#friend x bo
cuddlefishiez · 3 months
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willowhatter · 1 year
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How I imagined it honestly 
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If we get DinBo,I want slowburn. I think it would suit them:they are characters that would not tell about their feelings that easily. Imagine the tension? The drama?
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jazaesis · 1 year
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“Remove your helmet”
Umm yeah, I caught feelings,,, Bo Katan x The Armorer hit me harder then then a pile of banthas
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soloorganaas · 11 months
fellas is it gay to summon a woman alone to your dark underground forge ask her to strip then tell her she’s the messiah
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Luke: "....."
Bo-Katan: "What?"
Luke: "Okay...Promise not to be mad at me.."
Bo: "I can't promise that, now continue."
Luke, eyes darting around the room calculating exits: "um-"
Bo: "Tell. Me. Now."
Luke: "I think you might have a crush on Cara?.."
Bo: "hOW DaRe Y-"
A newbie guard: "I think I just saw the Prince Consort fall out a window!?"
Paz: "Probably."
Guard: "Should...should we help him?"
Paz: "Nah Jedi bounce"
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whitevesper · 1 year
six of crows characters as things my friends have said pt. 3
wylan: let’s buy a flamingo!
kaz: for what
jesper: let’s!
nina: *already googles how much flamingos cost*
kaz: why tf do you need to buy a flamingo
matthias: *only to annoy kaz* for no reason
inej: hm, strange, but ok. where we can buy a flamingo?
kuwei: what
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onedramaatatime · 4 months
I Soo is a pretty easy to read open book. When he's down, ppl around him can tell when he's feeling down. When he's in a good mood, he's enthusiastic, he's bantering with everyone. He's always enthusiastic about almost everything. He considers Ganghyun one of his friends after the time they've worked together and she comforted him about his mum
("one of my friends said not to look into (his mum's death) it"
"I'm also your friend, right?")
Ganghyun is also pretty easy to read, if she doesn't like something she'll say it and she'll act it, but ONLY when her guard is down. She doesn't let people in easily and it's not because of some dark past or whatever, so even though they've been through several cases together and I Soo considers her his friend, she's reluctant to say that he's her friend
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 1/5]
Links to Part 2 3 4 5
Warnings: the girls being teeth-rottingly sweet to newcomer, Lester being an excited rambling cutie, Bo being Bo, and jealous!Vincent
A/N: When I have all the parts ready, I'll be putting links on each post. I'm just really excited and wanted to post this. Also the title has no business being that threatening since I took it from a Byrds song...
Featuring the Sinclairs, Jason Vorhees, RZ Michael Myers and the ocs of @rottent33th (Ellie) @slaasherslut (Ava) @kalid-raven (Alia) @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy) @cries-in-latino (Red) and @angxlslasher (Merry). I hope y'all don't mind!
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Sunlight woke Darrell the next morning. There was a dull pain in his neck where his backpack had been the night before. Stirring, he groaned and opened his eyes.
He was greeted by the sight of a large, dark snout. A moment of panic arrested him, until he remembered where he was. In a field. By the highway. The curious quadruped before him was not a razorback, but a cow. She chewed noisily as she inspected him.
"Down, Bessie." Darrell patted her head. She flicked her floppy ears and grazed on the grass right by him.
Darrell sat up from his makeshift bed. He used a liberal amount of water from his canteen to rinse his mouth and wash his face. Reaching deeper into his pack, he pulled out a scrupulously rationed breakfast of potato chips and a chicken sandwich.
Funny. He tried so hard to shake off the Marine in him, but here he was - acting like one again.
Well, minus the potato chips, he thought.
Bessie snuffled at the little ziploc bag, eager to have a taste. Darrell reached in, crushed a handful of chips, and fed it to her. Once he was done, he bid farewell to his new friend and straddled his bike.
"On my way now," he told his non-cattle friends through text.
Do a wheelie.
Darrell smiled involuntarily and asked Red, "Got bail money? 🤨"
Wheelie you fucking coward.
He did two on the empty highway. Just for fun.
The way to Ambrose was long and winding. Too long, he remarked, eyeing the fuel gauge. He cursed inwardly and, with the same breath, begged heaven to let him have enough to get there.
"Ack! Where's God when you need 'im?" he grumbled as his dirt bike stuttered.
He set the bike on its stand and scratched his head. No soul for miles. No help in sight. Guess he was going to have to push his defeated steed along. He went on for about thirty minutes or so, with the punishing Louisiana sun and the 40-ish pounds on his back bearing down on him.
Panting now, he turned from the Interstate to the byroad Ellie had told him to take. Trees hedged him from either side. The ground was a mixture of silt and dust. It made his throat scratchy.
Darrell became aware of an approaching vehicle from the thrum of an engine and the clatter of tools behind him.
"You need a hand, man?" asked the driver as he let his truck go idle.
Darrell looked through the open driver's side window and regarded the stranger politely. He was grimy and slightly flushed, no doubt from the exertion of a day's early work.
Darrell cleared his throat. "No... I need gas, actually."
The stranger cracked a pleased smile. "Well it's your lucky day! I got some gas right here."
He giddily rummaged about in the cab and retrieved a beat up looking gallon jug. The stranger stepped out and wordlessly urged Darrell to bring his bike forward.
"Please, if it ain't too much. I just need enough to get to Ambrose."
For a moment, the stranger, almost miserly, held back the jug. "Why're ya goin' to Ambrose?" he asked, face cloudy with suspicion.
"Visitin' some friends. M'overdue, s'matter o' fact. Was supposed to get there last night."
Realization twinkled dimly in the stranger's brown eyes. "Say… ya name ain't Darrell by any chance, is it?"
"Yessir, it is."
The stranger eased and flashed him a toothy grin. "Now, ain't it a small world," he cried. "I've heard loads about you from the girls."
Darrell rubbed the nape of his neck. He smiled. "Did ya?"
"Yeah! Boy, you've got everybody standing watch. Tell ya what," said the stranger, "Help me haul your bike into the back. I'll give you a lift."
"Aw, shucks… I-"
The stranger waved him quiet. The gas sloshed in the jug. "No ifs. No buts. No coconuts." He gestured to his truck. "Get."
Darrell stammered thanks and apologies for the trouble. The stranger moved the litter of animal carcasses.They loaded the bike onto the truck, shut the tailgate, and carried on.
"Sorry. What cha say your name was?"
The stranger chuckled. "Lester."
They shook hands as the truck went on its jittery way. Lester was kind to offer Darrell a rag to mop his sweat with. Darrell dragged the cloth over himself and wiped each of his fingers clean.
A strong feeling of liking for the traveler stirred in Lester. That rag was filthy. He had hesitated to hand it over, but Darrell had grabbed it without question.
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"You can get gas at the station in Ambrose. Bo, m'brother, runs it."
Darrell shamefully looked at his boots. "Sorry 'bout the dust."
Lester gave another chuckle, his glance straying to Darrell's feet. "S'alright," he assured him, "Truck's had worse than that, f'ya know what I mean." He jerked his head toward the window behind them.
"Good I picked ya up or else you'd be trudging in that for 15 miles more."
"Preciate it, really." Darrell smiled. He was brushing dust off his pants. "Been walkin' for about half o' that 'fore ya found me."
Darrell was quite remarkable to look at, Lester decided.
His hair was the first thing you'd notice: Teal blue and long. The way it tumbled down his shoulders in wisps reminded him of paint, pulled out by water in bright, rippling clouds when you dip your brush into the glass.
There was a silver ring that pierced his plump, pale pink lower lip, and he seemed to have a habit of nibbling on it. He was also very tall. Taller than Bo or Vincent. Almost as tall as Michael. (Really, he didn't think there was anyone taller than that fella.)
His broad chest stretched the fabric of his shirt. His thighs were doing the same to his jeans.
He was handsome, Lester would give him that.
He was also sporting a knife on his right shoe.
Two kinds of bells rang in Lester's mind; An alarm to beware of this stranger, as he wasn't sure of his intentions, and another that told him to hurry and show him his own knife. After all, he had been polite. Hadn't been mean or fussy.
Lester was itching to pull out the bowie when Darrell cheerfully turned the conversation toward matters that concerned him - How had his day been? His work, the weather, the town, the girls? - things he was glad to talk about.
Before he knew it, he saw the wash-out up ahead.
"Think you'll make it?" inquired Darrell, his hand on the dash.
"Just have to flip the hubs into four-wheel."
He didn't have to ask. Darrell hopped out and got to work on the wheels on his side. The beat up truck rattled over the stones, the men inside shared a laugh. "Felt m'brain rattle in m'skull like a bean in a can!" Lester cried as he tried to shake himself right.
Gravel gave way to asphalt and they entered the town. Lester pointed out the gas station just at the end of Main Street. When Darrell asked for the grocer's, he did some quick thinking and said, "There's Flannery's back where we came, but don't cha go in there. F'Joe Flannery sees ya and gabs, you'd be in there all day. If ya need anythin', I'm sure Ellie would be happy to get it for ya. She's an amazing cook. There's Bo!"
His older brother gave the truck a cursory glance, and, with practiced charm, greeted their guest.
"You shoulda called in," said Bo, obligingly filling the dirt bike's tank with gas from the pump."Would've picked you up myself."
Lester had wandered off and was now coming back with the hose. He was aiming it at the bike. He turned the nozzle and a sudden jet of water blasted out of the end, splashing Bo and Darrell's shoes.
Noticing the scathing glare Bo gave him, Lester lowered the hose and apologized. "I got blood and gunk all over your wheels," he told Darrell.
"No! It's fine. It'll wash off." Turning to Bo, he declared, "Wouldn't have made it without him. He's a lifesaver." He extended one large hand and patted Lester's shoulder.
It prompted Lester to step in and swing his arm over Darrell's shoulders. He was awful pleased with himself. It didn't matter that he had to stand on his tippy-toes.
"Sure." Bo said dismissively. "You came down here all the way from where? Devil's Prick?"
"How's it there? Heard it's haunted."
Darrell laughed. "By hicks like me."
While they spoke, they were blithely unaware of Ava and Percy scuttling from the Sinclair house, down Main Street, to Ellie's house. They had heard Lester's truck and spotted the tall man at the station.
They came running back, now with Ellie in tow, one hand hiking up her dress skirt and the other clutching a lime green frog.
When she screamed "DARRELL!", the three men leapt clean off the ground. Lester's fingers instinctively tightened on Darrell's jacket, and he had to clutch his chest to make sure his heart wasn't going to give.
Ellie shoved the frog into Lester's hands and braced her arms around Darrell's torso. "You made it! I was so worried when you didn't arrive last night!"
"I-I know, Ellie… I'm sorry."
She gave him a light squeeze. "Shh! No! Don't apologize. Now, I want you to meet my sisters."
She passed Darrell around for the girls to fawn over, which they did despite his shyness. "I'm covered in God knows what. I probably smell like a dog in the sun."
"That's two of us, then. I've been out in the garden."
"Alia and Michael are back there too," Percy said. "They'll be delighted to meet you!"
Ava looped her arm with Darrell's and started to lead him to the house Ellie shared with Vincent. "Come on! Jason and Merry are set up not far from there."
All three women began to chatter, making Darrell throw his head from side to side.
"That boy's gonna end up like a bruised fruit by sundown!" Bo chided. His warning fell on deaf ears.
He saw his twin in the distance - shoulders tense and visibly uneasy. Bo knew that look. He was sizing Darrell up, suddenly unhappy about the attention he was getting from Ellie.
Vincent snapped out of it and met Bo's gaze. With a frown, Bo wordlessly told him to be nice. Try to get along for godsake.
Vincent, hunching as if to get away from a whip, buried his hands in his pockets and trailed after the girls.
"Here. Hold this."
Lester was holding out the frog.
"No," Bo said flatly - body poised to bolt.
Lester set the frog down on the ground and trotted after the girls. It stayed put, locked in a standoff with Bo.
He picked up the hose. Aimed and blasted the frog away. Then, he wheeled Darrell's bike into the garage.
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
Been seeing posts around proposing Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze as respectively the Star Wars Elsa and Anna...
...given obvious visual and probably other parallels. And I do see what they see, this is the way. But just immediately hilarious to me on another level as Anna endgames with a more working-class dude with 'zero social skills', who starts off as not exactly her favourite person in the universe or at that to be stuck with. And whose dearest companion is assuredly non-human because humans are overrated as at least half the song goes (facts though, Kristoff -- where is the lie). Perfection.
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5hrignold · 4 months
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fulcrummm · 1 year
Saw someone say that fanboys ship Din x Bo because they think that every woman who is nice to them is flirting lmao
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Ahsoka and her Friends Characters Photos Part 1
Main Protagonist
(Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee & Bo-katan Kryze)
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
𝓘 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾. 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮.
Part 1: I trust you more then anyone.
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War was coming, and you knew it. The neighboring Kingdom of Nohr was looking to expand their territory, and since you didn't have a treaty with them, your kingdom was their first target. You would be lying if you said you weren't terrified. Their king was beast on the battlefield, and his eldest son wasn't a pushover. You weren't sure if you stood a chance against them, but you had to try. For your people.
The doors to your room open as your most trusted retainer Bo stepped in quickly, shutting the door behind him. "You look exhausted, my lady."
You sighed, looking up from your papers. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't, but....I must be prepared, Bo. Our foes are.....terrifying."
Bo looked at you with worry. This was all wrong. This wasn't supposed to go like this. He wasn't supposed to be so attached to the one he was supposed to kill. "No doubt they are malady."
The longer he was here, the more nervous he became. He knew what he must do, but his mission was, but it was difficult. He wanted to protect you, not hurt you. Never hurt you. "Have you thought about surrendering? Perhaps they will have mercy."
You were quiet for a moment as he prayed you were truly considering it. "Bo...you are my most trusted retainer, so I have no shame in admitting that I have thought about it...." You looked down at your documents, looking over everything again. "But I can't do that to my people. Before the declaration of war, my spies had returned from their mission...." looked back up at Bo more determined than tired."There is something wrong with that king. It's almost demonic, they said....Villagers in Nohr are disappearing every day by the handfuls....something isn't right, Bo, and I refuse to let him touch my people. I would die for my people first."
All Bo could do was stare at you in disbelief. That was the most brave yet idiotic thing he had ever heard. He knew firsthand the things were going on behind the walls of Nohr. Though you were ignorant of it, you still stood bravely against them, ready for whatever would be thrown at you. It was admirable, to say the least.
Bo walked up to you before going down on one knee and taking your hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "If this is the path you choose malady, then I shall follow you...until the very end." He knew he was signing his own death warren siding with you, but after that speech, he couldn't turn away from you now.
You smiled down at him, relieved, "Thank you, Bo. I don't know what I would do without you."
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newpathwrites · 3 months
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Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
Trusted Friend Chapter 1
How remarkable that they could maintain their friendly banter while he was buried so deliciously deep inside her.
This was the dream, Bo thought - the ideal encounter - casual but not impersonal… meaningless but not cold…
Friends-with-benefits was definitely an underrated arrangement.
Summary: Din and Bo enjoy some casual ‘companionship’ while at the covert.
Note: This fic was originally outlined for DinBo week, but I’m way behind so posting in parts. The established prompts will appear at various points in the story, though not necessarily in order.
Three parts are planned in total - this first chapter is short, mostly just to introduce the nature of the relationship going in. Second chapter will be the bulk of it. Overall, I think this will be one of my shorter fics.
Warnings: Sexual content, language.
Read on AO3
It was three weeks into her stay at the covert when they’d done it the first time.
Bo was an outsider, and Din being a bit of a social pariah, they’d naturally found companionship in each other during those first weeks.  While days were busy with training the foundlings, evenings were spent in friendly conversation over a sleeping Grogu until tiredness forced them to part for the night, each heading to their own makeshift quarters.
An unexpected friendship bloomed.
Conversation was varied - the tribe’s history, Bo’s knowledge of their home planet, stories of their respective adventures and travels…  
But that one fateful night, Bo was feeling a bit cheeky.  Curiosity about the more intimate ways of Din’s rather peculiar tribe had been eating away at her consciousness, and sufficient rapport had built between them by that point that she felt it was not inappropriate to seek answers.
If she had become acutely aware over the last few weeks of his respectful nature… his soothing voice… the cut of his waist and shoulders under the armor… well, that was inconsequential…
But sure, she may have had ulterior motives.
“I have a question.”
Din gestured for her to continue, tilting his helmet to the side in that way she definitely hadn’t noticed he always did.
“Are you all celibate here?  Or do you just do it with your helmet on?”
Din huffed and sat up straighter, a bit shocked by the blunt question.  
“No, most are not celibate.  And yes, unless bonded, the helmet stays on.”
“Even in the dark?”
“Yes, Bo, even in the dark.”  He sighed.  “I don’t think anyone wants to risk their soul on a technicality.”
Too bad about the helmets, she thought, but it was still certainly promising information.
“And the rest of the armor?  Does it have to stay on, too?”  
Din was a little dumbfounded by her perseveration on this topic, but he had to admit it was giving him some ideas… ones that he definitely shouldn’t be having…
He cleared his throat uncomfortably, forcing away the sudden awareness that he was experiencing an undeniable sort of attraction to this woman at the moment.
“The armor can come off.  But if you haven’t noticed, we don’t have a lot of privacy around here.  So I imagine it tends to stay on.”
Shit… he hadn’t meant to imply inexperience on his part - just that he hadn’t ever indulged here, in these caves.  Why were they even having this conversation?  He wished she would move on to spare him further embarrassment.
No such luck.  Bo picked up on his word choice immediately. 
“What do you mean ‘I imagine’?  Have you not ever…?”  
He subtly groaned, closing his eyes in frustration behind the visor.  “Yes, of course, I have.  But it’s been awhile… And I doubt anyone here is interested in cavorting with the apostate…”. He finally looked up at her again, adding, “Can we stop talking about this, please?”
She considered dropping the subject as requested… but he’d just placed an unwitting invitation right in her lap.  How could she let it go after that?
“Well, Din… I’m interested…”
That first time was awkward… but it was a good kind of awkward.  It was comfortable… and fun, even.  
When was the last time Bo had such an encounter?  The best word she could think of to describe it was wholesome.  In what galaxy would anyone think of sex that way? 
The galaxy where she platonically fucked Din Djarin, apparently.
He’d been so gentle and respectful - and by the gods, he was very good with his hands.  He didn’t rush it, and that was definitely a new experience for her - a nice one if she was being honest.
They’d spent much of their time in the act itself huffing with laughter as their chestplates clinked together in time with each thrust despite their best efforts to remain quiet.  Finally, they’d managed to unfasten them and place them to the side, still joined together at the pelvis.  
She’d joked then that they were both surprisingly flexible for their age, and he’d quipped right back that they’d find out in the morning if they were really still as limber as they wanted to believe.  
How remarkable that they could maintain their friendly banter while he was buried so deliciously deep inside her.  
This was the dream, Bo thought - the ideal encounter - casual but not impersonal… meaningless but not cold…
Friends-with-benefits was definitely an underrated arrangement.
It became habitual after that.
They certainly didn’t partake in this new pastime every night, but it had become an unspoken custom - that if Grogu went down to sleep early, Din was welcome to accompany Bo to her quarters for more intimate companionship for an hour or so before rejoining his foundling for the evening.
Oil lamps were always turned down, and care was taken not to make excessive noise, in hopes of keeping their late night rendezvouses relatively discreet.  But who were they kidding?  These caves were prone to echoes.
There was only one hard and fast rule: The helmets stayed on.  
Most of their clothing and armor stayed on, too, save for those pieces covering the essential anatomy.  
But if hands occasionally slipped underneath layers to caress the others’ skin, well… they didn’t need to talk about that…
Something shifted after Bo was ordered to remove her helmet, though they didn’t delve into what it meant. 
The memory of that night was the subject of her secret daydreams.  And that was bad… very bad… 
None of this was supposed to be about feelings.
But feelings had bubbled up the moment the words left his mouth.
“Could we leave the lamp on this time?”
“Why?” she’d asked with a shaky breath as his fingers deftly unzipped the bottom half of her flight suit.  Her mouth went dry considering the possibility behind his request.
He’d hesitated briefly before offering an uncharacteristically gentle response - “I’ve missed your face…”
The butterflies fully erupted then, but Bo was determined to remain stoic in the face of his probably unintentional flirtation.
“I didn’t take you for a romantic, Din,” she’d smirked lightly, turning her focus instead to unfastening the clasp of his pants as his belt came free, though her burning cheeks may have given her away.
“I’m not,” he’d answered a little too quickly.  But then he shrugged, the smirk clear in his own voice.  “Not my fault you’re easy on the eyes…”
Stars, this man was going to be the death of her.
“Din…”  She couldn’t help but look away shyly.  This was really unbecoming behavior for a Kryze.  
He chuckled lightly, almost affectionate.  But affection was ok, right?  They were truly friends, after all.  Or at least that’s what Bo had told herself when warmth filled her heart at the subtle gesture.
He’d taken her right there against the wall, the torch lit just beside them casting a warm glow over the contours of her face.  He couldn’t tear his eyes off it as her arms wrapped around his neck and legs locked around his middle, enveloped safely in her embrace.
He wasn’t supposed to want more… but how he yearned for it in these softer moments.
It was different once they’d left together in the Gauntlet to search for her fleet.  
It had to be.  This wasn’t neutral territory - in many ways, this ship was her home.
And something about sex in a real bed was just a little too intimate for comfort.  And so, while they enjoyed nearly all of their free time in each others’ company, their late night intimacies came to a rather abrupt end.
It was fine…  The casual sex would naturally have to stop once they were with the Nite Owls, anyway.  And if it had always been just meaningless fun, then… same difference.
To be continued…
Thanks for reading!
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sketchy-rosewitch · 11 months
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Bo Sinclair x Frankie Smith x Franky Moodboard
The Idiots™️
Taggie :3 : @blurrymango
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