#fuck the RCMP
radicalgraff · 1 year
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"The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) need to be fought in open combat"
Seen in so-called Canada
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princesscanada · 2 years
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Some blood on your hands - The Act establishing the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) was first introduced in the House by then Prime Minister John A. Macdonald
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one of many many many things that angers me beyond belief about cops is that their pig lives are always, always valued above average people. kill a cop in self defense? first degree murder. cop killer? somehow worse and more important than someone who kills regular people. fuck the police.
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dizzycycl0ne · 4 months
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anyways fuck the RCMP
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hearty-an0n · 4 months
now why are they here with their stupid ass hats……
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supersoftly · 2 years
trying to not indulge in too much schadenfreude, but the hacker who gloated about doxing the freedom convoy went homeless this year after being raided by the RCMP  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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endtimers · 1 year
the fucking rcmp will drop everything to protect a white man who dumped dirt on a mmiw mural but won't do SHIT to find our missing women and children. i hope they fucking burn genuinely i hate the fucking police in this country i hate them i hate them i hate them may they all die horribly and without love or forgiveness
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radicalgraff · 2 years
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Graffiti in Prince George, British Columbia, demanding the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) leave indigenous Wet'suwet'en territories resisting pipeline construction.
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55555-555-5 · 2 years
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Participant in the DTES Women’s Memorial March
The RCMP is a GANG funded by the government
Demand systemic change.
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alienjaes · 1 year
This is the funniest fucking thing to see out of nowhere
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gommyworm · 1 year
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worsethan-tremors · 2 years
also to the fully grown adult man after the tacoma show who loudly yelled and called a very probable minor a « piece of shit » repeatedly to their face in front of a large crowd for picking up a water from a merch stand ((((((!!!!that should have been free anyways!!!!))))))…that they RETURNED when they realized their mistake yet you continued to yell that they were a « piece of shit »…
…congratulations you set a horrible example for your two kids with you, I hope they’re embarrassed for you that I laughed at you, and I hope you get long covid
(also most of your bottled water is sold to you from my country’s fresh water resources while the rest of our vital waterways are simultaneously poisoned by the same corporations so fuck right off)
While I’m here
#alloutforwedzinkwa #killthedrill #wetsuwetenstrong
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Sorry but if a cop is scared of a dog leashed dog, you shouldn't have a gun bro.
This is ridiculous.
1. You are assaulting the dogs owner, it is going to be protective and provoked.
2. Why did he not have any other officers there?
3. This officer had no right to do what he did
4. You can only unholster your weapon for LIFE THREATENING AND EQUAL FORCE CIRCUMSTANCES!!!
5. This officer is guilty of assault, using unnecessary force, unholstering his weapon without probable cause
6. This is how racist Canada is...
7. The headline "rough arrest", this wasn't rough, it was POLICE BRUTALITY
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folklaurr · 1 year
My ass had to listen to my ex cop father and future cop brother talk ab how my sister rape case that was handled so poorly by police is now being used as a training exercise for my brothers class and I had to keep my mouth SHUT. Happy thanksgiving friends.
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troutish · 1 year
HATE when tumblr ads include cops ruins my fucking mood
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