#full bodied baby boy cries and howls
orangedogsquad · 5 months
Help, kidnapping in progress!!
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lunapwrites · 2 months
You'll Understand
It was an eyeroll-evoking statement, even then: you'll understand when you have your own. If anything, Lily thought, she understood far less.
When Harry had come screaming into the world - full-chested bellows, really, very healthy the midwife said - she didn't feel the swell of transcendent love her own parents had promised. She felt... unmoored. Confused, even. Where did you come from? her body seemed to say - far from a rejection, but more curious than accepting, even as she gathered the still-sticky infant to her breast. He had gazed up at her with unfocused eyes, sharp little nails clawing gently but insistently at her bared flesh, as James had sobbed openly beside her and she simply stared. Ten fingers, ten toes, and a wild mop of dark hair. A tiny rosebud mouth that sucked at the open air, searching. Hers, and yet his own.
She was no stranger to exhaustion - not during a war - nor to overwhelm, nor to her temper getting the better of her. The newness was more in how she bore it - with a patience she did not know she possessed. It was in how her body felt, in the way it moved. She ached. She bled. She watched her breasts in fascination as tiny beads of pearl white liquid pooled up at the tips, dripping at a single warbling cry from her son. And that, too, was new - her son. She had a son.
And her son - her Harry - was a tiny, needy thing. Always wanted to be held. Needed to hear her heartbeat as he slept. He'd fussed and cried and she cried because she couldn't distinguish hunger from gas pains from a cry for comfort, screaming until they were both red in the face.
For his part, James had stayed up all night with the baby Harry her son!. He fixed breakfast in the mornings, and supper in the evenings. Laundered the nappies and the blankets and the tiny babygrows with impossible amounts of stains on them. He'd forgotten to eat or sleep the first few days. He'd gotten rather sharp with the cat for trying to lick the baby's face. Ready, even then, to protect him.
For hers, Lily had begun to learn what she was capable of. The limits of her patience. Her ability to juggle - sometimes literally. Her pain threshold tried and tested by the crush of labour, by the angry inch of once-torn flesh that she could swear still stung, by the sharp stabbing agony of an improper latch, delicate flesh gnashed in deceptively strong jaws - and yet still, she had held him gently. Cradled him as he tore at her, howling in pain. The instinct to clench, to jerk away from the source overridden by... something. A need to shield him, no matter the cost to herself, that came as easily as breathing.
It terrified her, the way her body seemed to move of its own accord now. The way she could be Lily in one breath, and Mother the next. The way she could be the lamb and the knife and the hand that held it all at once. The way the stories had it all wrong, that she had made this tiny God in her own image, carried him beneath the cradle of her ribs, and every atom in her body still ached to put him back: safe.
And now, a year later, there were new terrors: a crooked length of bone-white wood leveled at her heart - at the tiny boy shielded behind her (outside her body, not safe.) The knowledge that this man - that anyone - would, without hesitation, snuff out the life she had so carefully preserved through so many (not enough) tear-filled days and long, sleepless nights. The thought of the one thing she could not, would not bear.
(She didn't think about what it meant that he was here, in the nursery, and James was not. She couldn't; there was no time.)
Lily reached behind her back blindly, her hand finding five little fingers wrapped around the bars of his crib. One last moment to marvel at him, to wish for him to grow healthy and happy and strong. To run her thumb over his knuckles, still damp from chewing his fist. She felt him reach out with the other, gripping the back of her nightshirt as he whined, as she willed a silent apology into his soft skin, as her unwilling mouth opened of its own accord and the last words she'd ever speak spilled into the merciless night.
"Take me instead."
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anoncat6 · 1 year
PETRICHOR | sihtric x oc | part eight
part one
8. the storm
“Uhtred, she’s gone!” Hild’s voice had wavered, “She’s in the ground. It was days ago. She’s gone.”
Now with a clear line of sight to the nun, Hild quickly became all Ghylena could focus on, her vision tunnelling.
“What?” She choked out, “Hild, what happened?”
“Lena… I’m sorry.” Hild’s eyes watered.
Realisation slowly crept into her, her speech breathless and wobbly, “Gisela…”
“I’m so, so sorry, Ghylena.” Hild was crying now, silently.
A sob wracked through Ghylena’s body then, sudden and violent, her breathing quickening as she choked and gasped.
 “No, no, no… No, Gisa… no…”
Sihtric watched his wife in stasis, unable to comprehend what was happening until he ran for her, drawn by her wail. 
It was a sound pulled deep from within her, the sound of a soul splitting. Her low howl rattled around the courtyard, and Sihtric flinched. He never wanted to hear her cry like that ever again in his life.
It was the sound of his heart breaking.
Now clutching at Sihtric instead of Hild, Lena’s whimpers seeped into him as he struggled to stay strong for her. The Lady Gisela had always been kind to him, his sister through marriage, his wife’s soulmate— and now she was gone. 
Gisela was dead.
Sihtric faltered. 
Ghylena suddenly pulled away from him, her eyes bloodshot and streaming. The brown eyes he loved avoided his, instead searching behind him, directly at Skade.
“You,” her voice was full of venom, “You, witch. You killed her! YOU KILLED HER!” 
As fast as ever, she slid from his grasp, drawing his sword from its sheath as she lunged for Skade. Only Finan, close as he was to the horses, was able to stop her, deflecting the blade and catching her in his arms. Finan held Ghylena tight, but still she thrashed, begging to kill Skade through her tears.
“No, Ghylena, stop. Stop.”
Drawing close to the pair again, Sihtric swore, taking back his sword and nodding at Steappa to clear the crowd of onlookers.
As the courtyard emptied, and a teary-eyed Osferth led Skade away, still Lena wailed, trapped in Finan’s grasp.
“She’s dead,” Ghylena cried, “My sister is dead.”
Sihtric slowly reached out, his hand barely grazing her arm before she doubled over at her waist, a new cry escaping her lips this time. 
“Lena?” Finan was alarmed, bodily passing her to Sihtric, “Lena, what’s wrong?”
Still hunched over in pain, Ghylena felt a sharp pulling in her stomach, a twinge and then a release of pressure. Her vision clouded with tears, she dropped a trembling hand between her legs, only to pull back when she felt wetness. 
Sihtric’s eyes widened at the small blood spot on his wife’s hands, Finan’s voice cracking as he whispered, “Oh, God, no.”
Sihtric’s knees buckled.
Ghylena fainted. 
They pooled on the muddy ground, a strange pile of armour, tears and blood.
Finan ran for help, and Sihtric sobbed, rocking Lena’s body.
Ghylena dreamt of a baby’s cry… A boy with brown and green eyes… A wolf howled somewhere far away… Gisela’s soft smile… Ghylena dreamt…
Uhtred had killed a monk. That was all Ghylena could really understand about why they were suddenly on the run from Winchester and Wessex. 
She didn’t care. She couldn’t. 
All Ghylena could feel was a deep aching, an empty numbness in her soul.
Hild had tried to hand the baby Osbert to her before they left, but she couldn’t stand to even look at him, turning her head away at his crying and flinching from his hands as they grabbed for her. Finan had looked at her with pity. 
Sihtric couldn’t even look at her.
She was still too weak to ride on her own, having lost too much blood when she lost… when she lost Gisela. She couldn’t think of more than that right now, scared that if she let herself slip into a deeper grief that she would drown, drown and never return.
The cart she lay in was stuffed full of furs and soft blankets, piled in by Osferth as she watched, stood close to Finan in case she dropped again.
Sihtric had been prepping the horses. 
No one spoke.
They were travelling north now, to Dunholm and Uhtred’s brother, Ragnar. Uhtred had been wounded in his escape and was worsening by the day. 
When he fell from his horse, Ghylena had been asleep again, Osferth riding behind her cart watching over her. 
When she woke up, it was to a much warmer and more cramped sleeping arrangement; Uhtred’s mighty body had been placed in beside her, furs thrown over them.
He was still asleep, eyes closed and breathing heavy when Finan drew up beside the cart. 
“A few days more,” He tried for a smile, “It’s your cart that’s slowing us down. Even your beast Shaeda is struggling to pull the two of you.”
Ghylena wanted to smile at him, thank him for his attempt at humour— for everything he had done for her these past few days— but she couldn’t. 
Her eyes closed again. 
Uhtred’s steady breathing lulled her to sleep beside him.
“You should drop back, Sihtric, ride alongside the cart.” Finan advised.
Sihtric’s jaw clenched, and he shook his head, “No. We have to lead. We need to get to Dunholm.”
“Sihtric, what you need is to be with your—“
Sihtric cut him off, “No. I—I can’t” 
Finan frowned, unable to think why his brother wouldn’t listen. They led on.
This continued on for a few more days— Uhtred and Lena taking turns awake, tucked close into each other, joined in their grief for Gisela— until Brida reached their camp one night, and brought them into the fortress at Dunholm.
Ghylena began to recover the next day, her body healing from the damage dealt it from within. She had been given a bed in the shared steadings— Finan, Osferth, Uhtred, Sihtric, they all slept in the same room as her.
They all heard her whimpers in the night. Her small cries from behind the curtain which surrounded her bed. They didn’t seem to know what to do, how to help. They couldn’t protect her from her own mind.
No one spoke of it in the mornings, but Lena knew she had woken them. 
One night she swore she saw someone silhouetted against the thin fabric draped from her bed. Still, no one came.
up next -> 'dunholm and beyond'...
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angelosearch · 1 month
Squall's birthday is coming up and it reminded me of when I wrote about his birthday in Chaos Theory. I have a lot of Squall and Laguna feelings right now and you should too.
Spoilers below if you haven't read Chaos Theory. For context, Laguna came home instead of staying in Esthar. Squall is put into an Ellone dream where he witnesses his own birth through Laguna's eyes.
The first sensation Squall felt, dropping into another one of these strange “dreams,” was pain. Something was crushing his left hand.
The scene was silent as it started to come into focus. He recognized the room—it was essentially his childhood bedroom, but it looked newer and neater, and the décor was very flowery. He was standing beside a bed, and there were two women crouching at the end of it with intense looks of concentration on their faces. They were calling out to someone.
All at once, sound burst into the dream, and it was loud in that room. A woman was alternating groaning, screaming, and hyperventilating. The older women at the end of the bed were yelling, “Push Raine, push!”
Another one of these? …This is going to be weird.
Laguna’s eyes fell onto the face of his wife. He still found her beautiful somehow, despite the broken blood vessels in her cheeks, the hair stuck to her forehead with sweat, and the guttural battle cries she was howling.
There must have been another round of contractions, because she tried to snap Laguna’s hand in half again.
“AAAAAGH! Raine! My hand hurts!”
… Of course he would.
Then Raine growled, with a strained breath between each word, “I’M SO SORRY YOU’RE IN PAIN. MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU DID THIS TO ME!” The last syllable extended out into another yell.
Laguna’s thoughts popped into Squall’s mind, Okay, wow, um. Well, the baby book said this was normal. Just gotta be encouraging, that’s my role here!
“Don’t worry about me, you’re doing great!”
It seemed that this had been going on for a while. Raine was hoarse. She began to tremble from the effort. Tears streamed down her face. She took short, labored breaths, and closed her eyes.
“I can’t do this,” she said, barely above a whisper.
Panic was filling Laguna. He looked toward the midwives for solace.
“We can see the baby. She just needs to give one last push.”
“I can’t do it!” Raine said in a choked sob.
Laguna clasped his other hand around the one that had been squeezing his.
“Raine, look at me,” he said. “Look at me!”
Raine opened her eyes and tilted her head toward Laguna.
She looks… exhausted.
“I know you can do this! You’re Raine Leonhart-Loire! You can do anything!”
Raine closed her eyes again and shook her head gently.
“You can, you can, I know it,” Laguna said. Laguna reached out his right hand and caressed her face. She opened her eyes in response to the touch.
“You took in Ellone all by yourself. And then you brought me back from the dead. But more than that, you taught me what it means to be alive. You made this my dream, Raine. To live in a quiet place with my family, surrounded by love… you can do anything.”
Squall could not deny that his father was the master of the peptalk.
“So, you’re going to take all that strength you have and push that baby out!”
Raine’s eyes sparkled. She nodded a few times, and then took a deep breath.
Squall found it… odd… to watch his own birth. He’d say it was like an out-of-body experience, but he was in a body. It just wasn’t his.
The room was now full of a different cry. Squall could feel a flood of relief from Laguna. Raine laughed a little as her head lolled over.
One of the midwives announced, “It’s a boy!”
Laguna’s heart skipped a beat. I have a son? I have a son!
“And he has quite a set of lungs on him!” Laguna laughed.
He looked at Raine. She seemed as though she was seconds from passing out, but she had the most serene, grateful smile on her face.
“We have a son,” she whispered.
Laguna’s mind started playing fantasies of what having a son would be like. He thought about tossing a ball around with the boy and giving the kid talks about how to charm ladies. Or guys. Whatever may be. He imagined showing his son how to read and how to fight monsters and teaching him how to tie a tie. Of course, that last scenario fell apart a little since Laguna didn’t know how to tie a tie.
Note to self: Learn how to tie a tie.
Raine gasped softly as the midwife put the crying bundle into her arms. She supported the baby’s head and bounced him. His crying lowered in volume a bit, but he didn’t stop.
“Hi,” Raine said to her son. She could not stop smiling as she held him.
“He’s the littlest person I have ever seen!”
“Look at your hands! And your fingers! And your nose! Everything is so small…” Raine marveled.
“…Can we name him Laguna Jr.?”
Squall’s entire consciousness winced at the suggestion.
“Haha, very funny.”
Hey, I wasn’t joking!
“I want to name him Squall.”
“Wait, what?” Laguna said. “Raine, I get it he’s been cryin’ for 20 minutes now, but we can’t name him that.”
Raine glared at Laguna for a moment. Then she explained her reasoning. “We weren’t expecting him, and suddenly… he’s here. And he’s very strong.” Raine put her forehead to her child’s. “Besides, you know my family’s tradition with water names.”
“But we could name him like… Cloud! Or Tide-something! Or… Drizzle?”
Raine gave Laguna a blank stare and raised one eyebrow, “Drizzle, Laguna? Really?”
“Are you sure you wanna name him ‘Squall’?”
Raine didn’t answer him directly but rocked the baby in her arms. She cooed, “Hey there little Squall. You are going to be the most loved little boy in the whole world.”
Adult Squall wondered if being impaled might be less painful than hearing those words from his deceased mother’s mouth.
Can I please wake up now? Please? I know you’re there… Whoever you are…
He desperately wanted to scream, or cry, or punch something, but he couldn’t do any of that. He was filled with regret, and shame. There was a surge of an eviscerating sadness he thought, until recently, he had buried long ago.
Mom, I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you…
Baby Squall stopped crying.
“You want to meet your Daddy, Squall?” Raine said as she shifted to hand off the swaddled infant to Laguna.
Laguna was extremely nervous as he reached toward little Squall.
He’s so small, what if I break him? Or what if I lose him? Oh no, what if I completely mess up being a dad?! I don’t know how to do this… have I ever really been ‘good’ at anything? I can’t even follow a map, how am I supposed to raise a kid? Who thought this was a good idea?!
But all of Laguna’s anxious thoughts absolved the second his son was in his arms. Every fantasy he had played in his head couldn’t prepare him for this moment—looking down at Squall’s face for the first time.
The planets stopped spinning. Time slowed to a halt. The air in the room was gone. All that existed was an overwhelming, monumental love that he had for this person, that was equal parts himself and his soulmate.
The universe finally made sense: All of time and history in its grand design was leading toward the birth of this child. He was everything, every part of Laguna’s existence, from now on.
Laguna wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to look away from his son.
“He’s perfect, Raine,” Laguna said with tears in his eyes, but she had already drifted off into a well-deserved nap. “He’s beautiful,” he whispered.
As Laguna sat there, making strange vocalizations and bouncing Squall in his arms, the grown up Squall wondered when this would be over.
Something flickered in the corner of Laguna’s eye. He looked up.
One of the midwives was standing a few feet away watching him quietly. But she looked different than she did earlier in the dream. Now, her hair was long and black, her face pale with delicate features. Squall had seen that face before. He had just seen that face.
That’s the Sorceress…
A woman’s voice asked a worried question from the back of Squall’s mind.
Wait, Edea wasn’t there… was she?
What do you mean? Who are you? Why are you doing this? Why me?!
Before his torturer could answer his question, the Sorceress looked at Squall. Not Laguna, but Squall. The way she stared straight into his eyes gave him the uneasy feeling that she was aware of his presence.
In a confusingly gentle tone discordant with the world around them, she said, "Nobody. You don't need to know."
At first, it was like she was answering his thoughts. But then she smiled and continued.
“The only Squall permitted here is you.”
Chaos Theory, Chapter 11: Out of Body.
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miamouse16 · 1 year
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Age: 10
Artemis "Artemis I need you to promise me that you will always protect your siblings" mother said holding my shoulders "why?" "Just promise me Artemis" I looked at her confused "promise me!" I took a step back scared but nodded none the less.
"I promise" she nodded letting me go and walking back towards the village. I looked at her fleeting figure confused before turning to look at my siblings who were playing in the flower field.
13 Years Later
"Atlas!" I giggled running to my elder brother "look! I made this for you" I said showing him the flower crown "well done sister" he said smiling down at me "will you put it on?" He smiled and bowed his head.
I giggled and placed it upon his head "now dear sister shall we head back?" He said holding his arm out for me to grab "we shall" I smiled linking arms as we walked together.
When we got back to the hut, instead of seeing our siblings happily playing we saw father standing over Andreas with a sword in his leg "Andreas!" I ran over kneeling next to my little brother's head and cupping his cheek.
"sister" he said putting his hand over mine "get up boy!" I looked at our father with a glare. I stood up, grabbing the sword from Atlas's holster "leave him alone!"
Father pulled his sword from Andreas making him howl in pain "stay out of it girl!" He yelled swinging at me but I dodged and sliced his cheek "I mean it father" I growled.
Father glared at me and slowly moved back "she won't always be around to protect you, you pathetic fool" father said before heading back into the hut.
As soon as he was gone I ran over to Andreas, kneeling beside him once again "you foolish boy! What did you do!?" I said looking between his face and his leg, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding "Atlas go get mother!" He nodded and ran into the field behind our house where mother most likely resided.
"He tried to take this" he said pulling the ring we had made on a piece of rope out "it's a silly ring, we could have always made another" I said before we heard mother's yell "Andreas! You know not to anger your father" mother said as she kneeled on the other side of him and started to chant. Slowly the wound healed "sorry mother" he mumbled as I helped him up.
I sighed, shaking my head "come little brother. It's a full moon meaning the wolves will be out tonight" he nodded and I slung my arm through his pulling him towards the caverns "Atlas come on" I smiled holding my other arm out "coming sister" he smiled and we made our way into the caverns.
The next day when I awoke I found that Andreas and Henry were missing "mother!" I yelled running up to her "what is it Artemis?" "Andreas and Henry are missing" I said panicked. Mother's face also turned to a worried expression.
We ran through the village finding no sign of them so we headed towards the forest. We had split up to cover more ground but not to far that if we yelled that we couldn't hear each other.
"Andreas! Henry!" I yelled looking around "I'm so sorry brother" a whimper came, not to far from me. I ran towards it to find Andreas holding Henry's mangled body "mother!!" My legs collapsed and I fell to the floor on Henry's other side "what happened Andreas?" I said keeping my eyes on Henry's closed one's.
"He wanted to see the wolves. I said no but he went out on his own. I followed him to keep him shade but before we knew it we were attacked" I heard footsteps getting closer.
"No! My baby!" Mother cried as she kneeled by Henry's head "I'm so sorry mother" Andreas cried "I should have protected him better" I moved to sit next to Andreas.
I pulled him into a hug "it is not your fault brother" I whispered "Artemis take your brother and go home" I looked to mother confused but nodded none the less and helped Andreas stand "let's go brother" he nodded, clutching onto me as we made our way home. That day all of us stayed in the hut, too sad to go outside.
That night mother gave us wine saying we all had to drink it. As we sat around the fire playing games, father suddenly came at us with a sword "father?" Atlas said but before anything else could be said Atlas was stabbed in the throat "AHHH!!!" "Atlas! No!" I ran over and caught him before he could drop to the floor.
As I brought us to the ground Andreas's voice rang through my ears "Artemis! Look out!"
Suddenly a white hot searing pain spread through my chest "urgh" I grunted looking down at the sword that had impaled me "No!!" Were the last words I heard as I fell on top of Atlas and everything slowly went black.
I was surprised when I woke up and with no wound "come here and drink" I looked to see father holding a bleeding girl. I shook my head "you will girl!" He yelled gripping my hair and dragging me to the girl, forcing my mouth to her neck.
Against my wishes my body betrayed me and I drank her blood. Suddenly I felt stronger than I had ever before and I could see every particle in the air, I could hear things for miles. I pulled away from the girl as I came back to reality "what have you done" I growled getting up.
"Kept this family alive" one by one each of my siblings woke up and were forced to feed. We had found out that our mother had turned us into creatures that needed blood to survive and needed bewitched jewelry to walk out in the sun.
One day we were out hunting when Andreas killed and animal. He suddenly started screaming in pain "Artemis! Help me!" "I'll get mother" he nodded before screaming again.
"Mother!" She turned from the wild herbs to me "something is happening to Andreas" "what?" "His bones there...they're breaking" mothers eyes suddenly widened and she ran past me. I ran after her and when we reached Andreas, instead of being a human, a wolf stood in his wake.
He growled at us but suddenly stopped and walked over to me, nuzzling my outer thigh "we need to hide him" I looked at her confused "why?" "Because if Valkor knows that Andreas can do this then he'll want you all to" I grabbed mother's shoulder "why would that be a problem mother?" She didn't answer "mother!" "Because he isn't your father!" She blurted out.
I took a step back in shock "...what?" "Atlas, you, Ares and Alistair come from another man" she huffed out "mother how could you do this!" I sneered "I loved you father but he loved another woman. We weren't happy with our lives so we would meet and things happened with the end result of Atlas being born. I was able to hide all of you from him because you either had my hair or your fathers which was the same colour as Valkor"
I moved to lean against a tree "I can't believe this" I said rubbing my face "my daughter you need to help me or he will kill you all and me for the betrayal I made" I looked up glaring at her "I'm doing this for my siblings. Not for you" I growled before having Andreas follow me to a cave where he could stay until he changed back.
Once morning came Andreas was back in human form "here brother" I said putting some clothes down for him and walking back to the entrance "thank you sister" once he came to the entrance dressed he hugged me "I remember what happened yesterday and it doesn't change that your still somewhat related to me" I smiled hugging his arm before turning to kiss his cheek "now let head back to the village"
That night after dinner was finished and Fath- I mean Valkor left to go get would for the fire mother took Andreas outside "Artemis come" I nodded confused and followed them out. She took us deep into the forest to a ritual site.
Suddenly Andreas was flung onto a board that grew from the ground and chains wrapped around his arms and legs "mother what-" "shush" "Artemis help" I ran over but was flung into a tree making my neck snap. Everything went dark after that.
When I woke up again I was in Andreas's arms. He looked like he had been crying "....brother?" He looked down at me shocked before pulling me into a hug "you're alive!" I patted his back to calm him down "it is alright brother" we both stood up "she locked my wolf away" I nodded rubbing my neck "that's not all" I looked up at him confused "Father knows what mother has done" my eyes widened.
I sped home to find none of my siblings there. The hut looked like it had been ransacked. I walked out only to be grabbed and sped away. I fought back but the person let me go immediately.
"I'm so glad your ok" I turned at the voice to see Atlas with a relieved expression on his face "Father wants to kill us all" he said pulling me towards our siblings "why is father trying to kill us?" Alistair said.
I looked to Andreas who just arrived "I know" I said looking back at all of them "what?" Atlas said turning to me. I sighed "yesterday Andreas and I went hunting but when he killed the animal he started to change into a wolf" I said looking at Andreas "when I told mother he needed her help and she saw him she became panicked. I didn't understand why until she told me" I folded my arms over my chest.
"Valkor is not our father...we are born from another man" all except Andreas stared at me shocked "mother slept with another man resulting in all except Andreas and Henry. Last night she locked Andreas's wolf away to hide that fact but I'm guessing he found out" everyone had become silent.
"but it doesn't matter, because we're family. We stick together no matter what" all my siblings looked up and one by one slowly nodded "always and forever" I said putting my hand out "always and forever" Atlas said placing his on mine.
"always and forever" "always and forever" one by one each put their hand in except one "Ares?" He looked hesitant before finally putting his hand in "always and forever"
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Beyond Their Broken Shadows Chapter 15: Eddie Munson X Fem! Reader
TW: sexual harassment, eventual smut, sexual assault, mentions of death, mentions of self harm, drug use, underage drinking, bullying. Smoking. masturbation.
*Let me know if I missed anything.*
Warning: Smut, PiV, Unprotected (reader is on BC), Fluff, Teasing Steve, grinding.
Hello! Sorry it’s been a minute. I’m trying to find a good schedule and it may be new chapters every Sunday, we’ll see how life treats that thought. Anyways, Enjoy!
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The hazy hint of sunlight seeps through the frosted window. 
“Ah, uh…fff…uck…Eddie!” A guttural moan whispers around the room. 
Eddie’s cock is buried deep in my cunt. His thrusts harsh and slow. That’s probably because we’re on our side. His parted lips nuzzled in the crook of my neck. One of his hands is draped over my throat, the other is playing with my clit. Eddie’s moans and manic breathing fill my ears. The soothing spastic melody is what stirred me. His pleas for entrance is what woke me fully. Our bodies tangled together beneath the red cotton sheets. The bed’s groans mix with ours. 
My back arches deeper into Eddie’s chest. My hips buck back against his cock, begging him to go deeper—go harder. A low chuckle escapes his throat. Eddie moves his fingers from my clit to my hip. His cock nestles deep inside. He rolls on top of me. My face falls into the pillows, inhaling his lingering scent. 
I peer behind me. Eddie stands tall. Both hands now holding my ass. He gives a hard smack. It vibrates my whole body. He groans as my walls tighten around his cock. Eddie pulls back, nearly pulling out. I whimper at the loss, only to release a loud whine as he thrusts back into my needy cunt. 
“Ooo, yes, yes, yes! Eddie!” 
Eddie assaults my A-spot. Ramming into it over and over, as his finger slide up my body. One hand playing with my nipple, the other rubbing fast circles against my clit. I nearly scream into the pillow, trying to muffle the pleasurable cries. 
“Fuck, yes princess! Scream my name. Wake up the whole town.” Eddie groans, his body leaning over hitting a new spot and finding my ear in the process. 
“Let them know who makes you feel this good.” He bites the lobe, thrusting harder into my dripping cunt. 
Squelching, moaning, cursing and pleas fill the room. Through my drunken haze I hear Steve mumbling a ‘shut up’ in the distance. His faint request is ignored. All together unheard by Eddie I’m sure. His ragged breaths fill my ears. My body writhes, collapsing as my orgasm washes over. Wet slick coats the bed and Eddie. 
Eddie howls at the feeling. His lips plant heavy open mouth kisses along my spine as his seed fills my sopping cunt. He rides our highs, slowing his movements after a few minutes. Eddie rolls once again, falling next to me. 
My eyes flutter open, finding his bright brown eyes staring at me. That doppy grin never leaving his lips. I bury my face, hiding my flushed features. He lets out a laugh. One of his fingers brushes a strand of hair away from my cheek. His fingers grip my chin, pulling me out from the pillow to look at him. Eddie nuzzles his face against mine. Foreheads meeting, noses rubbing back and forth. Lips parted, panting. Ghostly kisses are exchanged. Each one leaves me more and more breathless. 
“Good morning, beautiful.” He murmurs. Eddie’s lips locking with mine in a full kiss. 
“Good morning, love.” I whisper into his mouth. 
We hold each other, kissing, panting. Bliss. I never thought I’d feel it in this place again. 
Eddie blinks widening his smile, if that’s even possible. 
“Think we woke them up?” Eddie laughs, knowing full well they did. 
“Fuck you Munson!” Steve yells, opening my daddy’s bedroom door and slamming the bathroom one. 
“Alright, just join us when you’re ready big boy!” Eddie yells back. I swat his chest, howling at Steve’s grumbles of protest. 
“Behave baby.” I coo, kissing his harshly. 
“Maybe I rather have you all to myself.” I tease, biting his lip as I pull away. 
Eddie rolls on top of me, caging me against his strong frame. 
“I promise baby, this dick is only for you. Unless you say otherwise.” He winks, hovering over my lips. 
I reach up, pulling his closer to kiss his lips. 
“Good!” I breath. 
“So we aren’t an orgy cult?” Robin’s voice echos down the hall. 
“Robin, do not encourage this!” Steve grips. 
Eddie and I can only laugh, placing kisses in between bating breaths. 
Fully dressed and flushed faces, I brew some coffee and pry open a box of pop tarts Steve and Robin bought. 
I pull out four mugs, pouring a cup for each of us. It’s going to be a long day. I slide the first cup to Robin. She gives a wink. Steve can’t look at me and Eddie wraps an arm around my waist, grasping his own mug. He places a kiss on my cheek before taking the first sip. 
“So what’s the plan?” Steve asks, trying to divert the awkward tension. 
I clear my throat, taking a long sip. 
“I remember my dad had a safe around here somewhere. It has important documents in it. I need to grab those and I’ll probably pack up some of the records and photos.” I answer, peering around the trailer. 
They all nod. I take another sip.
“Thanks. I appreciate y’all coming up to help me.” I look into my coffee, swirling the black liquid around. 
Robin places her hand on mine. I peer up at her. 
Eddie kisses my temple, rubbing gentle circles into my hip. Steve gives a small cheers with his mug. 
“Just lead the way boss.” Steve awkwardly says, placing his mug in the sink.
We finish eating and drinking. We make our way to the living room, dividing up jobs. Steve and Robin would sort through the living room looking for albums and stray photos. Eddie was in charge of records and tapes. I begin searching for the safe. 
Nearly 30 minutes later I hear the sound of tires slowly inching up the gravel road. I peer out the window. I recognize the car. I walk out of daddy’s room and head for the door. Eddie, Steve and Robin halt their projects and follow. 
A tall black man emerges from the dark blue trooper car. His bright blue eyes crinkle as his smile grows. He removes his hat, exposing his buzzed hair. He fiddles with the brim as he approaches. 
I step down, inching towards the man. The other three pile against the stairs, waiting. 
“Heard you were back in town. Had to see if it was true.” His voice booms.
I smile, laughing through my nose. 
“Is that all they had to say at service today?” I jest.
He shakes his head, “Pastor picked James 4:7 in honor of your return.” He laughs, only about a few feet away now.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. How fitting. Another breathy laugh escapes.
“How kind of him. Sorry I missed that.” I peer behind me, watching the others. “According to some, I’d burn if I stepped back in the church again.” I turn back to the man standing in front of me. My smile wider than ever.
“Is that what happens when you join a cult?” He leans in on the joke. We burst into laughter together. 
We fall into each others embrace. His strong arms tighten around my small frame. I grasp him as best I can. He’s broad, I can barely wrap my arms around him. His lips find my temple, kissing the hair line. 
“Hi, angle.” He mumbles against my head. 
I pull back, peering up at him. “Hi Henry.” I smile back. 
Henry worked with daddy. They were partners for 15 years. Henry is like an uncle. If I ever needed anything I could go to him. I should have talked with him more after daddy died. Henry was the one who helped me when we went through the trial. When I was recovering in the hospital. He was the only person I said goodbye to. He’s the only one I really don’t mind seeing. I’ve missed him. 
“You look great.” Henry says as we break apart.
I stumble back and into Eddie’s chest. His hands find my waist. Henry studies him. His eyes fall behind Eddie’s, catching Robin and Steve moving closer. 
My hand lulls back, nuzzling into Eddie’s chest. My hands lace through Eddie’s fingers. 
“This is Henry. My daddy’s partner. Henry, these are my friends; Robin and Steve.” I gesture back to them. 
Henry gives a polite wave and friendly smile. 
“And this is my boyfriend Eddie.” One of my hands finds the ring around my neck. My fingers dip in and out of the hole. 
Henry stands tall, towering over Eddie. I look at Eddie’s face. A simple smile paints his lips. A pinky blush over takes his porcelain skin. Eddie gives a curt nod. His lush curls sway with the movement. 
“Better be takin’ care of my girl.” Henry warns with a friendly tone. A side smile grows across his face.  
“Oh he is.” Robin practically yells. 
I break my neck looking back at her. Eddie’s body stiffens, clearing his throat. Henry lets out a hearty laugh, shaking his head. 
“I’ll play dumb and just say leave it at that.” His eyes fall from Eddie’s to mine. I give a bashful smile.
“Think we could take a walk real quick?” Henry says, clearing his throat. 
I nod, tiptoeing up to Eddie’s cheek, kissing the corner of his lips. Steve and Robin file back inside, Eddie stays out to smoke and watch. Henry takes me down towards the lake. We stand on the edge of the dock, watching the water ripple. It’s silent for a few minutes.
“Your parents would be proud.” He starts. “They also would have a heart attack after seeing your boyfriend.” He laughs. I nudge him. 
“He’s a good guy. Promise.” I blush, hiding my ever growing smile. 
He hums happily. “Any man that can make you look like that is alright with me.” He wraps an arm around my shoulder. 
“But, if he ever breaks your heart, you know where to find me.” He gives me a side eye and a large smirk. 
“Your my first call. You know the best place to hide a body.” I jests. 
He doubles over, nodding. 
“How long you staying?” He asks, calming his fit. 
“We’re probably leaving tonight.” My smile falls a little.  
He nods, biting his cheek. 
“Well, next time you’re in dinner is on me. I miss seeing that pretty smile of yours.” His eyes crinkle again, studying me. 
“You are a little Lottie.” He whispers, brushing a strand of hair away.
“Except the eyes.” I laugh. He joins.
“Those are your daddy’s.” He informs with a short chuckle. 
We embrace. He soothes my hair, rubbing light circles on my back. Just like daddy use to do. 
“You let me know if you need anything. I’ll make sure the trailer is right and ready for whatever you choose to do.” He smiles, pulling away and helping me back up the hill. 
I see Eddie sitting on the steps as we make our way back to his car. 
“I will Henry.” I wrap my arms around him once more. “I’ve missed you too.” I whisper against his coat. 
One final kiss to my temple and Henry is driving off with a wave. I smile, until he’s out of sight. My eyes fall on Eddie. 
“You okay?” He cups my cheek, forcing me to look at him. 
My eyes flutter, leaning into his touch. I nod. 
“He’s the only person I’ve really missed.” I whisper. The words just fall out. 
Eddie pulls me closer, kissing the corner of my lip. I hum happily, leaning into his touch. Our lips meet again, deeper, heated. 
“Let’s finish, yeah?” My words are breathless. 
He nods, smacking my ass and we fall back inside. 
Five hours later we’re loading up the van. Two boxes of photos. Four boxes of movies and music. Eddie insist he listen to and watch everything. I’m surprised by some of his picks, considering he’s more of a metal head. Sinatra, Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Elvis, even Bob Dylan. Each holds a memory, a story. I smile tossing the small metal box into the front seat beneath my feet. Eddie shuts all the doors and piles into the driver seat. He shakes a tape that I’ve not seen before. The first song is ‘Fly me to the Moon’ by Frank Sinatra. 
“Great, now it’s real old school.” Steve groans. 
“You rather me put on the heaviest metal I have?” Eddie jabs, grasping my hand. 
Steve throws his hands up in defense, “Just a comment, no complaints.” Robin and I giggle. 
“What tape is this?” I asks. 
He tosses me the case. It’s daddy’s hand writing. Lottie’s favorites. I smile at it. Eddie’s fingers soothe over my knuckles. 
The drive is a mix of all the classics from the 50’s and 60’s. I even caught my metal head bopping along to some of the tunes. I giggle silently. 
It’s about 8 p.m. when we arrive to my house after dropping off Steve and Robin. Eddie parks his van, killing the engine. The house looks dark, abandoned. My gaze falls onto his. I kiss him deeply. My fingers splay across his cheeks. 
“Thank you, Eddie bear.” I coo. 
He blushes deeper, “I’d go to Mordor for you princess.” He stutters. 
“I love you, Eddie.” Our lips ghost over each others. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” He closes the gap. 
“It looks like no one’s home.” I whisper against his parted lips. 
His voice grows dark, chuckling. His lips curl into a smirk. 
“Inviting me in baby?” His teeth scrape against my bottom lip, tugging gently. 
I moan, humming a yes into his mouth. Eddie pulls me from my seat. I fall into his lap. His cock bulging through his dark denim already. I rub my clothed cunt against it. The rough texture hits my clit, giving enough friction to get me off. I moan, lulling my head. Eddie takes his chance, attaching his lips to my neck. 
“Fuck, Eddie!” I choke. 
“We haven’t even started babe.” He chuckles, ripping his door open and racing towards the dark house. 
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babyjakes · 2 years
what a pretty boy deserves.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinktober 2021
prompt | pegging
summary | bucky needs you, badly, so you give him exactly what such a pretty boy deserves.
pairing | sub!bucky barnes x dom!reader
warnings | dom and sub dynamic, kinda whiny!sub!bucky vibes, bucky calls reader “ma'am”, reader is so sweet and soft (but also cruel >:-)! ), loads of petnames, spitting, anal fingering, use of the word “prick” in reference to bucky’s cock, use of a strap-on, hand job, praise, mild mocking, bucky cries when he cums <333
word count | 649
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an | omg okay so- this is definitely not what i was planning on writing for part nine but !!! holy shit i am actually kind of pumped about this one lol. please keep in mind i have never written anything like this before, there is not a dominant bone in my body so trying to imagine pegging anyone (especially bucky ffs) was truly a challenge- nevertheless i hope you all enjoy!!!
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“C'mon sweetheart, gotta ease up a bit. That’s it,” you coax lowly, dragging your fingertips delicately across the writhing boy’s inner thighs just enough to tease as he struggles before you. Panting in heated anticipation and need, Bucky squirms on his back against the mattress he’s resting on, the precious little noises escaping his lips causing the corners of your mouth to curl up into a satisfied grin.
“Please m-ma'am, I-I need-”
“Shhh,” you murmur, cutting off the poor thing’s pathetic pleas as you inch your way towards his quivering hole with a steady hand. “I know just what you need, pretty boy; you just relax,” you soothe, startling him by spitting down harshly against his knotted rosebud; like the expert you are, you don’t even come close to missing. You never do.
“Please, want your fingers, m-ma'am,” Bucky whimpers, his voice cracking in desperation.
“I know you do, sweet boy. Need ‘em so bad, don’t you, baby?” you croon, generously spreading the slick between your fingers against the throbbing opening before gently beginning to ease your first digit inside. A low groan sounds from Bucky’s throat as you work your way to your first knuckle, then your second, the spit you provided barely helping as you struggle to stretch him open. “So tight for me, sweetheart. You sure you can take what I wanna give you?”
“Y-yes,” he almost cries in response, whining needily as you add another finger, “want it all, p-please! Promise, I-I’ll take it good.”
“Of course you will. My perfect baby,” you smile proudly as you begin to work up a steady rhythm of pumping into the panting boy’s ass, the strangled sounds of his breathing signaling he’s already approaching his peak. “Uh uh uh,” you shake your head cruelly, pulling out your fingers before he’s sent toppling over the edge, “not time for you to cum yet, sweet boy. Still wanna see your pretty little prick leaking for me while I fuck you stupid, hmm?”
“Y-yes ma'am,” Bucky breathes, struggling to keep his eyes open as you position the tip of your strap against his quivering hole, reaching a light hand up to begin grasping at his spasming length. “That’s it, fuck,” you growl as you begin filling him up with the thick black silicone toy, savoring the way his eyes roll into the back of his head in pure and utter bliss. “Takin’ me so well, sweetheart. You like that, huh? You like it when I stretch you out on my big fat cock?”
“Y-yes ma'am, love it so m-much!” Bucky heaves as you slam the remainder of the object inside of him, mangled cries erupting from his chest when you begin pounding into him relentlessly, milking at his messy dick with an iron grip. “Please, p-please!” he howls, back arching up and toes curling in ecstasy; you can hear his orgasm approaching clearly through his voice, a sound you’ve come to adore more than anything else in the world.
“That’s it- come on, baby, cum for me. There you go,” you sing as Bucky thanks you through sobs, his entire body convulsing as his seed shoots out against his trembling tummy. “So good for me, baby. My sweet Bucky bear, look at you. So pretty for me when you cum.” Twitching against your hand, he lets out a few more pathetic spurts before falling limp, his entire body slumping against the bed as you come to a stop inside of him, still murmuring praises as you shift to begin clean-up.
“Shhh, sweetheart. I got you; close your eyes, baby boy,” you hum as you ease out of him, stroking his cheek gently with one hand while grabbing a box of tissues from the nightstand with the other. “Did so good for me, honey. My sweet boy,” you whisper, planting a kiss to his temple as his breaths finally begin to slow.
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batwritings · 3 years
dogboy Sapnap??? Dogboy Sapnap??? Being all whiny and cute??? Begging to get off on his s/o because he's in heat???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>w> I see what you did there friend. Dogboys are also a favorite of mine. Enjoy~!
Warning! There will be mentions of the reader becoming pregnant here, regardless of using gender neutral pronouns! Please be careful when reading!
There was a lot of adjusting you had to do once your relationship with Sapnap started. Learning to understand his more canine behavior was the biggest, but nothing could prepare you for his upcoming rut. The two of you discussed whether or not you would be there for his cycle and it was very quickly determined that he would want you there and you, likewise wanted to be there for him.
You weren’t prepared to walk into his and your shared room and get overwhelmed by the smell of bonfire smoke and his cologne hanging in the air. You weren’t expected to see him frantically milking his cock, knot halfway swollen at the base. You were doing your best not to jump him when he finally makes eye contact with you and whines, high and loud.
“Please,” he breathes, sitting up on his knees, hips rutting against the air. “Need you. Need to breed you baby.”
You needed no further convincing as you quickly stripped yourself. You hissed a bit when your sex hit the cool air of your bedroom, but Sapnap was quick to distract you. He pulled you up on the bed, clambering on top of you and kissing at your neck. He was taking in your scent, hips rutting against your inner thigh to try to get inside you.
You chuckled a little, sliding your hand down between your bodies to take his cock in your hand. He whined for a moment before he felt your hole fluttering against his tip. The two of you moaned out simultaneously when he entered you, setting a brutally fast pace.
“So good baby, so good,” he moaned against your ear. He nipped and sucked at the area below your lobe. “Gonna look so good full of my pups.”
Your eyes rolled back as his knot began to nudge against your hole, fully inflated. “Sap!” you cried, unsure if you were trying to pull away or get closer when your hips moved. “‘s not gonna fit!”
Your boyfriend was too lost in his own pleasure to hear you clearly, hips pistoning back and forth. You felt an odd ‘POP’ as his knot slid within you, earning a loud gasp and Sapnap howling out his pleasure. His hips stuttered and he was cumming inside you. The feeling of being so full of your hybrid lover was overwhelming, pulling you to your own climax.
Harsh breathing filled the air as you each came down from your respective highs. “God you’re so good,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Such a good mate for me.”
You smiled, petting his hair between his ears, giggling when you heard his tail thump against the bed. “Good boy Sappy,” you coo at him.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Castle Under The Stars
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Summary: You always worry when its a full moon and your husband is away on assignment, but this full moon is different as he comes home to be with you. Will it be for good? And just how much fun can two werewolves get up to during the full moon when they have a child to look after?
A continuation of Moonlight On The Sand
Pairing: Werewolf Captain Syverson x Werewolf Female Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral Sex, Outdoor Sex, Werewolves, Breeding, Breeding Kink.
Typos are free range and organic, allowed to run wild and free. I do not operate a tag list but if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll get an alert each time i post something new. Past works can also be found there.
Castle Under The Stars
You stepped out onto the back porch and propped the door open with a boot, the warm summer's breeze blowing softly at the net curtains on the kitchen windows, bringing in the scent of the roses in from the garden. Wiping your hands on your apron before hanging it on the little hook by the door, you grabbed your garden shears and flower basket, and headed out with bare feet onto the cool grass. The windows of your cabin all stood open, allowing the warm breeze to flow through the house, but also so you could hear if your little one cried from his nursery.
Quietly you stood and let the breeze push your light skirt against your legs as you carefully selected roses from the overloaded bushes. Small clouds skidded across the night sky, and for a moment you turned your face to feel the soft moonlight on your skin. The reflection of the sun's rays on its surface from orbit made your skin prickle, as if someone was pouring champagne over your limbs, but that was as far as your transformation would go, with the exception of the ring of fire in your irises.
You had been Sixteen when you had been turned. On a geology camping field trip, nature had literally callen and as you’d been in the bushes relieving yourself that’s when the lupine had got you. It took a few months to realise what had happened, and it was only when your monthly period bleed coincided with a full moon did you turn. With irregular cycles through your teens and early twenties, you probably only turned twice, maybe three times a year, but eventually you got used to it.
It had however been a bit of a shock to your new husband, Sy, when you had turned for the first time. He’d knocked you up on the first day he met you, so it took a good 11 months before your cycle had come back, two months after the birth of your precious baby boy. That first night had been a challenge; dealing with a newborn whilst both parents were howling at the moon, however you were thankful that Edith who lived in the cabin down the lane knew of these things, and upon hearing the howling had rushed over in her nightgown. 
Since then Edith had been like a surrogate mother and grandmother, as it turned out her late husband had the lupine tendencies too. Your deployment had ended whilst you were on maternity leave and you’d chosen to leave the Army entirely rather than take a desk job. Sy was special ops and in the middle of another deployment, but you had no idea when that would finish because of the nature of his assignment. Looking up at the moon you wondered where he was, hoping he was coping with the full moon and his monthly transformation. You weren’t ashamed to admit you actually really enjoyed when he was at home for a full moon; he was even more attentive and the sex was mind blowing. Standard sex with Sy left you bow legged and exhausted, but with the added power of the moon… well, it was out of this world and you’d had orgasms so strong you’d actually passed out a couple of times. 
The sounds of the occasional truck on the highway a couple of hundred feet away sporadically filled the night, and you thought about that time Sy had driven out to the lake with you and you’d spent the night fucking under the moonlight in the flatbed which he’d covered with blankets and throw pillows. You’d been seven months pregnant but good god it was some of the best sex you’d ever had. 
As you shifted to reach a particularly large rose you could feel your panties stick to you, just the thought of Sy was making you wet and ready. You wished you knew when he would be home, taking matters into your own hands wasn’t nearly as satisfying as the real thing from the man you loved.
Just then you heard a pair of owls hooting in the distance, a truck on the highway honking its horn, so you didn’t notice the sound of tyres on the long grassy driveway that ran up the hill to the cabin. Humming to yourself you were running your fingertips over the soft petals of a trailing white rose when the first hint of his scent reached you on the wind. It made you stop and doubt yourself, before it hit again and you felt the heat in the pit of your stomach bloom. Dropping the basket and shears on the grass you ran to the front of the cabin, the breeze catching at your skirts before you finally saw him, standing at the open gate to the garden, his large duffel hanging from his shoulder, the fire in his eyes as he finally saw you.
He let the bag drop to the floor as you ran into his arms, launching yourself at him, your legs were wrapped around his thick waist as you kissed him. His deep laugh as you peppered his face with soft kisses, the tears of happiness rolling down your cheeks;
“I’m here Darlin’” he practically growled, and that’s when you remembered the moon.
Pulling back you looked him in the eyes, the golden ring of fire matching your own, and as he took long strides across the grass you felt the coupling connection again, just like that first night in the desert. 
He set you down on the lawn, laying you softly on the grass as he pressed open mouthed kisses down your neck. Grasping the front of your dress he let out a growl as he ripped the garment clean in two, humming his appreciation at your swollen breasts where you were still breastfeeding and soft belly, before your soaked panties met the same fate as your dress. His lips continued their path down your body, until he reached the apex of your thighs and inhaled deeply, his eyes shining bright in the moonlight before he dived in and licked a wide stripe through your soaked folds. There under the soft caress of the moon’s rays your lupine husband pulled the first of many orgasms from your body that night, surrounded by the wild calls of nature and the overwhelming scent of the roses. 
Sitting at the kitchen table, the morning sunlight streamed in through the windows as you flipped the pancakes on the skillet, smiling as you watched your two boys have breakfast. Michael sat in his high chair, babbling away as Sy seemingly understood every word of gibberish that came from his son’s lips. 
Sliding the pancakes onto a plate, you set it down on the table before you felt a strong arm around your waist and Sy pulled you across his lap, his massive hands smoothing over your bare thighs where all you wore were panties and his t-shirt;
“Steady there Darlin, making me want more than just pancakes for breakfast if you’re walkin’ around in just this”
Just then there was a knock at the screen door, all three of you turning to see Edith smiling and waving from the other side;
“Edith! Come in girl, been looking forward to seeing ya!” Sy called out, a huge grin on his face that got even bigger when he spied the basket she was carrying covered in a red and white checkered napkin.
You reluctantly climbed off your husband's lap, excusing yourself to quickly grab your robe as Sy and Edith talked;
“Big Sy, i knew it was your truck that rumbled past my cabin last night”
“Was indeed, home with my girl and my little man” he paused as Edith set the basket onto the table; “Those aren’t….?”
“They sure are” she pulled the napkin up and underneath were her famous peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.
Sy quickly pulled one from the basket and snapped it in two, handing half to Michael who happily chewed on the freshly baked treat.
“Hmmmnnnn, Edith, i could get used to these”
“You staying this time Sy?”
“I sure am Edith”
“Does she know?”
“Nope, wanna surprise her later”
“Moon’ll be up again tonight, you want me to watch Mikey?”
Just then you walked into the room, catching the last of the conversation;
“Are you sure?”
Edith stood and smiled, rubbing a finger over Michael’s chubby little cheek;
“Absolutely, why don’t I drop by after he’s had his supper?”
Setting Edith up with everything she would need for an evening of watching Jeopardy as your son slept peacefully in his crib, you grabbed the picnic basket and blanket and gave Michael a kiss, before stepping out into the night air. Sy had already taken off, with the moon rising before sundown he got antsy, but he would meet you at the lake. He’d set everything up ready, and just told you to drive his truck down, he’d set off on foot earlier, wanting to burn some energy in the calmness of nature.
The truck's tyres crunched on the gravel as you parked up, the lake a still mirror for the pink purple skyline as the sun set behind the mountains in the distance. But none of those were what you were looking at, no, what drew your attention was your husband quietly sitting on a rock at the shoreline, his boots resting beside him as he let his feet cool in the waters. With your sandals left in the truck you walked across the soft sand before reaching the shoreline, sitting beside him as he wrapped his big arm around your shoulders.
“Sy, what are you thinking about?”
He looked at you, his smile warm as his eyes shone amber in the low light;
“Lots of things Darlin… how lucky i am to have you in my life, how i don’t think i could have coped with what happened if it hadn’t been for you”
“Oh Sy…” your eyes watered; “I love you so much”
“I love you too Darlin. You and Mikey are my world…” he paused, poignantly; “There’s something else i wanna tell ya Darlin…”
For a moment you heart sank, dreading what he was going to say;
“Ya know how Walt’s construction business is expanding and he needs a new site manager?”
“What?” whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t that
“Well, i got a surprise…” he pulled you onto his lap, his hands resting on your ass; “I’m done with the Army”
“No! You’d better not be fibbing…” your eyes were full to the brim, nervous tears threatening to spill
“Not fibbing… i’m done. Wanted to keep it a surprise until i knew for sure that the assignment was completed”
Crying happy tears you wrapped your arms around your husbands shoulders, burying your face in his neck as you sobbed joyfully that he wasn’t going away again. 
When you had finally settled down and Sy had reassured you for the 10th time that it was definitely true, he was definitely staying home for good, the pair of you stood and started to walk along the shore of the lake barefoot, the warm sand beneath your feet as you clasped your hand around his.
The gentle sound of the water coupled with the feel of your skin touching his calmed Sy, even though the moon was out high above the pair of you, he didn’t feel the need to turn, the sense of utter contentment a balm on his soul. As you had rounded the lake he stumbled on a pebble, and in turn a giggle escaped your lips. Steadying himself he smirked and kicked at the water, splashing you a little as you let out a shriek at the cool water hitting your warm skin. Retaliating you splashed him a little more than you were expecting, soaking one side of his cargo shorts and he paused and looked at you with a feral smile spreading across his lips;
“Oh, now you’re in for it Darlin…”
Your legs carried you as you ran through the surf, knowing Sy would eventually catch you, yet the thrill was in the chase. You could hear his heavy footfalls gaining on you, but you had the advantage of being light on your feet and made a sharp turn into the woodland, the soft grass beneath your feet dry and coarse. You realised he wasn’t behind you and you slowed, turning to try and figure out where he went, when suddenly he emerged from the bushes, his eyes glowing amber in the darkness and he tackled you to the ground, yet somehow managed to turn your bodies so you were on top of him;
He pulled you down so he could kiss you, turning your bodies until he was on top, shifting his knees so he could nestle between your thighs. Your skirt had rucked up in the tussle, and the harsh brush of his shorts against the soft skin of your thighs had your hips bucking up against him, eager for friction as your arousal grew. With the quick fumbling of eager hands you were both soon naked, Sy kneeling between your spread thighs to take in the sight of you, your nipples hard and your arousal a sheen between your legs. Grabbing your hips he pulled you up his thighs, your back arched and your shoulders still on the ground as he thrust into you, spearing your flesh with his own and you both let out a howl of pleasure. 
Sy couldn’t tear his gaze away from where your bodies were joined, watching each time he pulled out and saw your juices glistening on his shaft, or how your cunt stretched open as he pushed this fat dick back into you, parting your walls and you cried out in pleasure. He fucked you like the feral beast he was, claiming his mate and catching the tell tale scent that drove him wild;
“Fuck, you’re ripe… gonna breed you and give you another pup. Thought i caught the scent last night but now i know for sure… can’t wait to see your belly round and your tits even fuller…”
He drove into your fertile body, feeling you cum around him yet he pounded through your orgasm knowing your cervix would be wide open now that you had cum and ready to take his seed. You were whimpering in his grasp, desperate for more but overwhelmed at the same time; 
“Sy… please… please put a baby in me…”
“Almost… there… Darlin’...” he grunted through thrusts, before his body went rigid and he threw his head back, filling your womb with pump after pump of his thick seed, a broad smile on his face as he even held you in place knowing that gravity would help get every last drop of cum through your cervix and flood your fertile ground. 
When he had finally finished coming he carefully settled the two of you onto the soft grass, holding you tight as your bodies were still joined, knowing that he would stay hard for another two or three goes. By the time he would be finished your bodies would be battered and bruised from the intensity of your lovemaking, yet the power of the moon would ensure by morning you would be healed, no outwardly visible signs that the feral carnality of the nights pleasures left behind, even if it meant you’d be sitting down tenderly on a cushion for the following 48 hours. 
It was well into the early hours when the pair of you finally limped back to Sy’s truck, resting your head on his shoulder as he carefully drove home, the moon having set early thanks to its cycle. 
When you arrived back at the cabin Edith was having a cigarette on the porch, the baby monitor resting on the rail next to her;
“Got it outta your systems?” she grinned as she took one last drag before crushing it in a plant pot of sand that sat at the doorway. 
“For tonight” Sy smirked as he carried you bridal style up the steps of the porch; “Can we book ya for tomorrow night too?”
“Sure thing Big Sy, but you’ll owe me”
“I’ll come fix the drainpipe around your porch once the full moon has passed”
“Deal… you’re a good-un” the old woman smiled as she grabbed her keys and slid the baby monitor into your lap as you quietly snoozed in your husbands arms; “It’ll be a girl this time”
Sy’s eyes went wide;
“How do you…?”
“I just know Sweetheart… my husband wasn’t the only one that’d turn ya’know…”
Sy held you as he watched the old woman make her way down the grassy lane to her cabin;
“She’s full o’ surprises is that one…” he looked down at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek, before catching the screen door with his booted foot; “Lets get you to bed for some rest… gotta recharge for tomorrow night… maybe make it twins…”
You shifted in his grasp;
“That’s not how it works” you mumbled sleepily, a smile on your face, but the truth was neither of you knew how it worked when you were lupine… really, anything could happen.
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omg-imatotalmess · 4 years
Your Turn
Hey guys! So, y'all can thank Skirt anon for this absolutely wonderful idea. They really outdid themselves offering me an idea like this because I literally couldn't stop thinking about it. Like, I really just went head too full. Hope y'all enjoy!
Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader
Based on this ask: Ok I had a ✨thot✨for sub Harry- basically having him riding ur strap and it's a larger one than he's used to and even with prep he's squirming around.
"It's too big!" (He's fine it's just for the scene) and you just kiss away his tears and bring him down harder and thrust up a little and as it presses into his prostate, he lets out a cry as he has the most powerful orgasm of his life without you even touching his dick
-skirt anon
Warnings: Smut, sub!harry, dom!reader, pegging, dirty talk, oral sex (female receiving), slight praise kink, swearing
Art came in many forms: songs played for generations, paintings in museums, sculptures that endured lifetimes, but none that rivaled Harry. More specifically, Harry as he was just then. Eyes clenched shut, and tear tracks down his flushed face as he slid inch after inch of your strap into him. You'd never seen any piece of art more worthy of praise or more breathtaking than him. And completely yours. Only for you to see. A smile graced your lips at the thought, and you trailed your eyes over his trembling body again. You'd never seen anything more exquisite in your life.
"Beautiful," you murmured.
"(Y/N)," he whined, hands tightening on your shoulders. Gently, you ran your hands up his thighs, feeling the muscles jump under your attentions and the strain of holding himself up. You bucked your hips, sliding a little more of your cock into him. A strangled moan filled the air around you.
"What's the matter?" you asked as if you didn't already know.
"It's too big!" he sobbed.
"But you're nice and full, aren't you? All stuffed full of my cock. That's what you wanted, sweet boy," you said. More tears dripped down his cheeks as you thrust in again.
"Yes!" he cried breathily. Leaning forward, you began peppering kisses all over his face and neck. You couldn't tell if the slightly salty taste was from sweat or tears, but it made you shiver anyway. The effect you had on him always made you a little breathless. It took so little to have him shaking and crying on your strap. And you were the only one that got to see this stunning creature this way. Trailing your fingers back up his thighs, you latched onto his hips. Perhaps with a little more force than necessary, hoping to see the bruises tomorrow.
"Show me how much you love it then. Fuck that pretty ass on my cock," you purred.
"I can't, I can't. (Y/N)!" he moaned, voice pitching up and cracking on your name.
"Then let me help you, baby," you said. And in one fluid movement, you dragged him down on you and slammed your hips up. The resounding howl rattled the windows, making you glad you'd remembered the silencing charm.
You set your hips at a punishing pace, driving your strap into him without allowing him time to gather his thoughts. All he managed to get out were strangled sobs and mewling sounds that might have been some version of your name. At some point, he'd wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you as close as he could get you. Tears and sweat mixed as they dripped onto the skin of your collar bone and little punched-out breaths fanned across your cheeks. You couldn't stop.
"Too much! More, please, more!" he begged, slamming his hips down in a sloppy rhythm.
"That's my good boy," you panted.
"I can't! Too much! I need more!" You weren't sure if he was even aware that he was speaking at this point, but you didn't care. It didn't matter. Your golden boy needed more, and you were damn well going to give him as much as he could handle.
"Are you gonna cum for me, Harry?" you asked, digging your hands into the soft flesh of his ass.
"Yes! Please, please, so much!" he babbled. His cock twitched violently where it was trapped between your stomachs. A wicked smile cut across your lips as you pressed him back so that delicious friction came away from his overly slick cock.
"I want you to cum from my cock and my cock alone. Can you do that for me?" you asked. The answer you got was a simple incoherent cry. His bouncing became more frantic. You were just enjoying being about to watch his angry red cock bob in front of you.
"So hard for me. What a good boy," you cooed.
"Harder! Use me!" Harry's desperate plea shook you down to your core. Electricity shot up and down your spine as you slammed up into him again. Judging by the howl, you'd hit his prostate dead on. Then something savage awoke in you.
Shoving him onto his back, you hiked his legs over your shoulders and thrust into him with a surprising amount of force. All you could focus on was fucking him through the mattress. Being too much. Being the only thing he could think about, then forcing him not to think at all. And you were. His back arched as he sobbed out long whining moans so forceful you wondered if he was past words. Vaguely, you could feel his hands curl into your hair. The slight pull drove you harder into him. You could barely hear the slapping skin over the cacophony of moans. Hips bucking up erratically, head thrown back with the tendons of his neck bulging, Harry let out the most beautiful sound you'd ever heard.
"(Y/NNNN)!" he howled, drawing out your name into a near scream as he came.
The sight of him with his eyes rolled back in his head as he painted his chest and your stomach with his cum was nearly enough to send you over the edge. It almost did. Slowly, you rocked your hips into him, letting him ride it out until he finally went limp. You stilled for a moment, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"You alright, love?" you asked, sliding your strap from him.
"Brilliant," he slurred, peering up at you with his eyes just barely open.
"Good," you said, "Did you like that? Was it okay?"
"Brilliant. Absolutely bloody brilliant," he said. Harry gave you a lazy smile that made your heart squeeze. The amount of affection you had for him was a little overwhelming. "Your turn."
"Wha-" Before you could fully answer, he rolled over until he laid over you.
"Let me finish you off, yeah?" he asked.
"Please do," you said.
"Can I- can I use my mouth?" For a moment, he looked almost a little shy, which was a bit laughable considering you'd just fucked him within an inch of his life.
"Fuck yeah," you breathed, letting your head drop back into the pillows.
You felt him hook your legs comfortably over his shoulders, and a hot breath caressed your slick skin. A shiver coursed through you. You hadn't realized how worked up you were until just then. Then your thoughts cut out entirely. Harry dragged his tongue over you, lapping gently at your lips, looking up at you to carefully watch your expression. You swore this gorgeous boy would be the death of you. He did it again. This time just barely flickering inside. Humming, you threaded your fingers into his hair.
"Good boy. Just like that," you sighed.
Harry was always a gentle lover despite the way he liked you to treat him in bed. He saw to your needs with the utmost care, with soft sweeps of his tongue, never rushing anything, building you up until you couldn't stand it, and you love him for it. All he ever asked in return was that you told him he was doing it right. And by god, you could do that for him. With every flick of his tongue over your clit and easy swirling over you, you let him know how good he was. You let every little sound he pulled from you slip out unchecked. Every sound seemed to tell him exactly where you needed him most. His hands massaged your legs in the most intoxicating way that had you going boneless under them. Pulling your thighs further apart, he pressed his face more into you.
"You taste so good. God, I love it," he muttered against you, toying with your clit.
"Good. Harry, so fucking good!" you groaned.
"You drive me crazy when you say my name like that, you know?" he said, genuine amazement coloring his voice. You arched your back, keening at the sound. You felt like you might be floating. Or losing your mind.
"Shit, that's it," you hissed.
You'd lost track of what he was doing. Whether it was his hands or his mouth on you didn't make a difference. With everything that had taken place, you were teetering so close to the edge you couldn't think. You didn't care to. Harry worked around your clit again just the way you needed him to, and you felt your hips jump up. So close.
"Please cum in my mouth," Harry pleaded, the words slightly muffled.
And you were falling over the edge. Your voice choked off into a soundless moan as you arched against him. Your thighs shook uncontrollably. The rhythmic rolling of your hips that you'd just noticed turned to jittery, forceful thrusts against his lips, grinding for all you were worth. Harry simply stayed there, licking up every drop of slick you gave until you relaxed. Only when you began pushing his head away did he really stop.
"Harry," you sighed for no other reason than saying his name.
"Was that good?" he asked, green eyes staring up at you through pieces of displaced hair.
"Jesus, yeah. You're always good," you said. Smiling, he crawled back up, covering your body with his own.
"You too. I mean, so are you," he said. Laughing, you pressed a kiss against his messy lips and let yourself relax against the sheets. Both of you were in desperate need of a shower, but you had the feeling that would have to come later. When Harry snuggled under your chin, you decided you didn't really mind.
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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Wolf!Ateez Reaction to when they accidentally hurt their mate
warnings: strong language, fighting, injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of bullying
a/n: ok ok I am really sorry I had to change the request a little bit so it doesn’t become repeating <3
general taglist: @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @yunhobabygurl @multidreams-and-desires
k i m  h o n g  j o o n g
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Usually the alpha was the most caring person with you. Bringing you flowers and spending as much time with you as possible. When the fights between several packs reached his land he knew dangerous times were coming.
Instead of talking to you and taking you to the meetings he decided it would be safer for you to stay in your house guarded when the attacks began.
Little did he know that you were tired of not being included and as the luna of the pack it was time to use your own power to help. Hong Joong was in a full fighting and killing mode when you were circled by five other werewolves who tried to kill you without mercy.
Hong Joong‘s senses were blended when he launched at the intruders and absentmindedly also accidentally bit your leg earning him a painful cry from your wolf.
Immediately he felt like his heart shuttered to pieces not knowing you would be out here in the battlefield. You limp away from your mate and run back to your mansion. Hong Joong changes back into his human and sags to the ground.
He still cannot fully control himself. That’s why he didn’t want you to help. He cries out and lays down on the grass not knowing if he could get under your eyes again.
p a r k  s e o n g  h w a
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Running away from a horde of big - way too big - wolves wasn’t what you planned for your camping trip. It was easy the third time you stumbled over your own feet hearing the low growls behind you. Your blood seems to freeze when you emerge a wide meadow where the only source of light is given by the full moon.
Tears escape your eyes when another whimper leaves you - they circled you. Was this a normal behavior for wolves? What should you do in a situation like this?
You’re only in a light see-through gown because of the hot temperatures these days. It feels like the wolves are strategizing at how they share gazes and let out noises that could be mistaken as chuckling.
Suddenly one of them jumps on you pinning you down to the ground. The animal is flashing it’s dangerous canines at your shaking form. You cannot help yourself to frantically scream and try to push it off you.
It seems to lower itself only more and out of instinct you bare your neck fearing this would be the end for you. The wolf sniffles and licks the spot under your ear. A tear runs down you cheek when you can feel a sharp pain where he draws a little bit of blood.
Suddenly it is pushed off you with force and a much stronger growl leaves a completely black wolf that’s is standing in front of you. You follow the scene in front of you with interested eyes when the other wolves seem to bow down in submission and quickly vanish out of the scene.
Great. The big bad wolf wants you for himself.
It really confuses you when the wolf slowly turns around eying you for a while. You try to get away from it when it nears your form and leans down to lick away the blood that is running down your neck. Again a sound of pain leaves your form to which the wolf backs away in an instant.
A huff can be heard and with conflicted eyes it turns around to escape the scene.
j e o n g  y u n  h o
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„Why are you running away from me?“ No answer.
„Do you like being chased?“ You still don’t answer.
„Okay, (y/n). We know it since three days so why are you not recognizing our bond?“
A tear escapes you which you’re quick to wipe away with the back of your shaking hand. You stop abruptly staring into the depths of the forest. Your gaze turns to the ground when you can sense Yun Ho moving to stand in front of you.
„My little mate. Why aren’t you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?“
„Wrong?“ You look up your hands turning into fists out of anger. Your chest rises with your breaths and you can feel your body heating up.
Yun Ho‘s playful smile soon vanishes and he starts to look concerned. „My love, why are you so sad?“
Of course your souls are already starting to form a connection and he feels your emotions.
„You’re asking if you did something wrong? How about hanging out with all the people that have nothing but bad comments about me left? Laughing at me? Hurting me whenever they can?“
Yun Ho starts to realize what you’re talking about.
„You’ve hurt me, so much already. That is not easy to accept.“
k a n g  y e o  s a n g
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You can feel his eyes burning on your back since half an hour. The beta next to you shamelessly flirts around although he knows your mate is sitting back with his friends.
Yeo Sang was one of the more roguish wolves in your pack always tending to not listen to any orders or picking a fight. Finding out about your bond was actually really shocking to you. You’re probably one of the nicest girls in the pack - according to folks. Always dressed in some pretty dress or blouse and never a too low neckline.
Your connection was still fresh and so far you managed to have the minimum contact with the trouble maker. Just to the point of tonight where the younger people of your pack met up for a campfire and some drinks.
„Wanna take a swim?“ You blush at his words but take his hand anyway letting him guide you through the trees. Standing in front of the lake and seeing that the beta ist already getting rid of his clothes makes you feel bad. He’s smirking at you.
„I don’t know if this is ok...“ Suddenly the beta gets a blow into the face by one of Yeo Sang‘s friends and two of them start to secure the beta in his holds. You’re overwhelmed with the situation immediately and Yeo Sang‘s eyes are dangerously yellow. He gets a painful hold on your wrist screaming at you but you’re not in the position to answer him.
„Y - you’re hurting me.“ Yeo Sang‘s mouth twitches at your words and with a hiss he let’s go of your arm ordering his friends to take you to his home.
The beta spits out blood laughing at the remaining guys and Yeo Sang.
„Great. Now she fears you even more.“ Yeo Sang punches him again knowing he’s right. He lets out a frustrated sigh condemning his short temper.
c h o i  s a n
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It was San‘s highest priority to keep the daughter of their alpha safe. Naturally he was always by your side following you around sometimes to your dismay.
This night you were able to shake the boy off and visit a club with your friends in the town nearby. Mostly humans could be seen here and you finally were able to let loose.
Shaking your body from left to the right you can feel a pair of arms sneaking around your waist to move you to the rhythm with him. Your head falls back landing on the shoulder of your dance partner a permanent smirk on his face.
It all happens to fast when you can feel someone ripping you out of the grip of the stranger. You fall down to the ground hurting your knee in the process. Hissing out you can see your friends immediately rushing to your side while you give the intruder a deadly glare.
San doesn’t stop to give the beautiful man punches when you’re quick to stand up and pry him off the man. San‘s eyes turn into a dangerous color when he eyes you an you know you better get out off here before he looses himself fully.
Outside he has a strong grip on your arm and ushers you into his car. The night flys by while a soft tune is humming. You’re so pissed at him that you decide to better not say anything. Suddenly he speaks up: „You’re letting vampires touch you now? Yeah? The daughter of the alpha is getting it on with vampires!“
„I - I didn’t know he was a - “
„Of course you didn’t! You are so young and literally know nothing!“
After a while of silence you turn to him a sigh escaping you. „I am sorry, San. Thank you for rescuing me...“
His gaze is fixed on the street and he can feel his heart and soul pulling on a bond that is still not touchable for you.
„It is my job to look after you. I failed...“
„No! You didn’t! I promise I won’t ever run away from you again!“ Silence follows but with a last glance San frowns deeply.
„Your knee... this will be a problem when we’re back.“
s o n g  m i n  g i
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„Yes, Min Gi! Just a little bit - closer!“ The wolf under you grunts while balancing you on his shoulders.
Your fingers are close to the fruit that is considered very rare in the realm. Your fingers are close to touching the fruit when suddenly your self made latter shakes and both of you fall down with a low thud.
„Ouch! Min Gi!“ The wolf‘s head hurts and his vision blurrs but hearing your crying he quickly stands up on his paws and howls out.
His tail is wiggling excited while he licks your face and tries to comfort you.
„I - I think my wrist is twisted.“ Tears are running down your cheeks while Min Gi suddenly changes back into his human form a frown on his face.
„Oh my god, I am so sorry!“ He frantically turns from left to right gripping his hair out of frustration. „What should I do what should I do!“
„Min Gi!“ You say through gritted teeth trying to hold in the pain. „Calm down and take me back to the pack!“
Min Gi wears a blank face hurt because he hurt you.
„Min Gi!“
He shakes his head to get a clear mind and sends you a firm nod. „Right. Back to the pack!“
j u n g  w o o  y o u n g
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You and Woo Young often played around in your wolf form chasing each other in the forest. Of course your animal instinct pushed you to little fights from time to time doesn’t matter if it is your mate.
Usually the fights always ended in the two of you changing back into your human body and starting a heated session.
This time unfortunately Woo Young pushed you a little bit to hard against the tree earning him a painful howl out of you. First you can hear him jumping around snickering for winning the battle but when you’re still lying down not moving much he slowly emerges your side tilting his head confused.
„(y/n)?“ He nudges your side with his snout trying to get a response from you but you keep breathing hard letting out little whimpers.
„(y/n)?! Are you hurt?“ Immediately his playful demeanor is gone and he changes back into his human form to search your body for any injuries.
„Oh shit! Change back! Come on!“ He’s totally devastated by now trying to caress you and encourage you with slow motions. You’re a crying mess when you’re back in your naked form.
„Woo Young... my b-back...“ He’s quick to pick you up bridal style and carry you past the trees in a lightning speed.
„Hold on a little bit longer, sweetheart.“ His firm voice and determined gaze really does it‘s wonders and you try to hang on to it until you reach the hospital.
c h o i  j o n g  h o
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Jong Ho could only snicker how you always managed to get out of his way. The campus was big and you really thought the handsome male that just happened to cross your way out of pure coincidence. Of course Jong Ho made sure to follow your every step because he just couldn’t help himself.
Finally finding his mate filled his body with adrenaline and having you not in the eye sight drove him crazy. The only problem that stopped him from immediately getting to you: you’re human. Probably not knowing about the world of magic and their creatures.
It was just the problem that you happened to have a boyfriend and one day it was too late for self control when he had the boy pinned to the wall in one of the cafeterias of the campus.
„Stay away from her!“ Your boyfriend shuddered at the low growl that came from the boy in front of him not knowing the slightest what he did wrong when he just gave a you peck on the cheek.
You screamed and kicked at him not knowing what happened a few seconds ago. When he suddenly turns around leaving you dumbfounded and all the others in the location you decide you wouldn’t let him go this easily.
You follow him and don’t even recognize that he’s going into the woods. He stops in his tracks when you don’t stop talking and you can see him breathing hard. Jong Ho tries to control his feelings but the frustration is taking over and when you try to turn him around by his shoulder he accidentally pushes you.
Your head collides with a stone and blood can be seen leaving the desperate wolf speechless. He runs to your side trying to wake you up but he’s getting no reaction out of your form. With tears pricking his eyes he’s quick to carry you to his pack to help you knowing it is now to late for you to turn back.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Puppy Toy
Last April Fool’s fic and of course this is for the very lovely @iwaasfairy
Pairing: Iwaizumi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Mistress!Reader x Puppy!Iwaizumi, Pet Play, Cock Stepping, Feet Licking, Bondage, Cum Play, Sex Toys 
A/N: Of course I needed to use some elements of pet play and puppy dynamics for our resident puppy girl Fairy~ Too bad it’s probably not in a way Fairy ever wanted it used in the context of Iwaizumi LMAO 
You perk up as the front door of your shared apartment opens, warmly smiling as the muscular figure of your boyfriend rushes towards you, laying his spiky head in your lap and burying his face in your stomach as he wraps his strong arms around you. Giggling, you stroke his head, wondering what all the girls who fawn over him at the gym would think of their sexy trainer acting like a shy little boy. 
“Hi, baby. Long day?”
Iwaizumi pulls away just enough to pout cutely up at you, emphatically nodding his head before nuzzling into your stomach once more, making little pleased sounds as you continue to play with his hair. 
“You’ve helped people all day. Why don’t you let Mistress take care of you now? Sounds good?”
The words are barely out of your mouth before Iwaizumi is tumbling out of your lap, scrambling to remove his clothes and reposition himself until he’s naked and kneeling between your seated legs, hands obediently clasped behind his back, posture straight and eyes submissively cast down towards the ground underneath you. 
Chuckling at how enthusiastic your little pet is, you bring one foot to his already half-erect cock, carefully but firmly stepping on the pathetically leaking thing and smirking at how Iwaizumi’s breath hitches, rapidly growing underneath the sole of your foot until he’s at full length, cock hard and throbbing. You know he’s close, right on the edge of an orgasm, but the night has barely started and you lift your foot off of his shaft, bringing it to a drooling mouth and smiling fondly as he obediently laps you clean of his mess before wiping his saliva off on his chest, purposefully swiping against his pebbled nipples. 
“Go prepare yourself. I expect you fully ready by the time I join you in the bedroom.”
You watch in amusement as Iwaizumi bounds away from you, not bothering to even stand on two legs as he scampers away on all fours and when he’s out of sight, you finally stretch your own legs and waltz over to the chest of toys you’ve accumulated over the years, taking your time to ponder and select an array of items before making your way in the same direction as your lover. 
Iwaizumi’s barely recognizable, the black leather dog shaped bondage hood he wears hiding every aspect of his face other than his beautiful green eyes, but you affectionately coo at the baby blue satin and white lace collar he wears around his neck, the pretty chiming bell reminding you what a helpless pup he really is despite his muscular frame.
“Present for me.” 
There isn’t a bit of hesitation as he turns around, perky ass high in the air, his toned back arched down as he rests his upper body on the ground, the fluffy tail plug in plain sight. You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of how sensitive your little pet is, wildly shaking his hips as you play with the plug inside of him, his cock dripping pre-cum everywhere as it swings with every slap on his rump. It’s pathetic really, how you’ve barely done anything yet this strong man is barking, literally barking and howling, crying and begging Mistress for more, to cum.  
Well if he wants to cum, he’ll cum. 
He realizes the mistake he’s made when you growl at him to kneel in the corner of the room, approaching him with a cruel smile on your face, penis pump in your hand. And you maliciously laugh in his face when he begins to sob, tears and cries visible and audible even through the thick material of his hood as you strap him in, attaching a leash to his cute collar and wrapping strands of pretty ropes all around him, cyan string painting a pretty picture against his olive skin
“Oh don’t be such a cry baby. If I knew you were going to get this loud, I would have shoved my used panties into your mouth beforehand.” 
That only makes him cry louder and you sigh, rolling your eyes in exaggerated annoyance as you start the machine, razor sharp smile splitting your face at how he writhes and futilely fights against his restraints, more sloppy tears and whines escaping him as his cock is relentlessly pumped. 
“Have fun, puppy! Make sure to cum as much as you want, okay? After all, whatever you spill is going to be your meal. So try and make sure we can fill up your dog bowl as much as possible later!” 
And with that you turn on your heels and leave the humiliated man to suffer and cry, making sure to get his pretty bowl ready for this evening’s entertainment~
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
who’s a big boy?
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go wild I shall. Also this is another one of those fics that I have no memory of writing everyone say thank you night kale. 
Oikawa x Fem Dom Reader
warnings: Mommy kink, smut, degradation, mentions of oral sex, hair pulling, hand job, dirty talk so on and so on
word count: 1,000 (about)
summary: Oikawa 👏 with 👏 a 👏 mommy 👏 kink 👏
The plan was for this to only be a quick one-night stand. You were hot and Oikawa wanted to make you cum a few times to boost his own ego. In the beginning, you were all too willing to go along with this little plan, letting him buy you a drink and touch the small of your back while you whispered dirty things in his ears. Oikawa couldn’t wait to lay you flat and hear you scream that he was the best you’d ever had. 
That was the fucking plan. Toru didn’t feel like that was a lot to ask but you decided to flip everything on him. He was just getting in his grove fucking into you, your legs wrapped around his hips. 
“Does that feel good pretty girl?” he asked smugly. You reached up and carded your fingers through his soft brown hair and grabbed a fist full. Making him cry out when you pulled. 
“Oh yeah, You’re making my pussy feel so good baby boy,” you cooed, not sounding the slightest bit flustered. 
Oikawa felt himself falter. His cheeks turned pink and his thrusts slipping off of his rhythm. “Yeah?” he asked breathily all confidence from his voice gone. You seemed to catch on to his change in mood. You smirked at him and tugged on his hair again. 
“Yeah, I’m so proud of how well you’re doing,”  you laughed. Oikawa had to stop himself from cumming right then and there. Even though his plans had changed, He still wanted to feel you cum. Wich, of course, he did. 
Oikawa basically begged you to stay the night and pushed his number on you. He needed to see you again. If just one night with you gave him the best orgasm of his life, what could you do once you learned his body?
You started seeing each other more often after that night. Oikawa wasn’t a bad lay even if he was more on the submissive side, not that you minded at all. 
“I missed you, baby,” you purred against Toru’s lips, you could feel his body relax as you held him, he almost melted against you when you start petting his hair. He had been away for a couple of weeks at a training camp and he had missed you terribly, Having nothing but your teasing text messages to satisfy his needs. It was nice to hear that you had missed him too. 
“Where you were good while you were away baby boy?” you asked, pulling away just far enough away to look at him. Oikawa smiled proudly, 
“The best, I didn’t touch myself once,” He said. 
“Awe that must have been tough for you,” you cooed sympathetically, “why don’t we go to the bedroom and I can give you a treat for being such a good boy hmm?” you asked, then laughed as he visibly perked up.
Oikawa had bragged his entire trip that he had a hot piece of ass waiting for him to get home and now that he had you he didn’t know what he wanted to do first. You were sitting patiently on the edge of the bed waiting for him to make up his mind. You smiled looking at him, he was such a sweet boy, but he could never make up his mind, which is why you usually made the decision for him. 
“You’re thinking too much baby, just tell me what you want, the first thing that comes to your head,” you prompted. He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. You stood and took a step towards him. 
“Unless you want me to do the decision making,” you offered, and deftly he nodded. You smiled and motioned to the bed for him to sit down yo settled between his legs slowly pulling down his sweat pants and boxers to look at his hard length.
“Awe sweet pea look at you,” you gasped teasingly wrapping your hand around his cock and resting your head on his thigh. 
“Is this all for me big boy?”
“Y-yes Mommy,” he stuttered biting his knuckle while you stroked him. 
“I feel so lucky to have this big cock all for me,” you chuckled softly. Toru continued to whine while you touched him, wanting you to put his cock in your mouth but too embarrassed to ask for something like that. 
“Or maybe you’re the lucky one,” you amended “I mean you’re too fucken stupid to know how to properly use this big cock isn’t that right? You’re too fucking dumb to fuck mommy right, you’re so fucking lucky I put up with you,” you snarled, your words no longer sweet and praising. Oikawa only got harder. 
“I’m sorry Mommy,” he whined bucking his hips into your hand.
“Sorry for what? Come on you’re a big boy use your words,” you ordered 
“I’m sorry for not being-fuck- not being s-smart enough to use my cock right,” he cried out. 
“Awe what a sweet apology, you know Baby I might have questioned if you were lying to me when you said you didn’t touch yourself if I didn’t know that you were too fucking stupid to get yourself off,” you laughed squeezing down on his cock sadistically hard. The head of his dick was turning a shade of purple as he neared his climax. 
Oikawa was babbling incoherently about how badly he needed to cum.
“Are you going to cum Toru? Hmm? Going to make a mess all over mommy’s hand?” you asked, he could only nod.
“Go ahead and cum baby, cum and tell me that only mommy can make you cum like this,” you ordered. Oikawa did just that. Hot long ropes of cum shot out from the head of his cock and spilled down over your hand and wrist. He threw his head back and howled your name loudly as he bucked his hips. 
He really had been good while he was gone, not touching himself or letting himself cum for whole weeks all in hope that his first orgasm back would be intense. His efforts had been more than worth the wait. 
“Was that nice baby?” you hummed, back to sweet and caring. 
“Y-yes,” he stammered out still trying to catch his breath. “C-can I touch you?” 
“Of course baby,” you said whipping your hand off with a towel before sitting down next to him, waiting for him to do whatever he wanted. Oikawa’s hands flexed and clenched into a fist. 
“Can You sit on my face Mommy?” he asked, dropping his gaze embarrassed. You smiled, having guessed this what he wanted. 
“Of course big boy, anything you want.”
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frostsinth · 3 years
Burdened by the Stars - Pt. 5
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - MasterList - Art
Holy Shit, it’s an update! A real update! For an existing story! Not a new project, not some random side quest.
Hey! I’m not dead! Whooo!
Welp. I hope you guys enjoy this! I’ve started writing the next chapter already, so hopefully it won’t be another four months for an update. Thank you for your patience! Lots of love.
Requested tags: @lightning-butterfly
“Auntie Gana!” Lorette squealed excitedly, launching herself onto my back and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I found you!”
I jumped nearly a foot, then laughed to dispel my jitteriness. Nearly toppling over entirely as her brother Corwin gave a shout upon the discovery of us both and jumped right on top. Our combined hot breath billowing like a cloud around us.
The afternoon with my nieces and nephews had certainly been refreshing. Though the mountain air of the goblin castle gardens was cold (colder even than the usual winter temperatures at lower altitudes), with all the running around we were doing, I hardly noticed. The six of them had been ecstatic to be pulled from their lessons early for the day, and had nearly bounced off the walls. Much to the disdain of their tutor, who gave me a dark glower as I pried the youngest off their chalkboard. But as I was the goblin Princess, and technically an adult, they had no recompense against my decision to dismiss them for the day to take over supervision of my nieces and nephews.
“It’s your turn to find us, Auntie!” Corwin informed me as Izaak and the twins skipped over. Likely alerted by the sounds of my hiding spot being uncovered.
I nodded my agreement, tossing Lorette over my shoulder as I stood up. She squealed and kicked, laughing so hard she was breathless. Her red braids slapping about her face as she wriggled. I glanced up at the sky, feeling the edge of anxiousness at the pestering thoughts of what Erramun might be doing. It was a thought that had often interrupted my afternoon. Leaving me more than a little distant and distracted, to the point where even my youngest charges were starting to notice. Hopefully he was still asleep, or at least resting quietly. Though with the sun sinking ever lower, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could assure myself of that.
“Alright, one more round.” I told them, placing Lorette back on her feet. “Then I’ve got to get you all back inside to wash up before dinner.” 
I ignored the round of groans at my response. The twins, Yua and Hilal, each grabbed on to one of my legs and began to loudly proclaim I’d have to drag them inside if that’s what I wanted. Hilal even argued that she wasn’t hungry, and that dinner was going to be yucky anyway, so there was no point going in. Apparently Niko was currently on a healthy eating vendetta. Feeling that his family was far too indulgent in sweets and treats not indicative of a well-rounded diet for growing boys and girls. So he had taken a firm mindset and an iron grip on what was being cooked and served for their meals. A decision that I gathered was not sitting well with his offspring. Or his husband, evidently. I looked around four a moment as Lorette ducked under my elbow and tugged on it insistently.
“Where’s Viktor?” I asked Izaak, who was currently having a shoulder shoving match with Corwin, the closest to him in age with only a year between the two.
“Viktor?” Izaak took a step back, letting his brother topple to the ground at his feet as he turned his attention to me. Craning his neck back to look up at me with his soft, umber eyes. “He went to pick flowers I think.”
“Shut up, you ninny!” Cried Yua, jumping up from my leg and shoving her older (and much larger) brother to little effect. “He wanted to surprise Auntie Gana!”
Izaak gave the 6 year old a barely concealed scowl. “Well then he shouldn’t have taken so long.” The little prince squared his shoulders and tucked his hands behind his back. “He should have stayed with the rest of us, now it’s getting dark.”
“It is getting dark,” I agreed, reaching out to ruffle his messy blonde hair, “We should go find him.”
Izaak squealed in displeasure, pushing my hand away. “Auntie! Please don’t touch my hair! It took me forever to get it combed straight!”
Corwin, having scrambled back up, attempted to now launch himself at his sibling. Trying unsuccessfully to rangle Izaak to the ground. They may have been close in age, but Corwin was a full blooded goblin, leaving him smaller and lankier than his half-blooded older brother. Izaak was tall, even for a human child at his age, and while Corwin was by no means a runt, he would likely never quite manage to catch up. Still, he gave Izaak more than a little trouble, hanging off him as he was.
“Be careful not to get Crown Prince Izaak messy!” He mocked as he did, giving a sharp toothed smirk, “Papa is never messy, so Crown Prince Izaak can’t be messy either!”
“Get OFF, Cory!” Izaak howled back, beating a little fist into his brother’s back.
“Alright, that’s enough,” I told them, prying Corwin off and tucking him under one arm despite his wiggling and the fact that one twin was still latched to my leg, “Come on, we’ve got to find Viktor before it gets too dark.”
“He’ll get scared if it gets too dark,” Yua reminded the others busily.
“He can’t see in the dark like us,” Hilal finished, tugging on my skirts and offering me a traditional pointy toothed grin from her place still wrapped around my leg. 
I glanced at her, returning her smile, then at Yua, now standing over her sister to tug at my skirts. The pair weren’t actually twins; Niko and Grier had adopted both of the goblin girls at the same time as chubby infants, and they had fast become inseparable. Now they championed the title of ‘twins’, rarely going anywhere without each other and making it a point to finish each other’s sentences. And thoughts, at times. It helped some that they didn’t look particularly dissimilar, though Yua had copper brown hair while Hilal’s was nearly pitch black. Other than that, they were the same age and height, and tended to prefer the same clothes and hairstyles. I brushed a few wild strands of Hilal’s hair out of her face as I finally put a kicking and wriggling Corwin back on his feet.
“But Auntie Gana,” Whined Lorette, “If we spend all that time looking for Viktor, we can’t play one last round!”
I thought about that for a second, tapping my fingertips dramatically against my lips as goblins did and leaving the children giggling excitedly. I had long ago adopted it as my signal to show them I had something fun planned for them. I could see them all bouncing on their toes eagerly as they waited. Even Izaak, trying so hard to be stoic and proper as he thought a Prince should be, had a glimmer of light dancing in his wide eyes.
“Well then, we’ll just have to make a game of it.” I told them. “First one to find Viktor… Gets dessert after dinner.”
I didn’t have to say it twice to have 4 of the five children screeching with delight and bounding off through the gardens. Certainly they must be deprived of sweets for such an incentive to work. I almost laughed at that, and almost being able to picture the tiniest of scowls at the corner of Niko’s lips when he found out. Soon their bobbing heads had disappeared among the hedges and paths. Izaak looked like he wanted to join them, his body slightly angled as if to launch into a full sprint. But he stopped, hesitating and looking up at me.
“Are you ok, Auntie Gana?” He asked me quietly, shuffling in place.
I looked at him in surprise. “Of course, Izaak! Why?”
He shrugged, bringing his hands around to rub at the palm of one. “I just thought you seemed a little quiet today… Are you and papa fighting?”
I almost groaned. “Did your inunu put you up to this? Or Niko himself?” I asked knowingly. Eying my oldest nephew suspiciously. Wondering if he had been spying on me this entire time. And also wondering if i had given anything away.
He gave me a sheepish grin. “Both. Inunu promised I could have three isiok if I asked, and papa said I could stay up a whole hour late with him.”
I would have laughed, shaking my head and putting my hands on my hips. “Is that why you aren’t racing off with your brother and sisters to find Viktor?” I reasoned, and he nodded.
“I already get dessert, even if someone else finds him.” He told me, sounding pleased with himself. “Papa doesn’t know inunu already asked, and inunu doesn’t know papa asked!”
I did laugh then, reaching out and giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze as we turned to make our way off the grass and walk along the main garden path. Mindful of his hair per his request. It hadn’t appeared particularly neat, but I was sure the messy locks were quite uncooperative. And I knew how much he tried. He slipped in a little closer, matching my stride with his and squaring his little shoulders again. I smiled to myself. He looked so much like Niko when he did that. A tiny little green-skinned, blonde-haired Niko, I corrected myself with amusement, but Niko-esque for certain.
“Two birds with one stone,” I mused aloud, wrapping my arm about his shoulders, “Very clever of you, Your Highness.”
He couldn’t seem to help grinning again, looking down at his shiny boots. “Yeah, but I think it only works if I have something to tell them.”
I shook my head once more, kicking up a little gravel as we went. “Not at all! The promise from both of them was just for you to ask me right? They didn’t say you had to get an answer.” I grinned back at him. “Or that you couldn’t tell me they asked you to.”
He seemed to think about that for a second, then nodded. “Yeah, Auntie, you’re right!” He looked up at me again, tilting his head to the side. “So you don’t have to tell me… unless you want to, that is.”
I sighed a little. “Alright,  here’s what you can say. You tell Niko I said that he needs to stop treating me like a baby and pestering me all the time. And tell Grier I said you should get four isiok, because you are a very sweet and clever little Prince and you deserve all the extra dessert you want.”
Izaak chortled, nodding in bemusement. “Alright Auntie. I can do that.”
“And tell them Lorette gets dessert tonight too,” I proclaimed more loudly, as the rest of the gaggle returned, the half-goblin triumphantly holding a screeching Viktor over her shoulder, “As she is the best little brother wrangler of all time.”
That brought a round of giggles as Lorette passed her still kicking brother to me. Viktor stuck his tongue out at her, then quickly offered up a messy fistfull of half pulverized flowers to me.
“You’re not coming to dinner, Auntie?” Corwin asked, shoving Hilal out of the way to come and stand next to my leg.
“Not tonight.” I told him, reaching down to push his curly black hair out of his eyes after taking the flowers from Viktor with a pleasant thanks. “I’ve got… other stuff to do.”
“Lorette cheated!” Squealed Yua, stomping one foot angrily. 
“She’s bigger than us! We can’t carry Viktor like she can!” Hilal agreed, pouting.
“Not forever,” I assured her, “Soon, I think Viktor will be taller than all of you!” I hoisted him up into the air over my head in illustration, which had him giggling with delight. “Besides, the deal was whoever found Viktor got dessert, not who carried him back.” I turned to the twins, who looked at each other for a moment before turning back to me. “And who found Viktor?”
“Lorette.” They admitted begrudgingly.
“So, the dessert award stands as it is.” I declared, putting the youngest back down on his feet to hold his hand instead. Not that I felt particularly bad. I knew my brother’s sense of fairness was indomitable, and having granted one child such permissions, I had likely granted it to them all. “Now, let’s get you all inside and washed up before your fathers take away my dessert.”
That brought a fresh round of laughter, and the six royal children of the goblin kingdom darted eagerly around my legs and up and down the halls as we made our way back up to our quarters. I spared the tower a final glance before we ducked into the castle, wondering not for the first time just what I would find when I went back to my own rooms.
I was able to hand off my nieces and nephews to their caretakers after helping them all get washed up and changed for dinner without running into either Niko or Grier. Which I took as a small blessing, as I kept nervously glancing out the window to try and gauge just how long I had left until the Kings might just decide to pop in. I knew it was unlikely; usually they met their brood in the dining room at the end of each day. But I didn’t put it past either of them to attempt to catch me unawares. Especially as I was sure they had already heard I had liberated their children from their studies early to play with them in the gardens. Little went on in the castle that the two didn’t know about.
That thought made me smirk to myself in accomplishment as I hesitated outside my own door, having seen the Princes and Princesses off down the stairs with their attendants before heading back down the hall. Certainly I could think of no one else who would have been able to smuggle an orc of all things into the castle undetected. I had even managed to get his mare into the stables with no one batting an eye at her blood splattered coat before I had picked up my nieces and nephews. I glanced about briefly to make sure I was alone once more before I slipped back into my rooms. My heart in my throat and my nerves jumping on end.
The sitting room was quiet and dark, and I closed the door and latched it behind me. My eyes strained in the dimness, with only the barest hints of light coming from under the door to the hall. Perhaps I should get my eyes charmed like Niko’s, I thought to myself as I fumbled for the candle by the entrance. Placing the bundle of pulverized flowers from Viktor on the little table there for a moment as I did.  It would certainly make living in a goblin castle half the year much easier. As the wick caught with a soft hiss, I heard the telltale creak of my bed in the other room.
Quickly I had to douse my nerves, straightening myself out with the reminder once more that these were my rooms. I was supposed to be here. Erramun was not. I felt another twitch of satisfaction at the corner of my mouth again, unable to resist feeling a little smug in that confidence. Even if he wanted to leave, he wouldn’t get anywhere without my help. It was a reassuring feeling to have the half-orc under my thumb. Though the reminder of my guest set my heart skipping again. Which I of course briskly ignored.
I used the light of the candle to find a vase amid my things, feeling each clutter and clank of my shuffling was louder than a thundering herd of cattle. Rather hoping the half-orc wasn’t sleeping. I had to move two small boxes and a stack of books out of my way. But I eventually found what I was looking for, and placed the small colorful vase on one end table. Gathering the messy bouquet up carefully from where I had left it by the door to set it into its new home. I ran my fingers over the pretty blooms, smiling to myself. I’d have to get them some water. But I should check on Erramun first.
However, it was suspicious how quiet everything was. I paused for a minute by the door to the bedroom, listening to see if I could hear anything beyond. I had assumed such a behemoth would be a snorer, though I guess that was rather small minded of me to think so. It was also, I realized, possibly silly of me to assume he would even be asleep. I had been gone for hours, perhaps he had woken, if he had slept at all. I pushed aside the fearful thoughts of what he had been doing this entire time if he had not been sleeping.
I hesitated with my hand over the handle. If he was asleep, would my entering wake him? And if he wasn’t… My face felt hot with the sudden reminder of a pair of dimples at the base of his spine. Not to mention the rest of that scene permanently burned into the backs of my eyelids. I glanced around the foyer once more, still trying to decide. Working to calm my suddenly racing pulse. Then chided myself with the reminder yet again that these were my rooms. If he was naked again, well then, I’d just have to scold him better this time. And… maybe I could get a better look. I scoffed silently, pushing away that thought as wholly undesirable and the heavy blush that accompanied it. Giving the handle a solid downward yank and shoving the old bedroom door open with my shoulder.
I had barely started to draw in a breath for a proper greeting when I released it suddenly in a loud shout instead, my body jerking forward with a sudden intruding force acting upon it. My hands went up defensively, the candle abandoned to gravity, as I reached for the sudden weight dropping on my shoulder.
Muscle memory took over then, and it was a blur as my hands found purchase. I shifted my weight, dropping my shoulder down and bending at the knees to use the larger form’s already moving momentum to my advantage as it went to grab me and send its weight forward. Then, a quick twist and a sweep of my foot had it flipping the rest of the way with a abrupt and heavy THUD that even managed to shake the room a little.
I blinked rapidly in the dark left behind by the now doused candle that had clattered to the floor, trying to make out whatever I had just laid low on the ground. My heart racing in my chest, my blood pounding in my ears. A muffled groan broke through the adrenaline, and I nearly scoffed in exasperation. Remembering that there weren’t actually a lot of possibilities.
“Erramun!” I snapped at the large half-orc currently splayed out on my bedroom floor at my feet. “What in the nine HELLS do you think you are doing??”
“Gana!” He said in surprise, tugging at his hand still in my grip. “It’s you!”
“Of course it’s me!! Who else would it be??”
“I thought you were someone else!”
“In my personal rooms, you big idiot??” I retorted, then looked down, realizing I had twisted his arm back with his elbow facing out and his shoulder turned in the way Niko had shown me. Leaving the half-orc completely at my mercy. I was sorely tempted to twist it a little further in my ire. “Who do you think would be just randomly coming in here other than me??”
The dark shadow at my feet gave a growl, and I gave a startled yelp as suddenly I found my own feet swept out from under me. I landed heavily on my back with a gasp, too surprised to react properly. A meaty hand on one shoulder, and the rest of a big orc pining me down with his body crouched over mine.
“I dunno. Could’ve been anyone.” He grumbled, and I saw the glint of his eyes in the dark. “This place is very odd.”
His dark hair spilled like water around us, and I had to take a few moments to calm my swirling thoughts as the smell of him filled my nose. Not to mention the heat of his body, with his big thigh on my left and the other between my own legs. One hand was firmly planted on my shoulder, half-pining me to the floor, the other held one of my hands flattened to the ground by the wrist. I wriggled for half a second beneath him, then stopped dead as I heard him snort.
“Not many can get the jump on an orc.” He noted, sounding heavily amused. I thought I could see the flash of his teeth. “But nobody can best them in actual combat even if they do.”
My temper flared at that, and I twisted sharply. Reaching up with my free hand to catch the back of his neck and burying one knee straight up. Catching his inner thigh and with a sharp upward jerk at the same time as I yanked hard with my hand. Toppling him off balance just enough to use my own weight to flip the tides once more. Using his greater weight and size to roll myself with him.
Another breath later, and Erramun was back on his back, and I glared down at him with a small but satisfied scowl etched into my brow.
“Must not apply to half orcs.” I replied smugly.
I couldn’t see him well at first in the low light of the moon filtering in from the balcony window, but at least now my eyes were finally adjusting properly. I could make out the edge of his jaw, the breadth of his shoulders in the cream colored tunic. The side of his face closer to the window was also mostly visible. His black hair caught the moonlight with dazzling strands of silver, and I was pretty sure I saw his pronounced brow raise up. Thought I saw even a bit of the white in his eyes as he widened them. I could distinctly see them blink very slowly after that, and saw his wide nose flair. In fact, I could feel his entire chest rise and fall as he drew in a deep breath.
It was then my brain decided it fit to recall that I was currently sitting directly on top of the half-orc. My knees barely reached the ground on either side of him, my skirts bunched up at my thighs, and my hand was still cupped around the back of his neck. I had managed to free my other hand from his grip, and had his wrist now pinned above his head. Which brought me leaning perilously close. My own wild hair cascaded down like a net around my shoulders, and I realized my face was not all that far from his.
It seemed he had realized this same fact a that exact moment as well. We stared at each other for a long, quiet breath. Frozen in place. I found myself wondering distractedly how well Erramun could see in the dark. Was I just a shape bathed in a silver outline as he was? Or could he see the way I hovered over him, with the collar of my dress dangling a few inches from his shirt, baring the top of my chest to him? Could he see the expression on my face? And if he could, was he any better at reading it than I was at the moment? Could he see the flush of my cheeks, and hear the race of my pulse at his proximity?
I abruptly and quickly pushed away from him. Shoving him so hard in my retreat that he gave another soft grunt as I stood. My face was burning hot, despite my better judgement, and my head swirled as I tried to compose myself once more.
“You’re an idiot.” I grumbled defensively, smoothing my hands down my skirts as I took a few steps away.
“You’re impressive.” He returned, his voice a bit breathy. I saw him sit up, propping his knees and leaning on his elbows over them. “You fight better than some orcs I’ve met.”
“I thought no one could best an orc.” I chided him, carefully making my way over to the bedside table to find a fresh candle. “What are you even doing out of bed? I thought you were supposed to be resting.”
It took only a short minute of fumbling to light the candle, and when I turned to face him once more, he was still sitting on the ground. Looking up at me with emerald green eyes and his long locks spilling over his shoulders. He grinned a little sheepishly, and I had to force my heart to beat again in its wake.
“Some people can best an orc.” He said, as if deciding on it in that moment, then chewed at his thick lip thoughtfully. “Some people can beat some orcs.” He amended, and those lips split back into a wry, crooked grin. “And I got tired of resting. I’ve been resting for hours.”
“So you decided to tackle someone instead?”
His grin grew by a few molars, and I eyed him warily. “It was fun. At least for a moment.” He winced, and his hand went to his injured side. “I think I may have torn it open again.”
“Serves you right.” I grumbled, walking around to light a few more candles around the room. “Perhaps you should just stay on the floor all night then. Seeing as you seem to like being there. At least I’d get my bed back.”
He chuckled, and I heard him give a soft huff as he pulled himself back to his feet. When I shot him a glance over my shoulder, he was using the bedpost to steady himself. I watched him blink a few times, then shake his head stubbornly. I scoffed with a click of my tongue, putting down the candle in my hand and bustling over to him.
“Let me see.” I ordered him, reaching for the edge of his shirt.
He grunted, but didn’t argue, pulling up the hem over his navel. Exposing the wrappings to my critical eye. There was a spotting bloom of pink at the center, and I ran my fingers lightly around the edge thoughtfully.
“Well, the good news is I don’t think you made it worse.” I commended him, unable to resist the urge to skim my fingers over his skin a little. Checking to see if it was hot with infection, I assured myself. “The bad news is you’re still an idiot.”
He laughed again, and I felt it in my fingers currently pressed against his flesh. I straightened slightly, reluctantly removing my hand and trying to ignore the fresh flush that rose to my own face. Perhaps I was the one coming down with an infection instead, I reasoned distractedly.
I almost jumped as his hand came around, catching mine as it retreated. My eyes jumped to his face, and he tilted his head to the side slightly as he peered down at me. Those thick lips of his twisted into a fresh smirk, one side higher than the other. I resisted the urge to quiver at the sight.
“Lucky then that I have you, Gana.” He mused. “You have brains enough for the both of us.”
“And brawn.” I quipped, which only had his grin growing. I shuffled in place, glancing down at our hands before carefully pulling mine back. “Still. No more tackling people in the dark, agreed? Damjan won’t be happy if I return his tunic with blood stains all over it.”
Erramun nodded, slowly pulling his borrowed shirt back down. “Who is Damjan?”
I hesitated only a brief moment, turning to walk over to sit at the edge of the bed. “He’s the General of the goblin forces. Retired, supposedly. But that’s his wardrobe you’re wearing.”
That had a small flash of surprise rolling across his features. “He is large for a goblin then. Or is he human?”
I shook my head, then gave him a small grin of my own. “He’s goblin. Half-goblin at least. And half-orc.”
“Orc?” He echoed, and I wasn’t sure if it was nervousness or excitement that laced his voice. His smile had quickly faded.
I nodded, considering him. “Yes. He grew up here though. I don’t know if he’s ever met another orc. Though I suppose he must have at some point.”
Erramun nodded as well, chewing on his lip as he stared at the ground. I could almost see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes. I couldn’t help but notice that he looked a little relieved. I leaned forward on my hands currently propped at the edge of the bed.
“You avoiding all orcs at the moment?” I poked, curious despite myself.
His gaze darted up to me, then he shrugged his big shoulders, coming around to the edge of the bed slowly. “Just most.”
I tried not to stiffen as he sat next to me, the mattress depressing almost to the frame with his added weight. “Any particular reason why?” I asked warily. “You aren’t on the run, are you?”
The soft chuckle in his chest rumbled like distant thunder, and I felt goosebumps skitter across my flesh at the sound. He glanced at me again, then down at the floor.
“I worry they might try to stop me. If they found out.”
I waited for him to go on, to explain that further. When I was answered with nothing but silence, I shifted in my seat. Debating only for a moment whether or not I cared enough to pry further. But the curiosity proved too much, and I even leaned a little closer to him.
“Found out about what?”
He glanced at me again, and I froze as his eyes ran over my face. Especially the way he seemed equally distracted for a moment as his gaze met mine. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before he finally spoke. But found myself releasing a breath I hadn’t known I was holding when he did.
“Let’s just say I’ve got something to prove to my family.” He mumbled, then his eyes finally dropped away and he shifted. “We should leave it at that. I don’t want you to think I’m stupid.”
His voice was strangely soft again. The way it had been when he had first mentioned the plight of his people at the border. With that same look I had seen a hundred times before on my brother’s faces. The weight of a thousand weights, I called it. I didn’t quite like his face in that shape. It made him seem older, more tired. It hurt me a little to see that look on him, when usually his eyes were filled with such vigor and bravado. I leaned a little closer, nudging his shoulder with mine until he looked up at me again.
“... I already think you’re stupid.” I assured him lightly, and my teasing tones had a smile flicking across his lips again. “But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
He nodded, and I saw his eyes shift between mine for a moment. “Thank you, Gana… You have been very kind to me. And I have given you nothing but trouble.” He leaned a little closer, and my breath caught in my throat. “I would like to give you something else. To repay you.”
It took me far too long to respond with his breath splashing across my face. With his eyes locked in mind. Heat swelled in my chest, and my heart fluttered behind it. I swallowed slowly, trapped in those emerald eyes of his.
“... Oh yeah?” I fumbled my lips around the soft words. “What would you give?”
He paused a moment, and I felt the bed shift beneath us as he adjusted his weight. Somehow managing to shift even closer to me.
“What would you like? What can I give you, that would make you happy?”
I laughed shyly, glancing down. Away from those entrancing eyes. “I don’t want for much here.” I assured him, my heart thrumming in my ears.
“Surely there must be something you don’t have. Something you want?” He pressed, his voice still whisper soft.
My hands twitched, and I brought them together to cup in my lap. Thumbing at one as I stared down at them. So aware of his proximity I couldn’t seem to draw in a deep enough breath for fear of pulling it from his lungs.
“Freedom.” I admitted quietly. “... To go where I want. To see the world.”
“I can give you that.”
I scoffed, shaking my head. “No one can give me that.”
“But I can take you with me.” He pressed. “I can bring you back to my home. It is wild and untamed. That is a start at least.”
I glanced up at him again, and found him closer than I had left him previously. He was leaning on one hand, twisted at the waist. Almost at my eye level with the gentle bow of his broad shoulders and the relaxed curve of his spine. If I moved too quickly our noses might brush together. I kept my breath trapped in my throat. I saw his eyes move, and my face suddenly blazed hot.
Abruptly, I stood, putting a few steps between us. Squeezing at my palm for a moment and feeling horribly, horribly foolish. It took a breath to steady myself, but I turned back for him.
“... You are not here to promise adventures to silly girls in castle towers.” I reminded him bitterly.
He started for a moment at that, staring at me a little wide eyed. The candlelight danced in those eyes, and I had to look away. I made the pretense of picking up the broken candle from the floor where I had dropped it earlier. I ran my thumb over the smooth wax, trying to calm my racing heart.
“No, I’m not.” He admitted, and my efforts were demolished by the skip of my heart at the regret in his tone. “... But if you help me win the Princess, then I can still give you want you want.”
I almost laughed, shaking my head and feeling the sinking weight of his words deep in my chest. Reminding myself why this man was even here in the first place, and chiding myself silently for forgetting. Trying to swallow the sudden disappointment in my throat.
“I can’t help you do that.”
“You’re the only one who can.” He pleaded. “I don’t know this world. I don’t know these people, but I need to. I need to be better, to be bigger than I am. It’s the only way to help my own people. I see that now. My plan was foolish, and I cannot do it alone.”
I was already shaking my head before he had finished speaking. “I cannot help you win the Princess.” I told him firmly, stubbornness lacing my breath. Still refusing to look up at him.
“Fine. Not the Princess.” He agreed, and I heard the creak of the bedframe as he stood. “Then help me learn to be someone worthy of her. Of this court. Teach me how to impress the Kings. How to talk without saying anything. How to dress, how to speak. How to be… human. And goblin, if needed.”
I did laugh now, and turned to toss the candle to a pile of rubbish to be taken out later. “That’s ridiculous. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“So teach me.” He insisted, and his voice was closer. Somewhere only a few steps behind me. “Teach me to be better than I am, to be human enough to be at this court, to pass for one of the goblins, and I will take you far away from this place when I leave. I’ll even tell you stories of all the places I’ve been and the things I’ve seen in the meantime.” 
I jumped as his hand grazed my elbow, and spun to face him once more. He peered down at me quietly for a long moment. Then his lopsided smile returned, and I felt my heart skip.
“I can’t give you your freedom, Gana.” His eyes sparkled with determination. “But I can give you the chance to take it.”
Excitement surged in my chest, and I felt the heat of my blood rushing through my veins. I felt the familiar itch; to run. To just go, to leave this place and never look back. To be out there, in the world where I so longed to be. I couldn’t quell the intensity of my desire, and felt it seep throughout my entire core. I saw his grin grow, and wondered if he could see it in my eyes. I chewed it over, trying to keep a level head. Trying to think it through.
“... No Princess? Just-”
“Just teaching.” He assured me. “Even if it doesn’t work, and the goblin Princess doesn’t like me and I go home, I’ll still take you with me.” His head cocked to the side. “If you want to go.”
It would never work. I had managed to smuggle him in, but I was only here for a month or two. Could I even smuggle him back to Geriveria? Or could I leave with him at the end, like he promised? Niko would never allow it. He’d send half of the Kingdom after me, and Val wouldn’t be far behind. Even Grier would think this was crazy. I didn’t know this man! I had no idea where he had come from, or what kind of person he was. And how was I supposed to keep him from figuring out who I really was? Once he found out that he couldn’t even use anything I’d taught him, surely he’d be mad. He would not keep his promise. Besides, how was I supposed to keep him hidden from my brother, the goblin King, my nosy nieces and nephews, my ladies-in-waiting, and everyone else in the entire castle? It was insane! It was dangerous! If I was caught, if Niko found out, if anyone saw him, who knows what they would do! And even if I could manage all that, two months was hardly enough time to train some wildling everything it had taken me a lifetime to learn. It was impossible. The odds were far too high, and the chances of success so slim I couldn’t even see them.
I felt a grin sliding across my face at the challenge raised, and felt my heart skip excitedly in my breast.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
To be continued ...
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yoongi-sugaglider · 3 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2833
A/n: Just a heads up, mild torture beat em ups this chapter, and the opinions of the military are (Mostly) purely for the story.
Part 17===Part 18===Part 19
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By the time my brain even attempted to register what was going on, Jenkins had already dragged me from the kitchen into the main bowling area.
The pitch-black lanes loomed before me, gaping chasms yawning in the darkness like the monstrous face of some multi headed monster preparing to swallow me whole.
Jenkins shoved me ahead of him, causing me to stumble into one of the ball returns. I choked back a cry as the cool and unforgiving metal dug into the wound on my thigh. The last thing I needed was to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt me, especially with the implications of what he planned to do to me.
As I pushed myself to stand he grabbed my arm, growling his impatience in my ear and shoving me around the machine.
“Keep it moving, I don’t have all day.”
I frowned, shuffling forward a pace or two before finding my stride once again.
“Shame, last I checked I had the whole apocalypse.” I laced as much sass as I could manage into my tone, earning myself a jab to the ribs from his weapon. The bruising force had me cackling into the darkness like a mad woman.
We passed several of his soldier buddies. Some camped out on the seats around the score monitors while others milled around in small groups or by themselves. All of them seemed desperate to stick as close to the lanterns as they could though.
Of the ones that I could see, including the three I’d seen stationed at the front doors, I counted 14 bodies, 26 total if I included the civilians I’d been grouped with in the kitchens. There was no telling really though how many of the soldiers had weapons and special combat training, and that alone set me on edge enough to keep me paying attention.
“Home sweet home huh?” I muttered as we made our way through to the lobby and towards a set of very dark looking stairs.
Jenkins paused for a moment and I watched by the light filtering in from the front doors as he dug angrily through the pockets of his army issue cargo pants.
“Gosh, and here I thought the torture was gonna be getting my fingernails ripped out or some shit. No, it’s waiting on King Flaccid to figure his shit out.”
The comment may have earned me a rifle butt to the stomach but damn if it wasn’t worth seeing Jenkin’s fellow soldier snickering behind his back.
“Shut it Riley…” Jenkins grumbled.
By the time the semi functioning man had his flashlight out and shining at the stairs I’d recovered from my forced Lamaze class enough to walk upright again. Which meant once more I was leading the way in a building I’d never been in before.
Using my still cuffed hands I felt along the walls as I climbed, finally emerging on the pitch black landing with a sigh.
“Lovely place you have here.” I grumbled, impatiently tapping my foot as I watched the bobbing beam of the flashlight slowly ascending behind me. I suppressed a shiver when the light highlighted several dark smears and handprint splatters on the wall.
“Yooo!! Welcome to my crib MTV!” I grinned, leaning against the wall as nonchalantly as possible when Jenkins and his buddy finally huffed and puffed their way to standing in front of me.
“Fuck sake Jenkins. Can we shut this bitch up already?”
Apparently the men had finally had enough of me as the next thing I knew I woke up with a blinding headache and a distinct inability to draw a full breath from the fact that my arms were now wrapped around the back of a chair and cuffed in place.
“Jeeze, you would think being in the military somebody would have taught these boys how to treat a lady.” I grumbled to myself, earning me a quiet snicker from somewhere ahead of me.
I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the relative brightness of the room after so long spent in the dark. A grin leapt to my face at the sight of Rose, slightly bruised to the face but no less alive and well.
“Well shit, fancy meeting you here hot stuff!”
She grinned back at me, the expression coming across as mildly manic since the swelling to her lips and cheek made her face slightly lopsided.
The room itself was about as boring as an office could get. My brain only half way registered the handful of candles that lit the place, making the bowling posters and filing cabinets feel almost sinister. 
“Homey.” I smiled, eyes seeking out Jenkins and his buddy who stood back by the door, whisper arguing with each other.
“Boys? Fancy getting a girl a drink?” I asked, head tilted awkwardly so I could catch their eye when they turned to glare at me.
Neither answered though and I went back to taking in my surroundings. Taehyung sat in a chair just opposite Rose, facing her as if they’d been making him watch them torture her. Amatures.
I nodded to him, knowing he’d always been able to handle the harshest of treatments thanks to having watched Hoseok initiate him ages and ages ago. He didn’t seem too happy to see me there but I shrugged his way, sending him a grin that had his frown deepening.
“You do realize if we duct tape her mouth we won’t have to deal with her bullshit right?”
I turned to look at the two soldiers, quirking an eyebrow at the younger one and smiling flirtily his way.
“Aww, tie me up and gag me. I like the way that one thinks.” The bright blush that exploded across his cheeks was well worth what came next.
There was no warning. I don’t know why I expected there to be one.
One minute Jenkins was by the door, the next he was right in front of me.
The pain that lashed across the left side of my face had me seeing stars. Almost immediately Rose was screaming, struggling against her restraints and threatening the men around us.
“You low life piece of garbage! I swear to fuck I will expose every internet search you ever tried to hide! Every tiny dick pic you ever took. Every depraved piece of porn you ever Googled or downloaded!”
She continued on, practically foaming at the mouth as Jenkins laughed out loud.
“Ah, see now. I had a feeling this one would be useful.” He snickered, eyes filled with glee as he watched me spit out the blood that’d filled my mouth when my teeth scraped the inside of my cheek. He pulled a butterfly knife out of his pocket, flicking it back and forth a few times before flashing it open before me.
“Come on now Army boy, my grandmother hits harder than that.” I grinned up at him, knowing I looked half way to deranged with my swelling cheek and the blood that I could still taste covering my front teeth.
My insult must not have sat too well with his ego as he bent over me and jammed the handle of his knife into my thigh wound.
“Cheeky little cunt.” He growled, breath a hot mask of cigarettes and whatever canned goop he’d eaten for lunch.
I cried out from the shock of the pain, eyes watering as I sought out the comforting sight of my friends.
Rose was openly sobbing, head hung low as she continued to mutter threats in Jenkins’ general direction. Tae on the other hand was stone silent, eyes awash with rage as he opened his mouth as if to speak.
I returned my attention to Jenkins, though I made sure Taehyung had his eyes on me before I spoke.
“Silence is golden. It’s better this way.” I knew it was cryptic, that much was obvious in the way Jenkins hesitated in raising his hand as if to hit me again.
More importantly than his reaction though was Tae. I knew he would understand my words without me having to say anything.
I glanced over at Tae, watching his eyes go from blind fury to a quiet resignation. Despite everything on the line he knew better than to go against my silent orders.
“Well?” The man called Riley demanded.
Jenkins continued to twirl his butterfly knife, face a mask of cold indifference as he watched the edge glint in the low candle light. He pulled an empty chair over, sitting down and leaning forward, elbows on his knees as he scratched at his chin with the knife blade while watching my every move.
I squinted at him, watching the rusted gears turning in his head before realization struck.
“You’ve never done this have you?” I asked, grinning brightly before throwing my head back to cackle aloud into the darkness.
“Good lord Tae no wonder you haven’t said shit!” I leaned to the side a bit, sending the stoic hacker a wink. “Hobi would have had any one of us howling out secrets by now. And here I thought I was actually in trouble. That boy could get a baby to snitch on their mother’s breast milk and here you two are barely struggling to even get me to shut up. Can you imagine!”
They tried. They certainly did.
By the time Jenkins had worn himself into exhaustion I’d grown bored with all of it.
He’d hit me sure, bruised my face and arms several shades of ugly. But in the end I’d been untied and sent on my way back to the kitchen with the others along with Rose and Taehyung.
I could tell the entire experience had demoralized poor Jenkins. His shoulders slumped as he followed behind Riley before disappearing into the darkness of the lobby after we’d been delivered back to the kitchen.
Once the soldiers were gone Jimin immediately rushed over to fawn over the three of us. He did the best he could with what the kitchen had available, substituting a tiny bottle of vodka that one of the civilians had found for rubbing alcohol and patching up everyone’s wounds as best as he was able to.
After my injuries had been attended to I made my way over to what remained of our crew, hugging a sobbing Jeanette tightly while sending Yoongi a reassuring smile before allowing myself to be wrapped from behind in the warmth of Jungkook’s grounding embrace.
“How bad was it?” he muttered into my shoulder blade.
“Not too bad. Pretty sure Jimin would have had a better time of it compared to what those amateurs attempted to accomplish.”
“Fucking Air Farce.” Came Rose’s grumbled remark as she collapsed gracelessly beside where Jeanette and Yoongi were sat.
“Air Farce?” Namjoon’s voice came from behind me and I turned to give him a smile, shrinking away slightly with a playful squeak when he reached out to ruffle my hair.
“Yeah. American military has several branches, just like most countries. There’s a bit of a hierarchy on respect levels though. Marines are hardcore, either single minded dogs or gung-ho and always ready and looking for action. Army are the boys on the front lines, some call them cannon fodder.” Rose shrugged as she leaned into Taehyung, finally relaxing for the first time since we’d been taken from the house.
“Nobody really pays attention to the Navy honestly. I mean, there’s the occasional sailor comes to port joke but really the just… It’s like everyone knows they exist but nobody wants to talk about them or admit that they do.”
“And the Air Farce?” Namjoon, ever eager to learn new things, seemed almost to be bouncing in place where he sat on the kitchen floor across from Rose.
“Air Force.” Rose corrected with a smirk. “Every branch has their own air support division. Planes, jets, choppers. All of that. The Air Force is strictly flight stuff. Air cargo, air support, blah blah blah. And while that would sound pretty epic, it’s the way they’re treated that pisses off the other branches.”
“What do you mean the way they’re treated?” One of the civilians chirped up, a young girl with eyes sparkling almost as brightly as Namjoon’s who’d wandered over and had been hovering awkwardly at the edge of the conversation. Her mother hushed her, though Rose smiled and motioned to the mother that it was okay.
“Well, actually Jeanette knows more about that than I do.” Rose smiled.
The woman blushed, having been caught listening in on the conversation as well. I glanced around the room, eyes widening when I realized that most of the people who’d been locked in the kitchen with us had their full focus on those who’d been talking.
Jeanette swallowed, nerves clamming her up at the attention. The young girl sat at her feet though, and so she chose to give her attention to the younger audience. The shift in her focus seemed to calm her enough that she was able to tell her story.
“My...recently deceased husband was in the Army. He’d been part of a war not too long ago and spent a lot of his time deployed in the desert. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable of living arrangements as you can imagine.”
The girl giggled, “Wouldn’t it be like living on the beach though?”
“Oh sure.” Jeanette replied. “If that beach was nothing but sand with no water and all the crabbies were just a bunch of grumpy people.”
Namjoon jerked up, eyes wide and sparkling as he practically shouted. “There are crabs in the desert??”
Rose snorted, covering her mouth to stifle a giggle. “No Joon, but there are definitely some awful big spiders there.”
“Ewwwwww, I don’t like spiders.” The girl cringed, shuffling closer to Jeanette who instinctually gathered her into her arms.
“Me too neither.” Jeanette giggled before returning to her story.
“Well, I have a younger brother. He’d been slated to be a pretty amazing athlete. But his final year of high school he messed up his knee pretty bad and his basketball career was pretty much over. So he asked Dean for some advice. Dean pointed him towards the air force.”
The girl snuggled into Jeanette, being careful not to crush her belly and causing her mother to send Jeanette an apologetic grimace of a smile. Jeanette shook her head though, sending a reassuring smile back to let the mother know it was alright.
“After basic training my brother was sent on his first deployment to an island outpost. He’d set things up so that he could communicate with his family while he was gone, his wife and myself included. One day he messages me, and so we get to talking about his living arrangements, which of course Dean decided he needed to chirp in his two cents about.” Jeanette smiled down at the girl, brushing her hair out of her now sleeping face before turning to Namjoon’s rapt attention.
“You see, when my brother was deployed, instead of staying in a tent as if he was in the desert, or being forced to sleep on a hammock like those in the Navy had to do when they were deployed on their ships, the Air Force had put him and his squad up in a hotel. He had messaged me to complain that room service hadn’t brought him fresh towels in a week so he’d been forced to do his own laundry.”
Yoongi snorted, arms crossed over his stomach and chin buried in his chest as he struggled to contain his mirth.
“Wait so...what was wrong with that?” Namjoon asked and Yoongi barked out a bitter laugh.
“He’s deployed Joon. Life isn’t supposed to be easy on mission. You’re there to do a job. What Rose is getting at is that these Air Force men are spoiled, allowed to live the easy life while the real military men toil in the dirt.”
“Well...I mean..” 
Yoongi cut Namjoon off, giving him a deliciously evil grin. “This is a good thing. With the way these three looked after their so called torture interrogation, those dense fucks outside don’t have a clue what they’re doing. Just a handful of shmucks with guns.”
“So then…” I paused when Yoongi turned to me with a confident grin.
“Enough planning and the right upper hand, and maybe, just maybe we can get out of this completely unscathed.”
I could feel the change in Jungkook’s body language, as he’d never let go of his grip on me from behind.
“Well shit...if that’s the case…”
Jungkook was interrupted though, as suddenly, as if the universe had decided to finally give us a break from the madness, a tiny voice chirped out from the chest pocket of my shirt.
“Hey...Boss Lady...can you hear me?”
I stiffened, eyes wide as I turned to stare at Jungkook in shock.
“.....Jin? Seokjin is that you?”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Malcore and the diaper boy (OC, Diaper TF)
Soul wasn't sure what to expect as he came over to his best friends Malcore's house one sunny summer afternoon, all he knew was that the son of one of the most powerful mages had gotten his hands on one of his fathers transformation books and promised soul, a third generation mage with little to no power the afternoon of a lifetime.
Being rushed into Malcore's bedroom which frankly, at the best of times had a funky smell the boy played off as spell components when everyone and their uncle knew that he was a diaper wearing sissy, Soul took a seat on Malcore's bed.
"Ok so..I found a spell I think your SUPER gonna like! It'll turn you into a diaper and then I ca-" Malcore started to say even as soul burst out arguing.
"H-hey! who said I wanna be a diaper!?!" He blurted out, even as he squirmed lots.
"Oh uh.. well I caught you huffing my room the other day so assumed.. I mean.." Malcore's face fell, and tears welled up. "I-I thought I had a spell you'd love! I risked a lot to get this book you know!"
Soul instantly felt bad for A) making malcore feel bad and B) for lying. still, he had to save face..
"Fine..I'll be a stupid diaper..but you BETTER be able to turn me back and no taking a dumb in me!" He huffed, even as his body language screamed 'dump in me! dump in me!'
"oh yeah, there's a reversal spell and everything, I mean, there's a warning butt.." Malcore shrugged.
Before Soul could ask what the warning was, he was frozen in place as Malcore began to chant, and felt himself shrinking down even as he got puffy, till he was a thick, white diaper with his face on the butt of it.
"Huh..your face was suppose to go on the front." Malcore said, looking over the book and reading, then grinning. "Oh! unless you want me to poop in ya! heh, I was just gonna take a leak!" Malcore laughed but hey, who was he to judge want his friend wanted since he was a willing diaper boy?
Sliding his jeans off Malcore made quick work of taking off his soggy diaper and then paused, tapping his chin.
"uhh.. it says your gonna experience some of this.. would baby powder be icky for you?" Malcore asked, thinking that he had done the spell so that soul could talk but well, he was a novice.
'Yes! baby powder! use baby powder!' soul mentally screamed, already having all the regrets but well, when his prone diaper form said nothing Malcore just assumed he wanted the full experience.
taping his friend around his hips, Malcore went all starry eyed, marveling at how THICK of a diaper Soul made and just how awesome he felt! He could FEEL his friends lips mashing and smooching his bun, making the silly little diaper boy giggle.
"oh wow! I'm gonna have to do this to you way more often!" He gushed, patting his butt and making soul mash against it.
Soul meanwhile was torn between hating this, he hadn't count on smooching Malcore's smelly but and gushing over this was everything he had ever wanted.
if Malcore could of seen the rear of his diaper, he would of seen Soul's face go from normal to a anime drool face.
"Ok Uh.. I don't actually hafa poop right now..but the spell book says the longer I leave you as a diaper, the more you'll wanna be one.. sooo.." and as malcore spoke, Soul could hear him flipping though the pages, wondering what the little diaper dork was up to.
while soul had been outed so to speak as a wanna be diaper, he wasn't worried about Malcore blabbing since he could confirm Malcore was nothing more then a diaper boy..at least till he heard the 'AHA!' from malcore.
"Ok..One super bowel moving spell coming up.. this says it's gonna be painful for me so you better be grateful!" Malcore huffed to soul, then giggled as the butt smooches went over time. "O-Ok! I get it! you are!"
casting the spell between giggles, even malcore would be shocked as the effects took hold.
Sure, daddy had made him mess more then once for being a bad boy..but the sudden cramps and then the release that this was..
Malcore howled and cried out, going onto his hands and knees,crying as wave after wave of mush came out of him, his eyes and nose burning as the diaper that was his friend bloated out, but that would be nothing compared to what soul was experiencing.
If there was one question Soul should of asked before all of this (well ok, there was several) it was would he be able to taste. Sadly he had his answer and it was a yes.
the face on the back of the diaper went from drooling to making a grossed out face but soul knew even if malcore wanted to, there was nothing the novice mage could of done to stop himself from filling him out.
worse then the muck, it was the solid mess that followed and pressed against him, pushing him out more but somehow the feeling was almost.. nice? No more then that!
even as Soul filled out and made a comically massive poopie diaper, the face on the back of it went from going all grossed out to drooling and with hearts replacing the eyes as malcore finished up.
Malcore panted, sweat dripping from his brow and shocked to still have bones left after a poopie like that.
"Soul..you..you ok back there?" Malcore asked and felt a movement in the diaper. Soul was too far away to kiss him directly but was making the mess squish around.
"Heh, GROSS! Ok..I was gonna wear you for awhile but I think I better turn you back." Malcore said, spotting the book where he had dropped it in the middle of his epic dumping.
crawling over, he didn't dare stand less he fall on his butt and the book warned a leak would be bad for soul, Malcore flipped the pages and read the counter spell and waited.
after 40 seconds of nothing he read it again and again, waited, but again nothing. one last time he tried and then gave a nervous giggle.
"Uh.. Soul, we might have a problem.."
Soul had been busy living up his dirty diaper dream, embracing it as he knew any second now malcore would turn him back.. then heard the counter spell fail over and over.
'Nooo No no no no no...' Soul whined mentally.
"Sooo Yeah.. that warning? said if the diaper actually loves being a stinky diaper..I can't turn them back.." Malcore said sheepishly. "Likeeee..I had a feeling you'd like this..buttt.."
'NO! I don't wanna stay a poopie diaper forever!!' soul thought, and tried to will himself to hate what was happening to himself.
"I guess all I can do if you don't wanna turn back is toss you out..or admit to daddy I stole his book and ask him for help." Malcore said and paused, thinking about how MAD his dad would be and shuddered. "Sooo Hey, you like this anyways, so I'm just gonna leave you." he said quickly.
Soul could only scream even as the face remained the same, though whether from desire or just frozen in place as malcore cleaned up, no one would ever know.
With him just a massive stinky diaper, Malcore now in a clean diaper and his pants and shirt carried him out to the trash can.
"Sooo uh.. I guess this is goodbye. Don't worry, the spell erased memory of you from everyone but me! your parents will never miss you! Umm.. You were..a ok friend I guess.." Malcore said, holding soul over the trash can with one hand, holding his nose with the other.
"look, you really stink, I'm just gonna drop you in and go play Pokemon ok? Bye bye!" Malcore said and with finally wet thud, Soul was left in the trash, the lid replaced.
As soul screamed for malcore to come and get him, the little literal diaper boy had to admit, his final stinky fate was everything he had dreamed of.
the end
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