#fun fact. he is one of my favorites ever ❤️I love him hes so Funny
vanibear · 1 year
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duel academy's #1 emo fail bisexual 💯
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rwrbficrecs · 3 months
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Thanks for all the love on the recent Readers' Choice list ✨ The May faves are a little late but hope you all enjoy these recs 💕
you turned a moment (into forever) by viciouslyqueer (book-verse)
@suseagull04: Think of the fluffiest bedsharing fic you've ever read and combine it with a college roommates AU, and you have this fic! I can't stress enough just how soft this fic is, this is the perfect fic for if you need a quick pick-me-up!
running through my mind all day by allthelovesaved (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Henry rarely, if ever, jogs. It's not something that interests him. That is until he stumbles upon Alex's TikTok profile (thanks, Pez!!). Alex, a passionate runner, shares his knowledge in a captivating way. Coincidentally, he's also the brother of Henry's colleague June, who convinces him to join their "group running thing"... This sweet, sweet story is fluffy and funny, very soft and a little silly (says the author), and it just made me very, very happy.
Wit and Wisdom by @pridepages (book-verse)
@heysweetheart-writes: A window into the future of "Little Matters" my absolute favorite story. Im so in love with this family and happy to see the woman Cat has become and how much of Alex she carries with her. I cried and laughed and EJ left me wanting more of them as usual. If you haven't read Little Matters yet, what are you doing with your life?? Haha
hymns down your sides by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@na-dineee: One of my favourite authors delivers yet again! Henry, a refined boyband veteran in his mid-30s, meets wild, lately kind of self-destructive boyband star Alex. Henry can't probably save him, but maybe he can give him a push in the right direction? This story put me through the emotional wringer. So many feelings, so much hurt, and the chemistry - absolutely gripping!
the poem you make of me by @omgcmere (book-verse)
@suseagull04: The riches found within this fic know no bounds! It's a writer Henry AU that maintains a lot of the same themes as the book (which it coveys just as well), but it adds another layer of heart with the fact that in this verse, Henry is not just a writer, but a poet.
Savasana by @iboatedhere (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Lawyer Alex has hit a low point in his career. The situation is absolutely not pretty, and understandably, Alex is skeptical about whether yoga can fix it, as June suggests. Can yoga instructor Henry straighten things out for Alex? - Alex pulls one Alex after another - it gave me whiplash in the best possible way! The story is very touching and sweet, also absolutely hilarious at the same time !! So fun to read !!
Henry Fox, All-American Hero by @tintagel-or-cockleshells (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This is an AU of a book I loved in middle school, so not only did it give me so much nostalgia, but it has all the quirkiness of RWRB too! Alex in this is so mischievous and sweet, and I love it!
A Wretched Beginning by @royalasstronaut (book-verse)
@dot524: This was a fun romp — forbidden relationship, college/academic AU, tension and angst, and loads of longing. Henry is Alex’s TA and um… things happen. Oh, and they may also be connected in other mysterious ways.
Pleasant Melody by @clottedcreamfudge (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: Love at first sight that feels magical in otherworldly way is one of my favourite kinds of love stories. And this fic is a spectacular example! Henry is a pirate, Alex is a very special siren, they shouldn't make sense but they do. The longing is excellent and I would gladly read ten more fics based on the same concept.
Meant to Be Yours by @affectionatelyrs & @happiness-of-the-pursuit (book-verse)
@zwiazdziarka: Definitely one of the most unhinged fics I've read in this fandom. (Warning: proceed with caution!) Alex loves Henry, Henry doesn't know Alex exists. Alex's dream is of course to meet Henry and his attempts to do so are... worrying. Second-hand embarrassment hits hard, highly recommend!
check out our past Monthly Faves here ❤️
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rockybloo · 7 months
what are some of your favorite aspects of jack and nana’s dynamic? please unleash the red beans thoughts into the world 😭❤️
personally i love how flirtatious nana is with jack (and only jack!), it’s a complete subversion of what you’d expect from her personality
Oh there are SO many aspects.
I love that Jack is a clumsy goofball who is willing to do anything for Nana and wouldn't hesitate getting into a fight for her because no one is talking bad about Nana in his presence.
Nana learning to come out of her shell a bit more due to her friendship with Jack but not because he's telling her she has to. Jack actually works with her antisocialness and learns about her boundaries and limits. Nana just likes being around him and would like to be around him more. But in order to do that, she knows she has to stop holding herself back from interacting with everyone by staying in her room or the Lupine forest.
There's the fact Nana is the one who teaches Jack how to fight in hand-to-hand combat. Xia def has their hand in teaching him but Nana is what makes the lessons stick (she also is the one who teaches him how to use his elongated canines). That lad learned how to bite and make it count from his girlfriend.
The fact they both have their own "dark" sides that they are a bit self conscious about while ironically loving the other's alternate side and wishing they'd be more comfortable about it.
Nana is very aware of the fact Jack likes sweets and always makes some for him when she gets the chance, but she also knows he needs to eat healthy foods too. And sometimes, getting Jack to eat that good stuff is like pulling teeth. So, in the early days before she fully moved into Briar Patch, she'd bring homecooked food with her for Jack to make sure he's eating SOMETHING that ain't jam packed with sugar. And she knows because she made it, he'll eat it.
I also very much love that Nana is so flirtatious with Jack even though she's so reclusive around people she doesn't know and can be super pokerfaced around her own friends. She does express herself around Pin, Ashe, and Kai, but Jack is the one who fully sees her other sides. She wasn't planning on having him be the only one either, but he makes her feel so comfortable she tends to drop that limit she has on her emotions.
What's funny too is that she wasn't planning on being the flirty type, nor did she intend to be, but one day she did something and Jack responded a certain way and something inside her woke up. She learned she really liked how Jack gets when she flusters him.
I think what my absolute favorite part of their dynamic is the fact that Nana never intended to fall in love with Jack. She was fully planning on just never falling in love...ever. She was fully avoidant of such a thing and never thought it would happen to her. And then Jack came stumbling into her life and accidentally breaking down the walls she built around herself by just being a genuinely nice guy and good friend and she realized "Shit I got it bad for the farm boy."
There's something about a character trying to suppress their feelings for someone because they are scared of getting hurt and/or just have low hopes for life, only for the ball of sunshine to be head-over-heels for them leading to them spending more time around the latter and having them grow fonder and fonder. And then one day they snap and just have that realization when they are by themselves one day "SHIT I'M IN LOVE"
The list of the things I love about Jack and Nana and their interactions together would literally be endless but they are just super fun and comfy for me to write and draw together.
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shiroganeryo · 8 months
Hi there. So don't mind me, I was going through your dazatsu art a while ago (both you and your husband I think?) and also saw some of the captions. You said you two met when you were cosplaying dazatsu? I don't mean to sound stalkerish so please feel free to ignore me, but that is about the sweetest thing I have ever heard😭❤️ I would like to draw one of your cosplays as our favorite couple. You could send me a picture you like- paint over your faces if you don't feel comfortable or-
And again and I emphasize, feel free to straight up reject this or ignore it, because I know it's odd. Just wanted you to know how you warm my heart, and I love your artwork as well<3
Have a nice day or night
Hello there! First of all, don't worry about "sounding stalkerish", it's very sweet of you to drop by just to let me (and by extension, us) know about your thoughts! 😊 The thing is, it's not that we met when we were cosplaying; perhaps me saying we weren't a couple yet gave that impression, but since you asked, I might as well tell you the full story?
You may want to sit, it's a little long (though I'll do my best to be brief) 😅
We already knew each other, we had been acquaintances for a long while, actually! We met when we were 14/13 or so (we're 31/29 now, I'm the older one). We weren't really that close, but we were on friendly terms and all that.
I'll skip the very personal bits which includes (but is not limited to) us getting closer to each other and stupidly pining mutually, but the sequence of events that led to it is one (!) of the reasons why I tend to say we're a "dazatsucore" couple. Because:
He was into me > I noticed on the spot, and did nothing > I was into him > he didn't know because I hid the fact > leads to him blurting out a confession thinking he'd be turned down > I do not turn him down but ask for some time to think things through because I want to be sure of my feelings first > not too long after I have an answer.
By the way, everything I'm saying gets even better (and funnier) when you consider I'm the "Dazai" one, while he's the "Atsushi" in this.
Anyways, about the cosplay shenanigans you inquired about; back when we were getting closer to each other (2016ish), I had become interested in BSD but knew nothing about it; I knew he had watched it, asked what were his thoughts on it, he said it was nice, recommended it, etc. He then commented that he planned to cosplay Atsushi, showed me the character and shared his cosplay plans.
I had only watched the opening so far (the thing that led me to ask him if the anime was good), and Dazai was the one who had caught my eye the most, so I said, very offhandedly, that 'hey, I'd be down to go with you to the con, I do entertain the idea of cosplaying Dazai'.
He was like 'woah, really?! That would be so fun!' but also got extremely nervous on the spot. I obviously noticed. You see, my spouse isn't really the type of person who can hide his feelings very well + I'm good at reading through people. We've always been a funny match in that regard, ngl.
From a quick Google search I did to gather references for the outfit, I could tell the two characters were a somewhat popular pairing, so I made 2+2, I also already knew he had a crush on me and just did nothing about it, like I explained above. So he had gotten nervous that people could mistake us for a couple because the two characters are (were? sadly) a popular pairing.
Which I did know... And again, did nothing about because while my suggestion to cosplay together was sincere, having no intentions of manipulating him or anything, that did work in my favor as well so two birds, one stone.
In the meantime, what I told you above happened and we started dating. And, for obvious reasons, we decided to go ahead with the cosplay plans 😌 I've never posted a clear picture showing our faces because we're not the best photographers out there, but here's one of the least terrible ones:
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The icing on the cake, that doesn't have much to do with us, but is still something we remember about fondly: we're Brazilian, and Brazil is a very big country. The anime con we were going to attend was the biggest in our country but also some good hours away (a 9 hour travel away to the capital, to be more precise), so we took a bus ride with some people headed there as well. It's common for people to make these "con attendees" group rides and they're always really fun experiences + very cost efficient.
One of the people we befriended on the ride was this girl who, coincidentally, was cosplaying as Chuuya. Since we're a queer couple (nb sapphics who go by he/him pronouns) we didn't know what amount of gay was okay in public, but this one girl knew we were a couple, 100% sure of it and it was genuinely beyond funny seeing her and her friends waiting on us to just do something, anything, that gave the answer away.
We kissed like... once, when they were nearby, and the reactions were priceless, ngl. The euphoric I KNEW IT faces.
Back then we weren't married yet, so no telling rings or anything, but this Chuuya had gotten the vibes somehow. When I asked her how she knew before we even did anything, she said, just like this: 'it's the way you look at each other 🥺'.
I need you to imagine Chuuya Nakahara saying this, with this expression. Makes it all 20x funnier. Also the reason why I usually write him as a wingman/enabler in my fics.
Oh, and about the "he had no idea I knew all along", I did tell him... last year 😂 We were reminiscing about things and he went on a tangent saying something along the lines of 'I feel kinda bad because it was selfish of me but I liked the idea of us being seen as a couple back then so I didn't tell you the characters were a popular ship'.
To which I replied: 'Oh, I knew, don't worry.'
Cue shocked Pikachu meme for my spouse's reaction. I then explained that I was fully aware of everything all along, and he was like 'thank GOD you decided to play along then because I had no idea how to charm anyone' 😂
It feels good to put our silly story out there, I had told this story only to one person in the fandom so far (I won't tag her, but Katsu can confirm we're two dumbasses in love) because I don't usually talk about personal stuff publicly like this unless on a whim but also because, like I said, it's a very long story even with skipped parts.
I hope this was fun to read, at least? 😅
As for what you asked about drawing us, I'll apologize, but neither of us understood exactly what you want to do. If you could elaborate more on it, we'd be grateful and could give a proper response! All in all, thank you for sending the ask, it was really lovely of you to stop by just to say that! 😊
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
Hi Sweetie ❤️ Heard you were looking for some rankings, so here am I once again... Now that Bloodflood is on hold, let me gather my thoughts. How long can this get 😮‍💨...
First, the ranking based on the anime only:
2) Suguru--> Me trying my best not to cry seeing my all time favs not being included 🥲. Joke aside, really liked the fact he wanted to "mercy kill" Mizu cause he knew what it was like to be Satoru's prey. Really heartbreaking, my poor babies.
3) Choso--> Well... my type is hard working, muddy guy 😅. Finally we enter the yandere grounds 🥳. Fun Fact: Absolute first jjk man who stole my heart, seeing only 2min of him in season one.
4) Sukuna--> Me looking at my RoR Ranking with Shiva on top 👀💧. What can I say... Four-Armed Men=Best kind of Men, certified Monster-Lover here.
5) Yuuta--> My sweet cutie babyyyy 😭😭 made me scream when we saw him at the end of season 2 with his big ass weirdo eyes...
6) Satoru--> Well... I understand. He's like, bred to be perfect, but I never was any Gojosexual to be honest (all my homies love Toji-).
7) Megumi/Yuuji--> I love them as characters, really, but the ranking is mostly based on the HoRnY... they're adorable, but... not in a sexy kinda way?
8) Kashimo--> To be honest, like every character introduced during the Culling Games (the only exception being Gigami Chadguruma) , this one absolutely never impacted me in any kind of way. I'm utterly neutral about him. Nice buns tho.
That being said... oh boy, time for the Tsunami ranking!
(1) Megumi/Yuuji--> Look at my bois, how sweet they are😭. They climb at the top because I just reaally loved their interactions with Hime. They have yet to disappoint me, and I just feel they would treat her the "best" out of all the suitors. I could be wrong tho. Also the way you write Megumi😳, it made me realise the potential of HoRnY- Was wishing he would fu** her in front of Yuuta's camera-
(2) Sukuna--> I stayed up all night just to read your Shisui flashback. It may be my favorite segment of your story, how talented can you be? Ryomen Sukuna... he is the one who has the most reason to be obsessed with Mizuhime, he helps her with exorcism when Gojo puts her down, he has four arms 🤤... He could have been my favorite but to be honest, I feel like his ending would be the absolute worst for Mizuhime (being the King of Curses, the final antagonist etc...). And I just love her so very much, she needs at least one good ending 😭
(3) Choso--> Ok hear me out- I know I may be biased, we hadn't really seen him yet, but it seems he would be kinda like Yuuji. I think he could treat her well. And he's just so clueless, how cute🥺. I makes me wonder: would he be aware of Yuuji's love for Mizuhime? If so, would he try to be a good "big bro" and support his little brother, or would he be selfish and try to keep her for himself? (I think I already know the answer-)
(4) Satoru--> Like someone famous said: "Certified LoverBoy, Certified Ped******"! Maaaan, no wonder Hime wants him to stay in his box, he's so nasty🤣. Gross, disgusting, pathetic, obsessed, overpowered, terrifying... He's the worst, but he's so funny to read at the same time. Let's not even talk about his Heian counterpart... As I said, I never was a big fan of this character, but with all the Jjk fic I read, I can say your portrayal of Gojo is my favorite in all the FanficVerse. It may be the same with other characters, but especially for him. How dreadful, to be the object of obsession of the Strongest in the World... He is still at the bottom tho, we don't need this creep around Hime ever again.
(5) Kashimo--> I have no expectation with this one, as I've said earlier. The electricity power seems interesting, but honestly write him however you want. Seeing your blog he seems like a little shit too.
(6) YuUtA🤬--> Well... if you paid attention in the Pjo/RoR ranking, you already know where this is going. Don't you wonder, what's the point of the dual rankings anyway? I use this to compare how high can a character climb (Megumi/Yuuji, Loki) and how low can he fall. And man, HOW LOW DID YUUTA FALL. It breaks my heart because during the first part I was the biggest YuutaHime apologist. He has seen her fucked up family, he bought her books, plushies, he was sweeeet 😭... If he was a yandere "on his own", maybe I could have let it slide, but how can you go from "Damn Hime your relatives are a bunch of creepy weirdos" to "No u can't unfiance me uwu cause I'm ✨️Daddy's Special Boy in Law✨️" Do you know what happens when you do shit like that? I'm gonna tell you, you earn the [Whiny Little Bitch] stamp. Actually, maybe it was my fault. Shouldn't have put all my faith on the Panty Stealer to begin with. I may be harsher with him because, unlike Gojo or Sukuna, this kind of yandere is not cartoonish evil. The way he acts (manipulation, baby-trapping, forced union enabled by the relatives), it seems... way more realistic. It's not funny or entertaining, it's just... sad. I don't want my best girl to end up like the 2nd Sanyu. Not to say the way you wrote him is bad, it was the best to show us how much of a LOSER he is. My last words about him: I hope he dies in a meaningless way.
Well well well, that's quiet the long rant. I would like to have your thoughts about it. I know you're currently focused on Arsenic Blues (great last chapter btw, Nubby for life) but I really wanted to share with you my review about Tsunami. Really, your fics are the best stories I've read in a veryyy long time and it's the first time I ever interact with an author, so it means a lot to me. Hope you have a great day, week, month. U dropped this 👑
PS: Pls help me I'm gonna cry in non-english what's the difference between "tho", "though" and "thought"-
omg im so sorry, so "tho" is basically just a shorter way for me to type out "though" and it is not a real word, i'm just lazy LMAO i'm sorry!!!!
"though" is just another way of saying "despite the fact" and "however" -> "even though my mom was angry at me, we still went out to get ice cream!"
and "thought" has two meanings:
noun: an idea/opinion in your head -> "I had just had a thought!"
verb: the action of thinking -> "I thought my answer was wrong!"
i was so shocked that gojo was ranked so high LMAO. I THOUGHT HIS NAME WOULD BE DEAD LAST!
though I can kinda get it since kashimo hasn't been introduced and he's kinda been... eh in the manga (sorry bro), BUT OMG YUTA IS LAST??? I wasn't expecting that. I thought he'd be second last with gojo as last 😂😂
but your explanation makes sense. yuta started out sooo cute (creepy though), and at first he was helping her with her dad....... only to become just like him.
and also "No u can't unfiance me uwu cause I'm ✨️Daddy's Special Boy in Law✨️" 😭😭😭😭😭
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honestly, he might as well be calling susanoo "daddy" at this point with how much ass kissing he's been doing 😂😂😂
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harper-sherman · 1 year
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s1:e19 - The Legend of Lily
Ok, so I had forgotten until I re-watched it just how fun this episode is. Buckle up, because this is going to be a deep dive!
Laramie is buzzing over the impending visit of entertainer Lily Langford, especially Jonesy, who met her years before and is obviously still smitten. Even Jess is literally leaning out of the saddle to look at the poster of her (check the expression on Slim's face at that!). Jess walks over to take another look, and we get an excellent bit of dialogue between him and Lily's promoter/husband Ben Carson after Jess turns down a ticket.
Carson - "'Scuse me, for a minute I thought I was talking to a man. I can see now you're just a buffalo, strayed from your herd." JH - "Mister, have you ever been stomped on by a buffalo?"
This won't be the first time that Jess butts heads with Carson (more on that in a minute). Jess "The Buffalo" Harper does in fact intend to see Lily perform, because he heads to the barber after Carson walks away. That's right folks, Jess willingly submits to a haircut!
Around the same time, outlaw Shanghai Pierce has also recently arrived in Laramie with his gang, and decides he needs to visit the barber as well. He literally throws Jess out of the barber's chair, which turns into a pretty great fight. Unfortunately, Shanghai's gang surrounds Jess, putting it to a quick end. But Jess isn't worried because Slim shows up on horseback to break things up and take him home. Advantages of having a big, strong boyfriend, right? ;)
Meanwhile, Ben Carson ends up tagging along with Jonesy to escape Shanghai. Once they're back at the ranch, Jonesy plays "Marry Me in Laramie" for Carson because he wants to see if Lily will sing it. I love watching Jess in this scene because he gives Slim just the biggest glowing grin across the table while they listen to Jonesy play. After dinner, Carson and Jess start playing poker, and Jess catches on to him cheating. Jess wastes no time in marching over to Slim to get him to kick Carson out of the house. There Jess goes taking advantage of his big, strong boyfriend again!
Before that can happen, Shanghai's gang arrives at the ranch, having followed Carson's trail. The impending altercation is interrupted by the arrival of Lily's stagecoach, and Shanghai of all people is totally taken with her. He abandons his vendetta against Carson to personally escort her into Laramie.
The next day, Jonesy finishes up Jess' haircut, with a bunch of whining and grumbling from you-know-who. Then the three of them are off to town to watch Lily's performance. Jonesy heads to Lily's room to tell her about Carson cheating at poker with Jess, and ends up telling Carson off as he insults Lily about her age and appearance.
Once Lily is up on stage, Shanghai starts heckling her, also focusing on her age. Encouraged by Jonesy's previous words to her, she turns the heckling back on Shanghai like a total badass.
Lily - "If that grizzled hide you're wearing for a face isn't old, you must be mighty sick with something."
Eventually the crowd gets riled up enough for a fight to start, but it's over pretty quickly and Shanghai's gang is jailed for the night. The next morning, as Lily leaves Shanghai comes up to her carriage and apologizes for his behavior. He offers to escort her on to the next town, which she gladly accepts. And on the way out, she blows a kiss to Jonesy, much to the amusement of Slim and Jess.
This analysis really got away from me, but as I thought more about this episode I started to really appreciate how good it is on multiple levels. It's a very fun, lighthearted episode. No one dies or gets seriously hurt, Slim and Jess don't get separated, and it's just downright funny throughout. And more seriously, it takes a good look at ageism, particularly towards women. It was refreshing to see a female character stand up for herself.
Of course my favorite thing about this episode, like every Laramie episode, is seeing Slim and Jess together. ❤️💙
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peaches2217 · 3 months
Hello again, my dear friend! I would just like to elaborate on why I love "Summer Rain" so much and maybe adding some more of your stories that I love 🤭💖
First of all, brotherly love is my favorite type of content to both consume and create (though I also love romantic pairings of course). Your Mario is, I'd say, my favorite Mario to read, because he's the type of hero who will always put others first and forget about his own feelings and needs, and once he sets his mind to something, he becomes so obsessed that he can't do anything else until he's done.
And you showed this so PERFECTLY in "Summer Rain". He was SO worried about Peach and felt so guilty that he totally forgot about everything else... including himself. And I swear I LOVED reading his thoughts and feelings while Luigi was trying to make him stop for a second and finally let it all out. Just—the way you portrayed the process from being so angry to finally breaking down in Luigi's arms makes me cry so hard 🥺😭💔 Because it feels so REAL that it hurts, and also because, as we commented, we LOVE seeing someone as strong and seemingly ever so happy as Mario completely broken and crying his heart out in his brother's arms 🥺 And personally, I also loved the imagery and ambiance with the storm 💖
And since I didn't mention any of your Mareach stories on my first ask, here are two! "The Door" was seriously so cute and fluffy and adorable! I love Daddy Mario with all my heart, and seeing him being so eager for his baby to be born and so caring with Peach and her pregnancy and surprising her with the help of everybody else was so damn sweet and tender 🥹🥹🥹 I swear my heart feels so warm right now just by remembering it 😭❤️🩷
Also, I just cannot fail to mention "Plateau". That story was also SO important to me. It was, I believe, the very first sexually explicit Super Mario story I read, and it really made an impact on me. You, my friend, were the one who made me join the concepts "Super Mario" and "sex" together for the first time, and oh, I'm here for it 🤭 And of course, this story also made me fall HARD for Mario and Peach as a couple, as there's so much tenderness in this story! The care, the trust, the LOVE. I love it, my friend, I love it so much 🥺💖💖
I know I said three stories, but... is it okay if I add "Zio" too? 🤭 Because, if there's something that melts my heart just as much as Papa Mario, that's Zio Luigi 🥺💚✨
Regarding this!
Fun fact! Summer Rain presently has the third highest note count of my Tumblr-published fics (behind Cake in the Garden and Zio (so it's funny you should mention that one too!)); I was sincerely surprised with how well-received it was. I'm so happy it's made so many people so emotional! The same goes for the Daddy Mario fics; I always worry I get annoying with those fics (I even had an anon recently ask me to lay off the baby-centric content for a while), yet they're always met with squealing and joy, and that makes me really happy.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah and Plateau! I was still pretty quiet about my sexual content and headcanons when I published that one and I was so nervous, but I'm so happy I could help introduce people to the concept of, well, mature and loving sexual Mario content. Odd as that may sound. 😅
Thank you so much!! 💗💗💗
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abysscronica · 1 month
Hi! I loved Captive-stampede!
Birdie/Kotori is so funny during the day before the Treasure hunt!
She was told to be "low-key and quiet", she complied and tried to behave but even so, using Kid's words:
she showed up late (it's a pity that we didn't got the scene of Birdie waking up, looking at the time and panicking while shouting "i'm late!" like a student that woke up late...like me),
pissed off 90% of the rivals of the match within few minutes,
got stripped by a fallen monk (i think he should be dead),
launched herself towards the finish line, risking her life
At the same time she caused many deaths indirectly.
In this aspect of making trouble she is similar to Luffy. Tough both have different characters, they have this way of acting recklessly by the heat of the moment.
Thinking about it, i often think/suspect that even during her marines days, she often acted recklessly (to survive in the new world one must have that much level of insanity) but Aokiji never gave her a scolding and just procedeed to clean her mess.
It would be funny to hear about the adventure of Birdie + crew before her pregnancy. In my head i picture Birdie having the best moments of her life on that ship: assaulting other pirates, having a feast after a victory, sleeping with the captain, shopping around with the girl and why not, having some "girls power" moment, cooking lessons with Killer, etc...
What do you think about it?
Thank you for writing this series!
Take care of your health in this hot summer!
What a wholesome message! Thank you so, so much! ❤️ The Stampede special was one of my favorite stories to write, I had so much fun with it (for interested folks, you can read it here on AO3 and here on Wattpad ❣️).
Birdie definitely has a reckless way of fighting, despite being a sniper. You are right, it partly comes from being born in the New World and spending most of her time in the Grand Line without having DF powers or monstrous strength. It's a concept that birdie refers to "being born weak in a strong world", and she herself uses it to justify her way of fighting in her head. She feels like she has to make up for the strength she does not have by being always ready to put everything on the line.
The role of Aokiji in this is a bit complicated. He did in fact enable a lot of birdie's stupid behaviors by shielding her from platoon work most of the time (by taking her to missions with him alone), and he did not waste breath in teaching her proper discipline; on the contrary, he was pretty lenient, as you put it. On the other hand, he did not encourage her recklessness (example: he stopped her with a literal kick in the face when she tried to attack Van Augur and Yasopp at Marineford - although of course he greatly restrained his strength not to hurt her for real). The thing is that birdie behaved differently during solo missions with Aokiji, she was tamer and rarely gave him reason to truly worry for her. They spent so much time working together that they came to know how to act in synergy without talking: birdie would use her sharpshooter skills to take down whomever needed to go down, knowing that Aokiji had her back would real danger arise; as for him, he lazed around 90% of the time trusting that birdie would take care of stuff from him, and would get up to handle the situation if shit got real before she could ever get hurt (or even worried, at least most of the time). In a way, you can say she was coddled for years, until he disappeared.
Moving on to birdie's time on the Victoria Punk, I definitely plan on writing a collection of moments after Bonds. Don't think of it as canon for the Captive continuity though (I mean, we don't know how Bonds is going to end), think of it as part of the Emperorverse.
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
Hello there! I'm new to tumblr and found your blog and can I just say, your writing is SO. GOOD. I really love your boys in the boat stuff. There's a drought of good writings for the boys and I really enjoy your stories! (I think I also found you on AO3 and your Bobby story stole my heart ☺️) You seem like a really cool person and I'd love to talk with you sometime! Keep up the good work! ❤️
HI!! And welcome aboard!! When things are going alright, tumblr is my favorite social media panel! I hope you find it to be fun as many of us do!!
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing😭 that means so much, especially after recent fandom drama. That’s really sweet of you to say!
Funny (well not funny as in funny, funny as in, ya know, interesting, I guess?) story about the Bobby one. That was technically a request from one of my tumblr friends and was mg very first attempt of a reader type story. I had so much fun writing that one too (first person is my favorite, even though I tend to write in third). I’m so glad you enjoyed that story! And fun fact: I actually have WIPs that are about Bobby. One is about how he meets his girl (he sees a random girl in trouble with a guy and he rescues her by pretending to be her boyfriend😍), and the second one is a whumpy one that takes place in Poughkeepsie that’s inspired by… heh… personal experiences, lol! He gets some sun poisoning and is taken care of by his girlfriend🥹 (he’s a Washington boy used to overcast!! He’s not used to the hot sunny summers of New York State - then you add him being in rowing?? I have an insta friend who’s a coxswain and she said they’re outside ALL DAY LONG when there’s a regatta. And look how fair-skinned he is, he’s a sitting duck for sun poisoning!) anyway, its gonna be fun! Ones full of whump, the other is full of emotional angst and I hope you’ll like those two once I get them done! (I’ve been a lazy reader lately though)
Aww, thank you so much😭 my ask and DM inboxes are always open if you ever wanna talk about the boys in the boat (or anything else really). I’m always down! Thank you for shooting me a message🫶🏻
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 4 months
Welcome baaaack Frankie & Rosie!!! 🥰. WOW! Okay so first of all, the fact that you’ve managed to make me spit coffee all over my desk simply with the way you described Croz’s miraculous face plant AND George’s reaction makes you one of my favorite people on the planet. Yes, yes, I know I shouldn’t laugh at Croz but that scene with his missing pants takes me out every single time. Also, Ev telling George not to laugh? Come on, Blakely you know better!
Rosie bringing Frankie poppies absolutely melted my heart, such a small detail that was bestowed on him so long ago and yet, something he’s been consistently trying to do for her ever since. I love how the pair of them simply, exist. The way they are together, the minute they sit next to each other she’s not the mechanic and he’s not the Major. They’re Frankie and Rosie and it’s so beautiful, and simple. Complexities are strewn by the wayside and you do a lovely job at explaining WHY the complex stuff isn’t there without taking away from the story at all. And the friendship between Frankie and George, I know I’ve said it before, but, it’s amazing. Everyone should be so fortunate to have someone they can be authentic with. As always, another perfect chapter, my friend!
AAAAAA thank you so much love!!! I'm not gonna lie, every time I post a chapter I'm so excited for your asks, they absolutely make my day!! ❤️
Writing Croz's scenes in this one was sooo fun - of course I feel bad for him, but watching the show I found the whole thing so funny and I just KNEW that Frankie and George would too 😭 and I loved that Blakely just knows this as well - the way he's already accepted that George is gonna lose it and is like 'pls just do it outside at least so no one thinks you're insane 😘'
Between Frankie/Rosie and Frankie/George i really can't decide which relationship i love writing more - they're both just SOOO lovely to me, and I love that Frankie's found so many people that she can be 100% comfortably herself around. I've been wanting to call back to the poppy scene from chapter 4 (??) for ages, and I was so glad to finally find the opportunity. Throwing in details and references to earlier chapters is something I really love, I think it helps to make the story feel more real - with Rosie's poppies and Frankie singing Bucky's song, there were plenty of those in this chapter 😂
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grayintogreen · 7 months
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
IT CHANGES EVERY DAMN DAY. Omg how am I supposed to pick??? Honest to God though, I do love “you haven’t killed them yet- what’s up with that?” From OUADYA because it is a haunting line that changes the entire tone of what was just a fun drinking game scene and it’s not a shift in tension I think I’ve ever really pulled off as well since. Also that line is stuck in my head because it’s gonna come back around soon.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I have some pretty wild ones but they’re all grounded in SOMETHING, so the fact that I gave Lucien mommy issues out of nothing is genuinely pretty funny to me. He just looks like someone who would have mommy issues.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I have a hard time with characters who don’t have specific patterns to the way they speak, because that’s how my echoic memory works, so like… you have to have a really specific, unique way of talking or I’m going to have a hard time writing you. I struggle with Yasha a lot because Ashley’s absence through a lot of CR2 made her a little unstable on her feet with her voice sometimes.
I also struggled A LOT with Fjord in OUADYA because Texblade Fjord and British Fjord have RADICALLY different speech patterns while also sounding exactly like, well, Fjord, so there’s this very fine line of figuring out how to make Fjord not sound like two different characters when he’s internalizing, while also every instinct in my body wants to write him as British because I’m used to that more now. There’s a REASON he dropped the Texas accent in the second arc of YCDHN and it’s not just because it was thematically appropriate. I could not do that for four more arcs.
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Haiii! I was wondering if you could write something for some of the hassaikai members with a really tall so? (P.s i love you’re writing! ❤️)
(Thank you!!!!!! I never pass a chance to write for my favorite group of gangsters!)
~Shie Hassaikai Tall S/O~
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-Pops: Old man is entranced by you! Basically compares you to a Goddess/God/Deity on the daily basis. He used to be tall in his prime but never as tall as you are right now. He’s basically amazed by you for doing absolutely nothing. It’s not like you can control your own height lol. Still, you may find it a little endearing to have someone so amazed by the simple things. Not only that, but he regards you with respect and is a wonderful person to date (that comes into the relationship no matter your height).
-Overhaul: A little bit put off by it but he gets over it fast. The reasoning behind this is because looks are everything when running an organization like this. He’s not that tall himself, but he needs to look intimidating when he’s by himself. He never really calls on Rappa or Katsukame until he needs them. He needs to especially look tough at certain sit down meetings. So for you (as his partner) to be taller than him is really off-putting to the rivals. “Why the need to be scared of Overhaul when his partner can basically stand beyond him?” The opponents learn quickly why they need to fear him.
-Chronostasis: He’s really into it. I mean he likes tall women/men/partners. He’s not short but he’s not tall himself either. There’s just something oddly sexy to him about it. Of course he’s not only thinking like that, but more so like “Hmmm...I kinda like being the smaller one”. This carries on into the bedroom as he actually admits to wanting to be little spoon with you. 
-Mimic: In his smaller form he’s used to being shorter than everyone else around him. In his larger form it’s quite the opposite. Irinaka can only hope you don’t pick on him too much for being a small fry. It appears the others are already doing enough of that for you lol.
-Nemoto: Sees no reason as to why he should love you any more or any less than he already does. Height is not a deciding factor for behavior in a relationship according to him. He just loves you for you.
-Deidoro: Always poking fun at you for being so tall. It’s up to you whether or not you shoot back with short jokes at him. Go ahead and do it! It won’t hurt him any at all! In fact, he loves the teasing fun dynamic in your relationship! Often times he’ll ask the cliché ‘how’s the weather up there’ or maybe something along the lines of the ‘jolly green giant’. Just make sure you come up with some funny responses in return. The more they sting, the more he laughs. 
-Tengai: Much like Nemoto, it doesn’t matter to him if you’re tall or short. All he knows is that he’ll treat with the same love and respect that you deserve. 
-Rappa: Oddly confrontational about it sometimes. Maybe he feels like he shouldn’t be shorter than the partner he’s with. Well in that case he shouldn’t have dated right? He can’t help having fallen in love with you!!! Anyway, he’s really weird and sometimes asks you to fight him. “Just cause you’re taller than me doesn’t mean you’re stronger!” You’re literally sitting on the couch and hadn’t said a word to prompt this. To diffuse the situation, flirt with him a little. Put arms on either side of the wall by his head, lean into his hear and whisper how strong and handsome you think he is. I guarantee he’ll stop wanting to fight you...if only for a little while yknow?
-Hojo: Makes him feel a little dainty sometimes but he just laughs it off. This is especially true if you’ve ever reached for anything on a high shelf before he could get it down himself. “Haha, thanks a ton. Wasn’t sure if I could’ve gotten that without a struggle.” He chuckles at you. Of course he could’ve gotten it down with minimal effort. Hojo isn’t exactly a short man himself. It’s the fun in it that keeps parts of the relationship alive.
-Setsuno: Overprotective of your image in front of the others. The guys aren’t exactly the softest so of course you’re going to experience relentless teasing for the first months of dating until they get bored and move on to something else. Make no mistake though! They aren’t aiming their teasing at you directly, but more at Setsuno for looking small and pathetic next to you. He thinks he’s protecting you by snapping back at them and it’s pretty cute to watch. 
-Tabe: Has not mentioned anything about your height as his lover, but has definitely become a little more dependent on you in a weird way. As short as he is compared to you, he’s clinging to you like no tomorrow. RIP to your personal space.
-Katsukame: TALLER THAN HIM????? You’ve got to have some sort of quirk that would make you taller than him! He’s definitely going to be on your ass about it. Make no mistake, only HE is allowed to be on you about it. If anyone else tried it then he’d beat them into submission.
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maigo-san · 2 years
for rntn ask game!! ❤️🥵💣💤
🥺🥺hello, zero!! hope you have a great day and thank you for the asks!! Omg, these are some really good questions!!
❤️ - what are your favorite kind of RenTan stories? (Canon, Rengoku lives, modern… etc)
definitely, Rengoku Lives stories since it's just the default. It's so fun to fiddle with it. Maybe it's because of the time period or the fact that it's directly from gtg's ideas, it just hits harder. But I've been really liking stories where one or both of them are mystical beings, whether it's the konpon au, dragon tan, fox scholar kyou~ I can't choose, they're all so gooood
🥵 - what are your thoughts about their rank difference? Did you want Tanjiro to study under Kyojuro?
I think their rank difference is interesting because they're both unconventional. Tanjirou doesn't really care about his rank, he uses his breathing technique almost pragmatically, while Kyoujurou has always been destined to be a hashira. Yet, after that, we don't know what he wanted. It was never explained even in vol 0 or the fanbook, and it might be intentional since gtg also had been using the supporting characters pragmatically, but I also love how it adds to the angst factor.
Imagine living your life not really looking forward to the other side of The Death of Muzan when your whole family, your entire life has been designed and curated to defeat Muzan. He's Sisyphus, if Sisyphus is happy.
So what I like about a Rengoku Lives spin is Tanjirou being by his side, not necessarily being the sole reason for him to live by becoming his tsuguko (since getting a tsuguko is the second closest thing we get to his life goa) just like how Tan becomes his living proof in the canon (symbolized by the passing tsuba) but by being his soulmate.
I've written both where Tanjirou becomes his ideal tsuguko (becomes a tsuguko until the end of the story and even learns a bit of flame breathing because he has a talent for adapting different breathings) but I've also written when he stops becoming one (tho this hasn't been uploaded yet I think) because they find their power imbalance a hindrance to their relationship.
In the end, these are just labels to them and I feel in any scenario, if Tanjirou gets to see Kyoujurou the next day, he'll use every excuse to see him. (this made me remember I have an unfinished fic where Kyou teaches Tan how to sumo wrestle post-mugen train)
💣 - share your most controversial RenTan take. Set your thoughts ablaze!!
Kyoujurou has a fat ass!
I honestly don't know~ maybe one of the reasons I'm die-hard for rntn out of all of my ships is because I tolerate most headcanon lmfao even the darkest or dead dovey... idk. I wrote and made some questionable stuff myself so usually, if there's an au or trope I can't get behind, it's just how the author/artist executes it and if I have the energy, I'll try it with my own version. I get to make something I like and rntn gets more content
Like for example, I think Kyoujurou is not as experienced as Tanjirou just because he's older. There's barely anything he accomplished romantically or sexually around those five years gap. He's as young and awkward as Tan. But I can see why people would think that. He's adored by so many people. But so was Tanjirou and I feel, if Tanjirou becomes a charcoal burner for a bit longer, it could be the other way around since Kyoujurou is a bit intimidating.
Hey, maybe he learned everything just from three volumes of shunga and erotic novels!
💤 - what are your feelings about Enmu? Was he an effective villain in the story? Do you like him in AUs?
he's so funny, I don't think I can hate him. He's probably the funniest character gtg has ever made aside from zenino so yes he's very effective!! Overall, Mugen Train is very well made and every character serves their purpose very well. I admittedly have never read a fic with him as a relevant supporting character and I barely used him in my fics but if I ever want to write something comedic, I would love to add him.
Thank you for the ask, it's been really fun and made my morning.
ask game
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meatsouuuuup · 11 months
1, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15 for the Hogans heroes ask game! ❤️
Who's your favorite character?
I love all the main characters so much but Hogan's still easily my favorite, he's my special little guy, probably one of my favorite characters of all time tbh
10. Thoughts on Baker?
he's fine. I don't dislike him, but they could have done more with him, I feel like he doesn't really have as much of a distinct personality as the other characters. also he's only there in season 6 because Kinch left the show so he's pretty much a replacement character but yeah I miss Kinch
11. Favorite recurring side character?
I love Marya so much, she's like Hogan but worse and he hates it. yeah, she helps the heroes out (mostly because she's trying to do the same thing they are) but she has schemes even crazier than Hogan's and doesn't tell anyone what she's planning, he doesn't trust her at all and it's so funny, especially since LeBeau adores her and thinks she can do no wrong
13. Anyone you would cast today as the characters if the show was made today?
honestly I don't know enough actors to answer this question, and no one could replicate the chemistry the original cast had together anyway
14. Have you ever watched the German version? If you have what are your thoughts on it? If not would you be interested in watching it?
I've seen a few clips on youtube, subtitled in english. from what I've seen it's even more chaotic than the original and I'd really like to see more of it, see what the changes in the jokes are. probably wouldn't take anything from it as canon but it'd be a fun time
15. Favorite bit of trivia about the show or any of the actors?
I like that all four of the main recurring German characters are played by Jewish actors, three out of four of them having fled Europe during WW2 (I think they were all either German or Austrian, the other one was American). and Robert Clary, who played LeBeau, was also Jewish and spent three years in a concentration camp as a teen. obviously the fact that those things happened is horrible, but I really like that they would purposely try to include people who have been personally affected by the things that went on during that time, make sure they're okay with everything in the show
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emjiroki · 2 years
Ok ok some self ship hc for you love!!
Assumption one: You and Yuuji are both fiddlers and there are days where if you have time off you spend them in bed and just hold each other and make up for lost time. I feel like you were the one to make the first move or it was mutual and you both ended up dating. I feel like he was the one who asked you to move in with him or brought up living together. When he planned to propose I feel like he would want it perfect but so many things kept happening which made him slightly disappointed cause he wanted to surprise you, I feel like you caught on and comforted him.
Assumption Two: With Enji I feel like he was the one to fall in love with you first but believed he didn’t deserve you so he didn’t do anything about his feelings, you were the one who went to him and confessed. I feel like he was surprised because he never thought in a million years that you would like him.
Assumption Three: The first time Mikey realized he was in love with you was when you held his hand.
AAAHHH this was so cute!!!!!! Thank you lovely! (I'm sending you some back here in a bit 😋)
Assumption 1: True!!! Yuuji and I are always spending time together (favorite is rainy days in bed watching movies) we both mutually liked each other but he was the one to get enough courage first to ask me out. And the first to talk about living together lol Yuuji is kind of head in the clouds but always has the purest of intentions, just wants to be happy!
PLEASE any proposal from him would be 😭❤️ PERFECTION he was so nervous and sweating but of course I said yes!!! Who wouldn't?!
Assumption 2: hehe true and funny!  He definitely had feelings first but I fell pretty hard for him and then basically annoyed him and flirted with him until he was cornering me in his office demanding to know why I’ve been acting the way I have. His eyes got so big when I confessed and I don’t think he believed me at first cause he actively avoided me for nearly a week before sending me a bouquet of flowers with a card asking me to dinner.
Assumption 3: Unfortunately False. Mikey fell in love with me when I came to pick my bike up from Draken (fun fact I actually really do love motorcycles and want to get one so bad) It was a love at first sight kind of thing for him. He was obsessed. After a few weeks of his persistence I finally agreed to take a ride with him and we’ve been inseparable ever since  
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leclercsainzz · 9 months
PAIRINGS: lando norris x ex!gf / tom blyth x reader
TYPE: social media au
WARNING: // cheating implied
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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liked by hunterschafer, carmenmmundt and 688,294 others
yourusername: xoxo
view 4,810 comments
user: side profile >>>
user: she’s gorgeous 😩😩😩
hunterschafer: sooo fine 😍
hunterschafer: you’re unreal, i swear
↳ yourusername: *kisses* 😘😘
user: tom’s one lucky dude
↳ user: lando*
↳ user: tom* i said what i said, babe:)
landonorris: my gorgeous girl 😍
↳ user: you mean our*
↳ user: actually, he meant tom’s*
user: babe, you’re the definition of perfect 😩
↳ yourusername: you are 💗
lilymhe: myyyy godddd 😍😍😍
tomblyth: 😳 gossip girl, is that you?
↳ yourusername: does this confirm you’ve watched gg?
↳ tomblyth: aside from that one episode you and hunter made me watch, noooo
user: my oh myyy 😍
user: MOTHER 😍😍😍
user: beauty
user: it’s the way she responds to tom’s comment but not lando who happens to be her boyfriend …..
user: so are you and tom having an affair ???
carlossainz55: peek a boo, i see you
↳ yourusername: oohh no, you’ve found me:( bummer
↳ user: carlos?? 😭😭😭
user: not even lando makes her smile this much anymore
oscarpiastri: hellooo 👋🏼
↳ yourusername: ‘ello, mate
user: lando gets no response?? that’s crazyyy
user: pov lucy gray after she escaped coriolanus
zendaya: 😍😍😍
user: our beautiful lucy gray frrr ❤️
user: everyone getting a reply but lando
user: she’s ALWAYS flirting with tom???? like???
↳ user: he flirts with her too??? it’s not just her???
user: i feel for lando, fr 😔😔😔
user: if she doesn’t respond to my comment that means she’s secretly hooking up with tom
↳ user: me when i’m delusional
oliviarodrigo: you’re gorggg 😍😍
↳ yourusername: thank you, ml 😘 you’re gorgeous too
user: OBSESSED with you, omg!!! 😩😩😩
user: so fine and for what??
user: 😍😍😍😩😩😩
user: my favorite person ever 🫶🏼
user: where’d you buy that dress???
user: 😍😍
user: she’s so pretty wtf
user: @tomblyth babe, i see it! i’d be after her too 😍😍
user: tom secretly to yn: “break up with your boyfriend”
↳ user: ya’ll play too much 😭😭😭
user: lando’s gonna BURST out one day, i swear
↳ user: he’s gonna come for all of us 🤣
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liked by tomblyth, francisca.cgomes and 698,831 others
yourusername: i swear i don’t love the drama, it loves me
view 6,846 comments
user: yn in her reputation era???
user: my favorite cheater 😒😒😒
francisca.cgomes: 😍😍😍😍 OBSESSED, omggg
user: this is def about the whole lando cheating situation
↳ user: she cheated first tho????
hunterschafer: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
hunterschafer: FUCK IT UP 😍
↳ yourusername: i love youuu, my loveee ❤️
lilymhe: i’m in love with you, my godddd 😩
taylorswift: 😍😍😍
maxverstappen1: fun fact: i like that song
landnorris: 😍😍
↳ user: the audacity
↳ user: not him commenting
user: idk if lando’s the stupid one for fumbling or if tom’s the lucky one now that he gets to have her???
↳ user: you’re acting as if she’s a game of some kind
user: idk why you’re “upset” when you cheated first 🙄
user: shE’S in her reputation era!! i’m HErE FOR IT!!
tomblyth: you’re fancy, huh? 🤔
↳ yourusername: you could say i’ve been dressing for revenge
↳ user: OMG OMG
user: i just know lando’s crying after losing this baddie
user: funny how she’s the one who cheated on lando and acting like the victim, lmaoooo
↳ yourusername: how about you don't speak unless you know what you're talking about? 😊
↳ user: U TELL HER, YES!!!!
↳ user: yn ain’t playing no more
user: lando fumble this baddie and now it’s tom’s era!!
user: @tomblyth THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!!
user: girl bffr yk damn well you started all this when you started sleeping around with tom while having a boyfriend
user: she’s the biggest swiftie i know, makes me love her more
user: she cheated on lando and now that lando supposedly “cheated” she wants to act like the victim 😂 honey, get a life
↳ tomblyth: how about YOU get a fucken life rather than comment on a situation you don’t know shit on
↳ user: say iT louder!!!! 👏🏼
user: the way tom defends her, i love them!!! 😩😩
user: lord 😍😍😍
user: i wanna be yn so bad 😩
carlossainz55: en tu era de reputación, no?
see translation: in your reputation era, no?
oscarpiastri: slayyyyyyy (did i do that right?)
user: queen behavior!!
user: that’s mother right there 😍😍😍
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liked by oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 365,830 others
lando.jpg: yea yea 🖕🏼
view 3,109 comments
user: lando being shady in his jpg account??!? 👀
user: wait- i’m confused asf
user: are lando and yn still together??? 😭😭
yourusername: 😘😘
↳ user: PARENTS!!!
↳ user: mom commented!!!
user: is she lowkey being shady by commenting “😘” or??
↳ user: it seems genuine but at the same time shady?? idk how to explain it lmao
user: yn and lando being messy? orrrrr???
user: guys it’s just a caption, omg 🙄🙄🙄🙄
luisinhaoliveira99: 🤩🤩🤩
↳ user: what is she doing here?? 😬 isn’t she the one who was seen with lando in those pics???
user: yn was so real when she said “i don’t love drama, it loves me” bc??????
user: he has all the right to be shady
user: shady lando >>>
user: tag her, babe, don’t be scared
user: @yourusername @yourusername @yourusername @yourusername @yourusername
user: my unbothered king ❤️
↳ user: he seems pretty bothered to me, babes
user: oh damnnn 🫢🫢🫢🫢 drama
user: things better be good between you and yn, i swear 😭😭
user: before everyone starts blaming yn or lando, ya’ll gotta remember we don’t know what happened between them
user: i NEED to know what happened!!!!!
user: why blame lando or yn???!?!? let’s all just collectively agree that it was tom’s fault
user: i would be mad if i lost the baddest bitch too
user: i never thought i’d see lando throwing shade back at yn from his jpg account 😭😭😭
↳ user: no frrrr 😩 but then again it doesn’t surprise me bc he dedicated this account to yn way before all this shit happened
user: they’re so messy, omg
user: @yourusername DRAG HIS ASS QUEEN
user: @tomblyth come defend your girl, bro
carlossainz55: pobrecito el niño 🤣
see translation: poor little boy
comment has been deleted
user: i thought i saw a comment by carlos ????
↳ user: same, omg! i think my shit’s glitching
user: keep your head up, king ❤️❤️ you deserve better
user: i hope him and yn aren’t fighting 😭😭 i cant take it
user: yn commented kissing emojis so i’ll take that as them being happy together (yes, im delulu) 🤪😜😜🤪🤪😜😎😎
user: yn will get her karma, don’t worry
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift and 689,879 others
yourusername: your loss babe 💋
view 5,019 comments
user: is the caption a shade towards lando???
hunterschafer: you’re actually soo hot 😮‍💨
lilymhe: just fell on my knees, my goddd 😩
user: post break up glow up is real 😍😍😍
user: patiently waiting on lando’s comment
alexandrasaintmleux: the prettiest 😍
tomblyth: oohh wow
↳ yourusername: 🤭🤭
↳ user: i need them to date!!!
user: MOMMY 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
user: she’s so fine, oml 😮‍💨
isahernaez: dios mío 😍
see translation: my god
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
songbirdsandsnakes: ❤️❤️
user: serving as always!!! 😍😍😍
user: gorgggg
user: that’s why tom’s the better man
joshandresrivera: you’re too cool for the world! 🤩
↳ yourusername: you said it, not me 😜
user: call him out, babe! show him what he’s missing
user: @landonorris
user: you’re unreal 😩
user: dO one better and get with tom!
charlottesiine: 😍😍😍
user: i love her friendship with the wags/ex wags ❤️
user: pretty girl
user: definitely his loss babe!!
user: yk what they say? one man’s loss is another man’s gain
itselenaberri: my oh my 😮‍💨
user: 😍😍😍😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😩❤️❤️❤️😩😩😩
user: reputation era (yn’s version)
user: am i the only one waiting for lando to comment?? even though i know damn well he ain’t gonna comment
user: brown looks so good on you 😩😩
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liked by joshandresrivera, landonorris and 682,830 others
yourusername: fun times w/ some of my favorite ppl;) ❤️
view 5,028 comments
user: sHe’s back with tom, yayyy!!
user: in her slay era, indeed!
user: is that lando????
tomblyth: slayyyyyyyy
↳ yourusername: slayyyyy, bbyyyyy
↳ user: “bby” 😭😭
user: lando continues losing on and off track as always
user: is that lando in the fourth slide????
user: lando liked this post so i’m gonna believe that’s him in the blue hoodie (i’m delusional, i know) 🤪🤪🤪
↳ user: it’s okay, babe, i’m with you
user: DYLAN AND TOM?? you’re winning 😭😭😭
user: yn ln, my best friend ❤️❤️
hunterschafer: slayyy bestie 😘
↳ yourusername: 😘😘😘😘
hunterschafer: i spy with my little eyes mr tom blyth
joshandresrivera: cute 😘 @tomblyth
user: @landonorris mate, is that you?
oscarpiastri: am i still one of your favs? 🥺
↳ yourusername: always!!
↳ carlossainz55: after me, that is
↳ yourusername: 🤫
user: i Can take all three of them, idc
user: thomas meeting lucky gray and coryo when???
↳ user: coryo ain’t gonna be too happy about this
user: living for yn’s slayyyyyyy era 🤩
↳ yourusername: 🩷
user: missed seeing tom on her page, omg
user: idk who i love more tom??? dylan??? or yn????
user: everyone’s talking about tom and dylan but what about lenny????? show my boy some appreciation!!!!
user: gUys!! i haVe a theory! after lucy gray left coriolanus in the forest, she escaped and found thomas 😲😲😲
↳ yourusername: 😮😮 how’d do you know, omgg??
↳ tomblyth: ooooh??? we’re officially done
↳ user: i absolutely love these two, i cant 😭😭😭❤️❤️
user: the maze runner x the hunger games crossover?
↳ user: we sha’ll call it the maze games
user: my fav duo!! ❤️❤️❤️ #yntom
user: yntom nation rise, iT’s our turn now!!!
user: dylan, omg 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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would it be a bad idea if i made a pt 4?
@tomblyth-tsunoda @love4josh @dudde-44 @coconut-dreamz @newlifeforus @loxbbg @dakotali @f1footballluvverr @mountmaason19 @poppyflower-22 @magical-spit @nazm145 @nikolaros22 @sincerlymatakorama @36babyg @bucket-of-fanfiction @gyunheat @millyswife @onlyrealjoy @ocyeanicc @sarah-thatstings-ann @ushygushybaby @shrimpybbq @reyfolks @earth-to-lottie @smugrogerina @jenniferrvsesi @aleidag1rly @charlesswife @sheluvsf1 @omgsuperstarg @krispy-r @lwritesstuff @eutrizbea @psychiceaglepeach @theseerbetweenus @wotcherpeak @wonwoospartyhat
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