#freedom project
The woman whose story Alabama Sen. Katie Britt appeared to have shared in the Republican response to the State of the Union as an example of President Joe Biden’s failed immigration policies told CNN she was trafficked before Biden’s presidency and said legislators lack empathy when using the issue of human trafficking for political purposes.
“I hardly ever cooperate with politicians, because it seems to me that they only want an image. They only want a photo — and that to me is not fair,” Karla Jacinto told CNN on Sunday.
CNN’s Freedom Project, which seeks to raise awareness about modern-day slavery, previously profiled Jacinto’s story.
Jacinto told CNN that Mexican politicians took advantage of her by using her story for political purposes and that it’s happened again in the United States.
“I work as a spokesperson for many victims who have no voice, and I really would like them to be empathetic: all the governors, all the senators, to be empathetic with the issue of human trafficking because there are millions of girls and boys who disappear all the time. People who are really trafficked and abused, as she [Britt] mentioned. And I think she [Britt] should first take into account what really happens before telling a story of that magnitude,” Jacinto said.
During the Republican response to Biden’s State of the Union address Thursday, Britt said, “When I first took office, I did something different. I traveled to the Del Rio sector of Texas, where I spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. She had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at age 12,” before saying, “President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable.”
Jacinto said she met the senator at an event at the southern border with other government officials and anti-human-trafficking activists, instead of one-on-one as Britt stated. She also said that she was never trafficked in the United States, as Britt appeared to suggest. She was not trafficked by Mexican drug cartels, but by a pimp who operated as part of a family that entrapped vulnerable girls to force them into prostitution, she said.
Jacinto said she was kept in captivity from 2004 to 2008, when President George W. Bush was in office and when Biden was a senator.
CNN reached out to the senator’s office seeking comment Sunday.
Sean Ross, Britt’s communications director, told The Washington Post that the senator was talking about Jacinto and disputed that Britt’s language was misleading.
Asked by Fox News’ Shannon Bream on Sunday whether she meant to give the impression that the story had taken place during Biden’s time in office, Britt responded: “No, Shannon,” before criticizing the president’s border policies.
“I very clearly said I spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked when she was 12. So I didn’t say a teenager, I didn’t say a young woman, a grown woman. A woman, when she was trafficked, when she was 12,” Britt said.
In a prior statement to CNN, a spokesperson for Britt’s office neither confirmed nor denied Britt was sharing Jacinto’s account, but said the story the senator told “was 100% correct.”
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kwojciechowicz · 11 months
I’ll be participating this September in an exhibition titled “Freedom Project” organised by Ania Gilmore and Malgorzata Oakes at the Book Art Museum in Łódź. Here is what I created for the exhibition and the description.
War has become a part of my everyday life. It saddens me that I have become so desensitized by war, and yet I've been experiencing it since February 2022. At first, I was shocked and terrified by the war declaration towards Ukraine. Refugees came swarming to Poland, asking for shelter. Many Poles, including myself, tried to help by donating to organizations such as PAH, and by getting artistically involved in charity projects. I prepared textiles, which were later transformed into avant-garde clothing, and the profits we made from auctioning this textile, were sent to another foundation, which helped orphaned Ukrainian children. Sadly, our efforts didn't help much, and there appears to be no end to the war. That is why I drew this illustration, to show the perspective of a bored consumer, drinking coffee and casually scrolling through social media, watching a soldier shoot other soldiers. This should evoke emotions, and yet, many of us feel numb. We dissociate ourselves from reality, and from a moral standpoint it is despicable, but from a psychological viewpoint, it's the only way to continue functioning without having nervous breakdowns every day or ending at the psychiatric ward. There are two chess pieces drawn, they symbolize the soldiers. One is standing, the other has fallen. There is also a camera/ bug detector to symbolize the fear of being constantly watched and listened to by invisible forces. #war #kamaarts #freedomproject #bookartmuseum #kamilawojciechowiczkrauze #exhibition
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1very1fancy1doilies1 · 7 months
moral of AoT: don't give a mentally ill teenager the ability to destroy the world (he will do it)
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kwojciechowicz · 9 months
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I am pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to showcase my artwork in "The Freedom Project" which begins its global journey on the 1st of October 2023 at the Polish Book Art Museum in Łódź. Curated by Ania Gilmore and Malgorzata Oakes, organizer Jadwiga Tryzno.
#kamilawojciechowiczkrauze #kamaarts #polishbookartmuseum #freedomproject
Opening reception: 1.10.2023 at 1:00 pm in tandem with 30 Years Anniversary of the Polish Book Art Museum in Łódź.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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“Christian white men”.
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certainunkownlove2 · 3 months
Republicans talk about freedom, project 2025 is the opposite
Also stop kosa at badinternetbills.com
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krasytoonz · 11 months
wally d calls his best friend ‘puppy’ that’s gay as fuvk there is no way he aint fruity too 💀
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I think He just Loves his Best Friend a lot! In a Wholesome Manner! THOUGH now that I think about it ‘Puppy’ does sound super Affectionate HAJSJSM
But rest Assured his intentions are most Definitely Platonic!
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zeebreezin · 25 days
So in order for Bev to have even a remotely decent time he has to get out of the New Sequence, right. The problem is as much as he (very secretly) is somewhat aware of this fact, there’s no way in hell Bev walks off that Geode willingly unless something insane happens. So it turns out. One of the best ways for that to happen. Is for him to get kidnapped by pirates? Specifically by @capn-twitchery Twitch. It turns out twink chaos and some good old fashion explosives work wonders. He ends up their gunnery officer and it’s genuinely a net positive. I’m obsessed with this AU.
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stinkythehutt · 2 months
i keep on angstily daydreaming about an AU where palpatine is outed as a sith by chance, but no other evidence of his wrongdoing (ie orchestrating the war, clone chips) is unearthed - so he’s asked to resign from the senate but otherwise retains his freedom and the privileges of being a very wealthy and well-connected man in the galaxy. the jedi suspect what he’s done and are trying to prove it, but can’t. and just him being a sith isn’t enough for them to justify detaining or killing him, it’s technically not illegal if they can’t prove any other wrongdoing. meanwhile anakin is stuck in the middle and palpatine is emotionally torturing him and using him as a vehicle to thwart the jedi while continuing to orchestrate the war via his contacts & masquerading as an unfairly maligned innocent guy who just happens to be an ‘unconventional’ force user. he’s really trying his hardest to stir anti-jedi sentiment and build consensus for public acceptance of the dark side while twisting any arguments from the jedi into suppression of his freedom of speech and the freedom to practice his religion. idk how i picture this ending, there are a few directions it could go in. my faves will no doubt all involve anakin getting deep fried
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kwojciechowicz · 1 month
Moi Drodzy, Wystawa „Freedom Project Kolekcja” w Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i Drukarstwa w Grębocinie trwa do 2 czerwca, dlatego serdecznie zapraszam do obejrzenia ekspozycji 😊
Fotografie: Ania Gilmore
freedomproject #kamaarts #aniagilmore #kamilawojciechowiczkrauze #grebocin
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lonestarflight · 2 months
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"This is the launch of the Mercury-Redstone 3 (MR-3) spacecraft from Cape Canaveral on a suborbital mission -- the first U.S. manned spaceflight. The spacecraft is already headed towards its suborbital mission." "The spacecraft attained a maximum speed of 5,180 miles per hour (mph), reached an altitude of 116 1/2 statute miles, and landed 302 statute miles downrange from Cape Canaveral, Florida."
Date: May 5, 1961
NASA ID: S61-01927, LOC-61C-883, JSC2007-E-046477, S61-01908
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This Memorial Day, remember that thousands of lives weren't sacrificed for freedom — that was just a convenient narrative. It was always about empire expansion.
🔥 Fuel Our Work: https://bit.ly/TFTPSubs 🎙 TFTP Podcast: https://bit.ly/TFTPPodcast
#TheFreeThoughtProject #TFTP
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coquettebratzdoll · 2 months
Advice and motivation ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
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"I'm finding it hard to believe in what I'm manifesting" Persist
"I'm not seeing any results" PersSIST
"I've been trying for so long, but nothing is happening" PERSIST PERSIST PERSIST
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚
I feel like a lot of us in the community forget that we are the creators of our reality and that it is our will alone that makes things happen. It's safe to assume that a lot of you reading this post are trying to manifest something. A new job, an sp, your first shift, anything at all. Getting what you want is as simple as:
Accepting your desire as yours
Persisting in that fact, ignoring whatever else the 3d has to say
That's it. Nothing else has to be done to get your desire. No robotic affirming, no meditations, no shifting methods, nothing. How do we do this? All will be revealed, but first, we need to understand desire in itself.
Please note: With that being said, if you feel like those methods - and others that I haven't listed - are helpful for you and fun, go for it! This isn't a post ment to stop you from doing what you love, but rather, reminding you of your power)
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Understanding desire
"God speaks to you through the medium of your basic desires. Your basic desires are words of promise or prophecies that contain within themselves the plan and power of expression." - NG
For those of you familiar with Neville's work, you'll have a simple time understanding the concept. But, for those who aren't, lemme simplify:
'God' is not some man in the sky, who you pray to and worship. In this context, God is you, or rather your awareness of being. Your true self disconnected from the ego self. God (or I AM) speaks to 'you' (the ego self) through the medium of your desires. The 'basic desire' is what you actually want (since this is a shifting blog, imma assume it's shifting 💀). The 'secondary desires' are the expression of those initial desires. As an example, you desire to shift - that is your basic desire - and ending up in your dr is your secondary desire. Remember, the 4d, your 'imagination' is the only true reality. The 3d is just a reflection of that. What's left is fulfilment - the desire reflecting in the 3d.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Accepting your desire as yours
This is the easiest step: Just do it. There, wasn't that simple? "But Athena, if it was really that easy, then I would have given xyz by now -" shush darling. I already explained that desires are the way in which I AM communicates with you. All that's left for you to do is align yourself with it, and it will come.
A good analogy is comparing the 3d to playdough. We are that kid. The 3d is playdough. We can mould it and shape it into anything we want. Sure, when it's new, you may feel like it is a little hard to mould. Still, that doesn't stop you. Want to make a playdough elephant? Done! Want to make a playdough pizza? Done! You don't over complicated things by asking, "How will it get done? What if I don't have all the colours I need? Blah blah blah". However, when we are playing, the playdough is only half of the equation. It was our imagination that truly made it real. Using our imagination, we turned a literal pile of mush into hours of entertainment. Why would you put the playdough into a container and say, "This is what is possible for you to be, and I can only mould you within the confides of this container" 😭😭 ??? That would be boring as shit. YOU ARE GOD. TAKE THAT SHIT OUT AND MAKE THE ELEPHANT !!!
"The second or middle (the plan of unfoldment) is never revealed to man but remains forever the Father’s secret." - NG
Stop thinking about the how or why. That is literally none of your fucking business !!! The universe, time, space, whatever you believe in will break every 'rule' known to man to bend to your will. You just have to let it.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Okay, so what now?
"Your reasonable mind and outer senses may deny it; but I promise you: if you will persist, you will receive your assumption. Believe me, you are the same God who created and sustains the universe, but are keyed low; so you must be persistent if you would bring about a change." - NG
Most people will waver in their acceptance at some point - looking for signs, doubting yourself, etc. Like I said at the beginning of the post, persist. Scroll back up and note the words in bold: 'hard', 'seeing', 'trying'. It's this kind of language that blocks you from obtaining your desire - shifting. You are God, limitless, and able to do anything.
Persistence can look like anything: robotic affirmations, subliminals, etc. As long as it allows you to remain convinced that you already have your desire, it's persistence. Continue thinking from your desire, and it will manifest.
Now go shift ♡♡♡
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ooooh ehehehe @glitchysquidd Springtrap thinks that we are interesting back *twirls hair like wires*
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miawashere · 6 months
free congo
after doing more in depth research (which was difficult, since the media decides not to cover the genocide and mistreatment people face there for whatever reason) but the people are being treated horribly in order to mine products like lithium and colbalt. the people have to withstand horrible working conditions to create electronic batteries that are can be found in phones, electric cars like tesla, and even planes. because congo has such a large supply of copper, the people are being treated less than human and killed, with an ongoing genocide there that no one seems to be talking about. please repost posts about congo to spread support and awareness about the mistreatment many have to face.
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