pleasetakethis · 1 month
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driptober day 9: western
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ostdrossel · 8 months
The Juncos seem to enjoy the cold temperatures and were pewpewpew-ing happily at -18° C.
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miss-conner3 · 3 months
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Water Gun
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eggo-tistical · 17 days
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a lil light doodle 🎀
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nobigneil · 5 months
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loadinghellsing · 2 years
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new-anon · 2 years
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happyyyyy valentines 💫💘💥
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One of the best “husband perspectives”. I love watching these reaction vids.
Also proof that random viewers do clock the chemistry.
"Maybe don't overhype it"
I have been quoting this ever since the vid came out lmao
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kply-industries · 9 months
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ostdrossel · 10 months
And here's Leucy, the leucistic Junco.
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timely-nobi · 8 days
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🔫 °○•.☆.•○° 🔫
nobita and the wind masters (OP, 2003)
Using these for an artstyle study later when I'm done w/ class
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
The hourly task of checking notifications and blocking pornbots.
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killian-whump · 8 months
KW Does Shit So You Don't Have To
I know there's a lot of arguments and debates about AI generated art and how horrible it is, both for the artists it rampantly steals from and in the quality of art produced.
But, you know... I'm a curious person.
So I went and plugged Colin's name into a bunch of these things just to see what would happen and... absolutely nothing worthwhile happened. I mean, stuff happened... and you can hit the Keep Reading link to hear about it, but... I dunno, man.
These things have no clue what Colin actually looks like. It's bizarre. None of them got him right, yet they ALL seemed to get him... equally wrong? Like, there's some guy out there that AI thinks is Colin, but isn't actually Colin at all, and he looks about like this:
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They did no better with Killian Jones, Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones or even Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time. In fact, at that point, I was pretty much just throwing words at them that they were entirely ignoring.
Admittedly, one of the sites (Craiyon) actually got relatively close to Colin's appearance, but they also looked like they weren't making art so much as cutting and pasting his face onto art and blurring the edges. That, and they seem to think he has glowing blue laser eyes for some reason, and I swear I didn't tell them that but I kinda wish I had, because that would be a fun rumor to start. Anyway, this is the best approximation of Colin I was able to create on that site, using "Colin O'Donoghue as Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time" as the prompt:
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I mean, that's not... THAT bad. But it sure as shit isn't about to take the place of fanart any time soon. And, mind you, this was the BEST of the bunch. The rest were... Well, here's a less-good example with the laser eyes in full effect:
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Apparently, Once Upon a Time is now Game of Thrones and Killian Jones is Baelish and Colin has blue laser eyes pew pew pew. Again, the face is kinda spot-on, but I feel like that's because they just copy/pasted his actual face in there. Even the image quality and color depth differs on the face versus the rest of the "art". They just literally stuck his face in some art template and gave him laser eyes.
Mind you, my side piece (Tom Payne) fared no better. They seem to have him confused with that kid who played the elf-like boy in... Game of Thrones. Actually, I feel like all of these things are stuck in some kind of Game of Thrones time warp where that's all that exists and everything they don't understand must surely come from that... and there is very, very little they DO understand.
Now as a litmus test of sorts, I stuck Keanu Reeves' name in some of them, as well, and they did all seem to know what he looks like - so if you're looking to play with the face of some uber famous celebs, this might be fun for you to play with. But anybody with fewer than 5 mainstream memes devoted to them probably just makes the AI go, "Who? Must be someone from Game of Thrones."
Which makes it completely useless for those of us gathered here, even aside from the obvious ethical quandaries of art theft and the devaluing of human-made artwork.
As a final test, I asked Craiyon to show me "Colin O'Donoghue as James Bond" and it basically returned the exact same results as the Killian Jones prompt did. Though it did hilariously encourage me to try, "handsome scottish actor colin o'donoghue dressed in a tuxedo and carrying a gun as he attends a james bond movie" which is definitely not what I was looking for, but bonus points for creativity, I guess? Also, carrying guns in movie theaters is bad form and super illegal, even if it is a James Bond film, but I guess AI doesn't know that. And Colin isn't Scottish.
But he does have laser eyes. This is a rumor I'm starting right here in this post on this blog. Laser eyes. He's got 'em.
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elliottkay · 5 months
You ever wish your favorite sci-fi focused more on romance, comedy, and sexytimes than all that threats-to-the-galaxy stuff? Ever wanted a good boy-meets-robot alien polyamory story that still brings the space lasers and kicks a corporate CEO in the junk?
I did, so I wrote it. And now it's available in audio, narrated by the incredible Tess Irondale! (And ebook and paperback, of course!)
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Riley Morgan desperately needs a reset on his life. Pit fights with aliens and illegal salvage jobs are barely enough to get by—until a salvage op turns up a beautiful stranger in a stasis pod and a clear case of kidnapping. Helping her means throwing away what’s left of his life. The trouble only gets deeper when the stranger turns out to be a wildly illegal artificial intelligence built for assassination.
Like Riley, Selene has been used and abused by her bosses… and like Riley, she longs for a life of her own choosing. Riley and Selene are ready for the struggle ahead. They aren’t ready for the dangerous and sexy aliens in their way, or the glitzy parties and corporate conspiracies, and they certainly aren’t ready for the spark between one another.
WARNING: HOT RESTART contains explicit violence, explicit sex, explicit language, polyamory, murder, kidnapping, assault, acrimony, perfidy, theft, numerous bisexuals, defenestrations, conspiracies, death and mourning, threesomes, space capitalism, interspecies hookup culture, surly co-workers, judgmental aliens, embarrassing humans, smuggling, stalking, strafing, lap-dancing, sexual promiscuity, self-discovery, self-defense, post-coital robo-violence, hedonism, exhibitionism, intimidation, surveillance, rejection, abrupt breakups, betrayals, ambushes, espionage, gang activity, false identities, pool hustling, alien/human sexytimes, questionable salvage practices, intended torture, destruction of private property, hallway foreplay, alien insectoid pseudo-anarcho-socialism, clueless appropriation of human culture for restaurant entrepreneurship, shooting, punching, kicking, flirting, taunting, aerial combat, abusive leadership, destruction of evidence, unsanitary transit through hotel ventilation, a CEO who isn’t trash, relationship boundary conversation during combat, outstanding man-ass, an amorphous alien gel-person looking for a good time, and protagonists dressed in their underwear or less for five consecutive chapters.
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kiwicosmic · 8 months
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pew pew
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