#one cus hes a fucking horrible person
earl-grey-love · 2 years
I hope all the queer characters in Mad M*n know how much I love them.
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sensitivegoblin · 16 days
Tw: sewerslide and SH
#....i really miss being 4yrs without a care in the world and my family loved each other so purely#fuck its not fair that she does this to me#im shaking over how upset this is making me#i cant always be the one at fault thats IMPOSSIBLE and not fair#she sees it as im lazy n dont like being told to do stuff#i see it as she literally picks on me everytime her health anxiety gets to her or her fiance......i watch it happen like fuckin clockworm#but im the bad guy im the lazy emotional youngest sibling whos life was sooooooo perfect cus mom n dad treated me different#I WAS HIGHLY AUTISTIC#im sorry that you wanna feel special so you gotta pretend my life was just so great cus i got extra attention#I NEEDED EXTRA ATTENTION#Dad did his best to make us all feel equal and you know thst#i du no im jjst fucking done with the littlw comments#i read over my dads shoulder so i already knew but my sister brought up what he said to her before sending me here since the waters broke#he said “please dont say anything to her she has enough on her plate”#and she just got all snippy with me about it#....i literally came to your house with 3 big slashes on my arm when do i get a fucking break from the picking????#next time ill do both my arms maybe then shell have nice emptions for me#im literally frozen in my seat sweating cus of how upset im trying not to bw#its very rare she has a soft moment with me and she completely ignores my scars or my mental health#shes now crying in the other room......#like....i dont even know what to do abymore its not fair im always the bad guy#i shouldnt have to deal with a shitty attitude ontop of the other stuff i got going on#its like shes allowed to stab me but i even react to the pain suddenly im a horrible person#its times like these i just wanna end myself cus im tired of trying so hard and having no one to unmask with#im constantly performing for other people only to not get the same energy back im SO tired#update: i escaped#i love my sister but when shes struggling she acts bitchy towards me and thats not fair#literally did the oppisite of what my dad asked her lmao#i bet she stopped crying and is now finding any lil mistake to bitch about#now im blasting sad music into my ears in hopes of not spiraling
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seeingivy · 7 months
dinner party
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
an: what is going on in the house of commons (I do not know) MAJOR CRINGE ALERT but it's part of the lore idgaf this was a long time coming
it’s four thirty in the morning when sukuna decides to pry you from your computer. 
he’s almost positive that he’s going to get pushed back, cued on by the combination of your sleep deprivation and the concerning amount of energy drinks he knows you must have consumed within the hour. 
but the tangled mess of your hair and your deep, dark eye bags, have bothered him long enough – and if anything – he’s given you tons of grace for letting it go on for four days. 
sukuna gets working hard. he just can’t stand by working yourself to the bone. 
he finds you hunched over on the kitchen island, head down on the counter as you scribble away on your notebook – a sizable amount of ink smeared on your hands, a few empty wrappers of protein bars at your side, and your eyes barely open. 
sukuna leans forward, resting his forearms on the counter, before reaching forward to push your computer shut. the sound that follows jolts you out of your concentration, to find an…almost irritated sukuna sleepily rubbing his eyes. 
“hey. did i wake you up? i dropped the glass earlier by accident.” you mumble. 
“you broke a glass?” sukuna asks. 
“yeah. most of it is in the corner over there, i’ll swear i’ll clean it up as soon as i’m done.” 
sukuna opens his eyes fully this time, to find the stacked pile of glass sitting in the little corner, sparing you a glare before reaching for the little bin. the guilt flares up in you as you watch him drag his tired body over to the side, carefully shuffling all of the little shards away into the bag,
“sukuna. you don’t have to do that. i was going to clean it up.” 
“well, fuck off now. more time for you to sleep if i do it for you.” he mumbles. 
you’re positive he meant to make that more domineering then it ended up being. 
and it’s horrible. it’s been days since you’ve slept next to him, always climbing in as he’s climbing out to go to work – pressing a consolation kiss to his cheek before you pass out into the sheets. and now he’s up in the middle of the night, cleaning your mess just to ensure you a few more minutes of rest. 
“i’m almost done with my personal statement, i just want to make sure it’s done before i send it out to-” 
“your personal shit will still be there tomorrow.” 
you sigh. the pulsating in your head throbs quietly, eyelids heavy and aching from the light of the screen, tiredness sagging in your bones – dragging your limbs down as you lean on one of your arms. 
you still have three paragraphs left to write. your activities section could be better. you need to upload your transcripts and make sure that the letters were uploaded to the portal properly. and- 
“i’m almost done, really. i was just going to come to bed and-” 
“perfect! come now.” 
sukuna switches sides, walking up behind you and replacing his fingers with yours on your head. he can feel the pulsating under his fingertips, noting the way you lean your head against his chest and lean back the second he starts massaging into your skin. 
“you’re starting to fucking piss me off.” sukuna mutters. 
that’s what he says. it sounds more like you’re starting to concern me. 
“i’m coming, sukuna. just give me a few more minutes, okay?” 
sukuna pulls the stool at your side, before looping both of his hands around your thighs and pulling you up into his lap. his hands are steady – holding you firmly at your sides – as he looks up at you and you dig your hands into the hardness of his collarbone. 
you loop your fingers through the silver chain around sukuna’s neck, tugging on the little dog tag charm at the end to pull him closer to you. it’s a chaste kiss that you press to his lips and you you can feel him staring after – big, brown eyes peering into yours – as he kneads his hands into your skin.
you scoff. 
“are you poking my butt?” you ask. 
“maybe a little.” sukuna responds. 
“you’re such a dog.” 
“you cop a feel almost everyday. god forbid i touch my girlfriend’s butt.” 
sukuna reaches forward, tucking one of the loose strands behind your ear. 
“we used to be a real country, y’know? people used to touch butts all the time.” 
you smile and sukuna reaches up to run his fingers over your lips, the softness mirrored on his face too. and you know that a lecture is going to follow, so you bury your hands into his messy bedhead. 
“you have to fucking stop this shit.” sukuna states. 
you sigh. 
“i know. it’s just that once i start, i find it hard to stop. i just want to finish it all in one go.” 
“you want to clean up animal shit that badly?” 
you groan. 
“you’re so mean, sukuna. it’s not cleaning up animal shit…” 
“yeah, yeah…i’ve heard your whole healing and love for the earth and animals shit before, i know.” 
you dig your hands into his scalp. 
“i…i just want to make sure that i only have to apply to veterinary school once.” 
“you’re being stubborn. so what if you have to try again? it’s not a big deal.” sukuna states. 
“s’not about that. i just can’t afford to do it again, sukuna. it costs thousands of dollars and i’ve been saving up for so long. i’d hate to see the overtime i worked go to waste when i don’t even get in.” you murmur. 
sukuna doesn’t think it through when he says it. he’s almost certain that if he had thought through it properly though, it would have been the same conclusion. 
“i’ll pay for it.” sukuna states. 
it’s a horrible sensation – like pins and needles in your chest. 
you knew that sukuna was rich. that his family was rich. 
and that in earnest, sukuna probably would pay for it without even batting an eye. it wouldn’t even be the first time that you would have taken a handout from his family – for rent, car loans, when you applied to college. 
mrs. itadori was too generous. it seeped into sukuna too. 
but you refuse to take handouts from your boyfriend. not when the debt you have to pay them back is already so high. 
“are you crazy? you can’t just offer to pay for my vet school applications if i don’t get in anywhere this time around.”  
“you know i have a job right?” sukuna responds. 
“i know you have a job. but you can’t just offer it up like that! you’re acting like it’s just a five dollar iced coffee or something. it costs thousands of dollars, sukuna.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“it’s like an investment. you can pay me back.” sukuna states. 
the same line mrs. itadori uses. it never feels that way when they’re the one quietly shuffling you money in envelopes when you have eviction notices on your door that you never pay back. 
“you would never take my money.” you state. 
sukuna grins, before leaning forward to press a kiss to your collarbone. 
“you know me so well, princess.” 
you frown. 
“and you expect me to take yours.” you mumble. 
sukuna runs his hands through the front of your hair, before angling your down up so that you’re looking at him. 
“you know i only have a stable income because of my parents, right? that’s…i had a leg up, sweetheart. didn’t have to worry about working during school – hell, i went fucking abroad just because i could.” 
you glare at him. 
“that’s…that’s such a copout. i can’t just take a handout from you because things are harder for me. i know that you may have had some things considerably easier but that doesn’t mean i can just…start taking your money.” 
he glares back. 
“considerably easier is the understatement of the year. and i have every intent to let you pay me back when you’re a cushy doctor. you’re going to buy me a new motorcycle with that money.” 
sukuna watches the thought rattle around in your head. 
“we’re in it for the long haul. not a big deal if i have to help you pay for vet school applications, which i won’t have to because you’ll get in, but what’s mine is yours. s’gonna be our future student loan.” he murmurs. 
there’s the ghost of a smile on your face. sukuna’s fingers continue to meld softly into the hardness of your hip bones, the sensation so soothing it almost makes you keel your head back. 
and you’re sure that’s part of it – the soft touch, the overexertion, the crippling fear that you’re about to graduate and not even sure what you’ll be doing next year, that you could fail and have to rely on him – that makes you start bursting into tears and stand up to wrap your arms around him.  
you delude yourself for a second into thinking that’s how it could be. that maybe for once you wouldn’t have to worry about this type of thing, because he would be there to help you. that he would let you pay him back, that it would be your money. 
“i can’t take your money, sukuna.” you whisper. 
sukuna smiles. 
“you would do it for me.” 
“i wouldn’t be able to do it for you. i-i would want to but…” 
sukuna frowns. 
“you know money doesn’t mean shit to me right?” 
you sigh. 
“but it does to me. we already owe you so much and…and this can’t be another thing on the list of stuff i have to pay back.” you state. 
sukuna hooks his hands under your knees, before tilting you over his back and marching his way back to the room. there’s angry grumbling under his breath, that’s fully intelligible to you and makes your breath hitch. 
“why are we having this stupid fucking conversation at four in the morning? i’m not about to get into the whole logistics of marriage and shared bank accounts when you can’t even stop giggling after i touch your thighs sometimes. just chill the fuck out.” 
you feel bad. but you can’t help but laugh at how stupid he sounds as he flops you flat onto the sheets – that he haphazardly mentioned marrying you – as he rummages through the closet for your pajamas. you can tell that he’s tabled it for now and you’re more than grateful as your eyelids start to heavy with sleep. 
“arms up.” 
you oblige as he reaches for your shirt – and lightly push him as he tangles it over your head for far too long – before pulling it straight off. there’s a wide smile on his face and you reach for his wrist to stop him. 
“what’s wrong?” 
not the time. 
“nothing! i just….nothing, sorry.” 
you take the shirt from his hands before slipping it over your head and switching into the shorts. sukuna’s always quick with things like this – closing his eyes and turning around – always waiting until you were done. 
besides your momentary lapse in awkwardness when you were able to take the bath with him, you hadn’t pushed anything farther. but it was pooling in the pit of your stomach – that want to be closer to him, moving in tandem with him for something…more intimate. 
you’d talk to him about it on the weekend. 
“are you…sitting at the kids table?” 
you look up to find a blonde girl standing against the back end of the wall, nursing a little glass of wine in her hands. you shoot the group of kids an apologetic smile before you push off the floor, rubbing the red spots in your knee from the carpet, before giving a polite smile. 
“ah. i kind of lost my boyfriend…and i can’t find my friends. they were also playing the entire game wrong and it was hurting my soul a little bit.” 
the girl laughs, pushing her hair behind her shoulder before extending her hand out to you. 
“valid. i’d do the same thing. i’m kisa.” she states. 
you swear you know her from somewhere. though the likelihood of that is probably ninety percent – there wasn’t anyone in this town who didn’t know each other. 
“i’m y/n.” 
“wait. y/n? are you sammy’s sister?”  
point proven. 
“that’s right. yeah, she’s here somewhere. our mom was invited, she’s really good friends with mrs. itadori.” you. 
she hums in response, as you watch people shuffle in and out of the room. there’s a highly doctored smell of perfume in the room – billowing black dresses and shiny pearls – as all of you mom’s friends amble around the foyer taking their pictures. 
mrs. itadori spent a decent amount of her time planning extravagant dinner parties. and once in a while, you had to drag yourself all the way out here to show your face with yuuji. it was hardly pleasant. 
yuuji’s dad would always make a shitty comment, sammy’s ass kissing would be at its peak, and the two of you would be left to fend for the wolves. 
sukuna, naturally, knew this. so he decided to attend to. 
you just didn’t realize he’d be so popular. neither did yuuji and it makes your skin itch that you don’t know where he is right now. or that you can’t resolve the tension that he must be feeling – especially when it’s about sukuna. 
“why are you here?” 
she grins. 
“i have this really hot ex-boyfriend. i was figuring he might be here tonight since he’s back in town.” 
“do tell.” 
“oh, he’s gorgeous. like, i don’t want to objectify men, but i literally do. he’s like attractive in a ‘i want to pour battery acid into my eyes every time he looks at me’ kind of way.” 
you laugh.
“the best kind of attractive.” you affirm. 
“you get me, bitch! it’s like…i don’t mean to be so crude…and i’ve already had three glasses of wine so i’m going to blame it on that…but i need to get dicked down. fuck, i’d even suck his dick if he let me. and i hate sucking dick!” 
you snort. 
weirdly enough, this is one of your favorite things about parties like these. or going to the bar. talking to random girls in the bathroom – finding out that it’s their bachelorette party or whatever boy problems they’re having. there’s a soft solace in other people like this – that talk so openly with strangers, with a quiet trust that you can’t really seem to place. 
“weird question. why do you hate it?” you ask. 
“not weird at all, honey. it’s just not very fun to do. but sometimes it is, when you can tell the person really likes it. like my ex-boyfriend, i’d suck his dick all the time just because i wanted to, just because i liked to make him feel good. and he really loved it. and some people are fucking into it, i don’t know, they love to suck dick and do that type of thing. s’all about your interests.” 
you nod, mulling over her answer in your head. 
“do you like sucking dick?....that sounds more crude when i say it but also i’ve been talking about it for the past twenty seconds so.” she asks. 
“no! no, it’s not rude. and i asked. um, i haven’t done it before. i mean, i have or…or at least tried to but i don’t count that for…other reasons and stuff. but no, i haven’t.” 
“do you want to? you’re pretty, you said you have a boyfriend right?” 
you smile. 
“yeah. yeah, i just…get nervous about that type of thing. we haven’t done anything yet but i feel like we might soon.” 
she narrows her eyes. 
“he doesn’t pressure you, right?” 
along with the quiet trust, there’s always a well of concern. 
“no! no, the opposite really.” 
“good shit. well, don’t think about it so hard. it’ll come to you naturally. plus, when you like someone a lot, that type of stuff kind of comes with it. like my ex-boyfriend? total fucking sweetie pie. he could be standing in front of me and i’d dick him down right now if he asked. just for old times sake.” 
you laugh. 
“i really hope you find him. and get dicked down for your own sake.”  
“he was just so fucking hot! i’ve never had a guy make me feel like that. it’s like…i couldn’t have really reached my prime at my highschool prom with a guy two years younger than me…that’s embarrassing.” 
you pale. and right at that moment, sukuna walks up to you, eyes wide as he glares at you. 
“what the fuck are you doing?” 
you pause, the awkwardness of his name falling out of your mouths at the same time confirming your suspicions. 
just your luck, her aforementioned, beautiful ex-boyfriend, is sukuna. 
“sukuna! i didn’t realize you were back.” 
you can feel your chest simmering. because now she’s batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair in response to him. sukuna doesn’t even spare her a second glance and instead uses it to shoot bullets at you with his eyes. 
“what are you doing?” 
“i didn’t know! how was i supposed to know?” you whisper.
“we all went to the same school, y/n.” 
“i don’t memorize what all your ex-girlfriends look like sukuna. i have a very small thread of self-confidence and i’m hell bent on keeping it for the time being.” you respond. 
sukuna doesn’t find your joke funny. 
“do you guys know each other or something?” kisa asks. 
“kisa. this is my girlfriend, y/n. she was best friends with yuuji, remember?” sukuna states. 
she pauses for a second, before jolting up. 
“ah. the little one who used to take the cheerleading pictures, right? frizzy hair, big glasses?” she asks. 
you pinch your lips into a straight line. 
“that would be me!” you state. 
“shut the fuck up.” sukuna responds, before yanking you by the elbow into the kitchen at the side. 
you spare her a last glance over your shoulder – confusion spreading over her face – followed by the seclusion to the quiet of the kitchen. 
sukuna leans back against the fridge, running his hands through his hair, giving tight-lipped polite smiles through the people passing through the rooms. 
“what did you talk about?” 
you dig your fingers into your palm. sukuna picks up on it. 
“nothing. just pleasantries and stuff. it wasn’t a big deal!” 
“tell me. i can tell whatever it was is making you feel like shit.” 
you take a deep breath. 
“i don’t feel like shit, i just-” 
“are you guys fighting about something?” 
your eyes widen as you turn to yuuji, leaning against the frame of the door with his arms crossed on his chest. you muster a peachy smile, shaking your head as you walk up to his side and loop your arm through his. 
“of course not. we never fight!” you state. 
yuuji raises his eyebrow. 
“you never fight? ever?” 
“no! no, of course we fight. all the time actually.” you state. 
you look over at sukuna, who starts gesturing to you with his hands – with an irritated look on his face. 
what the hell are you talking about? 
you gesture back, shrugging as yuuji shuffles the two of you over to the drinks, filling up the glasses. 
“well, that doesn’t sound very healthy.” 
you take a deep breath in. 
“we don’t fight an abnormal amount. we’re like normal couples. we fight and then make up. there’s nothing weird about us actually, we’re perfect! It’s-it’s like conflict resolution and-” 
yuuji laughs, before leaning closer to you and wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“who are you trying to convince? me or yourself? you’re rambling so much.” 
you groan, burying your palms into your eye sockets – you’re already messing this up. royally. yuuji gives you a warm smile, one that you can see from the little gaps in between your fingers, as you cross your arms and lean against the counter. yuuji gives sukuna a small nod, as sukuna takes the spot at your side, and links his arm around your shoulder. 
it feels wrong to be so openly affectionate like that. for him to pull you closer to him when yuuji’s standing right there. 
you lift your shoulders slightly until he drops his hand and you shoot him a grateful smile. 
“so really. what happened?” 
“nothing. i was talking to kisa and didn’t realize it was kisa.” 
yuuji leans his head back. 
“which one is she again? the neighbor?” 
you can feel a wave of discomfort, of an unnecessary defense bubbling up in your chest. he wasn’t actually talking to the neighbor – she just wanted advice on whether or not she should break up with her boyfriend. 
and sukuna told her not to. 
“no. she’s the girl sukuna went to prom with.” you state, brushing down the pleats of your skirt. 
“ahh, that’s right. his first girlfriend.” 
yuuji circles the last sip of his drink in his cup before downing it and turning to both of you at his side. 
“so what the hell is he so pissed about? you can’t talk to people now?” 
“he wasn’t mad. we were just talking, yuuji.” 
“you looked pretty mad. and you were whispering in hushed tones.” yuuji states. 
sukuna clears his throat and you can tell that he’s simmering with irritation from the way his fists are clenched and curled at his side. the animosity in his eyes does little to help too. 
“i just wanted to know what they talked about and clear up anything that she might have said that might not be true. i don’t want her to get the wrong idea.�� sukuna states. 
yuuji rolls his eyes. 
“she’s a grown woman. i think she can tell right from wrong by herself. and i’m positive that if she did say anything, it’s not anything that wouldn’t be true.” 
you shove yuuji in the side. 
“what’s your problem? you’re being so mean.” 
“i’m not being mean! it’s just a fact. you…you know how he can be. do you really think he just changed like that?” 
maybe it’s a mix of things. 
that sukuna’s ex-girlfriend just spent five minutes telling you about how much he apparently loves to get his dick sucked and you have yet to muster up the courage to do it. or that your hair’s been getting consecutively oily as the night goes on and sticking to your forehead or that yuuji tends to throw some hurdle into your relationship every chance he seems to get. 
or that you can’t pay for vet school so it’s time to cut back on iced coffee since you’re going to be taking a loan or that your mom’s walking around in fake pearls and someone most definitely will make a comment about it that’ll have her leaving the party crying. 
or that you can never seem to win. or do anything right. 
“you’re such an asshole sometimes. why do you always have to talk about him like that? do you think i’m so pathetic that he’s going to leave me for some girl he literally talked to six years ago? do you think i’m so pathetic that i’d date someone like that?” you mutter, before brushing past his shoulder and leaving the room. 
sukuna can feel that irritation festering up in him and makes his best efforts to swallow it down as he turns to yuuji. sukuna debates his options – following you or beating it out of yuuji. 
the second one seems more productive for the time being. 
he turns and can immediately clock that yuuji feels bad – his face drooping like it would whenever sukuna would beat him in a video game or leave their board game early to hang out with his friends. 
“what the hell is your problem?” sukuna asks. 
the drooping is replaced with anger, an irritability as yuuji scoffs before turning around. 
“what’s yours?” yuuji mutters. 
sukuna reaches for his collar, shaking him from filling up his glass again, before yuuji meets his eyes again. 
“no, seriously. what the fuck is your problem? why can’t you just be happy for her? we were getting along just fine before this until you decided to be a little bitch about it.” sukuna asks. 
yuuji rolls his eyes. he pulls back, tussling out of his grasp before leaning against the closed door of the fridge. 
“i didn’t have a problem with you. but you’re doing the same shit as before – being careless. and you’re doing it with my best friend.” 
sukuna wants to punch him in the face. 
“are you ever going to be satisfied with what you have? you just had to have her too? she was my friend first.” yuuji states.
sukuna doesn't know why it flares up in him - that possessiveness. you don't belong to him but you certainly don't belong to yuuji either. he doesn't get to stake a claim on you just because he knew you first.
“you sound like a pathetic child. you know you don’t own her, right? you can’t fathom that she could have someone else be special to her that isn’t you? that you can’t be a spoiled little kid and have to learn how to share?” 
sukuna’s hit a nerve, though he’s not entirely sure why. but now yuuji’s crying, shoving him hard into the counter, before his pounding footsteps reside as he runs up the stairs.
there’s an immediate guilt, coupled with a resounding headache. 
when sukuna makes it back to the apartment – after having dozed off for a decent amount of the train ride home – he’s thrown off when you push him against the wall the second you make it back into the house. and dig your hands under his shirt, dangerously lower than you ever have before. 
“jesus. what’s wrong with-” 
he can barely finish because you’re cutting him off by kissing him – almost aggressively – and latching your arms around his neck and jumping up onto his thighs. he’s quick to catch you, your legs locked around his waist as you pant into his mouth, kissing every spare patch of skin you can find. 
“what are you-” 
he can’t even get a sentence out. 
“doing, pretty girl?” 
it’s almost like you don’t hear him or something. there’s something insatiable burning in your eyes, nearly twitching with a fervor with something that he’s never really seen before. 
correction. something that he’s never seen in your eyes before. he’s seen it before – hundreds of times. in the shitty bathroom in the bar, from the girl he met on the dating app, and even kisa back in the day. but not with you.
he almost hates it.
sukuna pushes you back, resting your legs against the weight of the kitchen counter before letting go and trying to pull away. 
but it’s almost like you’re trying to entice him. grabbing him by his necklace and pulling him back into you, letting one hand roaming through his hair and the other underneath his shirt. 
there’s an insatiable fire pooling in his stomach. but it’s the wrong timing. and it’s almost too…tantalizing, too tempting that it felt wrong. 
this was not how he was going to do this with you – at least not the first time. 
he was no stranger to it – the intense, all consuming feeling that came with this. a part of him even wanted it. but he wanted the other side first, that aspect of it more. 
the part that he never had. the romance, the yearning, and the godawful ache. 
the love making. 
he had every intent to worship you the second he got, to drag it out for as long as he could. like he was a man starved, like he’d never get a chance to do it again. 
and there was no way he was going to bring that out, or be able to even do that, on the heels of his argument with yuuji, after whatever it was that kisa must have said that had you so worked up. 
sukuna doesn’t know what else to do. so he brings his hand up and takes a fist full of your hair – and uses it to yank you off of him. you’re panting hard, eyes nearly glazed over as you look at him and reach down this time. 
reaching for the buckle of his pants. sukuna reaches for your wrists and squeezes hard. 
“what are you doing?” he whispers. 
you pant, before shaking your head. 
“you know…” you respond, gesturing with your hands. 
“i don’t know. what are you doing?” he deadpans. 
you glare at him. 
“you know…we’ve been dating for some time now. and we love each other…it…it’s only right to do this type of thing. don’t you want to?” 
it’s that same meek look – that squirrely, almost timid way of talking. when he heard that godawful comparison for the first time, that filled him with an unappeasble rage. 
lipstick on a pig. 
it aggravates him to his core because he hasn’t heard it in months. that awkward, shy voice. he had gotten used to the real one – filled with a comfortable confidence. that cracked jokes and poked fun at him all the time. 
the part of you that saw him like a real person. 
“sure i do, princess. you know you drive me crazy, right?” 
you give him a grin, before reaching back for the buckle of his belt. and for a second time, he’s quick to pull on your wrists again, before leaning his forehead against yours, his breath tickling the tip of your nose. 
“no, seriously. what are you doing?” 
you bite into the hardness of your cheek, pinching your eyes shut. 
it’s not awkward. just say it. 
“i’m trying to…suck your dick.” 
sukuna takes a deep breath, using his pointer finger to angle your face back up by your chin, brown eyes overwhelmingly warm and soft as he looks at you. and it aggravates you. you know what he’s going to say. 
“you…you can’t stop me, you know? i’m ready to do this. i’ve..i’ve been thinking about it for a while.” 
sukuna raises his eyebrows, almost like he’s disbelieving of what you’re saying, before he talks. 
“okay, angel. can you just kiss me first?” 
you feel your cheeks burn. 
“i’m okay with it if you want to. i just want you to kiss me first.” 
you laugh, before cupping the side of his face and rubbing over the soft indent of his dimple. 
“are you being serious? you’re not like…copping me out right?” 
sukuna glares at you. 
“i just fucking asked you to kiss me. you just pounced on me like a fucking lion out of nowhere.” 
you bring your hands to his cheeks and can’t help but smile into his face. 
“why are you…so cute? you just want me to kiss you?” 
sukuna wrinkles his nose in disgust, before reaching forward to pinch the sensitive skin on your arm. 
“you fucking ruined it. now you’re never sucking my dick.” 
you snort. 
“well…technically i did kiss you. just really aggressively.” you mumble. 
sukuna’s laugh is soft, almost quiet as he leans forward to press a kiss to your hair. 
“kiss me properly. i’m not going anywhere. i…i want to savor it.” 
you swallow hard, as he takes over the open space in between your legs, and leans forward. his hair is tickling your forehead, your breaths slow as you cycle in tandem, and you loop your arms around his torso. 
there’s a small amount of desperation in the way that sukuna kisses you, a burning that ignites over your skin and makes your stomach drop to your core. but it’s almost like he’s slowing you down, curbing that feeling in your chest – by ubbing circles into your back, a contentment in his demeanor – that you’re cued into by the way he’s smiling into the kiss. 
that’s when you realize. 
“you’re not going to let me do it, are you?” you murmur, whispering against his lips. 
“perceptive.” sukuna mumbles back, before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
you groan, which has the smallest of laughs bubbling out of him. it’s free of any teasing – that you’re positive of as he lifts your hands to his lips and presses a kiss on each of your knuckles. 
“i like the rings. wonder what your hands would look like around my…” 
“well, now you’re just being fucking annoying.” 
“i’m joking.” 
you sigh, leaning your cheek against his shoulder, as you blink hard. 
“why not?” 
as quickly as that quiet, squirrely voice came back, it’s almost like he decimated it in his hands with a few seconds. if this were months prior, it would have taken him weeks to convince you that he still liked you. 
you had stopped viewing his actions as swift rejections, as slights against you, and started taking them for what they were. 
sukuna was going to kill yuuji for trying to shit on your relationship later. you were meant to be together, that much was obvious. 
“yuuji and i kind of…fought. i want to be in the right mood when we do this.” 
you lean forward, cupping his cheeks in your hands. 
“you know, he’s starting to really make me mad. he should just leave us alone if it pisses him off that much and-” 
“i said more than he did. it’s my fault. i’ll apologize tomorrow.” 
you shake your head. and there’s an awkward silence, before sukuna asks. 
“so what did she say? i know that didn’t come out of nowhere, even if you were thinking about it before.” 
you groan, digging your face into his neck. 
it’s almost embarrassing now. 
“she was there to see you. wanted to get dicked down by you. and mentioned that apparently you really like having your dick sucked? i don’t know…i just…had a long week. vet school and my mom and yuuji and…and you. figured i’d at least relieve some tension and give you what you wanted. like two birds in one stone type of thing.” 
“please don’t refer to sex as a stone.” sukuna deadpans.
you laugh and it makes sukuna smile. 
“the only thing i want is you.” 
you sigh.
“ugh! i’m…i’m so annoyed because i actually know that. if you were going to get up and leave you would have done it by now because it’s been months but i just…felt so stupid or like undercooked or something because we haven’t done it yet that i just-” 
“do you feel like you have something to prove?” 
you bite your lip. 
“i guess. it’s about you but…but it’s about other stuff too. i want to be strong enough to do it. i don’t want to let bad experiences hold me back when you’re obviously a good guy and obviously good in bed but-” 
sukuna smirks. 
“you’re so annoying.” 
sukuna wraps his hands around your cheeks, before pulling you up to look at him. and practices the way he’s worded this in his head a hundred times, hoping that it comes out right. 
“about what you said. about other stuff.” 
it’s almost like you’re a kicked dog, trying to retreat after he mentioned it. 
“i don’t want to push you into telling me. and you don’t have to. i can…i can piece some of it together. but i just need to know what not to do. i’ll never forgive myself if i ever hurt you, especially if it’s something regarding this.” 
he leans his forehead against yours, his voice so quiet that it makes your chest ache, with overwhelming, sincere love of his consideration for you. 
“i’m sorry it happened to you. you don’t even have to tell me. write me a list or send me an email. i just need to know what’s off limits, anything that could possibly…remind you of anything that happened to you.” 
you angle your face back up, leaving a lingering kiss on his lips before pulling back. 
“are you tired?” you ask. 
he leans back, in confusion. 
“then, i’ll tell you right now.” 
sukuna’s eyes widen. 
“i’m not trying to pressure you.” 
you smile, before linking your hands into his. 
“i know. you’re not. i’ve been thinking about how to talk to you about it. and one of the biggest hurdles is…having to address that it happened? but if you already know…all i have to do is tell you now. and…” 
you sigh. 
“and it’s you. i feel safe enough to tell you about it but just…just don’t be weird about it?” 
sukuna reaches forward, crossing a little x shape onto your chest. you tilt your head to the side, in confusion. 
“what was that?” 
“crossing your heart. like the promise?” 
“you’re supposed to cross your own heart.” 
sukuna glares. 
“i’m not going to spell it out for you. you’re smart enough to figure it out.” 
it takes a few seconds, but you reach the conclusion. 
sukuna crossed your heart instead of his. he made the promise on yours, because yours was more important than his own – enough to make an oath on.
yours over his. 
it’s the only reason you’re able to muster enough courage to even tell him what happened in the first place.
next part linked here
an: ladies and gentleman, we cringe. (this was a long time coming but it's for plot purposes)
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreaderthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebunss @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @gyros-cum-sock @wishmeme l @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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psyche-hero · 25 days
Reasons FNC should be canon, chronologically, sort of, by me, someone who is very slowly writing a mostly canon compliant soulmate au (yes i am reading between the lines for some of these)
1. Chip pulls Gillion out of the sea, Gillion, instantly acquires a new favorite color, the color of Chips eyes.
2. When Chip thinks he is going to die in the casino, he grabs Gillion and holds on, confessing all the wrong things he did to him because he does feel bad.
3. Episode 15 and 16
4. But fr, Gillion gets his honor back because Chip partakes in a cultural custom of his, then Gillion cheers Chip up by participating in a prank for Chip.
6. They shared a kiss that was loving enough that it opened a magic door (listen two nat 20s for a kiss, that is fucking true loves kiss, you just know Chip is thinking about the best kiss of his life constantly)
7. The rings during the BLOCK arc, like idc if it was practical, that’s gay.
8. Chip being so worried that Gillion would choose the undersea over him.
9. One of the few people we see Chip showing explicit attraction towards being someone who looks very similar to Gillion (Eden)
10. Chip basically loosing it after loosing Gil in the feywild
11. Chip like unlocking his magic potential via Gillions sword
12. Chip standing up on a rowboat in the middle of a raging storm prepared to get struck by lightning to bring Gil back
13. Gillion offering to help Chip with magic
14. Chip building an arena and begging to fight Gil because he lied and hurt Gil’s honor again
15. Them having matching scars cus of Kuba Kenta
16. Chip offering to wear a mind reading bracelet to try and fight off Gillions horrible nightmares
17. (I might be misremembering but one of Gillions nightmares primary features being him being unable to save Chip??)
18. Chip being so willing to believe that the person he was seeing was Gillion safe and alive that he fell right into Dopple Gillys trap.
That’s all I can think of. Do let me know more!!
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cyyfics · 1 year
I LOVED your Simon headcannons!!! Could I request gender neutral reader giving Simon a Blowjob? I just generally imagine him all whiny and needy. Like he gets an involuntary erection and the reader helps him out <33
Accidents Happen
Pairing: !Simon Petrikov x GN! reader
C! Warning(s): NSFW!, blowjobs, overstimulation, hair pulling, something else idk how to describe??? Like ur like idk, sort of spit/saliva kink, gagging, throat fucking sort of, sort of choking tbh
Synopsis: you and your best friend Simon were just lounging around on the couch on a hot summers day, who knew it would end like this?
Pronoun stuff: ur genitals aren’t mentioned like at all except for maybe one line and it’s pretty gender neutral
Note: ur the one being more dominant and harsh to him in this story, just letting u guys know Cus like ik some ppl don’t like top! readers ???
Also sorry for the Wattpad words 😨
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Your day started out like normal, you were simply lying in bed with your leg draped off the side lazily; that was until you got a knock on your door. Planning to stay lazy, you stayed in bed for a little longer not planning to get up. ‘If it’s really that important, they’ll find a way to get to me..’ you thought to yourself as you neglected the person at the door.
“Y/n!” You perked up as you heard your name being called, the sound of a familiar voice ringing through your head “shit, it’s Simon!” You scrambled to get up from your cozy bed to go help him at the door. Your footsteps were heard from outside the house at how fast you were running down the hallway, Simon stared at your front door with a bead of sweat upon his eyebrow as he heard you coming.
Finally, you had opened up the door for him. He was standing there with one of his arms sheepishly rubbing at his elbow, “Simon! What’re you doing here? Not that I mind, but I thought you would’ve texted first..” you crossed your arms and squinted at him. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I was in the area and thought about seeing you.” Simon apologised, the sentence actually sounding pretty sweet to you. “You’re drenched in sweat, did you run here or something?” You chuckled to yourself a little as you looked him up and down.
“No. Just walked. The heat is horrible out there.” Simon huffed and leaned against the wall, you cocked an eyebrow at him “You sure you’re not just exaggerating? I know your body temperature hasn’t been the same since ic-“ Simon cuts you off. He doesn’t wanna hear the name, doesn’t wanna remember any of that. “No. It really is hot out there. I saw a candy girl and she was literally melting!” Simon exclaimed.
You found it kinda cute, but not in a weird way, you told yourself. “You can sit in front of the fan if you want, just turn it on over there.” You pointed towards the fan that was set up in the corner of your living room “..Why do you have a fan out here?” Simon irked at you “..Because it gets hot in the living room? Duh.” You furrowed your eyebrows at him and gave a weird look. “..Right then.” Simon switched the fan on and immediately started to lay down on your couch.
“Oh, and now you’re just stealing my couch. How thoughtful.” You walked over to join him and found that he had left you little room to sit down, “Yes I am actually quite thoughtful- thank you for seeing that prince/ss” Simon chuckled to himself before moving a bit on the couch. “That’s still not leaving me a lot of room, Simon.” You deadpanned at him “Come lay on me then, I don’t mind.” He invited you over to him. It wouldn’t be weird, you told yourself, you and him had cuddled or laid with each other before, it’s what best friends do.
You hesitantly crawled up to him on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder awkwardly. “Isn’t this only gonna make you feel more hot?” You asked him “Probably.” Simon didn’t really care though since he had the fan turned on him. As you laid there on top of him, Simon moved one of his arms to wrap around you- to make sure you don’t suddenly fall off the couch or something, obviously..
The TV was switched on and before long the two of you were watching bad movies and junk. It was like any other day, that’s how it started. The two of you would always just be hanging out doing random things, sometimes it’d be things even like just standing in the same room together. You two just enjoyed each other’s presence. “Oh, this is a boring movie. I preferred the book much better.” Simon giggled into his hand, you couldn’t help smiling and giggling back at him.
Just as the two of you became engulfed in whatever garbage you were watching, you suddenly felt the air in the room go stagnant. Something was off, and you didn’t exactly know what yet. That was until you felt something ‘weird’ and ‘foreign’ pressing up against your lower back, you weren’t sure what it was at first but you got an idea when you moved your hips back a little and felt Simon tense up. You stayed still for a bit, seeing if he was going to say anything, possibly something like ‘Y/n don’t do that that’s my crotch’ or ‘I’m sorry that I’ve accidentally got a boner let’s just ignore it’
He said nothing, and neither did you. But you were ever so curious to find out if he would eventually say something, to confirm your theory you had to test it. You ground your hips back against his front, making the man involuntarily twitch for just a moment. You didn’t miss it, with the way his arm around you tensed up. “Something wrong?” You turned over your shoulder to ask him, looking up at his now slightly flustered face “N-No, why would something be wrong? Nothings wrong.” Simon stammered out.
“Oh, okay then.” You turn your head away to focus back on the TV but just as you do you feel his hand that was holding your side slightly grip you a little tighter, sending this tingling sensation down your body. You still didn’t dare say anything, wondering where this may be leading to. Simon pulled you a little closer to him, you were flush against him, he tried to do it slowly in hopes maybe you wouldn’t notice but you did. “Simon.” You spoke “Hm?” He tried to act as if he had no idea that you knew what he was doing.
“Why did you-“ he cuts you off “Why did I what?” You furrow your eyebrows at him “pull me closer.” You finish “I didn’t do that.” He lies to you, and yet his fingers grasp onto the fabric of your shirt to hold you a little tighter. You roll your eyes at him, simply deciding to mess with him now at this point. You shifted in your place a bit, your ass now rubbing right against his hard on. It’s a little more obvious now what you’re doing, and Simon ends up realising that just as he releases a soft moan.
The sound reaches your ears, making your cheeks flush. You weren’t expecting a moan, nor one this cute. You tease up a little, turning your head to look up at his face- which was already looking down at you with a slight annoyance. Yet, he had the most adorable flustered looking face you’d ever seen. “Y/n!” Simon exclaims “yeeeeesssss?” You draw it out, you weren’t worried about him being upset with you since you knew the man and that he wasn’t actually mad or upset. “Are you doing that on purpose?” He narrows his eyes at you “doing what?” You bat your eyelashes at him innocently.
“You know what.” Simon spits flusteredly, his cheeks a bright red colour. “Do I?” You turn your head back around, moving your hips against him again. “So you are!” Simon squeals in embarrassment “you are doing this on purpose!” Simon huffs “No clue what you’re talking about Simon.” You pretend to yawn “Right. So you aren’t rubbing your butt up against me on purpose?” Simon deadpanned at you “Where would you get such an idea?” You asked him trying not to laugh.
“From this.” He gently moves you off of him a little and shows you the growing erection showing through his pants, from what you could see he already looked pretty big actually. You looked down at him with widened eyes, licking your lips that had suddenly become dry, still trying to tell yourself that you only see this man as a friend. “Christ, Looks painful.” You swore under your breath, feeling suddenly sorry for this poor man.
“It is.” His cock was strained against his tightened pants, begging to be freed. “And you’re telling me, I did that?” Your tone switched up at the end there which told him that you weren’t innocent at all, not that he thought you were. “.. yes, I guess you did!” Simon turned his head away from you in annoyance. You didn’t say a word, only turning over to face him now. Your hand slowly slid down to find its way to his clothed erection, stroking him gently with your fingertips.
“Y-Y/n!” Simon gasped softly as you touched him, your hand brushing up against his aching cock. “Yeah? What’s up, Simon? What’s wrong?” You asked him ‘innocently’ even as your hand kept stroking at his clothed dick “you’re touching my-“ he gulped nervously. “This okay?” You cut him off to ask him “yes.” Simon replied a little quickly. Simon was panting under your touch now, trying to fight his urges as his hips slowly grind themselves up against your hand.
“Get it out for me, please.”
Simon didn’t hesitate as he started to undo his belt, pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. He then unbuttoned his pants, zipped them down, and tugged them down to his thighs. He then slid his underwear down enough to reveal his length “fuck..” you muttered out quietly as you eyed his erection in its full glory. He was actually surprisingly long, and he was curved. “What’re you gonn-“ Simon bit back his words as he felt you suddenly move your head down to kiss at his tip.
Simon loved it, he couldn’t lie. His eyes were watching you with such content and desire, he could watch you sit and kiss his cock all day. (Not really, if you did that he’d probably get super overstimulated and cum all over your lips and face.) You slowly parted your lips, letting your tongue drag along his slit before moving your head and licking a long line down his shaft. “A-ah..” Simon whined out as you started to lick at him, teasing him before you got to the main bit.
In all honesty Simon could’ve came right then and there, because just seeing you like that in a lewd state made his mind start reeling. Simon whined impatiently, covering his mouth with a hand, his hips jerking up against your touch. You took that as a sign and opened your mouth, wrapping your lips around him as you took him down your throat. There was a slight sting as you felt him take up the room down your throat, making it hard for you to breathe at all. You still tried your best though, moving your head up and down along his cock.
Simon couldn’t stop his greedy self, his hips grinding up against your face, one of his hands grabbing at your hair gently. He wasn’t pulling you or anything, only tangling his fingers in your hair as you sucked him dry. Your mouth was filling up with saliva as you took him down your throat, You don’t stop sucking him off though, instead letting a bit of saliva dribble down your chin. Simon was covered in your spit too, a bit of it starting to cover his thighs. It was a hot sight to see actually.
Simon moaned loudly, his hand that was tangled in your hair now grabbing it slightly tighter. You kept going, your tongue resting against the bottom of your mouth as he basically face fucked you. His hips were grinding against your face and his hand in your hair was slightly pushing you down against him too. It wasn’t long before he ended up cumming, hot bitter liquid pooling down your throat.
You had to swallow it, not sure you could even spit it up with the way it naturally sunk down your throat. Simon pulled out slowly, your tongue sticking out a little still covered in a bit of his cum. You put your tongue back into your mouth and swallowed it, the sight was a real pretty thing to see. Simon now felt a bit exhausted, panting as he laid back on the couch. You giggled at his cute mannerisms, before leaning back down and kissing at the head of his dick to overstimulate him.
It was just to tease him though, wanting to see more of his cute faces. Simon clenched his eyes and used a hand over his mouth to muffle a loud moan that had escaped him. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” You gave him mercy and sat up, allowing him to put himself away. “T-That felt really.. good” Simon admitted.
“I liked it too.”
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ammarettu · 15 days
Part two of a previous post,
Part one
Part 2 below the cut.
It takes all of ten minutes to figure out what exactly Jaskier needs to break the curse. Geralt, using his excellent detective skills (going through the alphabet letter by letter) eventually spells out the word.
He first attempts to hand Jaskier a journal to write in, but the bard glares at him fiercely and pointedly shows him that he can not write and, therefore, Geralt's first idea is useless. So plan B it is.
By the time Geralt has H A T written on the page he is pretty sure he can guess where this is going, but hopes he's wrong. Discomfort twists in his chest as he continues, "A?"
A shake of the head no. "B?" No. "C?" No. "D?" No. "E?"
Jaskier stares straight ahead but doesn't shake his head. Geralt swallows hard around the rising lump in his throat, licks his lips, "A kiss of... hate?" The last word is whispered, broken and fragile and raw. Geralt feels like a lamb being led to the slaughter, and when Jaskier nods his confirmation he has to close his eyes against the force of the feeling that rises in his chest - shame filled and breaking.
Of course Jaskier hates him now. How could he not after everything Geralt had said to him? Everything he had blamed him for? He thought that perhaps he could come into the woods, hide away until the bard would be willing to hear his apology, dreaded thinking that he'd left him hurt. He didn't dare to imagine that the easy comradery the man seemed to feel for him would fall so far as to be hatred.
What a fool Geralt was.
He nods, resolves himself to helping him despite this new development, "Is there... someone else, maybe?"
Someone Jaskier hates more than Geralt. It isn't likely, if he was the first person that came to the bards mind when he was cursed. Oh, but Geralt can hope. Maybe if there's someone he hates just a little bit more Geralt might yet have a chance at redemption, a chance to earn his way back into being called a friend by the only person on the continent who had ever dared to address him as such.
Geralt doesn't even dispute the fact that he hates Jaskier now. He'd laugh if it didn't make him feel so hollowed out and helpless, that his most dear friend in the entire world wouldn't even attempt to deny the allegation of hatred for the bard.
He sniffles and holds up two fingers in a V. Geralt's head tilts to the side, "Two?" Jaskier huffs, shakes his head and traces the shape with his forefinger. "V?" A nod. Geralt pauses to think.
Jaskier blinks at him, surprised he remembers, and nods again. Geralt hums, settles down on the moss of the forest floor with his back propped up against the log Jaskier sits on, "Know where he is?"
He has some idea, he could guess where he might be. He'll be easy enough to find, Jaskier will just follow the rumors about a warbling asshole whose high notes crack at barely a C and who dresses like a 1st century Duke threw up on him.
He's not entirely sure how it happens, he makes to leave Geralt less than an hour later but the Witcher tells him the woods aren't safe after dark and pulls a second bedroll from Roach's bags to lay near the fire. They sleep in silence, and Geralt accompanies him the following morning...
And the morning after...
And the one after that.
So, he's acquired a Witcher companion again. They don't talk about it, he couldn't even if he wanted to, which is getting more and more frustrating the longer Geralt stays silent because Jaskier detests silence and he detests that Geralt hates him but won't leave him to his misery - detests the fucking mage who cursed him, nasty little cu-
So, he's still quite upset. And confused. And sore. But Geralt is walking next to him, not riding Roach, and Jaskier is confused and tired and so fucking done with all of this. He wants to cry, or scream.
He wants, above it all, to ask Geralt why. Why is he travelling with him? Why doesn't he tell Jaskier to fuck off again?
Why does he hate him?
Except, he knows the answer to the last one, doesn't he? Knows that he's never been anything but a nuisance. Knows the Witcher has been trying to get rid of him for years. He's loud and annoying and weak. He was never good enough, not for his parents, not for his lovers, and not for Geralt.
At least he's got the message through his thick skull now, he thinks rather bitterly.
It takes another week to track Valdo to the courts of Cidaris. A week spent in silence at his dearest friend's side. He relishes the time. Soaks in the company that he is certain will end the moment his curse is broken. He wishes he had more time, just another day or two to fall asleep next to a warm fire and a warmer Witcher. He'll miss this when it's gone again, for good this time.
Valdo is playing in some nobles estate that Jaskier doesn't care in the least to learn the name of. If they've hired Valdo then they have shit taste and wouldn't be worthy of the paper Jaskier uses to wipe his ass, so, really, there's no point in learning their names.
Then there's the matter of actually getting into the estate, which is holding an event of some kind full of people dressed in fine silks that Jaskier could drool over if given the chance. Turns out he doesn't need fret that particular matter, as a guest dressed in all gold silks with darker gold floral patterns on the doublet and breeches recognizes Geralt.
"The White Wolf!" The man cries, ecstatic, interrupting the doorman telling Jaskier and Geralt they aren't invited and can't come in, "And his bard! What an honour! Please, gentlemen, with me!"
They're subjected to the man's ramblings for close to 45 minutes, but Jaskier can't complain. Literally, is not physically capable. He stands and listens to the man rant and rave about Jaskier's songs and how he's always dreamed of seeing the White Wolf in action. Always being relative, those songs have only been popular for 10 years now. And Geralt says Jaskier is the one prone to dramatics.
Then Jaskier spots Valdo, eyes drawn by the distinct nasally quality of his singing voice, with his stupid wavy blond hair and curled mustache and trimmed goatee. He's lucky he doesn't inspire vomit with his looks, only his music.
Jaskier peels off from Geralt, slips around the room with ease, up to the stage where Valdo is mid-song. He elects to ignore this, he's tired of waiting to be able to speak again, and climbs up onto the platform. Valdo spots him, obviously, Jaskier isn't exactly trying to he subtle, and glares. His note flaters, the amateur, but Jaskier isn't deterred.
Much like with Geralt, Jaskier approaches with purpose, grabs Valdo by the doublet, "What the fu-" and kisses him.
Again, consent is important, but Jaskier is fucking sick of this. Valdo shoves him away, cheeks flushed bright red, the crowd is a myriad of mixed gasps and scandalized noises.
"I have to shut you up somehow, else you'll break all the glass in the county with that shrieking you call singing."
"What the fuck?" Valdo demands. Jaskier licks his lips, takes a breath,
The crowd laughs, Valdo fumes, but Jaskier is cured. He grins, pleased to be free, until he remembers what that means for his travelling companion, and his stomach drops out from under him.
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notreallymisha · 9 months
My random thoughts abt Percy Jackson as someone who only watched the show and knows bits and pieces according to bestie's info dumping
• Percy is chronically confused and he never stops being confused about everything when he gets older and I love him for that
• I'm already aware that Luke is going to end up being horrible in some way to Percy because of the reaction of the whole fandom to non-book readers liking Luke so much and all i know he will do something malicious out of jealousy? As I understand hed been ignored by gods for a long time while Percy got claimed in couple days. NO idea what possibly will he do
• I'm team Grover, he can do nothing wrong and I know for a fact he will be Percy's friend throughout everything even if he wont always be in the centre of action, I also hope hes more than just a sideckick or protector for demigods and has his own stuff to do
• Annabeth is a badass with a baggage and it seems like shes not always appreciated enough
• Traumatized as fuck kids😢
• Apparently Poseidon is not that bad even though i expected him to be a complete piece of shit
• Who IS a piece of shit is apparently Athena?
• Apparently Percy is extremely powerful but he never fully gives into this potential to protect his friends(?) or to not be dangerous (?) Hes just real kind and loyal
• Sally Jackson will at some point find her a better man (i think?)
• Something tells me Percabeth will be less of a slowburn in the show compared to the books, just bcus??
• I saw that fanart or older Percy and Annabeth and they got white streaks in the hair? Bestie told me its plot related and refused to tell me why and I legit thought its gray hairs from stress😭 maybe some kind of sacrifice that affects their physical body i honestly have no idea
• There gonna be a bunch of other kids that will be friends and or have a completely separate story and theyre all trios???? There are at least two different trios
• Theres Nico whos a kid of Hades who doesnt get a break from weird ppl cus hes gay and hes also apparently very sad guy and later on he meets his future bf Will Solace whos a healer and Apollos kid and hes a sunshine? At least looks like one but i font know anything about his personality
•Also I assume that Annabeth is friend with Nico? but not sure
• When Percy finds out that Nico used to have a crush on him hes as always, chronically confused (tm)
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not to cause drama or anything but I HATE SCYTH ASMR! (Tw fictional domestic abuse, and fictional abuse of power)
Hate is a strong word, and my feeling might be a little over the top but, I do wanna talk about some of his stuff. I was a big fan of his when his first V vid was made. I joined the discord and followed all his posts. And then he posted a video that happened to have domestic violence in it, MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING FOR THAT PAST THIS!!!! this vid has the listener character “cheeky” (I will not be calling her that cus that’s is a cringe ass nickname btw) and V, the romantic interest training, then after some flirting (one sided on V’s part, I’ll get into this later) a cargo truck full of scientists drives by! V quickly gets into the trunk and kills everyone in there, the listener character tries to stop him from killing what she think is an innocent person, he kills the guy in front of her, and then throws her out of the car, chokes her, talks about how he’s going to kill her and pin her death on the people in the cargo truck, and then says “how about one more kiss before you go” before letting her go. He then afterwards explains that the reason he killed all of them, was because of some in story lore about werewolves. It’s explained that what they did basically caused a werewolf to go feral and become evil and kill people. So obviously! These scientists who were probably forced by the government to do this, deserved to die! That makes sense! Anyway the moral of this vid was that the listner character should always listen to V no questions asked! I hate this vid for a number of reasons. The biggest one is the number of comments sexualizing and romanticizing the fucking horrible and traumatic abuse this listener faced, even bigger then that was the fact scythe audio fed into it.
The worst comment (trigger warning, victim blaming)
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As you can see, scythe not only condoned this behaviour, he feed into it. This comment makes me sick. I accidentally watch this video without reading the description and became very triggered at the video. (this is not scythe audios fault, I must make this clear) seeing people make jokes like “I asked to be choked but not like this” and talking about how the listener character deserved and even enjoyed the attack was and still is repulsive.
The relationship between V and the listener character was also extremely abusive, but it was always shown as loving, or something like that. The listener has to stay with V and basically do whatever he asks (including kissing and I assume sexual favours) or be tossed to the streets to be picked up by either the evil shadow government or the actual government. Both wanted her dead. So, she’s trapped staying with a man who threatens violence if she doesn’t follow his every whim, who sexually harasses her daily, who diminishes her trauma, and who treats her like trash, just so she doesn’t her tormented and eventually killed. My issue with this isn’t the fact he’s an abusive ass hat, my issue is that instead of giving him any actual character growth, V was given orphans. He was made into an adopted dad to a shit ton of orphans cus he has ZERO REDEEMING TRAITS OTHER THEN HOT. Scythe audio must have realized this guy was his money maker and realized he had to make this guy actually redeemable if he wanted to have him to keep Marlon him money. Anyway it was unconvincing cus right after introducing the fact there were cute kids in the equation, he dropped the domestic abuse.
Another thing, less about the videos and more about how he interacted with fans. His discord sever had rolls for age! They specifically had one labeled “16 and under”, now, I’m not against having minors in asmr fandom spaces, but having minors especially such young ones in a sever he made? It just felt like a weird choice, especially seeing as he had and still has, and I’m going to say it bluntly, porn up on YouTube. Now you can say “but the video said 18+!” We all know that has never ever stopped a minor from doing anything. With this said, a large amount of his fandom was under 18, I’ll give him this, I don’t think i ever saw Scythe interact with an under 18 fan, but he knew they where there, he knew they watched his content. And yet knowing this, he wrote stories that glorified domestic abuse as a way to teach your partner how to fall in line he wrote stories glorifying the horribly toxic relationship that was V and the listener character. This type of thing affects kids greatly, especially if they have no clue it is abusive. Even in the video with the domestic abuse the description says “this may be triggering to listeners in regards to domestic based violence” not “Trigger warning, this video contains Domestic abuse!” It says it more like “it’s kinda domestic abuse, but only if that triggers you”
In Redacted, the description will always tell you what to expect. “Gaslighting, manipulation, toxic relationship” he will make sure you know that a toxic relationship is toxic, he makes sure your aware that the abuse shown, isn’t love. The most scythe does is say “well V is a villain! He’s not a good guy!” And yet her tries to make him redeeming so people like him.
Now, I get that this was over 2 years ago, scythe audio could have totally moved past this weird glorifying abuse thing, who knows! I mostly wrote this as a vent cus my friend reminded me he existed. Anyway if you made it this far have a nice day. If you where or still are a scythe fan, tell me what you think of all this (without being mean please) if you happen to be scythe himself block me I don’t want you near me. Anyway have a nice day!
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kiwibongos · 5 months
warning for ab/se & toxic relationships. and sdr2 spoilers duh
im thinking abt the remnants of despair. cause i hate how it just seemed to be like, "theyre suddenly brainwashed and then they turn evilll and they kill because they dont feel anything" like, i hate that. it feels so underdeveloped. it cant just be despair, it has to be deeper than that, i think it'd take personal angles and link with a lot of their own trauma, leaving them really vulnerable and deranged. so heres my own interpretation and headcanons for some of them
contains mikan, nagito, fuyuhiko, peko, akane, kazuichi, and brief analysis of the rest. keep in mind i havent seen the animes yet lol so this is a basic layer of it, but i just rly wanted to let this out cus i dont see it talked about. storing my brainrot here for later moments.
first of all i feel like the brainwashing would be a very slow process bc junko would definitely just manipulate everyone in her way to get what she wants. and by the time the world was plagued basically, all the remnants clearly had really unhealthy feelings related to junko specifically. they all love her, hate her, or praise her, but its all in very different ways that would be bc of their own personal backstories
we all know how mikan and nagito feel. mikan was constantly hurt by other people before junko herself, itd make sense for her to develop a very unhealthy attachment to her. mikan was extremely vulnerable and controllable, she would do anything for anyone and especially junko, just so no one is mad at her, hence why it got so twisted to the point where she wanted to keep a part of her inside forever. she wanted to be loved so badly, she would take whatever form of it she could. thats why it was so easy for junko to get her under her boot. now nagito has an odd love-hate relationship with junko imo (his mind is so messed up man) even if he praises hope in such a grossly obsessed way, the mf still TOOK her arm. i know he did it because he hated her so much and i guess to take power back, but i feel like because nagito had never really been loved, he wanted to try and feel what it could've been like out of some kind of confused desperation and fondness for her in a way, because his mind has no idea what those feelings truly are or what they mean, as hatred and love often get mixed up in his head and form this horrible amalgamation with whoever he meets, which is clear towards the survivors in the nwp anyway
fuyuhiko put junko's own eye into his own socket, and i feel like his relationship with her while in despair would be familial and extremely unhealthy. he is definitely one of the most fucked up to me. id say by my own headcanons though its heavily implied in his fte dialogues, is his parents are very ab/usive right from the start. fuyuhiko is messed up to all hell, he was constantly struck and under pressure but he had to be strong and perfect because he was the head of his clan, hence like his insane tolerance for pain. he had to make his clan, or more importantly his parents proud, or else he was a failure forever. so he clung onto that and did his best trying to be good enough for basically anyone. and even before despair he was in a really bad stubborn, mean, depressive state, leaving him far more vulnerable and more open to violent, impulsive actions as long as junko was smart enough to get him under her finger. fuyuhiko never knew what true love felt like (platonic or not), and when junko took advantage of all of that and he slowly fell into despair, shit hit the fan. he lost morality and he had come so attached to her to the point where junko was like a mother figure to him. he wanted her to notice him and be proud basically, it was moreso the idea of someone-- anyone-- being proud of him, but junko was his main focus of that by now, given his state. to him she was like the mother he never had, who seemed to be on the same terms with everything he had believed, someone who approved of him, so he wanted to make her proud, even if it was hurting him. fuyuhiko would keep digging himself a hole of desperation and self destruction, seeking more and more pain to test his endurance because it's what she wanted, and that became what he wanted, too, because pain is all he's used to. and because of that, makotos guess was right; he wanted to see her despair. it'd make sense he'd want to take a part of her, to see horrors she had witnessed so he could understand it, so she could be proud of him and part of him forever. he felt like if he did that, he would finally succeed, he'd achieve perfection, and he did. he'd done everything junko wanted him to do, while quenching his own thirst for violence itself, all via his own delusions. that was love to him and it felt real
as for peko she was definitely also treated the same in the kuzuryu family but more dehumanized obviously, so i think she'd feel a similar way; always needing to be good enough, but more specifically protecting the ones she cares about at all costs even if it results in bloodshed. i think she'd be a lot colder, forcing to suppress her feelings since she just has to follow fuyuhiko wherever he goes, and she was pretty much as insane as him as well so anything slid. i know peko doesnt want to be a tool, but she'd definitely succumb to the fact that she has to be one when they're under despair at the same time, and if she was going to be his tool, she has to be like a robot and just do what follows, because she didn't see herself as a person, her chance of being her own human was ripped away
as for akane, she grew up very poor, and didn't live a good life at all either (w/ definitely bad parents) but she always tried her very best taking care of her siblings in the past, despite everything. i think there was a lot of twisted familial love with junko whom she started to see as a sister despite being unrelated, just because of being a caretaker all her life, its just kind of instinct to protect anyone, but that just got mixed up as she fell into despair, and she would only protect junko, while chaotically killing anyone else in her way. she'd fight for her endlessly, she was one of the strongest, at least for a while, im thinkin she found her body and wanted to preserve it as much as possible by the end of everything, she still wanted to take care of her and do everything for her even if she had been too late. and with that, and barely any food in an apocalyptic world, the inevitable happens. akane would fall into a very hurtful spiral of self hate, that her starving was a sacrifice to junko so she could prioritize her first instead of herself, while also it being like a punishment to herself for her own failures and how she was failing to preserve junko
kazuichi always hated himself. he was bullied often, didn’t have a lot of friends going into high school, and he was very desperate for attention, especially from women. he’d be very notably attached to junko which would eventually evolve into romantic feelings, similar to mikan. he craved attention and validation so much, it left him very vulnerable, and kazuichi often grows attached to people who show him a sliver of kindness anyway, so junko would likely personally manipulate him and praise him, and they’d grow close, and he’d develop a very strong attachment towards her that derails into love and lust. and once he was influenced by her under despair, he would do anything for her. so, he’d get his hands on a lot of weapons, and go on mindless killing sprees, causing havoc 24/7 just to please her and keep her memory alive through despair. and deep in his mind, he probably truly thought that junko was his soulmate, that they were destined to be together, and he was fulfilling missions just for her, and in the end, they could be together
extra stuff i guess? as anyone would expect, sonia just became a corrupted leader and took advantage of her power under despair. her kingdom would try to keep her above it, but she’d fall into it somehow anyway, and probably had already been plagued by corrupt/unjust views by junko before, so she’d lead her people to worship junko the same way she does, and anyone who stood against it would be punished severely. mahiru falls into morbid curiosity because of junko and gets worse, given what she does with her camera, also both mikan and gundham would try to stitch junko up a little, and try to keep her from falling apart as long as possible. mikan is more likely to do that for her own twisted romantic purposes, but if gundham gets a hold of her before or after mikan, he would take her blood for himself, and most likely start a cult to worship her, all for like weird satanic purposes involving rituals and stuff. he’d also encourage his members or the other remnants to indulge in certain activities for the sake of praising her. gundham would probably even believe she was some demon from the underworld who granted him powers and chose him to carry on her legacy
also teruteru was just a little hungry. boys gotta eat
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a-whispering-echo · 5 months
For the Death's Row AU, any chance we could get a look at exactly what led Killer to ending up on the Row? We got a look at Dust and Horror's, and I can't deny I'm very curious how Killer's looks as well 👀
Your art is super cool and I'm thriving on the story for this au so far! Im glad I stumbled upon it :)
oh absolutely! ive been waiting for someone to ask, hehe!
So, Killer was raised in a a slum/house thing with 12 other people, maybe they were his family, maybe they weren't, who knows. Regardless, one of the other kids in the slum started to pick on him.
They were younger than him, and for a while, Killer just kinda ignored them, assuming it was a little kid just trying to make friends in a shitty way, but, as the years went on, this kid started outright ABUSING him, in horrible, HORRIBLE ways - any way you can think of someone being abused? Yeah, this kid did it. They outright tortured him, for their entire childhood.
Killer went to the police, and tried to report what was happening to him, so many times, and each time, he was laughed at and told to stop wasting their time; a kids picking on you? yeah right, piss off kid.
It gets to the point where this kid forced Killer to watch as they beat someone to a pulp, before they drag Killer over, and tells him to kill them, its in his name, after all! and, they threaten, if they don't, they'll kill him.
anyway, Killer does it. That's his first kill, and miraculously, he doesn't get caught for it.
The abuse goes on an on and on, years and years of gaslighting into believing himself a weapon, and 'peer pressure' on max, until, he snaps and kills his abuser.
he ends up just fucking loosing it after that, with a 'fuck it' attitude, hes gonna get caught anyway, and kills a bunch of people that he believes were complacent in the abuse. he ends up killing 4 people, including the kid, before hes caught.
In court, Killer tries to defend himself, explaining the abuse he suffered for YEARS, and the help he was denied. but the courts found him guilty of murder, after all, his 'abuser' was a minor; he must be lying, and, even if he wasn't, that doesn't change anything.
So, onto death row he goes.
He can be sassy and unserious most of the time, but there's an aura of wrongness to him.
He uses that uses his 'personality' to hide what hes feeling but also when hes snooping for information. His only really motivation is to avoid boredom; hes very much trying to avoid being left alone with himself and his thought, cus that's when he starts to spiral:
He doesn't care that he murdered, and doesn't regret it; in fact he found it thrilling. He REALLY struggles with emotions, finds it hard to feel things deeply, and to recognise WHAT hes feeling, but he doesn't regret it! He doesn't feel... bad about what he did to... to those innocent people... NO! he really doesn't!
He also very much wants power, after so long without any, and being told that he was *supposed* to kill, that was all he was - hes named 'Killer' for god sake!
He just wants to feel alive. Even if, just for.. a little while...
He know to cause physical fights all the time with other inmates, doing to as an outlet for those emotions he definitely doesn't feel, but also as a way to climb to the top. He RUNS the Row! HES the one in charge - hes not, that's Nightmare but shh, let him believe that.
He meets Dust and Horror when they're friends, and, always looking for new prey, decides to pick on them.
hes had a few fights with Dust before now, hes partially the reason Dust is in a straightjacket, and Dust is partly the reason hes in handcuff/chains, but he hasn't seen him about for a little while, and, when he sees him again, his little punching back has attached himself to the biggest motherfucker the joint, little shit. Well, Killer decides he should take them down a peg. Horror is a threat to his dominance here, anyway!
(Horror has no clue who this dude is, other than *trouble*. Hes seen the fights this guy get into, and they're not GOOD)
it starts off with Killer picking on them, teasing in that was that's common in his character, and it looks like Horror is gonna defend Dust, as he is wont to do, except, no one was expecting little Dust, who's top of head only reaches Killers EYES, in his straightjacket, restricting him movement, to fucking roundhouse kick Killer in the neck. His arms may be restrained, but his legs sure aren't!
And Killer... runs off to lick his wounds.
Except, he comes back to ick on them. again, and again and again.
Killer is picking on them the way young boys try and 'flirt' with girls they like; pulling on their pigtails. he thinks they're kinda cool, and is envious of their friendship, and wants IN, thing is, he ain't gonna just TELL them that! hes not gonna sit down and ask 'hey can we be friends?' cus that would make him WEAK, so, he pushes them about as an excuse to get close to them.
About a month after the roundhouse kick incident, Killer comes to pick on them again, with a bandage around his throat despite it DENIFETLY being healed by now, and starts boasting about his kill count; four whole people in a single day! and hes expecting them to look up at him, scared or maybe admiring.
Hes not expecting Dust to look at Horror, make that little smile people make when they're making fun of someone - that 'oh my god this guy' face - and...laughs? Hes giggling like a madman, and even Horror looks amused, when Dust says "Four?!" and Killers like '??? yeah, four whole people, dead cus of me!' which just makes Dust laugh harder.
Dust has recently been made aware of his accidental kill count, and while he still cant get his head around most of it and forgets a lot of it, he knows he killed a dozen in a matter of like, a couple hours, and he knows Horror killed 5 people, cut them up and COOKED them, and FED THEM to starving people!
Four murders is PATHETIC.
Killer tries to reclaim his pride, and is sort of going like 'well, yeah, but uh like-' and Dust just keeps laughing at him, and at that point Killer flushed bright red and.. leaves.
Im gonna stop here, cus ive written A LOT! But, they find Killer int the bathroom :)
(im very gladyou like my art and works! it means the world that i can entertain someone at least for a little while with my stuff, and that fact you take time out of your day to appreciate them and compliment me is just... auugh <3 <3!)
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littlxpxtal · 7 months
Little Dove | Chapter 5
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Last chapter I got a little sloppy cus I'm horrible at ending things meep
It was the 3rd day of your 5 day trip away with Coriolanus. His attitude and demeanor had done a complete 180, reminding you of the charm and affection he has shown you in school. It was refreshing to have your lover return to such a familiar state, one that you had been yearning to regain. 
Not only was this trip a break for you, but for Coriolanus as well. He the hardest working person you knew, but he was also extremely hard on himself. This came along with his desire to be the best, it always came with a cost. You knew going into the games would heighten both of your anxieties, but you were glad to experience this moment of peace with him. 
Dressed in a soft pink maxi dress, Coryo wore an outfit of all white. he squeezed you hand as you looked out the window at a new spot you hasn’t been to yet. Multiple acres of grass with a few large trees spotted around. As the car pulled up closer to a tree, you could look across to see a small beach. 
“This is a perfect spot for our picnic!”
He grinned and grabbed the basket and cooler from the trunk of the car 
“I thought so too.” 
After finishing up the meal you had prepared together, you laid your head on his lap, as his was against the shady tree, running his fingers through your hair. 
“Tell me more about your expectations of this presidential campaign Coryo.” 
He sighed and brushed his fingers along your neck.
“We really don’t have to talk about that now, it can wait until we get back.” 
You push your lips out to a pout. 
“when we get back and talk about it, it’s real. If we talk about it here. it’s like it’s a figment of our imagination” 
He frowned. 
“It’s very real to me though, Y/N.”
You sat up, placing your hands on his chest.
“Of course it is baby. I just mean, less pressure, no judgement or arguing. just ideas with no limits” He smiled down at you and then looked back out into the field. There was a few moments of silence before he opened his mouth again. 
“I want everyone to know my name, not because they knew my father but because they knew me. And I want it to be more than just because of the 10th Hunger Games, or working with Dr. Gaul as assistant game maker. I want to make a legacy of my own. I need to beat my fathers. I’m willing to do anything.” 
“and you think I can help you achieve that?” you asked. He frowns again. 
“Didn’t you just say the limit does not exist here?”
You laugh at his quip. “Okay okay. If i’m being honest I think you’re going to have to get a little bit nicer.” 
He stared at you with no emotion and you laugh out. 
“Okay fine i’m done with jokes. I’m going to work my hardest to help you get there my love. I like to think you already have a name for yourself from your time on congress alone, let alone what you were doing in your late teenage years. This won’t be a terribly easy feat, but there’s no doubt it my mind we’re going to win. “ a moment of silence passed between the two of you. 
“Are you scared?” you ask him. 
He brushes the tip of your nose with his finger and avoids eye contact. 
You lean in closer and lightly kiss his lips. 
His eyes flicker towards yours. For the first time ever you see tears well in his eyes and feel him tremble under your hands. 
“I’m fucking terrified.” he finally gets out. a single tears drops from his right eye and you flick it away. 
Your lips form a smile, not because he was in pain and sad, you hated that part. But at the fact that he had finally opened up about something, and was looking to you for comfort. 
“I don’t think you’re going to lose Coryo. Maybe we need to do some exposure therapy, get you used to not getting what you want. I can start,” 
He lets out a laugh. “You always give me what I want.” 
It was your turn to frown now. 
“We can talk about strategy when we get home. For now let’s go explore that beach” 
He starts to stand and places his hand out to assist you. You slide you shoes off and brush your dress back down over your legs,  
Although Coryo had only let one tear slip from his eyes, his face still contorted with worry. You reached up to meet his face, cupping his cheeks between your hands, staring him intently in his eyes. 
“Coryo,” you start. He reaches up to your wrists and leans in to kiss you.
“I’ll be alright Dove, c’mon”
You both slowly walk from the grass down to the small beach as the sun slowly descended across the water. 
You release your hand from his and walk over to the water. 
“It’s so quiet” you murmur.
Coryo comes to join you, wrapping his arms around you from behind, pressing a sweet kiss against your cheek. “Can we stay here forever?” 
He chuckles lightly and brushes your hair over your shoulder so he can press a kiss upon your neck. 
“I’ve lived in the great outdoors before. It’s not all that great after a while.” he grunts, trying to pull you from the water. 
“But can we at least come back here to visit sometimes?” you plea, not turning around to follow him. 
“We can come back anytime you’d like dove.” he assures. You can tell his voice is now farther, finally turning to see that hes moving farther down the beach. His head is down and he seems to be stuck in thought. 
“Coryo, are you arlight?” you ask. You were hoping he wasn’t still shook up about the conversation you two shared moments before.
“Yea I’m just-” he stops before started to walk further away. 
You ran to catch up to him, twisting his arm around and pressing his chest against yours. You could feel his heart beating rapidly and his face showed anxiety. 
“Hey, hey is there anything I can do to help, whats going on?” You were beginning to get worried. You had never seen him so disheveld like this. You were afraid that you couldn’t be much help, and opened your mouth to offer another solution before he grabbed your face and started desperately kissing you. You immediately return the desire, wrapping your arms around his neck as he cradled your waist. 
After many moments of sharing a passionate kiss, he released you, still holding you close and embracing you into a hug. Your eyes opened for the first time since his lips were on yours and you noticed that the sun began to turn the colors of the sky pink and purple.
“I love you more than I’ve loved anyone before, y/n” he states. You freeze slightly at this abrupt declaration from Coriolanus’s mouth. 
You pull back from the hug and look up to him, your mouth slightly parted, unsure if you should respond or if he had more to say. 
“You amaze me by your intelligence, patience and ability to problem solve. I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re so astute, desicive and observant. I admire your resourcefulness and how adaptable you are in any situation.”
Your lips form a smile lips and you reach your hands back up to his neck. Before you can respond he continues,
 “Since the moment I met you, I knew you would be a challenge. But I have come to learn that you're something I cant conquer or compete with. You’re someone I want by my side, always.” 
He lowers to the ground, on one knee. You gasp, at the scene of Coriolanus. Him proposing was something you hadn’t thought of happening for a while, figuring he would wait until he was president and checked off all of his boxes before indulging in something so customary. 
“Coryo,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair as the wind blew your dress in the soft breeze. The sun was now at the edge of the water, creeping lower and lower.
“Y/N, will you please do me the honor of being my wife, for now and forever?” 
“Yes, Coryo,” you exclaimed. He placed the beautiful ring upon your finger and stood, picking you up with a swift movement, kissing your face as he spun you around. 
“Was this apart of your plan?” you asked through giggles as he kept spinning you round. 
“Yes,” he said sheepishly before placing you down. 
“I was nervous as hell.” he grumbled, picking up the box he placed down. 
“I was worried I upset you or something,” he shook his head and connected his lips with yours again. A few moments passed before he removed his mouth from yours. 
“No darling, never.”
Returning back to the cabin, you go up the stairs to change into one of your PJ sets, while Coryo put away the things from your picnic. You step back down the stairs to see the living room area is lit up by candlelight, a record playing, the fire place on and a bottle of red wine with two wine glasses sat out. He brushes past you, with a soft kiss on your lips.
“Get cozy dove, ‘m gonna go change.”
You walk over to the island and pour wine into both of the glasses. You walk over to the conversation couch and sprawl out on the cushions, downing the first glass you poured yourself, admiring the exquisite ring that fit perfectly on your finger. 
You hear Coryo’s footsteps padding down the stairs, and your breathe hitches as he comes down with an unbuttoned top shirt and a loose pair of pajama pants. 
You can’t help but eye every part of his body, feeling a burning sensation form in your stomach, and a lump beginning to form in your throat, unable to greet him before he plops onto the cushion next to you.
“You arlight love?” he asks softly, brushing your hair behind your ear. 
“Yea, sorry. Just can’t believe your going to be my husband.” he smirks and grabs his glass of wine off of the coffee table.
“Imagine how I feel. Having the most stunning and magnetic woman in all of Panem”
Your stomach filled with butterflies as he showered you with compliments. He must’ve studied a dictionary to come up with such stunning describing words for you, words youve never heard him use before. You knew he was an educated man and had an eloquent vocabulary, but he was really impressing you with his descriptions tonight. 
He moves over closer, taking a large gulp of his wine before place it down and moving your legs across his, resting his hands on your thighs. 
“Whatcha thinking about my love?” he asks. 
You finally gain the courage to speak, “Kiss me, Coriolanus.”
He obeys immediately, pressing his lips into your open mouth, sliding his tongue inside, tasting the sweet wine you both drank. He grabs the glass from your hands and sets it on the table without breaking the kiss and moves one of your legs to the other side of his waist. He pulls you ontop of him, running his hands roughly through your hair as you groan at his harshness, allowing his tongue to move deeper inside your mouth. Your hands trail up and down his abdomen, softly moaning into his mouth as he squeezes your hips and begins to move them back and forward. 
He finally removes himself from making a mess of your mouth, wiping his salvia that has dripped down your chin. He grins and reaches over to grab both of your wine glasses, He clinks his against yours
“To us.” he states.
“To us” you whisper before finishing the rest of the glass. He smirks and leans over to the table, holding onto your figure as he grabs the bottle and begins to pour more into both of your glasses.
“Trying to get me drunk Snow?” you question seductively, biting your bottom lip as he tops off the rest of the bottle into his own glass. 
He reaches back to place the bottle down, lets his hand release from your back and lifts up your chin. 
“I’m just trying to celebrate” he nonchalantly retorts. 
You take a sip of the glass and adjust your placement on his lap to move further back and admire his torso. 
“Can’t believe I get to marry the hottest guy in Panem” you say, half joking, half serious.
He rolls his eyes. 
“My you have a way with words.” he takes a sip from his glass and trails his eyes down your body.
“Take your top off.” he directs. 
Before you can form a snarky response, he grabs your glass from your hands. You find yourself mindlessly pulling your top off to reveal your bare chest. You feel his bulge harden beneath you immediately. 
“That’s my girl” he rumbles before forcing both glasses into your hands and moves his hands to cup your boobs. You wince at the cold pressure of his rough hands fondling your tits. He mouth moves to kiss your sternum and you sit, helpless on his lap as he attacks your chest with kisses and bites. 
A moan escapes your lips and you decide to take another drink of your wine. 
“Finish it.” he commands, before placing his lips around your right nipple. He looks up at you, and your bring the glass back up to your lips, maintaining eye contact as one of his hands reach to your back letting you lean back. Tipping your head back to finish, he finally releases his lips and smiles. 
“Are you gonna be this good for me all night?” he asks, trailing kisses up to your neck, using his hand to straighten your body back up.
“Yes baby” you murmur, feeling the effects of the three glasses you’ve had. 
“I’ll have to take a bathroom break before we go any further.” you giggle, feeling a blush creep around your face as the words slip out. He lets out a deep chuckle into your neck before placing a last kiss. 
“Go on then.”
You stand up and he gives your ass a tap before you tip toe to the bathroom, stumbling around a bit, officially feeling drunk. 
You return to see him with both glasses on the table, empty, and two glasses of water on the table as well. He is laying on his back, arms behind his head, eyes closed. 
“Hi baby”
“Hi dove” he responds, peeking one eye open. 
You lay ontop of him, head on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of every breath.
“What king of wedding shall we have?” you ask. 
He removes his hands from behind his head to hold you. 
“What did you have in mind?”
You smile sweetly and begin to ponder. Weddings always seemed large and extravagant, you couldn’t imagine what they would be like if they were presidential. 
He laughs and pulls you up closer on his chest so your face reaches his.
“I have a grand idea.” he smirks. 
He lifts your body off of his and he pulls himself onto the ground, kneeling before you again
“Coryo what,”
“Shhh” he mumbles into your thighs as he begins to press wet kisses up and down, slowly pulling down your pants. As they plop to the floor, you immediately become self conscious, fully naked standing before your fully clothed lover.
 His hands begging to spread your legs and you begin to protest as he interrupts you 
“Why dont you ride my face and tell me everything you want at your grand wedding, misses Snow?”
You look down at him, hazy and love drunk. he sits down, back against the couch, leaning his head on the cushion, moving your legs on his sides, pushing you forward to straddle him. Deciding tonight wasn’t a night to disobey, you place your cunt upon his face. He moves himself down to get comfortable and begins licking up and down your folds. You let out a soft cry, reaching forward to grab the back of the couch. 
Grinding against his face, you babble out sultry moans, looking down every now and then at your fiances face between your legs. You wish there was a mirror to catch a glimpse of this erotic sight, sitting on his face, using the couch as a chair while he sits open legged on the ground, palming himself through his pants. 
He grunts into your pussy, before pulling away and roughly grabs your ass cheeks,
“I told you to tell me what you want at our wedding misses Snow.” he growls before feverishly sucking on your clit.
You yelp out and clench your body, trying to focus on coherent thoughts.
“I- I want large chandeliers hanging everywhere. And, and I want white roses everywhere”
You let an exasperated moan out before beginning again.
“Matchbooks with our names printed on them, and my bridesmaids will wear beautiful rose gold satin dresses. Deep red and gold accents will be everywhere, and” you stifle out a moan, close to reaching your climax. Your thighs begin the tremble as he flicks his tongue over your bud repeatedly. 
“All of Panem will be in attendance, and there will be a grandddd dancefloor” you roll out before collapsing from holding yourself up. 
“I’ll wear a beautiful lace gown, probably no veil” you sigh before whimpering as he sticks two fingers into your hole.
“Sounds like an extravagant wedding” he whispers into your thigh, peppering it with kisses as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. 
“Mhmm” you reply, nodding off into subspace.
“Come back baby” he coos, bringing a hand up and around to your chest, pushing you up straight.
“Coryo ‘m gonna cum”
He smirks and begins to pump his fingers fast, curling them, making you gasp for air.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you breathe out, leaning forward over to grasp the back of the couch. His mouth attaches to your clit again, moving in slow circles as you come undon on his fingers.
He removes them and you crawl further on the couch. Coriolanus begins to stand, placing his fingers in his mouth, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he tastes your juices.
You whine in response, head feeling light, core throbbing and legs weak.
He pulls off his open shirt, tossing it to the side of the couch. His pants soon follow, his cock twitching up and slapping his torso.
You bite your bottom lip, whimpering at the sight. 
He moves his body to hover above yours, using his knees to spread your legs.
“Tell me what you what, my little dove” he whispers into your ear.
“Make me yours Coryo,” he dips his head to meet your lips, tugging at your bottom lip, begging for admission inside. You oblige, and he circles his tongue around your lips, you taste yourself on his mouth resulting in a moan escaping from both of you.
He reaches down to grab his cock, lining it up with your entrace before slowing pumping in and out.
“Please Coryo, I need all of you” you squeal, hands grasping on both of his arms. Frustrated at his teasing you pout and squirm beneath him.
“You said you would be a good girl for me baby. Be patient”
“Im done being patient Coryo, fuck me damnit” you demand. He eyebrow quirks up before he bucks his full length inside, making you scream out.
“Gave you what you wanted Dove, hmm? Couldnt wait for me to stretch out your tight cunt, now you have to face the consequences.” he growls into your ear before pushing himself up, hands on your chest as he thrusts in and out of you. Crying out, a tear slips from your eye at the rough penetration. He wipes the tear with his index and squeezes your cheeks together with one hand. 
“You begged for it baby.” he states, you’re unable to retreat back with a response since only gasps and moans can escape your lips. 
His eyes roll back with pleasure, using the back of the couch to keep himself steady, his other hand grabbing your left hand, interlocking fingers. He brings the hand closer, admiring the rock he placed on your finger earlier in the night.
“Do you like your ring pretty girl?” he coos, keeping his thrusts repetitive and steady. 
“Ye-yes I love it” you squeak out before returning to your babbles. 
Your glossy eyes admire the sweat glistening from his chest as he grinded into your cunt. He kissed the diamond ring on your hand before moving it above your head, leaning his face against yours. 
He thrusts were starting to get sloppy as he came close to his high. 
“I can’t wait to fuck you forever” he chuckles.  
He brings his other hand away from the couch and skims the side of your body, leaving goosebumps. You squeeze your eyes shut, trembling at touch. His fingertips land on your clit, slowly rubbing circles. 
“Look at me baby”  he pleads.
You eyes flash open and you see a devilish grin placed upon his face.
“Were gonna cum at the same time okay baby?” he instructs. You nod your head up and down, already feeling a knot building up from the pressure of his cock hitting your cervix and the stimulation he was adding to your clit. 
“O-okay, ‘m already close Coryo” you groan out as he quickens his speed.
“Me too baby” he shuts his eyes closed for a few moments, leaning his head back. 
You feel his cock throb and pulsate within you, giving you a sign he was near the edge. The mere thought let you come undone for the second time that night. As your body begins to shudder, he collapses on top of you, mumbling a string of profanities into your neck as he finishes. 
He lays ontop of you, breathing heavy, pressing soft kisses into your neck. 
“I love you y/n” he murmurs.
“I love you too Coryo” you respond sweetly. 
Sitting in the back of the car, hand interlocked with Coriolanus, your head leans against the window, admirning the cabin you would remember forever. A sense of uneasiness forms in the pit of your stomach as the driver pulls off, Reminding you of the responsibilities and reality you two were able to leave behind for the week. 
Coryo brings your hand up to his lips, giving it a soft kiss before squeezing it tightly and setting it back down on the seat. 
“Lets go take on the world, dove”
“Snow lands on top.”
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bagghhead · 4 months
Wanna talk about Beichiya depression? :3
oh boy i wish i wish i could put my thoughts together correctly but they are a huge sloppy mess.. but i love to think about school beichiya i really love to think they were unbelievably close to the point where they were practically a couple.. i don't really think they ever got fully together but they were like soulmates they just loved each other and they both knew they did (to me anyways….) so when things went to shit it HURTS IT HURTS ME SO BAD. i dont really think ichiya has ever or will ever have anybody as close as he was with beika ever again and its even worse for his front roe self after he fucked up sqsq.. its his fault but he is a lonely lonely idiot and it makes me sad i wish he wasnt a DUMBASS. i always really like to think about wtf he would even feel after all of that shit cus ik this boy has got to be horribly depressed and has 5000 tons of guilt on the inside.  beika on the other hand has c side which i think are his support system and he has people to actually trust and rely on and love and ugh ugh ugh but i actually think beika was more attached to ichiya than it being the other way around and he hates it but its like there…when ichiyah left he was literally ruined and a huge mess(to me anyways.) this is random but i have a headcanon that ichiya would hang out and sleepover at beikas place because his parents or whatever would be gone and so he went over alot to the point where he would just leave a lot of his things over there and so when ichiya left for inkopolis ichiyahs shit in beikas room is just there to haunt him #kill me rn (i like to think he never even got rid of the shit and whenever he would get angry thinking about him he couldnt even get himself to break anything because #butt), i cant really describe how much they mean to me theyre actually my number 1 thing to think about they just hurt me so BAD THEY HURT SO BADDDDDD UGHHHHHH one day ill force myself to make my own personal beichiya timeline filled with my own headcanons and stuf because this entire paragraph sucked and im bad at putting my words together but .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.
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abreathingrock · 29 days
Hi it's me, the third (?) of three rtc fans with any knowledge of Irish hahah
I'm so interested in ur rtc oc so would u drop the lore?? I love seeing Irish people involved in the same fandoms as me bc let's face it most of us are bastards so it's kind of unusual
WOWOWOW HIII!! It so cool to see rtc fans with Irish knowledge, especially when they take interest in my oc (I love her so much)
Strap in, I have a lot
Grew up in a gaeltacht region in galway (like Connemara type) so shes fluent(ish) in irish (i literally wish so bad)
Her parents were STINKY and were super mean, like, abusive and shit, it wasnt great for my girl
Went to a #catholicallgirlschool so naturally was bullied asf so she REALLY wasnt having fun
Had one friend who is yet to be named and they hung out together all the time, did a bunch of stuff like pierced eachothers ears, got
tatoos, burned shit, mostly illegal stuff (this is how she got arrested)
Sam and her friend would always talk about running away to Canada, it was their dream, but before they could her friend had to move away to a bording school in Dublin
This affected Sam BAD and caused her to go into a horrible space mental health wise and ultimately caused her to run away
When she got to Canada, she had stolen and exchanged a bunch of her parents money (cus she doesnt care about them and hates them) and bought the absolute cheapest place she could. A two room (kitchen/living/bedroom + sperate bathroom) apartment in Uranium City
She enrolled herself in the local school in a very illegal and fake fashion and took a uniform from lost and found cus ofc she did
She stayed low mostly in school until she met a certain Ukrainian "bad boy", Mischa Bachinski and they became the besties ever
They did most of the stuff she did with her old friend, but this time she was having more fun and felt more free due to not living with her parents and not being in that stupid ass school
Her and Mischa bonded over missing their countries (despite the horribleness Sam faced there, she still misses Ireland a whole heap) and she is the only person who believed Talia is real
Sam ends up in choir because she helped Mischa steal the wine and they sit in the back on Mischa's phone playing games, texting Talia (when they could, yk, timezones), taking dumbass selfies, etc
Mischa helped her become herself a lot more and she loves him like a brother and will kill anyone who speaks against him or hurts him. They both agreed if they ever met eachothers parents it would be on fucking sight
Ocean fucking hates Sam. Cant stand her. She thinks its insane how little she cares about school and is dumbfounded by her punk ideologies (she cant wrap her around head it, shes a little silly <3) She rants to Constance about how she needs to care more and Constance just nods and pretends to listen meanwhile she's in awe of her bravery to be herself and get away from her home.
Noel ends up taking a liking to her because he talks to Mischa sometimes but they dont really interact.
Mischa thinks shes "madwickedawesome" and "the dopest person ever, yo!!" He is the only person who knows about her old friend and the fact she had bad parents, but barely knows the half of it. He encourages her to be who she is and Sam loves him so much, theyre so bestie I cant
Ricky wishes he could talk to her because he also thinks shes pretty cool, but obvously he cant :(( She talks to him sometimes, which he appreciates, but its mostly just complaining about Ocean being annoying in choir when she tells her to get off Mischa's phone
On the day of the accident, her and mischa wander off most of the time, going on some of the rides, but staying off somewhere else most of the time. They come back to ride the cyclone because everyone else is and they both agree rollercoasters are fun.
In the afterlife, she stays talking to Mischa mostly, but begins to talk to Noel and Ricky too.
Her and Ricky end up bonding over cats cus theh both love them, and she hypes him up like crazy after SABM with Mischa
She is infatuated with Jane Doe and thinks shes cool as fuck, even if shes also pretty creepy, and tries to talk to her sometimes
Her song is...something. it starts off with her refusing to sing and Karnak being like "you have to" and begins to force a song onto her. Its chaotic and not at all how Sam wants, being a bit like TSIA.
Sam eventually is like "fine, I'll sing, but Im doing it my way you fucking bitchass machine" and her song is about being conflicted with herself, loving being open about being punk and doing all her illegal stuff, but she loves writing and poetry, something shes never told anyone even Mischa. She sings about feeling like she's always been doomed to be unhappy, always be unsatisfied with her life and missing Ireland despite her horrible life there.
She opens up about her shit parents and her old friend and after her song Mischa gives her a big hug and its cute asf :c
She, after the song, becomes more like her true self and the other choir members are all like "dam shes fucking deep" which she enjoys quite a bit
She bullies tf outta Ocean the whole time, but during its not a game she holds her hand and smiles at her for like the first time ever
Sam also talks to Connie in the afterlife and tells her to drop Ocean etc
Her and Ocean are like siblings, Sam fucking hates Ocean but if someone is rude to her the next day that person shows up with a mysterious black eye
sorry I went on a bit lol
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r-0-x-4-s · 1 month
so... i watched tottmnt and i didn't love it
also why isnt this show being hated on whaaaat, every tmnt show has to go through the initial hate, thats like the law /hj
tw opinions under the cut
it just felt so... empty?? i dont really know how to explain it but, the lack of brothers interacting and anything ninja related, kinda made me frown
why did it feel nothing like a tmnt show??? my brother said "it looks like it took some ideas from rottmnt and just... made it worse", and in a way i agree? its like, in a way, this show wants to please everyone but doesn't have the balls to go full original and new like rise did...
i was very optimistic about it before its release, the turtles in high-school is something i dreamed of when i was a child! AND THE SHOW JUST BLUE BALLED ME??? I GET JUST SOME MENTION ABT WHAT THEY ARE DOING IN SCHOOL BUT ITS NEVER SHOWN AND THAT MAKES ME GRRRR
IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO EASY FFS, doing something none of the show before had ever done but nooooo u get two mini arcs
and lets talk about these arcs:
bishop arc: i really liked the general plot of this one ok, but since the first ep i could see one of the main problems with tottmnt, EACH EP IS ABT A SINGLE TURTLE retelling their version of what happened in the same moment, that could be cool, BUT THAT MEANS THE BROTHERS INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER IN ONLY 2 EPISODES CIRCA
also why does everyone kinda have the same personality (by this i mean cus they react basically the same in every situation, apart if there's a computer/something technological, then donnie would use it/the other 3 would say something abt like "donnie could use it")
and they are so chill abt their problems (leo's self worth issues, raph's anger issues) ? like everything is so lighthearted and they already know how to deal and therapy talk??
i wonder how they will get to grow as characters cus as of now, they are already way more mature than any other tmnt version???
goldfin arc:... so???? IM TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING POSITIVE TO SAY ABT IT REAL HARD, maybe it will come to me later so lets start with things i despise abt the show!
deux: i hate that they have "cousins" 😭 why is every character related to them (tbf this was already from the movie so u can just ignore it) it makes the world sm smaller and takes out so many known villains... also i hate scum sm, also shes the turtles' cousin too so her relationship with splinter is kinda even weirder
(tbf it could be that i hate the cousins thing after i came back from my vacation surronded by my huge family, AND HAVING TO SPEND SO MANY DAYS WITH MY SO FUCKING MANY COUSINS)
три: the way that the stories are told, apart that it makes it look like nothing is canon? ive seen many fans confused about it, but i think that both stories actually happened. the only reason i dont like it is cus... it clashes with the choice of having a single turtle each ep so hard
like whats the point of starting the arc with a turtle narrating, but the next ep it will be focused on someone else?? and then ending it with the first one closing it like as if he had been the one talking all the time
quatro: uhhh by this time i found things i like so i want to talk about them too, but! i feel like this arc is so much worse than the bishop one and horrible for a closure.
the enemies are uhhhhh something, the stakes are lower than my will to live and we get poop jokes too <3
sept: this leo isnt leoing and april's personality just being "girl with the phone and recording"
by the second arc my brother started loudly sighing and glare at me every time donnie/mikey would make a "joke" we wouldn't understand, i started beating him to feel something
one: THE ANIMATION IS GREAT! im not the biggest fan of the artstyle but thats my personal bias, i like it being 2d! (i still like rise's animation and fluidity more, but THAT studio is impossible to beat, im still destroyed they dropped lmk <\3)
due: i liked the detective that hated birds, he brought a chaotic energy no one has in this show
três: THERE WASNT ANY APRILN4RDO THANK FUCKING GOD (i wrote this but then my brother made me notice the murales and now idk if i should take this out or myself)
четыре: i love hun and him being an animal activist is the cutest
and thats it ig?
tldr: i think its a mid series, it does nothing remarkably bad but it doesnt do anything remarkably good.
i finished and it left me nothing (it left me longing for more of rise actually)
though, its early to say it cus we have just 12 episodes! ofc i hope it will get better!!
also im autistic abt tmnt but in particular abt leonardo, i dont like this leo = my enjoyment of the show is very low
so until they get leo's character right, i will have spite in me
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omnipah · 8 months
for the ship ask meme: john and arthur malevolent?
haha. you have caught me at possibly the best/worst time to ask this because i have just started catching up on malevolent and had to stop 1/3 of the way through an episode cus i was so mad. so. schroedinger's ship.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
the inherent eroticism of a parasite, obviously
What are your favorite things about the ship?
there is such a fascinatingly blurred line between 'toxically codependent because they literally have to be around each other with no breaks 24/7' and 'weirdly healthy relationship because they have to figure out their differences because they have to be around each other with no breaks 24/7'
also the specific mechanics of the body-sharing, not just the basic idea of mutually excusive control of the parts of the body (though that's also just really cool), but also the fucking Symbolism of. he's your literal left hand man. he's your advisor because you can't make decisions without the information he provides but you cannot know if he's trustworthy. he's also a better person than you ever will be because he has reason to prompt him to try, whereas you have the privilege of thinking you're good by default. he has all the control he can't do anything without you. he has to beg you to see his point of view to be able to act on the world and make choies. this is just turning into john doe propaganda i'm realising
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i mean. if i really have to pick just one then it's gotta be that i cannot understand people who ship them in a way that has bodily separation as an end-goal. like. first of all if you aren't here for the gay possession why are you listening to the gay possession show. secondly they are a system and that's good and interesting. they shouldn't have to be separate for you to see them as whole, functioning people. thirdly, and this is more corollary than directly to do with their separation, if i have to see one more person give arthur his sight back after they separate i'm gonna start biting
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
if harlan wanted me to be interested in this ship (and i know he does because he's baiting everyone to hell and back) then the least he could do is actually respect both characters in it, and not treat one of them as if he's always right despite him being objectively horrible, while treating the other like he's not a full person and can't make decisions or be trusted with his own emotions or growth
What would have made you like it?
in particular i do think it'd be good for both the ship and the story if someone other than arthur knew about john and talked to him and allowed him to have relationships. i mean we can still have the codependency and the jealousy as a treat but. also john needs friends so he's not entirely defined by arthur, and i think it'd be interesting to see how he learns to communicate with people who can't hear him
also just fucking once i would like to see arthur concede to john about something important rather than the story constantly treating john like he's hysterical and needs to grow up whenever he has an issue with what arthur does or says
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
listen to me. i am taking you by the hand and looking deep into your eyes. these characters have so much fucking potential. they're so fascinating. it's so good. just please actually do something with it. and also have some basic empathy.
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thewither129 · 2 months
Heavy topic for a sec, includes transphobia and misgendering, as well as sexual assault
So Ava Kris Tyson has been under fire lately
Ive kinda bounced back and forth because this whole thing is a mess, but its a pretty hot topic
At first i was open but skeptical, but the brunt of the impact was requesting shadman make NSFW of popular fictional children, including for example, Caillou
Big yikes. Mega gross. But i dont think being buddy buddy and supporting shadman is a huge deal. He was super popular as a shock-value all-edge-no-point figure. Theres no way all the people who interacted with him didnt know about the shit he did. Most just swept it under the rug, cus clout. That does NOT excuse Ava’s behavior though, however i believe she’s addressed it?
Anywho, then came allegations of grooming. These allegations were incredibly flimsy at best and just downright braindead at worst. The best they had to offer was her making incredibly inappropriate jokes on discord, sure, thats bad. They claim she met the kid in the woods, but the kid was with his parents and she was with the MrBeast crew. The worst they had was… an adult playing Uno with a kid. Seriously? This is desperate.
Inappropriate behavior online, yeah. The rest is nonsense. Furthermore, the alleged victim came out and said “uh, no. She said horrible shit, but she didnt groom me.”
Immediately all the people who supposedly care about protecting the kids are shitting on him and calling him pathetic and an idiot.
Ava has also stated she has not groomed anyone and apologized for her unacceptable behavior.
Oh, thats not the end though.
Another trans woman came out about how Ava messaged her before she’d come out to her before coming out publicly. She also told her about how much better she felt when talking to her.
And that is how you start manipulating someone. Make them feel special.
She went on to use and abuse her power over her, repeatedly.
Theres a whole thread here, read it if you need details, but the short of it is Ava manipulated and sexually assaulted her.
This is a lot more grounded and believable than the claims of grooming.
Its really bad, and if its true, she is actually exploitative. However, all the people who jumped onto the grooming allegations have interestingly jumped in to call the victim a liar or a clout chaser or a pedophile, cus they dont like to acknowledge that trans women are more often victims than offenders. They cant acknowledge the only credible victim we have so far is also trans and was out before Ava.
Also, the accusations of abhorrent discord behavior expanded. There were leaks and confirmations that Jimmy Beast himself was there and knew about it. There were some really bad, gross jokes. Further, another person came forward to discuss how more recently, Ava had sort of spiraled and had potentially been unfaithful to her at the time wife.
Again, supposed moral vanguards are harassing this person.
It gets a little more wild, but i do not believe these following claims in the slightest.
The “alleged sister” (????????????) of Ava has come forth to call her autogynephilic (fake bullshit made up by a pseudoscientist, basically the idea being trans is a fetish) and claim she was aroused by trying on her clothes.
This supposed sister is currently privated on twitter, so this is effectively unverifiable.
Its bullshit. Even if they are her sister, im not believing anything someone who believes in agp has to say about a trans woman. Frankly, its really telling how many supposed allies or LGBT people themselves instantly believed this entirely unverifiable claim by a dubious and biased source.
The reactionary loons are mad all their claims are shoddy while the stronger ones come from another trans woman. This is no more than a desperate bid to push their agenda.
Autogynephilia does not exist. I am appalled by the amount of progressives falling for this garbage. Anyone saying “this set us back xxxxx years in trans rep” is a fucking idiot. All the transphobes believing this trash already believed it about ALL trans people. Shut the fuck up. Youre worthless. You add nothing of value.
There are three solid things to attack Ava for:
Supporting shadman
Making horribly inappropriate conversation with kids present
Manipulating and abusing someone
This is, thus far, all we can plausibly criticize her for. Not her identity, not grooming, not fucking autogynephilia.
Do not believe every new piece of info. Analyze, investigate, use your head.
Finally, fuck Ava Tyson, and shoutout to @LavaGS and @Genderillennial on twitter for doing there best.
Fuck the losers believing random bullshit from transphobes. Fuck the transphobes spreading random bullshit and harassing people.
If ive missed anything, feel free to add.
Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️
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