#french royals
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Jean-Baptiste Mauzaisse (French, 1784-1844) Louis VII Takes the Standard at Saint-Denis, 1840 Chateau de Versailles
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la-belle-histoire · 4 months
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Marie Antoinette and her Children, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun. 1787.
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romanovsotma · 8 months
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Princesses Marie and Isabelle (sitting) of Orleans, 1902.
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AU: Children Henry II and Catherine de Medici.
Франциск II(1544 - 1595).Король Франции. Муж Марии Стюарт. Первенец Генриха II и Екатерины Медичи. Имел слабый имуннитет. Внутренняя и внешняя политика Франциска II была не удачной из-за того, что на него оказывали огромное влияние властные мать и жена. Отец 6 детей: Екатерина, Людовик XIII, Тьерри, Жером, Мария, Бастьен.
Елизавета(1545 - 1610).Королева Англии. Жена Эдуарда VI. Брак короля и королевы был счастливым. Елизавета была доверенным лицом для своего мужа, с которым он обсуждал многие проблемы, включая важные политические вопросы. Елизавета пережила Эдуарда на 10 лет и до конца своих дней носила по нём траур. От Эдуарда у Елизаветы было 7 детей: Эдуард VII, Джейн, Елизавета, Генрих IX, Екатерина, Чарльз и Мария.
Клод(1547 - 1575).Герцогиня Лотарингская. Жена Карла III. Их брак был заключён как символически мирный союз между Францией и Лотарингией. Но не смотря на это, отношения между супругами были счастливые. В браке родилось 9 детей: Генрих II, Кристина, Карл, Антуанетта, Анна, Франсуа II, Екатерина, Елизавета и Клод.
Людовик(1549 - 1620).Герцог Орлеанский. Муж Софии Шведской. Брак Людовика и Софии был очень счастливым. В последние годы жизни София тяжело болела и Людовик сам лично ухаживал за своей женой. Герцог пережил супругу на 25 лет и даже после смерти Софии хранил ей верность. Отец 5 дочерей: Маргарита, Екатерина, Жозефина, Франциска и Женевьева.
Шарль(1550 - 1599).Герцог Ангулемский. Муж Елизаветы Австрийской. Отец 3 детей: Мария, Готье и Арман. Отношения между ними были прохладные, потому что Шарль предпочитал общество своей фаворитки. Любил охуту и развлечения.
Генрих(1551 - 1620).Герцог Анжуйский. Муж Марии Клевской(умерла при родах вместе с ребёнком) и Луизы Лотарингской. Мария Клевская была первой женой Генриха. Герцог горько оплакивал свою супругу и решил больше никогда не жениться, но мать и брат - король настояли на повторном браке. Вторую жену Генрих не любил, но относился к ней с теплотой и уважением. У Луизы и Генриха родилось 7 детей: Николя, Екатерина, Жанна, Антуан, Жерар, Луиза и Аврора.
Маргарита(1553 - 1615).Герцогиня де Гиз. Жена Генриха де Гиза. Супружеская жизнь Маргариты и Генриха была счастливой. С детства Маргарита отличалась независимым нравом и острым умом. Знала 5 иностранных языков и хорошо владела пером. В браке родилось 10 детей: Франсуа, Анна, Артуа, Эммануэль, Генрих, Марсель, Екатерина, Рената, Гийом и Жан.
Эркюль(1555 - 1611).Герцог Алансонский. Муж Екатерины де Бурбон. Несмотря на то, что их брак был династическим у супругов сложились хорошие отношения. Екатерина родила герцогу 4 детей: Жанна, Эркюль, Жак и Гастон.
Виктория(1556 - 1631).Королева Швеции. Жена Карла IX. Сестра - близнец Жанны. Виктория была очень образованной и дипломатичной женщиной. Брак короля и королевы был счастливым. Также Виктория сопровождала своего супруга в поездках в другие государства. Помимо этого, она вела тесную переписку не только со своими братьями и сёстрами, но и с родственниками мужа. В браке родилось 10 детей: Карл X, Маргарита, Катарина, Густав, Магнус, Эрик, Юхан, Кристина, Хедвига и Биргер.
Жанна(1556 - 1588).Королева Португалии. Жена Себастьяна I. Жанну описывали как нежную женщину, которая заслужила уважение своего мужа и португальского двора. Королева активно занималась благотворительностью: помогала сиротам и вдовам, а также позволяла беднякам получить медицинскую помощь. Умерла от продолжительной болезни. В семье Жанны и Себастьяна родилось 8 детей: Мануэль II, Хуана, Мигель, Карлуш, Афонсу, Тереза, Педру и Марианна.
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chrasilla · 8 months
i love wes anderson's regulars because if i was a famous director i too would only do stuff with my friends and include them in everything i do
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ancientsstudies · 13 days
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Château de Versailles by michaelthecanadian.
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escapismsworld · 7 months
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Perhaps one of the most incredible sculptures in the world. It was created by an unknown French sculptor in the 19th century. It's kept in India's Salar Jung Museum.
The sculpture is known under the name "Double statue of Mephistopheles and Marguerite". The fact is that on one side of the statue is a male figure, and on the other - a female figure. Behind the sculpture there is a large mirror, so that you can see both figures and appreciate the skill of the author of this unusual creation. The sculpture is created from a single piece of the most ancient sycamore tree.
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illustratus · 1 month
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The Battle of Trafalgar by John Christian Schetky
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europesroyalsjewels · 2 months
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Empress Eugenie’s Pearl & Diamond Tiara ♕ The Louvre Museum
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
Transfem Book Recs for International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day! Here are some transfem book recommendations for you:
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Book Titles:
Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier
Joy, to the World by Kai Shappley and Lisa Bunker
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt
Just Happy To Be Here by Naomi Kanakia
Me and My Dysphoria Monster by Laura Kate Dale and Hui Qing Ang
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes
Fake It by Lily Seabrooke
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
Fierce Femmes And Notorious Liars by Kai Cheng Thom
Princess of the Pomegranate Moon by Emily Wynne
Her Majesty’s Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
The Ojja-Wojja by Magdalene Visaggio and Jenn St-Onge
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod and Jess Taylor
Into the Gray by Margaret Killjoy
Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) by Hazel Jane Plante
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Hooded Cloak
Fabric from Colmar, Alsace, France
Royal Ontario Museum (Object number: 972.311.1)
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romanovsotma · 11 months
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Queen Amelie of Portugal (Princess of Orleans) with her little sister Princess Helene, 1890s.
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AU House of Bourbons: Children Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Maria Theresa(1778 - 1851). Queen of England. Wife of William IV and mother of 6 children: George V, Charlotte, Louis, Mary, Albert and Antoinette. Despite the great age difference the spouses were close to each other. Maria Theresa had a strong influence on her husband. She was also beloved by the British people for her charity, modesty and kindness. The queen spent most of her time in charity.
Louis XVII(1781 - 1848). King of France. Husband of Marie Theresa of Portugal. Despite the fact that this marriage was a marriage of convenience the spouses loved each other and had many children. The reign of Louis is characterized by the blossoming of French culture, military power and political weight. The marriage produced 15 children: Charles X, Joaquina, Antoinette, Philip, Victoria, Louise, Elizabeth, Francis, Alexandr, Nicolas, Henry, Therese, Gedeon, Leon and Andrew.
Louis Charles(1785 - 1840). Duke of Anjou. Husband of Amelia of Great Britain. From the first days of their marriage the spouses felt a chill for each other. But after a few months between them arose affection, in addition, Amelia very much liked the parents of her husband. The Dauphin was well educated, loved music, preferred serious conversations to hunting and balls. Father of 7 children: Louis, Amelia, Geoffroy, Paul, Gaston, Charlotte and Charles.
Sophia Beatrice(1786 - 1846). Queen of Spain. Wife of Ferdinand VII. The marriage was very successful, the spouses loved each other. Sofia did not shine in politics, but was loved by the people. They had 8 children: Maria, Ferdinand VIII, Carlos, Antoinette, Luisa, Marcelio, Luis and Teresa.
AU Дом Бурбонов: Дети Людовика XVI и Марии Антуанетты.
Мария Тереза(1778 - 1851). Королева Англии. Жена Вильгельма IV и мать 6 детей: Георг V, Шарлотта, Луи, Мария, Альберт и Антуанетта. Несмотря на большую разницу в возрасте супруги были близки друг к другу. Мария Тереза имела сильное влияние на мужа. Также она была любима британским народом за милосердие, скромность и доброту. Большую часть своего времени королева уделяла благотворительности.
Людовик XVII(1781 - 1848). Король Франции. Муж Марии Терезы Португальской. Несмотря на то, что этот брак был по расчёту супруги любили друг друга и имели много детей. Правление Людовика характеризуется расцветом французской культуры, военной мощи и политического веса. В браке родилось 15 детей: Карл X, Жоакина, Антуанетта, Филипп, Виктория, Луиза, Елизавета, Франсуа, Александр, Николя, Генрих, Тереза, Гедеон, Леон и Андре.
Луи Шарль(1785 - 1840).Герцог Анжуйский. Муж Амелии Великобританской. С первых дней брака супруги чувствовали прохладу друг к другу. Но через несколько месяцев между ними возникла привязанность, к тому же Амелия очень нравилась родителям своего мужа. Дофин был хорошо образован, любил музыку, предпочитал серьёзные разговоры охоте и балам. Отец 7 детей: Луи, Амелия, Жоффруа, Поль, Гастон, Шарлотта и Шарль
София Беатриса(1786 - 1846). Королева Испании. Жена Фердинанда VII. Брак был очень успешным, супруги любили друг друга. София не блистала в политике, но была любима народом. У них родилось 8 детей: Мария, Фердинанд VIII, Карлос, Антуанетта, Луиза, Марселио, Луис и Тереза.
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flagbridge · 5 months
The Raoul (de Chagny) Navy: An Exploration of the Vicomte's Naval Background:
Our beloved Vicomte, Raoul de Chagny, is a young junior officer in the French Navy ("le Royale"), but this hardly gets much exploration. It's a detail that is often glossed over--I anticipate because Naval historians and Phans often do not have much Venn diagram overlap--until now. Let's just say my username is a Naval reference.
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Note: the "Raoul Navy" is not my invention--our hilarious and wise "Phantom Dark Web" friends at Leroux Less Traveled (incl. @box5intern) came up with it, and I love it.
I've started digging into book Raoul and his Naval background and turns out we are missing out a whole lot about Raoul's character background if we don't dig into it. So I'm going to tell you what the book tells us and what that means. I'm going to give you the overall pieces up front, and then explain:
Raoul looks very young and feminine (except for his "little" mustache, which he effectively has grown to prove that he can)--and everyone treats him like a baby
Raoul at this point has already completed three years of Naval training including a world tour, so he is fairly experienced and even worldly for his age. He is described in the French as a "cadet", but he would likely be a sub-lieutenant at this point since he has graduated from the Naval Academy.
He's on a six month leave before going on a very dangerous mission to recover remains of a lost Arctic mission--a mission he himself is unlikely to return from.
And everyone still treats him like he's a baby (especially the old dowager widows), even though he has had quite a bit of life at this point--so he has something to prove.
What we know about Raoul and the Navy (Here is the English):
"He was admirably assisted in this work first by his sisters and afterward by an old aunt, the widow of a naval officer, who lived at Brest and gave young Raoul a taste for the sea. The lad entered the Borda training-ship, finished his course with honors and quietly made his trip round the world. Thanks to powerful influence, he had just been appointed a member of the official expedition on board the Requin, which was to be sent to the Arctic Circle in search of the survivors of the D'Artois expedition, of whom nothing had been heard for three years. Meanwhile, he was enjoying a long furlough which would not be over for six months; and already the dowagers of the Faubourg Saint-Germain were pitying the handsome and apparently delicate stripling for the hard work in store for him."
We also learn in another paragraph that the de Chagnys had admiral in the family, so the Naval connection is likely a family business for second sons. Raoul is a second son, so a career as a military officer would have been a distinguished career for him.
Borda: First ship
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Brest is the main port of the French Navy and home of the Ecole Navale (or French Naval Academy. In the 20th Century it moved, but Brest is still, along with Toulon, a major naval base)
According to the French: Le jeune homme entra au Borda, en sortit dans les premiers numéros et accomplit tranquillement son tour du monde (Note that the French calls him a "young man", not a lad)
The Borda is traditionally the training ship of the French Navy, and there have been six of them. This would have been a cadet/midshipman cruise for Raoul. He would have been on the ex-Valmy, an 120-gun ship of the line, which became the Borda training ship in 1864.
The Borda is also the ship of the Ecole Navale (French Naval Academy)—this means that Raoul attended the academy.
The Naval Academy is two years in Brest, and then their third year is the World Tour—so that timing also aligns with where we are in the book. Raoul would have begun at the academy at 18, and he is at the start of the book, 21 years old.
After the Borda, which he completed with honors, he did an uneventful world tour.
This would have been his third year, still as a midshipman.
He could have been assigned to any ship for this training cruise—possibly a cruiser (the d'Estang is pictured below in 1884 in Algiers), which did long range missions. Note: Their max speed was about 15 Knots (which is a very respectable speed that some warships still transit).
This world tour cold have been as far east as what is now Vietnam, or through the Suez--but likely near French colonies.
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With influence, he is assigned to the Requin expedition.
French: Grâce à de puissants appuis, il venait d'être désigné pour faire partie de l'expédition officielle du Requin, qui avait mission de rechercher dans les glaces du pôle les survivants de l'expédition du d'Artois, dont on n'avait pas de nouvelles depuis trois ans.
The Requin was a real ship in the Mediterranean fleet, but did not go on its first mission until 1885, which means that this is a deliberate or unintentional oversight of either Leroux himself or his narrator. The Requin was a steel hull—and the Artois was actually a 18th century Royal Navy ship so this piece is a complete fabrication. However, Arctic missions at this time were frequent and tended not to go well.
However, Raoul could also be excited about getting to go on a new steel-hulled ship. The Redoutable was already in commission—commissioned in 1876.  Most of the rest of the fleet at this point were ironclads.
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edgarallennope · 10 months
Wes Anderson's cinematic canon is a diverse and colourful spectrum of comedy and tragedy that frequently explores familial dysfunction, grief, solitude and otherness to YOU. To me it is a cinematic universe. Bill Murray is the same guy in all of those films.
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escapismsworld · 3 months
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Jules Joseph Lefebvre 🇫🇷 (1836-1912)
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