#from: 🕸️ anon
kazumist · 8 months
ang galing mo gumawa ng smau. - 🕸️
gago alin don ung binasa mo
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final-kin · 8 months
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A Cesar Torres (Mandela Catalogue) stimboard with themes of black and creepiness!
Requested By 🕸️🪄 Anon!
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elsweetheart · 1 year
some1 call an ambulance? we get pedro,bella and lana all in one night im gonna need a hospital 😣😣
ik lana is engaged but </333 pedro and lana <333 imagine if they ever……. oh gosh. i’d cry. my parents. (their children : me and bella)
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pupgzut · 21 days
ik right >:) thank u
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graveyard-tears · 4 months
I deserve no thanks , you being here is perfectly enough for me , your absolutely adorable
but you do deserve my thanks,, please, take them all for yourself. i insist,, <3
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 9 months
How.... Bitey are you? Like........ What does it take for you to just, nom?? On someone?? Also, do you have venom? Sorry if these questions are too personal or prying...
Sorry this took so long i forgot my notifications were on reblogs only mode...anyway to answer your third question first, yes i do have venom and it can do a fair few things...secondly to answer your first question it depends on my mood really...if im in a bad mood and someone causes me to bite them by threatening me or aggressively putting their hands on me than i am evidently very bitey, if im in a good mood and i just get startled than no im not...but to answer you second question it takes someone pissing me off by either verbally or physically threatening myself or my family and getting their limbs to close to my face...
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ghostykapi · 1 year
Ahahhaga guys turns out there's no other ending to adore you??? there's a sequel tho right ? right guys ???
abyways u should read this for more angst :
should i be scared of that link
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hacvek · 1 year
🌑 nightmeows 🔁 dogfandomfandom Follow
Welcome to the Official Clan Showdown, an official tournament to decide the best clan of all! I'll be letting this run for a quarter-moon so hopefully cats from all corners of the forest can vote!
So let's settle this once and for all, through democracy rather than violence
which clan is the best?
ThunderClan ❚❚ 6.3%
WindClan ❚❚❚❚ 11.2%
RiverClan ❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ 33.6%
ShadowClan ❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ 20.3%
I'm a kittypet that just wants to press a button ❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ 28.6%
3384 votes · Poll ends in 1 day 890 birdsongs
🦇🔁 lichenlikehim Follow
windclan bros....
🍄🔁 shrewd-and-wondervole
Something's not adding up. Even discounting the kittypet option, there are way more voters than there are Clan cats.
⚡🔁 thunderclan-official Follow
there are numbers above 5?
🦁🔁 the-lionesse Follow
y'all i figured out why the vote counts are so high. sparrowsong from riverclan just went out and gave birth to fifty kits and signed them all up for clanblr accounts jkldfjslkfd
🪱🔁 wormdefender Follow
op is having a breakdown about thunderclan not winning btw
🐺🔁 dogfandom Follow
OP: here's a silly poll!
cats: get a little silly with it
#oh so this is what's going on #but where is the breakdown post #edit: i found it 2,349 notes ➡️🗨️🔁❤️
🐸 dreamsofgreenleaf
here's how thunderclan can still win
#is this anything #mine 1 note ➡️🗨️🔁❤️
Oopsie! An error was encountered when reblogging. Try again? You've exceeded your daily post limit.
🍄 shrewd-and-wondervole 🔁 the-lionesse Follow
Anonymous mewed: wait how did sparrowspong give birth to fifty kits at once
🦁 the-lionesse Follow
she slept with multiple toms. hope that helps.
#interesting #i didn't know that was possible! #bio tag 230 notes ➡️🗨️🔁🤍
🪳 starclansfavoriteplaything 🔁 dirteater
Anonymous mewed: i found someone's mirrorleaf still logged into their clanblr at the gathering and voted for shadowclan. i'm not even a clan cat i just got lost while playing outside
🙀 clan-confessions
🪶🔁 pheasantcatcher Follow
anon is braver than any thunderclan warrior
🌿🔁 herbmother Follow
This is what StarClan wants for us. To do the right thing even when we won't get credit for it.
🪳🔁 starclansfavoriteplaything
#YOU ARE THE REASON WE CANT HAVE PEACE #lmto [Editor's note: 'laughing my tail off'] 3,401 notes ➡️🗨️🔁❤️
🕸️ foxtails 🔁 greencoughtiger Follow
🐭 mouse ✔️✔️
the winner is not shadowclan or riverclan or anyone else. the winner is voter fraud
#prev wtf you can't join clanblr until you're at least twelve moons of age 3,925 notes ➡️🗨️🔁🤍
🪳 starclansfavoriteplaything 🔁 dirteater
🐈 freshkillz Follow
feeling lonely need me a she-cat with a mottled pelt and thick tail rn
🦋🔁 moon--moth Follow
not now the entirety of thunderclan was just murdered
#READ THE CAMP 129 notes ➡️🗨️🔁🤍
🐸 dreamsofgreenleaf 🔁 mewsogyny Follow
purrzerk-deactivated-80-01m-04d mewed: You can't get pregnant with multiple litters at once. Talk to your medicine cat before spouting misinformation on clanblr
🦁 the-lionesse Follow
i'm literally a medicine cat apprentice but go off
🐷🔁 tomsplaining-archive Follow
Example #163
#get his tail 778 notes ➡️🗨️🔁🤍
◼️ dirteater 🔁 cats-posting-their-ls Follow
To everycat that reblogged and voted in my poll in good faith, I thank you.
Clearly something fishy is afoot, whether that's from kits birthed for the purpose of this poll, or popular blogs like @​mouse and @swanstar-official badgering their kittypet followers to vote for their Clan. And clearly the subversion does not come from all sides in this debate. I have half a mind to declare ThunderClan the winner, just out of spite.
If RiverClan or ShadowClan 'wins' by cheating, fraud, intimidation, and manipulation, does that 'prove' that it is the best? Hardly. It only proves that such Clans are willing to gain any advantage by any means—including dishonorable ones. Can you trust that such cats won't resort to dirty tactics in snout-to-snout interactions? At the Gathering? In war? Cats like you are the reason we will never have peace.
I won't lie, I'm a bit distraught right now. But I probably should not have expected anything else from this StarClan-forsaken webbedsight. I will never be doing anything like this for you mangy cats ever again. Goodbye.
#this kitty really thought he was going to win the nuzzle peace prize with this poll #my brother in starclan this is not a forest of honor 2,064 notes ➡️🗨️🔁❤️
🌑 nightmeows 🔁 malecalico
🤵 actualtwoleg
i didn't even knowed that there wass so many cats in this beuatifal world. woag
🌞🔁 malecalico
only valid ally
#can someone explain what is going on 64 notes ➡️🗨️🔁❤️
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hazbin Boys x reader- Comfort ❤️‍🩹
This is a request from an anon- hazbin boys comforting reader with depression/mental illness. Includes Lucifer, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, Vox and just a dab of Alastor. Original request here + a heart felt message from yours truly 💌
TW: depression, mental illness, sickeningly sweet fluff
Notes: gn!reader, NSFW during Angel’s part 18+ plz
Lucifer 🍎
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Oh my goodnessssssss, prepare to be treated like absolute royalty.
I’m talking foot rubs, back rubs, playing with your hair
Not only will he make you food, he’ll literally try to feed you and offer you sweet praises when you do eat. Eating can be a real chore sometimes…
“Good job, my love. It’s gonna be okay…okay?”
I think Luci is pretty touchy in general, but when you’re down in the dumps, he gets extra clingy and touchy
He’ll pretty much constantly have a hand on you- holding your hand, a hand on your back, a gentle rub on your shoulder
Will unfurl his wings and drag you close to him in bed, wrapping his arms and silky feathers around you as he lulls you to sleep
Like imagine a midday depression nap all tangled up with Luci, curtains drawn so the room is nice and dark, the temp is perfect, the bed is hugging you just as good as your babe next to is. Ugh. Plz, I want this. I need this.
Will try to gently coax you out of bed and try to get you out of the house. He knows it won’t be easy for you but he thinks getting you cleaned up, dressed and out doing something fun you’ll feel a bit better. You’ll at least be distracted from your sadness for a bit.
He’s so kind and nonjudgmental too. He gets it completely. He has depression too. Even the king of hell deals with mental illness, okay? Mental illness does not discriminate
He’ll offer the best advice he can muster up, using his own experiences to help you out of your funk
All in all, he’s just an absolute sweet pea. So doting, so caring.
Angel Dust 🕸️
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Also has mental illness, also gets it completely.
Angel is a sweet boy but I don’t think he’d be too great at offering advice…
So he does his best to distract you from your feelings, doing whatever it takes to get you to smile, even just for a second.
Will ask you what you want to do first, whatever will make you happy, he’ll go along with it.
If you insist on rotting in bed, he’ll probably respectfully pull you out of bed, tell you “this ain’t good for ya, babe” and force you to go do something fun, something relaxing, something for yourself
Sorry not sorry but he’ll def offer to cheer you up by fucking you, letting you fuck him, eating you out, sucking your dick. Go ahead, take your stress out on him, he can take it ;)
Also the king of self care.
Will draw you and him a bath, rub your shoulders while you sit in the warm water together, will even wash your hair for you
Forces you to wear a face mask with him lmao
“C’mon, (Y/N)! Lemme paint ya nails! You’ll look sooooo cuuuuuute~”
Expect lots of touching and kisses with him at night, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping
Rubs your back, rubs your arms, will rub gentle circles on your butt if you’ll let him, kisses your head, kisses your cheeks, kisses your nose
Husk 🃏
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Okay listen…this guy is obvi a great listener and he’s pretty good at giving advice. Honestly, he’s probably the best person to go to.
Husk is an old soul, he’s pretty wise, has a lot of life experience, death experience, his own experience with mental illness and even addiction.
He could just listen to you talk for hours, waiting for you to pause before he replies. He’d never interrupt. He’s so patient with you 🥹
Will keep a close eye on you and any new habits you’ve seemed to pick up. He fixes his own issues with booze but he’s the type to say “do as I say, not as I do”
Won’t let you spiral into addiction like he did…it’s not an option.
I think Husk would be a good mix of “Come here, give Husker a hug. It’s alright, hun. Let’s go take a little nap, yeah?” and “Hey, I know what’ll cheer ya up!” *proceeds to show you the coolest, craziest magic tricks*
He’s a good balance of comfort and distraction
Anything he can do to help, just say the word
Will tell you funny shit he’s seen the folks around the hotel do just to see you laugh for a moment
“One time, Angel was walking right in front of the bar at like 7 in the morning and tripped over literally nothing and face planted! I had the best seat in the house. It was hilarious.”
This is my own personal headcanon, idk why but I feel like Husk can cook really well. He’d totally make you food, even bring it to you in bed if you don’t feel like getting up
Will absolutely let you play with him like a kitten, won’t even be upset about it. Play with his ears, give him pets, let his fur be your stim toy, let his purr soothe your achy heart
Sir Pentious 🐍
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Plzzzz, he’s such a simp. I love this slippery, special little guy 💚
Big on cuddles! Will cuddle you all day, all night if you want. Loves the physical contact, and loves it even more when he can feel you relax a bit against him.
Will make his eggs boys do anything for you. Whatever you want, you tell them and they’ll happily oblige.
Kinda random but I think he’d be the type to try and pull silly little pranks on ppl around the hotel just to get you to laugh. He’s such a silly goose omg
He doesn’t really understand what you’re going through so he’ll just keep asking you what he can do, how he can help, what you want, what you need from him.
He doesn’t get it but he’ll do anything for you.
When you’re feeling particularly lazy and it’s extra hard to leave your bed, he’ll literally carry you around. Just lounge in his arms, darling, he’ll take you wherever you need to go. Don’t need to go anywhere? Fine, you’re gonna come along with him to do his daily tasks. Sit in his lap and just watch as he works.
Just wants to keep you close. He can’t stand the thought of you being alone when you feel like this. No matter where he is or what he’s doing, he wants you close.
Unless you insist on having some alone time or needing some space. Again, whatever you need from him, you got it.
Although, he may get a little teary eyed and pouty when he leaves you. Can’t stop thinking about you all day and probably comes and checks on you several times.
Vox 🖥️
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Guy needs to focus on his baby right now. You are his top priority, everything else can wait. You are just too precious to put on the back burner.
Will be sure to tell Val and Velvette to leave you two alone. He doesn’t want them upsetting you any more than you already are.
This man has his assistants waiting on you hand and foot. He’s gonna stay in your bed with you, cuddled up with tons of blankets, both in your pajamas as you watch movies while ordering his staff to bring you whatever it is you desire.
Will eventually yank you out of bed bc he can’t stay still for too long but you’re coming with him. Wants to keep you company always
In public, Vox isn’t the most romantic or touchy. He’s a busy man with a huge reputation to uphold. While he would never completely ignore you and he’s no ashamed to show some PDA with you, you sort of always find yourself following in his shadow when he’s hard at work.
Once he sees how much your mental health is affecting you, he becomes much more attentive, much more protective of you.
He’ll hold your hand or keep his arm around you when out and about. Will give you a gentle kiss and a prideful smile before getting on set for a news shoot.
If you’re having a particularly hard day, everyone get out of the way! Hes taking the day off, he doesn’t give a fuck what anyone says or thinks.
You are too important to him. Without you, what good would all his accomplishments be? Without you, who would he share all this with?
He needs you to stick around 🩵
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I think Alastor would be absolutely clueless but he’d try his best nonetheless!
He’d also be one to try and distract you.
Wanna go to cannibal town and visit Rosie? She’ll help cheer you up! She’s a great listener with tons of good advice to give
Will reluctantly invite you into his room and lead you to the half of it that looks like a swamp/forest. He will take off his coat and sit in the grass with you, staying silent but watching you look around in awe.
He’s got lots of cool powers and will summon or manifest little things here that he thinks will bring a smile to your face.
Summons little lightning bugs to carefully dance around your face, holds back from slaughtering a deer that’s approaching just so you can admire it from afar, will watch with a genuine smile as you lay back in the grass and relax to the sound of crickets chirping and light jazz music.
If you asked…he might give you a hug. Might.
Also sends his shadow to check up on you every so often but if you notice this, he will deny it with all his might.
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yanderestarangel · 3 months
hihi, i really love your writings so i'm deciding to request. could you do miguel o'hara with an ftm reader- maybe some size kink, possessiveness, breeding, and degradation? thank you and have a great day/night!
A/N: thanks for liking my work anon, I hope you like this one too.
🕸️ 》 TW: degradation, size kink, breeding, sex without a condom, ftm reader, male pronouns, biting, possessive sex, dark smut, porn plot, some phrases in spanish, power play.
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Miguel was a different spider man and perhaps the most complicated person to deal with in the entire spider society... However, he was a totally different man with you, always praising you for small victories and missions ── in an extremely possessive and strange way , after all, what differentiated you from others?... But for him, you were perfection in person, perhaps, the only variation in the entire multiverse that he felt connected enough to care about and it was that fucking unilateral connection that made you made him be in that submissive and compromising position.
You were leaning over the hard, cold technology panels of his office, the color orange standing out against your skin, as you watched the older man's thick, pulsing cock slide in and out of your pussy, making the sweetest, sweetest noises. dirty things a man could do... You were doing that moment.
Miguel grunted like a hungry animal, one of Spider-Man's hands was on your neck, his claws slightly went in and out due to the strength and emotions of anger he felt at that moment ── he saw the way you smiled at another spider variant, how you blushed when you flirted with someone else, how he could lose you if he didn't mark his territory on your body, like a sinful sanctuary.
"You can't escape me. I've been patient long enough. It's time for you to learn your place, beneath me... Mi Angelito... Always teasing me with those bright eyes and sweet ways..." He accelerated his movements, tearing off the rest of your uniform with his free hand, your breasts jumped free as he groaned as he saw them bounce with each thrust he gave into your wetness.
O'Hara's red eyes glowed as he saw you so small and fragile compared to his tall stature, he could break you, he could fuck you until you were a trembling, aching mess ── his cock barely entered your pussy whole, Your velvety walls hugged him back as if your life depended on it... And maybe it did.
"You're a fucking whore, begging for my cock, aren't you?" he taunted, his gaze met his, as he continued to gradually speed up, a white path of semen formed at the base of his cock and painted your pussy like a beautiful halo. "Look at yourself, such a naughty boy, taking my dick so well like an insatiable slut-! I'm going to breed your little pussy, mi guapo, and you'll never have any choice but to stay by my side forever... Isn't that right? You're going to be the fucking father of my children... It's a canonical event ...You cannot run away from your destiny."
Miguel moaned each word, each letter came out like a growl, an order, you were his regardless of whether it was what you wanted before or not ── however, the feeling of being so eagerly filled, the fat tip of his cock hitting your womb , and the heavy balls hitting your ass, were the most addictive narcotic drug you had tasted in years, you wanted to get out of there, but the moans, the possession phrases and the good sex he was offering you was enough to make you moan like a cheap whore, drooling on his cock, making your boss smile and show his fangs, biting your neck hard and marking you as his.
"I've wanted you for so long, ever since you joined the spider society. It took everything in me to hold back, to just be a good spider leader. But I couldn't stop myself from fantasizing about you." His words were sickening, but they made you wetter for some reason, maybe your brain rotted from the pleasure that coursed through your veins, but knowing that he had wanted you for a while made you moan and cling to him insistently.
"That's better," he grabbed your hips while supporting you even more on his control screens, not caring about the mess or damage it would cause later, everything was forgotten there, only your pussy mattered to the older man. "You finally understand your place... I knew you'd be mine, you will be mine forever." You rolled your eyes and felt your orgasm come after a few more stimulations that Miguel made with his cock in your body or with his mouth ── biting your breasts and nipples, kissing you as if nothing else existed in the world ── you felt your fingers your feet curled so hard that for seconds you swore you were going to break them, a loud moan echoed from your throat to the holographic walls, returning to O'Hara's ears, as he filled you with a hot and thick load of his cum ensuring you would take everything like a good boy.
"That's my favorite spider boy... But we're not done yet... I'm going to fuck you until you're full..." Miguel puts one of his thick fingers on your stomach. "Filled up to here, with my cum, you can handle it, right.. mi niño bonito, vas a manejar esto como un niño grande, ¿verdad?"
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© All rights reserved to @yanderestarangel on tumblr.
♡⁠˖ 》 my janitor a.i pfp
♡⁠˖ 》 my character a.i pfp
♡⁠˖ 》 my AO3 pfp
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havensins · 1 year
Imagine Peter getting so turned on after seeing you in a fight. Your hair is messy, suit is torn up, and what makes him even more turned on is how mad you are over the dumb fight against the villain/whatever. He’ll even let you take out your anger with sex and let you degrade and choke him all you want <3
-🕸️ anon
no i’m lovin this (assume reader has similar abilities to spiderman)
imagine coming into peters dorm room after a fight had left you breathless and livid. youre huffing, chest moving up and down quickly as your heart rate attempts to slow. you’re grateful that peter opted to have a dorm all to himself, you had no problem dropping by whenever it was convenient.
peter looked up from his space at his desk, eyes widening as he took in your disheveled state. your suit was torn by your shoulder, and scratch marks littered your rib cage. huffing out a dry laugh, you grimace as you take a few steps towards him.
“pete, why you lookin’ at me like that,” you ask, voice raspy and you stared him down. your body aches, and you can feel the anger that once coursed through your veins die down into a strong irritation.
peter looked you up and down, chewing on his bottom lip. squinting, you analyze him and once you notice how his thighs are ever so subtly clenching together, you straighten up and grin.
“you’re just.. i’ve never seen you so mad before.” he finishes,cheeks tinting with pink. “got anything you wanna tell me?” you asked him while stepping a little closer. you’re mostly standing over him at this point, and he looks up at you almost nervously.
“it’s kinda hot.” he mumbles boldly. “oh?” you hum and he nods. he stands from his chair and the both of you are so close that you could see every individual color in his irises.
your hands find their way to the waistband of his joggers. you lean down and connect your lips to his. he has no qualms, kissing you back eagerly and pressing himself into your hands.
when you part, he gasps. “you can take it out on me, you know,” he smiles coyly against your lips as he steps clumsily out of his joggers. “i’m not glass. i won’t break.” he continues and you nod. “we’ll see about that, parker.”
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
Ok so. I get rhe praise thing with mr. Puzzles but like. or i could be mean to him!
HE. he should cry :) i domt know what his personality is (never watched the movie) but either wayyyyy-
(I wanna degrade him and make him cry)
Uh uh uh the request is reader gives head and is mean to mr. Puzzles 😁
(I wanted to be more specific with this request but my single bit of dignity left is fighting to stay 😋)
-THE ANON THAT REQUESTED MOLLY, NOW REVEALED AS @hazbinhotelmollykisser 🕷️🕸️
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First of all, I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WERE MOLLY ANON DON’T PLAY. Oh my god I have like so many of your requests in drafts, i’ve done you dirty because I need to actually post some.
Anyways, I think this request is so interesting because for whatever reason, I literally cannot be mean to Mr. Puzzles like he’s so silly, I can’t fathom it. But I think how he would react would be actually priceless.
He wants to be perfect so bad, he needs it, craves it, almost as much as he craves your validation. So now you fucking him so sweetly, but being so mean. Calling him “Useless” “Pathetic” “Slut” and so on.
You’re making him feel so good, filling him with a pleasure only you could create, but your words struck him to his core. He moans and gasps, pleading with you to be nice to him because he’s “doing so good” and he “doesn’t deserve this.”
But you don’t stop. And it’s only when you realize his breath is shaky, and his moans are followed and interrupted by a hiccup, he’s softly begun to cry, in his own tv-head way. So what do you do? “Are you actually crying? Poor baby needs to be perfect that bad.”
And now he’s full on bawling, despite the lack of tear ducts, it’s impossible to ignore his desperately loud sobs. “Jus’ wanna be perfect for you” he’d cry out, before moaning loudly, gasping from the shock of emotional hurt and physical pleasure.
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l0starl · 6 months
Could you do some 1610 Miles Morales fluff where he and his girlfriend are at his parents apartment and Miles wants attention/affection that he resorts to basically begging her stop studying and cuddle him “cause he can’t nap without her”? Bonus if you get his parents reaction to it
Thanks for requesting anon!
(🕸️) — Atsv Taglist ; @adorefavv @adorinjae @daydreaming-en-pointe
(✏️) — TAGLIST ; fill it out to be apart of it!
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”Come on miles! I’m trying to studying, we can do whatever you want later.” You groaned in frustration, it’s been 15 minutes since you’ve been trying to study for your upcoming test, but he wouldn’t quit trying to get your attention.“You can study later guapa!” Miles frowned, learning his head on your shoulder.
“No miles, this test is 60% of my grade” I groaned, bringing home a test you failed would only earn you a disappointing look from your parents, only imagining your father’s disappointment makes your eyes water “i promise you’ll have my full attention and love later” you gave a reassuring smile
“Come on! Can’t you just take a break? Your being to hard on yourself!” He questioned, wrapping his arms around your waist, using your shoulder as a pillow.
“Alright, Alright! You win miles!” You sighed, closing your binder. “Well? You have my full attention now miles” you crossed your arms impatiently
“Come take a nap with me” He muttered under his breath. “Well I can’t hear you miles, your gonna have to say it louder” you teased, with a grin
“Come take a nap with me!” He said a bit louder, with a hint of embarrassment
“Alright then, move over!” You chuckled
soon later you were both knocked out, review papers scattered on the bed, miles sleeping soundly on the other hand while your on the opposite side with an arm hanging off the bed
“Miles! I told you to fold up the cloth in the dryer” Rio shouted as she opened the door her eyes soften as she smiles when she sees the two of you exhausted in bed
“I’ll go remind him later” she muttered to herself as she left the room. Leaving the door open an inch.
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alor3falor3 · 1 year
The Tweels have been rotting my brain too much and then fucking you in their eel forms ❤️
Honestly Anon.. same
TW: Marking, Eel fucking/monster fucking, the Tweels being ass holes, belly bulge, double penetration, mentions of breeding kink, Blood
Fem Bod reader
(These damn Eels take over me, I need help)
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-The Tweels are nothing much then teasing ass holes.
-Being in a relationship with one was bad enough now two is worse at that point but having a monster fucking kink gets in the way big time.
-Imagine you are just minding your own business, taking a bath, until these two fuckers come walking in just to disable your walking abilities.
-But when they decide to just fuck you in their eel form, you’re in for a wild ride
-Their cocks are both different from each other as in looks. Floyd’s is on the slightly thinner side (he still keeps the thick aspect) but he’s still absolutely massive and is longer than his brother, Jade. Jade meanwhile has more grith then Floyd yet is slightly shorter but like I said is still massive.
-Floyd and Jade will switch turns for who uses your mouth or your greedy little cunt to stuff all their seeds in.
-Breeding kink. Don’t get me started on it, bring it up to both of them and they would have baby fever and would fuck you endlessly eel form or not
-When it comes to marking, Floyd wouldn’t nibble, he would full on bite you just to leave big markings on your skin and due to eels being able to dislocate their jaw, that makes it better for him to mark you more. Jade on the other hand gives light kisses unless he’s getting aggressive then he’d be more like his brother, making sure to suckle, nibble, and make bite marks all over your precious skin
-The Tweels would be so down bad for you to ride one of them with one of their massive cocks stuffing you full and your hands work on the other one.
-Depending on who you ride first, Floyd would make sure that he sees a visible belly bulge and just praises how good you’re doing but sprinkles a little bit of degrading while he’s at it. He’d probably slam back into you to feel that spot that always has your legs go weak.
-If you’re riding Jade, He would make sure he finds all your sensitive spots simply so he can just bully it with his cock as much as he can so you can Sob all over it. (Would probably make Floyd Jealous so he’ll grab the back of your neck and forces you to take his cock in your mouth)
-The Tweels are fond to just double penetrating you. As much as you keep crying about how it’s too much and you feel too full with simply one of the twins in you but two? Goodness, we must pray for your survival! You would be weeping as you hold onto one of their shoulders for stability but kinda fails as you won’t be able to think straight at all!
“I-It’s too much..!” Your protest grow deaf to their ears as it only made them way to destroy you even more as they bully their cocks in and out of your gushing cunt. Jades webbed hands slowly trailed up to caress your body with light touches before he cups one of your breasts as a toothy grin smears across his face. “You’re too precious, you know that? Such a beautiful little doll..”
Floyd’s hands began to tease your nub as he rubbed it with his thumb. His eyes were filled with greed and lust. He wanted more and more. His long tongue slid into your mouth to silence your protests, his lips came in contact with yours with a rough kiss and his tongue roaming your mouth. He parted so you can breathe. “But shrimp~ you’re taking us so well~ it seems like she can’t help but want more..”
His voice turned to a low growl. “Aren’t I right, Jade?” The twin looked at his brother as Jades mouth slowly trailed to your neck. “Well, she wants us to stop doesn’t she?” Their powerful thrusts slowly came to a stop as they pulled out causing you to whine. “No..!~” You kept begging and mewling for them to make you feel full again.
“Such a greedy little bitch..”
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flwr-sun · 1 year
hi c: do u think u can write a thing or headcanons about reader going into a store w hobie and when they leave the store hobie empties his pockets and reader sees that he stole all the stuff reader wanted 😭❤️ him being punk and all that anti corporation stuff but still romantic
hi anon! i LOVE this idea, sorry it took me so long to answer - i had two exams today! i hope you enjoy 💗
shopping with hobie 🕸️ atsv
“you know I’m against shopping, right? you’re just supporting capitalist organisations. i bet i could make half this stuff for you and it’d be just as good.” hobie’s hands rest comfortably in his jacket as he follows you around the store. as you pick up different clothes, he stands next to you, nodding his approval occasionally. “i like that one.” he says, leaning down to look at you as you pick up a t-shirt. “yeah?” “d’you like it? you should try it on.” the both of you continue like this for a while, a pile of clothes slowly building in hobie’s arms as he carries everything while you pick out more and more things to try. eventually you decide you’ve picked out everything you want and go to try them on, hobie waiting for you outside the changing room. after a while, you step out to show hobie how it looks, “hobie, i’m not sure about it. what do you think?” you’re wearing the first t-shirt you picked out, the one hobie particularly liked. “i think it looks great, it makes you look really pretty. it’s up to you though, yeah?” “you know what, it’s nice but i can’t afford it, maybe i’ll save up.” hobie smiles to himself, and you’re not sure why “why don’t i put it back while you try the rest on?”
soon you’re back in hobie’s apartment, and he’s in the kitchen making you both dinner while you read on the couch. you didn’t end up buying anything, but now have a long list of clothes you want to buy yourself when you next get paid. hobie comes around the corner, placing your dinner on the small table in front of you, “i have something to show you.” you turn to face him, looking confused. he heads back into the kitchen, bringing his jacket from earlier in with him. “what is it?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you. “might’ve nicked you some stuff.” he replies while pulling most of the clothes you like out of the inside pockets of his jacket. gasping, you stand up to kiss him, unable to express your gratitude. as he pulls away, he smiles “i ain’t supporting capitalist organisations, but i’ll always find a way to make you happy, okay?” “wait - did you steal this for me?” hobie doesn’t respond, chuckling as he slips his arm around your waist, sitting down to enjoy your dinner together.
slang translation - nicked means stole
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graveyard-tears · 4 months
I like how much you respond to me too , I like feel feeling important or looked forward to by someone
Makes me feel special
What sorta games do you like
You'll always have a place with me too. I'll always look forward to you
i usually play cozy games or open-world rpgs. i usually aim for those !! and some horror games, until i start screaming or get jumpscared real bad,, T^T !! ,,
and of course you’re important to me, why wouldn’t you? i will be looking forward seeing you around and having these lovely conversations with you ! i get to know more about you,, <3
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