#from software games
doeheart7 · 1 year
A few months after I dragged my friend into Bloodborne with me we discovered that the FromSoft games lend themselves quite well to another kind of game: Hide N' Seek. So, to celebrate my recent completion of Elden Ring here are our official rules for FromSoft Hide N' Seek.
The host decides the boundaries of play and should clear that area of all potential enemies before summoning participants.
Boundaries should be clearly marked with rainbowstones or equivalent.
(If possible) When hiding, participants should use trick mirror talismans or equivalent to make themselves appear as the host (or vice versa).
All participants must hide the HUD before play.
The valid uses of gestures, armor sets, items, and spells should be decided on by the group before the start of play.
Have fun!
Should the game be interrupted via the arrival of an invader, the following rules can be applied:
The current seeker must immediately find a hiding place.
Time how long it takes for the invader to either find a player, or give up.
If a player is found, all other participants must converge on their location and fuck. Shit. Up.
Game continues as usual.
All of these rules are, of course, optional according to the group's opinions. The main goal is to enjoy yourselves.
If you decide to try this out, feel free to reblog with your pictures and stories. Id love to know the nonsense you all get up to!
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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Armored Core 4, From Software
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bitchdafuqyousay · 1 year
i’m a simple woman, i see an image of the hunter n i sigh dreamily n start kicking my feet on my bed n turn to write about him in a heart shaped journal
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retrogamingblog2 · 11 months
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ouchlord-vivaldi · 2 days
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scarewulf · 26 days
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koyoriin · 8 months
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https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id
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the-turts · 2 months
He said 😮👍👍
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 months
Elden Ring DLC Bosses Revealed!
From Software has released a guide to all the bosses of the upcoming Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree! Here are the ten great monsters you'll fight in the Shadow Lands:
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Messmer The Impaler
Messmer is the third triplet with Malenia and Miquella, banished to the shadow lands because for liking snakes and impaling people. Mostly for impaling people, but the snakes didn't help.
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The Burning Colossus
A big heap of flaming bodies used as a weapon of war in the rival kingdom of Nausicuu, this massive beast has to be scaled and slain because that's what you do with colossi in games.
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Albinauric Orphan Tear
The missing link between mimics and albinaurics, this monster throws his "husk" at the player like a boomerang. The first boss of the DLC, it guards the cave that leads to the Shadow Tree.
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Godskin Brigade
The Gloam-Eyed Queen is guarded by an army of her progeny, the godskins. They bear her most fearsome weapon, the Incantation of Ganqskwa-Darengi, which makes them act unpredictably and never need to stop to let the player get in a single stab or arrow.
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Godlion Dancer, Firstborn of the Gods
The murdered soul of Godwyn, son of Godfrey and brother to Godrick, Godrranq's lover. This guy has God written all over him. He also has 30 legs so he's good at dancing.
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Birdmaster Tonguay, Slayer of Literally Everyone
Ever wonder who tied all those knives to all the bird feet? Ever wonder why there are so few people in the Lands Between? Meet Tonguay, murderer of all those people at the claws of his bird-knives.
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Ribbitus, Priestess of the Frog Cult
Elden Ring's new gimmick boss can only be defeated by jumping from platform to tiny platform to poison the flies she likes to eat. She randomly kills the player without warning or opportunity to recover. She sings to you in French the whole time.
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Metalgiir, Armored Gandamu
An occult robot constructed by Robot-Master Iji Jr., Metalgiir demands an entirely different kind of gameplay that doesn't fit or scale to anything else in the game, yet is not optional so you have to learn to beat him or you get nothing.
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Ouchlord Vivaldi
Just... Don't fight this guy, he clearly has enough problems going on.
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Daniel R. Clarksen
Little is known of Daniel Clarksen or why the Tarnished must fight him. He seems like a decent guy, but he probably like turns into a giant demon thing with boobs. These games have lots of those.
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kaoticshiba · 4 months
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Ah yes , the mighty Goonter.
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gebo4482 · 9 months
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The Terrifying Great One by BonfireVN Part2
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horrorvisuals · 1 year
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Concept art from the PlayStation 2 survival horror game “Kuon” by From Software
If you played From Software’s other games, especially Sekiro, then you will recognize some of these designs. If you’re curious about Kuon, feel free to check out my latest video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKiNEBDCCRw
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b0tster · 1 year
i have the utmost respect for modders. making game content is hard enough with professional tools, but doing it using janky undocumented software made by some random guy in 2009 that only works in blender 2.79 or whatever? wizardry.
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retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
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ouchlord-vivaldi · 1 month
My Top Ten Fungi In Caelid:
As inspired by this fact post, I've decided to make the second one an actual thing, because there are some cool fungi about. The Mushroom People from Dark Souls aside, here are some of Fromsoft's lowest to highest coolest mycological moments:
10- This rotten bastard right here:
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I wanted to make this walking fungal infection famous and it spammed me with poison attacks. Fuck this guy. Last place.
9- Common Caelid Flat Fungus
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It's fine. The occasional bumps and squinching sounds it makes are neat. But still the least interesting of the Caelid fungi.
8- Oyster Barkshrooms
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These are likely the only thing in Caelid that even looks vaguely edible. Pretty neat.
7- Caelidine Cupclusterfungus
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These Pezizaceae looking, almost lichenesque clumps are neat, I like when they grow as burls on the the roots. They also sound squinchy.
6- Malenia's Aeonian Sporeblobs
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I only wish we saw these puff out some clouds of spores. I have no idea why my camera picked up blue in the middle, sorry.
5- Outback Rothouse Bloomin' Flat Fungus
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These are pretty cool, they grow from the flatshrooms and look like one of my drawings. Almost coral-like.
4- Doomskull of Mycelium
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Though some of this ancient massive skull has fine cup fungi, other parts have a more mycelium like texture. Also, skull.
3- Branching Fruiting Stumpfungus
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These things are awesome. Super cordycepsy. We call them "Caelid Cacti" back home. I mean we don't but whatever.
2- Decaying Ekzykes
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I'm not big on dragons in general but a decaying scarlet-rot breathing one? That's pretty awesome. Also I like saying "Ekzykes." Ekzykes.
1- Tomb Mold
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Bloodborne item cameo FTW!!! Time for chalice dungeons. Not really. Please don't let the DLC have chalice dungeons.
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
You are a very difficult boss in a videogame. Reblog and tell me in the tags what your one major weakness/cheese strategy is!
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