#frog choir
ash3 · 3 months
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Swimming to a birthday picnic place, everything and everyone is ready
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mallorylambart · 4 months
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frog choir i drew on streem last week!
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cyvvien · 1 year
I made my first Etsy sale!
And now I sit and stew and vibrate and wait for USPS to tell me if I did package pickup correctly... but! In the meantime! New sticky note designs!
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Honestly, I'm mostly seeing if one wins out over the other, mostly so that in the lull time between starting my Etsy and seeing sales pick up, I don't actually have that much disposable income, so I will have to pick and choose carefully.
Anyway, poll is up for a week! Pick your favorite, or pick both if you really really can't decide. (I vastly prefer either/or though)
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fandomfrenzy97 · 4 months
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Another Hogwarts chapter is complete. Recently, I got the chance to audition for the Frog Choir. With Tulip Karasu’s help, I briefly met her friend Chester and briefly reunited with the Weird Sisters to ace the perfect audition. I may have had to play a prank on Madam Pince in the Library, sing “In Noctem” to Professor Snape and “You Charmed The Heart Right Out Of Me” to Professor Flitwick (his favourite song), but it was worth it…I was chosen to join the Frog Choir, much to Merula Snyde’s annoyance and even received a toad of my own from Tulip, who I might call Trevor, after Neville Longbottom’s toad.
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Sometimes I randomly think about how we, as a fandom, just casually knew the Witches Chant from Macbeth. Like a bunch of 13 year olds were walking around just knowing the words to the opening of Act IV Scene I thanks to Flitwick's frog choir.
That's all.
Have a good night.
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mordacitatis · 1 year
i never get on desktop but i am LOVING the frogs
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buginateacup · 1 year
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19600109 · 2 months
you ever think about how there wasn't an art or music class at hogwarts. i'd fucking go crazy i'd be vandalizing every unused classroom
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amphibianaday · 1 year
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day 1297
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blunighht · 1 year
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Fighting for my life trying to not get back into genshin but she’s literally everything to me
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venisonhare · 3 months
Overall cos spoilers with what happened to the dusk elves and pre barovia but also not really? Bc I changed some stuff for timeline clarity. For my players on tumblr, I trust you not to read this thank you <3
Now that I'm drawing him, I never realized just how actually insane rahadin is. Well, I did but I mean before barovia became a secluded realm from Feyrun. Essentially, in order for the timeline to make sense to me, instead of making rahadin of barov's generation, I made him almost equal in age to strahd. I just didn't find how it made sense that rahadin was almost 600-700 years during the campaign. If barovia has been secluded for 400-500ish years he would have to be a young for elvan standards or a withering old man. He's not classified as a vampire nor undead so my brain was having mass difficulty believing that's how old he is. After strahds turning, he had rahadin become undead to keep his trusted chamberlain with him forever. Anyway, in order to add more nuance to the situation and reiterate that strahd was indeed a war general, I made it so he went with strahd against the dusk elves instead of lord barov. I gave rahadin a twisted sense of national pride in which he believed that since his people fled from the elven wars and remained neutral oh so long ago, he began to resent any amount of weakness amongst them. In his mind, the drow put up more of a fight even if they were banished to the underdark. This weakness embarrassed him to the core. They were protectors and guardians of the amber temple. Why or how could it be that they were so weak? In order to make sure that his people learned a lesson, he went to go ask the von zarovich's for assistance to dethrone the current dusk elf monarch. He promised them land and the crown. Rahadin believed that if anyone made it out alive, they would be of the finest, strongest stock and would ensure the future survival and strength of his race. Maybe a small part of him wished to lose the war to prove him wrong but as their troops pushed further, as strahd pushed further, the dusk elf weakness sent him into a spiral. The woes of his own people cursed him with the deadly choir. During this time, strahd and rahadin established themselves as allies as before, strahd was just a tool to get what he needed but he seemed more capable than any dusk elf he's ever seen. During this war is where rahadin began to establish his unwavering faith and loyalty to him. When they reached the castle, rahadin beheaded the dusk elf king and took a knee, giving the crown to strahd. As his new dusk elf chamberlain deserved respect for such actions, strahd chose to simply be lord of this new land and not king as rahadin didn't believe such a title was worthy to his people. While the new changes to the land were being made such as the renaming of the land and castle, rahadin made sure to try and find any stragglers or weaklings that may be hiding instead of fighting. He firmly believes that no dusk elves besides himself resides in barovia. Should he ever find kasimir it would be the equivalence of hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby. Because of what he's done for his people (as rahadin truly believes this was a necessary evil to ensure the future strength of the dusk elves) rahadin remains eternally loyal to his now undead lord. He views strahd as the true epitome of what strength should be, so he offers himself mind, body, and soul to him. He is also a little fruity for his lord but that in itself is weakness so he refuses to touch the subject or acknowledge its existence. Anyway I love my fucked up little meow meow to me he is so izzy hands in love with blackbeard core. My favorite npc in the module idc how many atrocities he's committed.
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King Wart and Mamu are not the same person
So many people believe King Wart from SMB2USA and BSSMUSA is the same person as Mamu from Link's Awakening. I don't think this is the case, here's why. Now before I continue I would like to note while they are both called Mamu in Japan. I will be referring to them as different names for simplicity's sake.
So first off appearance wise, on the surface they similar fairly similar, especially when look at the eyes, there is some differences. For starters while the 3D model of Mamu retains his design from the original pixels, King Wart doesn't. First off in Mario Advance he has a crown with a red gem, a necklace with a red jewel, and a brown cloak. However, I think the next detail alongside with render this moot. In the art for both Super Mario Bros 2 USA and BS Super Mario USA King Wart's artwork depiction remains the same. But there are interesting differences, between Wart and Mamu. For starters, King Wart wears a crown with a green gem inside and his eyes are not like a frog's typically are. Meanwhile Mamu's are like a typical frog's eyes and he wears a crown with a blue gem in it.
There is also Mamu's eyes might even have frills around them. This is because there is a possibility he is Don Gero as stated hypothesized by one SpekUL8. That Don Gero's Mask depicts Mamu.
There is also the difference in behavior and personality between King Wart and Mamu. Mamu is the leader of the Frog Choir and seems to be a pretty decent guy, even helping out Link. We also know if you revisit his Pond there is a a sign that says he and his choir are away on tour around the world. Meanwhile, King Wart resides in Subcon and tries to overthrow it in SMB2USA and BSSMUSA. King Wart does things like places curses on the people of Subcon and even Mario, instead of being more friendly and leading a frog choir.
So what do I think is up here? I think King Wart and Mamu are 2 different universe versions of each other. This would explain the subtle differences in their appearance, and major differences in their behavior and personality. This would also line up with the fact Mario and Link do not share a timeline with each other, due to the fact their timelines work differently.
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rewritingcanon · 6 months
“live and let die” by wings is the song they played at fred’s funeral when they threw the dirt on his casket
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akikocho · 1 year
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*creates an OC*
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heylins-world · 1 year
I have played jingle bells on the frog choir, I'm totally normal, I promise
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abesetacringe · 1 year
Marie's design reminds me of Roxy lalonde
(if you don't know her look up fan art and tell me if you agree)
I didn't think about Roxy Lalonde when making Marie, but my friend told me Lalonde gives off Chicago Roxie vibes, so I think that kinda counts. Also. Consider this!
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