#friday night discontent
synthshenanigans · 1 year
So with this
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And this
I made this
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Its only an idea/sketch of it & they might change but the idea is there!
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psychic’s greatest fear is accidentally calling his boss dad
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Office competition
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You were sitting in a stuffy office in a conference room surrounded by a dozen of your colleagues and a boring boss. An unremarkable Tuesday. Your thoughts were flying far away throughout the meeting. You flipped through the tape on your phone while your boss showed graphs of departments that did not concern you, talked about profitability and costs. Your gaze fell on the window, the boss's projector, on the table, the enthusiastic face of Jake Strey. This guy is weird, always trying to stand out in front of the boss and earn his trust. And now he literally catches his every word and agrees with stupid exclamations.
"So colleagues. The meeting is coming to an end. And I would like to thank Mr. Graves separately. He worked for the benefit of our company for 40 years and is retiring. On behalf of the whole company, I wish him a wonderful holiday." The conference room burst into applause and the old, plump Mr. Graves was handed a large box with a present.
"Nevertheless," the boss continued, "now the position of the head of the department will be vacant. I will hire someone who will do the best job this month." At this point, you had to strain yourself, because the boss's gaze was also directed in your direction. You didn't mind the promotion, but the extra workload didn't appeal to you, although if it's guaranteed to give you a raise, why not. You were also surprised by the expression on Jake's face: genuine discontent and jealousy – that's what was read in the eyes of this thin guy.
Well… The next 2 weeks were difficult. Overtime and heavy workloads. Recycling didn't do you any good. You lived on coffee and stress. One Friday evening, you were sitting late at night finishing a project again when you heard a modest "cough-cough". You thought all your colleagues had already left. Looking up, you saw Jake holding 2 cups of coffee.
"I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I'm working late here too today. I thought coffee would be good for both of us." You thanked Jake and took the coffee. The fragrance was amazing. With strange notes. Lavender? Hibiscus? "Of course I see you as a competitor for the position, but you still need to help your colleagues," Jake's words were soothing, but his expression was distant and slightly scared. The guy nodded and retreated to his desk.
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Without giving it any importance, you went back to work. The coffee was delicious and you didn't even notice how you drained the cup. Jake was giving you sidelong glances at the time. A few minutes later, you felt a strange burning sensation in your chest, your stomach rumbled and then suddenly: "Buuurrrppp" a terrible belch left your mouth. You've never done this before. Did your body react strangely to the coffee? That's nonsense. The burning sensation did not go away, you felt yourself getting hot. Your limbs are weak, and your vision is slightly blurred... you leaned on the back of the chair and unbuttoned your tie. What the hell? You saw Jake's figure approaching you.
"Damn, I didn't think it would work so fast. Haha, but what did I expect? The mysterious potions of change from the black market do not contain complete instructions," you heard Jake's voice.
What was in that coffee? Did that bastard poison you? You tried to focus your eyes, reach for your phone, but your body wouldn't listen to you. The stomach rumbled again, but this time the intestines also moved in unison with it. You made 2 sounds at the same time. "BUUUUURRPPRUU", "PPFPFPFTTTPPPPFFFFF" - echoed through the office. You were terribly embarrassed by it.… The smell was terrible. "Haha damn.. The seller did not cheat. This elixir has been accurately described as a suitable combination for stink and stupidity." What the hell is Jake talking about? What kind of potion?
Suddenly, the fever increased, and you felt terrible pain and burning all over your body. Through the haze of vision, you could see your shirt stretching against the swelling muscles. You felt your body getting heavier and more massive. The office chair creaked under the pressure of your body. You could feel your feet starting to stretch, ripping off your office shoes. You could feel the sweat running down your huge feet, soaking into your socks, which immediately became wet... the smell of sweat from the locker room hit your nose. Then you felt your calves and shins swell and literally tore the bottom of your trousers in half. They were straining, and you could feel the muscles playing under your skin. Then the hips and buttocks. They expanded with terrifying rapidity. The seat of the chair became cramped and soaked in sweat from your buttocks in a second. Then your bulge. You felt your average penis begin to lengthen down your thigh, reaching 10 inches, and your balls became almost twice the size. At the same moment, your whole body was shaken by the amount of hormones... you were instantly aroused, soaking the front of your underpants and trousers. Your breathing became faster and with each breath your entire torso grew larger. The pectoral muscles, back and arms tore the shirt to shreds. The musky smell has intensified, coming from your now hairy armpits. Finally, the burning sensation along the ascending path reached your face and head. You felt the facial features begin to move, the bones break in order to fuse at other angles. The ears were enlarged, and the nose was rearranged inside. You felt how it became more difficult to breathe through your nose due to changes in the bones of your nose and involuntarily opened your mouth, giving your new face a slightly stupid look. Meanwhile, the fog in your field of vision has cleared, but the problem has become different. The fog in your brain has intensified. You felt your thoughts running away from you. It was getting harder to think. You saw the table on the laptop screen, but it was almost impossible to concentrate on it… The words in my head were not built into long sentences and thoughts, and strange ideas arose. You suddenly felt the urge to drink beer, lift weights in the gym and have sex in the locker room – this thought revived your penis again. The final chord was again a terrible belch.
"Bro.... Fuck.. Uh. What the hell did you do to me?" - you heard your new voice, which was very different from the rudeness and notes of the stupidity of the athlete. You jumped out of your chair and ran to the office window in your underpants to look at yourself. In the reflection, a frankly stereotypical dumb jock was looking at you. You saw Jake's grinning face in the background.
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"Well.. now it will be obvious to the boss who should take the place of the head of the department. Am I obedient and smart, or are you stupid and clumsy. See you tomorrow, asshole," and Jake stormed out of the office with his things.
To be continued…
This story was written as part of a story-sharing game for Ykuri73
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brummiereader · 14 days
Uptown Girl (Part Eight)
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Summary: After your Grandmothers intervention, Tommy learns the horrible mistake he's made. Will he be able to get to you in time before you commit your life to the man who had used you as a punching bag throughout the entirety of your relationship?
Warnings: Language, angst, mutual pining.
Word Count: 4061
Authors Note: This chapter was supposed to be the final part of Uptown Girl, but it was starting to get too long with too many scenes. So I decided to split it into two. The final chapter will hopefully be posted next Friday!
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"Fuck sake" Tommy grumbled under his breath with a frown of annoyance creased firmly between his brows as he stormed into his office past the preparations for your wedding.
Yes, that's right. Your wedding was to be held at Arrow House. The wedding of the woman who he believed had not only played him, but played with his scorned feelings, he'd carelessly let himself slip into a comfortable normality with.
The finer details for the grand event had been meticulously planned for weeks. And with both your denial and refusal to give any attention to the dreaded event, the arrangements and your fate were quietly arranged without your knowledge by the man who would claim you as his wife in a days' time on the grounds of your childhood home. And as the rightful owner of Arrow House, Tommy was now to host the wedding of the woman he had let himself fall in love with. Fuck.
Slumping into his leather chair with a grunt, his melancholy feelings for the thrilling moments you had spent in your shared home resurfaced as his eyes drifted to the bronze horse you had once fought over. The very same ornament that had cemented the beginnings of your passionate love affair.
"What?" he raised his head from the piling mountain of documents that had forgoed his attention to the sculptured figurine stoically stood judging him.
" Shit..." He leaned back into his chair as the gnawing feeling of guilt that had been eating away at him came out in a rumble of disgruntled huffs and heavy sighs of discontent for having treated you so cruelly the previous night.
His fingers itching to call you, to hear your witty comebacks playfully put a spring back into his famously brooding temperament, he looked longingly at the phone sitting beside him. One call away from hearing your voice, from settling the pining within him he felt having been away from you for the first time since his arrival.
Had he made a mistake? Shit, he didn't even give you a chance to explain, Tommy thought to himself as his fingers clutched around the receiver, lifting it to hear the operators voice echo through the line before abruptly slamming it back down as his hurt feelings rapidly shunned out any attempts to make contact with you.
Tommy Shelby was not to be taken for a fool. And yet here he was, foolishly in love with you.
" You got something to say, eh?" Tommy's furrowed brow returned to the ornament with a mumble at the beady-eyed sculpture, disapprovingly looking back at him.
Quick to silence its inaudible accusations, Tommy turned the weighty ornaments' critical stare away from him. Only to be faced with the unsightly alternative. It's ass. A clear portly reflection of what he himself felt like. A total, utter, ass. Fuck.
"Grannie...please!" Johnathan whimpered in pain as your elderly grandmother dragged him by the ear through the large doors or Arrow House after discovering the details of his devious scheming.
"Silence your sniveling, child" she scolded him, when her eyes turned in horror at the ghastly sight before her.
"Good heavens..." Grannie ignored your brother's continued pleas for mercy to be released from her painful grip tightening around his reddening ear as her eyes scanned the room at the bustling arrangements, and large decorated cake being rolled out on a silver trolley in front of her.
" Hm!" Her angry voice hiccuped with displeasure as her wooden cane of punishment came down onto the head of the figured groom atop of the intricately frosted cake. Further submerging him under layers of sponge until he met his sugary death, before marching off to Tommy's office with Johnathan whimpering in tow.
"Yes?" Tommy's creased brow rose to the sound of a knock at his door. If it was someone asking about wedding plans, they could fuck off, he released a breathy sigh, having had enough of hearing, let alone seeing the arrangements made for the grand day he'd keep himself far away from.
" Dowager" his frown softened into a smile upon seeing your Grannie meekly turn the corner.
" I do apologise for this sudden intrusion, Mr Shelby. But the stupidity of my grandson is something I must urgently address. And I will have you hear from him himself, the pain he has inflicted on his sister, and in turn you with his unforgivable actions" your grandmother spoke with a panging hurt pulling at her heart for the generational damage the male members of her kin had burdened the women of her family with.
" Hello" Johnathan peaked his head around the door with a one-handed greeting, apprehensive to face the gangster he had cheated out of hundreds of pounds.
" Make haste, you blithering idiot" your grandmother pushed her cane into his back towards Tommy stood hunched over his desk. Broad shoulders casting a gloomy shadow of fury around him.
" Johnathan" Tommy's jaw tightened as his fisted hands pressed into the mahogany wood, a stone throw away from wringing the neck of the mumbling man stood before him.
" I'm not quite sure how one goes about saying this..." Johnathan pondered nervously, trying to lessen his involvement before somebody took it upon themselves to remove his bollocks. If not by the gangster that ruled Camden, then the one that was thoroughly pissed off in front of him instead.
" In the simplest of terms, eh Johnathan? Since you find me foolish enough to have given you my money" Tommy scoffed at the nervous smile, flashing across your brother's face. His patience for high society's inability to talk straight, gone the moment he became part of their games.
" I...I have a problem, you see. A gambling one" your brother openly admitted. His unexpected confession, garnering Tommy's brooding temper as he fished for a cigarette to dull the mounting headache your family name and its members inflicted daily, if not hourly on him.
" Go on" Tommy ignited the rolled tobacco between his fingers, blowing a pummel of smoke to the ceiling as he waited on an explanation as to how you was a part of your brother's scheming. The only reason he was still entertaining the blubbering shell of a man stood across from him.
" Y/N my dear sister, has unfortunately taken the brunt of my problems" his head lowered as Tommy cleared his throat at the sound of your name and the fluttering beat caught in his chest.
" Always there to pick up the pieces but never the one to roll the dice, poor ol' girl" the weight of your brothers guilt for the way he had unfairly treated you suddenly pushed down onto his shoulders, burying his body into the floor.
" My sister had nothing to with the money I took from the sum you gave to pay off my debts, Mr Shelby. That was all my doing" he let the last of his confession slip through his sorrow for the events he had caused. For the miscommunication and hurt feelings he had cruelly inflicted between you both.
" My little sister loves me, of that I'm sure. But, she loves you far more. Don't doubt her word, Mr Shelby. She'd never do to you what I have done to her" his eyes cast down as a silence settled over the room, both Tommy and Johnathan stood quietly mulling over their feelings of guilt for the way they had treated the woman that had known nothing but a life of hardships at the hands of men.
" I have taken it upon myself to make sure he pays back every penny, every shilling of what is owed to you" Grannie stepped forward, breaking the silence between them as the last remnants of shame painfully pricked at both of the men's hearts.
" Shoveling coal " she announced his new profession as Johnathan gulped down the remaining minutes of freedom he had left before the many hours of hard labour commenced.
"Nose to the grindstone, isn't that so Mr Shelby?" she said as Tommy absently nodded his head, tired with the discussion of money as his preoccupied thoughts burdened him with a heavy feeling of worry that he wouldn't be able to salvage what was left of your relationship in time.
"23 Maple Cottage, Cheltenham. Before it's too late" Grannie gently urged his distracted mind to the phone sitting beside him before leaving him to settle the rushed mistakes he'd made.
Perching himself on the edge of your father's desk, Tommy released a stifled breath from his lungs as he pinched the throbbing pain sitting between his brows.
" Any ideas how I'm gonna get her back, eh? Tommy looked down at the four-legged statue, hoping the inanimate object that had become his counsel for the most troubling of matters would have the answer.
" Yeh, didn't think so" he huffed at the wordless reply as he stubbed his cigarette into the glass dish beside him. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
" Miss Y/L/N" Frances greeted you, surprised to see you stood on the porch of Arrow House as she opened the doors to greet you.
" I just need to retrieve a few things, then I'll be gone" you looked behind her, now suddenly feeling like an outsider as your searched the foyer for any signs of life.
" You're always welcome here, Miss" she sent you an inviting smile as her eyes glossed over with sorrow for the young woman she helped raise and the situation she now found herself in.
" I'm afraid that's no longer the case, Frances" your eyes dragged over the bricks of your childhood home you had been shunned from to your shuffling feet on the gritted ground beneath you.
" Is he here?" you nervously questioned, afraid at any moment you'd face the man responsible for breaking your heart. Responsible for the guilt weighing down your shoulders you had burdened yourself with on behalf of your brother.
" Head buried in paperwork. You'll go unnoticed. Come on, dear" she urged you forward with her hand out for you to take, foregoing the many questions that nagged her thoughts as to what had your and Tommy's growing relationship take a sudden blow.
As you made your way through the foyer of your childhood home, you apprehensively turned your head to your father's former office. Expecting Tommy to be stood there, ready to give you your marching orders with thundering steps and pointing fingers for a second time.
But with the gangster seemingly occupied with the many business matters he'd let lapse during the time you had spent together, you passed the preparations for your wedding unseen and unheard as you made a beeline for the top of the winding stairs that would safely separate you from the house's new owner.
Stood in your bedroom, you furiously pushed back your tears from your reddening cheeks as you struggled to close the small suitcase filled with memories of your life spent at Arrow House.
" Come on!" You shook the leather case on top of the antique cabinet, frustrated with the flimsy clasp that was doing little, if not anything, to help you stash your belongings and make a speedy departure. The whole flustered scene and rickety furniture that had blown your cover watched under the gaze of the very man who had thrown you out. " Bloody thing!"
" Y/N?" Tommy's gravelly voice echoed to you from the frame of the door he'd been stood against as the buckle effortlessly slipped into place. Typical.
" I...I'm just leaving" your mousy voice quietly spoke through a shudder of nerves as your cheeks blushed red at the unexpected sound of Tommy's voice feet from you.
" Don't" he swallowed back his own apprehension to face you, having cocked up the very start of your budding relationship in one rushed assumption and trail of hurtful words he now shamefully regretted.
Clutching your fingers tightly around your small satchel, you turned on your heel before you were met with his approaching footsteps rapidly closing in.
" Y/N, wait" his hand grasped hold of your bag as you swerved past him and away from what you assumed was an attempt to withhold your life's memories tightly packed in your suitcase.
" Please, there's nothing here of value. You've taken my home, let me keep these" your lids welled with tears as you pulled at the small satchel, eyes cast down and away from the man battling with you over items that held no importance to him.
" Y/N, would you just hear me out" Tommy struggled with you until finally letting go. Causing the contents to spill out onto the floor as you scrambled to retrieve them.
"Sweetheart, enough!" Tommy pleaded with your frantic state as he watched your shaky hands desperately try to salvage the small collection of trinkets. Had he done this to you? Given the final blow to an already broken woman, Tommy thought to himself, crouching down as he gently reached his hand out for yours. If only to briefly calm the panic within you" Hey..."
" What?! What Tommy?" You cried, snapping your head up as you pulled your hand away.
" You've taken everything from me! What more do you want?" Your anger for him came out in a strangled sob as you tried to grasp onto the last breath of air in your lungs. Chest heaving, body aching. You had succumbed to the many years of stress that had bored down on you.
" You" he replied, his chest squeezing tightly around his thumping heart as he searched the face of the girl that always had one last push in her to continue on.
" I...fuck..." he sighed, his words getting caught in his throat after the countless speeches he'd prepared, the countless times he'd tried to call your grandmother's house to no avail. Pumping himself up time and time again, only to be met with a ringing tone at the opposite end of the line.
" I was wrong, darling. Wrong about it all" his hands brushed up your arms, fingers curling around the thin fabric of your silky blouse. Wanting to pull you into his arms. Preying you'd let him and all would be forgotten.
" No..." You shook your head, brow creasing with anger for him having discovered the truth you couldn't convince him of the previous night.
" You don't get to do this, Tommy. You're too late" you said through the sobs caught in your chest, shrugging him off as you stood up to leave.
"Y/N!" He called after you, watching the end of your skirt flow out of sight as he scrambled onto his feet after you.
"Hey!" His voice echoed down the stairs as he rushed after you, clambering to save the little that was left of your feelings for him.
Turning to see his thundering steps racing after you, you stifled back the fury that had replaced the guilt you had let yourself feel as you juggled with the bag in your hand.
" You not gonna talk things out with me, eh? Come on, I'll pour you a whisky and we'll..." Tommy impatiently tried to mend the fracture separating you both as you let the weight of the flimsy suitcase in your hand fall onto the table beside you, battling with it once again.
" Like you gave me the courtesy of the other night, Tommy?" You seethed back, cutting him off as your eyes drifted to the small clock on the marble table out of place, fingers itching to put it back to its previous location.
" I have to go" you snapped your eyes away from the turning hands behind the glass, silently bringing an end to the day.
" Y/N" Tommy watched you turn to leave, before grabbing the ticking wooden box and placing it back in your preferred spot on the ivory-stoned table. A feeble, but undoubtedly desperate attempt to please you in any way or form before you shut the doors on him for good.
" Just five minutes, eh?" He jogged over to you, trying to reason with your stubbornness.
" No, Tommy!" You pulled his hands off you that had slipped around your waist in your frantic attempt to flee.
He had hurt you, broken your heart in the quickest and cruelest of manners when he expelled you from the house you had been born in.
Stubborn to the core, but no longer in the competitive nature that had filled your days since his arrival. The playfulness you had both enjoyed, now replaced with a hardened willfulness to protect yourself from him breaking what was left of your heart.
" I have to go. I have a big day tomorrow" you said through the forced smile of deceit etched on the corners of your mouth. Fake it until you make it, had now suddenly become your daily mantra to block out the dread you felt inside.
" Wha.." Tommy scoffed, his brow knitting together as he rested the weight of his body from one foot to the other. " You're gonna marry that bastard?" He's jaw tethered with tension, hand motioning to the door behind you and the risk you were ready to take.
" What choice do I have, Tommy?" You echoed the words you'd tell yourself before you fell headfirst for the unwanted guest you once resented. Holding out hope that the one consistency in your life would change for the better more than Tommy who had been so quick to abandoned you to his own paranoia.
"You have a choice. One right here, with me. Like we promised" he stepped forward, brushing a lone tear from your cheek.
" Until when though, Tommy? Until you next throw me out in the middle of the night? Cal's a sure thing" You turned your head away from the calloused pads of his fingers cradling the side of your face, from the breathy sigh of guilt slipping past his lips.
" Look after her" your gaze darted up to the high ceilings of your former home, tears trickling down your face as you parted with your last hope and the man you had fallen in love with.
" Y/N!" Tommy threw his hands up in the air as he watched you walk through the large wooden doors. Leaving with your bag in hand like a guest rather than the permanent figure in his home, the years of your life spent together replacing the dull walls of Arrow House he had hoped for.
Fuck, he couldn't let you get married. Wouldn't let you get married. And if he wasn't able to convince you of it himself, then he would with the catalyst that would not only bring a halt to the day, but take down the bastard that had been planning it.
With the hour of your vows rapidly drawing near, Tommy stormed to his office. Pulling the small black book of connections and information learnt from within the drawer of his wooden desk.
Picking up the receiver of the brass telephone sat beside him, Tommy's fingers scrolled down the many names he had collected intel on. Harold Sterling, Dicky Jones. The two pompous men he had spectacularly exposed at your engagement ball to the one name that ignited a furious rage within him. Cal Astor.
" Switchboard" the operator at the end of the call announced as the lines connected.
" Maryval convent, Perry Bar Birmingham. The Orphanage"
" I'm sorry" Johnathan eyes cast down as he turned to you, both stood outside the doors of the church as the sound of the choir announced your arrival through the angelic notes echoing against the cobbled stone.
" Enough" you faced him, straightening his limp tie back into place as his teary eyes watched his younger sister tend to everyone but herself on what was supposed to be the most important day of her life.
"Sissy..." He grabbed hold of your hand as you patted down the creases in his suit. Distracting yourself from the event about to unfold. " Tommy, did he not..." he began before you cut him off and settled the questions his mind had been nagging him with all morning.
" He did" you gave him the answer you knew plagued his thoughts, one you wanted to distance yourself from. " This is my choice, Johnathan" you adjusted the ivory veil over your shoulder as you threaded your arm into his. " Shall we?" You smiled through your apprehension as the heavy doors opened, and you stepped into the depraved future you knew awaited you.
Holding onto your brother's arm, you grasped at his tailored suit as the many guests turned to face you. The blinding light shining past the alter, casting colours of reds and blues through the stained glass, obscuring the curling smile of the man who you would call your husband in a moments time.
Slowly you paced along the tiled floor as your eyes searched among the smartly dressed gathering of people. Chest heaving as you realised the one person you wished to see, the one person that could stop you from taking the next step your stubborness refused to let you run from, was absent.
" Sweetpea" Cal took your hand, pulling you up to stand in unison with him as the sounds of your Grannies weeping, muffled though the hankie chief clutched tightly in her hand, echoed through the bricked room. Tears anybody would look endearingly upon, but ones that only held sorrow and hopelessness for the promise to your mother she was unable to uphold.
" We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of hands..." The priest began as Cal's eyes roamed over your body, the dress he had picked out on your behalf pleasing him enough to let his mind wander to the night he would enjoy spent in private with you. A night where you would no longer be able to refuse your duty to him.
"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace" the words of the gowned man bounced between the four corners of the small chapel, silent with no sounds of protest.
"Then let us begin" the priest smiled to you as he urged you and Cal to join hands, when the door creaked open and the unexpected sight of a smartly dressed man with two gentlemen accompanying him slipped through. Tommy. He was too late...too late.
Grasping his fingers around yours, Cal's jaw snapped with anger as he watched Tommy take a seat with his brothers in an empty pew. His irritation at the bold move, further igniting his fury when he caught the longing stare shared between you both as your eyes drifted towards Tommy at the far end of the church.
Digging his heavy signet ring into the fleshy palms of your hand, Cal pulled your attention away from the gangsters' presence to the ceremony taking place.
" Now, Tom?" Arthur quietly leaned into his brother as his long legs, itching to be free from the small seating area, struggled to stay still.
" Not yet, brother" Tommy's eyes drifted back to your glowing beauty and the glittering rays of light cast on your shimmering dress. Imagining himself stood there with you making the vows of love and dedication he wished he could have articulated to you the day before.
" Do you Cal Meredith Astor, take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" a snort of laughter from the third-youngest Shelby at the unusual middle name, abruptly delayed Cal's response.
" I do" Cal's eyes darted to the giggling gangster, and the smirk of satisfaction Tommy had for the embarrassing echoes of laughter filling the room.
" And do you Y/N Y/L/N, take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Tommy held his breath, as your eyes darted away from Cal's face to the pull of Tommy's pleading stare, begging you to choose him over the man that would beat you blue every waking hour for the rest of your life.
"I d..."
Tag list: @weaponizedvirtue @un-interneted (unable to tag) @mama-ivy @kmc1989 @leighla3
@emotionalcadaver @mamawiggers1980 @sweetcheesecakesblog @cljordan-imperium
@peakyswritings @tiedyedghoulette @mostly-marvel-musings @classygirlything21 @dana-rmz
@mrsnms @vlryexsworld @themorriganisamonster @thelastemzy
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97keanu · 11 months
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˚₊‧꒰ა 𖤐Hellsent𖤐 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Dave Lizewski x Succubi!Reader
Premise: Dave, Todd, and Marty have been laughing about doing a demonic ritual for Halloween. They text back and forth via Skype about how silly it is that there's so many fake rituals online. Todd gets the bright idea of looking into the deep web for some really funny ones, and ends up sending Dave a link for a ritual to 'try'. Thinking it's just bullshit, Dave goes ahead and performs the ritual, but it may turn out to be more real than he thought...
Tags/CW: all characters are 18+, succubi!reader, demonic!reader, nerdy!Dave, blood, demonic rituals, smut, demonic sex, switch!reader, Dom leaning!Reader, sub!Dave, virgin!Dave, p in v, doggy, surprising dom!Dave, chubby!reader, thick!reader, slutty!reader, c*mslut!reader, oral (Dave receiving), oral (reader receiving), raw.
Be added to the Dave taglist here check out my other Dave Lizewski fics here!
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Just like any Friday night, Dave was at home. He is set up at his computer, complete with snacks and the biggest bottle of Mountain Dew he could find at the convenience store. His room is dark, save for the blue light of the screen being his beacon in the dark October night. His glasses glint with the screens reflection as he watches memes on youtube because there's nothing better to do. He checks his Skype after hearing that familiar ping! and takes a big swig of his drink.
Todd and Marty are currently laughing over finding out that some parts of the internet think you can actually summon a demon. Dave watches as they type back and forth quizzically before responding himself.
[Dave]: People really think that shit works?
[Marty]: Guess so...and I thought we did some pathetic shit on the internet.
[Todd]: Right, I mean the one I'm looking at now says: "How to summon a Succubus."
[Todd]: These nerds are so lonely they think they can magically conjure up a woman to fuck them, it's actually kind of sad at that point...
[Marty] Damn, maybe that's what Dave needs so he can finally get some pussy for once
[Dave] As if you aren't already looking into how to do it, Marty. I just know from how much you play WoW that you have some sick monster girl fantasies.
[Todd] Actually, I'm with Marty on this one, you should try the ritual and get back to us. I think you'd be less of a dickhead if you finally got some.
Dave stares at the screen in discontent. He hates when his friends make fun of him for being a virgin, which makes no sense to Dave because they're not getting any either. Todd claims that the reason it's different is because at least Todd tries to give an air of not being a virgin, and Marty got to 2nd base in freshmen year with one of the chess team girls. Dave however, according to Todd and Marty, is a quintessential virgin.
So, when Todd sends a sketchy link that Dave is almost certain will end up being a screamer or malware, he decides to click it anyways, on the off chance it actually is a way to get a demon babe to fuck you.
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To Dave's surprise, it isn't a fake out. It's a forum, from what part of the web, Dave is unsure. He hasn't seen a site like this before, and from a quick glance, the people talking in it are serious. He reads as users of the forum detail a ritual, and how each of them have modified it until supposedly it worked. Dave still feels pretty skeptical about it, but it seems like everyone in this forum really believes this, and that alone is enough that Dave feels a slight chill.
Dave hears another ping! and when he clicks back to Skype, Todd and Marty are once again, egging him on about it. He tries to ignore it, not sending anything back as he begins writing down what the forum suggests. Dave hears the familiar sound of an incoming call, and reluctantly answers it. Dave watches as the screen-glowed faces of Todd and Marty join his.
"So, are you going to do it?" Marty says with a snort.
"Yeah, c'mon Dave, we wanna watch and see if it's real!" Todd looks very enthusiastic about all of this, but of course, he's safe from any harm behind the screen.
"Fine, I'll do your stupid ritual and show you how dumb it is." Dave grumbles, finally giving in to the idea fully.
Todd and Marty are pumped, and Dave let's them know he has to go gather some things from the list. He mutes and turns off his camera before trekking out of his room for the first time that night to look for what the ritual calls for, or the best things he can find.
Dave scoures the house and ends up finding most of what he needs. He steals five candles from his Dad, who is surprisingly into collecting Bath and Body Works scents. He gathers cinnamon and basil from the kitchen cabinet, and is surprised to see there is actually a bundle of lavender on the wall for decoration. He finishes his hunt by grabbing a piece of white chalk from leftover summer days when he was younger, and a needle from his mom's old sewing kit.
Dave races back up to his attic room, ready to get this over with, and tries to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. A part of him worries if it will work. A deeper part of him wonder if it was even remotely possible that he could actually get laid tonight, demonic or otherwise.
"Alright, I got what it says..." Dave turns on the mic and camera and tells his friends. They seem interested, and urge him to continue. Dave sets the webcam up so they can see more of his room, particularly the bed and the wooden floor before it.
He gets started, making a pentagram and tracing the runes that the website said to put. It doesn't take long before he has what looks like a legit summoning circle, to his surprise. He continues as Todd and Marty watch carefully, and Dave notices that they aren't joking as much as before the more he continues. He wonders how much they think this will really work, or if this is an elaborate prank to make him do all this work in a desperate attempt to have sex. He hopes neither of them are screen recording the most.
Dave lights each candle, placing them on a pentagram point, then sprinkling a bit of each herb to each candle. He looks back to the paper he has the instructions on and confirms that the next part he will have to draw blood.
"I guess it calls for blood now, guys..." Dave says, uneasily, glancing back to the screen for validation.
"I thought you said after the accident you couldn't feel much pain?" Todd asks, and Marty nods along.
"We've come this close, better just finish it up and see if it really works..." Marty quietly adds, shifting in his seat.
"I don't know what you mean by 'we'..." Dave grumbles, but grabs the sewing needle.
They were right, it won't hurt that much to prick his finger for Dave. Somehow, despite knowing the pain wasn't really an issue, Dave's heart began to pick up. The wind outside his window seemed to disappear as he carefully begun poking his finger, the blood swelling up and slipping down it. Todd and Marty were completely silent as they watched Dave add a drop to each point, Dave speaking the Latin he had wrote down for the ritual. As he neared the last line and last point, he felt something in the room shift. The energy made the hair on his neck stand up, and the candles flickered despite the lack of airflow. Dave hesitated as he began to finish the ritual, his stomach fluttering with nerves.
There was only one way to see if any of that was real or not, though. And Dave wasn't about to chicken out in front of his friends, he hated facing embarrassment like that from them because it would last for months. Besides, it was unlikely anything would happen and he could go back and goad Todd for thinking it would work. Dave smiled for a second thinking of how he could get back at him, then found the confidence to continue.
He spoke the last line, his drop of blood falling onto the last sigil. Dave watched as it sat there, and for a few moments, nothing moved.
"I told you, Todd! Nothing was going to happen-" Dave yelled back at the screen with a smirk, then paused.
He saw the sigil soak up the blood, moving the liquid by an unknown force. A faint glow of red began to take hold of the shape. Todd and Marty could barely tell through their cameras, but watched in anticipation, wondering why their friend stopped gloating. Dave stepped out of the circle, almost tripping into his bed. As he exited the circle, the wind picked up, blowing harshly into his room. He heard Todd and Marty begin chattering, asking what was happening, as one of the candles fell over, sparking a ring of fire around the pentagram.
Dave tried to move, tried to do anything, knowing he should put out the flame, but he was speechless as he watched the ring bend shape into that of a heart. Dave blinked, trying to will the images before him away, unable to process what was happening. As he was almost able to regain the ability to move, your portal opened up.
You had been watching hungrily as the young man completed your ritual, smelling the virginity on him from your realm, and wanting a taste of his sweet essence. You floated out of the portal, your tiny, pink bat-like wings fluttering. You watched as Dave's eyes grew ever larger at the sight of you. You who was practically naked, a string of bikini covering only the most sacred of bits. Your pink skin glowed in the dim light of his computer, and the horns on your head gleamed. You could hear the sounds of boys fawning over you from the computer, and glanced over with a sharpness in your Amaranth colored eyes.
"You brought me here to an audience, I see..." Your voice, dripping with honey-like sweetness, yet your demonic undertones rumbled through out.
Dave could barely speak. He looked up at you to where he had fallen into the end of his bed with fear and, to his dismay, a hardening cock clearly beginning to struggle against his jeans. He could barely believe any of it.
Maybe he had fallen when the fire broke out and hit his head, or perhaps the fumes from the smoke were making him see things, but no. You really were in his bedroom, a burning heart breaking way to the hottest creature he had ever laid eyes on.
His eyes trailed your curves, enjoying the plumpness and the way the straps of your bikini could barely hold how thick you were. He thought he might just cum in his pants right then as you turned, your ass so juicy and cute, your tail flicking with mischief. He watched as you stepped out of the circle, walking over to the computer. As you got closer, bending over and giving Dave a wonderful view, the computer began to glitch.
"It seems my magic prevents me from using such a contraption..." You whisper to yourself, and Dave opens his mouth to speak, but cannot find the words. "No matter. If you wish for these humans to watch as I take you, then so be it."
The thought of Todd and Marty watching him lose his virginity made his stomach turn, and Dave finally was able to jump to his feet, rushing towards the computer as you left it to float over to the bed. He could hear Todd and Marty trying to dissuade him from turning off the webcam, obviously eager to see what comes next even if it is their closest friend.
"Wait, Dave!" They said almost in unison as Dave began shutting it down.
"Sorry guys! Busy! Bye!" Dave uttered, the words the first thing that he could think of to say. He ended the call and turned off his computer in record time, turning to face you, who was now laid out on the bed with a sensual stare.
"So, they call you Dave?" You purred, your pink eyes glowing in the darkness of Dave's room.
The firey summoning circle has died down to a crisp ember in the floor. Dave didn't want to think about how he would have to explain that to his dad later. Instead, he couldn't help but to be entranced by you, walking forward slowly, unsure, but knowing he wants you.
"Y-yeah, that's, um, my name..." Dave speaks shyly, a nervous hand ruffling his dark curls at the back of his head.
"Cute...I'd tell you my name, but I don't think you would understand my demonic language." You tease him, bringing up a finger and curling it to signal Dave to come closer.
Dave gulps, and takes a few steps further, then stops. Even if this is all just a gas leak induced dream, he still felt the need to make sure that he was safe.
"Wh-what are you going to, uh, do to me?" He forces the words out.
"Nothing you don't want, Dave." You lay back, your pink tits falling just so, looking perfectly round and soft. Dave can't help but get caught up in them.
"But, you're a d-demon right?" He has to blink and look away to keep talking, his cock is distracting him too much when he looks at you.
"A succubi, yes... Is that a problem?"
"Aren't demons, like, supposed to be, um, really bad and stuff?" He hates how ridiculous and nerdy he sounds trying to figure this all out, but he's so nervous he can barely speak naturally.
"Depends on what you view as bad." You begin, a hand lazily playing with the strap of your bikini on your thigh, snapping it. Dave watches as your thighs jiggle temptingly.
"If you think sex is a sin, then maybe I would be bad. That was very common back in the day. The world seems to have grown a bit, but we still get summons from hunters who hate us. You don't happen to be a demon hunter, do you Dave?" You know he's not, but it's fun to see him sweat a little.
"N-no, absolutely not..." Dave stutters out, then clears his throat. "But, what do you want to do to me?"
"Well, I thought you knew the answer to that, seeing as it was you who summoned me." You giggle a bit, the sound like to soft bells. "Usually, this works as a symbiotic relationship. You get to fuck me, and I get to devour that delicious sexual energy you've been hoarding..."
"Oh yes, your virginity at such an age is less common nowadays. It will be very, very tasty to suck all of that pent up sexual frustration out of you..." You wink at him, and Dave's already hot cheeks darken a deeper shade of red.
"But, will that hurt me?" Dave whispers, the temptation to give in so strong he has started coming closer and closer.
"Only if you care that you'll be extremely tired afterward. But sex makes most people tired, doesn't it?" Dave thinks he's heard that before, but he wouldn't really know either way. The offer sounds like a good deal though, he could take being tired.
"And you won't do anything I won't like?"
"Not a chance."
Dave stops at the foot of the bed, looking down at you sexy form. He never thought he would ever have a girl in his bed, laid out, wanting him. He couldn't have guessed that girl would be a hot succubi like yourself. He takes one last moment to decide, and his cock overrides all better judgements.
Dave nods at you, accepting, and you smile, your tiny fangs cutely peeking out from behind your soft, plump lips. You move, cat-like and sensual, getting on all fours and meeting Dave at the edge of the bed. You place a hand on his hard cock, and he breathes out a shuttering breath, the touch warm and inviting.
"I suppose we should start by freeing up such a large cock..." You look up as you speak, your eyelashes batting.
Dave groans as you unzip his jeans, his mind reeling from the fact that you called his cock big. He didn't think he would ever hear a girl tell him that, and now here you are, looking up with your heart shaped pupils as if Dave's the sexiest man around.
Truth is, you do think he's quite sexy. Sure, he's obviously a comic book nerd, that much was sure from one look at his room. But, those big blue eyes and that sweetheart, shy smile were quite charming. You're honestly surprised that no one else has already used this boy up. Oh well, more of his fat cock for you.
You watch as it flops out, and you're even more surprised by how big and girthy it is when it's been unleashed from his jeans. You stare up at him with lustful, glowing eyes, taking his cock slowly in your hands, and for a moment you think he might just cum from that. As you continue to slowly stroke his cock, you can sense how horny he is, and are surprised by the level. Maybe he will make an acceptable sex partner after all. You haven't found someone who can keep up with you yet, at least not enough for you to visit more than once.
You slowly slide his jeans and underwear down, his mess of curls at the base of his cock meeting your hand as you fully stroke him. He leans his head back, his eyes scrunched up from trying to keep himself from cumming too soon. You bite your lip, ready to give his cock a taste.
Your warm mouth engulfs the tip of Dave's cock, filling up more of your mouth than you imagined. Dave moans out from the sudden warmth, and his hips gently buck for more as your tongue swirls around the head of his cock gently, teasing him. You feel his cock begin to leak, even after such little contact, and you lap it up happily, feeling the sexual energy begin to energize you.
"P-please..." Dave barely gets out as you continue to tease. "I can't take much more,"
You look up at him, taking your mouth off and giving him a breather. You flip over, so your breasts are facing him, and open your mouth as your head dangles gently off the bed.
"Fuck my mouth, Dave..." You command, and it doesn't take anything else for Dave to nod and listen.
He gently places his cock in your mouth, slowly rocking his hips in, going shallowly in and out. You reach a hand between your own legs, feeling your wetness from the outside of your bikini, and placing with your pussy on top of it. You reach a hand up to his thigh and without warning to him, push, making his cock dive deep into your throat.
His muscles tense and he let's out a loud whimper, not moving because he knows he will burst in your mouth right now if he does. You enjoy the feeling of your throat being so full, feeling his cock twitching and aching to cum in there. You feel him slowly begin to move again, taking deeper and deeper thrusts with the help of your guiding hand. You feel a bit surprised by his sudden boldness when he reaches down, and grabs a handful of your tits. You're moaning along, happy he is getting the hang of this.
You take his cock with ease, that's what you were made for after all, but that doesn't stop how horny it makes you to have a throat full of such a big cock like his. You love the way it chokes you when he dips in as deep as he can go, your spit slipping down the sides of your mouth. The feeling of being used in such a way as your pussy tingling, and you can't wait to have Dave's fat cock fill you up there too.
"Fuck...I'm so close to cumming..." You hear him whisper, and you're not worried at all that he will cum so quickly. You're a demon, after all, you have your ways of getting a cock hard again, and you don't plan on letting Dave go on only a fifteen minute throat fuck.
Dave can hardly believe how good this feels. Or the fact that he, someone who no other girl would even look at because he's such a shy nerd, gets to fuck someone like you. He feels so powerful right now too, being able to fuck you in throat, and no matter how much he tests how hard he can go, you take it with ease. His hands play with your breasts, and he slips a hand under the fabric of your bikini. He's surprised to find your nipples are pierced, but the idea turns him on even more. He softly twists them, earning him a moan from you every time, which only goes directly to his cock. He isn't sure how much longer he can hold it. He wants to explore so much more of your body, but he needs to cum so badly it hurts.
You feel Dave's cock swell in your throat, and you're sure he can see the lump he's leaving from the outside. He shudders as he tries to drag this out, attempting to save himself for more of your body, but he knows he can't stop himself. Dave cuts off one of your pretty little moans by jolting his cock hard and fast deep into your throat, spilling over and filling you up. You can barely breathe, and the hot liquid tries to choke you, but you're no amateur. You happily swallow all of Dave's seed as it twitches out inside of you.
Dave carefully pulls his cock from your throat, and your smile up at him, cum slipping down the side of your mouth. You use a hand to quickly get it in your mouth, his sexual essence most powerful there. Dave watches as your eyes glow a bit more strongly after swallowing so much cum.
"You really did suck the life out of me, huh..." Dave says wearily, feeling the effects of your succubus powers.
You sit up and smile, nodding to his question. You feel the energy making you more awake, but you're still hungry for him.
Dave sits on the bed next to you and you lean into him. You let your hands pull off his shirt, and explore his body, your kisses to his neck, biting and sucking softly.
"I'm not sure I can..." Dave begins, but when your hand reaches down to touch his cock, he's surprised at how easy he gets hard again. You giggle into his neck, his curls tickling your face.
"How did you..." He asks, his voice full of wanton.
"A perk of spending the night with a succubi," you whisper into his ear. "Is that were finished, when I say were finished..."
Dave feels your voice against his ear, and he shudders, a chill from how good it feels to be touched by your taking over his body.
"Tell me Dave, what else would you like tonight?" You whisper as you stroke his cock back to life.
"I um..." Dave's cheeks heat up as he thinks about one of his biggest fantasies, the feeling of you stroking him not helping to keep his mind straight. "I actually...would love if you would let me eat you out..."
Dave whimpers out his request, and you're surprised the second time tonight. Most men that summon you can only think of themselves, but you're turned on by the fact that Dave seems to love giving just as much as he likes receiving.
You pull him back with you, laying onto your back, and letting Dave get in between your legs. You keep his head by yours so you can kiss those big, luscious lips of his, and he happily receives them. You guide him down your neck, to your breasts where you let his mouth explore for a while. You arch your back into him, your tits so sensitive to his touch. Dave sucks on them, pulling them together even and getting both nipples in his mouth. He remembers seeing that in a porn flick once, and he gets ever harder as he realizes how good it feels to do so. What feels the best right now, is hearing your moans as he pleases you. Dave's always loved the idea of giving, of making you feel so good, and the fact that it's him who's able to please a woman turns him on the most. He wonders what other moves he can try on you.
Finally he slips his head between your juicy thighs, taking both and squeezing them, pushing your legs against his face. You see what he wants and laugh a little, putting more pressure to smush his head between your thighs. He seems to love the feeling, and when you release him, he looks up at you with such love and lust in his eyes. You pull your tiny bikini, now soaked with your wetness, to the side, and let Dave get a good look at your cute little pussy.
"God, you look so gorgeous..." He whispers, not realizing he's thinking his thoughts out loud. He's already so intoxicated by you, and he wonders how much of it is natural and how much of it is your demonic influence. Then he looks into your cute eyes and he doesn't care.
He leans in, inhaling your scent before lapping up your pussy with a flat tongue. He already loves how you taste, and while he's surprised by the taste as it is his first time, he also finds it so strangely enjoyable. He picks up the pace, your breathing changing with it, and you give him praise while he gives you head.
"You're such a good boy for me, Dave..." And suddenly, Dave feels as if he's doing what he's supposed to. He loves being praised for doing such a good job, and he had no idea that your soft whimpers and approval were so poignant. He takes your thighs and pulls you into himself, his mouth working harder to make you feel good.
He tries to remember techniques he had, of course, searched for. He didn't know when he might need to know how to eat pussy, so he tried searching various reddits and wikihows to make sure he would do a good job. He swirls his tongue around your clit, and teases it the way you teased his cock. You enjoy the feeling, loving how he explores what feels good for you, and how he listens to your commands and moans to do just that.
Dave laps up all of your pussy, exploring more than just your clit, and looking up at you with his big blues pussy drunk. He remembers one tip, and tries it, putting his whole mouth over your clit and sucking. You moan out, arching your back into him and gripping his curls. He can't believe how good it feels to have his hair gripped like that, and soon enough your bobbing his head in the perfect motion, using his mouth up to your liking.
Dave's glasses begin fogging over and getting in the way, so between breaths he plucks them off and tosses them away, uncaring what happens to them. He's too busy with the euphoria you're giving him. He feels his cock against the bed, so hard. He is practically humping the bed to get some friction down there while his head keeps in time with the motions you guide. You feel yourself getting closer and closer.
"Put your fingers inside me, Dave..." You command with a husky voice, and Dave doesn't hesitate.
He wets his fingers by licking the first two, and slowly plays with your hole, easing himself inside of you. He can't believe how warm it is, and he slowly curls them like he read about. You moan out, his fingers are so long and thick.
"More..." You breathe. "Harder..."
Dave complies, giving you anything you ask for, completely taken by your spell, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. You feel him finally hit that perfect spot inside you, and you practically scream out.
"Yes! Right there, right there!" You whine, your legs shaking and your hands a mess in his curls. Dave doesn't let up, and instead brings you over the edge, letting you buck into his face and hand.
He watches as you come for him, whining out his name, and he feels as if he may just cum himself against the bed. He only pulls up and stops when you tell him to, looking up at you, breathless and lips wet. He looks dazed and satisfied with himself, and you look at him with a similar expression. Your eyes glow and take in the experience, and soon enough you're already aching for his cock again.
Dave can hardly stand it himself, all of his thoughts are on how badly he needs to finish fucking you. He doesn't wait to see what you do next, he feels way too primal to do so. Instead, in his sex drunken state, he moves up, bringing his cock to meet your pussy. He taps it in your wetness, before playing with your folds, making you bite your lip with want.
"Fuck me, Dave..." You whisper, wrapping your legs around his waist and pull him in.
Dave doesn't need to be told twice. He slips his cock down, your pussy wet and like satin, smoothly and slowly pressing himself inside of you. You can take his cock, but that doesn't mean you can't feel his girth stretching you and his length filling you to the brim. Dave settles his cock into the warmth of your pussy and for a second he wonders if this is what heaven feels like.
He thinks to take it slow, but when he looks up at your eyes, he knows. He slips back out slowly, almost pulling all the way out, before pounding back in with force, testing out how hard he's allowed to fuck you. Turns out, you like it pretty damn hard. Soon enough, he's fucking your tight little cunt so hard your tits are bouncing uncontrollably, and your moans are reverberating off the walls. Dave's very happy he's the only one home right now, but he's sure at this point even the neighbors know.
Dave get's caught up in the moment, and grips your thighs hard enough to leave bruises. He pull you up so his cock angles so he can go deep, savoring the way your pussy holds him so firmly. He doesn't know what overcomes him, but he pulls out for a minute, and with strength he didn't know he had, he flips you over. He grabs a handful of your juicy ass, before giving it a slap, and diving right back in.
Your tail flicking with delight as he fucks you from behind, and soon enough he's grabbing a hold of that too, holding it at the thicker base and using it to keep you right where he wants you. Dave fucks you like the dirty cumslut you are, and you love every minute of it. You're panting and looking back at him with eyes that soak up every stroke, enjoying how delicious his sexual energy tastes. You wonder how a succubi could get so lucky as to find suck pure virgin nerdy dick like this. You don't think you can go back to being pleasured by just anyone.
Dave feels you tightening around him, your hand slipping underneath you to find your needy clit, rubbing frantically now to get off.
"You like when I pound you with this cock?" Dave has no idea what has possessed him to say such a thing, usually he's so shy, but right now, he can't help but to dominate you.
"Yes!" You respond, happy to switch roles however your dorky lover wants. "Please fill my pussy up, I need it..."
Dave gets closer and closer as you beg to be his cumdumpster, and you feel yourself beginning to cum again yourself. You feel your muscles stiffen, and your moans get away from you as you cum. Dave can't take it anymore, not with your cunt spasming and tightening all over his cock. He fills you up with his own groan, pounding his cum deeper and deeper with every stroke.
You feel yourself being so full, of Dave's cum, cock, and essence. You look back at him, completely taken away by how good of a fuck he is. When Dave is finished filling you up, he pulls out, carefully. His breaths hard and his body sweaty. He can't help himself, he falls next to you and pulls you close, spooning him from behind.
After the two of you finally settle down, enjoying the silence and the way each others body feels, Dave speaks.
"Not at all what I was expecting for my first time..." His voice is sleepy and deep, sending butterflies into your stomach.
"And what if we did it again sometime...?" You say tentatively, biting your lip.
"Really?" Dave doesn't know what to say, he had no idea that it was possible to see you again.
"You might just become my main meal, if you want to be." You tease and Dave snuggles into your neck.
"Hmm...I think I would like that..." He can hardly keep his eyes open, all the energy having been drained from him.
He gently holds you close, one hand softly thumbing your horns and petting your hair. You usually don't stay this long, but for some reason, you're really enjoying this. You allow your body's exhaustion to take over, relaxing into his arms. Soon enough Dave slips into the best slumber he's ever had, and you follow him.
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alottiegoingon · 4 months
hc! on the sunny side of the street
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: jackie taylor has a massive crush on you.
warnings: jackie not being subtle at all, reader is a yellowjacket, pure fluff, not proofread
୨୧ jackie was on the sunny side of the street every time you were near and she was very obvious about that.
୨୧ you joined the team last year and, at first, you were frightened of her. judging the book by its cover, jackie fulfilled every requirement to be a successful and typical mean girl; silky and shiny hair, extremely popular, team captain and a huge collection of admirers.
୨୧ it took you half a second to alter the perception you had of her when you joined her in the locker room after the short reunion you had with coach martinez. jackie was so energetic and excited to welcome you in, with an inviting smile and arms enthusiastically pulling you closer to a warm embrace. the sweet perfume of her lingered on your mind for days.
୨୧ on your first day as a yellowjacket, most of the girls were receptive and patient and ready to help you in whatever you needed.
୨୧ “okay, everyone. let’s give her some space!” jackie used her bossy team captain voice to disperse the crowd of curious people around you. at the second the other girls backed off just enough, she grabbed your arm and started to gush about a new party that was happening on friday night, inviting you to go with her.
୨୧ jackie didn’t want to give you some space. that girl wanted you to give you a space from the others!
୨୧ remember that jackie wasn’t subtle at all? well.
୨୧ during practice, van failed it to stop the ball a few times and even though it was no big deal, jackie got furious.
୨୧ “if we can’t even catch a ball, maybe we shouldn’t even bother to try for the nationals!” she lectured the team with arms folded across her chest and flushed cheeks for running too much.
୨୧ “it was just a mistake, jackie. relax!” taissa is the first one to defend her girlfriend, never afraid of going against jackie.
୨୧ “a mistake that could cost us a lot!”
୨୧ but then, the moment you literally tripped over the ball with your big ass feet and fell on your face, jackie was all over you with concerned eyes and tender touches on your arms to help you up.
୨୧ “are you serious? she sucks.” mari scoffs, rolling her eyes. a few of the girls were covering their faces with their hands to hide a laugh.
୨୧ “don’t say that. it was just a mistake! everyone makes mistakes sometimes.” jackie snarled at mari and decided to ignore the multiple death stares at her when she ignored your beginner mistake just to yell at van for something harder than just chase a ball.
୨୧ “you have to be fucking kidding me.” tai sighs.
୨୧ the very next day during practice, everyone was warming up and getting ready when jackie came in. hair flawlessly soft with a yellow ribbon adorning it.
୨୧ “attention, everyone! the nationals are coming, as all of you may know, and i thought it was a great idea to work on our speed. so…” she smiles proudly, hands forming a cup to hold a few pieces of paper. “i’ll randomly select a few people every day to run around the field for five minutes.”
୨୧ at the speed of light, all of the girls began to protest and call jackie a crazy girl. it was a lot, actually. the field was huge and if you were a panting mess after a simple practice, you would be dead after running for five minutes.
୨୧ “come on, yellowjackets. don’t you wanna win the big game?” she tries to encourage them with a forced smile, while disregarding the discontent comments.
୨୧ knowing that neither of you had a say on this, the silence settled in when jackie began to choose people and you were praying to all of the gods to not be chosen.
୨୧ “and the first one is…” she holds a small piece of paper in the air and reads the name written on it. “mari!”
୨୧ “are you serious? that’s not random, i saw you looking at it! i wanna see the it.” mari defends herself and jackie pull her hands back to her chest, protecting the papers like it was something worth of dying for.
୨୧ jackie knew damn well why she couldn’t show the papers. she spent a few minutes of her night yesterday writing only mari’s name on a sheet of paper. she could just pick someone else who was bothering you later tomorrow, she thought.
୨୧ “jackie, this is cruel. you’re just mad at her cause she said something about your precious girlfriend.” nat stands up this time, visibly annoyed.
୨୧ “and the second chosen one is natalie” jackie looks straight at the blondie, not even bothering to look at the names in her hands and act surprised. “have fun.”
୨୧ she was definitely favoring you and you were worried that everyone would hate you for that.
୨୧ if jackie wasn’t defending you from the girls passive aggressive comments, she was glued by your side like a god damn guardian dog.
୨୧ “good job today. you look so pretty.” says jackie after you missed the ball twice, kicked shauna’s leg by accident, almost lost balance when nat accidentally bumped into you and your hair was wildly all over the place. ignoring all of that, she definitely made you blush.
୨୧ it was quite a performance, an adorable and smart one. she would bat eyelashes, twirling her hair around her finger like in those cliche movies and acting all giggly and foolishly before saying goodbye.
୨୧ shauna would always give jackie a ride home and at the moment she got into the car, shauna was looking at her like 🤨 “what the fuck was all that about?”
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augiewrites · 10 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 5)
summary: y/n receives a curious invitation from meeks and has a surprise encounter with neil and todd
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.2k
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It was finally Friday, and Y/N was looking forward to spending the weekend recovering from a week of non-stop exams, cramming, and a nonexistent sleep schedule. The morning’s classes had been a drag so far, and they were looking forward to the reprieve of Keating’s class. Knowing they'd be in close proximity to their admirer aside, Keating’s class gave them an opportunity to activate another part of their brain—one concerned less with grades and formulas.
No, this part was more concerned with matters of feeling. Matters of love, art, expression—everything crucial to finding true meaning in life.
Something that Y/N’s life—and the students of Welton’s lives—was severely lacking.
Y/N shoved the existential crisis to the back of their mind, shooting Todd a smile as he occupied the desk at the front of the class.
Their desk compartment was empty aside from their textbook and notes. Y/N felt their heart drop. It had been empty for days.
Did I make a mistake leaving that poem?
Y/N did their best to not look disappointed. The only thing more embarrassing than their poet’s lack of response was the thought of him observing their discontent.
Keating’s class didn't give them much reprieve that day.
Against their better judgment, Y/N found themselves in the library during common hour. In all truth, Y/N just wanted to go back to their dorm and bang their head against the wall until they fell asleep. Alas, the expectation of a 4.0 GPA was looming over their head.
Thankfully, Meeks was the only other person to show up. Y/N didn't think they had the strength to deal with Dalton.
“So are you just going to keep side eyeing me, or do you have something to say?” Y/N set down their pencil and turned to face Meeks.
“Y/N, you've sighed three times within the last minute,” Meeks quipped, "seems like you're the one with something to say."
“But I'm right, though. You have something you want to say."
“I'll share with the class if you will.”
The two stared at each other for a moment—Meeks' expression much lighter compared to Y/N’s frustrated features.
Y/N gave in first.
“I’m tired, Meeks."
“You’re going to have to give me a little more here, Y/N.”
"I'm waiting."
“My GPA dropped to a 3.7," Y/N’s gaze was fixed to the table, “my parents are not happy. I feel like all I ever do is try, but it's not enough, and it never will be. My social life is practically nonexistent, I don't remember the last time I had fun, and I can feel my spirit dying. Some days it feels like I'm dying."
“You’re more than your grades, Y/N. You have to know that."
“I know that, Meeks. They don't,” Y/N let out a bitter laugh, “they ship me off to this prison, don't let me come home for breaks, and they call me maybe twice a semester if I'm lucky. They see my grades more than they ever see me."
Meeks was silent for a beat as Y/N cradled their head in their hands.
“Tomorrow night. Meet me outside the East wing at 10PM.”
“Meeks, what are you—“
“Just trust me. If you care about your spirit, anyway."
“Fine,” Y/N began packing their bag and stood up, nodding absentmindedly, "yeah, okay."
Because everything was cosmically determined to go wrong, Y/N crashed into Charlie as they rounded the corner out of the library. Their armload of textbooks crashed to the floor.
“Don’t you know to look both ways before crossing the street?" Charlie joked as he knelt to pick up Y/N’s books.
Y/N kept their head down as they gathered the mess of note paper that exploded out of their trig book.
“I mean, really, Y/N. If you want to feel me up you don't need to be so aggressive about it—“
Charlie’s sly smile melted into concern when he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
"Hey, are you okay, Y/N?” Charlie passed the books to Y/N and placed a gentle hand on their upper am.
Y/N gave the boy a tight lipped smile and stepped away from his touch.
“I'm fine, Dalton," Y/N was already moving down the hall.
“If you're looking for Meeks, he's still in there."
Y/N disappeared around the corner, leaving Charlie staring at the space they just occupied.
Y/N wasn’t one for skipping class, but it was the last period of the day and Y/N thought their head would explode if they didn’t get away from everyone as soon as possible.
They triple checked that the hallway was empty before rushing into the storage room filled with students’ empty luggage.
But the room wasn’t unoccupied like they expected.
Neil Perry and Todd Anderson were in the middle of the room, locked in a gentle embrace.
They jumped apart when they heard Y/N’s soft sound of surprise, and the trio looked at each other in shock for a beat.
“We were just—” Neil took a step away from Todd before the other boy cut him off, surprising everyone, seemingly including himself.
“We’re together.”
They all stared at each other for another moment before Neil stepped forward again.
“You can’t tell anyone, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” Y/N blinked, suddenly coming alive again, “I would never.”
Relief washed over the two boys. Todd was more red than Y/N thought was humanly possible.
“Okay, I’m just gonna,” Y/N took a step back and jerked a thumb over their shoulder at the door, “go…”
They turned quickly to leave.
“Y/N.” Neil’s hand enclosed their wrist as they reached for the doorknob.
They looked up into Neil’s soft gaze, a faint smile on his face, “thank you.”
“Of course,” they returned the smile and waved to Todd as they slipped out the door, rushing to their dorm to avoid being caught for truancy.
Y/N had been laying in bed for all of fifteen minutes before they heard the familiar sound of paper sliding under the door.
They were out of bed and rushing to open the door before they could think twice. Truancy be damned.
The empty hallway mocked Y/N.
Frustrated tears welled in their eyes as they slammed the door and grabbed the envelope off the floor before ripping it open.
Beloved Y/N,
In your eyes, a storm silently brews, Emotional tempest, tears it strews. I stand close, a silent observer, Love entangled in your pain, a fervent preserver.
Your hurt, a whisper in the quiet air, A shared burden, a weight to bear. In the shadows, love stands strong, A balm for wounds, a solace lifelong.
In the heart's tempest, emotions entwine, Love persists, a steadfast lifeline. I may not heal all that pains your soul, But together, in love, we find a way to be whole.
x, Yours.
Y/N let the tears flow freely as they sunk down onto the bed.
They were certain of who wasn’t their poet, but they were in denial about who it could be.
part six
a/n: any reality where neil and todd aren't in love is a crime against nature
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954
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ophelia-writes-fics · 10 months
i like when you get mad (i guess i'm pretty glad that you're alone) [kilgrave x reader - 18+]
You're a dancer at a club, and your shift just took a weird turn.
Tags (please read!): fem!reader, degradation, some mild praise, spanking, oral sex, face-fucking, cum swallowing, penetration, choking, erotic asphyxiation, unsafe/unprotected sex, face slapping, clit slapping, masochism (reader), sadism (kilgrave), humiliation, biting, scratching, bruising, some minor blood, threats, condescension, painplay, pain kink, minor bondage, edging, orgasm delay, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, mind control, mention of voyeurism/exhibitionism, slight dacryphilia, overstimulation, hair pulling, posessiveness
Word count: ~7.7k
super dubious consent (reader likes him and consents to everything/is into the things they're doing without being compelled to, but some orders are given that can't be resisted and it's not pre-negotiated, so proceed with caution)
un-negotiated kink and unsafe choking/breathplay (i know you guys know but please don't choke anyone like this and please ask for consent in general but especially with kinks)
it's kilgrave. he's a walking red flag.
i'm not condoning anything irl, but this is fiction and i'm a kinky bitch, so i'm sexualizing this absolute maniac and i am having a lot of fun doing it lmao
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You were leaning against the bar, scanning the crowd as you took your first shot of the shift. It was Friday night, with most of the crowd being well-dressed men who looked like they’d just finished with a long day of work, which meant you’d be going home with enough tips to pay your rent early. 
The most eager members of the crowd were seated near the stage, where your friend had them utterly captivated with an elaborate pole routine, so you began to search the back of the house for customers who might want something more private. A group of college girls already drunk off Red Bull and vodka, cheering and shouting compliments at the dancers with the kind of unbridled joy and solidarity that only drunk girls can summon…a man who’d clearly been dragged there by his friends, his eyes glued to his phone, his blush visible even in the dimly lit club…a bouncer pulling a particularly belligerent customer towards the door…
There. On the other side of the room was a tall, sharp-featured man in a dark purple suit, sitting alone, looking thoroughly bored with the performance onstage, glancing over at you every now and again with what appeared to be a look of interest. Perfect. 
You quickly ran a hand through your hair, took a deep breath, and plastered on your most winningly seductive smile before strolling towards him with as much ease as you could muster in six-inch stilettos. 
“Hello there, love,” you purred, leaning forward against the table he was seated at. “Is there anything I can do for you tonight?” 
You thought you’d gotten every possible response to that question before. You’d seen everything from polite rejection to aggressive groping to desperate requests for friendship or conversation, but what you’d never experienced and certainly weren’t expecting was a glance up and down your body followed by a discontented sigh and a slight frown, then a “Fine. You’ll do.” 
You opened your mouth to tell the stranger off, but before you could, he held up a finger to silence you, then leaned in closer. 
“Take me to your most secluded room. Don’t ask any questions, don’t stop to talk to anyone. Go.” 
Your head immediately began to spin. Your brain felt cloudy, as if someone had swept every thought from your mind and replaced them with a thick, impenetrable fog. Before you could try to shake the feeling away, your body was already moving, walking briskly towards the back of the club, seemingly completely independently of your own will. Get to a private room echoed over and over, clouding all the other thoughts that you were desperately trying to muster. You felt wrong, like a puppet with your limbs being jerked around by some unseen controller, no free will of your own to be found. No, not a puppet, your mind vaguely registered. A doll. 
You heard one of your friends calling you, asking something or maybe just saying hello, but when you tried to turn your head to respond, don’t stop to talk to anyone pierced your skull like a shard of ice, ringing in your ears like an intrusive thought. You didn’t stop walking even for a second. You didn’t even look at your friend. Something was very, very wrong. 
Your stomach was in knots by the time you got to an empty room, your heart racing against your ribcage like a trapped bird against a windowpane. You leaned against the wall, trying desperately to steady yourself as the strange man followed you inside. 
“Lock the door,” he ordered with a dismissive wave of his hand. The door was closed and bolted shut before you even realized you’d moved. 
You tried to say, or even think What did you do to me? But the same cold, cloudy pain overtook your head. Don’t ask questions. You shut your eyes tightly and clenched your fist as your body swayed, shaken by the unfamiliar sensation, feeling your breath grow shallow with panic. When your vision refocused, you stared at the stranger, who was tossing his suit jacket aside, reclined lazily on the couch like he hadn’t a care in the world. He fixed you with an annoyed look. 
“God, don’t grimace like that. The least you could do is give me a smile.”
Your face rearranged itself into the same winning, seductively charming smile you’d had on earlier, but you could tell that your eyes weren’t engaged. He didn’t seem to mind, though. In fact, he didn’t seem to have noticed your fear at all, grinning back at you like the devil himself. 
“That’s more like it. Now, kneel for me. Arms by your sides, hands in your lap, chin up. There you are.” His smile widened as he watched your body automatically follow his orders. 
He stood up and began to pace in a slow circle around you. You felt his dark eyes piercing you, evaluating you, examining your body for any minor flaw or imperfection, even though your vision remained fixed straight ahead and your smile remained in place. The carpet dug into your knees, your stiletto heels stabbing the backs of your thighs. But still, you knelt, unmoving and obedient as he stroked your hair like you were a well-behaved pet. 
It felt good, you thought, feeling a knot in your stomach form at the realization. He was incredibly handsome, with fingers as long and slender as the rest of him. You might have invited him back here on your own even if he hadn’t performed what you were growing more and more sure of was mind control. The thought made your blood run cold, but at the same time, you could still feel how red your face was under his gaze. 
Your pulse quickened as he moved back around to face you, still with that same analytical stare. His eyes lingered on your chest as he bent down slightly, moving his hand to caress the side of your face. His thumb brushed your lower lip, still frozen in place from where he had ordered you to smile. 
“Open your mouth,” he said, and you obeyed, with another rush of arousal immediately followed by shame. He pressed his finger against your tongue, eyebrows raising as you moaned at the touch. 
He pressed harder, still keeping his hand firmly on your jaw. “You like this, don’t you? Tell me the truth, don’t hold back.” His voice was low, his tone vaguely threatening in a way you couldn’t quite place.
You nodded, mouth still agape. Your face flushed at the eagerness of your response, the embarrassment at finding pleasure in being controlled so thoroughly sinking deeper and deeper into you. You’d never felt anything like it, and the adrenaline from the initial terror of being manipulated was quickly turning into an aphrodisiac when combined with your attraction to him. 
He scoffed - a short, mocking laugh. “My god,” he grinned, straightening up. “Then you can consider yourself a very, very lucky girl.” The swell of pride in your chest wasn’t at all hindered by the way his tone darkened; you couldn’t even tell if you were genuinely delighted at having impressed him or if you were just following his orders and “considering yourself lucky.” From the way your brain clouded over and the way your cunt tightened onto nothing, it might have been both. You groaned slightly at the feeling, then quickly bit down on your lip to try and suppress the sound. 
If he noticed, he gave no outward expression. Instead, he reclined back onto the couch, his legs falling open slightly, and he beckoned you forward with a wave of his hand. 
“Come here. You can kneel at my feet where you belong.” The way he said it was so light, so casual that you could tell he wasn’t trying to be dominant or turn you on. He just genuinely believed it. God, the ego on him. Still, you started to climb to your feet to walk over. 
However, before you could even stand all the way up, he raised a hand to stop you. “Ah-ah-ah. No, none of that. You can crawl. You look ridiculous walking around in those shoes anyway.” 
You collapsed back to your knees, cringing slightly at the bruises you knew you would have tomorrow as you crawled towards him. 
“Good girl, so you do know your place,” he said, his tone taking on a thick layer of condescension as he patted your head. “Tell me, how often do you sleep with your clients here?” He barely even looked at you as he asked, staring off into the distance as if you were boring him. 
“Never,” you replied immediately. 
“Never?” He raised his eyebrows, sparing you a quick, scrutinizing glance. “Then what exactly do you do in little rooms like these?” 
“Private stripteases. Lap dances. I let some touch me if they pay me enough,” you answered truthfully, realizing only after you’d spoken that he hadn’t ordered you to do so. You prayed silently that your answer was good enough. A voice in the back of your head questioned why you were so desperate for his approval, but it was quickly overcome by another wave of lust. 
Despite the work you did, it had been far, far too long since you’d been fucked, especially by a man as pretty as the one seated in front of you. And as much as you hated to admit it even to yourself, whatever power he had was one that you desperately wanted him to use on you. You’d never been so scared or so turned on in your life, and your deep masochistic streak was begging for more. 
The man snapped his thin fingers an inch away from your face, snapping you out of your thoughts. You blinked hard, realizing you hadn’t heard a single thing he said since you answered his last question. 
“Hey,” he reprimanded sharply, punctuated with a hard slap to the side of your face. “Snap out of it. God, what’s the point of sitting around here with you if you’re not even going to listen?” 
“No, wait, I’m sorry, I just—“ 
He cut you off with a disgusted roll of his eyes. “Don’t grovel. If you’re sorry, find a way to make it up to me.” 
You swallowed hard, nodding your head, mind racing. Your eyes flicked down to his lap, then back up to his face. 
“May I…well…I mean, would you like me to…” you stammered, mentally kicking yourself for how timid you sounded. 
“What? Spit it out,” he snapped. 
“Can I please suck your dick, please?” The request was out of your mouth before you even had time to process it. 
He laughed again, the same sharp mocking laugh he’d given you earlier, fixing you with a self-satisfied smile. “Oh, you really are desperate, aren’t you? Fine. Hurry up and start. Make it good.” 
Of course, you followed his orders. The ice-cold feeling that came with trying to resist felt entirely foreign to you now, and the brain fog that set over you whenever he gave a command barely had time to take hold before you obeyed. 
You started slowly, gently licking the tip of his dick before gradually working your way down, letting your mouth adjust to the length, pressing your tongue against him as you gently bobbed your head. 
While you were still struggling to take even half of his dick in your mouth, he roughly grabbed your hair, and without warning, shoved your head down to the base of his cock. 
You choked hard, tears immediately streaming down your face, but you couldn’t get even a second of relief with the way he held you firmly in place. You took a deep breath in through your nose, but the air was immediately knocked from your lungs as he pulled your head back, then shoved you back down, thrusting forcefully into the back of your throat. You gave a stifled cry and frantically grasped at his leg, trying to get leverage to break away, but you felt him slap your hand away before pinning it against the couch cushion. 
“You can take it. You want to impress me, don’t you? Stop struggling and let me fuck your throat.”
Your body went limp, all reflexes to break away and gasp for air vanishing in an instant. You could feel yourself choking, your face dripping with spit and tears, but you didn’t care. Both his hands were twisted in your hair, pulling hard, shoving your mouth onto his cock over and over again like you were a toy. You moaned desperately, half from pain and half from delirious pleasure. After what felt like ages, he ripped you away, forcing you to look into his dark eyes.
“Put some fucking effort into it,” he hissed, releasing your hair from his wrenching grasp. “Show me why I shouldn’t get rid of you right now.” 
You immediately set to work, taking as much of him as you could in your mouth and stroking what you couldn’t take with your right hand. You didn’t know what “getting rid of you” would entail. You didn’t doubt for a second that he could kill you. You felt briefly concerned that this didn’t turn you off in the slightest before your thoughts were pulled back to the task at hand. 
You sucked hard, running your tongue against the most sensitive places you knew of, gently teasing him, just enough to hopefully make him feel as desperate as you did. Your efforts were immediately rewarded with a low moan that became an almost feral growl, feeling him thrust upward involuntarily. You doubled down, relishing in every sound you could draw from him. 
He exhaled sharply when you pulled back, wrapping your lips around the tip of his cock and flicking your tongue, tasting the pre-cum that dripped from him. He reached out, hand tangling in your hair again, but not quite as hard as before. 
“Right there,” he sighed, holding your head in place, eyes shut tightly. “Fuck, there you go, right there, just like that, harder…oh, god, what a good fucking girl you are…” As you felt him get closer and closer, listening to the way he moaned for you, you felt yourself grow hot all over, more and more desperate to feel him let go, to cum down your throat.
 You whined sharply, pushing even further, your body aching all over with unfulfilled desire. You took every single inch of him, swallowing hard around his cock, pressing your nose to his stomach, ignoring the way your throat tightened and instead focusing on how badly you wanted him, how terribly you wanted to impress him…
Your efforts paid off immediately when he forcibly pinned you where you were, grabbing your hair as he came with a rough, broken shout, his cum hitting the back of your throat. 
After what felt like ages, you felt him collapse backward against the couch cushions. You pulled away, quickly swallowing the mouthful you’d accumulated, then opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue to show him how well you’d taken it. 
He softly laughed, peering at you with a slightly unfocused look before closing his eyes again, still on cloud nine, chest rising and falling quickly as the overwhelming pleasure slowly subsided. 
You leaned your head against his inner thigh, gazing up at him with a lovestruck stare. He looked so vulnerable like this, open and overwhelmed with all the sensations flooding him, a slight smile on his lips.
 A man with all the power in the world, everything he could ever want only a few words away, everyone wrapped around his little finger, and yet here he was, your head between his legs, absolutely radiant in the afterglow of his orgasm. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. 
He really is cute, you thought, even if he is terrifying. You examined his face carefully, taking in every detail — his sharp cheekbones, his thin nose, his dark eyelashes, the soft pink of his lips, the curve of his jawline and neck. There was something almost delicate about him, hidden by how deeply intimidating he was, and you hadn’t noticed it until now. He was just…well, he was just so pretty. There was just no other word for it, even now (or maybe especially now) that his sophisticated appearance was ruffled. His hair, once perfectly combed, was messy, a few dark strands falling into his eyes. His pristine suit was wrinkled, jacket long discarded, his tie partially undone, his shirtsleeves hastily rolled up, his belt and pants unfastened, and to top it all off, his gorgeous cock resting against his stomach, still half-hard. He was a fucking vision. You could have stared at him for ages. 
You gently tapped his leg to get his attention. “You know, I don’t actually think I caught your name,” you said, batting your eyelashes a bit. Your smile faded when you were met with a cold silence. He shook his head, straightening up and brushing his hair back into place. 
“You don’t need to know my name,” he snapped, all the bliss from a moment ago having vanished as he pushed you aside, readjusting his clothes. 
You sat back, thoroughly dejected. You had thought you’d done well. You wanted to make him feel good, and you had, but it wasn’t enough. You shouldn’t have felt like this about one of your clients, but you’d never met anyone else like him, and you wanted more. 
Your heart sped up as he reached for his jacket. Gathering his things meant he would leave, and an impulse deep inside you was yelling at you to do something. This wasn’t a job anymore, you needed him. He’d gotten you in the palm of his hand, desperate and wanting, and now that you had done what he wanted, he was acting like you were invisible. You weren’t going to let things go that easily. 
You pulled yourself up onto the couch, ignoring the ache in your knees and the pain on the backs of your thighs where your high heels had dug into your skin. Before he could react, you climbed onto his lap, facing him, arms around his shoulders. You’d never broken your “no kissing clients” rule, but that rule was the furthest thing from your mind as you leaned in for a kiss, pressing your lips firmly against his. 
With your eyes closed tightly, you barely even realized he had shoved you away until you landed on your back against the leather of the couch. Your eyes snapped open, finding the man standing before you, with a look on his face that was a mix of anger and bewilderment and something else you couldn’t quite place. He opened his mouth as if preparing to ask you something, but he closed it again, turning away from you. You bit your lip as he paced slowly, his hand over his eyes. Had you read the situation wrong? Was he ashamed that he’d come back here with you? Did he not like being kissed? Had you come on too strong? Was it over the line? 
Your heart skipped a beat as he stopped, focusing fully on you. You felt cornered, like a prey animal about to be devoured. He looked angry, vengeful, his already dark eyes completely devoid of light as he approached you. 
“Strip, then bend over the couch, facing the wall. Now.” 
Chills ran down your spine as you quickly undressed. You hadn’t been wearing much before, but naked, you felt completely exposed under his cold glare. You reluctantly turned away, the brain fog coming back like a tidal wave in response to your slight resistance, and you bent over, just like he’d told you to do. You could feel yourself shaking, terrified at the idea of what he would do to you, but with a hint of anticipation that kept you from falling off the edge into panic. 
You closed your eyes tightly and tried to ground yourself in the brief moments of silence, waiting for whatever would come next, but they shot open as soon as you felt the sharp, unmistakable shock of his belt whipping you across the backs of your thighs at full force. 
You cried out involuntarily, from shock and from the stinging, nearly unbearable pain. You hadn’t even had time to compose yourself when the second hit came, the pain intensifying as he struck the same place even harder. Your skin burned and you felt your eyes well up with tears, but you could feel the heat of arousal inside you growing, your masochistic side alight with pleasure. You wanted more. 
“Fuck!” you gasped as he landed a series of quick, searing lashes across your thighs and ass. Your nails dug into the couch as you bit your lip, trying to stifle a scream as the metal buckle whipped into your skin. Your head spun. It stung, so badly you could barely take it, but it felt fucking incredible, endorphins and adrenaline coursing through your body, making every sensation electric as he kept going, relentlessly striking you over and over again. 
You were granted a temporary reprieve when he leaned in close to your ear, running his fingernails down your back, hard enough that you knew there would be marks tomorrow. 
“Don’t even think about holding back,” he hissed, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. “I want everyone outside this room to hear you scream for mercy, and I want everyone to know you’re not going to get it.” 
Immediately he resumed his punishment, the sound of the belt hitting you again and again echoing off the walls. Your body instinctively followed his orders and you felt yourself cry out involuntarily, a broken sound halfway between a gasp and a yell. You barely even registered it as your own voice. 
A particularly brutal hit made you cry out, arching your back in a desperate attempt to ease the pain. 
“Fuck, please…” you begged, feeling like you were on the verge of fainting. 
“‘Please’ what?”
The ice cold feeling shot through your brain like a lightning strike. Beg for mercy. Scream for it. You desperately wanted to, but at the same time…
“Harder, fuck, please, harder!” 
The words were out of your mouth before you even realized you’d spoken them. Immediately, the room fell silent. You gasped for air, still reeling from the searing pain and the frigid ache of trying to resist him. 
He took hold of your hair without warning, yanking your head around to look at him. 
“Repeat that,” he snapped. 
“I— I want it harder,” you panted, trying to force your blurred vision to focus. 
A long, tense pause. 
“You like this.” It wasn’t a question. 
“Yes, god, yes.” 
“Of fucking course you do.” 
He grabbed you, turning you around forcefully so that you were facing him, then without warning, his hands were wrapped around your neck, so tightly that you couldn’t even take a moment to breathe in, your windpipe fully constricted.  
“I bet you like this too, don’t you?” he muttered through gritted teeth. 
You nodded desperately, as best you could with your neck being held firmly in place. 
“Listen to me,” he growled. “You live and die by my orders. You have no other purpose but to please me, do you understand? Just look at you. I could do anything to you and you would love it. You get off on being whipped, you get off on being choked half to death…I could beat you senseless and you would cum from it.” 
You moaned in ecstasy, but it came out as barely a whimper. You could feel your heartbeat in your temples, your vision going dark around the edges as his fingers dug into your neck. 
“I’m going to do whatever I want to you. That’s all you’re good for. Do you understand?”
You tried to answer, but you couldn’t move. Your head was pounding, your throat feeling like it was about to be crushed. You saw stars, multicolored lights popping in and out of your vision. The darkness around the edges was rapidly expanding, bleeding further and further into your line of sight until you couldn’t see at all. 
At the last possible moment, before you could feel yourself slip over the edge into unconsciousness, he let go, dropping your limp body and watching you gasp for air, coughing and retching as you struggled to breathe in after being deprived of oxygen for so long. 
“Pathetic,” he scoffed, glaring down at you like you were nothing more than dust. 
You lowered your head, thoroughly humiliated, pressing your forehead against your knees as you gulped in mouthful after mouthful of oxygen, mind racing. He could have killed you. He could have choked you to death without a second thought and you wouldn’t have been able to stop him, you told yourself, but still, in the deepest parts of your mind, the danger thrilled you. 
You needed him to touch you, to hurt you, to ruin you. You wanted him to do whatever he wanted to you, and the thought made your stomach ache with terror as much as it turned you on. 
He caressed your hair in a way that would have almost seemed tender if he hadn’t just strangled you half to death. You looked up slightly, and he tilted your chin up so you were face to face. He moved your head slightly to one side, then the other, examining you carefully, and smiled with a sick satisfaction. 
“You’ll have bruises on your neck for a week,” he praised with a slap to your cheek. You moaned softly at the impact, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling. 
He bent down, picking you up ever so slightly to rearrange your body in the position he wanted, laying you down and spreading your legs. You could see from your position how hard he was. Your pain had turned him on as much as it had done to you. 
You stared up at him as he admired his work, stroking his cock as he gazed at the bruises and welts and scratches he’d left on your skin.  
“Come here,” you pleaded, your voice still raw and hoarse from being choked, spreading your legs further. 
He was immediately on top of you, his thin hips pressed against yours, hands wrapped tightly around your wrists. “Don’t you dare give me orders,” he spat, but despite the venom behind it, you could tell from the way his hips rubbed against you that he was as desperate as you were. You felt his cock brush against your clit as he bit down hard on your neck, surely adding yet another bruise to the collection you’d accumulated. 
You bit your lip, wanting him to just stop teasing, to hurry up and fuck your brains out, but as you were considering whether or not to try and resist his don’t give orders command, you felt the tip of his dick press against your entrance. You’d known it was big, your aching throat was doing an excellent job at reminding you of that, but you still couldn’t stifle a gasp at the feeling. It was just a whole different experience like this. 
The beautiful man above you gave you a look that sent chills down your spine. 
“You want it,” he whispered, leaning in so close he could have kissed you. 
You nodded eagerly, fixing him with a pleading gaze. You hadn’t needed the command in the slightest. 
“Please…” you whined, your nails digging into your palms as you clenched your hands into fists, struggling to keep still. “Please, please…”
“Not good enough. Beg harder.” You had no idea how he managed to sound thoroughly indifferent, even while he was this hard.
Your already racing heartbeat quickened. “Please, I’m begging you, fuck me, take me, ruin me, do anything you want to me, I —fuck— I need it, I need it so badly, please, I’ll do anything…”
That same sadistic, terrifying little smile crept across his face. “Anything?” 
“Yes, anything, just please, god, fuck me!” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured, before roughly thrusting into you, as deep as he could possibly get, without giving you so much as a second to adjust. 
You couldn’t even try to hold back a scream, and he had the nerve to laugh in your face as he slapped his hand over your mouth. 
“Oh, careful, don’t shout like that! They’ll think I’m doing something horrible to you in here,” he grinned, punctuating his words with hard, deep strokes that hit every sensitive spot inside you. “It sounds like you’re in absolute agony. But we both know better than that, don’t we?”
He picked up the pace, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder to fuck you deeper than you’d thought possible. 
“You know, I really thought that you’d put up a little more of a fight,” he continued, almost nonchalant despite the grin on his face and the vicious pounding he was giving your sensitive cunt. “I thought I’d have to order you to get off on the pain, or that I’d have to bash your pretty head against the wall to get you to listen. But I got lucky, didn’t I? I just happened to come across the most disgusting, most depraved little whore in the city, so eager and willing to listen, to take whatever I give you.” 
The hand that wasn’t keeping you quiet brushed against a sensitive spot on your inner thigh and you all but melted, whimpering with pleasure underneath him as he fucked you harder. 
“Oh, that’s it, let me hear you moan,” he said, throwing his head back with a growl, pulling his hand away from your mouth. “You don’t care who hears, do you? I bet you like it. I bet you love knowing that all your little friends and all your clients are hearing you get your pretty cunt ruined by a complete stranger, don’t you? You like them knowing that I hit you and choked you and you still let me fuck you like this. You just love that everyone knows that you get off on me hurting you, that everyone knows you’re just a desperate slut for pain.” He punctuated the last word with a hard, backhanded slap across your face. 
You nodded frantically, moaning your assent, hands grasping at his arms, holding on for dear life as he completely wrecked you. You felt him grin as he leaned in to bite your neck, his tongue darting over your sensitive skin as he did so. 
Your hand wandered, finding its way to his dark hair, and you couldn’t stop yourself from running your fingers through it, pulling ever so slightly, not wanting to risk his wrath again but unable to resist the temptation. Your eyes widened with surprise when he gasped and moaned, his teeth temporarily leaving your neck before he recovered and bit you again, much harder, this time on a sensitive spot just below your jaw that made you cry out. When he was satisfied with the mark he’d left, he broke away. 
“You know what would be fun?” he teased, his tone menacing as he roughly grabbed your breast. You shook your head, unable to take your eyes off him. “I’d just love to see what it would be like if you weren’t such an easy little slut.” He paused, running his hand up your body, admiring the marks he’d left with a self-satisfied look. 
“Put up a fight for me. That way, I can show you exactly how filthy whores like you deserve to be treated.” He sat up, his fingers clutching your hips so hard that you knew they’d leave even more bruises on your already aching body, never once faltering in his steady pace. 
You flew into action immediately, frantically trying to push him away, trying to kick hard enough to get him off of you, despite the fact that your body was still aching for more. He laughed, a quick cruel sound, almost surprised by how readily you threw yourself into the role of his struggling victim, but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them down above your head without missing a beat, leaving you even more helpless than you already were. 
You moaned, feeling the way his dick throbbed inside you when you struggled harder, trying in vain to remove yourself from his grasp. Fucking sadist. You thrashed harder, your body still reflexively following his orders, but to no avail; he had you completely pinned in place. 
Almost without realizing you were doing so, you jerked your head upward, biting the exposed skin between his neck and shoulder and digging your teeth in hard, barely even noticing how fiercely you had latched onto him until you tasted blood. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, letting go of your wrists, hands immediately moving to grab your shoulders.  You let go with a sharp inhale the moment you realized what you’d done, horrified at your own actions. He roughly shoved you down, forcing your mouth away, still fucking you harder than you thought possible. 
“God, I should fucking kill you for that, I really, really should,” he growled. He turned his head slightly to look at the bite you’d left, scowling when he saw the blood beginning to seep into the collar of his shirt. He let go of one of your shoulders to grab your chin, forcing you to stare at the damage you’d caused. 
“Look at what you did,” he spat through gritted teeth, with a wild, almost manic look in his eyes. “You think you have the right to do that? The right to defile me like that after I’ve taken such good care of you? Answer me.” 
You bit your tongue, wanting to point out that ‘taking good care of you’ had involved beating you black and blue with a belt, choking you half to death with his dick, and then strangling you until you were nearly unconscious. Sure, you’d enjoyed all of it, but still. 
“Answer me,” he repeated, harsher this time. “Or I swear to god I’ll kill you.” 
“You told me to fight back!” The words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, pettiness entering your voice despite the murderous look in his eyes that made it very clear he had been expecting you to beg for forgiveness. 
He stopped moving completely. He was still all the way inside you, and you could barely stop yourself from grinding your hips against him to try and get yourself off, but you didn’t dare move. The hand that had been gripping your jaw released, moving upward to pat your cheek gently. 
“I did tell you to fight back, didn’t I?” He was mocking you, his tone sickly sweet and condescending, like you were a particularly petulant child that he was trying to discipline. Against your better judgment, or maybe just to see what he’d do about it, you nodded. 
Before you could even realize what was happening, you were in terrible pain, a pain that knocked the air out of your lungs, your eyes immediately streaming with tears from the impact. 
It took you a moment to process that he had just punched you in the face as hard as he possibly could. 
You instinctively doubled over, curling into a ball, body and mind reeling from the blow. Your ears were ringing, your vision clouded over. It felt like your brain had been shaken vigorously inside your skull, nausea welling up inside you at the sensation, all of it so severe you were afraid you might faint.
In your dazed state, you could barely absorb what he was saying to you, only catching snippets here and there: “...didn’t fucking tell you to ruin my shirt…going to show you…disgusting girls like you…”
You felt something being wrapped around your wrists as he manhandled you so that your arms were above your head. He’d bound you up with his tie, you realized, feeling the delicate silk against your aching skin. You opened your eyes as you felt his hands on your ankles, roughly pulling you so that you were lying with your legs spread for him. There was, you observed as your vision refocused, a decent bit of blood on the collar and shoulder of his shirt, a stain that you were positive would never come out. What a shame. Probably a designer shirt, too. Must have been expensive. 
You were shocked back into reality by him throwing your legs over his shoulders, bending you in half, once again filling your cunt with a hard thrust. Despite the pain still throbbing behind your eyes, which was slowly receding, you were still so, so desperate for him. You’d been close when he’d stopped, and in your hypersensitive state, you could feel your pleasure building rapidly, and before long you were writhing in his arms.
“Please, don’t stop, please,” you begged, barely even processing the words that were coming out of your own mouth. “I’m so close, I need it, please, please, I need to cum, don’t stop…”
“No,” he snapped, giving you a furious glare. “Didn’t you hear what I said? You don’t get to cum. I wouldn’t have let you cum even before you bit me like a rabid animal. What makes you think you deserve it now?” His last word broke off with an involuntary groan, his pace growing erratic in a way that told you he was close to a second orgasm. He inhaled sharply, collecting himself before doubling down. “Don’t cum. No matter how close you get, hold it. Do you hear me? Do. Not. Cum.”
Despite his orders, you felt your muscles begin to tighten, your pleasure mounting in a way that normally would have sent you over the edge, but nothing happened. You physically couldn’t cum. The feeling just kept building and building, far past what you thought was your breaking point, never stopping, overwhelming you to near-madness and never giving you a moment’s relief, and you bit your lip to stifle a scream. 
“Oh, don’t try to act all pitiful now,” he growled, punctuating it with a hard slap to your already oversensitive clit that made you cry out. “You know damn well that you earned this. And if you ever try to bite me like that again, I’ll make this permanent, do you hear me?”
Your eyes flew open, widening in terror. He couldn’t do that. Could he? 
The look on his face told you that he absolutely could. 
“Oh, it’d wear off eventually,” he purred, leaning in closer as if he were about to kiss you, his fingers just barely teasing your clit, his delicate touch unbearable in your hypersensitive state. “But I could tell you not to cum, over and over and over again, and you’d have no choice not to obey. I could keep you this close for days, weeks, months, maybe years if I wanted to, and drag you around with me like a needy little pet. I could order you to follow me around, to never leave my side. I could put you on a leash. I could parade you naked all over town, let everyone see how badly you want me, even with bruises and cuts all over you.” The thought sent a painful jolt of arousal through you, your legs shaking as you tried desperately to keep yourself from moaning at the idea. He grinned at you, making it very, very clear that you were doing a terrible job at hiding it. 
“Oh, of course that turns you on. Fucking depraved, aren’t you? Are you like this for everyone you meet, or do you just want me that badly?” 
You couldn’t form a concrete thought, let alone focus hard enough to give him an answer, but you knew his monstrous ego would love it if you could. You just wanted him that badly. 
His hand wrapped around your neck, not quite enough to choke you but hard enough so that you felt the marks from when he had. “God, who would have thought that this would be so fun? Beating and fucking a pathetic little thing like you, I barely had to order you to do a thing,” he teased, panting as he fucked you faster. “I’m going to cum inside you, and you’re going to like it. Beg for it. Do it. Now.” 
“Please,” You gasped for air, voice coming out as a choked whisper. You were in agony, every inch of your body burning with pain and anticipation and need for an orgasm that kept building and just wouldn’t happen. Burning hot tears were streaming down your face; you couldn’t stop them even if you wanted to. “Please, do it, cum inside me, I don’t care what happens, I need it, just…” 
Your pleading broke off into a desperate wail as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face. Even the gentle motion, combined with every other sensation you were feeling, was absolute torture, too much for you to bear. He grinned as you pulled away, trying to escape any more stimulation. 
“Oh, god, you look so damned pathetic…oh, god, fine, do it, cum for me, I want to see you break, just do it now--” His voice cracked, his hands desperately clutching at your hair as he came inside you with a desperate moan, feeling you tighten around him, burying his face in the crook of your neck.  
Your body went completely rigid at his command and you came hard, the feeling so intense that it felt like your skin was burning all over. You were vaguely aware that you were thanking him, over and over, unable to control the words coming out of your mouth. He silenced you with a forceful kiss, the first one he’d given you all night, and you melted into his touch, thoroughly overwhelmed. 
You felt his hips twitch, still riding out the last of his orgasm as you deliriously wrapped yourself around him, clinging on for dear life, moaning with ecstasy. 
Finally, he broke away from the kiss, and your body fell limp, overstimulated past your breaking point, so much so that you vaguely wondered how you were still conscious. Your legs dropped from where he had propped them on his shoulders and you lay there, trembling like a leaf, feeling the warmth of his cum inside you. 
When you finally collected yourself enough to see straight, you worked your wrists out of the now-loose binding of his tie, then raised your head to look at the man still lying on top of you. His head had dropped onto your chest, his eyes closed. He looked so still and gentle that you wondered if he was asleep.
You reached down, stroking his hair gently with shaking hands, remembering how much he’d liked it before. You wanted to have this little moment of vulnerability with him before he went all cold and ruthless again. He sighed, pressing himself further into your bare chest and wrapping his arms around you. You couldn’t hold back a smile as pride swelled inside you. You felt like you’d tamed some kind of monster, and really, you thought to yourself, you had. You could practically feel the bliss radiating off of him along with the warmth of his skin against yours. 
You leaned your head back, staring at the ceiling as you gathered yourself. You were sore all over. Your muscles burned from how tight they’d been for so long, your throat ached when you swallowed, and you still had a pounding headache from the punch to your face and the way he’d choked you. Your body had already begun to bruise, but you couldn’t stop smiling.
“It’s Kilgrave.” 
You looked up, vision still slightly clouded with pleasure. “Hmm?” His face was turned away, expression hidden. 
“My name. Kilgrave.” 
You grinned harder. You’d won.
“It’s pretty,” you giggled, giving his hair a playful ruffle. 
He quickly smacked your hand away, sitting up and pulling out of you with a scoff. Ah. There he was. 
“Shut up. Don’t even think about it.” 
“You know what,” he snapped, reaching for his jacket. “Don’t play innocent now, especially not when you look like that.” 
You glanced down at your body. He had absolutely wrecked you, but your smile never faded as you looked back at him. 
He rolled his eyes, but there was no venom behind it, or at least none that you could detect. “Filthy little thing,” he muttered, re-buttoning his shirt. 
You sat up, stretching your sore muscles as he composed himself quickly. You were amazed at how he could go from looking absolutely delirious with pleasure one moment to looking like this the next, all put together and polished as if he hadn’t just fucked you into oblivion. 
“And where are you off to?” you said, glancing around the room, trying to find where he had tossed your clothes after you’d taken them off. 
“You don’t need to know that.” He walked quickly towards the door, but paused as he realized that you were still looking at him. He sighed with frustration, but still turned around to look back at you. 
“I’ll be back next week, if I decide you’re good enough for me to use again. In the meantime, don’t even think about opening your legs for anyone else, do you understand? I don’t want you catching anything and giving it to me.” His tone was bitter, but you could still sense something almost fond behind his words. “Now, once I leave, you’ll wait five minutes, then go out there and put on the best show of your life for all those sad desperate men out there, with my cum dripping down your thighs. Understand?” 
Ah, you realized. Not fondness. Possessiveness. Even better. You nodded, barely managing to suppress another proud grin. He gave you what you assumed was supposed to be a contemptful look before turning again to leave, but he might as well have given you a kiss on the forehead with how good it made you feel.
“Bye, Kilgrave,” you called as he left, giving him a playful wave. 
He looked back. He didn’t answer, but the facade slipped for just a moment as he blew you a quick kiss, and then he was gone, grinning like a man who had all the power in the world as he closed the door behind him. 
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A/N: this is the first part of a series! if there's enough interest, i'll post the next parts :) Like, rb, and/or follow if you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading!
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soraviie · 2 years
tugging at his hair.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ navigation
━ about: angst, fluff, (themes of) smut, the holy trifecta  ━ pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: may or may not have seen Yoongi's insta pic...may or may not be feeling very normal about it
━ previously posted on soraviii
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NAMJOON: Atypically, your boyfriend was actually quite the whiny guy. Friday evening, time - 20:30. Thanks to some uncanny miracle, Namjoon was free this night and you’d been eager to soak up each other’s company. You sat largely silent, tucked into his side and openly staring, merely breathing an infrequent “yeah” and “no way” so he wouldn’t suspect you were not listening. Though you were not listening, catching the jumping cadence of his offended voice only with the tip of your ears. Far too engrossed in admiring the glowing shade of his skin and furiously working cheeks, you felt your mind slip. Never before have you thought that someone resting on the couch, passively aggressively minding on chips could make your heart bleed with love. But everything about Namjoon was soft and comfortable. 
Unwittingly, you zeroed in on the tuft of his hair, poking out from underneath his hoodie. Without fully registering, you trailed your fingers down the hood, pulling it down and proceeded to tug at the back of his hair. Namjoon’s cheeks froze and with mouth full, he glanced at your side. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Don’t know,” you shrugged. “You’re compelling like that.”
He returned back to the chips, completely unperturbed by the looks of it. 
“You need to condition them more,” noting absent-mindedly, you played with whatever strand called your fancy. He rolled his eyes, pinching your bare thigh. 
“You should be whispering sweet nothings in my ear,” he grumbled. “Confess how much you adore me, how hot I am.”
“Right,” you agreed, leaning into his expectant expression. “Your hair is also greasy as fuck. You should shower more.”
Violently, he hurled you into the decorative pillows scrunched from your combined weight, frowning at the easy laughter bubbling from your throat.
“I’m dating a bully,” he muttered bitterly, yet when you nosed at his neck, he craned it with no small amount of enthusiasm, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
“Sure are,” you purred. “Can I play with your greasy hair more? Pretty please?” His eyes lingered, firmly set on the playing movie, but you reckoned his neck did grow increasingly warmer. 
“You’ll do it no matter what I say.” 
“‘Cause you’ve never said “no” to me.”
At that, he heaved a tormented sigh. 
“True. I’m but a lowly servant of love.”
You chuckled, pushing the black hair away from his forehead, messing it up. After a moment, with a barely concealed grin, he offered:
“Maybe now I can card through your leg hair.”
“Not funny,” you glared at him but Namjoon merely sniggered further on. 
“A little funny.”
YOONGI: Your hand was practically aching as it laid listlessly by your side, partially sinking into the plush sofa of his studio. Fully drowned in work, he sat by the monitor, one hand coming to rest by his lips, the other - tinkering with the beat. And his hair - the hair - curled around him like a ring of halo. He drew a heavy sigh, reaching up to muss the chief objects of unease further. Yet you couldn’t just follow the delirious caprice. Yoongi was a guarded man, he liked his personal space and, despite how much you longed for it, you couldn’t just tug at his long hair. The relationship was still fresh and had to be trodden like a melting glacier - nice and easy. Crossing the itching arms over your stomach, you huffed in discontent. 
“What?” he suddenly hummed, and you recoiled, assuming he was blissfully ignorant of your lingering stare. 
“Nothing,” you replied, but his chair turned, a pair of disbelieving eyes falling your way.
“Just say it.”
“I want to tug at your hair,” the sentence practically rushed out as though your body was actively disregarding your own orders. 
“Why don’t you just do it?”
You nibbled with your fingers suddenly feeling rather foolish. 
“I want to be respectful,” you muttered underneath the nose, and a second later, you grasped what sound Yoongi was making. Laughing.
He was laughing at you.
Resting his forehead against the desk, you saw his shoulders wag in muffled glee. 
“You know,” he faced you, eyes twinkling in amusement. “Most couples grope each other the first chance they get.”
“Oh, shut it,” groaning, you sank into the sofa, only for all objections to wither into the ether once Yoongi lowered his head with a soft “come ‘ere”. 
Cautiously, fearing the dream could shatter at the moment’s passing, you made your way to where he sat and with bated breath curled your palm around his fluffy curls, giving them a tender yet generous pull. Something akin to instant relief flooded your system, making the tips of your fingers tingle. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Yoongi wondered, the curve of his smile suggesting he was barely holding himself back from teasing you into oblivion. You tugged at his hair once more, this time harder, and a prolonged moan left his lips, startling you both. 
“Not as much as you, it seems,” you smirked down at him, enjoying how his eyes flitted away from you, self-conscious red dusting his cheeks. 
“Just go for it next time,” he grumbled shyly, making no move to pull away. “Before you give yourself an IBS.”
JIN: He knew what you wanted by the frankly terrifying gleam hidden behind your eye. There was something entirely transfixed passing your expression as you stared at his head with steely determination. Ordinarily, Jin was content with your inexplicable obsession. Rather this than pulling at his cheeks, he reckoned, however, now…
“I won’t pry ________ off of me,” he whined, gazing into a mirror. Even to his completely normal and unscrambled brain, the permed curls resting atop his forehead seemed inviting. Fluffy. Moussed. Reasonably asking to be tugged. 
“Oh, what a torture,” Namjoon dragged aridly, perched in the corner, not unlike a sullen owl. “You have someone to go home to who loves to play with your hair. Poor you.”
Graciously ignoring the seeping sarcasm, JIn breathed a tormented sigh. 
“I know right.”
Namjoon merely rolled his eyes, returning back to his quiet moping. 
When Jin crossed the threshold, he found you immersed in laundry, folding it and turning to greet him home like always.
“Hello!” you exclaimed cheerfully. “How was your da-”
Frightfully, he swallowed. Your expression grew distant and in spite of his jerky movements, your attention never wavered from the top of his head. 
“May I eat at least?” he mewled weakly and you nodded just not before actually thinking about it. 
After eating in peace, the last one he’d get for the evening, Jin slowly trodded to the bedroom, shoulders hung low in premature defeat. On the other side of the door, you were waiting for him already, blinking expectantly from underneath the covers. After a prolonged groan, he obliged your whims and settled his head on your lap. To get it over with. 
Instantly, your fingers delved deep into his curls, tugging and twirling them to your heart’s strange desire. 
“How cute,” you gushed. “So fluffy!”
Jin closed his eyes, trying to suppress the blossoming smile. Perhaps, he didn’t entirely hate being coddled in such a fashion but you didn’t need to know that. Unbeknownst, to him, you were more than aware as, in spite of his efforts to mask the pleased grimace, he failed to conceal the ears burning bright red. 
HOSEOK: “Sorry,” he said, squirming and glancing to the side. “But no.”
Well, no was no and you just had to learn how to live with it. Every time your hand subconsciously reached to grasp a strand of his hair between your fingers, not really meaning anything good or bad, just doing so out of instinct, you reigned it back, forcing the treasonous hand to ultimately fall unused. It may or may not have taken you a whole year to timidly wonder aloud:
“Why don’t you like for me to touch your hair?” 
Hoseok was practically asleep - his voice came crackling from the other side of the bed. 
“It’s nothing personal,” he sighed, cracking one eye open, glancing at your demure expression through the dark. “It’s just…” then he fell silent. Only after a pregnant pause, one long enough for you to assume he’d succumbed to sleep, he casually brushed it off:
“It’s just a preference.”
He rolled on the side and the conversation ended there. 
“Hey, ______________!” Jimin greeted you brightly the second you took a step inside the partially hidden makeup studio. Being nearly four in the morning, filming’s end, sparsely anyone was present and even those few people didn’t bother acknowledging you through the haze of insomnia. 
“What are you doing here?” 
He smirked, all cheek as always. 
“Could ask the same for you. It’s really late.”
You shrugged, enjoying the distraction of easy chatter. 
“Couldn’t sleep. Supposed Hoseok would appreciate some company home.”
“Ah, dear ______________,” Jimin snaked a hand around your shoulder. “Geniuses think alike.”
“Oh no,” you laughed, scurrying away from his treacherous hold. “Don’t try to seduce me into being your fangirl. It won’t happen.”
What was with Jimin and his tenacious will to make himself your bias you did not know and you never quite asked either, although it provided plenty of icebreakers across the slew of accidental meetings. 
“Shame,” he drawled. “Maybe better though. Hoseok would kill me.”
To properly lament the wretched situation, Jimin sighed and reached to rake a hand through his hair. Hair that had been growing out and now sat shining with silver highlights. Unwittingly, your hand jolted by the side of your thigh. 
“You want to touch?” he offered, sporting a grin too devious for your peace of mind. You probably shouldn’t but what’s the big deal…It’s just hair…
Doors to the room sprang open with a great bang and you crossed gazes with Hoseok, instantly swallowing in guilt. With expression previously lax, now growing cloudy, he flitted between you and Jimin. 
“What’s going on?” with narrowed glare, he questioned, voice falling in a carefully curated tone which was, of course, far more menacing. 
“Just waiting for you superstar,” Jimin laughed thinly only to wither when placed underneath Hoseok’s chilling frown. “On second thought, I’ll get home on my lonesome. Goodbye!”
And without giving anyone the time to even blink, Jimin had already disappeared into thin air. No, he was definitely not winning any favours from you.  
The drive back home was spent in fraught silence, with Hoseok’s hands gripping the wheel so tight, every now and then it heaved a maltreated scream. Any minute soon the wrath bubbling underneath his skin would surge like pressurised water out of a geyser. However, Hoseok wasn’t a jealous person, even less when it came to the members. Both were trusted explicitly. Was it stress perhaps? 
Finally, he crumbled. 
“What is it with you and hair?” he sneered sharply. Straight away you bristled at the unspoken accusation. 
“Nothing. Better yet what’s with you? I can’t even talk to Jimin now?”
“You went to him with the one thing, I couldn’t give you,” he countered as the car surged with tension.
“I did not go to him!” you squalled in frustration. “Are you even hearing yourself?!”
“It’s our thing!”
“No, it’s mine! You hate -!”
“It’s because of my ex, okay?!”
An awkward silence settled in the space between you. Red light pooled through the windshield.
“She liked to play with my hair,” he explained, anger abating as it was quickly seized by contrite embarrassment. “And I was afraid that if you’d do it, I would unwillingly think of her. You deserve better than that.” 
You bit your lip to stop the growing smile, simply breathing: “I see.” Then - 
“However, how would I know what you’re thinking?”
He stared ahead, lips thinning identical to yours. 
“Probably wouldn’t,” he sighed. “But I’d feel at blame.”
You hummed and gazed outside the window, still battling the blossoming smile, though it was nothing compared to the warmth churning within your chest. A hand reached for yours and Hoseok guided your fingers towards his hair. It was finer than you realized but nice. It was Hoseok after all. 
“Are you thinking of her?” you gently pondered. 
“Not at all,” he whispered in a breathy voice, eyes briefly falling shut. “You’re the only one for me.”
JIMIN: Instead of happiness, his lips pursed into a thin line, gaze becoming evasive. 
“Thank you, but I’m too tired.”
“I’ll help you.”
“I…I’m not in the mood for sex either.”
“It’s not that,” you sighed forlornly, literally feeling him slip through the cracks of your fingers. “Just…get in, and I’ll take care of you,” in a smaller voice, you added. “Like you do of me.”
Standing in the cracked gap of the bathroom door, he contemplated for a second, before breathing a heavy exhale, one expressing the entire weight of the world. Water sloshed as he got in the bath you drew up, and the window soon was covered by a thick layer of condensation, the deep black night growing matted behind it. 
“You don’t have to do this,” he tossed over the bare shoulder, but you brushed his concerns away. 
“I want to.”
“If it's because what I said -”
“It’s not.”
“- then I was out of line.”
“You were not.”
“I take it back.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“But -”
Every time he spoke, his head turned to steal a glimpse of you, perhaps entirely on instinct, the water doused you with a heavy wave, drenching the floor and dumping the rose petals out with it. You grasped his head between your palms, keeping him still at least long enough to apologize sans the pain of his scrutinising gaze. 
“I’m sorry,” you confessed, letting your forehead rest on the back of his neck. “I won’t ever let you feel like taken for granted.” 
He sat unmoving for a long time and you gasped shakily, trying to swallow the budding tears. Well, obviously you would self-sabotage the only good thing in your life. Only naturally at this point in life...
…but this was Jimin and it didn’t matter whether you tucked yourself away in a locked room or an ocean away, he’d extend you the same kindness you were so eager to return. Pulling your arms around his neck, he smiled, laying a tender kiss upon your trembling knuckles. 
“Nothing to forgive,” he muttered. “We were never in the wrong.”
You choked back a sob. Nonetheless, the night was still about him. 
“Right,” you sobered up, pushing him lower in the water. “Just try to relax.”
“Are you planning to kill me?” he teased tiredly. “Besides, it’s a bit difficult given that my cock is just…out here,” he gestured vaguely at his lower part and you chuckled thinly. 
“Nothing new to me. This is just…romantic.”
“Well, you certainly know the befitting aesthetic,” pointedly, he peered across the dozens of scent-free candles littered over every available surface of the bathroom and the pink petals now displayed haphazardly between the bath and the grey mat beside it. 
Pressing a handful of shampoo in his hair, you hissed with mock annoyance: “oh, zip it.”
You kept working in now pleasant silence. Peace was in the house, at least it was until…
His groan was near explicit and watching Jimin throw his head back, nuzzling deeper into your hands, you knew you’d never forget the sight. It didn’t even seem like he’d registered it and soon enough the curiosity overwhelmed you. You rinsed his hair and then scratched lightly across the scalp. Another moan, even longer and somehow so filthy you could swear your entire body flushed. 
“So…” he chuckled, strangely nervous. “Did I just give you a quick way to control my entire nervous system?”
You laid a kiss on his nape and the water rippled from his shudder.
“Sure did.”
The moons now adorning his spine were entirely at fault here or so you insisted, tugging his styled hair between your fingers, occasionally scratching just to see the struggle to keep his eyes open. 
“The stylist is going to kill you,” he warned breathily but Jimin was never more grateful for losing his composure, that day in the bath than he was at this moment. Like grime washed away by a wet towel, your presence eased his worry into the void, while your fingers twirling his hair kept him there. How strange that such a small thing could do so much but then again if it did not, then would Jimin have bought a ring that now laid in his jacket pocket, heavy and searing like the infinite weight of Cosmos.
“Worth it,” you hummed. He couldn’t agree more. 
TAEHYUNG: Frankly, the question of your enjoyment never made it into the equation as before you could even wonder of the idea, Taehyung had shamelessly thrust his head into your lap. 
“I don’t wanna,” you whined by now not needing a verbal order to know what he craved. 
“Too bad,” retorting without so much as an ounce of empathy, he grasped your fingers, bringing them down upon his head. Five minutes later he was snoring on your legs and no amount of force could rouse him, divine or otherwise. It was a language of his, one he talked exclusively with you. 
Trees breezed past the rolling car and sitting still, you watched them blur into wide, rushing lines. At first innocent, his palm intertwined with yours, gaze locked on the road ahead. You hummed. He liked to hold hands, and so did you, only for yours to suddenly be submerged within his dark curls. 
“Seriously?!” you yelped, and he chuckled with no small amount of glee. 
The door smacked behind, or it would have if Taehyung had not been hot on your heels the entire way home. 
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung mumbled, by now so many times it didn’t remotely even sound like a proper sentence. 
“Not accepted,” you sneered, yanking off the jacket, maybe tearing a button or two in the process. “You embarrassed me! And for what?! Some childish caveman display of jealousy?” 
The rest of the insult is expressed through a hardened scowl. As you jostled, enraged and unthinking, to peel off the stifling layers, Taehyung enclosed you into a hug, towering above you, his head lowered into the crook of your neck. 
“Please, don’t be mad at me,” pitifully he muttered, a warm breath ghosting over your collarbone. “Take it out on me but promise you won’t be mad afterwards.”
Without even quite thinking, you wrenched out of his grasp and seized his hair, yanking it harshly towards you. At the back of your mind, panic took root - were you hurting him? Was this not wrong? But Taehyung grew positively limp, pliant, Adam’s apple bobbing nervously as his widened eyes tracked your every movement. 
“I’m really angry,” you whispered with a frown. 
“I’m sorry,” uselessly, he whimpered when you grasped at his locks. “It’s just…”
All you have to do is tug again for a high-pitched squeal to rip from the depths of his chest. “Don’t want to lose you.”
Something in the near incoherent way he breathed it, made your heart soften. 
“Why are you crying?” you asked quietly, wiping the stray tear off his cheek. 
Early morning hued the sky pink as you lay beside each other, relishing in the muted stillness of the room. 
“Don’t know,” Taehyung sniffled. “Felt like it.”
You reached to brush his hair and soon enough he was slumbering again - all tears faded into the dawning cold. 
JUNGKOOK: Frankly, you didn’t grasp why in situations such as these the other partner always offered sex. You were far more willing to simply lug this nightstand at Jungkook’s head. Without knocking you cracked open the doors to his gaming room, discerning the explosive sounds of combat swirling around the room. 
“Jungkook, you promised!” you complained and he held out a hand, gaze locked on the game. 
“I’ll be there soon, babe,” he lied in between strangled curses. “Just one more round.”
He’d muttered that already two fruitless hours ago. 
“No, now!” you threatened, coming to stand by his chair, watching the battle unfold, thoroughly unimpressed by it. He offered some incoherent noise that lacked any meaning, and in a flash of swirling annoyance, you yanked at his hair, forcing his eyes to land upside down upon your face. 
Most people would hastily become upset at such a gesture but the little masochist grinned from cheek to cheek, expression gaining a certain twinkle. You groaned at his satisfaction. Couldn’t even playfully torment him. The brat enjoyed it. 
“Okay, folks,” he spoke into the headset, with your hand still firmly latched in his shaggy hair. “It’s been a pleasure, but I’ve got to go.”
Someone hollered in the chat but it went entirely unheard. Pushing the chair away from the desk, he reached to pull your other arm to rest on top of his thundering heart. 
“What’s up, babe?”
For someone who was jerked by the roots of his hair, Jungkook appeared entirely too delighted. 
“I need you -”
“Oh, you need me?”
“To hammer in the nails to the nightstand. Brat,” saying so, your grip on his hair grew harsher. All that came of it was Jungkook’s raspy laughter, eyes briefly fluttering shut and lips carving a sharp line in his dimpled cheeks. 
“Couldn’t you just do it yourself?”
“Well if injury is to happen, I’d prefer it is you, not me.”
“Liar,” he smirked. “You cried when I tripped.”
Traitorous heat snuck its way onto your cheeks. 
“I thought your leg broke,” you muttered before nudging him outside. “Now get to working.”
“Yes, my liege,” he curtsied, proceeding then to wring his tattooed hands around your waist, making you hobble like some sort of overtly humped creature. His nose quickly delved into its reserved spot in the crook of your neck. 
“Always smell so good,” hazily, Jungkook muttered and you shook your head at his antics. 
“You’re so weird.”
“Says the one who's constantly trying to dom me by hair pulling.”
“It’s not a dom thing!”
“Sure, baby,” he rasped, planting a wet kiss against your neck. “Whatever you say. Just remember you now owe me three hair pulls in return.”
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
582 notes · View notes
niabridges · 5 months
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A Friend In Deed
Warning: MDNI. 18+ 🔞 EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT | characters aged up 18+ Word count: ~5000 Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x F!Reader Additional warnings: Unprotected sex Credit: headaer image of Sebastian: @pheexblack ♡
This was never supposed to happen. I started rewriting one of my old fics, and it somehow twisted into something far more... well. Longer.
Sebastian feels adrift now that MC and Ominis are together. He refuses to spoil their happiness, but the loneliness gnaws at him. Then, one night in the Restricted Section, a Prefect catches his eye. Their connection is instant — friendship, or perhaps something deeper. The trouble is, she's already taken. Until. Read on AO3 or below ♡
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Sebastian sprawled on his bed, his N.E.W.T.-addled brain refusing to cooperate. He needed a distraction. His gaze fell on a favorite book, but he was too exhausted to read. Disappointment flared — Ominis was gone for the weekend, leaving him adrift. He sighed, the familiar boredom and discontent seeping back in. Minutes ticked by as he stared at the moss-green canopy, and then a sudden sound that made him flinch.
A soft knock at his door. “Yeah?” he called, propping himself up on his elbows. “May I come in?” A female voice inquired from the other side. Sebastian grinned, “Oh, yeah! Come in,” he replied, amusement lacing his voice.
He squinted at the door, annoyance fading to mild surprise. It was the Slytherin prefect, someone he’d grown closer to over the last year, mostly during study sessions. It had all started after Ennea Bragge, his one-time confidante he met in their 5th year, drifted away. Worse, she’d ended up with Ominis, crushing Sebastian’s heart in the process. But loyalty to his friends came first, as it always did. He threw himself into his work: Anne’s slow recovery progress, studying harder, his illicit trips to the Restricted Section... and then one night, a kindred spirit. Or perhaps a fellow deviant? A Slytherin girl he’d somehow overlooked until they’d huddled together behind a dusty sarcophagus, hiding from Peeves’ rampage.
“Well, look who it is,” he drawled, gesturing for her to come inside. She shut the door behind her, then perched on the edge of his bed.
Sebastian propped himself up with a slight frown. “What’s got you so restless, huh?” He ran a hand through his hair, the earlier drowsiness finally starting to dissipate. “Bored. Figured I’d harass my favorite Slytherin.” Sebastian smirked. “Out of the whole castle, you pick me? Must be my winning personality,” he teased.
“Well, it’s late, the halls are likely patrolled, I am off duty, and honestly, you’re the closest option,” she snickered. Her eyes swept across his cluttered desk. “Fair enough. I’ll take any compliment I can get,” he paused, leaning in slightly. “Though, what if I had a girl’s company? It is Friday night, after all.” He couldn’t help but tease lightly.
She laughed, dismissing him, but a flicker of uncertainty crossed her eyes. “We’ve been spending too much time together. I’d probably know if you had someone over, wouldn’t I? Honestly, I just wanted company,” she said, trying for a breezy tone, “and I’m bored.” She finished with a yawn for extra emphasis.
“Uh-huh…” Sebastian’s smile faltered, his gaze lingering. “So, no boyfriend visit tonight?” “Shut it.” A playful shove, but it couldn’t hide the flicker of her discomfort. Suddenly needing space, she laid down and stretched out across his bed. He grinned, leaning closer until he caught the scent of her perfume. “So, I’m second choice when everyone's busy?” “You’re my first choice for mischief.” She met his gaze, studying his brown eyes. “Mischief, huh? He’s really not coming tonight?” Sebastian pressed, a hint of suspicion in his voice. “No…” Her smile faltered as she averted her gaze. “Hold on, don’t tell me... is everything okay?” He propped himself up on his elbows, studying her intently as she slowly lifted herself up.
“We broke up.” The words fell flat, a stark statement hanging in the silence followed by a sigh. “That git! When I get –” “Sebastian,” she cut him off. “I broke up with him.” “Oh, I see.” A beat of silence. He wanted to comfort her, but curiosity pricked at him too. “May I ask why?” “It just... wasn’t working for me. I could never have a truly stimulating conversation.”
Her words sparked recognition in Sebastian. He straightened, listening intently as she continued. “I felt like I was always the one pushing, pulling... and it led to boredom, frustration. Even a bit of contempt, and that’s not who I am,” she shrugged, burying her head in her hands. “Anyways…” The word echoed in the sudden silence. In her mind, it wasn't worth another breath, let alone another thought. “I get it. Like you said, we know each other. You need more than... well…” Sebastian chuckled dryly letting her imagination fill in the blank. “And the constant nagging about my troublemaking, the sneaking around, my blunt honesty. Ugh, good riddance,” she groaned, head dropping back against the mattress.
“Hey, look at me.” Sebastian’s voice held a quiet intensity. “You deserve better.” He inched closer — too close, perhaps? “You’re clever, ambitious…” His finger traced a line along her bare forearm, a touch that sent shivers through them both. “...and funny as a barrel of monkeys, too. Honestly, who else would’ve been my partner in mischief this past year? Not after Ennea and Ominis did a runner…” His finger paused just below the fold of her sleeve.
She smirked and their eyes briefly met. “Ever the charmer,” she mumbled, her tone sarcastic. “I am serious,” Sebastian raised an eyebrow before his fingers traced the silk of her tie.
A shared sigh hung in the air, the unspoken tension between them thickening. The chemistry had always been there, ever since that night in the library — him pulling her close to quiet her, their breaths mingling in the dusty air, louder than Peeves’ distant cackle. Sebastian would never forget the distinct share of blush tinting her cheeks as the unmistakable bulge in his trousers pressed against her. He’d blamed adrenaline then. She’d played it cool, a casual laugh belying her own flustered reaction.
After a tense beat, she spoke, “You know…” then trailed off with a sigh. “Know what?” He smirked to taunt her. His hand returned to her tie, fingers trailing towards her belly. “Never mind,” she exhaled, unable to mask the sudden flutter of nerves.
“Don’t do this,” he sighed, exasperated. “You know it’ll just make me pester you more.” His fingers slipped beneath the hem of her shirt, tracing lazy circles on her skin. Her body stiffened for a moment. Then, gently but firmly, she pushed his hand away. “Hmm?” He hummed, teasing her.
Their eyes locked. “Hmmm,” she purred, mirroring his gesture. Instead of words, she leaned closer on her elbows, until their noses nearly brushed. “Actually,” she swallowed, a hint of hesitation in her voice, “can you do that again?” “Do what?” he asked, feigning innocence. He longed to hear her say it. “Touch me,” she breathed, her voice barely a whisper.
“Oh.” His eyebrows shot up momentarily, then settled into a teasing grin. His free hand skimmed down, fingertips tracing the sliver of bare skin at her waist where her shirt had lifted. A tremor ran through her, widening her smile. Her eyes traced the intricate scatter of his freckles, finally pausing at a tiny bump on the bridge of his nose. Leaning forward, she pressed a soft kiss to that very spot, sending a jolt of excitement through him.
His eyes darkened. Hesitation gone. He surged forward, capturing her lips with his. The kiss began as a gentle exploration, but when she sighed against his mouth, his grip tightened. Suddenly, their kisses were charged with a raw intensity, the heat surging through them both.
Sebastian nibbled at her lower lip, hunger warring with tenderness. She returned the favor, each kiss growing bolder, more insistent. Her hands roamed his chest, tracing the fabric against his skin, while his grip on her hips tightened. After breathless minutes, they broke apart, gasping. Each ragged inhale echoed in the dimly lit dorm.
“My-” Sebastian was speechless. “I-” “Don’t worry, just a bit of friendly over time,” she breathed, eyes half-lidded as she drank in his disheveled state. “Mmm, just friends having fun,” Sebastian murmured, a smirk playing on his lips. He leaned back in, one hand slipping to the small of her back, pulling her closer.
His other hand, trembling slightly, cupped her cheek. His thumb followed the curve of her swollen lips. His heart hammered a frantic rhythm as his finger settled against the pulse point on her neck. He leaned in, gently nipping and sucking at the spot, a ragged moan escaping him at the sensation.
He tasted salt and a sweetness he couldn’t define as their lips collided once more. Need pulsed through them, tongues tangling, bodies straining impossibly close. Heat flooded Sebastian, a dizzying mix of desire and the shock of its intensity. When they finally broke for air, their chests heaved in unison. He brushed his forehead against hers, a low rumble of laughter escaping him. A stray tear, whether his or hers, shimmered on his fingertip.
They stared at each other, breathless, silent. Between them, the question hung heavy in the charged air. “Are we…” He swallowed. His voice was rough, finger tracing the curve of her cheek. “Are we doing this?” A smile slowly tugged at her lips. “Yes…we are.” She pulled him back in.
Sebastian grinned, straightening his shoulders. He knelt on the bed beside her, beginning to unbutton his shirt. Her hands met his halfway, their touch urgent. He exhaled sharply, trying to contain the surge of arousal. Tossing the shirt aside, he leaned in once more. This time, their lips met with gentle tenderness, savoring sweet breaths. But when her fingers brushed his skin, a wave of desperate longing consumed him. He pressed harder against her, pushing her gently into the mattress. His hand slid from her neck, fingertips tracing the delicate line of her spine, eliciting a soft moan.
They fit together seamlessly, each curve a revelation. As his hand reached her hip, she gasped, the sound a wordless plea. He paused, suspended in a breathless moment, their eyes locked.
“I need more,” she breathed a note of wonder in her voice. “I needed more for so long” Sebastian confessed through a groan, his chuckle soft and shaky. There was tenderness in his touch, a quiet respect for this unexpected vulnerability. It was more than he’d dared to hope — a genuine bond flickering into something warmer.
Wordlessly, they resumed their kiss, a tender exploration of budding affection. Sebastian’s fingers tangled in her hair, a silent acknowledgment of her intoxicating softness.
“Are we still friends?” A playful gasp between kisses. “Do friends kiss like this?” A teasing glint in her eyes mirrored the blossoming intimacy. “I think…” Sebastian trailed off, shaking his head. His voice husky, he traced open-mouthed kisses along her jaw. “This feels like more than friendship.” “Oh, it’s definitely getting less friendly by the second,” she purred, her tone laced with desire. “You mean like this?” Sebastian murmured, nipping at the soft skin of her neck, his hungry, wet kisses trailing towards her collarbone.
“And your ex? How would he feel about these not-so-friendly kisses?” Sebastian teased, his shaky hands snaking downwards, fingers tracing her skin, undoing her shirt, one button at a time. He couldn’t help the thrill of victory as he finally held her like this. “Let’s not think about him…” Her voice was a breathless whisper, punctuated by another reckless kiss. “Not tonight... not ever.” She propped herself up, and he helped her toss the shirt to the floor beside the bed.
Sebastian froze, his gaze fixated on the glimpse of delicate skin peeking below her bralette. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a lingering kiss, savoring the warmth of her surrender. He pulled back, breathless, the sight of her flushed skin driving him to the edge of control. He shook his head, in a desperate attempt to regain some clarity.
Her involuntary response — a slight lean towards him — broke his resolve. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded, a tremor of need in her voice. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. “Continue?” he whispered, needing that final confirmation that this wasn’t a reckless mistake. “Please,” she murmured, a bite of her lip sealing her consent. She swayed closer. “Good. Because honestly,” his voice rasped, a dark promise, “I’m not sure I could stop even if I tried.”
She flopped back into his arms, and he instinctively tightened his hold. Sebastian groaned into her mouth as her teeth grazed his lower lip, sending a shiver of anticipation through him. Their hands roamed freely, growing bolder with each touch. His hand on her bare back dipped lower, tracing her hip, then hooking into the hem of her skirt. He decisively held his hand there in an attempt to ground himself. As if he had any self-control left by this point. Her eyes snapped down and he lifted her chin with his thumb.
“Eyes here,” he commanded. She submitted. A soft sigh escaped her. Her breath fanned against his lips before she plunged back in for another hungry kiss. Longing to taste more of him before pulling out with a strain. A thin line of saliva connecting their lips. His eyes darkened, his gaze intense through his dark lashes. He leaned back in, claiming her mouth. Their kisses and hungry nips battling for dominance. Sebastian trailed a kiss along her jaw, his tongue teasing the rapid pulse beneath her skin. Her fingers tangled feverishly in his hair, each gasp a silent plea. “Hold tight.”
Her body thrummed against his, a heady warmth seeping into him. He could feel himself getting harder the more she rubbed and writhed against his body. He needed more. He needed the confirmation that her wetness matched his growing hardness. The air hung thick. He slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of her skirt.
“Lie down, sweetheart,” he urged, his voice rough with anticipation. A soft murmur of assent, and she obeyed. Gently, he traced the laces of her skirt, untying them with practiced ease. Slowly, he began to slide it down her thighs, discarding it to the side. He stood fumbling, swiftly stripping off his own trousers. He longed to seem cool and experienced, but honestly, his knowledge was more theory than practice.
Sebastian feasted on the sight of her, clad only in panties and a bralette. It was the first time he'd seen her like this. Hair splayed across the pillow, her face flushed and vulnerable, it ignited a wild hunger within him. He leaned in, the tantalizing scent of her skin driving him closer. His lips met hers — a demanding kiss, teeth teasing her bottom lip before his tongue soothed the sting. She exposed her neck and he trailed kisses down her jaw, to the sensitive skin below her ear. She gasped, hands tangling in his hair, nails raking his scalp in sweet urgency. Gently, he grazed the delicate skin with his teeth, then kissed the spot in apology.
He ran his fingers gently over her panties. The dampness shocked him, making him curl his fingers as if he’d touched a flame. He continued trailing kisses around her earlobe before returning to her mouth. His hands trailed upwards, fingertips brushing the lace of her bralette. He smiled darkly against her mouth, pinching a nipple through the lace.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, a touch of uncertainty beneath the teasing tone. “Don’t want to break it.” She smiled and nodded, a hand reaching up to stroke his arm — a silent signal. His grin widened.
“The clasp’s in the back,” she murmured, fingers still tangled in his hair. He fumbled with the straps, a tremor of anticipation in his hands, and finally, it came undone. Leaning in, he kissed her gently as he slipped the straps down her arms, the delicate garment vanishing.
“You look beautiful,” he murmured, and her answering smile ignited a warmth within him. His lips traced a path down her body, lingering on the curve of her neck, and the delicate skin of her collarbone. A sigh of pure pleasure escaped her, her body softening beneath his touch, and then she tensed again as he ran one hand over her left breast. She trembled as he thumbed her peaked nipple, gasping slightly. His mouth was hovering over her other peak and he nipped it gently before sucking on it and pulling away with a pop.
Sebastian moved his mouth to her other breast. For a moment he just breathed, open-mouthed, over her nipple, watching it tighten and pucker beneath him. She shifted, restless, and he smiled before wrapping his lips around it, sucking diligently.
“Ahh!” She gasped. He hummed, low vibrations of his voice spurring her further on. He pinched her left nipple and rolled it between his digits as he sucked on the other one. She shuddered, and he grazed her nipple again, making her flinch and pull away before pushing back up all while letting out little whimpers and moans. All Sebastian wanted was to drive her crazy. As crazy as hearing those little noises was making him.
Sebastian’s kisses trailed lower, one hand still kneading her plump breast, occasionally flicking his thumb over her thoroughly hardened peak. He placed a sloppy kiss just below her navel before inching lower, his right arm grazing the inside of her thigh. He pressed his fingers into her soft flesh, kissing the skin at the edge of the lace of her panties.
“Seb…” she gasped, hands fluttering to his head, gently tilting it back to meet her gaze. He paused and nuzzled against her belly. “What is it?” “I-we…” she fumbled. “We haven’t usually... um…” “Oh.” Sebastian chuckled darkly. “Guessing he wasn’t very good at this,” he smirked, his fingers trailing teasing circles on her inner thigh. A frustrated huff escaped her as she cradled his face. “Do you trust me?” His whisper was a warm breath against her skin. Her hesitant nod loosened his shoulders and she released his face. “Then let me take care of you,” he breathed, feeling the sweet surrender in her touch. His fingers glided downwards against the fabric of her panties drawing a soft groan out of him. Feeling just how soaked she got for him.
Gently, Sebastian lifted her hips, easing her panties down her legs. He then lifted her legs so they were resting on his shoulders and laid comfortably between her thighs. He moved his face lower, taking in the intoxicating scent of her arousal. Closing his eyes, he gnawed at his lower lip. Gods. She smelled so good. A smell that would make a man feral. He took one more look at the sight of her. The same sight he imagined many times below her skirts. Damn.
He ran two fingers up and down her slickness feeling her tremble lightly before plunging his mouth down and dragging his tongue up her folds in a single lick. Sebastian gasped against her flesh as she sank her fingers back into his hair, pads dragging against his scalp, urging him on. He obeyed her and ran his tongue up and down a couple of times, moaning and grunting softly between each lick before moving up where his tongue stopped on a certain spot.
He found her clit and sucked on it gently, fingers dug into the softness of her thighs, his breath stolen by her gentle gasps and murmurs. He grazed her skin with his teeth, eliciting a raw, feral moan. Her hips bucked involuntarily as he continued the teasing torment, his touch a delicious burn as he sucked and licked her clit enjoying her trembles and twitches. Sebastian wanted this, he wanted her in this state. To watch her come undone, to feast on her pleasure, to please her like no other has before. “Feel that, sweetheart? You’re trembling,” he teased. Pleased and cocky.
“Yes, yes! Don't stop,” she gasped, arching up. Her hands tightened in his hair, gripping his brown locs like reins. “Good girl,” he rasped, huffing against her clit.
Her slender hands caressed him, a stark contrast to the insistent rhythm of her hips. He sucked harder at her clit, a muffled gasp followed by a sharp jerk of her body. He reached down, an arm across her pelvis to hold her steady, and she retaliated with a frantic drumming of her heel against his back. He intensified his focus, and again she gasped, thighs trying to clamp around him in helpless surrender. Then he moved so he could thrust his tongue into her and she moaned.
He fucked his tongue in and out of her like they’d done this a thousand times before, mapping her pussy from inside and out. He moved back to her clit, flicking it with his tongue, and she tried to drag him closer. Focusing only on chasing her pleasure. She needed more. Sebastian was determined to give her an experience her ex never could, to sear his mark on her pleasure. In his mind, each rapturous gasp, each surrendered moan, was a way of staking his claim over her.
He dipped the middle finger of his free hand into her. Fuck, she was so wet. His finger sunk in without problem, and she spread her legs eagerly as if asking for more. He obliged, pushing his index finger in and twisting, curling them up. She only moaned louder, and he purred in agreement, sucking harder on her clit. Her body was a coiled spring, tension humming beneath her skin. He curled his fingers again, while still gently grazing her clit. She shuddered, about to come, the tension unfurled. Her climax crashed over her as it rippled through him. His breathless chuckle was a delicious vibration against her most sensitive spot.
“That…” she gasped, still dazed, then pulled his head up to meet her gaze. “Sebastian, come here, I need you — now.” He wasted no time, kneeling, he scooped her up so she could straddle him. Her body pressed against his, legs instinctively wrapping around him. Her words dissolved into a sigh against his lips, the moment she tasted herself on him there was raw hunger in her kiss. He pulled her close, her back arching against the headboard as his arms tightened.
“I want to hold you like this forever,” he rasped, a gentle nip marking her shoulder. Her hands traced the line of his toned arm, pausing briefly over a small, star-shaped scar just above his elbow. “Hold me tight,” he hissed. “I’m not going anywhere,” she murmured, her voice a husky promise. Her hands slipped lower, trembling as they fumbled with the laces of his underwear, the only barrier left. Her hand freeing his cock made Sebastian hiss again. Palming his length she made eye contact with him and they both nodded. Sebastian gently lifted her hips so she could position herself better before feeling her slick entrance tease his tip.
“Tell me if it hurts. I’ll stop,” he breathed, poised on the brink. “I promise,” she replied, a tremor of impatience in her voice. Her gaze fixed on him, a silent plea to begin. Teasing him and rubbing her folds over his tip. A voiceless “Please.” His hands guided her hips, and finally, slowly, she sunk down taking in his length to its hilt. She gasped and Sebastian groaned, squeezing her hips harder.
“Damn you’re so tight,” he hissed, still stuck in the same position, his cock still inside her. He took a moment to feel the sensation of his girth stretching her ever so slightly. Slowly, as if learning a new unspoken language he guided her hips up and she began and she dipped down with a roll of her hips. A pink flush spread across her neck and shoulders. Her breasts rubbing against his chest as she began bobbing up and down on top of him. His gaze burned into her skin, his hold on her tight. Sebastian moaned, his head nuzzling between her breasts, taking in the scent of her. A mix of floral, earthy, sweaty. “You’re so beautiful, I can’t get enough.”
Her grinding against him became more deliberate and he started to move his hips, picking up their pace. His deliberate thrusts met her plunges. “Sebastian,” she moaned against his lips, sinking lower as he hit her deeper, his tip grazing at her sensitive spot. “Fuck, Seb-”
“That’s it, love,” he groaned with another thrust, “Take me, feel me, I am all yours.” He thrust again, harder, pushing one finger inside her mouth. With a groan he grabbed her by the hips and rolled them together the other opposite of the bed, never pulling his cock out of her. He laid her down, pressing her into the mattress. He was now on top and he repositioned her right leg, resting it on his shoulder for a better angle. Sebastian began to thrust harder, drawing out of her before thrusting back in. She gasped, eyes opened to watch him.
She looked like something out of a dream, her glistening hair in disarray around her, a flush spreading from her neck down to her breasts, the heat in her eyes urging him on. He felt powerful in this position as he began to pump faster. She began to buck her hips up, silently begging for more.
“So…” Sebastian’s voice was barely a hot whisper, a hesitation before his next deep thrust elicited a whimper. “Still strictly friends, right?” A tremor of desire laced her chuckle, decidedly teasing. “Yeah,” she moaned, “Strictly friends.” A teasing huff. “Very strictly, then?” He stole her breath with a kiss, then pulled back, thrusting again. “Just mates, innocently hanging out?” His voice held a playful faux-seriousness as his pace quickened. Leaning in, he brushed a lingering kiss on her nose, lips hovering a breath away. His hands slid down to her breasts, gently kneading her soft flesh. He briefly pulled out to tease her clit with his tip before sliding his cock down and plunging inside her once again, drawing a guttural moan from her.
“Just mates, chilling in bed.” A soft moan escaped her as she took him deep, once more. His chuckle darkened. “Keep insisting, darling. I’ll keep fucking you. Let me show you how,” he panted through a chuckle. “Is that a challenge?” She managed between moans, hips tilting up to meet his. Limbs tangled. He couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.
He only chuckled and began to rub circles on her clit as he kept a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out, fingers clumsy. He was beginning to lose his coordination, as the flame in his spine licked higher and higher. She started grinding against his pelvis every time he was fully sheathed in her, chasing her orgasm. The girth of his cock felt just perfect.
“Love.” His voice caught, breathless. “Control might be slipping.” “Oh, really. Are you close?” The challenge in her voice sent a shiver down his spine. “Oh, yeah,” he groaned, continuously pounding her, chasing their climaxes, pressing on her clit with more urgency.
Her hips ground harder against him, meeting the right angle of his hand as he ran endless circles against her clit. His whole body tensed up and she cried out as her orgasm hit her hard. A tidal wave of sweet pleasure rippled all the way from her to the tips of her toes. Sebastian grinned as he continued to chase his release before feeling her walls spasm and clench around his cock.
“Bloody hell,” he groaned. “We forgot to take the potions — fuck ahh, darling, I am so close,” he strained. Her eyes only widened at the fact, lips parting. Yet she didn’t have time to react. With only but a few frantic thrusts, he gripped his cock in one hand, clumsily pulling out. A few more quick strokes and he cried out. Hot strings of cum sputtering across her belly and chest.
Sebastian collapsed on top of her with a strangled groan, nuzzling her neck. Her fingers combed through his sweat-dampened hair as they both caught their breath. His chest still pulsed rapidly against hers, the faint tremor in his hands slowly fading. Between ragged gasps, only low, satisfied murmurs escaped him. A moment of blissful silence before he reached for his shirt to wipe away the evidence of their passion. “Sorry, this will have to do for now.”
She smiled, pulling him in for a slow, sweet kiss. “We could take a proper bath if no one’s around.” “You’re reading my mind,” he smirked, lazily tracing her lower lip with his tongue before tangling fingers into her locs, gently caressing her hair. A wave of peaceful contentment washed over them both.
“We really did it,” he sighed, his warm breath tickling her ear, followed by a low chuckle. “Yeah, I know.” Her breathless laugh mirrored his.
“Is this like... you know, just a one-time thing? Because…” His voice trailed off, the usual edge replaced by a hint of insecurity. “...because that was incredible, and...” She cupped his freckled cheeks, her kiss a promise whispered against his lips. “Gods, please no. I want to repeat this many, many times.” Another kiss, this time lingering. “That’s promising... because... I would too.” He brushed a thumb gently against her cheek, the tenderness a stark contrast to their earlier intensity.
“Oh, and about me...uh... pulling out earlier? Sorry. I promise that won’t happen again,” he mumbled, a nervous chuckle escaping him. She ran a hand down his chest. “It’s okay. I trust you.” He exhaled, relief washing over him. “Well then, I’ll raid Sharp’s cabinet for those potions.” His playful wink elicited a warm laugh from her.
Sebastian propped himself up on an elbow, tracing the curve of her shoulder. “So,” he began, a playful lilt in his voice, “that bath still sounds good? Maybe sneak in another round?” His eyebrows arched in mock challenge. “Seriously?” She laughed, giving him a playful shove. “Absolutely serious. I’m ready if you are.” “Is that a challenge, Sallow?” A teasing smirk as she wrapped a sheet around herself. “Want to find out?” He countered, pulling her close for a lingering kiss. “I’ll take you up on that.” She smiled, a flash of daring in her eyes as she returned the kiss. “That’s my girl.” He kissed her again, a touch of fierceness in the otherwise reassuring touch. His way of marking her, of staking his claim.
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sacharinee · 2 years
cute moments i imagine with peter pt. 1!
pairing: peter parker x reader
wc: 2119
a/n: this is my first post pls be nice :( i have lots of cute n random moments i think about revolving around peter. one of them being abt him buying u a lego set only for him to build it and u to keep the finished product. i listened to new home (slowed) by austin farwell while making this and u should too! this was supposed to be a blurb thing but ig not- i hope you like it :)
“okayyy, my turn!”
you’re even more excited when it comes down to peter’s beaming smile staring right at you, and you can’t help but return his contagious smile. you find yourself sitting in a circle on the floor among your dearest and closest friends on a friday night. ned, betty, mj, harry, and peter all join you for a little gathering you held for your birthday. 
you peer down at his perfectly wrapped gift; baby pink paper with tiny red ‘happy birthday!’ messages printed across the wrapping with a large white and dramatic ribbon on top conceals what you assume will be the best gift of the night. not because of how adorable the present set in front of you looks, but because it’s from peter. you love anything and everything from peter. 
you delicately lift the big rectangular box to your ear and lightly shake it, wondering what it could be as a curious expression paints your face. peter sits directly across from you with his ankles crossed and knees to his chest as his buff arms embrace himself. 
“did you get her one of those DIY craft mug kits, peter? god forbid she gets another mug to add to her hoarder collection” ned quips with a mouthful of pizza. “shut up, dude, i didn’t” he whispers. 
peter knows you’re touchy about the stockpile on your mugs. you enjoy the witty quotes and funny faces of tv star celebrities plastered on your coffee cups. 
“actually, no he’s right. i tried getting a glass from your cupboard the other day cause i was thirsty and a fucking mug fell out and shattered right next to me. the mugs in your cabinets are overflowing, it's a safety hazard” harry shakes his head in disapproval. mj remarks “since when do you care about safety-” “that was you?!” you shriek, wide-eyed. “you owe me a new ‘worlds best boss’ cup.” “what? i could have died!-”
“okay! just open it” peter smiles. a soft crimson flush covers his cheeks, obviously flustered with you and harry’s bickering. harry roll his eyes and pouts while he crosses his arms as everyone stares back at you.  
you turn your attention back to the mysterious gift before you. hesitantly, you untie the silk ribbon as it falls flat against the ground. you find yourself failing to hold back your blushing smile, nerves rush through your body and your excitement begins to increase. you carefully peel back the pretty wrapping paper as if you’d like to keep that too. soon enough, the box revealed has you gasping, eyes widening at the sight in front of you. 
“oh my- god! oh my god!” you squeal, rushing to unveil the entire box. once finally uncovered, you hold it up in front of you in awe. some of your friends gaze at the present confused as your eyebrows furrow in an attempt not to cry and your lips turn downward slightly. 
for a second, peter thinks you’re discontent with his gift, but it quickly fades as he understands your expression. you glance back at him; you think he’s so beautiful like this. with his eyes crinkling because of his wide smile stretched across his face, he relishes the moment, proud that he’s the reason he makes you feel like this. 
you sniffle and quickly drag your knees across the carpeted floor with your large gift barely holding on in your left hand. peter brings his knees to his sides and opens his arms as you fall into him. you feel his strong arms wrap around you, yours linked around his neck and peter begins to fall backward, with you laying flat against his chest. yours and peter’s giggles fill the room and you forget that it's not just the two of you in that room. peter doesn’t even seem to struggle with the fact that your entire body weight rests on top of him. 
his gentle and loving dark eyes gaze into yours and it tells you everything you ever needed to know. you are so unconditionally in love with him as he is with you. your faces are leveled perfectly against each other and you can see everything up close; though it’s nothing you’ve never seen before. his long thick lashes, his smile lines, his funky left eyebrow, his soft freckles across his nose and cheeks; you would count every single one of them if he’d let you. peter lifts his fingers to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. 
a loud cough interrupts you two.
you’re quick to roll off of him and plop on the space beside him. “what is it?” betty questions. you quickly glance around the circle, not missing mj’s knowing small smile and raised eyebrows.
ned and harry gasp. you show your gift off to everyone, “it’s a lego set!” you excitedly beam. mj and betty give you adoring smiles. you gleam back at peter, “i’ve been wanting this for forever” you gush, “how’d you know?”
“when my laptop broke down and you let me use yours,” he begins, “i wasn’t trying to peek but you had like a million tabs open- which you really shouldn’t because it could lead to a lot of technical problems down the road with your comput-” “you wanna talk about computers breaking down?” peter squints down back at you. “that’s beside the point, anyways, you had a bunch of sites of those flower bouquet lego sets up and i figured you might’ve wanted one,” he answers. “also every time we stop by at barnes and nobles you rush to the toys section for the legos and talk about how you’ve always wanted one so…” 
you roll your eyes and continue to grin down at your present. you hold it close to your chest. “i love it.” 
ned and harry were already out the door when betty and mj began to say their goodbyes. “we’ll see you at lunch tomorrow right? to study for chem?” “sure, betty. i’ll see you guys later. thanks for coming” you smile at them. betty waves at you as she catches up with ned and harry while mj tugs down at your wrist, “so, you and peter huh?” she smirks. you hate how observant she gets sometimes. 
“it’s nothing.” “uh huh” “mj!” “i’m just saying,” she shrugs. “you and peter look really cute together, and i’m happy for you two. i could tell he really likes you.”
you appreciate her comment. mj hates to show affection lots of the time, so it means a lot to you when she does. “thanks em.” you hug her goodbye, while all mj sports is a soft double pat on your back and you laugh at her “go home.” she laughs back at you and turns on her heel, “bye!”
you lock your front door and walk back into your surprisingly tidy kitchen. peter stands at your sink drying the last dish and placing it back into your cabinets as he turns around only to find you staring back at him in amusement. “what?” you shake your head at his innocent smile. the side of his hip leans against your stove and you take a few steps towards him and link your arms around his neck. he cranes his neck down for you to reach him more easily. 
you place a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth, “you didn’t have to get me anything, pete.” his free arm wraps around your waist and turns you so your back is facing the stove, and his body cages yours. he smiles into the needy kiss he plants against your lips; one that was suppressed for your friend’s sake of finding out that the two of you are in a relationship. you and peter are still finding the right time to tell them. 
peter hums into your mouth when your hands find their way to his hair and lightly pull on it. “you don’t know how badly i wanted to get it for you. you can finally have a plant that won’t die on you” he smirks. “hey!” your hand lightly slaps his broad chest. “my plants survive.” “sure, babe.”
an idea flashes into your mind as your eyes sparkle with excitement and it piques peter’s interest in whatever you’re thinking. 
“wanna help me build it?” his eyebrows raise at your request. you know he wants to. after you, peter loves his legos. you giggle as he fervently nods his head and follows you to your room.
and that is how you and peter end up sprawled across your room with the empire strikes back playing on your tv. you’re lying stomach-down on your soft mattress with your chin resting on your laced fingers as you stare at peter on the floor, working on building your flower bouquet. 
you couldn’t care less about the movie, you’ve watched it about a hundred times with peter around already. instead, you’d rather watch your boyfriend, working so hard and determined on the lego set. you can’t even see his eyes but you can tell his brows are furrowed and see the tip of his tongue sticking out in concentration. 
when you asked him to help you build it, you did not exactly mean for him to take over it entirely. but within the first ten minutes of unpacking and assembling, you started to get overwhelmed with how many pieces there were. you tried your best starting with the daisies while peter went on to work on the lavenders but you soon got bored of building it. peter happily took over for you since he was already finished building his flower. “go rest,” he mumbled and kisses you on the side of your forehead; he moves over to your spot and finishes what you started. 
that explains your current position. the star wars movie is close to the climax and you find it funny how legos can completely distract your boyfriend from his all-time favorite movie; sometimes you struggle in capturing his full attention when this movie plays on the screen. 
“aaaand done!” he presents your gift in the air with a proud smile on his face. you take a mental picture and keep it engrained in your mind forever. peter already took the liberty of taking one of your empty vases lying around your room and filling it with your new flowers, but not before asking what happened to the plant that lived in there previously with a raised eyebrow to which you just pouted and cluelessly shrugged your shoulders at. 
you squeal in excitement as you clamber off your bed, taking the bouquet into your own hands and placing it on the cleared space on your desk. 
you stare and admire his generous gift for you and your heart bursts at the seams. you let out a content sigh, “it’s perfect.” 
you swiftly turn around to face him and he’s staring at you with a loving smile, “you are perfect,” you compliment. shuffling towards him, you stand on your tiptoes as your warm hands cover his soft cheeks, his arms around your waist. your plump lips meet his chapped ones again to which he eagerly returns. the kisses you two share are deep, held with so much emotion and affection for one another, it makes it hard for you to believe peter is really yours. 
he pulls back breathlessly, “i love you, y/n/n.” you blush and kiss him back, walking him backward until the back of his legs hit your bed frame and he sits. 
you crawl on top of him as he lays down completely against your cushy mattress. you lean down towards his face while sitting in his lap, his hands find their home on your hips gently. peter’s adoring smile grows as you pepper his face with smothering kisses. soft giggles leave his pink lips. with the way he gasps for air, it sounds like he drowning in affection from you. he squeezes your hips as he gets overwhelmed with your kisses, and you think you can feel your heart getting bigger by the second. 
you take a moment to pause and catch your breath, peter too. it’s close to the middle of the night; the movie is far along into the credits and long forgotten. you and peter start to realize how exhausted you guys are, mirroring each other's yawn. you slide down beside him with your right leg hooked around his waist, palm against his chest with your head laying in the crook of his neck. you place a feather-like kiss under his jaw, and you see him rest his eyes in peace as you mumble back, “i love you.” 
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carefulfears · 1 year
So what was going through Scully’s head when “Mulder” came over to her apartment with a bottle of wine in Small Potatoes?
y'all listen!!!! i've talked about this before but i maintain that this was just deeply embarrassing for her. like. dana scully is already a very embarrassing woman, we know this, it's fine, god still talks to her specifically, but i feel like small potatoes is like...the most embarrassing scully episode...through no fault of her own, obviously. but first of all, the way that she falls into it so quickly, and laps it up, but doesn't believe it. when she sees the wine bottle she literally asks, "who's that for?"
she asks what's going on, she asks if he's okay. she doesn't trust that he would want to just spend time with her without an excuse or a goal. (which...we know that it's not that he doesn't want to, it's more that he can't, but she doesn't feel that way. she wants to be wanted.)
her tone when he says "we never really talk much, do we?" and she answers "what do you mean like...really talk? no. no, we don't, mulder."
and they don't. you have to think of it in the context of never again, it hasn't been that long since philadelphia. in never again, she tried to talk to mulder about how she was feeling, albeit in a frustrated round-about way, and he blew her off. then she went away, met ed, and told him. the way she talks to "mulder" in small potatoes is closer to the way she talked to ed in the bar, just lighter and with more history.
season 4 is all about repression, and not saying what needs to be said, even when it might be your last chance. in the final scene of never again, the script notes: "if it were ever going to happen, it would be now," but that they maintain the silence. they maintain the silence, and then they're given a death sentence, a diagnosis. one that he "refuses to believe," so they maintain the silence more.
when who she thinks is mulder asks, "we never really talk much, do we?" it's not that they don't talk, that they aren't close, that they don't know each other. it's that they don't "really talk," like she says, in that quietly discontented way she answers "no, we don't."
it's in the way that she says "not everything is about you, mulder, this is my life." and the way that she asks if he's okay because he wants to spend friday night with her.
it's not that they "don't talk," or that they aren't best friends, or that they don't spend time together: it's that they don't get out of the car. they don't stop moving, not even long enough for her to be dying. it's that she feels like they don't talk, like so much remains unsaid in that maintained silence.
when he leans towards her, she sighs in surprise, but parts her lips. she's dying. she wants to be wanted. (the first thing she does after surviving, is show up at his door with wine.)
i call it embarrassing, but it's really just heartbreakingly sad. in the end, she sticks her hands in her pocket, stares at the floor, and tells him it's okay. maintains the silence.
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lillywhitefield · 1 month
Babe your writing is such high quality it’s worth the wait every time! Though if you felt like sharing a snippet of knot surprising to hold us over I’d definitely not be mad 😂
It's Friday but why not share a bit more just for fun 😊
One morning, Pen came to him as he prepared their usual cups of tea in the kitchen. Sweatpants hung low on his hips, and he didn’t have a shirt on, and she wore only his shirt from yesterday, hastily pulled on after their lovemaking twenty minutes earlier.
“Colin, I’m feeling weird,” she stated, her little disconcerted face amusing him.
“Weird how?” he asked, adding a little milk to her cup, and a lot of sugar to his. “Weird like you can feel a cold coming on, or weird like your skin feels too tight and you are craving a drink of water but it would never be enough?”
“The second one.”
“Me too,” he replied, placing a steaming mug in front of her and leaning on the counter. “Your birth control should be effective now, right?”
“Yeah,” she said, glancing at her arm where the implant lay, just before her eyes widened in realization. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh,” he smirked, taking a sip of his drink. “We shouldn’t plan anything for the next week or so.” Colin suspected that their respective heat and rut were close, especially after Pen scrubbed their shower clean and washed their sheets and blankets the night before. His own skin felt a little—crawling. Like he was sort of itchy but no scratch would ever satisfy.
“The other one came so fast. I know it’s normal to have symptoms before, once you have your first, but I still didn’t know what to expect,” she pondered, biting her lip adorably and taking a careful drink of her hot tea. “I guess I can expect ‘weird.’”
Colin laughed loudly. “I believe when it is described medically, one might say it is a feeling of general discontent and restlessness, combined with a slight fever.”
Pen smiled, rising to her tiptoes and closing her eyes. Colin had learned this meant she desired a kiss, and happily pecked her softly, licking her to taste the milky tea left on her lips. “Don’t you have a meeting with your publisher late next week?” she asked, an arm around his waist now pressing him to her body, their warm mugs in their hands between them like little heaters.
“I did, to discuss things like font colors for the cover and finalize the arrangement of the photographs. I will have to cancel it, seems like,” he said lightly.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“Don’t be. I would drop everything for you, Pen,” he reassured her.
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spicyclover · 2 years
Summary: Vacation is always a pleasure and even more. 
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING: smut, masturbation! +18
After the first night in our hotel, Mick and I woke up slowly, thanks to the sunrise over the city. I love those moments. The warmth of Mick, his hands on my body, his mouth on my neck and especially this breathtaking sea view.
We love these moments as lovers, alone in our room without paparazzi or fans, and just the two of us and our desires.
When we wake up, our bodies are very receptive, and we take the opportunity to caress each other gently and lasciviously. Sometimes nothing happens. But, like this morning, we often want to love each other tenderly.
My back glued to his chest, I feel his hand caressing me very sensually face, neck, breasts, belly, thighs, then my sex. I purr, let myself, and spread my legs a little to give him more room. He quickly realizes my state of excitement and naughty mood, and he increases the pressure by biting my earlobe.
I quickly check his strong limb and have fun in the meantime to further excited his erogenous zones with my fingers. His breath is cut in my neck, and a moan comes from his lips.
The envy becomes too firm, so I release his intimacy, spread his hand and step over his body by leaning on his well-drawn pectorals.
When I hug him, I rub my intimacy with him by spreading out my love juice, facilitating more and more movement. I kiss his torso and twitch his nipples with my tongue and teeth.
I am in charge of the situation. I like to have him under my control, and he likes it when I dominate our intimate moments. It’s one of his favourite positions, he revealed to me one night after a drunken evening. In a fog of emotion and excitement, I grab his dick and slowly impale myself.
I can feel the pressure of his cock in my vagina, which was clutching to let him in. After several back and forths, I finally managed to swallow it entirely. A moan of pleasure escapes from our lips. “What a good thing!”
“Y/n...” mumbles Mick through his own fogginess. 
I wave at a steady pace while Mick takes care of my chest. I moan with every tongue stroke. I grab his head in my hands to capture his lips so well. His hands come to rest on my hips to accelerate the movement.
The pleasure rises, and the heat too. We have become beings of pleasure. Our breaths are jerky, and the rhythm becomes just as much. I’m more and more unable to keep up with the pace Mick imposes on me, so he turns us around with a single pelvic movement. He’s on top of me.
He didn’t even come out. My screams of pleasure get louder and louder when I feel the orgasm come. My walls tighten, and I hold Mick in my arms. Without realizing it, my nails fit into his skin and scratch him during my ecstasy.
My vagina clenches against its tail, and he cannot resist longer before ejaculating inside me. 
The pressure reduces, and Mick falls on my body, burning with desire and sweat. We gradually repair our breathing. “What a treat to wake up like this.”
It is only when he withdraws from me that I let go of one last grumble of discontent, letting him laugh at its effect on me.
“Ich liebe dich, meine Liebe” He said, taking my face in his hands and putting a tender kiss on my lip.
“Je t’aime, mon amour”
We say each in our respective languages.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
Capernoited for Poisoned Ivy
once again, this has been sitting in my drafts half-written for all of eternity. enjoy
poisoned ivy masterlist
Capernoited - Slightly intoxicated or tipsy.
tw forced to drink, blackmail, bullying, threat of violence, being taken advantage of (nonsexual), nonsexual nudity
"No, no, Bryce, please, I don't want to, I've never been–"
"There's a first time for everything, stop whining. It'll be fun."
"I don't want to have fun!" Nate was on the verge of tears, desperately trying to pull his hand out of Bryce's grasp. But he was bigger, and stronger, and even if he wasn't... he had the pictures. "Please, I'm scared. I'm scared, okay? I, I don't want to be ridiculed, and– and–"
"No one's gonna bully you, jeez." Bryce looked at him like he was some sort of idiot. As if he'd never been bullied in his entire life, as if Bryce wasnt the one bullying him. "Relax for once in your life."
"Can I go home early? Please?"
"Not before you've had a drink. Hell, I bet you'll want to stay after that. Maybe you'll even be a little less insufferable. Maybe you'll make friends!"
"Why would you even want me to make friends?"
Bryce stopped for a moment, considering him. Nate felt incredibly stupid. He shouldn't have asked that. Yeah, sure, maybe it'd make Bryce realise that it was actually in his best interest not to drag him anywhere public, but at the same time, he kind of liked the promise of friends. He wanted friends. Would alcohol really make him easier to get along with?
"I just want to," he settled on, and Nate couldn't decide on an appropriate reaction to that. "Come on, I can see that you're starting to like the idea too."
Nate didn't have a choice as he was dragged inside and immediately directed towards the table with all the drinks. Fuck, he kind of wished Bryce would stay with him. Maybe to supervise? Or maybe because he was the only one he actually knew? But he suppressed the urge to grab onto his shirt sleeve like some kid, and actually walked over to that damn table on his own.
He could do this.
Bryce said alcohol would make him tolerable.
He eyed the liquids warily, trying to guess which one would be the least horrendous. Maybe the wine? There was a lot of wine.
Before he could finalise his decision, someone bumped into him, making him yelp in surprise. As he turned to look at the intruder, he had the distinct feeling that he knew her from somewhere, but he couldn't think straight with the loud music and the stress of being in such a crowded space.
"Nate?" Great. She knew who he was. He should've definitely remembered her name too. And why did she seem so delighted? "Nate! I didn't peg you as a partygoer!"
"That's probably because I'm not," he said awkwardly, earning a sincere laugh. She was definitely drunk.
"You are, you are! You're here, aren't you?" She didn't give any indication of noticing his discomfort, or even his confusion at her person, because she just went on babbling. "First drink of the night? I definitely recommend that one. It's like, it's pretty tasty, but it also hits you well. Here, let me–"
"I'll do it," he said hastily, taking the bottle from her hand. He didn't want to see her attempt to pour drinks in this state.
"Ah, then pour me another one too?" She held out her little plastic cup before Nate was even done pouring for himself.
"Maybe you shouldn't–"
"Just one more, Nate. It's Friday. Relax."
If anyone said that word again, Nate was sure he'd lose it.
He hesitantly poured her some, and then some more when she expressed her discontent with the previous, safe amount. But other than that... she was very friendly. In fact, her rambles were incredibly endearing, and Nate found himself getting caught up in some petty drama he'd never even heard of before. He recognised the names, mostly, but he had no idea about any of the gossip.
Halfway through he realised that the girl was Ashley, one of Cindy's countless friends. He must've seen her a couple times around the frat house. Or maybe on campus? Bryce hung around his girlfriend's friend group almost as much as his own, and the two overlapped quite a bit as well.
The discovery honestly didn't make him very happy. The last time he'd interacted with anyone from that clique, he'd gotten himself into a blackmail situation. And he was even drinking now.
But Ashley was so nice to him. Bryce was right about the alcohol, it really did help him relax. Around the third cup, he found he could laugh along with her easily. He kind of felt like a regular guy, almost like he belonged.
And then Ashley was whisked away by two other guys, one of which Nate assumed was her boyfriend. "What are you thinking? With Nate?"
"Oh my god, why are you saying it like that? We were just talking!"
"It sure seemed like you were having an awfully good time."
"You're such a dick, Theo. You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you and your stupid, possessive attitude. Cheating on you has never even crossed my fucking mind, let alone with Nate, but now I'm starting to see the appeal."
The words processed in his brain slower than usual. At first, he felt the fear of what these other guys would do to him. Then it was pain, from Ashley having mentioned his name in a tone that made him feel like a piece of garbage. Someone utterly undesirable and unwanted. And then it was terror when the guy — Theo? — turned to actually look at him.
"Oh yeah? You see the appeal?" he repeated back, staring Nate down while saying it. Personally, Nate felt like he was about to faint.
"I– I am so sorry," he stammered. He quickly put his cup back on the table and backed up, bumping into someone else. He whipped around to see the damage, and he saw Bryce with a growing puddle of alcohol on his shirt from where he'd made him spill his drink.
"Well, that's nice," he sighed.
"I'm sorry!" Nate said, even more desperate. "I'm sorry, please, I need to go home, I'm sorry–"
"What's going on?"
"Theo is being a fucking asshole, that's what," Ashley chimed in. "I can't talk to a single person on campus without being accused of something."
"Woah, wait, he thinks you're about to cheat on him? With–" Bryce nodded towards Nate, who was basically cowering behind him at this point.
"He was all over her!" Theo yelled back over the music, and Ashley buried her face in her hands.
"No, he wasn't! I was laughing, and I lost my balance, and I had to grab onto something! And I grabbed onto him! And he grabbed onto me to help me not fall on my ass!"
"You have some serious issues to work on," Bryce said with a laugh. "And I need to go change my shirt and bring this poor guy back to the dorm."
Nate couldn't have been happier to hear that.
"So, you've made some friends, huh?"
"She was nice to me," Nate sobbed, shamelessly leaning against Bryce as he tried to stumble back to his room. "I don't understand what I did wrong. I thought it was going well. I just wanted to– to not be alone for once..."
"Poor thing." He opened the door to Nate's room with his own key, since he had made a copy of it a while back, and ushered him inside. "It'd be better to forget the whole night, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah... I just– I just want to go to sleep, please..."
"I bet you do. I'll help you get into bed."
Undressing a drunk Nate was surprisingly easy. It seemed like all his reservations were gone, and he had no problem letting Bryce handle him like a little doll. As he flopped down onto his bed, he didn't even seem to notice Bryce taking out his phone.
"Thank you for helping me," he slurred, just as Bryce was about to snap a picture for his 'blackmail material' folder.
"Aw..." He lowered his phone a little, momentarily charmed by the vulnerable display. "You're welcome, Nate."
"I've never been to a party, you know," he went on. "I've... I've been invited. I've always thought it was a joke..."
"And now look at you! You've impressed Ashley to the point that Theo thought you were stealing his girlfriend."
Nate groaned, making Bryce chuckle. "As if– as if any girl would even look at me. It's so stupid. It's not like I'm you." He closed his eyes, and Bryce raised his phone again with a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Oh, don't be like that." He snapped a couple photos, nice and clear. "I'm sure you'll find someone lovely for yourself eventually."
taglist: @whumpsday @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland
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head-post · 3 months
Surge in rebel attacks sparks mass protests in eastern Congo
At least seven people died in riots in North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, African media reported.
The incident occurred after people took to the streets to protest a surge in deadly attacks by suspected Islamist rebels. The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamic State-linked rebel group, allegedly killed more than 40 people in an attack on the village of Mayikengo this week. They also allegedly killed 80 people in attacks on other villages in the province the previous week.
Insecurity intensified public discontent, leading to the killing of two soldiers and their driver in Lubero territory. A crowd set fire to their vehicle on Friday night, according to local official Julio Mabanga.
On Saturday, further clashes in the area between security forces and locals led to the deaths of three more people: a civilian, a soldier, and an ANR national intelligence service agent.
A similar protest erupted in the city of Butembo on Saturday, when hundreds of young people took to the streets with sticks, chanting and singing songs denouncing widespread insecurity.
Butembo Mayor Mowa Baeki Telly confirmed that a civilian had been killed during clashes between security forces and protesters in the city.
The ADF originated in neighbouring Uganda but now housed in the mineral-rich eastern Congo. They pledged allegiance to Islamic State and carried out frequent attacks, further destabilising a region where many militant groups competed for influence and resources.
The US-based intelligence group SITE monitors militant websites. It reported on Friday that Islamic State issued a communiqué from its so-called Central African province unit in which they claimed responsibility for killing 51 people in attacks in North Kivu that week, according to Reuters. They also claimed to have beheaded more than 60 people in one attack in the province on 7 June.
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