that $20k in your household funds.
Generation 10: Old Town Road by Lil Nas X
"Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road. I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more."
Your whole family legacy has been filled with highs and lows. Everyone wanting to make a name for themselves, but getting caught up in greed or power and even lust. But you always enjoyed the quiet and simplicity of life. Who cares about being famous or flashy luxury items? You won’t knock your family accomplishments, and you admire their hardships. But your enjoyment in life came from the purest form of being connected to the land and nature. After all, the most fulfillment in life comes from being connected to your roots right? It’s about high time you leave the city life behind… Traits: Animal lover, Equestrian, Eco-Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, Green Thumb or Technophobe(Extra challenge)
Join the scouts as a kid and start a mini collection of bugs, fish, rocks etc…
Your siblings always asked for cars or the newest laptop, but you wanted an animal companion. Have parents adopt a horse for teenage birthday.
Move to the countryside or country inspired world as YA, away from family. You love them to bits, but you need a breath of fresh air.
Make a living by being a Farmer, Equestrian, Angler, or Gather. Complete related aspiration as well.
Always have a Horse and a cat/dog in the household. You just love yourself some furry friends.
Marry a fellow Animal lover and Green-thumb sim. Birds of a same feather do flock together.
Compete in the Horse races at least once a week.
Master the Horse Riding Skill.
Have 5 children. You always wanted a big family filled with happy children and animal companions.
Optional Goals:
Master Fishing and Gardening Skill.
Have all pets master pet related skills before death.
Live off the grid. Don’t have any electronic-based entertainment objects in your home. Rots the brain.
Name your kid’s nature-related names.
Embrace the traditional lifestyle. Grow all your produce for meals on your farm (With exception to meats/Winter time)
Build your own ranch or cottage from the ground up.
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colorisbyshe · 2 months
July 2024 Monthly Music NYAA
Current (within the last month... or so):
"Joyride" by Kesha. We've all heard it. A return to form and a celebration of Kesha's freedom <3
I finally listened to Cupcakke's album. I know people love to harp on her obscene lyrics and humor but can I just say her instrumentals are one of a fucking kind? Some notables off the album: "Water Balloon," "Aura," "Backstage Pass," "Rock Paper Scissors," "Dora," and "Dementia." If you like these, maybe give "Catman" by TeaMarr as well.
"Skyscraper Starlight" De De Mouse. City Pop sensibilities with a modern groove factor.
"Chasing Low Vibrations" Foster the People. Not as good as previous stuff but... idk... what it is what it says on the tin. Low vibrational.
"Corazon" & "Switch It (ft Cakes da Killa, GAWD). Glossy, disco-y, and MADE to get you on the fucking dance floor! Glad to have accidentally found the latter song through Cakes Da Killa and their song "Da Dat Baby" with its gay, flashy rap. If you like those, PIVOT WITH ME, and try out "Nowhere" by Shotaro Aoyama.
"Kiss" Penicillin. Just some Visual Kei rep on this list. The sound is very nostalgic for Jrock, at least vocally. Like 1998 vibes.
"Low Threshold" Navy Blue. A rap that feels like the intersection between a confessional and a sermon.
Looking at my "Share with Tumblr" playlist... this is longer than expected so uh... kpop dumping ground?? Which is bad because these are all WILDLY different genres but... I feel like the same group of people will give them a chance so:
"Hot Mess" Aespa (chaotic, bad but compelling). "Sabotage" & "Bad Blood" KWON EUNBI (Dancey, Loona-adjacent somehow?) "Dont" Lee Chae Yeon (Bop for the girlies) "Pricey" & "Rain Drop" NCT 127 (Songs I re-imagine as Exo demos) "Sweetie" PRSNT (Jiyoon from 4minute!! In a co-ed group!! Bubbly) "XO (Only if You Say Yes)" Enhyphen (I'm obsessed with the instrumental) "All Day" Onew (I SAVED THE VERY BEST!! GORGEOUS, ENTHRALLING, musically complex and great)
Jpop and mid-2000s AMV core... I'm here for "Underground" by F5ve and its semi-viralness.
I don't think its their best album, by a long shot, and I miss how weird they were but Glass Animals did have a bit of a comeback from that HORRIBLE lead single. Notables: "How I learned to Love the Bomb," "Wonderful Nothing," "whatthehellishappening?" Indie pop / alt rock.
"Super Breath" Karen 0 & Danger Mouse. MTV Teen Wolf era ass song. For the peeps who liked older Metric but also MTV's curated playlists for their teen dramas.
"Stupid (can't run from the urge" underscores. If hyperpop intrigued you but kind of scared you, if you ran back to like... madeon but gayly... this is the song for you.
If you like previous recs of Alex Anwandter's music, give "Mi Corazón" by Tango Astral a shot. Similar vibes, perhaps more basic.
Kinda generic rock song but "Delusion:All" One OK Rock scratches an itch. Still don't think they've ever done better than "Clock Strikes" but I don't follow them much
Older songs to shout out: "Passive" A Perfect Circle (Used to listen to this and think of Sasunaru, alt rock, nu metal... ish), "Last Smile" Love Psychedelico (Jrock from 2000, close your eyes and bop your head), "Eureka" Sakanaction (more Jrock, more energetic and poppy), "Something Good '08" Utah Saints (Kate Bush Sample and made a great AMV)
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blankjournal · 4 days
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We would like to invite all of our network's writers to take part in our new writing event starting from the 23rd of September until the 10th of November, 2024! Ghosts, vampires, the supernatural or just a simple Halloween party? All apply!
The terms of this event go as such:
Select a song of your choice that you find represents the feeling of Halloween. We have three options available that you may go off of, namely: thriller (michael jackson), cannibal (kesha), bloody mary (lady gaga). We believe that these songs, although they vary in genre, represent the few different emotions lived throughout the season!
Write a story based on your selected song with a minimum word count of 1000 up to however long you desire, but keep in mind our rules when writing! We encourage you to use the song title as your stories' title as well, though it is not obligatory.
When you are done writing, use the tag #bjnet halloween event 24 so we may see your works and reblog them on the network. Refer to admin Bar if it hasn't been reblogged after a week.
Once November 10th rolls around, we will compile your works in an official summer "playlist", which will act as the event's masterlist. Our network readers will consequently have a curated list of works matching the halloween mood they may read through whenever they desire.
That is all there is to it, really, as we would like you to express yourselves however you would like to. You have the freedom to create! The power is in your hands, so use it generously. Most importantly, have fun and we wish you all the best of luck!
— The BJNET admins !
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
song meme
tagged by @deadchannelradio ♥♥ ty bestie
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
"strawberry sunscreen" by lostboycrow. i like songs that sound like summer what can i say :D
Hey little darling, run like the weekend I get lost and found in your arms Rooftop view, we met on a Wednesday Now which do you prefer? To be alone, to be in love or to just be worth it? I think you're worth it
2. "stubborn love" by the lumineers. its a classic man!!!
It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all The opposite of love's indifference
3. "across the stars"/love theme from attack of the clones. john williams. starred wars. you get it.
[instrumental/no lyrics]
4. "no place in heaven" by mika!!!!! ough!!! im not immune to songs abt religious trauma. :')
I'm down on my knees, I'm begging you, please There's no place in Heaven for someone like me Won't you open the door and try me once more? 'Cause there's no place in Heaven for someone like me
5. "beep beep" by little mix. this one is on here bc of tim car fic byeee
I blew my engine, I think I popped the stick Too busy dreaming, of jumping on your— To get me turning good, you need to check under the hood babe
6. "enterprising young men" by michael giacchino. star trek baybee!!!
[instrumental/no lyrics]
7. "you are loved" by defiance, ohio. this is a superboy (2011) song. source: dude trust me
And to this magic, we hold on I just don't want to feel its loss until it's gone It was in an eerie glow, I finally left you lonely, left the TV on If I have one regret, it's letting this whole nihilistic shit charade live on You know it scares the hell out of me when my friends think they have nobody to lean on And the radio plays a familiar song
8. "blackheart" by two steps from hell. this is on my spacefic writing playlist. i love two steps from hell
[instrumental/no lyrics]
9. "gold trans am" by kesha. this is ALSO on here because of tim car fic hgjkdshgkjhdjk
C'mon, climb into my golden cockpit! Love you 'til you're seein' stars and stripes! Burnin' rubber on the southern highway! Gonna take you for a freedom ride!
10. "why can't i" by liz phair. kon is the reason i started listening to liz phair but i shouldve been here sooner tbh!!!
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you? Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
oh god now i have to think of ten people ummmm!!!
@misspickman @milfkon @loisinherlane @mysterycitrus @clarkkent-irons @lemontongues @ectonurites @jayzelnut @radioactive-earthshine and @lemonlimestar but also if anyone wants to do this feel free to say i tagged you!! :D
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
What's your thoughts on helluva bosses Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Mammon?
For me:
Asmodeus makes no sense that he's the embodiment of lust, he's in a monogamous relationship with Fizz and is pro consent, even though Lust is a sin that causes rape, pedophilia, zoophilia, addiction to anything etc. because lust is the sin of seeking pleasure no matter what damage you cause. His design is bad, nothing on him says lust, he's not even hot or is ironically ugly, and his outfit makes him looks more like a magician then the embodiment of lust and/or king of the lust ring.
Beelzebub like first she's isn't even a bug but some fox furry with bug wings and 4 arms and she embodies her sin even less! Gluttony is the sin of taking food from others for yourself and letting them starve. I do like some of the yellows and red in her color scheme and the lava lamp tail and hair look nice.
Mammon is the only one I kinda like. He embodies his sin very well, he's somewhat entertaining and is actually evil. His design is eh, the multiple arm's dose make sense, (to grab as much he can) and him being a spider demon can also make sense (multiple limbs to control his web of businesses he probably has), but the jester thing is questionable, the only thing that comes to mind is jesters had the ability to make fun and talk to kings with more freedom than other's and were entertainers for nobility, but that's it, and I get that the green on him and his ring is because money, but yellow makes more sense because A. green represents envy more, and B. yellow is also the color of gold.
Asmodeus: Yeah, it makes no sense he would be in a monogamous or healthy relationship after mocking Moxxie and Millie for showing sensual affection. Also, he sends out his succubus to purposely cause and spread AIDs and STDs, as it was stated by Helluva Boss itself. Beelzebub: Her design is only there to be a callback to Viv's successful music video, Die Young, with Kesha even being the guest voice character for it. Not a fan of the furry sparkle dog look. Most furries in Viv's shows is this because of Zoophobia. Or why she would care about overindulgence when that is the point of her sin. To consume so much that it starts to be a pain not only on physical body, but mental as well. At least we can look towards better designs people have made. There is no denying that it's hip to FUCK BEES. Mammon is probably one of the better ones acting like an actual leader of sin. Him also being voiced by Michael Cusack is also another great bonus. Smiling Friends is so awesome! Everyone should watch it! But I agree that he could have a better design and color scheme that fits with greed. But hey, at least we got other characters that handle Deadly Sin themes better like FMA.
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kesharecords · 28 days
the songs 'freedom' and 'cathedral' have officially been registered to sesac
'freedom' was written by kesha, drew erickson and jonathan wilson
'cathedral' was written by kesha, morten ristorp jensen, skyler stonestreet and xander xander
courtesy of kesha discord
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celebphotos101 · 4 days
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trivalentlinks · 2 years
Tik Tok - Ides of March Edition (A Julius Caesar (the play) fanvid and song parody)
A music video for the upcoming Ides of March!
Based on the song Tik Tok by Kesha with new lyrics and vocals by me. Audio editing by my partner.
(I know it's not the ides yet, but people play Christmas music for a month leading up to Christmas, so.)
Lyrics and artworks in the video under the cut (artist birth and death years where I could not find the year of creation).
Wake up in the morning feeling hyped up from battle No I haven't got a crown, but it ain't worth the hassle Before I leave hear a warning from the cheering mass I don't care, he's just a dreamer, so I leave him and pass
I'm talkin: just took out my foe, foe, Got parades wherever I go, go Bout time I got that throne, throne. [gasp I mean--]
On to the Senate on the Ides, Ides, Hear the pleading of my wife, wife, That's when it gets a little bit tricky…
[Chorus:] Can't stop; you know the gods already made this story up Three times, I've declined, and it's nearly the Ides Tick Tock, on the clock, but the Senate don't stop, no Whoa-oh oh oh, Whoa-oh oh oh
[Repeat Chorus] Ain't got a care in the world, 'cause her dream's just a dream And the omens that she's seen could be 'bout anything Now the Senate's lining up, 'cause they heard I got swagger Beggin' mercy for Publius--Wait. Is that a dagger?!
I'm talkin bout--errybody got a knife, knife Even Brutus wants my life, life Should'a listened to my wife, wife.
Now, now does Caesar lie so low, low, But the people will still know, know Of the fortune he brought Rome, Rome… Fortune he brought
[Chorus x2]
Romans, We stabbed him but, you have to know This was for Rome, not for power I loved him but he had to go, a threat he posed to our freedom
Brutus, you stabbed me but, you'll see me soon upon your doom at Philippi You'll see me soon upon your doom, upon your doom
But the party don't start 'til Marc walks in.
[Chorus x2]
Brutus and Caesar's Ghost: Brutus and the Ghost of Julius Caesar, Edwin Austin Abbey (1852–1911) Brutus Disturbed By The Ghost Of Caesar, From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act IV, Scene III, Henry Tresham (c.1751 – 17 June 1814)
Caesar's Death: "Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 2, the Murder Scene", George Clint (1822) Death of Caesar, March 15, 44 BC Painting by Vincenzo Camuccini (1798) The Assassination of Julius Caesar, William Holmes Sullivan (1888) The Murder of Caesar, Karl von Piloty (1865) The Death of Julius Caesar, George Esten Cooke (1837) The Death of Caesar, by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1867 Assassination of Julius Caesar, Spanish School, (19th century) The Assassination of Caesar, Heinrich Füger, 1818 The death of Caesar, Victor Honoré Janssens (1658-1736) Woodcut manuscript, Johannes Zainer, c. 1474
Marc Antony: Marc Antony Reading the Will of Caesar, William Hilton (1786-1839) Marc Antony's Oration, William Holmes Sullivan (1836-1908)
Declining the throne: Caesar refuses the Diadem, 1894 Antoine offre le diademe a cesar, 1810 Copper engraving
Roman Senate: Cicero Denounces Catiline (1888), Cesare Maccari Caesar going to the Senate on the Ides of March, Abel de Pujol (1785-1861) The Roman Forum by Hodgkin (1800-1860)
Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March Soothsayer warning Julius Caesar of the Ides of March, 1858 Wood engraving Caesar and the Soothsayer, Illustrator Unknown, Published 1880.
Caesar's Wife pleads with him: Cowards die many deaths - Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) Calpurnia, Caesar's wife admonishing Caesar, Abel de Pujol (1785-1861)
Triumphs of Caesar: Julius Caesar, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1490 The Vase Bearers, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1490 Picture Bearers, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1490 Musicians, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1490 Corselet, Andrea Mantegna, c. 1490 A Roman Triumph, Rubens, c. 1630 Vercingetorix Throws Down his Arms at the Feet of Julius Caesar, Lionel Royer (1899) Caesar Crossing the Rubicon, Adolphe Yvon, 1876
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luvcorelez · 5 months
Shuffle your on-repeat playlist and then list the first 10 songs!*
*any Playlist on any platform will do!
Thank you so much for the tag @brightokyolights ily ily ily!!! 🥰
Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan
My First Kiss by 30H!3, Kesha
A Normal Life by Marianas Trench
Orinoco Flow by Enya
The Mess I Made by Parachute
Timshel by Mumford & Sons
A Little Respect by Erasure
Echoes of You by Marianas Trench
Tagging: @decovulous @lesbinami @lunawlw @bellossom @luvtxt <3
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canon-vi · 1 year
Want to know what Vivi's life is like in different WIA endings? No? I don't care—
Good ending
As Kesha said from "Vozvrashcheniye bludnogo popugaya (The Return of the Prodigal Parrot)" (what did the authors smoke during the USSR?), "FREEDOM FOR THE PARROTS!"
In short and clearer, Vivi ran away from home and only occasionally came to Miss Hope for a short period of time.
Bad ending
If Merciless is dead
Vivi will walk around Lux ​​even more often, it's because she saw what Starcross is doing, haha, yes, she is even more afraid of him— ( ╥ω╥ )
If Merciless is alive
Haha, Vivi is in danger—
Vivi would rather either go to Lux and Merciless, or go to Miss Hope so as not to interfere with these beloved doves
Surprise ending
I think a chair will fly to Dream for his decision to kick Lux out of the royal family— Congratulations to Vivi on her debut! The first hysteria and rampage from her! Fights with Starcross do not count.
Vivi will now do everything she is asked to do exactly the opposite, like a decent and faithful dog, she listens only to Lux and Merciless now
E. L. A. What If Au by @anotherrosesthatfell
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
My heart goes out to Kesha today and I hope she ultimately finds peace in the freedom from the court system and comfort in the support of her fans and loved ones. She deserved better and this moment represents the ultimate failure of our "justice" system but I hope, at the very least, she feels she can move on knowing the people who matter believe her and wish for the best for her.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
Hi S! Random question! Have you ever heard the song Gold Trans Am by Kesha? It’s stuck in my head right now and all I can think is Stucky. This is from the chorus:
C'mon, climb into my golden cockpit!
Love you 'til you're seein' stars and stripes
Burnin' rubber on the southern highway
Gonna take you for a freedom ride
And another special addition:
American Idol, with a devil inside!
Daisy Dukes, showin'off my ass
And when I walk past give the boys whiplash!
I had not heard that song before, but now that I have, woof, I fucking agree that mixing that with stucky would be golden (ha) 😮‍💨😮‍💨
With the lyrics and that trashy [affectionate] aesthetic, it actually reminds me of something I've written before with Steve and Bucky both being subs in a tiny, middle-of-America town and getting messy 👀
Here's the original visual inspiration
Here's the first addition
Here's the second
It really reminds me though that I need to think more about Steve in tiny, slutty, trashy denim shorts more often, though. He really fucking would snap necks somehow fitting his ass into daisy dukes, but it's not just that, because then he turns around and all eyes are stuck between the press of his pecs against his little white tank top and the bulk of his dick stuffed into those dukes--bulging. It'd be quicker to cut him out of those clothes than wait for him to shimmy out of them, sliding those shorts down his mile-long legs and peeling his shirt off over his head, further ruffling his perpetual golden bedhead. Christ. All he has to do is bat his lashes, and he's drowning in offers to have his next drink bought for him.
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