#fuck bilionaires
hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Great Men and Elon Musk by Mia Mulder
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
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blue-pikmin-gaming · 7 months
im feeling generous
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sleeping-dragon · 1 year
I really gotta say I love whatever the fuck elongated muskrat is doing right now, because he has effectively managed to alienate the rest of his casual supporters.
I mean sure, his reputation has been slowly dropping over the last couple years, but the way he's skyrocketing into hate-dom right now, the only people who still unironically and wholehartedly support him are his biggest fanatics who wouldn't and whon't change their minds about him no matter what he does.
And to everyone who still believes that he and "his" inventions will help us get into a better future:
-he is a bilionaire capitalist who only cares about money
-it isn't him that actually designs and works on his company's projects, all of that can and should be contributed to his engineers and workers
-Teslas fucking suck ass, alongside all of his other "inventions"
-he didn't even found Tesla, he just bought it
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
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Based Joker?
I love how hard this comic is going against this ableist homophobic bilionaire who doesn't pay taxes and violates worker laws. Also him having to share a room with a lunatic because with rich people refusing to pay their taxes Arkham was defunded and therefore became shittier is just everyone's revenge dream that politicians and bilionaires would have to use public systems (basically no private option existed as it is just a way to create a segregacion that fucks the worker class, abolish private property goddamit)
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f0xd13-blog · 5 months
I ll never realize that because u fucked it for m right? Also u gibe back to the bilionaire shit that isnt starving people to deaty. Do u even know if I have a good family befide losing friends because of u motgerfuckeds?????? Gonna fuck u up soon for this fucking labyrinth u put me in. Ps. Kill all jews
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gnzma · 2 years
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“...anyway for real if ya gotta be a criminal at least don’t look like a bilionaire while ya do it? It’s basically crimes easy mode. Bet none o’ ya ever even threw a rock at cops’ cars. Bet ya never personally stole some asshole’s Pokèmon. Bet ya would rather pay an attorney than pay your taxes. Cringe ass. Fuck you. I’ll tag your fuckin’ fac--
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...huh. Actually that ain’ a bad idea.
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Be right back!”
Oh lord he has a spray can.
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liberty-barnes · 3 years
okay so i just found out that there are hundreds of native american CHILDREN burried under school grounds, play grounds, and many other places that used to be CONCENTRATION CAMPS and are now being walked over.
MURDERED CHILDREN are being walked over and no one is doing anything.
and this has been going on for fucking centuries.
so all of you privileged jackasses walking to and from your house every damn day without fearing for your life, celebrating your culture loudly and proudly, ignoring other people's struggles cause it "isn't your fight", fucking do something about it cause that's bullshit.
we live in a world where who you love, the color of your skin, and the amount of money you have define who you are, and for what?
you could be a fucking bilionaire and a homeless person would do more good in a day than you your entire life.
stop saying "you can win any race you want" when we're crawling with our legs tied behind our backs and you're zooming past on a fucking hummer.
you wanna make the world a better place? get involved. screw whether or not you're directly impacted by it, screw whether or not you can see immediate changes, screw whether or not you'll be recognised for it, screw whether or not you'll get something in return.
shit needs to get done and it needs to get done now and it's honestly fucking appalling that my generation's oldest members have barely graduated college and we're calling out our planet's leaders.
you've been alive for decades, you've seen the pain, you've seen the suffering, and we're no longer allowing you to turn a blind eye.
fucking do something for once in your miserable life.
and yes, i'm aware that as a white, european, middle class woman, i have privileges. i have struggles, but i also have privileges and i recognise that. but fuck that privilege, cause i don't want it.
i want to be good. i want to be proud of my life. i want a world where people can be proud of their culture without having to fear for their safety and as long as that world isn't the one i'm living in then i won't be happy. i won't rest, i won't give up, cause somewhere out there there are people who need our help and i'll be damned if i don't do anything about it.
we can do much more than what we think we can, and we will fucking do it cause i fucking said so and don't you dare argue with me cause this isn't an arguing matter.
boost this. add to it. gives us resources cause apart from spreading the message i don't know what to do but i want to. i wanna learn to be better, and do better, cause that's the bare fucking minimum and oh wow i'm cursing a lot but whatever
so yeah, if you're here to disagree with what i said or say something about how "you can't do anything" or "they've been dead for centuries, it doesn't matter anymore" (cause i've those), then don't. just don't.
cause i will put every single ounce of my adhd fueled hyper fixation into destroying you and your life, cause you CAN do something about it, and it DOES matter.
if you celebrate veterans, remember the victims of the holocaust, praise jesus' sacrifice, then you can do something about it.
hold yourself and others accountable.
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quakerjoe · 4 years
“Imagine being so fucking stupid that you would participate in ANYTHING organized by Alex Jones.
They voted for a guy who courted actual fascists and has Nazis, white nationalists / supremacists and the KKK in his political coalition and they're referring to Dr. Anthony Fauci as "fascist Fauci" claiming that he made up the novel corona virus COVID-19.”
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"Some in the crowd also took aim at the political and medical experts leading the response to the virus. One group carried a banner that read 'Deliver up treasonous men' and listed medical experts Dr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx who serve on Trump’s task force, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and bilionaire [sic] George Soros.
"At one point, the crowd chanted 'Fire Fauci!'”
- The Voice of Reason
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unchartedsailors · 8 years
as much as i love going to school for eight hours and then coming home to do at least eight hours worth of work, having to choose between sleeping and doing homework, choosing sleep on rare occasions and feeling guilty and knowing im fucked for it, teachers who have given me lots of homework and huge projects telling me to get outside and have fun when they should know full well that i can't because i have to do their stupid fucking homework, the complete disregard of modern school for life outside of school including but not limited to social life, clubs, jobs, sports, mental illness, and hard times at home, knowing that if i dont do my work and get a’s in all my classes as a teenager my entire life is ruined, not even being able to go the fuck outside as a human being bc i have to do schoolwork all day, this fucked up anti-human type of society we’ve created for ourselves when at heart humans are still animals and dont wanna fuckin do this shit, the inevitability of my death regardless of whether or not i do this work but doing the work anyway, the general pointless of all this suffering im putting myself through, and just generally wanting to be hit by a car and/or kill myself, i hate school. 
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selinavizari · 6 years
Filthy Character Friday:  Dirty Dean Karny
Word Count: 1558 Rating: SMUT OF COURSE. ;) Re-watched Bilionaire Boys Club and I was inspired. Hope you enjoy.
Check out the other SW/FF writers if you haven’t already!:
@misspygmypie​ @jamiemac26​ @eggsyobsessed​ @taronfanfic​ @bluesfortheredj​
The new wave synth pop bumped throughout the swank night club. The rhythm was infectious. I swayed my hips from side to side in my skin tight red dress. My friends were in a complete trance dancing alongside of me. The drinks were flowing and I was floating. Electricity was in the air. We were bathed in flashing neon lights. My eyes scanned the room and there was a man watching me. He was black clad and seated at a round table. I continued to twirl and gyrate… he was still watching. Even from this distance, I could tell he was good-looking. The kind of good-looking that turns heads and here he was... looking at me. Ever so often he would sip from his glass of wine, chat with his people and return his gaze back to me. I wanted to see if he was going to pursue. He could have been gawking at someone else for all I know. I slowed down and let the girls know I was going to the bar to get a drink. Somehow I managed to get the bartender’s attention and ordered a White Russian. As I waited for him to concoct my drink, I pulled out my compact mirror to inspect my hair and makeup. Everything was still intact but I could use some hairspray. Thank goodness, I didn’t sweat too bad. The mystery man walked behind me and signaled the bartender. He leaned over and requested, “I’ll have what she’s having and put the lady on my tab.” I looked up at him and he was gorgeous. His sharp jawline, sleek haircut, and devilish smirk made my heart flutter. I caught the glint of his Rolex. I adjusted my straps. He turned his attention towards me. “My name is Dean. What’s yours?”
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The music was blasting so I leaned towards his ear and answered. He leaned towards mine. “Y/N. Such a pretty name. You had some nice moves out on the floor.” His breath was warm against my earlobe. I beamed. “Thanks, Dean. Couldn’t help but to notice you were checking me out.” The bartender presented us our drinks. I took a sip awaiting his response. He shook his head and bit his lip. “That obvious, huh? How could I not notice? You’re sexy. Everyone noticed you. I have the guts to come over and try to take what I want.” He undressed me with eyes. Take me, he says... I wanted to taste him. I crossed my legs and sipped my drink. It was quite strong. We stared at each for what felt like forever. He downed his drink in a matter of seconds without breaking his stare. My eyes widened. He leaned towards my ear. When he brushed passed my cheek, his skin was smooth. The aroma of his aftershave was refreshing. I breathed it in deeply. Dean made a proposition. “I want to have sex with you. If you’re offended, feel free to throw that drink right in my face. If not… drink the rest of it the same way I did.” The aftershave aroma lingered. He leaned back away from me and braced himself for what may or may not happen. I placed the glass down and stared back at him with my best poker face. He raised an eyebrow and I glanced at my drink. The suspense was killing him. Then I picked it up and pretended to toss it at him. He flinched. I threw my head back and cackled. Dean sneered.“Oh, you are hilarious! I like you. So…?” He licked his lips and leaned closer to me. I lifted the straw towards my lips and didn’t break eye contact either. The glass was moist in my hand. I sucked the straw until I could taste the watery ice at the bottom of the glass. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wanted...I needed him. Dean stood up straight and grabbed my hand. I almost toppled over the stool. My dress was hiked up for a moment and I tugged it down with my free hand. We maneuvered our way through the dense crowd teeming with rowdy, drunk party people. Where was he taking me, I thought. We went out the backdoor exit and headed towards the street where a stretch white limo was parked. I switched my hips as we strutted across the street. My heels clacked against the asphalt. Dean walked towards the drivers window and released my hand. I stood on the sidewalk shuffling my feet feeling a bit awkward. He leaned into the window to speak to the driver. I overheard him whispering. “There’s an extra $200 for you... if you take a walk for about… let’s say 20-25 minutes, okay?” I caught a glimpse of Benjamin Franklin’s face betwixt his fingers. The driver nodded, pocketed the bills and exited the vehicle. Dean winked at him. With his hands in his pockets, he strolled towards me as I leaned against the limo. Every step dripped with swagger. He opened up the door and I slid inside. Our bodies were illuminated by the nearby streetlights. He lunged towards me and kissed hard. His hands were all over my body and he pulled up my dress. I felt the leather upholstery rub against my bare cheeks and pulled down my thong. I tossed it without a second thought. Dean wriggled out of his blazer. I watched him fumble with his belt buckle and leaned over to help him. My knees were bent on the backseat. I’m thankful for dark tinted windows. If they weren’t there someone would have gotten one hell of a show with me on all fours. I reached inside his snug briefs, and stroked until he was hard. Gasps escaped his lips as he leaned his head all the way back. I pulled down his slacks a little further and his erect dick sprung out. I proceeded to wrap my lips around it and bobbed up and down. After taking in his entire length, I picked up the pace. Dean moaned. “Oh, yes. Yes. Like that.” His voice was raspy. The delicious wet, slurping sounds filled the air. He moved strands of my hair away from face so that he could have a better look. From my peripheral vision, I could tell how every suck and lick stimulated him. My tongue massaged it’s head. I felt his hand grip my ass and a finger slip inside my wet nether regions. He began to massage my clit. That made me lose focus. My moans were muffled. I began to stroke him after I wiped my mouth. My lipstick was smeared and I didn’t give a fuck. His dick was slippery with saliva and juices. I climbed up and straddled Dean. His girth and the angle fit inside of me perfectly. I began to ride him slowly at first. We both gasped. He held me close; my breasts were spilling out of dress. He yanked it down along with my bra. My outfit bunched around my abdomen. I rocked my hips in a circle. Dean sucked and licked my nipples. His tongue flicking drove me wild. My legs were trembling as he grabbed my ass with both hands. His face contorted in ecstasy and I was on the verge of climaxing. His dick thrusted in and out. I couldn’t believe all of this was happening. My jaw dropped as I stared into his eyes. I felt possessed, “I want you to come in my mouth.”
“Seriously? That’s so fucking hot.” Dean breathed.
He thrusted upward and pounded until I screamed. I held him tightly as my eyes rolled back. Waves of pleasure pulsated through my body. I came and tightened myself around his member. The sudden feeling caught him off guard and pushed him over the edge. “F-fuck. Gonna come.” I slide off and dropped to my knees. I continued to suck him off and swallowed the entire load. He tasted amazing. Dean shuddered, “Fuck…. That was....” He was out of breath and gulped. “Update from what I said at the bar: I really like you.” I sat on floor and let out an exhausted chuckle.
Tap-tap. Someone was trying to get in the limo. A few people were outside the backseat window. “Fuck.” I groaned. I scrambled to piece my outfit back to together. I dug around for my thong. Dean struggled to get his pants back on. As soon as we were decent, he rolled down the window a few inches.
“Hi, Joe.” Dean mumbled like a kid caught red handed in the cookie jar.
“Hi, Dean.” Joe greeted him flatly.
“We’re trying to get back to the place. The rest of us and Sydney noticed the limo rocking from side to side...We saw you leave with that girl. I put two and two together... Are you two done or…? You didn’t make a mess, did ya Dean? Please tell me you didn’t!”
Dean offered him a big mischievous grin. “No, we didn’t.” He looked back me and waggled his eyebrows. I blushed and shook my head.
“Do you want to come to my mansion?” Dean inquired.
“Our mansion, Dean.” Joe interrupted and rolled his eyes.
I shrugged my shoulders. “Um… hell yeah?”
This night of debauchery had only just begun.
Tag List: @egerton-sweetie @lizziespidiepridie @original-criminal-fanfics @anatheminmyheart @oheggsyno @tiffleen @taronxfiction @marvelmakeuplover @welcometotheg0odlife @istandandan @leanimal90 @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @baileythepenguin @hartirl  @manners-maketh-taron @dragonluver9393 @xsinfulltrashx @jenloveshaydenchristensen @mmdarko @winsky1989 @eggsyhazcoffeewithpeterman @bohemianrhapsody86 @theworldisugly-22 @lilspacepandaboy
I was thinking of making a series of Dirty Dean stories full of 80s decadence: sex, drugs, money. What do you guys think?
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elevenel55 · 6 years
Notes: Wow, thank you everybody for the kind welcome to this side of the internet, I’m so glad you liked the fic! I’m still quite nervous about writing so thank you for the feedback <3 I hope you will appreciate this one too :D sorry for the lenght, I just couldn’t make it any shorter! Again, sorry for any mistake, English is not my language but I really want to improve so any correction will be appreciated :)
So scared. 
He had been so fucking scared. 
When Tony had come home that night he had expected to find Peter in the kitchen with his bright smile widening just for him, a slice of pizza saved for the genius somewhere in the oven, maybe a quick hug when he would have passed next to him. 
He was prepared to the waterfall of questions the boy would have asked him, and honestly he was quite impatient to spend sometime with his favourite boy in the universe. He had been busy the whole week and had managed to see Peter not enough time, for his standards. But when he had stepped in the kitchen, he had found it empty.
So was the living room.
Peter knew he wasn’t allowed to the laboratory without him but Tony quickly checked that room too.
« Jarvis » asked with growing panic « Where is Peter? »
« He’s out. He took his suit a couple of hours ago, Boss. »
Now they were in the living room, more calm but still a lite tensed about the events.« Okay boy » started Tony, hesitantly. He had yelled quite a lot less then an hour ago, so they were both still not completely comfortable « I think we need some rules. »
Peter looked at him « Like what? »
« Like no spidermanning around without informing me or any other Avenger beforehand, I would suggest » Tony glared at him.
The boy blushed. « Oh, okay. Yes. That’s a good one. »
« And always -always- call me if you are in need. I don’t care what the problem is. I want to trust you with no riserve, but to do so I need to know that you will call me no matter what if you are in danger or in pain or in any situation that causes discomfort. Okay? »
Peter nodded again, his stare fixed to the floor. 
Tony knew that his tone so stern would have affected him, just didn’t expect the boy to take it so seriously. 
He hadn’t screamed that much, had he? 
« Yes, Mr Stark. I swear I will call you when in need. I’m sorry. »
« Third one » continued the man « Stop apologizing, at least for tonight.You can resume to do it tomorrow, if you have to, but you have said “sorry” something like four hundred times the last hour. I got it. I’m not that old. » 
Peter smiled a bit, but the fact he didn’t retorted with a joke about his age made Tony understand he was still not okay « I am sorry too, kiddo. I got a little carried away with the yelling. I was worried as hell, I never felt so close to a stroke. I always need to know where you are and if you are okay… okay? »
« Yes. I know, I’m s- » he stopped right in time and when he saw Tony smile at him he smiled back « I know, Mr Stark. » he corrected.
Tony narrowed his eyebrows « Fourth rule, probably the most important one: I’ve had enough of “Mr Stark”. »
Peter blinked « Oh. And what should I call you? »
« Well, “God” would suit. » said Tony quite serious « “Your Majesty” is not bad either. Or “superior intelligence to whom I will obey blindly”, if you rather. Pick one. »
Peter laughed loudly « They all are quite good, but I think you should put “narcissist with delusions of grandeur “ somewhere. »
Tony looked indignant. « And I dont’ think I have to mention the word “old”… or “antique”, if you prefer. Like “your antique and delusional narcisistic Majesty. » « Okay kiddo you are askin’ for it. » and before Peter could even think about running away he was pinned on the sofa, Tony looking at him with a smirk on his face. The boy knew already what was going to happen, but that dint’ help a bit, the reaction when Tony’s fingers digged into his sides was loud and hilarious as always.
« Not so antique and delusional, uhm? » asked Tony, laughing as well.
Peter was trashing around not really trying to escape but totally unable to stay still; even when Tony relented a bit he just lied there, panting, and that reassured Tony. He was good. Not upset anymore. Tony knew the boy was quite emotional and he seemed to react to his anger more than to anything else, so he had to learn how to deal with that kind of power. « So, let’s talk about names, yes? » « I rehefuse to cahhahall you “God” » said Peter while the man slided his hand up and down his side, not tickling enough to make him laugh but sufficiently to keep him giggly and squirmy under his hands. « You refuse? You are lucky I don’t really like that nickname, I think you can do better. » « Whaahaht about Jesus? Like, you were born somewhen B.C too, so… » When Tony resorted his attack with vigour Peter couldn’t say he didn’t deserve it.
« AHAHAHAHAH! NOHOHOHOHHOHSTOOOOHOHOHOPP! YOUUUHUHUHUHR MAJEHEHEEHSYHIHIHIHIH PLEASE! » he was pleading already, unable to bear that sensation that was driving him crazy. Tony drummed his fingers on his ribs, a thoughtful expression on his face « You know, I don’t think I like it that much either, I’ll leave it to Queen Elizabeth. Try again. »
Peter had just the time to muffle something about she and Tony having the same age, and yes, in retrospect, he had to admit wasn’t the smartest thing to say because of his position. Tony had looked so offended, and when he when back tickling his ribs he really put an effort in it, his fingers scratching their way up and down Peter’s upperbody, leaving no spot untickled. 
Tony enjoyed so much the carefree, light hearted laugh he was producing. Spidering -or, well, Ironmanning- his fingers on the boy’s torso he just loved the warm feeling that only bonding with Peter was able to generate in him. He knew it was reciprocate. Peter was just a kid but had experienced things that most of grown up men couldn’t even imagine, so it was nice to see him being a kid. Peter, on the other hand, was laughing his head off, trashing from side to side but never really attempting to get free, even if taking the torture was getting more and more difficult; to be honest, had he really wanted to escape from those tortorous hands he could have easily pushed Tony back and run away. He wasn’t sure ho long he could have taken, but he was willing to find out.
Those hands, though, were driving him insane, always reaching a point just below his armpits and then going back to his lower stomach, and he really couldn’t think very hard. « AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I DOHOHOHOHN’T KNOOHOHOHW! HEHEHEHELP ME! » « You know, I think you are not concentrating enough. You are a smart kid, you can guess… Maybe you need a little incentive. » When Tony used one of his hands to pull bis arms above his head Peter panicked and started trashing around much more vigorously, his attempts to pull his arms down growing with desperation  « No no no, Mr Stark please I can’t- for real, please don’t! » « Mr Stark? Never heard of him, sorry. » And with that he dug his fingers into the boy’s armpits, and Peter pratically screamed with laughter, arching his back on the couch and almost throwing Tony off of him. « AHAHAHAHAHAAH! NOOHOHOHT-AHAHAHAHAAH THAAHAHAHAHT’S TOO MUUHUHUHAHAHAHAAHAHCH! OKAHAHAHAHIHIHIH TONY! TOHOHNY PLEAHAHAHAHSE! » Even if he was enjoying himself so very much the bilionaire stopped the tickling. « Bingo. Was it that hard? » asked, watching the boy pant and breath heavily after all that laughing. He was red in his cheeks and looked quite exausthed, but after a couple of minutes he looked quite serious.
The billionaire could see his brain working. « Tony. » repeated the boy, rolling the name on his tongue. The man simply loved hearing his kid calling him by his name, but tried to play it cool. He didn’t want to force Peter to call him that way, but “Mr Stark” just didn’t sound right anymore. « Yep, that’s my name. » he didn’t know what was going through the boy’s mind, but he would have paid any amount of money to be able to read his thoughts for a minute. « Tony… » said the kid again, now staring at him with an uncertain look. « Yes. We’ve been there. Me Tony, you Peter. Like Tarzan and Jane. But if you don’t- I mean, you can choose. I’ve had enough of “Mr Stark”, though. It’s too formal. I don’t like formal, with you. » The next thing he knew was that Peter was hugging him, and he didn’t really know why or what had he done to earn it, but wasted no time in wondering and hugged him back, holding him tight. They stayed that way for a long time. 
Peter was breathing into his neack, his hot breath tickling him but Tony had no intention to move; then he felt the boy’s lips widening against his skin « What about “Tony the Antique”? » When Tony had done with him it took a whole week before Peter dared to make another joke about his age. 
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marvelsuperfangirl · 7 years
Nothing to be ashamed of (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N: It’s not really what I had in mind and there might be some things that will probably sound weird and out of place but I hope you’ll  still like it. Enjoy :)
You and the avengers left the compound to offer yourselves a few days off your superheroes duties and the billionaire of the team had invited you all in one of his house.
Tony had a villa on the East coast where you were going to live during your stay . You arrived the evening before and today was your first real day of vacation. The team agreed to spend the day at the beach and to meet in front of the house, first thing after breakfast before heading to the beach. When you reached the the beach everyone ran toward the sea sending their clothes fly away, revealing the bathing suits they were hiding under. But you noticed that Bucky had kept his clothes on and was looking at the others, not making any moves  to take them off or to join his friends.
- “Aren’t you hot ?” you asked him eyeing the hoodie his was wearing.
The soldier turned to you and smile
-”Aren’t I always, Doll ?” he smirked at you
You looked away and shaked your head disapprovingly before looking back at him returning his smile.
- “No, seriously, aren’t you hot under that thing ?” you pointed to his outfit.
He shrugged
-  “I’m good, the heat doesn’t affect me and I’m not  really a fan of the beach” he answered while spreading his beach towel on the sand to sit on it.
“Okay” You were still doubtful about his behavior but you just shrugged it off and walked away to join your other teammates in the water.
Bucky wished he could take off his clothes instead of just sitting there watching all of his friends having fun. And he wished more than anything to join you and being able to be close to you , especially when you’re in that bathing suit that fits you so well. He if didn’t have this stupid metal arm, if he wasn’t the guy everyone looked at and think that he’s a monster. God, he wanted so much to leave his lonely state and run into the sea but his metal arm was like the kryptonite to his self confidence.
While the brunette was still in his thoughts, he didn’t  see you watching him from your spot in the water.
You  looked around you for Steve and spot him a few feet away from you
- “Steve !” you called him
He turned to you tilt his head back asking you what you wanted and you gestured for him to come to you.
-“Hey  Cap’” you greeted him when he reached you
- “Y /N” he smiled back at you
- “Why does Bucky doesn’t want to take his clothes off ?”
Steve eyed Bucky and smirked at you
- “You want him to take off his clothes ?”
You groaned and splashed him with water.
- “You know what I mean. He doesn’t want to get in his bathing suit or even to join us and when I asked he just said that he wasn’t fond of the beach and that he didn’t suffer from the heat”
- “ I’m not sure if I can tell you...” he trailed
- “You said too much now”
- “All right. I’m sure he won’t mind if I told you, I mean…you’re….you” he smiled awkwardly .
- “Bucky’s  self conscious of his metal arm and he’s not comfortable with showing it off”
You turned  in Bucky’s direction. He was still sat on the sand , his knees against his chest with his arms resting on them while his head was resting on his forearms.
You knew Bucky was still struggling to adjust to his new life and that he wasn’t really fond of his metal limb. It made you sad to see him like this, when he arrived at the tower you had welcome him like he was normal, ignoring completely the fact that he had a prosthesis. You liked him a lot and you couldn’t let him mourn over himself while the rest of you were having fun.
You turned back to Steve
- “I have an idea” you stated with a big smile of your face before swimming away from him and toward the beach.
Bucky was watching you interact with his best friend from afar and felt a pang of jealousy adding more to his lack of confidence . Of course you would be attracted by Steve, he didn’t have a metal arm and haven’t been used as a human weapon by an evil organisation.
You got out of the water and walked by Bucky on your way and throw him a smile. You sat on your towel and replayed your plan in your head, checking every step of the «  make Bucky feel confident » mission. When the others came back you all decided to head back to the villa. On the way there you took Tony apart from the others and linked your arm with his and smield widely at him.
- “Tony, my dear Tony, you might be a genius, bilionaire, playboy and philanthropist but everyone forget to mention how kind and generous you are with your peers” you tell him while batting your eyelashes.
- “What do you want ?” he sigh
The next morning you got up early and joined Tony in the small lab of his villa  to make your plan to execution. Tony and you have been working on it until late last night and you had to say that you were proud of it.
You, then, came back to your room to grab a sweater  and pass it on. Whden that was done you made your way to Bucky’s room ; you opened the door, ran to his bed and jumped on it.
- “Wake up sleepy head we’re going out today !”
Bucky let out a loud groan and turned to you, exposing his bed hair that were completely disheveled and his eyes were half closed. Damn he was cute in the morning.
- “Couldn’t you wake me in a more gentle way ?”
You giggled and jumped some more
- “No ! Get up, we’re leaving right after breakfast !” you scream before hopping off his bed and leaving his room.
When everyone have had breakfast and was ready to leave you all gathered in the lobby .
- “Y/N  aren’t you sweating with that on ?” Natasha asked you pointing  to your attire.
Your sweater was a part of your plan. But if you were totally honest you were dying of heat but you couldn’t let it see until the right moment.
- “Not at all. It’s a bit chilly if you ask me”
Bucky was looking at you from the corner of his eyes and asked himself if you were mocking him.
You all left and separated in groups. Bucky, Steve and you sticked together, mostly because you informed Steve that you had a plan.Everything was going fine but your sweater turned into a pool of sweat and you were impressed of yourself for not fainting until now.
- “God it’s so hot” you say under your breath, but apparently not low enough.
- “You should take off your sweater” Bucky said from beside you.
- “Why aren’t you taking yours off ?” you answered
- “I’m not the one complaining about the weather” he snapped back
You shrugged and continue to internally suffer.But soon enough you couldn’t take it anymore.
- “Fuck it” you said and stopped walking  getting the attention of the two soldiers who also stopped to see what was wrong.
You grab your sweater and yank it off of you, you were left in only a tank top and being released of your portable sauna was literally the best feeling in the world.
You sigh and attached your sweater around your waist and looked at the guys who were already looking at you with a shocked expression on both of their faces.
- “What is this ?”  Bucky asked
His eyes were glued to your right arm.It was no longer made of flesh but of metal. Your whole arm was covered with a layer of thin metal from your hand to your shoulder . It was shining under the sun and got the attention of some of the people around you but you didn’t care. In your demand, Tony made you a metal arm that was identical to Bucky’s , he even added the red star on the shoulder. Tony made a pretty good job and you owed him big time for this.
You gulped and looked at Bucky who was still staring at your arm.
- “Hum…”
- “Are you making fun of me, because I don’t think it’s funny” he said with a mix of sadness and anger in his eyes.
- “No, no,no ! Absolutely not ! I’m not making fun of you I swear… It’s just…uuughhh”
You groan and ran a hand through your sweaty hair .
- “Steve told me that if you didn’t  join us and didn’t take your top off yesterday because you were ashamed of your arm. So I asked Tony to make me an arm similar to yours so I could show you that there wasn’t any reasons of you being afraid of showing it in public.”
You stopped and waited for Bucky to say something but he just stared at you, glancing at your arm from time to time.
- “I know you don’t like it but I do and it really makes me sad that you think that kind of negative things about you. Your arm doesn’t tell who you are because you’re a good person and you don’t deserve to be prisonned by what people will think of you because of it.”
You walked to Bucky and stopped in front of him.
- “Your arm is cool , okay ? You’re cool. Don’t be ashamed of yourself”
Bucky dived his eyes into yours and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips ; he brought you in a hug. He wrapped his arms around you and bring you against his chest. He put one of his hands on the back of you head to make it rest on his chest and caress your hair .He rested his head on yours and he smiled. He was relieved ; first, that you weren’t making fun of him and also because you, out of everyone, make something as crazy as making yourself a metal arm to make him feel better.
- “Thank you so much” he whispered
You smiled against his chest.
- “You don’t have to thank me”
Bucky chuckled and pulled away from you and put his hands on your shoulders
- “Of course I do.I mean, you did something as crazy as this” he pointed to your metal arm. “To make me feel better so yes ; you deserve at least a thank you.”
You didn’t find anything to answer so you just smiled at him.
You two stayed like this during a whole minute, staring into each others eyes and smiling goofily.
The both of you were brought out of your trance by someone  clearing his throat .
- “Hum…Maybe you could take off your sweater now”  Steve say looking at Bucky
The brunette  chuckled and back away from you to took off his sweater and was, now, left in a simple shirt. He arm was now full on display, only the upper part of the shoulder was hidden by the sleeve but the down part of the red star was visible.
- “Better ?” he asked extending his arms on each side of him, showing himself .
- “Way better” you and Steve said in unison
The three of you just laughed at the situation and started walking away. Bucky put his flesh arm on your shoulder to brought you closer to him, you looked up at him and find him smiling down at you before winking.
- “I think we gave him too much confidence, don’t you think Steve ?” you asked looking at the blond soldier.
- “We ? Excuse me but I’m not the one who built a metal arm and make a speech to gave him his confidence back. That’s you !” he pointed at you with his index finger to prove his point.
Bucky looked at the two of you his best friend and his best girl.
He walked closer to Steve and put his arm on his shoulder like he did to you but Steve flinched and back away from Bucky.
- “Hey, your arm is burning, man !”
- “Sorry Stevie. My arm is cool, you don’t like it, I don’t care !” he claimed
- “Yeah Steve don’t get mean to people with metal arm” you faked glare at him
You all laughed again and Bucky felt relieved. He was finally able to show off his arm in public, he wasn’t completely comfortable but it will take time. An with your help he knew that he would overcome his fear.In this moment he was more than happy , with you by his side he didn’t care about the looks that the people around were giving the two of you, he only cared about how happy and accepted you were making him feel.
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itsaseamonster · 7 years
That thing Rowling said about not recasting Depp. Basically fuck off, it would be too expensive to recast him and I'm not a bilionaire anymore, as you all well know yeah and also fuck off.
Seriously. (I paraphrase) "We must remember what is the right thing to do." What is the right thing to do? Recast him!
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oreoassassin · 7 years
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4chan, Af, and America: Anonymous ID:+avAiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 20:38:51 No.14832449View Report f you are avoiding assasination, the last thing you want are clothes that scream 1AM THE PRINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA Anonymous ID:avAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:00:40 No.148327163View Report help you ds thn Saud (King (1932-1953) King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz AJ Saud (Deceased):5th son of King Saud. King of Saud Arabia until his death in 2015. Successor is King Salman Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth King Salman) Current King of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). 8th son of deceased King Abdulaziz lbn Mohammad bin Salman (Henceforth Crown Prince Mohammad] Son of King Salman. Currently next in line to be king after King Salman Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (Former Deputy Crown Prince. Henceforth Muqrin):9th son of deceased King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud. Was next in line to be king f King Salman had died before being crowned king IS THE FATHER OF Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saudt THE MAN KILLED IN THE Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth Mansour):Son of Muqrin bin Abdulaziz. Died 11/5/2017, the day of the failed coup on the Alwaleed bin Talal (Henceforth Talal): Billionaire businessmen Grandson of King Saud. Has ties to DNC, Clinton, Podesta. Arrested 11/4/2017 for corruption. Owns The Four Seasons at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (Four Seasons occupy the top floors of Mandalay Bay) Owns shares in Twiter as well as other high-tech silicon valley companies. Has had spats with Trump in the past I know that's a mouthful of names, but bear with me. Just remember 4 names: Salman, Mohammad, Mugrin, and Mansour Anonymous ID1+svA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:02:18 No.148327351 Do you remember how President Trump visited Saudi Arabia back in May of 20177 Do you remember how warmly he was greeted by King Salman? 1 do It was a spectacle Why was he greeted so welcomingly? Ater all. President Obama's reception was shall we say, less than grand Do you remember how ater Trump's wisit, Saudi Arabia started becoming more open in their policies? Women can drive there now. Did you notice how the Syrian reballion became quiet? Did you notice how quickdy IS S was crushed ater the isit? Why did Saudi Arabia suddenly want to get their oil companies listed on the NYSE? What could have caused this? To answer this, we have to look a ittle further back. Back to around 2010 t all goes back to fracking You see, the Kindom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has always relied heavly on its vast petrol reserves for wealth and prosperity. And they were uthless. OPEC. The cartel of gasoine. You cant count the number of times throughout history that OPEC used its power to crush govemments, manipulate prices, control supplies, and fund activities. If there ever was a international group of bullies, OPEC was it. And at KSA Then came the fracking boom. Suddenly, the world was no longer at the mercy of OPEC. This made them nervous. So, they did what they always do businesses. KSA is rich. Very rich. They figured, we'll just drive gas prices unbelievably low and take the loss until all these fracking business the Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:03:27 No.148327486 Do you remember how cheap gas got between 2013 2016? was ridiculous, wasnt it? But what they didn't count on was just how cheap fracking had become So many of these business didn't go bankrupt. So they took another step. To convince the world that fracking was bad for the evironment. So they lobbied and supplied funds to the Democratic party. Why? Because the leftist are usualy the ones who support ANY and ALL now understand why the Saudis donated so much money to the Cinton campaign? She was HEAVILY favored to win and if she did, you can bet your ass that illegalizing fracking would have been on the top of her list, returning us to dependence on arab oil. But... .this didn't work either You see, KSA had vastly underestimated the amount of total shale reserves in North America. They had no idea that so much of this stuff exists They thought maybe they could ride it out if the reserves would dry up in a decade or so. But nope. We have enough shale to supply us for at least what do you do? Anonymous ID:+vA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:04:19 No.148327596 Well, there's only one thing you can do. Give up the reliance on oil production and try to use existing wealth to stay wealthy. To modernize its trade to include more than just exports af ail. They would need to build an entire industrial country from scratch. To do that, he needed the help of the USA. And that's where President Trump comes in You see and King meeting King Salman asked Trump for help Trump was more than wiling to give it ike listing the oil companies on the NYSE) but his help would come with a price. Liberalization and the stop of llegal funding. No more contributions to American poltics. No more suppling unds to terrorists or splinter groups. King Salman took the deal. Al of a sudden, women were allowed to drive. ISS was retreating. Syrian rebels suddenly ran out of Not all the rayalties in KSA are into this They dont like losing the power they once had. What's worse, they don't want to become liberal. They now start resenting King Salmon. They start plotting against him. At the foretront of this movement is none other than the previous Deputy Crown Prince Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:06:37 No.148327876 October 1, 2017. The top floors of Mandalay Bay isn't Mandalay Bay, but is Four Seasons, owned by bilionaire Talal. Who was occupying that whole foor that night? I can't remember where, but I heard that the whole floor was reserved for that week Now, no one would do that unless they were Saudi royalty. We don't know for sure, but my guess is Crown Prince Miohammad We know it wasn't King Salman, because he was in Russia The plan is to take out the crown prince. Then kill King Salman. With the King and the Crown Prince dead, who is next in ine? Yup The former deputy crown prince, Mugrin. So, posing as terrorists who wanted to buy the guns for some terrorist attack, they dupe the CIA or FBI to supply the guns to the death squad Their real plan is to climb the stairs right ater the deal and kill the VIP in the floors above them. This is why the weapons cashe was located on the 32nd floor. They would only have to climb a few stairs or take the elevator up a little to start the kiling Now, here's what Anonymous ID1+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:07:30 No.148327969 With the post rom u/kneejerk55, I have modified the events of the night. I think t fits much better point, Paddock is thinking this is a gun deal Only a few magazines are loaded. He merely wants to show the customers how to load the chamber etc... What he doesn't know is that the advance team was sent to secure the floor. That all but one entry point to the floor would be barricaded crucial since the reason Campos becomes suspicious of the blocked doors is what utimately leads him to investigate) The reason for the barricade s that once the assaut starts, the assassins want to maloe sure to impede the authorities as much as possible from reaching the top foors CIA/FBI (or Trump's own intelligence) got wind of the assassination that was about to take place. Immediate action is taken to round up the assassins. Remember, we're talking about an army of assassins here. You can't kall a Crown Prince who's protected by 30 armed bodyguards by ID: +avAi yca Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:08:19 No.14 Quoted Dy 3-143328163 3148328380 7/9 What the assassins didn't know was that the prince had disguised himsel as a regular dude to enjoy the nightlife in Vegas. (Saudi princes have been known to do this) He had slipped away fom the Mandalay and was at the Tropicana playing some cards As soon as the FB(or some other agency) leamed of the assassination plot, they stormed the Tropicana and extracted the prince. The video can be seen hare htps.//www. http://youtube.com/watch?v-YVHmshtmDgo They lead him out of the casino and escort him to the nearest helipad to be picked up. BUT, on the way, they encounter some resistance fom a few assassins. Hence the frefight at the airport. Eventualy, he makes it to the chopper and is whisked away This explains the fight radar reports you see all over the net Meanwhile, the FBIl has gathered up as many of the assassins as they can. A few are armed with sidearms. They don't have rifles yet because the rendezvous with Paddock hasnt occurred yet. Hence the random frefights at various casinos that night. A few are killed. Hence the Laura Loomer Anonymous ID:+svAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:09:04 No-148328163 B/9 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the Tropicana. They start panicking. If they get caught in this plot to assassinate the crown prince, not only are they dead, but their employer is dead as well They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they koll Paddock. They break a window They pick up a rnite and start fring at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they realize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fire is over 40 seconds One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away rom the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot :4avAiyCd Mon 06 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the get caught in this plot to assassinate the crawn prince, not well. They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they kill Paddock. They break a window. They pick up a rite and start firing at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they reaize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fre is over 40 seconds. One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away from the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up. By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot is firing are thinking as soon as this barrage is done, we run. But the swat team starts knocking on the door. Fuck. The assassins reaize they're screwed So the frst one shoots himself. (This is the frst of the single shots you hear at the end). The second assassin isnt so sure Anonymous ID:avaiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:23 No.148328450 9/10 The SWAT team bursts in and finds 3 bodies. They start asking questions. But because the FBl is already there (remember, they extracted the prince) they talke over They quickly assess the situation. They realize the implications They remove the 2 assassins bodies, take a picture of Paddock is made the patsy Why? Because if a failed Saud assassination attempt was responsible for the deaths, if the FECIA had supplied the guns that killed 58 innocent people (not counting Paddock since he's an asset), then two things would happen One, we would demand that we go to war with Saudi Arabia. And two, which ever organization that Paddock worked for would be utterly dismantled Wew lads, I know Quite a story Now let's fast forward to one month later We know a missile was intercepted by the Saudi mitary on November 3 or 4th. This was probably the inal effort by the anti King Salman group This was their last ditch effort to kill him. OR, it was staged to give King Salman the excuse to round everyone up in retaliation of the assassination attempt. We know that MASSIVE raids and the rounding of Saudi princes took place on the 5th.Iwill guarantee you that al these people are ant Salman/Mohammad. And who was just kiled? Yes. The son of Mugrin, Mansour. Mansours death was retaliation. I have no doubt of it. He was Ok, now that this has happened, what's next? Well, my guess will be that we will learn all of the funding that has been coming out of Saudi Arabia for the past decade. It will expose their connections to the DNC. We will learn that they have been at the root of all the turmoil in the Middle East Anonymous ID: +ョVAyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:SS No. 148328519 - View Report PS The story works just fine with Paddock as a private illegal guns dealer, meaning the FBUCIA only helped to foil the assassination attempt. He doesnt have to be working for an alphabet agency. However, given the clues from his Iife style (or the utter lack of t)Im betting that he was an 10/10 http://ift.tt/2AgWUSI
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deepestkoalatrash · 8 years
[19.2.2017 19:35:24] abc 123: i dont evne wanna look [19.2.2017 19:35:27] abc 123: cause all probably sell again [19.2.2017 19:35:42] abc 123: my buddy said he dont normally look at much [19.2.2017 19:35:57] abc 123: but if he sees another business on top of the other one he will usually get rid of it if it competes [19.2.2017 19:36:07] abc 123: he said it doesn't happen often but sometimes they do shit like that [19.2.2017 19:36:22] abc 123: but all the ydd iwas make another store for the players not just the vendors [19.2.2017 19:36:56] abc 123: he said he like etheruem more now cause the bankersa re investing into it [19.2.2017 19:37:06] abc 123: he asid after if the etf dont go through he will sell some bitcoin for ether [19.2.2017 19:37:11] abc 123: he starting to warm up to it [19.2.2017 19:37:24] abc 123: i think hes getting tired of bitcoin [19.2.2017 19:37:30] abc 123: hes trying to like it but he knows hwat im saying is right [19.2.2017 19:37:49] abc 123: he said it still main stream though but he gets what im saying now [19.2.2017 19:38:05] abc 123: hes to busy look at icos to see i kept showing him articles on ethereum [19.2.2017 19:38:21] abc 123: hes like man your making me hate bitcoin dude [19.2.2017 19:38:34] abc 123: i loved it now your making me hate it he dones't lilke to look [19.2.2017 19:38:37] abc 123: he just want to see the next ico coming out [19.2.2017 19:38:46] abc 123: and stick with whatever is mainstream but he knows im right now [19.2.2017 19:38:55] abc 123: i got him goign to the dark side [19.2.2017 19:39:09] abc 123: i can tell he doen't want to join the big bnakers but you have to if u wnana make money [19.2.2017 19:39:52] abc 123: hes tilted on golem he thought it would go up to like .10 or .15 cents beign on poloniex [19.2.2017 19:40:50] abc 123: I learned a lot from investing on the stock market you have to look long term [19.2.2017 19:40:55] abc 123: and where all the rich people are investing [19.2.2017 19:40:57] abc 123: or you gonna lose [19.2.2017 19:41:10] abc 123: if a rich guy puts in millions i na crypto  you have a nedge its like a signla that coin gonna do good [19.2.2017 19:41:18] abc 123: its like card counting haha [19.2.2017 19:41:26] abc 123: i bought wells fargo that was the other one i got it was like 18 bucks [19.2.2017 19:41:34] abc 123: cause buffet said hes gonna make it his top holding [19.2.2017 19:41:46] abc 123: so i bought in and road it up to like 40 bucks and sold all the shares [19.2.2017 19:42:10] abc 123: I put 15k into it casue i knew iwth buffet invested he would buy a ton [19.2.2017 19:42:12] abc 123: i wans't evne worried [19.2.2017 19:42:16] abc 123: it wa sfree money [19.2.2017 19:42:32] Dom "DaPokerGun" Pinterich: but aren't there many people following buffet now [19.2.2017 19:42:33] abc 123: its like no way it can fail [19.2.2017 19:42:40] Dom "DaPokerGun" Pinterich: so if he announces they know it will go up [19.2.2017 19:42:42] Dom "DaPokerGun" Pinterich: and it goes up insta [19.2.2017 19:42:44] abc 123: he bought when peopoe hated the stock market [19.2.2017 19:42:48] abc 123: and hated banks [19.2.2017 19:42:51] abc 123: so nobody was buying at th etime [19.2.2017 19:42:55] abc 123: they thought he was nuts [19.2.2017 19:43:02] abc 123: no the ydidn't back then [19.2.2017 19:43:09] abc 123: people thoguht banks were terrible and usa was collapsing [19.2.2017 19:43:11] abc 123: and thought he was nuts [19.2.2017 19:43:20] abc 123: they thought he was nuts for investing in trains [19.2.2017 19:43:30] abc 123: cause it was old school way of delivering stuff [19.2.2017 19:43:41] abc 123: but it ended up being cheaper cause they dont use gas and oil was high [19.2.2017 19:43:46] abc 123: so people delivered by train [19.2.2017 19:43:51] abc 123: instead of by air [19.2.2017 19:43:54] abc 123: hes smart as fuck [19.2.2017 19:44:02] abc 123: people hella question him evne thoug hes a bilionaire [19.2.2017 19:44:08] abc 123: its retarded like people thin tkhey know more then him [19.2.2017 19:44:21] abc 123: they woudl say hes getting old probably has alsheimers [19.2.2017 19:44:26] abc 123: hes holding onto the past [19.2.2017 19:44:31] abc 123: he will go broke [19.2.2017 19:44:44] abc 123: but i bought wells fargo it was 18 he announced hes going heavy into it [19.2.2017 19:44:48] abc 123: ad its gonna be one of his top holdings [19.2.2017 19:44:54] abc 123: so i said fuck 15k wells fargo [19.2.2017 19:44:59] abc 123: all join the elite [19.2.2017 19:45:10] abc 123: i made like 60k or 65k on that thxs to him [19.2.2017 19:45:18] abc 123: i forgot about that one [19.2.2017 19:45:29] abc 123: i think its cause i hate banks [19.2.2017 19:45:34] abc 123: i hated investnig into it [19.2.2017 19:45:52] abc 123: i dont wnat to give banks my money they are scummy pieces of shit [19.2.2017 19:46:02] abc 123: but if buffet moves into it billions of dollars fuck it
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