#fuh you
i-am-the-oyster · 2 years
Fuh You
If we can get past the stupid attempt at ambiguity, this is actually a really interesting (and good!) song.
Most of Paul McCartney's music videos are abominations that have the potential to ruin the song they go with. But, again, this video is super interesting, so this post will include some details about the video, and some screen shots.
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The protagonist is a young teen called Jamie (Paul's first name is James), who wanders around Liverpool singing about the girl he's just kissed. My theory is the girl represents John. It would have been amazing if the love interest had been a boy, but even in 2018 that would have been a huge deal. And, as we all know, Paul is not out (yet?).
Come on baby now, let me look at you Talking 'bout yourself, try to tell the truth
These are the opening lyrics, and they're not repeated. I interpret them as John's voice in Paul's head, talking to Paul. Or just Paul talking to himself.
On the night that I met you, I was on the town On the night that I met you
The second time these lines are sung, Jamie is standing outside the chip shop where John and Paul actually met for the first time. If you haven't heard this story, there's a great blog post about it here.
Long story short, Paul saw John at a chip shop, and some locals figured out which shop it was. The exact address Jamie is walking past here:
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I adore the idea of 14 year old Paul stealing a chip from 16 year old John before they'd ever met (as Jamie does from some girls outside the shop). The authors of the blog post above paint the picture, then decide it's unlikely. But I think maybe the Paul who played his heart out in his white jacket to impress John could have been brazen enough.
I just wanna know how you feel Want a love that's so proud and real You make me wanna go out and steal I just want it fuh you, I just want it fuh you
"Proud", eh? What kind of love would you have pride in, Paul?
Who was it again that sang about Real Love? *taps chin*
I have a theory that 'steal' and 'rob' are sexual innuendoes for Paul, but that's for another post when I'm feeling braver.
Come on baby now, help me work it out I won't let you down so you don't need to shout
"Help me work it out" reminds me of We Can Work It Out.
"I won't let you down" points me to Oh! Darling, and Don't Let Me Down.
I could stay up half the night, playing with your head I could stay up half the night, but I'd rather go to bed
The official lyrics really do say "head", not "hair".
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nedison · 11 months
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Sorry folks in honor of the new Beatles single, I officially declare it to be NovAndThember and I'll only be posting stupid Beatle memes for the rest of the month.
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you-just-said-that · 5 months
Paul McCartney - Fuh You (Live from Grand Central Station, New York)
오랜만에 폴 옹 노래 듣고 싶어서. 비틀즈(The Beatles) 때부터 지금까지 음악에 대한 감각을 잃지 않고 젊은 아티스트들하고도 소통하는 거 보면 늘 대단하다. 넘 좋은 폴. 폴도 존 레논(John Lennon)이랑 엄청 싸운 걸 보면 이해간다. 성향이 극과 극. 폴은 평화주의고 성격이 유연한데, 레논은 자기 멋대로 사는 것도 음악의 한 부분이라고 믿었�� 것 같달까. 내가 보기엔 존 레논이 더 큰 문제였다고. 에릭 클랩튼처럼 솔로로 음악 했던 사람도 아니고 팀한테 피해 가는 일탈 행위도 서슴없이 하고. 그래도 이 둘이 붙어있었기에 그 많은 명곡과 전설을 만들 수 있었겠지.
이 노래는 언제 들어도 좋다. 락 음악을 장르 중 제일 좋아할 수밖에 없는 것이, 사운드가 풍성한 게 조크든요. 그래서 드럼, 베이스, 기타 소리가 잘 어우러지지 않거나 치는 구간이 별로 없는 락 음악도 별로. 롹킹 한 게 좋아. 그리고 작곡이 작사보다 더 중요.
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pleasetakethis · 2 months
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tkfluff-fanatic · 6 months
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spock-pewds-louise · 3 months
Louise, screaming for whatever reason:
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Me, somewhere in the apartment:
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
// People mispronouncing pho ("fuh"- it's really spelled phở because our accents are confusing and hate you with a passion) does actually give me psychic damage. The noodle soup is not your "foe," it's your "fuh"-riend :(
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and that's why this store is the funniest thing I've ever seen
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sisitrip · 2 years
Galladrabble - "Quarter Joy"
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Crazed, but I couldn't miss the "100" prompt. Congratulations to the @galladrabbles team for a great year of corralling our drabbles and generally being awesome 😌.
I offer "Quarter Joy" and hope you enjoy.
“You let me throw you a birthday party,” Ian murmurs, tugging Mickey close. 
“Made it to one of the quarters.”
“The quarters?” 
Safe in Ian’s arms, Mickey explains. “When I was 6, I promised Terry I’d live to be 100 to spite him.” He laughs bitterly. “He hit harder after that. So, I quartered my promise to 75. Then 50, then again to 25 when living longer seemed imposs-.” He swallows hard, struggling. 
“New promise.” Ian’s teary smile is determined. “We’re adding 25 years to each quarter gained.” 
“Together?” Mickey asks softly, dabbing at Ian’s eyes.
“Together. Happy 25th, love.”
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muzaktomyears · 10 months
I don't use Spotify, but I'm very proud that my fifth most-listened to song this year according to Apple Replay is 'Fuh You'
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i-am-the-oyster · 2 years
Love your post on 'Fuh You'. The line "You make me want to go out and steal" could actually be literal. According to Bob Spitz and other Beatle biographers, soon after John met Paul, he taught the younger boy the art of shoplifting. Also, the line "And every day, in every way" seems to echo one of Paul's favorite solo John songs, 'Beautiful Boy' which in turn referenced 'Getting Better' ("every day, in every way it's getting better...")
Anonymous asked:
To add: The 'Fuh You' video features an interracial couple at its center which, like gay relationships, was probably frowned upon in the '50s. Perhaps not outlawed in England like in parts of the US at the time, but I'm sure it was enough to raise eyebrows, to say the least.
Thank you so much for these comment nonny!
Edited to add a link to the post that inspired the ask: here
Great point about the couple being interracial, I had noticed, but forgot to mention it when I was posting. I think that adds weight to the idea that the couple are a metaphor for J&P.
The world is not ready for my 'steal/rob' theory, so let's assume for now that Paul is being literal. Lewisohn talks a lot about John shoplifting, and I have no doubt he roped Paul into it at some point.
I love your point about "every day, in every way". I tend to focus more on Paul's solo career than John's, so I missed that. They really were in conversation in their songs the whole time. If only they'd had a few more of those conversations in real life!
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i don’t think you guys understand. fuh you IS the worst paul mccartney song and it’s not because i don’t want him to let his slut flag fly. i love come on to me (the superior slutty single of 2018 paul)! i hate fuh you because it is a bad song pure and simple and it sounds like a song someone whose music taste is ‘the radio’ would play at a party. i took my single sitting break of the night at the paul mccartney concert during fuh you… yeah i stood for all the sad acoustic ones. that’s how deeply my dislike for this song runs. my friend inquired about it the other day and i was forced to play it out of my phone speakers in an empty courtyard. she said WHAT did he say? and i was like yeah exactly. do you know how jarring that is
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red-dye40 · 1 year
can't stop bringing up the fnaf movie in everyday conversation
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nightmareinject · 2 years
how do people pronounce 'wtf' in their head...
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keeps-ache · 2 years
i may be. stupid but my stupid puns alone should let me do things easy-peasy so really who's at fault here
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nomairuins · 1 month
ive been rly into saying fml like fuh-mul lately. sooo yeah
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diino8081 · 2 months
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made leche frita for the first time
also my first time frying something
it looks weird but that's just fried food in the first place
it tastes nice
edit: thank you spanish people
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