#from tigereyes45
kcscribbler · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the Sunday tag, @insert-witty-user-name-here!
Rough scene I cut from To Begin Again, that I'm tinkering with turning into a longer story:
“Where are we headed?”
“Here,” Willis answers, as Loki follows her into the Atrium. “I thought you might want to see this.”
“See wh –“ The word dies abruptly as he does indeed see, and even takes a step back in his surprise.
Because just as the atriums surrounding the War Room and chrono bays display murals and posters, both old and new, about the TVA and its purpose, this one is quite different. The middle panel is a floor-to-ceiling representation of the Tree, stylized in shades of blue and green stone; the smaller panels, on either side and fitted between roots and branches, an artist’s depiction of Loki himself, one facing left and one facing right, backs to the tree. Framed in black and threaded with gold, and holding several timelines in his hands. Those green strands curve across the mural and back again in an endless loop.
The motif is quite reminiscent of an ouroboros.
Or perhaps a mobius strip.
“He commissioned that right after he came back from living on the timelines,” Willis says quietly. “He was insistent that we make sure the TVA never forget, because gods are preserved by faith.”
“Only the ones deserving of the title,” Loki murmurs, looking up at the topmost part of the mural. “And I think we both know I am not numbered among them.”
“That’s not what he believes.”
“Belief does not in itself make something true.” Loki carefully touches a lower branch on the tree, and shakes his head. “But he has enough faith for all of us.”
No pressure tag for @elodiah, @impulsemuppet, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @doomed-spectacles, @tigereyes45 and anyone who wants to join in!
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tigereyes45 · 1 month
can you write a fic where Jim has to be the logical one when Spock finds a stray kitten and wants to keep it
You can also read it on AO3.
Spock found a kitten. Jim has to convince him that it can't stay.
Jim wobbles the PADD in his hand, up and down as he ponders its contents. Updated maps, star charts, all evidence that slowly and surely they’re discovering the far reaches of their universe. One week on Earth, and he was actually starting to doubt that. Home. It always makes him feel stir-crazy. Even being back on the Enterprise takes tons of stress off his shoulders, and buries it in the bottom of his stomach.
As the door slides open Jim starts to yawn. He wanders inside, letting his feet walk the familiar path.
A soft, desperate mew stops him dead in his tracks. Forcing his exhausted eyes open, Jim finds Spock, sitting in his usual seat at Jim’s desk. Unusually there’s a small bundle of fur laying on his chest.
He looks up, completely unperturbed. His fingers run across the all-grey kitten’s head and down it’s back. “Yes captain?”
Jim rests his fists on his sides. “Why?”
“Why what, captain?” Spock raises his head, calm and stoic.
Forcing back a laugh, Jim stares at the vulcan. Not so much as a twitch. He should have expected as much. “It can’t stay.”
“She can as she has nowhere else to go.”
The small bundle mews again. It weakly tries to climb up Spock’s chest. It gets a few steps, before pushing its head into Spock’s chest again. Spock raises his hand and rests it under the kitten’s bottom paws.
Undeniably, adorable. Damn it.
“Spock.” Jim lets his head fall back. “A starship isn’t a place for a kitten.”
“She would have ample food and water. It is not difficult to change a litter box and keep the space around it clean.”
Jim stares at the ceiling, feeling exasperated. Leave it to Spock to put him in this position, of having to be the logical one.
“And what if the ship gets hit?” He can picture it now. A ion storm rattling the ship, or a strike from a klingon warbird and she’ll end up on the ceiling somehow, or worse, ontop of someone’s face with her claws out, desperate for anything stable. “She’ll be sent flying across any given room or hall she’s in.”
No. She can’t stay.
“I can have magnet boots made so that she will always be on a surface.”
How is that logical? “I bet she’d love that.” More than a little sarcasm slipped out.
“It would be uncomfortable for a time, but she may grow accustomed to it.”
Jim moves closer, perching himself on the end of his desk. He waves his hands in a small circle, before clasping them together again.
“Spock think about this logically.” Spock’s eyebrow rises. “What if she gets visiting dignitaries sick? What if she somehow ends up on the surface of a faraway planet? How would we find her? How could we keep diseases from spreading?”
Spock looks to be deep in contemplation, but Jim can tell he’s still unwilling to concede. Jim gets off the desk, moving to sit on it closer to Spock. Their knees bump. Time for the big guns.
“What if something happens to her?” Spock opens his mouth to respond. Jim rushes to ask his other questions. “Who would take care of her? Who could take care of her exactly the same way you would have?”
Spock tilts his head to the right. “Ensign Chekov seemed to have expressed an interest in her, and Doctor McCoy has taken care of animals in the past.”
Resting a hand on Spock’s knee, Jim says softly, “So have I, but the answer is still no.”
Spock’s head tilts against the back of his chair. The vulcan equivalent of kicking his feet up, or maybe it’s just Spock’s equivalent. “You may have a point.”
“Thank you.” Jim pulls back his hand and folds both in his lap. “Now where are we dropping her off at?”
“In fact I know someone in Iowa who expressed an interest in caring for her.”
“Iowa?” What a coincidence. Except this is Spock, and where he’s concerned coincidence is hardly at play. No Jim’s gut was telling him this is exactly what it sounds like. “Spock, you didn’t.”
Spock nods. “I did, Jim.”
Of course he did.
Jim throws on a smile. “When is my mother due to arrive?”
“In three point seven minutes.”
Perfect. Jim shakes his head.
“So you were never planning on keeping the kitten.”
Spock lifts both eyebrows. “I was, but I anticipated your arguments and came to the conclusion that I would have to adhere to your ‘logic’.”
Even when he forces Jim’s hand into being the logical one, this vulcan is still three steps ahead. Jim will have to get him back at the next chess game.
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Author's note: If you also want to send in a star trek fic request, feel free!
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chaosdragonhoard · 4 months
9 People to Get To Know Better (but I can't count)
Thank you very much for tagging me, @strangenewwords!
3 ships you like: TOS Spirk, AOS Spirk, SNW Spirk... Does that count as three?
Honorable mention: The various multiverse permutations of McSpirk (honestly this is my main ship I just thought my previous answer was funny).
First ship ever: I think it was Ash and Misty from Pokemon if I have my timelines correct. Or Kiara and Kovu from Lion King 2. Ah, childhood.
Last song you heard: Can You Afford To Be An Individual by Nothing But Thieves
Favourite childhood book: The first books I can remember loving were the Septimus Heap series, but I can't remember anything about it except for the fact that the books were square and the magic words were in a fancy font and I thought that was cool.
Currently reading: As many books about people playing video games as possible for research for my McSpirk Big Bang fic! Just finished Don't Hate The Player and I'm currently reading Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
Currently watching: Strange New Worlds, Discovery, Lower Decks, The Original Series, and the AOS movies.
Currently consuming: hot water and honey because I am somehow sick for the second time in two months.
Currently craving: Seventy two million straight hours to just write and brainstorm fics with my bestie @notsuchasecret and my lovely big bang partners @astorix and @boldlyqueertastic and anyone else who'd like to scream about their ideas with me.
Tagging (no pressure): @astorix @boldlyqueertastic @fangirlandiknowit101 @ncc1701ohno @affixjoy @introvertia @flippyspoon @starrycrowz @margottrek @calliecat93 @tigereyes45 @twinkboimler @dustykneed
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handwrittenhello · 9 months
From Summer to Fall palette and coffee date for the prompt. :)
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thank you for the prompt @ussmcspirk @tigereyes45!!
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vidra-comprehends · 2 months
This was my first year participating in SpecReqs, a Mass Effect rarepair gift exchange. I heavily recommend browsing through this collection (as well as the previous years), whether you're looking for something specific or just a good read.
I would like to highlight the gift I received from tigereyes45. It brings me great joy and I think more people should see it. Have you ever wished you could see Wrex and Garrus take a crack at the same escape room prison cell?
So, what have we learned about written fanworks?
When you fixate on something for too long, your whole work can feel like a hit-or-miss type of situation. Take a walk! Take a walk!
I am so glad I signed up! This has been a scary but lovely experience from start to finish.
I have discovered another thing or two about what I enjoy. Fiction helps us explore other people's and our own psyche at the same time. What a privilege!
Urdnot Wrex.
I hope to be back next year; more confident and just as insane about our favourite characters.
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dustykneed · 4 months
tag game!! lets goooo
tagged by @donsdawn! (you are very very important!!!! And you are doing an awesome job. I'm so so proud of you and I appreciate you lots ^^ You are deserving of love and kindness! I believe in you <33)
3 ships you like: ok yall already know what i ship from tos so for fun here are some extremely obscure ones im super fond of! keating/mcallister (dps), ginger ale/roxy morton (kingsman), yennskier (the witcher)
Honorable mention: geraskefer (the witcher) is also pretty dang neat
First ship ever: winterfalcon! (still ship it ;] clearly i have a thing for old married couple energy loll
Last song you heard: olde tyme mem'ry by mischief brew
Favorite childhood book: the children of green knowe!!
Currently reading: the entire mcspirk tag on ao3. yes the entire tag. i do pick and choose but im on page 68 of 89 and going strong baybee !!
Currently watching: shoot from the hip improv comedy special
Currently consuming: on a cellular level, spite, methylphenidate and glucose. Also a bit of childish whimsy
Currently craving: actually having warm hands and feet.... freezing my fingers and toes off right now ffs. And maybe lunch with my irls!
@muirmarie @dootplusone @chaosdragonhoard @queerspaceranger @immortaljailor @simplyspocking @fexalted @kaklord @tigereyes45 (if youve already been tagged by someone else feel free to just ignore!)
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Seven Sentence Sunday
@tigereyes45 a wonderfully encouraging and constructive presence in the fandom. Very happy to be tagged by her for this! (And very sorry for not getting to it sooner 😂)
This excerpt is from a TOS Joanna-centered story I'm writing to polish my skills. I need that woman explored in more stories!
“No, no. That doesn’t track..” Jo looked over the dataset on her padd. “Either a few too many staff are fibbin’ about their rates or we've got a serious problem.”
Trisha considered McCoy's meaning. “A problem like; the vaccine works on the general population but not their settlers?”
Jo nodded, pouting. The issue could be anything; a chemical in their food, a microbe in their water, a neutralizer in their atmosphere- it could even be a second virus. “What a damned mess.”
Tigereyes tagged so many lovely writers! I like passing these things on one at a time, so I'll tag @starrycrowsz! Hype to see what you're working on!
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twinkboimler · 3 months
For the writers ask game: 🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis 🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises? 🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? ooooooo, you know, when I can get into it, I really enjoy editing my own works. I think when I don't have a firm deadline for a fic, I have a lot of fun doing it. But when I can feel the deadline approaching, editing stops being as fun for me. I'll take the easy way out instead of making big edits that, while difficult and time-consuming, will ultimately improve the story I'm trying to tell.
That said, I love beta reading and editing stuff for friends. Betaing and helping someone's fic evolve into its final form is one of my favorite parts about being in fandom and interacting with other fic writers. So overall, I think on a scale of 1-10 it's a 7 for me.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don’t talk to on a regular basis Tagging @tigereyes45 because holy shit she's been running some truly amazing events for mcspirk and I think she needs a round of applause 💖 make sure y'all are following @mcspirkevents and keeping up with all the events being run!
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises? I love surprises! I'm also very obnoxious if I know someone is going to surprise me. Like, if I am told "we're doing something Sunday, it's a surprise!" I'm about be more annoying than I've ever been until Sunday arrives
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them okay well @ncc1701ohno and @strangenewwords are just the world's greatest cheerleaders and betareaders and I owe them my entire life 💖💖💖@existentialcrisistime is also so wonderful and I love chatting with them about fic and sharing headcanons 🥰
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately? Answered here!
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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Fake Happy by Joanna1995 and tigereyes45
Summary: Calm settles over Camelot after the battle of Camlann. Everyone should have been happy, yet Merlin isn't. Even though Arthur survived, the thought of what might have happened, and what could still happen in the future have him stressed out. He has taken to hiding his feelings from Gwaine, his soulmate, which hasn't made him feel any better. He hopes that soon, everything can be revealed, and things will finally calm down.
Check out the fic HERE and the fanvid HERE!
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that-wildwolf · 1 year
Fic first line tag game thingy
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
I was tagged by @dearophelia (thank you!) and I am tagging @tigereyes45 @whiskynorocks and @nicolasadrabbles :)
Edge of Yesterday [mass effect, shepard, amnesia, post-canon, ongoing]
The train cut through the empty field like a bullet flying through the air, making minimal noise, not even scaring the animals that were already used to the sound that often accompanied the train tracks in this area.
Happiness Is A Warm Blanket [mass effect, garrus, anxiety and comfort]
Garrus closed his eyes as he softly rubbed his face against the cool surface of the fish tank.
In The End [mass effect, shakarian, 3+1 things]
Garrus turned back to steal one last look at the ship docked at the landing pad behind him.
Since You Appeared [mass effect, garrus, pining]
Garrus Vakarian had never really thought to research human social norms.
Love is an Echo [mass effect, shakarian, post-canon]
Shepard wakes up to silence.
not the same without a gun [goncharov (1973), katya, relationship study]
Katya scoffed at the couples swaying on thze dance floor to the rhythm of the music.
Patience is Sorrow's Salve [mass effect, shakarian, moving on]
"Home sweet home," Shepard mutters into Garrus's embrace.
Black and White, Shadow and Light [mass effect, shepard, garrus, opposites attract]
From the first moment she meets him, she can't help but stare.
i wanna see you dance again [mass effect, shakarian, slow dancing in the kitchen at 2am]
Rain is pounding harshly on the glass of the windows and splashing loudly against the roof of the porch as Shepard sits in her chair and unenthusiastically looks around.
you acted shy [carole & tuesday, post-canon, first kiss]
Yeah I like starting fics with "Garrus" sue me😅
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A New Tradition
Written For: @madwomanlexie
Title: A New Tradition Author: @tigereyes45 Rating: G (Maybe a T rating due to the joke at the very end.) Summary: Carol and Daryl host a party for a new yearly tradition. A/N: It's vague on the holiday on purpose. Also I love the idea that they're Aunt Carol and Uncle Daryl to all the kids.
While Carol wrestled with the dishes in her domain, Daryl found himself more or less in control of the gaggle of kids taking over their living room. He tried to give them each a different task to do. Something productive, or at least energy consuming. However, as children often do, they weren't really staying on task. Judith attempted to bark orders at a few of the other kids to keep them in line, and help, as Socorro climbed his leg. As Coco swings herself from Daryl's outstretched arm, he carefully attempts to catch her.
Nabila and Aliyah distract themselves by using the crayons he had give to draw on the wall under the stairs. Jerry, Gabriel, and Nabila were out catching back up with old friends before the party would truly begin.
RJ has taken to putting pinecones and cinnamon sticks on the windows. He liked the way they smelled, and decided the whole house should smell like it for the house party. Carol didn't mind it, and gave the go ahead. Which now means the little punks is constantly moving the eight pinecones and half a dozen cinnamon sticks he grabbed from window to window. As Rj walks away from his latest pile, Daryl moves over to it. He lifts Coco up onto his shoulder, as he picks up a wash rag, Carol uses for dusting, and resets Rj's offerings on top of it.
Gracie was given permission to stay the night with Judith and Rj. Aaron was unable to make it to the party due to patrols. Daryl half expected him to just keep Gracie in Alexandria then, but apparently she had begged and pleaded. Now she stands at Judith's side, copying the other girl's lead and leading the younger kiddos. As she picks Nabila up, Aliyah screeches for her to put her sister down, splashing some washable paint across her face.
Gracie carefully sets Nabila back down as Judith shouts to stop throwing paint. Daryl sighs, and pulls Coco off of him. As he crosses the room, Gracie dips all five of her fingers into the blue paint, and splashes Aliyah and Judith's face. "On the wall! The wall!" Daryl attempts to be heard over the screaming utterly fail as the girls take off chasing each other through the house. By the end of their second round through the yelling was over, and giggling had replaced it. Paint and crayons were no longer just on the wall, but absolutely everywhere on the floor. Thankfully the girls seemed to know well enough to not flick any paint about, when near the photographs.
He would hate to see the expression on Carol's face if they ruined Rj's and Judith's school photos. "It's good to see them acting their age."
Willing himself not to react to Carol's sudden words, Daryl pretends to be completely calm. "Yeah." He crosses his arms as the girls run past them. "It's good for 'em."
Carol loops her arms around Daryl's. "It's good for you too."
He glances down at her before looking away. Rubbing his thumb across the end of his nose, he fails to hid his smile. "Yeah." Daryl gestures towards the kitchen with his chin. Always quick to change the subject. "What are you cooking this year? It smells delicious."
"Well aren't you a charmer." Carol teases as she squeezes his arm against her. Gently she tugs on it, leading him to the kitchen. Daryl resists a little, letting her walk him to the threshold, but refusing to step out of the living room. "They'll be fine. It'll take two minutes."
True to her word, Carol makes sure to point out the litany of side dishes an deserts she has been preparing for the last three days. She had pecan, pumpkin, and apple pies made out and spread around. A cheesecake like dish that had her fresh, handmade cranberries topping. There were baked pork chops, a whole ham that glistens from the sugar, and honey she had added to the glaze. A smaller, but just as juicy turkey sits, partially carved up already. That was probably to help the younger kiddos get their meals. Bacon was cooling next to the stove, with a green bean casserole sitting on top of it. Fried onions, baked beans, and toast spread on a long plate with an entire assortment of jams behind it.
"Think it's enough for the party tonight?"
He nods as his eyes continue to take in the sight. For too long he stood there, smelling the food. He knows that thanks to the loud growling from his stomach. The fish he had filleted earlier was typically enough to keep him going for a whole day and a half. Too bad it's nothing in the face of such a feast. "It looks good."
Carol shoots him a knowing smile. Her lips open for a moment. He waits for her teasing. Instead she presses them back shut and turns to the sink to wash her hands. "I know some of the others will be bringing their own dishes to add, but I figured it's better to be over prepared, then under."
"Did you take all the extra rations?"
"Perks of being in charge," she jokes with a wink. At least, he hopes it's just a joke.
"Shouldn't these be for the new holiday party?"
"Eh, that's tomorrow. I'll make a few extra side dishes tonight." She waves the idea away as if it's not a worthwhile concern. "This is just for us," Running a finger along a dirty bowl on top of her little pile of dishes in the sink, she collects a decent amount of cheesecake filling. Daryl waits patiently for her to put it on his nose. Just like always. "and our own little celebration." Smooth cream covers the tip of his nose. Carol rolls her eyes at his total lack of a reaction. He smiles at her, wipes the cream off, and looks back at the food.
It wasn't exactly Christmas. This little gathering of theirs wasn't really anything that special. It was a party Carol enjoys throwing before the Commonwealth's end of year celebrations. If anything it was just as much a new years gathering as it was a Christmas or Yuletide party. One big bash to cope with the middle of winter. Who knows if they'll ever see another.
That thought pulls his eyes away from the food to the framed photos and drawings on the wall. Rosita, Carl, Glenn, everyone they lost and had photos of, or someone who knew what they looked like and could draw them. The living go up in the rest of the house, but the head are posted up in her kitchen. She had settled in.
Good. He'll have to leave again soon, but it's clear that she's found herself here. Carol turns back to the sink. He wraps his arms around her waist, pressing his head against the back of her left shoulder.
The front door opens. Jerry's voice carries throughout the house, as the children cheer. Now that the rest of the guests were finally here the party will really begin with all the cut out snowflakes, pinecones, and newly painted walls setting the feeling of being home. "Our guests are here." Carol points out, sweetly patting the top of his head. He groans, and presses his forehead deeper into her shoulder. They stand there like that, gently rocking back and forth on their feet. One of Carol's hands on Daryl's head and the other resting on top of his. He pulls her closer against him.
"Don't look Rj!" Judith orders, as Jerry laughs.
"Okay kiddos, they're still cooking in there. Let's focus on clean up." A cry of boos, and oh mans fly out of the living room. Daryl smiles into Carol's shoulder. She lifts his hands to plant a kiss on each of them.
As he pulls away, his hands feel cold without her warmth. She spins around, and quickly cups his cheeks. "So, do you wanna fool around." The smirk on her face betrays her joke.
Daryl rolls his eyes before pulling his face out of her grasp. With a pointed finger he says, "That's still not funny." He grabs an dark red apple out of the fruit basket from beside her.
Carol laughs and playfully pushes him away. "Who says I'm not serious?"
Biting into the red apple he says, "Maybe after the guests are all gone."
"I think I'd like making that a part of our new holidays tradition." She wraps her arms back around his free one. "Come on big guy, time to eat and reminisce."
“Aunt Carol is the food ready?” Rj asks excitedly, hands covered in bits of cinnamon.
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kcscribbler · 4 months
WIP Wednesday open tag appropriated from the talented @justabigoldnerd, because I have like...34 WIPs and need some motivation to finish something of actual substance before I veer off into @fluffbruary fics.
Also, need to at some point wrap up this damn Loki series so I can focus on exchanges with deadlines. Yikes.
As-Yet Untitled Final Arc for This Series
“You know,” Mobius says, deadly serious. “I do learn from past mistakes. Mine and other people’s.” He gives Loki a pointed look and briefly waggles the instrument now grasped in his left hand. “And you’re not shoving me through a Door back into the TVA while you take on that thing alone.”
“Mobius –”
“Not up for debate, Loki. I’ll smash the damn Tempad and strand us here, if I have to.” Mobius shrugs at his disbelieving gesture, and points the pruning stick at Alioth, currently taking great pleasure in wiping out a dozen of Loki's illusions at the far end of the field. “So what’s your plan C?”
Yoooo no pressure but @strangenewwords @appleofmyonlyeye @tigereyes45 (and anyone else who wants to) what are you working on, for @mcspirkevents or otherwise?
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tigereyes45 · 5 months
A missing Mcspirk scene about Sybok, from Star Trek V. That takes place after the party but before they make it back to Yosemite. This fulfills two of my bingo prompts for the Mcspirk Bingo being hosted on the @mcspirkevents blog.
Jim decides to check on McCoy a few hours after the party ends. Bones is alone, and upset. The tension in the room is palpable as Jim decides to risk bringing up the whole Sybok fiasco now. He needs answers. There's a deep-seated need to know why McCoy never told him and Spock about his father before.
With a familiar roll of his eyes, McCoy leans back in his chair. His knuckles turn white as he grips his knees. “Kirk, just ask already.”
“Kirk?” It sounds strange hearing his last name come out of Bones’ mouth rather than Jim. Kirk steps a little closer until he’s standing by McCoy’s shoulder. All within reach in case the doctor felt so inclined to reach out. “What should I be asking, Bones?”
“Don’t act innocent.” Bones rolls his eyes before turning back towards the window. Starlight shines against his face. It cast small spots of lights scattered throughout the shadows about him. Deep blue eyes twinkle, as they look out. “I know better than your usual acquaintance.”
It’s an unfair dig. Jim folds his hands behind his back in a parade rest. “And yet after everything that happened today, I feel as if I’m getting to know you for the first time.” When McCoy raises his head, Jim twists just enough to face him. He offers an amused smile.
Bones drops a hand onto the arms of the chair. “You know me Jim.” McCoy never looks away. His gaze is steady, and tone certain. However, Jim can see the sadness in his eyes. The lack of shaking in his voice does very little to hide the grief, and fear evident in the curl on his lips, and the light shaking of his leg.
Jim should comfort him. If this were any other time he would have done just that, but hurt rears its ugly head, and he asks the one question that has been bothering him since Sybok’s sudden show.
“Do I?”
Curled lips fall into a flat line. Water wells up along the corner of already wet eyes. “Does this really change so much?” This time the shaking shifts from McCoy’s leg to his voice.
Before he can answer that, Jim must know. “If I say it does?”
McCoy hangs his head. For a moment it stills. Time slows down as Bones takes a deep breath, lost in thought. Jim squeezes his wrist within his hand. Why didn’t you tell me? Is there a reason you didn’t trust me? Have I ever proven to be disloyal, or judgemental? Tell me Bones. Why? Jim could ask, but why wouldn’t McCoy just tell him? There has been so few secrets between them in the past, and maybe that’s the problem. Kirk deliberately inhales. All the secrets that have ever lied between them were Jim’s or Spock’s. Bones has always been an open book. They were blinded by their perceptions, the disguise McCoy dons. If it was a disguise then what has been the truth? Were they ever friends? Ever more? Did he even have the right to call himself anything but a stranger?
“Then you should find a new doctor.” Jim takes a step back. Bones refuses to meet his gaze. That’s for the best because there was no way for Jim to control the pain rushing through his body. It feels as if the enterprise was splitting into. As if the warp core was shattered right in half and about to melt down. It might as well, for what is life without McCoy, or Spock for that matter?
It would be even worse than his time as admiral.
“Bones,” Desperate for a bit of normalcy Jim reaches out. He rests a hand on the doctor’s shoulder. Rather uncharacteristically, McCoy pulls out from beneath Kirk’s grasp with a glare on his face. More like a cornered animal than a man, he pushes his chair back, standing unsteady, eyes trained on Kirk’s. The captain’s voice was far fainter than he wanted. “Why?”
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And here's my updated bingo card:
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I decided to color code the stars based on whose P.O.V. the story is in.
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welt-verbessererin · 2 years
Another fic tag game!
thank you @tigereyes45 for the tag! I'll have to check out 4thewords!
What is your total posted word count on AO3?
How often do you write?
Actually write write? Maybe once a week. However I'm constantly jotting down plotbunnies, notes, lines of dialogue or description. I almost never write chronologically, which is why I find it difficult to sit down and write a lot in one piece. I also edit and rewrite a lot, which is very time consuming.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Does not having brain fog count?
What’s your favorite tropes/pairing?
Pairing should be obvious. So aside from Gendrya, I've started watching House of the Dragon and I'm mostly shipping Daemon x Rhaenyra, but I like Rhaenyra's other ships too.
Trope wise, I'd say (childhood) friends to lovers.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
K*nk in the South (have to redact the word to not attract any bots) is definitely very special to me. The latest chapter of my one shot collection is always my favourite as well.
Your fic with the most kudos?
My one shot collection too good to be true at 450.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
For a long time, I felt it was too ... clean and too short (see my total word count above) for prose because I taught myself to be as concise as possible for writing academic assignments and that has definitely rubbed off on my creative writing. But with my more recent stuff I feel like that's gotten better.
Now something you do like?
My premises.
Tagging: @klarolinedrabbles @jjofalltrades @sneetchstar @psychvamp25 @keepthemclose @the-end-is-kigh @mrbinglee @go-catch-a-chickn
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merlinbingo · 2 years
August Round-Up
We are without frills this month, because trying to open canva crashed my browser twice. I know third time is supposed to be the charm, but I don’t wanna take the chance that it’s actually gonna be ‘third time kills your laptop forever’...
So, if we could all get on with pretending it’s closer to August than October, here’s our double load of stats!
July brought us 42 fantastic fills created by 18 wonderful participants (and one by me, though I don’t remember what it was or when I posted it...). Fics were once again top of the list with 32, but art (3) was edged into third place by fantabulous gif creators (5 fills!), and we also got a beautiful fanvid and a glorious playlist to round things off. Unsurprisingly, most fills were either Merlin/Arthur (20) or gen (12), though Merlin/Gwaine (3) and Merlin/Lancelot (2) have their own share of fans.
As for August, we got 50 fills created by 26 people. 38 fics, six artworks, two gifs, one fanvid, plus the glorious overachievers who decided to do fic and art (one person), and a moodboard and ficlet (one person, but they did it twice!).
On the subject of overachievers, the absolute machine who brought us nine fills in July brought us a further six in August - if you’re who I think you are, you’re well on your way to blacking out a second bingo card, and I am filled equally with awe at your creative output and shame at my own (yeah, those badges I promised wouldn’t be long last time? Turns out they still haven’t materialised...)
Shipwise, it’s the same old story: Merlin/Arthur with 27, gen with 10, and Merlin/Gwaine (2) still plodding along in the background, though this time they were matched by Gwaine/Percival and Merlin/Morgana... The Lancelot/Merlin fills were non-existent this month (if my keyboard did emojis, I’d be sadfacing right now), but we did get a few other rarepairs, including one Lancelot/Will fic - only the fourth work on ao3 to be tagged as such!
Aaaaanyway, enough babbling from me. Please find all of the beautiful fills hidden below the cut, and remember to heed the warnings and practice self care when clicking on those links!
Love, peach x
Gen/No ship
The One Who Will Be King by chaosgenes Rating: General audiences Warnings: background character death Major tags: Baby Arthur Pendragon, Pre-canon, Grief/Mourning Summary: The moment Arthur was born, Uther did not spare him a glance.
The Sword in the Stone by theartsylillipad Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: merlin, merlin bingo, bbc merlin, merlin fanart Summary:
First Snow by demitimelord42 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff Summary: Merlin takes Aithusa to see the snow for the first time
Gwen's pink dress by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Single dad AU by Ice-mint Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Alternate universe, Uther Summary:
Introspection by Ice-mint Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Lady Morgana on Break by monoisbored Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Taliesin by thebookluvrr1816 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
Who is the Monster Here? by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, OC death Major tags: pre-canon, Lamia, OCs, explaination of Lamia's origins Summary: In the Old Religion, there was power and then power, good or bad. But desperate times called for desperate measures. And so, the Lamia were born.
Of Farmers and Mercenaries by tigereyes45 Rating: Teen Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Flash Fiction, Ficlet, Angst, Final Moments, Canon compliant Summary: William of Deira became a mercenary after helping Arthur that fateful day. He wanted to serve him again. Sadly, he never gets the chance.
melting into you by kirani Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: modern AU, vacation sex, established relationship, light bondage Summary: Morgana has been buried in her latest case for weeks but it's finally wrapped up, so Gwen decides to take her on a little vacation. And if she packed some toys in their bags, well, she doesn't think Morgana will complain.
Something Different by Anonymous Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Female POV pleasure, Sexy new ideas to try, Double Penetration, Caring Lovers, Fluff and Fun Summary: Gwen has some ideas to try with her lovers, Arthur and Merlin. How would it feel if they made love to her the same way they do to each other? How it would feel to have them both inside her at the same time? The three of them give her ideas a try.
To a Better Place by devotedwaywardangel1 Rating: Mature Warnings: Major character death Major tags: Mercy Killing, Angst, Hurt Freya (Merlin), Hurt Merlin (Merlin), Blood and Injury, Summary: Set at the end of S02E09 of BBC Merlin, Freya can't heal and magic will not let her die so she asks Merlin to do the unthinkable
The Best Laid Plans (Get You Laid Old-Lady-Style) by gwen-cheers-me-up Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pranks, Humor, Sexual Content, Roleplay, Fluff Summary: Merlin transforms into a naked Dolma in Morgana’s bed as a prank. It does not go the way he expects.
Simplicity by gwen-cheers-me-up Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con Major tags: Tentacles, Eggpreg, Multiple Orgasms, Aphrodisiacs Summary: Morgana has finally figured out how to get rid of Emrys for good. Unfortunately for Morgana, she isn’t immune to her own trap. But maybe that’s not so unfortunate after all…
it's what my heart just yearns to say, in ways that can't be said by Saurus Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Romance, love confession, canon era, arthur is a soppy bastard Summary: All the signs were there, right before his eyes but Arthur tried so hard to deny it. He thought it must be his imagination, it couldn't be true. He surely, couldn't possibly be in love... Right? or Arthur is a soppy lil shit for one of his Knights.
rise from above by stanzas Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: AU - Canon Divergent, Lancelot lives, Will lives Summary: The first time Lancelot heard Will's name spoken aloud, he was in Merlin's room.
Call Me Emrys When You Want It To Hurt by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Painplay, bdsm, pwp Summary: Mordred loves pain, and Merlin quickly learns he loves giving it to him.
Like Honeyed Summer Days by queerofthedagger Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Religious Imagery, Fluff Summary: The point is, Lancelot has never considered himself a religious man, but he is sitting in a clearing, late summer blooming around him, and there is a king lying with his head in Lancelot’s lap, hair spun gold and eyes closed with trust. There is a king lying in his lap, face turned into the palm of Lancelot’s hand, and the small smile quirking his lips is so content that Lancelot fears he will choke on the happiness of it all.
Will you read to me? by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: moodboard, A/B/O, Fluff, Bookstore AU, slice of life Summary: Gwaine and Percival have a nice Sunday morning.
Come on, big boy, tell me what you want. by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Underage Major tags: Lingerie, Handcuffs, Topping from the Bottom, College AU Summary: “Gwaine. Gwaine please” The rattle of handcuffs clinking together diverted Gwaine’s attention from where he was kneeling between Percival’s knees.
Turn Back - Merlin/Gwaine by tigereyes45 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, let's go back to the start, unwavering trust, Summary: A short video highlighting Merlin and Gwaine's relationship. I edited it from the idea that Gwaine and Merlin would like to turn back time.
Giving Me a Sugar Rush by MerthurAllure Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: PWP, friends to lovers, blowjobs, modern era Summary: Gwaine is a different type of sugar daddy, and Merlin can’t say he’s opposed to it.
Poetry by thebookluvrr1816 Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Summary:
you keep watching my eyes by kairennart Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining Arthur, Getting Together, Court Sorcerer Merlin, Fluff Summary: "Come on, attack me as if you mean it." Merlin adjusts his footing into a defensive posture, expecting his taunt to rise something in Arthur. It does. Apart from his words, his eyes are heavy on Arthur’s, his lips red and smug, his hands clenching and unclenching, ready to cast. A soft breeze ruffles his hair. Arthur swings his sword.
love me, love my laundry by @ravenwilds Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern Era, Husbands, Fluff, Arthur's late, Merlin hates laundry Summary: Completely unsurprisingly, Arthur's late, Merlin's been left to do all the laundry, and they're probably going to miss their flight.
Another Roomba AU by Nivelle Rating: General audiences Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Roombas, Alternate Universe - Robots Summary: In which Roomba!Arthur has a sword taped onto him and is chasing Roomba!Merlin who has been equipped with a shield through the palace.
Live for the Hope of It All by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Mentioned Ygraine, Fluff Summary: August days, a stealthy plan to make sure that for once, Merlin will take a break, and the heaviness of memory that tends to come with late summer days. Arthur wouldn't change it for the world.
Forgotten Knighthood - Chapter 4 by evaelisaa Rating: Teen Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Summary: Part 6 of the Knight Merlin series - During a trip where Merlin and Arthur are alone together, Morgana manages to get a hold of Merlin...
The Kissing Fever by Camelots_Daffodil Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Love Potions/Spells, Canon Era, Merlin is Tired, Kissing, Everybody Gets Together Summary: It's spring time in Camelot and you know what that means... love is in the air! Only Merlin thinks that there might be a little too much of it when everyone in the land seems to be unable to stop themselves from kissing whoever is closest. As usual, it's up to him to fix the magical issue before anyone can realise that there's a magical issue that needs fixing.
Nothing Left to Prove by queerofthedagger Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Gym AU, Fighter Merlin, Smitten Arthur, Protective Merlin, Getting Together Summary: Five times Arthur appreciates Merlin's skill, and one time Merlin makes good use of it.
The First Step of Many by Mischel Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Pining Arthur, Fluff, Holding Hands, First Kiss Summary: Arthur is no coward -- then why is it so hard to take Merlin's hand and admit his feelings? And why is it even harder when Merlin catches him pacing and wants to know what's going on?
Almost Accidental by archaeologist_d Rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: fluff, dancing, kisses, clumsy Merlin Summary: The first kiss was definitely an accident. The rest of them, not so much.
Playing with fire by Laevateinn Rating: Mature Warnings: Light BDSM, bondage Major tags: Moodboard, shibari, fire play, sub Arthur, dom Merlin Summary: "“Do you trust me?” “I do.” Merlin and Arthur experiment with fire."
A Heart is made to Ache, Break and Heal by royal_spud Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: unhinged Merlin, emotional hurt/comfort, Angst, Unrequited Love, Betrayal Summary: Merlin's always been the kindest among them, barely able to stand the sight of a dead rabbit. He despised violence and loathed hunting. And flinched at the sound of clanging metal. But when a sorcerer snatches the king and his knights from their bedchambers one calm night, and forces them all to watch him as he rampaged everything and everyone in his way as he searched of them, well kept secrets come spilling out; leaving them to wonder just how well they knew who Merlin was. If he was the same person who smiled as bright as the sun and sung to himself and made flower crowns. The person they'd known, and adored, and some had even grown to love. Or if he was someone else entirely.
Patron of the Arts by archaeologist_d Rating: Mature Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: modern au-no magic, merlin as artist, angst Summary: Arthur always loved to draw but when his father refused to allow it, Arthur left it all behind. Until he met Merlin.
don't you think i look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor by Saurus Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Non-Binary Merlin, Masturbation, Lingerie, Sexual Fantasy Summary: Arthur finds an unexpected item of clothing... Who could it belong to he wonders.
Chemistry part 12 by archaeologist_d Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: angst, arthur is a prat, modern AU with magic Summary: The scrawny kid knew more about chemistry than Arthur did. Who knew he’d fall in love with the idiot?
Doctor, can you fix me? by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Fucking Machines, Bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur thinks there's something wrong with him and visits Dr Oddlove, a recommended sex therapist, who gives him an unorthodox solution.
Floppy Dick by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Smut, Established Relationship Summary: Arthur learns that it's not wise to accept Gwaine's dares. Merlin is a good boyfriend and offers to make him feel better.
Carefully Planned Coincidences by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Fluff and Smut Summary: After watching them pine for ages, Merlin and Arthur's friends decide it's a time for intervention.
Seeking an Alliance by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, First Time, Bottom Arthur, Canon Divergence Summary: To save Camelot Arthur approaches Emrys with an offer of an alliance.
Screw Fear by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Choose not to use archive warnings Major tags: Fear of Heights/Flying, Mile High Club, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering Summary: Merlin is afraid of heights but rides on a plane for work. Arthur, his boss, helps distract him.
Sex Education by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Porn, Gangbang, Roleplay Summary: Arthur teaches his class the wonders of exploring various body orifices.
Dining Out by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, Vampire!Arthur, Immortal!Merlin, Modern AU with magic, Frottage Summary: Arthur needs to feed. Merlin is more than happy to provide.
Drawing by elirwen Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Porn, Modern AU, Bondage, Edging, Dom Merlin Summary: Merlin shows Arthur various pleasurable drawing styles.
Follow the Rainbow by chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post-canon, Modern, Public Blowjobs Summary: On a sweltering hot day, the Once and Future King finally returns—and lands in the middle of a Pride Parade. Reunions and frisky times ensue.
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ao3feed-kandros · 11 months
From A Distance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gpmiSrn
by tigereyes45
This story follows Scarlett Ryder, and Tiran Kandros as they fall in love over the course of events in Mass Effect Andromeda. Sneak peek below:
"Let me think on it. When I come up with something I'll share it with you. Deal, Ryder?" It could be a fun bonding experience.
"Deal, Kandros." She holds out her hand. He shakes it. After all this time it still feels so weird for five fingers to wrap around his hand. What do humans do with them? Where do they put them when they aren't using their hands? So many pointless questions he'll never get any answers to. Kandros lets his subvocals voice the curiosity he won't put in words. Sajax faces him. Thankfully she was the only other turian nearby. He raises a hand to wave her off, before leaning back on the console Ryder was now smiling at.
Words: 21551, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Mass Effect: Andromeda, Mass Effect - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tiran Kandros, Female Ryder | Sara, Sajax (Mass Effect), Sergeant Nels (Mass Effect), Nels (Mass Effect), Male Ryder | Scott, Nakmor Kesh
Relationships: Tiran Kandros/Female Ryder | Sara
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Supportive Tiran Kandros, Digital Art
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gpmiSrn
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