#from ffnet
doodle-mage-n-stuff · 23 days
Fine, fanfiction.net... I return to my roots
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months
Sometimes I wish ao3 would tell me who subscribes to your works mostly because sometimes there will be one subscription on a story and eventually I turn it into something longer than a oneshot and I wanna go “this one’s for you, MrsDoomguy743” in the author note.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 month
Instead of doing a Six Sentence Sunday today, I think I'll do a short tutorial on copying over fanfic from FFnet to Ao3.
So you've got some old fics on FFnet and you'd like to back them up to Ao3, given the instability of FFnet. And for whatever reason you don't have the original files for the fics, or maybe you have edits to the FFnet versions that you don't want to lose that the OG files don't have. Whatever the reason, you're looking to directly copy over your fic from FFnet to Ao3. And you're looking for a relatively easy way to do so, but Ao3's import functionality doesn't work with FFnet web pages.
Never fear! It's actually a fairly easy process to get your fic copied over from FFnet.
First, head over to FFnet and open up the fic you want to port over to Ao3. You don't need to log in if you don't want to, just so long as the fic in question is yours and you can access the page, then you're good.
In a separate tab, open Ao3 and login, then choose the option for posting a new work.
Now back on the FFnet tab, you should be able to directly copy over the title, summary, fandom, and what little tagging was available on that site onto the relevant Ao3 fields in the tab you have for a new fic. You'll also want to take note of the published date on FFnet and back date the new work in the Ao3 tab.
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FFnet may not have a lot of useful tag data, but it's pretty easy to replicate and build off that in Ao3.
Now for the hard part. Which is still pretty easy. Getting the fic body, plus any notes in the fic itself, copied over to FFnet.
While getting around FFnet's lockdown on the text of the fics they host is fairly simple - I'm pretty sure it's entirely css based - you don't really need to do that in order to get the body of your fic copied. And, honestly, even if you do have a work around in place to allow copying of the fic's text... you will probably find the following method a lot easier still.
In the body of the fic, right click the first line of the fic, which should bring up a menu with a bunch of options. On Firefox or Chrome you want the inspect option.
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This'll bring up the dev tools with the html inspection tab open and, if you give it a few seconds to load, the specific line you right clicked to inspect should become the visibly selected section of the html.
The selected section of the html should be a paragraph (or <p>) element. You're going to want to right click the div (<div>) element that encapsulates that paragraph and the rest of the paragraphs in the fic body. This'll bring up another browser menu with the option to copy, which will bring up a flyout menu when you select it. From that flyout menu, you want the select the option for Inner HTML.
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You have officially copied the html for the fic body. And you can dump that entirely in html format straight into Ao3's html work text editor. Then switch it to rich text for easier editing if you want to fix any spelling, grammar, formatting, or aesthetic issues. I typically try to fix at least the line breaks since it took a long while before FFnet adopted real line breaks and so there are a lot of fics where I have various combinations of dashes, em-dashes, equals signs, and other characters as line breaks. I figure, if I'm bringing the fic to Ao3 then I can try to make it more screen reader friendly in the process.
You can also move fic notes around in order to move pre/post fic notes out of the fic body or basically whatever you want to the fic. Maybe re-read it to determine any additional tagging you want to add now that your fic has access to Ao3's much more robust tagging system.
But that's it. You can hit post and have your fic with all it's original notes, and a back dated post date to reflect when it was actually written, all available on Ao3 now.
It's a pretty quick process, all told, and the only real bottleneck you might encounter is any time spent in re-editing the fic between migrating and posting. Even chaptered fics are fairly easy to migrate with this process, since the bulk of the work in publishing a new chapter is just copying the inner html and then moving any notes to the appropriate location before hitting post.
Anyway, for my fellow fic writers looking to move your old FFnet fics to a more stable archive, I hope this process helps a lot.
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purplethespian · 7 months
I need help finding a Psych fanfic.
I think it’s possible I might be confusing two fics or have combined them in my memory, but here is what I remember:
It’s a Shassie fic with a bit of a slow burn. Lotta Shawn whump. Shawn gets kidnapped, possibly presumed dead?? Not 100% sure about that part. But he goes missing for a long time. Juliet and Lassie try to hook up due to grief but I remember them then realizing like “oh if we were gonna do this it should’ve been a long time ago because there’s no chemistry anymore.” And then Juliet and Gus later get together, also kind of to cope, but the relationship does make sense and work out for them.
Eventually Shawn is found and goes to a hospital but he’s still in danger so he ends up having to stay at Lassie’s place for a while so he can be protected. And he (Shawn) has a juicer that is shaped like a monkey. And at one point Lassie witnesses Shawn having a nightmare and Shawn is crying out like “no, come back! Lassie!” or something, and Lassie realizes that he’s having a nightmare about that time he was held hostage by those two mechanics.
The fic was on fanfiction.net and I think I would have read it somewhere between 2012 and 2014.
If anyone knows the fic I’m talking about, (and where I can find it because I don’t think it’s on ffn anymore) please let me know!
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ghostly-cabbage · 8 months
I have officially edited and updated my DP fic recommendation document
I've so far only used it for friends but now I'm wondering if any of you guys would be interested...
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i always wonder about those people on ao3 with no bookmarks, no series, no gifts, and one or two BANGER works. who are you
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owlf45 · 9 months
when it comes to the unfinished fics that haven't been updated in 3 years and had an authors note that said the next chapter was ready and would be out in a week and the author has no other social media that i can find (not naming names but i have like 3 fav fics like this), yes, I'd take the mediocre continuation half bc i wanna know the author is safe and half bc i have reread the entirety of the fic several times and i need to see where it goes as long as it makes sense.
oh i get that. it's always scary when there's no way to check in with the author too.
since my DC binge, i went back to ff.net just to scope around and see if i could find my old favs. luckily i managed to find some of them crossposted to AO3 and follow the authors' new works there, but it was hard going back in time and seeing so many authors i adored who were just... gone. one of my favorite authors, someone who honestly contributed a lot to my writing style regarding mystery and slow-burn thriller, had passed away.
obviously we never met and im not even sure i left comments on their stuff (i was pretty shy about it) but i raved about their stuff for weeks. i still remember it being the highlights of my month years ago. parasocial relationships yes yes yes, but seriously. the joy i get from getting emails after years, or seeing someone move their account and getting to see them interact again... it's not unnoticed!
(also yes, rereading the whole fic after an update is soooooo mecore i love it when i do that and then get re-obsessed all over again. its amazing.)
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zo1nkss · 1 year
referencing my last tags but actually I'm gonna say it, if you weren't around when people got regularly called slurs and sent death threats for having gay ships you literally do not get to judge what the worst fandom ever is, thanks :)
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zentriii · 27 days
locked in on a 240k fic i fear i will never read anything better
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glitterygolem · 7 months
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kinomiakai · 11 months
More smut for day 20 of snsmonth23! I used both prompts again today - hope you like it!
tied up and fallen loose: So. Huh. It looks like Sasuke's into that. Okay. Okay. Naruto can make that work. Written for snsmonth23 day 20 - prompts: adult sasunaru and bondage.
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verityblack · 11 months
Seeking Merlin fic recs of cannon divergence after s2 ep8 Sins of the Father, with Arthur not going back to hating magic again after learning the circumstances behind his birth and then he and merlin team up.
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loumauve · 2 months
printed-out private fanfic collections my beloved
#that's it. that's the post#do I sometimes feel guilty for having a bunch of fic printed out? yeah. idk if it's morally grey or wrong or ok these days#it started out as necessity because I didn't have a computer of my own and reading queer fic wasn't sth you could be too open about#(though I guess using up my dad's scrap paper piles that had math equations on one side may not have been the most inconspicuous)#anyway. sometimes I'll remember a story and I know I will be able to find it because my idiot teen self printed it out and filed it away#and sometimes it turns out you can't find that fic on ao3 because it's ffnet only. and worse sometimes it no longer exists online at all#and that makes me sad. but knowing someone deleted it and I still have a bootleg copy makes me feel guilty#so I guess I'm just stuck in this dual state#I think it beats the lingering sadness of wanting to reread a very specific story that's ingrained in your very being..#..and finding there is not a trace of it anywhere online#like. I KNOW that I read a Myka/Claudia story that had them holed up in a cabin somewhere hiding from some terrifying dude of sorts#(not that I remember the details) I just remember there being a lake and it being the story that got me into WH13#which.. was a fucking blessing. and I searched all of the place for that story years later#went through most of the Myka/Claudia fic and yet never found it again. and nobody I asked remembered it either#so maybe I dreamed it up? but I kinda doubt it. ANYWAY sometimes a fic filed away in an old folder is what saves your sanity
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martyrbat · 8 months
omg found the authentic 2013 house md deviantart yaoi in my search for the 2013 cannibalempaths yaoi....
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grissomesque · 1 year
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G/S UST, PwF vignette. Please R&R!
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sadaveniren · 1 year
How old are you?
As someone who began using the Internet in the early 2000s I learned very quickly/was taught never to share my age, name, or location on the internet and even in this day of social media I still maintain that privacy by not publicly posting my exact age, birthday, legal name, or location✌🏻
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