#from one queer man to another
fobnsfwdoodles · 11 months
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I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out of you..
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min-kit · 2 months
I’m not saying he’s not staying longer than planed but with Oliver you have to also take his interviews with many grains of salt. Like love him to death but he also says things like this about every possible LI he gets. Just look at the last few interviews from season 6 where he was going on about the future of Buck and Natalia and how excited he was is to see it play out in season 7 and explore their dynamic etc. and then we all saw what happened with that lol.
to be fair, when he said those things, Fox hadn't cancelled 9-1-1 yet & ABC hadn't picked it up. for all he figured, Buck & Natalia could've been something in s7 had it been on fox and things didn't play out the way they did. & I don't blame him for saying things like this about every LI cuz I'm sure he prob hopes at least 1 will stick around for some time. Buck has certainly drawn the short end of the stick as far as LI's go, but Tommy is incredibly different than any of his past LI's and, frankly, whether you like BuckTommy or not, it'd be stupid to just brush him aside when this pairing allows for a ton of new, rich storylines that they can tell.
And isn't getting Buck off that hamster wheel Kristen put him on in seasons 5 & 6 the entire point of this?
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
I’m…hmmm…trying to think of how to say this, but the whole “leather jacket and fade cut = lesbian!” argument is emblematic of an issue I’m seeing more and more, which is this shift by some folk to enforcing even tighter gender norms but also divided by sexuality. It’s an approach that completely strips characters of their historical connections and place in period, which is one of the strengths and unique factors of decades-long running properties that are eternally set in ‘now’.
It’s just such a surface read to take what a character wore in 1993 and apply fashion assumptions from 2023 to that character, and it misses the reading of what that outfit meant to contemporary characters 30 years ago. Now it can be fun to joke in hindsight about how it reads now, but personally I find it more interesting to see interpretations of how that character’s style evolved over time. (There’s some great write ups about for eg Dick’s looks over time, which moves with fashion but is readably the same dude just in different time periods).
I get it. I get people want to look for representation. But also you lose so much story by just placing modern assumptions on old outfits. A Lois Lane from the 50s/60s wearing trousers and a Lois Lane today wearing trousers have different meanings, even if both work as reads on Lois’ character.
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sharkneto · 8 months
Huge news guys: I'm like 2,300 pages into the Stormlight Archive series, and we got our first Gay Character. I repeat: First Gay Character Has Appeared.
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yaminerua · 1 year
Rob Grant seeing a fan during the commentaries streams saying they’d always viewed Rimmer as being possibly Asexual but unaware of it and responding pretty positively about it and saying that he could see that making sense was great to hear as an ace person myself but as an ace who is also not straight it gives me room to headcanon further that if he’s unaware of his sexual orientation or lack thereof, he could easily be unaware of his romantic orientation as well.
like if he doesn’t realise that he’s asexual and he’s just pursuing what he’s expected to pursue because it’s the done thing, and projecting behaviours he’s observed over his life bc well that’s what everyone does so of course I’m doing it too (which is something I myself did a bunch before I figured myself out) then it isn’t too far a stretch of the imagination to merge that behaviour with being unaware of where his real romantic attraction lies beneath the performance.
He’s already the epitome of someone trying in vain to squeeze himself into a box he doesn’t fit into, what with his desperation to become an officer and all that, because the expectation was put upon him at a young age and he doesn’t know what to do other than to keep shooting for it.
It’s a logical continuation for him to be doing that in other areas, either because he’s genuinely unaware and not informed enough to recognise it within himself or is subconsciously keeping from acknowledging those aspects of himself after a lifetime of repression and drilled-in heteronormativity in an allonormative society, especially with how old-fashioned and conservative Io sounds.
Validating ‘Rimmer is asexual and unaware of it’ as a viable headcanon leans itself easily to validating ‘Rimmer is gay and unaware of it’ (or other similarly queer interpretations) bc if he’s unaware of one thing he could very easily be unaware of the rest. Hell it took me a long time even after I figured the first part out myself.
I do know that his potential ace-ness being somewhat given a bit of a nod by one of the people who created and used to work on the show is probably the closest to validating a queer headcanon we might get bc they’re unlikely to reeeally read into the bi/gay vibes they’ve unconsciously threaded through his character over the years and that sucks bc he really does read so easily as being some flavour of not straight but like.
It’s a bit like a door left unintentionally open, by somewhat validating one queer reading of him. A springboard to interpret him in different ways bc well if he’s unaware of X then how about Y too? It would be nice to see other interpretations get that validation too.
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kyeterna · 11 months
So I have been watching One Piece right? And I am like at episode 425 or something, like after all the Straw-hats are separated by Kuma right? And in one episode we see that Sanji is banished by the paw pad man to the Queer TM island. (From a first glance the men in drag if they are supposed to be trans women that depiction is very transphobic ngl are not depicted that flatteringly but I also want to give the benefit of the doubt because Oda has time and time again managed to subvert expectations on characters but alas). Which makes me think that Bartholomew fricking Kuma, one of the Warlords of the Sea, looked at Sanji Once and was like "yup, no way that guy's straight, have a fun self discovery at queer island vacation".
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dirtytransmasc · 5 months
I don't need Taigen and Mizu to get together, but they can't just stay friends, I need them to become a secret third thing that is most definitely queer but like... they're not dating... yeah, that's what I need.
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
Sometimes I remember absolutely batshit insane discourse topics I saw when I was a teen and I am just. Amazed
Also, the fact that adults also said this just adds to the insanity tbh
#thylacines can talk#aces stole purple from bis#homosexual/romantic is a slur#aspec actually means autism spectrum and you cant use it if youre acearo. sources? just trust me bro#the mooncourse#people acting rude and entitled because you didn't include a lesbian flag in something. even when it WAS included just in a different post#when a certain art project was split into multiple posts. or they used a lesbiaj flag that they made on their own or that was less popular#because it was back when people still weren't set on which lesbian flag to use. or if it was by-request project#thay one time a lesbian candle maker was harassed because she made a lesbian candle hut didnt use the pink lipstick flag so people accused#her of being lesbophobic despite it saying thats a lesbian flag Right There on heretsy shop#either the same person or another lesbian crafter getting harassed because she made an ace artemis soap#the entire discourseprincessa fiasco#the queer is a slur argument and it's useless anyway because its too vague (thats the POINT)#it was tiring and so stupid when it all was happening and i regret wasting my teens on that bs. but man is it funny in hindsight#i dont miss old tumblr discourse though#I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ANOTHER ONE. APPARENTLY 'PISS YOUR PANTS' WAS A DEATH THREAT#alsp the fact that i still see people. ADULTS. arguing against the aspec or pan/mga is laughable#what are you? 13? get off the internet. go outside. touch grass. interact with actual queer community. stop being so chronically online#these are just words. if they saw the type of terms older generations use theyd fucking combust on the spot
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
I see more hate for Dead end paranormal Park than I do praise :(
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lepakonpaska · 7 months
caution, gay joy and rambling in the tags ⚠️
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brittlebutch · 2 years
the shift of Carlos’s character from ‘straight man with an undertone of dread’ to ‘manically delighted by everything in the world’ is a fun one; namely i can’t decide if it’s More fun if Cecil was filtering Carlos’s tone to make it sound more dramatic before he really got to know him OR if Carlos had been making an honest attempt at masking before deciding he didn’t need to anymore and throwing all restraint to the curb
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seenthisepisode · 2 years
#before i go i just like to say something about that poor kid from heartstopper being forced to come out to the twitter crowd#first of all this just proves a point how toxic the bird app is and i hope it doesn't die because if those people come here.....#also something something this aligns so well with these terminally online teeangers who have everything about them in their bios#and find you suspicious if you don't. constant surveillance over one another because if you don't have everything public then that means#you have something to hide. like this is a pattern and given the audience of that show are mostly teens and early 20s.... this just fits#and the fact that some of these idiots celebrated after they bullied him to come out because yay bi guy plays a bi charcater#this is insane and also disgusting please get help#there is this post going around with the tweet screen how real people can't queerbait#and i see people being like hahahha misha did queerbait tho and it was extremely funny when he had to come out as straight#and. being in this fandom for years. and the fact that he said it in a private m&g. and the fact stands called him a queer man#and the fact he backtracked only after TWO DAYS. like this thing is still very.... well it makes me uncomfortable because i still think#he might have had to backtrack for some reason. idk it just makes me feel weird because laughing at this situation feels wrong#but idk idk and like i don't have to know and i dont want to speculate. i just think both of these situations must have been horrible#but one of them is turned into a joke......#also i know nothing about harry styles but accusing taylor swift of queerbaiting. WHERE#don't project your sexuality (or your anything) onto celebrities like they are fictional characters........#anyway....... i had to get it out lol.
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thereallifecath · 2 years
Anyway… Steddie
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Midnight Smokes and Little Talks
Yes I know, I need help.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘Another queer ship obsession Shyla?? You gonna keep drawing them for months on end??’ … and yeah, you’d be exactly right 😇
As always, don’t repost and tap the image to get better quality
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Homophobic that I have to record and edit a whole video in order to share the songs I write in a visual medium tbh
I need a wizard to just magically broadcast how good I made this cover of a song from The Last Unicorn. Beam it directly into the hearts and minds of the nation and also the author Peter S. Beagle, whom I googled just now and who is still alive AND WOULD SURELY GIVE ME THE RIGHTS TO USE HIS LYRICS IN MY GRAPHIC NOVEL IF HE ONLY KNEW HOW SICK MY UKULELE SKILLS ARE
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mariocki · 2 years
Horst: It's not very sociable in these barracks. [He laughs.] Is it?
Max: It's all right.
Horst: Right. You got a yellow star.
Max: [pointing to Horst's pink triangle] How'd you get that?
Horst: I signed a petition.
Max: And?
Horst: That was it.
Martin Sherman, Bent (1979)
#100plays#martin sherman#bent#modern theatre#queer theatre#theatre quotes#1979#for context‚ Max negotiates his way to Jewish identification rather than the pink triangle on entering a concentration camp#setting in motion the key subject of disagreement between him and Horst#Horst is proud of his identity as a gay man‚ even with the mistreatment it brings him (as much from fellow prisoners as from the nazis)#whilst Max considers himself a realist and a deal maker‚ who cannot fathom why anybody would willingly endure something they might avoid#the question of identity and the approach to self identity is a recurring theme; Horst takes strength from his identity where Max#considers it weakness and shrouds himself where possible. it's mirrored wonderfully in a later scene‚ after Max trades oral sex with a Nazi#commanding officer in return for medicine‚ and he and Horst debate whether the man is queer and how important it was to him that the man#who went down on him was (apparently) Not queer; that in bartering sex with a gay man the captain may have had to face the idea#that he himself might be gay‚ but by fucking a 'straight' man he can retain his heterosexuality. it's a semantic exercise to some degree#but one with life or death stakes (Max is sure he would be killed if the captain suspected he was gay)#the petition Horst refers to was Magnus Hirschfeld's‚ the german sexologist who so revolutionised the understanding of queer identities#and whose work was denounced and destroyed by the nazis. it's another indicator of Horst's personality and his personal comfort in his own#sexuality compared to Max#it's worth noting too that the way Max 'proves' his heterosexuality‚ although relayed secondhand‚ is one of the most upsetting#and devastating things I've ever read. this play is not for the faint of heart or the easily disturbed. but maybe it should be experienced#by them too
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earl-grey-love · 2 years
I hope all the queer characters in Mad M*n know how much I love them.
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