#fudo family headcanon
chibi-taylormoon · 2 years
More cute Fudo family headcanons
- Yuma was a very clingy baby, he always wanted Yusei or Aki to hold him
- as a toddler, Yuma often clung to Aki. He likes to hold onto her shirt or would hug her. Definitely a mommas boy sometimes.
- Yuma did like when Yusei picked him up too, Yusei sometimes would toss him in the air cause it made Yuma laugh. It was fun until Aki scolds Yusei because that's dangerous.
- Yuma can talk to Astral still in this au. An ability to see and communicate with Astral is a trait passed on from Aki.
- after a long day of work, Yusei is ready to just pass out on the couch. But Aki is late working so he's in charge of Yuma. Both boys end up sleeping on the couch together. Aki sighs and smiles.
- Yusei always let's Yuma help him in the garage. When Yuma messes up, Yusei can hear him arguing with Astral about it. Yuma is upset, Yusei pats him on the head and offers to help adjust a part.
- When Yuma was around 5, he had a sparkle in his eyes watching Yusei dueling in a tournament. Little Yuma is sitting on Aki's lap and is so excited. He's Yusei's number 1 fan
- Jack Atlas is Yuma's self declared uncle and God father. Jack and Yuma often argue about ridiculous things together, it's comical. Yuma gets on Jack's nerves a little. Yusei has to tell Jack to stop arguing with his son.
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
Yusei fudo 🔥
Special award for @saltiestcoconut because they humor me so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺
How I feel about this character: Yo, he's perfect. 🥺🥺🥺 I love him so much—his character design itself makes me weep because boy, do I love star motifs and his got the character 'hoshi' in his name. 😭 That's just so endearing and sweet, and his Stardust Dragon is just perfect for him. They were made for each other, omgs.
But to be completely honest, I struggle to write this guy. He gives so much but also so little at the same time, and there's just so much about him to fill out because he's quiet and awkward and cool. I really would love to hear about how I write Yūsei, but feedback is hard to get because I don't draw a lot of readers, lmao. I just hope I don't make him boring, even though post-series, I imagine him living a rather peaceful and quiet life. The guy is everything I'm not—STEM, talented, reserved—and not even my love for him can help me as much as I like. QwQ. He's not the bestest written Yūtag, but despite that, he is still my favoritest Yūtag. I think Yūsei is pretty unique in that he's a middle child, lmao. It makes him a little relatable when many people say he's not because he's so perfect. (It's fine, he can be perfect; have you not seen his brothers??)
Anyway, in short, I love Fudō Yūsei with all of my heart, and he's honestly the first reason I dove so hard into YGO. 5D's was the first of the series I watched I think, which was good because otherwise, I would be into Zexal, and it would've all over for you guys. xD /J
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jack and Crow—KIZUNASHIPPING FOR THE WIN. Also, Kalin and Bruno.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jack and Crow, lol. Sherry. Akiza.
My unpopular opinion about this character: FUDŌ YŪSEI FUCKS.
I know people tend to headcanon Yūsei ace, and while being ace makes him interesting, sure, being horny makes him hilarious. At least to me, and so, when I write Yūsei, he's the kind of guy who rarely say no to sex and is pretty straightforward about it. ("May we have the sex please?") I'm not going to lie: making Yūsei horny actually helped me write him more comfortably because he's so fun to write like that, lmao. He is actually the active cause of chaos sometimes instead of always being the straight man. He annoys and exasperates Jack and Crow at times. There is other things in his life that interests him outside of runners and engineering. His perfectness breaks for a second because his desires have driven him to embarrassing actions, and more moments like that start breaking through. It helped me develop him more as well, lol, so nowadays, he comes off more like a cool coworker I got to know better through his wild and stupid stories, half of which are his fault, but also by talking about his family. What a guy.✨
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: That Yūsei himself says he fu—
Send me an ask! 👀 I've watched all the series.
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lizard-mangofoxi · 3 years
Crab duels his descendent
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nammyartsblog · 5 years
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Pokemon sword and shield x Vrains - Similairity
since I was too hyped for both vrains and pokemon (yet lack of passion for drawing ; w ; I do it slow ) so, I draw little comic of them ^w^
- I notice that Leon , the galar Champion really look like Kusanagi Shoichi (hotdog guy of vrains) so here, have some of Kusanagi family with him
- Gossifluer , the new grass type pokemon , really look like Playmaker/Yusaku!! so many pokemon trainer mistake him for it! (Leon take Yusaku to his world without permisson from Shoichi lololololololol)  
- So Yusaku finally got a pokemon which look like him , He could finally join the other protags who already have look alike pokemon!! 
- There are more Yu-gi-oh characters who look like Pokemon (That I could think of right now)  which are IV (zexal) and Furfrou , team ragnarok (5d’s) and trio bird legendaries , Jack atlas (5d’s) and Manectric..... please suggest me if you know more, ok? :D 
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thatweirdsailor · 6 years
He lives safe and happily with his husband and son in Boku no Hero Academia.
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Here’s Ryo with added lipstick.
He looks EXACTLY like Mitsuki Bakugou.
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Same person just diffrent times.
Katsuki is so pissed off the whole time cuz’ his mom is actually Satan.
Best headcannon I’ve ever created.
(Akira is Bakugou’s dad and everyone knows it)
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yugirl-with-dragons · 4 years
Any headcanons about Halloween and Christmas with the Fudo family.
Halloween, Fudo family:
Hikaru loves the aesthetic of Halloween but doesn’t really dress up
Kaori loves it for the people she can meet rather than the costume part
one of Aki’s fav photos of Hikaru is from when he was dressed up as a vampire at age 9
Kaori never dresses up as a witch... guess why...
they were both strictly forbidden to use their powers for the trick or treat joke. It sounded obvious to Kaori but not to Hikaru
Kaori was actually a great element to make friends with the neighborhood through Halloween
Hikaru similarly to Taka was kind of forced to go with his sister but he lowkey loves her a lot so he’s fine with that
Hikaru once put a paper box on his face as a mask and wrote on it "misanthrope” but the other children mistook it for “lycanthrope” so they thought that was the joke. Adults didn’t
the year he was 9, Hikaru left all the sweets he collected to his mom without saying a word
Christmas, Fudo family:
Kaori loves seeing people happy so she’s the one that buys gifts a month earlier for all the important people in their lives (atlas fam, hogan fam)
Hikaru cannot understand why you have to give gifts to all these people and he’d rather not recieve them either. He changed idea after his relationship with Asuna became an actual thing lol
Hikaru hangs out with Taka and Ken the most
Aki and Yusei usually don’t go big with lunch, gifts etc (neither of them has time) but the goal is to do enough to consider it special for each member of the family
especially Yusei does his best to do something romantic with Aki around Christmas
Kaori loves decorating the tree!!!
there are often tournaments around Christmas and Kaori likes to partecipate, she only makes sure to have enough time to celebrate it with her friends or family at least in the evening
they’re usually the ones recieving guests, like Crow and his family
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satellite-trash · 5 years
5ds headcanon
i wanna know other peep’s opinions: So, we know Yusei’s dad is Dr Fudo - kinda obvious, and you know, referenced. But there’s the argument that Rudger Godwin is Jack’s dad too. The hair is almost identical (longer, since Jack cuts his or just hasn’t grown it idk, but he keeps the front ear bits so it clearly grows). SO if so, Jack and Yusei know each other from their parents being around each other etc, thats where they have a connection But what about Crow? Personally (again tell me what u think) but i think he is Rex Godwin’s son. Rex is secretly Satellite’s saviour, having a Dwheel with wings and flying from Daedalus to Neo Dom. around the time that Zero Reverse occurred (after Dr Fudo and Rudger die, Rex escapes to Neodom to fix things as the sole survivor, with his brother’s arm.) He abandons his son - Crow - which is why Crow has no idea about this, not even knowing the famous man’s identity. (and Jack doesn’t know aboutRudger since he died and Jack never made the corrolation, ‘n Atlas is a name he just picked up because of wanting to rule the world, and be a king, n all that, I mean ‘Jack Atlas’ isnt very Japanese or familial) Look at this shot from 5Ds S1 finale: 
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Godwin’s reaction to Crow bringing up the legendary Dwheeler (and as we know by this point, the legendary Dwheeler is Godwin), makes it seem like he’s kinda smug about it all. Crow aspires to be the legendary DWheeler, and - if we take Crow as RG’s son, maube Godwin is kinda finding irony is a heroic guy like crow trying to go down the same path as his dad did, or maybe he fiinds it sadistically funny that Crow will never know that he not only was the legendary Dwheeler but also is Crow’s dad, which ties the legendary Dwheeler (who Crow damn idolises) even more to Crow
ALSO, there’s the whole ‘lost plot’ idea where Crow was supposed to be the final/one of the Dark Signers , so maybe Crow was supposed to join Godwin OR take Godwin’s legacy on as the one to combine the SIgner and Dark Signer power to become God (yeah, not nice to think about with Crow being like that), but maybe Crow would be like “frick you dad i have fwends and fwendship and bonds mean more than sucky power!” (typical YuGiOh style!)
So, if Jack and Crow were the Godwin’s sons, that would make them... cousins?
yeah ok that’s getting troubling but still fun to think about. Also, hence why they are so much. 
ANYWAY, just a bunch of ramblings and speculation, obviously not true but fun to consider. could make fanfic on it, but ok
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teamsatisfied · 5 years
Seeing as it is Christmas, how about headcanons or a short scenario of Crow, Yusei, Yugi, Yami/Atem and Joey getting caught under the mistletoe with their crush/girlfriend (you decide)? Please and thank you.
Sorry I was late on this, I was gonna post this right on Christmas but I've gotten sick. I hope all of you guys have a great holiday!
Crow Hogan, Yusei Fudo, Yugi Muto, Yami Yugi/Atem, and Joey Wheeler Under The Mistletoe
Crow Hogan: He absolutely loves Christmas and its meaning, like how it's about spending time with your family and giving to others. He lives for it and has a big Christmas party at Martha's with his friends and the orphans. He asks Martha for help with the decorations so he is unaware of the small plant hanging from the ceiling. Crow was planning on confessing tonight, he was just using most of the night to mentally prepare himself. The only dumb decision on his part is that Jack conveniently placed the chair that Crow is currently sitting on...under the mistletoe. Yes, Jack was setting you two up because he thought Crow was taking too long to tell you his feelings for you. You saw Crow was alone and went over to where he was sitting. Crow's eyes brighten up when he saw you and you two began to chat about everyday things, it was actually one of the orphans that pointed out that you two were under the mistletoe. Crow nearly falls out of his chair, mistletoe? He never remember...oh wait he put Martha in charge of decorating. He's about as red as Yusei's Duel Runner as he gets up and puts his hands on your shoulders. He asks at least five times if you are okay with this but after the fifth time you took matters into your own hands. You kissed him and everyone around you began to cheer, minus Jack who muttered a 'finally'. After your kiss that is when Crow asked you to go on a date afterwards...which you gladly accepted because who doesn't love Crow?
Yusei Fudo: He enjoys Christmas but probably isn't as gung ho about it as Crow. He does enjoy the idea of spending time with family and friends and goes to the party Crow sets up at Martha's. He is the type of person to just talk to his friends and just hang back. When he sees you walk into Martha's place, his gorgeous smile is plastered onto his face. You are so nice to everyone around, even to people who are hard to get along with. He really loves that about your personality and grew to love you as a whole. He invited you over to his group of friends and they began talking about their adventures like going up against the Dark Signers, the Emperors of Illiaster and even Zone. You loved hearing about the adventures but didn't like the pain that it caused your beloved friends. You grabbed Yusei's hand and apologize for not being there for him and the others at the time, he assures you that it's something that couldn't have been stopped and that it is not your fault. Everyone else notices that you two are looking at each other like you two are the only people in the room. Leo and Luna quickly leave to make their 'master plan' a reality. After ten minutes you felt something hit your head, you looked up and saw a mistletoe tied to a string, you followed the string to see Luna waving while Leo was holding a stick. You regret ever telling them about your feelings for the Stardust Dragon user. Truth though, Yusei has no idea what the mistletoe even means, such an innocent boy. He knows there's a tradition but he doesn't know exactly what to do. He puts his arms around your waist and gives you a hug. When you ask what he is doing he responds with, 'isn't this what you're supposed to do?'. You have to tell him that the tradition is that you have to kiss whoever you're with under the mistletoe, he does get the message and gives you a small peck on the lips. He admits he loves you and you don't have to give an answer at that very moment. He excuses himself with a red face. You will give him an answer later, and that the answer is 'yes'.
Yugi Muto: He grew to love Christmas more when Joey, Tristan, and Teá became his friends, he likes how he can spend time with them along with spending time with his Grandpa. They always held a small Christmas party at his Grandpa's game shop and he wanted to invite you as well. He grew fond of you and you kind demeanour, you helped his out a lot in school whenever Tristan or Joey weren't around. Everyone knows Yugi is too shy and embarrassed to confess his feelings for you and you think he still has feelings for Teá. You think they are just going to let you two stay in the friend zone forever? Not a chance. The three of them along with Bakura and Serenity's assistance placed mistletoe on every single doorway in the shop. But that's only part of their plan, they need to get you two under one of them when you least expect it. Teá distracts Yugi and Bakura distracts you for a while, trapping you both into conversations before leading you two to the doorway. After thirty minutes of distracting Joey gives the signal for them to lead the two of you to go to the designated area, you waved to Yugi and his face turns bright pink, not because his crush is right here with him but because the mistletoe was above you. You eventually looked up and giggled, you then leaned down (or up depending on your height) and gave him a small kiss on the lips. He covers his face and quickly confesses to you his feelings for you, you hug him and accept his feelings. Prepare for Joey's comments of, 'So...when's the wedding?'.
Yami/Atem: Poor guy doesn't even know what Christmas is and is willing to learn all the customs. Once he learned most of the customs he is absolutely thrilled to celebrate! Yugi invites him to his Grandpa's game shop for a Christmas party and you bet your ass Yami is going to celebrate this holiday that's oh so new to him. When he saw you at the party he went up and started a casual conversation with you. He enjoys your guy's friendship and always wanted something more but refrained from saying anything in case it ruined what you guys already have. You guys basically spent the entire evening together talking about your day, dueling, and what you two would be doing for New Years when that shows up. He does get up to get a drink and said he'll be back in a few minutes. As he was gone Yugi shows up and says that Yami needed your help with something and to go to the kitchen to help him out, you get up and head towards that direction Yugi pointed towards. You saw Yami standing at the doorway with some punch in one hand and mistletoe above his head. Him and Yugi set you up didn't they? Damn their teamwork. Yami explained how he heard that the tradition of the mistletoe is that two people who get caught under it kiss each other. That is when he confesses that he loves you and wants to be your lover. When you say yes you two share a slow kiss under that doorway.
Joey Wheeler: He always loved the holiday because he enjoys spending time with Serenity and his friends. Every year he and Serenity go to the party held at Yugi's Grandpa's game shop (yes he loves to hang out with his friend but he loves the pretty killer food that is there). When he saw that you were attending he is prepared for the onslaught of teasing from Tristan. Funny enough Tristan is the one who gave Joey the mistletoe and told him to stop being such a wimp and to just kiss you. He kept it in his pocket thinking he isn't going to use it but then he became worried, what if you already have a boyfriend? You are close with Kaiba so what if he is your boyfriend? God you are so out of his league and he doesn't want that rich punk (his words not mine) to have you before he does. He sees you talking to his sister and decided to join in on the conversation, Serenity was saying how she was asking if you would join them for New Years but you declined saying you had to go to Kaiba's on New Years. While Joey was happy when his sister said she asked but then all that happiness deflated at the mention of Kaiba, he pulls you to another room and asks what's the deal with you and Kaiba, that's when you could tell that he was jealous. You explain to him that you babysit Mokuba and that's why he sees you with Kaiba, he feels ashamed in thinking you were seeing him as more. You take something out of your pocket and held it above both your heads, a mistletoe. A smile on your face you tell Joey that he can make it up to you by kissing you. He was all in as his brings you into a sloppy kiss...yea he has no idea what he is doing. When you two pull away he promises to take you on a date!
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finestcreation · 5 years
Headcanon: Backstory
An overall Timeline of Ryo Asuka’s history as I write him.
April 14th, 2000: Appeared suddenly in a village in the Amazon rain forest. Seen as a holy child and began to be worshiped.
September 19th, 2000: First words, however they were not believed to be his first words by the tribe as they were in the language of the Angels. The first word was a word that translated roughly to ‘God’.
October 5th, 2000: First steps, albeit he had to be supported to make them.
April 1st, 2002: First miracle was made, strengthening the belief that he was a God in the tribe.
January 2nd, 2004: Military attacking the camp in an attempt to kill the mysterious baby-- Ryo flees from the scene and disappears.
February 21st, 2004: Washing ashore and meeting Akira for the first time, somewhat untrusting and terrified.
February 22nd, 2004: Akira finally coming up with the name Ryo, this becomes his name by the end of it all.
February 23rd, 2004: Ryo becomes a social outcast and something of a loner in the care facility.
April 2nd, 2005: The Asuka family adopts him and sends Jenny to go pick him up, much to Ryo and Akira’s dismay. (recognized as Ryo’s celebrated birthday)
April 20th, 2005: Officially moved in completely to the Asuka household in Maryland, USA.
September 19th, 2005: Started Kindergarten, immediately seen as the smart kid and a social outcast. Excelled without even trying.
January 18th, 2006: Moved up to First Grade due to his academic excellence.
June 20th, 2006: Took an IQ test and was discovered to have an extremely high IQ for his age-- encouraged to keep skipping grades if he continued to excel.
September 18th, 2006: Started Second Grade, still the smarter kid and still a social outcast.
December 12th, 2006: Family computer was put into the house with a video chat system in place so Ryo and Akira could keep in touch.
January 5th, 2007: Moved up to Third Grade once more due to his academic excellence.
June 3rd, 2007: Went to his first church sermon, ended up having to go to the hospital because he started having a seizure. Cause of seizure diagnosed to be stress induced.
September 17th, 2007: Started Fourth Grade, continues to be the smarter kid and not make any friends.
January 19th, 2008: Moved up to Fifth Grade due to academic excellence.
July 5th, 2008: Media gets wind of hyper intelligent child and begins to attempt to get coverage.
September 16th, 2008: Started Sixth Grade, continues to grow smarter and more lonely.
October 4th, 2008: Takes another IQ test, astonishes both doctors and psychologists at how intelligent he is.
January 10th, 2009: Moved up to Seventh Grade due to academic excellence.
February 2nd, 2009: First news story on Ryo Asuka released, claiming him to be the smartest child in the world.
September 14th, 2009: Started Eighth Grade, keeps up his trend of intelligence.
December 24th, 2009: Discovery of him being Intersex after he starts bleeding. Distance begins to grow between him and his parents.
January 20th, 2010: Conversations with Akira begin to pick up and become more frequent.
June 3rd, 2010: ‘Treatment’ for being Intersex begins. Health begins to deteriorate from this point onward.
September 20th, 2010: Started Freshman Year of Highschool, beloved by teachers
September 21st, 2010: Joined the chess club and debate team in an attempt to get away from ‘bad thoughts’
January 4th, 2011: Skipped to Sophmore Year due to his excellence and extracurricular participation.
July 20th, 2011: Came to light that he was self harming and suicidal over ‘treatments’ for his being intersex, parents attempt to try and reconcile.
September 19th, 2011: Started Junior Year of Highschool and began being bullied by other students
September 20th, 2011: Joined the science club, which he went to regularly, dropped debate team deeming it ‘not mentally stimulating enough’
October 31st, 2011: Skipped to Senior Year of Highschool, it was earlier than other years in hopes that harassment may stop
February 5th, 2012: Went on Senior Trip to Disney World in Florida. Didn’t know that his parents payed for the Fudo family to go to the Florida parks at the same time.
February 11th, 2012: Returned home from Senior Trip in much better spirits.
May 4th, 2012: Went to Senior Prom, was asked to go by a girl who heard he was self harming and felt bad-- had a wonderful time but it became clear to both of them that Ryo was not straight, decided to be friends (they fell out of touch after graduation)
June 8th, 2012: Graduated High School at the top of his class and even gave a speech at graduation.
July 20th, 2012: Began therapy and stopped Intersex ‘treatment’, was diagnosed with Depression and borderline anti-social personality disorder.
September 1st, 2012: Started College living on campus in a single dorm and a shared bathroom with his dorm mate.
December 1st, 2012: Parents began research on demons, mother fell deathly ill and lost all ability to really care for herself.
June 3rd, 2013: Graduated with a Bachelors degree in Archaeology.
June 5th, 2013: Appeared on the cover of many magazines as one of the world’s youngest graduates. Also on this day he went home for the summer to take care of his sickly mother, noticed changes in his father.
September 1st, 2013: Returned to school to continue studies, took on extra classes to make up for any lost time during the summer.
June 1st, 2015: Graduated with a Doctorate degree -- Majored in Archaeology with a minor in History and a second Bachelors degree in World Language, namely Japanese, French, and English.
June 20th, 2015: Appeared in multiple news papers and magazines, also appeared on talk shows and in interviews aired on the same day. One of which where the host of the show actually surprised him (due to a comment in another talk show a few months prior where he said nothing could surprise him or make him really happy anymore) by bringing the Fudo family on in place of the Asuka family, who was busy at the time.
September 1st, 2015: Began career as a professor, was considered one of the best professors at the university and was beloved by students by how clearly he explained everything and how open he was to tutoring.
December 7th, 2015: First research expedition into the Amazon, uncovered many artifacts, was followed by a tribe that looked very familiar. On occasions managed to communicate but didn’t know how he knew to speak their language (forgot that he lived with said tribe as a baby)
January 20th, 2016: Returned to teaching once again at the University with a lot of fame and fortune.
February 14th, 2016: Father killed his Canary and his Dog, began to snap and claim that he was the Devil
February 20th, 2016: Father attempted to murder him, nearly succeeded. Father committed suicide right after and right in front of Ryo.
February 22nd, 2016: Had a mental breakdown in class to which the class comforted him and encouraged him to go see psychological help-- left out the fact that his father called him a devil for being intersex. Classes cancelled for the rest of the week.
June 5th, 2016: Diagnosed with PTSD -- began looking into what drove his father crazy. Also on this day he was cleared of all accusations of murder.
June 10th, 2016: First episode of his talk show aired on television.
June 11th, 2016: Began to travel in search of Akira due to what he’s discovered about his family.
June 13th, 2016: Reunion with Akira, pulls gun on the gang, Sabbath, start of the Devilman Series.
April 14th, 2018: Start of the Apocalypse.
April 14th, 2022: End of the Apocalypse -- final scenes of Devilman, either reset or start of the Creation verse.
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These Headcanons are specific for threads with @monogatarinotoshokan / @linkedxminds in Main Verse II.
Akane was raised by his mother’s father Suzuki, Masaru [鈴木 勝] after Akane’s parents had left him in his care for unknown reasons. Masaru is even unware of that reason himself and can’t bring himself to ask them.
it canonically stated he is raised by his grandfather, but not if it Akane’s mom’s dad or the Akane’s dad’s dad.
Both the Fudo the Suzuki are influential families in Japan and are pretty well known within business circles both nationally and internationally.
A few members of the Suzuki family are involved in underground matters, but have kept those dealings away from the main family. Thus, Akane himself isn’t indirectly involved in them.
Akane isn’t aware to being a heir to a large ‘empire’ since his grandfather constantly keep forgetting to tell him about it. He getting old or just hasn’t found the right opportunity to tell him.
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inazumafocus · 6 years
HEWWO NENE !! How are you doing ? I hope you're okay ;W; Here are my asks for the Fandom Edition : B, K, L, O, S & V ! (Sorry if it's too much X'D)
HELLO ANI DEAR🌸 I’m good actually, thank you so much, hope you’re well too and do’t worry, I love answering to this kind of asks ❤️B: “a pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind”Well, I think with both know what’s the answer to this question, right ANI?? YOU WITH HIROATSU ARE GUILTY AS CHARGED AHAHAH! Plus, I’m a bit embarrassed by this but I ship Gouenji with Domon because of my gf! Before we started dating I convinced her to watch Inazuma and she came to me saying she liked the pairing and I was????? Why????? But, you know, it isn’t that bat at it makes me laugh for the dynamics she came up with so here~K: “how do you feel about the other people in your current fandom”I a b s o l u t e l y ADORE you guys in the IE fandom, you’re all so cute and amazing and I want to be friends and share our love for this amazing anime and I WANT TO SUPPORT YOU ALL 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Then again, there are some people I’m not quite fond of but that’s just how life is? And usually there’s a reason if someone makes me go “meh”, but since I want for everyone to keep on enjoying our stay here, I’ve decided to just go with the flow and be kind with everyone who’s kind in return 🌸L: “your favourite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for”HHHHHHH KIDOU/FUDOU ABSOLUTELY, FOR BOTH THE FANARTIST AND AUTHOR! I crave more material, this is my my GodTier OTP and I can’t even begin to explain WHY I care so much about them ;; But I’d also love more EnKaze material, or something for some underrated ships or rarepair (to tell you the truth I always ask my artists friends to draw me my supreme crack OTP since, obviously, there’s nothing about them ahahaha but I’m so scared to say who’s in the ship AHAH)O: “choose a song at random, which OTP does it reminds you of”This one was soooo difficult bc I kept on hitting “shuffle” on my phone but only songs of my crack OTP or OTP from other fandoms were popping out! But in the endddd “Run to you” by Pentatonix started and- ok is so many ships for me but for the IE fandom absolutely EnKaze, from Kaze to Endo and...I almost teared up ok I never thought about it damn- Then “King” by Lauren Aquilina for KDFD like, ABSOLUTELY from Fudo to Kido (I even hc for Fudo to actually sing it for him the the B4 AU~)S: “show us an example of your personal headcanon” DAMN MMMM I DON’T KNOW?? AGH THEY’RE TOO LONG FOR AN ASK THING LET’S STAY BASIC MMMM......I personally hc for Fudou to love sakura mochi (due to that poster where he’s just going for them all). I love thinking that Kidou likes to eat but usually forgets due to stress and/or work and that’s why Hakamada makes new dishes out of the thing he didn’t previously eat. Thennnn I love to think that Sakuma had a platonic crush on Kidou when they were younger but moved on because yes, he loved and respected Kidou but he was too much of a brainiac absorbed by his work and then he met Genda. I hc for Genda to come from a family that is a branch of a yakuza clan, one that raises up its sons to be the right hand men of the bosses, and that’s why he’s so calm, polite and collected but also fierce af. And I should stop for now ahhhh I will write all my hcs down bit by bit and with order AHAHAH I really have too many-V: “are you one of those fan who can’t watch anything without shipping”Honestly no, it depends on the show! Like in Cowboy BeBop and Megalo Box I don’t ship anyone~
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years
Dad Yusei headcanon:
- when Yugo is around 5 years old, he really wanted to sit on Yusei's d-wheel
- like he just kept asking Yusei with big puppy eyes and followed Yusei around the garage
- Yusei sighs with a smile and says okay
- Yugo is so excited, there's a sparkle in his eyes as Yusei sits on the d-wheel first and picks Yugo up to sit him in front of him
- Yugo is small, the two of them can fit and Yusei is balancing them with his feet on the ground so the d-wheel doesn't fall
- Yugo has his arms out and holding onto the handles of the d-wheel and making noises like he's reving the engine.
- Yusei has all the settings off, so when yugo is pushing buttons where the duel disk goes. Nothing will turn on. It's completely safe.
- Yugo turns to look back at Yusei with his cheeks bright red and he is so blissfully happy. "You're so cool, dad! You're d-wheel is so cool!! I want one too, I can duel like you!!" Yugo says so happily.
- Yusei smiles and pats Yugo's head. For the first time since adopting Yugo, it's the first time he was called dad. Yugo has always called him "yusei" so he was happy.
- they spend the rest of the afternoon working in the garage. Or at least Yusei works and keeps Yugo from getting exciting and touching things/helping so he doesn't get hurt or break anything
- Yusei is so happy to tell Aki that evening about Yugo calling him dad for the first time
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ryostrenchcoat · 6 years
satan’s possession of ryo asuka thoughts™
aka this isn’t necessarily canon y’all this is just my take don’t @ me i’m not here to fight i’m just here for a laff
so psycho jenny and satan have the Plan. the Plan is for satan to live as a human for a bit to figure out what humanity’s weakness is so they don’t have to waste precious time, resources, and energy on eradicating humanity when the battle against god is the real concern. satan, however, cannot turn himself human enough to have an authentic human experience. he is too powerful and his memories, despite jenny’s manipulation, would not stay suppressed for long, defeating the purpose of turning human in the first place. so what does this mean?
it means satan needs a meat suit and associated identity/memories with the meat suit that will help suppress his OWN consciousness and allow him to actually live a human. but who should satan fuse with? after some deliberation, jenny and satan decide that the ideal candidate for meat suit should be young, well off, and have minimal family/community ties.   - young: maximizes the health / durability of the meat suit  - well off: it’s just way more convenient to be a rich human  - minimal family/community ties: minimizes the number of people jenny has to       hypnotize. just because she CAN manipulate an entire town doesn’t mean           she *wants to.* 
enter ryo asuka. he’s 17 (check). his dad is loaded (check). he is an only child with just a dad as family and they are moving to south america soon (check). looks like we’ve got ourselves an ideal fuckin meat suit! 
so ryo, who is altogether a fairly chill dude who really loves animals and is very much in love with his friend akira, tearfully says his goodbyes to akira and moves with his dad to south america like a good boy. shortly after arriving in south america, jenny manipulates him into crashing his car. the crash is fatal and ryo is taken to the morgue and it’s printed in the local papers that some dude named ryo asuka is dead. satan takes over his body in the morgue, wanders back to the asuka residence, and promptly has his memories wiped by jenny upon setting sights on the home. dr. asuka, who had been deep in grief over his recently deceased son, also has his memories manipulated and wakes up to a living son without realizing that this is Very Fucking Questionable. good morning, ryo.
post-possession ryo is just a little bit off. he doesn’t remember the crash. he has no visible scars. he looks a little different than he did before, but neither he nor his father realize this. he only has pre-crash ryo’s memories and thus acts as pre-crash ryo would for the most part, but he has a deep-seated feeling that something is Wrong. he gets awful headaches. he has phantom pains in his chest. he wakes up in a cold sweat from nightmares that he cannot recall except for the vague notion that he was falling. his dad begins acting strangely. the story of devilman begins here. 
basically, i consider post-possession ryo/satan to be one singular entity. there’s no inner dialogue/struggle with a demon like akira and amon. ryo is satan now and satan is ryo. this includes a love for akira fudo. 
before anyone replies “but what about the fake memories? ryo and akira didn’t actually know each other!” 
that is only mentioned in nagai’s bit of neo devilman, which is not part of the    primary devilman trilogy and is thus not quite canon. i choose to completely remove it from my headcanon because the implanted memories thing adds nothing of value to the story, hinders willing suspension of disbelief, and provides no adequate explanation for why satan would be so honed in on akira. 
that’s what comes to mind for now! again, this is not gospel truth, just my interpretation of the original manga in which i try to enforce logic on nagai even though he pulled all of this out of his ass. 
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vampirebiter · 6 years
the man from the manga i said is being victimized by communism
Sexuality Headcanon: gay in the manga, bi in the anime versionsGender Headcanon: hes a trans guy and thats just how that is A ship I have with said character: akiryoA BROTP I have with said character: akira and mikiA NOTP I have with said character: again him and miki, they say theyre like family so like,, noA random headcanon: never kills spiders, he takes them outside in a cup and sets them freeGeneral Opinion over said character: I Would Die For Akira Fudo 
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lunyrd-blog · 7 years
Not everyone is familiar with the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and less with the world of 5D’s specifically. This page is to help people with terms I will refer to in headcanons and posts, and to explain in simple terms what they are.
NEO DOMINO CITY (New Domino City in the dub) is located in futuristic Japan, in an unspecified coastal location. It is the utopic rebuilt version of Domino City, rebuilt after the events of ZERO REVERSE.
Locations in Neo Domino City include:
the Arcadia Movement building, where the ARCADIA MOVEMENT is based.
Saiga’s apartment.
Carly’s apartment.
A court house. Criminals and undesirables are taken here to be sentenced to imprisonment in THE DETENTION CENTER or exile to the SATELLITE.
the Daimon Area, where the sector securitybuilding, Saiga’s shop Bootleg, and an arena for underground dueling are.
Two Duel Academies, the standard mixed-gender Duel Academy and the Queen’s Duel Academy, which is exclusively female only.
A Duel Shrine on the outskirts of the city, where people pray to Duel Spirits.
Domino General Hospital, a hospital at the forefront of medicinal technologies and medicine.
Godwin Mansion, also on the outskirts of the city.
Jack Atlas’ penthouse in the centre of the city.
Rua and Ruka’s family penthouse, located in the heights of the Tops.
The Tops, an upper-class residential area in a gated community.
The Memorial Circuit, a dueling stadium.
New Momentum, an improved energy generation system that powers the city.
Party Hall, a function hall to host society’s elite.
Poppo Time, a clock shop where Zora lives and Team 5D’s  live in the lead up to the WRGP.
The Detention Center, located in the outskirts of the city. It is a prison where all undesirables are sent for their crimes.
SATELLITE is an island just off the coast of Neo Domino City and is a dystopic, desolate ruin. The common belief in the city is that it was built by the leader of the PUBLIC SECURITY MAINTENANCE BUREAU, Rex Godwin, to house the ‘scum’ of the city (criminals, miscreants, anyone who the city did not like), but it is actually a part of the original Domino City. It was separated from what is now Neo Domino City by ZERO REVERSE, which split the districts that became the Satellite off from the rest of the city and pushed it away by means of an explosion-induced earthquake. The sea between Satellite and Neo Domino is actually a water-filled chasm created by Zero Reverse. The only connection between Satellite and Neo Domino prior to the Daedalus Bridge  (which is not featured in any verse prior to the WRGP arc) is a waste-filled pipe through which the city sends their rubbish to be processed and recycled. The Satellite is dependent on the meagre income the City provides in exchange for processing their waste.
Locations in the Satellite include:
an abandoned amusement park located within the B.A D.
several abandoned factories
the B.A.D. (Barbaric Area After Damage) located in the heart of Satellite and widely regarded as the most dangerous place on the island. In the center of the B.A.D. is a miles deep crater - the remains of the OLD MOMENTUM REACTOR and base of the DARK SIGNERS.
Satellite Bay, located near the Daedalus Bridge and south-west of Crow’s hideout. It is where Godwin appeared in the Satellite and laid the foundations for the Bridge’s predecessor.
Crow’s hideout, where Crow and his adopted children live.
Daedalus Bridge (appears only after the Dark Signer arc) is a completed version of the legendary bridge half laid down by Godwin before the series started.
several scrapyards, although it is never clear where these end and Satellite’s inhabited quarters begin.
Martha’s house, where Yusei grew up, in the very south regions of Satellite.
The Old Momentum Reactor, located at the bottom of the B.A.D. crater, which still houses MOMENTUM.
several old highways.
The Pipeline, delivering junk from the City to the Satellite.
A port, through which Security delivers miscreants and criminals to be exiled to the Satellite. It only operates in one direction, however; no one is allowed to leave Satellite.
Puzzle Hospital, a derelict hospital that serves all Satellite.
Yusei’s hideout, which is part of an abandoned subway system.
THE DUEL MONSTER SPIRIT WORLD is a world parallel to the human world where all Duel Spirits live. It has realms within it and areas to cater to all Duel Spirits’ living needs. Very few people can see and converse with Duel Spirits naturally, though all spirits possess the ability to appear to all they choose to,at the expense of their strength.
Locations in the Spirit World include:
The Ancient Forest, part of Ancient Fairy Dragon’s domain. It practices pacifism, and all violence is forbidden within it’s bounds.
Forest of Pojar, a forest outside the town of Schwank. It is where Regulus, Ancient Fairy Dragon’s servant lives.
Schwank, one of many towns within the Spirit World. More humanoid Duel Spirits live here.
Zeman’s Castle, the lair of Zeman the demonic monkey king. Ancient Fairy Dragon’s prison was located here. After the defeat of Demak and Zeman, the castle stood empty as a reminder of the atrocities that had occurred there.
other locations include:
The shrine to the Earthbound Immortals built in Peru.
The Sky Temple, a pre-Inca civilisation where the People of the Dragon Star lived and worshipped the Crimson Dragon.
Crash Town, a Wild West-based town hours outside of Neo Domino.
important figures and concepts
THE CRIMSON DRAGON - a god amongst Duel Spirits, also known as Quetzalcoatl.
THE EARTHBOUND GODS - a group of wicked gods who mean to open the doors to the Underworld and destroy all life. They were sealed in the Nazca Lines by the Signer Dragons and the Crimson Dragon 5,000 years before the start of the series to prevent them destroying the worlds.
THE SIGNERS AND SIGNER DRAGONS - a group of five chosen by the Crimson Dragon to help defeat the Earthbound Gods, marked by Marks of the Crimson Dragon. The Dragons are servants of the Crimson Dragon who aid the Signers in their quest.
DARK SIGNERS - the antithesis of the Signers, servants of the Underworld and the Earthbound Gods. They are the souls of people who died without fulfilling a purpose, who were hence brought back to life by the Earthbound Gods in exchange for serving them.
MOMENTUM - the source of all  energy in Neo Domino.
Yliaster - a malevolent group from the future who wish to alter the future by changing the past.
D-Wheels - motorcycles optimised for dueling
Riding Duels - duels in which D-Wheels are used.
THE 3000 B.C. NAZCA WAR was the battle that took place between the Crimson Dragon and its disciples and the Earthbound Gods 5000 years before the series. The Crimson Dragon and the Signer Dragons, after a hard battle over thousands of years where each time they defeated the wicked gods, they came back and threatened the worlds anew, forced the gods into the earth and bound them within the Nazca Lines, albeit at the expense of Ancient Fairy Dragon and Life Stream Dragon.
THE 8000 B.C. NAZCA WAR was the battle that took place between the Crimson Dragon, its disciples, and the Crimson Devil Red Nova. Through the gift of a legendary Signer, the dragons were able to defeat Red Nova and seal it away, though they knew it would not be forever.
ZERO REVERSE is an event that happened 17 years prior to the start of the series. Roman Godwin destabilised the Old Momentum Reactor and caused it to explode, separating what came to be known as the Satellite from the City and causing mass destruction and loss of life. This was the event that started to awake the Earthbound Gods from their 5000 year slumber.
THE ARCADIA MOVEMENT is a group of Psychic Duelists gathered under Divine. Psychic Duelists are duelists who have the ability to summon their monsters in a physical form and grant them mass and weight where regular duelists can only summon them as holograms. Though the members were not aware of it, Divine intended for them to be psychic soldiers to be sold like weapons in wars to profit himself and the warring states.
SECTOR SECURITY are the police officers of Neo Domino City. They maintain order and are controlled by the PUBLIC SECURITY MAINTENANCE BUREAU, though many are corrupt and treat Satellite-natives with derision and scorn. Some bend and break the rules to pardon City natives while putting the blame on Satellite natives instead.
PUBLIC SECURITY MAINTENANCE BUREAU is the full title of those who run the city and are in charge of security. Sector Security is only one sector of it. It is run by Rex Godwin, Director of the Bureau and leader of the City.
M.I.D.S ( MOMENT INVESTIGATION AND DEVELOPMENT SECTOR ) was the group in charge of developing MOMENTUM, lead by Dr. Hakase Fudo. They were in charge of Old Momentum and it was by the actions of Roman Godwin that the reactor detonated and caused ZERO REVERSE. Those that were left of M.I.D.S. concealed the truth behind Zero Reverse at Director Godwin’s behest, claiming that it was a natural disaster and not the reactor that had caused the cataclysm.
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chibi-taylormoon · 2 years
Dad Yusei likes to take trips to the junk yard at least a couple times a week for some parts. He would bring Yugo along who would be so excited running around. Although Yusei often has to remind Yugo to be careful and not touch certain things, it can be dangerous. Yugo is really good at finding shiny parts that can be repurposed and used. Yusei offers a lot of praise and wants to help start building an engine for Yugo's first d-wheel.
They come home really dirty and their clothes getting a little tattered from going through a bunch of junk. Aki scolds them a little. Yugo is a little scared of Aki sometimes, shes scarier than Rin. Yusei laughs, he and Yugo have the same type when it comes to girls.
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