#fuck the met gala
thund3randrain · 4 months
We have become the capitol
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trnktgh0st · 5 months
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fuck every single celebrity who bought a ticket to this bullshit
yes every single one
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treerootnibbler · 4 months
Celebrities are disgusting, they are greedy, they are selfish.. stop pretending they are anything more and stop idolizing one of the worst things a person can be.. look at the things they buy and the things they wear and remind yourself where that money instead could have gone to.. they don't care about you, I can't stress that enough, they profit off you and nothing more.. blockout2024 is incredible, please participate... Palestine is dying, they did nothing with their power and money and that is nothing short of evil.. block them, stop giving them money and give to Palestine and other people in need.. don't be like a celebrity and give your money and attention to the people that matter, because they sure as hell won't.. they never have
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k3n-dyll · 5 months
"Omg did you see what so and so wore to the Met Gala?"
These rich asshats had $75,000 to pay for a met gala ticket and yet it seems that not one of them is willing to spend that money to help the people that are currently being massacred in Palestine. Regular civilians - people that barely have enough money to buy their own damn food in this country - are doing their best to scrounge up a few dollars to donate. And what are the people at the top doing? Prancing around in disgustingly expensive costumes and fluffing up their own planet-sized egos. So many of the people at that stupid fucking party could change so much with a fucking WORD, let alone a generous donation, and yet they're choosing to spend the night showing off their - and let's be honest here - fugly ass outfits for a camera.
They're doing the same shit they did with the Superbowl. Waiting until everyone lets stupid shit that doesn't matter distract them so they can kill more innocent people.
I don't understand how there are still people idolizing any of them.
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fatimaah · 5 months
Palestine is making me so fucking sad and it's making me feel helpless. Of course I laugh with my friends and have fun sometimes but at the end of the day.....FUCK..
please forgive us, forgive us, humans, for being so inhumane.
I can't do it anymore.
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tootiecakes234 · 5 months
Free Congo.
They’ve been suffering for years with millions dead all for western capitalism and technology that they don’t benefit from. Women and children being SA’ed at extreme rates!
Free Palestine.
Thousands dead because Israel is committing a genocide to gain control of their lands. The only safe space they have left is being bombed RIGHT NOW with no ceasefire on the horizon!
Free Sudan.
They are going through a civil war with one side being funded by AMERICAN military aid with no peace in sight.
PEOPLE ARE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS, MILLIONS!!! And they are putting on a show with celebrities dressed in clothes that cost more than most of our salaries.
This world is fucked.
People care more about celebrity beef than the screams and pleas of dying men women and children!
These are human beings and under even the slightest shift in circumstances could be/can be you!
Speak up for the people that can’t speak up for themselves!
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conqu3er · 5 months
it's so surreal to watch all these unbelievably rich people prance around in their fancy clothes seemingly not giving a fuck, while i'm at my shitty 4,5 €/hour job, waiting for my paycheck so i can donate 3 euros to a few palestinian families
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genuinely anyone raving about the met gala this year and rating outfits — i don’t care if you did this in years past, if you are talking about the met gala and not also talking about the suffering in palestine right now, that is despicable. ESPECIALLY since there was a protest for palestine right outside those stupid, extravagant doors that celebrities payed $75k to get through.
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cupoteahatter · 5 months
There are so many corpses and so many of them are children and I have never seen so many and I-
How can western governments turn blind eyes? How can anyone turn away from this when it shouldn’t be happening?
These children should not have died. They should not have died, why did they die? How could they kill them? How could they have killed any of these people? They’re people, they were people.
My mind is boggled, my brain is full of rage that I cannot properly express.
The grief is immeasurable.
What has the west done? What has Israel done and why aren’t they being stopped? Because those they call ‘allies’ are greedy enough to let them get away with it?
The destruction must end. The genocide must end.
A ceasefire must be demanded, Israel’s departure from Rafah should be demanded and enforced, look at what they’ve done- Look at what they’re doing?
All eyes on Rafah, all eyes on Palestine.
It starts with a permanent ceasefire please, please it starts with that and then we can work on decolonising Palestine entirely.
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thieves-oasis · 5 months
Fuck the fucking Met Gala.
I could not care less about some rich fucks that pay $75k to stand around in 10-30k outfits and look pretty while I struggle to pay my fucking bills and feed myself.
Truly fuck anyone who focuses on the motherfucking ‘let them eat cake’ ass ball or whatever the fuck it is. I’m so sick and tired of going on social media and seeing fucking celebrities trending and showing off their outfits that could buy a months worth of groceries for a family of 5 while people struggle to survive this capitalistic hellscape.
What’s even more fucking sickening is how people are so quick to focus on the newest pop culture shit that’s going on - It doesn’t fucking matter right now. People stop talking about Palestine to talk about the newest rap battle, or Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship and it’s disgusting.
Palestinians are being forced to evacuate Rafah - the place where they were told they would be ‘safe.’ (note: they weren’t fucking safe, they’ve been being starved and bombed ever since Khan Younis was destroyed.) Students are being brutalized trying to make their campuses divest from funding a genocide and people are more focused on Ariana Grande’s dress?
Long story short, I could not give less of a shit about Zendaya’s makeup while millions of Palestinians are facing an ethnic cleansing.
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thepopsicle · 4 months
I think the digital Guillotine is a great idea but I hear it would be more impactful if we focus on one celebrity a day to have maximum impact?
If so- who is making the list and where can I find it?
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treerootnibbler · 4 months
I haven't really seen this posted anywhere but for blockout2024 please remember if you use Spotify, listen to music on YouTube or use another type of music streaming service to unfollow all singers that have been silent about Palestine and went to the met gala. I'm saying this because I caught myself almost listening to a few artists that I already have blocked on other social media. Please also remove any of their songs from your playlists which is what I will be doing after posting this
They don't deserve our money, they don't deserve our attention, they don't deserve our time, and they certainly don't deserve our forgiveness, they have proven that more times than anyone can count
Remember to unfollow and make sure to remove them all from your playlists
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luaminesce · 5 months
Look I know me saying anything isn't going to help shit and I'm privileged to be able to say this, blah blah blah etc.; but I can't help but be worried for all those in Rafah, getting bombed. We are effectively witnessing (another) genocide, with no way to stop it; even I, as someone who also remembers the genocide against Bosnians during the 1990s, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, have never seen anything on the scale of this.
It just also makes you angry that whilst Israel is murdering Palestinians and destroying the land, the rich and famous get to flaunt their wealth at the Met Gala.
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mosscaller · 4 months
"This is what our ruling class decided to be normal."
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ghostofvioletgibson · 5 months
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viavolterra · 5 months
By the way while ur fawning over and obsessing over the Met Gala today Rafah is currently under attack by coloniser bastrds who deserve nothing but the worst
This ain’t about hamas or the hostages. Israhell turned down the return of the hostages bc they’re pure evil and don’t rlly care about their civilians
Please let’s not be tone deaf and post endlessly about these z10nist cnts dressing up when ppl are losing their lives
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