#freight booking app
Gig apps trap reverse centaurs in Skinner boxes
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Enshittification is the process by which digital platforms devour themselves: first they dangle goodies in front of end users. Once users are locked in, the goodies are taken away and dangled before business customers who supply goods to the users. Once those business customers are stuck on the platform, the goodies are clawed away and showered on the platform’s shareholders:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Enshittification isn’t just another way of saying “fraud” or “price gouging” or “wage theft.” Enshittification is intrinsically digital, because moving all those goodies around requires the flexibility that only comes with a digital businesses. Jeff Bezos, grocer, can’t rapidly change the price of eggs at Whole Foods without an army of kids with pricing guns on roller-skates. Jeff Bezos, grocer, can change the price of eggs on Amazon Fresh just by twiddling a knob on the service’s back-end.
Twiddling is the key to enshittification: rapidly adjusting prices, conditions and offers. As with any shell game, the quickness of the hand deceives the eye. Tech monopolists aren’t smarter than the Gilded Age sociopaths who monopolized rail or coal — they use the same tricks as those monsters of history, but they do them faster and with computers:
If Rockefeller wanted to crush a freight company, he couldn’t just click a mouse and lay down a pipeline that ran on the same route, and then click another mouse to make it go away when he was done. When Bezos wants to bankrupt Diapers.com — a company that refused to sell itself to Amazon — he just moved a slider so that diapers on Amazon were being sold below cost. Amazon lost $100m over three months, diapers.com went bankrupt, and every investor learned that competing with Amazon was a losing bet:
That’s the power of twiddling — but twiddling cuts both ways. The same flexibility that digital businesses enjoy is hypothetically available to workers and users. The airlines pioneered twiddling ticket prices, and that naturally gave rise to countertwiddling, in the form of comparison shopping sites that scraped the airlines’ sites to predict when tickets would be cheapest:
The airlines — like all abusive businesses — refused to tolerate this. They were allowed to touch their knobs as much as they wanted — indeed, they couldn’t stop touching those knobs — but when we tried to twiddle back, that was “felony contempt of business model,” and the airlines sued:
And sued:
Platforms don’t just hate it when end-users twiddle back — if anything they are even more aggressive when their business-users dare to twiddle. Take Para, an app that Doordash drivers used to get a peek at the wages offered for jobs before they accepted them — something that Doordash hid from its workers. Doordash ruthlessly attacked Para, saying that by letting drivers know how much they’d earn before they did the work, Para was violating the law:
Which law? Well, take your pick. The modern meaning of “IP” is “any law that lets me use the law to control my competitors, competition or customers.” Platforms use a mix of anticircumvention law, patent, copyright, contract, cybersecurity and other legal systems to weave together a thicket of rules that allow them to shut down rivals for their Felony Contempt of Business Model:
Enshittification relies on unlimited twiddling (by platforms), and a general prohibition on countertwiddling (by platform users). Enshittification is a form of fishing, in which bait is dangled before different groups of users and then nimbly withdrawn when they lunge for it. Twiddling puts the suppleness into the enshittifier’s fishing-rod, and a ban on countertwiddling weighs down platform users so they’re always a bit too slow to catch the bait.
Nowhere do we see twiddling’s impact more than in the “gig economy,” where workers are misclassified as independent contractors and put to work for an app that scripts their every move to the finest degree. When an app is your boss, you work for an employer who docks your pay for violating rules that you aren’t allowed to know — and where your attempts to learn those rules are constantly frustrated by the endless back-end twiddling that changes the rules faster than you can learn them.
As with every question of technology, the issue isn’t twiddling per se — it’s who does the twiddling and who gets twiddled. A worker armed with digital tools can play gig work employers off each other and force them to bid up the price of their labor; they can form co-ops with other workers that auto-refuse jobs that don’t pay enough, and use digital tools to organize to shift power from bosses to workers:
Take “reverse centaurs.” In AI research, a “centaur” is a human assisted by a machine that does more than either could do on their own. For example, a chess master and a chess program can play a better game together than either could play separately. A reverse centaur is a machine assisted by a human, where the machine is in charge and the human is a meat-puppet.
Think of Amazon warehouse workers wearing haptic location-aware wristbands that buzz at them continuously dictating where their hands must be; or Amazon drivers whose eye-movements are continuously tracked in order to penalize drivers who look in the “wrong” direction:
The difference between a centaur and a reverse centaur is the difference between a machine that makes your life better and a machine that makes your life worse so that your boss gets richer. Reverse centaurism is the 21st Century’s answer to Taylorism, the pseudoscience that saw white-coated “experts” subject workers to humiliating choreography down to the smallest movement of your fingertip:
While reverse centaurism was born in warehouses and other company-owned facilities, gig work let it make the leap into workers’ homes and cars. The 21st century has seen a return to the cottage industry — a form of production that once saw workers labor far from their bosses and thus beyond their control — but shriven of the autonomy and dignity that working from home once afforded:
The rise and rise of bossware — which allows for remote surveillance of workers in their homes and cars — has turned “work from home” into “live at work.” Reverse centaurs can now be chickenized — a term from labor economics that describes how poultry farmers, who sell their birds to one of three vast poultry processors who have divided up the country like the Pope dividing up the “New World,” are uniquely exploited:
A chickenized reverse centaur has it rough: they must pay for the machines they use to make money for their bosses, they must obey the orders of the app that controls their work, and they are denied any of the protections that a traditional worker might enjoy, even as they are prohibited from deploying digital self-help measures that let them twiddle back to bargain for a better wage.
All of this sets the stage for a phenomenon called algorithmic wage discrimination, in which two workers doing the same job under the same conditions will see radically different payouts for that work. These payouts are continuously tweaked in the background by an algorithm that tries to predict the minimum sum a worker will accept to remain available without payment, to ensure sufficient workers to pick up jobs as they arise.
This phenomenon — and proposed policy and labor solutions to it — is expertly analyzed in “On Algorithmic Wage Discrimination,” a superb paper by UC Law San Franciscos Veena Dubal:
Dubal uses empirical data and enthnographic accounts from Uber drivers and other gig workers to explain how endless, self-directed twiddling allows gig companies pay workers less and pay themselves more. As @[email protected] explains in his LA Times article on Dubal’s research, the goal of the payment algorithm is to guess how often a given driver needs to receive fair compensation in order to keep them driving when the payments are unfair:
The algorithm combines nonconsensual dossiers compiled on individual drivers with population-scale data to seek an equilibrium between keeping drivers waiting, unpaid, for a job; and how much a driver needs to be paid for an individual job, in order to keep that driver from clocking out and doing something else. @ Here’s how that works. Sergio Avedian, a writer for The Rideshare Guy, ran an experiment with two brothers who both drove for Uber; one drove a Tesla and drove intermittently, the other brother rented a hybrid sedan and drove frequently. Sitting side-by-side with the brothers, Avedian showed how the brother with the Tesla was offered more for every trip:
Uber wants to lure intermittent drivers into becoming frequent drivers. Uber doesn’t pay for an oversupply of drivers, because it only pays drivers when they have a passenger in the car. Having drivers on call — but idle — is a way for Uber to shift the cost of maintaining a capacity cushion to its workers.
What’s more, what Uber charges customers is not based on how much it pays its workers. As Uber’s head of product explained: Uber uses “machine-learning techniques to estimate how much groups of customers are willing to shell out for a ride. Uber calculates riders’ propensity for paying a higher price for a particular route at a certain time of day. For instance, someone traveling from a wealthy neighborhood to another tony spot might be asked to pay more than another person heading to a poorer part of town, even if demand, traffic and distance are the same.”
Uber has historically described its business a pure supply-and-demand matching system, where a rush of demand for rides triggers surge pricing, which lures out drivers, which takes care of the demand. That’s not how it works today, and it’s unclear if it ever worked that way. Today, a driver who consults the rider version of the Uber app before accepting a job — to compare how much the rider is paying to how much they stand to earn — is booted off the app and denied further journeys.
Surging, instead, has become just another way to twiddle drivers. One of Dubal’s subjects, Derrick, describes how Uber uses fake surges to lure drivers to airports: “You go to the airport, once the lot get kind of full, then the surge go away.” Other drivers describe how they use groupchats to call out fake surges: “I’m in the Marina. It’s dead. Fake surge.”
That’s pure twiddling. Twiddling turns gamification into gamblification, where your labor buys you a spin on a roulette wheel in a rigged casino. As a driver called Melissa, who had doubled down on her availability to earn a $100 bonus awarded for clocking a certain number of rides, told Dubal, “When you get close to the bonus, the rides start trickling in more slowly…. And it makes sense. It’s really the type of shit that they can do when it’s okay to have a surplus labor force that is just sitting there that they don’t have to pay for.”
Wherever you find reverse-centaurs, you get this kind of gamblification, where the rules are twiddled continuously to make sure that the house always wins. As a contract driver Amazon reverse centaur told Lauren Gurley for Motherboard, “Amazon uses these cameras allegedly to make sure they have a safer driving workforce, but they’re actually using them not to pay delivery companies”:
Algorithmic wage discrimination is the robot overlord of our nightmares: its job is to relentlessly quest for vulnerabilities and exploit them. Drivers divide themselves into “ants” (drivers who take every job) and “pickers” (drivers who cherry-pick high-paying jobs). The algorithm’s job is ensuring that pickers get the plum assignments, not the ants, in the hopes of converting those pickers to app-dependent ants.
In my work on enshittification, I call this the “giant teddy bear” gambit. At every county fair, you’ll always spot some poor jerk carrying around a giant teddy-bear they “won” on the midway. But they didn’t win it — not by getting three balls in the peach-basket. Rather, the carny running the rigged game either chose not to operate the “scissor” that kicks balls out of the basket. Or, if the game is “honest” (that is, merely impossible to win, rather than gimmicked), the operator will make a too-good-to-refuse offer: “Get one ball in and I’ll give you this keychain. Win two keychains and I’ll let you trade them for this giant teddy bear.”
Carnies aren’t in the business of giving away giant teddy bears — rather, the gambit is an investment. Giving a mark a giant teddy bear to carry around the midway all day acts as a convincer, luring other marks to try to land three balls in the basket and win their own teddy bear.
In the same way, platforms like Uber distribute giant teddy bears to pickers, as a way of keeping the ants scurrying from job to job, and as a way of convincing the pickers to give up whatever work allows them to discriminate among Uber’s offers and hold out for the plum deals, whereupon then can be transmogrified into ants themselves.
Dubal describes the experience of Adil, a Syrian refugee who drives for Uber in the Bay Area. His colleagues are pickers, and showed him screenshots of how much they earned. Determined to get a share of that money, Adil became a model ant, driving two hours to San Francisco, driving three days straight, napping in his car, spending only one day per week with his family. The algorithm noticed that Adil needed the work, so it paid him less.
Adil responded the way the system predicted he would, by driving even more: “My friends they make it, so I keep going, maybe I can figure it out. It’s unsecure, and I don’t know how people they do it. I don’t know how I am doing it, but I have to. I mean, I don’t find another option. In a minute, if I find something else, oh man, I will be out immediately. I am a very patient person, that’s why I can continue.”
Another driver, Diego, told Dubal about how the winners of the giant teddy bears fell into the trap of thinking that they were “good at the app”: “Any time there’s some big shot getting high pay outs, they always shame everyone else and say you don’t know how to use the app. I think there’s secret PR campaigns going on that gives targeted payouts to select workers, and they just think it’s all them.”
That’s the power of twiddling: by hoarding all the flexibility offered by digital tools, the management at platforms can become centaurs, able to string along thousands of workers, while the workers are reverse-centaurs, puppeteered by the apps.
As the example of Adil shows, the algorithm doesn’t need to be very sophisticated in order to figure out which workers it can underpay. The system automates the kind of racial and gender discrimination that is formally illegal, but which is masked by the smokescreen of digitization. An employer who systematically paid women less than men, or Black people less than white people, would be liable to criminal and civil sanctions. But if an algorithm simply notices that people who have fewer job prospects drive more and will thus accept lower wages, that’s just “optimization,” not racism or sexism.
This is the key to understanding the AI hype bubble: when ghouls from multinational banks predict 13 trillion dollar markets for “AI,” what they mean is that digital tools will speed up the twiddling and other wage-suppression techniques to transfer $13T in value from workers and consumers to shareholders.
The American business lobby is relentlessly focused on the goal of reducing wages. That’s the force behind “free trade,” “right to work,” and other codewords for “paying workers less,” including “gig work.” Tech workers long saw themselves as above this fray, immune to labor exploitation because they worked for a noble profession that took care of its own.
But the epidemic of mass tech-worker layoffs, following on the heels of massive stock buybacks, has demonstrated that tech bosses are just like any other boss: willing to pay as little as they can get away with, and no more. Tech bosses are so comfortable with their market dominance and the lock-in of their customers that they are happy to turn out hundreds of thousands of skilled workers, convinced that the twiddling systems they’ve built are the kinds of self-licking ice-cream cones that are so simple even a manager can use them — no morlocks required.
The tech worker layoffs are best understood as an all-out war on tech worker morale, because that morale is the source of tech workers’ confidence and thus their demands for a larger share of the value generated by their labor. The current tech layoff template is very different from previous tech layoffs: today’s layoffs are taking place over a period of months, long after they are announced, and laid off tech worker is likely to be offered a months of paid post-layoff work, rather than severance. This means that tech workplaces are now haunted by the walking dead, workers who have been laid off but need to come into the office for months, even as the threat of layoffs looms over the heads of the workers who remain. As an old friend, recently laid off from Microsoft after decades of service, wrote to me, this is “a new arrow in the quiver of bringing tech workers to heel and ensuring that we’re properly thankful for the jobs we have (had?).”
Dubal is interested in more than analysis, she’s interested in action. She looks at the tactics already deployed by gig workers, who have not taken all this abuse lying down. Workers in the UK and EU organized through Worker Info Exchange and the App Drivers and Couriers Union have used the GDPR (the EU’s privacy law) to demand “algorithmic transparency,” as well as access to their data. In California, drivers hope to use similar provisions in the CCPA (a state privacy law) to do the same.
These efforts have borne fruit. When Cornell economists, led by Louis Hyman, published research (paid for by Uber) claiming that Uber drivers earned an average of $23/hour, it was data from these efforts that revealed the true average Uber driver’s wage was $9.74. Subsequent research in California found that Uber drivers’ wage fell to $6.22/hour after the passage of Prop 22, a worker misclassification law that gig companies spent $225m to pass, only to have the law struck down because of a careless drafting error:
But Dubal is skeptical that data-coops and transparency will achieve transformative change and build real worker power. Knowing how the algorithm works is useful, but it doesn’t mean you can do anything about it, not least because the platform owners can keep touching their knobs, twiddling the payout schedule on their rigged slot-machines.
Data co-ops start from the proposition that “data extraction is an inevitable form of labor for which workers should be remunerated.” It makes on-the-job surveillance acceptable, provided that workers are compensated for the spying. But co-ops aren’t unions, and they don’t have the power to bargain for a fair price for that data, and coops themselves lack the vast resources — “to store, clean, and understand” — data.
Co-ops are also badly situated to understand the true value of the data that is extracted from their members: “Workers cannot know whether the data collected will, at the population level, violate the civil rights of others or amplifies their own social oppression.”
Instead, Dubal wants an outright, nonwaivable prohibition on algorithmic wage discrimination. Just make it illegal. If firms cannot use gambling mechanisms to control worker behavior through variable pay systems, they will have to find ways to maintain flexible workforces while paying their workforce predictable wages under an employment model. If a firm cannot manage wages through digitally-determined variable pay systems, then the firm is less likely to employ algorithmic management.”
In other words, rather than using market mechanisms too constrain platform twiddling, Dubal just wants to make certain kinds of twiddling illegal. This is a growing trend in legal scholarship. For example, the economist Ramsi Woodcock has proposed a ban on surge pricing as a per se violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act:
Similarly, Dubal proposes that algorithmic wage discrimination violates another antitrust law: the Robinson-Patman Act, which “bans sellers from charging competing buyers different prices for the same commodity. Robinson-Patman enforcement was effectively halted under Reagan, kicking off a host of pathologies, like the rise of Walmart:
I really liked Dubal’s legal reasoning and argument, and to it I would add a call to reinvigorate countertwiddling: reforming laws that get in the way of workers who want to reverse-engineer, spoof, and control the apps that currently control them. Adversarial interoperability (AKA competitive compatibility or comcom) is key tool for building worker power in an era of digital Taylorism:
To see how that works, look to other jursidictions where workers have leapfrogged their European and American cousins, such as Indonesia, where gig workers and toolsmiths collaborate to make a whole suite of “tuyul apps,” which let them override the apps that gig companies expect them to use.
For example, ride-hailing companies won’t assign a train-station pickup to a driver unless they’re circling the station — which is incredibly dangerous during the congested moments after a train arrives. A tuyul app lets a driver park nearby and then spoof their phone’s GPS fix to the ridehailing company so that they appear to be right out front of the station.
In an ideal world, those workers would have a union, and be able to dictate the app’s functionality to their bosses. But workers shouldn’t have to wait for an ideal world: they don’t just need jam tomorrow — they need jam today. Tuyul apps, and apps like Para, which allow workers to extract more money under better working conditions, are a prelude to unionization and employer regulation, not a substitute for it.
Employers will not give workers one iota more power than they have to. Just look at the asymmetry between the regulation of union employees versus union busters. Under US law, employees of a union need to account for every single hour they work, every mile they drive, every location they visit, in public filings. Meanwhile, the union-busting industry — far larger and richer than unions — operate under a cloak of total secrecy, Workers aren’t even told which union busters their employers have hired — let alone get an accounting of how those union busters spend money, or how many of them are working undercover, pretending to be workers in order to sabotage the union.
Twiddling will only get an employer so far. Twiddling — like all “AI” — is based on analyzing the past to predict the future. The heuristics an algorithm creates to lure workers into their cars can’t account for rapid changes in the wider world, which is why companies who relied on “AI” scheduling apps (for example, to prevent their employees from logging enough hours to be entitled to benefits) were caught flatfooted by the Great Resignation.
Workers suddenly found themselves with bargaining power thanks to the departure of millions of workers — a mix of early retirees and workers who were killed or permanently disabled by covid — and they used that shortage to demand a larger share of the fruits of their labor. The outraged howls of the capital class at this development were telling: these companies are operated by the kinds of “capitalists” that MLK once identified, who want “socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor.”
There's only 5 days left in the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, a post-cyberpunk anti-finance finance thriller about Silicon Valley scams called Red Team Blues. Amazon's Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible.
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Image: Stephen Drake (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Analog_Test_Array_modular_synth_by_sduck409.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Louis (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chestnut_horse_head,_all_excited.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A complex mandala of knobs from a modular synth. In the foreground, limned in a blue electric halo, is a man in a hi-viz vest with the head of a horse. The horse's eyes have been replaced with the sinister red eyes of HAL9000 from Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey.'"]
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
I’m so in love with Max Verstappen lol can u write a one shot but where he isn’t a driver and both the reader and max are just normal people? Can you also make it a smut >_<
𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏
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➪Ask and you shall receive ;)
➪I chose to base this off an interaction I’ve had irl, that I thought was pretty writable lol (most is fiction!)
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Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: (Minors dni) smut, swearing
Word Count: 3.5k+
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You were visiting The Netherlands for a couple of weeks because you had a job there. You were a talented journalist from Vogue, but only one of many other writers. To show your boss that you had more potential than she thought, you decided to do a revolutionary piece on Amsterdam. You decided, one night, that you wanted some wine whilst writing your intro. There was a small and modest liquor store close to your hotel, so you didn’t have to worry about public transportation. It was nearing the evening and the sun was starting to set, which meant you had to pick up the pace if you wanted to make it in time.
When you got to the store, you found that you were the only one there. There was no cashier or worker in sight, but the store was open. Browsing the different aged wines had you feeling like you had taken the high road. Old money style. You were in your own little world, taking pictures of the different bottles and even holding out a peace sign in front of one of them and snapping a picture. After a while, you noticed a song come on the speakers. It was something you recognized from your earlier years in college when you went out partying constantly. The song had been popular back then, and the nostalgia hit you like a freight train. You already had your phone out, and you knew it’d be impossible to sleep without knowing the name of the song, so you held up your phone to one of the speakers and turned on your Shazam app. It kept loading and failing and loading and failing.
“I see that you like the song,” a voice said. It was smooth and had a thick Dutch accent. A hint of a smirk was mixed into it as well. Upon retracting your arm and turning to face the voice, you found the shop clerk staring you down with what could’ve been the most jaw-dropping smirks of the century. He was a sight for sore eyes. That was for sure. You buried your face in your hands out of embarrassment, as he’d caught you trying to Shazam a song on the speakers.
“If you must know, that song is… Slow Down, by Chase Atlantic.” Trying to save face and not look like a cartoon character, you removed your hands from your face and politely thanked him.
“Thanks, I should get going now, though. I have a train to catch in the morning.” That was a lie. All you had to do the following morning was report to your boss about current developments.
“That’s a shame, I could’ve prepared a special tasting for a gorgeous lady like you.” An immediate blush spread across your face. The effect he had on you was obvious and it only fueled his ego and confidence.
“I suppose a tasting wouldn’t hurt.” You looked down at your wrist as if to check the time. The man kept looking at you with his mesmerizing eyes and deep gaze. You knew damn well it could’ve been your own delusions. That he may have tried to merely act friendly or treat the last customer of the night real nice. It was impossible to say for sure. You had been in one too many situations where you'd accidentally misread a situation.
“You look deep in thought, darling. Relax and come with me to the back. That’s where I keep the best wine.” You could hear your own thoughts screaming at you to do something. Darling? That was something you’d only ever read in romance books. Was he even real?
“So, what’s your name?” He asked as he browsed his gallery of fine wines. You hesitantly told him your name and saw his face light up with a tiny smirk,
“That’s a beautiful name. Mine’s Max. Max Verstappen.” You took a mental note of his name in case you weren’t going to get his number later in the evening.
“So what brings you to Amsterdam?” His genuine curiosity made him that much more attractive. You couldn’t tell whether to cry tears of joy or run away from such a foreign feeling of delight.
“I’m a journalist or writer. Whichever name suits the piece I work on. I’m just here to do a review of my time here. It’s supposed to act as a travel ad, I guess.” He nodded, smiled, and pulled out a bottle he fancied.
“Sounds like quite the job, do you enjoy it?” He poured you a glass and also a glass for himself. A whole glass? Here you thought it was going to be a simple tasting.
“Oh uhh, yeah, I’ve loved writing since I was young. I don’t think I’ll ever stop writing.” Reminiscing about your younger self showing off your short stories to your older siblings and family members had you smiling like a fool. Max, being observant, picked up on it and took a mental picture of your smile. He’d never seen anyone as radiant as you.
“How’d you get into the wine business, if I may ask?” You watched him contemplate for a brief moment, before eventually telling you about his family and his legacy.
“So, yeah, here I am taking over my father’s business. He does most night shifts, but he had some errands to run this evening… so you’re stuck with me.” Was the liquid courage already going to your head, or were you really just that bold? You decided to look him directly in the eyes as you told him,
“I’m glad I decided to come tonight of all nights, then.” Your head was swimming in some newfound confidence. Perhaps Max had rubbed it off on you.
“Sure you are,” he chuckled and poured himself another glass. You weren’t a lightweight, and he didn’t seem to be one either, so you asked him to pour you another glass as well.
“I should probably go after this round. I have to do something tomorrow morning.” You chugged the last of your wine and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Yeah, heard you before. You have to catch a train, huh?” You just nodded to not seem suspicious and began walking towards the exit.
Before you had the chance to though, Max grabbed your arm and turned you around. His face was etched with confusion, not even understanding his own actions. The two of you stood there for a short while before he slowly let go.
“Sorry, I- um. I don’t know why I did that.” Your teeth subconsciously tugged at your lower lip and you gulped before taking a leap of faith.
“Wanna see my place? It’s just a hotel room, but the view is wonderful,” you broke the unnerving silence. Max took every word in and ultimately responded with,
“No, I think you should see my place instead.” Your boldness was met with twice as much boldness coming from him. You found it hard to breathe, let alone think. He started turning the lights off in the shop and clearing a few bottles that had been on display.
“I’ll lock up and then we can go. I’m sure my view is better than yours in more than just one way.” His smirk as those words left his mouth was smooth. Not just smooth— it was unreal. You were desperate for more.
You waited for him to finish up and when the two of you finally got out, and you heard the clank of his keys— he made you lock your arms around his arm. With that, you enjoyed the night sky and the dimmed street lamps. You took in the fresh air; a stark contrast to the New York air you were so used to. Max mostly stayed quiet, but he’d quip a fun fact about his country here and there when walking past the few sculptures that adorned the streets of Amsterdam.
“I’m starting to think you don’t even live in Amsterdam. We’ve been walking for at least an hour now,” you chuckled. Just as if your words were magic, he stopped walking and motioned for you to look up. There you saw a gorgeous penthouse. You never would’ve thought he’d live so luxuriously.
“Wait, that’s your place?” Your eyes were wide open. A small grin crept up his face and he shook his head,
“No, I’m just kidding. My place isn’t that fancy. I’m barely able to pay rent. It’s a day-to-day thing.” His living situation was surprisingly similar to yours. Most apartments in New York were too expensive to rent out, so you lived in a modest, but cosy apartment with your personality plastered all over. The rent was cheap and you had excess money to spend on personal indulgences.
“Actually, me too. Some would say I live like a peasant,” you joked.
“Great, we’ll be poor together,” he finished. The two of you had a quick laugh about your financial situations before you finally arrived at his place. It was a bit bigger than your own and had 3 rooms total. He showed you around his small flat, starting with the kitchen which connected to the living room. Then he showed you the bathroom, which had a rich lavender scent. He explained that his sister frequently gave him different essential oils and thymes and air fresheners that she’d find whilst travelling. He never knew what else to do with them but make his bathroom smell like a fairytale garden. He was getting closer and closer to being the greenest of flags you’d ever encountered. He showed you to his office which was the smallest room in the entire apartment, fitting only him. There was a tiny space for him to squeeze through and get to his chair.
Then the time came to see his bedroom. The state of people’s houses was one thing, but a bedroom could tell you everything you’d need to know about a person’s personality. It was where they would spend most of their intimate moments. Max’s room was simple. Simple yet stunning. He had a few family portraits on his shelf and a bookshelf you could only dream of having. On a small drawer, he had a TV with a remote next to it. His bed was queen-sized and the pillows were almost bigger than the headboard. The sheets were pearl-white and silk. Just above the headboard was a painting. It was a copy of The Fallen Angel. You recognized it from the required fine arts classes you took in college. It was a gorgeous painting that made the mind go around in circles.
“Yeah, that painting was a gift from my father. It’s a little out of place here but I didn’t know what else to do with it.” Max scratched the back of his neck and leaned against the doorframe.
“I love your place. It’s certainly nicer than my own. I haven’t had much luck with decorating like you. I mostly just have cheap and simplistic stuff from IKEA, if I’m being honest.” You sighed and sat down on his bed. The duvet hugged your hips as your body weighed down on the bed. Max went to sit beside you and decided to let himself fall back. You followed suit.
“IKEA isn’t bad at all. I like simplicity. Who doesn’t?”
“I don’t know, I guess it isn’t really all that bad.” You could feel your heart rate increasing as you heard Max shuffle. It could only mean one thing; he’d turned his head to face you. Frozen. You were completely frozen. You wanted to do the same, but for whatever reason— you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. Any courage you had earlier was gone. Nowhere to be found.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” That’s what made you turn. You saw the curious look in his eyes and the genuine tug on his lips. You weren’t one to have one-night stands or sleep around, but you felt a certain pull. A pull that you found hard to resist. Max was magnetic and your body wanted nothing more than to be glued to him.
After you didn’t say anything, he moved closer to you and moved a strand of hair out of your face. His touch sent shivers down your spine. You felt an electrical current run through your entire body, coupled with a warm feeling starting to pool in your lower abdomen. The silence only seemed to pull the two of you closer, but it was obvious Max had more guts than you.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” you muttered. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You definitely did.
“Wait, you’re a virgin?”
“Oh, no no, nothing like that. I’ve just never really been into hooking up with strangers,” you explained. He almost laughed at that.
“We don’t need to be strangers, darling. This is just the beginning.” There was something about the way he said it, that had your mind running wild. At the same time, though, you didn’t want to come off as desperate. So you waited for him to strike his next move.
Luckily, good things come to those who wait. He leaned in for a kiss that moulded into a more heated one. With more and more time passing by, it only got wilder. He switched your positions so that he was on top. Your fingers were intertwined with his blonde strands of hair. There was nothing left to do but start pulling at his shirt. He took it as a sign to pull away and rid himself of the article of clothing. After he threw it into a corner, he took that opportunity to admire the sight below him. There you were; sprawled out beneath him with rosy cheeks and lips that were swollen from all the kissing. Your half-lidded eyes looked up at him and he couldn’t get enough.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he whispered loud enough for you to hear before he dove back down to then attack your neck. It didn’t take him long to find your sweet spot. Once he found it, the whimpers flooding from your mouth egged him on. He fiddled with the hem of your shirt and instead of pulling it over your head, he ripped it off you.
“Hey, my shirt!”
“You can have one of mine instead. I bet they suit you better than they do me,” he whispered in your ear. His breath was hot against your ear. You didn’t actually mind the ripped shirt. It was a Walmart shirt that you got from a buy 1 get 1 sale. You weren’t wearing lace, but you thanked your earlier self for deciding to wear matching underwear.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to completely discard all of your clothes. Max struggled with the clasp of your bra, which you took over and got off. In his eyes, everything was perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect being; he knew that, but there you were. Beyond perfect. He relished in his victory.
“Can you do me a favour and be as loud as you can for me?” You saw the look on Max’s face and he slowly started kissing down your body. You felt each suck going further and further down. Dangerously close to your cunt. With each gasp you made, the Dutchman gave your hips a squeeze. It was as if getting you off was enough for him. You finally felt his tongue graze your slit and your hips bucked in appreciation. Better yet, he wasn’t a tease about it. He went straight into it, sucking and moving his tongue in ways that made you scream his name like a holy mantra. The walls of the apartment were thin. Perhaps you’d have to apologize to his neighbours the following morning.
He kept going and you started pulling his hair as you got closer and closer to your release. He sensed your need and you immediately felt everything intensifying. There was no way you’d be able to hold back. So you didn’t. With a final scream of his name, you reached your peak and surfed through it gently with his help. Coming down was smoother than the silk sheets you were breathing ever so heavily on.
“Where did you learn to do that?” You tried to catch your breath, but it was hard. So hard for so many reasons.
“If I’m being honest, that was my first time doing that. I was pretty nervous about it, but now I know how you like it.” Was he a god? A sex god? You watched as he moved back up to you, spitting in his hand and wrapping it around his dick. He was above average but certainly made up for it in girth. You started to wonder whether he’d fit or not, but before you could let your mind wander too far, you felt him slide his dick up and down your slit, lubricating himself with your essence. The way he’d graze your clit with the head was to die for. You already knew you were going to be in for a ride.
“You’re sure about this?” He asks to be sure. If there was one thing you appreciated more than anything— it was asking for consent.
“I am. I’m on the pill as well. You can go on,” you said and bucked your hips, to feel just a little more pressure. There was no need for that, however, because as soon as those words left your mouth; he went for it.
You felt him enter slowly and carefully, letting you adjust to his size along the way. He stretched you out like you’d break in a new shoe. When he finally reached the end and couldn’t push any more in, he waited for you to tell him to move. A true gentleman. When you nodded, he almost pulled all the way out, before slamming into you again. You couldn’t help but choke out his name, accidentally leaving a scratch on his shoulder. In response, he attacked your neck. His movements were swift and steady. Your legs were wrapped tightly around him, as he held your hips with his smooth hands. Your hands were now in his hair, pulling and scratching. Your pants synced with his and the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against each other.
As much as you loved the current position, you wanted more. No, you needed more. He noticed it and pulled out. In that brief moment, you felt emptier than ever. You proceeded to climb on top of him, shoving him back inside you. This time, he was able to reach much deeper. The position was so erotic. He was able to watch as your breasts bounced and your eyes rolled back. It was heaven on earth for him.
“Fuck, you’re absolutely out of this world,” he panted and squeezed your hips, guiding you up and down his veiny dick. Your hands rested on his shoulder and you lowered your head to pull Max into a kiss, connecting a string of saliva as you pulled away. When you felt him thrust up into you in a rather sloppy manner, you knew he was close; and so were you. Your movements became more erratic and desperate.
“Do it, finish all over my dick, darling,” he groaned and continued helping you with your release as well as his. You bounced a few more times before slamming down one last time. Hard. You felt yourself tip over the edge, spilling all of your juices on Max’s abdomen. At the same time, you felt him shoot his own load into you, filling you with a certain delight.
The two of you sat there for a little before you got off him and found a place next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and had your head on his shoulder. You felt his heartbeat starting to slow down after coming down from the incredible high.
“That’s what that’s supposed to feel like,” you sighed, which was followed by a chuckle from the both of you.
“You lied about the train tomorrow morning, didn't you?” You could tell he was smirking by the tone of his voice.
“I may have.”
“You should cancel the remaining days at your hotel and come live here. I don’t want us to be strangers,” said Max.
“Sure, why not?” You snuggled into his nape and closed your eyes.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep. Let’s get you all cleaned up first.” You realized that Max was no stranger at all. You had a feeling that he’d stick around for a long long time. At least you wanted him to, and it seemed like he wanted that too.
“Okay, stranger.” You got up and saw the smile on his face. He was cuter than you initially thought.
“Perhaps I could take this stranger out on a date tomorrow? I know of a great coffee shop nearby,” Max suggested and got up as well. You nodded and smiled, the two of you both leaving for the lavender-scented bathroom.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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ritiktraffictail · 8 days
Exploring Innovative Transport Business Ideas
The transport sector, a crucial component of global economies, continues to evolve rapidly, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and the need for sustainable solutions. For entrepreneurs looking to enter this dynamic field, numerous innovative transport business ideas cater to various market needs and trends. From traditional logistics to cutting-edge technologies, here are some promising transport business ideas that hold significant potential in today’s market.
1. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations
As the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) surges, the demand for EV charging infrastructure is growing. Starting a business focused on setting up EV charging stations can be a lucrative opportunity. With government incentives for green technologies and increasing consumer interest in sustainable transportation, investing in EV charging stations can position your business at the forefront of the green revolution.
Key Considerations:
Location selection is crucial—high-traffic areas, shopping centres, and office buildings are ideal.
Partner with EV manufacturers and explore funding options and subsidies.
Ensure easy payment options and reliable customer service.
2. Ride-Sharing and Carpooling Services
Ride-sharing and carpooling have revolutionised urban transportation by offering cost-effective and efficient solutions. Starting a ride-sharing or carpooling business can cater to both daily commuters and occasional travellers. With the focus shifting towards reducing traffic congestion and lowering carbon footprints, there is ample room for innovation in this space.
Key Considerations:
Develop a user-friendly app or platform for booking and managing rides.
Focus on safety features and driver background checks.
Consider niche markets, such as luxury rides or specialized services for seniors.
3. Last-Mile Delivery Solutions
The rise of e-commerce has increased the demand for efficient last-mile delivery services. This segment involves transporting goods from distribution centers to final destinations, often within urban areas. A business that focuses on optimizing last-mile delivery through technology and logistics can capture a significant share of the market.
Key Considerations:
Implement route optimization and real-time tracking technologies.
Explore options such as electric delivery vehicles or bicycles for eco-friendly solutions.
Partner with e-commerce platforms and retailers to expand your reach.
4. Freight Brokerage
Freight brokerage involves acting as an intermediary between shippers and carriers. This business model is essential for optimising supply chains and ensuring that goods are transported efficiently. With advancements in technology and data analytics, freight brokerage can be highly profitable and scalable.
Key Considerations:
Build a robust network of carriers and shippers.
Utilize technology for tracking, route optimization, and customer management.
Focus on transparency and reliability to build trust with clients.
5. Self-Driving Vehicle Services
Autonomous or self-driving vehicles are no longer a futuristic concept but a growing reality. Developing a business around self-driving vehicle services, such as autonomous taxis or delivery vehicles, can place you at the cutting edge of the transport industry.
Key Considerations:
Stay updated on regulatory developments and safety standards for autonomous vehicles.
Invest in high-quality technology and infrastructure for vehicle management.
Consider partnerships with technology providers and research institutions.
6. Luxury and Niche Transportation Services
For a more specialized approach, consider starting a luxury or niche transportation service. This could include high-end chauffeur services, exotic car rentals, or personalized transportation experiences for events and tours.
Key Considerations:
Offer premium services and exceptional customer experiences.
Develop a strong brand identity and target high-net-worth individuals or specific interest groups.
Ensure top-notch vehicle maintenance and customer service.
7. Bike and Scooter Rentals
Urban areas are increasingly adopting bike and scooter rentals as a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transport. Starting a bike or scooter rental business can cater to tourists, commuters, and locals looking for a sustainable way to navigate cities.
Key Considerations:
Implement easy-to-use rental systems, including apps and payment options.
Ensure regular maintenance and safety checks for the fleet.
Explore partnerships with local businesses and tourist attractions.
8. Transport Management Software
With the growing complexity of logistics and transportation operations, there is a demand for sophisticated transport management software (TMS). Developing or providing TMS solutions can help businesses optimize their transportation processes, manage fleets, and reduce costs.
Key Considerations:
Develop features such as route planning, load optimization, and real-time tracking.
Focus on user-friendly interfaces and integration with other business systems.
Offer customer support and regular updates to maintain software effectiveness.
9. Moving and Relocation Services
The moving and relocation industry caters to individuals and businesses needing to transport goods and possessions. Offering specialized moving services, including packing, storage, and logistics support, can address the diverse needs of clients.
Key Considerations:
Provide comprehensive services, including packing materials and secure storage options.
Focus on customer satisfaction and efficient, reliable service.
Develop a strong online presence and marketing strategy to attract clients.
10. Sustainable Transport Solutions
As environmental concerns grow, there is an increasing demand for sustainable transport solutions. Businesses that focus on promoting green transportation options, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, or providing consultancy services on sustainable practices, can tap into a growing market.
Key Considerations:
Stay informed about the latest advancements in sustainable transport technologies.
Collaborate with research institutions and green technology companies.
Promote your services as part of a broader sustainability agenda.
The transport industry offers a diverse range of opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to innovate and grow. Whether you’re interested in technology-driven solutions, eco-friendly options, or specialized services, there are numerous avenues to explore. Success in the transport business will depend on understanding market needs, leveraging technology, and providing exceptional customer service. By staying ahead of trends and addressing emerging demands, you can establish a successful and impactful transport business.
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mistakesjmakes · 21 days
so i’m not a person who highlights/puts tabs in any of my books, whether physical or kindle. but the kindle app shows you when more than like 5 other people have highlighted a particular section.
and sometimes i’m surprised at the things the other book bitches have clearly LOVED, especially if the words didn’t hit me right.
but more often than not, i’m shocked when a section that hits me like a damn freight train…has no “(x) other people highlighted this section.”
like…what do you mean, i’m the only one here like 👀👀👀???
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dhlcourier · 29 days
DHL Courier | Best in International Shipping
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DHL Courier shines. Renowned for its exceptional service and extensive international network, DHL Courier is your go-to partner for all your shipping needs, especially in Chennai.
In the fast-paced world of global commerce, reliable and efficient shipping is the backbone of success. Whether you are a business owner looking to expand your reach or an individual sending a package to a loved one across the globe, you need a courier service you can trust.
Why Choose DHL Courier for International Shipping?
Global Reach:
DHL Courier is a leader in international shipping, connecting over 220 countries and territories worldwide.
Speed and Efficiency:
DHL Courier offers express services that guarantee timely deliveries, making it the preferred choice for urgent international shipments from Chennai.
With a track record of delivering millions of packages every day, DHL Courier stands out for its reliability. Your shipments are in safe hands, thanks to their state-of-the-art tracking systems and stringent quality controls.
Custom Solutions:
Whether you are shipping documents, parcels, or freight, DHL Courier provides tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Their expertise in handling customs clearance ensures a hassle-free experience for international shipments from Chennai.
Customer Support:
DHL Courier is committed to providing top-notch customer service. With dedicated support teams in Chennai and worldwide, they are always ready to assist with any queries or concerns regarding your shipments.
DHL Courier in Chennai: A Local Touch with Global Expertise
For residents and businesses in Chennai, DHL Courier offers unparalleled service that combines local knowledge with global expertise. The DHL Courier Chennai branch is strategically located to serve the bustling metropolis, providing convenient and efficient shipping solutions.
Easy Access:
With multiple service points across Chennai, DHL Courier makes it easy for customers to drop off or pick up their shipments. Their user-friendly website and mobile app also allow for easy booking and tracking of packages.
Expert Handling:
The experienced team at DHL Courier Chennai is well-versed in international shipping regulations and practices, ensuring that your shipments comply with all necessary requirements.
Competitive Pricing:
DHL Courier offers competitive rates for international shipping, ensuring that you get the best value for your money without compromising on service quality.
When it comes to international shipping, DHL Courier stands out as the best choice, especially in Chennai. With its global reach, speed, reliability, and exceptional customer service, DHL Courier ensures that your packages are delivered safely and on time, every time. Whether you are sending a package to the next city or across the world, trust DHL Courier to deliver with excellence.
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laweta12 · 2 months
Finding and Securing Loads for Hot Shot: A Comprehensive Guide
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Hot Shot trucking is a dynamic and lucrative niche within the freight industry, specializing in transporting smaller, time-sensitive loads. For owner-operators and small trucking companies, finding and securing loads for Hot Shot can be both exciting and challenging. With the right strategies and tools, Hot Shot drivers can maximize their profits and keep their schedules full. In this article, we'll explore various methods for finding loads for Hot Shot, discuss the types of loads commonly transported, and provide tips for building a successful Hot Shot business.
What is Hot Shot Trucking?
Hot Shot trucking involves using smaller vehicles, such as pickup trucks with trailers or flatbed trucks, to transport smaller loads quickly and efficiently. This type of service is ideal for urgent deliveries that require expedited shipping, often within the same day or overnight. Hot Shot loads can range from industrial equipment and construction materials to medical supplies and automotive parts.
Types of Loads for Hot Shot
The diversity of Hot Shot loads is one of the key advantages of this niche. Here are some common types of loads transported by Hot Shot trucks:
Construction and Industrial Equipment
Hot Shot trucks often transport construction materials, tools, and equipment to job sites. This includes items like generators, scaffolding, and heavy machinery parts, which are crucial for keeping construction projects on schedule.
Oil and Gas Equipment
The oil and gas industry frequently relies on Hot Shot services for the rapid delivery of equipment and parts. These loads can include valves, pipes, and other essential components needed to maintain operations.
Auto Parts and Vehicles
Hot Shot trucking is also popular in the automotive industry, where there's a need for quick delivery of auto parts and even vehicles. This can include anything from engines and transmissions to specialty car parts.
Medical Supplies and Equipment
Hospitals and clinics often require urgent delivery of medical supplies and equipment. Hot Shot services are ideal for transporting items like medical devices, PPE, and pharmaceuticals that need to reach their destination quickly.
Agricultural Products
Farmers and agricultural businesses may use Hot Shot trucking for the timely transport of seeds, fertilizers, and machinery parts. These deliveries are often time-sensitive, especially during planting and harvesting seasons.
How to Find Loads for Hot Shot
Securing loads is a critical aspect of running a successful Hot Shot trucking business. Here are several strategies to find loads for Hot Shot:
Load Boards
Load boards are online platforms where shippers post available loads, and carriers can bid on them. Popular load boards like DAT, Truckstop.com, and 123Loadboard offer a wide range of load opportunities. These platforms provide essential details such as load type, weight, pickup and delivery locations, and payment terms.
Freight Brokers
Freight brokers act as intermediaries between shippers and carriers. Building relationships with reliable freight brokers can provide a steady stream of load opportunities. Brokers can help negotiate rates and ensure that the carrier is paid promptly.
Direct Shipper Contracts
Establishing direct contracts with shippers can lead to more consistent work and better rates. Reach out to local businesses, manufacturers, and suppliers that may need regular transportation services. Networking and building a reputation for reliability can lead to long-term contracts.
Online Marketplaces and Apps
Several apps and online marketplaces cater specifically to Hot Shot trucking. Platforms like ship and Convoy connect carriers with shippers looking for expedited services. These apps often provide instant booking and offer real-time tracking features.
Networking and Referrals
Networking within the industry and maintaining good relationships with past clients can lead to referrals and repeat business. Attend industry events, join online forums, and participate in local business associations to expand your network.
Tips for Securing the Best Loads
Maintain a Strong Reputation
Reliability and professionalism are key to securing high-quality loads. Ensure timely deliveries, maintain good communication with shippers, and handle loads with care.
Invest in Proper Equipment
Having the right equipment is crucial for handling a variety of loads. Invest in a reliable truck and trailer, and ensure that you have the necessary permits and insurance.
Stay Organized
Keep track of your schedules, payments, and paperwork. Being organized will help you manage multiple loads efficiently and ensure that you comply with industry regulations.
Be Flexible
Flexibility can open up more opportunities. Be willing to take on different types of loads and travel to various locations. This can help you maximize your earning potential.
Monitor Market Trends
Stay informed about market rates and demand trends in the Hot Shot industry. This knowledge can help you negotiate better rates and choose the most profitable loads.
Finding and securing loads for Hot Shot requires a combination of strategy, networking, and industry knowledge. By leveraging load boards, freight brokers, direct contracts, and online marketplaces, Hot Shot drivers can build a steady stream of work. Coupled with a strong reputation and proper equipment, these strategies can lead to a successful and profitable Hot Shot trucking business. Whether you're an experienced driver or new to the industry, understanding how to find and secure loads is essential for maximizing your potential and growing your business.
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courierservices12 · 2 months
RPS Courier Services: Revolutionizing the Logistics Industry.
In today's fast-paced world, the need for efficient, reliable, and swift courier services has never been greater. As e-commerce continues to boom and businesses expand their reach globally, the logistics sector is facing unprecedented demand. Among the companies at the forefront of this revolution is RPS Courier Services, a name synonymous with excellence and innovation in the courier industry. This article delves into the operations, services, and impact of RPS Courier Services, showcasing why it stands out in a competitive market.
A Brief History of RPS Courier Services
RPS Courier Services was founded in the early 2000s with a vision to provide superior courier solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses alike. Starting as a small local operation, RPS quickly recognized the growing demand for reliable logistics and invested in expanding its infrastructure and technological capabilities. Today, RPS Courier Services operates on a global scale, offering a comprehensive range of services that cater to both domestic and international markets.
Comprehensive Service Offerings
RPS Courier Services prides itself on its wide array of services designed to meet the varying needs of its clientele. These include:
1. Same-Day Delivery
For urgent shipments, RPS offers a same-day delivery service that ensures packages reach their destination within hours. This service is particularly popular among businesses requiring rapid delivery of documents, medical supplies, and other time-sensitive items.
2. Next-Day Delivery
The next-day delivery service guarantees that packages will be delivered by the end of the following business day. This service strikes a balance between speed and cost-efficiency, making it a favorite for many e-commerce businesses and individuals.
3. International Shipping
RPS has a robust international shipping network that spans over 200 countries. With customs clearance expertise and partnerships with global carriers, RPS ensures that international shipments are handled smoothly and delivered promptly.
4. Freight Services
For larger shipments, RPS offers freight services that include air, sea, and land transportation. This service is ideal for businesses moving bulk goods or large items that require special handling and logistics.
5. Specialized Services
RPS provides specialized courier services tailored to specific industries such as healthcare, automotive, and technology. These services include temperature-controlled shipments, hazardous materials handling, and secure transport for high-value items.
Technological Innovations
One of the key factors behind the success of RPS Courier Services is its commitment to technological innovation. The company continually invests in cutting-edge technology to enhance its operations and improve customer experience. Some notable technological advancements include:
1. Advanced Tracking Systems
RPS uses state-of-the-art tracking systems that provide real-time updates on the status of shipments. Customers can track their packages from pickup to delivery, ensuring transparency and peace of mind.
2. Automated Sorting Centers
To handle the high volume of packages efficiently, RPS has implemented automated sorting centers equipped with AI and machine learning technologies. These centers ensure that packages are sorted quickly and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and delays.
3. Mobile App
The RPS mobile app allows customers to book shipments, track packages, and manage their accounts conveniently from their smartphones. The app also provides notifications and alerts, keeping customers informed every step of the way.
Commitment to Sustainability
In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, RPS Courier Services is dedicated to sustainability. The company has implemented several green initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices:
1. Eco-Friendly Vehicles
RPS is gradually transitioning its fleet to electric and hybrid vehicles, reducing emissions and promoting cleaner transportation methods.
2. Recyclable Packaging
The company uses recyclable packaging materials wherever possible and encourages customers to participate in recycling programs.
3. Energy-Efficient Facilities
RPS has invested in energy-efficient technologies for its facilities, including solar panels and LED lighting, to minimize energy consumption and reduce its environmental impact.
Customer-Centric Approach
At the heart of RPS Courier Services is a commitment to customer satisfaction. The company understands that each customer has unique needs and strives to provide personalized solutions. Key aspects of its customer-centric approach include:
1. 24/7 Customer Support
RPS offers round-the-clock customer support to assist with inquiries, resolve issues, and provide guidance on shipments. The support team is trained to handle a wide range of queries, ensuring that customers receive timely and accurate information.
2. Flexible Delivery Options
Recognizing that convenience is crucial, RPS provides flexible delivery options, including scheduled deliveries and doorstep pickups. Customers can choose the delivery method that best suits their needs and preferences.
3. Feedback Mechanisms
RPS actively seeks customer feedback to continuously improve its services. Through surveys, reviews, and direct communication, the company gathers valuable insights that drive enhancements in its operations and customer experience.
The Future of RPS Courier Services
Looking ahead, RPS Courier Services is poised for further growth and innovation. The company plans to expand its global network, enhance its technological capabilities, and continue its commitment to sustainability. By staying true to its core values of reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, RPS is set to remain a leader in the logistics industry.
RPS Courier Services has established itself as a trailblazer in the courier and logistics sector, offering a comprehensive range of services backed by technological innovation and a customer-centric approach. As the demand for reliable courier solutions continues to rise, RPS is well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future and drive the industry forward. Whether it's a local delivery or an international shipment, customers can trust RPS Courier Services to deliver with excellence.
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maahiparcel · 2 months
Discover the Best Pickup and Delivery Service in Chennai: Convenience at Your Doorstep
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Why Choose Maahi International Courier Service?
1. Reliable and Timely Deliveries
At Maahi International Courier Service, punctuality is a top priority. Understanding the importance of timely deliveries, especially for businesses that depend on a reliable supply chain, Maahi ensures that your packages reach their destination on schedule. With real-time tracking, you can monitor the progress of your shipment and stay informed about its status every step of the way.
2. Comprehensive Service Range
Maahi International Courier Service offers a wide range of services tailored to meet various needs. From local deliveries within Chennai to international shipping, Maahi has you covered. Their services include document delivery, parcel shipping, freight forwarding, and more, making them a one-stop solution for all your logistics requirements.
3. Affordable Pricing
One of the standout features of Maahi International Courier Service is their competitive pricing. They offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Whether you’re sending a small document or a large shipment, you’ll find their rates to be highly reasonable, ensuring value for your money.
4. Advanced Technology Integration
Maahi leverages the latest technology to enhance customer experience and streamline operations. Their user-friendly online platform allows you to schedule pickups, track deliveries, and manage your shipments with ease. Additionally, their automated systems ensure accuracy and efficiency, reducing the chances of errors and delays.
5. Exceptional Customer Support
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Maahi International Courier Service. Their dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist you with any queries or concerns. Whether you need help with tracking a shipment or require information about their services, you can count on their team to provide prompt and courteous assistance.
How Maahi International Courier Service Works
Step 1: Schedule a Pickup
Scheduling a pickup with Maahi is quick and easy. Simply visit their website or use their mobile app to book a pickup at your convenience. You’ll receive a confirmation with the details of your pickup.
Step 2: Package Handling
Maahi’s experienced staff will handle your package with care. Whether it’s a fragile item or a bulky shipment, they ensure it is properly packed and secured for transit.
Step 3: Real-Time Tracking
Once your package is on its way, you can track its journey in real-time using Maahi’s tracking system. You’ll receive updates at every stage, from pickup to delivery.
Step 4: Timely Delivery
Maahi guarantees timely delivery to the specified destination. You’ll receive a notification once your package has been delivered, along with proof of delivery.
When it comes to pickup and delivery services in Chennai, Maahi International Courier Service is the name you can trust. With their commitment to reliability, affordability, and customer satisfaction, they offer a seamless and convenient experience that sets them apart from the competition. Discover the convenience of Maahi International Courier Service today and experience logistics solutions that truly deliver.
For more details visit our Website :- https://www.maahiparcel.com/
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schneidt79 · 2 months
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HIP DEEP IN BAD COMPANY (Deadwood Undertaker Bk 5) by Ann Charles & Sam Lucky (Art by C.S. Kunkle)
My 5 Star Review:
Another thrilling tale of Clem and her posse as they discover underground mysteries beneath their very feet! Join the Santa Fe Sidewinders & Lucky Hank as they go to hilarious lengths to avoid & surveil Pinkertons & trap a soul tormenting Sorcerer to protect Uncle Mort.
Follow Clem as she balances Undertaker duties, searches for underground tunnels, attempts keeping a cool head when dealing with Masterson & the Rogue, battles a Sorcerer, & still manages a little romance with a certain Sidewinder (finally ;)).
This installment answers some old questions & introduces a new ally from a very near & unexpected place. Plus, Ms. Hundt actually speaks!
This series delivers laughs, chills, and "the feels"! I'm addicted & can't wait for the next book! Set in the historic western town of Deadwood, South Dakota, these books are part comedy, mystery, & thriller with supernatural & paranormal fights to the death...& just a touch of romance. This series is a romping good time!
Clementines is a Slayer hired to clean up the mining town of Deadwood, South Dakota (& it's territory). She signed up for more than she bargained for but she's found help in her friends. As she trains them to get ready to face the next deadly paranormal foe, she wonders if she is signing their death warrants. These friends and allies won't give her much choice though, since they have committed themselves to be her posse.
The monsters are real & the stakes couldn't be higher. They ban together to protect the innocent (& not so innocent) citizens of Deadwood & other mining camps nearby. All while bonding & learning more about themselves, each other, & this crazy supernatural world they've been thrust into. They bear it all with humor, bravery, caring, & a little bit of crazy! I highly recommend this series by husband & wife team, Ann Charles & Sam Lucky.
*Trigger Warning: There is adult language & violence & comical cross-dressing.*
Find your copy @ any if the following links:
Apple Books:
Barnes & Noble/Nook:
Google Play:
Author Webstore:
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Serializing the opening of “The Lost Cause”
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On October 7–8, I'm in Milan to keynote Wired Nextfest.
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful tale of the climate emergency, which comes out on November 14. Kim Stanley Robinson called it "an unforgettable vision of what could be":
I'm currently running a Kickstarter campaign to pre-sell the audiobook, which I produced and narrated myself (for complex and awful reasons, Amazon won't carry my audiobooks, see the Kickstarter campaign page for details). You can also pre-order the ebook and hardcovers, including signed and personalized copies:
For the next week or so, I'm going to be serializing the prologue of the book, which gets it off to quite a spicy start. Here's part one!
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I thought that I was being so smart I signed up for the over nightwhen pager duty for the solar array at Burroughs High. Solar arrays don’t do anything at night. Because it’s dark. They’re not lunar arrays.
Turns out I outsmarted myself.
My pager app went off at 1:58 a.m., making a sound that I hadn’t heard since the training session, GNAAP GNAAP GNAAP, with those low notes that loosened your bowels offset by high notes that tightened your sphincter. I slapped around my bed for my screen and found the lights and found my underwear and a tee and then the cargo pants I wore on work duty and blinked hard and rubbed my eyes until I could think clearly enough to confirm that I was dressed, had everything that I needed, and then double-­checked the pager app to make sure that I really, actually needed to go do something about the school’s solar array at, I checked, 2:07 a.m.
2:07 a.m.! Brooks, you really outsmarted yourself.
Gramps’s house had started out as a two bed/one bath, like most of the houses in Burbank, but it had been expanded with a weird addition at the back—­again, like most of the houses in Burbank—­giving it a third bedroom and a second bath. That was my room, and it had its own sliding door to the backyard, so I let myself out without waking Gramps.
It was warm enough that I didn’t need a jacket, which was good because I’d forgotten to put one on. Still, there was just enough of a nip in the air that I jogged a little to get my blood going. Burbank was quiet, just the sound of the wind in the big, mature trees that lined Fairview Street, a distant freight train whistle, a car zooming down Verdugo. My breath was louder than any of them. A dog barked at me and startled me as I turned onto Verdugo, streetlit and wide and empty, too.
Two minutes later, I was at Burroughs, using my student app to buzz myself into the school’s gate, then the side entrance, then the utility stairs, and then I jogged up the stairs. I was only supposed to get paged if the solar array had an error it couldn’t diagnose for itself, and that the manufacturer’s techs couldn’t diagnose from its camera feeds and other telemetry. Basically, never. Not at 2:00 a.m. 2:17 a.m. now. I wondered what the hell it could be. I opened the roof access door just in time to hear a glassy crashing sound, like a window breaking, and I froze.
Someone was on the roof with me. A person, glimpsed in the corner of my eye and then lost in the darkness. Too big to be a raccoon. A person. On the roof.
“Hello?” Gramps’s friends sometimes made fun of my voice. I’d hated how high-­pitched it was when I was a freshman and had dreamed of it getting deeper someday, but now I was a senior, weeks away from graduation, and I still got mistaken for a girl on gamer voice-­chats. I’d made my peace with it, except that I hadn’t entirely because I was not happy at all with how it squeaked out over that roof. “Hello?” I tried for deeper. “Someone there?” No one answered, so I took a step out onto the roof. Glass crunched under my feet. It was dark and it stayed dark when I slapped at the work-­lights switch next to the door—­they should have been tripped by the motion anyway. I found my flashlight and twisted it to wide beam and checked my feet. Smashed glass, all right, and when I swung the light around to the nearest solar bank, I saw that each panel had been methodically shattered. I took a step back toward the door, and the light beam swung up and caught the man.
He was wearing a head-­to-­toe suit—­a ghillie suit, Gramps’s friends called them—­and holding a short four-­pound sledgehammer with a handle and head painted in nonreflective black that swallowed my light beam. He was coming toward me. I reflexively hit the bodycam 911 emergency switch on my screen and it sounded its “Warning, bodycam recording” alert in a warm woman’s voice that I’d chosen for its nonthreatening tone. Mostly I bodycammed when I was having an argument with someone and the calm voice was a good balance between cooling things out and satisfying California’s two-­party consent rules for recording.
As he raised the hammer, I wished that I’d chosen the cop voice instead.
“Wait,” I said, taking a step back. The roof access door had closed behind me. “Please.”
“Shit,” the man said. He was using a voice-­shifter, either a separate unit or part of the ghillie suit. His voice was deep as a diesel engine. “Dammit, you’re just a kid.” He used the hand that wasn’t holding the hammer to flip up his nightscope goggles and peer at me. His eyes, visible in the ghillie suit’s slit, were bloodshot and wrinkled and blue. He squinted at my light and brandished the hammer. “Shit,” he said again. “Get that out of my eyes, dammit.”
“Sorry,” I squeaked, and lowered the beam, casting it around.
It seemed like 80 percent of the panels were ruined. Why had I said sorry? Force of habit. “Shit.” If he could say it, I could too.
“Shit. What the hell are you doing, man?”
“You’re recording this, kid?”
“Yes. Livestreaming.”
“Good, then I’ll explain. You just stay there and we won’t have a problem. I was gonna have to make a video when this was done, you’re just saving me the trouble.” He lowered the hammer and let it dangle. I thought about rushing him, but I’m not a fighter, and he was still holding the hammer. Same for turning and trying to get out the door before he could catch up with me.
“Kay, listen up. This world we’re in, it’s debased. America’s been rotted from the inside. First it was immigrants. You might think I’m a racist, but I’m not. It’s not immigrants I object to. It’s illegals. You want to come to America, you come in the front door, on the terms your gracious hosts here are offering. You don’t skip the line or break in through the window. That’s what a criminal does. You let in a criminal, let ’em become citizens, soon enough they’re voting for other criminals.
“You know just what I’m talking about, don’t kid yourself. The money we’re spending now? This Green New Deal? This Jobs Guarantee? These fuckin’ solar panels? Bill’s gonna come due on this. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Chinese hoaxed us into believing in this climate garbage, then they got us to go into hock to them up to our eyeballs to buy their shiny crap, and then they’re gonna charge us interest, and our kids, and their kids, and their kids. Mortgaging their future? Shit, what future? They’re headed for debt bondage for eternity. Biblical. It’s Biblical.
“All this mumbo jumbo about ‘money users’ and ‘money creators’—­it’s just word games. There’s two kinds of people in this world, and it’s not ‘money users’ and ‘money creators’—­it’s ‘makers’ and ‘takers.’ The makers create all the wealth, the takers elect politicians who confiscate it and redistribute it.” “Redistribute” came out like another f-­bomb.
This was crazy, but it wasn’t unfamiliar. I’d heard versions of this conversation around Gramps’s place ever since I came to live with him, back when I was eight. More, I’d heard these specific words before. I pressed my recollections, tried to put a face to the words. All the faces in Gramps’s living room had a sameness, a whiteness, matching haircuts and the same Maga hats, faded and frayed. Who had said those words? I could bring the face to mind now, the rest of the face that went with those blue watery eyes peering out of the ghillie suit.
Now, the name. Mark. Not Mark. Mike. Mike! Mike, uh.
“Mike Kennedy?”
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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birina123 · 2 months
How to book container for export | How to book reefer container
Ready to ship your products abroad? If your products require special temperature control, you need to know how to book reefer container. These containers act like portable refrigerators, ensuring your perishable goods stay fresh and in optimal condition throughout the shipping process. Let's dive into the simple steps to secure a reefer container for your export needs.
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How to book container for export?
Whether it's fresh produce or other temperature-sensitive items, ensuring the right conditions during transportation is crucial.
To learn how to book container for export in India, it is essential to understand the container booking process. The steps involved in container booking for export include selecting a shipping line, choosing the appropriate container type, and confirming the booking details with the shipping company. For comprehensive guidance on how to book reefer container in shipping, exporters should consult their freight forwarder or the shipping line's official website for specific instructions and documentation requirements.
In summary, using the Citrus Freight app makes booking reefer containers easy. The app is user-friendly, shows clear prices, and lets you choose specific container types. Citrus Freight is here to make your container booking simple and reliable.
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The Impact of Technology on Shipping Company in the UAE
Are you looking for efficient and reliable shipping services in the UAE? With the rapid advancement of technology, shipping companies, including those in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, are transforming the way they operate. Technology has revolutionized the shipping industry, making processes faster, more efficient, and more reliable. This blog explores how technology impacts shipping companies in the UAE, highlighting key advancements and their benefits.
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Overview - the Shipping Industry in the UAE
The UAE is a global trade hub, with its strategic location connecting the East and West. Shipping companies in the UAE play a crucial role in facilitating international trade, providing services such as freight forwarding, logistics, and cargo handling. Major cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai are home to some of the leading shipping companies that leverage technology to enhance their operations.
The Role of Technology in Shipping
Technology has permeated every aspect of the shipping industry, from the way goods are tracked to how they are transported. Here are some key areas where technology is making a special impact:
Digital Tracking and Real-Time Monitoring
One of the most significant advancements in the shipping industry is digital tracking. Shipping companies in the UAE now use advanced tracking systems to monitor the movement of goods in real-time. This technology provides customers with up-to-date information about their shipments, enhancing transparency and reliability. Real-time tracking helps reduce delays and ensures that any issues are promptly addressed.
Automation is transforming the logistics and shipping industry by streamlining operations and reducing the need for manual labor. Automated systems are used for sorting, packing, and even transporting goods within warehouses. Robotics technology is also being employed to handle repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency and reducing human error. Shipping companies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai are investing in these technologies to improve their operational efficiency.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the shipping industry by providing a secure and transparent way to record transactions. This technology ensures that all parties involved in the shipping process have access to a single, immutable ledger of transactions. This reduces the risk of fraud and enhances trust between shipping companies and their clients. Blockchain can also streamline customs clearance processes, reducing delays and improving efficiency.
E-commerce Integration
The rise of e-commerce has significantly impacted the shipping industry. Shipping companies in the UAE are integrating their systems with e-commerce platforms to provide seamless shipping solutions. This integration allows for automated order processing, real-time inventory management, and faster delivery times. As e-commerce continues to grow, shipping companies must adapt to meet the increasing demand for efficient and reliable delivery services.
Enhanced Customer Experience
Technology is enhancing the customer experience by providing more convenient and efficient services. Shipping companies in the UAE are using online platforms and mobile apps to allow customers to book shipments, track their goods, and make payments easily. These digital tools provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, making it easier for customers to manage their shipping needs.
Benefits of Technological Advancements for Shipping Companies
The adoption of technology offers numerous benefits for shipping companies in the UAE, including:
Increased Efficiency
Automation and digitalization streamline operations, reducing the time and effort required to manage shipments. This increased efficiency allows shipping companies to handle larger volumes of goods and provide faster delivery times.
Improved Accuracy
Automation and digital tracking reduce the risk of human error, ensuring that shipments are processed accurately and delivered on time. This accuracy enhances the reliability of shipping services and builds trust with customers.
Enhanced Security
Blockchain technology and IoT devices enhance the security of shipping operations by providing secure and transparent records of transactions and real-time monitoring of goods. This reduces the risk of theft, fraud, and damage to goods.
Greater Customer Satisfaction
Technology enhances the customer experience by providing more convenient and reliable services. Real-time tracking, online booking, and easy payment options improve customer satisfaction and build loyalty.
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Case Studies: Technological Impact on Shipping Companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Case Study 1: A Leading Shipping Company in Dubai
A leading shipping company in Dubai implemented an advanced digital tracking system to monitor its shipments in real time. This technology provided customers with accurate and up-to-date information about their goods, reducing delays and improving transparency. The company also integrated its system with e-commerce platforms, allowing for automated order processing and faster delivery times. As a result, the company saw a significant increase in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Case Study 2: A Major Shipping Company in Abu Dhabi
A major shipping company in Abu Dhabi invested in automation and robotics to streamline its warehouse operations. Automated systems were used for sorting and packing goods, reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing errors. The company also implemented IoT devices to monitor the condition of perishable goods during transit, ensuring they were transported under optimal conditions. These technological advancements improved the company's operational efficiency and enhanced the safety and reliability of its services.
The Future of Technology in the Shipping Industry
The impact of technology on shipping companies in the UAE is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, the shipping industry will see even more advancements that will further enhance efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction. 
The impact of technology on shipping company in the UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, is profound. From digital tracking and automation to blockchain and IoT, technological advancements are transforming the shipping industry, making it more efficient, secure, and customer-centric. Shipping companies that embrace these technologies are better positioned to meet the growing demands of global trade and provide superior services to their clients.
For those looking for reliable and efficient shipping services in the UAE, Aeron Cargo leverages the latest technological advancements to provide logistics solutions. Whether you need to ship goods locally or internationally, Aeron Cargo ensures your shipments are handled with the utmost care and delivered on time.
Visit our website or contact us at +971 2 5551655 to learn more about our services.
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kovcab · 4 months
salem to madurai one way cabs Kovaicabs
 Simplifying Outstation Cab reserving Your Ultimate Guide   Are you planning a trip out of  city? Whether it’s a weekend  flight or a business trip,  reserving a  dependable terminal hack service can make your  trip smooth and hassle-free. Then is everything you need to know about terminal hack  reserving 
With  multitudinous online platforms and mobile apps available,  opting  the right bone   is  pivotal. Look for a outstation cab bookingthat offers a  stoner-friendly interface, transparent pricing, and a wide range of vehicle options.   A  flawless booking process is essential. Enter your volley  position, destination, date, and time, and choose the type of vehicle you need. Some platforms also allow you to customize your trip by  opting  specific preferences like AC/non-AC, hydrofoil, SUV, or luxury auto.  
Before  attesting your booking,  insure that the platform provides transparent pricing. Look for any  retired charges or  redundant  freights that may apply. The outstation cab booking near me offer  outspoken pricing with no surprises.   Safety should always be a precedence when traveling. Choose a platform  that  mates with  certified and  indicated  hack drivers. also, look for features like  motorist  shadowing, SOS buttons, and24/7  client support for added security.   Plans can change, so choose a platform that offers inflexibility.
 Look for options to modify or cancel your booking  fluently,  rather with no or  minimum cancellation  freights.   Before making a booking, take some time to read  our  client reviews and conditions. online outstation cab booking in Kovai cabs  give you  perceptivity into the  trustability and quality of service offered by the platform and its  mate drivers.   extremities can  do anytime, so  conclude for a platform that offers round the-  timepiece  client support. Whether you need  backing with your booking or encounter any issues during your  trip, prompt  client support can make all the difference.   Some platforms offer  fresh services like  field transfers, sightseeing  tenures, andinter-city transfers. Explore these options if you need  redundant  backing during your trip.  
In conclusion,  reserving an terminal hack should be a stress-free experience. By choosing outstation cab booking madurai to Coimbatore you can  insure a comfortable and safe  trip to your destination. Keep these tips in mind to make the most out of your terminal hack booking experience.
Know More: https://kovaicabs.com/
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roverclone · 4 months
Uber Freight Support Phone Number: How to Contact Uber Freight Customer Service
Need assistance with Uber Freight? This guide outlines how to contact Uber Freight's customer support team via phone. Whether you have questions about freight booking, need help with payments, or have any other inquiries related to Uber Freight services, reaching out to their dedicated support line can provide you with prompt and helpful assistance. Find the correct phone number to connect with Uber Freight's customer support and get the support you need.
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psyoniks · 5 months
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i got bored and doodled 1/4 of my fan kids on my notes app. finally made more kids so cody and cain aren't just homestuck inserts. might actually draw them asp
casy garcia and sean ashley
weird creepy pasta kid and annoying theater kid
cody dreams on derse and is a mage of mind and sean dreams on prospit and is a maid of heart
fun facts/random stuff:
cody constantly draws operator symbols on his arm because its fucking cool.
he will spam everyone at 3am in the pestergroup chat to show his shitty proof of mothman. he didn't sleep for 72 hours and was running on coffee. it was just a moth on his window.
speaking of, he's terrified of moths. they're the devil incarnate.
stole his name from the best creepypasta x virus
gets genuinely anxious at the idea of aliens existing. he's going to have a hell of a breakdown at some point.
never shuts up about Pokémon. ever.
most likely nonbianry or smth but he ain't got time to figure that out
likes glam rock, screamo and vocaloid
makes short horror films and likes bringing his cam recorder into the woods next to his house to try(and unsuccessfully)find evidence of the supernatural.
makes multiple dnd character sheets because its fun but never uses them. and because he's a nerd and has no one to play with irl.
plays the electric guitar but he's extremely bad at it.
he watches way too many shitty romcoms
sean wants to visit paris to have a main character love story moment.
people think he's annoying because he likes to be dramatic for the fun of it and is very theatrical. so he tries to tone it down when he's not alone, but it's pretty hard for him.
he's the type to read a book or write in a journal at a concert to seem 'mysterious' and by the off chance his favorite band invites him backstage to have a tour or some shit(he's so real).
in the theater club at his school, hasn't gotten a lead yet but he will eventually!(he won't)
sean actually has terrible stage freight, but still has a passion the preforming arts, so he joined the club in the spur of the moment to try and get over it
tripped over his own foot during opening night for a musical and ended up starting a fire somehow.
likes high-school musical and glee.
actually plays a sport, soccer.
pretends to know french because it thinks it makes him seem more sophisticated. He does not know french.
hates coffee but drinks it anyways. thinks its 'romantic' since coffee shop love stories are all rage.
reads old boring books that you'd read in english class like the great gabsty because he thinks it make him seem more mature.
he's actually very happy to help out his friends anytime they need something
cody and sean like to discuss about the conspiracy theories about the cult theater people, the mystery of hamlet curse, superstitions and of the incredibly specific scenario if aliens were to infect humans to sing and dance(tgwdlm real). other than that they like to play video games, though their tastes are wildly different. cody likes horror while sean likes those really bad visual novels, which cody makes fun of. they also both unironically like twilight. cody is team jacob and sean is team edward and they do argue about it.
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AVAAL Express Trucking Management Software
AVAAL Express Trucking Management Software Overview Avaal Express is a comprehensive trucking management software solution incorporating dispatching, fleet management, driver management, safety and compliance, and accounting from a single easy-to-use platform.
Avaal Express is available in different versions, tailor-fit to meet your requirements and needs. Current modules available include Dispatch Software, Freight Broker Software, and Auto Hauler Software as well as an online (Hosted Version). Choose the version best suited for your company and we will provide you with a demonstration on how to incorporate Avaal Express with your current daily operations.
Desktop Based Freight Management Software AED are software solutions for Carriers, Freight Brokers, and Freight Forwarders. They offer the ultimate solution for freight accounting, freight auditing, freight tracking and many other freight management services. You can manage multiple freight, send and receive important documents, access status of shipments, manage profitability and analyze financial trends conveniently in one single place.
Integration with EDIs ELDs,and Quick Books AED Driver App to track your shipment. Simple and Fast user interface 24/7 Live customer support
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