#fuck i want to make a better one for naomi but i can't find the type of footage i need
linagram · 1 year
everyone's album covers, song previews and album trailer voicelines!
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okay okay i'm actually kinda proud of myself?? :'D like i always prefer just. drawing characters even though i don't really avoid drawing backgrounds and i don't find drawing them that difficult but i rarely pay attention to things like. doors so yeah it's kinda cool that i've managed to come up with ten different door designs and draw them! even though most of them don't even look like doors. it's okay listen i just wanted to make them as weird as their mvs okay
(also about some prisoners having the symbols on their uhhh restraints and most of them not having them. well you see i just didn't have any energy left to draw them so i was like "it's fine i'll just draw the actual symbols later" and guess what. i didn't :) and i'm too tired to draw all of them so y-yeah. honestly maybe i'll change the symbols to something else like it takes way too much time to draw them and they're not even that close to the canon ones)
okay sorry for rambling, you can read everyone's song previews, titles (though you can see them on the covers, but still. or maybe you can't see them i'm sorry if the text is hard to read 😭) and album trailer voicelines under the cut! and also more of my rambling
Album trailer voicelines:
Aimi: "Don't you think that's kind of.. unprofessional?"
Shun: "I-Isn't it a good thing that I'm getting better?"
Naomi: "But in the end, I've simply decided to agree with you."
Kei: "It's time for your punishment, Eiji~"
Eiko: "It's like.. your life finally has a purpose."
Asahi: "I wanna go home, even if I don't have one anymore."
Riku: "Haha, trust me, I'm strong enough to do that."
Reina: "So, yeah, the show's over."
Song titles:
Akio: The King's Execution
Aimi: Mask of Kindness
Shun: Wrong Route
Naomi: Your Story
Kei: Web of Desire
Eiko: As Seen On TV
Asahi: 'Cause I Deserve It
Yurika: Bitter Aftertaste
Riku: Trendsetter
Reina: Death of the Author
Song previews:
Akio: "Come on, fight me, punch me, beat me to death,
Show me how you've really felt about me all this time
There's no one left to support me, no one left to call me "Your Majesty"
I guess it's time for me to admit my defeat" 
"Let's have as much fun as we can today, like this is the last day of our lives
I won't ask you to be careful, I know you won't listen to me anyway
Let's make these moments more colorful than ever before
Let's turn today into our best masterpiece"
"I know that this is the best option, I don't even need a guide
"Real life"? What's that? Some kind of joke?
I know you will love me in every world and universe
Tell me I'm your everything, let me get the best ending"
"I can't believe I found out about this only now
Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't anyone else tell me about this?
Your life was so short, but so full of pain
Does this mean that I've saved you from all that suffering?"
"Congrats, you've fallen right into my trap
Make yourself comfortable, you're in for a long ride
Tying you up, choking and biting
Keep your eyes on me, take those rose-colored glasses off"
"Yay, she did it, good for her! What an icon, am I right?
Haha, thank you, thank you! Serves him right, I know
You've forgiven me, darling, so let me thank you properly
Tell me what you want, I will give you everything and more"
"Give me more, you know that it'll never be enough for me
You want me to repay you? That's funny
Why should you give me so much and get nothing in return?
It's obvious, 'cause I deserve it"
"Please, please, make my world sweet again
This world is so cold, so bitter, if I take a bite, I'll get poisoned for sure
Hey, hey, what are you saying? You want more sugar as well?
Sure, anything for my master! But you're not her, so get out."
"Now, listen, I don't like to do this
I'm not the type to abuse my power
But looks like it's time for you to get what you deserve
So get him, everyone, I'll pat you on the head later"
"What about my crime? What about my sins?
Well, why don't you figure it out yourself?
I'll let you decide, I'll let you write my story
Aren't you the one who's supposed to judge us anyway?"
Random facts about everyone's song titles, lyrics and doors (spoiler-free. mostly):
The silhouettes from Akio's T1 MV are back!
If you've read Aimi's T1 MV description, you probably already went "Wait, is her song title a reference to that mask from her video?" and you are correct!
Shun's song title is kinda supposed to be a pun? Basically it's a reference to dating sims, character routes and all that stuff, but it's also supposed to mean taking a wrong path in life or something like that.
Naomi's song title was the hardest one to come up with and it turned out to be the most boring one. I am so sorry.
I actually wouldn't say that Asahi's door shows his MV that well, since his video will actually have mostly white and green colors, but I thought that a door like that would look boring, so yeah, I made it more colorful!
"Why is Yurika's door like that?" Oh, don't worry, compared to Asahi's door, Yurika's door shows her MV perfectly fine <3
Riku's door. Riku's door made me go through so much pain, IT WAS THE LAST DOOR I CAME UP WITH. I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DRAW. Not even because I dislike his MV, it's just that his MV has this motif that's. Very hard to show as a door. Like all ideas I had just sounded stupid so I decided to go with something like this instead. Also I still hate drawing chains and I used a brush instead.
Yes, Naomi's door just. Looks like a diary. BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DOOR OKAY I TRIED
Reina's door having a more "actor-like" motif probably doesn't make much sense because of the song title, but trust me, it does. And yes, her song title is based on the trope of the same name.
Aimi's song lyrics kinda sound like a sequel to her T1 song though i guess her t2 song can be called that here, but the rest of the lyrics sound more different. And yes, there will be more of their song lyrics in the MV descriptions this time >:)
Kei's song lyrics are actually supposed to be much more sad this time and even the chorus will sound differently in the end.
Reina, please, stop breaking the fourth wall, you're becoming way too powerful.
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
ok but like kendall is never beating the deep in the closet allegations (in MY opinion) because like EVERYTHING in his marriage reeks of desperate attempts to perform normalcy in some way and fucking. win being a person. like he wants to be a good father and husband SO badly but he only wants that as a concept. he wants to be the ceo he wants to be a better father than logan he wants to be a better husband than logan but he doesn't. want to father his children. he doesn't want to be with his wife. like. I am still thinking about his attempt at getting back with rava when he first became ceo. he. he really thought he was going to finally win at being normal. performing well as a businessman and performing well as a father and husband are the same thing in his mind. he never fucking asks himself what would actually make him, the person he ACTUALLY FUCKING IS, happy. this is closet case behavior.
his other relationships with women follow similar patterns, although rava is obviously unique by the virtue of being his wife and therefore forever connected in his mind to a Perfect vision of his own life. He mostly dates women as a way to assert himself and his masculinity and prowess, with the notable exception of Naomi, who he clings to desperately because she ALSO works as a conduit for his idealized version of himself (a more progressive one, a more emotionally healthy one, the version of himself that isn't desperately lonely). I think it is important to note that the period of his relationship with Naomi and his general whistle-blower era is also a period when he makes an attempt to reconnect with his children again. but that all goes to shit when he inevitably fails to live up to the expectation he set for himself (because. that always happens) and finds that!! well!! he is still fucking himself!!!! no matter how much he twists and turns he can’t fucking do it! he can't win being a person! he can't! the performance is draining and he is alone and he is tired and no matter how hard he tries he is still an addict, he is still "screwy", he is still a fuck-up, he is still the person that failed to fucking drown when he should have!
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Nobody writes Reedus bad boy characters like you so I have an idea for you (if you're up for it) - Justin from Sunlight Jr. His character goes to the convenience store looking for Naomi Watts's character but she has quit. Instead he finds a new cashier who's really bored working the overnight shift and looking for something (someone) to do. Barely any customers come in anyway, and the backroom is right there... 😈
Hi pretty!!
I'm here with your Justin request! It's the first time that I write about him, so be gentle with me, please.
I hope you'll like it!!
A day on the supermarket.
Justin x Reader.
One shot. Request.
Warnings: swearing. Justin is a asshole. Smut. Rough sex. Dirty talk.
Words: 2100
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon @livingdeadblondequeen
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You're so bored, the night shift is the worst you can have at Sunlight Jr. It's also true that the pay is higher, but still few take it. You need to get out of that damn town as soon as possible, you need the money, so the shift is fine.
The door is then heard and you raise your head, surprised that someone is awake. To your surprise a man walks in, a little older than you, short dark blond hair, intense blue eyes, with a funny mole above his lip. He is wearing black sunglasses on his head, even though it is nighttime, a chain necklace around his neck, a black tank top and sweatpants. You watch him curiously and see him pull out his wallet.
"Pump two." He says without barely looking at you, chewing gum.
He's pumped gas, that makes sense, or so you think, he doesn't look like he's coming from work, but you're not going to judge him. You type in the amount and wait for him to give you the money. When he raises his head with the money in his hand, he frowns and stops you from taking the bills.
"Who the fuck are you?" he asks with a bark at the end of the sentence.
"And who the fuck are you?" you reply with the same tone.
"Where's Missy?" He asks again, ignoring you.
"She's not." You shrug.
"Did they change her shift?"
"No, she's gone." You don't even know if you should tell him that, but suddenly you see his gesture harden and he purses his lips into a tight line.
"She's gone? Where?"
"I don't know, are you going to pay me or not?" you growl and he seems to tense up even more.
"Tell me if she works at another shitty place like this now."
"There's no other shitty place like this, in this town, asshole and no, she's just gone." You shrug again. "Look if your girlfriend left you with hard balls it's not my problem, give me the fucking money and get the fuck out of here."
"Bitch." He growls in response throwing the money at you and storms out slamming the door.
"Asshole." You snap back taking the bills and go on with your boring shift.
You find out his name is Justin, your partner tells you about him, he's Melissa's ex-boyfriend, apparently it was common for Justin to show up at the Sunlight to see her, bother her or just try to win her back, which seemed pretty pathetic in your eyes. That girl deserved better than a prick like him.
"He's cute, but never trust him, he can be with you today and tomorrow with you and someone else at the same time." Your coworker comments to you, you snort in amusement.
"Like I care." You roll your eyes. "He keeps showing up on my night shift and I wanted to know if I should take the baseball bat from home." She laughs and shakes her head.
"It's okay. Good night." She waves goodbye to you and you smile.
"Good night, see you tomorrow." You say goodbye too and leave the counter to start work.
The advantage of the evening hours is that you have much more time to do tasks that in the morning, due to the high volume of people, you can't do, picking products out of place, tidying shelves, replenishing stock, cleaning bathrooms, more thoroughly, checking and updating the warehouse stock. Unfortunately it doesn't take up the whole night and you soon start to get bored again.
The door is heard then, in the time you've been working a few people have shown up to get some cigarettes, alcohol and toilet paper, even a mother looking for powdered milk for her baby, but it's been almost an hour. You sigh, leaving your notebook on the shelf in the storeroom, and go out into the store.
"Good ni..." You start to say, but fall silent when you discover who it is.
Justin is leaning against the counter, again in his tank top and fishing shorts. His eyes bore into you and you cross your arms as he fiddles with his car keys in his hand.
"What are you doing here?"
"You shouldn't leave the box alone, some thief might come and take the money." He replies cocking his head to the side.
"Is that what you intended to do? You're not very smart then." You answer him back and see him smiling half-sideways.
"You're quick..."
"Look, if you're looking for Melissa..."
"That's not why I'm here..."
"Then what do you want?" you ask again. Your shift is already boring enough to have to put up with him.
He chews his lower lip several times before walking towards you, instinctively backing away until your back hits one of the shelves. He keeps moving towards you until his chest sticks to yours. Your breathing goes a mile a minute, your hands search for something to hit him with if you feel he's going to do something stupid, you close your eyes as he leans forward and hold your breath. You hear something jiggle in your ear and you open your eyes again to find he's holding a packet of condoms in his hand.
"I have company tonight and I need backup." He says in a raspy voice and your skin crawls with goose bumps.
"Looks to me like you've got the wrong size..." You try to regain your composure, Justin looks down at the package and snaps.
"You're right." He puts them down and picks up another package a size up.
You feel your lower belly shrink as a chuckle escapes you through your teeth. You drop the shampoo you had taken as a weapon and break away from him to go back to the counter and collect the condoms.
"If you want I can stay and have some fun." He says then, you look at him sideways.
"What makes you think I would have fun with you?" you ask with derision.
"Trust me honey, you'll have fun."
"Trust me, honey." You mimic him with a quip. "You're not as irresistible as you think you are."
Justin's smile doesn't disappear though, it even gets a little wider. He takes the pack of condoms leaving the money on the counter and walks out of the supermarket without taking his eyes off you. You sigh long leaning your forehead against the glass of the counter, you still feel your body trembling a little. It's true that Justin is not your type, that you wouldn't date someone like him, but he's wild and attractive, you can't deny it, his intense stare and his punk side gives you chills. In a good way.
When you manage to pull yourself together, you head back to the warehouse to continue with your chores. You don't reach for your notebook when you feel arms around your body pushing you against the shelf. You get scared, you're not going to deny it, you try to fight, to get him to let go, you feel his hands on your waist and his nose brush against your neck.
"You're fucking unbearable." He growls and you recognize Justin's voice, your heart calms a little.
"L-let go of me, Justin, this is harassment..."
"Harassment?" he whispers against your ear. You can't suppress the moan that escapes you in time as he reaches inside your pants and squeezes your pussy over your panties. "How can it be harassment when you're completely wet?" he speaks against your ear again, his fingers move quickly over your clit and your body arches involuntarily, moaning again.
"J-Justin..." You try to keep control, you hold his wrist, but he bites down on your neck, never letting go of your touch.
"You love to tease me, always teasing me, always with those little angel eyes, like you've never done anything wrong." He keeps talking and you have to hold on to the shelf because the pleasure starts to shake your body.
"N-no... I..." You babble, but are silenced when his fingers leave your clit and move down a little further, the tip of his finger digging into your cunt. "F-fuck..." You bite your lip spreading your legs further apart.
"Are you still going to tell me you don't want this?" he asks again in your ear. A moan is all you get in response.
You sigh as he pulls away from you, you feel like you can breathe again, but he doesn't give you much time since recovering. He turns your body to unbutton and remove your pants, your panties follow shortly after, Justin pulls down his pants, just enough to pull out his cock, hard, thick, seeking attention. You swallow hard as your eyes roam over it, and you see Justin smile in amusement, shake it in his hand, and move back towards you.
"Wait, Justin, the condoms..."
"Don't worry, I'm not going to cum inside." He assures you.
He lifts you up without too much effort, leaning your body against the shelf, spits on his hand and slowly enters you.
"Fuck, so tight..." He grunts and pushes a little harder making you moan.
"God, Justin..." You hold onto his shoulders feeling his cock stretch you and touch that spot that makes you shudder.
"You like this, don't you?" he licks his lips and moves his hips very slowly. "I can feel you squeezing me, how your pussy wants me inside..." He gasps and you roll your eyes as his cock hits a perfect spot inside you.
"F-f-fuck Justin...!" You are unable to say anything more coherent.
"There it is..." He smiles and holding you tightly he starts moving at the same angle.
His thrusts are fast and deep, the curve of his cock makes him hit you accurately with his tip, that point that makes you see little sparks, your skin bristles and you become a moaning mess. Your legs dance over his arms, his hands firmly grip your ass and he keeps moving your body against his cock, the sound of your bodies being muffled by your moans and his grunts between his teeth. The steady rattling of the rack follows the rhythm of Justin's hips as he starts to go faster, seeking his own relief.
"Uhm your pussy's taking me so fucking good..." He mumbles through his teeth, his fingers digging into the tender skin of your ass.
"Justin! Justin!" You call out, grabbing onto his shoulders again.
He quickly pulls his cock out and rubs it until he cums, staining your belly and your work shirt. You lean your forehead against his, getting trapped against his body and the rack. Justin pulls your legs off his shoulders and kneels in front of you, spreads your legs apart and lifts one over his shoulder. His nose grazes your slit and his tongue runs along your folds.
"For the love of..." You arch up holding onto the furniture as your knees begin to shake.
His tongue runs along you, fucking you with intensity, his fingers torture your clit and his free hand seeks your tit, squeezing your nipple. Too many sensations at the same time, pleasure swirls in your lower belly as his lips close over your clit and he sucks hard. You can't stop trembling, your legs want to close but he holds you in place as you cum in his mouth and are about to fall to the floor.
Panting hard, you slowly regain your composure, Justin gets up from the floor, wiping his lips. Your gazes meet and he shows you your panties.
"These are mine now." He tells you and adjusting his pants, he leaves.
It's not the only night Justin shows up looking for you. After your first meeting, it becomes almost a regular occurrence. The first few hours are spent working, you take care of the more heavy and hard things, after a few hours, the blond appears through the door and neither of you need to say anything, you close the entrance and lose yourselves among the shelves of the warehouse. While you hold on to the shelves and he fucks you giving you some spanking, countless dirty words come out of your mouths, but when it's all over, neither of you have anything else to say, Justin gets dressed, takes a souvenir, and you go back to your work feeling more relaxed or so tired that you really don't even know what you're doing.
It's been several weeks since all that started. Justin walks in, as he does every night, through the door, chews his lip hard and frowns slightly. He walks to the counter, discovering your partner, Molly, there.
"Hi, Justin, how can I help you?"
"Where's your coworker?" He asks trying to sound neutral. "Has she changed shifts?"
"Oh, no, she left." She explains and Justin frowns harder. "She was covering the night shift because she needed the money, she's been awarded a scholarship to college and she left." She says smiling, proud of you.
"College? Do you know if...she's coming back?"
"I highly doubt it, she hated this town." She sighs and looks at him apologetically. "Sorry, Justin, maybe if you weren't such a dick, you'd meet a real nice girl."
The End.
I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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vannahmontannah · 7 months
Rest of the story on Wattpad @ VannahMontannah For the past couple of days, I have been super busy! I'm talking everybody taxes done came and the firsts thing on they mind is a car. On of them days was my off day, but I didn't mind showing up. I made it home and played with my dog for a little bit and decided to check the mail.
"These past couple days...I need a vacation,"
Bzzz Bzzz
"What you doing?" Naomi asked.
"Checking my mail. Wassup?"
"I just wanted to talk,"
"What's wrong?"
"Duke...when you were hanging out with Zuri, how did you feel?"
"I just wanna know if I'm not crazy. I've been seeing someone and...I'm afraid she may leave me for someone else...it's scary out here,"
"If they really fuck with you then they would make some happen. I had genuine feelings for that woman...but I knew better. I knew better..."
"I feel the same way, like, I like her attitude, her energy, she's smart and open minded. We've been talking for a while and I don't know if she's ever gonna ask me out,"
"Why don't you ask her out?"
"Because I'm a princess,"
"Of course..."
"It's been two months and I know she likes me too, but she hasn't said anything. What should I do?"
"You definitely shouldn't be quiet about it. Ask what ya doing. Ask questions about ya relationship and where do ya see it going. If you want something, go for it. I know the one who initiated it should make all the moves, but it never hurts to ask,"
"I'm scared of the answer imma get,"
"Gotta let that go. Can't waste your time and she ain't on that level with you,"
I was going through my mail and came across and letter...from Atlanta. Who wrote me a letter from Atlanta?
"You think I should just ask her what we doing?"
"Yeah...yeah. Naomi imma call you back, okay?"
"Okay. Imma text you,"
"Cool. Later,"
I know this ain't who I think it is. I just know this ain't who I think it is.
"I'm truly sorry for my actions and the pain they caused. The weight of regret has been heavy on my heart, knowing that I hurt someone I deeply care about. Please believe me when I say that I care about you immensely, and the thought of causing you distress is unbearable. I hope you can feel the sincerity in my words when I express how much I regret what transpired between us. My apologies come from the deepest part of my soul, desiring nothing more than to make amends. I understand that saying "I'm sorry" might not instantly heal the wounds, but I am committed to showing you through my actions that I am truly remorseful. The realization of your hurt has been a wake-up call for me to reflect and recognize the impact of my actions. I wish more than anything that I could turn back time and erase my mistakes, but in lieu of that, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Your well-being means the world to me, and I am dedicated to proving that to you. Please give me the chance to demonstrate not just through words but through consistent actions that I am genuinely sorry and that I truly care about you."
All these emotions are swirling inside me as I read the letter. I am uncertain about what to think or do in this moment. Is she really going to get married? Is she still together with Justin? There are too many questions racing through my mind right now. With her asking for forgiveness, mentioning her return to town, and having a new home, everything feels overwhelming. It's hard for me to process everything at once. Fuck...
"Fuck!" I yelled. This is ridiculous, bruh. Now what the fuck am I supposed to do? Shut her out? Forgive her? Talk to her? I'm stuck! I usually just let them spiral, but Zuri was a charm. She was like that special charm on your bracelet that you admire. The one that's your favorite.
Okay...why is it ALWAYS raining?? Not just raining—thundering.
"Who is it?"
"Yo! Who is it?"
I went up to the door and the peephole was covered. Now who playing on my door?
"Aye man, whoever you are, stop playing on my door—"
I stared at the door for a few seconds. This can't be. After all this time my heart was torn, she decides to come back and think shit good? She has some nerve being at my door step right now. I grabbed Milo and put him in my room.
"Duke! Can you please open up?"
Fuck! Should I even open the door?!
She knocked on the door and said, "Duke, I need to talk to you. The wedding is off, okay? There's no more Justin. He's out of the picture. Can you please open the door?" She paused, feeling regret for her actions. "I know what I did was wrong, but I am deeply sorry for what I did. You were right...I should have said no. I don't know what I was thinking."
"How can I believe you?"
"Duke, there's no more nothing! I'm single! I'm all for you! But you knew I was with someone too,"
"Zuri, you hurt my heart. You accepted his proposal and that broke me! I was down for months!"
"I know and I'm sorry! Duke, I don't know how many times in gonna apologize. I've said all I could say. I came from ATL back home to do this and wrote you a letter. I was gonna leave the voicemail, but I froze. You're all I was thinking about! DUKE JUST OPEN THE DOOR!"
Everything went quiet for a while. No one said a word to each other.
"Fine...you don't wanna talk to me? Cool. But just remember...remember one thing...I tried. Okay? I tried..."
I unlocked the door and cracked it open.
(Play media)
"Come on..."
She walked inside and I closed and locked my door. She had on some jeans, boots, a coat, some gloves and a beanie. She was holding an umbrella in her hand as well. I took the umbrella from her and placed it against the wall.
"Took you long enough,"
"Why are you here? You're moving back?"
"Yeah. I never stopped looking for a place here,"
"How did Justin take the news?"
"That's not important,"
"You gotta tell me later since I let you inside,"
"Fine, but Duke I have been trying to get in contact with you, I was just..." she sighed. "It was so much going on,"
"I bet it was,"
"I missed you a lot,"
"...I realized how wrong it was for me to try to come between you and your long-term partner. Though my actions were inexcusable, I couldn't stand seeing the way he mistreated you, and I found myself drawn to your side. Before I knew it, my feelings for you had grown so strong that I couldn't turn back. Being with you now brings me immense joy and makes me feel truly happy. Your presence brightens my day like nothing else could,"
"It shattered me too. I knew I should have said no and I knew I hurt you, bad. But I'm here now. Can you please forgive me?"
The moment I leaned in to kiss her, I was engulfed by a sensation of warmth and passion that I'd never experienced before. It was a spontaneous act, fueled by the intense chemistry that had been building between us for what felt like an eternity. Our lips met, and instantly, there was a connection, electric and undeniable. It was as if the world around us had faded into the background, leaving just the two of us, lost in the depth of our kiss. The way she responded, with equal fervor, told me she felt the same overwhelming emotions. Her lips were soft, yet insistent, and the gentle caress of her hands on my back sent shivers down my spine. This wasn't just a kiss; it was an admission of mutual desire, a promise of more to come. As we finally broke apart, breathless and with hearts racing, we shared a look that spoke volumes. There was a certain magic in that moment, a profound connection that words could never fully capture. It was a kiss that altered the course of our relationship, marking the beginning of something truly passionate and deep.
Intimacy, love, and passion are the cornerstones of any deeply connected relationship, weaving a tapestry of bonds that are both delicate and resilient. Our connection transcended the mere physical realm, touching the essence of our beings, making us intimately connected at a soulful level. This profound intimacy was not just about being physically close but about understanding each other's deepest fears, hopes, and dreams. Love, in its most authentic form, enveloped us, creating a safe haven where our vulnerabilities could be exposed without fear of judgment. Passion was the fuel that kept our connection vibrant, a fervent desire not just for each other's bodies but for the minds and spirits that dwelled within. In our intimate space, love and passion danced in harmony, each moment shared was a testament to the depth of our connection. It was in the quiet moments, in the gentle caresses, and in the shared glances full of unspoken words where our intimacy flourished. Our passion for life, for each other, was the glue that bonded us firmly, creating a fortress of love against the world. Every laugh, every tear, and every whisper shared in our intimate spaces etched a story of love, passion, and profound intimacy. We were not just lovers but soulmates, perfectly aligned in our desires, dreams, and the undying love that enveloped us, making our bond beautifully unbreakable.
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ladylilithprime · 2 years
Tell It On The Mountain
Summary: Castiel was able to protect himself and Dean when Dick Roman exploded, but it weakened him badly, as did getting Kevin away from Crowley and back to the safety of his mother. When angels show up under orders from Naomi to bring Castiel in by whatever means necessary, a banishing sigil is the most effective way to get rid of them. If only it didn't mean banishing a weakened Castiel too. If only Sam had not been dragged along for the ride.
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Frank discussions of sexuality and angelic bonding, references to Sam's Hell trauma and demon blood, manifested angel wings, truth compulsions, love confessions, marriage proposals.
For @mrswhozeewhatsis for the Secret Santa Fic Exchange over at the @spnfanficpond . Merry happy whatever it is you celebrate, dear!
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IT WAS INSTINCT that made Sam lunge for and grab hold of Castiel's arm when Dean's hand hit the banishing sigil. Weakened as he still was from the confrontation at SucraCorp when he had shielded himself and Dean from the backlash of exploding Dick, Castiel was still an angel, and while the sigil would definitely get rid of the angels attacking them on orders from Naomi long enough for Dean and Sam to get away, a part of Sam was screaming that Castiel wasn't strong enough to take a banishing right now. He had hoped to somehow keep Castiel from being banished at all, that the angel's weakened Grace would mean Sam could anchor him, but as the sigil flared to life and every angel cried out as they were ripped away from the warehouse, Sam felt it when the sigil latched onto Castiel's meager Grace and send him and Sam both hurtling through the folds of reality.
They landed in a heap, limbs tangled together in an ungainly sprawl on the ground. The first thing that Sam noticed beyond how much his body ached from the way it had felt like he was being ripped into atoms and scattered by the sigil was that Castiel was unconscious against him. The second thing he noticed was the presence of massive dark-feathered wings wrapped around him, as if Castiel had instinctively reached with his wings to protect Sam the way Sam had instinctively reached to try and keep Castiel anchored. The third thing he noticed was that they were somewhere very, very cold and high up, with snow and rocks and thinner air than he was used to.
The fourth thing he noticed was his cell phone ringing.
"Dean?" he groaned into the phone when he finally managed to fumble the device out of his pocket and open it with hands shaking from firing nerves and freezing air.
"Sam!" Dean's voice came through the crackling line, loud and panicked. "Damn it, where the hell are you?!"
"With Cas," Sam coughed. Damn, even that hurt. Ow. "I grabbed him to try and keep him from being banished with the other angels but the sigil banished him, too, and I got dragged along for the ride."
"Can he get you back here?" was the next, predictable question.
"He's unconscious," Sam informed his brother. "His Grace was so depleted, I didn't want to risk him ending up somewhere he couldn't get back from."
"And now you're stranded who the fuck knows where until he wakes up!" Dean yelled, making Sam wince and pull the phone away from his ear. "What if those asshat angels Naomi sent after us recover first and decide to target him and find you, huh?"
"Then they find me and Cas and I probably end up killing an angel," Sam growled. "I'm not leaving him alone and defenseless, Dean, and aside from some bruises from the landing I'm fine. Save your worry about me and get yourself somewhere safe behind wards so they can't come back and grab you to use as a hostage!"
There was a tense silence from the other end of the phone connection, and then finally Dean grumbled, "You both had better make it back in one piece, you hear me?"
"I'll call you when Cas is recovered enough to fly us out and you can tell us where to meet you," Sam promised.
Dean wasn't completely satisfied with that, but he only grumbled a little more before hanging up. Sam's sigh of relief quickly turned into a shiver as the wind picked up enough to send a gust of cold air in between Castiel's wings to bite at his neck. They needed to get out of the snow and under some cover before Sam at least started getting hypothermia, even if Castiel seemed to be unconsciously protecting him from the worst of the cold with his wings.
There was something there, some bit of lore about humans and angel wings that was on the edge of Sam's recall, but he was too focussed now on their continued survival to think about it beyond the insulation properties they were currently demonstrating. Much as he didn't want to move out of their shelter, he knew he was going to need to get up and look around for somewhere safe to hole up until Castiel regained consciousness, and he would probably do that faster if his Grace didn't have to work so hard to keep his vessel (and Sam as well) from freezing out in the open. With that thought in mind, Sam shoved his phone back inside his pocket the best he could and awkwardly fumbled to brace himself somewhere that wasn't on an unconscious angel to lift his head and look around.
To his relief, they seemed to have landed near a cleared area that had the dip beneath the snow of a worn path or animal track, and higher up perhaps fifty yards or so along Sam could just make out the shape of a blocky, boxy structure tucked partially into the trees. Extracting himself from Castiel's wings was tricky due to the way that they kept curling around him, and the air beyond them was unpleasantly cold, so Sam eventually managed to awkwardly crouch over Castiel and lift him up to hold him upright against his chest, positioning his booted feet carefully under the more slick dress shoes, and then awkwardly frog-walking them both up the path through the snow toward the structure that he hoped would be up to providing shelter.
It was a cabin, small, maybe just one room and no guarantee of plumbing, but solid. Even better, none of the windows appeared to be broken, and the lock was simple enough for Sam to pick one-handed. Not for the first time did Sam give silent thanks, while being very careful not to actually allow the thought to become prayer, that the paranoid hunter lifestyle he led meant that he always had his lockpicks and a couple of disposable lighters on his person at all times. The door closed behind them, cutting them off from the wind, and Sam let out the breath he had been trying to hold onto and surveyed the interior.
The fireplace with its accompanying chimney caught his attention first, along with the small stack of chopped wood set against the stone. Eventual safe source of external heat, check. Next thing he saw was the table with two chairs that seemed to be in a section designated a kitchen with a sink and a hand pump. Potential source of water, tentative check, with snow outside to melt as a backup. Mental note to check for a pot or kettle in the cabinets that can be stuck in or over the fire to heat water, and a second mental note to inventory what food might be available. And then Sam's eyes landed on the bed against the far wall, approximately Queen size with a somewhat dusty looking quilt and two thin pillows on a solid-looking wooden frame. It was this direction he chose, shuffling over towards the bed and almost toppling over onto it.
The quilt was indeed dusty when Sam fumbled it up one-handed to shake it towards the end of the bed. He left it crumpled there to give it a more thorough shake outside when he had a moment, instead carefully easing Castiel down onto the bed and maneuvering him to where his head rested on one of the pillows and his legs stretched out along the somewhat lumpy mattress. Not the most comfortable place to sleep, but not the worst, and definitely better for retaining body heat than trying to sleep on the floor.
With the angel situated as comfortably as Sam could manage, he set about extracting himself from the feathered embrace again. Castiel's wings were no more willing to let Sam go than they had been outside, but now Sam had the advantage of height and angle to shimmy his way down along Castiel's body until he could slip free of the wings which promptly folded closed around Castiel. Sam hoped that was a good sign and went to get a fire started in the fireplace, opening the flue so the room would not end up choked with smoke.
By the time he heard Castiel starting to stir from the direction of the bed, Sam had a decent fire going and the small cabin was considerably warmer than it had been. He had also managed to find a couple of cans of tomato soup that had not yet expired to add to the pot of melted snow that had started coming down about twenty minutes after they'd gotten into the cabin and was now coming down hard enough to block the view of the outside.
"I'm here, Cas," Sam called back. He checked the soup, then moved it a little away from the fire to keep it from burning before getting up and approaching the bed and the prone angel blinking at him. "How're you feeling?"
"Sore," Castiel said at length, pronouncing the word with the careful deliberation of someone who is trying out a word and feeling surprised that it fits. "What... where...?"
"Dean used the banishing sigil," Sam answered him. "I grabbed you to try and keep it from taking you away along with the angels attacking us, but instead it took me along with you. We landed somewhere up in some mountains near this cabin, and I'm hoping you'll be able to tell where once you've recovered more. I'm fine. Dean is also fine, though worried about us, and getting himself somewhere safe. And there's a snowstorm kicking up outside, but I've got a fire going so we won't freeze and there's some tomato soup if you think eating something will help."
"Eating may help," Castiel admitted, looking rather disgruntled by it. He shifted carefully as if moving to sit up, his wings unfurling a little, and then froze, his eyes wide. "Sam... my wings...."
"Your wings were out when we landed, and they seemed pretty determined to stay wrapped around me," Sam said gently, hoping the confirmation would not cause Castiel too much distress. His stomach dropped when Castiel only looked more alarmed, and he hurried to add, "I'm sorry I couldn't ask you for permission before touching them. I know that's important, though I can't quite remember why. They're really soft and warm," he finished on a mumble, finally able to make himself shut up as he ducked his head.
"While I would have preferred to be awake for it, I do not mind you touching my wings," Castiel said after a moment. His tone sounded a little off to Sam, though, and when he peered up through the fall of his hair at Castiel's face the angel's expression was a mix of consternation and dismay. Catching Sam looking at him, he carefully pushed himself up the rest of the way to a seated position and asked, "Sam, can you lie to me?"
"I usually prefer not to," Sam answered cautiously, biting his lip when Castiel rolled his eyes. "D'you mean can I lie to you right now?"
"Yes, that is what I meant," Castiel answered. "I understand you prefer not to, but please do try to tell me a lie now."
"Um, okay," Sam said, casting around in his mind for something that he could possibly lie about before opening his mouth and saying, "I actually don't mind hearing Dean call me Sammy even when I say otherwise because when he does it feels a little like he's forgiven me for fucking up so much and he still loves me and sees me as his brother instead of a demon-tainted monster he has to watch for when I go dark side."
Castiel blinked.
Sam blinked, feeling himself going a little light-headed. "I didn't mean to say any of that."
"I believe you," Castiel nodded slowly. "That is not something you would readily admit to anyone, much less me, if you were not being compelled to speak nothing but truth. And yes, I know what is causing it," he added, apparently anticipating the question Sam had just opened his mouth to ask. "It is a facet of what happens when a human touches an angel's wings. Normally, an angel would only show their wings to a human with whom that angel wishes to form a permanent mating bond. The bond is initiated once the human touches the angel's wings, and then both the human and the angel are then under a compulsion to speak only the truth to each other for up to a week or until the bond is consummated to ensure there is no deception or miscommunication between the two and they both desire the bonding to proceed."
"That sounds like something I really should have remembered," Sam muttered a little weakly, reaching up to scrub a hand over his face. "So, what does that mean for us right now, since you didn't show me your wings on purpose?"
"It means that for the next week you and I cannot lie to each other," Castiel answered with a shrug, his wings moving with the motion enough to draw Sam's attention until he dragged his eyes resolutely back to Castiel's face. "There was already something of a bond between the two of us from when I raised you from the Cage and then later took on your pain, though it has never been formalized as such before you touched my wings. Although considering this, I suspect that my wings acted to protect you when you were dragged along with me by the banishing sigil, so it is more accurate to say that my wings touched you." When Sam could only stare at him, Castiel gave a small, somewhat rueful smile. "I will attempt to apologize if you wish, but I find that I do not feel particularly regretful beyond having lost consciousness and being unable to explain all this sooner. As I have already admitted that I do not mind the idea of you touching my wings and the time frame will not reset with further contact, it will be useful to have them physically present to provide further insulation against the cold for you while I regain enough strength to fly."
Well, that last part was something Sam could wrap his head around more easily than all the rest of it. "How soon do you think that will be, and is there any way I can help you regain your strength faster? Don't get me wrong, under other circumstances I wouldn't be in any kind of hurry for us to leave even with the limited resources available, but I don't know how long my phone's battery is going to last, and you know how Dean gets when he's worried."
"I am familiar, yes," Castiel said dryly, sparking a soft chuckle from Sam. Yeah, after this many years, Castiel probably knew almost as well as Sam what Dean was like when he was in any number of moods. More seriously, the angel continued, "It will take me approximately seventy-six hours to regain enough strength to fly under present conditions. Were I able to draw in my wings rather than leaving them manifested, the time would shorten to sixty-three hours, half that time if I still had access to my vessel's soul to bolster my Grace as is meant to be the case when angels are on extended furlough from Heaven."
"But you can't because Jimmy was reaped during the Apocalypse so you're alone in there," Sam guessed, grimacing when Castiel nodded. "And the reason you can't draw in your wings--"
"Is because we are in the first stage of bonding as mates," Castiel finished. Sam tried not to wince; that was definitely a more delicate way of saying "you touched my wings and now we're engaged" despite the directness. And Castiel was watching him with a faintly troubled expression. With careful deliberation, the angel said, "Sam, if you do not need to immediately tend to either the fire or the soup, I would appreciate it if you could sit down with me while we have this conversation."
It was a question that wasn't phrased as a question, Sam realized. No expectation of verbal response, no compulsion for speaking, just a statement of what Castiel wanted without demand or requirement to answer or comply. It was actually more considerate than Sam could have expected even Dean to be under the circumstances, and it eased a small portion of his nerves even as it made his stomach flutter in a way he didn't want to pay too close attention to at the moment. A glance towards the fire let him know that it was still burning well and the soup wasn't too close to the flames, so Sam gingerly perched himself on the bed, doing his best not to sit on or jostle Castiel's nearest wing,
"Are--" he started, then stopped and bit his lower lip as he made himself work out a better, less demanding phrasing for what he wanted to ask. If Castiel was going to be considerate like that, the least he could do was reciprocate the lack of direct questions. "I would like to know if there is anything else that can help you regain strength, anything that you might not otherwise tell me out of... I don't know, concern for my mental health or comfort. Even if it turns out to be something I can't do for whatever reason, I would much rather have all the information before making any decisions."
"Of course," Castiel answered, recognition and understanding lighting up his eyes only to be followed swiftly by sorrow. Sam dropped his eyes and tried not to hunch in on himself, because of course Castiel would be able to pick up on why not having all the information available might bother Sam after so many times when a lack of specific information had proved critical, fatal, or even outright Apocalyptic. With his eyes down, Sam couldn't see the angel's face, but he did see the way his wings twitched forwards as if to wrap around him before going still again. "There are two other methods for bringing me more rapidly to greater strength. The first is to make direct contact with a soul of sufficient strength, though this method would cause much physical pain to the human in question and potentially trigger a traumatic flashback in someone who has previously been subjected to an attempt at direct contact for investigative purposes despite not necessarily remembering the event."
"Right," Sam mumbled, easily catching the implications since he was the only human around. There was a brief flash of memory, of Castiel standing over him and the feel and taste of leather between his teeth before pain flared and the memory slipped away again. "Let's table that one as perhaps a last resort for now, and I would still like to hear the second method."
"We consummate the bond through sexual intercourse," Castiel said, blunt but subdued, and Sam froze. "With the bond fully consummated, solemnized and sealed, I would be able to not only draw in my wings to better conserve my Grace but I would also be able to draw upon your soul through our bond to regain my strength. There are, of course, other effects of a solemnized bond, but those are the ones relevant to the question of our ability to fly back to rejoin Dean when he is somewhere safe. While this would be a much less physically painful or potentially triggering method, it is not one I would choose to rush simply for the sake of expediency."
"Yeah, no, that, uh...." Sam swallowed against the tight knot in his throat and shook his head. "I mean, spur of the moment marriages are usually a bad idea by human standards even with the reputation Vegas chapels have, and I'm betting angel marriage is a bit more permanent than the standard human 'until death do us part' bit, never mind 'until the ink on the annulment paperwork is dry'."
"Considerably so, yes," Castiel agreed. Sam just caught it when Castiel's eyes flicked up to Sam and then skittered away again. "Though too I have seen successful marriages made for political reasons become well-suited matches through time and mutual respect and communication. An angelic marriage would certainly not lack for time, and I understand friendship is considered a good basis for a relationship, even one between a human and an angel... though, of course, the angel would understand if his previous betrayals prevent the human from considering him as a potential romantic partner."
It could not possibly be what it sounded like. It couldn't. Sam had to be misunderstanding somehow, because the words he was hearing - soft, earnest, achingly sincere, and unbelievable - made it sound like Castiel was saying that he wanted to marry Sam, but that he thought Sam wouldn't want to marry him. That he thought Sam had never looked at him that way, that he'd never lain awake at night trying desperately not to let his painful longing thoughts become prayers, that he hadn't clung to and treasured every touch and hug and glance that was sent his way without some sort of prompting of injury or expediency. That he hadn't already forgiven Castiel the betrayal while he was under the control of the Leviathans or the harsh words spoken while under Heaven's control or stressed out from fear or hungover during the Apocalypse.
That he wasn't painfully, hopelessly in love with his brother's guardian angel whom he'd thought only tolerated him or, at best, liked him as an extension of Dean.
"Soup," he croaked, feeling the heat of embarrassment rushing to his face when Castiel looked up at him in confusion. He cleared his throat, swallowed, and said in what he hoped was a mostly normal tone, "We should have the soup. 'Cause I haven't eaten since yesterday, and you said eating would help you conserve your Grace so it rebuilds faster... and, y'know, sharing a meal is important in a lot of human cultures as... as part of courtship..." Say it, Winchester, just fucking say it! "And maybe... maybe the human who made the soup for the angel only didn't consider the option of a... a romantic relationship... because he still feels tainted by the demon blood, and didn't think the angel would ever see him as more than a friend if he was lucky."
Silence answered him, Castiel staring up at him with a wide eyed expression that nearly verged on panic. When the panic changed to outright grief, his wings practically vibrating with the visible effort the angel was putting into keeping them still, Sam felt his stomach drop down into his boots. It seemed that he had definitely misread what Castiel had been saying, and his only saving grace so to speak would be that Castiel was unlikely to be cruel or mocking when he turned him down.
Even so, the urge to run away was strong despite the snow storm that was rapidly turning into a small blizzard outside meaning he had no real place to run besides back to the fire and the soup. Dropping his eyes again and mumbling something to that effect, Sam shifted his weight to get up, only to be stopped short as Castiel's hand shot out and wrapped around his wrist, not tight enough to hurt but solid enough that Sam wasn't moving without hurting himself. Sam froze, looking up with reluctance to find Castiel staring at him with some sort of mingled determination and pleading. The hand gripping his wrist relaxed and slid down along the back of Sam's as the angel's other hand came up, two hands enfolding his in a painfully familiar clasp that had once stood in lieu of a handshake in a dingy motel just before Halloween. Sam felt his stomach swoop and clench.
...Sam Winchester. The boy with the demon blood...
"Sam Winchester. The boy who has been mistreated by both Hell and Heaven, whose soul bears the scars of both demon blood and angelic Grace, and yet shines brighter than any other soul I have seen," Castiel whispered, staring up into Sam's wide eyes with an intensity that outstripped the expression he'd once worn in a different room while speaking to Sam under the watchful eyes of both their brothers. They were alone together now, and the earnestness in Castiel's face could not be mistaken. "The boy whose quick mind, strength of will, and compassionate heart show themselves as readily if not more so than your skills in battle, who choses time and again to put yourself in harm's way to save others and offer help to those in need, who never stops wanting to do good in the world even when tricked or manipulated to do otherwise. Please forgive my thoughtless words upon our meeting, words I never should have uttered, and know that you have more than earned my respect and admiration. It is I who am honored to have been granted the chance to truly know you and be counted as your friend, and I would be more than honored if you would ever consider me as a potential mate."
"I'm in love with you," Sam blurted out, feeling the heat rushing into his face as Castiel blinked at him. He didn't let go of Sam's hand, though, and Sam found that he couldn't make himself shut up now that he had started. "I tried not to be and I wasn't ever going to say anything because I didn't think I had a chance in Hell, Heaven, or anywhere in between that you'd ever be interested in me like that and I kinda thought you had a major thing for Meg, but I can't seem to stop myself from saying it now... and I really want to know what other effects consummating the bond will have for both of us so I can think those through and come to terms with what's going to happen to us before we do it, but if you really mean that you would want to marry me then it's definitely a when rather than an if on fully bonding with you because...." Sam swallowed, blinking as his eyes started to blur, and tried to smile at the shock and hope beaming up at him from Castiel's upturned face. "Because you're everything I could ever want in a mate and more than I ever dared dream I could have."
"May I--" Castiel started, then cut himself off, a flicker of frustration crossing his face before disappearing just as quickly. More carefully deliberate, he said, "I would like to ask your permission to kiss you, and to embrace you with my wings, but I do not wish to pressure you into physical intimacy and I am unsure of my ability to release you again once my wings are around you. As well, I do not wish to waste your efforts making the soup for us."
It took Sam a moment to swallow back the lump in his throat, and how sad was it that basic consideration for his comfort was so rare that he was getting choked up over it? Honestly, the level of consideration Castiel was showing for Sam was endearing and definitely contributing to the fact that "when" was looking more and more likely to happen before the allotted week. Once he thought he could speak again, he offered, "Maybe we could move over to the fireplace and I can check on the soup to make sure it's still warm, and then you could hold me with your wings while we eat and you can tell me what else will happen when we, um, consummate."
"That sounds like a most agreeable plan," Castiel said with a relieved smile.
Sam grabbed the comforter as they left the bed and spread it on the floor in front of the fire, then went to the kitchen to grab the packet of paper bowls that had been tucked into the back corner of one otherwise empty cabinet. He brought them over to the fire and crouched down beside it, reaching for the pot and shifting it back closer to the fire. Castiel shuffled over to join him about the same time that Sam was carefully using the chipped wooden spoon to dish up soup into two of the paper bowls.
"No spoons, sorry," he said as Castiel settled on the comforter beside Sam and accepted the offered bowl. "Whoever actually owns the place cleaned it out pretty thoroughly when they left, so it was probably intended as a vacation house. Where are we, anyway?"
Castiel frowned slightly and tilted his head, staring off towards one of the walls for a long moment before blinking and settling himself against Sam's side, one of his wings unfurling to curve around Sam's shoulders. "Colorado."
"Wait, really?" Sam blinked, startled. They'd been in Massachusetts, and with the altitude and the snow, he'd almost expected Castiel to say Nepal or someplace like that. "So close?"
"Yes. That is how the banishing sigil works, tapping into the Grace of the angel being banished to propel them away," Castiel glanced up with a wry sort of self-deprecating smile. "Given the low levels of Grace I possessed at the time plus you being dragged along with me, the banishing sigil could only fling us so far. The others, with much stronger Grace at their disposal and no extra Graceless passengers, would have been sent considerably farther afield."
"Guess that'll make it easier to get back to Dean once he calls to say where he is," Sam sighed, running a hand back through his hair as he tried not to hope that Dean would take a few more hours to get somewhere he considered safe and warded enough before calling. Maybe he wouldn't call until he got to someplace like Rufus's cabin. Colorado to Wyoming would certainly be a lot easier for Castiel to manage even with low power than trying to get back up to the New England coast. He took a sip of the soup in his own bowl - yeah, that was canned tomato soup in all its bland and slightly salty underwhelming glory - and then gingerly slid one arm around Castiel beneath the wing draped over him. Hoping he didn't look nearly as nervous as he felt to Castiel's gaze, he said, "So, effects?"
"I suppose the most immediate effect would be our connection," Castiel offered after a moment of thought. "Right now, besides the compulsion for truth which will fade with consummation, there is a certain mental sense of each other. If I were to walk out into the storm and the snow bury my tracks and conceal my passage, you would be able to find me without issue, as I would be able to find my way back to you."
"Useful," Sam commented. How many times had they been separated and wished that the sigils on his and Dean's ribs didn't prevent Castiel from being able to find them along with any other angel?
"Indeed," Castiel paused to take a sip of his own bowl of soup, scrunching up his nose a bit at the taste of it in a way Sam tried not to think of too loudly as adorable, then took a longer drink of it. "Another effect that is probably more pertinent to you is that the bond and subsequent addition of Grace to your soul will often activate latent or suppressed psychic abilities in humans already predisposed towards having them. Your own abilities already have some rudimentary training, but once the blocks left behind by Azazel and Ruby are dismantled there may be an adjustment period." Castiel glanced up at Sam and added, "And I promise to take Dean somewhere isolated to vent his unreasonable fits of temper over that until he is ready to listen to me explain in small words than your powers are perfectly natural and no more dangerous than those displayed by Pamela Barnes or Missouri Mosely when not being fueled by the consumption of supernatural bodily fluids."
"Might want to just say 'demon blood' there," Sam mumbled, wishing the mention of bodily fluids hadn't put the image into his head of what might happen from sucking Castiel off and getting a mouthful of angel semen. From the look that crossed Castiel's face, he might not have kept that thought as quiet as he'd hoped, but at least Castiel let it go.
"The only other effect that I can think of to mention is that once bonded, short of you walking bodily back into Hell, you will come to me in Heaven at the end of your natural lifespan, but as you and Dean have already been guaranteed your places in Heaven by my Father it seems superfluous to count," he said, dropping his gaze to study the soup with a narrow look. "Beyond that, I am uncertain as to what may be applicable. It has historically been quite rare for an angel to choose to fully bond with a human rather than another angel, though I'm sure you are aware of how many angels found basic copulation with humans to be enjoyable, if not always careful or wise given the resulting Nephilim and the frequent lack of interest on the part of the angel parent in actually parenting their offspring."
"No chance of surprise Nephilim between us, at least, not with me being male and you in your current vessel," Sam hummed. "I mean, barring shenanigans from someone or something powerful enough to get around that..." And that was another thought he should probably leave unexplored for as long as possible. Castiel was looking hesitant again. "Cas?"
"I... regarding my vessel...." Castiel started, then trailed off, looking frustrated again. "While I am indifferent towards sexual orientation, I am aware that most humans have specific preferences regarding potential sexual partners. At my present level of power, I am unable to alter the shape of my vessel prior to consummation, nor am I able to find a new vessel while my wings are manifested. I... do not know how to ask this question without either requiring an answer or risking offense if my concerns for our compatibility are unfounded."
"If you're trying to ask if I mind your vessel being male," Sam said, tightening the hold he had around Castiel's waist gently, "I don't. I've always been a lot more concerned with who a person is over what they look like. If you're comfortable in your vessel as it is, you don't need to alter it for me at all."
"Oh," Castiel mumbled, leaning into Sam's side. After a moment, he set aside the soup bowl and looked up again. "Sam? May I kiss you now?"
Instead of answering verbally, Sam set his own bowl aside on the hearth and turned to face Castiel, reaching up to cup the side of his angel's face and bending down to brush his lips across those of his angel.
They did not stop kissing for quite some time.
13 notes · View notes
thelemoncoffee · 2 years
Theoretically, if there was a despair disease motive, what would happen to each character? Both in the situation that they were infected or not infected , what role would someone take on to help if healthy or what new thing would they do if said character’s personality was flipped ?
Despair disease doesn’t need to exist in this au I just think it’s always great to know what someone would do in these situations to build character yknow ? ;-;
augh okay now this is a tough thing to respond to. My partner and i have argued about how Despair Disease works, so my own ability to define the restrictions of it is blurry, but based on this i assume you're looking for one that changes a core part of who the characters are.
i'm not sure i can even answer some of these on the account of doing so would spoil something important about the character, but i could attempt to do my best without exposing too much. the only two i'm 100% certain i can't do without spoilers are Chiba and Ellodie, so unfortunately no DD symptoms for them- i'll do their taking care of others tho.
everything is under the cut
1: Zenko Kairi - Zenko isn't the most prideful of people, he's pretty modest about his work despite both his Ultimate title and his status in the furry community as a "popufur". he'd much rather go unnoticed entierly if he's honest with ya, but he won't decline an offer to get a better chance at a good job/college so he accepted his ult title. for this i think if he got Despair Desease he'd end up much more boasty and prideful, demanding praise for his work and wanting to be the center of attention at all times.
for taking care of people? he'd be a bit underfoot if i'm honest. by all means he has good intent and wants to help out, but he has no clue how to deal with a simple cold- let alone DD.
2: Hibiki Naomi - okay Hibiki isn't underdeveloped, but he is really hard to do something unique with. his core personality (without spoils) is basically emo anti-social guy who could use a friend but sucks ass at conversation enough to get one. he finds it easier to use words when in the form of poetry but he'll be damned if he's gonna speak out loud in poems, that shit's embarrassing as fuck. i honestly have no clue what to do for a character like him.
as of helping- much like all introverts world wide during covid, he gladly takes the excuse to stay the fuck away from everyone
3: Yoshiko Kie - okay so she's pretty under developed but hang with me. when i made her i thought it'd be funny if she had a similar demeanor to Miu (minus the lewd) but reversed. so she present as a shy and easily spooked person but the moment she's in the hot seat she'll take your head off if you aren't careful. so i imagine if she got DD she'd be more like Miu, outwardly snappy till you snap back then she caves.
she wouldn't help with shit, and for very "not my problem" reasons. someone might try to get her to help but they'd regret bothering her pretty quickly.
4: Fumiko Umemoto - okay she's a bit rough to do because i kinda wanted to purposefully make her annoying. like she's constantly dropping references and meme jokes all the time, is probably a tumblrina(derogatory), is self centered, and has a hate boner for Kazuhiko (there's a reason, but it's spoils). when i made her i was setting out to make a character who i personally would want to beat over the head with a two-by-four, and i have no clue how effective she'd be against other people but i know i succeeded in my goal. asking me how she'd change with DD basically auto results in "a better person".
helping? aauuhh.... maybe? she'd half-ass anything she did, make up some excuse about not wanting to get sick and ruin her voice.
5: Kazuhiko Ichigo - Kazuhiko is the definition of chilled the fuck out, the initial note i wrote for him just said "good vibes, anxiety bug-spray". he's a bit passive aggressive and is fully capable of throwing shade, but aside from that you'd be hard pressed to piss him off. for that i think him with DD would probably be super fucking intense, easy to piss off, might deck ya, will cuss you out- just nasty and anything but chill.
i would say he'd be the most useful for medical stuff, but i don't think he has the right skills. any medical knowledge he has is from helping lifeguards on the beach with injured surfers, and he isn't one to get sick very often either. he'd help with any pain they might experience, but aside from that the best he can do is simply exist and keep people relaxed.
6: Daiki Dekiru - Daiki is a funky one because i think in order for him to not literally combust i'd have to change more than just one core thing. he is first and foremost; absolutly dickshit awful at withholding information unless his life is literally on the line. and second most, he's basically a golden retriever in a humans body. both of these things would have to be altered by DD for him to remain functional, but only changing one would be funny. change only his doggo personality? he's a grumpy and quite guy who for some reason will answer any question you as him despite his clear distaste in doing so. change the lack of shut up? now he's just very panicked because he really really really wants to tell you this one thing but it just won't come out. doing both would make him a little less contradictory in his behavior.
for helping out i don't think he would. not for any malicious reasons he's just scared of catching it, any help he'd give would be something that doesn't require being in the same room as the deathly sick people. maybe he'd make them soup like his parents always did when he was sick as a kid
7: Ellodie - helping out Ellodie would probably take charge, or at least partial charge. for lack of a better spoiler free wording- she's got some sickness ptsd of sorts and does not want this to end as bad. she'd try to hide her own freaking out and stay strong, but probably fail and need to cry on someone's shoulder at least once.
8: Neiro Shibata - god i almost don't wanna do anything to her because i'd feel bad. she's like the over supportive big sister friend, she cares also about people and tries to help them all she can by pushing them without pushing boundaries- kinda like if Kaito actually knew what he was doing. i don't wanna put her under the DD style character analysts cause she'd end up mean and i do not like mean Neiro. (can we tell she's in my top favorites) maybe i can still make her nice- maybe it targets her drumming abilities instead and she loses her ability to keep rhythm.... yeah!
helping? she helps! Neiro is one of the characters who wouldn't mind working in direct contact with the sick, she'd defiantly be careful about her own health but other than that she'd gladly help out anyone who needs a pair extra hands.
9: Juno Miran- As the man of few words he is, i honestly think it'd be funny if he got DD and just simply couldn't stop talking. he also has like- little to no tone in his voice so imagine if he suddenly just had all the tone. imagine this poor guy who just likes to not be bugged tried to say hi back to someone and it was like a nightmare he had once. i don't even have something in depth here i just think this would be genuinely funny and misfortunate.
for helping i think he would just do what he always does. he's a bit of a clean freak so he already tries to keep the areas they all share clean, he'd just keep doing that- maybe more frequently.
10: Chiba Ayame - help anyone? fuck no. she's not stupid, she's going to stay far the fuck away from that and not risk her health. the other crazies can deal with that, she isn't risking her life for them she has bigger things to worry about right now.
11: Takao Hagiwara - Okay so the thundercat is very much someone without a filter between his thoughts and his actions, he's impulsive as shit and also super easy to freak out despite how badass he tries to come off as. it'd be nice if he gained a filter with DD but i don't think he would, maybe something more with his all bark no bite behavior or even his swindling talent. i'm not very confident in anything sold with him
for helping, he's a chicken and doesn't want to get near anyone at all- even the people who haven't been in contact with the ill at all. he might even use his talent to convince everyone that he might be sick to bail out on any help they try to get from him.
12: Masaki Jiro - unfortunately despite my best efforts i couldn't escape the trap of a generic protag. he's a generally sweet and kinda naive guy who wants to help, but gets snappy much too easy for his own comfort, he's also one to play off nearly falling like he didn't just almost eat shit. i will say though he is canonically ace and while i don't wanna say that would be the most interesting thing for DD to target- it kinda absolutly is the most interesting thing for DD to target as of right now.
13: Kasai Sachie- you know how i said Kasai doesn't believe in superstitions? what if DD caused her to be just mega superstitions. it's dumb i know, but it'd be entertaining at the very least. it'd also kinda work pretty well cause she isn't normally an anxious or paranoid person and tends to be seen as motherly towards he friends, and being so overly superstitious would make her much more anxious, paranoid, and in need of comfort instead of being the comforting one.
for help- as i said she's a mom friend and as such she would mom it up. she'd be the best to go to for what remedies to use when, and would not be afraid to knock some sense into people.
14: Kobe Katsumi - what's the reverse of Reggie Belafonte from Surfs Up? cause Kobe is just Reggie as a human- he's a fast talking, loud, overly dramatic showbiz guy. he's also petty and will roast the shit out of a concept he doesn't like. how do i change that for DD? make him cynical and self conscious?
also for helping, he wouldn't get near someone with a normal cold, let alone something as dangerous as DD
15: Asuka Seo - one of Asuka's biggest defining personality traits is his logic. he's logical to a fault, not liking when people fuck around or get too emotional around him (you can imagine how little he enjoys his peers). it'd be interesting if he got DD and became overly emotional and playful, entertaining ideas and daydreams his normal mind would never
for helping he'd help out of obligation. he wouldn't do alot and would be a stickler for health safety protocols, but he knows if they want everyone to survive he has to pitch in on occasion.
16: Ohara Susumu - Ohara's core character trait is her submissive, almost maid-like nature. she grew up in a house with two very bossy siblings, and developed a desire to have to be useful to be worth anything due to how they took advantage of her already kind nature. she doesn't see the relationship she had with them as abusive, but everyone she tells about it sure does. if she had DD i imagine she'd be rebellious and rude, maybe reflecting her sibling's behavior towards her and using it against everyone around her.
for helping out; she'd be one of the best there for assisting the sick, not taking control but being efficient as fuck about any task she was given. she's also super patient so she'd be really good for dealing with the jarring differences.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
📬 We've Met in the Strangest of Circumstances (Adore/Katya) - Grinder
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AN: Been a long time since I contributed to a fic challenge. I agreed to this when I was drunk and in need of my favourite rare pair. Seriously, we need more Adore (RPDR S6) / Katya (RPDR S7) Instead of going for letters or chatrooms, I thought how bizarre it would be for two people to find eachother on Pictochat for the OG Nintendo DS. Anyone else remember the good old days?
Also, a huge thank you to thecollectionsof of AO3 for beta'ing this one shot! I've taken on your advice, not just for this fic but my upcoming series (which I have no idea when it'll finally be posted lol), but I really appreciate all the help!
Major trigger warning: Mentions of online predators
Adore slammed the front door as soon as she got in. She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t cry. It wasn’t allowed when you were seventeen. You just had to take whatever was thrown at you, take it in your stride, hold your head high…
Adore was a tough bitch but she was sensitive.
With her back pressed against the door, Adore stared at the floor, her bottom lip quivering.
Her mother, Bianca, poked her head out of the kitchen. “Why are you crying now?”
And this was all it took for Adore to start shouting. “I fucking hate Aja! I fucking. Hate. Her!”
Bianca rolled her eyes, making her way back into the kitchen, resuming work on spaghetti carbonara. “Girl, she was your best friend last week.” 
Adore appeared in the doorway, eyes glistening with tears and she huffily crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, I fucking mean it this time! I don’t get what the fuck her problem is. I’m not trying to get with her fucking man! Fuck, she’s one of the only people who know I like girls, Jesus Christ! So why the fuck does she think I’m trying to steal some guy from her?”
With her back to Adore, Bianca rolled her eyes, having no idea what the fuck any of this was about. She was just trying to listen to Absolute 80s and have a good time. From all the information just fired her way, all she could say was, “Language.”
“No, Mom! I’ve had it! I’m done with the bitch! I’m not fucking sitting with her on Monday!” Adore knew she sounded like a brat, but it made her feel better to vent out all these feelings.
“Adore, with all due respect, if you don’t sit with her then who will you sit with?” Bianca finally stopped chopping onions, turning to face her daughter with questioning hands. “I’m not saying it to be mean, but Aja’s the leader of your group. Think about it.”
“I don’t care, I don’t need any of those bitches.” Adore shrugged, pretending to give zero fucks, when in reality, she knew her Mom was right. The rest of the girls were loyal to Aja—Kim, Naomi, Farrah. 
All of them were so far up her ass.
"God, I can't wait for next week, when she's the greatest thing that's ever happened to you." Bianca spoke quietly, but not quietly enough. She knew, she just knew that Adore wasn't happy with that remark, just from how silent the moody teen was now. 
Bianca looked over her shoulder, trying to hold back her laughter as Adore stared daggers at her. She couldn't help it, not when she knew what it was like to be a teenager too.
She remembered all the arguments, all the bitchy fights she had with her own friend group, all the anxiety she felt knowing they could turn on each other within a second. Not like they ever needed a reason.
If teen girls wanted drama, they'd start it. 
"Okay, look, honey. I think it's about time you listened to me." Bianca stood with a hand on her hip. "I think it's about high time you realise that these bitches aren't going to be your friends forever. As soon as your school years end, oh, it's over."
Adore still wasn't amused.
"Don't give me that stanking upper lip. I'm only telling you the truth." Bianca shrugged.
"Well, what am I supposed to do with that information?" Adore huffed, going to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. And for the tiniest second, she debated slamming the door on her head repeatedly. Of course, Bianca wouldn't stop her. Fuck, she'd probably help out.
"With this information, I think you should go and find yourself a new friend. You know? Someone who shares my line of thinking preferably."
“Oh, cool, wow. And how am I going to do that, Mom?” Adore shut the door with her hip.
“You got a mouth, one that I must say you love to fuckin’ run. Use it,” Bianca smirked, scraping the onions into the frying pan.
“Yeah, but shit has changed since you were my age. You can’t just… go up to people and start talking to them. That’s weird.”
"Yeah," Bianca rolled her eyes, "to people like Aja. You need someone who will jump at the opportunity to make friends. Like, maybe the school loner."
"Mom, you're really not helping."
"Well," Bianca turned away from the sizzling onions, "You know what, Adore? I don't know what the fuck to tell you, and quite frankly, I'm tired of listening to you. Now, can I continue making dinner?"
"Whatever," Adore scoffed, leaving the room with her water bottle.
When she put her foot on the first step, Bianca called out to her once more. “It’s the weekend. Go do something fun for you and no one else.”
“You’re giving ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ vibes,” Adore whined further as she stormed up to her room.
When she closed the door behind her, she pressed her forehead to it. 
Chill out, Adore. Chill the fuck out. She knew her Mom was only trying to help. And fuck, she was right. Even when her older sister left school, her friends stopped coming around. Valentina stopped even trying with them when she finally realised school friendships were bullshit. And look at her now, studying in Chicago with a swarm of new friends.
That was all fine and dandy. Adore was happy with that. But it was only March. How could she ditch her friends when there was still so much schooling to do?
There was no way she would meet someone else, not now in her final year. In fact, if she were to drop her friend group this late into everything, then there was no hope of her making new friends. It would be the talk of the school: why was one of the popular girls no longer part of the popular clique?
Adore kicked her door before moving away from it, she heard Bianca shouting from downstairs for her to calm the fuck down and chose to ignore.
How would she quell this anger? What would be her distraction?
She looked around her bedroom—the emerald green walls, the floating bookshelves, the art case laying half opened beside her desk, the collection of records tucked in between the desk and wardrobe. 
She wasn’t feeling any of the activities that she now had plenty of time to pursue. She needed something to get all of this anger out, like beating the shit out of someone.
“Oh, shit.” Adore rushed to the bedroom door again. In the hall, she leaned over the bannister. “Mom! Do you know where my PlayStation 4 is?” When the words left her mouth, she realised how young at heart she still was. 
Bianca still cleaned her room for her. Maybe it was time to change that.
“You wanna play video games?”
“Yes! I wanna play Grand Theft Auto. Why?”
“Haha! Loser!” Her mother called from the kitchen.
Fuck you. Adore thought, wishing she could shout it right back at her mother. She stormed back to her room.
The only place that she could think Bianca would have put it was under her bed, so she got down on all fours and started her search.
There wasn’t a spec of dust—Bianca had obviously cleaned under there while she was still at school. But past all the boxes and containers, there was no sign of the PlayStation. Adore huffed, “Jesus Christ,” realising this really wasn’t her day. “Mom! I’m gonna take up smoking!”
She faintly heard her mother call back from the kitchen, “Good for you!”
Adore groaned as she pulled one of the boxes out, she knew she’d have to check inside, it was the only place that made sense to her of where the PS4 would be.
As soon as she opened it, she found that the console wasn’t in there either. Damn. She debated on whether or not she had sold or something in the last year. Surely not. She had it for less than a year.
Before she closed the box, something caught her eye.
Her very first Nintendo DS. Fuck, she hadn’t played that in years. More than 5, she was positive. She took the powder blue device into her hands, and holy fuck it was like a brick. In the port was The Sims 2. She never did defeat that robot, maybe now was the perfect time?
Adore didn’t need her friends when she had the townies of Strangetown.
She turned it on. And as if her day couldn’t get any worse, the game wasn’t reading. 
So she tried again. And… nothing.
She took the game out and blew moist air into the port, reloaded and tried again.
“Why. Why, God? Why do you hate me?” Adore whispered to herself.
After 5 minutes of trying again and again, and having to Google how to fix a game, Adore was done.
She knew she wasn’t supposed to, but she threw the game across the room before trying again. Of course, violence never solved anything, so that didn’t work.
Staring at the cursed home screen, she just wished The Sims 2 didn’t hate her. And that’s when her eyes landed on something else.
Guilty memories flooded back to Adore, all those times she used the platform for shit that no child should have used it for. She remembered the last time she was on Pictochat, just 11 years old and drawing things she shouldn’t have even known of back then. 
She tried to tell herself not to feel bad—boys did it, she knew they did. And being a gay little 11 year old, she felt just as cool doing it too.
And now that she was 17, she still felt guilty, but at the same time…
10 minutes later, Adore was laid in bed, Pictochat open as she drew pictures in that small text box with her stylus. So many pictures of boobs. At first, it was for a laugh, finding her inner immature child absolutely hilarious. But now she was drawing all different sorts of boobs - small ones, big ones, two different sized ones.
And it wasn’t because she was being a horny teenager. She just liked drawing bodies. They were beautiful to her.
And everytime she finished a drawing, she’d hit send, just to keep a collection of them. Each time she tapped the ‘send button’, the sound that emitted from the DS’s speakers gave her goosebumps, so many memories flooding back to her.
Such as the memories of summers where she’d play hide and seek in the street with her friends, all of them using Pictochat to send out hints to hiding spots. She smiled, now missing that group of friends. How had it been so long since she last thought of them?
Okay, her mother was right. She’d get over Aja and her clique.he’d forget about them, and life would be fine.
“Nice wrack, girl,” Adore commented as she finished another masterpiece.
She moved the stylus to the ‘send’ button.
And before she hit it, there came another sound.
Someone arriving.
A notification.
Now entering A: Bright Red.
Adore’s eyes were wide. What? Who is this?
And then it hit her. She had sent the image just as this person entered.
“Fuck! Shit!” Adore yelled, sitting up straight in her bed. 
All she had to do was close the DS, turn it the fuck off and get the fuck out of there. But what would be the point? Her art was out there now, available for this new person to see.
Her hands shook as she waited for some sort of response.
Bright Red: Nice tits!
Adore’s eyes widened, her breath caught in her throat.
Her green eyes shot to her bedroom window, now so paranoid. Where was this person? Could they see her?
With shaking hands, she wrote in the text box, “what…are you…doing…here…pedo?”
Because that was what was happening here, right? Some pervert chancing their luck at talking to a minor on one of the oldest forms of chat she had ever known.
Thinking back over this thought, she realised how stupid that sounded. If anyone was going to search for victims, Pictochat was the last place they’d try.
If anyone was the pervert here, it was Adore herself. 
Bright Red: I could ask you the same thing…
AD0REG0MEZ: i dunno. bored i guess
Bright Red: I mean, I was coming to draw boobs too but guess you beat me to it lol
Adore didn’t know what to say to that. Not like she could judge the person now. She noted how they didn’t scribble their messages out, always taking time to type it out instead. And she didn’t know why, but it made her do the same. She tapped away on the keyboard, trying to work out what to say next. But she’d erase everyone.
Who are—
Are you sure ur not—
Whats ur na—
Before she could come up with anything…
Bright Red: What about you? Are you a pedo?
AD0REG0MEZ: Hell no!!
Bright Red: …You see how this looks though?
AD0REG0MEZ: who are you? fucking chris hansen??
Bright Red: You’re not helping your case :/
Adore huffed, biting her bottom lip, before furiously scribbling again.
AD0REG0MEZ: Look! I’ve had a really hard day! I came here to live nostalgically and forget that my friends are fucking assholes. Now can I just get back to that??
There was another moment of silence before Bright Red even replied. While she waited, Adore played with her bottom lip, cursing herself for getting so open with this person. Not because she sounded whiny. But, if this was really a pervert, wouldn’t they just use that against her in some way?
Just as she was about to close the DS down, the reply came.
Bright Red: Well… there are other rooms…
AD0REG0MEZ: I got here first.
Bright Red: Fair enough. I’ll move to B. Bye, boobie bitch! I’m going to draw porn in peace now!
She had no idea why she said it. Like, why did she care what this person said?
Bright Red: I’m waiting…
So was Adore. She waited for her brain to give herself a response. 
That’s when she heard Bianca calling.
“Hey, no-pals! Dinner!” She called.
“Shit,” Adore whispered. She scribbled in the text box once more.
AD0REG0MEZ: Dinner. I’ll be on in 20 probs
Bright Red: Is that an invite to stay online?
AD0REG0MEZ: I dunno. If you want. Sure.
Bright Red: I wonder how many cigarettes I’ll get through before you come back… 5…? 10…? The world will never know. Ah well, I’m drawing big titty hot women in chainmail underwear with navel piercings, holding knives and flipping the camera off. Very threatening. Very sexy. Thanks for listening.
Again, Adore had no idea of what to say to that. Oddly specific… kind of creepy. But she typed her goodbye and closed the screen.
“Adore! Dinner!” Bianca called again.
“I’m coming!” Adore yelled with the same amount of anger. She launched herself out of the bed. As she was walking by the window, she glanced out.
And she paused.
What was in the air that told her to stop and look? Fate, maybe.
Because there, sitting outside the house across the street, chilling out on the fence was a teenage girl.
In her mouth, a half-smoked cigarette.
In her hands, a red DS Lite.
Adore’s eyes widened, mouth hanging open.
Bright Red was no pervert, just another bored teenager like her. She had short blonde hair and bangs, bright red lipstick on her lips (maybe the source of the username), and, totally inappropriate for this climate, a black and grey turtleneck dress.
Of course she lived close by. How could Adore forget that Pictochat only worked when in close vicinity of someone else?
Adore stared, totally mesmerised by the girl as she puffed away on her cigarette, the stylus in her hand scribbling away at the screen. She found herself tempted to back on and see if the girl had sent anything yet. But there was something about just watching her, how Bright Red took the cigarette from her mouth, breathing a cloud of smoke out, how she stuck her tongue out through her lips, as if in deep concentration. 
Adore was hypnotised.
“Katya! Can you help me unpack these plates?” A voice called from the same direction.
Katya. Her name is Katya. That brought a smile to Adore’s face.
The girl broke her focus, rolling her eyes as she climbed down from the fence and threw the cigarette out onto the road. “Okay! Give me 5, Mom! I’m drawing erotic art again!”
Adore giggled. Katya had the same bond with her mother that she had with Bianca. Like they were best friends rather than parent and child.
Speaking of parent—
The girl came out of her trance, rolling her eyes, “Mom! This is why Dad fucking left you!”
She rushed downstairs, already seeing Bianca tucking into the meal.
“No! Your Dad left ‘cause I made him leave.” She blew on the hot pasta before shoving it in her mouth.
“Fuck yeah, Mom,” Adore sat at the table, tucking into the creamy heaven that was Spaghetti Carbonara. No one made it like Bianca did. It was a fact.
“How's the smoking going?” Bianca asked, dabbing away a bit of sauce at the corner of her mouth.
Adore smiled, “Excellent.” Just at the mention of the jokey remark, she was reminded of the girl she had just seen outside. Katya.
“Okay, for real, you know me, honey. I’m pretty easy going with you. But if I ever find out you’ve smoked, I’ll happily buy you a pack—”
“Okay, and the catch…?”
“And you’ll stand there,” Bianca pointed beside the table, “and smoke the whole thing, one after the other. I don’t care if you throw up; you’ll not stop until it’s done.”
“Mom,” Adore looked away from the pasta, smiling sweetly, “I promise you I will never touch a cigarette.” …Ever again.
“That’s my girl,” Bianca returned the smile. “Anyway, find the PS4?”
“Nope. But, I’ve been talking to someone.” Adore took another bite of her dinner. Fuck, it was outstanding.
“Great, honey! Who?”
Adore was ready to say the name. But she stopped herself, deciding to bother her Mother instead. “I don’t know. Someone online. I don’t know who they are, but they said I have nice boobs.”
“Adore.” Bianca almost dropped her fork.
“I’m kidding,” she met her mother’s worried gaze, a smirk on the corner of her lips.
“Again, I’m easy going with you. But don’t go talking to strangers online.” 
“Yeah, it was a joke.”
“You remember that time Valentina had that boyfriend?” Bianca pointed her fork at her daughter. “I mean, it could have been worse. At least he was just a scammer and not a pervert. Fuck, you remember how much money I almost lost?”
Adore laughed, knowing she shouldn’t have said it that way. But, fuck, how she loved to tease her mom. “I know. I know. I was just fucking with you—”
“It’s the fucking girl across the street. We’re talking on Pictochat.” Even saying that out loud, Adore knew how far-fetched it sounded.
Bianca had no idea what the fuck a Pictochat was, but she nodded. “Are you sure?” Her brows furrowed.
“Oh! Well, that’s good then!” Bianca went back to twirling pasta around her fork. “They just moved in the other day too. Maybe you can be her first friend. Or, even better! What if she goes to your school?”
Adore shrugged. “Maybe. I mean, we haven’t talked a lot yet. I guess we just gotta see where it goes.”
The rest of dinner time, Bianca rambled about things like work, how her manager kept hinting that she was possibly in line for a promotion. And then about Valentina, what she did this week in the beautiful city of Chicago.
But all Adore could think about was Katya. What were the chances that Pictochat of all the platforms introduced them? Did Pictochat even count as a platform? This would certainly be a story for the kids.
Girl… it’s a bit early to be thinking about shit like that. Actually, why are you even thinking about it in the first place?
After eating, Adore kissed Bianca on the head, thanking her for the fantastic dinner. Once again, she proved she could defeat Gordon Ramsay in a cook-off. 
She rushed through the dishes, anticipation coursing through her in the hopes Katya was still online.
“How do you know it’s the girl across the street anyway?” Bianca asked, joining her as she picked up a plate to dry.
“I saw her.” Adore scrubbed at the frying pan.
“Yeah. She looks like she’s my age. She’s… kinda pretty,” Adore shrugged as if it was nothing.
“Pretty, you say?” Bianca raised a brow.
“Yeah. Not like… pretty like Farrah. She’s,” Adore paused, trying to think of how to phrase it. “She’s art pretty.”
Yeah… art pretty.
Katya was art pretty.
As soon as Adore hit her room, she looked out the window. Katya was still inside, and that made her stomach twist.
She hopped on her bed, flipping up the screen of her DS and logging into Pictochat faster than she ever had.
And her nerves settled instantly.
Chat Room A: 1/16.
Someone was in there. And it had to be Katya.
And entering the chat, she was right.
Bright Red: Oh, you’re back!
AD0REG0MEZ: fuck yeah!
Bright Red: Alright Mr Pervert. Are you ready to prove to me you’re not a perv?
AD0REG0MEZ: You live across the street from me. I saw you
Bright Red: …well that’s unnerving…
AD0REG0MEZ: you have blonde hair, you’re wearing red lipstick, and fuck, for warm weather, you’re wearing a fucking turtle neck. Why??
Bright Red: OK…what next? What color underwear am I wearing??
Adore’s belly fluttered, just thinking about it. Stop being a fucking perv’, bitch.
AD0REG0MEZ: I don’t know what colour undies you got. But I saw you outside earlier. You have a red DS. You were smoking. How does your Mom let you smoke? My Mom just threatened to make me smoke a whole pack!
Bright Red: Ah, I see. Your Mother has sense. Mine used to worry about me a lot… But, you know… I just kept breaking the rules… So she’s kinda given up. I feel bad ‘cause she does love me… and I love her… But I’ve been a brat, I’ll admit it.
Bright Red: Oh, wow. Sorry that was alot. Like, Motherrrr…I’ve been venting to strangers I’ve never ever met before agaaaaaiiin.
Adore giggled, biting her lip.
AD0REG0MEZ: It’s fine. I don’t mind.
Bright Red: Serious question though. I’m guessing ‘Gomez’ actually isn’t your surname…
AD0REG0MEZ: No. How’d you know?
Bright Red: Well, your user…
User? Adore’s brows furrowed for a moment before it all came back to her. She clicked on her name, which popped up a window.
xoxox Selena Gomez has my heart xoxox
The girl immediately cringed. How the fuck do you even change your bio?
Clicking out of it, she typed.
AD0REG0MEZ: Ah, I see
And curiosity took over. She clicked into Katya’s.
You may say that I’m a dreamer…but I’m not the only whore in this world with an obsession for Kate Bush and babooshkas…is this a problem? ~ John Lennon
There was a smile on Adore’s face, just for a moment, before Katya’s next message popped up.
Bright Red: But I must ask… if you could see me… then, maybe I can see you?
And the smile disappeared. Fuck.
AD0REG0MEZ: As in you wanna see me? Right now?
Bright Red: Yes. Just so I know you’re not some dirty old man. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Adore was already on her feet, the DS still in her hands. One part of her was apprehensive, the other excited. Her green eyes met her full length mirror, taking in her reflection. Fuck, she looked rough—her makeup was expired from the long school day, her hair was scruffed up at the top, and a heavy hoodie hid her body.
“Okay,” Adore spoke in a shaking voice. She pulled the hoodie up over her head and tossed it to the other side of the room. Her hands attacked her black hair, combing her fingers through the tangled locks, getting caught in knots. “Fuck sake!” She cursed. Where was that damn hair brush?
Ah yes, across the room, on her desk, past the window.
Her half assed attempt at fixing her appearance would have to do. All she could do was hope her makeup wouldn’t look that bad from afar.
Breathing out a puff of air, she took a brave step towards the window. And then another. And another.
And when she was standing before the glass panel, she looked across the road.
There was Katya, in one of the top windows, DS also in hand. She looked right back, a smile appearing on her face.
This relaxed Adore, especially as the blonde lifted a hand and waved. 
She waved back with her free hand, completely at ease now.
Katya lowered to the ground, but her head was still level with the window.
Oh, shit we’re doing this now. Adore reciprocated, sitting on her floor, making sure she could still see Katya.
The girl across the way looked down.
That familiar ping came through the game console, and Adore looked down at the screen.
Bright Red: Cute! Muse material!
AD0REG0MEZ: Oh! An artist too?
Bright Red: Honey, I’ve been drawing porn on here. Of course, I’m an artist
AD0REG0MEZ: Well, I’d happily be your muse anyday
Bright Red: Does that mean you’re willing to hang out someday?
The dark haired girl’s stomach flipped. In all her gay years, she had never dated anyone, and the thought of that changing now made her nervous. Like, what if she wasn’t enough? What if she wasn’t what Katya expected?
Then again, who said anything about dating?
Ignoring her panicked thoughts, she typed.
AD0REG0MEZ: Sure! Sounds fun!
Bright Red: Excellent. Coffee date tomorrow?
Date? Date? “Jesus Christ,” Adore’s stomach fluttered as her panic returned. “It’s Okay, calm down. It’s normal to feel this way. She’s pretty, and she’s cool. Just say yes.” Her words still made all the nerves inside her go crazy. 
She lifted her gaze to see Katya looking back over, holding up a record. Kate Bush.
Then, another pinging.
Bright Red: Or we can hang out here, listen to music and draw. I’d love to draw you. Not naked though.
It brought a smile to Adore’s face, some of the nervous energy simmering away. “Katya, you are a weirdo.”
And she typed.
AD0REG0MEZ: Sure. 
And then…
AD0REG0MEZ: It’s a date
And she hit send.
No turning back now.
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I can't stop laughing at this. At first, I'd like to suggest the song RGB by YOASOBI for Naomi + Gai + Juggler. But I stumbled across "Darkness Heels: Morning Sabbath with coffee at dawn" so now I want to see Juggler, Fukuide Kei and Kirisaki to mocking each other and/or betting/gambling. That song still fits, right? Thank you for opening the prompt, again.
Ok, so that song's a jam, thank you. I was able to find a transcript of the event you're mentioning, but not with a really readable translation? But this is such a fun collection of characters, so here, have them being mean to each other for two pages.
Song: "RGB," YOASOBI (Spotify)
now we go once again past where we have split off (alternate title: coffee shops are liminal spaces)
“When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?” Kirisaki pauses, waiting for some reaction, and then sighs. “Neither of you two read, do you.”
Kei snorts. “I’m an award-winning author and you think I haven’t read Shakespeare?”
“We got it.” Juggler takes a sip of his coffee. “It just wasn’t funny. Do I look like a crone to you?”
Kirisaki stares at both of them for a long moment, lip twitching in a clear desire to sneer, and then sighs again. “I loathe both of you.”
“Oh, the feeling’s mutual, don’t get me wrong, but who the fuck else are we supposed to have coffee with? I mean, I guess Fukuide would go make up to his sugar daddy if the bastard wasn’t dead, but I haven’t exactly got a lot of friends, and you actively try not to make friends.”
Kei’s knuckles go white on the handle of his coffee cup. “What did you call my lord Belial?”
“Are you referring to ‘sugar daddy’ or ‘bastard?’ Either way, it’s not like I’m wrong. Anyway, does it matter what I called him? He’s not exactly around to be offended. Granted, I’m not sure how either of you got here to be offended, but coffee shops are liminal spaces anyway.” Juggler shrugs, grinning into his coffee as he takes another sip. “So I guess anything can happen. How are your Sturm organs feeling today, Fukuide? All in one piece?”
The only response he gets is a haughty sniff.
Kirisaki is eyeing Kei thoughtfully. He hasn’t touched his own coffee at all, just sits there with his hands wrapped lightly around the cup, tracing patterns that probably have some meaning to him on the ceramic with his fingertip. “I’ve been considering getting a harbinger myself for when I choose to make my triumphant return—”
Juggler snorts derisively.
“—my triumphant return, I was saying. You wouldn’t be interested, would you? You’re already familiar with the work, and I do hate having to train people.”
Another derisive snort, but this time from Kei. “You really think you compare to Belial? You? Whose only goal is the corruption of one noticeably stupid young man? Your lack of ambition sickens me. Belial was a god. You are…” a flicker of smile, “not.”
“Size queen.”
Kirisaki freezes. Kei rounds on Juggler, voice deadly calm. “Would you care to repeat that?”
Juggler shrugs. “I mean, he does lack ambition, but I think we all know that your real problem is that he’s five meters shorter than Belial.”
Kei’s nostrils flare. Kirisaki says, very slowly, “I don’t think I need to take this kind of insult to my person, especially from some lovesick puppy who’s never even managed to shed his milk teeth and get some real bite.”
Juggler’s back goes visibly stiff as Kei covers his mouth with a hand, obviously concealing laughter. “Excuse me? You think I don’t have bite?”
“All these thousands of years, and what have you got to show for it? Some property damage and a broken heart.”
“And yet I live, you pretentious wizard, which is more than I can say for you or Belial’s concubine here.”
Kei raises an eyebrow. “Is that nickname supposed to be an insult?”
Juggler huffs irritably. “To anyone reasonable it would be, but no, you have to be in love with him.”
“Yes, because being in love with Ultraman Orb is so much better.”
Kirisaki rolls his eyes, and they both glare at him, saying, simultaneously, “Taro is worse,” before turning to then glare at each other.
There are a few long, uncomfortable minutes of silent coffee-drinking before anyone speaks again, and then it is, of course, Juggler. “Look, are either of you betting men?”
Kei’s eyebrows shoot up. Kirisaki grins. “When it’s interesting. What did you want to bet on?”
Juggler drains his cup of coffee and waves to a server to get a refill. “Theft. Why don’t we plan to meet up here in a year’s time, and whichever of us has brought along the most entertaining thing that he’s stolen wins…something. We’ll fight it out when it happens.”
Kei shrugs. “Sounds fine to me, as the only master thief here I look forward to taking my forfeit.”
“Confident of you. And I assume the wizard’s going to try bringing us Taro’s obnoxious son on a leash—don’t glare at me, if you manage it I’ll buy him a coffee too.”
Kirisaki’s glare subsides into slow amusement once more. “It’s a deal, then.”
“That’s assuming, of course,” Juggler says as they all trade handshakes, “that you two manage to make it here at all in a year’s time, given that you’re both dead.”
“I don’t see why we wouldn’t be able to.” Kei finishes his own cup of coffee. “After all, it’s as you said before.”
—and they all speak in unison. “Coffee shops are liminal spaces.”
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E for nhthcth, M and Q, please?
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
The thing about nhthcth is that it's going to be very bad for a very long time and then it's going to all get resolved one way or another, for better or for worse. I don't want to say anything about how that ending is going to go, so I'm going to keep it vague.
I'd probably do a sequel with a drastically different tone. Now, it's all plot and serious dark stuff. I'd probably do something really fluffy as a sequel. Like, roadtrip/roommate sitcom/silly fun happy stuff as a sort of "where do we go from here" recovery healing thing. No plot whatsoever. The ending yall get is going to be the ending of the plot, and it’s going to be absolute.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
oooh soooooo many. i think the ones i'd most like to one day write (if i ever had the time) would be:
Buzzfeed Unsolved!AU with Gerry Keay, Jon Sims, and Danny Stoker, wherein a few idiots on the run from the supernatural try to cover up their monster-filled lifestyle by pretending to be like, really shitty ghost hunters, only then they accidentally become popular. for being skeptics. as to the existence. of the supernatural. that. they're on the run from. oops. featuring a gertrude who cannot believe that these idiots are actually succeeding.
Peter Parkers Roommate Drama following nwh, wherein they got a fucked up glitch while the wizard was doing magic that let them bounce back and forth between dimensions, so they just. find the one that has the cheapest rent. and all live there together. commute to their own dimensions for Spider-Man and work. because it's too expensive to live alone but they can't have roommates without risking their secret identity. featuring multiple daredevils, avengers, wade wilsons, and j jonah jamesons.
Bucky Barnes Designated Driver AU, wherein Matt Murdock makes so many wrong decisions they round around to the right decision. Daredevil helps out the Winter Soldier, offers him a safe place, and the sheer dumbfuckery this asshole is capable of starts tearing through years of hydra brainwashing and leaves bucky barnes as the only one with sense stuck with the entire new york vigilante population. featuring a half feral peter parker, a may who has been convicted of felony arson and only regrets getting caught, a long-suffering foggy nelson, a terrifying Karen page, and a bucky barnes who cannot believe how fucking stupid these assholes are.
this isn't a fandom I've put anything out for before but I have this elaborate Fake Dating AU between All Might and Inko from My Hero Academia, except instead of Fake Dating it's fake bitter exes. Problems at the entrance exam results in Izuku's parent being called, only he doesn't want this to be how his mom finds out he has a quirk so he calls all might to get him instead. only. they already called his mom. And he called his “dad.” And everyone just sort of decides to roll with it to cover up OFA. So everyone thinks inko and all might had a reallllllllllyyyy messy divorce and are trying to hold it together for their son, that they had together. featuring an exhausted aizawa, an enthusiastic and earnest iida, and a shinsou who has learned entirely too much about the symbol of peace’s home life.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
also so many. there's a lot of stories that I love but that I’m pretty sure I’ll never write, and a lot of stories where I ended up changing the shape of the story and losing some of what I had. In nhthcth, there was originally a storyline involving Naomi herne and Evan Lukas. I ended up trashing it because it mostly served to bring in another character, and I could do that in a much easier and more direct way. Danny’s story is actually the opposite—he had a much smaller role, and then he ended up getting developed and becoming a central character. I ended up trashing Mike crews original role in the story as a result and rewriting it entirely.
Jon and Gerry made me so sad in nhthcth that I actually have like? 90ish pages? Of a fanfic of like, my own fanfic, where Elias didn’t do his due diligence and bind Jon young and they actually escaped. Agnes Montague was there, and aged down for the sake of the story. In my head, it was called the Gerry Keay Home for Disillusioned Child Messiahs. Fun story, but I’ve ultimately discarded it.
There’s a lot of stories that are just too long for me to commit to writing, so theyre effectively discarded. I had this one Jon Sims/Danny Stoker dated in uni story (based on another tumblr post, I have no idea where that is though, I’ll go back and edit this with credit if I find it again) that was so sad that my friend went into the groupchat to tattle on me for making her sad when I was telling her about it. I wrote like? Twelve pages of it? Then I got distracted with something else. But I love it still.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Who is the most evil or morally ambiguous of your OCs and do I dare ask for spoilers? Have a nice day. =)
If it weren't for their moral conscious, I would honestly say all of them. They all can be pretty brutal if they want to. But I'd have to say that Jude, Carol and maybe Danica are probably the most morally ambiguous.
Carol, for all intensive purposes, is a literal cons person. They know how to talk to people, get what they want, and read them like a good book. If there is something they don't know, they will either do their research, or get it out of somebody. They are not above blackmail, are any sort of non violent bribery. They always have a scheme ticking in their head: for every possible scenario, every possible outcome, which would best suit them and their friends, etc( doesn't help that with charismatic the kid is, they would have some ' connections' ) Carol doesn't show this side to them much: Naomi and Hop are the good supportive system that grounds them in reality and thus have a good heart as well ( most of what they do is for the sake of them, and their happiness. If something were to happen to them....well-). The main downside to Carol is that they're still a kid. A very smart, cunning and charismatic kid, but still a kid. Sometimes they're way in over their head, and can get arrogant. But even then, they have a plan for that. Interesting little fella.
Jude is Carol, but an adult, less mischievous, very intimidating, has aura powers ( sensing) and perpetually doesn't give a fuck. If Carol is more of a shady dealer that lurk in the shadows, Jude is the domineering ring master that will but you in your place. Again, like Carol, good supportive system + near death experience really changed their heart for the better, but it doesn't change the fact that Jude just doesn't care sometimes. They can be cold, calculated and ruthless in execution if they wanted to. They have no problems with people ( that they don't care for) getting hurt to prove a point OR to have them beg so they can't get answers out if them. As long as the person doesn't die- it would be a waste of energy then ( and also cause Jude, and Carol for that fact, crosses the line murder and death.)
Both Carol and Jude have a good supportive system, like I said, and generally happier with how they are now. They're both, I would call, good people. What I just described is the most extreme situation. Now for Danica. Danica's tricky.
If you look at Danica closely you would realize one thing: she is battle hungry. She craves a good battle. She's not gonna go all crazy when she does, no, but it does get her pumped ( a while back I made battle quotes for her loosing her champion title, and I tried to make it clear that she was much more expressive and more lively, which was very different from her quiet, unsettling demeanor before). She knows when to hold herself back, of course, but sometimes ( and this is very rare) she becomes brash and goes in without thinking. It doesn't help that with her connections to Giratina makes her scarier than before, sometimes having Giratina become more of an eldritch monster just to scare her enemies. Or, the more fun version, can Giratina posses her and she herself do the scaring. It's a group effort :) ( think Raven from the old TT show)
Danica's ambiguity doesn't help her case. She never gives you a clear answer, unless she, you know, does. She talks slow and smooth, making sure every word is heard ( or whispered). She doesn't show fear. Not that she doesn't have any, nor that she's holding her fear back. But you can never seem to find her when she does.
What I'm getting at is that I kinda see Danica as a cryptic and I'm not sure if that counts as morally ambiguous or not.
And....yeh. Sorry if non of these are morally ambiguous, cause I never really had much experience with them. If I did, I wouldn't know lol. Either way, I hope this answer will suffice
( tdlr: Carol is the dealer, Jude is The Boss, and Danica is the cryptic horror)
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pixie88 · 4 years
The Naughty Teacher
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A/N: Those who play Lovelink know Marco Bottazzi. He currently grey, I miss him so decided to do another FF continuing from the last! He makes it hard not to fall for him while he sets you up with his best friend. Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Marco Bottazzi FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots. Along with my Rory Bear & Shopping Trip (Rory O’Brien), Tattoo Artist to Businessman (Blake Bailey) & Photogenic (Dominic Wright) FF.
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 1754
WARNINGS: ⚠️ NSFW & Fluffy fluff.
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Marco X MC - Naomi
We have been on three more dates since our date where he cooked dinner for me. We haven't done any more than a kiss, flirt in person, and via text until last night.
He had texted me just after he'd had a shower, which turned into sexting. Now I'm sexually frustrated, but he's working today and has his mom's birthday meal tonight, which he wanted me to go with him, but I thought it was too soon after he split with Sally.
His parents probably wouldn't take our relationship seriously considering he has only just broken up with her just 3 weeks ago.
*1 New Message from Marco Bottazzi on Lovelink*
[Hey gorgeous, Are you ok? What you up to? I can't stop thinking about our sexting session. I blush each time I think about it. xx]
[Hiya, I'm great thank you. What about you?  I'm enjoying my day off all cozy in bed reading a book. How is work? I was thinking about re-reading the messages actually. x]
[I'm now blushing at the thought of you re-reading those messages.....touching yourself! I'm in the middle of class texting you under the table while my students are doing a pop quiz. xx]
[Touching myself wishing it was you! Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this considering you are at school. Naughty teacher! Maybe you could pop by after your Mom's birthday meal tonight? x]
[GOD! I agree, as currently, I can't get up from my desk without displaying the situation in my pants right now. I would love to but I have some papers to grade. What about tomorrow night? xx]
[Opps! haha. Look forward to it! x]
[Slowly going thank god. Lunch in 35 minutes. Sort out the details later. I can't wait either xx]
This gives me an idea.
40 minutes later, my knuckles knock on the cold wooden door, I hear movement on the other side, then the door opens before he has time to say anything I speak.
"Mr. Bottazzi, I'm here for my appointment to talk about Kyle's grades"
He looks confused, then notices Mrs. Norris who escorted me to his classroom.
"Oh yes! Sorry, I forgot that was today. Please come in," He says as moves away from the doorway to let me into the classroom. Mrs. Norris smiles and leaves us to it.
Marco closes the door I'm just about to speak and he puts his finger to his lips to shh me. We hear Mrs. Norris's heels tap along the wooden floor fading further and further away.
"Naomi, What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you"
"Why did you say you were a parent?" He asks.
"I didn't, I said I was an Aunt and Kyle's Mom sent me because she couldn't make the meeting herself"
"How did you know there was a Kyle here?"  he asks.
"I saw Mrs. Norris putting in names on the computer of children who are in today I didn't give his last name. Just in case. Don't you like my resourcefulness?" I wink.
"You do know I can never bring to any work party's now!" He smirks.
"Well, at least while Mrs. Norris is here!" I wink. I turn to look around his classroom.
"So, you wanted to see me?" he asks.
I turn back to him "Yeah, How long is your lunch break?"
He looks at the clock "I have 47 minutes left" he smiles.
I walk towards the door and flip the lock. I turn back to him with my back pressed against the door.
He knows exactly what I'm thinking "Naomi, as much as I want to we can't!"
"Why?" I ask.
"This is my place of work. If we get caught I'd lose my job"
"How would anyone know? The door is locked. Unless anyone else has a key?" I smirk.
"Well, the only other person with a key is the janitor. Who is on lunch at the moment" I can see he's fighting with himself, but before I could react his lips claim mine.
His body pressed against mine, his tongue parts my lips as it dances with mine.
His hand comes under my thigh and lifts up one of my legs, his hips are pushing into mine and I can feel his hard member against my throbbing core.
His lips move to my pulse line and up to my ear "I'm going to be in so much trouble if we get caught!"  he whispers.
"Maybe we should stop?" I ask.
"Too late now. I don't think I can stop!" he nips my ear lobe before his lips crash to mine as he is lifting my other thigh and I wrap my legs around him.
He carries me across the room, I have no idea where we are going until I feel him set me down. He swipes whatever is behind me, he pulls away a little "I've always wanted to do that!" he says.
I let out a small giggle.
His hand glides up my thigh under my dress until he reaches my centre and brushes against it. "Lay back!" he demands.
I do as he says, he lifts up my legs and places my feet on the desk. His hands come under my dress again, he grasps the waistband of my underwear and pulls it down until their discarded. He lays small kisses on the inside of my thigh trailing towards my core.
"You'll have to keep quiet Naomi!" I feel his breath against me before his tongue parts my folds and lap at my centre.
I bite my lip to keep myself quiet. He spreads my legs and starts to work against my clit. My hand tangles in his hair, my hips buck up, I'm finding it hard to not moan aloud. "Ohh, Marco!" I whisper.
I feel him smirk against me "That is my new favourite noise," he whispers against me.
I pull myself up, jump off the desk, and start to unbuckle his belt.
"Naomi, what are you....." he's cut off by me freeing him and wrapping my hand around the base of him. I circled my tongue around his tip, and he groans, "Fuck...baby!"
I take him in fully, run my tongue along him from the base all to the tip. I gently graze my teeth gently as I draw him out, his hand clutches my hair, and he moves me to his own rhythm.
"Naomi...that feels so.....God!" he whispers.
He begins to move his hips faster. He groans louder, he pulls me up and crashes his lips to mine. His kiss is more urgent, he lifts me up onto the desk again.
"In my bag, there's a condom," I tell him.
He picks up my bag off the floor and finds it.
He grips the foil packet between his teeth, tears it out, and rolls it over his hard member.
He kisses me again as he runs along my centre before pushing past my entrance. Filling me. I grasp his hair and moan against his lips.
"Harder" Marco's thrusts become harder, he draws out slowly until the tip is just inside me then he thrust back in faster and harder.
"Oh god! Yes!"  I moan.
The desk moves with us each time he thrusts into me.
"Wow, this is a hundred times better than I could ever imagine" he whispers against my ear.
I move my lips to his jawline, his stubble is rough against my lips, I move to his neck and he catches his breath.
I love having this effect on him. He lifts my chin to kiss my lips as he pushes me to lay back onto the oak desk. He climbs onto the desk with me and speeds up his movements. His lips move to my pulse line and gently nips.
I'm close to the edge, I hold on to him a little bit tighter "Marco...YES!" I moan a little too loud as I fall over the edge.
He groans, his thrust becomes faster then I feel him hit his own peak as he moans are muffled out against my neck.
We lay like this for a few minutes to catch our breath.
He lifts up to look at me, I smile, "Do I get an A+ Mr. Bottazzi?" I ask.
He laughs, "Actually, you need to retake this test, but at another time and in a few different positions!" He winks.
"Well, I'm more than willing to do anything to get my grades up!"
He laughs again "Ok, this is getting a bit weird now!" He says as he pulls out of me and gets off the desk.
He picks up my underwear and hands it to me before he glances at the clock. "I only have 10 minutes before my next class"
"Kicking me out Mr. Bottazzi?" I ask jokingly.
"I wish you could stay but obviously that's not possible, but if the offer is still there I'd love to see you tonight?"
"I thought you had papers to grade?" I ask.
"I do! But I'd rather see you. Plus, I can grade them in my classes in the morning or at lunch"
"Like I'm going to pass up the opportunity to get an action replay of that! Without having to be quiet" I wink.
His cheeks glow red "Or holding back," he smirks.
"Mr. Bottazzi, were you holding out on me?" I ask.
He just winks.
I smile, "I better go. I'll see you tonight?"
He pulls me to him and cups my face before placing a small kiss on my lips. "Can't wait!"
I start to leave "See you later then," I say as I leave the classroom.
I'm walking home when I hear my phone.
*1 New Message from Marco Bottazzi on Lovelink*
[I can't believe we did that! Does this mean I get your actual number now? I did give you mine last week xx]
I reply in a normal text instead of through the app.
[I didn't think you had it in you Mr. Bottazzi! You surprised me! Of course, and this is it! x]
*1 New Message from Marco <3*
[You seem to bring out a side of me, I never knew I had! So, does this mean we are deleting the app? I finally have your number!! ;) xx]
[Well, Mr. Bottazzi now we are on texting territory I no longer have use for the app ;) x]
*1 New Message from Marco <3*
[Me either deleting it as we speak. Looking forward to tonight! xx]
[Deleted already. Believe me, I am too! See you later x]
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 109 1Xs2) "Welcome To The Hotel Diablo"
@crystalbaby12 @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @rosefilledhearts-blog
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Luna and Ashley may have a strangle on the #1 slot with Nightmare sitting tight for it's seventh week but Colson continues to control a vast majority of the Billboard Top 20 Pop Charts as Hotel Diablo debuts at #5. Not only with the two hits he has with Luna and Dom but also including a few of his own singles.
I Think I'm Okay has been holding strong at #2 for the last four weeks. Keeping the #1 position on the Alternative Charts for it's third also. Bad Things having it's own place at #3 on the Pop Charts for it's third week. Hollywood Whore is up three slots, grabbing the #5 spot this week while THAT Type replaces it at #8. El Diablo is sitting at #11 for it's own consecutive week while Bebe's climbing back up alongside THAT Type as Candy makes it's entrance at #19.
Landing in Cleveland, everyone is pumped. Luna, Pete, Sam, Benny, Ashley and Dom excitedly passing Congratulations to The Boys over Hotel Diablo's immediate success. Everyone's coming in to town tonight. Meeting up for a full performance of the album at the Agora Ballroom for fans then another more intimate performance at Velvet Dog for the album's release party.
Dispersing from the hanger, Slim heads to his own Ohio home, Baze taking Sam along with him to his. Pete, Ashley, Rook, Dom and Benny dipping out to Colson's Cleveland House to meet up with Bullet while he immediately goes over to Emma's with Luna to see Casie.
"Oooh, Sugar... I'm so fucking proud of yooou!! You have FIVE top 20 hits right now... We're gonna have to look some shit up, Buns, because I don't think anyone's ever done that before!" Luna gushes in the back of their Uber as she sprinkles his grinning face with kisses.
"No way. I'm not breaking any Beatles or Micheal Jackson records...." He pauses. "You really think it's possible?" Colson asks with hopeful look twinkling in his brilliant eyes.
"I do...." Luna reassures him as she pulls out her phone. "Here..." She says after a quick internet search. "You haven't broken anything yet... But you're close as fuck." She shows him her phone.
Only The Beatles out rank him with six Top 10 hits from February 29 to May 2, 1964. It's actually incredible and nothing he ever expected. For one of the first times Luna watches Colson go silent.
"I can't believe it fucking debuted at Five, Baby." He lowly admits with a slight hint of red to his sweet cheeks.
"Ohh, I can. You're whole soul is on that record." Luna replies with love.
"That's what I'm afraid of..." He says even lower.
"People always resonate with honesty, Bunny." She tells him, giving her opinion. "Why you think your fan base is so strong? Because you've always been honest." She pulls his cheek over to kiss it with her words.
"I love you." He turns to grin at her again while meeting her mouth.
Somehow, Luna always knows what to say to Colson. Whether he's at his most shittiest, pushing full confidence or the lowest of his lows, she never fails on telling him the truth in how she sees things. Colson doing the same for her. Neither being aware of deeply they truly take care of each other mentally.
"PEANUT!!!" Colson shouts with a bellowing laugh as he scoops Casie up and spins her around.
Luna and Emma watch the two of them with their hearts oozing after they had greeted each other. Without thinking, Luna laces her hand inside Emma's and lays her head against her shoulder. Slightly catching her by surprise as she easily accepts Luna's affection.
"I love the way he loves her..." Luna sighs wistfully. "He's such a great dad."
"It's one of his best qualities." Emma agrees with a smile as she holds Luna's hand a little tighter. "Think you guys'll have kids?" She asks with a genuine interest.
"I... I don't know...." Luna trails off honestly as she lifts her head up, not bothering to mention Colson or Casie's wants from her.
"I think you'd make a great mother." Emma says, looking directly at Luna. "I see you with Case and how you make Colson a better man.... Not that that's any reason to have a baby... I'm just saying... Should it come, I think you'd be really good at it."
"Wow.... Thanks. That means a lot." Luna smiles thoughtfully.
Squeezing Emma's hand, she nestles back on top of her shoulder with Emma resting her head onto Luna's. Any jealousy or disparity from NY's lunch having already dropped away. Both thankful to have the other in Casie and Colson's life above all else.
Once Colson's finished with her, Casie greets an ecstatic Luna. The young woman dipping down to squeeze the little girl with love. Coaxing her inside with the promise of a new present to her parent's amusement.
"You didn't have to do that." Emma says after Luna gives Casie the new Nikon and tries to show her how to use it.
"Photography is my first love and she mentioned how she wants to learn, so how could I not?" Luna asks with a shrug and a bright smile. "Oh... And thanks for hooking me up with Bonnie. She's been beyond wonderful!" Going on to express her gratitude over Emma's connection and friend.
"Yeah, no problem. She had mentioned last week that you guys have been in contact. I'm glad to have helped... I can't wait to see how it turns out." Emma smiles warmly at Luna.
Colson's been watching all the important females in his life intently. Truly appreciating how easily Luna and Emma have gravitated towards each other while also attending to the youngest. It's easy to see the deep respect and enjoyment they hold for each other. Even in another life, they could easily be genuine friends also.
Grabbing Casie around the neck, he wrestles her around. Many shoutings of DAD escape as she tries to wiggle away to no avail.
"Wanna come to the show tonight?" He asks her as he slightly loosens his grip. "Don't play with me." He lightly shakes her when she hesitates with a sarcastic Uhhhhmmm.
"YEAH I wanna come!!" She grins up  at him. "Mom, can I?" She asks looking over.
"Yeah, Ma. Please." Colson pleads with her as he smirks.
"Ash gonna be there?" Emma asks to Colson's nod. "She'll bring her home after the show?"
"Lemme check." Colson reassures her as he let's go of Casie and digs into his pocket.
While Colson's on the phone, Luna chats with Emma about an array of things. Tonight's shows and the upcoming weddings along with Casie's findings and her adventures during the tour. Their conversation flowing easily while Luna continues helping the little girl figure out how to take pictures with her latest, prized possession. Her attentiveness not being lost upon the mother just like her dad.
"Ash said she can drop her off tonight before the album release party and then I'll just pick her up tomorrow before the Pop Up." Colson interupts them when heading back into the kitchen.
"And you'll keep her until when?" Emma asks.
Colson looks at Luna. "Uhhhh..." He hesitates.
"My girlfriend Deanna is flying in on Monday to try to finish up the wedding fittings... So Tuesday by the latest if that's okay?" She shrugs at Colson before looking at Emma.
With Casie's eyes pleading and her body hopping around her, it's hard for Emma to resist. Not that there's any reason to. Laughing, she says Yes to her daughter's excited hugs and kisses.
After Luna convinces Casie to leave her camera at home tonight, they hug and kiss Emma GoodBye. Arrival texts being promised as always before the trio wave GoodBye from inside the Uber.
Back at The House, Colson's stoked to find Mod, Noah, Phem and Caroline. Along with a ton of packages and everyone else. Opening the boxes, he starts to shout for The Gang.
"Yo!! Pull up!!" He hollers. "I got one for you. And one for you. One for you and for you...." He says, handing the small boxes to Caroline, Phem, Mod and Noah before calling the others over that aren't within his long arm's reach.
A box goes to Slim, Pete, Baze, Casie, Rook, Dom, Benny, Bullet, Ashley and even Sam. He sets two boxes to the side for Ashleigh and Dub. Along with a handful of other's, amongst them are ones for Naomi, Trippie and Skies. Pulling Luna close, he hands her hers.
"Aight, bitches open 'EM!!" He shouts with a huge chuckle and grin.
Inside the box is a beautiful, thin, platinum and diamond encrusted Double X pendant on a slim rope chain.
"You're determined to have yourself all over me, hunh?" Luna asks with a snicker as she looks up at him.
"You fucking know it! Two rings, two tattoos, two necklaces. Two times, Kitten. Two times!" He grins wider at their inside joke while scooping her up to kiss her as Thank Yous explode all around them.
"GANG!! GANG!!" Slim shouts as he throws his arms up into an X.
Colson puts on Luna's necklace as Ashley helps Casie with hers. Everyone else assisting one another. Walking into the kitchen, Luna grabs a can of Sprite and an armful of beers. Passing them around, she opens Casie's soda before cracking her own beverage.
🎼Mothafuckas//KNOW//Who rides wit THIS Gang//By the way we be rockin'//Our Double X chains//They too soft//To know//HOW HARD UP WE CAME// Still swangen' around//Keepen' that//Bangen' A Rang thang//Got the baddest bitch//Locked wit tattoos and a rang//Checkin' into HOTEL DIABLO//You know shit's gon' be//FUCKIN' INSANE🎶
Colson shouts, bouncing around as they toast to Family and Hotel Diablo. His intimate circle hooting at his epic freestyle while Luna rolls her eyes and kisses his jawbone. In his soul he is still very much a Wild Boy.
"Oh, Bunny..." Luna coos as her thighs tighten around Colson's waist.
They're upstairs in the shower getting ready for Colson's Big Night. He grips her ass as she clutches the back of his neck, thrusting him deeper inside of her. Both are panting in the steamy air as they suck on and fuck each other passionately. Pulling on the other's hair as their bodies throb and they pound themselves into one another.
"Fuck Kitten, you ready?" Colson gasps when he feels himself tingle from the upcoming explosion.
"Mmmhmmmm...." She moans as she bucks against him faster, giving them both permission to let go.
"Fuuuuuuuck....." They both sigh out in content as Colson continues to hold Luna and they rest their faces in each other's necks.
"I have something for you..." Luna says while they're both still naked from their ShowerFuck, offering up her black portfolio case after finding it amongst their luggage.
"What's this?" He asks with intrigue, remembering the last gift the leather casing had held for him.
"Fuck.... I gotta get that framed." He suddenly thinks. "It'd be perfect in The Brownstone...." His mind drifts as he begins to muse to himself.
"Open it..." She encourages him with a gleaming smile. "I've been working on it for a minute..." She says as her lips drop into a tiny secret.
Unzipping the case, Colson is presented with another canvas. This time displaying an oversized painted replica of their punked out bunny. The background is a deepish purple with edgy whisps of creams and light colored violets flowing through out it. Making the hints of color in the white cartoon animal pop out of it's heavy black outline. The feeling easily representing Hotel Diablo's black and purple atheistic.
Arranged around their matching tattoo, with some items being embedded into the canvas, are physical pieces from The Tour. Their key card from The Watergate, the crumpled receipt from their coffee order in Detroit, a ticket stub from the planetarium in Texas. Amongst them is also the peeled off lable from their bottle of SpringBack 1919 they had shared in the San Francisco speakeasy and her BackStage pass from the Pittsburgh show. All secured and decorated with a slight black outline to showcase each of them.
A little larger than his huge thumb are eight small, intimate pictures of the two of them sprinkled throughout. Some are selfies but other's aren't. Luna breaking her own rule and using other's photography in her art. Angled in the the bottom right corner, in a black and light purple twist, lays a mutilated copy of Luna's lips spelling out Bad Things. Dotted in an iridescent paint to make it sparkle in dark wonderment. Fully tying the whole piece together.
Luna's art is truly like no other's. Combining multi-medias and dimensions with her muse's soul lingering inside of it. Colson's eyes are wide the way they were the night she gave him his first gift.
"Ready?" She asks, popping the switch sitting underneath as he stares silently holding her work.
Their bunny's eyes light up in a low, blue glow from the tiny bulbs buried deep inside the canvas. Colson's heart stops. Reminding him exactly of the night they met.
"Holy fuck, it's beautiful." His heart explodes once it begins to beat again. "How the FUCK does she do this shit...." He thinks in admiration as he continues to look it over.
"Wow." Is all he can say as he stares at his gift.
Luna watches as Colson takes his time absorbing the new piece. Her soul gleaming as he excitedly points out all their little memories. Once he's fully taken it in and sets it down, Colson pulls her in with one strong arm by her waist. Giving her a meaningful kiss.
"You like?" Luna asks with soft eyes and a loving smile.
"I fucking LOVE." He easily declares.
"Cool." Luna smirks, replying just the same as before as she kisses him back and wraps her arms around his waist.
"Thank you." He tells her as he runs his long fingers along her wet skull until his large hands cradle her head.
Colson kisses Luna with a passionate gratitude. Dipping their naked bodies onto the bed, he slowly and sweetly makes love to her. Taking his time as he softly kisses her while overfilling her body with himself. Running her hands lightly along his body, Luna enjoys their tenderness.
"Oh SHIIIIT..." Luna lowly moans as he kindly gives them both exactly what they want.
Sighing contently, wrapped in each other Luna and Colson let their kisses linger on each other's lips. Genuine and truthful I Love Yous being passed between them as they enjoy their quiet, intimate moment together.
Finally gathering themselves, they proceed to burn and chatter together as usual while they get dressed. Colson still railing his preference of Adderall while Luna pops her own three percs. She's trying hard but the gaping hole that ripped her shoulder muscles in two REALLY fucking HURTS.
Colson's dressed in all black while Luna pulls on loose, ripped jeans and a white crop top. A red and black flannel loosely tied around her waist as her hair flows wildly with a touch of natural curl.
"Make sure you wear your ring tonight." Colson tells her as he pecks the top of her head.
"Always do..." Luna gives him a weird look as she tosses up both hands, wiggling her fingers to display each of her beloved rings.
"Fucking better." He taunts her, slapping and jiggling her ass cheek to her pleased giggles as they walk out of the bedroom.
The Agora Ballroom is sold out and jam packed. Colson is putting on a special concert to debut Hotel Diablo in full to ONLY his hometown.
Everyone is there. Colson, Ashleigh and The Boys. Luna, Casie, Pete Ashley, Dom, Sam and Benny. Mod's there, so is Caroline and Noah. Trippie Redd, Naomi Wild and Lil Skies all coming through along with Phem to perform their features. Backstage easily overflowing with artists and friends as Dub and Johnny come trickling in with a few other long time Cleveland friends. Sporadic industry pals making their way around also.
"What's happenin', My Dude?" Colson happily greets his friend with a dap and huge hug.
"Nutten' man... Worken' on the album, taken' care of Baby Girl. You know how it be.... What's poppin' wit 'chu?" Dub asks nodding in Luna's direction.
"You talk to Slim, hunh?" Colson shakes his head with a grin.
"More than your bitch ass." He replies with a joking tone.
Colson can see Luna but with the crowded room it's hard to get her attention. "Thanks Tommy." He thinks, smiling to himself, knowing exactly how to grab her.
"Hold up." He tells Dub before cupping his mouth with is hands and hollering "BROOOOKLYYN!!"
"This man..." Luna's mind laughs as she looks for Colson. Catching his eye quickly, she smiles brightly at him. "FUCK, I love his stupid ass." Her brain continues to tease her as she makes her way towards him.
"What's up, Ya Nut?" She chuckles once she reaches him, standing on her tippy toes to kiss his lowered cheek.
"Kitten, this is one of my bestfriends Dub. Dub-O... My Bitch, Luna fucking Smith." Colson beams with pride as he introduces the two.
"It's so nice to finally meet you! The way Colson talks about you, I feel like I already kinda know you." Luna says warmly as Dub loosely accepts her hug.
"That's funny because he ain't told me shit about you." He answers her with a snide look at Colson.
"Oh. No pleasantries? Straight to the Gate? Aight. What's good?" Luna's tone changes immediately as she pops her chin out with her last words.
Colson starts to laugh when Dub's top lip snarls at her fierce response. Cocky in his own right, Dub doesn't hesitate to hit back.
"You tell me, seems you always got my boy caught up in some shit." He cuts.
"Excuse me?" Luna draws back with her eyebrows furrowed.
"What the fuck you talkin' about Dub-O?" Colson jumps in with a slight attitude, just as confused as Luna.
"The streets speak, Kells." Dub says turning to Colson. "Word is Eminem's gunnen' for you even harder after whatever YOUR bitch pulled in Detroit." He continues as he shoots a glare at Luna.
"Motherfucker, you're out 'chour mind." Luna laughs at him. "And your streets don't know SHI..."
Colson cuts her off before she can finish, questioning his friend "What the FUCK you talken' about, Dawg? Luna held shit down as always and fuck that little bitch ass pussy. Let him come see me. I'll fuck his punk ass up again." Colson spits out.
"Bunny, don't." Luna says as she slips her hand into Colson's, both knowing she's trying to hit that natural anxiety reducer. "Look, I don't know what you heard and honestly, I don't care because it ain't right." She says directly to Dub before looking up at Colson then back at him. "But you better believe..." Luna continues looking straight into Dub's eyes as she points at him with her free finger. "Imma give you a legit reason not to like me if you fuck up his night... Because bestfriends don't do that shit." Luna states coldly before grabbing Colson's chin, planting a solid kiss on the side of his jaw and stalking away.
"WHAT THE FUCK DUB-O?" Colson balks angrily.
"I had to see if she could hang." Dub smirks at Colson bewildered confusion. "Slim said she rides hard for you, I had to see how hard." He laughs lightly with a shrug.
"You're a fucking DickHead." Colson snickers once he realizes what his friends play was. "Yo, you better get correct with her, she ain't nothin' to be fuckin' wit." Colson begins to laugh as he shakes his head.
"I see... Something tells me she can take a joke though." Dub laughs louder with amusement along with his old friend as he Buddy Slaps on the back.
"Actually, her fucked up ass probably would appreciate your stupidity." Colson continues laughing as the two of them turn towards the BackStage madness.
Luna's grooving. She'd love for all of Colson's friends to like her but unlike him, she doesn't give a flying fuck if they do. Honestly, she could give a flying fuck if anyone likes her. The less people that like her, means the less people that she has to unwillingly talk to.
Oddly enough, she's a hypocritical social butterfly. Floating around as she hangs out with their friends and kindly introduces herself to Naomi, Trippie and Lil Skies. Meaningfully gushing and talking to each of them regarding their personal contribution to Hotel Diablo. Going as far to tease Trippie about his Plan B, yeah. She loves the whole album, how could she not express her adoration and appreciation towards their work on it.
"Kitten..." Colson calls for her.
"You're on in 20." Ashleigh says, trying to redirect him.
"Hold on." He says putting up his index finger. "BROOKLYN!!" He says a little louder catching her attention.
"Hmmm?" Luna asks once she reaches him.
"I FUCKING love-LOOOOVE YOU!! He declares as he wraps a long arm around her waist and plunks a heart felt kiss onto her lips.
"Love you, Bunny." Luna giggles in sheer content as she pulls him in for a tight lip lock. "Fuckin' kill 'em." She grins as she squeezes his ass and sends him OnStage.
The Band had been teasing his unknowing fans all throughout June with Sex Drive as they waited for his set to begin. Those who had experienced it, make the connection immediately and are going wild. As Cara's voice floats over top of them, welcoming them to The Hotel Diablo, the venue erupts into an excited explosion.
Colson is electric and in rare form tonight. The success of his album finally sinking in has him running, dancing and jumping like an overexcited puppy.
Luna's SideStage with Casie, Ashley, Pete, Ashleigh, Sam, Dom and a few others kicking out the lyrics to El Diablo as they bounce to the contagious hit. Jumping and pumping their fists as they pass bottles of Jamison and rattle along with Colson.
Luna and Ashleigh shout as they bop together and thrust their fists into the air. Dropping their curled hands as they continue spouting about throwing dice and keeping their circle tight. Spinning their fingers in the air as they groove and grin at each other laughing. Pete headlocks Luna making Ashley shove him as AJ opens up with Hollywood Whore. Stopping them all in their tracks as the sweet reminder of Chester radiates through their souls.
Riding the riff side by side, they recite the lyrics alongside Colson. Happily joining them is Mod, Noah, Caroline, Phem, Johnny and Dub. Whose intently watching Luna. There was only a half truth to his rudeness towards her. He don't trust THAT Bitch at all. He also hasn't spoken to Slim in a week either.
As the bass kicks in the group of them slam into each other. Luna holding Casie's hand and protecting her with her body as they continue to sing along and bash into one another. The crowd is insane. Shouting the chorus along with Colson as he raps about two faces trying to fit in to his world when there's no new space while wanting to get him to commit third degree murder. Undercover exposing those who tried to play him like a Hollywood Whore in the City of Danger. Watching Colson rip into his guitar makes Luna's nipples hard as her pussy begins to salivate for him. He's fucking hot. On and off stage.
Colson talks to his family about the relevance of the song as the main chords to Glass House lowly play behind him. He mentions how he misses too many of his friends. Chester, Nipsey, Mac... Too many to list. Luna can hear his voice break slightly as he asks the crowd to sing along with him and Naomi.
Luna doesn't sing. She can't. It's one of the many songs on this album that breaks her heart too much. Holding Casie against her, she wraps her arms around the little girl's shoulders as she tries to hold back her tears. The ballroom is shouting along with Naomi as she begs to be thrown into damn flames and to be buried with gold chains. Luna braces herself and Casie for the most gut wrenching part of the entire album.
🎶Lately//I've been sick of livin'//And nobody knows//How I'm really feelin'//I always hated to smile//But I keep//What is killing me//Hidden inside//I didn't sign up//To be the hero//But I don't want//To wind up a villain//I put my daughter to bed//Then attempted//To kill myself//In the kitchen//Yeah//I should've screamed//But//Nobody listenedSo I passed out//With the blood drippin'//In this glass house//Feelin' like a prison//Me and death//Keep tongue-kissin'//I just fell out//With my lil' bro//The life gettin' to us//The drink gettin' to us//The drugs gettin' to us//It's highway to hell//And everybody knew//What the fuck//Were we doin'?🎶
Colson runs the bars flawlessly. Luna can't help the tears that drop from her eyes as her breath shudders. The truth of his lyrics are too painfully as she holds Casie a little bit tighter. With her mind flashing back to Justin's blank eyes she can't help the range of emotions she feels while thinking of Casie dealing with Colson in the same situation. Luna closes her eyes as she holds the little girl close and wishes for the song to end.
It does. The context of the next song isn't any easier though as Burning Memories kicks in. Colson's words shattering Luna's heart into a million pieces. The recording is nothing compared to his live voice finally asking his mother how she could leave him for another. Luna can only slightly vibe with everyone else as they sing about him dying before he wakes. Lil Skies comes out to the crowd's cheers to ask for Love and Truth before Luna's soul flips with the liquor in her stomach as Colson sings along with his fans about their dark days coming in the summer. Feeling the rumble of their voices, Luna finds it both amazing and soul wrenching that the album only dropped this morning, yet almost the whole venue knows all of it's intimate words.
Ashleigh grabs Luna's loose hand as she watches the blood drain from her face and tears drop from her unknowing eyes. Her touch and Pete's voice asking about More Dracula as him and Colson laugh and recreate the skit OnStage pulls Luna back to her senses.
"You okay?" Ashleigh asks her friend with concern.
"Yeah... It's just harder to hear it live." Luna sighs.
"I know..." Ashleigh squeezes her hand.
The lead up beat to Floor 13 starts flowing through their blood and Luna is quickly out of her wicked head. Smiling at Ashley, they rapid fire the lyrics at each other along with Colson. Luna laughs when he mentions what will happen upon a physical run in and Casie's hands. Rocking her good shoulder into the tiny Baker, Luna grins at her. Shooting finger guns at each other as they let off with her daddy.
🎶I heard that//They call me//Yeeeah//Let 'em in//I got somethin'//For 'em//Yeeeeah//Please forgive my sins//Blood on my//Ralph Laureeen//I can't wash this shit//Wake up//Say//Good morninnnn//Like I forgot🎶
Laughing, Luna swings Casie around from behind after singing the chorus together. Whispering Hotel Diablo along with her ASMR into her ear with a giggle. Casie cheeses while squealing and squirming out of Luna's grasp. Grabbing Pete and Ashleigh's hands as her dad kicks into Roulette.
This is Luna's favorite song on the album. She happily dances, sings and raps along with Noah, Mod, Ashley and everyone else about that Mothafucken' Rida Music. Sliding her thumb along her latest gift, Luna keeps her body rolling as she drags the double X along it's shiny string. Her and Noah grinning at one another as they share another bottle of Jamison and ask the other how many times they're gonna play with death before their 30yrs old. Cause they're chosen.
Things lighten up as The Boys joke around about Baze being Truck Norris. They were so fucked up the night Slim drunkenly tried to compare him to Family Guy skit with Chuck Norris's beard that none of them would have even remembered if it wasn't recorded. It's Benny's laugh that highlights the inside joke placed track, bringing a much needed lightness to the heavy album.
Naomi comes back in as her voice haunts the crowd. Taunting them as she sings about death in her pocket and how she feels so alive. Luna and Casie are holding hands again as they recite the lyrics along with Colson as he reminisces about him and Slim trappen'. Before he can mention his worry about passing down his addictive genes Sam scoops Casie up from behind. With so many people SideStage, this is the first time Sam has been able to make her way over to her smaller friend.
"What up, Homie!!" Sam laughs as she kisses Casie on the side of the cheek.
"SAMMY!!" Casie shouts excitedly as she turns to hug the dark haired drummer.
"I missed YOU!" Sam exclaims as she sprinkles kisses all over Casie's face. "I got you something..." She says as she digs in her pocket.
Candy is floating through the back Luna's mind as she watches Sam present Casie with three small band pins. "Who is this person?" She laughs to herself. "I wonder if this is how it felt with me..." She thinks of how six months ago she wouldn't have touched a child with a 10ft pole but now couldn't imagine not loving Casie. "Life is so fucking weird..."
"Shit Loons, I'm so sorry!" Ashleigh interupts her thoughts. "You're on in like 10 and I know you're not dressed."
"5:3666 is up after this, then me?" Linda asks as she hears Colson's opening chords to I Think I'm Okay.
"Yeeeeah..." Ashleigh answers sheepishly.
"Fuck it, how do I look because I'm not missing this song." Luna grins as she displays herself to Colson's manager.
"Great as always." She sighs out a laugh of honest relief.
"Then let's FUCKING GOOO!!" Luna shouts, grabbing her hand.
Pulling Ashleigh along, she rallies Casie, Sam and Ashley. Easily pushing their way to front right stage. Holding hands, jumping and screaming along with Colson, Dom and their fans, the group of girls rage.
🎶Watch me//Take a good thing//And fuck it all up//In one night//Catch me//I'm the one on the run//Away from the headlights//No sleep//Up all week//Wasting time//With people I don't like//I think//That something's//FUCKING wrong with me🎶
Everyone goes ballistic as Dom sings his solo. The venue is throbbing as they continue to rip through the pop punk song. Dropping their guitars, both boys jump into the ocean of waiting hands as they continue to sing together.
Climbing back OnStage, they grab their guitars again. Finishing out the song with multiple layered, intense GoodNights. The voices singing along with them so powerful, Luna swears she can feel the stage shake.
"Give it up for my brother, YungBlud!!" Colson shouts to the crowd's roars.
Phem joins The Band OnStage. Her moody voice wrapping around Colson's equally dark lyrics perfectly. His EST Fam chanting word for word with him. There is not one person in that building who isn't a Machine Gun Kelly fan. As the song comes to an end the ASMR of Luna and Colson in the studio plays over the speakers, making the walls shake in anticipation.
Dub continues to watch Luna as she swigs the bottle once more before disappearing. Like most people, he's not quite sure what he thinks of her.
"Meh... Ash and Case seem to like her and she definitely ain't a member of The Slut Squad...." Dub thinks to himself while observing Luna. "Maybe she ain't as bad as Slim made her out to be.... She definitely got an attitude." He chuckles to himself. "Kells needs that though. Fuck... I don't know... who am I to judge.... Especially if Case and Ash bang wit her... Guess we just gonna have to see..." Dub decides as he watches Luna head OnStage.
They start off as they have the many times before. Luna opening up delicately at the piano before Colson leads her out and The Boys kick in heavy behind them. Slaying his guitar, he raps about giving one another life while suffocating in the other's kiss. Bouncing around the stage, buzzing and teasing one another while promising each other how they'll want them forever and take them where ever.
🎶I'm just a LunaTic//With her Gunn//When we're together//Bad Things happen//The way you touch me//Is better than ecstasy//When we're not together//I still feel you//Coursing through me🎶
Luna and Colson hit the second chorus again together as Rook slams into his kit and Colson continues to shred his guitar. He tosses it SideStage as he joins her for last few verses. Pulling her in close as their bodies rock together and rush for the other. Grabbing her hand The Band drops away as they harmonize the last lyrics together.
🎶I'm all in//There is no maybe🎶
As they finish, Colson twirls her out. Letting go of her hand, Luna stops. Drops her head back with her arms at different angles and pops one knee. The response to their performance is volcanic. The crowd erupting for an ENCORE as the lights begin to go down.
Colson can't hear them, just his one thought. "I am going to FUCK the shit outta her..." His mouth salivating as he scoops her up to invade her willing mouth.
"You're so fucking hot." He pants as he continues to kiss her. "I wanna run an encore for El Diablo. What do you think? We'll get everybody OnStage?"
"Fuck YEAH!" Luna agrees kissing him back. "You tell The Boys, I'll grab everyone else." She grins.
"I fucking LOVE YOU." Colson tells her with a light laugh as he kisses her once more before they seperate for their missions.
Word Limit 1 of 2
To be continued....
11 notes · View notes
mittensmorgul · 5 years
Any thoughts on the differences between ghosts and demons, since Hell has been busted open but it's pretty much just ghosts topside (except Belphie). It can't just be time in Hell as the deciding factor - unless Jack the Ripper's been haunting people for awhile and just recently got his soul sent to Hell. Crowley's the only demon we really have a timeline for... I wonder if souls "choose", like Dean's "choice" to get off the rack and take up the knife when he was in Hell...
So... I don’t honestly have more than random guesses to go on here, but this is one of those cosmological things I tend to obsess over at 3 am, so I decided to take this directly to grey’s chattybubbles, and we had an interesting chat about it. I’ll just put it here because our rambling entertained me, and heck, maybe someone else has something to add...
Warnings for incredibly dubious math below the cut :’D
mittensmorgulI gotta say, your ask message is something I've been thinking about since last week, but jack the ripper's ghost has made it 100000x worse >.>I'm just gonna... ramble a bit in your general direction and see if we can come up with an answer either of us finds reasonable >.>Maybe it's a frogs and toads situation. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads?i.e. all demons once were human souls, but not all human souls can or will become demons
mittensmorgulI don't know if it's their choice as to whether they become demons or not, or some other unrelated metaphysical process. But I've wondered this for a while about how crossroads demons develop red eyes while "regular demons" don't. So what makes a crossroads demon vs a run of the mill demon?
mittensmorgulI know it's not the same question, but it's in the same family of questions :'D
grey2510one of the things I was considering was what made them go to Hell in the first placelike someone who made a deal - for whatever reason - is someone who knows to look for loopholes and ways out of a shit situationand if your options are "be tortured" or "not be tortured"...
grey2510could also explain how crossroads demons are made... maybe the crossroads demons all made deals as humansit's a self perpetuating systemwhereas some psychopath serial killer would get sent to hell, but might not have the deal-making acumenif that makes any kind of sense
mittensmorgulI always had assumed that the torture was part of the process, and that happening in Hell was what turned a soul into a demon, you know? But if Hell is mostly just ghosts being tortured for their sins for eternity, rather than being tortured into demons within a relatively short span of time (one would think 140 earth years should do it...) maybe only some souls are even able to become demonsor there may be a specific process involved to turn them-- like witches who pledge themselves to a demon like RubyAnd Crowley, who made a deal and then ended up a crossroads demon
mittensmorgullike maybe there had to be a bit of something supernatural already staining the soul to make them eligible :'D
grey2510because we know it must have been a relatively short turn around for Crowley - in earth years, he died 300 years ago, but he was turned demon in enough time to know Naomi and refer to Mesopotamia (which doesn't sound modern) and to establish himself as King of the Crossroads
mittensmorgulBecause if it was just a matter of a choice, I don't think very many people would choose "torture" over "do this and you can become a demon which is bad but heck it's not torture"
grey2510yeahunless they truly believed they were guilty (but that's more of Lucifer the show's version of Hell)I don't have an answer but I thought Spiders George might have a few thoughtslol*georg
mittensmorgulyeah, and Crowley has STUDIED STUFF. I mean, he knows Enochian, knows all the major players, knows tons of unrelated lore and weapons and all sorts of stuff (including magic he presumably learned as a human)So he's been a demon (or at least not just some poor tortured soul in Hell) for a very, very long time to have been "King of the Crossroads" in a leadership position even at the beginning of the serieshe didn't spend 140 of those years languishing as a soul in Hell
grey2510yeahand he had it in with Lilith
mittensmorgulyeah, this is all just random thoughts, but I don't know if canon will ever make a statement on it one way or another.
grey2510I'd be surprised if they did
mittensmorguland Jack the Ripper was I believe Eugenie's pet Evil Thing in this episode, so I don't know that this wasn't just a random "I'm gonna use this because it sounds cool! Screw canon!" moment for her or what
grey2510especially since we have BL canon acrobatics
grey2510yeah - I could really care less about Jack the Ripper but if that's her current chew toy, have fun
mittensmorgulI think Ketch is her current chew toy
grey2510well him too
mittensmorgulwhich I'll take over Lucifer or Nick any day:P
grey2510haha I was just about to say that
mittensmorgulbut yeah, as far as understanding the cosmology and metaphysics, if it's just BL canon I tend to ignore it as much as possible unless we get secondary confirmation of a thing from another writer
grey2510yeah - although we do have a little bit of outside of BL since it was introduced in 15x01but that could have just been the other writers tossing a shiny object to her
mittensmorgulwell the oldest of those other souls from hell that we saw was 15 earth years, the Woman in White.Which... I could buy she wouldn't have been "demonized" yet.
grey2510yeahalso - Lizzie Borden we don't know for sure because our Lizzie ep wasn't actually Lizzie right?
mittensmorgulShe was a deeply traumatized ghost for decades before being sent to Hell in 1.01yeah, it was a fake haunting, and Amara eating people's souls
grey2510rightbeen awhile since I've seen that season
mittensmorgulBut nothing in canon clarified if it was lizzie borden with the ax anyway, we just assume it was
grey2510truebut yeah - Constance still being a soul and not a demon makes sense
mittensmorgulAnd if it was, we don't know if that was scripted, or something someone thought would look cool and costumed that way
mittensmorgulBUT! I do think it's likely that most souls don't become demons, otherwise there would've been a heck of a lot more of them. And like we've been running out of angels, Hell was running low on demons by s13even by s11, after amara ate her way through a lot of them
grey2510trueit still does make you wonder what it is that makes some souls "special" enough to become demons
mittensmorgulI've always found it weird we don't really see a lot of "brand new demons"
grey2510....still waiting for Bela to show up and be like fuck all y'all
mittensmorgulBela should be queen of the crossroads. She made a deal, dealt with the supernatural, and deserved better.
grey2510seriouslyshe'd be the natural successor - she was pretty much the human equivalent before she got dragged away
grey2510i know this is also just early season weirdness, but there was never anything else about different types of demons like the shadowy things that Meg called
mittensmorgulthough I'm 99% sure the show can't afford Lauren Cohan, and I'm not sure they'd bring back Bela without her. Though as a demon she would by necessity be wearing a different meatsuit...
grey2510yeah - they could put her in anyone
mittensmorgulYeah, the Daevasand the Acheri demon we saw exactly once in 2.21 >..
grey2510or why wispy the pilot was doing his thingoh yeah that was the girl looking thing right?
mittensmorguland good old Specky from 1.04 with his airplane fetishyeah
grey2510i'm just going to assume that they were things that other hunters/lore called "demons" because they didn't have another name for them
grey2510anyway, it would be fascinating to know what exactly the soul to demon process is all about
mittensmorgulbut human souls, twisted into demons, seems to happen by a very specific process. Like it must be done TO the soulit's probably all on the demon tablet >.>
grey2510haha probably
mittensmorgulbut they mentioned there were several BILLION souls in Hell, which seems... rather a lot... I just looked it up... about 55 million people die every year.
grey2510that's a lot of big numbers
mittensmorgulso about 20 years for a billion people to die
grey2510so not my area lol
mittensmorguland I assume the vast majority of them do not go to Hell
grey2510lol ok - i'm glad you did the math (i've been grading freshman papers all day so my brain is kinda fried)do you watch the Good Place?
mittensmorgulI mean if even Ken Lay gets into Heaven, then we have to assume the VAST majority of people who die won't go to Hell
mittensmorgulno I haven't seen it, but I've watched through tumblr :'D
grey2510the rules seem pretty laxah gotchai was going to make a reference to something that happened last season but didn't want to ruin it for you
mittensmorgulso if even 1/10 people who die end up in Hell, it would still take like 200 years for a billion souls to accumulate. Or 2000 years if only 1 /100 people go to Hell
grey2510so assume a few centuries to get a billion
mittensmorgul(and the death rate has not always been as high as it is now, with 8 billion people on the planet, compared to 2000 years ago, you know? so that's more math than I'm actually willing to do :P)
grey2510lolyeah spn's hell rules seem to be "made a deal" and "totally evil person"murders, rapists, etc.not much in the middle
mittensmorgulyeahbut the population of the earth even 200 years ago was less than 1/10 what it is today, so the death rate would've also dropped by that much, making it take that much longer for hell souls to accumulate.Point being, if there are that many SOULS in Hell, and not just demons, then apparently not every soul DOES become a demonand I REALLY NEED TO KNOW WHY NOW
grey2510it's been bugging me too, so i guess we can suffer together
mittensmorgulokay, I really wanna copy/paste this as the reply to your message, because I feel like my non-answer is a good answer
grey2510fine by me
mittensmorguland maybe we can have other people pitch in ideas :PI'm pretty sure this is the sort of thing Canon will never explain in detail, but it's exactly the sort of thing I personally wonder about the most.
grey2510so where did we land? something done specifically to the soul that turns them, but then also the question of whether there's something about the soul that makes them a viable candidate for the transformation?
mittensmorgulyeah, that's succinct. :'D
grey2510and then if crossroads demons are former deal makers
mittensmorgulalso if they've made a deal either with a crossroads demon, or as a "borrower witch," as they've been called by other witches in canon
grey2510or something else about them that determines what kind of demon they'll be come*become
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polygamyff · 5 years
5. Part 4
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I find it hilarious how we are in a Starbucks, we kind of first met in a Starbucks. I like the fact we both like the same thing, she loves a Latte and so do I. Robyn legit made an outfit out of my hoodie, she looks so good in everything and I love it. Her beauty is what dreams are made of. What tragedies are written about. What poets spend their lives trying to capture, never to be satisfied in the face of such perfection. Her smile is addictive to watch, the best thing I have done in my own lifetime is make this woman my girlfriend because I will never get tired of watching her. Staring at her long graceful fingers, a new fresh pair of nails, I feel like they was done recently maybe for me but I am impressed. She pinches off another portion of the brownie. Following the piece with my eyes as she brings it towards her mouth while she watches her phone, maybe looking at a text. Head bent slightly forward, her sun-kissed loose curls cascade down at the sides of her shoulders. She is so beautiful and I can't stop the heavy thump of my heartbeat against my chest, the rush of heat to my head, can barely breathe.
Her lips close around the piece of brownie and the fingertips that hold it, my mouth dry as she sucks the remaining traces of chocolate off her fingertips, the glistening flesh curved around the digits. I don’t know why we bother to come out, I want to have sex with her. I gasped before grabbing my Latte, bumping against the handle of the cup near dropping it like an idiot but all was saved, it didn’t fall. Her lashes flutter upwards, her eyes focusing on me, her glistening hazel eyes just staring at me, this is actually making me nervous. She smiles at me, it’s like she knows that I was watching her, knows what she is doing to me. Her tongue peeks out, she curves it over her lower lip, licks away a few brownie crumbs. I shift forward in my seat, my knees bearing against her exposed thigh under the small table. “Good?” I questioned, tilting my head towards the brownie, my eyes never leaving hers. She nods, pinches off another chunk of brownie with her fingers, holds it out to me “you should try it” There's challenge in her voice, we are playing with fire, and we both know it because we are in public.
I gripped her wrist, pull her hand close to my face. Her eyes widen, surprised. Keeping my gaze steadily on her, I wrap my mouth around the brownie, my lips wrap around her fingers. With my tongue I slides the brownie off her fingertips and her eyes flutter, a slight blush to her cheeks. The chocolate is rich and dark, the flavour of her skin sets off sparks. I suck on her fingers, cleaning away the last traces of chocolate, and her chest rises and falls with her rapid breathing, she sways forward a little. When I release her hand and it falls down to the table, her mouth dropped open. She is staring at my lips, and shifts in her seat. I wrap one leg around hers, trapping her to me and she swallows hard visibly, shivers when I trace my hand along her waist until my fingers are dipped into the grooves of her spine. Robyn tilts towards me, pointing at my lips “you've got…” Her voice almost soundless. Eyes hazy, her mouth so close that her warm breath tickles my upper lip “…chocolate” she whispers and then brings her lips to the left corner of my mouth. She slides her tongue along the outline, cleaning away the sweet remains supposedly stuck to my skin. My mind goes blank, my fingers digging into her spine. A gust of breath flutters from her mouth at his touch, hot and moist.
“There…” Sucking the other side of his lip between hers, nipping, her tongue along the flesh. I groan out, I want to grab her, haul her onto my lap but the edge of the table keeps us apart. I rake my other hand through her hair, my palm cradling her head. Keeping her close, tilting her forward. Keeping her. She draws the shape of my mouth with her tongue, travelling along my lips until she is centered with me, exchanging aching breaths through open “and there” She delves into my mouth, her tongue seeking mine in bold strokes, deep and needy and longing and I meet her with the same desperation. She tastes like chocolate and coffee and woman, full-blooded and strong, I aches for her, wants her only more, always more. I suck on her lips, nibbles the skin and she gasps, digs her nails into the skin of my neck. Someone wolf whistled nearby and we jump apart like teenagers being caught making out under the bleachers. Our heads jerk toward the sound. A young group of females and males is sat by their corner booth “oh my god” Robyn said in my ear, placing her face in the crook of my neck, I know she is blushing.
The group jeered at us “better than pornhub” shaking my head smiling, I completely forgot where we was and I knew it was a bad thing “stop it, they cute!!” some female shouted “couple goals though” Robyn moved back from the crook of my neck giggling, she can’t stop laughing “this all your fault, made me forget where I am!” she pushed me lightly away from her “my phone is ringing, thank god” that has never happened to me, that was intense and I am surprised I ain’t got hard, I kept the big boy at bay “why are you even there Leon?” pushing my chair back, who the hell is Leon “well I know that, I am doing a late on Monday. But I don’t think my mom is going to just let you sit there, she lying she don’t see you as her second child” getting up from the chair, grabbing my snapback from the table and placing it on my head. Catching Robyn eye me up with her eyes bulged out “wait a minute” digging into my pocket for my cigarette “what is it?” why is she eye balling me “stand to the side for me” what is even her problem, standing to the side for her “what?” seeing Robyn’ hand reach down touch my bulge, I quickly gripped her hand “hey, don’t” she is really eye balling me “that’s mine, also you can’t walk around like that. Put it down” I chuckled a little “I can’t just put it down, it will soften. Calm your little ass down, just don’t touch it” she is not happy but I am not happy she is speaking to some guy “I don’t want anyone to look” she kissed her teeth, rolling my eyes placing my cigarette between my lips. Turning to face that group people “ayo, where you get your new Js from?” looking down at my sneakers, moving the cigarette from my lips “not released yet, next week you’ll see these come out” the guy looked at me all wide eyed “let’s go then” Robyn came out of nowhere “that’s dope as shit” following behind Robyn “sis, I need to know where you found this man!!” one of the female shouted “I am from Texas ma’am, nice meeting you all” they funny, loud as fuck though because we may have had sex if it wasn’t for them.
Sitting in Robyn’ car, we using her car and she wants to drive and I ain’t about to stop her, she knows where she is going. Closing the car door as I sat in, Robyn instantly placed her bag on my lap, I was about to light my cigarette up “thank you?” I said, is she really mad that I don’t have any control of my dick “are you mad?” I questioned “no, I mean maybe. I don’t know, I wouldn’t say mad but you’re like new around here. Just seems like you’re a very noticeable man, I just see females look at you a lot, this is why I was shocked to know you was single and your age, you don’t look it at all” placing her bag in the back seat “does it matter? I am with you, I don’t notice shit. I just be noticing you, who is Leon?” I need to know this “oh he is my best friend, I am sure I mentioned it to you but yeah he is at my house and I am like I won’t be back, tomorrow I will be and he’s like we can watch a movie and catch up, I was like my parents ain’t about to sit there and hear us speak about dick, so I think I am going to his. But yeah, just making at meet up, he is gay. He loves light skinned tatted up niggas, so he may fancy you. I hope you don’t turn, he ain’t ugly either. He always said we would marry each other If I was forever single” I chuckled shaking my head “mhmmm, I wouldn’t change you for the world. I mean, who starts touching my dick when it’s semi-hard, you was publicly touching me and then getting angry” busting out laughing” I wanted it to behave, shut up!” she hit my arm as I laughed out.
I have so much shit to do when I go to New York have so many meetings in my diary, my assistant is good. She even booked in a slot for Malik, this is how busy I am going to be. I need to go to Texas first and then go New York, I am going to do this all within a day hopefully. Leaning to the side resting my arm on the middle panel, I need to meet my assistant actually. I can meet her at my office, I rather keep busy actually. Saves me from thinking of Robyn and what she is doing, I will miss her a lot “we are here” looking up from my phone “where are we?” I don’t even know where we are “Ocean Avenue, you said take you anywhere because you haven’t been here” she is right “ok, that’s fine. It looks nice” looking back down at my phone, my phone pinged and the notification popped down with the Naomi, quickly flicking it up to get rid of it “who is Naomi?” shifting in the seat, not someone I want to speak about “just a family friend, she erm helps with the real estate. I am just checking my diary, it’s busy” locking my phone, I don’t want to know what she is texting about “I can tell, there is a lot of red on there” nodding my head, that is so awkward and I don’t wan to even hear her name come out of Robyn’ lips.
Fixing my snapback on my head with my free hand “it’s actually nice here ain’t it?” Robyn walked the opposite way towards the water view “it is, I love coming here but I always wanted to come here and walk with my man” it’s a very couple oriented place, walking towards the barrier “look at that” Robyn said pointing, my smile grew seeing the sunset “that is dope” Robyn let my hand go and walked towards the barrier, walking slowly behind her. I have seen many of places but nobody is quite special when you are with the one you love. Placing my hands on either side of Robyn, holding the barrier and pressing myself against Robyn “that is something so beautiful” Robyn is so mesmerised by the sunset but I am mesmerised by her “I think this is one of my goals, to do this with someone I care deeply for and I have” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ cheek “and I am glad that we did this together, you’re such a romantic at heart” Robyn looked at me grinning “it’s you, you put me under some spell. I am happy you came here with me but I am going to miss you” I understand that feeling already, I don’t want to leave.
Getting comfy in Robyn’ car again “I like this car” I really do “shut up, don’t lie to me like that. I seen that car you drive, I seen all those luxury cars, look at my Nissan. Don’t do it” shaking my head laughing “why you being like that? This is a nice car, it drives does it not?” she thinks shit like this is below me “but I know you’re used to that luxury, I mean my dad has an Audi. He has a nice car, he got me this as my first car. I could get another but no, this is my baby” Robyn held onto my hand “you know I appreciate you driving out here for me, I know it’s a long drive for you to do this. You dropping me off at the airport tomorrow though?” Robyn scoffed rolling her eyes at me playfully “playing, I will drop you off but like how will this work now. You’re busy, I am busy. I really didn’t want a man busy as me, then I just feel like we will never see each other and it will make it worse because you know. I love you and I feel like it’s still early times for us and we still need to speak time together” she is so adorable “I will quit it for you, I will travel to you” Robyn cooed out “I want you to be happy, I know your family stress you out and leaving may just trigger things. I don’t want to ruin that, there is something between you and your family and I don’t want to add to your stress, that is not what I want for you. Maurice I care for you, I care for your mentality and also your soul. So we will come to something together, where you are free and also me” I want to cry, honestly because she is so caring towards me “you got me choked up here” clearing my throat.
Intertwining my fingers between Robyn’ “you already know my family wack and you ain’t even met them yet, it ain’t a good thing at all. There is a lot of things money can buy, but it can’t buy you happiness and that’s on everything, it can get rid of your bills, your debt. It can even buy you pussy, drugs, cars, friends but it can’t bring you happiness and anyone with money can tell you that, they ain’t happy. Nobody is, they get sucked into this reality and they don’t know what is real. I am a good guy, I grew up different. I had it there, I have Shawn and he rides for me. He helps me, but that’s it. I don’t have anyone real, I can’t trust a single soul. Everyone is forever wanting to undertake you, I was on drugs, I was so fucked up but ok my dad dragged me out of it, he helped me but he threw me into a another situation. I am grateful for him helping me, I would wake up in in different countries, different people, different lines to snort off. My dad was like I am done with you, cut everything off. I am his eldest in his eyes, I am the one to take this all on and I was slipping. He got me back but I ain’t going to lie and say this shit is lonely, nobody cares to mention how are you feeling. Only thing I get asked, where was you? Why you not at that meetings, why is the money not coming in. Nobody cares, for you to care, for you to just say it. I just want to cry, I would drop it for you. I want you to be a surgeon, I want you to succeed and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of that either. I have some shit I need to do and tie up but I would drop it all for you” Robyn is pouting at me, I know she don’t like hearing it “I don’t like to know you took drugs like that, especially when you’re a good hearted person. I see the good in you shining through to me, I really can’t believe you was doing that kind of thing but I am guessing money is just there for you. When you don’t have love at home you go elsewhere, you seek love somewhere else and when you don’t find it you feel lonely, the only way to stop it is by filling that void. I get it though, this is why I am always here for you” bringing her hand over to me, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand “this is why I want to long term be at home for you, our home. I don’t want it to be like you said, if we have kids. You want me there, I want that. We going to have to plan but right now, I can hear the bed calling. You and I” I am going to have my last night inside her “I know, I want to sleep too” she assumes she is going to sleep.
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jamesholden · 7 years
Naomi/Drummer + "I can't stay away"
Drummer grunts as she hits the ball back at the wall. Sweat helps the controlled station air to cool her work-out heated skin. She’s been at it for almost an hour. It’s easier not to think when she’s focused on making sure she doesn’t lose her streak. Left. Right. Up high. The game is harder when you’re alone, but certainly not impossible.
Doesn’t keep her from wishing she wasn’t alone. Or in a certain engineer’s company.
It’s been almost two weeks since the Rocinante left Tycho. Off to Ganymede to take care of errant protomolecule traces. An endless mission, if Protogen had any say in the matter. An endless suicide mission. The way things are between the captain of the Rocinante and the head of Tycho Station, she doesn’t expect to see or hear from them once they’ve accomplished whatever the hell they hope to out there.
So here she is, working out her stress and concern for Naomi in the one of the last places they had fun together.
Drummer trusts that she’ll be okay. While the crew of the Rocinante isn’t always the smartest or most capable, they’re skilled at what they each do, and unbelievably lucky. Above all, those men would do anything to protect Naomi. She’s seen it in their eyes and heard it in stories of their actions. If anything, she can trust that crew to do that. If Naomi can’t do it herself, which, of course she can. Doesn’t help to have extra assurance.
But none of them know what’s going on on Ganymede. What fresh hell Protogen will unleash on the Belters next. The Rocinante crew is just running towards it. Naomi is running towards it. As brave as it is stupid.
Drummer cries out as she jumps high to smack at the ball, pulling her stitches. She isn’t supposed to be this active. She’d almost died. She still remembers the pain of the bullet, the strain of trying to breath in wrong air, the press of Holden’s large hand against her side, the satisfaction of shooting the pashang mutineers right between the eyes. Fuck the doctor’s orders. She can’t sit still. She can’t just work. She needs the thoughts to leave her. The worry. The fear. She needs pain, the exertion, the ache, the thirst, the adrenaline… it’ll erase everything else.
Drummer dives when the ball goes low, hitting it back to the wall but hitting the floor hard with a gasp. The ball ricochets, bouncing away with no partner to catch it for her. Drummer stays down, trying to catch her breath. It’s no use. No matter how far she pushes her limits, no matter how much it hurts to move or breathe, the fear still sits in her heart.
The fear that Naomi won’t come back. Won’t come back to her. That Protogen will finish the job they started when they nuked the Cant and sent Naomi on a collision course with her. Emotion wells in her throat and she chokes it down. Not now. Not here.
Drummer had taught herself to keep her emotion in check, or buried deep down. Working with a bunch of bull-headed Earther men her whole career forced her to learn to play tough, to be an unreadable stone of a woman. Any weakness, and someone could swoop in and throw her aside, claiming anything from insubordination to hard-core OPA affiliation to remove her and put someone more malleable in her position. That determination to be stronger, better, had made her Fred Johnson’s right hand on Tycho. The second most powerful person on the station. She’d earned respect through thinly-veiled intimidation and cold efficiency. And all of it built on her ability to control her emotions through focus and compartmentalizing.
Until it becomes too much.
Her breathing slows, her heart and mind slowly calm with each gulp of air. Naomi is smart. Naomi is capable. Naomi is strong and powerful and beautiful and she has to be okay.
Once she’s calmed herself down, Drummer pushes herself to her feet. It takes far more effort than she’d like it to. Her gunshot wound burns. She focuses on it, pushing the last of the unwanted emotions away. She can dig them back up at home, soaking in epsom salt with a bottle of good Ganymede gin.
Fuck doctor’s orders.
She grabs her bag, a small groan slipping from her lips as she straightens back up. The door slides open and boots scuff in behind her. Just in time.
“Yeah, yeah, Grecko. I know. Time’s up. I just have to find my ball, and—”
“It’s right here, I’ve got it.”
Drummer’s breath catches. For a moment, she’s taken back: back to a somehow lighter, freer time. One of success and celebration, when she spent hours and hours with that voice. And when things started to get heavier, that voice was a source of calm, confidence, and reassurance that things would be fixed. She blinks. It takes a few breaths to remember it’s now and it’s new and the voice she hears isn’t in her head. She looks over her shoulder at the open door.
And Naomi Nagata shoots her a sheepish grin, bouncing the ball in her hand.
It still takes Drummer a moment to process that what she’s seeing is real. That the Roci had come back without her knowledge. That Naomi had come back without letting her know. That she’s standing right there, with a duffel bag at her feet and a sad twist in her grin. She’s right here. Everything Drummer wants to say jumbles together in her head—part of her is embarrassed she can’t find her composure and shove her nerves into their box.
“You’re back,” she states, awe and excitement and caution mingling together in her tone. It’s not what she wants to say, but it’s all she can say.
Naomi smiles anyway. It’s beautiful and welcome and still somehow pained. Drummer wants to kiss it away. “Yeah, I am.”
Drummer finds herself moving towards her before she can even think that she wants to. She drops her bag beside Naomi’s, keeping her gaze on her as if she’ll vanish back onto the Roci the second she looks away.
Naomi opens her mouth and snaps it shut again. The sadness flickers through her eyes again, and Drummer notices the shadows beneath her eyes. She takes a breath. Takes Drummer’s hand in her cool, strong fingers. Warmth radiates through her from the touch. Naomi flips her hand over and presses the ball into her palm. She meets Drummer’s gaze, the weariness and pain replaced with what Drummer hopes is affection. She smiles.
“I couldn’t stay away, Camina.”
There’s more to it. There has to be. Her heart sinks and she clears her throat. She doesn’t want to ask. “Is that all?”
This time, Naomi’s face doesn’t falter. Her smile just widens. “No. It isn’t. But it’s not the smallest reason. I was happy with you.” She doesn’t let go of her hand.
“I feel like we should talk.”
“I agree,” Naomi says, letting go of her hand and bending to grab her bag. And Drummer’s. “And you should hydrate.”
Drummer’s lips quirk. “Beers?”
Naomi hums, smile growing a little bit mischievous. “Beers.”
When Naomi heads back out of the room, heading out of the gym itself, Drummer follows her. It’s easy. The coming talk might not be. The explanations of what’s really going on, and what may or may not come after. Drummer may not know what’s going on in Naomi’s incredible mind. But she does know what she wants to happen after she finds out.
No matter why, Naomi’s come back to her. That enough stirs a confidence in Drummer that isn’t built on a facade. The fear is gone, the adrenaline is renewed and new.
And Drummer is going out to grab beers with Naomi Nagata.
five word prompts
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I'm so happy to hear the kids abducted to Hong Kong got to hear and see and talk to their hero that saved them today through Zoom in Brian's phone!!!
It was so lucky and such perfect timing that he called me today while the military crews were still resting in China and Wendy was able to pinpoint their locations directly!!
He truly is their Hero and we are so lucky!
I have dreamed about him for years and for years have been waking up from nightmares telling Brian McGruff is a bad dog... But always the dream would be gone when i woke up or it was before it started happening and no one knew
I even had a feeling when I ordered the kits... So I'm not sure how these kids feel through the cracks because they were on my soul to save.
I also didn't know know about human trafficking like I do now, so I think the whole "Sabrina you just have a bad feeling because it reminds you what could happen..." Is how
A few other companies, too... I had a whole list. So Thorn is gonna check that out.
It just takes one person to prove a mood. I had a list of 17 companies that day then 26 more over the next week that I had this nag on while I was "picking on" Crime the McGruff Dog
Since I kept saying it that way in 2016 and I never ever messed up his name before they took down a list of companies associated with him according to my feelings and it was an unusual list.
So this man has likely saved nearly 30 times as many children as he could have hoped.
We will soon find out. In return he's to receive a mansion an economically stable brand new automobile. Fully paid.
Because I've dreamed of him, his voice and everything. He truly is an Earth Angel.
For nearly half a decade he's been the solution to my night terrors. I know why ask those children cried. I want to cry, too, And my tears are warm.
The children were mutated and mutilated. Arms cut off and sewn onto their foreheads and given all sorts of horrible viruses and drugs.
Tree just gave them their own fresh bodies. Replicas. Some back to the age/look they were kidnapped at, some slightly grown, according to the agreement between child and parent whichever they liked the sound of best, the child's preference being the ultimate decision maker. Their DNA4U will state and show they are replicated due to the reasons of faster healing and less overall damage that would cause future problems plus they got upgrades like bullet proofing, extra speed, strength increases, stuff like that. And extra extra heavy COVID19 instead of 3 feet you'll get it at 10 feet bad enough to kill you nearly instantly.
But they were horribly mistreated, starving, mental and physical torture, so much.
So I know to talk to the one rare person in the World that could save them and did was certainly very good heart and soul medicine.
So I'm glad he called me again and I didn't answer and Brian called back from the plane.
Yes of course. He flew to Enid then China then Hong Kong... You can make a man retire but you can't ever make a man quit. And I'm glad. Just so those kids could talk to their hero.
So lucky. Of all the hundreds of people working there he's been there only 6 months. And he took that initiative to just check...
Today living kids was 443.
Dead was 198,675 which tree ghosted back to life. (Gave new bodies)
Nearly a quarter of a million children.
Times 3 is 600k then add a zero. Looking at maybe 6 million kids and young adults...
Tree estimates 400M
So a huge round of applause and a right tight hug.
And he deserves amazing amounts of pats on the back because that list would just sat around keeping dusty.
This is that old fashioned detective work like sitting at a gas meter while some one is down trying to find out how to save people (aliens included) from dying in a gas chamber and they're up there making sure that gas isn't turned on to kill the girl doing all the work -- he couldn't hear people downstairs through the street and i could get the truth out easier and faster before they even knew and I was always happy to get the news while he was just mad and angry. So i was the better to go. Cause everyone was always happy to see me. Cause I was always super nice and all interested in what they were doing.
Now unfortunately not so much.
But Charles was starting to get nightmares after my list and had came up with 14 more companies from coming from the same way i had came up with my list... So he talked to some the other people that felt creeped out about the assignment I insisted on doing and they also all added each two and then some kept a private list... Which they slowly added after verifying the company was then clean.. It started in 2013 these bad dreams.
So every time it happened or they started their nightmares they added to the list.
Overall 642 companies we dreamed of or felt or somehow had a psychic connection to. I dreamed of kids and old people and women. Some people only dreamed about men. Some just kids.
The companies we have left is 642 to check out as they hadn't had yet done any bad and no dreams or any thing has came up since...
Which isn't happy, we now know, but good news is whatever bad has happened we can fix is super special and magical ways.
So we have Thorn, CIA, Military, some FBI and some others to check what's been going on and see.
So that's about 8 Trillion that have been affected. But at least 6 Trillion have already been retrieved.
So this one single person has done the miraculous. The biggest miracle we have been waiting for on a personal level. For me its been 7 years but 6 since 9 other people started having their dreams affected and the lists began.
So 10 of us with nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up screaming or shaking or scared. And not knowing why but having a name, a company label. Sometimes or often a place on a map... As close to the actual GPS coordinates of longitude and latitude. Wake up listing numbers for no reason. Numbers that make no sense N 316941027865389421. Over and over.
Brian would look at me "what the fuck are you trying to do Morse code?"
"I'm trying to sleep thank you very much. Alan and Naomi. 38652361 I think you just messed me up"
One person. One person can make a difference. That's all it takes. One person.
One person to make sense of all these nightmares.
We don't need to be saved from them... They didn't bother so much... We could wake up. Be safe in our beds. Joke it out.
But there's people. Innocent children. Innocent adults that wake up into real living nightmares every single day.
And one person today made the phone call to make thst difference to about 200,000 kids and over 400,000 parents. And siblings and grandparents. Friends.
Just today he changed the world for at least a million whom now have a missing child come home.
Made one million hearts smile and backs release tension and sorrow.
And now we're looking at 2 trillion lost people. Who have kids. Who have parents. Grandparents. Friends.
Were gonna have at least 6 trillion hearts heal then there's soulmates so that's gonna be 12 trillion
Due to one phone call. That was all I needed.
I had heard him say he couldn't find his soulmate... And he didn't go trying to save her or find her today
He knew it was just kids.
But he knew it was missing kids because the people getting ID kits were told not to call the police only call the dog. He could see clearly kids were being abducted and they had a rating system on "easy to kidnap to hard" and the easy were always reported within weeks.
He knew it was his civil duty to call and report it somehow... But he didn't know to who or how.. Who would take it seriously.
This crazy lady might...
Im very sensitive to red flags. He didn't even have to explain. I was already on it in less than 2 minutes.
So the world is so lucky to have him and the kids today so lucky to be in Hong Kong when we just busted 600k China's citizens home.
I mean you can't get more miraculous than that!!
You would think...
But leave it to the true McGruff the Crime Dog to make sure it did.
Because it did.
Tree will update us later how extremely far this miracle went
From one person hoping and praying and taking that leap of faith.... After 10 following their true instincts and intuition.
Intuition is so important you guys. If you hadn't understood why i hope now you finally get it.
Last night I trusted mine and we pulled 13 million from slavery. That's 26 million directly affected with soulmate syndrome. Then parents that makes it times two. So 52 million then grandparents and kids...
Then one person trusted his. And kaboom an estimated 12 Trillion frowns are gonna turn upside down.
Then we are getting these bad guys off the streets, out of their homes, immediately. Hopefully they're checked thoroughly and then killed. I'm done with this baby sitting shit. Back to good ole South Texas and manual strangulation in vans after being kidnapped...but now technology has made it so much different. Much simpler to catch someone in the act. And fuck this court system, it's WWIII. Its military. We will find them guilty without a reasonable doubt and simply kill them.
There is no fucking reason over 18 million people were kidnapped in late 2019 (after October) or in any fucking time in 2020.
What is the point of a trial? Those people whom went to jail in 1990 for 20 years for kidnapping are doing it again. I sent 700 to jail. 36 are actively kidnapping. 642 are financially benefiting. The remaining are probably dead. 12 people.
Tree says i make him laugh. They are dead.
So out of 700 they're dead or kidnapping or in the human trafficking market.
So, there is No change and no Rehabilitation. There is PROOF.
So human trafficking ass holes y'all can thank those 688. Because now you're all just gonna fucking die.
What are you gonna do to me? Not a dam thing. That's what. So think about bull shit. Cry about your stupid life. I don't care.
But I'm taking all your money to pay the victims and im killing you, human traffickers.
And you ain't doing shit about it.
And those about to be trying to hurt someone to retaliate. I already put alerts on you.
So when you're pushed out a plane in the middle of no where so wild animals can eat you... Well don't complain to me. Animals need to eat, too
And surviving good humans. Don't worry... When the bodies hit the ground. They pretty much explode so they're just ground meat basically and bones crush and they wre just big piles of food. They don't look human
So some bear isnt going to come out the mountains and be all "man I just ate something that looked like you and was mighty tastey!" The bodies are unrecognizable.
If you're curious... Idk if you still can.. We used to can look up bodies that had been tossed or jumped out of Windows. Back in 2000 I found a website and I would go through and examine them and see which were pushed and which had jumped
I could tell the difference. Anyway if they're in Google you'll see they don't look human. They're pretty gross -- some do -- so ew be careful but from the plane height trust me they do not.
And its very careful with software to show no damage to trees or animals will occur.. And the software is very intelligent and cautious and only certain types of people can access it. Like a kidnapper can't turn on the computer and see where and how. But a Clark Kent or Louis Lane or someone can. But if an evil Donald Trump sits down next to, the software will shut down. Immediately. And lock out any user until hes removed.
I'm not fucking dumb. Sometimes I just don't know what to do and Need an Earth Angel to make one phone call
Or a guilty person to confess. Or a clue. A bad dream. A nightmare in my sleep. Or being in the right place at the right time. Like when the kidnappers gas up at night at the gas station.
Otherwise I'm fucking brilliant. Overprotective and caring.
So any one tries to dump innocent people out of planes, the door simply will not open. Magic it is called. Its already happened. And it will not happen again.
Anyway for all the 007 Peirces that can stab so hard it hurts and heals at the same time.
This one is for you.
Thank you!
Lets really bust a move on that intuition. Its a life saver.
Man we are so so so so so so lucky today!!!
I couldn't be more thank ful!!
All of our military and cops that are ready and qualified and remember how to rescue from bunkers.
We need y'all. Don't forget to stay safe and well.
And our essientals and just our stay homers.
And beach goers.
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