littlepawz · 3 months
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Chinese Fringetree (Chionanthus retusus) is tough as nails, with gorgeous foliage, snow-white flowers, and exfoliating bark. It is native to Korea, China, and Japan. It is an easy-to-grow deciduous tree that boasts displays of showy, white, clustered blooms resembling fringes each spring. While the male plant has showier flowers than the female, only the female grows attractive fruit that birds and some mammals use as a food source.
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void-botanist · 9 months
Wrapped Scenelets No. 18: Pa
I'm writing scenelets for (most of) my Spotify Wrapped top 100 songs. Here's number 18, Just Like Heaven by The Cure.
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Any tree would do, but Vinnek could never resist the draw of the big annus next to Crowncliff, at the real apex of the cliff, its roots spilling over the edge. There was a worn patch between two of the yard side roots that they knew was where Milo always dug in so he could lean against the trunk. They picked a different spot among the roots, sitting down with their knees bent upward before taking a deep breath and letting their roots run. This close to the tree it didn’t take much to make contact with its roots and feel the bubble and rush of the network in their veins. Maybe they shouldn’t be doing this. No, they already knew that. It was pointless and a waste of time and it would only hurt, no matter what. Because Fira wasn’t going to be out there somewhere they could find. The chances they would even remember what cos rootspace tasted like was distant, and the chances co’d be strung in right now were slim. And even if they somehow found co, co wasn’t going to talk to them. The silence wouldn’t be any less crushing in rootspace. It would probably be more.
Outside their mind the sound of feet through grass made them open eyes they’d forgotten they’d closed. Casper was there by the bench, leaves turning into heart-shaped pools where they caught the moonlight.
They raised their eyebrows at him. He just sat down next to them on the ground, mirroring their position. Then they felt his rootmind bleed into theirs, an easy connection even routed through the tree.
Fira? he asked without asking.
They could have tamped down on the flood of feeling that answered him, but if he was going to bother them in the middle of a connection that was what he got.
In the physical realm, he leaned into their shoulder and put a hand over theirs where it rested on their knee. What he sent back in rootspace was a wash of I know.
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Scenelets wrapped taglist: @kk7-rbs
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sassyscribe · 3 months
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Chinese Fringetree (Chionanthus retusus) It's native to Korea, China, and Japan. 🌳
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Now that i've made some headway into the new games I can revisit this* little series of posts:
*[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
Katy's name in Japanese is Kaede[カエデ] from kaede[楓] the japanese word for the maple tree. While the link is likely the Japanese use of maple syrup as a natural sugar in a lot of traditional pastries, it's kind of an odd choice of design when the Japanese maple is so well known for its deep red leaves, and even other maple trees are distinctly associated with various shades of red, orange, and yellow... Yet she's all brown with just a dash of minty green in there?
I covered Brassius' name in the lead up to game release but his Japanese name is Korusa[コルサ] as in Colza, another name for rapeseed or canola. He shares a namesake plant with Natane and Nabana, in Sinnoh/Hisui, but appears otherwise unrelated. Weird that his design is plant themed yet totally unrelated.
Iono's name was one I wasnt sure of at first, in Japanese it's Nanjamo[ナンジャモ] which is a pun on Nanjamonja[何じゃもんじゃ], which is and exclamation that gets translated very loosely as something like "what the hell is that!?" What i didnt realize at first and that apparently Nanjamonja-no-ki[なんじゃもんじゃの木] is actually the common name of the Chionanthus retusus, the Chinese fringetree. Incidentally I also thought for a moment that her name was a reference to nanjamonja-goke[ナンジャモンジャゴケ], the Takakia lepidozioides moss. But Iono's English name seems to come from the "...iona..." in Chionanthus...
Kofu's name is Haidai[ハイダイ] from the chinese name hǎidài[海带] for a type of Kelp/seaweed(Saccharina japonica). The English name might be a halfbaked attempt at appropriating makonbu[真昆布], the japanese name for the same plant; noting that the ko...bu[こ...ぶ] and kofu[こふ] are written similarly. Anyway... Given the chef gimmick, the seaweed you have to barter for for him, and the fact that one of his town's unique features is a chinese restaurant, it would appear to refer to it specifically as food. It's also the logo on his apron.
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Larry's name is Aoki[アオキ] from aoki[青木] the spotted laurel/Japanese laurel tree.(Aucuba japonica​) Funny enough it reminds me of Norman's name being Senri from the Senryo plant, which is a similar looking plant with red berries, and they're both normal type specialists. His highlights are similar in shape and color to aoki leaves. And they seem to have gotten Larry from Laurel.
Ryme... Her name is Raimu[ライム] as in Lime, homonym with Rhyme. She raps, but she does not appear to resemble limes... Her sister Tyme is taimu[タイム] like the herb thyme. I dont know why the english localization felt the need to remove the "h" in both of these.
Tulip's name was already Rippu[リップ] as in Lip from tulip.
Grusha/guruusha[グルーシャ] I've done before too. He's named in Russian, grusha[груша]: "pear." His big winter coat makes his head and torso pearshaped.
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Rika's name is Chiri[チリ] like Chilipeppers, the genus Capsicum. Some other languages opted to name her after cayenne, but the English name Rika comes from Paprika. Funny enough it has nothing to do with Chili from Unova, as his name, like all his brothers', was originally a reference to corn, not any sort of pepper.
Poppy is popii[ポピー] is poppy. Although they come in a few colors they all have the distinctive black center, which I assume is meant to be reflected in the design of Poppy's hair.
It's just Larry/Aoki again...
Hassel's name in Japanese is Hassaku[ハッサク] from hassaku[八朔] aka the "jagada," a type of orange cultivated in Japan, known for being larger than most oranges; about the size of a grapefruit.
Geeta's name is Omodaka[オモダ] from Omodaka[沢瀉] a tree called the threeleaf arrowhead/Chinese arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia). Its also prominently featured in Japanese family crests, like that of the Sawada, included above.
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Might as well get Team Star is in on this too! In the same way Guzma and Plumeria were kind of villainous alternatives to trial captains, for bug and poison type respectively, the Team Star sub-bosses kind of occupy a sort of pseudo/demi-gym leader status.
Giacomo's name is Piinya[ピーニャ] as in Piña:"Pineapple." His puffy autumn uniform vest and spiky hair makes him look like a pineapple.
Mela's name is Meroko[メロコ] seemingly taken from the Meloco... Of melocotón, Spanish word for "peach." Her red is a little too vibrant for it to be obvious, but her yellow to red hair appears to be peach inspired.
Atticus's name is Shuumei[シュウメイ] from Shumeigiku[秋明菊] Japanese name of a flower called the "fall-blooming anemone"(Anemone hupehensis japonica​). It comes in a few shades of pink and violet that seem to match the poison type color motif.
Ortega's name is just a tiny tweak from Orutiga[オルティガ]:"Ortiga" spanish name for nettle, a broad family of herbs known for their stinging hairs.
Eri's Japanese mame is Biwa[ビワ] from biwa[枇杷]: "loquat"(Eriobotrya japonica) a tree with a long history of its fruit and leaves bring used for food and tea. It is sometimes erroneously called the "Japanese Plum."
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And just to round things out a little...
Nemona's English name came from her Japanese name, Nemo[ネモ] from the Nemo nemphilia, a broad range of flowers known for their baby blue color. Oddly thats not reflected in her actual design..
Laughably Arven's name was Pepaa[ペパー]:"Pepper" and you would think it would refer to... You know... peppers. But given the English name, Arven from Mentha arvensis, it's actually a reference to peppermint which does make sense with his herb theme.
Penny's name is Botan[ボタン] from Botan[牡丹] Japanese name for the "tree Peony"(Paeonia suffruticosa) The peony has long standing cultural importance in China and by some proxy Japan, and is often compared to the Rose's prominence in Western Europe; this is incidentally why Chairman Rose's brother in Galar is named Peony. Incidentally this is likely why they had to name her Penny, as Peony had been taken.
Clavell's name is actually the same, Kuraberu[クラベル] approximating "Clavel" the Spanish name for the Carnation. He shares a flower name with Champion Diantha in Kalos.
Oops, first pass thru i forgot about the school faculty so i've added a post for those
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plantanarchy · 1 year
June is national pollinators month which means i gotta do marketing stuff for the work newsletter and promote the big hort company promotion for big hort company I hate which is annoying. So I'm gonna post on the work Facebook about fringetrees
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roxannarambles · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Character Names Explained
Fun fact! The characters in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet are all named after various plants. Yes, all of them. The localizations for their English names did their best to stay true to this, but sometimes their namesake is not always obvious in the English names.
So I thought I'd collect them all and summarize them in a post! You can find all these on a Wiki, but I thought it would be handy to have them all in one place. Warning: this is an image-heavy post.
Team Star Bosses
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Giacomo (ピーニャ Piña) - Pineapple: Giacomo is derived from the pineapple's scientific name (Ananas comosus). It's easy to guess why Giacomo was named after the pineapple, with his spikey hair. (Also, yeah, pineapples don't grow on trees, a lot of people don't know that.)
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Mela (メロコ Meloco) - Peach Tree: You'd think Mela would be named after the pepper plant, but no, she is named after the Spanish word for peach. Go figure. (Fun fact, it is Rika the Ground-type user who is named after the pepper!)
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Atticus (シュウメイ Shūmei) - Japanese Anemone: His English name is derived from the plant genus 'Hepatica.' The Japanese Anemone is a flower in the buttercup family, native to Asia.
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Ortega (オルティガ Ortiga) - Stinging Nettles: A traditional medicinal herb, this plant has stinging hairs that irritate skin if touched. A pretty aggressive plant!
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Eri (ビワ Biwa) - Loquat: A fruit tree native to China and popular in Japan. If you're from the US, you might have heard it called "Japanese plum" or "Chinese plum." Eri is dervied from the plant's scientific name 'Eriobotrya japonica.'
Gym Leaders
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Katy (カエデ Kaede) - Maple Tree: In addition to being named after the maple tree, Katy's English name might also be a play on 'Katydid'
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Brassius (コルサ Colza) - Rapeseed: This plant is in the Brassicaceae family, which are a wide range of cultivated crops in the mustard family. Rapeseed in particular is best known for the vegetable oil made from its seeds (canola oil)
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Iono (ナンジャモ Nanjamo) - Chinese Fringetree: A species of tree in the olive family that is native to Asia and produces many pretty white flowers. The Japanese name for Iono is a name used for unknown trees (literal translation: "What is it?"), with the Chinese Fringetree often being the culprit of an unknown tree. Likewise, Iono's English name is supposed to sound like "I dunno"
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Kofu (ハイダイ Haidai) - Kelp: There are many, many species of seaweed; Kofu's English name refers to a group of edible kelp in particular (often called 'kombu')
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Ryme (ライム Lime) - Lime: A play on the words "lime" and "rhyme"
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Tulip (リップ Lip): In this case, there is no mystery what plant her English name is referring to!
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Grusha (グルーシャ Grusha) - Pear Tree: Yeah, Grusha is named after pears. The Russian word for pear, in particular. I have no idea why. Pear trees do have white flowers, so perhaps that's why.
Paldea League
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Rika (チリ Chili) - Chili Pepper: Her English name is short for 'Paprika' and her Japanese name is a pun (chili and 地 chi - ground)
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Poppy (ポピー Poppy): Again, just like with Tulip, this name is already obvious for English speakers!
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Larry (アオキ Aoki) - Spotted Laurel: A shrub with pretty gold specks on its leaves; thrives in damp environments
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Hassel (ハッサク Hassaku) - Hassaku Orange: This is a hybrid citrus tree between an orange and a grapefruit
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Geeta (オモダカ Omodaka) - Threeleaf Arrowhead: An aquatic plant that grows in swamps and has a starchy tuber that can be eaten. Her English name is derived from the genus Sagittaria.
Main Cast
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Arven (ペパー Pepper) - Peppermint: Arven is named after the peppermint plant, although his English name derives from the scientific name for a close relative, the corn mint (Mentha arvensis). I like to think Arven was named after peppermint for being a bit 'spicy' and terse when you first meet him, but that is just my wild speculation.
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Penny (ボタン Botan) - Peony: Penny is named after the peony flower; the tree peony in particular, which is a manmade cultivar that is a shrub/tree rather than herbaceous. The tree peony is incredibly popular in China, for both ornamental and traditional chinese medicine reasons.
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Nemona (ネモ Nemo) - Baby Blue Eyes: The Baby Blue Eyes is a native wildflower to North America (California & Oregon in particular), unlike a lot of the plants on this list. Nemona's name derives from its scientific name in particular (Nemophila menziesii). It bothers me to no end that Nemona is named after a plant called 'baby blue eyes' when her eyes are orange; the California poppy (which is bright orange) seems to make more sense for her? But, who knows what went on in the naming process.
Juliana (アオイ Aoi) - While the player character names are not directly named after a plant, they are inspired by plants in general. Juliana's Japanese name is a pun that means 'springtime' and 'green/young' (her English name comes from the word 'juvenile')
Florian (ハルト Haruto) - Florian's Japanese name, on the other hand, is a pun with 'springtime' and 'spring.' His English name comes from 'flower.'
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scarredleaves · 2 years
Along with the wind
Preaching for solace,
the last whit of warmth melted by the drowning sun,
curses to bewitch the begrudgers,
meaningful lives to be lead,
in a thorny compassion of delightful waters.
Lonesome endearing the green gables,
willow green spread across the brown lawns,
milkweeds sprouting miles and miles,
white fringetrees resembling a bride with her veil on,
looking all glorious and healing.
To have worn puff sleeves,
and to be red headed,
fawning the veils for the greater good,
and to stare up the sky,
till the soul reaches the never ending end,
all fabricated as a grail,
to be caught upon.
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gaygardenhell · 5 months
april 29 2024
it was almost 90F today yay yippee :' )
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i'll start off with a comparison of this bed almost exactly a year apart. very cool to see, and i can't wait to see it continue to grow/see the new bed fill in similarly!
these two are about 90% planted. i've got a couple things coming in for the front bed this week, and a few others started from seed that need more time indoors.
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it doesn't look that different now, but it definitely will in a couple months (provided this heat wave doesn't kill most of it...)
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the tapestry garden is also getting filled in! it's a bit chaotic to photograph with all the terminated cover crop, but you can at least get an idea of what's covered.
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the front foundation planting is also just about overhauled! that last nandina will come out and get replaced by something hopefully soon.
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katie constructed a trellis for the peas, and also planted a third blueberry bush and some strawberries out back. out front, we added two currants (a clove currant and a blackcurrant), and another viburnum. we've got quite a lot of veggies ready to go out, but it went from too cold to too hot, so they'll have to wait a bit.
otherwise i'll just show some individual plants:
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newer additions - a heuchera, wild geranium, and coreopsis auriculata
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penstemon digitalis, phlox divaricata, cinnamon fern and bicknell's sedge filling out in year 2
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still impressed this snapdragon survived the winter, and it sure has blown up with flowers.
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fringetree gettin fringey. i already love this tree and hope it thrives!
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vibratingchinchilla · 5 months
shoutout to the fringetrees, popping OFF this fine thursday!!!!!
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roseseafoam · 6 months
When I was out I saw some stunning examples of Chinese fringetree (Chionanthus retusus) on the way to my friend’s place, and though I do find their flowers a bit cuter (slightly rounded petals) than the native fringetree (C. virginicus), I’m thinking of maybe utilizing it in the landscaping…
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void-botanist · 1 year
Elbas Islanders I promised and Elbas Islanders you shall get! This bunch is all tree people but about half of the total population is mushroom people. Both species live for 150-200 years so if some of these ages seem weird, that's why. (I also totally borrowed from your folder ask format because I thought it worked well.)
I realized I never introduced the current Council for realsies so here they are first:
Milo Elviret
45, he/him, magnolia (Magnolia virginiana)
Lead Councillor and legal compliance chair; grandkid of one of the island's founders
Would be a lawyer on the mainland if he'd actually taken the bar exam instead of becoming a legal compliance officer for a research airship and then moving to Elbas, where he immediately got swept up in its legal and philosophical history. Lives with Binna, his best friend and fellow flower gardener, and her dad. Extremely fond of cookies.
Ellery Bastien
46, he/him, fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)
Logistics chair and treasurer; Vinnek's kid and Nidilaenn's queerplatonic partner
Typically seen in babydoll dresses but his closet contains multitudes that he couldn't bear to part with after moving back to Elbas from the mainland. Constantly a little sharp and critical, with infinite capacity for sarcasm, but also the kind of person who always keeps his word. Lives on one side of a divided house with Nidilaenn on the other.
Nidilaenn Archimbault
47, they/them, redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Maritime chair and secretary; Ellery's queerplatonic partner
Loves all things sailing and has acted as the island's unofficial ferrier for years. Has never had a comfortable trip to the mainland because of their strong sensitivity to scents, but wants to one day visit their dad out in the Vale. Also wonders if wearing a bikini top as your only top is the kind of thing that gets you weird looks in the Vale.
Tirias Nenatopol
51, she/he, sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Custodial chair; Ysa's live-in partner
A measly 6' 7", making her the second-tallest person on the island. Can't speak vocally but is quite talkative (and flirtatious, though really only with her partners). Her pride and joy are the secondhand paint coloring and mixing machines her sister sent over from the mainland.
Patience Gaenlan
94, she/they, dogwood (Cornus florida)
Social services chair; co-manager of the island's nonroot hotel
Connected to Elbas through her wife, Mel, who she met in the course of being an activist organizer on the mainland. Is blind and navigates with a purple cane she sometimes jokingly compares to Mel, who is a mushroom person and therefore also purple. Has swirling carvings from left wrist to chin, the result of many decades of carving and healing.
And now some related characters:
Vinnek Bastien
72, they/them, fringetree
Archivist; Ellery's parent
Wearer of massive rimless glasses and t-shirt dresses. Connoisseur of all things Calennec, Dez's favorite cartoon/comic character. Currently going through personal winter and slowly losing all their leaves.
Ysa Tilly
55, thon/thon, tulipwood (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Pub bartender and manager; Tirias's partner
Seven feet tall, with a thick build to match. Used to bartend with actual alcohol back on the mainland, but now serves mostly people who drink anything but (thonself included). Thons showmanship and liquor bottle collection haven't gone away though.
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icyseadragon · 1 year
A Stroll
hello. Just coming in to tell y'all about a lovely stroll I went on today. I didn't know what I was doing and had time to kill so I was walking at my school's campus when I saw this really pretty tree. It had these white flowers in it's canopy, layering over the leaves like a blanket of snow. I stopped to take a picture.... Multiple pictures
I look over and someone walks out of a building, sees me, pulls out her phone too, and takes a picture as well. I awkwardly make my way over and start a conversation. She tells me the tree is a Chinese Fringetree and I walk her to her car as she points at various plants and tells me about them. Talks to me about her favorite plants and how some are a pain to deal with, but when they flower are just gorgeous.
Something nice about just stopping to admire a plant and others joining you
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missouri-witchcraft · 3 years
Fringe Correspondences & Associations
The chionanthus virginicus (or white fringe tree) is honestly fascinating. It was originally categorized as a feminine genus, but later categorized as a masculine one, and some of them bear flowers of both "masculine" and "feminine" fringe trees. It can also propagate by grafting onto ash trees.
It's also native to Missouri and another for the "niche Missouri trees" category.
nonbinary genders
trans femininity
trans masculinity
Because this post is very short and I have another extremely short one, have a bonus tree too!
Paulownia Correspondences & Associations
The paulownia tomentosa (the empress/princess tree or foxglove-tree) is a persistent, exotic, invasive species of tree in the United States that has undergone naturalization in the eastern US. Basically, it is free game on these trees.
There is quite literally nothing about this tree in witchcraft, so I had to make up some stuff based on information available about it.
Comets & Planets
baneful magic
protection from illness
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curiouscatalog · 5 years
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From: Elliott, F. R. (Franklin Reuben), 1817-1878. Hand book of practical landscape gardening. Rochester, N.Y. : D.M. Dewey, Horticultural Books, 1877
SB471 .E46
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mrmaplematt · 4 years
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CHIONANTHUS RETUSUS 'CHINA SNOW' FLOWERING CHINESE FRINGE TREE https://mrmaple.com/collections/mrmaple-10-new-trees-10am-on-tuesday/products/buy-chionanthus-retusus-china-snow-flowering-chinese-fringe-tree #mrmaple #chionanthusretusus #chinasnow #chinesefrindgetree #fringetree #flowers #chinesefringeflower #hardyplants #gardening (at MrMaple.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIgH8SAZhZ/?igshid=1chovy39gzob6
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