#fuck jkr again but with more passion
flo0rence · 1 year
i love quidditch chapters and all the quidditch lore but god how i hatehatehate gotf world cup chapters it’s literally traumatic
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abovecalamity · 5 months
Idk idk. I’m just letting this out now.
I’m so damn tired of having the same conversation over and over with my father over him swooning over fucking jkr’s writing in hp every other week. Yes, I often end up crying after, because this was a big fucking part of my childhood and a big shared passion of me and my father for so many years and I can’t help a part of me still being attached to it, mostly to the memories of him reading it aloud to me in funny voices every evening for a really long time. Then me reading it to my brother years later. Then me discovering the joy of reading it in English, OH it was such an important part of why I began to love learning English more thoroughly. My first steps into fanfiction, my most common daydreams. I’ve let it go now. Can’t really control the happy nostalgia part but FUUUUCK this. We’ve had convos about her and yet he likes to quote hp so often that I always get reminded of the time I used to do that too, happily.
I can’t separate all my emotions concerning it in a healthy way. But he’s always going on about separating her from the story, always going on about how he loves it for the hp universe. I’m probably deleting this again but I just feel like I’m somewhat ??grieving?? the time where I would carefree love the story with my dad together and I can’t 100% move on without him doing that too AHHHHHH.
I know it’s also part of growing up to realise it’s not going to be that easy. He won’t agree with me on this. He will still love her writing despite what she is. I just- I don’t feel like he understands what’s going through me about this all the time.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
Something I hate about Dumbledore lovers: He groomed Harry to die and be self-sacrifing. And Harry did die. The greatest magical being of the Wizarding world and his plan was to have Harry die at the right moment. Not even give him the hope that there's a chance that he could come back. But chose to die. Like I hate the greater good bullshit. And yes I have a love hate relationship with Dumbledore. But that, what Dumbledore did to Harry at the end. It comes into question everything he did and said from the very beginning. And he is very lucky Dumbledore didn't have another Voldemort or mini Grindledwald in his hands. Heck he's very lucky that Harry didn't just run away.
I hate Dumbledore with a passion of a hundred suns. He can take his greater good bullshit and shove it right up his ass
Both Grindelwald and Voldemort were monsters of his own creation in a way. He literally dreamed of world dominion with Grindelwald, so he knew exactly what kind of person he was, but he then did NOTHING to stop him for DECADES because he didn’t want to face him and “was scared to find out that it was him who killed his sister”. Bitch, it WAS you, no matter who used the spell. You killed her with your neglect and your brother has rightfully broke your nose and all but cut you from his life for it. (The shit with blood oath that they pulled in FB franchise is hysterically bad, but then again, so I’d the entire franchise. It’s not canon, or will never be canon, and it was so bad that I don’t care. I couldn’t even force myself to watch the third film. And that horrible styling they had with Depp…)
And then with Voldemort - he clearly admitted that he sensed smth off about him FROM THE BEGINNING and then suspected him with Myrtle’s death and… did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The history repeating itself in its finest. He had a GAZILLION of opportunities to stop him before Voldemort rose to his full power and he did nothing. His students have been performing dark magic or whatever on other students and he didn’t care. Did he fucking let it unfold to see how far it can go??
And then he starts recruiting young people just out of school to fight this war for him. Yes, we don’t really have the ages for anyone except the Marauders, Lily and Snape, but i do believe that the majority of the original Order were young people on their 20s-30s. And this hundred years old bastard convinced them to fight instead of DOING SOMETHING himself. The original order of the Phoenix didn’t win that war! Almost all of them died or suffered worse fates. And then he repeated the same shit 14 years later. He didn’t recruit children per se, but oh how he didn’t stop them from DOONG THE JOB OF THE ADULTS (and how useless all the adults were in these books, I can’t)
Regarding raising Harry to die at the right moment… I have no words how fucked up it is. First you lie to him and hide truth from him causing him to loose THE ONLY PERSON who could’ve protect him from you (I’ll die on the hill of Dumbledore wanting Sirius to die because he was a problem to his plans) and only then you show Harry that he has NO CHOICE whatsoever other than to fight Voldemort and then you… don’t teach him how to fight (because of course, you don’t want him to fight, you want Harry to be pliable and impressionable to you and your ideas)
I really wished that Harry would just sucker punch him when he saw him in that limbo place
Also… how fucked up it is that JKR would have Harry name his son after a manipulative bastard who orchestrated your entire life so that you’d be more easy to use and an abusive asshole who hated you and blamed you for your mother’s death and had a kink of making your life more miserable? Like how does one even come up with this????
After naming his first born after his dad and Sirius and already having Teddy be named after Remus, I really think that his second son should’ve been named Rubeus after Hagrid. Not sure about the second name though (I do believe that all Weasleys left Fred’s name for George’s son)…
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shipsgaysfordays · 2 years
Searching Once More--Attachment/Feelings/Fondness
Just a memory jog for you guys: Remus just ran out and left Lily, James, and Sirius in the shack. Sirius is left wondering what to do, the title of this chapter may indicate zer decision, idk *shrugs*
Warning, a lot of this chapter is dialogue, a LOT of dialogue, if feels like it's more than usual, idk. Be ready for the dropping of bombs, much drama, it's exciting.
I did use some microfic words: attachment, feelings, and fondness @wolfstarmicrofic
Though I do find it a bit iconic to call this a “microfic” by this point
Links to other chapters here
Reminder that Remus’ pronouns for this fic are they/them, Sirius’ are ze/zis/zer/zhe/zeir/zey. Also fuck JKR and the rhetoric that she spouts that’s transphobic, homophobic, racist, antisemetic, and if I’m forgetting anything else then I’m deeply sorry. And: don’t buy the game, you guys know what I’m referring to, don’t buy it.
Okay onto the fic after that whole sh-peel
Zeir eyes couldn’t leave that torn apart moldy wooden door, zeir thoughts couldn’t leave the person who just ran out of it. 
“I ruined things, again,” Sirius thought the sound was only in zis mind, zer voice and mouth moving was barely noticeable anymore, nothing could distract zer from that door and those thoughts about zer love. My love?…are–is that my–is Moony my love?
“Padfoot,” James put a hand on zis shoulder, “you better not be blaming yourself for this.”
“But I–”
“You did your best, Mary did her best, and…sometimes even our best still can’t work. It takes some time, Moony’s trying, I think they really are, just because they are having a hard time it doesn’t mean that you’ve ruined things.” 
Lily paced around, “If anyone’s to blame–”
“No,” James said, firmly, “if we’re blaming someone then it’s Dumbledore, that’s all. He’s the one who took away our whole lives.”
“We can go on our blaming spree later, but–do we go after Remus now?” Sirius turned around to ask. 
“It will take a while to catch up to them,” Lily responded.
“We have time.”
“We have a son,” Lily took a breath, “and a scared woman trying to babysit my boy.”
“I have time, you can go if you need to,” Sirius retorted. 
“Remus is still my friend–are they yours?” Lily slapped a hand to her mouth after the words came out. Are they? Merlin, are they? Why does this bitch have to point that out? It’s not like things are any better for her.
Before Sirius could say something zey would regret, James entered the conversation again with a stern look towards his wife, “Look, it’s still the night, Harry’s probably asleep, we still have some time to look for Remus. If we need to, we can go back home, all of us.” 
Lily sighed, the bags under her eyes clearer than ever, “Let’s go find Moony.”
Questions circled around zer head, as they walked, grass and sticks crunching in unison. The three of them walked like that for a while, Sirius leading the way since ze could track scent. Silence for a long time, until James asked that stupid question that he always needed to ask, “How are you feeling?”
“...I don’t know anymore,” Sirius responded. 
Lily held onto zer hand, “and that’s okay, emotions take time sometimes.”
James held zer other hand, swinging it around some. 
“Are you guys treating me like your son?” Sirius had to ask. 
“Maybe…” James responded, “gotta say you prepared me well for being a dad.”
“You’ve been a dad since the day you were born,” Sirius laughed. 
“No, that’s when Fleamont became a dad, I think you have your terminology mixed up buddy,” Lily joked.
Sirius laughed for a moment, but Remus was still there in zis brain. Still yelling, still staring, still threatening, still a young kid, still a 20 year old with crazed eyes, still in love with Sirius, still passionately hating Sirius. Everything all at once. Their whole timeline, pulled apart and stitched, memories piled onto each other like a game of jenga. 
Sirius coughed, “I just…I don’t know if I can love them anymore, I mean Moony tried to–that–that shouldn’t be forgiven, right?” 
Lily and James’ eyes met, some untold conversation between wife and husband.
“Then why are we looking for them?” James asked, again as though he was speaking to his son rather than his best friend.
“I need to know they’re okay, I need to make this better.”
“You can still love them…even if it’s complicated, even if it feels wrong to. Feelings aren’t logical very often,” Lily said.
“I want them back, but I’m scared I don’t want them as they are…I’m scared that we’re both too broken to fit together again. I don’t know if I can choose them again.”
“None of you guys are broken,” Lily looks to James as she continues her little speech, “none of you are smashed in pieces, you’re still you, we’ve just had things happen. Even if there are problems, we can be repaired. Fundamentally, none of you are broken…do I even make sense anymore? What time is it?”
“No idea,” James laughed. 
“You’d think you guys would be more prepared for lack of sleep given…the existence of Harry,” Sirius said.
“He’s 5 years old, he has a good sleep schedule now!”
“He gets up at the crack of dawn like his father,” Lily mutters.
Sirius pats her on the back, “Now you can experience the torture of James’ quidditch mates without the heights, flying, and exercise drills.”
“It wasn’t THAT bad,” James bit his lip, “plus at least there was the glory of victory!”
“At least when you were in quidditch there was a CONCEIVABLE END to your torment, I may have to deal with this torture for forever,” Lily groaned.
“You’d think by now you learned to live with it dear–”
“You’re the deer!” Sirius and Lily shouted in unison, like teenage manics in 20 something year old bodies.
“I really just strided into that one, didn’t I?”
“Yep,” Sirius grinned, enjoying this weird sense of nostalgia that was there, being with zis best friends again. Zey turned to Lily for a moment, “Prongs is right though, it’s been years by this point, what’s happened with you guys for all that time?”
Lily and James looked at each other and then immediately away, eyes staring at the trees they passed as though they were the most encapsulating sight that could ever be beheld. 
Lily coughed, “Not…not so much, raising a kid, trying to waste all this time we had.”
James let go of Sirius’ hand and went beside his wife, nudging her. 
“No,” Lily insisted on a random topic which Sirius now needs to know about.
“I’ll say if you say,” James whispers as though Sirius isn’t right. There.
“It feels as though there’s something you’re not saying, don’t know where I got that idea but it’s just creeping into my mind,” Sirius’ voice dripped with sarcasm, like a huge hole in the roof on a rainy night.
Lily took a deep breath, “Okay…a while ago, when Harry was like 3, we had been quite used to each other. It was just James, the baby, and I: all the time.”
James picked up from there, “And when you’re alone so often, you have the time to reflect…to think through your thoughts and feelings and realize certain things about yourself.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a tory,” Sirius gasped.
“Furthest thing from it,” James spoke quickly. 
“A communist?!?”
“Just let us get on with the conversation, Sirius, I thought you wanted to know,” Lily’s words shut Sirius up, immediately.
“One day I told Lily that we needed to talk about something.”
“And I told James we need to talk about something.”
“Both of us seemed to expect that the other had just discovered whatever the other was going through, some sort of marital mind reading or something, so we didn’t expect for us to say two very different things at the same time…are you ready Lily?” James looked at his wife, she nodded. 
“I’m aromantic.” 
“I’m a lesbian.”
The couple spoke in unison. 
Sirius’ eyebrows shot to the moon, eyes as wide as the moon, zey have a bit of an obsession with moon comparisons for some reason. Ze tried to speak, but…what do I say to that? What do I…I mean it’s always been Jily forever, what do I say to THAT? 
Sirius stared at zer friends, and put zer arms around them, “Thank you for telling me, for trusting me with that, do you want to talk about it more?”
“I mean…there’s not much to say on my part, do you wanna talk about her?” James teased Lily.
Like a dog hearing the word treat, Sirius started barking, “Who’s this her? Who is she?!? Merlin, Lily has a cruuuuuuush.”
Lily hid her blushing face in her hands, “You’re no better than how you were when we were in school.”
“If you really don’t want to talk about it…”Sirius started. 
“Mary,” Lily whispered. 
“My wife said Mary,” James smiled. 
“Okay, okay…we’ll open that can of worms in one moment, but are you guys going to stay married? I mean you call each other husband and wife still–and Harry–HARRY!” Sirius’ eyes went wide. 
“I mean, we’ve still got to work some things out. At least it’s not some angry divorce drama, my wife’s a lesbian and I couldn’t be happier.”
“And, I mean, Harry seems to be a happy kid. If we get divorced he’ll still see us both and both of us will still be a big part of his life, we’ll still have the holidays together and love him and everything,” Lily said.
“Okay, now back to Mary, you like her?” Sirius asked.
“I…” Lily took a moment, contemplating what to say, “..if she asked to get back together, I would say yes. You’ve been around her the most recently: do you think she would ask?”
“Do you love her?”
“Do you love them?”
“There’s just this…attachment I have to them, these threads of feelings tied and knotted together and I can never let go even if it’s better for me to, because I can’t cut Moony off, even with all that’s happened and all that we both did, I need them too much. I love them too much.”
Lily nodded, “I have similar feelings of…..fondness for Mary.”
They let the leaves crunch for a little bit, the wind passing by. 
James took a deep breath, “Do you think things will ever get back to some sort of normal?”
“It never was normal, it was always crazy and pranks and jokes and wonder and pain and love, maybe things can get better, maybe they can’t. I won’t ever be the same, they won’t ever be the same,” Sirius looked to Lily, “Mary won’t be the same either, though she hides it much better.”
The three continued to walk, a silence overcoming them, maybe they’re just tired from the walk and the hours of sleep they’re not getting, maybe it’s the conversation. 
Eventually Sirius’ head perked up again, sniffing, zer lips curled for a moment. No matter how tired ze felt, zey couldn’t ignore this, zhe couldn’t just walk. Feet became paws. Nose became snout. Only one thought, Moony.
(Behind zem a deer is there now, with a woman riding the deer like a horse, Padfoot doesn’t notice this but I need this to be known as the author.)
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dodgerbear84 · 2 years
I was tagged by @depressedstressedlemonzest 😍
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
There Goes The Neighborhood (1,264)
Paging Dr Gallagher (1,026)
The Tension & The Spark (1,010)
The One With All The Questions (873)
Not A Gallagher (720)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Fuck You, Gallagher. I don’t usually write angsty endings but for some reason this one just happened. Ian isn’t in it, it’s just Mickey dealing with him leaving and having dark feelings about it.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
99.9% of my stuff has a happy ending. I write to make myself happy so I tend to sway hard into the fluff category. If I had to choose I would say Weightless - heavy on the angst to start then just gets happier and happier.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t so far but wouldn’t rule it out.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh god yeah. There was the person who called me a creep for writing incest, that was fun. Especially since there was zero actual incest. Also someone insists on reading all my stuff just to then comment on all of the tiny things I got wrong, like how I described someone’s eye colour. 🤷‍♀️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, awkwardly. I try not to over-write it and I really, really try to avoid cringy names for body parts.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple have been translated into Russian, which is really cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, not yet. Again I wouldn’t rule it out but just haven’t really got those kinds of relationships to do something like that.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Gallavich, without a moment of hesitation. The complexity, the passion, the growth, the love. It’s all there. We just need fanfic to fix what the writers couldn’t do justice.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My only WIP right now is Quatervois but I will finish it. I still love it but I’m not in the place I need or want to be in to write so it’s on the back burner until I feel better. I’m not going to rush out some half-arsed chapters just to say I finished it.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don’t know, I’ve never really paid attention to it on a technical level and nobody has ever critiqued it. Answers on a postcard guys!
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Again, I’m not really a technical writer where I follow the rules. I think an English Language puritan would have a mini-meltdown at some of my stuff. I put commas where there should be colons etc. But I write for me and I post it for others to read if they want to so I don’t get too hung up on it.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It’s a tricky one. Every language I’ve ever learned has always had very obvious differences between written and spoken language so literal translations can lead you astray, but for the most part if it’s clear what you’re trying to get at and it doesn’t upset the flow of the story then go for it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I loved it at the time but given more recent changes to my feelings for JKR I doubt I will revisit.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Steddie (Steve/Eddie) - the show did just enough to make their pairing an ambiguous possibility so that’s enough for me to want to jump on it and run wild with it!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That’s so hard to answer. It’s very dependent on my mood. I’m quite proud of The Words He Doesn’t Say because it’s the first time I’ve done a multi-chap from an outsider POV. It was a challenge I enjoyed and the end result wasn’t awful. And even though I have no experience of the legal process I enjoyed writing Burden of Proof. The one that gave me the most happy feels was Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot, a fluffy reunion fic with lots of domesticity. Sooo, you asked for one and you got three!!
Now if someone could teach me how to link the stories in my posts that would be grand. Help a dinosaur out, won’t ya? 😉
Tagging @lady-ekaterina (it’s been a while, hope you’re doing good!) 💕
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embookreviews · 11 months
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Rivers of London
by Ben Aaronovich
so excited to share the worst book i’ve ever tried to read!! dnfed at about 45% and i’m shocked i even made it that far
now, i’ve said before that i’m not a fantasy fan, i generally don’t love magic, but i can usually get behind some simple magical realism, magic in the underbelly of society, that sort of thing. all this to say i was already unsure going into the book.
but, my aunt recommended it to me, said it was sort of an adult harry potter (man finds out about magic, learns about the magical world living under his nose, etc etc). and i fcking love harry potter. hate jkr, love hp. part nostalgia and part…also nostalgia.
anyway, this book SUCKED. it sucked so bad. i didn’t even want to give it a chance to get better. that’s how much it sucked. i rarely fully DNF a book, i’ll usually start reading it, get bored, put it down for a year, and then try again when i’m in a book-devouring mood. but not finishing and intentionally saying ‘i will never pick this up again’? rare.
now, i think the plot as a whole had potential. a policeman meets a ghost at a crime scene and is thrown into a world of magic, including a section of the policeforce dedicated to magical happenings that he didn’t know existed? like sign me the fuck up
but unfortunately it just fell flat. i know i only read ~half so you can take it with a grain of salt. but it all felt so 2-dimensional. i was never gripped by the story, my pulse never pounded, i never felt a single emotion from the story. it felt as though we weren’t allowed to get close to any part of the plot or to any character or know really anything at all.
which brings me to the one emotion i did feel while reading: rage. feminist rage. i hate peter with the passion of a million suns. i could not stand him. he is misogynistic, he views women as objects, he really just is awful.
there’s a scene, when he is meeting the literal GODDESS of the river thames and he IMMEDIATELY notices her boobs and this is the line “I was fighting the urge to fling myself to my knees before her and put my face between her breasts and go blubby blubby blubby. when she offered me a seat, i was so hard it was painful to sit down” (ch4). like talk about unnecessary sexualization of a character. this is a GODDESS who should have been written as powerful, and mostly was, but the author decided that rather than having peter realize that power, he would want to motorboat her. because she’s a beautiful woman and he’s simply a Man.
so. yeah. one star BARELY just because i liked leslie and would like to see more of her, but far far away from peter
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
big ask i know BUT
whats ur favorite thing about each character in ur pinned post 👀👀
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*deep breath*
Albert: I love his sass and his general assholery
Elmer: Sunshine boi™️
Jack: Angsty artist looking for a better life far away from where he is (relatable)
Davey: Again, sassmaster9000
Les: Such a little asshole, thinks the world of Jack and Davey, absolutely becomes King of Brooklyn
Mush: Sunshine boi 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Delanceys: I’m not even gonna say anything about them here. I have DOZENS of posts
Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Stu Podmore, and Pandora Lovegood very special cases bc I really like the versions that I rp on Instagram (very much not canon fuck jkr)
Leo Valdez: Feels like a 3rd (or 7th) wheel all the time. Stupid jokes to cope with pain. He was my first pathetic little man
Luke Castellan: Y’all know I love villains. And the twist in the first book and then the way he moves and acts throughout the rest of the series??!!! I love him (also I wanted him to step on me when I was younger but that’s neither here nor there)
Shoto: I love him for the same reason I loved Zuko as a kid (*reminder to self watch ATLA again). He was cold and distant because of his past but has this beautiful arc about making friends he didn’t expect and coming out of his shell.
Iwaizumi Hajime: Asshole. Doesn’t put up with Oikawa’s shit. That’s enough for me 💀 Has been my husband since high school 🥰
Joe: 🤤🤤🤤 *clears throat* Sorry um. He’s good at cooking and he can sk8 real good and his husband is really good with technology
John Laurens: He’s so cute and devoted to the cause and LAURENS INTERLUDE MAKES ME S O B
Usnavi: I love how much he cares. I talked more about it in that ask post, but I just love him sm
JD: Ohohohoho more villains. I always attach to villains. Always always always.
Justin Laboy: Simp: the Sequel. My mans is just so relatable. Working hard to get into college and throwing it all away. Just for some 🍃
Christopher Diaz: I only just met this little shitstick but I LOVE HIM. HE HAS SO MUCH RIZZ JFC. EVERYONE LOVES HIM (and I can’t blame them????) HES JUST A LIL GUY
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vivithefolle · 4 years
I just wanna ask, and don’t get mad at me cause I’m genuinely curious, how do you stan Ron? Like, I like him, but he is definitely misogynistic (slut shaming Ginny, treating hermione like she owes him something and being mad that she kissed someone years before, always objectifying Fleur, and acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much). Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO
how do you stan Ron? 
Like this:
Ok and then.
he is definitely misogynistic 
No. And here’s why.
slut shaming Ginny 
Yes, that was wrong. And guess what, that’s also something he probably - scratch that, definitely - picked up from his mother. And also his brothers, recall how Fred and George too don’t like to see Ginny go around with boys. There’s also something to recall: Ron was there when Ginny was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and learned later that it was because she had trusted an older guy. You seriously wouldn’t be paranoid about who your sister dates after that? It was wrong. Yeah. And he more than learned his lesson when Ginny clapped back by virgin-shaming him and basically told him that he was childish because he hadn’t have a relationship yet. So would that make Ginny sexist too? Or is it just for Ron?
treating hermione like she owes him something 
..................... uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... when? When the fuck did anything like that happen?
He made a prat of himself at the Yule Ball, that much is obvious. But he didn’t tell her anything like “you should be with me” or didn’t insinuate anything of the sort. He was a jealous bitch but kept attacking Krum, not Hermione.
If you mean in sixth year when he treated her with “icy, sneering indifference” for the course of two weeks, yeah that was bad but that’s not “treating her like she owes him something”, the fuck?
being mad that she kissed someone years before 
Yeah. I know. And that was bad, ooooh you got me to admit Ron did bad stuff, that’s what you want to see, right? And I reckon he was also mad that she hid it from him, and that he had to learn it from his sister of all people. We see Ron handles what he considers betrayals terribly. I have some meta discussing the possibility that he has a form of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
always objectifying Fleur 
Um... no, he doesn’t. He makes a stupid comment about her once in GOF then stops. Let’s also fucking remember that Fleur is a Veela, she literally makes guys stare at her as part of her powers!! I’m not blaming her because she’s literally born that way, but you can’t blame someone who is under magical compulsion either.
acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much 
So tell me why he was friends with Hermione then?
Because Hermione wasn’t Emma Watson the super hawt sexy model goddess. Hermione was Mrs Generic. Until this once at the Yule Ball when she got the pretty princess perfect Mary Sue makeover but then stopped because she had to remain ~relatable uwu~.
Again. Ron made stupid sexist comments. But it’s actively shown that he doesn’t follow up on them. If he did indeed live by the motto “girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much”, explain to me why he wasn’t simping and drooling all over Padma Patil who is explicitly stated to be one of the prettiest girls at school when she was his date? Why exactly did he ignore her and was a miserable twat the whole evening instead of basking in the joy of having snagging a girl that was “worth it”? Well surprise, it’s because HE ACTUALLY ISN’T LIKE THAT AND WHAT HE SAYS IS MAYBE SHIT HIS “COOL OLDER BROTHERS” SAY AND HE THINKS THAT BY EXTENSION IT WOULD MAKE HIM COOL TO REPEAT IT. MIMETISM, THAT'S BASIC FUCKING HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY FOR FUCKING TODDLERS MY FUCKING GOD.
Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, 
so. so why. so why wouldn’t you. use that. as a reason. to stan him.
fuck all the “hurr durr ron weasley the boy who made it out of the friendzone!!!!” bullshit, let’s start going with “Ron Weasley, the Boy who became a Man, and not one of those 'uugghh im such an alpha male’ ones but one that’s got the balls to say ‘hey love, I’ve got an idea, what if you kept doing that job you love and feel passionate about while I support you and do the majority of the childcare while also working a smaller job on the side so we’re never short on money’“
Why you people gotta be “yeah I like Ron BUTT” when you know full-well this fucking awful fandom will rake him over hot coals over the slightest mistake he does - worse, will actively go out of their way to interpret his positive moments in the most negative way possible??? Fuck off with that bullshit. Ron dared to say bad stuff omygah big deal, he was forgiven for it all and you’re just all cowards looking to feel “pure” by telling yourself “oh yeah but he was problematic once uwu”. FUCK. THAT. NOISE.
but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO 
And IMO he’s not, funny how that works
I guess it’s impossible to stan Ron because he was problematic uwu.
Then I hereby decree that it’s impossible to stan Hermione Granger because:
“I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up Divination now, don’t you, Hermione?” asked Parvati, smirking. [...] “Not  really,”  said  Hermione  indifferently,  who  was  reading  the  Daily Prophet. “I’ve never really liked horses.” She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns. “He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!” said Lavender, sounding shocked. “A gorgeous centaur . . .” sighed Parvati. “Either  way,  he’s  still  got  four  legs,”  said  Hermione  coolly.  “Any-way, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 27
wow casual use of a racial slur yay!!! A+
And it’s also forbidden to stan Harry Potter either since:
It was raining hard now, and she was nowhere to be seen. He simply did not understand what had happened; half an hour ago they had been getting along fine. “Women!”  he  muttered  angrily,  sloshing  down  the  rain-washed  street with his hands in his pockets. “What did she want to talk about Cedric  for  anyway?  Why  does  she  always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 25
“Harry! There you are, thank goodness! Hi, Luna!”  “What’s  happened  to  you?”  asked  Harry,  for  Hermione  looked  distinctly  disheveled,  rather  as  though she had just fought her way out of a thicket of Devil’s Snare.  “Oh,  I’ve  just  escaped  —  I  mean,  I’ve  just  left  Cormac,”  she  said.  “Under  the  mistletoe,”  she  added in explanation, as Harry continued to look questioningly at her.  “Serves you right for coming with him,” he told her severely.  “I thought he’d annoy Ron most,” said Hermione dispassionately. “I debated for a while about Zacharias Smith, but I thought, on the whole —”  “You considered Smith?” said Harry, revoked. - Half-Blood Prince
Victim-blaming! Nice Harry, nice. Always classy.
Ok, Ginny stanning is already cancelled because she virgin-shamed Ron, right, so who’s left, who’s left... ah yeah:
“There you go,” said Fred proudly. “Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere.” - Half-Blood Prince
Selling date rape drugs proudly ouh là là. Bye Fred.
"Do they work?” she asked.  “Certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question...”  “...and the attractiveness of the girl,” said George, reappearing suddenly at their side. “But we’re not  selling  them  to  our  sister,”  he  added,  becoming  suddenly  stern,  “not  when  she’s  already  got  about five boys on the go from what we’ve...”  “Whatever you’ve heard from Ron is a big fat lie,” said Ginny calmly, leaning forward to take a small pink pot off the shelf.
Assuming that only girls use love potions, and only on boys. Men never rape in JKR’s world, only women do, you heard it from George Weasley here folks, I’m just passing on the message. Ah and I hope you’re also starting the Fred And George Hate Club given how he’s also slut-shaming Ginny.
“What’s this?”  “Guaranteed  ten-second  pimple  vanisher,”  said  Fred.  “Excellent  on  everything  from  boils  to  blackheads,  but  don’t  change  the  subject.  Are  you  or  are  you  not  currently  going  out  with  a  boy  called Dean Thomas?” “Yes, I am,” said Ginny. “And last time I looked, he was definitely one boy, not five. What are those?”  She  was  pointing  at  a  number  of  round  balls  of  fluff  in  shades  of  pink  and  purple,  all  rolling  around the bottom of a cage and emitting high-pitched squeaks.  “Pygmy  Puffs,”  said  George.  “Miniature  puffskeins,  we  can’t  breed  them  fast  enough.  So  what  about Michael Corner?”  “I  dumped  him,  he  was  a  bad  loser,”  said  Ginny,  putting  a  finger  through  the  bars  of  the  cage  and watching the Pygmy Puffs crowd around it. “They’re really cute!”  “They’re  fairly  cuddly,  yes,”  conceded  Fred.  “But  you’re  moving  through  boyfriends  a  bit  fast,  aren’t you?”  Ginny turned to look at him, her hands on her hips. There was such a Mrs. Weasley-ish glare on her face that Harry was surprised Fred didn’t recoil.  “It’s none of your business. And I’ll thank you” she added angrily to Ron, who had just appeared at George’s elbow, laden with merchandise, “not to tell tales about me to these two!”
Ah, good on you for defending yourself, Ginny, but remember, Ginny stanning is prohibited because she’s been problematic in the past and is gonna be problematic in the future and that’s baaaaaaad. Careful kids, don’t get ideas. It’s problematic to like people who’ve done problematic things.
So I guess nobody can like anything or anyone now. Sorry guys. Liking things is evil, what if the thing you liked had, OR USED TO HAVE, *gasp* flaws, can’t take that risk, ohmygah.
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ohhthereuare · 3 years
cannot believe we’re back to shipping wars in the year of our lord 2021 but with the overwhelmingly stupid cancel culture and moral police on every corner making it almost impossible to simply enjoy stuff these days I had to chime in my 5 kruge cents or else I’d choke
nobody gives a flying fuck about who you ship and neither should you because this is very rarely up to you. it’s like a god-chosen enlightenment, a sudden rush of serotonin that mysteriously dictates what’s gonna rock your boat from now on. that is great. grab that wheel and get on with it.
you don’t have to justify any of that. and I wish it was clear enough but apparently it still isn’t that villains are called villains for a reason and murder is murder no matter the motive. we know. trust me we do. but I guess that’s half the charm of a work of fiction that a character can be interesting despite its flaws. hell most of the time it’s interesting thanks to its flaws. when you say you like them it doesn’t mean you run to justify their sins and therefor imply these new moral conclusions to your everyday life and real people in it. it just means that this particular fictional creature makes your brain go happy. be them a ball of sunshine or a ball of darkness. you’ll enjoy their actions in a specific media and then get on with your life as an intelligent, morally responsible member of a society that will definitely not go on a killing spree because a fictional guy in a cool cape that doesn’t even exist did so in a story.
now getting that lengthy introduction out of the way I cannot believe that people cannot engage in an intellectually stimulating critical thinking discourse (that back in the day we just called meta) without criticizing every thing or else apparently they’ll go to literal hell. the Darkling is overall a bad guy and Mal is overall a good guy. that’s what the story it built upon. then again both of them are grey to some extent as people are because they are people. they have thoughts and desires and justify themselves because they believe in a greater good that sometimes they personally created. there’s no reason to compare the Darkling who’s straight-up a millenium-old murderer who just happens to be very charismatic and sexy to Mal who’s more human and the mistakes he makes are less of the murderous nature and as it unfortunately happens he’s just more plain. I’d be happy with Alina ending with either of them, knowing full well that there would be good and bad sides to either of the endings. even if the positive outcome of Alina ending up with the bad guy was only a sense of aesthetic fulfillment. that is all. I can say I see and understand the manipulation and the toxicity and still enjoy a power couple dressed in black cloaks the same way I’d enjoy childhood sweethearts leading a safe and quite life. whatever rocks my boat.
if we look at Leigh Bardugo’s work in a simple, quite superficial way then yes it is the question of black and white, good and bad. but it’s more than that and it’s one of the many reasons why it’s one of my favorite books series ever (let’s not go all JKR on her because as I’ve seen some of you do because apart from obvious situations no creator of anything should to held to impossibly pure moral standards making their work morally flawless because it’s based on their own personal experience and it’s impossible to stop some of it from seeping into the work itself even if you personally might find it problematic but they’re human just like you and me and I cannot believe I even have to type this rn). now I’m not wasting my time writing this essay and you reading it to stir up a ship war and I am NOT here as a darklina shipper because in the end I was quite happy with malina getting their happily ever after. but I cannot STAND this sudden wave of frantic justification and of hate towards it because it’s all missing the point.
the Darkling is a villain. the Darkling is a human being (to some extent). the Darkling is the bad character but he’s more grey than black and it’s Alina’s own opinion. THAT’s what’s so interesting about their relationship. he hurt her and the people she loved and hurt people she didn’t even know only to pin the blame on her to guilt trip her to do his bidding. we know it’s toxic and manipulative. Alina knows that too. she hates him and fears him and at times would kill him without hesitation. but she also comes back to him and can’t help but marvel and his beauty and genuinely sheds a tear when he falls. it’s hard to say whether she loves him to some extent, I think even she wasn’t sure and felt quite guilty about it. there’s was a strange pull she couldn’t deny, a wicked sense of understanding that could not be matched by anyone else. despite their chemistry she couldn’t overlook the murder part and that’s who she chose. that’s also who she became because if she had accepted his offer and went down that powerful path we would have been given a completely different story with Alina being a different character. it’s that magic of fiction that lets you explore such extremes but it still is just fiction. it’s okay to type lengthy essays about it to pick it apart and examine with interest but there’s very little point to criticize something so obvious or defend the impossible.
now still on the topic of the Darkling that’s what I love about the show. how Ben Barnes looked for the human parts in him (which is also literally his job as an actor to find parts of the character that he could sympathize with idk why are y’all so surprised and scandalized and y’all better leave my man Ben alone). parts that might have been lonely and misunderstood because that’s how the Darkling saw himself. he had to justify his own actions somehow because he believed he was right. a bad villain is bad by nature. a good villain makes you question whether he’s really bad, makes you justify his villainous actions with him. showing the Darkling express real emotions towards Alina, hope for their shared future, tears in his eyes as she turns her back on him just made him that much more interesting and multidimensional as a great character should be. a great character can still be a murderer. a murderer can still be a great character. it has nothing to do with them being a good person. but it doesn’t erase the toxic behaviors just by being sexy the same way that toxic behaviors have a hard time erasing the sexy part and if you find it sexy in fiction that’s great go on reblogging passionate darklina gifsets and if you can’t stand it even on paper that’s fine too enjoy your heartwarming malina handholding posts. fill in your “rip to alina but I’m different” preferable scenario and let it bring you joy.
Leigh Bardugo is a great author. Ben Barnes is a great actor. actually all the actors are great actors and they did a marvelous job of bringing our beloved characters to life and we cannot even imagine the burden of responsibility they must have felt. let’s try to be less negative and more grateful for a really well-done book adaptation and surround ourselves with people that share our likes and dislikes in a respectful and positive manner and hopefully not foolishly trust that people can tell the good from the bad in real life and still enjoy both in a work of fiction.
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books i actually like
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A solid 97% of my ‘book reviews’ (for lack of a better term) are bound to be just me bitching about said book for way too long with way too many expletives, because books I genuinely adore rarely invoke the visceral reaction within me that causes so many of my ‘reviews’ of books I don’t like to be so impassioned and long-winded. Here’s to kicking this dumpster fire off with a little positivity, because that will be little and far in between henceforth.
Harry Potter – J. K. Foul Thing I never understood how someone could appreciate the art and not the artist until Harry Potter. JKR’s dead to me, but the seven original (and only, because I refuse to accept the flaming pile of dog shit that was The Cursed Child as canon) books remain i c o n i c. And you’ll probably witness a LOT of Harry Potter-inspired shitposting on my part if you decide to stick around, because Harry Potter trivia makes up a solid chunk of my personality, and I like to shove my fandoms in other people’s faces. Again, I’m cute like that.
The Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank By some odd coincidence, my mum got me Anne Frank’s diary for my 13th birthday, and I always felt like a Super Special Snowflake because of that. Obviously, I can’t relate to being Jewish and in hiding during WWII, but there’s a lot of Anne’s views and thoughts that… resonated with me (ain’t that the most basic-ass description of a book, ever). There’s always the lingering sadness while reading because you know how her story comes to an end, but it’s a book that’s still stuck with me six years later, and for the rest of my mortal life.
The Book Thief – Markus Zusak Why Must I Adore Books That Give Me Naught but Pain: An Autobiography.
Freak the Mighty – Rodman Philbrick Ditto.
Bad Alice – Jean Ure When I first saw the cover, I expected a lighthearted, cheery book. I was very much mistaken. Duffy, a self-proclaimed ‘oddball’, and Alice, another self-proclaimed ‘oddball’, are easily two of my favorite fictional characters, ever. The subject matter is pretty damn dark and rereading the book as an adult is actually kind of scary, but it’s so well-written and engaging and this sounds like I’m an elementary school teacher writing a report card so I’m just gonna stop here.
Tiger Eyes – Judy Blume A true Relic of the angst-riddled phase of my adolescence (I say as if I am not still going through said angst-riddled phase). I’ve been a fan of Judy Blume’s work since one of the girls in my third-grade class bestowed upon me Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing; growing up, I’ve become more detached from Blume’s work but Tiger Eyes is a book that’s never gotten old for me. Davey, the angst-riddled adolescent protagonist, is also stubborn and headstrong and angry and scarily relatable to myself at her age, though under wildly different circumstances.
Changeling – Philippa Gregory I’ve read a couple of Goodreads reviews on the Order of Darkness series, and I’ve garnered that Philippa Gregory fans (Philippans? Philipinos?) are not fans of the series. I can’t vouch for that, given that I’ve only ever read the said series, and I’m admittedly not a fan of books two through four (which is basically every book of the series published to date, exempting the first), but Changeling is a book I liked enough to attempt to handwrite it in a notebook back when I was 12 (I gave up after, like, two sentences because my hand started cramping), and also to try and write a ripoff, featuring an angsty young preteen girl with (short) wavy black hair and eyes like limpid tears (gee, I wonder who that could be) (my eyes are brown, though; I dunno why I wrote the self-insert to be blue-eyed).
The Secret History – Donna Tartt My first foray into dark academia; sadly, reading The Secret History before any other books in the (sub?)genre made every other book pale in comparison. What’s so special about The Secret History for me is that I hate every main character, with passion. Each and every one of them; not just Bunny, but Richard and Henry and Charles and Camilla and Francis and Julian can all go fuck themselves for all I care- but I find them so fascinating. The story and the way it’s written is pretty over-the-top dramatic and my struggling bilingual arse had to look up every tenth word or so, but I adore it with every fibre of my being. Well, the leftover fibres of my being that aren’t simping over Kim Seungmin.
A Series of Unfortunate Events – Lemony Snicket Does this count as the first step of my emo phase? Shoutout to the girl in seventh grade I sat next to for, like, two weeks, who lent me The Wide Window and got me hooked on the series.
Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll This entire book feels so trippy.
The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett It’s corny and Everything Works Out Swell for the Goody Guys in the End! in period-typical book fashion, but it got me through many a boring class in the spring of my ninth year of personhood, so I’ll always have a soft spot for Mary and Dickon and Colin and the rest of the gang. It also inspired me to Cultivate, and there are two pretty bougainvillea plants in my garden thanks to one Mary Lennox.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post – Emily M. Danforth Cameron Post: the lesbian baddie we all aspire to be.
Vicky Angel – Jacqueline Wilson Yet another shoutout to my seventh-grade seatmate for lending me her copy of Vicky Angel, which I read under my covers like it was a bloody nudie mag.
A Song of Ice and Fire – George R. R. Martin Where’s Winds of Winter, George?
Turtles All the Way Down – John Green Paper Towns used to be my favorite John Green book until I read Turtles All the Way Down last year. I adore John Green’s writing style (maybe not the #deep #woke #sadboi #middleclass #white #male #cisgender #heterosexual #personalityofabreadroll leads in a solid chunk of his books, though) and okay, so maybe Davis fits all of the above, but my true faves are Aza and Daisy and their dynamic.
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee I keep calling this ‘HOW to Kill a Mockingbird’ in conversations and it gets really fucking inconvenient.
Coraline – Neil Gaiman I just wish I’d read this sooner than I did.
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My thoughts on the cursed child part 2: things I didn't like
I made a post before about my opinions on the cursed child. I recommend you go read that one if you haven't yet before you read this one. My other post was mostly about my positive opinions and thoughts on the addition to the harry potter universe. This one is going to be more focused on my problems with the play. Again, this won't make such sense if you haven't read it.
I cannot stress how much I hate the fact that Harry named his child after Dumbledore and Snape. I know there is something to be said of some fondness he may feel for Dumbledore. He was kind to Harry at times and was someone Harry really looked up to. I can understand why he named his child after Dumbledore. But I don't think it's right. Dumbledore left Harry in an abusive household for his entire childhood, even when McGonagall questioned his judgement, insisted on tiptoeing around the truth and being vague on purpose when all Harry wanted was answers, ignored Harry when he needed him most(ootp), and raised a child to die without him knowing. And even though what Dumbledore put Harry through was terrible, I can understand that Harry might feel a certain fondness for him. But Snape. I cannot even begin to explain how much I hate him. I may make another post about it detailing exactly why but long story short, snape literally abused harry to the point where even less than a year into knowing him, Harry was convinced that his own teacher was trying to kill him. And then, "ur mom got mad at me cus I called her a slur twenty years ago and im still sad" and he's a saint? Fuck Snape.
I didn't like the 'Scorpius might be Voldemort's son' plotline. I don't think it made any sense. And I think it's stupid that everyone just believes this stupid rumor with no evidence at all. Even Harry believed it at one point. If they thought all the time turners were destroyed, how did they think Astoria traveled back in time to get knocked up by Voldemort? Why would Voldemort agree to that? How do they explain Scorpius looking like his father? It's ridiculous and shouldn't have been included. If they wanted to keep the plotline that Scorpius was secluded and ostracized by most of his classmates, they should have just gone with the 'his dad was a death eater' route. It makes a lot more sense than some stupid rumor that in no way could be true.
I didn't like the whole "there's a dark cloud around ur son" plot. Harry has been known to repeatedly discredit divination in the books. So why does he believe the centaur so wholeheartedly without hesitation? I know that he has respect for the centaurs because they saved his life and they are oppressed for being 'half-breeds' which is not right at all. But I still think its out of character for Harry to just believe in some vision the centaur had without any question. And it shouldn't take Draco Malfoy to tell him that after he already made both of their sons lives hell.
Speaking of Harry's character, I don't think it was in character for him to split up Albus and Scorpius like that. He, out of all people, should know how important friends are at Hogwarts. He even says to Albus earlier in the play that friends are important and he didn't know what he would've done without Ron and Hermione. So why would he willingly split his son and his only friend up just because Scorpius might be evil? And honestly, if he ever even made the effort to meet Scorpius, he would know that Scorpius 'excuse me, Mr. Muggle' and 'my geekness is a-quivering' Malfoy is the least likely person ever to be evil. I suppose it isn't too unlike him to hate Scorpius at first just because he's Malfoy's son. But if he can forgive Snape for bullying him for years, he should be able to look past his rivalry with Draco for the sake of his son's safety and happiness. I mean, Harry would be downright murderous if someone tried to split up him and Ron for no good reason at Hogwarts. So why does he think it's okay for him to split up Scorpius and Albus?
Also the way he treated McGonagall was completely out of line and out of character. In the books, he (almost) always treated McGonagall with complete respect and admired her, even if he didn't quite agree with her at times. So for him to storm into her office and demand anything of her is completely out of character and just downright shitty.
Also, and I know this has been said before but the whole Cedric Diggory being a death eater thing? So stupid. Cedric is quite possibly the best person in the series. He is always nice to everyone and always makes sure things are fair. You're telling me that because of getting embarrassed when he was 17 he's gonna turn into a wizard nazi? It doesn't make any sense. I mean. So many people loved him and were absolutely destroyed when he died. Because of how much of a genuinely nice and loving person he was. Amos Diggory, over 20 years later still is trying to find ways to bring his son back. Cedric wanted a rematch in poa after the dementors made harry faint in quidditch! Because it wasn't fair! That boy deserved better.
I hate the Delphi plot. It just kind of invalidates Voldemort's whole character. The whole point of his character and why he was so evil was because he was incapable of love. The only reason he tolerates certain people is because he has a use for them. It's incredibly stupid that Voldemort would ever feel enough for Bellatrix to do...that with her. I know that one doesn't need to love someone to have sex but I don't see Voldemort ever doing that. Not only because i dont want to picture it but also because he would find the whole concept of it too human. He would never trust anyone enough to have a child with them. The only way I could ever see him having a child is maybe to clone himself? Or find some other self dependent way to have a child. And he wouldn't have a child. So that's stupid.
I didn't like the relationship they try to push between Rose and Scorpius. Rose makes it pretty clear from their first meeting that she doesn't like Scorpius and her opinion doesn't seem to change throughout the play. Rose to me just seemed like 'I know that Albus and Scorpius have chemistry throughout the entire play and would make sense to be together but...no homo'. It's one of those 'won't take no for an answer' kind of relationships that are super harmful. If a girl says no, respect it and move on. I thought the little awkward attempts at flirting with her were cute but the overall concept of Rose and Scorpius ending up together doesn't sit right with me. Especially with the amount of chemistry that he has with Albus. It doesn't make sense for him to be with Rose.
Also. I hate that Ron and Hermione don't end up together in the alternate timelines. They obviously still love each other. It wouldn't make sense for Ron to end up marrying Padma after spending one night with her at the yule ball. While the yule ball was a big factor in ron and Hermione figuring out their feelings for each other, it definitely wasn't the only moment that mattered. Just because Hermione and Ron went to the ball together doesn't mean they wouldn't end up married. Wouldn't the house elf situation in DH have still happened in the timeline where Hermione is the teacher? I just don't get it. Is there something I'm missing here?
Hey, wtf was with the whole trolley witch thing? I hated it.
That's most of my problems with the cursed child. I overall enjoyed it but there were a lot of flaws and plot holes and things that just didn't make sense. To me the whole play was just a cash grab for jkr. She wanted to keep profiting on the franchise. She did the same with the fantastic beast series. She didn't do it for her passion for the series. She did it to stay relevant and make money. She sucks. It’s nice for if you want the feels and just need something to read but not if you want to take a serious look at something. Don’t go into it with high expectations.
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to hear my opinions on! I was thinking about making a post about Draco Malfoy and my thoughts on his character since he’s pretty controversial in the fandom. Or maybe some popular\unpopular ships?
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piracytheorist · 3 years
So I went down some t*rf tags the other day to find which blogs I should block, as you do, and of course in order to avoid accidentally blocking people who were mocking the ideology or sarcastically agreeing with it, I actually read the posts there and scrolled down some of the blogs.
And with some of the things I saw... it made me understand how they reel people in. In some of the stuff they said, I understood them. I understood their struggle, and their anger, and I got how their feelings could make them burst out the way they do in their blogs. Also the fact that many of the blogs I scrolled down and blocked were by women between the ages of 15 and 19 didn’t help. That’s the exact age where you do the most reckless, the most emotional, and the least experienced thinking. It’s when you think of something and immediately think you’re right, because you’re not developed enough, neither mentally, nor emotionally, nor from the aspect of life experiences, to know better and reflect on how well developed your thoughts are.
And to see them act the same way older t**fs do, like in the ages of 26+... it’s fucking scary. It genuinely feels like a cult, where teen women, frustrated with the misogyny they experience, come to a website to vent out their feelings about that and find passionate adult women agreeing with and supporting them and saying that they’re in the right to hate men and trans women... it solidifies their at then immature thoughts.
Like, give me one (1) cis woman who during her mid- or late teens didn’t hate men, even for just a few months, in reaction to being treated as lesser just for having a female body. Just one. I specifically did. I was, for a couple of years actually, believing the bullshit going around that “Girls are more mature than boys”, that “Girls love truly, boys only want sex”, that “Women are statistically smarter than men” etc etc. But then you grow up, you reflect on those thoughts and you go like “Damn older people are right when they say that teenagers do stupid stuff sometimes”.
And that’s the thing with being a teenager; it’s the time to do mistakes, it’s the time to screw up, to vent out your frustrations, and when you grow older and have more life experience, look back at how you used to think and say “Wow, cringe. Good thing I grew out of that.” Absolutely not saying that everything teenagers do is stupid, if anything, most people start discovering themselves at that age. But that’s it; it’s a start. And on that road you’ll make mistakes, you’ll reflect, you’ll change your mind, you’ll learn, you’ll grow. The things that you start connecting with as a teenager which you keep on in your adult life also change, in the way that you look at them deeper, you understand them differently... it’s like with favourite films. Any movie you love as a teenager and as an adult, you’ll have a different mindset on the two occasions. Even if it brings you back to those times, you still have developed and you see it in a different way. Both ways may be positive, or fundamentally similar, but they’re still different, maybe one is the evolution of the first; it’s still not 100% the same. Because you grew up. It’s kinda sad, in a way.
So the issue I have with indoctrinating young women into the t**f ideology from so early on, is that it’s an ideology based on hate. By saying that women are only those who experience misogyny, you’re basically normalizing misogyny and abuse, and averting the blame. You’re saying that it’s expected from men to be misogynistic, and that women should band together against the oppression... instead of looking into why men are misogynistic and looking how you can inspire change in that. It’s victim blaming, basically.
By saying that “trans women are not women because they don’t grow up experiencing the effects of misogyny and patriarchy on themselves” (in a way that’s bullshit but as a cis woman I can’t expand on that, read trans women’s stories instead), you’re putting the responsibility of erasing misogyny on trans women. And again, you’re normalizing the abuse, and you’re defining your gender by the abuse you went through.
Like, fuck no. I was bullied for more than half my school life. It has impacted me greatly, many of the emotional scars I carry them still, my character has been affected by the abuse I went through, but by fuck no does it define me. I choose to try to be kinder. I choose to see abuse as wrong. I choose to be an educator so that I can help bullying stop being a thing in the schools I’ll be teaching. And not because I feel ashamed, or that I pity children who are being bullied, but because I want to make this world a better place, because I believe in teaching the younger generation into not perpetuating any kind of hateful ideology.
That’s not what t**fs do. They just say they hate men and perpetuate the idea of female supremacy... as if women, even women who are privileged in every way other than having a female body, can never do wrong.
Like on one hand, they deify JKR who said that “I am not a victim, I do not pity myself and I’m growing out of my trauma strong” in a very, very victim-shaming way, and on the other hand they define their femininity on the fact that they’re victimized by the patriarchy. Make it make sense.
And in general, it is still an ideology based on hate. When you take a group of people that are struggling both on the inside (either through gender dysphoria or through the pressure of not feeling free to express themselves) and on the outside (either because they’re bullied if they act “out of the gender norm” or because of transphobia if they come out), and you hate on them, when you put the entire responsibility of erasing unrealistic expectations on beauty and appearance for women on that specific small group that’s in a fundamentally disadvantageous position... bro I don’t know what you call it, I call it targeting. You have your frustrations with the patriarchy and sexist men, and because those people won’t listen to you - mostly because they’re privileged and assisted in that by the system they create - and you take it out on a group of people that’s just trying to live their lives in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone.
Like, I saw someone being upset by people comparing t**fs to nazis because she’s Jewish and I’m like... how the heck can you not see the similarities? How can you grow up Jewish and not see that it’s wrong to target an entire group of people, massively hate on them, say that they “have an agenda” just because they want to be themselves and aren’t hurting anyone? How can you not see that cherry-picking the unkind or misled ones and defining the entire group by those few people is wrong?
In fact, how can you not see that “trans women are perpetuating Hollywood’s beauty standards for women” has the exact same basis as “immigrants of colour are stealing white people’s jobs”?
And you may say, “Lillpon, you’re doing the same with t**fs right now. You’re going out there and blocking them after having said you hate blocking people” and I’ll say, I am not hating on them. As I said, I’m scared by seeing how many of them are teenagers, but at the same time, it’s telling. It’s a cult-like mentality, it finds people who are frustrated with how they are treated, who feel wronged, who feel they’re in an unjust world, and it takes those feelings and targets it to one specific group or characteristic. For t**rfs, that’s the XY chromosome set. For neo-nazis, that’s non-Caucasian races. The whole “finding young people who are alone, who see that the world is unjust, who feel no-one listening to them and indoctrinating them to an ideology of hate” is point-blank exactly how neo-nazi groups work. Here is a very interesting TED talk on the matter by a former neo-nazi, if you’re interested.
Also, I never said I hate blocking people, or that I think it’s wrong. I just don’t think it’s something to be proud of, and in fact I’m not proud for blocking those people, I even feel a little guilty as I understand how many of them are just victims of indoctrination.
You’ll say, “But Lillpon, a lot of neo-nazis are spoiled, privileged white men! How can you know how privileged t**fs are??” And to that, I’ll turn communist and whisper in your ear, “The privileged are few. They’re the minority. And they depend on the lower classes fighting against each other so that people forget that it’s the privileged who make all the laws and standards that hurt all the lower classes.” To that extent, you can never, never know who truly hides behind the blogs and twitter accounts with “r*dfem lesbian” on their bio. There are many occasions, especially on twitter, where accounts that claimed to be queer poc were found out to be run by straight white men.
... So, who can guarantee that everyone running a blog with “r*dfem lesbian” on their bio is actually a cis, lesbian woman? And again, on its basis, it’s the same.
Neo-nazism is putting the blame on people of colour; that not only causes a rift between neo-nazis and poc, but also between neo-nazis and white people who oppose them. It’s in fact a pawn so that the white people in power - the people who are responsible for the problems poc and lower class white people face - can avoid having everyone against them. They give poc and less-racist lower class white people a scapegoat.
T**f ideology is putting the blame on people born in male bodies - absolutely no matter what their character is. Again, that causes rifts between t**fs and cis men, t**fs and trans people, and t**fs and cis women who support trans rights. Instead of focusing on seeing how we can stop cis men from being sexist - which of course will inconvenience the men in power who rose so high because misogyny is holding women back - we’re fighting against each other. It’s again, a pawn, a scapegoat, to distract us from blaming the one who’s truly to blame.
If anything, if you’re a t**f, the fact that what you do is helping the white men in power - because absolutely nothing you or your friends can do can affect them in a negative way - should be a reason by itself to not be a t**f. But what do I know.
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Once again, do not reblog this, but a small list of things JKR has done politically not directly related to trans ppl and her whole ‘free speech’ letter:-
- Opposed Scottish Independence. At the time she claimed her reason was for what it’d do to the health service, but a few years later stated she was tired of "blood and soil ethno-nationalists marching with" civic campaigners, and that Scottish nationalism "contains traces of bigotry". 
- Opposed Jeremy Corbyn - the one Labour leader who actually had Leftist policies - seemingly for no reason for a long while until finally landing on supposed anti-semitism (criticism of Israel) as a reason when the media jumped on it. She was perfectly fine with previous Labour leaders (who were basically conservatives) but could not stand this guy and constantly, CONSTANTLY went on tirades about him and his supporters.
- Opposed a cultural boycott of Israel. She claimed this was because she thought it wouldn’t actually do much, but... strange position to take, especially when considered with her criticisms of Corbyn.
- Constantly draws comparisons between the Far Right and “Far Left”, pulling the whole “both sides” and “just as bad as each other” shtick, predictably peppered with being way more passionate about calling out the “Far Left”.
In the interest of absolute fairness, there are positives such as her support of Green values and her opposition of Trump. But, like... it’s all very safe, milquetoast stuff, y’know? Like oh wow, you think the environment should be better and that Donald fucking Trump is bad. These subjects also often boil down to little more than a few lines here and there, with her criticism of Trump being to very cleverly say “he’s like Voldemort!”; while her criticisms of The Left are much more consistent, repeated and acidic when it comes to both Politicians and individual citizens.
She is a very typical centrist Liberal who very coincidentally always has way more heated hatred and criticism of Socialists than for Far-right Fascists, and it is -amazing- to me that she keeps getting touted as a wonderful amazing Feminist who fights for women’s rights if you just ignore ~the trans stuff~. Politically she is an awful person through and through.
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pawprintsmoon · 3 years
You and me, Part III
The proposal
After a shower and clean pajamas, Alex finished packing his suitcase, tucking the ring safely inside. The next morning, he was so focused on not losing it again that he ended up misplacing his coffee filled travel mug. He had put it down for one second, and suddenly it was nowhere to be seen. Henry found it in minutes and they left for the airport. Distracted beyond reason, Alex had to hop out of the car to race back inside to grab his wallet. Then he had to hop out of the car again to run inside and get his phone.
After speeding to the JFK airport, they crossed the Atlantic and spent one night in Kensington recovering from jet lag. They spent their first full day at a trans* equity conference. The English press greeted their visiting prince with union jacks and rainbows. Naturally, they responded with charming comments and smiling photos. Alex took the opportunity to livestream a message to his followers: ‘of course transgender high schoolers should be allowed on the sports team that aligns with their gender, and here’s why…’
Privately, in the car back to the palace, Henry expressed the opinion that public schools ought to have polo teams, because it’s a coed sport and ideal for nonbinary teens who don’t like to rock the boat. Alex responded with similar sentiments about quidditch. The rest of the drive they shared a familiar rant about how Harry Potter belongs to the fans (including the trans* fans) and not only to JKR.
That night, just past 2am, Alex turned over in bed to ask, “You awake?”
“Good. We’re going on a fieldtrip. Come on.” Alex pulled them both out of bed, and they got dressed, Alex swinging on his Gucci jacket. He would have worn a hoodie, the incognito uniform of the internationally recognizable, but tonight he didn’t want to hide himself. It was worth the risk. Besides, they didn’t really need to sneak around anymore, did they? Old habits.
He led them out of the palace, down Prince Consort Road. He stopped for a selfie with the sign, because he really had wanted to last time. A second selfie included them both, looking goofy and not caring. When they reached the back entrance of the Victoria and Albert Museum, they kissed lazily against the wall. Once Henry’s lips melted Alex’s nerves, he drew back to take the next step.
“Thing about dating the prince,” he said, holding up keys, “is that you can borrow pretty much anything he owns. And he can get the keys to anywhere if he asks nicely.”
“You’re a thief,” snarked Henry, walking through the door that Alex held open for him. “And a knave, and a scoundrel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex gave the security guard a wad of cash. “Thanks, Gavin. It’ll be Renaissance City.”
They walked past sculptures, artifacts, and paintings, surrounded by the history that they were a part of. They got to the piazza, Henry’s sacred place. Just like last time, the first statue, Samson Slaying a Philistine took away what little breath Alex had, and he had to lean on Henry for support. Like windswept magnets, their lips met, for no reason at all.
Most of the time, Alex had a strong sense of Henry and himself being part of the current moment of history, changing the world in the here and now. But right then, time seemed to melt, and they were surrounded by historical sculptures telling timeless stories. Zephyr the Greek god of the west wind, Proserpina in the underworld, and Jason and his golden fleece. Archetypical and expansive.
And then there was Henry: the national gay landmark, prince charming, an obtuse fucking asshole. Hopefully his future husband. Sticking with his plan, he pulled away from Henry and got out his phone to open Spotify. Taking a deep breath, he pressed play. “Your Song” came from the tinny speakers.
“It’s a little bit funny, these feelings inside. I’m not one of those who can easily hide.”
“Why am I getting deja vu?” Henry asked, as Alex wrapped his arms around Henry’s waist.
“No clue.”
They began to sway, slow and intimate, cheek to cheek. He recognized the swelling in his chest as the same ache he’d felt when Henry first played this song for him years ago in the music parlor. Back then, he’d been trying so hard to repress his love for Henry, gripping the settee and wondering how long they would fly across the world to touch each other without talking about it. Now they let love dance around them, unbridled and openly declared in front of the world.
Other memories stirred up unbidden. Henry ghosting him after their first kiss, leaving him out in the snow and questioning everything. And then again when Alex hinted at love, leaving him in the lake with his heart carved out. Twice is not a pattern though, is it. Ever since the last time they were in this museum together, Henry had given his entire self to Alex. He had decided to be with Alex for real that night. That had been when they decided to love each other on purpose.
“I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words. How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world.”
For several beats of silence, he just looked at Henry. And Henry looked at him, and the museum disappeared. The whole world faded away except Henry and himself. It was now. He knelt down to one knee slowly, never losing eye contact. Henry’s loving smile showed no surprise as Alex spoke.
“Henry George Edward James Fox-Mounchristen-Windsor,” he said, making Henry roll his eyes. “I have a question to ask you. You see, my mom asked me, back in our early days, if I felt forever about you. I knew it then, and I know it now. I want to spend my life with you. So... ”
He paused, reached into his jacket, and pulled out the bedazzled box, rhinestones spelling out ‘love.’ Henry had probably guessed that it was never intended for June’s earrings, because he laughed like the box was an inside joke. Despite knowing what was coming, he inhaled audibly when Alex opened the box to reveal a simple silver ring.
“Will you marry me?”
Henry laughed again, a laugh like the birds of sunrise. “Yes, Alex. I will marry you.”
The prince reached into his pocket and pulled out a small leather box, the same size as the one Alex held. Then, he knelt down on one knee as well, mirroring his fiancé. He opened it to reveal a thick antique gold ring inlaid with a gem that Alex couldn’t identify. Beautiful. “Alex Claremont-Diaz, will you spend forever with me as your partner, confidant, and best friend?”
“I,” Alex choked, “yeah, fuck, of course-”
Henry cut him off with a swift and passionate kiss, both of them on their knees, fumbling the engagement rings onto their fingers. Alex felt like the deceased king that had probably worn his engagement ring. They kissed until their knees grew sore, and they collapsed on the tile.
“How did you think to bring a ring and everything?”
“Believe it or not, I somehow predicted that you might do this,” Henry teased.
Their buzzing bodies urged them to get back to the palace, to Henry’s room, to the bed. So they pulled each other to their feet, both dizzy and desperate. Before leaving the piazza they held each other for just a little longer.
“I love you,” whispered Henry.
“Fuck, I know you do.” It’s an amazing thing, to know completely and utterly that somebody loves you. “I love you too.”
“I know.” Henry held him around the waist and their foreheads pressed together. “Hey, so, I know we’re going to have to have a big, gay, traditional, royal wedding and all that -”
“Which we’ll make fun!” Alex said, with the positivity of a camp counselor. The world could really benefit from a big, gay, royal wedding. “There will be so many rainbows, even only if the crowd brings them.”
“And we’ll definitely have an adequate number of champagne fountains.” Henry winked at him. “But you interrupted-”
“-me. I was saying that I know we’re doing the public wedding for the audience, and the press, but...” Suddenly Henry looked nervous. “Well, would you maybe want to…”
“Spit it out babe,” Alex kissed Henry lightly on the lips before pulling back to show that Henry had his entire attention. “I’m listening, for real.”
“Would you, would you maybe want to elope first?”
“I… um. Would we, you know, still do the royal wedding afterwards?” Alex asked. “Keep it a secret?”
“Well, yes.” The words tumbled out. “But it would be a secret that we’re keeping for ourselves. We wouldn’t be keeping a secret for an election, or family expectations, or our god damned publicists. It would be ours, and we would keep it because we want to.
“Because I want to keep you to myself, just a little bit.” Henry shrugged, sheepish. “You give so much of yourself to your country, to the world, and I love that about you, but I want this to be just us. I’d be open to inviting Bea, Pez, June, and Nora, and our parents too, if you want.”
“And honestly, I don’t really want there to be a minister or priest… maybe Pez could do it?” Henry continued. “It doesn’t even have to be legal, so people don’t find out. I don’t know, I just thought, it could be just us, making a promise. Not with the crown, not with the church, not with all your adoring fans. Just the people that really matter.”
“I…” A grin spread slowly across Alex’s face. “I love it. Yes. Hell yes. Where? Not Vegas. Paris?”
“Paris.” Relief sweetened Henry’s smile. “And I could play my vows for you on the piano, if you’d like.”
“Yes I’d like! We could do it on a sailboat with a captain! Can you bring a piano on a sailboat?” Henry shook his head and kissed Alex’s grin, nuzzling their noses together. Alex whispered, “Okay, I’ll slow down and we can figure it out together. You and me.”
“You and me.” They fell into each other, a blissful act of entropy, all lips and hands.
“Besides,” Alex said as they stopped to catch their breath. “Secrets can be kind of hot if I remember correctly.”
AN: So, I thought I'd end with the proposal, but I feel like there's maybe more here? Like, this scene was kinda building up to some 'just got engaged' smut, or it could go on to show their elopement. I'm feeling a tinsy bit uninspired for their vows though, so if any of y'all feel like writing those, I could insert to the rest of the marriage scene that could be fun. If anyone feels like doing the post-proposal smut (or the wedding night smut lol) lemme know! Otherwise, thank you for reading! Check out my other rwrb fics, if you feel like it :)
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~ 30 Questions Tag ~
Got tagged by @illicitfuck thank you Rei for thinking of me <3 you made my day you have no idea how much I love tags and answering questions :D
1) name/nickname: Not sharing my real name on here and I also don’t really have a nickname but I use Persephone for writing and stuff so maybe you could say that that is my nickname. (Feel free to call me Persephone on here if you want to :D)
2) star sign: Taurus
3) height: 5′3 / 160 cm
4) birthday: May 6th
5) favorite bands: Måneskin (thanks Rei for already putting them here :P :D), The Rolling Stones, The Bee Gees, Muddy What?, Santana, Rosenstolz,  Electric Light Orchestra, BAP, Smokie and a lot more that don’t come to my mind right now :D
6) time: 9:30 pm
7) favorite solo artists: Oh god let me think I don’t even listen to that many solo artists on a regular basis (like in more than just a few songs of them)... okay here is what came to my mind: Lucky Dube, Suzi Quatro, Frank Sinatra, Harpo... that’s all I could come up with sorry :D
8) song stuck in your head: Amandoti Cover by Måneskin
9) last movie you watched: Twilight
10) Dream Trip: Right now I just want to be somewhere at the ocean like Italy or Greece (but somewhere not so touristy because I don’t like people :D) and just chill there and relax. My future dream trip I hope I can do after my graduation in 2 years is going to Botswana for 2 Month.
11) Last Show: Young Royals on Netflix
12) When I Created This Blog: When I started writing fanfictions about 3 years ago.
13) What I Post: Whatever I am obsessed with which right now is Måneskin :D and random thoughts or stuff I like or find funny or important :D Idk I just post about whatever I like :D
14) Last thing I googled: “In which direction to turn your key to open the front door ” (The story behind this: I moved into a new apartment two weeks ago and it’s all new and it has super heavy doors that are so fucking hard to open and after desperately trying to unlock the stupid door for five minutes I wasn’t so sure anymore about which way is the right way to turn the key because neither way worked and I was afraid of breaking the key if I accidently turn it to hard in the wrong direction. End of story: I called my bf almost crying asking if he remembered which direction is the right one and he did and then I tried again with full force and the damn thing finally opened)
15) Other Blogs: None
16) Do I get asks? Sometimes but not many but I’d love to get more so if you wanna ask me anything or talk to me please feel free it always makes me so happy if people want to talk to me :)
17) Why I Chose My URL: Because it’s who I am, just another obsessed fangirl :D
18) Following: 167
19) Followers: Tumblr says 1212 but most of these are bots because if I post something there are usually about 10 people who interact with my posts (unless something goes viral in a tag of course) It’s very annoying because I’d actually like to know how many people are really following me and are interested in my stuff but I guess I’ll just never know...
20) Average Hours Of Sleep: I need 7-8 hours minimum and if I get less than 6 hours I feel like shit
21) Lucky Number: 13, 7, 2, 21 (just numbers I like for whatever reason when I was a teenager 13 definitely was my lucky number)
22) Instruments: None because sadly I have no musical talent :/ I tried to teach myself playing guitar when I was 16 but I failed :D But I am actually thinking of trying to learn an instrument again these days just because I find it very cool to make your own music and it’s just such a nice way to express yourself and tbh also because of Vic De Angelis and her bass :D
23) What Am I Wearing: I just took a bath and just put on some comfy clothes after so I am simply wearing sweat pants and one of my bf’s shirts I stole from him because I like oversized shirts :D
24) Dream Job: Being an actress. It simply is my passion. Right now I am studying social work though (which I like too) but I am trying to do some acting on the side because seriously when I am infront of a camera I just feel like that’s where I belong. I just did some filming in May and June and when I was on set I realized that I haven’t been that happy and didn’t feel that much like myself since years and even if it’s just a no budget movie for now it’s like one step closer to my dream. Also I could totally imagine working part time as a social worker but also doing acting jobs because it would certainly put some pressure off if I’d have a steady income and can just choose whatever projects I like without necessarily having to earn a living with it (not that I’d complain lol)  :D
25) Favorite Food: Pasta & Potatoes in any form. :D Oh and Antipasti because I just love having many different dishes to choose from.
26) Tea or Coffee: I drink neither of it regularly.
27) Nationality: German.
28) Favorite Song: Right now Vent’anni by Måneskin (and basically half of their discography)
29) Last Book I Read: The midnight rose by Lucinda Riley
30) Top 3 Fictional Universes I Would Like To Live In:
1. Harry Potter Universe (because we don’t like JKR in this house but we certainly love the Potterverse especially if we can make it so queer that JKR would faint lol)
2. Maybe “Die jungen Ärzte” (= ”The young doctors”) It’s a german medical drama series maybe you could compare it to Grey’s Anatomy just less dramatic and with more happy endings :D anyway I just love that series and the actors and the characters and I’d really like to live in that universe just so I could for once have such caring and nice doctors treating me who’d magically find a solution for my chronic illness just like they always do on TV :D
3. Idk does the kind of fictional Universe where I am friends with Måneskin count? :D
I am tagging: @parva-noctua @ginny-lily @bexfangirlforlife and everyone who wants to do this, no pressure though :)
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softlyblues · 4 years
i was wondering abt your stance on Snape redemption, since you feature him kindly in THH. do you agree with people who think he is problematic.?
thank you for asking!
my stance on snape, and redemption for snape, is that by and large you have to take canon and throw it out. if you are a writer of any sort and you want characters to go through a meaningful and satisfactory arc, then making them learn the same lessons over and over again - harry is good, harry is not like his father, harry is not his mother, harry is good - is a lot like banging your head against a brick wall, and that’s how i feel about snape. 
in philosopher, we are introduced to snape as one of the sub-antagonists. that’s fine, he’s there to be a figure of authority harry & co can rail against because voldemort is the big bad and draco has no real power against them, so okay, he’s someone for the golden trio to bond over while they go through school life. 
but in philosopher, snape’s story arc is that he sees harry for the first time in 11 years, and cannot reconcile him with the image he has of james. he is cruel. he thinks harry is lazy, maybe blames harry for the death of lily. however, snape then learns that harry saved the castle and prevented voldemort’s return at danger to himself; he also learns that harry had blamed him for the break-ins because of his behaviour. any SENSIBLE writer at this point sees this as a step for development in the character arc, where snape (a man in his mid-thirties, not a twelve year old) takes the L and moves on. becomes more sympathetic, while still dealing with his insecurities. 
however in CoS, in PoA, snape continues this meaningless arc that isn’t an arc because it’s a fucking straight line. he hates harry. harry is james. harry killed lily. WHATEVER the fuck. (he is also an awful teacher which makes no narrative sense but hey, chalk that up to jkr not doing her research about anything ever.)
in later books harry learns what james did to snape, and he looks on snape with pity. snape takes this badly, snarls at him, rejects him and refuses to teach him a skill which his life and the future of the wizarding world depends on. he ignores harry when he is being actually fucking tortured. all this is behaviour it makes sense for draco to indulge in, as a traumatised teenager, but snape is meant to be in his fucking thirties and an authority figure. what the fuck. so instead of snape becoming a trusted adult figure harry can go to with his issues (sirius and remus are NOT these figures for reasons i could go on about at length) snape becomes part of the problem. harry has absolutely nobody. what the fuck. 
okay, so james and snape - foils. that’s fairly obvious, and a neat way to tie them together. james is all the shadow where snape is the light and vice-versa, and they both illuminate the worst parts of each other. this is why it makes complete narrative sense for snape to become the father-figure to harry that james could never have been; he is the mirror-image of james, and by becoming this person to harry it helps snape continue his arc-that-wasnt of accepting his actions in the past, forgiving james, forgiving himself for his treatment of lily, and mourning her. snape becomes the adult harry needs, the only adult who actually values him as a person instead of a weapon (dumbledore) a dead friend (sirius) or a problem to be solved (remus). 
i have no FUCKING clue why jkr didn’t do this, because she robs her narrative of complexity and development it needs to stop becoming stagnant (as it had by HBP. seriously. SOOO fucking stagnant.) she set up all the elements, and then robbed snape of an arc because none of her characters ever ever ever ever have meaningful development. so when snape dies still thinking about lily romantically and still not accepting what he did wrong, we’re just sitting there like “okay cool. always. whatever. next scene please.”
so i think people who redeem snape aren’t problematic, or at least, they aren’t if they address this. snape was a white knight when he was an abused fifteen year old. being a wanker when you’re fifteen does not mean you’re irredeemable at thirty-six. people who redeem snape have picked up on all the set up in the narrative to do just that, and have used it the way jkr should have - in both the works that make him father to draco and harry, who go through similar stunted arcs. i don’t think it’s problematic. i DO think it’s problematic to romanticise the always scene, but i don’t think many people do that. 
lol sorry for the essay but i am passionate about snape hes like my favourite character bc hes the only bitch in the cast with any potential for development beyond a plot you’d get in an episode of glee
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