#fun easy questions
satanfemme · 4 months
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I'm not explaining this one. if you've seen the comment sections you know what this means.
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coconox · 9 months
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some brainrot hehehhdhhfjsjd
ty @windywriter for feeding into the brainrot and giving me doodle ideas also sorry for the ping but i think you’d also like to see the full thing 😈😈
full doodle page here ↓ !!
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brown-little-robin · 9 days
okay, I'm crowdsourcing advice for a minute, so bear with me and please lend some words if you have any:
I want to get out of the house more. Like, on a regular basis. Weekly, maybe. Preferably, I would like to be interacting with people—the same people—every time, for... like... accountability, but also because I am hoping to put myself out there as the 21st century's most neurotic platonic Casanova. Uh. Making a friend or more out of this would be desirable. But I think if I go out with the intention of making a friend, I will be disappointed.
So. I want to go do something, for that something's own sake. I don't want to go be fake once a week hoping to get a friend out of it.
However, the beautiful state of Iowa is a bit cultureless, and I am too introverted and easily overwhelmed for this world (e.g. going to bars is probably not gonna be my thing). So.... I guess.... any suggestions? opinions? thoughts on making friends in general, or finding good activities as an introverted adult, in general?
oh yeah, also: I am poor. that's a factor. so. signing up a class or similar is not a great option right now.
what the heck, I'll add a silly poll for fun:
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howlonomy · 6 months
So, according to Martlet, monsters seem to be able to emanate the battle themes, and she's unsure of if Clover can here them. Since they're a monster now, what would their theme be? Would it be a regular "(blank) Approaching" or would it be more unique?
Obviously the easiest answer would be Enemy Retreating since that's the closest to a "Clover Battle Theme" that we're gonna get but uh, I don't think it would work for Monster Clover given the whole murder themes related to it.
Maybe it'd include a mix of Martlet, Starlo and Ceroba's themes (Protocol, Showdown!, Some Point of No Return, A Mother's Love)? Maybe Dalv's too?
I'm not asking you to make one, but I just wanna know how you think it'd probably sound. I'm definitely leaning more towards the mashup one since their Monster body is a mashup of their friends.
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oh this is such a fun question!!
i also think it would be a mashup! buuut i think the songs they would steal from would be birds of a feather, showdown, some point of no return, and vigorous terrain.
birds of a feather; one of martlets themes but it has a matching song as well (flock together). the saying fits the theme of friendship clover and martlet have!
showdown/some point of no return: the best starlo/ceroba themes that i think would fit
vigorous terrain: cowboy :]
i think some aspects of enemy retreating would stay; all the monsters themes usually have some kind of leitmotif that goes through ALL their songs no matter the route. so some of it would be in there!
i think it would be named something like “Harbringer of Justice”, but in a fun lighthearted way :]
iiiif there were a no mercy route, i think their theme names would be “All’s Fair” and “In Love and War”, and they would take motifs from trial by fury, retribution, justice (that was a rlly good idea i hadnt thought of!) and enemy retreating. but enemy retreating would be MUCH more prominent :) “All’s Fair” would be the first fight with them (normal form) and “In Love and War” would be a final battle with their Determined form!
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
If piepoe happend to be in the game, would they be a boss or a secret room in the hub world? I'm just curious :]
Definitely a secret room in the hub world!! It's actually where Piepoe exists in their own little universe, just in a hidden room within the tower. It'd be tricky to find but once it is found you can see her!!
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(I'd also think if you taunted near him and his little children they'd all taunt with you as well!!) (Along with some sketches of other interaction ideas...!! Just for funs!!)
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moeblob · 4 months
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Amazing, take some of the side character demons from Evil Bound.
Vincie is a menace to Chuck and Chuck alone so in Hell, Chuck hexes his hand behind his back so that he isn't grabbed as much (and it's harder to pet him). Chuck is like the most irresponsible older sibling ever to demons though so Kelvin recruits him (as an older sibling vibe) to go help him get his ACTUAL older sibling from Earth. Chuck agrees. And then drags Vincie from Hell with them because no one else wants to babysit him and he refuses to unbind the hex just to re-hex when he returns to Hell.
In Hell, Kelvin actually doesn't appear much different than his human form! Like Kronos, the lines under his eyes are red in Hell but black on earth. Chuck however? In Hell he has wolf-ish ears and has a fur lining his neck (note the neck scars in human form). In addition to that he has four eyes in Hell (note the scars under his eyes in human form). Vincie just has horns in Hell. And! In Hell the hex doesn't have a silly looking "tied up" look, it's invisible unless Vincie strains it with movement and then its red text. But it shifts on earth to be visible.
Vincie's biggest agony for the entirety on earth is "dude it's colder here than in Hell I want a jacket to slip my arms into BUT I CANT BECAUSE IM BOUND".
#my characters#amazing show stopping rng wheel thanks#i have my oc plots on a wheel - thats 80 different options! wow! - and spun it#i spun twice and the first time it was the bodyguard plot that i drew a few days ago#the second time was evil bound#i genuinely think it new its a bad day and im not doing well so it took it easy on me with things id done recently#anyway ive never colored kelvin before which i realized today#i only have pencil art of him#also fun fact about their lil earth adventures#they fucking fail horrifically the first time they go and kronos doesnt go back#then they go back to try and get him to forcefully bring him back and theeeeen shit hits the fan#and so vincie is vibing with tolliver since hes basically useless without hands and then oops!#no more hex! and so he starts to get really super scared and tolliver is like uh isnt that a good thing your hands are free now#and vincie is horrified because the only way to break a hex from a distance is if the caster is near dead or dead#and if thats the case chuck is probably dead and that means what if kronos and kelvin are dead#how is he gonna get back to hell alone and is HE going to get punished for it#but then kronos and kelvin show up and take vincie back to hell with the not breathing chuck#but its fine in the end bc the succubi bring him back to ... life ? question mark? anyway hes revived#but vincie does have a part where hes just crying in tollivers apartment bc he thinks hes gonna be punished#for not helping the other demons and then they died#but chuck dying is basically why kronos goes back to hell - he feels responsible (hes at fault so good for him to own up)#vincie is one of the very few demons who doesnt have dark sclera#chuck vincie and kronos all have black sclera while the succubi have gray#i dont think there was ever a reason for it tbh i should make up a reason#time to go lie down and not exist the rest of the night if i can avoid it
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
who's your favorite character to draw? (doesn't have to be only mdzs characters)
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I'd have to go with...Little Apple and Wei Wuxian!
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meganechan05 · 9 months
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Comfort Items
I dunno why but I feel like Gokkan would have stockpiles of preserved or ready-made food items for emergencies because it's a tundra so Rita would sometimes have cup ramen late at night while working. Himeno never had any bc why would the Queen of Ishabana eat that when she has servants available 24/7 that can whip something fast and simple for her? But she likes it after insisting on staying in Gokkan for a night while the two are working and was feeling peckish. The three would just chill and chat over some while Rita gets some last-minute work done lol
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wickmitz · 13 days
Yeah, this is a really weird ask, but have you heard of the fanfic Ivy and Freckle in Watered Daisies and, if so, what's your opinion on it?
i’ve definitely heard of watered daisies, hard not to when the fandom ( particularly reddit ) is so ‘traumatized’ by the work. i even gave it a read if i remember correctly due to my own curiosity, that and the other fic where rocky saves them. so i’m acquainted with it somewhat! as for my opinions, i don’t think i have any worth noting? while the fic is dark, i genuinely don’t think it’s that bad for a character death fic … the actual scary parts, aka the drowning, are only present in the last two-ish paragraphs -- and those parts are written extraordinarily well! but it’s still brief, leaving me rather curious as to why the fandom views it as such a dark and awful fic, especially when they could’ve just not read it at all? i think some fans just have a tendency to overreact, honestly, or maybe they’re just little kids who shouldn’t be engaging with lackadaisy at all, much less be reading such a triggering work! either way, the whole ordeal around watered daisies is as interesting as it is baffling.
the fic itself is fine! i do applaud someone writing something so different and going against the mold even if there was a risk of upsetting fans. the concrete shoes are a swell idea for a death fic as well, and my favorite part was actually within the end note, where they paraded what happened to freckle and ivy as an unsolved mystery. there’s a lot of creativity in the writing itself, and it’s by far the best dark fic i’ve seen for lackadaisy … although that’s not saying much, since there isn’t a lot of that type of fic in the tag anyway. but as i said, my opinions on this piece aren’t vast or anything. while i like aspects of the work and admire the bravery to post it, i don’t exactly mull it over outside of a ‘the reaction to this one work is insane!’ sort of thought. and sure, i actively enjoy dark topics in fanfic, but character death is one of many subjects i usually avoid, tag wise! so i don’t reread fics like that often, much less go looking for them … so overall? it’s just not for me.
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checanty · 1 year
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Hello, hello spooky friends! I'm teaming up with the wonderful people of Drink & Draw Berlin again to bring my creepy art workshop back this November--it's LIVE, ONLINE and--most importantly--quite fun. 👻 Get tickets here
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Hello, I have a question about PiePoe! :) I'm just curious about what could possibly make her angry. I dunno if anybody has asked this yet so sorry if this has already been answered!
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The biggest thing that makes her DOWNRIGHT ENRAGED is when harm is done to one of his crafted toppins...!
(Also, no need to apologize...!! It's perfectly okay :3🙏💓)
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astralprisms · 2 months
[☺ Skaro - The Shield of Shra'kt'alor☺]
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OC NAME: Skaro
1. Greeting message:
Do you have need of me?
2. Identify yourself:
I am Skaro of Shra'kt'lor, though I haven't called that place home in a long time.
3. Tell me about your Creche:
No creche, a monastery in the midst of Chaos. One of many. There isn't much to say. There we were trained, and there I learned to harness my psionic energy to better defend my mind and body, though I left to pursue a different path once that training was complete.
4. I need to know how you fight::
You may be expecting a monk, but the blade says otherwise. A fighter, then. But don't get too comfortable -- how many wizards do you know that can also swing a sword? I am a Zerth. I may prefer a blade to fists, but there is more to my fighting than meets the eye.
5. Can I ask a more personal question?
Not at the moment. I'm here on business.
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Skaro started life as Xa'rok's Dream Guardian, so you'll often see him in the Guardian's armor, but I got too attached to him, so he gets to exist on his own now, too.
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In the AU in which he exists alongside Xa'rok as himself and not just the visage of a prisoner the Emperor once met, Skaro was born in Shra'kt'lor and became both a philosophical student of Zerthimon's and a practitioner of arcane-focused fighting, earning himself the honorary and hereditary title of Zerth. He has been around for quite some time -- age undefined but his physical body is somewhere in his 50s -- and in that time grown tired of the us against them mentality that keeps the gith people splintered instead of whole. He left Shra'kt'lor to follow this desire for unification, interplanar-traveled often, and found himself invited to and then a part of the sha'sal khou. He has been working with the organization for years and after meeting Xa'rok in his travels, brought them along into the fold. In this universe, he and Xa'rok are partnered and they continue Xa'rok's work alongside their work for the Sha'sal Khou, as some of their interests align.
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technically if it's not simmered in the champagne region of france it's a sparkling best boy friend
#you see actually this is an ingeniously relevant caption b/c of the concept of Authentic food tying into the film's main themes re culture#Clearly impeccable lol....anyway here's me using this blog as like a tumblr hosted imgur#also just now in the shower it occurred to me the parallels / overlaps with My Big Fat Greek Wedding. obviously also v different but#so your family & by extension their culture aren't the Normal & your father especially holds on to this distinction#& you don't just want to work at the family business forever & then you meet a nice boy & there's no problem there he's just nice#except then how to reconcile this with your relationship w/your family & your culture & thus also your identity btw....#anyways how about that uhh#elemental#elemental 2023#pixar elemental#ember lumen#wade ripple#fanart#always a time & a half trying to decide how to tag these kinds of titles. but somehow i survive#it's really a testament to the so precisely captured Cuteness of wade's design that it's like; trying to just do a shadow of it justice lol#it's So good. definitely went for the like expressive wobbliness...the wavy smile is just thee perfect detail all thee time. ugh#giving both of them that Flow while also ember is pointier & has the whole luminosity element....the chefs are kissing#love the Relationship when it's like yeah it's easy to make it agonizing when it's like ya both people have fun & like each other & enjoy#being together & find the relationship enriching & motivating...you Are a cute couple / again that the conflict isn't really even like ooh#will the won't they as a question of if they really like each other; & Definitely not a question of [these ppl hate each other actually] lo#like me saying i like romcoms sometimes when it Does mostly mean i'll watch mybigfatgreekwedding 500x in a row. it's on youtube btw#then you watch some random other romcom & it's psychological torture. random xmas romcomdram like gave me a headache fr....#anyways really liked this film really had a great time i'm def gonna see it again soon#i loved both these characters & their relationship & the Elemental manifestation of Culture is really inchtaraesting#plus other metaphorical resonance ppl find...physical disability; queer experiences....#it was also fun b/c their interacting & their arcs w/each other having that mutual Effect & Change from their dynamic was like#that also just feels like both of them / their relationship = my relationship with myself &/or both how i interact w/the world/anyone#definitely always describing myself in ways like ''i never x except for when i do always; readily'' like Crying for sure lol. I'm Both....#probably a bit more wade? within Myself; by this point lol. i feel like maybe i'm the wade w/someone i'm more comfortable around#but that otherwise i probably come across more emberesque. usually. except for when it's the opposite except for when it's not lmao etc!!!!
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deus-ex-mona · 25 days
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i miss her…
#cant believe i forgot about her till the photobook q&a im so sorry witch mona~~~~~~~#press f for honeypre atelier gachas it was gone too soon™️#(currently e x t r e m e l y worried and stressed for tomorrow like never before b u t i have to appear like im fine sobs save me monachann)#(can i go on a stress-prompted tangent here about something inane? no? toooo bad im gonna go off anyway~~~~)#ok so. like. since witch mona is the image i have up ‘ere and since it’s still 七月… today’s tangent will be on irl spooky stories!!#s o. presenting a decently repressed memory from my childhood that resurfaced while i was hibernating at home:#anyways. well. thoughts about the afterlife can vary from person to person yes? there’s no one true correct belief after all#but the one question that unites us all is probably the one and only ‘are ghosts real?’#and well. for personal reasons i think so. i mean i’ve seen this one dude i hate get possessed a couple of times so welp. cant deny it ig.#wild story about that actually. back in the day my family’s finances were allegedly doing so badly that [dude i hate] had to pick up#a *c e r t a i n* side hustle for extra cash. that side hustle? literal grave digging at the cemetary. at night no less#and *ofc* he wasn’t respectful about it in the least so ofc some spirits followed him home. yay. free roommates.#one(?) of them even took residence in my room at the time and im 80% sure they ate my history textbook :( much sads#anyways well once that guy had too much to drink (which was rather often tbh) he’d get possessed. fun!#the only possession i ever saw was the n-rarity angry ghost who’d just huff and puff in silence with unfocused eyes most of the time#he’d occasionally put on a leather jacket too. but that was like a r-rarity event that didn’t happen that often#my mother had the chance to also witness the mosquito (who tried to barge into my room for fresh blood) and the 姑娘 (self-explanatory)#which is kinda unfair tbh. i wanted to see the ur-rarity ones too :( mostly bc it’d be funny to see a guy i hate act ooc (impure intentions)#oh right. ​how did we get the dude out of his possession? we just shook his arm really hard. prolly caused some lasting effects but who know#i think he could also just sleep off the possession but idk i was asleep for the ur-rarity incidents.#cant ask the one witness of it bc i dont want to bring back unnecessary flashbacks of [guy we hate]#anyways it’s been years since we moved out from that place and i still want my history textbook back. mostly for the principle of it but—#and so that’s the tangent of the day. i feel weirdly less stressed now thanks witch mona#i do wonder how my grandparents are faring on this 七月 though…#b u t !!!!! tomorrow’s date on the lunar calendar says it’s an auspicious day for wishful activity and starting a new job!!! so… maybe~~~~?#hauauauauauauauuauaaaaaa anyways insane tangent over stream mona’s new album ok bye#oops forgor to disable rbs i hate how easy it is to forget to use this function man
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spartalabouche · 5 months
they need a word for the type of guy who automatically answers any question with 'just google it' i cant stand that shit. im trying to be social with you man i want you to share your knowledge i want to ask a person not a robot i want you to help me learn. wont you help me learn???
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termagax · 1 month
re: "good girl" i think they say it once randomly as a joke and its just one of those things that gets him wayyy more than they expected it would. so now its their secret weapon and they use it very sparingly and every single time he gets super embarrassed about it but it works ill tell you what.
#HES MY PRINCESS IDEK.#i dont think it happens naturally all that much because theyre usually in the business of calling each other names and being mean#so i think this would just be a random night where theyre on top and just think it would be really funny. to yank on his leash and call him#a good girl after bullying him into doing something. and well i just think it would get him is all i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwwww#i havr a lot of thoughts on the matter but i will stop for now#but the tldr is that with each other they tend to switch frequently and are always fighting#so i think itd take someone else being in the picture for hog to even realize how much he likes being a good boy :3#and i also dont think fish would be good at straightforward domming in the way he would want and they both know that#so its something he keeps between him and rat mostly. please dont ask me questions abt jrs sex life i have too many opinions on it#anyways. i think even tho fish knows theyd be bad at that they still feel left out so sometimes they go watch. they dont get anything out of#doing that theyre just sort of taking mental notes#all of this circles back to i think fish has always been the more sexually experienced of the two. and romantically.#i dont rlly think hog is a guy who dates i dont think hes ever been that and i dont think he made much time for hookups#(i think its cute if hes a virgin when they meet but 🤷 im not solid on it)#but i think for him hes just only ever fucked this one person and they do a LOT of stuff and it gets the job done so hes just never really#tried anything else. but. and again i have too many opinions on this but i think rat wouldnt be into their usual shteeze#i think hes a bit of a freak in his own way but the blood and weird anger issues is just not doing it for him most of the time#but i do think if given the opportunity he would LOVE to be The Boss for a little bit so i think he and hog can explore that together and it#will work out beautifully for them. this is great because i am not into strict d/s dynamics like that but i know in my heart that hoggy#would be. and i cant do that for him#again i think fish would be butthurt about this. mostly in a 'why didnt u tell me so we could try this :(' and he would go#'because you would suck at it and wouldnt like it' and they go oh. right. well im still mad#ANYWAYS. circling back. i think the good girl thing would be something fish knows that rat doesnt. and idk if theyd tell him or not#because i do think if they tell him he is using that for evil hog is going to be a good girl forever and ever. rat doesnt have the patience#to space it out the way fish does. which idk maybe thatd be good for hog he could work through some stuff...#but on the other hand i think its fun if they DONT tell him and just bust it out sometime when all 3 of them are doing the deed. or whatever#because again they mostly like how embarrassed he gets about it and i think he would be reallyyyy flustered by it#^ this is essentially part of my fantasy about spitroasting my beautiful wife until he cries just so everyone knows#idk i just think when he lets go of himself hed be a very cute and kind of needy subby bottom and i think hed be really easy to fluster#about it and i want it so bad
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