#fuck man why is everything such an ordeal with you its JUST CHICKEN
schrodingersbabe · 5 months
can u stim by watching a video on loop or like what kind of autism does that fall under. im about to fail my classes bc i wont stop watching italian american evangelion
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eggsploded · 1 year
moar you say.. why then gregor and rodya of coarse....
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where would i be without rodigor. where would WE be, without rodigor.
first impression: THE fuckin guy. this dude owns. (insert 50 invasive questions about cockroach anatomy and behavior) i was peeved his roach arm resembled more of a beetle horn than a arm
current impression: when chef greg dropped i got so horny i went to bed lightheaded i still love gregor dearly but my love for him has mellowed like the fondness for a favorite pasta dish.
favorite moment: literally every old fart moment he has. when he forgets names when he berated sinclair for not cleaning his plate when he goes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in his dialogue because he doesnt know where hes going with this
story idea: despite his deep frying and boiling during hells chicken i think the bus kinda Likes this guy. gregors a bit of a hot commodity. hes just a fella you can Jive with. a real Stand Up guy. now let him be loved, if obliviously through his own self consciousness. a friendly heathcliff rough slap on the back delays his depressive episode by 15 minutes
fav relationship: oh boy where to start!!!! rodigor. enough on that. meurgreg, not really romantic to me but i like the art of it that is. it revolves around a big fella carrying him under his arm so automatic slay. ive seen a little gregcliff action on the TL but its more of a 'work got me friends with people twice my age like whats uncle greg up to' ordeal to me. now lets get insane. gregsang is incredible to me because yi sang is the only mf on that bus EASIER than gregor. gregor got game? that hes aware of? while stuttering the whole journey? its kind of crazy. i dont actually have a reason why they would even like eachother yet but put rodya in there somewhere to toy with them if you want true crackshipping fun
fav headcanon: hes a little chunky
RODYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favit
first impression: me furiously searching for her height on the wiki + nodding my head sagely deciding woman with sleepy eyes is peak character design (faust included). i trust her wholeheartedly even if she leads me hand in hand into a woodchipper
current impression: waiting for projmoon to drop more lore on her desperately because i know canto 2 wasnt everything. i feel a disconnect with the fanbase about her because i see rodya characterized sooooo differently than how i think of her. the gambling thing and her effortless confidence for example isnt really questioned like how it is with dons bravado. i see her gambling as an outlet for her complicated views on money. she feels as though being financially 'secure' as the lone survivor as a betrayal to all the deaths she caused. gambling not only aligns with her current im the hottest shit attitude but also is a way for her to not be responsible for money. the hoarding of wealth is what caused her community to starve, why would she want to do something that seems to harm others? shes very self destructive, and feigning as slots star is just one of the ways she forces herself to 'stay in the cold'. ummmmmmmmm anyway im really normal about rodya and think about her a normal amount also her love for decadant food really resonates with me as someone who was poor in childhood because the difference between eating to live and living to eat is Astronomical
favorite moment: shes started branching out and calling other people than greg pet names and it is so exciting. faust has now reached babe status!! good for her!!! also when she infantalizes sinclair its terrible for him but REALLY funny for me when he responds back and reminds her oh right this is a 22 year old man. also her random interjections that are socialist ideology are really funny because they always feel so fucking random and like projmoon is remembering why crime and punishment was written and going drop this bomb ass line itll go so hard guys
story idea: i want her to play poker against yi sang because hes weird and also his poker face is like. genuine and dear adoration for being able to play with his companions because deep in his soul is gardens and butterflies. she would be so freaked out not only because this guy agreed to playing poker but also because he is invasively (he didnt mean it) staring into her SOUL to find solutions
fav relationship: my thoughts are half the bus are in love with gregor and the other half with rodya with cases of overlap. rodya is so epic because shes seemingly got it together to the more deranged sinners but to anyone else its like oh my god this paper mache bitch the former being more faustish the latter being more ryoshuish. faustya is cute because faust initially wanted to absorb more Bad Bitch Strategems and then kinda got a crush and is hardcore malfunctioning also kurokumo ryodion got sumn GOING yall crazy love is love though
fav headcanon: shes actually really short for Lobotomy Corp Backstreets Russia and everyone there is just freakishly tall (see: sonya)
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jawabear · 4 years
My neurons are firing away! I really loved Don't leave and I saw that you said you'd do sequels, so I have a request for a Don't leave sequel 🥺 Like S3E4, when they go on that mission to catch Gilberto, and they need people they can trust, so y/n joins them, saying/thinking she can do it. But she's with Javi when he finds Gilberto and since he's pointing a gun at them she gets flashbacks from the time she got shot. So she gets through the mission with adrenaline rushing through her body 1/2
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(2) Don’t Leave (Javier Pena x Reader)
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Not my GIF (but y’all should know how much I love it)
A/N: Hey, here’s a second part to Don’t leave, as requested. Thank you anon! I hope this is good? I think its kind of a mess because I was basically rewriting the episode which was a little difficult. I had to use Spanish but I do not speak the language so it is most likely wrong so I apologise for that. This a little bit of a mess but I hope you can still enjoy it. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay Safe 
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Fem!reader, sexism, soft!Javi, alcohol, mental breakdowns, mentions of death, guns, me thirsting over how good Javi looks in this episode, mentions of medication, crying, confessions, tiny bit of fluff, my terrible comebacks
Summary: To catch a criminal, Javi needs people he can trust, but the person he trusts above all else is the one who he doesn’t want to take 
It had been a couple of weeks since she came back and was settling back in quite well all things considered. Javier made sure to keep an extra eye on her where he could. The smallest sign of struggle and he would be straight to her side to help in any way he could.
It was very sweet of him. It made her heart race. But she felt so much guilt as well. He had practically become her minder and that was an idea she didn’t like. She didn’t want to be a burden to anyone in the DEA, especially not Javier. But that’s what she was. Or felt like at least.
But she carried on as best she could given the circumstances. She didn’t want special treatment and made that quite clear to the Ambassador. She went back to desk duty which wasn’t so bad, it was what she was used to. But as strange as it’s sounds, now she had a taste of field duty, she wanted to get back out there. However, considering what happened last time, that wasn’t one of her brightest ideas.
It was late at the embassy which was pretty much empty. There were a few agents lurking around the building but most of them had gone home already. (Y/N) much preferred the embassy after dark. It was quieter and more manageable, especially with her fragile state of mind. She find it somewhat comforting sitting in her office. It was quiet. But a peaceful quiet. Not the painful and lonely quiet of her apartment, which was why she stayed a lot longer than necessary.
A knocking on her office door disrupted that silence. She lifted her head and saw it was Javi. She smiled to him and motioned for him to come in. He looked a little distressed.
He didn’t say and thing as he made his way into her office, closing the door and sitting in the chair opposite her, putting his head in his hands and letting out a heavy breath.
“Javi?” She said quietly bringing her chair round to sit in front of him. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She copied what he had done when she came back. She put her hands gently on his thighs as comfort to him.
“Shit (Y/N)” he muttered as he lifted his head a little, his posture still slumped over though “we could have him”
“Have who?” She asked.
“Gilberto Rodríguez”
Her eyes went wide with shock “are-are you serious? How?” She asked.
“Feistl just called. They tailed Guillermo Pallomari, the head accountant for the cartel. Lead them straight to Gilberto’s front fucking door”
“That’s...this is big Javi”
“Yeah. I know”
“What are you going to do?”
“We’ve gotta fucking go after him. We’ve got a secure location on him. We have to take it as soon as we can. But..” he paused for a moment “I need people I can trust. But there are fucking few out there” he said in a light laugh.
(Y/N) paused and looked at him. She looked at the way his thumbs rubbed over her hands. She saw the desperation in his eyes. The look of it being his only chance.
“What about me?” She asked quietly.
“What about you?”
“Take me with you”
“No” he said firmly with the sake of his head “no no no. No I’m not putting you through something like that again”
“You can trust me, can’t you?”
“Of course (Y/N). Of course I trust you. I trust you with my life. But I can’t trust myself to protect you from what ever happens. And I can’t...I can’t watch you get hurt again”
“There’s no guarantee I’ll get hurt Javi”
“There’s no guarantee you won’t get hurt” he retorted quickly.
“Javi,” she began quietly “I think, in this instance, catching one of the godfathers of the Calí Cartel is more important that me”
He squeezed her hands and dropped his head “fuck” he whispered “fuck. Alright, fine” he looked at her again “but you do exactly as I say, when I say it. You don’t fuck around. And you don’t get hurt. If something goes wrong, you get yourself out first. Got it?”
“Yes sir” she smiled “who else are you bringing along? If Calderón is working for the cartel, then who knows how many of his me are too. And this doesn’t really seem like a four person job, If we include Feistl and Van Ness”
“Don’t worry about that” he said with a slight smirk. “I’ve got an idea”
Javier’s idea was calling in a few favours from some old friends in Bogotá. Colonel Martínez and his most trusted men. Javi explained the plan of diversion to them all hours before the plan would be put init action to catch Gilberto.
“(Y/N), I want you to go with him” Javi said quietly to her.
“What?” She was slightly annoyed by his order. She wanted to stay with Javi.
“You’ll be safe with him”
“N-No, Javi, I want to stay with you”
“(Y/N)” He said sternly. He took a step towards her and rested his hands on her arms, rubbing them softly “Please. Please. Go with Colonel Martínez. You said if I let you come you’d do as I say”
She nodded “okay..” she whispered.
He brought his hands to her cheeks and tilted her head up slightly to meet her gaze “you’ll be okay” he assured her softly. She smiled as gently squeezed his wrists.
“You be careful. Don’t take any unnecessary risks”
“I won’t” he looked at his watch and pulled his hands from her cheeks. ”You better get going” he cleared his throat and glanced to his left to see that Colonel Martínez has been watching that whole ordeal play out. But as per usual, he show now expression on his face.
“Peña is right” he said as he strolled over to them “our window is getting smaller, we should go now”
“Yeah. Yes. Right, okay” (Y/N) nodded “I’ll um...I’ll head to the truck” she said before making her wave over to the chicken loaded truck. Javi watched as she jumped into the back, his heart sinking a little as he wondered if he had made the wrong choice.
“How long has it been?” Martínez asked in his usual stoic voice.
“How long has what been?” Javi asked looking at him.
“Cuanto tiempo llevas enamorado de ella?” (How long have you been in love with her?)
Javi let out a sudden and nervous laugh as he ran his hands through his hair “¿Qué te hace pensar que estoy enamorado de ella?” (What makes you think I’m in love with her?) He asked.
“I know the look of love when I see one Peña. What I saw was love. From both of you” there was a sudden softness to Martinez’s voice. Javi didn’t reply to him because he knew he was right. “Don’t worry” he said patting Javi’s shoulder “I’ll make sure she’s okay”
Javi could only nod before Martínez was walked to the truck and jumping in the back, the two metal doors being closed behind him. He just hoped she would be okay.
The ride in the back of the truck was dark, silence, smelly and hot. On a list of things she wanted to do before she died, riding in the back of a chicken truck was not very high up.
Her head rested back against the metal wall as she took in deep breaths. She couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited. She was just daring to go. But she had to be sensible, smart. She had to be calm. But she was getting anxious. Mainly, she just wanted to be with Javi again.
The truck came to a sudden stop which signalled that they had arrived. (Y/N) lifted her head and her gaze met with Colonel Martínez who was sat opposite her. He gave her a subtle nod which she returned before pulling her pistol out of her vest.
From there, everything seemed to happen so quickly until she found herself in charge of making sure Gilberto’s three wives cooperated but not getting in the way or trying to relay false information. All three women have her looks. But (Y/N) couldn’t blame them. It was strange to see a woman in such a position. A woman in field duty? Laughable if nothing else. But (Y/N) was living proof that a woman was just as good on the field as a man. She was just waiting for her man to hurry up and make it.
Thankfully it wasn’t all that much longer until Colonel Martínez had motioned for her to follow him outside. When she did she saw a Police car pulling up being the Chicken truck with Calderón, Javi, Feistl and Van Ness inside. Her heart jumped a little to see that Javi was okay and that he has made it.
The four of them got out of the car and Javier and Calderón walked towards her and Martinez while Chris and Dan stood by the car.
“Colonel Martinez” Calderón said.
“Capitán” Martinez gave a subtle nod to him. Javi rested a comforting hand on (Y/N)’s arm but said nothing to her, so she said nothing to him. “sabes lo que está sucediendo aquí?” (You know what’s happening here?)
Calderón looked (Y/N) up and down giving her a slightly evil look. Before looking back at Martinez. “sí, creo que sé” (yes, I think I know) he said with a slight nod.
“te estoy dando una oportunidad. para hacer lo correcto y no follar esta opperación” (I’m giving you one chance. To do the right thing and not fuck up this operation)
Calderón looked back towards (Y/N) “si lo que he oído es cierto, no seré yo quien lo joda” (if what I’ve heard is true, I won’t be the one who fucks it up)
(Y/N)’s Spanish wasn’t the best, it was pretty awful all things considered. But she could understand when she was being insulted. That, and the fact she saw sudden anger wash over Javier’s face. But still he said nothing but squeezed her arm.
“This is no job for a woman” Calderón said “especially one who can’t hold her own”
“Maybe. But look who’s being allowed to help and who isn’t” she retorted calmly, which was more than could be said for Javi who was growing more visibly angry by the second.
Calderón back up to the car and Van Ness was quick to grab the keys to insure he wouldn’t drive off.
Martinez looked at Javi “Está aquí. Lo encontraremos” (He’s here. We’ll find him) he said. Javi gave a subtle nod back before dropping his hand from (Y/N)’s arm. Suddenly, it felt cold there. She was over come with the sudden urge to just jump in his arms, but they had something more important to be dealing with right now. “Véalo” (Watch him) he ordered to one of his men before walking back into the house.
“You still got your kids drawing?” Javi asked Chris as they all followed behind.
(Y/N) followed behind Javi up the stairs, trying not to get too distracted by how good he looked. Now was not the time.
They made their way into what appeared to be some sort of bathroom. No doubt one of many that was located in the grand house, but it was a bigger bathroom than she had ever seen. Off on the far wall were two extra room. They took one each, kicking open the door and holing their gun to as the search it. Both came up empty.
Javi gave her a look before looking back around the room, the same as her. He walked over to the large jacuzzi looking bath and walked up the wooden steps.
They both froze in place when an all too loud creak came from under his foot. He shifted his weight once, twice, to make sure he wasn’t hearing things. He wasn’t. There was definitely something not right about it.
He carefully and quietly step back down to the floor and gave her another look. She adjusted her stance and moved a little closer to him. She held her gun up to the steps as he bent down. He slid his hand over the bottom step. He reached down further and she swallowed thickly. Javi gave her another look and she gave him and nod.
The steps flew up and the two agents both too a step back.
There was Gilberto Rodríguez. His gun pointing directly at them.
(Y/N)’s heart began to race. Partly from adrenaline that was still flowing through her, but partly from fear. Seeing the gun pointing their way made her mind flash with images from that day. Only this time, it was worse. All she could see was a bullet going straight through Javi, and this time she wouldn’t be able to save him. She wouldn’t be able to jump in front of him. Instead she would be left to watch him die. Watch the blood flow from him.
She blinked her eyes quickly to try and wipe away the images but her hands were becoming shaky. She couldn’t stand there for much longer, not with a gun in her face. “suelta el arma” (drop your weapon) Javi said, surprisingly calmly.
Trujillo appeared on the other side of Javi to (Y/N) with his gun raised as well “suelta el arma” he repeated the same as Javi, in a less calm tone.
Gilberto hesitated for a moment before he slowly lowered his gun and dropped it to the floor in front of him “No dispares. Soy un hombre de paz” (don’t shoot. I am a man of peace) he said as he held his hands up in surrender. He grabbed the steps in his hands and shakily pulled him self out of his hideout. Javi grabbed his shoulders and pulled him out quicker, holding his gun to the back of Gilberto’s neck.
It was then that Martinez appeared holding his gun out but almost dropping it when he saw the Cartel Godfather at gun point. “Vamos” he said. Javi nodded and traded Gilberto off to him when he noticed that (Y/N) wasn’t moving.
“(Y/N)” Javi said quietly as he placed his hand back warmly on her arm, Trujillo and Martinez taking Gilberto away. She jumped slightly at his touch and looked at him “you okay?” He asked softly.
She blinked, swallowed and nodded. “Yeah” she said “yeah. I’m...I’m fine. Just...let’s get out of here” she said before walking past him, he followed closely behind her all the way down stairs.
The living room was almost full of Police. Gilberto was sat on the sofa whilst his three wives looked upon him with sadness, confusing and everything else along that line.
It was now only a matter of time before they would listed as heroes. They had taken down one of the Godfathers of Calí. That was no easy feat. But they weren’t in the clear just yet.
After managing to get Gilberto back to Bogotá and handing him off to the authorities, (Y/N) and Javier found themselves back at the embassy. (Y/N) had been quiet ever since they got on the plane to come back to Bogotá. It was obvious to Javi, and obvious to her, that the mission had effected her. She hadn’t said a said a single word to him for a few hours now and it just felt strange.
She went ahead of him when they got to the embassy and headed straight to the ambassadors office. Walking through the main office to get there, she was greeted with a round of applause for her work with Javi in arresting Gilberto. She gave them all a polite smile but walked quickly out of the office space, ignoring all the congratulations she was getting.
(Y/N) knocked on the door of Crosby’s office and she heard a “Come in” from inside so she opened the door and walked in. “(Y/N)” he greeted her, sounding a little surprised as he sat at the table on the right side of the office.
“Ambassador” she greeted back.
“I was expecting Peña to walk through the door” he motioned for her to take the seat opposite him and she did.
“Ambassador,” She said “I’m going to be frank with you. I can’t keep this up for much longer. I thought I would be okay, but being out there today...”
“Is this your way of telling me you resign?”
“No. No. Not resign. Just...I know I’ve already had so much time off for my injury but...I don’t know, I just need to not be in this. I need to just...need some time...”
“How much time?”
“I...I don’t know”
“Well (Y/N), let me be frank with you. What you and agent Peña did today was an impressive feat but comes with a lot of complications now for both the Colombian and American government. But I will congratulate you for your achievement. And, in all honesty, regardless of how it played out, I was going to sign you off anyway. Off work. If not just to get you back to how you were, then to get Peña to stop brining it up in every meeting we have”
“Sir?” She asked, a little confused at what he meant.
“He’s been hounding me to sign you off since you came back. Every meeting we have it’s the first and last thing he says. Keeps telling me that you need more time, and that you’re not in the right state of mind to work efficiently”
(Y/N) didn’t really know how to feel at that. It was sweet that Javi would do that in her behalf, but it was now properly evident to her that she hadn’t hidden her struggles as well as she originally thought.
“Four week” he said “I’ll give you four weeks. I don’t want to see you anywhere near this embassy building within that time”
“Yes sir” she nodded “thank you sir” she stood and reached her hand over to him, he shook it and she left for the door.
Just as she was leaving his office, Javi appeared and gave her a soft look “(Y/N)” he said quietly “what are you doing?”
“I um...asked Crosby for some time off. He’s given me four weeks” she mumbled.
“Good. You need it” he said to her.
“I...I better let you go in there”
“Yeah” Javi laughed slightly “no doubt I’m in for a fucking talk when I get in there”
She managed a smiled and nodded “I better go. I’ll see you later Javi” she said before walking past him towards her own office.
Javi let out a heavy sigh as he walked up the stairs towards her apartment that was just a few floors about his. Having to address the Colombian nation about the successful DEA operation of capturing Gilberto Rodríguez had taken it out of him. He needed to be with someone who he could relax with. He needed to be with (Y/N). He stood outside her door and knocked three times.
Then he waited.
He waited.
He waited too long. He knocked again. Still there was nothing. He pressed his ear against the door and could hear nothing from inside. This made him worry. It was unlike her to keep him waiting for so long. He tried the door handle but the door was locked. This worried him even more. Luckily he had a spare key in his back pocket that he carried with him everywhere. He pulled it out and pushed it into the lock before turning it and getting the door open.
The inside of her apartment was definitely not what he was use to.
It was a mess. Papers were thrown everywhere. In the kitchen, on the table were painkillers and other tablets scattered across the wooden surface. A half drunk glass of whiskey to go with them. She didn’t drink. The whiskey was technically his. She brought it for him so that he would have something to drink whilst he visited. But she hated alcohol.
He walked through her apartment looking for her and came to a sharp stop when he heard the sound of running water. He looked in the direction of the bathroom and saw the door was cracked open slightly. He took cautious steps towards it and pressed his hand flat against the door before slowly pushing it open.
There she sat on the shower floor. Fully clothed. The water drenching her completely. She hugged her knees close to her chest as she stared at the floor shaking. Whether she was shaking from fear or the water perhaps being cold, he didn’t know. But to see her like that broke him.
Javi walked into the bathroom, pulling off his jacket, shoes and socks as he did before he stepped into the shower and sunk down to the floor beside her, his back to the wall and his knees bent, his arms resting loosely on them. She immediately found comfort in him. Leaning her head onto his arm and bringing her hand up to grab at his bicep. “I-I thought I could do it” She stuttered quickly, quietly, her fingers flexing around his arm, trying to find the right place to hold, but it seemed she couldn’t. “I-I though I could...” she didn’t finish the second time. She couldn’t finish. The more she spoke, the more images of horror flooded her mind pushing her closer and closer to the point of crying.
She didn’t actually know if she was crying. She had been. But now she couldn’t tell it was tears or the water falling down her cheeks.
Javi didn’t say anything to her. He loosened his tie from around his neck and placed it beside him on the shower floor. He reached under his arm and grabbed her free trembling hand and pulled it through the gap and held it tightly in his hand. He brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a few soft and loving kisses to her knuckles. They were slow, lingering kisses. Each one lasting longer than the last.
His head then gently fell against hers, his cheek resting against the top of her wet hair. He turned so that it was his nose resting against her head. Breathing in what was left of her sweet scent, which wasn’t a lot, most of it had been washed away by the water and he no longer had her smell to comfort him. But in that moment, he didn’t much care. She was more important. She needed his comfort. He pressed a gentle kiss to where ever it was his lips were placed before slightly lifting his head from her and moving down
Javier nosed the side of her head, moving it round to her forehead and down her face, rubbing it against her own nose. She lifted her head slightly and let out a few shaky breaths as he continued the sweet action. The touch was so...absentminded, that she wondered if he meant to do it. But it made her heart swell. It made everything okay.
And then he kissed her.
He didn’t start off with the intention of kissing her, but he sure as hell didn’t regret it. Nothing had ever felt more right than the feeling of her lips against his. He felt right then that that was where he was meant to be. With her. Kissing her. Loving her. Doing what he should’ve done years ago. Doing what he should’ve done when he first realised he was in love with her. Doing what he should’ve done when she needed him most, when she had taken a bullet for him. Not just to help her, but to help him too.
He needed her. He wanted her. He wasn’t ever going to leave her.
She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, pulling him from his thoughts before she barely pulled away from his lips. His nose still gently rubbing against hers.
“I love you” she whispered.
Her words lifted a great weight off his shoulders. So much so that he let out a breath of relief. “I love you too” he said in the same quiet voice. She laid her head back on his shoulder and he brought his arms round to wrap around her to hold her close. “You’re going to be okay (Y/N). I promise”
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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Midnight Snack
A/N: I can’t get enough of this man and I got an idea for a good smut fic and here it is.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (fem! receiving), fingering, dry humping, squirting, wet dreams, soft rob
  You and Robbie were tucked into your humble abode because of miss rona, and the two of you were quite comfortable. With him doing work for the Earth Locker ™ , and you trying to relax and not watch too much news, you’d been kept quite busy and the chinese takeout containers were stacking up day after day. Rob is a bit of a hippie, but even he was getting tired of the same old ass routine, and he’d started meditating more, and spending less time with you. You’d sleep together in your bed every night and mumble greetings every dawn and dusk, but you were growing apart. It wasn’t a problem with the relationship, it was a problem with the fucking world.
  However, you had a plan for that.
  You’d braved the outside world and went to the grocery store, avoiding the angry Karens and missing toilet paper aisles. You picked up some italian themed food because it was a comfort for the both of you, and you threw salad materials into the cart because eating broccoli with brown sauce for weeks on end can send anyone on a rampage of high blood pressure. You’d thought about buying condoms, but you had some at the house, and who wants to have sex while in a food coma? Back at the house, you cleaned all the ingredients and started prepping the food. The lettuce was taken apart leaf by leaf, rinsed, then thrown in the bowl, along with the sliced radishes, carrot, and you even made homemade croutons because why the fuck not. Robbie’s been quite busy, staying outside most of the day, having one of his longer meditating sessions. Soon enough, once the vinegar dressing had been poured heavily over the salad, you placed it in the fridge to chill.
   Next, you started prepping you chicken titties (im sorry i had to.). They got a quick thaw and rinse, and you seasoned them with salt, pepper, basil, and Italian seasoning, and tenderized them until they were ready. Those were also placed in the fridge to marinate until you were ready to cook them. After that ordeal was finished, you fetched a glass of red wine, as you were preparing to make a chocolate cake, and baking was not your forte. You got the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and vegetable oil into one bowl, mixed well, and got the mixer out because the wooden spoon was not cutting it. The dry ingredients came together a little easier, and the flour decided to make its way into your hair and your face (like something else which is a lot less dry), but you gave it no mind as you were gonna shower for dinner later. Everything was poured into the pan, and put it in the oven to bake while you were getting the chicken ready to be sauteed. You were proud of the work you’d done, and you polished off your glass of wine.
 “Hi honey, whatcha cookin?” Robbie said, entering the kitchen, and hugging you from behind, as you inhaled his scent, masked by the sweat of his session.
“Dinner, I got really fucking tired of chinese takeout, so I got a little somethin’ somethin’ cooking in the oven, and chicken boobies.” you said, turning around to kiss his lips, him sighing against you. His arms wrapped around your waist, and yours lingered by the small of his back. His tongue glossed against yours, and you moaned lightly, letting him take over for the time being. You touched upon his back, and he arched into your touch, and he humped against you, turning you into the counter, deepening the kiss. You broke off the kiss when Robbie started moaning louder, getting closer to his climax. A line of saliva was between the two of you, and his eyes were blown wide with lust.
“Well, I’ll get the frosting together for the cake, and you cook the chicken and boil the noodles. We’ll be finishing this later.” you said, hopping off the counter, and swaying your hips while grabbing the fettuccine from the fridge.
  Robbie smirked at your comment, and turned the heat up on the skillet on the stove, ready to get the meal over and done with so that he could get his dessert early. The two of you worked quickly to get the food done, dumping the pesto in the noodles, then the chicken, frosting the cake with delicate precision. The two of you shared a bottle of wine, white this time, after taking a special shower together and steaming up all of the mirrors in the house. The two of you dressed modestly for dinner, the both of you in sarongs, only Robbie wore a shirt, and you decided to put on a bra because you were still hot from the earlier frolicking. The two of you ate slowly, savoring the meal, and your time together. Quiet, gentle jazz played in the background, and birds chirped to each other outside. 
  “I love you, I want you to know that.” Robbie whispered, stopping you from putting the chocolate cake in your awaiting mouth. He looked at you with endearment in his eyes, wanting, no, needing the same to be told to him.
“I love you too, Robbie. Just took me a while to say it, is all.” you stated back, looking into his eyes.
  Soon after that, the meal finished, and the two of your worked in comfortable silence while doing the dishes, working assembly style. You two watched some Queer Eye before bed, sparking you to think of possibly picking up repainting your house. The two of you fell asleep at around the same time, Rob’s arms wrapped around your torso, his chest to your back. His dreams actually were calm that night, but yours were not. You had the wettest dream of them all. Beautiful, erotic, hot wet dreams are rare. That one, though, you’d always remember.
  Robbie was touching you, just like in the kitchen, but it was much more real, oddly. He moaned in your ears, grinding his dick into your ass crack, humping you quickly and harshly. You both were loud, very loud, you could feel the counter shaking. Robbie turned you around, wrapping your legs around his waist, fucking you as hard as he did when he finished Season 2 filming. He came home with his pants already off, dick stretching his black boxer shorts. He got you against the wall that day, and the couch, and the kitchen island, and the pool, and the floor. He wanted to fuck you until you couldn’t walk or talk. 
You didn’t for two and a half days.
  Now, however, while dream Robbie was fucking you into the kitchen counter, actual you was having a nice self-love session in your sleep. You’d gotten the covers off your body, revealing your hand beneath your panties, rubbing along your clitoris, applying just the right amount of pressure. Along with that, your knees were bent, and legs were spread, and you humped the air, arching your back with each thrust. You also began to moan, but that didn’t wake Robbie. He woke from the change in the bed shape, you were moving slowly, but harshly at the same time, making quick work of yourself. He woke up to you grasping the sheets in your hand, pulling them. He smirked, but slowly moved until he was positioned in front of your pussy, your hand not giving him a clear view. He kissed along your thighs and legs, leaving little hickies in his wake. You convulsed in your sleep, getting closer, but he wouldn’t have you cumming before he tasted you. 
  He pulled your panties from your body, holding them against his nose, taking in your arousal, in peak condition. He placed those on the sheets he previously occupied, for future use. The cold air halted you, and Robbie blew cold air onto your sex, causing you to wake up and look down to see his curls touching upon your thighs so delicately. The very thought sent you flying, thrusting your hips to the air. Robbie watched as your clit pulsed, swollen, waiting for attention. His hands went around your legs, moving them apart, to reveal your beautiful, pink pussy, waiting to be eaten. He gave it a lick to test, the tip of his tongue barely brushing against you. Your breathing was quite heavy, and he went back in, ravenous.
  Robbie’s lips touched your pussy’s, forcing a strangled moan from you. His tongue moved to your clitoris, giving it kitten licks, knowing where you wanted the most pressure. You put your hands on his head, ready to send him in the right direction. He pushed you closer to him, his tongue meeting your hole, giving it quit a broad lick, sending you panting for air. Rob slurped what you’d freshly created for him, his chin already glistening with your juices. He dove in, his nose nuzzling your clit, his mouth right where you wanted it. He gave licks in quick succession, creating a very lewd, wet sound. He grunted against you, as you’d decided to push his head further, and he liked the pull on his curls each time he attacked your sex. You were thrusting lightly against his face, using him how you wished. His hair was against your pubic mound and your thighs, adding to the feeling of pure euphoria that he was giving you.
“Robbie, I- oh goodness!” you choked on your words, as he’d inserted a finger into your birth canal, and he thrusted it in and out, letting it gather on his finger while kissing and nibbling your clit, then taking it out to lick it off like frosting from a cupcake. He added two fingers, and began grunting against your vagina, sending vibrations through you. Robert started shaking his head against your pussy, urging you to moan loudly, pulling his hair, causing him to moan as well. Sending you over the edge. He still fingered you through that white hot pleasure, then bit your thigh.
What a mistake that was.
    You squirted. Hard. Right into his face and mouth, and hair. He almost came right then and there, as you groped your breast, pointing your toes, yelling his name in praise. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as you squirted onto his face, soaking him thoroughly. He started grinding against the bed, desperate for some type of release. The remaining liquid he licked off of your pussy, and he kissed your thigh, looking into eyes with his emerald orbs, wanting you to be okay before he proceeded with the next step. Robbie quickly got up, grabbed a condom from the side drawer, ripping it open with his teeth, then slid his boxers off. He quickly shoved it on his length, jerking it quickly for reassurance, then he slowly slid into you. You inhaled with him, and soon enough, you became one being.
  Robert thrusted gently into you, his face in front of yours, reaching down to grasp your lips in a beautiful kiss. He hit a spot that always sent him rolling, and broke away from the kiss, moaning and whimpering at the squeeze of your pussy against the intrusion. He started thrusting into your heat quicker, creating a wet squelching sound, one of which the both of you liked the feeling of very much. He hid his face in your neck, his nose pushing against your collarbone. His lips making small kisses underneath it. The pace was getting faster, and Rob was moaning in quicker succession, a sign that he was getting close. You looked past his head and saw his pert ass flexing, the muscle more defined when he pushed into you. That thought alone sent you for your second orgasm, him following you. Your wet tunnel tugged against his cock, causing him to explode into the condom, you seeing his face contort in pleasure, his eyes rolling again. His hair stuck to his forehead, his mouth open in appraisal. You felt his light bush press against you, pelvis meeting pelvis. His balls emptied themselves into the condom, and his toes were curling from the power of his orgasm.
   It took Robbie a while to come along this time. You’d no idea why other than the fact that he’d had a very hard orgasm. You wiped the tears from his face, and you sat him up as you took the ruined condom from his cock, tying it into a knot and throwing it into the trash. He was sniffling from the bed, clearly overwhelmed. You brought him a glass of water, which you had to help his drink, and he was curled into a ball on the bed while you cleaned him, breathing quietly. The sheets would have to wait for the morning, and you cuddled him as he nuzzled his way into your neck, a smile on his lips.
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works-of-fanfiction · 4 years
Keep Me Company [Steve Rogers x Reader]
Summary: The reader is convinced to go on a double blind date by her co-worker. Throughout the evening, it becomes clear that someone other than her date, has peaked her interest.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing.
Word count: 4.7k
A/N: I haven’t written in over a year so this isn’t the best! This idea kinda sucks and turned out to be a lot longer than I wanted it to be, but I hope someone likes it regardless 🖤
[Reader’s POV]
“I’ve told you before, I’m really not interested in dating anyone right now,” I reiterated, shaking my head at my coworker, Ivy. She’d somehow managed to get herself roped into a blind date, and she’d spent the past week desperately asking every female at work to go with her.
“Please, Y/N! My cousin organised this and my date is bringing a friend. I can’t show up alone, it’ll be so awkward,” She’d now invited herself to sit at my desk, and I sighed out of annoyance as I closed my laptop and looked over at her, “Please? You’ll be my lifesaver.” She batted her eyelashes at me like a child begging their parents for an expensive toy. I mulled over it for a moment, and not a single scenario in my mind resulted in a good outcome. Has anything good ever come out of a blind date? To me they just seem super uncomfortable for everyone involved, with at least one party praying for the clock to move faster and for the ordeal to end. I didn’t really want to go, but the image of Ivy arriving alone to be faced by two strangers gave me a major wave of secondhand embarrassment. I knew I wouldn’t want to go through that, so I couldn’t let her walk into that either.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go with you, but you owe me one! Big time,” I gave in. She rose from the chair and grinned at me, heading towards the door.
“I’ll go and forward the reservation details to you. My date is called Steve, and you’ll be meeting his friend, Sam. Oh, I’m so excited!” She clasped her hands together and did a little dance on her tiptoes before disappearing out of my office. I groaned, catching my head in my hands. What have I gotten myself into?
As instructed by an extremely antsy Ivy, I arrived at the restaurant at 7.30pm on the dot. She was waiting outside for me when my taxi pulled up, and I could instantly see how nervous she was as she leaned against the restaurant window, bouncing her knee. “Y/N! You’re here! I thought you might bail on me,” she said, her voice shaking slightly. Ivy was always filled with so much energy, but with the added nerves she was even more jumpy than usual and couldn’t keep still for a second.
“So, do you have any idea what these guys look like?” I asked, hugging myself to try my best to stay warm. I didn’t understand why we couldn’t just wait inside, but Ivy insisted we greet them properly as soon as they arrived.
“I have an idea of what Steve looks like, but my cousin really wouldn’t let me see his picture for longer than five seconds,” she replied, her teeth chattering a little from the cold breeze hitting us both. A black car soon pulled up outside and Ivy straightened, brushing herself down, “This must be them. How do I look?”
“You look great. Just relax,” I offered her a small smile as we watched the car doors open. I looked away for a moment and rolled my eyes at the whole ordeal. There was Ivy, standing there like an excited schoolgirl and playing with her hair like her hands were glued to her head. Then there was me, lazily dressed at best and already feeling the urge to check the time. Again, why did I agree to this?
“You must be Ivy, and Y/N,” a voice said. I snapped back and turned to face them properly. I could literally hear the breath getting caught in Ivy’s throat as a quiet squeak came out of her mouth. But I couldn’t blame her, as I blinked heavily to try and make sense of the two men standing before us. I knew the names Steve and Sam sounded familiar, but I didn’t realise we were literally going for dinner with two of the Avengers. Immediately, my ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude towards the evening shifted, and the pressure was on. I’d agreed to a blind date, a blind double date, and I was paired with Sam Wilson, Falcon himself. No matter how the evening went, I knew I had to at least make a good impression. I couldn’t embarrass myself in front of an Avenger.
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“I’m Y/N,” I stated, mostly aiming my smile at Sam, but feeling the stare of both men on me. I waited for Ivy to introduce herself after me, but she stayed silent. I gave her a little nudge and she still didn’t say anything, so I put my arm around her shoulder for encouragement, “and this is Ivy, who I think needs a drink! Should we go inside, Ives?” I patted her back in a final attempt to get her to speak.
She cleared her throat, eventually opening her mouth to answer, “of course,” she turned to Steve and held out her hand to shake his, “sorry I uh - dry mouth,” she lied as he shook her hand awkwardly. I didn’t know whether to cringe or burst into laughter, so instead I just led everybody into the restaurant and got us seated at our table.
I didn’t know what to expect of the night ahead. Ivy was already a nervous wreck and she’d barely introduced herself to our company for the evening. I kind of felt sorry for her. I mean, her cousin could’ve pre-warned her that her date was someone as high-profile as Captain America! I think any girl would faint at the sight of him sitting across from them at a restaurant. Even I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and he wasn’t even my date to gawk at.
We quickly ordered drinks and read our food menus in silence. I could feel Ivy’s foot dancing under the table, so I reached over and placed my hand on her knee to calm her down. She looked at me and mouthed an apology. I couldn’t believe how nervous she was, she looked pale white like she was going to throw up any second. “How about we get a sharing appetiser to start? They sound really good,” Sam suggested, lifting his menu and pointing at one of the pictures. Thank God for him breaking the silence, because I felt like I could scream out of sheer awkwardness.
“Dough balls, chicken wings, tempura shrimp, mozzarella sticks... it doesn’t take much more convincing for me!” I enthused, reading the rest of the selection. I glanced up to see Steve looking at me, a wide smile on his face that reached his eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I could’ve quite literally slapped myself for getting so excited over Captain America smiling at me. I didn’t want to turn into a giddy, fidgety teenager. We already had one of those at the table.
“What do you think, Ivy?” Steve asked her. She nodded in agreement, and everything in me wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. Why was she being so weird?
“Um, would you mind ordering the appetiser for us? I’m just going to go wash my hands. Ivy, come with me,” I stood up and grabbed her arm, almost dragging her out of her chair and towards the bathroom. Once inside, she stood in the mirror, vigorously scrubbing her hands and glaring at her own reflection.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Y/N! I just can’t speak, the words won’t come out!” She panicked, pretty much splashing water everywhere. I leaned against the counter with my arms folded, trying to think of what I could say to her to improve this situation.
“I know this is not exactly ideal -“
“Ideal?! This is a nightmare! I thought my cousin was just going to set me up with some loser she knew from work. I didn’t know it would be Steve fucking Rogers! I’ve made myself look like such an idiot,” she frantically dried her hands with a paper towel, her pale face growing redder by the second. I grabbed her wrists and took the paper towel from her, tossing it in the bin beside me.
“Listen,” I started, keeping my grip on her wrists and making her look me in the eyes, “You’re not the only one who is nervous, and I too thought it was just going to be a couple of loser guys wanting some company. Neither of us expected bloody Captain America and Falcon to show up, but here we are. Just don’t take it so seriously. Try and have fun, be yourself!” I internally cringed at how cliché I sounded, but if I wanted this night to be painless, I had to snap Ivy out of her weird mood in any way I could.
“Y - You’re right. You’re right! Just be myself,” Ivy repeated, more to herself than to me. I quickly washed my hands and we went back out there, re-joining the guys at the table where the drinks had now arrived.
I sat down and couldn’t help but notice the extravagant drink that was placed in front of Steve. It was bright orange in colour, with grapefruit slices on the rim and a neon green umbrella wedged in the top of it. I couldn’t help but quietly giggle at the sight of this muscular mountain of a man, drinking something that looked like it belonged on a beach in Hawaii in the hand of a bikini-clad model. “Aren’t we going to address the elephant in the room?” I laughed, putting down my menu.
“Do you mean that literal elephant ornament over there, or the tropical vomit that Steve is drinking?” Sam joked, picking up the cocktail, “Have you ever seen a liquid that colour?”
“Hey!” Steve grabbed the glass, cautiously placing it back down, “it just tastes better, okay? I didn’t know it would come with its own accessories,” he gestured to the grapefruit decorating the glass.
“I wouldn’t complain Steve, it’s the best part,” I added. He picked one of the slices from the glass and held it in front of my face.
“For you, m’lady,” he mocked in a posh accent. I glanced at everybody at the table and Sam was flashing his cheeky grin, whilst Ivy’s expression was a little less readable. I couldn’t tell if she was still just riddled with nerves, or if my interaction with Steve was bothering her. Either way, I leaned forward and took a bite out of the grapefruit, holding my hands underneath my chin as the juice dribbled everywhere.
“Oh damn,” I mumbled, still chewing the fruit. I grabbed a napkin and attempted to clean my sticky hands. Steve was chuckling quietly, as he went to take a sip of his no-doubt delicious cocktail, “that was messier than I thought.”
“That was a weird mixture of amusing, erotic, and disgusting,” Sam laughed. It felt as if we were all just staring at Ivy, waiting for her to join in, but all she could offer was a shy smile before she buried her head back into her menu to choose a main course. Sam looked at me from across the table with an inquisitive expression, gesturing towards her with his eyes. I just shrugged, glancing back over at Steve who just so happened to look at me at the same time. As we made eye contact, a light fluttering feeling invaded my stomach, and I didn’t know whether to just allow myself to feel it or to feel bad for wishing I could swap seats with Ivy. Don’t get me wrong, Sam was a great guy, but something about Steve was turning my insides to mush, and I hadn’t even been in his company for more than twenty minutes.
Our appetiser soon arrived, and we each ordered our main courses before we dug in. I kept trying to give Ivy subtle nudges and hints so she’d join in more, but she was still pretty quiet. She was trying her best, but it was clear that Steve was close to giving up on making conversation with her. “So, Ivy, Y/N,” Steve started, wiping the sides of his mouth with a napkin, “what do you both do?” I slowly chewed on a piece of shrimp, with Ivy looking at me as if she was waiting for me to do the talking. I signalled to her that my mouth was full, hopefully giving her a little push to answer the question.
“Y/N is one of the HR executives, and I uh - I work on the same floor in IT,” Ivy shakily explained, her voice quiet but it was better than stone cold silence.
“IT, huh? Well you could teach me how to get along better with technology,” Steve said to Ivy. She just looked down at her plate and mumbled something I couldn’t even hear. Sam shot me another one of his confused looks, and I really wished I knew what to say to get Ivy to speak up a bit more, or at least attempt to create a nice atmosphere for the rest of us.
Regardless of the slightly awkward atmosphere, we continued to eat and make conversation where we could. Steve and Sam asked a lot of questions, which I was too scared to return at first. What do you ask an Avenger? I don’t want to sound like an interviewer asking them everything about their lives and how they’ve quite literally saved the world multiple times. Throughout the conversation I learned that I have a lot more in common with Steve than I would’ve anticipated. I don’t know what that says about my character, given that Steve has lived more of his life in the early half of the 20th Century. Sam poked fun at me for some of my interests, calling me an old woman, but I soon silenced him when I threw a mozzarella stick at him which covered his cheek in breadcrumbs.
I tried to concentrate on Sam, in hopes that it would somehow force Ivy to actually pay attention to her date and make more effort. However, I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering back over to Steve, where he sat with a warm smile on his face as he tried his best to get Ivy to communicate. He’d been asking us both questions all evening, but he was really only getting answers from me. I was really enjoying their company, and Sam made me laugh until my stomach hurt, but something inside of me wished I was sitting across from Steve. He was being the perfect gentleman, and his occasional compliments made my cheeks feel like they were on fire from all the blushing I must’ve been doing. At one point, Sam even told us to ‘get a room’ and if I wasn’t so busy trying to silently calm myself down, I probably would’ve had a sarcastic reply ready.
We split the bill equally, and the guys quickly went to the bathroom before we left, so Ivy and I waited outside. “Steve’s really nice,” I stated, trying to fill the silence between us. I could understand her shyness in front of Sam and Steve, but she didn’t need to be so strange around me.
“He seems to really like you,” she muttered, folding her arms and sighing. I couldn’t tell how she was feeling, but she was really starting to bug me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, trying my best not to sound irritated. She’d hardly said more than ten words all night, and I was running out of ways to cover for her and make conversation on her behalf. She looked at me with a frown, keeping her arms tightly folded across her chest, “what? You can’t be mad at me for talking to Steve, you didn’t exactly make this night easy for him.”
“You knew I was nervous! You couldn’t just sit and talk to Sam, you had to get all chatty with Steve and make me look stupid.”
“I made you look stupid?! Don’t you realise I spent most of the evening starting conversations for you? I had to bring up topics I knew you liked to get you to speak, and even that didn’t work. You can’t blame me here.”
I leaned against a nearby lamppost, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at the stupidity I was being forced to listen to. Ivy continued to rant at me about how I’d ruined her evening by getting along so well with Steve, and how I probably planned to ‘steal her date’ all along. “I did you a favour by agreeing to come to this. It’s not my fault that you sat there in silence most of the time. We all tried our best, you know we did,” I retorted. She stood there glaring at me, probably searching for something else she could say to try and justify her nonsense.
Suddenly, the restaurant doors swung open and out stepped Sam and Steve. “Do you ladies wanna go grab dessert somewhere?” Steve asked, his tone a little hesitant. I couldn’t blame him, I’d be hesitant too after spending almost two hours sitting opposite the human equivalent of a brick wall. I glanced at Ivy who was still stood with her arms folded, scowling like an upset toddler.
“I’m not feeling so good. I’m just going to head home. It was nice to meet you both,” Ivy said to them, without even bothering to make eye contact, “see you at work Y/N,” she murmured, before walking off down the street and disappearing around the corner.
“Do you think I should’ve gone with her?” Steve asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Usually I would say yes, but in this case, I don’t think you’re inclined to do anything,” Sam said honestly, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder. He pulled the car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car, walking around to the driver’s side, “enjoy your dessert!” He called over, winking.
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked, a sudden wave of nerves hitting me as I realised what he was implying.
“It doesn’t take a fool to know where he’s not wanted,” he replied, pushing out his bottom lip jokingly.
“Sam! Don’t say that,” I walked around to the driver’s side and he placed a hand on my arm, smiling down at me.
“Now I’ve never seen Steve have a crush, but I’d say you’re pretty close,” he said quietly, probably so Steve couldn’t hear. I glanced over at the Super Soldier pacing the pavement and whistling to himself, and the all-too-familiar fluttery feeling returned to my stomach, “but don’t let him have too much dessert, he’s a superhero remember.”
“Sam, you don’t have to leave.”
“I had a great time tonight, despite the uh - well despite Ivy,” we both laughed and I couldn’t suppress the huge grin that spread across my face, “I’m sure I’ll see you around at the Avengers HQ sometime.”
“Now you’re planning way too far ahead,” I slapped his arm playfully, before thanking him for making the date bearable at least.
“See you later old man!” He shouted over to Steve as I walked back around to join him. Steve just snickered and shook his head, waving off his friend as Sam got into the car and drove away. I stood beside him, my heart pounding as I tried to figure out how I ended up here. As bad as I feel to admit it, I guess I only have Ivy and her weird behaviour to thank for this.
“So, where are you taking me Captain?” I asked, standing opposite him and looking up into his eyes. My knees felt shaky and weak beneath me, and I mentally scolded myself for behaving like such a cheesy rom-com character. Steve maintained eye contact as he brought his right hand up to my face. I shivered a little as his cold fingers brushed my temple, as he moved a piece of hair out of my eyes.
“I was going to suggest ice cream, but perhaps it’s a little too cold for that,” he stepped back and shrugged his jacket off of his shoulders, “here.” He wrapped the jacket around me and I slid my arms into the sleeves. Steve laughed at how oversized it was on me, as he tried to fold the sleeves a little. I caught my reflection in the restaurant window and I smiled to myself. Strangely, the image of myself standing opposite Captain America whilst wearing his jacket, was something that made my heart do somersaults. The gesture was so simple, yet so thoughtful.
“I have an idea, but we’ll have to make a stop along the way,” he smiled, holding out his hand. I placed my hand in his and agreed to let him lead the way. After all, I was way too caught up in the moment to protest and I was excited to see what he’d come up with so last minute.
We walked a few blocks and stopped at a bakery. It was five minutes before closing time, but Steve insisted it was the best place to grab something for dessert. I waited by the door as he spoke to the cashier. They handed him quite a large paper bag, then we were soon back on our way to wherever he was leading us to. We walked for a little while longer before stopping in front of the museum. “I know it seems strange that I’ve brought you here, to a museum literally dedicated to me, but I’ve got a deal with the security guards here and it’s kind of relaxing to be here after closing,” he explained, before lightly knocking on the glass door. A security guard eventually let us in, and I kept ahold of Steve’s hand as we walked through the exhibits.
I read everything on the walls and stopped to look at every single picture. Steve was never far behind, either holding my hand or resting it on my back as I engrossed myself in all the information the museum had to offer. I’d never had the chance to visit before, and I was learning more and more about Steve as the minutes passed. “Do you remember all of this?” I asked, my eyes still fixed on a photo of him surrounded by other soldiers. They all looked happy to be together, to be a team.
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“Every single second,” I turned to look at him and he gazed into the glass case, his eyes scanning each picture. A smile crept onto his face and he looked down at me, his smile widening as our eyes met.
“You miss it, don’t you?”
“Things are definitely different now,” he took my hand and we continued to walk on, stopping in front of a group of mannequins wearing uniforms, “it’s a time I’ll always cherish. But that doesn’t mean I’m not happy to be here now. There’s so many people I’ve met that I am so grateful to know,” he reached forward and ran his fingers along the fabric of his old uniform, that same reminiscent smile appearing on his face, “including those I’ve met on slightly disastrous double dates.” He turned and winked at me and I just rolled my eyes at his corny remark, whilst failing to ignore the butterflies dancing in my stomach.
Our last stop was a room with a large screen projecting video clips of Steve and those from his past. Instead of sitting on the benches, we went to the front and sat on the floor with our backs against them. Steve reminded me of the treats he’d collected from the bakery, and placed the bag between us. “I always go to this bakery, because not only do they have the best cakes, but at night they throw in a few extras that they couldn’t sell,” he explained excitedly, ripping the bag and laying it out flat. An array of colourful cupcakes and pastries were laid out in a box, and my mouth almost watered at the sight, “by the way, the cinnamon roll is mine.”
“Damn! I was just about to call dibs,” I pretended to sulk and he sighed, opening the box and ripping the pastry in half, handing me the piece that was slightly bigger, “oh I’m flattered.”
“I couldn’t possibly deprive you of it. It’s just heavenly,” we both took a bite at the same time and audibly groaned at how good it tasted. I giggled as I noticed the icing all around his mouth, “what? Is there something on my face?” I couldn’t stop laughing as he looked down as if he was trying to look at his own cheeks. I rolled up the sleeve of his jacket and wiped his face with my thumb.
“Did you get napkins by any chance?” I asked, as I realised my hand was now covered in sticky icing. Steve rummaged through the box and found a stray napkin at the bottom. I wiped off my hand and leaned back, laying my legs down on the ground as I propped the upper half of my body against the benches. “So, what’s this video about?”
“Well that’s me,” he pointed at the screen as the footage showed a group of soldiers walking through some trees, “and those are the soldiers I rescued from one of the Hydra bases. That’s my best friend, Bucky.”
“He’s a Super Soldier too, right?”
“Uh huh, but I can still kick his ass,” he winked, nudging me with his elbow. He shuffled closer to me and rested his arm on the bench behind me. I could feel the warmth from his skin on the back of my neck, and there was nothing I wanted more than to rest my head on his shoulder and snuggle up to him.
“Y/N, do you think it’s weird that I brought you here?” He asked shyly. I looked over at him and his brows were furrowed slightly, which just made me want to grab him in a hug and tell him not to worry.
“Not at all. I love learning about our country’s history, and who better to educate me than Captain America himself?” I smiled, and I saw his chest rise and fall as if he was letting out a breath he’d been holding, “I’ve had a really great time with you, Steve. Part of me wishes we could’ve skipped the first couple hours of the evening,” I joked. I was so comfortable in Steve’s company that I almost forgot about the awkward dinner we’d engaged in earlier.
“Can I confess something?”
“Of course.”
“When you introduced yourself, I was so jealous that you were Sam’s date and not mine. My eyes found you as soon as I stepped out of the car, and I don’t think they’ve left you all evening. I’ve loved getting to know you, chatting to you, laughing with you. I’m really glad you came tonight,” he fidgeted, playing with the hem of his shirt nervously. I tried to think of what to say, but I was speechless. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before, and I certainly never expected to be overwhelmed in such a way by someone as amazing as Steve.
“I - I just don’t know what to say,” I breathed, my heart thumping so hard that it felt like it could explode at any moment.
“Perhaps we could start with this - Say that you’ll meet me again.” He sat up and faced me directly, a hopeful smile on his face. I sat up and placed my hand on top of his, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“Of course I will,” I spoke quietly, nearly whispering. I couldn’t quite believe what was happening. My head felt cloudy and tingles ran down my spine out of sheer excitement. Steve wanted to spend more time... with me! How did I get so lucky?
“I have an idea! How about, we meet right here? I’ll bring takeout, we can perhaps try and get a movie to work on the projector. It can be our spot,” I suggested, desperately hoping that I didn’t sound ridiculous. Steve grinned, squeezing my hand in return.
“I would love that.”
“Then it’s a date.”
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mikeydoodledandy · 5 years
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“Barclay? What are you doing all the way out here? It’s late.” Barclay sighed softly, looking up to his partner as Joseph approached. The agent was dressed in what he’d worn to bed, a light blanket wrapped around him and his sneakers hastily pulled on without socks. He looked worried, but Barclay supposed he shouldn’t be surprised. Waking up in the middle of the night to find your lover missing from your bed was no doubt kind of jarring.
“I... woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to go for a walk rather than bother you with my tossing and turning. Sorry.” He was seated at the edge of the clearing overlooking the archway, on a wooden bench that had been put there after the events of the Quell. The moon was full, shining brightly overhead and casting a pale glow on the forest below. 
Joseph nodded quietly. “May I join you, or would you prefer to be alone?”
“...Go ahead.”
Stern sat, adjusting his blanket around his shoulders before carefully offering his hand to Barclay. They sylph considered it a moment before gently entwining their fingers between them, not saying anything else. They shared the silence together, the cool mountain breeze rustling their clothes and hair as shadows crept from the woods as the moon rose higher.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Joseph asked after a time, rubbing his thumb against his partner’s.
“What is there to talk about?”
“I don’t know. Any of it. The new connection back to Sylvain. They sylphs leaving the lodge. Why you’re out here of all places.”
“Ah. Those things. Right.” Barclay sighed again, looking down at their hands. His chest was tight and all the feelings he’d been having lately threatened to bubble up in his throat. The sylph swallowed thickly, considering his words.
He and Joseph had been together going on almost half a year now, settling into their new reality as best they could. Much of it had been wonderful. Joseph was an amazing partner and it felt so good to finally reciprocate their feelings after almost an entire year of pining, and make up for lost time together. Whether it was dinner dates, or curling up by the fire, or falling into bed together, it had been bliss.
But, as all things tended to be, not everything was perfect. Life went on and the people of Kepler rebuilt, but the scars had been left on the town and its people. Perhaps those in the Pine Guard most of all.
Dani and Aubrey were still on their travels in Sylvain, healing in their own way together. They’d promised to return for a big reunion in the fall that Amnesty and the townfolk were planning, but the lodge was quiet without them in the meantime. Thacker too was missed, away on his own travels into the wilds of the planet Barclay had once called home. Barclay hoped they were all doing alright, he missed them a lot and while they were able to get in touch, their conversations were few and far between.
Duck had left too. He and Minerva and Juno had all left for Brazil in the noble effort of replanting the forests there. Barclay suspected though that Duck needed to get away from it all as well and do some healing of his own.
Which meant only Barclay and Mama remained of the Pine Guard. Not that it really mattered anymore. The abominations were long gone, no longer being grown by the DOM and sent to Earth to incite conflict between their worlds. For the first time in so long, they could rest easy knowing that the full moon would come and go time and time again and no beasts would slink from the shadows to threaten their way of life.
Barclay always thought he’d be relieved for it all to come to an end, and for the most part he was, but he’d found he didn’t quite know what to do with himself anymore. Now that they’d managed to reconnect Earth and Sylvain with the help of Dr. Sarah Drake and Minerva’s strange magicks, many of the sylphs at the lodge had made the choice to go home, their exile having ended in the wake of the prevented apocalypse.
For the first time in years, Amnesty Lodge was.. just another inn. 
They’d gotten more business as tourists flocked to the town to see the mountain that had moved. The FBI had covered up most of it and the official statement was that it had been a massive collapse of underground caverns that had caused the mountain to crumble into the river, but there were rumors of what really happened. There would always be rumors.
But Barclay found that, even in his happiness of a new relationship, he missed the home that they’d all once made for themselves. It felt... empty. Jake and a few others had stayed and he was grateful for that, but he still found himself wistful for what they’d once had.
He finally let out a long breath, leaning over and resting his head on Joseph’s shoulder. “I miss them, Jo. I understand why they left, they needed to do what was right for them, but I just.. miss them so much it kinda hurts. The Lodge took me in and gave me a purpose all those years ago. We were all scared and tired and recovering from what was taken from us, but we were a family, y’know? We had each other. And now everyone’s... somewhere else.”
“Not everyone, but I know that’s a small consolation,” Joseph replied, gently squeezing Barclay’s fingers. “I’m sure Dani and Aubrey will return eventually, as will Thacker. But I know that’s not now and it’s okay to miss them.”
“Yeah.. And it’s not like.. I’m not moving on either, just in kind of a different way.” He raised Joseph’s hand to his lips, pressing a careful kiss to the back of it. “I never would have thought I’d find someone like you, Jo. Not like this. I don’t regret for a second that everything changed, because if we’d just kept on fighting the abominations for the rest of our lives and never stopped the Quell or the DOM, you and I.. probably wouldn’t have ever been able to get together. I just wish so many people hadn’t left me behind in the process.”
“I’d like to think you might have told me one day regardless, but I suppose that’s rather wishful thinking, isn’t it.”
“I dunno, I might’ve. I’d been considering it before the shapeshifter came and messed everything up. We had that moment and I know I chickened out, but if I’d had just a little more time, I think I might’ve come clean anyway.”
“Yes, that was all quite the mess, wasn’t it? Still, regardless of if you had told me your identity or not, if you’d continued to fight the abominations, well.. Tell me, how many of the Pine Guard actually survived the ordeal? You would have always been at risk.”
“I mean... hm.. Guess you have a point. I don’t think there’s really any answer to this though. I’m just... sad. My heart hurts with missing them.”
“No, I know. I’m not trying to rationalize away your pain, Barclay. I just wish there was more I could do,” Joseph sighed, Barclay nodding quietly.
“I appreciate it, Jo. And honestly, you’re doing plenty by just being here with me. How lucky am I that my boyfriend is willing to hike out into the middle of the woods in the dead of night just to make sure I’m okay?”
“I would hope anyone in a loving relationship would do the same. You came looking for me last winter when I got stuck out in that snowstorm, and that was even before we were together.”
“Well, yeah I wasn’t just gonna let you freeze out here.”
“Still. We look out for each other. I want to be here for you just as much as you’ve been here for me.”
Barclay smiled a little, but he still felt like he had a knot in his chest. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes.
“...It’s all the little things I miss about them the most. Like making everyone’s favorite order. I had everyone’s preferences and tastes down to a science. There was familiarity in that; a sense that I was a part of a bigger picture. And stuff like Dani, Aubrey and Jake all piling on the sofa and giggling together over some dumb meme or joke or what they were planning for a new prank. And how Duck always had the funniest ranger stories, that he could just deliver so completely deadpan that you couldn’t help but laugh. And when Ned-” Barclay stopped himself, throat too tight to continue without choking up anyway. His eyes were wet and itchy, the sylph rubbing them with the heel of his hand. “Fuck, Jo I just..”
Before he could try to say anything else, Joseph pulled him into a strong hug. It was firm and loving and surprised Barclay for a moment, but after he relaxed in the other man’s hold it reminded him that he wasn’t so alone. 
With an anchor to ground him, Barclay found he couldn’t hold back the swell of emotions that had been building within him. Pressing his face into Joseph’s shoulder, he hugged his partner back and let himself cry.
He missed his friends, he missed his community. Change was a part of life, but rarely was it an easy one. He just wanted them all to come back and be a big happy family again. He wanted the lodge to feel like home again. Everyone had gone on their way and left him to pick up the pieces and it hurt. It hurt to be left behind.
His partner rocked him gently as he finally released all the exhaustion and sorrow he’d been carrying the last few months. Barclay might be the bigger of the two of them, but Joseph held him with a strength that made him feel safe to be vulnerable like this. The agent stroked his long hair, wrapping the blanket he had around both of them as Barclay clenched his fingers in the man’s shirt while he cried.
Eventually, his grief slipped into exhaustion, leaving him shaky and spent. He was grateful to have the man he loved there to steady him through it, resting heavily in Joseph’s arms.
“Sorry...” The sylph mumbled hoarsely, his eyes raw. Joseph shook his head, threading his fingers in his boyfriend’s hair.
“Don’t be. It’s okay.”
“I got snot on your shirt.”
“That’s also okay.”
Barclay managed a chuckle at that, pulling away and wiping his nose on his sleeve. Joseph smiled at him softly, reaching up and wiping the tears from his cheeks. Barclay’s eyes were puffy and he was kind of starting to get a headache, but he felt a little better than he had before.
“Thanks, Jo.”
“Of course, love.”
They both sat quietly once more under Joseph’s blanket, this time wrapped in each other’s embrace as the night grew longer. The agent was calmly observing the archway, fingers idly stroking the hairs on Barclay’s arm. He bit his lip as he often did when there was something he wasn’t sure he should say, the sylph nudging him when he noticed.
“What’s up?”
“Well, I...” Joseph let out a soft breath, his fingers stopping their ministrations. “You could always go back, you know. I was always a little surprised you never brought it up or suggested it, actually. I thought maybe you’d want to return with everyone else and you clearly miss your friends.”
“Ah.” Barclay’s shoulders sagged, the man scuffing his shoe in the dirt as he mulled on his words. “I’m not gonna say I haven’t considered it. I’ve actually thought about it a lot, but I just.. don’t think there’s room for me to heal and grow in Sylvain. It’s not home to me anymore. I was born here on earth and while Sylvain gave me my mind and my form, my love for this planet has always been stronger. I was exiled when I was young and stupid, so all my growth and experience come from learning from humans. As much as I miss my friends, I think at the end of the day, my place is still here.”
“It’s been a long time though, hasn’t it? Out of all the other sylphs, you’re the only one who hasn’t even gone back to visit. Even I’ve been back to Sylvain at this point.” 
“Yeah, well... Hm. It’s kinda complicated. I guess I just.. never really fit in Sylvain to begin with. Something about earth always called me in a way that being there didn’t. These mountains feel more like I belong here than I ever felt there. There’s something about Earth, about Kepler especially that just.. makes me feel at peace. It’s this swell that I feel right in my chest whenever the sun sets and spreads a warm glow through the trees or how the earth smells after a fresh rain. Things like that that just feel right that I never felt on Sylvain.
“Those are good reasons.” Joseph nodded, looking back up at the arch. “I was worried it might just be me keeping you here, which if that was the case, well...”
“You do play a part in it too, Joseph, but don’t take that the wrong way.” Barclay leaned over and kissed Joseph’s forehead, enjoying the warmth of his skin against his lips. “That warmth I feel when I think about how much I love earth, I feel the most when I’m with you. You remind me of everything I love about humanity, Jo and I don’t ever want you to think that you’re holding me back.”
“Alright. I don’t know if I exactly embody everything great about the human race, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“Naw, I don’t mean it like that. I just mean.. I love you for you. Your kindness and warmth and habits and flaws, they make me happy. You make me happy, Jo.”
“You make me very happy too, Barclay.”
Joseph gently cupped Barclay’s face, leaning in to kiss him. It was soft and careful, Barclay wishing he was a little less rough from crying, but grateful for the comfort. He leaned his cheek against his Joseph’s palm, closing his eyes. It was a mild night and he found he wanted to linger in the gentleness of his partner’s affection. The man had been so good to him in their time together and had given him so much. The sylph opened his eyes, meeting Stern’s fond and understanding expression. One last sorrow bubbled up in his chest, one he found he was finally ready to share.
“I’ve.. never told you how I was exiled, have I.”
“You haven’t, no. It didn’t seem like my place to ask.”
“You can always ask me stuff, babe. That said, I dunno how great of an answer I would have given if you had.” Barclay smiled sadly, settling back beside his boyfriend and gazing up at the full moon.
“Well.. I was exiled because I loved humanity a bit too much. I came to Sylvain as all animal sylphs do, stumbling through a gate without a mind of my own yet, scared and confused. I don’t remember that part, but no one ever does. Slowly, I grew though. I started forming memories I still have, was taken in by a loving family, grew up in a society that’s both progressive and stunted compared to a human one. The usual story.”
Barclay took a deep breath, taking in the soft scent of pine on the breeze, his knee pressed to Joseph. “I had a best friend growing up. We got into all sorts of trouble together. Nothing ever malicious, but we certainly weren’t perfect angels by any means. We’d get into places we shouldn’t, played pranks, that sort of stuff. We were best friends to the end back in those days.”
“Anyone I would know?”
“He’s not one of the sylphs who came over here if that’s what you’re asking. But you might actually.. well, lemme just continue before I start dropping names.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s fine, Jo. Anyway, we were still friends into our young adulthood, and still kinda mischief makers. He was being groomed for a really important position in the sylvan government, however, while I was kinda.. I dunno, doing my own thing. But we still had fun and he could get us access to places no one else in the kingdom could enter, which.. included the gate.”
Barclay gazed up at the archway with a soft sigh. “It was in New York back then and at first we’d just do really stupid shit like put a hand through it or quickly jump in and out of it when we got bold enough. Eventually though, we got ourselves disguises and would sneak through to earth in the middle of the night. It was peak risk-taking, but in the process we both kinda fell in love with humans. Not like.. literally, not yet anyway.”
He nudged Joseph with a small chuckle, who returned it with a smile, a faint blush to his cheeks, but this time he stayed quiet as Barclay continued. 
“Human society was so different from ours, yet still so familiar. I think a lot of animal sylphs experience that if they go to earth. There’s this connection we have that, even though we can’t remember our lives as animals, we can feel it, y’know? It’s kinda like deja vu. But it wasn’t just that. Humans are creative in a way that sylphs really aren’t. Humans don’t have magic, so they have to come up with new and interesting ways to do things and bring new and creative ideas to their media and books and films and my friend and I, we loved every minute of it.”
There was a wistfulness in Barclay’s eyes, the sylph rubbing his nose again. “He always had a love for films and tv shows. I always loved the books and music. We’d make a challenge for ourselves whenever we would sneak over to try to bring something new back with us each time. It was fun and earth was so bright and interesting, and not just because it was forbidden. I loved it. It felt.. I dunno.. Right.”
“But I’m guessing your adventures to earth didn’t go unnoticed?”
“Yeah... eventually we were caught and going to earth is like... a huge taboo in our society. There’s a reason we get exiled here. They found all our human stuff and brought us before the council and... Both of us were going to be exiled, but I... Vince had a life ahead of him in a way that I didn’t, so I... took all of the blame. He was let off and I left Sylvain.”
Joseph rubbed his shoulder comfortably, his brows furrowed. “Do you know what happened to him?”
“I dunno. I assume life just went on and he got that position he was being prepped for. I adjusted to earth and decided to travel for a while. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, got seen a couple of times. I’m sure a couple of photos of me have crossed your desk at one point or another. But... I grew. I learned love and creativity and kindness not from sylphs, but from humans. I learned to play the guitar and cook. I saw the world. And at some point, the planet I’d left behind, with its harsh laws and broken friendships just.. wasn’t where I belonged anymore. I belong here, on earth, and then in Kepler at the lodge, and now here with you, Joseph.”
He turned to face his partner, taking the man’s hands carefully in his own. Joseph’s fingers were long and slender, an interesting contrast to his rough and calloused palms. He rubbed his thumb against the top of the man’s hand. 
“I miss my friends, I do. But.. I’m right where I need to be. For the first time in a while, I finally get to choose my own path without worrying about abominations or someone ruining everything for us by discovering the truth. I get to be with someone who’s made me happier than I’ve been in a very long time and I don’t regret that.”
“Barclay, I...” Joseph pressed his forehead to the sylph’s, squeezing his fingers. “That was beautifully put. I’m glad you’re with me too. I’m glad you love earth. I’m glad I can make all this a little easier and be here to support you. I want us to be able to talk like this and for you to feel comfortable being open with me. You deserve what you need to grow and be okay and I know I’m not perfect, but I want to give you everything I can. Now and in the future.”
“Oh, Jo. You already do.” Barclay wrapped his boyfriend in a warm hug, his heart feeling lighter than it had. “Just being here and listening and caring, that’s enough. It means more to me than you can even know.”
“I suppose no one ever said moving forward was going to be easy but... at the very least, we can do it together.”
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Joseph Liebgott Request
Paring: Liebgott/reader
Reader: F
Raiting: Mature
Warnings: Smut, swearing, maybe some ooc, its been 6 months since Ive written smut, but I promise I’ll get better 
If anyone would like to be added to a tag list let me know!
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“So y/n, you got a man back home waiting for your beautiful face?” Guarnere questioned in a teasing matter; now what you meant to do was laugh, but what came out of your mouth was more like a gasp/snort/laugh, as you hunched over around the small fire wheezing, some of the guys laughed at you, purely for the sounds you were making. “Fuck no, I mean, I had a man, but that’s history that will never repeat itself” sighing, you looked at the ground then around at the men whom were with you, Guarnere, Liebgott, Toye and Bull. “What happened?” Bull asked from beside you. As you hummed contently, you couldn’t help but feel disgusted about the whole ordeal. 
2 weeks was all you had left before you were deployed, and this specific evening marked your four year anniversary with your boyfriend. You were high school sweethearts, love at first sight, HAH, bullshit. Arriving at your shared apartment after doing a little shopping at your local market, having decided that you were going to make something special for tonight due to the occasion. 
Your hand met the handle, and your face became slightly contorted with confusion. ‘Jeremy doesn’t work on Thursdays, maybe he went out for some more beer’ you thought, retrieving your keys.
The click of the lock fell to dull ears within the apartment, heavy breathing and panting was faintly heard from where you stood, you didn’t want to believe it, perhaps he was working out? Scenarios ran through your crowded mind as light footsteps approached your closed bedroom door. Quietly, you lean your ear against the door.
“Mmmh Jer, I need more of you” a sultry voice became heard, and anger rushed through your veins. Clenching your fist, you threw open the door, causing the two culprits to stop immediately. “Baby Gi-” “Don’t you DARE ‘baby girl’ me, who the hell are you, what the FUCK is this?” marching forward with fury in your eyes, you grab the broad by the hair and dragged her naked form out of your bed, she cried and kicked but you had absolutely zero remorse.
The four years you had spent together went straight out the door, along with the four years of feelings and emotions. You did not care about him anymore. “Get out of my house! Both of you!” throwing her to the ground, you looked at Jeremy, “Just hear-” “No I don’t want to hear anything except the sound of you walking out that door.” 
“That was pretty much it” you explained, Bull threw his arm over you “That’s really shitty sweetheart I’m sorry that had to happen to someone like yourself” A smile graced your lips as you looked up at him. Unaware to how Joe was staring at you. “I have you boys now, and think I love you all more than I ever loved him” turning to look at the other three men, somehow, in all this hell, you managed to make them happy, you never fail to make a single man in Easy Co. smile. 
“There’s your answer Joe, now just go talk to her!” Toye pushed, Liebgotts face gained a pink hue as he shook his head. “I don’t even know if she likes me that way” he argued. “Hey I bet she hasn’t had a good fuck either since that jerk” Guarner piped up “Maybe yours truly should take a crake at it” bracing himself to stand, he heard before he saw it, but Liebgott was over there instantly, grabbing his collar before landing one on his right eye. Now at this exact moment you chose to make your way back over to the group after going to check on the other men. “Joe!” running over you grabbed his arm, pulling him away from Bill “What are you doing?” you kneeled down to Bill and grabbed his now bruised and swollen face. A smug smile made its way onto said man’s lips as his eyes met Joes. You were so close that if Bill wanted to he could lean forward and kiss you. As much as he wanted to do that he respected you too much; “What’s the meaning of this Liebgott?” You asked, anger and something else visible on your face. Just seeing you look like that made Joe angry at himself. His eyes met the ground and he turned away, leaving the small circle. 
“Good job gonorrhea, you did it now.” Bull commented, watching the retreating form. You looked to Bull for an answer when Bill spoke up. “I was just jokin around, but he didn’t like what I said” shrugging as he tenderly touched his eye. “Bill just took it too far as usual with Joe” Toye said, standing and placing a hand on your shoulder. “You should go talk to him” and so you would. 
It took you about ten minutes to track down Joseph Liebgott, you still weren’t sure why you specifically would calm him down but that’s just what Toye told you. 
There he was, angrily trying to skip rocks across a very small pond (a big puddle) as the space you currently occupied was deemed safe, you were all awaiting orders, and the men were more laid back. “Joey?” speaking softly, you placed a hand on his shoulder, his head turned slightly, looking up at you. “You okay?” taking the seat next to him, placing a hand on his knee “Bill was just joking about whatever he said, he wasn’t seriou-” “It doesn’t matter that he wasn’t serious, what matters is that something like that should only be said if he was planning on following through” interrupting you with his little angry rant took you back a bit. “What did he say?” he was silent for five moments, then you found yourself on the ground with Liebgott on top of you “He said you probably hadn’t had a good fuck in a while and that he should take a crack at it, but he’s too much of a chicken shit to follow through on his words. I’m not baby girl, and I intend to give you the best fuck of your life.”
Your core felt hot as you gazed up at Joe, your eyes were wide as he pushed your legs apart with his knee. You made no effort to refuse him, because honestly you had been waiting for him to make a move on you, you were never sure if he was 100% interested in you. He would flirt with you, but then again so did most of the men, but Joe, he was different, he meant everything he said and he wanted you to make sure that you knew that.
His lips pressed against yours roughly, his hands pinning yours down still. Moaned into his mouth, you arched your back against him. They were right, it had been a while since you had a good fuck, hell even an orgasm was hard to get since you had joined the paratroopers. “Mmh, Joe, what if someone sees us” “nobody will come out this way if you stay quiet baby” he gruffly whispered into your ear as one of his hands made their way down your body, making their way into your uniform, pulling up the white shirt you wore beneath it, cupping and squeezing your breasts. Deep down you always knew that Liebgott was a boob man, you’d always catch him staring at you during runs the most, and now he finally had the opportunity to worship your body, something he had always dreamed about doing.
The hand which was pinning your own moved down to your other breast. Both of his hands worked at them as his mouth worked at your own. Whimpering softly into his mouth when he pinched a little rougher at your nippels. “Fuck” you gasped as his mouth started making a trail of kisses down your neck, to your breasts. He looked up at you as he took your nipple into his mouth, pinching it with his teeth, flicking it with his tongue while his other hand made its way down, slipping under the band of your pants. 
“Mmh so fuckin wet” he groaned, pulling away from you, undoing his pants; sure you had seen majority of the guys cocks in Easy but you cannot recal seeing Liebgotts, because fuck if you had then this would have happened alot sooner. “Fuck Joe hurry I need you” you whimpered
“Don’t you worry” grunting, as he yanked your pants off, “You’re going to have all of me baby girl” your eyes rolled back into your skull, it had been so long since you’ve felt this full.
He began to thrust, hard, into you, slapping a hand overtop of your mouth after a rather large moan escaped your lips. “I’m going to make you feel so good baby girl, but you have to be quiet, for now.”
“Has anyone seen L/N?” Winters asked, Guarnere spoke up “I believe her and Joe went for a walk” He said, chuckling as some of the other men joined him. Winters looked to Nixon who gave him a suggestive face, in return Winters cleared his throat and muttered a carry on before continuing his conversation with Nixon. 
Fifteen minutes later, you and Joe emerged from the trees, laughing and joking with each other. “Well well you two were gone a while” “Oh shove it, gonorrhea” Joe slung his arm over your shoulders as you rejoined everyone, Toye sat on your other side. “So, is he better than the last one?”
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sicklysweetbangtan · 5 years
1B vkook
here you are anon! sorry it took a while
taehyung and jeongguk are no strangers to partaking in stupid dares. over the course of the past years, the duo have challenged each other to a plethora of interesting yet possibly stupid tasks. the other members are quite used to the two maknaes’ antics, so they usually don’t pay much attention (unless of course, one, or both of them, gets hurt. luckily none of their dares have gone that far. yet).
currently, the seven boys are in la, two days before their flight back home. they’ve just wrapped up a couple of shows and some interviews, and their manager has given them the rest of their stay in the city off. each member has their own schedule, their own method of unwinding after a busy week. during this time, namjoon visits as many picture worthy places as possible, seokjin films eat jins on vlive, yoongi pretty much sleeps the day off, and hoseok and jimin binge watch mindless hotel television and order chinese takeout.
then there’s taehyung and jeongguk, who, you guessed it, partake in stupid dares.
today, jeongguk’s dare is much different from the usual “ten bucks if you ding dong ditch namjoon and seokjin hyungs’ hotel room” or “call pizza hut and order mcdonalds.”
he and taehyung are standing outside an all-you-can-eat buffet, eyes gleaming at the window advertisements for burgers, fries, chicken wings and milkshakes.
jeongguk looks at taehyung, devilish smirk on his features. “hyung, i challenge you to an eating contest. loser has to do the other’s laundry.”
taehyung shoots the maknae an equally devilish grin. “better buy extra detergent, ggukie.”
“save your advice for yourself, hyungie.”
“you’re fucking on.”
they enter the buffet, grabbing plates and filling them to the top with all sorts of food. taehyung has two whole plates filled with fries, two large hamburgers, a platter of chicken wings and an oreo milkshake.
jeongguk mimics taehyung’s choice, except he has a vanilla milkshake as well as a glass of coke.
now, to the average person, this would look like a disaster waiting to happen. but taehyung and jeongguk are not the average person. at least, not when it comes to challenges. plus it’s not everyday they go to an all you can eat buffet in la. which is why right now, it’s go big or go home for the two youngest.
taehyung’s munching away on the fries, taking bites of the burger and sips of the milkshake in between. his idea is to eat everything all at once, so that each plate reduces its contents at the same time. jeongguk likes to eat one by one. he follows the typical starter to dessert pattern, beginning with the fries, and ending with the milkshake.
the two don’t talk for a while, concentrating on eating as much as they can. taehyung’s about half way through each plate, and jeongguk’s just starting on his first burger.
to their luck, the food is really damn good. usually, they’d probably be done at this point, and whoever had the least left would win by default. but the food is just too tasty to give up halfway. the fries are just perfectly salted, the burger patty isn’t undercooked, the chicken wings are moderately spicy and the milkshakes are pleasantly sweet. it’s like the perfect meal, just double the normal amount.
a few minutes of silenced eating later, taehyung is starting to feel a bit heavy. not too much, but he’s going to be full in a couple more bites. taehyung’s not a quitter though, and if anything, he’s just going to have to push past his limits today. it’s just one day of going overboard, how bad can it get?
(spoiler alert: it can get Pretty Fucking Bad.)
meanwhile, jeongguk is very very much full. he’s just finished his second burger and is currently sipping on the milkshake. each swallow of the drink feels like a weight in his stomach, and he just wants the competition to end already. but, like his youngest hyung, jeongguk isn’t one to accept defeat easily. especially when taehyung’s still going strong. he gulps the milkshake down, and flips open the coke can.
now, taehyung’s stomach is lowkey rumbling. not loud enough for jeongguk to hear, but enough to cause the older boy some discomfort. he shifts in his seat, discreetly so that the maknae won’t notice, but the movement causes more angry grumbles across his midsection. he decides to drink some more milkshake, hoping that the cool drink will soothe his belly a bit, but as soon as he takes a sip, taehyung’s stomach twists, and beads of sweat coat his forehead. shit...that’s not a good sign.
jeongguk seems to be doing fine, taehyung thinks, though the younger boy seems to be squirming slightly.
“giving up yet, jeon?” the older boy asks, trying his best to keep the shakiness out of his voice.
please fucking say yes!
“not a chance, kim.” the maknae says, chugging the coke down. the drink swirls uncomfortably in his stomach, causing jeongguk to bite back a burp. he feels bile hit the back of his throat, but he managed to gulp it down. oh shit.
why didn’t i fucking say yes?
soon after, a waiter comes by with a check, notifying the boys that they’re about to close. jeongguk hurriedly pays the man, wanting nothing more than to end the bet as fast as possible. he thanks his stars that the buffet is going to close soon, and hopes that this bet at least ends in a tie.
“guess they’re about to close, hyung. we should get going now, yeah?”
taehyung nods vigorously, wincing at how the movement causes his stomach to churn even harder. “y-yeah, it’s getting pretty late, the hyungs must be worried about us.”
the older boy stands up shakily, gripping the edge of the table for support. he hobbles out of the restaurant, jeongguk in tow.
okay, now jeongguk’s stomach really hurts. the burgers, fries, and whatever else he ate are swirling around very dangerously, and he doesn’t know whether he’s about to shit or puke or pass out. all he can tell is that it hurts so much, that he went way overboard and that he’s about to pay the price for it.
taehyung feels a bit better after getting out in the fresh air, but his stomach is still grumbling uncomfortably. it’s bearable for the time being, so taehyung tries his best to ignore it. he turns to look at the maknae. jeongguk doesn’t seem too hot either, and taehyung finds the younger boy’s face a few shades too pale.
“gguk, you doing okay?”
jeongguk wants to say yes, he doesn’t want to look weak in front of taehyung, who seems to be doing fine even now. but it hurts so much, and he’s been biting back hiccups, and he doesn’t know what to do to make it go away. taehyung is pretty caring and reassuring whenever the maknae is sick, and jeongguk really wants some comfort right now.
so he gives in to the pain.
“i d-don’t feel too good, taehyungie h-hyung.”
the older boy stops in his tracks, his own pain completely forgotten at this point. hearing jeongguk’s distressed voice breaks taehyung’s heart.
he turns to face the younger boy. “what’s wrong, honey?”
“i-think i overdid it, hyungie. this was a stupid dare.”
in a flash, taehyung is besides the boy, slowly rubbing his back. “your tummy hurts?” he asks, trying his best to hold the maknae upright.
“y-yeah...” suddenly jeongguk stiffens up in taehyung’s arms.
“hyung...i’m going to...”
taehyung doesn’t think twice before locating the nearest trash can. jeongguk squirms in his grip, crying from the pain, crying because he knows what’s going to happen next and he hates it.
“shh baby. it’s okay. taehyungie’s here, i’ve got you.” the older soothes, knowing how much jeongguk hates being sick, especially in public. he leans the younger boy over the trash can, rubbing his back comfortingly.
jeongguk hiccups, feeling his mouth water. he spits into the trash can, awaiting his fate. taehyung does his best to hold the maknae’s long hair away from his face, but the pain in his own stomach is back, and he knows that it won’t be long before he’s in jeongguk’s position.
a violent burp forces its way out of jeongguk’s throat, bringing up a small bit of sick with it. soon enough, the younger boy is heaving wave after wave of sick into the can.
“that’s it, ggukie. just get it all up, okay? it’s going to be fine, i promise.” taehyung tries his best to soothe the maknae, but his own stomach twists at the sight of puke. he takes deep breaths, steadying himself, but he can feel the bile rising in his throat as well.
soon jeongguk steps away from the trash can, into taehyung’s arms. the older boy caresses jeongguk’s hair as he catches his breath after the whole ordeal. it feels a lot better now, his stomach is still raw but the heaviness is gone.
“you feeling okay now, sweetie?” taehyung asks.
“yeah. m’sorry about that, hyung. it was pretty gross.”
“it’s okay, gguk.” because i’m probably going to be in the same boat as you very soon.
taehyung’s stomach feels like it’s going to jump right out of his throat. he can’t help but let out a soft belch, his lips pursed together in discomfort.
jeongguk notices, since taehyung’s whole body has gone rigid, same as his own did a while back.
“hyungie? are you gonna be sick too?” the maknae’s eyes are wide with worry, scanning taehyung up and down. the older boy doesn’t open his mouth, to answer, but another uncomfortable belch has him slapping a palm to his mouth.
jeongguk mutters a “shit” under his breath, and he’s about to maneuver the older boy towards the trash can but it’s too late. taehyung whips his head away from the maknae, bending down just in time to send a thick stream of vomit down onto the pavement.
“oh hyungie” jeongguk rubs his palm up and down the older’s back. taehyung is crying now, the sheer force of each wave of sick makes him feel even worse. “oh baby, it’s okay.” jeongguk tries his best to soothe his youngest hyung. “i’m here okay? i’m right here.”
after what seems like forever, the older boy straightens up, blinking away the tears as best as possible.
“you okay now, hyungie?” jeongguk asks, gently rubbing his thumb along taehyung’s hand.
“i’m okay, baby.” taehyung confirms.
the two of them stare at each other, then burst out laughing.
“that was probably the most chaotic dare we’ve done in a while.” taehyung says, as they’re walking back to the hotel.
“i guess we both lost?”
“technically i win because you puked first.” taehyung smirks.
“what? that’s not fair, hyung!”
“everything’s fair in love and war.” the older boy hums dramatically.
“you’re just saying that to get out of doing the laundry.” jeongguk whines.
“and what about it? i just threw up. i don’t wanna do the laundry.”
“so did i!”
“but you’re okay now!”
“so are you, hyung!”
“okay okay fine.” taehyung huffs, “how about we both do it together?”
“and skip out on more stupid dares? not likely.”
“gguk, i really think we should take a break from the dares for a bit.” taehyung laughs, “we gotta take some sort of lesson out of this ordeal, yeah?”
“i guess you’re right.” jeongguk sighs, “also wait. let’s not tell the rest of the hyungs about this. they’ll probably have us do their laundry as well.”
“my lips are sealed.” taehyung mocks locking his lips together and throwing away the key.
(spoiler alert: they end up doing everyone’s laundry anyway)
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marvelandimagine · 5 years
Framework (Part Two)
Summary: Request - Bucky x reader songfic where he pushes her away and they break up but he’s miserable without her and it all ends in fluff and apologies
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 2,200
Author’s Note: This was literally the hardest chapter I’ve ever written idk why but I should probably start outlining instead of winging it 25/7 lol anywho sorry this took forever and hopefully p3 will come to my brain faster! / based on Framework by The Story So Far
Taglist: @firefly-in-darkness @emptynote @buckysgoddess
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How’d this happen?
Found your way in
So distracting
Splitting me in half again
Can’t ever sever the ties I made
The knots are strong
The framework’s laid
No matter how many things I say
The tangible will always be what I crave
Six agonizing days pass, with Bucky coming to the conclusion that he actually can’t live with his decision. He feels like he’s drowning in regret, his anxiety is off the charts, and, plainly, he’s just fucking miserable.
Despite everything he said to you, to himself, to Sam, it’s become crystal clear that not having you in his life is hurting him way more than confronting his trust issues and fear of impermanence.
He misses you like hell. The scent of your clothes, the way you laugh, the warmth in your eyes and on your fingertips. How perfectly your bodies fit together, the way you gasp and growl his name. How you would hold him to your chest, tracing soothing patterns across his skin when he couldn’t stop shaking from the nightmares and the flashbacks. How funny and beautiful and kind you are. Even things that had irritated him, your reiterated suggestions of different therapies and mindfulness techniques (some that had helped you personally), how you never tried to hide rolling your eyes, you constantly misplacing your keys/phone/wallet and him finding it within seconds -- he missed it all. All of you, the good and bad, had somehow become woven into his being. He could sooner get rid of how he felt about you than get rid of himself.
He told himself he wouldn’t do it, but he’s been repeatedly checking your Instagram page, heart thudding each time as he anticipates seeing the pictures of the two of you together deleted -- or worse, seeing you with another guy’s arm wrapped around you. So far, though, there’s been nothing except a video post of your dog, Balto, howling and grinning at your TV screen when Ghost appears on the latest Game of Thrones. It just makes his heart ache more, that he chose to remove himself from these small, wonderful little moments in your life, and for what? 
He keeps staring at your number, his thumb hovering above the screen before he chucks the phone to the side, rubbing his eyes as he once again chickens out of contacting you. 
He reaches the breaking point when he starts reading back through old texts from around the time when you two first started dating. 
“I know we just said bye five minutes ago but I just wanted to say how happy I am that I met you. And you are definitely cuter than I am. That is all! Night, Buck.” And now the same blushing smile emoji that had him grinning from ear to ear makes his heart twinge.
“What the fuck did you do, Barnes?” he asks himself, letting the phone drop to his forehead with a dull thunk. 
He knows he wants—needs—you back, but he doesn’t know where to even begin. 
He sighs, grimacing as he rolls himself out of bed and trudges out toward the living room. There’s only one thing to do.
Bucky can already hear Sam’s voice emanating down the hall as he approaches:
“You call THAT avant garde?! That silhouette is as bland as toast. TOAST, Nina!”
Bucky sits himself down in the ottoman in the corner, careful not to walk in front of Sam — he thought he’d never hear the end of it when he accidentally blocked the screen during the last Grey’s Anatomy season finale.
“Project Runway again?” he asks, shaking his head.
“Hey, don’t you be getting all judgey now.” Sam smirks at Bucky, taking in his disheveled state. “You need to be jotting down notes, Kurt Cobain, wearing the same grungey-ass flannel three days in a row.”
Bucky shrugs.
“Not like I have anyone to impress.”
“You had someone to impress, but remember, you broke up with her, you cowardly fucking jackass.”
Bucky clenches his teeth as his scathing tone rattles in his head. He tries his best to ignore it and sound nonchalant as he swallows his pride to do something that normally sets his skin on edge: reach out to another person.
“Anyways, you busy?”
“Nah, I’ve had enough disappointment for today.” Sam grabs the remote, shutting off the screen and shifting to look at Bucky. “What’s up?”
Bucky exhales deeply, and he can practically feel the apprehension settling on his face, his habitual reluctance to open up kicking in.
“Um …” 
He bites the corner of his lip, trying to think over his words when his gut just wants him to yell, “I FUCKED UP please tell me how to get Y/N back.”
He’s spared having to, though, as Sam cuts through the silence:
“You want to get back together with Y/N, don’t you?”
Bucky stares at him.
“Is my misery that obvious?”
Despite his deadpan tone, the corner of Sam’s mouth twitches, and the two find themselves chuckling together. While he’ll never admit it to him, this is why Bucky views him as his best friend, why he trusts him -- he always knows how to make him laugh when he needs it. He knows Sam has his back.
Bucky shakes his head, running a hand through his hair.
“So, what do I do?”
“Before I can try to answer that, you need to tell me why you broke up with her in the first place.”
Thought I’d burn the seams if they frayed
Thought I’d prove the point that I made
“I thought if I ended things, I’d be able to stop caring and feeling so vulnerable, I guess. That it’d be better for her, because she deserved better anyways, and maybe it’d be better for me … I don’t think I really believed that, deep down, but … I was scared. Scared of getting hurt, not being enough.” 
Bucky pauses and sighs, staring at the ground as he wrings his hands, running his flesh thumb back and forth over the smooth metal.
His voice is quiet, apprehensive.
“I was scared of how I felt about her.” 
Bucky glances up after a few moments of silence and is met with Sam looking at him more seriously than he can ever remember.
“Do you love her?”
Normally Bucky would flinch at such a direct question, but now, finally facing the consequences of keeping himself so guarded, he hesitates only for a fraction of a second before he nods, and it feels like a weight has left his chest in acknowledging how he feels.
He loves you. And he doesn’t have to run from that.
Sam nods back in response, running his hand along the dark stubble on his face as he begins in earnest.
“Look … you have a lot of regret in your life, right? I know it’s over things you didn’t choose, but now, you can choose. So what’s your choice gonna be? The way I see it, A) You can keep doing what you’re doing and let fear run you into the ground, or, B) you can tell that fear to go to hell, reach out to Y/N, buy her the nicest apology flowers you can, and tell her everything you just told me.”
“And if she tells me to go to hell?”
Sam sighs.
“I mean, she’s probably going to be pretty pissed at you —and rightfully so— but,” he pauses, his tone lightening, “God knows why, she seemed to really be into you. And nobody gets over a breakup that fast unless the relationship was already dead for awhile. You guys looked like you were solid until -”
“I blew everything to pieces, yeah.” 
Bucky sits quietly for a few seconds, pausing to sit and feel the knowing. The alignment in both his heart and mind, what he wants moving forward.
“I think choice B is the clear winner, here.” 
Sam waves his fist back and forth.
“Ding ding ding!”
Bucky nods.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his voice earnest as his eyes lock on Sam’s.
Sam’s returning smile is full of encouragement.
“Hey man, I got you. And I know this ain’t easy for you, opening up about stuff. Just know there’s always a seat at the VA group just waiting for your supersoldier ass to sit down, if you ever want to talk more.” 
 “Nah I’m-” Bucky physically stops himself from finishing his default “nah, I’m good for now, but thanks” response, because if he’s realized anything throughout this entire ordeal, it’s that he is most definitely not “good,” or at least not doing as good as he’d like to be.
“Yeah, ok, I’ll do it.”
“For real?”
Bucky exhales deeply, his sadness hanging on every syllable.
“With all this … I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t have acted the way I did with Y/N if I had started dealing with this sooner, getting more okay with talking and being honest with people,” he muses. “Like you said, if I really do want a normal life, I kinda need to find a better way to handle what’s going on in here,” he taps his temple and then his chest, “than just shutting people out.”
Incredulity is all over Sam’s face, coupled that something Bucky could swear looks like a glimmer of pride. 
“Wow, yeah, that’s great, that’s the kind of perspective that’ll help you move forward.” He grins. “You sure you’re feeling ok? This isn’t some fever-induced thing, right?” 
Bucky flips him off while Sam chuckles.
“You know I’m playin.’” Sam nods vigorously. “Seriously, it’ll be good for you. Anyways, though, back to choice B.”
Bucky feels the rise and fall of his chest pick up in nervous anticipation, but he slides the phone out from the pocket of his jeans anyways, thumbs tapping away on its surface. 
“Hey. Can we meet up?” 
Before he can second guess himself, he hits send, promptly hurling the phone onto the opposite corner of the couch where Sam is perched.
“Watch it!”
“You tell me what she says back. I don’t wanna see it first.”
However long you’re gone, I will wait, I will wait.
And then an agonizing, crawling two hours pass, with Bucky finding himself unable to focus on the National Geographic moon landing documentary that would normally absorb him entirely, his eyes constantly straying from the screen to the phone sitting silently in the corner. You never took this long to answer a text when you were dating, so he knows you’re ignoring him.
“Maybe she blocked you and didn’t even see it.”
He’s just about to ask Sam for the phone back to message you on Instagram, past the point of caring how desperate he looks because it’s the truth, when it pings.
Sam snaps out from his half-napping state at the sound, stretching across the couch and grabbing the phone. He pulls a face and Bucky’s heart sinks -- Sam might as well have said “yikes” out loud.
“What’d she say?”
Sam looks at him with the tiniest bit of pity, tossing the phone back.
“Why? That’s it?” Bucky looks down at the screen in disbelief, and there it is, the one-word response.
Bucky buries his head in the throw pillow closest to him, muffling his yell. 
“What do I even say to that?! She’s pissed off, and I don’t wanna do this over text.”
“You don’t have to do it all over text, but you gotta give her something. The last thing you said to her was that you wanted to break up, and now you want to see her. I’m guessing she doesn’t want to assume you want to get back together, but if you do, she wants you to know she’s still upset.” Sam shrugs. “You messed up, now you gotta work for it.”
Bucky takes the pillow off his face, grimacing.
He takes a minute to craft his reply, staring down at the screen.
“Because you were right about everything. I never should have ended us, I’m an idiot and miss you like hell. I just want to talk.” He hits send and turns the phone over, heart thumping inside his chest.
Ten minutes pass before you answer:
“I’ll be home until 7, I have plans after.”
Bucky’s stomach drops as his brain conjures images of you dressed up but not for him, for some other guy, his metal hand clenching involuntarily.
“You don’t know that you don’t know that, c’mon. It’s only been six days.”
He replies immediately:
“Can I come see you at 5?”
Even with the realization that it’s already 4:10 and he’s gonna have to haul ass to Adams Morgan while still finding the time to get you the nicest flowers he can, Bucky already feels lighter with hope. You agreed to see him. You’re giving him at least a fraction of a chance to put things back together. 
He flies up off the couch and takes off down the hall.
“I’m meeting her at her place at 5!”
Sam calls out to his retreating back, and Bucky allows himself a small smile.
“Hey, go get her. But you go shower first!”
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theodej · 5 years
uhhhhh chapter 2 is up, come meet makwa
i’ll put it under the cut again, but after this i’ll probably just post them to ao3 ✌️ i’ll still link em here tho
The Wet Hen pub was overflowing with families and laughter that night. It was the kind of noise that shoved its way into every nook and cranny, bouncing off walls and seeping into the laminate.
It was someone’s birthday. (It was always someone’s birthday.) The girls were being corralled just behind the kitchen doors. Like every chain, they had their own butchered version of “Happy Birthday,” torn apart and glued back together with some particularly imperfect rhymes.
As was tradition, Makwa was hiding in the bathrooms. She’d shut herself in one of the stalls and sat on the toilet’s tank, resting her knee. It hadn’t been the same since she messed it up during soccer practice in high school. Hill didn’t like her wearing her brace to work. Of course, she never said a word about it; she couldn’t, unless she wanted HR up her ass. But she always treated Makwa differently when she wore it.
She didn’t trust the seats enough to actually sit on them, especially when it was her turn to clean. She flicked through her phone, waiting. It wasn’t long before the girls started singing and, muffled or not, someone smarter than her could probably pick out the dozen or so different keys they switched between. Whether you wanted to or not, you could hear the Wet Hen girls “singing” from the outskirts of town. It was the one thing they didn’t fake.
When the restroom door opened, Makwa held her breath. Footsteps shuffled on the tile—they didn’t sound like heels, boots maybe?—and stopped at the sinks. The taps were turned on, and the rush of water just barely covered the person’s sniffling. They muttered to themselves, tone hush but fervent, before shutting the water off. For a moment, all she heard was clapping and laughter from the restaurant proper. Then there was a soft sigh and, finally, they left. Makwa knew she should do the same, although there wasn’t any use in keeping up appearances anymore; Hill had definitely noticed her repeated absences during “birthday roundups.” One more minute of peace couldn’t hurt.
Hill wasn’t waiting outside the bathroom door for her, surprisingly.
“…the same guy as last time.”
“And you passed him off to someone else last time, too.”
But she was close, and she was using that even, soft tone of hers. That tone meant trouble, and trouble meant Makwa should keep walking.
“He’s creepy! And he’s, like, twice my age.”
Hill had pulled the youngest waitress aside to have one of her not-so-private discussions. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can’t pick and choose your tables. If I let you switch now, would that be fair to everyone else?”
The girl bit her lip. She was clearly ready to back off. Hill saw it, too, judging by the sickly sweet smile on her face.
Just go already.
“You know the rules, Grace. You signed off on them.”
“I’ll take it,” Makwa said.
Hill turned to her, the smile melting off her face like wax. “Where have you been?”
“Just give me the table. I’m not doing anything right now, anyway.”
Grace’s shoulders relaxed instantly. “Are you sure?”
“Which table?”
Makwa nodded quickly before moving away, avoiding Hill’s eyes even as they burned a hole in her back. She gave herself a quick moment to scan the restaurant through the backroom door’s little window—a few new faces since she’d ducked away, all families—and headed back into the fray.
The Wet Hen’s décor could be best described as… overstimulating, at best. Imagine the tackiest southern belle you can think of. Now imagine her meemaw’s life exploding onto barn walls in a shower of sweet tea, cow skulls and ten-gallon hats. The paneled walls were covered in yellowed photographs and replica guns. There was even a tractor jutting out of one wall, as if someone was that desperate to get their hands on some over-sauced wings. It was a clusterfuck of colours and smells, and yet it was packed every Friday night.
“What dressing would you like with that?”
Makwa had found the table without any trouble. The man in question brought his wife and kid in, too, and despite his audience, it was immediately clear why Grace had made such a fuss.
“Balsamic, please.”
She felt his eyes on her.
She turned to the kid next. “And yourself?”
Makwa was painfully aware of the pub’s sorry excuse for a uniform—flannel and jean shorts.
“He’ll just have the chicken fingers.”
Makwa and her big mouth. She shouldn’t have cared.
“All right…”
She’d deliberately left him for last. Makwa didn’t ask him what he wanted, simply made eye contact (even if it made her spine crawl) and waited.
“Steak. Rare.”
Why did she always do this?
“And for a side?” She stared down at her notepad, moving slow, as if “steak” was taking all of her mental faculties to spell.
“What happened to the other girl?” He was smiling now. “She took our drink order!”
“I’ll get them. Your side?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. Maybe I’ll like you better,” he chuckled.
Makwa was still writing, waiting, and could his wife not see the look on his face? Or was she trying to ignore it, too?
“Just fries is fine.”
Finally. “Is that all?”
The moment his wife started nodding, Makwa was off. She felt eyes on her the whole way, and didn’t stop until she was safe in the backroom. Grace was there, looking for all the world like a scolded dog, a tray of drinks held in her shaking hands. Makwa only glanced at her before stopping at one of the countertops. The order was crumpled in her hands. She’d have to write a new ticket.
She cast quick glances over her shoulder as the girl approached. “You- you didn’t need to do that, you know. I mean, thanks, but you… I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to.”
“It’s fine.” The kid looked so relieved, and that made her look even younger. Makwa swore she must’ve lied about her age to get hired, but Hill probably didn’t care either way.
Grace was peering over her shoulder at the crumpled note.
… garden, balsamic kids tenders steakkk fuckk fuck you ff fries
“Did he, uh… do anything?”
Makwa shoved the paper into her pocket. “It was fine.” She hung the new ticket up with the rest, skin itching as Grace followed her. “Really. Don’t worry about it.”
Grace just stared. “Ms. Hill said–”
“Don’t worry about her. We’ve got your back here.”
The girl’s smile almost made this whole ordeal worth it. “Oh! Right, these are, um…” She looked down at the drinks, and Makwa took them without a word.
The man was smiling at her return, his eyes focused nowhere near her face.
The last hours of her shift flew by. The creep’s family had finished eating a while ago, but Hill wouldn’t call it loitering yet. They were talking money, which meant their kid had resorted to running toy cars off any ramp-shaped surface in the restaurant, apparently hellbent on getting in everyone’s way.
The man had just ordered his fifth beer—the light ones, but what was the point if he drank so many?—and the inappropriate comments were only increasing. His wife gave her sympathetic looks, but didn’t acknowledge it otherwise. Makwa was starting to hate them both equally. When she trudged back, drink in tow, the kid was nowhere to be seen. He was someone else’s problem for now.
She had her eyes fixed on the table as she walked, counting the minutes till her shift ended—when her legs flew out from under her. Makwa landed flat on her ass, a shrill crash sounding behind her. Her knee ached. A few people came forward as she slowly registered the beer soaking through her shorts and the toy car rolling away from her.
That fucking kid.
“You okay?” The man stooped in front of her, reaching out with one hand.
There was a screech. Makwa scooted back, eyes fixed on him. His fingers only brushed her shoulder, but it felt like a burn. That heat shot to her hands next, and it took her a second to realize she was leaning on broken glass.
A modest crowd had gathered by then. Makwa shot upright despite the pain, took one second to check her knee—nothing out of place—and darted past them. There was a first aid kid in the back. Not that it did her much good. She fumbled with the latch, hissing. It kept slipping between her bloody fingers.
Someone was behind her.
She jumped back to see Grace, who took it as an invitation to open the kit herself. Makwa gave up and slumped against the wall. The pain wasn’t bad, but it was still too much. Hill was nowhere to be seen. Probably apologizing to that fucking asshole.
When Grace reached for her hands, it took everything she had not to pull away. The girl was gentle, but the contact couldn’t end soon enough. Makwa kept her eyes shut.
“We’ve got each other’s backs, remember?” Grace said quietly.
Back on the floor, one server had drawn the short straw and was sweeping up the glass with a hand broom. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but what was there looked so bright against the laminate. The brush bristles left red tracks behind them, drawing hypnotizing patterns with every movement.
“Um… Can I get you anything else?”
He hadn’t realized he was staring. He chuckled. “Nein, thank you,” he said, turning back towards the bartender. “Just the bill is fine.” He gave her a bright smile, and she nodded, returning it nervously as she looked at the scene behind him. Cute.
By the time he turned back, the unlucky server had switched to a mop. It wasn’t long before the mess was cleaned and sterilized, as if nothing ever happened. Soon, the manager dragged the waitress back out. Poor thing. She was apologizing, but didn’t look too happy about it. Her fingers picked at the bandaids covering her hands.
What a lucky day he’d picked to come! It wasn’t his favourite place to drink; the usual crowd wasn’t really his type. But he never turned his nose up at dinner and a show.
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hauntedcloset-blog1 · 6 years
Bearly a God || Eddie and Nora
“What the fuck? What the goddamn fuck?”
Nora Pine, mayor wannabe, owner of Wallspace, proud citizen of Ashkent Creek, decided today was the perfect day to take her menagerie of animals and go for a nice picnic in the woods. Which was how the scene was set. Sitting picturesque under a large black gothic umbrella, Nora was sharing a feast with her closest friends. Barnabas, the horse, ate from a large pile of hay. Princess Fluffy, the caiman crocodilian took bites of a large chicken, spiders crawled over containers of food, bats hung in the trees around and a snake laid patiently across Nora's shoulders as she took a bite out of a rarely cooked hunk of meat.
Recently repaired camera in hand, Eddie embarked on a mission through the woods. His head needed clearing though he promised himself that he had just been spending too much time at home. The night spent with Owen, the anxiety that it had brought on, had left a mark on his psychethat he refused to acknowledge. Questions had popped up in his mind that he wasn’t ready to answer, so he began to hyperfixate on the supernatural underbelly of Ashkent more than he previously had. Currently, the sound of some creature weeping was guiding him through the forest. It sounded human, but looked like someone shaved their dog and then let it melt in the sun like a toy soldier. He thought it was kind of cute. The trail of tears stopped abruptly when the creature the Squonk found a menagerie of creatures and the presence of one Nora Pine. The camera that had been pointed at the ground slowly panned up and recorded the scene for a moment as Eddie muttered the words, “What the fuck?”
The scent of salt tear joined the party as a cute hairless bear joined the clearing. "Hello friend, please help yourself to anything you'd like to eat." She told the obviously supernatural creature, taking another bite of the barely cooked hunk of meat. The trailing footsteps had not been missed by her as the sweet scent of a moderately scared adult human entered her senses. His smell of soap and green apples was heightened, adding a bit of sulfur to the scent.Nora inhaled deeply, enjoying the second meal that had come to join them. Staring blankly into the camera she waited for the man to put it down before saying. "What about you? Are you going to join?" She pointed to a spot near her and her black and gray checkered picnic blanket.
Lowering his camera and powering it down, Eddie simply stood there dumbfounded for a moment. The scene that he’d walked in on looked like some sort of renaissance painting. “Join?” He echoed tepidly. The thought of making himself at home had not even crossed his mind. “I didn’t bring anything.” Ever afraid of imposing, Eddie was hesitant to join. “What, uh, what would I be joining anyway? You’re kinda givin’ me some godly vibes, which I dig, but I’m not a particularly devout individual.” He held the camera in front of himself awkwardly. “Promise not to smite me?”
"Yes, join." Recognization was slowly dawning on Nora, now that she saw the man behind the camera. Eddie. She followed his vlog. He liked supernatural things in Ashkent. She liked supernatural things and Ashkent. Of course, she'd found and followed him a long time. But then he said she looked godly. Nora saw the whole prank unfolding before her and knew, in that instant, she had to take it. "I know you aren't devout, Eddie. That's why I'm here to talk to you today." Reaching for the power within her, she created an illusion over herself, a tall black shadow, around 20 feet tall, with bright red eyes flickering in and out. "We need to change that." She smiled up at him, a finger stroking the face of the snake wrapped around her. "What would it take?"
The fear of God had been delivered directly to Eddie’s heart. He lost his balance trying to take a step back and ended up falling on his ass. Hitched up on his elbows, his eyes widened at the sight before him. It was too convincing to believe in at least a little. Not to mention the fact that his inner turmoil had pushed him to believe that he could use some spiritual cleansing. The vampire bite, the drunken night spent thinking he could be the reason someone died, as well as few of his other greatest hits. Eddie, mouth agape, found himself unable to reply for a solid few seconds. “Uh, I don’t… it’s not really something I think about a lot.” He paused for a moment before asking, “Are you gonna kill me?”
Eddie's fear drifted openly and heavily towards her, Nora took a moment to breathe in deeply, consuming the large amount of fear emanating from her poor new victim. It was a shame. She really was a fan of his vlog, but who was she to let a good joke go. "No Eddie, I am not going to kill you." If a face that refused to use its features to make expressions could look 'kindly', that was what Nora was going for. However, she had the feeling she just looked a bit conctipated. After all, she wasn't used to telling her facial features to move. "This is a picnic, a start of joy and new beginnings. Please, dust yourself off and come join. We've got much to discuss." She took another large bite of the barely cooked meat, refusing to drop her direct eye contact. "Confess your sins."
The news that death was not in his immediate future soothed Eddie to a degree. His heart took the chance to calm down a bit and attempt to make sense out of the situation he found himself in. Gods, as far as he knew, didn’t make house calls in this day and age. He wondered if it was some sort of fae trick, but a trickster would have probably been more killing to kill him. As long as he didn’t tell the being his name -- wait, it seemed to already know that fact about him. Fear was bubbling in his gut once more. Regardless of what title belonged to the startling creature, it had already proven itself to be strong. Animals revered it and it didn’t seem to be bound to a particular shape, though it did seem to issues with facial expressions. “My sins?” He stammered as he stood up and brushed himself off. “I ate pork the other day… does that still count or have we moved passed the deli aisle?” It was an attempt at levity paired with an awkward laugh.
The squonk seemed to be having difficulty finding food at her table. Considering it was filled mainly with meat, Nora decided that would be the likely problem. Reaching into one of her picnic baskets, she pulled out the salad she made, just in case someone joined, but had no plans on eating. She laid it out for the naked little bear and gave it a reassuring nod. "Please, dig in friend." Her attention turned back to Eddie, and as he talked about eating pork, as his sin, she reached for the power in her. Projecting a woman with a pig's face, just as big, but more detailed to replace her. It flickered out. "Forget everything the bible told you Eddie. There were religions before Christianity and there will be religions after. I am much older and far less concerned by what people eat." She emphasized the point by taking a big bite of her meat. "Now will I have to ask you to join a third time, or will you take a seat and stay awhile without necessary force?" To face the facts, Nora is a glutton for fear.
Benevolent was the word that came to mind when the figure offered options to the melted dog. Eddie noticed the Squonk softly crying into the salad and felt as though he had encountered what was truly a kindred spirit. The projection he had been shown shook him, but he reminded himself that he had seen worse. No stranger to nightmares, Eddie simply closed his eyes and told himself it wasn’t real. Even if it was, he felt that denial made for a better friend than fear. “Forget the bible; got it.” He announced as he hesitantly reopened his eyes. “I.. I’ll sit. No need to force me, promise.” Uncomfortable in his skin, Eddie realized that this ordeal had already forced him into a dirty, sweaty state. He felt truly disgusting, but the so-called-God didn’t seem to be the type who would let him take a break to go shower. He sat among the animals and awaited further instructions.
Eddie took his seat at her picnic, after many times asking him. The fear seemed like it was starting to lessen, something she didn't like, but he was getting used to his current situation. Sitting across from him she summoned an illusion of a pitch black spirit with ice falling from its eyes that went soaring towards him, an audible illusion of a screech filling their tiny place in the woods and causing birds nearby to flee. As the illusion swopped after Eddie, Nora had reached back in the grass behind her to grab another snake friend. The illusion gone, she wrapped it carefully around his shoulders, ensuring that he wouldn't be running anywhere soon. "What is the worst thing you've done, Eddie?" She wondered if or when he'd recall their online conversation and call her out for who she was. Or even ask what she was the god of. That seemed like an obvious question.
Unsure of why a God would be so interested in frightening him, Eddie had not seen the spirit coming. He nearly fell back once more, barely catching himself. Fear had certainly reintroduced itself into his system though, this time, it was paired with frustration. Eddie took a deep breath and allowed the weight of the snake to be placed on his shoulders. He didn’t recognize what kind of snake it was, but it seemed docile enough. He would make sure not to make any sudden moves around its head. His attention turned back to the figure that had beckoned him to sit. This was the first time he’d really gotten a good, up close look at Nora. There was a strange sense of familiarity as he slowly pieced together that he had seen her before. She was asking for his greatest sins when gods were usually on the up-and-up when it came to that sort of thing.  Frustration struggled to become his main emotion, but he fought against it. Eddie played a part for a living as an internet personality. He knew how to conjure up a mood. Quickly, he looked away from Nora and and shook his head. “I don’t know.” He said distantly. “I’m not sure if I should talk about it… even to someone as great and powerful as you.”
A surge of fear, then the fear ebbed. Wasn't he scared anymore? Nora stared at him, wondering where the fear went. She had done this for fear. Where had the fear gone? She examined him, a head tilting to the side as she considered. Carefully taking a bite of her meat she motioned a hand asking him to continue. "The great and powerful should never be content to sit idly elsewhere while their creations fumble in the dark. The great and powerful should be hands on in places with trouble. They should strive to make things happen, and enjoy themselves while here. I am here to help, Eddie. Don't you think that's a good thing? Tell me so I may help you."
The way Nora spoke was almost convincing; she certainly had a way with words. The illusions, still unexplained to Eddie, had also nearly pushed him to the brink of believing. It would’ve been nice, he thought, to feel as though he was important enough for a God to take interest in him. Maybe that was the most unbelievable part, but there was too much going on for him to focus on his own self-pity. “It’s a… a very good thing.” His eyes closed for a moment. “But, you see, it’s not something that I have already done. It’s something that I’m going to do.” He raised a hand, reacting as if it was acting independently from the rest of him, and sent it forward to carefully push against Nora’s shoulder. “I pushed the future mayor of Ashkent Creek.”
A hand raised he pushed her. He. Pushed. Her. Well, now this game was truly getting fun. Carefully she unwrapped the snake from his shoulders. "Eddie." Nora talked as she removed the snake from her own shoulders. "I am a kind an benevolent god." Slowly she made her way around the food and the animals, careful not to crush any underfoot. "That is why I am giving you a three-second head start." She turned to face him, emotionless, cold. "Run."
His head canted to the side, wondering for a moment if she was truly serious about this. Realizing that, if she was, he was running out of time. His feet finally listened to what his brain was telling them to do and began to run in the direction he’d originally come from. The weeping of the Squonk that had led him into this situation became faint, but Eddie sensed that something even more sinister was on its way.
This was fun. Making new friends was a blast. Eddie was such a fun playmate, Nora watched him take off in the opposite direction, fear dripping from him and leaving a bountiful trail for her to consume while following. "Ready or not, Eddie, here I come." The bear slid over her like a second skin, once something she feared but now an extension of herself. Hands turned into giant paws topped with knife-like claws. Her jaw jutted outward, growing for the numerous and large teeth that emerged. Then there were her eyes. Normally they were a forgetful green, nothing too extravagant but pretty none the less. In her bugbear state, they glowed red and fearsome. She let out a triumphant yodel as she began to barrel after Eddie.
The sounds coming from the forest only made Eddie run faster. A quick glance behind him revealed the bear that was chasing him. As much as he wanted to assume that he had been correct about Nora, this certainly was cementing the fact that she was some sort of ancient God. There wasn’t much time to think for Eddie as his body gradually grew winded and began to threaten to stop working all together. He was barely a few feet ahead of the great beast and something told him that he was about to lose that lead.
Nora would be lying if she said her whole mind was on this chase. The wind blew through her pelt and her mind wandered to 'I don't run enough. This is fun. Maybe Eddie will be my running partner.' He was slowing down. He could use the practice. His fear was surmounting, and Nora savored its smell and taste. As an actual food dish, it would be horrible. Green apples, soap, and sulfur. But as a fear? Delicious. As he slowed down just a fraction of an inch Nora sprang herself on him, dragging him down to the ground with her, and all her bear weight, delicately placed on top of him. Nora wanted to play with him, not crush him, after all.
Eddie actually managed to let out a muffled scream as he scrambled to cover his face with his arms as if that would protect him from being mauled. It didn’t take long him to notice the fact that teeth had not torn his flesh asunder. “What the fuck?” He mumbled breathlessly as a humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “What the goddamn fuck?” He peaked up at the bear through the space between his arms.
As Eddie peaked up at her through the space between his arms Nora's long bear tongue licked his nose. The game was complete and she won. Shifting back into a human, completely naked and very unashamed of that fact Nora stared in her monotone way at Eddie. "Boo." This had been so fun. If only he'd peed his pants. It would have been the perfect game.
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adampage · 7 years
Face the Facts | Sami Zayn
Pairing: Sami Zayn x Reader
I’m going to type the anon’s request at the bottom of the story because it gives away too much and I just want you guys to read it.
Author’s Note: I’m taking requests!!!!  THIS REQUEST IS WAS SO CUTE AND SO HEAVENLY AND JUST. JUST READ IT. PLEASE. Please leave comments I love y’all <3 (And for the love of god i need to make a legit tag list so please send me an ask if you’d like to be in it, even if i already tag you bc i just tag whoever comes to mind at this point)
Tagging: @llowkeys / @unabashedwwesmut / @hardcorewwetrash / @roman-reigns-princess / @the-geekgoddes / @xxmaddhatter39xx / @reigns420 / @xstylesxclashx / @crowleysqueenofhell / @wrasslin-x / @wrestlewriting / @sjwrites22 / @wwefluffandstuff / @wrestlingbabe / @helluvawriter / @helluvaclash / @squirrel666 / 
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It had started out very innocently. One evening, she sat at a table in the catering room, nibbling on her dinner. There was no one around, which was just the way she liked it. She held the book upright, just shy of her plate, as her other hand fed her forkfuls of spaghetti. It was a particularly harrowing situation, given that [Y/N] disliked getting food stains in her books, but it was a hazard of her addiction. Fact books were her life.
So as she cursed herself for splattering just a teensy bit of tomato sauce on page sixty five, All About Mosquitos, dabbing failingly at the spot, who should catch her in her own personal bubble of embarrassment but Sami Zayn? "Hey, [Y/N], mind if I sit?" She nodded in response, motioning to the chair in front of her with her fork, wincing when another stain hit the page. She gave the spot one last swipe before replacing the bookmark and swatting the book shut, settling it down on the chair to her right. His animated ginger brows expressed a flicker of mild amusement before his body settled in his seat. He was having the chicken salad. Of course he is, she thought. That would've been the better choice, given her own circumstances. Also, it was healthier. "What were you reading just now?" He asked amicably, the crunch of his salad hitting her ears as he took a bite. "Oh, um, that? Just a book." "I can see that," he said, smiling, "but about what?" "Uh..." [Y/N] mumbled. It wasn't something she liked to talk about. The few times she ever mentioned her fascination for the useless, guys and gals everywhere were immediately turned off. She could hear their voices change, the intonation in their mhm's differing slightly, monosyllables becoming more frequent replies. Their eyes would glaze over, no longer entertained by the conversation. And she never recognized it, until one day an old boyfriend broke up with her, his excuse being, "you just never shut up about that dumb, useless shit." So she never spoke of it aloud to anyone ever again. "It's nothing. Just dumb stuff." She could feel her body drawing back into itself, and she wondered just how much more of her spaghetti she would have to eat in front of him before she could make the excuse that she was full and leave. Sami gave her a wide smile. "Well, whatever it is, I bet it's interesting. When you're done with it, you mind if I borrow it? Most of the others don't really bring books along with them on the road, and I've been craving some new reading material." He took another bite of his salad. "You know, there was a study recently that said people who read are two and a half times less likely to get Alzheimer's?" It was like [Y/N] snapped back into reality after aeons of living inside her own mind. "W-what did you say?" "Yeah," Sami continued, "they said that even though reading doesn't outright prevent you from getting the disease, they proved that reading and Alzheimer's had a kind of correlation. Pretty useless, in the end," he chuckled. "But interesting to know all the same. I'm not going to take my chances." Suddenly, [Y/N]'s mouth went dry. The anticipation was killing her. "Do you know any other useless information? Anything else, ya know," she gestured with her hands, "interesting?" Chewing on his leaves, Sami thought long and hard. After about a minute, he remembered something. "Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates when he was in his twenties and held for ransom. When he heard the price, he told the pirates that it was an insult to his value and demanded they raise it. Once the ransom was paid and he was free, he tracked them down and executed them." [Y/N] giggled in response, hand reaching to cover her mouth. "Oh my God. That's amazing." "I wouldn't say amazing so much as arrogant, though," he argued gently. "No, I know," she replied, "but it's amazing that you know that." And that was it. The start of a budding friendship. He looked at her for what seemed like a year, biting his lip in contemplation. "Do you want to hang out later? Grab a smoothie or something, after the show?" [Y/N] flashed him a brilliantly beautiful smile. "I'd love to."
Weeks passed, and [Y/N] and Sami became the best of friends. She still kept her book and her useless facts to herself, but she knew that if it ever came up again, she wouldn't be afraid to tell him about it. Something about the way they'd spoken that day in catering gave off this vibe, this instinct to trust him. For the most part, they talked about movies, shows, work, politics. She was glad to find out that they had similar lines of thinking with pretty much anything, and they remained pretty much inseparable. It must've been the politeness, the kindness with which he spoke to her, that sealed that deal. She had a gentle, quiet nature that seemed to mirror his own. They were two sides of the same coin, as it were. One night, after a particularly grueling match with Natalya, in which Natalya actually spat in her face to the reception of boo's from the crowd, [Y/N] was feeling exceptionally down. She knew it was coming. She had told Natalya to give it her all. And it was only a storyline. It really shouldn't have affected her as much as it had. As much as it did. Sami had been right behind the curtain throughout the whole ordeal. He handed [Y/N] a towel to wipe off her face. "Really put the spit in spit-take, huh?" She wiped herself off with the towel, and threw it back to him. "No one laughed." "Good. That means they love you as much as I do." Sami slung the towel around his neck, and an arm around her slumped shoulders. "Guess you can sleep easy tonight knowing the entire WWE universe is probably writing hate tweets to Nattie as we speak." She looked up at him as they walked towards the locker rooms, placed a hand on his scruff and scratched it adoringly, before giving him a light slap on the cheek. "That's not nice, Sami. I wish they'd send me love tweets instead of sending her hate tweets." "Now that is a very noble and sweet thing to say. But, the heel makes the face, so..." "Did you just quote Glow at me?" "Who? What? Me? That wasn't Glow, that was..." He snapped his fingers, the bullshit answer coming to him. "...Vince McMahon." "Sami Zayn, you dumb, lovable idiot." "I'll take that as a compliment."
She couldn't sleep. That nightmare couldn't have taken more than a couple minutes for her brain to concoct and perform, and yet it had kept her awake for hours. It was Nattie's face, and yet it wasn't her face at all. It was warped, like the mirrors in a funhouse. Actually, now that she thought about it, the nightmare might have been about Nattie chasing her through a never ending hallway of funhouse mirrors, but it was hard to tell at this point. It had freaked her out. She had woken up in a cold sweat, and now she couldn't fall back asleep. She checked the time. 1:27 am. Fuck me, she thought, biting her thumbnail. Everything in the hotel was probably locked up or closed by now. The gym, the pool, the bar where she might've been able to drink herself to sleep. She didn't want to do it, but...at this point, she had no choice. Grabbing her phone off the nightstand, swallowing down every thought she had to deny herself this small ease of her soul, she opened up her chat with Sami. It took her a solid, oh, fifteen minutes to decide on her factual opener. Did you know mosquitos are most attracted to the color blue? It was about another minute or two before she saw the tell-tale chat bubble appear on the screen, signaling that Sami was typing a response. I didn't, actually. Remind me never to wear blue when we visit the south in the summer.
She let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to ask, then. Why she was still up. Her respect for him grew with every passing moment. I will. Also, don't wear black in the summer. Or anything dark, for that matter. Dark colors absorb all colors of light rays, as well as heat. You sure know a lot about colors, don't you? She bit her lip, holding back a smile. Eh, well, you know. I dabble. Dabbling is good, haha. I enjoy dabbling, now and then. I am quite the dabbler. Really? Oh, yeah. I've dabbled in marine biology. For example, did you know that a whale's penis is, ahem, scientifically called a dork? The only dork here is you. No way that's its scientific name. Also, leave it to the man to start talking about penis in a little light hearted, dabbling conversation. Ouch, that hurts. You got me, I'm not sure if it's scientific. Did you know that a male giraffe's penis is approximately four feet in length? That's about the size of an emperor penguin, or about the average height of a seven year old child. Oh my god. Now who's talking about penises? (Penisi?) I hope Finn and his stuffed animal giraffes stay far away from me for the next few weeks. I won't be able to stop thinking about what you've just told me. I feel so emasculated. [Y/N] burst out laughing. She was glad she didn't have a roommate this week, or else they totally would've cussed her out by now. All that tossing and turning, and now she was giggling uncontrollably at her phone screen. Emasculated? Come on. I'm serious. I will never, in my life, have a penis that large. That's upsetting. It truly is. The common shrew's penis is only a fifth of an inch long, on average, but relative to its body size, they're well endowed. So don't feel too bad. I am absolutely in awe at how much more you know about penises than me. My hope is that you don't know any of this from experience. Christ, Sami, NO. Omg, ew. I have definitely NOT dabbled in bestiality, thank you very much. Hahahaha, okay. Just making sure. ...So is that all you got? 😉 [Y/N] stared at the bright screen. She'd already woken him up, and it was nearing two thirty in the morning already. They'd probably be awake in the next three hours, since the gym opened up at 5:30. At this point, sleep wasn't much of an issue. She looked up at the ceiling, then back at the clock. 2:25. ....Boy, I'm just getting started.
So you're telling me that a superstitious pope is to blame for the Black Death? Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. So if this pope had just, left these cats alone, and not told people that they were the devil's brood, that the Black Death probably wouldn't have happened, because cats kill rats. The rats, of course, being the cause of the plague. Absolutely. And that he is the reason people, to this day, are so put off by cats. Which is stupid. Cats are amazing. I'm totally in agreement. Gucci is a fine example. Gucci is probably the best example, imho. She's the paragon of all feline kind, if you ask her. Oh, speaking of cats. Did you know that cats were highly revered in Egypt I had heard about that, yeah. Yeah, pharaohs would be buried with their pets, mainly cats and dogs, along with their families and concubines. The cats were supposed to help guide their spirits to the afterlife. Is that why people say that cats can see ghosts? Sometimes Gucci yowls at the wall. OMG, are you serious? 😂 Yes. I'm totally serious. You might need to have her checked out, tbqh. Absolutely not. My Gucci is perfect. Okay, then.... So I've got a useless fact for you. In the nineteenth century, there was a construction foreman named Phineas Gage who, after some miscommunication or malfunction with explosives, got a metal rod shot through his brain, and lived. He fucking LIVED? Yeah, he lived. For another twelve years. That's just...that's insane. Twelve years? Christ. Yeah, crazy isn't it? Extraordinary. Now, I'm going back to animals because animals are fun. By all means. Did you know that bloodhounds are the only animals whose evidence is admissible in court? Really? Must be why Sherlock Holmes had one. Yeah. Apparently their noses have forty times the amount of receptors that human noses do, so it's easy for them to connect blood at the scene of a murder with the suspect who may have committed the act. Commit murder, stay away from dogs. Duly noted. Sami. Sami, no. I'm kidding, lol. Do I look like the type of guy who could kill someone? [Y/N] dropped her phone on her lap, incredulous. She sat there, head leaning against the headboard for a good long while. Could she imagine him killing someone? The answer was only too obvious. Sami, you wrestle for a living. The only reason you haven't killed someone yet is because you and the other person know what they're doing, and it's professional. Imagine yourself fighting someone who has no training whatsoever; you get mad one night and fists start flying. To me, you don’t look like you could hurt anyone. But you could hurt someone if you wanted to.
Why would I be fighting them, though? I feel like if I killed someone, it would have to be a very good reason. Not that I'm saying murder is justifiable. But. You know. The conversation had taken quite a turn. It was morbid at best, revealing at worst. She typed a response. Let's say they hurt me. Badly. On purpose. Would you kill someone for that? His response was static. It was like she'd accidentally pressed "scan" on the radio and nothing came up but noise. She was glad of it, though. It meant he was taking his time to think about it. If he said yes too quickly, it meant he really, honestly, couldn't give a fuck about human life, which she knew was untrue. If he said no too quickly, it meant he really could give a fuck about her. It was a selfish, loaded question. But she had typed it out anyway. I'd probably beat them to near death, if I could get away with it. Make sure they never hurt you again, or at least that they got the picture. An exhale of breath. Phew. Best answer, in her mind. Why is that so....sweet? Lol. I do consider myself sweet, so I'm glad to hear you say that. She dropped her phone on her chest with a smile. It was getting brighter, all of a sudden. Only then did she realize that soft light was glowing through the window shades. She checked the clock on the nightstand. 5:59. Sami, it's six o'clock in the morning. The gym's been open for a half hour! I know, [Y/N]. She stared at his answer. Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't you say so? I was having too much fun texting you. There they were. The butterflies that came to assault her tummy once every thousand exchanges. Sure, they toed the line of flirtation more times than she could count in a day. But sometimes, she could tell there was something different about the way he said certain things. That's all fine and great but we gotta go! Let's go, Sami, get ready. Gym time! 🤗 All right, [Y/N]. Give me ten minutes, I'll be knocking at your door.  
Teal sports bra, black yoga shorts, teal Adidas on her feet. Hair in a high ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe some eyeliner? Nah, just mascara. She rubbed her hands together, shifted weight between her left leg and her right. "Ooh," she shivered. The AC was way too low. Might have been half the reason she couldn't sleep. She grabbed a towel out of her gym bag, and a water bottle out of the mini fridge. A knock. Her mouth widened into a smile as she turned to open the door. She opened it to find a just showered Sami Zayn, ginger curls at the top of his head dripping lightly with moisture. He looked up to meet her eyes, and her heart nearly stopped at the sight. Those lovely dark eyes could melt the most cold hearted bitch. He stood there for a moment, didn't say a word. She wondered what he was thinking. Then, "Good morning, [Y/N]." "Good morning, Sami. How'd you sleep?" She shut the door behind her, and they made their way towards the elevator. "Not well. Some girl kept me awake last night. Kept spewing a bunch of weird facts at me." "Really?" She grinned. "Why didn't you tell her to stop?" A button pressed. The ding of an elevator, doors swinging open. He placed an arm to hold the doors, motioning as if to say, "ladies first." She pressed the button for the second floor, above the lobby, where the gym was. "Well, I don't know. She was really opening my mind about a lot of things. I learned a lot. She's really intelligent." "Nah. I wouldn't say spewing useless information is a result of intelligence. Anyone can remember a couple bullshit facts." He poked her in the tummy. "Well, I think it's endearing." He shifted on his feet, leaning against the back wall of the elevator. "Did you know that most people who die in elevators are elevator technicians? Statistically, it's the safest form of travel." Sami chuckled silently to himself. "Unless you have an elevator technician degree I don't know about, I guess we're fine, then, huh?" The elevator jolted suddenly, scaring them both. She grabbed his hand instinctually, dropping it once the elevator continued its descent to the second floor. He looked at her, and they both laughed awkwardly. "Why were you awake all night?" Sami asked her, finally. "Um." It was getting cold, and she could feel herself beginning to shiver. "You can tell me. You know you can." It was hard to dismiss those puppy dog eyes of his. They bore into her soul, begging her to spill her secrets. "I had a, a nightmare." It sounded like a question. She placed her water bottle on the floor of the elevator, the condensation of the beverage freezing her fingers. "I couldn't go back to sleep, but. I didn't want to say anything." "You could've told me." "I know, it's just," she crossed her arms against her, trying to draw heat from her own body that wasn't there. "I didn't want to worry you." "Hey, [Y/N]." His voice was a mere whisper, hardly audible if they hadn't been standing in an elevator, two feet apart. Sami closed the distance between them. "Yeah?" She whispered back. He cupped her chin, lightly pressing at her jaw. Their eyes met, and the butterflies and her stomach began their fluttering song. His eyes ran over her, studying every line of her face. When they paused a bit too long at her lips, the doors swung open, the sharp "ding" of the elevator indicating they had finally made it to the second floor. [Y/N] looked away from him, towards the open doors, but as she made to move, Sami shifted his body, stopping her for just a moment before he pushed a button. The doors dinged closed, and she looked back at him, confused. "There's something I need to tell you, and I don't think I should tell you in the middle of the gym, where our friends can see us. In fact, we've been lucky so far that no one's stopped this elevator." He scanned her again, the look on his face full of love and adoration. "What is it, Sami? What's wrong?" "What's wrong?" He chuckled. "There's nothing wrong. Everything's absolutely perfect." He paused. Then he continued. "Fact. I'm in love with my best friend and I think she's in love with me, too." What? "You heard me. Fact. I'm in love with my best friend. And I think," he paused again, looking straight through to the dark recesses of her soul, "she's in love with me, too." This was un-freaking-believable. Her mind was spinning. It was like the whole world had been turned upside down. But why? Why was this so difficult to understand? Just moments ago her heart was fluttering. Moments ago, she was wishing this was true and now it was and it was the one fact in the world she couldn't believe. "Believe it, baby. That's one fact that'll never change. I'm in love with you." And then his mouth was on hers like it was meant to be there all along. His body leaned in, begging to be touched. Her fingers ran under his shirt, grazing the ginger hairs of his tummy and his chest, feeling the goosebumps rising from his skin. His tongue flicked over her lips, and she opened them, every one of her vulnerabilities drifting away as he kissed her more passionately with every fleeting second, his tongue searching for hers in longing, and she met him briefly, before pushing him back just an inch to catch her breath. Her eyes looked away, shifting everywhere but to his own. Their breaths slowed and deepened, each passing moment bathing her in serenity. At last, her eyes locked onto his. "Fact. I'm in love with you, too. Now and always." He granted her a smile that would not go away, a smile that felt like starlight and sunshine, all at once. And the butterflies never stopped fluttering.
"If you don't have too many requests, would you be able to do a Sami Zayn one where the reader stays up all night texting texting Sami facts he'll never need to know or use in life. When he asks her why she stayed up all night, she says it's because she had a nightmare but she was too afraid to tell him about it. If you want to do this, thanks!" - anon
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