#fruit like that reminds me why I chose to still be here
mari13606 · 1 year
If I ever met God I would kill him.
But first I would thank him for two things.
1. For having a hand in creating all the people that I love and cherish.
2. For creating such decadent fruit to be enjoyed at two am, so juicy I end my fervor licking from wrist to fingertip, knife to edge, and the droplets off the cutting board too seeking such sweet nectar.
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merakiui · 7 months
Hello! Could I request flower bouquet from the miscellaneous menu.. And as for the dynamic, I'm quite indecisive on that regard, but I recall you saying it's fine to let you chose? Forgive me if I'm wrong. I'd like to order that with red velvet cupcakes & banana pudding from the midnight menu for Jade Leech, with an AFAB reader. If you are unable to do this, it is completely understandable. I hope your day/night goes well, and may you take care.
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yandere!jade leech x (female) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, non-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, kidnapping, slight angst, royalty au (princess!reader x butler!jade) note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
It’s well past midnight when Jade finds you in the garden. He spots you milling about aimlessly beneath a stone archway. Greenery twists up the rough surface; vines spotted with tiny flowers drape like fruit from a bough. Moonlight paints you in strokes of silvery magnificence, a breathtaking sight even the most skillful painter could never hope to replicate on a canvas. Even though it’s the middle of summer, there’s a fierce bite to tonight’s temperature. It’s in his nature to protect, a bodyguard and a butler in one, which is precisely why he frets when he notices you’re dressed in a thin nightgown and a silk robe.
You’re stunning regardless of your attire. He’s always thought so. A hopeless observation, for you have never belonged to him and thus those words will remain a scandal under lock and key.
“My lady?” He approaches with even steps, his voice a gentle whisper. Despite his best efforts, you still flinch at his sudden arrival. He bows respectfully, a hand held over his heart. “Forgive me for startling you. I noticed you weren’t in bed when I came to check on you, and so I thought I might find you here.”
“Am I really so predictable?”
“Quite.” He chuckles at the pout that twists on your lips. “Admittedly, my advantage is rather unfair. I’ve known you long enough to commit all of your habits and haunts to memory.”
“You’re too good. It’s not fair…”
“Is everything all right?” Jade moves to shrug his tailcoat off, aiming to drape it across your shoulders for extra layering, but you stop him. “My lady?”
“I’m not cold. Thank you, though.”
Jade nods slowly and slides his arms back into the sleeves. “May I ask what’s keeping you up? It’s unlike you to visit the garden so late.”
“It’s nothing major. Just thinking too much about too many things. If that makes any sense…”
He hums in acknowledgement. You fidget on your bare feet. Some days Jade thinks you’d wander to your death if it weren’t for him. Having suspected this, he made sure to bring your shoes. Guiding you to the marble bench at the end of the pathway, where the space opens into a clearing enclosed with shaped shrubbery, Jade lowers to his knees.
“A princess shouldn’t dirty her feet so carelessly,” he reminds you, taking hold of your foot and gingerly sliding your shoe on.
You frown at him. “Does it matter?”
“In polite society, yes, very much so.”
“Polite society is the worst. How am I meant to frolic in the flowers as the fairy tales intended if I can’t even take my shoes off for such a thing?”
“You may do so in your dreams.”
“It’s not the same.”
Jade gazes at your legs from where he kneels. Should his gaze climb any higher… He snuffs that thought before it can take root. “Perhaps not, but the world within a dream is lenient and lawless. You’re free to break every rule you desire.”
He offers you his arm and you take it. Lifting you from the bench, he walks with you and admires lush blossoms alongside you. Sweet is the night breeze, bringing recollections of a childhood that has long since fled. Watching you, future heir to the throne, from afar, an unimportant butler-in-training… You’ve always been his world—the center of his vision. The single flower in a garden infested with weeds.
What he’d do to pick you and put you in a pot of his own making. To keep you solely because it is the whim of a selfish heart caught up in foolish, one-sided limerence.
“What would you do? In your dreams, I mean. If you could experience any dream, what would it be?”
Jade peers at you, taken aback. “You’re asking me?”
“No, I’m asking the flowers.” Playfully, you reach up to pat his head. He leans down to meet your hand halfway, a smile gracing his features. How fervently he wishes you would touch him with more purpose. If only your individual stations were not so far apart. If only he could become your equal just for tonight and know rapture under your fingertips. “Yes, Jade, I’m asking you.”
It’s not a calculated risk, for he knows the outcome will never be in his favor, but he acts on impulse anyway. He seizes your hand. You flinch away, surprised by this forthright display, but he holds firm. He’s determined to see this through to the end, even if it lands him a heart more shattered than when he began.
“I would become a prince and marry you.”
Much to his chagrin, you laugh. “That’s quite the lofty dream. A funny one, too.”
He squeezes your hand, insistent. “That is the truth.”
“It’s not.” You meet his mismatched stare. “It… It’s not, right? Surely you jest.”
“I have always admired you, my lady.” Testing his limits, he brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles. “Though you may be forever out of my reach and I may be but a mere servant, that does not stop me from loving you any less.”
Your face falls. There is no reciprocation to be found in your gaze. He suspected this from the beginning, but it does nothing to soothe the sting.
He grasps your other hand, hoping to bestow a kiss to it as well, but you jerk away so quickly that you trip over your feet and land in a heap on the grass. He doesn’t make any move to help you up. Not yet, at least. Lying sprawled on your back, you watch him with uncertain eyes.
“How long?”
“The day your father rescued me and brought me in—you offered your hand to me, and you told me I would never know the dangers of the sea again.” Jade stands over you, observing the many emotions flickering on your face, before lowering to your height. He straddles you with ease. “I had never known such kindness until then.”
“Ah, right… I remember that day. You were injured so severely they put you on bedrest. You had to learn how to walk all over again.”
“In spite of everything they told you about me, you visited me regardless. Every day, at every hour, to bring snacks and toys. To cheer me up. To wish for my swift recovery. To act as my crutch. For that, I am forever grateful.” His hands slide your nightgown up, and he feasts on the sight of your panties—on the way you draw your thighs together to hide from him. “I have always stood dutifully by your side, hoping to repay you for all that you’ve done for me.”
You look delicate in the grass, your robe slipping from your shoulders. Like a pinned butterfly or an angel having just fallen from the sky, you’re a sugared fantasy brought to life.
“Jade.” You grab at his shoulders and push back weakly; he doesn’t budge. “We… We shouldn’t. I can’t. If someone were to see—”
“They won’t.”
“Yes, but I—” you turn away from him, worrying your lip between your teeth— “I can’t, Jade… I’m betrothed. F-Furthermore, it’s not safe without…protection. You can’t.”
He smiles fondly, so sickly, stupidly enchanted. With the moon just behind his head, framing it like a hazy halo, you might mistake him for an angel. His actions suggest he’s anything but.
Lifting his index finger to his lips, he shushes you. “In that case, let’s play pretend for tonight—just as we used to—and trap ourselves in a dream.”
Your refusal falls on deaf ears.
Hands crawl along the expanse of your body, feeling everything within reach. He’s overjoyed to behold you, to press down on the space between your legs and savor your staggered breaths. You plead with him all throughout it, begging him to cease now and he’ll be spared. But Jade can’t. If it kills him, he wants to have died knowing he was on cloud nine.
This has always been his dream.
For tonight, he is neither prince nor butler. For tonight, he is simply a monster—the same monster your maids warned you against when you were little: “That cursed child is no good. He will bring ruin to your father—to you, Your Highness. You must keep away, for a child of the sea is a child of destruction and agony.”
The same monster who looked on with a single golden eye, lying in wait like the perfect predator and wearing the skin of a human to hide his true identity. The same monster who took to training as if it were second nature, honing his skills as a butler and a bodyguard. Hardening a heart that has never had the capacity to care for anything other than himself and the ones who have since departed.
The same monster who loves the human he ought to hate, for it is your kind who hunt the waters he was conceived in. Who spear merfolk with harpoons and feast on their flesh and eggs like it’s a sacred delicacy. Who arrange their skeletons in aureate frames. Who mount their taxidermied tails to the wall.
The same monster who, in some distant fairy tale, could have been a king if not for the devastation of his family tree.
Dewy grass sticks to your skin. The scent of moist earth envelops you in its verdant embrace. Jade sinks in slowly, holding you down by your hips. You squirm and cry, but he persists. He could be cruel and callous, rut into you like an animal instead of a lover, but he refrains. He loves you too much, and that hurts more than any pain he could inflict on you.
You dig your nails into his shoulders. If they were sharper, you might have been able to tear through his uniform. Sweet, soft moans spill from pretty, plush lips. He kisses you, adoring the hold your walls have on him when he rolls his hips to fill you deeper.
“Jade… Jade, please,” you ramble, breathing hot and heavy in his ears. It’s musical, the way you sing for him through your tears. “Oh, please pull out. I—aah—can’t… We can’t. Please, Jade.”
Perhaps it would have been easier to hate you and your father—detest the kingdom who has rendered his home an aquatic graveyard. Surrounded in a garden of exotic blooms, Jade thinks that’s impossible. Love born from hate is thorny, impossible to quell once it’s come to fruition. It’s dug its roots into his heart and given way to the most fearsome flower.
He should have killed you. He should have held that pillow over your face all those years ago when he snuck into your bedroom, silent as a shadow. He should have, but he didn’t—couldn’t. And now he’s here, towering over you without the pillow. His hands stray towards your throat, but instead of an execution he drags you against his chest. He can’t.
Years later and he still can’t fulfill his one and only childhood dream.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, his eyes glittering. “How I wish you were as ugly as your heart…”
Raindrops spatter your face, a quiet downpour spilling from heterochromatic hues.
You fall apart beneath him, ruined in ways polite society would deem grossly impure.
Now we’re the same, Jade thinks, bowing his head when he reaches his peak. He groans lowly, his eyes squeezed shut. Monsters without homes.
Come morning, the palace is in a panic. The princess has vanished, seemingly whisked away into the night, and the only one who may have any information on her whereabouts has gone with her. Jade doesn’t worry.
No one will find you at the bottom of the sea, unrecognizable as a mermaid in an abandoned coral kingdom.
On his empty throne, he knows of no better place.
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caffeinerabbit · 3 months
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(Note: I originally started to write this as a quick and dirty backstory for Latte, which explained why she was chosen as Benji's mentor, and why she behaves the way she does. Once I started writing, however, it was like some floodgate opened and now I have a full blown setting and story arc in my head. I'd love to turn it into a comic, but I don't think I have the patience for that, so I'm giving serious thought about turning it into a multi-chapter illustrated fanfic, with the occasional comic for fun.
In any case, here's the first piece of lore, possibly with more to come. The story continues under the cut, with potential spoilers for down the line - and please forgive the melodrama!)
Latte's Story
Latte is a veteran exploration team member, and in her prime she was considered one of the Guild’s elites. Even though she’s semi-retired now (for reasons) she’s still highly regarded as one of the best, and from time to time the Guild will seek her help when they have a difficult task in front of them.
She’s also a thoroughly unpleasant person. Sarcastic, aloof, and generally unfriendly to most people, she spends much of her time alone, either drinking her days away or just kind of blankly existing.
(And yes, this PMD setting has booze. You can’t tell me that a civilization whose diet consists of 90% berries and fruit hasn’t stumbled upon fermentation.)
When Benji the human-turned-buneary just happens to show up one day and the Guild becomes aware of him, past experience tells them that something bad is about to go down. They know that Benji and his partner Finn need to be brought up to snuff ASAP, and to that end they enlist Latte to act as the duo’s mentor, which she reluctantly accepts after much pleading.
From the moment their eyes meet, Latte and Benji can’t stand one another. Although she’s typically hard to get along with in general, for some reason she takes an immediate and intense dislike of Benji in particular, constantly snarking at him, mocking him when he messes up, and directing a weirdly immense amount of ire his way. For his part, Benji is utterly perplexed as to what exactly he did to piss off this giant rabbit woman, returning her vitriol in kind. Her being the final evolution of his new form doesn’t help matters either, since he’s mildly embarrassed by his current situation, and she’s a reminder of what he has to look forward to if he winds up stuck in the Pokémon world permanently.
Ostensibly, as a lopunny, Latte has a firmer understanding of Benji’s potential capabilities than most, and can train him better than anyone else could. That’s the excuse given, anyway, but it’s only a small part of the whole truth on why the Guild chose her.
Which is that Latte once had her own human partner, and that together they saved the world.
When Latte was still a young buneary, she stumbled upon a hapless human in pokémon form, much in the same way as Finn did with Benji. Although shy, withdrawn, and slow to make friends at the time, she easily formed a fast friendship with the outsider, and he was able to draw her out of her shell. After joining their local Guild and going on multiple adventures together, their bond grew ever closer, with Latte effectively viewing her partner as the center of her world.
Eventually, the big apocalyptic threat that always seems to accompany humans made itself known, and after much grit and determination, Latte and her partner were able to defeat it. Despite the hardship they’d faced up to that point, the relief, pride, and closeness to her partner she felt in that moment left her the happiest she’d ever been in her life, triggering her evolution into a lopunny right there on the spot – an evolution that probably never would have happened if she’d never met her friend and remained that sad, lonely girl back in her home village.
The joy, however, was short lived. With his task fulfilled and his original life waiting for him back home, the higher powers determined to return Latte’s partner to the human world. Not long after the pinnacle of her existence, she watched as her closest and only true friend, the person that gave her life meaning, purpose, and who she was secretly deeply in love with, evaporated into a wispy yellow flow of sparks and energy.
And unlike in the games, he never came back.
Latte’s world was devastated. As the initial shock wore off, in its place took anguish, and a desperate pleading with the higher powers to please, please bring her friend back to her. Pleading that went silently, but firmly, unanswered.
In time, the anguish itself faded into numbness, and Latte again found herself feeling utterly, completely alone. She wasn’t even able to celebrate and take solace in the victory that she and her partner had earned, since the Guild swore her to secrecy lest the populace at large learn just how close it had come to complete annihilation – and in turn learn that this has all happened before, and will likely happen again. Outside of the Guild masters, her vanishingly small circle of friends, and a handful of other people privy to the information, nobody knew that they all owed their lives to Latte and her partner.
Trying to fill the void in her soul and distract herself from depression, Latte doubled down on her Guild work, becoming one of the top Explorers and Rescuers in the world’s Guild system. She eventually realized that she couldn’t remain in her home village and ever hope to become whole again, because everything there reminded her of him. Packing up what little she had, she moved far away to another village whose Guild master was sympathetic to her plight, attempting to build herself a new life.
It didn’t take. Between Guild missions and the bottle, Latte’s life went more or less on auto pilot. She took on fewer and fewer jobs, and eventually only took work when the Guild sought her out specifically. Regardless of his advisors’ grumbling, calling her a freeloader and dead weight, the Guild master made no effort to force Latte to do anything. He knew of the sacrifice she had made, and letting her live her life in what little peace she could muster was the least he could do.
Out of Latte’s numbness, a sense of resentment also took root, growing over time. She and her partner were still effectively children when they went on their adventures, and like most children, the transformed human had an upbeat and unblemished view of the world. He would regale her with stories about his world, about things like airplanes, movies, video games, amusement parks, all the different kinds of food you could ever hope to eat and all the different places you could ever hope to visit - they’d even been to their moon! She held the Earth in awe, and wished that someday, somehow, she could go there as well.
But when the time came, he didn’t take her with him. He got to go home to paradise. She was stuck here.
In spite of herself, she found herself growing angry at her long-lost friend. A part of her knew that it wasn’t his fault, that he had no more say in the matter than she did, but nevertheless he had abandoned her. The hurt continued to grow, the resentment hardening ever stronger. How dare he. How dare he.
For several years, this was the internal stalemate in which Latte found herself. Going through the motions of life, doing what was needed of her when asked, drowning her sorrows when left to her own devices. The numbness dulled the resentment most of the time, and she had resigned herself to just playing out the clock on life.
That is, until he arrived.
From the first moment she laid eyes on him, Latte knew exactly what Benji was. His mannerisms, the way he moved, the way he talked, the way he held himself. Everyone else might have mistaken him for this clumsy, confused little first stage, but to her it was as glaringly obvious as though she were staring into the sun. And in tow he held another innocent, unsuspecting soul, one that undoubtedly worshiped the ground he walked on. One whose heart would inevitably be shattered into a million pieces and scattered into the wind, never to be made whole again.
All of the anger and resentment that she had fought so hard to bury came flooding back like a tidal wave. All of the broken dreams, all of the unfulfilled promises, of once bright future that now laid forever beyond her grasp. How dare this insipid little bastard come here and cause this to all play out once again. How dare he.
She knew what his being here meant, and knew what was at stake should he fail. With a generous amount of loathing she agreed to mentor the duo and train them for their appointed task, and to do so to the best of her ability. But she would be damned if she allowed history to repeat itself. All she wanted was to get this whole business over and done with, to send this little shit packing back to where he came from.
The sooner, the better.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Cosmere Characters in IKEA
The title says it all, really.
1. Adolin & Shallan
Adolin: This place is such a maze!
Shallan: Yeah, it kinda reminds me of my time in the chasms with Kaladin.
Shallan: There could be a chasmfiend made entirely of hex keys around any corner.
Adolin: You’ve already mapped this place in your head, haven’t you?
Shallan: Well, duh. 
2. Kaladin & Teft
Kaladin: Ha, look at the size of this bed! What kind of spoiled lighteyes needs a bed this big??
Teft: Kaladin, lad, that’s a bed for two people...
Kaladin: ...
Kaladin: I knew that. 
3. Sebarial & Palona
Sebarial: Genius, really, setting up all of these fake rooms to make people imagine their homes looking like this.
Sebarial: Makes you want to buy way more than you came in for.
Sebarial: And it all seems cheap, but it sure adds up!
Palona: Mmm...and the pathing really forces you to see everything, no matter what you’re looking for.
Palona: Urithiru is mazelike already--think Dalinar would give you a floor to set up something like this?
Sebarial: Are you SURE you don’t want to marry me?
4. Dalinar & Stormfather
Dalinar: I think it’s good for people to build their own furniture.
Dalinar: I never felt as clear-headed as I did when I dug that latrine that one time.
Stormfather: Bah, this flimsy wood could never stand up to a storm.
Dalinar: Most people keep their furniture inside.
Stormfather: I’m listening and learning here.  
Dalinar: What?
Stormfather: What?
5. Lopen & Rock
Lopen: Now, see, people say the REAL fun is the food!
Rock: Ha! These meatballs are not as good as chouta with fried cremling claws, but they’re still pretty good!
Lopen: Of course! Nothing beats chouta!
6. Wyndle & Lift
Wyndle: Oh, this is SO exciting!
Wyndle: Look at all of these WONDERFUL chairs!
Wyndle: I can’t wait to add some of these to my chair garden!
Lift (dragging her feet): Is this the LAST time I let you pick our activity. 
7. Denth & Tonk Fah
Denth: You know what I hate about being a mercenary?
Denth: People think you have no sense of style.
Denth: And sure, interior decorating isn’t a big part of our life.
Denth: But just look at this pillow I chose and tell me it wouldn’t look great on any modern couch.
Tonk Fah: Hey, that old lady you stabbed to get that pillow seems to be coming around.
Denth: And people NEVER appreciate the lengths we got to to get a good deal!
8. Szeth & Nightblood
Szeth: I like this place.
Szeth: There is no profane stone anywhere, and the seemingly endless maze of empty rooms devoid of all life reminds me of the inside of my own head, only they took out the screams.
Szeth: And some of the plastic fruit is nice.
Nightblood: That’s great but can we get back to my thing now?
Szeth: That sofa wasn’t evil, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: Then why was its name looking at me with those beady eyes?!
Szeth: I think the umlaut is just part of the spelling, sword-nimi.
Nightblood: I think we should destroy it, just in case.
9. Siri & Syl
Siri: Look at this!! A tiny frying pan!
Syl: No, look at this!! It’s a blue stuffed shark!
Siri: Look at how colorful this rug is!
Syl: I don’t even smoke, but this ash tray is shaped like a COW!
Siri: I can’t believe Vivenna and Kal said we “couldn’t be trusted in the marketplace”
Syl: I know! We make such good decisions!
10. Jasnah & Navani & Elhokar 
Jasnah: It is nice of them to include pictogram instructions, so that even men can assemble this furniture. 
Navani: Engineering for men. Very progressive of them. 
Elhokar: How am I supposed to screw in all these screws with just this hex key?! Also, these dowels definitely do NOT fit in this hole! And I am definitely missing some pieces!!
Elhokar (muttering): I bet Kaladin could build this bookcase.
Jasnah: Should we help him?
Navani: Give it five more minutes. 
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satureja13 · 10 months
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Vlad and Jack arrived at the temple to seek relief for Jack's pain. They greeted Arturo, the servant at this Temple, Chán's partner. Jack thought it would be honest to tell Arturo in advance that they don't have much money before he makes any effort to help him. But Arturo reassured him. This Temple helps anyone in need.
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Arturo: "You know, our diety once was a temple servant too. He put his duty for his diety and his studies for the temple over everything. Even over his loved one. As a result, he lost his love. His diety was furious and banned him. So he sat under this tree here to reflect and eventually became one with the tree. This reminds us that we are here to serve the people and our loved ones before anything else."
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Arturo: "The tree cares for us. We pot his saplings and sell them. They have the tree's healing powers too. The income just from the saplings is enough to run the temple. So don't worry about money, hm?" Jack: "I see. Thank you. This place is really amazing." Arturo: "It is. I consider myself very lucky to be allowed to serve here. The tree is picky ^^' He allows not just anybody around him and touch his precious saplings and soil."
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Arturo took them inside to see what he can do for Jack. And Jack told him about his searing pain after he left his fated mate. Arturo: "Oh I never met someone who left his fated mate. It's a wonder you are still alive! How did it happen?" Jack: "He kept claiming that we were fated mates but I never felt it. I ... had a very difficult past and I'm... damaged, you know? He had his obligations, urged me to keep our relationship a secret, was barely there - all this stacked and drove me just deeper into my madness. It was too much for me to keep going. My life and sanity - or our love. I chose life. I guess fate makes mistakes sometimes too. If I only were 'normal' - I could have endured it and..." Vlad: "No Jack. No one should have to 'endure' anything when it comes to love. That's also the reason why I want to cut the bond. I love Ji Ho too much to let him 'endure' me and the Bond." Arturo: "But Jack, you just gave you the answer yourself!" Jack: "What do you mean?"
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Arturo: "Follow me." They offered fruit and incense at the shrine in silence.
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Arturo. "You are damaged and your fated mated couldn't protect you and even caused you more pain. So you protected yourself - from him and your love for him. Subconsciously. That's why you couldn't feel it. As you said. Going on with him and deepen your relationship - giving in being fated mates - would only have caused you more and more pain. So your subconscious stopped you from feeling it. You have to heal first." Jack: "How can I heal?" Arturo: "It takes time and treatment. Like healing any other wound. The pain in your soul and heart already reached your body. It was about time you came here. The tree can ease your pain and pave a path for you. But you'll have to walk it yourself." Jack: "I will." Arturo: "Let's go then!"
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Arturo: "Meditaion is important on your way to healing. You need a certain state of mindfulness and awareness to listen to and care for the needs of your soul and your heart. Come join us, Vlad!"
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When Arturo took Jack to the massage, Vlad didn't join them ^^' Arturo: "I will be very careful to not touch your rash. But your body needs this to relax. To be able to deal with the pain. You'll feel so much better this evening, you'll see." Jack: "I really hope so..." Arturo: "And when it's getting worse again, don't hesitate to come back, hear me? I'm here to help." Jack: "Ok ^^' "
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Vlad went over to the kitchen to prepare a meal for them. That's the least he can do for Arturo for helping Jack.
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To be continued... (If you have an idea about the tree, you might be right ö.Ö' But please do not spoil ;) This was a very mindblowing episode for me. I never knew why Jack never felt 'the fated mates thing' until this night! And what Arturo said is also very important for my own healing. Thank you, Arturo!
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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pastafossa · 1 year
I saw this post and it reminded me of the time I was looking for a review of a cute little cookbook I’d seen based on a book series, and this reviewer went through to make and review some of the recipes.
For some reason, she chose a bunch that used ingredients she didn’t like.  And she rated those recipes poorly. Because of how it tasted like the thing she didn’t like.
She did pick one recipe she was excited about, though. Only she didn’t bother to include all the ingredients. And then rated it poorly because it tasted really bad and dry and idk, maybe I did something wrong, the recipe wanted three cups of dried fruit and I only used a cup of raisins, anyway, terrible bread and would not make again.
So, if you ever get a comment on your fanfic, that amounts to, ‘why is this thing in here, it’s terrible, ew, like I know you tagged it but it’s still gross and I hate that I read it, ew,’ just know it’s really, really, really not you.
There will always be people out there that want to punch themselves in the face so they can wonder why their nose hurts.
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corneliathekate · 1 year
Why does every Evil Shanks Theory sound like a bad callout post? Spoilers under the cut so idk, if this happens to spread, you're protected.
"Why would he meet with the Gorosei??? Sus???"
Bro, maybe the one Yonko that isn't a Capital Letter War Criminal has some interest in maintaining balance? And as far as diplomacy with the enemy, this man straight up BDE'd his way onto Whitebeard's ship to tell him to mind his own business. They're not friends. Same with Marineford. He's got a habit of trying to stop fights.
"Well, his brother/father/uncle/moon man cousin, that guy's a Celestial Dragon, and he might be one! He's gotta be evil!"
You right, dude, in fact, I'm gonna let you continue and tell me how many people in this bitch are defined by their shitass biological family and not the people that love them. Go ahead. I'll wait.
"Why did he give up his arm for Luffy? If he says he bet it on a new generation, doesn't that mean he chose to do it? Pretty manipulative???"
Narrative. Eat my ass. Also I'll explain this in-world in a bit, give me a second.
"Why'd he have the Nika-Nika Fruit??? Why didn't he tell Luffy all about it???"
Would you tell the kid that stabbed himself in the face that he just got an all-powerful fruit that makes him God if he dies? 5 year old Luffy was already gonna cowabunga into the nearest bottomless pit to see how high he can bounce, let's not make it worse. The most you'll get is him deciding it's a mystery fruit. And as for why he had it, if he has it, that means the Government doesn't have it. If he was working for them, wouldn't he have it under lock and key and not stop to bone ram Makino and stay for a vacation?
"Well he can't be all that good, he abandoned the One Piece! He betrayed what Roger and Buggy believed in him!"
Bro, sue me for this, but if everybody's gonna suck Buggy's detachable dick for deciding to try to be the King, that means he didn't want to be for a longass time. Despite the power scaling, Shanks is still human. Just as human as his clown ex-boyfriend. You lose your dad in a public execution and see what the world will say about him for the next 20 years and tell me you feel like slapping Kaido or Whitebeard when you're (at the time) half the Him that Roger was. And this ties back to losing his arm. He's a fucking human being. Haki takes concentration and control. And Shanks, emotional wreck he was, wasn't exactly in his top game when Luffy got thrown into the sea. By that point, he was ready to risk everything for Luffy. Whether you believe he's been looking for the real Joyboy or not, he obviously loved that kid. He had his own kid by then, no wonder he dropped everything for this child that reminded him so much of the greatest man he ever knew.
Anyways. I like to think Shanks is who we want him to be, but I could be wrong by the end of the story. Shanks may end up being the disappointment Buggy decided he was. I just think it's funny that we're trying to define the morality of a pirate emperor in the first place like there's an easy answer here. Shit's complicated. He's doubly divorced, never married, and is likely racking up biological/adoptive kids like pool balls. I don't think there's a clear way to define him or his relationships with anybody.
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year
Kwik Trip Trip (745 words) by fiddlersticks Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lloyd Garmadon & Morro Characters: Lloyd Garmadon, Morro (Ninjago) Additional Tags: green cousins, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Rated T for swearing, lloyd has a candy addiction, and he needs to feed that addiction, no beta we die like sensei g Summary: Lloyd gets candy cravings at 3AM and drags his very gracious and understanding cousin along with him
“Remind me again why you woke me up at 3AM to go with you to Kwik Trip?”
“I want candy and I ate the rest of my stash this morning.”
“I know that. I just wanted to know why the method of waking me up you chose was flicking cold water on my face. You could’ve just shaken me.”
“Awww, but where’s the fun in that?”
“You little-”
Of all the things Morro could be doing at 3AM on a random Sunday, walking to Kwik Trip was somewhere near the bottom of his list. Number 1 was sleeping.
“What if someone notices us and calls the cops? We look pretty suspicious,” he said.
“We’re literally the ninja, we can just tell them we were on a mission. And when did you become so paranoid?” Lloyd asked.
“Since my baby cousin thought it was okay to wake me up in the middle of the night on the weekend and drag me to the gas station to replenish his candy stash. You could’ve just done this in the morning.”
“I’m not a baby! And I want candy now, my cravings can’t wait ‘til the morning.”
“You’re younger than me and have a candy addiction, you’re a baby,” Morro stated.
“Ugh, whatever. We’re here. Do you want anything? I’ll buy, since you so graciously came with me of your own free will.”
“Shut up.”
“Guess you don’t want anything then,” Lloyd said, and started walking away.
“Hey, I didn’t say I didn’t want anything!”
“Okay, well go pick something out then.”
Morro looked around. Energy drinks were out of the question, since he wanted to be able to make the most of the night after their little outing was over. He could get something from the hot spot, but he wasn’t really that hungry. Then, his eyes locked onto something.
He made a beeline over to the smoothie machine, and pulled out the largest cup. Might as well, since Lloyd said he’d pay. There was a piece of paper taped to the screen of the machine, but Morro paid it no mind and tore it off so he could see the whole screen. It was kind of glitchy, but it still worked. He made his choice, stuck his cup in the slot, and walked away. He wanted chips.
Lloyd was picking out his candy when he heard the smoothie machine start. Typical of Morro. He always got a smoothie or slushie everywhere they went. He was pretty much done raiding the candy section, so he started over to watch the machine make the smoothie. Those things were entertaining to watch.
Morro was contemplating which chips he should get when he heard it. An explosion sound, and then the sound of liquid splattering, all coming from the drinks station. “Shit,” he muttered, and jogged over to the source of the sound. And boy was it a sight to see.
Before him stood a smoking smoothie machine, and what looked to be Lloyd, all covered in fruit syrup, chocolate syrup, milk, ice chips, and whatever else was previously in the machine. Morro burst out laughing.
“Seriously?” Lloyd said, not looking happy at all.
Morro was in tears and practically on the ground laughing. “You- You!”
“Yeah, me. What the fuck did you do to this thing?!”
“I-,” Morro wiped the tears from his eyes. “I just pressed the buttons and put my cup in the slot. I’ve done it dozens of times!”
“Yeah, well apparently you didn’t see the huge ‘Out of Order’ sign taped to the machine.”
“Oh, that’s what that said? Oops.”
“Oops? Is that all you have to say?!”
“FSM, why do I take you anywhere?”
“Uh, you were the one who dragged me out of bed because you didn’t want to come by yourself,” Morro said.
Lloyd scoffed, and dug in his pocket. “Here, take my wallet and pay for the stuff and let’s get out of here.” He handed Morro his wallet and shopping basket full of candy.
“FSM, how much candy do you need?!” Morro exclaimed when he felt the weight of the basket.
“Hey, I’m replenishing my stash! I told you on the way here that I ate it all up. Now go and pay for the stuff so that I can go take a shower.”
Morro snorted. “I think it’ll take at least three to get that stuff out of your hair.”
Lloyd glared at him.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!”
A/N: Kinda unsatisfied with the ending, but it's now actually 3am and I'm tired and lost my momentum. Might update this later with a little epilogue thingy
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queeniecook · 11 months
June 5
The night air is filled with a sweltering heat in Sulani, which is normal during it’s Summer months.
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Lily is sitting down with AJ to have dinner. His father, Apollo, is poking around in the kitchen. The dishwasher is leaking and Apollo swears he can fix it. Lily says nothing because it’s not her place.
“Woof woof like?” AJ asks her, he knows she’s different just like a Daddy, Aunt Vera and Uncle Caleb are. 
Lily smiles fondly at AJ’s nickname for her. “Yes.”
They finish there food in mostly silence, except for an occasional grunt that’s heard from the kitchen. Lily scoops up AJ before the grunts become curse words. She heads for the stairs when she smells death mixed with expensive perfume. She knows who it is, she feels it.
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“Isn’t Sulani a little hot for a werewolf?” Lilith asks, perching herself on the back of the bench her cousin sits on. She had laid and waited to see if Lily would come outside, no doubt picking up her scent. It had been so long since she had seen her cousin this close. 
“It’s not so bad.” Lily replies, stretching out her back. It had been hurting more lately. There’s awkward silence as both females try to think of something to say without just jumping into the heavy topic between them.
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After Lilith slowly moves down to sit beside Lily, she turns to her. “I was thinking about the stable boy we both had a crush on during my flight over here. What was his name?” She asks excitedly, briefly feeling like a teenage girl again – gabbing with her cousin about their crushes.
“Lorenzo.” Lily says with an actual smile. She feels a brief feeling of happiness at the memory of herself and her cousin spending hours, daydreaming about the stable boy while Caleb made faces and took off for a ride on his horse. “He turned out to be married.”
Lilith made a face and nodded. “All the attractive ones were back then.”
“Your parents wouldn’t have approved anyway.” Lily reminds her. Her Aunt and Uncle had very specific ideas for who their children would marry. 
“I didn’t want to marry him anyway, I just wanted to go for a ride.” Lilith said with a smirk, she wasn’t talking about a ride on a horse either.
Lily actually laughs at this. Things were almost like they used to be. Almost. Her laugh suddenly stops and she frowns.
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Lilith shifts in her seat and stares at her cousin, who isn’t looking at her now. “I know things are a mess.”
Lily nods very slightly. “Caleb explained how he ended up as a vampire and how you asked to be turned so he wouldn’t be alone.” She pauses “I understand that it wasn’t Caleb’s choice and why you became one. But, at the same time. You two could have ended your existence and chose not to be what you are.”
Lilith stares at her. She’d be lying if she hadn’t thought about it over the years, she knows Caleb certainly has. “Fair enough.”
Lily sighs, still not looking at her cousin. A part of her wants to yell at Lilith. The thought of both of them killing, feasting on blood, makes her sick to her stomach and not just because she’s a werewolf.
“Caleb does well on the plasma fruit diet. Me? I’m trying. I slip up.” Lilith says, figuring Lily would want to know given what Caleb told her about his conversation with their cousin. 
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Lily stands and Lilith follows suit. “I offered my help in protecting Caleb’s baby and I meant it.”
“He truly appreciates that and so do I.” Lilith comments, not sure what else to say. This reunion could have gone worse but she was hoping it would have gone better. 
“Look, I will never be okay with what you two are capable of. But, I know I’m getting older. I’d rather not end my story holding grudges and regrets.” Lily ends their conversation with that, but not before getting Lilith’s phone number.
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jdub795 · 21 hours
September 24, 2024
I know that this is social media, so this is gonna be seen by anyone, and that's the point. I want it to be seen by someone, so I'm willing to air it out to anyone that can see it. I just have to be careful. Careful with the information. Careful with my wording. Tread lightly. But how often did I do that here so many years ago?
I'm back here because of something that I can't really speak on. Back here because of something I'm reminded of. I had to ignore my natural urges for a very long time, and now I don't know what to do with myself now that I'm able to be myself again.
There are inappropriate thoughts and feelings running through my mind and body. I have poor intentions lurking in the shadows somewhere. Tempted by forbidden fruit I chose to ignore for almost an hour, making sure I didn't wander nor linger. On my best of best behaviors.
It makes me wonder things though. Do you not care, so long as I don't say anything to you about what I'm thinking? Does it not matter what I see, so long as I keep my hands (and other things) to myself? Why does it feel like some kind of lure, like cookies left out for Santa?
I'm a pretty patient person, but I'm still a human who's hella gay. And I typically feel like a prisoner fresh outta jail after being in the office all day. I was practically fighting demons to not scratch that itch, had me hot and bothered to the fullest.
Part of me wonders if you'll see this. Maybe you will. Maybe you won't follow the song trail on the cloudy channel. This will still be here though, I just don't know if you'll remember this place exists too.
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[ramble of a letter, you can just move on to other posts it's more of me getting it out while I struggle with a few things right now]
Dearest Isshi,
It's been 13 years since you left us.
Truthfully, sometimes I still wonder if I deserve to be a Kagrra fan. How could I have been in Vkei for so long, yet not have heard of you sooner, or rather, gotten to know you sooner?
It was two years after you left. My then-best friend sent me your song and told me that he was singing it to his significant other.....but yet I didn't feel more curious about you and your band then.
About 8 years or so after you left. My current best friend told me about how a particular song by Zigzag reminded me of your song, but still, Utakata wouldn't creep into my heart just yet. How did all of that beauty just pass me by?
But perhaps, it was because I needed to go through the process of being able to come to you through my own doorway, not that of others.
It was then 9 years after your passing. I found one of Kagrra's songs that was recommended to me by YouTube during the pandemic. Should have been Shichigatsu Tsuitachi. I was searching for songs to listen to while I'd have vivid daydreams, freeing me from the confines of home.
It was then I felt like I had discovered something I had long loved and wanted to listen to; I became very sure I'd been searching for your music and voice all my life, just that I was just all too late, lost in all of those days of searching through Japanese songs in my teenage years.
Isshi, there's still so much I don't know about you, despite knowing all these little facts that occupy my mind. You loved dogs. I know now that Ruki was photographed with your dog in that well-loved and well-shared magazine scan of his in Rock and Read. We all thought it was his dog until someone put 2 and 2 together and figured out it was one of yours. Vivienne? Gucci? One of those. Why did you chose such fancy names for your pets?
I know you loved your drink - it must be so ridiculous to you that this year, finally, I was able to go get you a beer for the little shrine I set up for you, with your favourite watermelon fruit. The past year I found myself somehow scared, I didn't know what you liked to drink, so I shamefully brewed you coffee and tea. This year, I pushed myself, I got you a Strong Zero. Maybe an Asahi or a Sapporo or a Kirin beer would have been more sensible but there wasn't anything near my workplace that was in a single can.
I feel a lot of shame. Would this be something that would fit you? Would you laugh at me?
You probably would. I got a feeling you wouldn't like me all that much... I'm too much of a crybaby, too nervous, too anxious. How could I hold a candle to your intelligent, sharp, straightforward personality? As clean and as objective, as perceptive and distant as Buddha watching us from above.
But I guess because most importantly, I loved the one thing you wanted people to know you for - your music. Your lyrics, even if I will need to rely on the good work of others and may never truly directly interpret them the way you wanted them to be, I want you to know that they have carved themselves into my heart.
When I was in your hometown of Matsumoto, do you know how happy I was despite how chilly it was? It was so cold yet so bright. I wish I dared to fight my anxiety and go into the wasabi farm, to pray at the deity that meant so much to you. But my anxiety won, and I only managed a very quick trip to the main part of Matsumoto. It was worth it to be in the air of your hometown, even if only for a while.
The sunlight from the shrine shone on me as I prayed...I don't even know if it really reached you. But one day I hope I'll reach that wasabi farm, and my voice will be heard and it will be conveyed to you.But all things considered, I just want to tell you that, thank you for your truth. Thank you for showing me a world beyond here. Thank you for being someone who writes beautiful things that will forever be remembered. Thank you....for showing me the tough things I have to experience to become human. Coming back from Japan I felt like whatever that happened afterwards basically broke my spirit into half, but I know it's exactly how you would be to your juniors. You will not hold back. Even when Reita passed some of the fans who knew you did feel that, canonically, you might scold him for being up there.
Even yesterday, I'm afraid I'll tire of you. But even after a full day of work, I'd feel the grief hit me the strongest before I sleep. I would then wake up and think about your melodies and your voice.
Then I'd read about Ruki's post, and then my thoughts about you washes up ashore in my mind. My thoughts about you being with Reita, and perhaps Yune, in that other world, so beautiful and bright, seeking peace that the world couldn't give it to you. I looked up to the clouds at work.
This world is so hard. So difficult, I wonder if it makes any sense to remain kind, to continue to reach out to others - especially for me when I know that my kindness, my altruism is only an escape and a fear that I dare not confront myself.
But I know your songs are sung with unconditional love and wisdom that will continue to kindly show me the way.
This was so poorly written. I probably need to sleep more than anything, but all in all, please continue to sing. Please continue to touch my heart. please continue to be the steady, quiet strength that you are. To those above and below.
Goodnight, Isshi. You are one with the stars, the snow, the swaying trees and the whistling wind, and one day under the sakura trees we'll all meet again.
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(the drawing is mine, part of the tribute piece I did for Reita. In my mind, I believe Isshi took Koron in his care)
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new objects and why i chose them
My Lego flowers
these symbolise the first time i fully got into lego after years of not playing with lego I found these lego flowers that made me excited tp start lego bc they started to come out with lego that was suited for my taste and I could fit it into my room decorations without it looking out of place.
My magnets
my magnets symbolize all the places i have traveled to I recently went on a one-month trip around the world and I collected a magnet from each place from a small market or just a street cart. the reason I collected them was so whenever I walked into my caravan I would see the magnets and it would remind me of the trip and al the memories and it would make me happy
My coasters
my coasters also symbolize my journey in expressing myself with design and how I took coasters from being boring in a room to bringing it to life by purchasing beautiful and lively coasters.
self-expression helps me sow my personality when I'm wearing a bland outfit I like to put on some crazy/funky socks to help me feel more comfortable within my outfit
My Lego car
The Lego cars helped me incorporate my tomboy side into my caravan. growing up as a kid I was quite different from all the other girls I never wanted to be a princess or anything like that I always wanted to be a policeman or an ice cream truck driver!!! these cars remind me that I don't have to always fit in with the people around me and that's alright to be your own person with your own likes and dislikes even tho it may not always be acceptable.
My posters
I've always collected posters/artwork since I think the age of 9 I've always seen a piece of artwork and fallen in love and needed to take it home. I have a massive stash of artwork pieces in storage just waiting to be hung up when I love out
My mugs
my mugs symbolize me growing up and buying stuff for me to start a new life outside of my childhood home, well still sticking to me wanting everything I own to be a little bit quirky to show my personality.
My rings
there is a pattern here within my expressing myself through the physical objects I put on myself haha but it is once again rings showing my personality. i like them funky and strange, something someone hasn't seen before, something that makes people have a double look. i enjoy making everything about being different because I think life is too short to fit in and I want to always make myself feel comfortable to be myself around others just like I wants others to be comfortable around me.
favorite pen
This pen is significant to me because it symbolises when I realised design isn’t supposed to be only on a computer and that I can draw up my drawings on paper and make them into stickers for my artworks since I always struggled with making my ideas look good when on a computer. This symbolises when I started to creative artwork that was a reflection of who I am as a person. 
playing cards
once again these cards are funky and different, I don't like the layout and type of normal cards and at my work, they came out with these abstract cards which is one of my favourite types of art. so I had to purchase them and it makes playing card games much more exciting g for me
Drink bottle
drink bottle is simple just like the ginger, I enjoy feeling hydrated and I love giving my body the hydration that it needs daily.
I recently moved into a caravan and it helped me be able to express myself through fabrics and colours and layout. it helped me get to know myself as a designer a lot more than I would've expected.
burnt orange
i love this color so much its very pleasing to my eye and I love the natural feel it has to it.
i love nature and how nature works and how it is just as alive as us humans
this fruit has been my favorite fruit when growing up and I have been just obsessed with it forever.
green color
same as the other color its very natural and refreshing
blue color
same as before its natural and refreshing feels safe
pink color
this color symbolizes when you growing up as a girl liking the color pink was seen as bad because it was girly and it took a lot for me to express my liking towards that color because it used to be shameful to like girly things when we were younger
Shoes: Adidas
adidas shoes are my favorite brand of shoes since they fit my feet so well and have all my favorite colours within their shoes
dark blue color
very dark bit beautiful at the same time and I think that symbolizes life itself it can be so dark and scary but there is so much beauty within living this life.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
He had morals, he had rules and lines he wouldn't cross for a reason. He'd told himself long that even if Adva deserved better he wouldn't fight her battles for her. He would stay far from Edan and his toxicity. He wouldn't do anything to him if he did something to Adva - not because he didn't want to, but because he had made an oath. He had vowed to hold his power back, unless the person attacked was defenseless. And for all Adva was, he knew she was anything about that.
She wasn't his to do anything with. Maybe if he kept reminding his magic that it would stop hissing when she looked particularly run down.
But his wait had been fruitful. He had watched Edan, had watched his entire battalion. It wasn't surprising the people chose when every person who knew had renounced him.
Hypaxia had risen in the north, had carved a path of blood with Azriel. He would have been impressed if the bodies had been more gruesome.
Edan chose the family who had given him something. Mercenaries, fighting for the Archon Orders.
Mercenaries broke a rule he had. They fought for themselves, their way of life was an antithesis of the innocent soldier and civilian forced into this.
He stood in the city, watching them all fight. The soldiers on his side fierce with tenacity. But they didn't have that patience, that training. The Mercenaries were pulling from the noble ranks. From Valg who benefitted with trade with their masters.
Hiw fingers flexed, his magic purring. He waited and waited. There was is, he watched as the body fell, a female dead and gutted. Her mate screamed a few yards away, the mercenary holding him back slit his throat and kicked the body away.
Meir looked to Adva, she shouldn't be near him like this. He shouldn't be around her like this.
"Get who can inside.'
She slid her dead eyes to him. Maybe it was light because he thought he saw something flicker there for a brief second.
"And what will you be doing here? Praying?"
He turned from, keeping an eye on Edan. Taking him in, the set of his jaw and eyes. The fury that kept him moving. His squadron, because they were his even if he wore no leader regalia - the most ruthless ones always ruled.
His squadron was going to level this city to rubble. His magic woke more, spiralling outward. It seeped into the soil, into the bricks. Did she see the way it all shone for a brief second? The wyrdmarks flaring gold into it?
"No. No gods will be watching what happens here tonight."
Her eyes followed him, she didn't give a reaction he could catalog.
"Are you doing this for me? If you're going to get yourself killed Meir this is a very stupid way to -"
He saw that vulnerability, that tiny voice before she gained her sheilds back. He could say yes, could tell her every pretty promise he'd made as he'd gotten to know her.
And where would that end now? In this war? In this nightmare? If he died what would that do to her? To their patients?
It wasn't surprisingly difficult to get angry. He already was watching this carnage unfold.
"No. You aren't the only person he's hurt. I'm not doing this for you Adva."
He hated that she met his eyes when he said it. That she probably knew why he said it. They both looked to Gawain, he had gotten his armor on, Ragnelle only a few feet from him. She watched the pair of them, but didn't comment. Meir resisted the urge to bare his teeth, they both had forgone the ways of Ys to survive here. Still he hated that she saw things she shouldn't.
"Why are you doing standing in the street? Get out!"
Meir turned back to the mercenaries, that magic flaring out.
"Do you know what my research was about Gawain?"
Gawain frowned and looked to Ragnelle who shrugged. She seemed non pulsed by all the violence. But that was to be expected Gawain frowned. He touched her cheek, his shoulders relaxing when she gave him a thin smile.
"I'm fine Gawain. I made my peace long ago that I'd die a horrible death. But you demanded I give you a chance to prove your vows so you have it."
Gawain looked to him, fingers trailing over her arm. He looked to be resisting the urge to take her in her arms.
"What was it?"
"Valg were made by Asteri yes?"
"Obviously. What's your point?"
Meir looked to him and grinned. It was wild, violent one. A smile he hadn't worn in years. He didn't like how easily he embraced it now, how easily it fit now.
"What if Valg could make Asteri?"
His magic exploded, twisting rock and land. It leeched the magic from the air and nature. The Asteri that formed were small, child sized. But they did their job well, slewing and devouring Valg as they went. They grew, they got stronger and stronger.
Edan wouldn't be touched, no. No he wanted to use his actual tools for that. Wanted to make him scream for every death he made across this bloody campaign. He'd return their pain tenfold,.again and again till he broke. Till even his whore of a mate didn't want him.
Or died from the agony of it.
She paused as she stood in the doorway of the building she had chosen, which checked all the requirements of somewhere safe - something her brothers had drilled into her head over their years of taking her places. Always be prepared, always know where you were to hide if you needed.
Her gaze lingered upon her oldest brother, her focus upon Gawain as she felt the twisting feeling within her stomach. She was sure her other brothers were scattered across the city, some may have been sent out to scout the lands surrounding it to ensure no more was coming.
Go inside. The order was clear, the various civilians she had been able to find had scampered into the building. Children, women, and men who couldn't fight. She looked away as she pulled the large wooden door closed, securing it from the inside. She stepped back as she stared at the door, her hands trembled as she clasped them in front of herself.
Silently she prayed, she prayed for him as he said he would not. The gods may not be there, but she was sure they listened and she needed guidance at that moment.
Amite stood upon one of the advantage points, watching the scenes unfold before them. Their city was ruined by that bastard child, a boy who had wormed his way into her family and almost utterly destroyed it. Her wings fluttered behind her, her golden strands loose from under the crown she wore. Her armor, old from her time upon the battlefield, adorned her body - though she hadn't fought for years.
Her fingers lingered upon the sword at her side, her body ached in protest at the idea of entering into the fray. Her attention turned when she scented her husband return, the stench of blood a sign of his success down below.
Galath smiled when he said her, moving swiftly across the room to her side as he took her hand and kissed it.
"The tides have changed, an angel of death is upon our side," he confirmed. "His men are falling."
"And him?"
She felt a tension in her husband, she knew if he had his way he would have ordered his execution if he dared step a foot back into their domain. He had ranted for months about how he had taken their youngest, how he was having to watch his oldest slowly die. Her sons had been doing what they could to ease the burdens, each taking turns with their sister, as well as fulfilling their roles they needed to do.
"He will disappear from what Gawain had shared, he and Ragnelle have been deep within the heart of the fighting. I believe they were a good mating for our family, now he just needs to work hard to keep her."
Galath paused, looking across the city below them. The one they will all work hard to rebuild, they would help their people recover. "I also think we will need to reward one of the healers..."
Amite stared at him, she knew the healer he spoke of. Gawain and the others had shared their thoughts, their opinions. "If she survives this, then maybe he will be rewarded in other ways..."
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Why Did Jesus Have to Die for Our Sins on the Cross?
Each day I notice the fingerprints of God around me.
I see it in the sunrise or feel it in the warmth of my blankets on a cold winter night.
Sometimes I see it in the rain and even the way a cup of coffee tastes. Why?
Because these momentary pleasures are gifts. Each whisper of the essence of what eternity will be like with God. Had Jesus not died on the cross, these little moments would be empty distractions instead of eternal promises.
The cross echoes the stories of what Jesus did for us. But some ask, “Why?”
Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?
Why did He have to take on our sins so we could have a pathway to God? Why couldn’t God just erase everyone’s sins?
Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
Before we can get to the end of the story, we need to travel back to the very beginning. At the beginning when God created Adam and Eve. In this scene is a beautiful garden where we see Adam eating the delicious fruit of a living tree. The next, we find ourselves standing at the foot of the hill so ugly, it was called, “the place of the skull.” Here, we find a wrecked man, battered, disfigured, and dying. He hung on a tree—a cross—gasping for air. The first man of this story is Adam, the second man of this story is our savior, Jesus. Jesus came to be a living sacrifice for our sins because humans have been corrupted by sin the moment Adam took that very first bite. Our sinful nature makes us want to do what we want, not what God wants. We are too darkened by our sin to find our way back to God on our own. And God’s justice requires that there be a price for our sin. Yet despite our flaws, God loves us and wants us to be reunited with him. Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth to make our reconciliation with God possible.
Matthew 20:28 reminds us that he “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”In theological terms, this is called “substitutionary atonement.” Christ died on the cross as our substitute. Without Him, we would suffer the death penalty for our own sins. Here are a few verses that explain this concept:
‘He [God] made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
“And while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed” (1 Peter 2:23-24).
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith… your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:14, 17).
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Could There Have Been Another Way for Salvation?
The apostle Peter declared that “Christ died for sins, once for all” (1 Peter 3:18). The apostle Paul reminded us that “Christ died for our sins, according to Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Why did Jesus have to die for our sins? We all have sinned, and the consequence is death. We are all headed for judgment, condemnation, and eternal death until God himself intervened. He sent His Son Jesus into this world. Before Jesus willingly chose to take our place on the cross, He proclaimed, “I am the Way, and the truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me”(John 14:6). The Apostles echoed this claim, stating, “And there is salvation in no one else; there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
This doesn’t sound very fair, does it?
We want to object.
We want to say this sounds like pride and arrogance but it’s not. God chose this way of salvation because He is God. To have another way of salvation, a person must change the goal of salvation itself. And we cannot do that because we are merely human beings created by a mighty God. He chose this salvation through adoption and regeneration in order to have a loving, mentoring relationship with our Creator God. As Adam walked with God, so should we. And now we can because of Jesus!
What Does Jesus' Death Symbolize?
When Jesus came to this earth, he wasn’t just a man—he was God clothed in human skin. He knew the only way to help us was to send His one and only Son to this earth. Jesus came to use in the form of a child and lived a life just like every other human being—only He remained sinless. After Adam had sinned, a system of sacrifices was created in order to pay the debt of our sins. God’s laws determined what types of sacrifices were required in order to atone for different sins. Most living sacrifices were to be perfect animals without blemish. Yet, in the New Testament, Jesus, God’s Son, came to earth to reunite us with God through the ultimate sacrifice: his own life. He became a living sacrifice. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once. This made him the ultimate sacrifice —once and for all satisfying the demands God’s justice required.
In other words, God reaffirmed His promises of sacrifice through men such as Abraham and Moses, and then God provided the perfect sacrifice to atone for this sin of His people. God’s perfect Son fulfilled God’s perfect requirement of God’s perfect law. It is perfectly brilliant in its simplicity. “God made Him (Christ), who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
God is not like us.
He is perfect and holy, completely loving and completely just. He tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Jesus’ death was the only possible way to atone for the sins of the world and Jesus is the only way to a relationship with God the Father.
Why Was it Necessary for Jesus to Die?
Without the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, we would be without hope and without forgiveness. Isaiah 64:6 teaches us even our righteous acts are like filthy rags. Even on our best days and with our best intentions, without the blood of Jesus, we would deserve death as the punishment for sin. “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 55:6). We did nothing to earn our forgiveness and everything to deserve punishment. But in God’s great love for us, He sent His son and took our punishment upon Himself.
Although God is all-merciful, all-powerful, and all-forgiving, God is also holy, righteous, and just. Holiness is incompatible with sin. Our sin completely separates us from God and His holiness demands that sin and rebellion be paid for by punishment. The only penalty or payment for sin is eternal death. If Jesus hadn’t died on the cross to take our place, we would be forever separated from God. We are covered by His blood through His sacrificial death, our sins are paid for, and we no longer have to die an eternal death. We receive eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus had to die. Romans 5:10 says, “For since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by his life.”
God loved us enough to save us from ourselves! If you haven’t asked God for salvation and forgiveness, it’s never too late. Romans 10:9-10 says that “if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
Sinner's Prayer from Scripture – (Psalm 51, King David)
Have mercy on me, God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight, so that You are proved right when You speak and justified when You judge. Surely I have been a sinner from birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me…Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow…Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn back to You.
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pinkpicket · 2 years
Is this relationship\ situationship worth it?
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Pile 1- pile 2- pile 3- pile 4- pile 5- pile 6
1. No. And you know why? Bc it seems like whatever this is it wont become better, i see no improvements at all and it genuinly makes me sad bc u seem like ur really trying and overthinking this, trying to not let go, trying to remain hopeful but deep down u know this wont ever bloom to its full potential. Honestly i see disappointment coming from this, it’s like ur gonna be asking urself all this waiting for what? And ur right. So let go or at least distance urself for now. But don’t get hopeless bc u have something better or it’s on the way, and they won’t disappoint u like this. So this one is not worth it but what’s to come is more than worth it.
2. I see two different people here, one is more than willing while the other seems to not even try. Now idk which one u r so ill tell u about both and u decide for urself: A) this person is such a giving person, so protective of the people they love( i see strong scorpio here) and willing to do whatever it takes. This is a person that will fight for who they love with whatever they can but also have their own boundaries too, like if u not giving the same way they’re not going to stay ( AND GOOD FOR THEM👏) while B) person is…. Um.. lazy and neglectful like someone u cannot depend on, definitely not to defend or fight for u. It’s like they dont see the worth in what’s around them. They’re ungrateful. So is it worth it? no, not at all. So should u leave? Well that depends on which person u r. So if ur person A definitely move from this pls, ur loyalty deserves to be reciprocated. But it definitely wont be easy for u to move on ( not surprising considering how loyal u r) but if ur B person then i guess dont leave, u know why? Bc u won’t find no one better but i cant guarantee they wont leave if u don’t change.
3. Fuck no. Absolutely no. Did u hear me???L? I said fucking no. Dude im actually pissed, why on earth are u even with this person????? Like u absolutely deserve better, WAYYY BETTER. This person is making u lose in life, so get out as soon as possible. This shit is not worth it at all. Im not even gonna tell u nothing more other than the fact this thing has no future. So love urself for once and leave.
4. Yes. Definitely. But u have to work for it like this is the type of thing that can become so beautiful and fruitful but it needs work like all things. So whatever ur problem is work it out bc in the end it will bloom into a beautiful relationship.
5. YES. Hell even more than yes. Honestly im so happy seeing this, i thought all the reading would be negative but this is absolutely gorgeous. Fight for it. So id actually like to give u some advice: even tho i see this as a beautiful mature ( or soon to be mature) relationship, try to be more giving like buy gifts for each other, talk more, share ur feelings more bc baby this thing u have going on is meant to be. The universe arranged this, so protect it with everything u have. Remember this reading, honestly save it up somewhere just so u can be reminded from time to time.
6. Wow okay this is very confusing. I see this as two situations, so maybe two very different groups of people chose this group. read both and decide which is meant for u.
So first group of people are the ones that i would give a small tiny yes, sorta bc this is not exactly the person that’s worth it but more like this person will lead u into something or someone that will be worth it.
While in this other group, i see two type of people( it can represent the people involved so once again u decide which is u 🤕) well number 1 is the hermit, this person rn is meant to be alone, they need to find themselves first then maybe yes this relationship will work, but as for now u have a journey ahead of u. And number 2 is the one that’s fighting for this relationship, i hate to say this but this is not worth it. So if u want to sure u can still try, but u wont get anything out of this. This is a waste of time.
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iladkaren · 2 years
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Pairing: Mafia!BTS x Reader
An internship gone wrong.
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
"Work for you?" That was the first time you met Ji-Hye. She had a soft voice that reminded you of your mother, but her bright eyes held an intelligence behind them.
You were looking through the new paintings for this month's art fair when she came up behind you. You nearly dropped your drink, but managed to save it without making a fool of yourself.
"I guess so," you said awkwardly. A little nervous under her gaze, you fidgeted before realizing you should offer your hand.
The Hwan Ji-Hye. Beautiful. Smart. Kind. An overall perfectionist who cared deeply about how things worked. The perfect girlfriend. The perfect fiancée.
Dionysus Museum's Founding Director and Curator. Well-known for supporting avant-garde performance art. She has repeatedly provided a stage to aspiring performance artists at the beginning of their carrers, launching many a brilliant career. She believes that artist must be activists, and that Dionysus Museum provides a venue for fruitful, challenging debates through a fresh, boundary-breaking art.
She is also a great teacher, an incredibly kind person with a sharp tongue and an even sharper mind. And, while some have argued that she lacks creativity, she has proven countless times that there is a place for all creative ideas.
Her father, a prominent lawyer and judge, had been among the founders of the museum as well.
She was amused by your reaction. "Yes, we have an open internship this month. You should consider applying. I see you have an artistic eye."
You blushed slightly. "Oh, thank you, I didn't know they offered internships. It seems a bit odd though."
She smiled sweetly. "Well, no one else from other schools applied here, which means you may actually get in. But don't go jumping into things too quickly!"
"Uhm... that's... I just enjoy painting." You uncomfortably denied.
A sly smile spread across her lips. "Is that right?"
Your face felt hot. Why did she make everything sound so seductive? It was probably the makeup. No wonder you were having such trouble keeping your eyes off her. She was breathtaking. You were completely lost, and you hated it.
"Exactly what we require. Are you, by chance, a Fine Arts student?" She inquired, but you had a sneaking suspicion she already knew.
"Not exactly. I'm taking a year away to get my master's degree in Fine Arts, but, uhm... I haven't completed the semester yet." You nodded.
"That's fantastic! We are now seeking for additional help. We're a touch short on employees." She pointed in the direction of the ushers and guides who worked behind her.
You noticed that each guide wore a red buttoned shirt underneath their suit jackets. Each had black trousers and shoes, and carried a clipboard.
"Are those… your ushers?" You asked.
Ji Hye gave you an enigmatic smile. "We prefer to refer to them as guides, yes."
You did the math. There were a total of seven, which was obviously insufficient for a museum of this size. "I'd have to think about it."
The young woman leaned forward. "Don't think too hard. Just say the word."
You were silent for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts. Your eyes darted from person to person before settling back to her.
"Oh." She seemed depressed all of a sudden. Nonetheless, she persisted in asking, "have you ever accepted an internship before?"
"Uhm... no. I'm still on the lookout." You replied. You thought the conversation was over until her face suddenly lit up again.
"At the very least, consider it. It would make me quite delighted if you chose this internship." She softly held your arm to reassure you. "I can tell you're one of a kind."
Her smile made you feel special somehow, which surprised you. It wasn't like you were a pretty girl or anything—in fact, you thought that you looked more like someone who had spent three years playing tennis than anything else. And yet, something made you trust her. Maybe it was her confident demeanor, or her gentle manner.
It would appear that an angel had gone past. The uneasy pause seemed to go far too long. In reality, it had taken less than a minute. "Ah," you finally said, "thank you."
She squeezed your arm in reply. "Let's hope that it comes true. If not, it's okay. I'll find another way to attract new interns."
"I should probably leave." To avoid the embarrassment, you gently moved backwards, but not before saying, "but thank you for offering. I'll think about it." You instantly turned around and raced through the museum's front doors. When you realized you had made it back to your car with only seconds to spare, you stopped dead in your tracks. This entire afternoon had been a mess, and you felt utterly stupid. You were usually quite good at improvising on the spot, but nothing prepared you for Ji Hye.
Maybe you shouldn't have done that? What if it got her angry? Then again, what if it didn't? Would you have any chance of working for them then?
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
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