#full time van lifers
helloaelita · 11 months
Dolomites Van Life Guide: Giau Pass, Part 4
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
I think there's a huge gap in language when talking about British legislative and social racism bc some of the most overt and unchallenged legislative racism lately is against GRT people and a lot of countries (especially America) do not use the term GRT.
The G in GRT stands for Gypsy (using this bc it's as-self-described, like it's the term the British GRT community uses often) and bc this is for a lot of people exclusively a slur and bc it has a lot of historical weight, people will often object to use of the expanded acronym slash try to correct it to Roma or Rroma.
But the GRT community as a political class and as a group subject to racism includes, but is not synonymous with, Roma, cause it also includes Irish Travelers (who are another large nomadic minority ethnic group, aka Pavee), Scottish, English and Welsh Travelers (a mix of indigenous nomadic groups), and other nomadic peoples in Britain.
In some, but not all, contexts, GRT also includes non-ethnic nomadic communities: New Age Travelers (people living nomadic lifestyles by choice - full-time caravanners or van lifers), Bargees (people living full time in canal boats) and showmen (traveling funfairs and circuses). Not being a specific ethnicity, New Agers and Showmen have a different relationship to racism and marginalisation than Roma and Travelers (a settled Roma or Traveler family are still Roma or Traveler, it's not just a question of lifestyle and community) but obviously anti-Traveler legislation and bias harms everyone living nomadically.
I think (and I'm not GRT and my thoughts should be taken with a truckload of salt, I just feel like it's worth explaining what the terminology actually means) that a lot of the nuance around GRT identity is kind of lost in transnational discourse (particularly with Americans) because. the G bit of GRT has been used as a blanket term for hundreds of years to refer to multiple groups of nomadic peoples in Europe and so there are ethnocultural groups included under that term who aren't Roma but also are GRT and are racialised as GRT.
People racialised within the GRT community (as Roma or Travelers) experience way higher rates of social and economic exclusion than any other ethnogroups in the UK, including if they're settled (living in brick-and-mortar housing, which around 75% of people recorded as GRT do).
Both Roma and Traveler kids are systemically excluded from education (Gypsy/Roma kids are 6x more likely to be suspended from school and 7x as likely to be expelled than the national average, and Traveler kids aren't much better off (4x more likely than average to be suspended and 5x as likely to be expelled)). GRT people face systemic employment discrimination, being 6x more likely than average to be long term unemployed and 1/4 as likely to be offered high-level or management positions. GRT folk have the worst health outcomes of any ethnic group, and consistently report high levels of medical discrimination and trouble accessing healthcare. As a result, GRT infant mortality and maternal death is way higher than average, and GRT life expectancy is 10+ years shorter than average. GRT communities are disproportionately criminalised, settled GRT families have spoken often about having been treated as inherently suspicious on the basis of their ethnicity.
A lot of people write these issues off as being, like, a product of a nomadic/no-fixed-address lifestyle, but a) it's a problem with the system if our social care systems don't account for the fact that some people are nomadic, itinerant or have no fixed address. there is no reason why nomadic life needs to be more dangerous or excluded than settled. but also b) as stated a majority of GRT people included in these figures do have fixed addresses. it is just racism.
Homelessness is also a huge problem in the community, with many landowners refusing to rent land to Travellers, residential camping berths being oversubscribed by something like 10,000%, and significant difficulty accessing affordable housing. The land which is available to Traveling communities is increasingly ringfenced, often specifically with the intention of discouraging nomadic communities.
given that it is. racism. with an exceptionally long and brutal history of genocide, criminalisation and systemic social exclusion. it is also striking how often open, sometimes genocidal, racism against GRT people is handwaved or accepted as normal. anti-GRT legislation is explicitly passed on the regular. people are incredibly comfortable referring to all GRT people as thieves, scroungers, criminals and frauds. I have had literal circular mailings offering to "remove vermin, pests and Gypsies from your land." and yet calling this racism is often treated as an overstatement. Even though it's explicitly ethnically-driven bias, and has deeply entrenched social impacts affecting everyone racialised as GRT regardless of cultural behaviour or lifestyle.
anyway that's what GRT means, it stands for Gypsy/Roma/Traveller and it's an extremely underserved and marginalised racialised group in the UK and Europe. It includes Romani ethnic groups, but also includes non-Roma ethnic groups (like the Pavee) and Roma subgroups (like Sinti). They're united by a common experience of anti-nomadic racism, criminalisation and social exclusion and, as an aggregate group, are consistently among the most directly disadvantaged racial groups in the UK.
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“Anger as pre-historic stones destroyed for French DIY store”   A few weeks back I met a van-lifer at the edge of the woods where I live, and had a chat with him. He was a nice guy and told me about a very non-touristy, hidden waterfall on the Welsh-English border, near the Black Mountains. On Tuesday night I was planning for a day-trip around there, to go investigate. Wanting to get the most out of the trip, I started investigating some ancient sites to visit on the route there. One of those sites was an ancient well where the water flows through a carved Celtic head. To my horror I read that, last year, the bathing pool the water flowed into was filled with concrete and a pumping shed erected on top of it of the ancient well and head. This made me so angry, especially as I read that it had been restored as recently as 2017. Just what the fuck has happened to society in the last 6 years?! That sacred well has stood for over 2000 years, being an important focal point of that area and then some guy has the audacity, without permission, to just fill it full of concrete? The Romans came and went, the Saxons, the Normans etc etc, WW2, the 20th Century and it remained largely untouched. And then you get to 2022 and some utter prick of an ego-inflated, big headed, asshole decides that it’s totally fine to fill it with concrete?! Just now, on the other site, someone put a post about how in Brittany, around 40 ancient standing stones have been cleared/taken down, to build a fucking hardware store... like... all that time, all those centuries... even older than Stonehenge,  and then we get to 2023... oh a store needs to be built there. I feel like we’ve crossed a line recently... it’s just so upsetting. All so some people can go buy some fucking tiles or a new bathroom... and of course, load the pockets of some chain DIY company.
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Hello everyone! I'm here once again🤣 I'm 24, with three kids. I live in Tennessee but, hoping to become a full time van-lifer in the next year or two. I'm in the process of getting my Esthetic license so, let me help you figure out your skin type & make a skincare routine for your skin.🖤 I'm obsessed with reading, writing and weirdly enough, doing research.🤣 I'm looking for a partner that doesn't mind kids or friends 😝 I need someone to rant too when things aren't going my way 🤣🤣🤣 Want too know my BigThree? I'll give you the first hint , I'm an October libra . Message me to figure out the rest. You can message me on any of my socials , just tell me where you're from!😍
-twitter ; _mshiane
-insta; _mariahshiane
-snap ; mshianee_97
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The Benefits of Ranger Shelves for Van Life
Ranger shelves, also known as modular shelving systems, offer numerous benefits for individuals embracing the van life. Whether you're a full-time nomad or an occasional traveler, these customizable shelving units can enhance the functionality and comfort of your van. Here are some key benefits of ranger shelves for van life:
Optimal Space Utilization: Ranger shelves are designed to maximize the use of available space in your van. With a modular and customizable layout, you can tailor the shelving to fit the unique dimensions of your van, ensuring efficient use of every nook and cranny.
Organization and Storage: The primary function of ranger shelves is to provide organized storage space. With various compartments and shelves, you can neatly arrange and store your belongings, preventing clutter and making it easier to find items when needed. This level of organization is especially crucial in the limited space of a van.
Customization to Your Needs: Ranger shelves offer a high degree of customization. You can configure the shelves based on your specific storage requirements. Whether you need space for camping gear, clothing, kitchen essentials, or electronic devices, the modular design allows you to create a layout that suits your lifestyle.
Weight Distribution: Proper weight distribution is essential for the safety and stability of a van. Ranger shelves can be strategically placed to evenly distribute the weight of your belongings, preventing issues like uneven tire wear and ensuring a balanced and controlled driving experience.
Easy Access to Essentials: With well-organized ranger shelves, you have easy access to your essentials. No more rummaging through bags or digging through a disorganized pile of belongings. This convenience is especially valuable when you're on the road and need quick access to specific items.
Enhanced Comfort and Livability: Van life often involves spending extended periods in a confined space. Well-designed ranger shelves contribute to a more comfortable living environment by creating order and optimizing the use of available space. This can positively impact your overall experience on the road.
Durability and Stability: Ranger shelves are typically constructed from sturdy materials like plywood or metal, providing durability and stability. When properly assembled and secured, these shelves can withstand the vibrations and movements associated with driving on various terrains.
Versatility for Different Needs: The versatility of ranger shelves makes them suitable for various needs. Whether you're a solo traveler, a couple, or a family with kids, you can customize the shelves to accommodate different lifestyle requirements. This adaptability is valuable for those embracing van life in diverse ways.
Increased Resale Value: A well-organized and thoughtfully designed interior, including ranger shelves, can enhance the resale value of your van. Potential buyers may appreciate the convenience and functionality offered by a van with a practical storage solution already in place.
DIY Potential: Many van lifers enjoy the DIY aspect of creating and customizing their living spaces. Ranger shelves provide an opportunity for hands-on construction and personalization. DIY projects can be fulfilling and allow you to tailor the shelves to your specific aesthetic preferences.
Efficient Travel and Quick Set-Up: When everything has its designated place on the ranger shelves, setting up camp becomes more efficient. You can easily access the items you need, reducing the time and effort required for tasks like cooking, getting ready, or packing up for the next destination.
Enhanced Safety: Proper storage and organization contribute to a safer driving experience. Items stored on secure ranger shelves are less likely to become projectiles during sudden stops or turns, reducing the risk of injury or damage to both occupants and belongings.
In conclusion, ranger shelves play a pivotal role in optimizing the van life experience. From efficient space utilization and organization to customization and durability, these shelves contribute to the comfort, safety, and overall enjoyment of life on the road. Whether you're a minimalist traveler or someone seeking a home on wheels, ranger shelves offer a practical solution for making the most of your van's interior space.
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orionvan · 6 months
Is Safety a Priority for Your Sprinter Adventures? Learn Why a Side Ladder Could Be Your Ultimate Solution!
When it comes to Sprinter adventures, safety is paramount. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a full-time van lifer, having the right gear is crucial for a worry-free journey. One often-overlooked accessory that can make a significant difference in safety and convenience is a Sprinter side ladder. In this blog, we’ll discuss about Sprinter roof racks, with a focus on the indispensable side ladder. Discover how this simple addition can elevate your adventures and provide the practical solution you didn’t know you needed.
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van-squad · 1 year
🚐🌟 Looking to give your VW van a stylish interior makeover? Look no further! In this article, we'll explore some creative and inspiring ideas to transform your van into a chic and cozy living space. From bold colors to unique textures, we've got you covered. 🎨💡 Whether you're a full-time van lifer or just looking to spruce up your weekend getaway vehicle, there are endless possibilities for creating a stylish and functional interior. With a little creativity and some DIY skills, you can turn your van into a personalized oasis on wheels. 🛋️🌿 From bohemian-inspired designs to minimalist and modern aesthetics, there's a style to suit every taste. So, let's dive in and explore some of the most stylish VW van interiors out there, and get inspired to create our own dream van homes!1. VW Van Interior Design: A Brief OverviewThe interior design of VW vans is a perfect blend of functionality and style. The company has been producing these vehicles for over 70 years, and the interior design has evolved over time. The latest models of VW vans have a spacious and comfortable interior that can accommodate up to seven passengers. The seats are made of high-quality materials, and they are designed to provide maximum comfort during long journeys. The dashboard is well-organized, and the controls are easy to reach and operate. The VW van interior design is characterized by its simplicity and practicality. The company has focused on creating a functional space that can be used for various purposes. The interior of the van can be customized to meet the needs of the owner. It can be used as a camper van, a family car, or a commercial vehicle. The van has plenty of storage space, with compartments and shelves strategically placed to maximize the available space. The interior is also designed to be easy to clean and maintain, with durable materials that can withstand wear and tear. The VW van interior design is not just functional, but it is also stylish. The company has incorporated modern design elements that give the van a sleek and contemporary look. The color scheme of the interior is carefully selected to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The lighting is also well-designed, with LED lights that provide ample illumination without being too harsh. The van also has a range of entertainment features, including a high-quality sound system and a touchscreen display. In conclusion, the interior design of VW vans is a perfect combination of functionality and style. The company has focused on creating a space that is practical, customizable, and easy to maintain, while also incorporating modern design elements that give the van a sleek and contemporary look.2. Creative Ideas for Stylish VW Van InteriorsTransform your VW van into a stylish and comfortable home on wheels with these creative ideas: Install a cozy bed with storage underneath for a comfortable night's sleep. 🛏️ Add curtains or blinds for privacy and a touch of style. 🌟 Use colorful throw pillows and blankets to add personality and comfort. 🎨 Hang string lights or fairy lights for a cozy ambiance. ✨ Install a fold-out table for dining or workspace. 🍴 Add shelving or storage bins to keep things organized. 📚 Use peel-and-stick wallpaper or decals to add a pop of design. 🌈 Install a small kitchenette with a sink, stove, and fridge for convenience. 🍳 Use a rug or floor mat to add warmth and comfort. 🏡 Hang plants or create a small indoor garden for a touch of nature. 🌿 With these creative ideas, your VW van can become a stylish and functional home on the road. Happy travels! 🚐✨3. Choosing the Right Color Scheme for Your VW Van InteriorWhen it comes to , there are a few things to consider. Think about the overall style you want to achieve. Consider the size of your van and how the colors will affect the perception of space. Take into account the durability and ease of cleaning of different colors. Neutral colors like beige, gray, and white are popular choices for VW van interiors. They create a clean and timeless look that can be easily accented with pops of color. For a more vibrant and playful look, consider using bright colors like yellow, orange, or red. These colors can add energy and personality to your van. If you want to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, consider using cool colors like blue or green. These colors can create a sense of tranquility and serenity in your van. Remember, the color scheme you choose for your VW van interior should reflect your personal style and taste. Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors and combinations until you find the perfect one for you. 🚐💫4. Furniture and Decor Elements for a Chic VW Van InteriorWhen it comes to creating a chic VW van interior, furniture and decor elements play a crucial role. Here are some ideas: Invest in a comfortable and stylish sofa bed Add a pop of color with patterned throw pillows Hang a statement piece of art on the wall Install a sleek and functional kitchenette Use a vintage trunk as a coffee table Include a cozy rug for added comfort When choosing furniture and decor elements, it's important to consider the size and layout of your van. Opt for pieces that are multi-functional and space-saving. Don't be afraid to mix and match different styles and textures to create a unique and personalized look. Incorporate plants and natural materials like wood and wicker for a bohemian touch. Remember to prioritize functionality and comfort over aesthetics. Choose pieces that are durable and easy to clean, as well as comfortable for long road trips. With the right furniture and decor elements, you can transform your VW van into a stylish and cozy home on wheels. 🚐✨5. Lighting Techniques to Enhance Your VW Van InteriorLighting can transform your VW van interior. Here are 5 techniques: Install LED strip lights under cabinets and along the ceiling for a warm glow. Use dimmer switches to adjust the brightness and create a cozy atmosphere. Place small lamps in key areas for task lighting and ambiance. Try colored bulbs or gels to add a fun and unique touch. Use spotlights or directional lighting to highlight specific features or artwork. Remember to choose energy-efficient bulbs and consider battery-powered options for off-grid adventures. Happy lighting! 🚐💡6. Storage Solutions for a Functional and Stylish VW Van InteriorMaximize your VW van's interior space with these functional and stylish storage solutions: Install overhead cabinets for extra storage and to keep clutter off the floor. Use under-bed drawers to store clothes, bedding, and other essentials. Add a pull-out pantry to keep your kitchen organized and easily accessible. Install a fold-down table to save space and create a multi-functional area. Use hanging organizers for shoes, toiletries, and other small items. Install a roof rack for larger items like bikes, kayaks, and camping gear. Choose materials and colors that complement your van's interior and personal style. Don't sacrifice function for style or vice versa. Consider custom-built solutions for a perfect fit and maximum efficiency. Invest in high-quality hardware and materials for durability and longevity. Keep your van clutter-free and organized for a stress-free and enjoyable adventure. 🚐✨7. Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your VW Van Interior Looking GreatRegular maintenance is key to keeping your VW van interior looking great. Here are some tips: Use a microfiber cloth to wipe down surfaces regularly. Vacuum carpets and seats to remove dirt and debris. Apply a protectant to leather seats to prevent cracking. Use a fabric cleaner to remove stains from upholstery. Keep windows clean to improve visibility and appearance. Use a dashboard cleaner to keep your dashboard looking new. Invest in floor mats to protect carpeting from wear and tear. Don't forget to clean your van's exterior too! A clean van is a happy van. 🚐✨ In conclusion, VW vans offer endless possibilities for stylish and functional interiors. From cozy beds to clever storage solutions, there's no limit to what you can create. With a little creativity and inspiration, your VW van can become your dream home on wheels. 🚐💭 Whether you're a full-time van dweller or a weekend adventurer, a stylish and comfortable interior can make all the difference. So why not take some of these ideas and make them your own? With a little effort and imagination, you can transform your VW van into a space that's both beautiful and practical. 🛋️🔨 In the end, it's all about finding what works for you and your lifestyle. So don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Who knows, you might just come up with the next big trend in VW van interiors! 🤔👀 https://van-squad.co.uk/stylish-vw-van-interiors-ideas-inspiration/?_unique_id=649a0c161752c
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sunupstarcom · 1 year
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reveal-the-news · 2 years
What No One Tells You About the Reality of Van Life
What No One Tells You About the Reality of Van Life
Giulio Colleuri, who tried Van Life for six months, found it different than he expected. The former full-time van-lifer has now created an app to help other people try the lifestyle. This is the van-life experience of Kolleluori, as told to Charissa Cheong. loading Something is loading This essay is based on a conversation with Giulio Colleuri and has been edited for length and clarity. I was…
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gloryfore · 4 years
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Home is where you park it 🧡
☽ instagram - jaye.chantelle ☾
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trippintraci · 4 years
VERY nice comments from Camo Dave in a second mention on his channel this week! I greatly appreciate them!
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chakytron · 3 years
Our First Trick on an Airbag!
Our First Trick on an Airbag!
Our First Trick on an Airbag! Category Travel & Events Description: My first time going to an indoor bike park! There are dirt jumps, skate park, and an airbag! Can I do some tricks on it? ❤️️Support me on Patreon❤️️ … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-21T15:00:16Z   Tags:  [‘toptrendingtv’, ‘trend…
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
Part 9 of Giant Post of Completed Good Omens Human AU’s: December 2021
Happy December! <3 And thank you to all the creators who bring us so much joy! [Note-- there was no November 2021 human AU post because I got too busy]
Also! A searchable list of all of my Good Omens human AU recs.
You can use it to find fics where Aziraphale is a librarian, or fics with Ineffable Wives, etc.
More of my Completed Good Omens Human AU Recs on Tumblr
More Good Omens recs from me here: Dannye’s fic recs Dannye’s artist recs
And here's me: Ao3 ~ DannyeChase.com ~ Linktree
Series: (not all of these series are complete)
Angels & Fallen (Good Omens Mob AU) by @rainydaydecaf Rated M (Mobster C & bookshop owner A)
Devotions by @ineffable-human (Ao3 AnnaTheHank) Rated G-T (A & Gabriel are married when they meet painter C)
Frosting and Feelings, by @goodduckingomens (Ao3 Nenchen) Rated G (Wedding photographer C & wedding cake baker A)
Good Omens Bingo 2021 by @tawnyontumblr (Ao3 TawnyOwl95) Rated T-E. (Series contains multiple human AUs: 3. Scientists A & C are set up on a blind date; 4. Renter C & landlord A; 8. C has become guardian of his nephew, co-worker A helps out; 9. Prince A & consort C; 10. C & A are high school students; 12. Hunter A & traveler C in the Stone Age; 13. C & A are college friends who meet again at Pride; 14. C & A are neighbors)
King of The Castle by TeaCub90 Rated G-T (C & A are neighbors)
to go romancing @quillyfied (Ao3 Quilly) Rated G-T. (Series contains several human AUs. 1. Prince C and servant A in an AU based on the movie "Ever After"; 2. Squire C & noble A in an AU based on the movie "A Knight's Tale"; 3. Princess C & Prince A in an AU based on the movie "Swan Princess"; 4. C & A are former lovers in an AU based on the movie "Mama Mia")
Z A Dusk's Sweet and Fluffy Human AUs by @zadusk (Ao3 Z A Dusk (snakeandmoon)) Rated G-E (1. C & A are food bloggers; 2. C & A meet at the state fair; 3 & 4. C & A are van-lifers)
Single Fics:
666 Heartbeats by AppleSeeds 10,093 words, Rated T (Game show host C & contestant A)
And Forgive Our Sins by @entanglednow 3992 words, rated E (Priest A meets C in the confessional)
A Queer Kind of Platonic by @freyjawriter24 7882 words, Rated T (C & A are childhood friends)
A Study in Hazel by @angelsnuffbox (Ao3 MrsCaulfield) 45,943 words, Rated E (A modern-day C and a Victorian A meet through time travel)
Blind Date by @mimsynims 1163 words, Rated G (Waiter C & customer A who's on a blind date)
Cake pops by @tarekgiverofcookies (Ao3: Tarek_giverofcookies) 2184 words, Rated T (Flower shop owner C & baker A)
Can I have your number? by AppleSeeds 1824 words, Rated G (Bartender C & customer A)
Christmas Omens by Everard_Digby 11,695 words, Rated G (C tries to get A to sell his small town bookshop in a Christmas movie AU)
Come Fly With Me (Let’s Take Off In The Blue) by @ineffableomenshusbands (Ao3 Dashicra1) and @ouidamforeman 2857 words, Rated T (Aircraft maintenance engineer C & pilot A)
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee by @waffleironbiddingwar (Ao3 Vagabond) 29,068 words, Rated M (C moves to a small town & meets bookseller A)
Escaping the Friend Zone by @shipping-vaguely-downwards (Ao3 SerenityStargazer) 7129 words, Rated E (Photographer C & bookshop owner A)
Fish knows best by Joseph_Amadeus 10,154 words, Rated M (A opens a bistro in C's small town)
Full Load by @naromoreau and @summerofspock 3922 words, Rated E (A helps fellow college student C with a problem)
I'd Be Home With You by @bornonthesavage (Ao3 KiaraMGrey) 2409 words, Rated M (C & A are soldiers)
In Good Hands by @carduelis-carduelis (Ao3 tikli) 2553 words, Rated E (Masseur A & client C)
In Questo Paradiso ne Scopra il Nuovo Dì by @madquerade (Ao3 Sherwhotreksings) 17022 words, Rated M (Ineffable wives in an AU based on the opera "La Traviata." Fic is in English)
is that a snake in your pocket, or did you really show up at my door with a screwdriver by @sevdrag 1622 words, Rated G (C & A are neighbors)
It's Only Human Nature After All by @summerofspock and @fledglingdoodles 13,843 words, Rated E (Ineffable wives: C & A are actors in a music hall)
Je T'Aime; Rien Ne Va Plus by @saretton 6353 words, Rated E (C is Lord A's valet. Fic is in English)
Last Night I Saw Upon the Stair by auguryanxiety and @holycatsandrabbits Self-rec! 6731 words, Rated M. (C & A are tenants in a haunted house)
Lattes, Lavender, And Love by ranguvar82. 31,178 words, Rated E. (Customer C & coffee shop worker A)
Lunacy by snae_b 57,077 words, Rated E (Miner C & geologist A in space)
Merger of Equals by @elderlysardine 38,413 words, Rated E (C & A are co-workers)
Murder on the angel express by Joseph_Amadeus 4989 words, Rated T (Detective A meets C on a train)
No Rest in the Restroom by @quefish77 2096 words, Rated E (Ineffable wives: C & A meet at a party)
No Sun Shining by @janara7 (Ao3 Janara) 1249 words, Rated T (A mourns his lover C, who has died)
Oops! by @mimsynims 21,116 words, Rated E (Best friends A & C get drunk in Las Vegas and wake up married)
Our Arms Were Once Wings by @ecchima and @trashboatprince (Ao3 RiYuYami) 37,681 words, Rated T (Prince A and assassin C in a Swan Lake AU)
Passion on the Projector by AppleSeeds 1781 words, Rated M (C & A are college professors)
Pink and Emerald and Cigarette Smoke by @toeskater91 2871 words, Rated T (Dagon & Michael are office co-workers)
Playing With Fire by @joyandotherstories and @smolalienbee 25,340 words, Rated T (C & A are neighbors in a magical story)
Ring Bell For Service by @quefish77 (Ao3 Quefish) 2662 words, Rated E (Court jester C & audience member A)
Secrets by AppleSeeds 10,659 words, Rated M. (C & A are college students)
Soak it Up by @naromoreau 6873 words, Rated E (College student C washes cars outside of A's bookshop)
Speak to me in Floral Tongue by @depressedstressedlemonzest 7596 words, Not Rated. (Flower shop owner A & customer C)
Ten Minutes In Heaven by hapax (hapaxnym) 1455 words, Rated T (C & A are high school students)
The British Agent by Jackie Thomas 17,764 words, unrated. ( British Agent C & Russian Cultural Attaché A in the 1950's)
The Invisible Touch by AppleSeeds 30,971 words, Rated T (C & A are magicians)
The Sweetest Thing in Life is Love by @depressedstressedlemonzest 203,241 words, Not Rated (C & A are rival bakers)
They Were Knockoffs (Oh My God They Were Knockoffs) by @ineffablefool 1933 words, Rated T (C & A meet at a restaurant)
Total Compensation Package by @d20owlbear 5146 words, Rated E (Editor C & reporter A)
Twisting the Lens by @naromoreau and @lookitsstevie 8295 words, Rated E (Model Antonia & photographer A)
You Spin Me Right 'Round by @cheeriosandwine (Ao3 cheerios_and_wine) and @tastymoves (Ao3 Sway) 7666 words, Rated E (C & A are neighbors)
Zombie heaven by Joseph_Amadeus 4267 words, Rated T (Husbands C & A deal with the zombie apocalypse)
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The Benefits of Ranger Shelves for Van Life
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Ranger shelves, also known as modular shelving systems, offer numerous benefits for individuals embracing the van life. Whether you're a full-time nomad or an occasional traveler, these customizable shelving units can enhance the functionality and comfort of your van. Here are some key benefits of ranger shelves for van life:
Optimal Space Utilization: Ranger shelves are designed to maximize the use of available space in your van. With a modular and customizable layout, you can tailor the shelving to fit the unique dimensions of your van, ensuring efficient use of every nook and cranny.
Organization and Storage: The primary function of ranger shelves is to provide organized storage space. With various compartments and shelves, you can neatly arrange and store your belongings, preventing clutter and making it easier to find items when needed. This level of organization is especially crucial in the limited space of a van.
Customization to Your Needs: Ranger shelves offer a high degree of customization. You can configure the shelves based on your specific storage requirements. Whether you need space for camping gear, clothing, kitchen essentials, or electronic devices, the modular design allows you to create a layout that suits your lifestyle.
Weight Distribution: Proper weight distribution is essential for the safety and stability of a van. Ranger shelves can be strategically placed to evenly distribute the weight of your belongings, preventing issues like uneven tire wear and ensuring a balanced and controlled driving experience.
Easy Access to Essentials: With well-organized ranger shelves, you have easy access to your essentials. No more rummaging through bags or digging through a disorganized pile of belongings. This convenience is especially valuable when you're on the road and need quick access to specific items.
Enhanced Comfort and Livability: Van life often involves spending extended periods in a confined space. Well-designed ranger shelves contribute to a more comfortable living environment by creating order and optimizing the use of available space. This can positively impact your overall experience on the road.
Durability and Stability: Ranger shelves are typically constructed from sturdy materials like plywood or metal, providing durability and stability. When properly assembled and secured, these shelves can withstand the vibrations and movements associated with driving on various terrains.
Versatility for Different Needs: The versatility of ranger shelves makes them suitable for various needs. Whether you're a solo traveler, a couple, or a family with kids, you can customize the shelves to accommodate different lifestyle requirements. This adaptability is valuable for those embracing van life in diverse ways.
Increased Resale Value: A well-organized and thoughtfully designed interior, including ranger shelves, can enhance the resale value of your van. Potential buyers may appreciate the convenience and functionality offered by a van with a practical storage solution already in place.
DIY Potential: Many van lifers enjoy the DIY aspect of creating and customizing their living spaces. Ranger shelves provide an opportunity for hands-on construction and personalization. DIY projects can be fulfilling and allow you to tailor the shelves to your specific aesthetic preferences.
Efficient Travel and Quick Set-Up: When everything has its designated place on the ranger shelves, setting up camp becomes more efficient. You can easily access the items you need, reducing the time and effort required for tasks like cooking, getting ready, or packing up for the next destination.
Enhanced Safety: Proper storage and organization contribute to a safer driving experience. Items stored on secure ranger shelves are less likely to become projectiles during sudden stops or turns, reducing the risk of injury or damage to both occupants and belongings.
In conclusion, ranger shelves play a pivotal role in optimizing the van life experience. From efficient space utilization and organization to customization and durability, these shelves contribute to the comfort, safety, and overall enjoyment of life on the road. Whether you're a minimalist traveler or someone seeking a home on wheels, ranger shelves offer a practical solution for making the most of your van's interior space.
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orionvan · 8 months
The Hidden Benefits of Sprinter Roof Rails Every Van Owner Should Know
Sprinter roof rails are not just a mundane accessory but a secret treasure trove of benefits for van owners. So, whether you’re an avid traveler, a weekend explorer, or a full-time van lifer, consider investing in Sprinter roof rails. They’re the perfect combination of style and functionality that will make your van life journey even more rewarding. Get ready to hit the road with confidence, knowing that you’ve unlocked the hidden benefits of Sprinter roof rails – the unsung heroes of van life.
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van-squad · 1 year
Looking for a way to make your van more comfortable for sleeping? Look no further than these creative van bed solutions! Whether you're a full-time van lifer or just taking a weekend road trip, having a comfortable place to sleep is essential. From fold-out beds to custom-built platforms, there are endless options for maximizing your space and creating a cozy sleeping area. Plus, with the rise of van life culture, there are plenty of resources and inspiration available online to help you design the perfect setup. So why settle for a cramped and uncomfortable sleeping situation in your van? With a little creativity and some DIY skills, you can transform your space into a comfortable and inviting home on wheels. Check out these innovative van bed solutions and start planning your next adventure! 🚐💤1. "Maximizing Space: Creative Van Bed Solutions for Small Interiors"When living in a van, maximizing space is crucial. Here are some creative bed solutions for small interiors: Consider a platform bed to create storage space underneath Install a foldable bed that can be tucked away during the day Use a hammock for a unique and space-saving sleeping option Opt for a futon or sofa bed that can double as seating during the day Another option is to build a custom bed that fits the unique dimensions of your van. This can include: A bed that folds up against the wall A bed that slides out from under a bench or table A bed that is elevated and accessible by ladder When designing your van bed, keep in mind the importance of comfort. Invest in a quality mattress and bedding, and consider adding: Pillows for added support Blackout curtains for privacy and better sleep A fan or heater for temperature control LED lights for reading or ambiance Remember, the key to maximizing space in a van is to think creatively and make use of every inch. With the right bed solution, you can transform your small interior into a comfortable and functional living space. 🛏️2. "DIY Van Bed Ideas: Customizing Your Sleeping Area"When it comes to van life, customizing your sleeping area is crucial for comfort. Here are some DIY van bed ideas to get you started: Install a platform bed with storage underneath for added organization. Use foam or memory foam to create a comfortable mattress. Add curtains or shades for privacy and to block out light. Install LED lights for a cozy ambiance. For a more unique touch, consider these creative van bed ideas: Build a hammock bed for a fun and relaxing sleeping experience. Install a Murphy bed for a space-saving option. Create a loft bed for added storage space underneath. Use a futon or sofa bed for a multi-functional sleeping and seating area. Don't forget to consider your personal needs and preferences when customizing your van bed. With a little creativity and effort, you can create the perfect sleeping area for your van life adventures! 🚐💤3. "Multi-Functional Van Bed Designs: Combining Storage and Comfort"🚐 Multi-functional van bed designs are a great way to combine storage and comfort in your van. 🛏️ These designs allow you to have a comfortable place to sleep while also providing ample storage space for your belongings. 💡 Some popular multi-functional van bed designs include fold-out beds, bunk beds, and platform beds with built-in storage. 🔍 When choosing a design, consider your specific needs and the size of your van. 💺 Some designs also include seating options, such as benches or swivel chairs, to maximize space and functionality. 📦 Don't forget to also incorporate storage solutions such as cabinets, drawers, and shelves for added organization. 🛌 With the right multi-functional van bed design, you can create a cozy and efficient living space on the road.4. "Eco-Friendly Van Bed Solutions: Sustainable and Affordable Options"Looking for eco-friendly van bed solutions? Check out these sustainable and affordable options: Bamboo bed slats Recycled foam mattress Organic cotton bedding Upcycled wood bed frame Solar-powered ventilation fan Not only are these options better for the environment, they can also save you money in the long run. Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource, making it a great choice for bed slats. Recycled foam mattresses reduce waste and provide a comfortable sleeping surface. Organic cotton bedding is made without harmful chemicals, and upcycled wood bed frames give new life to old materials. Solar-powered ventilation fans keep your van cool without draining your battery. By choosing eco-friendly van bed solutions, you can reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy a more sustainable lifestyle on the road. 🌍🚐5. "Luxurious Van Bed Upgrades: Adding Style and Comfort to Your Mobile HomeUpgrade your van bed for a more comfortable and stylish mobile home experience. Here are some luxurious van bed upgrades: Invest in a high-quality mattress for better sleep. Add a memory foam topper for extra comfort. Upgrade your bedding with soft, high-thread-count sheets. Don't forget to add some style to your van bed: Choose a color scheme that matches your personality. Add throw pillows and blankets for a cozy feel. Hang curtains or a canopy for privacy and ambiance. For added convenience, consider these upgrades: Install reading lights for nighttime reading. Add a charging station for your devices. Install storage compartments for your belongings. Upgrade your van bed for a more luxurious mobile home experience. Your van will feel like a five-star hotel on wheels. 🚐💤🌟 In conclusion, there are plenty of creative van bed solutions that can make your van life more comfortable and enjoyable. From foldable beds to convertible sofas, there are options for every type of van and budget. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box when it comes to designing your van bed. Remember, a good night's sleep is crucial to a successful van life experience. So, invest in a quality mattress and bedding, and consider adding some personal touches to make your van feel like home. With the right van bed solution, you'll be able to rest easy and wake up ready for your next adventure. 🚐💤 https://van-squad.co.uk/creative-van-bed-solutions/?_unique_id=647ca94fce530
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