#froggy answers asks
awesomefroggy · 9 months
I have gotta ask about your SWM fic 👀
Oh yes! I've shared the love confessions from this fic before, but I'd been trying to get myself to wait to post any of the fic on AO3 until it was more finished (because I'm incapable of writing in a linear fashion). This is my "What if Caleb and Essek are far more willing to each admit they each have feelings for Molly before they're willing to admit they have feelings for each other" Mollymauk Lives (for a while, but he gets better) AU. For fun fun let's have Essek also have Molly death angst ^_^ But here, have what may or may not be the opening scene (see above nonlinear)
The quiet of quills scratching across paper is broken only by the quiet sound of the Xhorhaus library door opening. Both wizards looked up to see Mollymauk backing into the room as quietly as he could, a bundle of fabric clutched to his chest. “Everything okay?” Caleb asked. Mollymauk turned and faced them with a sharp glare, holding a finger to his lips.  Essek flicked his eyes between the two before returning to the book before him. A waft of the smell of incense alerted him to the purple tiefling leaning over the back of the chair next to him. The smell puzzled Essek. He kept the various types of incense needed for different spellwork nicely separated, but Mollymauk truly seemed like he’d just lit one stick of every scent that had struck his fancy at the same time. It made him want to wrinkle his nose, but his decorum was too well practiced for that.  “Please, can I hide in here with you lot? I’ve been trying to embroider for over an hour, but Jester has decided she’s bored and everyone else is occupied.”
WIP Ask Game
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14dayswithyou · 11 months
I'm going to be a little evil :3c /silly
*I have stolen all of their headwear, leaving only FROGGY HAT in his closet.*
"Boy it sure is chilly today. Don't forget to wear a scarf and a hat when you come pick me up, okay [REDACTED]?"
✦゜ANSWERED: I believe in froggy hat [REDACTED] supremacy 🖤🐸
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He knew. Of course he knew. [REDACTED]'s security system alerted him the second you stepped foot into his apartment, and it took the dark-haired hacker almost all of his willpower not to rush home and see you. But alas, he had other matters to attend to and messes to clean up here. Things he couldn't risk putting on hold, lest he pay the consequences for them later.
So, [REDACTED] settles for watching you through his cracked phone screen as you try to sneak your way around his apartment. They didn't really understand why you felt the need to be so secretive; you knew your boyfriend would be out for the day, you had his spare keycard and access to the entire 14th floor, and [REDACTED] had made it explicitly clear early on in the relationship that everything he owned was yours completely. Nothing was off limits to you, and that included every inch of his living space.
...And even himself.
Curiously, they watch with keen interest as you quietly slide the door to his walk-in closet open and take in your surroundings once more — making sure that you really were alone in his dimly-lit bedroom. But barely a moment passes before you stride in with a newfound purpose, unzip your backpack, and begin to stash all of his caps and beanies inside.
Well, alright then. If you decided he no longer needed those items, then so be it. He was never one to deny you anything.
But in retrospect, you were honestly doing [REDACTED] a favour. He genuinely didn't really need those items in his possession anymore — especially considering how he had no real reason to conceal his identity from you after all these years of being together.
He could never forget about that pivoted moment in time when you opened up to your beloved hacker about his rather... intense need to watch over you 24/7. And after you had scolded him multiple times for stalking you from darkened corners and alleyways outside your apartment complex, [REDACTED] had all but tried to change his ways. To better themselves for you.
After all, you deserved nothing less.
Glancing back at his phone once more, [REDACTED] takes in every little movement you make as you continue to tuck away his belongings; down to the turn of your head and the flex in your muscles. Not a single twitch or glance goes unnoticed under his watchful gaze — and had the dark-haired man not been so enraptured by your ministrations — he surely would've noticed that it was just about time for him to start packing his tools up and head home.
Home, in time for the date you had planned for the evening.
But the way you purposefully moved around his closet had [REDACTED] in a trance. You were extremely methodical about the things you were swiping from his shelves; neatly packing away all of the headgear, earmuffs, and scarves on display (and even the ones hidden within the depths of his drawers!). Yet... One single item remained in the aftermath of your wake.
Atop one of the lone shelves in the corner, it sits, isolated from the rest of its kind. Worn out yet well loved; it was no more than a novelty item your boyfriend had originally won for you from a crane game. But even after their constant insistence that you should keep it, you rebutted it all by saying it'd look better on him instead — all while pushing the cute, froggy hat back into his hands with a teasing smile.
("If you keep bleaching your hair like that," his real name falls from your lips like sweet nectar, "All of your hair will fall out. When that happens, you can use this to keep your bald head warm!"
"...When that happens? Hmph. You're gettin' cheeky." With a smile of his own, your boyfriend reaches out to gently pinch your cheek. "I haven't touched m'hair in ages.")
So after watching you be so meticulous with the items you were "robbing", the hacker couldn't help but wonder what your main motive was. Why leave that silly, little frog hat alone unless... Did you want him to wear it? You knew [REDACTED] would never say no to you — let alone to a frivolous request — but admittedly, they did find it rather endearing to watch you put in all that effort just for him.
Just like how he used to be... Back before you opened the curtains of his life and brought sunshine into his heart.
Gone are the days of "Ren", when [REDACTED] had to snoop around your apartment just to get any sort of inclination of what your type and interests might be. No longer did [REDACTED] have to "borrow" some of your old clothing to keep himself company on lonely nights; to put them over his pillow and pretend like it was you he was holding close to his chest. He no longer had to steal your presents and tokens out of spite and jealousy — only to return them days later once they noticed how upset it made you.
Too caught up in reminiscing about the past, [REDACTED] had almost missed your swift getaway from his bedroom. Living up to your nickname, you glide down the staircase and across his foyer as if you sprouted angel wings on your back and stroll into the elevator, before closing the door and pulling out your phone.
And just like clockwork, [REDACTED]'s camera feed gets replaced by the bright red and green call buttons that shake and taunt him at the bottom of the screen — alongside the personalised caller photo of you smiling towards the sunset ocean with [REDACTED]'s jacket atop your shoulders. The dark-haired man leaves no room for pause before he's swiping his finger across the screen and eagerly anticipating the sound of your voice.
You greet him in that casual, nonchalant tone of yours, and [REDACTED] had to resist the urge to start recording the call — to save the addictive timbre of your voice for when he needs to hear it the most.
"Man... It sure is chilly today, don't you think?"
There's the familiar sound of tacky elevator music playing in the background, and part of [REDACTED] thinks you're purposefully calling him right now to let him in on your (not so) secret escapades... To let them know where you are.
Or perhaps you were already aware that he knows, if the way you were glancing up at the elevator camera was anything to go by.
Regardless, you don't give away any other telling signs as your beloved hacker watches you through the camera. Your bag is still carefully slung over a shoulder, while one of his old, black university caps received the pleasure of being fiddled with in your hand. Your voice returns once more, and it causes a grin to form on his lips.
"Don't forget to wear a scarf and a hat when you come pick me up, okay?"
There's a newfound teasing lilt in your tone, which has [REDACTED] latching on to your every word with bated breath and scrambling for a reply.
"'Course. Wouldn't miss our date for the world. 'N make sure y'stay warm too, angel." Without missing a beat, he easily takes his place in your little game. "Wouldn't wanna misplace your jacket 'n get cold now, would we?"
Your pixelated smile on the screen gives everything away.
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You hear the unmistakable sound of [REDACTED]'s sports motorbike before you see it; watching the corner of your street as he appears from the darkness like a phantom.
And like the gentleman that he is, [REDACTED] doesn't make you stray far from the safety of the streetlamp either. The moment your boyfriend pulls up in front of you, one of his large hands reaches around your waist to draw you near (almost as if he'd gone years without being in your presence), while the other makes quick work of the latch of his helmet. In one swift motion, he pulls it off and rests it against the tank—
Only to reveal that cute, pastel green frog hat sitting atop his head.
He can't help but smile when you do; clearly pleased that he went through with your silly request. At that, you let out a low hum of appreciation as you lean against your boyfriend's chest, and [REDACTED] returns the favour by bending down and pressing a chaste kiss against the crown of your head as well.
"...Think y'could give this unworthy prince another kiss, love?" Your beloved boyfriend leans in closer until your lips are millimetres away from touching, "Otherwise I might stay cursed t'live in this froggy form forever."
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luna-loveboop · 1 month
Luna, my dear sweet friend, can I pick your brain?
Lofty gave me a veeerrry good scenario for a Time vs Sky conflict, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on what that could look like? I picked 2 very mature characters and now I have to make them brawl lolol
I think the best route (for me at least) wouldn't involve the master sword or Hylia. So this would be a personality conflict. I don't wanna spoil the scenario she gave me, so I thought I'd ask for your general opinion on what you think would make them fight, personality wise🥰
Feel free to delete if you don't care to go over this, but I thought I'd ask cus you're really good at going in depth with character analysis❤️
BYE FRIEND😀 also I hope you're doing well and you're amazing and wonderful❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
YES ok so personality conflicts between Sky and Time. There's... a lot to look at there lol.
So I'm just gonna look at each of their personalities +flaws, and then how they interact :))
Soo for Time
Time is dad. He's older and more experienced- and he's still a stubborn gremlin like all of them. He's patient with them but also stern- he cares very deeply about all the boys and Sky is no exception
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I don't doubt for a second Time wants to be just as close to Sky as the others
One of Times biggest flaws is the idea of a closed mindset. Which makes sense, since we know Time's ending as the hero's shade- he spends years in that mindset of regret. Time has these thoughts of being too old to change (<no), and allows himself to keep holding onto bitterness, especially about the sword. Which he has good reason to be a grumpy old man already, with the mental and physical age difference, but still
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Time is obviously capable of changing his mind- as Wind took a challenge to prove
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But overall Time is still. He's not super expressive, my man likes to just be. He wants to be still and live, and hero as needed, and not be a super crazy hero, but just a chill dude with malon.
Time is patient and stern and calm and good. He is also closed and stubborn. That's all good, but it doesn't always work the best with Sky.
So Sky.
I literally love this ask because I could rant forever about his flaws to talk about them more (no one kill me).
Sky very highly values being a hero as part of who he is- in contrast to time who literally just doesn't want to.
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I see so much of Sky's patience. And with good reason- with others Sky is endlessly patient and calm in resolving conflict. He's emotionally intuitive and intelligent and awesome
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But Sky is also I think extremely impatient. With himself, and with things around him that aren't going well.
He wants answers and he wants them now, which is kind of scary from him. I see a lot about Skys temper, but I don't want to forget how much of that is from impatience- not knowing how to handle things going slow.
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Because things moving fast and violently is how it needs to be right? *cough cough IMPA
For all sky is extremely patient with others feelings, he is one of the most impatient people with himself and his circumstances. Which a lot of comes from immaturity, which is my next point-
Sky is. A monster with pranks. I don't even know why it took me so long to realise this was Sky-
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Saying 'I know we should help but this is too funny'. Twilight and wild are looking disturbed and like they want to help, and Sky and legend are just cold-blooded leaving four struggling for his shield and taking bets. He's very immature, and furthermore, he doesn't really respect Time as an authority as much in the face of pranking/joking
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Bro is not remorseful at all I swear-
I also think 'nice hair' Sky is a little... idk judgy? With people he doesn't get along with as well. Like Hyrule. (Wait I haven't yet I gotta rant on that sometime sorry- but yeah he and Hyrule don't vibe well)
Sky can also be unrestrained with his words and snark- his words can practically be a prank in itself 'nice hair' 'am I late?'. I think sometimes he toes the line with pranks and joking around (like that one quest where you could break Peatrices heart?), and same with his words. Overall he's a snarky and sharper person- and being able to pull off good pranks and jokes isn't inherently a bad thing- he's smart. He's a kind person too, but I think sometimes his words and actions can be too sharp.
I think Jojo also said in the post with their ages that she made him slightly younger because of his immaturity compared to twilight. Do with that what you will
So point is, Sky has flaws that are mildly subtle but still prominent, like his impatience with himself and situations, his immaturity with joking and temper and words, and I hc he's a slightly judgy person. 'Nice costume' to Zelda like SKY but I swear I love him. Don't kill me for discussing flaws please I have a dog
So how this comes together with between him and Time is pretty cool-
Skys impatient, and Time has a resistance to change in his mindset- which means that as far as the sword, Sky wants change now, he wants validation and Time to not hate it. Time does not care about this because the sword hurt him and he's spent years hating it.
But with situations and stuff, especially with the entrance arc, we can see Sky being very impatient after Twi's injury- from what I can tell he wants to rip dinks throat out. But it's still subtle- what's not as subtle is how much Time wants to slow down. He wants to hold them back and protect them, and Sky is impatient in a frustrating situation. I could honestly see Sky wanting to run after the shadow on his own right now (sorry, I've been rereading elastic heart). Sometimes patient + wanting to hurry up doesn't work well.
If you think about it in relation to their journeys it makes sense that they are portrayed this way. Skys journey was about rushing and trying to hurry up. Times journeys were horrifying, with this insane feeling of running out of time.. but he could still turn back said time.
I can't even count the number of people I've seen say they tried to rush through the eldin temple as fast as possible on reruns- after Impa telling him it was too late trying to run as fast as possible even knowing it wouldn't change anything. That translates into skys character, and it must be insanely frustrating for him.
They are both heros. Time's journey was about saving the world and Sky's was about trying to kill a god. It's a big disconnect between them- one is patient and one is not, one doesn't want to be a hero and one's life is being a hero dating a goddess. One lightheartedly jokes and one throws a love letter down the toilet (SKY), one is older and one is immature. Yet on the surface Time wears a scowl and Sky is as soft as can be.
They are so very different in so many ways, but so much alike- they are both heros, they both want to be young and playful at heart. They both really like stabbing things and setting them on fire. And also saving the world.
They are also both extremely mature in ways beyond their years and endlessly kind.
I love them so much.
I wasn't sure to say this in the post bc the ask is about personalities, but I feel like another major issue between them could be whatever happened with Time and timelines and the triforce. Obviously the timeline is messed up. I also have not played times games... but I think in timeline talk one he mentioned the triforce of courage ended up broken? I can see Sky not taking well to all of that.
Soooo in terms of personality conflicts that would make them. Fight? Yikes what are you planning Oma, I would say there's several possible triggers outside of the master sword and Hylia (which I think is wise of you to avoid btw)
I think that Skys impatience contrasting with Time's fixed mindsets can have issues. But the way Sky has shown no acknowledgment of Time when he's tried to stop the boys goofing off w/ pranking can also be a trigger- as well as that sharp and sometimes insensitive snarkiness in Skys words we all know and love. They have. A lot of issues. lol.
Yeah! I uhh hope that helped and was relevant or made sense at all- I swear I love these guys. These two are fun to look at because outside of the obvious stressor of the sword they have a lot of other issues as well. They have differences in thinking and personality that can lead to a lot of tension between them.
Thank you for the ask and I can't wait to see what you come up with
The art and comics is by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :D
Thank you for listening to my rant, and here's one of my favourite pictures of these guys
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Simply majestic <3
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syrasenturi · 2 years
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i’m unstoppable
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tonguetyd · 2 months
IV when he's the mouse begging for cheese
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FINALLY!!! MOUSE BEGGING FOR CHEESE IVY!!! Helps us complete the collection of this versatile man as various animals, which includes:
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Bunny iv
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Panda iv
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Kitty iv
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Froggy iv
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Unicorn iv
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Squid iv
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Reindeer iv
And my personal favorite
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smokbeast · 9 months
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DFLJKGG IM SO SORRY NOT SORRY, fang is doing his best to be a kind soul to all these simps
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v-albion · 8 months
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If im in tears they should be too, yes?
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miyuki-fenn · 7 months
ahhhhh your twst ocs are all so pretty 😭😭
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I took a lil look around your blog and I love your twst OCs!! Giacomo seems like such a sweetie!! In other news there is something special that must be addressed...
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I've had this blog for years and you're the first to drop an ask!! it's rlly appreciated!! So I drew you a lil sumn for the gesture! (also bc I saw him on ur account and he was so cute :( )
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taperecorder-gizmo · 4 days
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froggiewrites · 12 days
10, 14 & 24 for the game (if three isnt too much to ask)!! ヾ(*´ ∇ `)ノ
Three isn't too much at all!! 😊
10. Are there any books that have stuck with you to adulthood?
I have two for this! One is War and Peace, which I read as a stubborn high schooler just to prove that I could and unfortunately it did change my life (which sucks because I Do Not Respect how it ended and also you can't tell people your favorite book is War and Peace without looking pretentious as all hell 😭). The other is the Percy Jackson series, which I was really into as a kid and I think really influenced both my sense of humor and general sense of whimsy.
14. Do you have any advice?
My one piece of advice is really simple: you need to be nicer to yourself! Nearly everybody I've ever met, including myself, is way too harsh on themselves. I think there's a really important question everyone needs to ask themselves whenever they're pushing themselves: would you be this harsh on somebody else? Would you ever expect this level of perfection from a friend or loved one? If the answer is no, then you should be kinder to yourself about failing to live up to what might be unrealistic expectations!
24. A piece of media you wish people knew more about?
Ah this is so hard!! I think I have to go with my favorite musical of all time: Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812. It's based on a small snippet of War and Peace , and I truly think it's the best musical of all time. The set, the costumes, the casting, the music, it was all just...so totally perfect. I relisten to it every few months, and it always leaves me with a strange melancholy, but I think that's important to feel every once in a while. The finale is one of the most beautiful endings to a story I've ever heard, and the entire trip to get there is amazing as well. I could go on for hours about it, honestly.
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awesomefroggy · 5 months
4 & 9 for the soft asks 😊
4. what flower would you like to be given? Yes lol I just really like flowers in general. I don't think there's any kind that someone might give me that I wouldn't be absolutely delighted to get
9. what calms you down? Lots of things, just depends on what needs calming. Music, my friends, my partners. Painting. Going outside. Taking care of my plants. Stimming.
soft asks
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anixknowsnothin · 2 months
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kikker-oma · 11 months
hello i know i am a total stranger to you but you popped up on my dash and i have a lil question! did you choose the nickname "Oma" knowing that it means Grandma in German? like if you did thats fine it just gave me a lil confoozled smile when i saw someone call you what i call my grandma on my dash :)
I've been waiting for this question hahahaha
This was totally intentional!!
So, when I was choosing my username, I asked a friend to pick some words she thought described me. Two of them were frog and grandma(this was an inside joke lol)
My dad and his family immigrated to the US from the Netherlands so I thought I would combine the words and translate them to Dutch to be Frog-Grandma!
I know Dutch and German share a lot of words even though i unfortunately don't speak a lick of Dutch. I did take German in high-school tho haha
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atatfortatzelwurm · 10 months
A huge part of the reason Big the cat is so torn apart by people who arent Sonic fans and who ARE Sonic fans is because Big is, intentionally or not, extremely autistic-coded. And because he's fat. I'm not kidding
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
For the flapper dress, hear me out; your mob boss Price au but it’s prohibition era America in the 1920s instead of the modern day 👀
you have my full attention!!!!!!!!
tbh i was thinking about making designer dress a 20s era fic when i first started planning it, but ended up going with modern so canary could have a cellphone LOL
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smokbeast · 9 months
hi can i kiss.. lewis... and give him flowers...... and hold his hand........... smile
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You can :)
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