#from helvete with love
thatsthewrongwallcraig · 10 months
From Helvete With Love II
Summary: It's the morning after and Kappa does not intend on stopping to make you feel valued and worshipped like you should!
Pairing: Euronymous x fem!Reader x Kappa
Word Content: ~1.7k
Content Warnings: Flirty Filth 18+!, Fingering, Emotional And Physical Cheating, Period Blood, Cum Eating, Kappa Having A Supportive But Very Dirty Mouth, Clear Implications Towards Domestic Violence, Euro Being An Overall Terrible BF, Kappa Home-Wrecking His Way Into Readers Heart <3
Find Part I here!
A/N: FHWL Kappa was made for Janis Joplin lyrics, istg 😩🤧
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess
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Honey, ain't nobody ever gonna love you
The way I try to do
Who'll take all your pain
And your heartache too?
And if you need me you know that I'll always be around
If you ever want me
- Cry Baby By Janis Joplin
You didn't know what eventually led you to slowly open up your quite weary eyes, if it was the muffled sound of heavy teardrops thudding against the window or the uncomfortably heavy feeling that was spreading all throughout your body.
The sound of rain…it comforted you for a moment before fresh memories of last night flooded your already shaken mind.
A heavy pang of guilt shot right through your stomach as your eyes regained their focus and you looked right at what or much rather who you did the night before.
"G'morning, sunshine." Kappa whispered to you in a raspy, sleepy tone, a lopsided smile on his plush lips as he turned his form towards you.
"Hey…" It left your dry mouth in a timid mumble whilst your eyes immediately searched for his, curiously studying the clearly smudged residues of what once was a thin streak of black eyeliner adorning his lower lashline.
The smear of dark around his drowsy eyes looked even better this way, giving a slightly raunchy, mysterious even hue to his appearance.
"Are you okay, sugar? Was a bit worried about you last night…" He hummed back at you, subtly scooting closer to you before gently tugging an astray strand of hair from your face.
His gaze roamed over the features of your face, his eyes sparkling and gentle, unlike Øystein's cold stare that bore right through you on so many occasions.
"Yeah….I guess. 'M a bit really anxious about what went down…how did it even happen?" You squirmed a little underneath the blanket realizing that Euronymous was right behind you, his back against yours whilst still snoring away in deep slumber.
"No need to feel anxious about anything, sunshine, really. You did nothing wrong and I assume that it was nothing but the combination of vodka and weed that had us acting out. It's okay, I promise.", Kappa smiled at you, a loose strand of his curly, black hair falling into his face as he let out a low chuckle, "No, you were really great last night and I meant what I said."
"Huh?" You curved your brows at him, trying to piece together wayward fragments of last night's memories in your mind.
"When I said that Øystein lucked out with you because you're smart and funny and very very pretty. I meant it." Kappa answered in a low voice, leaning his head in towards yours and you felt the heat creeping up into your cheeks.
You couldn't really fathom how you barely knew him, blew him in a substance-induced frenzy and now looked at him in a way like he had been next to you for forever already. The calm expression on his face eased the anxious throbbing in your stomach bit by bit and, perhaps, for a little too long you just stared at his smiling lips. They reminded you about how his thumb had caressed your bottom lip, smearing droplets of his cum onto it for you to lap it up and that you had done, eagerly. Such a weirdly intimate moment…tasting him like that but never even so much as kissed his lips or smelled his skin. Maybe you just should, maybe just lean in a little more and press your lips to his, stealing a sneaky little kiss from him while you could.
"Now what got you all glossy-eyed, sugar?" Kappa snickered, subconsciously grazing his teeth over his bottom lip and coating it in a shiny layer of his saliva.
"Shut up, hippe." You reciprocated.
Giving in to the internal pull towards him, you leaned in and placed a shy kiss onto his lips, desperately trying to savor as much of him as you possibly could, wanting to imprint every little tidbit about him into your brain.
The kiss was awkwardly silent as both of you tried to muffle every telltale noise of mouths kissing and lips lapping at each other. However, the burning need for it was mutual. If he wouldn't have been stuck in a creaky loft bed with his brother in his dusty record store, Kappa would've practically swept you away, showering you in hugs and kisses the way he thought you deserved, to be praised and loved and your shine to be appreciated like it should but instead Øystein's darkness swallowed it whole.
Kappa detested every second of his brother's presence draining you of your light and your love he wasn't deserving of, not one last bit of it, and if he could make it any more bearable by kissing you in secrecy then he would.
As his taste seeped into your mouth and all over your tongue, you felt a hot jolt of desire shooting straight down between your legs, a treacherous wave of slick pooling between your thighs.
"Fuck, we shouldn't…" You hissed into his lips under your breath, stricken with a toxic concoction of guilt and bubbling arousal.
"I don't care…wanna feel you, please." Kappa whispered in a breathless plea.
At that you wanted to whine and groan into his skin but you couldn't risk the volume of it so you forced yourself to choke it all far back down your throat.
"Then touch me…" You allowed him to, blocking out the lump of guilt sitting right in your chest and instead giving in to your boyfriend's brother.
"'M gonna make you feel good like you deserve to, sunshine." Kappa mumbled into the loose, always on-edge kiss, ready to break away from you at any second if necessary as one of his broad hands reached out to sneak his slender fingers right amidst your thighs.
It took everything out of you not to moan or rut your hips against his hand as you felt his index and middle finger flicking softly over your already soaked and pulsing clit.
"That good right there, sugar?" He asked in a sore, needy tone and you simply nodded in return.
"Good. Just focus on me, yeah? 'M gonna make sure that you don't have to worry about a thing. I gotchu." Both of his fingers toyed with your clit in gentle, carefully drawn strokes, nudging it where it made you feel like burning up from the inside.
Though, there was something else happening inside your body, a faint, dull pang of slowly spreading pain in your lower abdomen alarming you.
"Hold on.." You asked of Kappa and he instantly withdrew his hand from you.
"Did I hurt you?" His eyes were wide in worry.
"No, don't worry…I just…" You broke from the loose connection of your lips and looked down onto his hand, fingertips covered in a pinkish mixture of your arousal and fresh blood.
"Oh…" Kappa smiled softly.
"Oh? You're not disgusted?" You cooked your eyebrows at him.
"Why should I?" He looked back at you equally confused.
"Well, Øystein thinks it's disgusting, so…" You shrugged your shoulders a little.
"Fucking weakling…" Kappa rolled his eyes before his fingers weaseled right back to your throbbing cunt.
"Y'know what helps with period cramps, sugar? An orgasm." You felt your cheeks flushing with read at his words and you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, holding back every wanton moan and sigh inside your lungs.
You couldn't really grasp what he did to your body but you clearly enjoyed every second of it. Your eyes fluttered shut in pleasure that ran through your body like a wildfire.
"Be a good girl for me and stay quiet, yeah…" Kappa cooed in a saccharine-sweet voice, the words oozing out of his mouth like thick honey.
You nodded briefly, covering your trembling lips with your own hand as you felt the coil inside snapping heavily. You came with an earth shattering force rippling through every nerve ending but you couldn't yield. Your orgasm crushed through you and you practically gushed on Kappa’s fingers but you remained silent and completely rigid, only the contractions of your cunt indicating that he satisfied you.
"Good god, sugar…" Kappa whispered in adoration as he raised his thoroughly covered fingers to his lips and sucked them clean in one go, "See? Not disgusting at all…taste to good."
You opened your eyes to watch him sucking at his fingers, lapping everything off while staring right into your bewildered gaze. It wasn’t intimidating to you, no, it was insanely hot.
"Mmmm… my head hurts…." You froze as Øystein's raspy voice groaned from behind with him turning around to unceremoniously throw his arm over your waist and his face pressing in between your shoulders.
He seemed to doze off again right away but for a good minute Kappa and you just halted in shock. Kappa's wide open eyes gazed down to his brother's hand that was loosely laying on your thigh and he furrowed his brows in worry.
"What's that?" He whispered almost inaudibly.
You followed his eyes and felt your stomach turning as you saw that he was looking at a pale circle of scar tissue, hardly as big as the nail on your pinky.
With the hand that had covered your mouth, you imitated the movement of smoking on a cigarette.
"Did he?" Kappa's eyes flooded with worry.
"He lashes out….sometimes…" You confessed to him reluctantly.
"I'll fucking murder him.." His jaws clenched, teeth grinding together while he tried to keep himself from just reaching over you to simply strangle his brother in his sleep.
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insxghtt · 10 months
do you hate me? — euronymous x mean girl!reader
Maybe Euronymous liked you more than he should.
warnings: beating nazis i guess (you'll understand). mostly fluff as always.
this is a fanfic for RORY CULKIN ONLY. i don't even know the real story of mayhem really, i just watched the movie and to be honest i didn't even like it so....... idk sorry, i am in my rory culkin era and i will make it everyone's problem.
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The first time Euronymous saw you, you were not in a good mood.
Well, it was difficult to ever see you in a good mood. You came from a not so loving family, so you learned how to defend yourself from a very young age. It’s not like you chose it, you just learned that there were two types of people in the world: the ones who fight, and the ones who get hurt. It was about survival, so you did what you had to do, you built your walls and they were fucking strong.
Some people would be surprised. Euronymous was. You didn’t look very threatening, that was a fact. You liked pink, you loved makeup, you had a sweet smile. It's why he felt so confused when he first saw you walking inside his record store.
Your hair was tied in a bun, your earrings were golden, the pink shirt you were wearing ended just above your stomach, showing off your belly piercing. Your boot-cut jeans and high heels completed your look. You were definitely not fitting in. All the other people in the store were either wearing all black clothes or something dark with a weird band logo in it.
A couple boys tried to scare you as soon as you stepped in, yelling “Hail Satan!” right at your face.
Euronymous smirked, wondering how long it would take for you to realize that you walked in the wrong store.
But you weren't scared. In fact, you stared at the two boys in complete silence. For a moment, they laughed, but soon their smiles began to fade out. Something about your look, your presence and even the way you chewed your gum was fucking scary.
“The fuck you lookin’ at?”, you asked angrily and the two boys just looked away, too afraid to say anything else. “Fuckin’ assholes”, you whispered to yourself as you walked to the balcony, where Euronymous was still staring at you, but this time with surprise.
You stopped right in front of him. The look on your face was serious, and he felt the urge to say something that would make your face twist in disgust. After all, it was his favorite thing to do.
“You sure you’re in the right place, cupcake?”, he jokes.
You just ignored his question.
“Listen, I need a dark fucking mindblowing death metal album or some shit like that, what do you have?”
“This is fucking Helvete. Everything here is metal”, he laughed and leaned on the balcony.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Okay, mister… whatever the fuck your name is…”
“Euronymous”, he added. “My name is Euronymous.”
You felt his friends around looking at you.
“Of course it is…”, you continued, feeling impatient to leave that place. “Look, I have a brother who’s into this…”, you gestured with your hands to the records around. “...type of shit and tomorrow is his birthday. I don’t know if your brain is rational enough to notice, but this is really not my thing, so I’m gonna need some help, okay?”, you gave him a sarcastic smile.
Euronymous liked it. The attitude, the way you were not threatened by anyone there at all. Shit, he even liked the lip gloss in your lips and he was far away from being a lip gloss admirer.
And he had no idea why he liked it.
“Alright”, he nodded, not taking his eyes away from you for even a second. “So, is he really into it or is he a poser?”
You had no idea what he was talking about. “You’re asking me if he’s a satanic freak who wants to burn down churches and eat priests for breakfast?”
“Wow, she’s fast”, he said with a smile and his friends laughed.
“Yes, he is.”
“Alright”, he said, disappearing behind the balcony to grab something.
He knew exactly what you needed. That is, if your friend was not a poser, of course. He grabbed his own band’s record and showed it to you.
You stared at the record and looked back at him. “Okay…”
“It’s my band.”
“This is weird”, you whispered to yourself and the guy in front of you gave you a smirk. “Whatever, how much for it?”
“If you give me your number, it’s for free.”
“That’s not happening, but I appreciate your trying.”
You paid for it as you watched one of his weird friends putting the record in a plastic bag. Euronymous made sure to take it from his friend's hand to give it to you himself and when you grabbed the bag, you felt his fingers touching your hand.
"Freak", you whispered to yourself and he laughed as you turned away to leave.
Euronymous wouldn't say it out loud but he even found himself thinking of you after that.
The second time he saw you, you were beating the shit out of a boy outside of a bar. The boy was on the ground already wrapped up in a ball.
"Fuckin' nazi!", you yelled as you kicked the guy on the stomach one last time. 
Later, he found out that you were very good at beating the shit out of nazis.
As soon as you noticed Euronymous watching you sent him a deadly look. Euronymous would even be scared if he wasn't… well, himself. That was one thing you had in common, you two were not easily threatened.
"What do you want?", you asked.
"Nothing", he shrugged and grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, putting it between his lips.
He turned away for a second but soon he turned back to you, removing the cigarette from his lips and putting it back in his pocket. You stared at him curious to what he had to say and he thought to himself if he should really say it.
But you only live once, right?
"Can I buy you a drink?"
Euronymous felt nervous as he watched you thinking about it.
But it was only a drink, right?
So to his relief, you also shrugged and nodded.
You two walked in the bar and he did buy you not one, but two, three, four drinks. You found yourself laughing at one of his jokes at some point and you wondered if it was the alcohol or if you were actually enjoying his presence.
"So, why did you move here?", he asked with a smile. "I mean, it's not like this is a dream city."
"Well, I like it here", you said. "And also the rent is cheap."
He laughed, but didn't say anything. Then you realized he wasn't satisfied with your answer. He wanted to know why.
"I ran away", you answered honestly.
"What did you run away from?"
Maybe if it was anyone else, this would be the perfect moment for you to push them away like you always did. But it wasn't anyone, it was him. And you enjoyed talking to him.
"My family. I ran away from my family."
Euronymous nodded, knowing that there was a line that he couldn't cross yet. Of course, he could ask more. He wanted to, but more than that, he wanted you to do that by yourself.
"I get it", he said.
"Of course you do."
Euronymous looked at you, so you explained. "Look at you, all angry at the world."
"My family is pretty nice, actually."
This time you were the one feeling surprised.
"Really? So you're a family guy?", you asked. "Then why do you act like you hate everyone?"
He thought about it for a second.
"I can still hate everyone except for my family", he gave you a smirk.
You smiled. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact that he had those big beautiful blue eyes, but you were mesmerized by how pretty he was.
"Do you hate me?", you whispered as you got closer to his face.
Euronymous stared at your lips. You were so different from him and he, for some reason, was loving it.
"No…", he whispered back.
He didn’t kiss you that night. You turned away before he could do that, distracted by a song playing in the background. You stood up from your chair and offered him your hand, asking him to dance with you. Euronymous hated that song and if it was anyone else asking him to dance, he would immediately decline and leave. But it wasn't anyone, it was you.
So he danced with you. The first minutes he had a frown on his face, but it faded away as soon as he saw you almost tripping on your own feet. He tried to hide his laugh as he held your waist, but you knew he was enjoying this more than he wanted to assume.
Soon, you two were dancing to songs that he swore to never dance to. Euronymous knew that if any of his friends saw him like that, they would probably lose all the respect they had towards him. But then again, he asked himself if he even cared.
And the truth was that he didn’t. He didn't care about anything else other than you at that moment.
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cloudiest-dayze · 7 months
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Rory taglist: @tempt-ress
Do not repost or translate without my permission and credit.
Opposites Attract
Dark!Euronymous x Bimbo!F!Reader
WARNINGS: MDNI, euronymous is so ooc and icky, manipulation, non con because of coercion, cheating (on readers end), pnv, oral (male receiving), degradation, manhandling, rough sex, one use of the word 'daddy' i think that's it but tell me if I missed anything.
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As you walk into Helvete, everyone around double takes so hard you're surprised their necks didn't break. Mini skirt your wearing lifting with every step, nipple piercings showing through your tight white shirt. You stop at the register ignoring the wolf whistles from the patrons. Euronymous smirks slyly looking you up and down. "You sure you're in the right place?" His voice condescending.
"This place has all the metal stuff right?" Your voice is sweet as honey on euronymous' ears. "Yea that's us, whatcha you looking for?" He asks seeing an opportunity arise. "I don't know, it's for my boyfriend's birthday." He smiles at you, something not so innocent behind his eyes. "If you want the good stuff follow me." He says as he walks towards the basement entrance. You follow him excited to get something that will make your boyfriend really happy.
As you enter the basement you see Euronymous taking a seat on the leather couch down there. "Come here" he pats the seat next to him. As you sit down your skirt lifts up slightly showing your white lacy panties. "Where are the records you have?" You ask looking around. He puts his hand on your thigh moving it up. "I'll show you after you do something for me pretty girl." He moves his head to your neck kissing it gently. "N-No this... This is wrong I have a boyfriend" You say shakily as you feel him giving you a hickey. "You love your boyfriend and would do anything for him right?" He asks in a soft tone.
You nod in response. "Okay get on your knees then." He says spreading his legs and leaning back. You get down onto the dirty floor knees already hurting from the concrete. You reach your hands up to unbuckle his belt, and pull them and his boxers down to his ankles. As you look at his large cock you gulp out of nervousness. "Well? It ain't gonna suck itself." He snarls impatiently. You take a deep breath and then put it in your mouth, gagging almost immediately from Euronymous proceeding to throatfuck you.
The sounds of your gags and Euronymous' moans fill the empty basement. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, you abruptly get pulled away trying to catch your breath. "Stick your tongue out whore." He says out of breath. You do as you told and he slaps his cock on your tongue before roughly pushing your head back down. You don't know how long you were gagging on his cock before you felt him cum deep down your throat. You pull away trying to catch your breath, mascara running down your face.
"Take off your panties and leave on the skirt." He demands. "W-what?" You ask breathless. "Are you deaf, stand up and take off your panties slut!" He growls. You whimper and stand up and do as he told you to. "Fuck yea, come here sit on Daddy's lap" He groans cock already rock hard again. You gulp and sit down on his cock whimpering at the stretch. "Awh baby does that hurt? You want time to adjust?" He asks in a fake caring tone. You nod, he smirks mischievously and grips your hips and pounds up into your pussy. You scream out, not knowing if you hate or love the sensation and collapse onto his chest. He chuckles in your ear darkly "You like that huh, you like my cock in your tight little pussy?" You moan in reply, nodding your head rapidly.
He pushes you onto your back and puts your legs over his shoulders. You moan loudly, eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sensation. "FUCK OH MY GOD PLEASE!" You scream out. He chuckles and fucks harder rubbing your clit quickly making you cum harder than you ever had in your life. He groans at the feeling of you squeezing his cock making him cum deep inside of you. You whimper at the feeling of him pulling out. "When you get yourself together I'll give the album you want or whatever." He says pulling up his pants and buckling his belt. You turn your head to where he is standing. You nod weakly at him "oh and here's my number we can arrange a way for you to get the newest albums." He winks as he writes down his number with a sharpie in your wrist. He leaves you on the couch quivering in the basement, looking forward to the next time you need an album.
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(AN: I plan on writing everyday so sorry for the late post I couldn't think of anything. Tell me how you feel about this one I'm not that confident in this. If you want to be a part of any tag list tell me <3)
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mayhem-things · 1 year
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Y/N starts to work for Euro in Helvete but when the heat between them grows they almost get caught by a customer
tw: slight mentioning of nsfw content
(1329 words)
thanks for 40 followers! It means a lot to me
In the small town of Oslo, Norway, nestled amidst the cobblestone streets and historic buildings, there was a record shop called "Helvete" Owned by the enigmatic Øystein Aaserth, it was a haven for music enthusiasts seeking solace in the world of vinyl. Øystein had always been passionate about music, and his knowledge was unmatched in the region. He took great pride in his carefully curated collection and longed to share it with someone who could truly appreciate it.
One sunny morning, Y/N, a young and vibrant individual with an immense love for the depths of Norwegian black metal music, found herself wandering the streets of Oslo. Y/N had recently moved to the city, seeking new adventures and a fresh start. Upon noticing the sign which strongly reminded her of the Venom logo belonging to Helvete, she couldn't resist stepping inside. The door chimed as Y/N entered the record shop, greeted by the warm and inviting scent of aging vinyl. She marveled at the neatly arranged rows of records and couldn't help but feel an immediate connection to the place. Lost in the melodies that floated through the air, Y/N didn't notice Øystein's intense gaze as he observed her from behind the counter. He had a way of spotting genuine music lovers, and Y/N's energy resonated deeply with him, differencing her from the other posers who would step into the store from time to time. As Y/N made her way through the aisles, meticulously sorting vinyls and occasionally humming along to a tune, Euro couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. The way her eyes sparkled with excitement, the way her slim fingers danced delicately across the records, it all fascinated him. With a smile on her face she purchased multiple vinyls of Venom, Bathory and Dissection.
She left the store yet the thought of her beauty stayed. To Euro's surprise she came back, purchasing more vinyls.
Days after days she returned, and Y/N became a regular fixture at Helvete, much to Øystein's delight. They would engage in lively discussions about artists, albums, and the magic of music. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, a harmony of shared passions and budding connection.
One evening, as the sun cast a warm glow over the record shop, Euronymous couldn't contain his growing affection any longer. With a gentle smile, he approached Y/N, their eyes meeting in a moment of anticipation.
"You know,"
he began, his voice filled with vulnerability,
"I've been searching for an employee for this place. I've been searching for someone who understands the profound impact music can have on our lives. Would you like to work for me?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected offer, her gaze locked with Øystein's. Unable to contain her excitement, she eagerly accepted, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her.
As Y/N began her new role at Helvete, she found herself immersed in a world of musical enchantment. Together with Euronymous, they spent countless hours organizing the records, discussing rare finds, and delving into the depths of the underground music scene. The more they worked side by side, the more they discovered the profound connection they shared.In the quiet moments between customers and the sound of vinyl spinning, Euronymous and Y/N engaged in deep conversations about their shared love for music, their dreams, and the mysteries of life such as the depths of satanism and the true evil hungering inside them.
Their thoughts intertwined effortlessly, forming a tapestry of understanding and intimacy.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, their relationship deepened. They became each other's confidants, trusting one another with their secrets and vulnerabilities. In the hallowed space of Helvete, their bond evolved beyond that of colleagues; it became a friendship forged in the fire of their shared passion.Yet, amidst the rhythmic beats of their growing friendship, a subtle undercurrent of something more began to surface. A flicker of attraction danced between them, both aware of the unspoken desires that lingered in their shared glances and lingering touches.
The chemistry that had sparked from their initial encounter continued to simmer, yearning to be explored.
One evening, after the shop had closed its doors, Euronymous and Y/N found themselves alone, surrounded by the echoes of music. In the soft glow of the dim lights, Euronymous looked into Y/N's eyes, his voice barely above a whisper. "Y/N, there's something, well uhh, fuck it" He uttered as he couldnt find the right words to admit to his feelings. In the end the instinct overtook and consumed him. As a result he grabbed the back of her head , bringing her lips up to his. Y/N's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. The kiss hung in the air, pulsating with anticipation. With a mix of vulnerability and determination, she reached out, her hand finding Euronymous's, their fingers intertwining. while giving  in to his lips, leaning in to deepen the intimacy they just commited to.In that moment, the barriers between them dissolved, and they surrendered to the undeniable chemistry that had simmered beneath the surface. Their lips met in a passionate kiss once again, igniting a fire that burned brighter than any record on the shelves. The world around them faded away as they explored the depths of their desire, their souls intertwining like a harmonious melody.
In that moment, the boundaries of Helvete blurred, and the music that surrounded them served as the backdrop to their love story.
As Øystein and Y/N shared an intense and passionate kiss after another, their connection grew stronger with each passing moment. Lost in the heat of the moment, Y/N's back accidentally bumped into one of the shelves in the vinyl store. The records rattled and shifted, momentarily breaking the spell of their embrace. But the interruption did little to deter their desire. Ignoring the commotion they had caused, their lips found each other once again, fueled by an undeniable chemistry that electrified the air around them. Her arms found their way behind his neck, pulling him closer, feeling  his breath against her soft skin. The world outside ceased to exist as they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating dance of their intertwined souls. Euronymous couldn't help but slide down his cold slender hand down her torso, finding it's way under her shirt. Y/N froze as she felt his hand finding place at her left breast, drawing circles around her nipple. It gave Y/N goosebumps and shivers found their way down her spine. The action caused both of them to feel more aroused and their longing just fueled with lust even more with each passing moment.
However, just as their passion reached its peak, the sound of the door chime echoed through the shop, announcing the arrival of an unsuspecting customer. Startled, Øystein and Y/N quickly broke apart, their faces flushed with a mixture of desire and embarrassment.T 
he customer, a middle-aged man with a bemused expression, walked in and glanced around, oblivious to the momentary indiscretion. Øystein, the consummate professional, composed himself and greeted the customer, while Y/N attempted to regain their composure.
As the customer browsed the shelves, Øystein and Y/N exchanged nervous glances, their hearts still racing from the intensity of their kiss. They realized they needed to act quickly to avoid any suspicion. Y/N discreetly adjusted her clothing, smoothing out the creases and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. With a newfound resolve, she joined Euro at the counter, ensuring that their actions betrayed nothing of their intimate encounter. The customer, seemingly unaware of the charged atmosphere, made a few purchases and left the shop, leaving Øystein and Y/N alone once again. 
As the door closed behind the departing customer, a shared sense of relief washed over them. They exchanged a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgement of the powerful connection they had just experienced. It was a moment they would cherish, a memory woven into the fabric of their budding romance.
With a renewed sense of anticipation, Øystein and Y/N resumed their duties in the record shop, their fingers delicately handling the vinyls with a newfound tenderness. Their gaze lingered upon each other, a silent promise of more intimate moments to come, as they continued to explore the melodies of both music and love in the enchanting space of Helvete.
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444rockstargf · 10 months
Hi love, can I request Euronymous losing his virginity to the reader? Like he's pretending he's getting bitches but in reality... 👀
i can totally see him doing this.
"you could be a bad motherfucker, but that doesn't make you a man." | euronymous
high by the beach. - lana del rey
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p.s. this story has nothing to do with oystein aarseth. this is rory's portrayal of the character.
experienced!female!reader x virgin!euronymous
contents: unprotected sex, blowjob, creampie, public sex
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today was the day. euronymous always boasted about getting in the sheets with all different types of girls, but he never explained that they were never actually with him, but behind a screen and completely unaware of his existence.
he had found you when you came to Helvete one day, flipping through all of mayhem's records. you had immediately caught euronymous' eye with your mysterious beauty. so that's why he took it upon himself to invite you to his next show, promising to show you a good time.
so then the day came. you went to his concert, watching from the side. you could see euronymous searching for you in the crowd a few times. as soon as they wrapped up the show, euronymous didn't go backstage with his bandmates. he found you before taking you by the hand and leading you out of there.
euronymous dragged you into a back alley as soon as his show came to an end. you couldn't tell for sure, but he seemed a little anxious about what the two of you were planning to do right then.
you pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from the pocket of your leather jacket. euronymous couldn't take his eyes off of you as he watched you take a long drag. "so are we doing this or not?" he was a little jumpy, like the suspense was killing him.
you exhaled a ribbon of smoke. "yeah, we are. but you seem a little shaky. this how you are with all the girls you bring back here?" you raise an eyebrow. "im not shaky. but you will be once ive gotten started with you." there was a smug grin on his face. "you may never walk again after i've finished with you."
you wanted to laugh as you heard him say that overused line, but you bit back your chuckle. "if you say so." you took another long drag of your cigarette. euronymous was just looking at you, expecting you to make the first move. but when he saw that you were waiting on him, he cleared his throat and spoke. "so, uh, how do we start?"
you blew out some smoke, starting to suspect that he didn't really know what he was doing. but this meant that you could use him however you wanted. you handed him the cigarette, getting on your knees. "how about i start like this?" euronymous' breath got caught in his throat. he was about to get his first blowjob.
he nodded, watching you as you undid the button and zipper of his black pants. his cock was already straining against his boxers, begging to finally be able to feel someone else's touch. you pulled it out, running your thumb over the red tip. euronymous hissed at the feeling of your soft, warm fingers touching the most sensitive part of his body.
you gave his cock a few lazy, experienced strokes, but he could already feel himself losing control of his body. he stuck the cigarette in his mouth to stop him from whimpering uncontrollably.
you licked the underside of his dick before going for it and sticking the first few inches of it into your mouth. a small moan escaped from the back of his throat. he had jerked off plenty of times before, but this was completely different and so much better.
you started bobbing your head up and down slowly, taking his full cock down your throat. you'd had a lot of practice over the years. you massaged his ball with one hand as your mouth worked on the shaft.
euronymous could feel his legs shaking and his heart beating rapidly. he looked down at you, but seeing your eyes looking up at him as you were sucking his cock was almost enough to make him cum right there. but he did a fairly good job at making himself seem high and mighty. "you're not too bad for an amateur..." you hummed a little in response, sending a wave of vibration down his body.
he didn't know what to do with his hands, so he just kept them awkwardly by his sides the entire time, occasionally taking a drag of the cigarette. and he was trying his best to not moan too much, afraid that it would make it seem as if he had never done this before. his breath was coming out in quick, short gasps.
he was about 2 seconds away from coming, and that made every thought in his brain go completely fuzzy. you knew he wasn't going to last much longer due to how his cock was twitching in your mouth. a few moans started slipping out of his mouth, no matter how much he tried to silence them.
"f-fuck... i-i... i think im gonna cum..!" as soon as you heard him say this, you pulled your mouth off of his cock, his tip dripping with saliva and precum. he glared at you. "what the fuck was that for?" you got up from the ground, dusting yourself off.
you looked at him with a mischievous little expression. "you didn't seriously think that i'd let you cum just from a blowjob, did you?" you laugh softly. euronymous' face flushed red. he didn't think that you'd actually want him to fuck you. the situation just got even more intense for him.
"so, show me what you can do." you smiled at him. his mind was rushing with thoughts. he was cursing himself for not doing some research on this beforehand. but he still wasn't willing to let you know how inexperienced he really was.
he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you into an incredibly heated kiss. your hand moved back down to his cock, pumping it as his hands roamed all over your body. he moaned softly into the kiss. he unbuttoned your skirt and tossed it to the side.
he picked you up, pushing you against the wall. your legs were wrapped around his waist. he shifted your panties to the side, running his finger over your soaking-wet entrance. his swollen red tip poked at your clit, making you even more needy.
he lined himself up with you before pushing his length inside of you. he couldn't help but whimper as he felt your tight, wet cunt squeezing around his touch-deprived cock. he wasted no time thrusting his hips up into you, groaning as precum leaked out of him.
your fingers were tangled in his hair. he was making you feel so full. you could feel his precum leaking out of you, and it only made you feel even hungrier for him. each time he hit that sensitive spot deep inside of you, you felt all the nerves in your body tingle, like you were being lit up.
the two of you started kissing passionately once again, the alley filling with the sound of your skin slapping together. euronymous was impressed at how long he had lasted, but he knew that he was about to snap.
you put one of your hands around his neck as you felt your body heating up. neither of you was even trying to keep the noise down. euronymous was getting louder and more vocal as he kept going. "m-mhh... s-so close.." his thrusts were getting sloppier as he struggled to keep himself together.
you squeezed your pussy around his cock. he tossed his head back, his orgasm immediately running through him. he started whimpering like an injured puppy as his cum poured into you. you felt it leaking out of you even before he pulled himself out of your abused cunt.
euronymous had to take a few moments to recover. he was still reeling over how good you had made him feel. you slipped your panties back into their place and picked up your skirt, putting it back on. "that wasn't too bad, don't you think?" you said as you pushed your hair back into place.
euronymous thought it was better than "not too bad", but he nodded nonchalantly. the realization finally sunk in that he could finally join in conversations about sex, finally having experienced it.
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author's note: thank you so much for the request!! im having so much fun writing all these.
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angelsanarchy · 5 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 27
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
TW: Fucking, P n V, Cockwarming
Oystein was hit the buzzer letting Y/n into the building and she held two large grocery bags in her arms.
"I got all the stuff on the list, some extra things and of course..." She held up a box of black hair dye.
"We've gotta take care of those roots. They're killing me." She started to unpack the rest of the groceries and Oystein padded around in the kitchen behind her.
"Ran into your friends. They were pleasant as always." Y/n noticed how spaced out he was.
"Just ignore them." He took the box dye into the bathroom and Y/n heard the shower turn on. She finished putting things away before shutting the lid to the toilet and pushing him towards it. He held onto her hips as she started putting the dye on his roots, hearing him sigh as she worked the dye into his scalp.
"I wish you would just talk to me. I know shit is fucked up right now but swallowing poison and waiting for someone else to die isn't productive. You're going to give yourself a hole in your stomach." Y/n set the timer and pulled the gloves from her hand to lift his chin.
"This shit is eating you alive, Oystein. I'm worried about you." Y/n frowned down at him.
"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." He was lying but he also knew he couldn't just spill his guts to her. He didn't want her involved in any of the shit he was caught up in or else she we be an accessory or worse, an even bigger target to the others.
"I don't want you involved in any of my shit, okay? It's bad enough you're on the radar and Varg hates me enough to go after you just to put me in my place." Y/n sat on the edge of the bathtub and listened to Oystein. She could tell he held onto a lot of anxiety when it came to Varg and his influence over the others. She put her hands on his own and he gives them a squeeze, bringing them to his mouth to almost breathe her in.
"I'm not scared of Varg or any of those other assholes. You would be surprised how well I handle myself." Y/n smiled and he opened his eyes to look at her.
"I know you can. I have no doubts about your abilities to protect yourself from most things but this is different. I just...nothing can touch you. You're my girl and I would do literally anything to protect you and keep you safe." Oystein's grip on her hands tightened and she gave him a sad smile.
"Hey, you're mine too you know? We're in this together now. As much as you're afraid of them doing something to me, how do you think I feel leaving you in the lions den every day? I know how much you love Helvete and Mayhem. I want you to be able to live your dreams and not have to worry about things that jeopardize them." Oystein sighed and leaned his forehead against hers.
"Do you have any idea how much I care about you?" He asked honestly and Y/n nudged his nose with her own.
"I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love you and it scares the shit out of me." Oystein confessed. Before Y/n could respond, the timer for his hair went off and startled them both. Oystein kissed her cheek before hoping in the shower to wash his hair and take a quick shower. Y/n paced in his room for a moment before stripping down to her bra and panties and sitting on the edge of his bed. When he came out, he had a towel around his waist and one drying his hair.
"It looks a lot better now-" Oystein paused taking the towel from his head seeing Y/n sitting in her underwear on his bed.
"W-what's this?" He asked quietly as Y/n pushed up on her knees and pulled him towards her with the front of the towel.
"I want you to know that I don't care about anything that's happened before now. I know you don't want to talk about it and I don't want to make you talk about it but I want you to know that I love you and I'm not going anywhere. You have me and I want every part of you, not just the good ones but the ones that you feel like you have to protect me from." Oystein cupped her face in his hands and smiled at her.
"You love me?" He asked unable to hide his smirk.
"I do...I love you very much and I want you to make love to me. I don't want to fuck, I want you to see your face, I want you to hear me say your name. I want you to cum inside of me." Oystein felt himself growing harder the more she spoke.
"Can you do that Oystein? Can you make love to me?" Y/n barely got to finish the question when Oystein pulled his towel from his hips and pushed her back onto his bed. He kissed her roughly, unable to stop himself from letting his tongue search for her own. She moaned into his mouth and he could feel her hands on his cock, stroking him to full hardness. He pulled her panties off and struggled with the bra long enough for her to tear it from her own body and toss it to the floor, pulling him back atop her.
He wanted to ask her if she was sure. They had done a lot of fooling around but they hadn't done this yet. Y/n bent her knees and let Oystein grip one of them so he could prepare himself.
"Come on baby, I'm ready." Y/n ran her hand down his chest and Oystein pushed into her, jaw dropping upon feeling how tight she was. She groaned at the fullness and wrapped her legs around his hips, locking them behind his back as he rocked into her.
"Oh fuck." Oystein shivered, letting his head fall, his now perfectly black hair dragging along her breasts.
"Oystein...oh god." Y/n dug her fingernails into his thighs. He let himself calm before he continued to move. He didn't want to blow his load 3 minutes in so he moved slowly, looking down at her and seeing how he was making her feel.
"Does that feel good baby? Do you feel full? Does my cock make you feel loved?" Oystein asked leaning down to lick her lips.
"Oystein, you feel perfect. I need you to fuck me. I need it so bad." Y/n whined.
"I thought you wanted me to make love to you?" He questioned as he continued his insanely slow movements. Y/n let her head fall back, exposing her throat for him to grab. He squeezed her neck just barely and she started trying to move her hips on his cock.
"Please baby. I need it." Y/n begged.
"I love when you beg. I love how you say my name." He squeezed her throat again, leaning down to suck on her nipples.
"Oystein please! I need you to fuck me hard. Please Oystein!" Y/n begged more and he nodded his head, grabbing her hips and flipping her over so he could grab onto the meat of her hips for leverage. Oystein started pistoning his hips against her ass, pulling moans and screams of pleasure from Y/n as she gripped the sheets under her hands.
"Don't stop! Fuck me fuck me fuck me." Y/n cried out burying her face into his pillows being utterly fucked out on her hands and knees. Oystein grunted and tried not to let his whimpers escape his lips but he couldn't help it. This was everything. She was everything. Feeling her from the inside made his stomach burn. His heart was beating so fast that he thought he might have a heart attack.
"You want me to cum inside of you?" Oystein breathed out and Y/n lifted her head to look over her shoulder at him. She nodded frantically and he turned her back onto her back so she could stare him in his eyes as she fucked into her.
"Come on baby, cum inside of me. I need it. I need you so bad Oystein." Hearing her whimper his name made him cum harder than he's ever cum before. He saw white lights flood his eyes and he moaned filling her with his cum. He let his body hover over hers for a moment, trembling as his cock started to go soft, still inside of her.
"Come here baby. I've got you." She let Oystein rest his body weight atop her as he remained inside of her, breathing heavily and feeling empty. She stroked her hand through his hair and down his sweaty back as she cooed his name.
"I love you so much. I love you more than anything." She kissed the top of his head and he held onto her, not wanting this moment to end.
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Hey there! I really like your Faust shorts. Usually I’m nervous about requesting stuff, but I wanted to ask. Do you think maybe you could do Bard and a younger fan reader who’s been helping out at helvete for a job? He calls her “little lady,” both because she’s younger and way shorter than him lol. Maybe some of her bullies come into the shop and start teasing her, but then scary tall lanky boy comes out with the scary dog energy and scars them off? And when he sees that she’s kinda upset still about what happens he offers to let her pick out the horror movie they’re gonna watch together. Just cute platonic stuff with a smug of a crush on readers side lol
My little Lady - Faust x fem!reader
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warning : alcohol, cuddling, use of a knife and gun
Info : Hi hi thanks for the request anon don't be nervous the only bad thing that could happen is a ,,No". So have fun reading this and hope you and others likes it ;)
Helvete was the place to go if you were looking for like-minded people, weirdos, crazy people, satanists or simply a distraction.
It was a store for freaks, for people who didn't want to belong in society and didn't do so. A store that was nevertheless a home for very specific people.
A home that became a place where all the freaks could meet to be just that. Freaks. It was the store where the little lady stayed, at least that's what Faust always called her.
The younger employee who initially only helped out at the weekend was now an employee and a member of the store. At first, the boys had almost laughed at her when she came in because of her size she almost seemed to still be at school.
Although this was not the case, it was an unusual view, but by the time she proved herself on the drums and especially in her knowledge of music, she had the respect of the group. Her knowledge went so far that she only had to hear one note to know which song and band it was.
A talent that the biggest of the group, Faust, found particularly amusing. When he wasn't asleep, at home or watching horror movies, he was always in the store and a friendship soon developed between the two of them.
What started with a ,,Here, let me help you" and him taking a box from her to put it on the highest shelf usually ended with an extended evening in the store where they both listened to their favorite music.
She gave him a new knife for his birthday and he gave her a pair of boots with heels. Heels that made her a little taller, but not quite enough to even come close to her.
But she loved these boots and wore them almost every day, even on the day the door to the store opened and a certain group came in. Great, she thought as she looked up from the box of new records.
It was the new print of the Venom album and many would be coming in tomorrow so she wanted to get everything ready. But when she saw exactly who was standing in the doorway, she had to stifle a frustrated cry.
,,Well, if it isn't the freak," she heard the leader of her "friends" say, and she hadn't been able to get rid of the three of them since she had left the church.
She had met the three of them at the church and when she started wearing a little more black, well, Satan always shows himself in the strangest places.
,,If you want to buy something, make it otherwise," she tried, trying to suppress the fear and discomfort in her voice. But as the three approached her, she slowly moved away, wanting to escape, wanting to stop being the victim.
,,Oh, we're buying... only the customer service isn't that good, is it, boys?" he asked and suddenly the other two began to take the records out of their packaging and smash them. Their pleas and screams to stop stopped as the oldest of the three approached them.
She pushed hard with her back against the corner and her fear showed when he slid his fingers to her earrings. ,,It would be a shame to lose it," he murmured and placed his fingers on the upturned cross earring. ,,Don't do that," she said, her voice brittle and full of fear that he would tear her earring off.
Tears formed in her eyes as she watched more records being destroyed, the pain in her ear intensifying. Before suddenly footsteps could be heard from the cellar.
They sounded heavy and the steps creaked under the older man. ,,If I were you, you go now!" he hissed and she saw the knife flash in his hand as he looked at the three of them from behind his hair. ,,And what if you don't?" one of the three asked and threw a record at the larger one.
But Faust caught it and threw it so precisely that the edge cut the little one. ,,I'm... bleeding," he said firmly and backed away slowly, while the other fled, cursing as Faust pointed the knife at him.
,,What, are you going to kill me?" the leader asked, letting go of the young woman and walking towards the taller one, who towered over him. But Faust just smirked before grabbing the smaller one by the collar and pulling him towards him.
The coldness of the knife lay against the younger man's throat. ,,Do you want to find out?" he asked and saw the fear slowly forming in his gaze as he tore himself away and ran out screaming.
Before the door closed and Faust instantly lost the creepy energy. But in all of this she felt the rapid beating of her heart, which she knew was not only due to her fear.
Perhaps she had developed a little crush on him in all this time. But above all, he had her gratitude. ,,Thank you... Faust," she said and threw her arms around him, hugging the taller one, who lifted her up with a smile and twirled around slightly.
,,Come on, little lady, pick a movie and I'll make some popcorn...no one should say you were afraid of them," he said with a grin and went into the professional kitchen before she settled into the beanbag and decided on Halloween.
Already feeling much more relaxed watching the beginning, she soon felt the bowl of popcorn in her lap. ,,I couldn't have made a better choice, little lady," he said, slapping her lightly on the arm before he took some popcorn and she leaned against him before they both enjoyed the movie together.
But inside they both knew that they would give their lives to the other. They would look out for each other...they always would.
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livingdeadgirlstuff · 10 months
Silk Ribbons, Euronymous│2
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Desc: Euronymous x Latina reader, continuation of Silk Ribbons.
Warnings: none
3:15 PM l AUGUST 25th
Euronymous was nervous. He's never nervous and his friends knew this, so seeing him pace behind the counter while biting his finger nails was...odd. 3 pm you were supposed to meet Euronymous at his store for a date, but 15 minutes have passed and still a no show worrying him that you stood him up. "Hey come on man she's probably just late" and Faust was right. The door of the record store swings open with Fabio and you're right behind him rushing him in, out of breath. "So so so sorry Fabio here lost his shoes and we couldn't find them but they were under his bed the entire time" Your rambling on while walking towards the counter but it was like Euronymous couldn't hear the words coming out of your mouth, too emerged seeing your hair down without the ribbons. Instead a ribbon was laced around your neck and tied in a bow.
"Compórtate bien, okay?" You tell Fabio he was nervous hanging out with Euronymous's group and you were too. It took hours of convincing you to let the guys babysit Fabio at the record store while you and Euronymous were out, but in the end you agreed. Fabio assures you with a nod and a pinky promise he would be on good behavior when you were gone. Now looking up from Fabio to Euronymous, he looks like he's in a trance still not over how lovely you looked with your hair down.
"Le haces daño y te mato" You say to Faust leaving him dumbfounded, and before he could even ask you were already leaving the store with Euronymous. "Uuh" Faust let's out before awkwardly looking at Fabio not knowing how to talk to the kid.
"So new hairdo?" Euronymous asks, bringing up the sudden change with your hair while walking you to his car. "Thought I should change it up for today. Why? You don't like it?" "No- no no, I-I like it. It's, different." At this point Euronymous is cursing at himself seeing how awkward he's being already, but hearing you giggle next to him relieved a part of him. "M'lady" He says before opening the passenger door open for you, even if he was awkward he was still very sweet towards you. "Thank you kind sir" you go along with him making him smile. Now in the driver seat of his car he's fumbling with his keys trying to find the right one, obviously he's nervous. Euronymous has never taken a girl out on a date, let alone got to muster up the courage to ask one out..until you came.
3:37 PM
Euronymous chose the movie theater for your guy's date...cause that's what all the guys in the movies he has watched have done. Any movies besides horror didn't interest him but he wanted you to have fun so he proposed you guy's watch a rom-com, but when you saw Child's Play 2 was in the theater you lit up. Asking Euronymous if you guys could watch it instead like a kid made him chuckle. "You sure you could handle it?" "Pfft you think I'm scared of a 3 foot doll I could just kick away?" God he's in love.
Meanwhile in Helvete...
Fabio was sitting under Euronymous's loft while also watching movies of his own, the TV filling the awkward silence between him and the guys. The front door opens disrupting the guy's focus on whatever they were doing, and in comes walking Varg. "Hey where's Euronymous?" He asked confused seeing his presence missing, Faust doesn't answer instead he nods towards Fabio and Varg understood perfectly. Watching Fabio and the TV he was watching, cartoons playing lowly. "Hey kid" Varg called out catching Fabios attention "Turn it up." was the only thing Varg said before putting his attention back to the cartoon.
5:01 PM
Walking out of the movie theater your giggling with Euronymous joking about the movie, you guys seemed to share a love for horror. "Now what would YOU do if your foster parents brought you the doll that killed your parents?" you asked curiously for his answer "Are you kidding me? I would burn it the second I see that thing." "You can't burn something that looks like it's already been through seven house fires and a good beating, god that thing is ugly" You reply to his answer, and immediately you guys are laughing again. You aren't paying attention but Euronymous laughs die down seeing your smile full on display, making that feeling in his gut he's felt before around you almost explode. Euronymous stops in his steps now a serious expression displayed on his face, and you take notice stopping your tracks now standing face to face with him.
"You know you look pretty with all these silk ribbons" He says after a minute of staring. You can't say anything but smile at the sudden compliment, looking down at your shoes shyly before looking up at him and kissing his cheek quickly. Taking him by surprise but he watches you turn around and walk towards the car, touching the spot you kissed before smiling and following you.
Euronymous didn't understand the feeling in his gut, all he knew was it made him feel good and he felt good when he was around you. Even if he met you only a couple of days ago he felt like he didn't need any of that first introduction bull crap with you, he feels like he actually knows you, and that felt good. To know someone so kind and genuine for such a little time but loving them as if you have forever.
5:23 PM
Entering through the record store's door with Euronymous's leather jacket around your shoulder like a romance movie cliche, probably because Euronymous was following a movie cliche. Staying up the night before watching a romance movie to get an idea of how to act, he's never been on a date so getting pointers from a cringe romance was his idea. He didn't wanna be like those guys in the movie though, and he definitely didn't want you to think he was some flirt. He wanted you to see him as him. His awkward self who doesn't know how to start conversations or even hold one for that long, even if he could do both of those things with you he just wanted you to like him for him.
The record store was filled with loud ominous music coming from the TV, a horror movie was playing and all the guys plus Fabio were sat around the TV emerged in the movie. Euronymous puts his finger up to his lips signaling to stay quiet before slowly and quietly making his way to the counter. The movie was playing a tense build up scene and Euronymous knew when the scare was bound to happen, so he stealthily got up on the counter waiting for the right moment. You didn't try to stop him wanting to see everyone's reaction. So once the scare did its thing Euronymous jumped off the counter yelling, prompting the guys to scream on the top of their lungs and Faust falling off of his seat. "YOU DICK." Varg yelled coming down from the adrenaline "Hey I saw the opportunity and took it." Euronymous says chuckling. "Fabio es hora de ir" You say to a disappointed Fabio "Pero quería terminar la película'' he groaned not wanting to leave. "Puedes terminarlo la próxima vez" You reply trying to convince him, "Puedo venir mañana?" he asks hoping for a yes. "He's asking if he can come by tomorrow to finish the movie" You turn to Euronymous "Yes of course he can- well as long as he brings his sister along"
"Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow, fabio vamonos" Your out the door and Euronymous just watches you leave before feeling a pair of hands on his shoulders making him jump. "Soo? Did you guys make it to third base?" Faust asks waving his brows "It's none of your business" Euronymous replies annoyed before walking away. "He definitively got to third base look at him" The guys are howling now.
I need to clean the place up for tomorrow. Euronymous thinks wanting tomorrow to go well and a small clean up from the guy's mess is the first step.
note: kinda not that proud of this one but this is as best as it gets 😭
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mochie85 · 1 year
Man of the Month Outtake: Men Are From Mars...
...Women are from Venus.
Series Masterlist My Complete Masterlist @muddyorbsblr Masterlist
Summary: Bucky lets the rest of the group know how his photoshoot went. The girls take you to a nice dinner out on the town. Pairing: Loki x Reader (eventually) Word Count: 716 Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, A/N: thank you to @athalialaufeyson for helping me out with the translations. Thank you my gem! 💎✨😘
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The sound of deep thumps and metal clashing stopped as soon as Bucky approached the gym. Most of the team had been training. Loki in particular threw himself into drill works with his daggers. He stopped momentarily when he saw Barnes walk into the gymnasium. As did all the other men who were there.
Loki noted that only Xu and Lang were the only ones who continued their exercises. As if they didn’t need to know the outcome of Barnes’ photoshoot with you.
“It’s not me guys,” he said with the most forlorn expression. Wilson came up to him and patted him on the shoulder. Rogers just crossed his arms with a trivial look of smugness on his face.
A small bud of hope bloomed inside of Loki as Thor nudged him on the shoulder. “Ikke bry deg om de, bror. Helvete vil ønske deg velkommen raskere med all din bekymring.” (Don’t pay them any attention, brother. Hell would welcome you faster with all your worrying.)
“Det er vanskelig å la være når disse gribbene prøver å vinne kjærligheten til ditt livs kjærlighet.” (It's hard not to when these vultures are trying to win the affection of the love of your life.)
“FAEN! (Fuck!) I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!” Thor burst into a scream.
“Shh. Shh.” Loki shushed him, pushing him to keep quiet as everyone’s attention turned towards Thor.
“Peace. Peace.” Thor said to everyone else. “As you were.” But inside, Thor felt as giddy as spring maidens frolicking in the newly bloomed fields of Asgard.
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Meanwhile, Nat, Wanda, and Pepper had taken you out of the tower completely to have dinner. They saw you break down. You haven’t been yourself in a while and they missed your usual joyful nature.
Pepper took you all to an exclusive restaurant where you had a private booth in the back all to yourselves. The dinner was exquisite and you were all just drinking and relaxing talking about various life pursuits.
“So, how’s the calendar coming along?” Pepper asked. “Tony isn’t overworking you, is he?”
“No. No, he’s not. He’s been very lax about it actually.” You answered.
“So why do you look like you’re so wound up?” Wanda asked sipping her cocktail.
“Well imagine, that every single day of your job, you have to fend off the advances of different men hoping to get your attention. Some of them being your closest friends and others really just breaking your heart.”
Nat snorted and gave you the side-eye. “Ok miss perfect. I get it,” you said to her.
“Why don’t you just tell them it’s Laufeyson and get it over with? You should’ve just done that from the beginning.” Nat said.
“Ok, you knew?!” You exclaimed.
“We all did,” Pepper said.
“Frankly I don’t know why it’s taking the guys so long to figure it out. It’s so freaking obvious.” Wanda chimed in.
“Which brings me back to my question. Why don’t you just say it’s him and get it over with?” Nat asked again.
“Because he doesn’t like me, Nat. He only thinks of me as a friend.” The collective groan from the three women made you cringe. “I’m not ready for that rejection.”
“You’re just as oblivious as the men!” Wanda yelled, signaling the bartender for another cocktail.
“They’re probably all in the gym right now. Working out, thinking that they need that extra muscle to show off.” Pepper giggled. “When in reality it’s the…”
“…the arms,” Nat interjected. “When you can trace that vein up his arms and rolled-up sleeves because he’s straining to keep his unbridled desire for you.”
“Or the stare. When he sees you walk into a room and his eyes darken and his jaw clenches at the sight of you and he loses all train of thought.” Wanda added.
“…the whispers in your ear.” Pepper finally finished, looking out into the restaurant, lost in her train of thought. “The sweet romantic ones of love and support. Then the dirty naughty ones when no one is watching.” All four of you tittered at Pepper’s thoughts.
“No. They’re all at the gym right now working out because they can’t understand the female gaze.”
“To the female gaze.” Nat raised her drink up high.
“To the female gaze,” you all followed.
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An alternate calendar for Bucky's October.
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@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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thatsthewrongwallcraig · 11 months
From Helvete With Love
Summary: Euronymous' twin hippie brother is in town and up to cause some chaos! (Bear with me, I'll make it work!)
Pairing: Euronymous x fem!Reader x Kappa
Word Count: ~1.8k
Content Warnings: Double Trouble Smut 18+!, You Don't Really Expect This To Have A Noteworthy Plot Do You?, Threesome (mfm), Spit Roasting, Hair Pulling, Subspace, Emotional Cheating, Implied Substance Use (Alcohol and Pot), Dub-Con Due To The Substance Abuse, Kappa Having Insane Amounts Of Audacity While Euro Is Kind Of An Asshole
A/N: I really hope the nonnie with the Threesome request from 2-3ish weeks ago sees this 👀 Also not proofread bcs I literally need to catch the bus to work in like 3 minutes.
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess
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Who do you need? Who do you love
When you come undone?
Who do you need? Who do you love
When you come undone?
- Come Undone By Bad Omens
In a high pitched jingle, the little bell above the door indicated that someone had entered the record store but you didn't really bother looking up from the latest issue of Kerrang! magazine, your eyes busy with studying an oven-fresh Duff McKagan interview.
"You call that shithole a record store, huh?" A somewhat familiar voice asked in a cocky tone.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint the person it belonged to and the snarky comment certainly had you raising your gaze towards the counter, shooting right towards the new visitor.
With a sleazy grin playing around his mouth, a well familiar face stared at you with strikingly blue eyes just like those of your boyfriend.
"Look what the cat dragged in…it's the hippie cunt!" You teased right back at the man that happened to be Øystein's twin brother, Kappa.
"Oh, mean, missy!" He scoffed and arched his brows in amusement.
"What do you want, trashbag?" You sneered, smiling at him while your eyes roamed over his features.
You only had met him on a few rare occasions but it never failed to befuddle you just how similar and yet dramatically different Euronymous and Kappa were. Polar opposites in everything but being terribly eccentric and pretentious jackasses.
"I'm in town and I thought to say hi to my brother, is he around by any chance?" Kappa inquired, leaning his torso against the counter whilst throwing you a borderline flirty smile.
"In the back." You nodded your head towards the bureau behind the countertop to gesture him the way.
"Thanks, sugar!" Kappa quipped whilst walking around the counter, heading towards the bureau.
"Fuck off, hippe." You beamed at him with a cheeky smile before lowering your gaze back onto the glossy pages of the magazine.
Neither of you had really been ready for the way this day played out after this seemingly innocent interaction. Everything started with a few guiltless beers at the pub nearby, maybe a few shots of vodka too and the occasional cigarette to go with tipsily firing neurons, craving one hit of serotonin after the other at this point. However, the nicotine in your bloodstream turned into herbally-pungent THC by the time the three of you arrived back at Helvete, sloppy steps scratching over the cold asphalt illuminated by cool-toned street lights. Of course, Kappa had brought some weed with him and neither of you held back in indulging in it to the point where your body felt like one buzzing cloud made out of cotton candy. At some point you weren't sure anymore whether the couch was actually a part of you or not as your weary eyes grazed over a scenery of crushed beer cans, shot glasses and scattered vinyls. The air around you was thick and heavy with the smell of alcohol and pot, the smog covering the record store in a white, translucent veil seeping into every last nook and cranny.
Your bloodshot eyes felt like simply fluttering shut and you could've sworn they did but you weren't sure of this at all. Did you black out for a moment or where did the memories go that would’ve explained how your train of thought got back on track again as you heard yourself breathing out a muffled moan?
"There she is! Got me worried there for a second, sugar." You noticed Kappa talking to you in a breathy tone from above.
The hits of information reached your brain one after the other in a violent flush of realization. You knelt on all fours, a soft mattress underneath your palms and knees swallowing up a good part of the recoil caused by your body being penetrated from both ends, Kappa in the down your throat and Øystein buried deep inside your oozing cunt, both their cocks fucking into you in a firm pace.
Pulling in all the air you possibly could through your nose, you reluctantly looked up to Kappa as you noted how sore your jaw felt with your lips eagerly wrapped around his girth, sucking him off like you never did anything else in your life. How the hell did you get here? The question burned inside of your racing thoughts but you tried to push it to the side as your gaze met with Kappa's, who was looking down at you with an unexpectedly warm smile.
"Don't worry, I got you, make sure you’re okay, hun." He whispered to you in a raspy voice as the hand, that wasn't grabbing fistfuls of your hair to guide your head back and forth over his throbbing cock, went to your cheek to give you soft caresses filled with affirmation.
"Good girl.", He praised, the tip of his hard on nudging against the back of the throat, "Øystein really lucked out with you as a girlfriend. You're funny, you're smart and hella pretty."
"Could you not?" It was now that you really took notice of your boyfriend behind you with his hands on your hips and his lap rocking against your rear in desperate thrusts.
"What? You gotta make her feel at least a little special right now." Kappa sneered back at his brother without ever taking his eyes off of you, practically hypnotized by the way his cock disappeared into your throat with every roll of his hips.
"I think I can do that very well on my own." Euronymous huffed, tightening his grip around your waist before pushing himself into you with such brute force that it nearly hurt.
You winced around Kappa's cock, a few wayward tears pricking at your lower lash line and his thumb wiped them away before they could even really trickle down your face.
"Issok, sugar. C'mon, close your eyes and enjoy yourself." His broad hand cradled your face and you trusted him, allowed yourself to.
"There you go…" Kappa cooed to you in a saccharine-sweet voice, hips rolling against your face in a steady pace, careful to not hurt or overstimulate you.
With that you let yourself go, adjusting to his rhythm while your mind rendered blank. You've never ever felt this filled up before and it was continuously bordering on the very fine line of being just too much for your body but instead of your actual boyfriend it felt like Kappa was guiding you through this, all his attention was on you and you only. Of course, he loved the sight of his cock slipping in and out of your mouth in wet, sloppy sounds, making him feel ready to burst at any minute now but he not once put his own pressure released over your well-being in this constellation. Quite the contrary to his brother who was railing into you at a merciless pace from behind, rendering your tightening cunt sore from within. In a way, he knew that he wasn't having the upper hand here anymore and in desperate, failing attempts Øystein tried to turn your attention back to him which only led to you being even more infatuated with the gentle yet firm ways of his brother.
Kappa put you in a headspace you've never experienced before and to say that this state was blissful oblivion would've been an understatement. Mixed with all the substances in your bloodstream, you felt yourself slipping into beautiful nothingness and just felt your body, felt Kappa's cock sliding down over your tongue again and again while he held your head by your hair, steadying you, making sure to not accidentally choke you with his girth. He made it known that he was here for you and it made your chest feel all warm and secure, a warmth that would shot right down between your legs in the very next second, making you clench down around Euronymous' cock in what turned out to be the first contractions of an orgasm that took you by surprise. You inhaled sharply as undefined moans and whimpers vibrated around Kappa's hard on which he only reluctantly pulled out of your mouth. While Øystein rode you through your orgasm, gradually losing himself in it, Kappa stroked himself off with a few quick pumps of his fists, spilling and splattering thick ropes of his seed right onto your face. With your entire body convulsing around your boyfriend one rouge thought escaped its prison and ran wild inside your mind. For a moment you couldn't help yourself but to wish that it was Kappa's cock you were cumming on right now. Your eyes shot wide open as a sharp pang of shame and guilt chased right after the orgasmic high.
"Dude, really?!" Øystein groaned behind you, drilling himself into your now utterly overstimulated pussy one last time before coming undone deep inside of you himself. You recognised how he filled you up with himself like so many times before but you couldn't pull any please from it right now, instead you stared back up to Kappa who was breathing heavily.
"What? I thought it to be a bit more decent than busting my load down your girlfriend's throat, no?" Kappa scoffed at his brother, lowering his hand down to your face again, gathering a dollop of his cum from your chin and smearing it just over your trembling lips, the tip of his thumb prodding against your mouth, leaving it up to you whether to open up or not. Entranced by the way his icy blue eyes were beaming down at you, you did just that, a part of you defiling your boyfriend for never taking care of you the way his brother did.
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vidavbooks · 2 months
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The Calls - Euronymous x Reader
Story Masterlist
WARNING: This is based of Rory Culkins character of him
Last part, Next Part
Ever since the party Celia has been urging me to call him “Just do it!” She says over and over again. But it’s been months since then, “Celia the paper said months ago the lead singer killed himself he definitely does not have the time or energy for me at all and who knows the number probably doesn’t even work!”
She pushed herself off my bed and grinned at me. “Why are you giving me that look?” She smiled a little more “Because he opened a record shop close by and I may have stopped by to get the new number…and maybe talked about you…”
“You did what now?!?” I shot up from my bed and looked at her intensely. “Whatever be grateful you will be thanking me, numbers on your desk and I’m going out on my date bye!” Just like that the door slammed shut and it was just me and that paper on my desk.
I sighed and got up to grab the paper. I stared at the paper recognizing his handwriting from the night I met him. I slowly grabbed the phone and typed in the numbers taking a deep breath before hitting the call button. It rang and when I heard the ringing stop my heart did too.
“Helvet record shop.” It was that voice I knew. “Hello? If it’s one of you little shit prank callers satan will be under your bed toni-” “Hi…” There was a pause. “Who is this?” I took a breath “It’s Astrid, I met you the night of that one party out in Kråkstad.”
I hear him whisper off to someone to shut up. “You finally called huh? Took you long enough.” I sat on my bed and smiled a little, there’s the sarcasm. “Yeah well I heard about your band mate and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to bother so..I’m sorry about him by the way.”
“Oh..I mean yeah no it’s fine.” The silence filled the call. “How have you been? I heard you opened a record store.” I was messing with the phone wire to try and continue conversation. “I did, you should come down here sometime you know? There’s a cave thing under the store where we throw parties.”
My smile grew a little bigger as I nodded to myself. “I would like that, I can bring Celia and some other friends of hers.” There was a faint sound of metal music playing in the back from his store. I remember the song from the night I met him, when we were in his room drinking and listening to his band.
“That could work, how about tomorrow? Store closes at 9 so around 10ish?” “That works for me I’ll talk to Celia when she’s home and I won’t forget to bring some drinks.” I heard his chuckle and could hear the smile. “Okay then see you.” “See you.” The line disconnected.
My door barged open and Celia was smiling. My instant thought was right “So party tomorrow?” She said with a grin. “Stop listening to my calls!”
Authors Note: AHHH part 2 guysss I genuinely love writing this Im invested my own lore and I act so surprised as if I’m not the one writing it ANYWAYSSS see you in the next part🖤
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nicolesainz · 1 year
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Secret love song (MØ 8)
Martin Ødegaard x f!reader
Warnings: fluff to its core
A/N: It will be the first time I write a one shot from the male perspective and first time I write about Martin, so hope I don’t disappoint
Summary: First times are difficult. Even if that means saying three powerful words
“Come on Martin. What’s wrong with you? Just say it!” I say to myself, shaking my head, wanting to get my shit straight.
“What’s wrong man? Everything alright. You seem stressed” Ben White’s voice echoes in my ears, as I feel his arm on my shoulder.
“So it’s that apparent, huh?”
“You always are stressed but this time it looks like you’ve reached its peak. If I can help anyhow, tell me Martin”
My palms are sweaty and my throat is drying as minutes go by. This feels like torture and as I keep to myself those three little words, the more they haunt me in my sleep.
Tonight, Y/N, finally had time to attend a home game with Manchester City, as we battle for the first place in the league. The excitement I had when she broke the news, blasted all over the room.
Seeing her in the grandstands, wearing an Arsenal shirt, with my name plastered on its back, with her mesmerizing being brighter than every light in the stadium, gives me strength.
“Y/N is here today. And I think it’s finally time, Ben”
Not a lot boys from the team knew about Y/N. Only Ben, Bukayo, Aaron and Kieran. Besides Kieran, the other three had interacted with her many times whenever the England squad gathered.
And the reason I say England squad, is because she is Aaron’s sister. He was the one who introduced us at first place and from the very first night, she absolutely took my breath away.
“So that’s why you’ve been sweating as if you’ve been walking on hot sand at the Sahara.” Ben let out a small laugh, but seeing how worried I was he instantly stopped.
“Dra til helvete, rasshøl” (Fuck off, asshole) I say as I give him a slight kick.
“At this point, I know when you talk shit about me, Ødegaard. So, instead of insulting my grace, go talk to her!” He jokes around, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but clearly doesn’t.
“It’s not that easy. She’ll hate and avoid me if something goes sideways. How will I ever face her again if she shows up at more games?” I go back and forth, trying to reason myself in order to calm down.
“Hey hey hey! Look at me!” Ben held me still and shook me so I looked him in the eyes.
“From the way she talks about you, I believe that everything will be alright” Wait…what way? And how does Ben know? Does she talk about me to her brother or someone else?
“What do you mean? Spill or I’ll kick your leg even harder” I wouldn’t actually do it. It was my nerves talking. I was even more flushed and anxious right now.
“Whenever the squad meets, she always asks where you are, as if she doesn’t know that it’s only the England boys. We all tease her and then Aaron calls you out of nowhere”
That explains everything now. I’ve been receiving calls from the boys over a few Saturdays after the games, with all of them laughing and a woman’s voice in the back. It was her!
Flashback, to Valentines Day, a few months ago…
I was home alone after practice, with no one, but Netflix playing a stupid movie Erling had suggested me.
I just needed it to get my mind off. I was a coward once again. Today I had a great chance at telling Y/N how I feel and I blew it. I chickened out and left the very moment with a lame ass excuse.
“I’m so sorry. I need to rush home. My dad fell off the stairs”
My dad was in Norway, miles away from here. And was probably fishing. But she didn’t know that.
When I was almost falling asleep, my phone rings and wakes me up abruptly.
It was Aaron.
“Everything okay mate?” I say, looking at the time. It was 11 pm.
“Surely my guy. What about you? Happen to have any beautiful girl over there?” Aaron voice was dubbed by the yelling and laughing of the other England players. They were definitely all drunk.
“If he doesn’t, let’s give her to him. I’m sure they’ll get busy with one another.” Ben Chilwell screamed from the background and a woman’s voice followed.
“Find a girl first and then talk about me, Chilwell” she replied snarkily, although I couldn't understand who she was in between the loud music and shouting.
"Do you want me to pick up any of you guys? Seems like you've had a fair share of drinks, huh?" I say letting a soft sigh escape my mouth.
"Nahhh, we are just fine. Although someone definitely would want to be picked up. Hey-" and Aaron's sentence was cut in the middle as he hung up.
I shook my head disappointingly and went to bed that day, with the biggest heartache and three words ghosting over my head.
I love you
End of flashback
"Let's go out there and win this. If you score a goal, dedicate a celebration to her. I am sure she will appreciate this afterwards" Ben hit me a few times on the back and pushed me forward, as the Captain of the team had to go out first.
My nerves were all over the place and very clear to everyone else too. Okay Martin. Dype åndedrag (deep breaths), like Ben said, alt kommer til å ordne seg (everything will be alright).
The fans went wild as the game started very strong with the side of City, immediately going full on attack with all their defenders marking us.
They had a few chances of scoring but thankfully Aaron deflected all of them perfectly. So far, things were going okay, but the score still was nil-nil, with the ball possession being in favour of City.
It was now a few minutes before the end of the first half and the ball was around Erling's feet. When he is about to reach the net, I kick the ball in the air and Haaland ended up falling messily on my leg.
I let out a massive yelp, holding my leg with my hands, somehow wanting to ease the pain. The referee doesn't blow the whistle, which means the game still goes on with me and Erling helping each other get up.
"Beklager, men dette kunne ikke ha skjedd på noen annen måte" (Sorry, but this couldn't have happened any other way), he says to me, reaching for my hand and picking me up.
"Been through worse. It's okay", I say back and run as fast as I can towards my teammates, who were trying to steal the ball from Walker's 'embrace'.
The first half whistle blows and it's still nil-nil. Fuck, we need to do better. I need to do better. I raise my head and my eyes immediately fall on Y/N, who has been caught staring at me, with her cheeks fully flushed and a worried look in her eyes.
To her disappointment, she can't come down to the changing rooms, so instead, in order to check on me, she points at her leg and gives me a thumbs up and down signal.
I smile shyly, with my heart fluttering, as I give her a thumbs up and a small wave, before heading back to the rooms. If only I could hug her right now and tell her that even if we lost, all I cared about was not loosing her.
"Martin, how is your leg? Can you continue or do you want me to sub? Your call." Arteta asks me looking one time in my eyes and the other down to my leg.
"I can do it, boss. No problem here" I reply to him, with a stern look taking over me.
"Please, don't gamble with your health. If you are not feeling okay, tell me." he says one more time, wanting to make sure I was fully agreeing with what I said.
"I can play. It was just at the spur of the moment. Doesn't hurt" I assure him as the ref comes up to call us back on the pitch.
He nods at me and the squad goes out for a final time this evening. We need to score. We can't give up. I shouldn't give up. I need to fight.
The only thing helping me carry on was the sweetheart going by the name Y/N, watching us from the grandstands and having every bit of her faith lying on us. Lying on me.
And the game is back on. We do better than the first half, with the possession of the ball being at our advantage. Everything is going from better to best as Martineli assist Bukayo and he scores the first goal of the night!
We all go around and hug him, as happiness can't be contained. The fans roar and wave their flags in honour of this amazing goal and Saka.
Unfortunately, City equalised a few moments later around the 83 minute, with Grealish being the surprise scorer of the match, as he avoids the defence of Saliba, Ben and Kieran and sends the ball right on the net, with Aaron being unable to react.
My eyes land on the time board. 88 minute. Shit.
I wave at Jesus to pass me the ball as I was the only one unmarked by the City players and closer to the net. There was a fifty-fifty chance I would catch the ball and be able to score. This time, I gambled and proved myself right.
I manage to get the ball my way and with a hard headshot I send the ball in the net, making it a 2-1 at exactly the end of the game! The whole stadium got up and started yelling from the explosion of happy emotions and we had won a massive derby against our biggest rivals of the season.
"You, fucking Captain Ødegaard, did this! Thank you" Ben says with a huge smile on his face turning me around and pointing towards Y/N's way, who was jumping up and down filming the whole moment. I take my chance once more and shape with my fingers a heart at her.
She pays me back with another heart, as the filming stops, whilst pointing at my name on her back, signing the number one. This, was my sign to tell her how I feel. It was now or I would forever hold peace.
After the celebration with the team, we all dress with dry clothes and head outside the stadium now that it had emptied from the crowds. Every player, run to either their family or girlfriend.
Aaron looked at me and mouthed "go talk to her", as he was walking towards his fiancée.
For some reason, I didn't feel nervous or scared. I felt confident and sure about what I was about to do. It was surely risky but I had a gut feeling, this would work out perfectly.
She looked at me as if it was only the two of us, surrounded by no one else, with her embrace fully open for me to land in. How I wish this would become my permanent safe place.
I ran up to her and gave her the biggest possible hug, I have ever shared with someone. I could feel her heart beating in sync with mine and I instantly knew, why I did love her.
I love her because she can turn ones day from bad to extremely amazing. She can make you laugh, without trying too much. Only with her wit and charm. She can create a feeling of safety with a simple touch. But most importantly, she can make you fall in love with her, with a single smile.
She doesn't have time to react after the hug, as my lips fall on hers softly. My one hand cups her cheek whilst the other is tangled up with hers. She doesn't fight me back as the kiss gets deeper and more passionate, as it was a way of saying how we both felt this entire time.
She pulls my hand and places it on the side of her heart, so I could feel how fast it beat. How fast it was beating, only for me. My lips form into a smile as we break apart and look at each other with full adoration. If I could, she would be the only person I looked at for the rest of my life.
I didn't care about any trophy or championship. If my career ended now, I wouldn't care, if it meant having her by my side.
"I love you. More than you can possibly imagine. Day and night, this was all I wanted to say but the fear of losing you, held me back" I admit to her, trying to catch my breath.
"Jeg elsker deg, Martin. And honestly, I can't love anyone more than you. It feels impossible. But I am glad it is. I never want this to change" she lands into my arms once again, this time with a soft feeling caving into my heart.
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andiatas · 11 months
Writing Scandinavian, Nordic &/or Swedish characters
Maybe someone has done a guide like this, and I've missed it, but I wanted to gather some words and phrases for all of my writer friends who have or are thinking about adding a character of Scandinavian/Nordic descent.
This came to mind after seeing too many LITG fics where people have Henrik speaking Swedish and no shade to the writers, but it was clear as a day to me that they used Google Translate and hoped for the best. That's not to say that writers from other communities and/or fandoms can't use this guide, but just to be transparent, that's where I got the inspiration from.
With all that said, let me talk you through some basic info and phrases so you can make your bilingual or trilingual character sound legit or like a native!
The Scandinavian countries = Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
The Nordic countries = Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Åland.
So, an important distinction to keep in mind is if you're talking about Scandinavia, you're talking about those three "bigger countries" (aka the ones who have f*cked over the rest at one point or another throughout history). As soon as you bring, for example, Finland or Iceland into the mix, you're talking about the Nordic countries.
On the language aspect, I suggest checking out this post, where I've talked about it a bit, but as a general rule of thumb, Swedes and Norwegians can understand each other while still speaking their respective languages.
When Danes and Swedes, or Danes and Norwegians speak with each other, one generally switches to English. Same when communicating with people from Iceland.
Swedish is one of the official languages in Finland and Åland, whilst Danish is one of the official languages in Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Also, English is taught from first grade until upper secondary (high school) but is already introduced to children in kindergarten. I don't know how it's in the other Nordic countries, but in Sweden, it's mandatory to study either Spanish, French or German from sixth grade until the first year of upper secondary.
Swedish swear words
Fan - this is the most common swear word in Swedish & whilst the most accurate translation would be "damn" it's used similarly to how "fuck" is used in English. So, this is the word I mostly see mistranslated & the tell-tale sign (for me) of someone who has relied on Google Translate because they will have their character say "knulla" when they're swearing. Technically, this isn't wrong because knulla is slang for sex... but yeah, I think you get it
Helvete - literally means "hell" & could probably be compared to how Brits use "bloody hell". If I got a paper cut or stubbed my toe, I would curse, "Helvete!"
Jävlar - this is the one that's most difficult to translate, but one could say it means "shit" or "sodding". Whilst it's a curse word in itself, it's primarily used in front of another word. So, for example, if you want to say, "You're a goddamn idiot", you would say, "Du är en jävla idiot!"
Swedish lovey-dovey words & pet names
Älskling = Darling, love, babe, beloved
Jag älskar dig = I love you
The word "älskar" is the Swedish word for "love", so if you bend it, you get the word "älskling" which is the most common term, or nickname, for your partner. I would say it's best compared to how darling, love or babe is used in English.
Käraste = Beloved, dearest
It can get confusing because "kæreste" means girlfriend/boyfriend in Danish, but in Swedish, "käraste" is just an affectionate word for someone. If you want to say "my dearest XYZ", you would say "min käraste XYZ". The word means girlfriend/boyfriend in Danish but is a nickname for your girlfriend/boyfriend or someone else close to you in Swedish. Are you still with me?
Hjärtat = literally "the heart"
This is a bit of a variation of "älskling." While talking to a partner or someone you hold dear, you would say "hjärtat," but if you're talking about them, you could say "mitt hjärta" ("my heart"). While älskling is more versatile and can be compared to numerous pet names, I would say hjärtat/mitt hjärta is best compared to love/my love.
Sötnos = Sweetheart, honey
Sötis = Cutie
Okay, so to start, "Sötnos" is the whole word, while "Sötis" is the short version, but they mean two completely different things. If you're talking to a partner or a really close friend and go, "Oh, sweetheart," you would opt for "sötnos." But if you're talking to someone from your friend group, you would opt for "sötis."
It's not an insulting word, but if you called your partner "sötis," they would probably be offended and question what they had done to offend you. I would compare it to when your dog does something stupid, like trip over its paws and hit its head, and you laugh at it like, "Oh sötis!"
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 26
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
Oystein had spent the week thinking about what had happened with Varg and Y/n. Hellhammer was right. This place wasn't safe for her. Hell, it wasn't safe for anyone that wasn't in the Black Circle. Varg had beat the shit out of some people he deemed posers on the spot and he didn't care who had something to say about it.
Between the random girls that came in to get fucked and the hardcore anti-human guys that came in spouting off about one superior race or some other bullshit, Oystein spent more time in his office with the door shut than he did downstairs. The energy was too tense and toxic for him to think.
He jumped at the sound of the phone while he was in the middle of reading through some music.
"Helvete." He said without much enthusiasm.
"Hey, I didn't hear from you for lunch so I wanted to call and make sure you weren't dead...or a sudden vegan." Y/n laughed on the other end of the phone.
"Hey- yeah no I'm not really hungry today but I'm glad you called. I wanted to talk to you about something." Oystein said with a sigh.
"Oh no...did you get kicked out of the club for fucking a Jewish girl?" Y/n teased but Oystein didn't think it was humorous. His silence made her clear her throat.
"Is everything okay? Did something happen?" She was concerned.
"I don't' think you should come by the shop anymore." Oystein didn't want to piss her off but that's not what he was getting. She seemed saddened.
"I mean...if that's what you want." She was somber.
"You didn't do anything wrong baby. I just don't want them to have access to you like that anymore. The people that we've been attracting through here, it's just not safe." Oystein explained.
"I mean...are you upset with me about what happened-" He cut her off quickly.
"Absolutely not. Varg's a fucking asshole and you always stand your ground to anyone who comes at you like that. I just don't want to put you in a bad situation where there's only one exit and I'm outnumbered." Oystein could hear a chuckle.
"What? You gonna fight for my honor?" She teased.
"If I have to...I probably won't survive it but it would be worth a shot." Oystein was glad she understood and wasn't upset.
"I just don't trust anyone with you. You're too important too me." Oystein clarified.
"Yeah I hear that you kinda love me or something." He smiled hearing her say it.
"Shut up asshole." He rolled his eyes as she laughed.
"Well if you aren't going to let me bring you lunch, why don't you come by and have lunch here. It's not like you're in the next town over you stalker." Y/n joked.
"The building was vacant!" Oystein defended.
"So is a lot of other real estate you freak." She yelled making him shake his head.
"Are you going to come over tonight?" He asked changing the subject.
"No I'm working a few extra hours tonight and I promised to hang out with my dad. We can spend some time together this weekend if you aren't hosting the dickless militants in your basement." Y/n suggested.
"That sounds good. I'll see you for lunch in a few hours, I've got a shipment coming in and I imagine the people I pay to work here won't actually do shit so I need to label and stock it myself." Oystein heard a knock on the door and Faust started to walk in without an answer.
"Sounds good, I'll see you in a few." She hung up the phone and Oystein removed his glasses.
"Yeah?" He asked seeing Faust look around.
"Is your girlfriend hiding in here or something?" He asked curiously.
"Why the fuck would she be hiding in here?" Oystein asked defensively. Faust put his hands up.
"She usually brings you lunch. I didn't mean anything by it." Oystein relaxed and gave him a nod.
"I'll be going to the shop to get lunch later once I get the shipment off the truck and tagged. Anyone downstairs?" He nodded his head towards the door.
"Um yeah a few of Varg's hangarounds are waiting for him. He's supposed to be here soon I think because at least two chicks have already come in here looking for him." Faust explained. Oystein made a face of disgust.
"This place is turning into a fucking nightmare." He raked his hands down his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Hey I wanted to ask you..we haven't really talked since the other night...when I told you guys about that guy..." Oystein looked at Faust and didn't want to think about that night. He knew his freedom relied on everyone keeping their mouths shut but Varg wasn't someone who could be controlled.
"Are we good? I mean...you aren't like..." Faust pressed.
"Faust, I couldn't careless. Fucking do what you want. I'm just trying to run a record shop." Oystein tried to make it sound minimal which seemed to appease him but Faust had literally murdered someone. The amount of stress and fear that Oystein held onto while he was at work made his stomach sick. What was once his dream, quickly crashed and burned into this stupid desire for people to fear them. All he wanted to do was get back to what he loved, which was the music.
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Hi there! I really love your lords of chaos stuff and enjoyed what you wrote for the last request I had sent previously, so here’s another idea I wanted go get off the brain. Do you think you could write a male reader that had used to be friends with Euro when they were younger comes into Helvete to see him again? A bit of an odd sight in the store, as they have their hair dyed a reddish color, and is not afraid to rock eyeshadow. At first there’s bickering about not staying in contact, but they warm up to one another and it’s like old times again. And then reader finally works up the courage to properly confess to him, because he chickened out when they were teen, when their alone and surprises Euro with a smooch. Because who wouldn’t wanna kiss him lol?
Old love and an old friend
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warning : drinking, smoking, kiss, use of Y/n
info : Thanks for the request dear anon I hope you like it and thanks for your praise it was fun to write :)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
Helvete and the customers were a circle of darkness there was no light and no hope only the blackness the owner would say if you asked him. But it was true, the customers in Helvete were mostly dressed completely in black and chose the black records.
Black like the souls they didn't have. It was a time when he thought about the now or the future of how they would destroy the world. It was a time when the past was all but forgotten. too many things had happened there that he wanted to forget.
Which is why when the doorbell rang, announcing a new customer, it was all the more striking when the bright red mingled with the black. Euroynmous looked up from the till and confusion showed in his gaze, his bright eyes almost blinded by the red. It wasn't a dark hellfire it was the bright red standing out. It was mesmerizing.
But as he looked at the face something flashed, it was the eyeliner around the eyes that looked around with interest. It was the image of a punk, someone else but a metalhead who knew. ,,What's up?" he asked, slowly approaching the other, the black circle was still asleep, the party had gone hard but he, as the owner, couldn't leave his precious store alone.
He tried to look at the face again, it reminded him of someone, someone strange, a young boy as old as he was, but who? What was suddenly different in his head, in his body? Was it the red hair, a distant voice that had told him years ago that red was his favorite color. Who was he?
,,Do you know a certain record?" the stranger asked, holding one of Venom in front of him but putting it down when it didn't seem to be what he was looking for. The eyes that were covered with the eyeliner that Euronymous was so fascinated by almost showed something like bitterness. But why?
Why was the stranger bitter if they didn't know each other or did they? ,,That depends on what you're looking for," Euronymous replied and continued to look at his counterpart, coming a little closer but the stranger didn't move back. He stood still and even seemed to enjoy the closeness. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol and mustiness surrounded them both.
A smell they both knew from when they had leafed through old books of witches and devils in Euronymous' room, the red nail on the fingers of one of them, the cigarette they shared and the stolen beer from their father. ,,I'm looking for do you remember the destroyer of the world, old friend?" asked his counterpart, smiling slightly at him as he seemed to wait for the reaction. A reaction that came.
Destroyer of the world was the name they had both given to the first band they had formed together before his friend Y/n had moved out of town and broken off contact. ,,By Satan Y/n! That's you!" Euronyous exclaimed and immediately pulled him into a hug, holding him close for longer than necessary, afraid of losing him again.
Losing…had he lost him or had they simply grown apart? Something he didn't know what it was but it didn't matter when he saw the grin on the other's face.
,,It's been years, I see you have a record store now," his counterpart said and looked around a little before looking back at Euronymous, the blue of his eyes showing happiness and the heart of both of them beating perhaps too fast for it to be just joy.
,,And you have red hair and pretty good looking eyeliner," Euronymous replied and the two laughed lightly before silence fell between them again and the mood became almost heavy.
It was as if they both didn't know what to say before Euronymous disappeared behind the till, grabbing cigarettes and a couple of bottles of beer. ,,To our old place…and talk?" he asked, already standing in the doorway hoping he'd say yes, that he agreed he didn't want to lose him again.
,,Thought you never ask" the red-haired man muttered and walked after his old friend before they got into the car and drove off. The old place was just a tree on a hill, an old cemetery where they had tried to summon spirits.
Helveret could wait, he had told Y/n it was an ark that wouldn't last long, but neither could they, in the end it was all the same anyway, they had this one life they had to use.
They had both opened the bottle of beer and taken a few sips, ,,You know…I-I never really wanted to leave," he began and Euronymous listened as he watched the sunset, the red in the light competing with the red of his hair. ,,And I didn't want to lose you," Euronymous said, daring to look at the other.
He saw him reach for a cigarette, the eyeliner still around his eyes. It made him look pretty, he had to admit, knowing that his heart wasn't beating because he was reaching for his lighter.
As he picked up his cigarette himself and held the fire underneath. ,,Here…I'm glad you're…here with me now," the black-haired man said and leaned forward, holding his lit cigarette to Y/n's. An indirect kiss before he told him his feelings knew that was why his heart was beating as he pulled back and released the smoke into the sky.
,,Me too," Y/n replied curtly, taking a drag of his own from the cigarette before slowly moving his hand to Euronymous'. He could feel the other watching him, waiting to see if he would withdraw. But he did not. He paused, stood still and tried not to let on.
Euronymous looked from the sun to the other and took another drag of the cigarette, but felt his hand remain on his, tapping him lightly. ,,Can you still remember that summer here under the tree after we took the motorcycle?" he asked, looking at the black-haired man, knowing no, hoping that Euronymous remembered what he couldn't finish back then. But the blue-eyed man's gaze turned almost melancholy at the moment when they were both too scared as teenagers.
They thought they had the world, the night and the day. ,,Yeah, sure, you tried back then-" Euronymous began, turning to his friend as he felt the lips on his. The warm, unforgiving kiss that was soft and yet demanding. The hand that gently pulled him close.
The moment as it was then. ,,Trying to kiss you," his friend replied as they broke away, a grin on both their lips as they leaned against each other, feeling for the first time that they wouldn't grow apart again, that they would stay together and this time forever.
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northernmariette · 1 year
A book recommendation
The topic of book recommendations just came up. By coincidence I was about to recommend a book I recently acquired. The publisher threatens to unleash the Furies from Hades if anyone dares to reproduce anything from the book without written permission. But since this is a plug for this particular book, maybe they will tolerate my copying a couple of paragraphs to partly illustrate the author's point of view.
The book is called "The Eagle in Splendour: Inside the Court of Napoleon". It's by Philip Mansel, and my copy is from the Tauris Parke 2021 edition.
To whet your appetite, gentle readers, here are the promised extracts:
From pp. 1-2:
"Despite or because of his Jacobin past, General Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, was an ultra-monarchist. In 1799-1804, at the same time as introducing a new constitution, with the Senate, Tribunate and Corps Législatif, he established a court system, in a calculated sequence of monarchising measures. First came a guard (1799); then official costumes (1800); residence and receptions in the Tuileries palace (1800-1); a chapel headed by his favourite composer Paisiello (...) (1802); a monarchy, a dynasty and a coronation (1804); finally a nobility (1808). The choice of such a system, when France was a victorious republic, and the rapidity with which the Republicans adapted to it, proves its appeal. The transformation of France into a republic in 1792 had been partly due to contingences: the 'executive gap' left by the absence of a vigorous monarch, minister or general; the radicalism of the National and Legislative Assemblies; and war."
From pp. 3-4:
"Napoleon I re-monarchised Europe as well as France. Not only did he appoint members of his dynasty: Prince of Piombino and Lucca (1805); Grand Duke of Berg (1805); and Kings of Holland (1806), Naples (1806), Westphalia (1807) and Spain (1808); but with a consistency revealing his monarchical principles, he also abolished all republics in Europe, old and new: Venice (1797), France (1804), Genoa (1805), Lucca (1805), Ragusa (1808), and the Cisalpine (1805), Batavian (1806) and Septinsular (1807) republics. He made Frankfurt, the classic German city-state, into a Grand Duchy (to which his step-son Eugene-Napoleon would have succeeded) and allotted 52 former 'free cities' of the Holy Roman Empire to different German rulers, or to himself. Thus, by 1812 he had placed every city in Europe under a monarch; even Swiss cities acknowledged him as 'Mediator of the Helvetic Confederation'. Europe was more monarchical than at any time since the rise of the Italian city states in the twelfth century."
I, for one, am hooked. I found the passage about France becoming a republic because of contingencies particularly interesting. To my mind it explains why it was so easy for even people as the Marshals to accept the return of the Bourbon monarchy, as well as explaining why Marshals such as Bessières and Berthier, both royalists in my opinion, were ready to serve the new, Napoleonic monarchy: the transition might have appeared to them as one from monarchy to Révolution and instability, to a new monarchy, and for Berthier, to the old Versailles monarchical dynasty again he knew so well.
I am not very far ahead yet in this book, but so far I love it and highly recommend it.
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