#fun facts about greenie
greenlikethesea · 8 months
talked to one of my exes on the phone after a month-ish of not talking and it was really nice actually?
i told her basically that i would like to be friends and that my head's not in a romantic space, i don't even know where it's at. she agreed and we both agreed that we'd actually missed each other. she's not a good fit romantically for me but i like her as a person. it'd be nice to be friends with an ex. haven't had that in a while.
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m30wk1ttycat · 3 months
pairing: newt x reader
tw: mild cussing ? oh, and thomas and minho are really close.
summary: you and newt get caught cuddling, even though you're supposed to be enemies.
re-did an old draft. for my enemies to lovers trope fans, 'cause i'm feeling nice today.
you and newt never got along. enemies - that'd be the first word that came to mind when people asked you/newt about what you and newt were. never friends, just enemies. he didn't seem to even want to attempt to be nice to you. there was just something about you that drove him insane - and you weren't sure if it was in the good way, or the bad way. if it was your sarcasm, your voice, how you got along with mostly everyone, you had no clue. he'd probably never tell you, anyways.
though - not that you'd admit to it -, deep down, you were hurt, watching him constantly act the way he did. mean, cold, avoidant, - the complete opposite of the newt that the others saw.
bonfire night, the day every glader looked forward to. no work on afternoons, the infamous homemade mead - apparently, gally's secret recipe -, the random games you guys made up. it was all fun, way better than being stuck doing chores in the glade all day. so, naturally, when the new greenie, thomas, came up from the box - as the gladers called it -, you were excited, and so were the others.
however, you didn't expect to get that drunk. drunk so much, that at some point during the night, you ended up in the grass, with newt's chest pressed against your back, his arms comfortably resting around your waist as you both gazed up at the stars. for what seemed like the first time, you could've sworn you saw him smile at you.
all warm and cozy, you jolted awake when you heard a certain runner's voice.
"what are you two, dating?" minho teased, thomas giggling as he looked down at the brit's sleeping face nuzzled against your neck.
it seemed like the greenie's soft laughs seemed to awaken him, judging by the little groan he let out against your - now, flushed - skin.
"my head hurts," newt complained, voice raspy from lack of use.
"yeah, shocker, right?" said minho, who's reply was ignored by newt.
"um," he started, "how drunk was i? we, i mean?"
thomas shrugged, sitting down next to you and newt. minho did the same, smirking. "drunk enough," was all that thomas managed to say, not elaborating further.
newt let out a hum, eyes still half lidded when they met minho's. "are you just.. gonna watch us?"
"are you still drunk?"
a beat. ".. no?"
the two other boys exchange a knowing glance, not lost on the fact that he was still holding you. quite tightly. and you weren't protesting, too exhausted to do so.
after a few moments of silence, you spoke up; "we missed breakfast, didn't we?"
"yeah," replied thomas, who was toying with his sleeve.
"but we decided to be good friends, and bring you two shanks some food," minho cut in, gesturing to the weaved basket that he brought with him, sitting in the grass.
"not hungry," newt grumbled.
"more food for me, then," you said, voice hoarse from the sore throat accompanying the throbbing pain you felt at the back of your head.
newt's hands slid off of you - albeit hesitantly -, allowing you to sit up. once you did do that, you grabbed a strawberry, popping it into your mouth.
"what happened last night, again?" the blond behind you asked, still laying in the grass, only that now he was propping himself up on his elbows.
"a lot," answered minho. "but what the shuck were you two doing, just walking off? together??"
"shut up," you mumbled, annoyed.
"no, really - are you two, like, friends now, or what?" thomas questioned, grabbing a berry for himself and minho while you weren't looking.
"like," he continued, "i know chuck told me that he hates you-"
"i do not!!" newt protested. "i don't hate y/n."
this was not only shocking to hear for you, but for thomas and minho too, apparently.
minho almost choked on the fruit in his mouth, leaving him coughing. "dude, since when?"
"since forever?"
"how come you're always such an asshole to y/n, then?" thomas asked bluntly. "apparently," he added.
"i'm not!" he tried to defend himself, only for you to glare at him in protest. "you are, though."
"fuck," he muttered under his breath. "i get anxious around you, a'ight?"
if it weren't for thomas' giggling and minho's little wheezes cutting you off just as you were about to speak, you'd ask him 'what do you mean?' or something of the sort, expecting something along the lines of 'shut up' from newt.
"i'm sorry," minho laughed, "what?"
"you get anxious? around y/n?" thomas repeated after calming down.
"m'not explaining myself to you," you heard him mumble. leaning forwards, he extended his hand to grab a berry, trying to change the topic to..
"where'd you get these, anyways? frypan's kitchen?" he asked, feigning curiosity.
berries? seriously?
"newt," minho warned. "if you're trying to avoid the topic, it's not working."
thomas nodded, agreeing with minho. "and don't think we'll tell you where we got the berries."
"fuck," newt grunted, swallowing dryly. "i don't know what you want me to say - that i've liked y/n all along? is that what you wanted to hear?"
he went silent, unsure how to continue. hell, he wasn't even sure if he should continue.
"well, i like you too, newt," you told him, voice barely above a whisper as you spoke. at this point, the other two boys felt like the biggest wigmen ever, watching you both confess to eachother.
"right, um," thomas cleared his throat, slowly getting up. "we have to go, chuck wanted to hang out with us.."
minho, too, rose to his feet. "yeah, don't wanna keep the little shank waiting, do we, thomas?"
"yeah, uh, certainly don't want that," he nodded. "have fun, you two," the other winked. thomas grabbed his arm, giggling as the two walked off, leaving you alone with newt.
you turned to the blond boy, only to find him already looking at you. "m'sorry," you could fainty hear him murmur, sounding almost guilty.
"what for?"
"for acting the way i did," he answered, ignoring you when you told him that it's fine. "i like you, i really do, and i know this isn't in any way an excuse for how i acted, but i'm bad at expressing my feelings, especially around you."
"did you not hear a word i said? it's fine," you muttered in response.
".. and, i love you too."
"i love you more," he argued.
"do you, now?" you challenged, a smile playing at your lips.
"mhm," he whispered, leaning in slightly. cupping his cheek, you pressed your lips against his, smiling through the kiss. one specific thing that you noticed was that he tasted like berries.
"you taste like berries," he chuckled, forehead against yours.
and apparently, so did you.
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mssorceressupreme · 3 months
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Pairing: Minho x Reader
Note: hii guys so after reading A LOT of amazing fics, I decided to finally start writing my own again (I used to write and publish books on wattpad but stopped for a while) 😭 also I kept sending requests and felt kinda annoying for constantly spamming authors lmaoo but I love all their work sm ❤️ so here’s my first Minho fic heheh hope you enjoy :))
Summary: to escape from the pressures of being a greenie, you run and hide in the deadheads, accidentally stumbling upon the runners hut, where you encounter someone alluring.
Warnings: none really, peer pressure?, y/n has slight anxiety
The revelation that I was the only girl in the glade made me want to pull all my hair out and vanish off the face of this earth. It had already been a few hours since I arrived but my mind still struggled to grasp the fact that I was the only girl here, in a glade full of boys, or men. So far, Newt and Alby have been accomodating which I was immensely grateful for, they have already set the bar so high that I’m now worried about having to meet the other gladers.
Apparently, it was tradition to throw a bonfire evening for the “greenie” each month, and fortunately for me, I was the greenie this month.
The moment I arrived, the boys seemed determined to throw me into some strange tradition involving a concoction Gally made “Come on greenie, it’s tradition!” One of the boys, Jack, jeered, holding out a cup filled with the suspicious drink.
Newt, who was seated beside me, shook his head, “I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.” He chuckled.
“I’ll pass Jack, thanks.” I brought my knees to my chest.
“Now that’s no fun! Just a sip!” George, another glader, insisted, pushing the drink closer to my face.
The tiniest whiff of whatever that beverage comprised of made me gag. “Oh- eugh! Please I don’t want that!” I shove his hand away.
“It’s tradition! Come on don’t break the streak! Even I downed three cups!” Tyler remarked.
I glanced around, the pressure was getting heavier and their voices were starting to echo in my head. “You might have to outrun them greenie!” Frypan teased.
Panic surged through me, and I bolted. I could hear their laugher and shouts behind me, urging me to stop and that Fry was only joking, but I didn’t dare look back. My heart raced as I ran blindly through the glade, towards the deadheads, searching for a place to hide.
I spotted a hut up ahead and, without thinking, dashed inside, slamming the door shut behind me. I leaned against it, panting and gasping for breath, my heart thudding in my chest.
Were they chasing after me? Should I stay here until the next morning? Where am I going to sleep? Hundreds of thoughts raced my mind at once and I needed to get away from everyone.
A throat cleared behind me, and I jumped, spinning around to see a tall, imposing figure watching me with amused curiosity. Alright, clearly I didn’t get away from everyone.
“Oh, uh, sorry! I didn’t see you there!” I stammered, feeling my face heat up.
Minho stood there, arms crossed over his chest, an eyebrow raised. “You know only runners are allowed in here,” he said, his voice firm yet not unkind.
“I’m sorry! I’ll leave right away! I didn’t mean to intrude—” I began to gush, stepping toward the door. But before I could reach the handle, Minho moved, his long stride bringing him directly in front of me.
He towered over me, one hand pressing against the door, keeping it shut.
I looked up at him, my confusion and nerves likely written all over my face. Why wasn’t he letting me leave? What did he want?
Minho’s silence was heavy, his dark eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a strange, electric tension crackling between us. Those eyes were not predatory unlike some of the other gladers.
My pulse quickened for reasons that had nothing to do with fear. The sound of the boys searching for me grew louder, their footsteps echoing just outside.
“She couldn’t have gone far!” one of them shouted.
Minho’s gaze never wavered from mine as he spoke, “If you’d like, I can accompany you for the rest of the evening.” It was as though he knew I was trying to hide from them and seek refuge.
“You’re not going to make me drink Gally’s drink, are you?” I blurted out, my voice shaky.
Minho chuckled, a low, rich sound that sent a shiver down my spine. “Guess we’ll see,” he said, his tone teasing.
He extended his hand to me, his expression softening just a touch. I hesitated for a moment before placing my hand in his. His grip was firm, and reassuring. The simple contact sent a thrill through me, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt it too.
For a moment, we stood there, our hands clasped, the air between us charged with an unspoken connection. His presence was both intimidating and oddly comforting, a contradiction that made my head spin. I couldn’t help but glance at his lips, then back to his warm brown eyes.
Minho finally broke the silence, “Let’s get out of here before they come back,” he said, his voice gentle.
He led me out of the hut, and as we walked together, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was the start of something significant. The glade suddenly seemed less daunting with him by my side, and I found myself hoping that maybe, just maybe, this new world held more than just danger and fear.
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nomoreusername · 7 months
Good Night
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Pairing:Thomas x gender neutral reader
Summary:You and Thomas have never seen eye to eye, but one shared night in the pit may change that.
"I can't believe this Y/N. That was absolutely irresponsible of you. You are a Keeper,"Alby scolded.
"Chuck was having a bad day. Everyone was ignoring the poor kid. I wasn't going to stop him,"I defended.
"He started a food fight. He looks up to you. He would listen to anything you said."
"Chuck's a little kid. You want me to reprimand a little kid? He was doing what little kids do and being chaotic,"I pointed out.
"I know, but you didn't stop him. He needs to learn that he can't do that. It's clear that you can't be a responsible Keeper. So you get one night in the pit."
"That's not fair though. I technically didn't do anything wrong,"I pointed out.
"We can't punish him because I know you'll just break him out. Yes, I know about that. Think of this as being your punishment for that. Besides, you won't be alone."
"I won't?"I asked nervously. I wasn't sure I wanted to know who I was spending the next 24 hours with.
"Yes. Thomas, meet your best friend for the next day,"Alby announced.
"Isn't this a cruel and unusual punishment? I feel like this is going to end in blood and tears,"I kind of joked. I say kind of because Thomas and I don't see eye to eye, and that's putting it lightly. I call it teasing, and he calls it being rude. To each their own I guess.
"It better not. Maybe this will be good for you two. Hopefully, you'll end up getting along. Maybe you'll even become friends."
"Wow. You want me to become friends with Greenie? You haven't gone mad on us, have you buddy?"I asked with an exaggerated grin.
"Just don't kill each other, and no loud arguing. Everyone's going to sleep in an hour."
"Will do, old pal,"I promised. He sighed at the nickname but didn't comment on it. He gave up on me calling Alby a long time ago.
"Both of you just be reasonable people. We'll let you out tomorrow,"He sighed. I gave him a thumbs up, and he walked away mumbling. It was probably him wishing we'd get along. Honestly, I kind of do too. At the same time I feel like we have a good thing going. It's merely playful banter.
"Hiya Greenie. Are you having a grand time?"I asked, leaning against the wall.
"Can you stop calling me Greenie? I remembered my name like a week ago."
"But I like calling you Greenie. Technically, you are still Greenie anyways. Besides, think of it as a special thing. I've never called anyone else Greenie for so long,"I informed him.
"I am honored,"He deadpanned, rolling his eyes. I ignored the sarcasm and gave him a pat on the shoulder. He just looked at me as I gave an innocent smile. You know, I think I should actually make this a fun night for my good friend, Tom.
♡ - - - ♡
After about three hours of almost silence, and Thomas trying to sleep I was becoming bored out of my mind. Plus, he hadn't even become somewhat close to it. I heard him tossing and turning on the ground.
"It's almost impossible to sleep here. It's easier to just give up. Eventually, you'll doze off without realizing,"I advised.
"Wait. You've been here before?"He asked, seeming dumbfounded. I don't know why.
"Yeah. I used to drive the Gladers up the wall,"I shrugged.
"But you're a Keeper. Isn't that the job of the most responsible people here or something?"He guessed.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean they have to be serious. Do you think all Keepers' are stuck up?"I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"No, I just didn't think they'd be familiar with this place. Wait, what'd you do to get here this time?"He asked, now sitting up and looking at me.
"Chuck started a food fight,"I shrugged. He only had a confused expression on his face that admittedly made me laugh. There's just something about his thinking face that amuses me.
"What?"He asked.
"You have a very specific thinking face. It's kind of cute,"I explained. Instantly, despite the fact that it's the dead of night, I could see him start to turn tomato red. This only made me laugh again.
"I'm sorry. I'm not laughing to be mean. It's just genuinely amusing to see you flustered,"I explained.
"Oh, thanks? Moving on from this awkward topic how does Chuck starting a food fight get you here?"He asked.
"I was the only Keeper, and he always listens to me. Since I just watched it go down right next to him I ended up here."
"That still doesn't seem like you need to be here,"He pointed out.
"I've also broken him out everytime he's been here. It's only been like three times, and I'd put him back in before morning. Apparently, we weren't as sneaky as we thought since Alby knew. This was the only thing that he could think of,"I explained.
"Seriously? Do you just let him sleep in his hut or something?"
"My hut faces the sun first so he stays there, and I sleep on the ground outside it. I put him back here in the morning. Sometimes we'd talk, and other times we'd quietly crack jokes. He always looks so happy in the morning, and seeing his face light up when I would break him out warms my heart,"I rambled.
He didn't say anything, and I was slightly worried about this. I took a look at him to see him looking at me with an expression I haven't seen before.
"What?"I asked.
"Nothing. You're just, uh, a lot different than I thought. You're really cute. I mean the story is cute. Just the story."
"Are you calling me ugly?"I asked with a serious expression.
"What? No, no. Not at all. You're actually really pretty,"He answered quickly, clearly panicking.
"I'm just pulling your leg Tom,"I assured him.
"Thank god,"He said, breathing a sigh of relief. His shoulders visibly relaxed as he did. It was an interesting reaction, but it was still kind of adorable.
It looked like Alby got exactly what he wanted, and maybe just a little bit more.
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brave-little-pauper · 17 days
F7 with Mr. L or one of your Minion AU bros
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"Who's this poser?"
It's a battle of the L's!
Fun fact: When designing Greenie, I thought about giving him just a bandana to contrast with Red's cape, but it made me think of Mr. L. So, I scratched that and went with the hooded cape-bandana hybrid
(Bonus fact: I am a rock dweller, so imagine my surprise when I searched up "Mr. L" for reference and got images of a gangly Luigi demon thing.)
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misscloudiedays · 7 months
What's Greeny like? I'm enjoying a lot of your art of them and Jokewald but I don't exactly get the story in epic edition. They're really fun designs tho.
Well when it comes to greeny, in game his self expression is very muted cause the player is using him to well play the game, only really in the cutscenes and stuff close to that is when greeny can real express how he feels and what he thinks cause that’s a part of the game the player has no control over him
In awesome edition pretty much all the characters have some form of sentience, not all have awareness of being in the game but greeny does, aswell as Bus (Gus) who tells you stuff a ingame character shouldn’t know and literally PURPOSELY says shit at inconvenient times to mess with you
Also fact about Bus, he’s always talking to the PLAYER, not Greeny. He’s a side character in his own existence
That’s why I find him really interesting but draw him being absolutely sad and angry, which he kinda is a grumpy asshole in the game but I can’t blame him and a good amount of the characters in AE aren’t the most cheery (and definitely not family friendly) type
At some point Jokerwald gains awareness of being in a game but that’s near the end of the game where the game is trying to return to normal Epic Mickey and basically erase all the characters.. PEOPLE that the malware created
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(Random greeny art NSISBWKSH)
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ladymorghul · 4 months
Here's the anon again! I heard Aemond's gonna be in the brothel when BnC happens. He will also actively seek the Madam's company. They will probably meet several times . He is also supposed to have fun with other women... But frankly , idk if I can 100% trust my source. They also say there will be no helaemond. Btw I'd say ,in the trailer scene, Aemond apparently shows the Madam his trust.
to me this just seems a bit weird, mostly because i feel like there's not much building to it. i could see the brothel scene happening later in the season but i guess not.
and for aemond especially it feels like a pretty interesting change considering again... that in season 1 he says he's a decent man with no taste for depravity AND the madam implies she hasn't seen him since he was a teen. i know he killed lucerys and that's about to do something to his character but damn, 10 days and he gives his trust to the madam already? that simple and easy? okay
and how many girls is he with? the whole kl? does he, in fact, view sex just like aegon cuz... idk, i thought the point was to show how the two brothers have different responses to sex.
(oh and where are the dutiful son aemond greenies? real dutiful aemond as long as it isn't helaemond related. oh wait i forgot it doesn't matter when men sleep with prostitutes.)
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green-binder · 3 months
Hey tumblr!
New intro page!!
My name is Greenie, I research topics extensively and write them in my Green Binder. I am autistic.
I really like Tintin, The Winter Soldier, and geology (and music and books and animals and history and a ton of other unconnected things…)
A fun fact about me is that I only know one person from tumblr irl (@steve432) and he is essentially never active, so I treat my tumblr like a consequence-free confession booth.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Hi I’m honestly in love with your writing and the fact that you write for male readers is just *chefs kiss 🤌* could I please request a Newt x male reader, kinda like your other newt fic except Thomas takes a liking to the reader and it’s Newt that gets jealous, while reader is just oblivious because he hasn’t really talked to the greenie and is too busy doing medjack things.
Please don’t stress to get this finished I’ll wait forever if I have to.
All the love ❤️ - Static
Ooo I'm loving the Newt attention right now, I'm obviously a Minho fan (*cough* the over 25 fics I've written for him *cough*) but Newt is easily one of my favourite characters and I'm honoured to get the opportunity to write him.
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SUMMARY: See above. Timeline doesn't line up (or exist) but kinda movie based fic. Teresa ceases to exist because I couldn't work out how to make that work- there's enough going on.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, miscommunication trope, kind of oblivious reader, Thomas being a dumbass.
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Greenie Day is always fun. It's definitely your favourite day of the month. Apart from having a fresh face to watch the other Gladers tease, you also get to celebrate with the Bonfire night.
And today is no different. You have been blessed with Thomas. He seems slightly unstable and unsure of himself, but he is definitely handling things a lot better than most of he boys do.
He's cute, for sure, but a lot of boys here are. That doesn't really matter though, because you've set your heart on Newt.
You don't really know how it happened, but the second in command caught your attention almost immediately. He's one of the more grounded people in the Glade, and he's probably the most reliably.
And Minho drunkenly told you that Newt's gay. So, you might actually have a chance.
Though, you're one of the three Medjacks, so you're normally busy with work. The Glades really isn't a place for romance, and Newt is one of the few people that is actually busier than you.
And Newt probably doesn't even like you.
Honestly, Newt hadn't even really thought about it- until Thomas beats him to it.
"Who's that?" Thomas asks as him and Newt share a glass of Gally's special brew™, sitting in front of a log, using it as a backrest.
"Who's who?" Newt asks after taking a swig of his drink.
"Him," Thomas points at you from across the Glade as you talk to Jeff and Clint, laughing as you recall some of the dumbest injuries the Gladers have had. "Who's he?"
Newt's smile falters slightly. "(Y/N)." He simply answers. "Why you asking?"
Thomas shrugs. "He's kinda attractive."
For some reason, a sharp feeling crosses through Newt's chests. He shuffles uncomfortably before getting up. "C'mon, I'll show you around."
Thomas scrambles to his feet, struggling to keep up with Newt as he effortlessly traverses through the crowd.
Newt pretty much introduces Thomas to everyone except you. And then he ends up in a fight with Gally.
Which is always a fun watch.
You remain oblivious as you continue on with your job in the day following. Normally, after Bonfire, your clientele consists of boys suffering from hangovers and embarrassment.
"Gally, if you're gonna throw up, go outside, there's only so many egg and garlic cures I can make in such a small space of time, yanno." You mumble, stirring the strong smelling solution.
"I'm not gonna throw up." The Builder grumbles as he hunches over the side of the bed.
"You'd think since you make this klunk you'd be able to handle it. Or were you just nursing your pride after being floored by a Greenie?" He glares at you as you pass him the drink.
"This klunk's gross."
"You do this to yourself."
"Hey," you look up as Thomas awkwardly knocks on the doorframe.
"Hey, Greenie, you need somethin'?" You say nonchalantly. Thomas is just another patient to you.
"Uh, just thought I'd come see what this job is about."
"You fancy being a Medjack?"
"Haven't you heard?" Gally scoffs. "Greenie here has his heart set on being a Runner." You raise your eyebrow at Gally. "Newt told me."
That's weird. It's not like Newt is the type to go around talking about everyone's business- to Gally nonetheless.
You scoff. "Well, good luck with that- you'll have to get Minho's approval. He's one hard nut to crack. Maybe aim lower for now."
"Or give up all together." Gally snickers to himself.
"Gally," you snap, "get out- you're just a whiney baby who overendulged- scram, shank."
Gally grumbles under him breath, but he does get up, even though he does nearly topple over in the process.
"You're uh, (Y/N), right?" Thomas asks once Gally is gone.
"Uh, yeah, who told you that?"
"Oh, I asked Newt. He didn't seem too pleased about it, though."
You brush off the comment, turning back to making more headache cures for the undeniable number of boys that'll be flooding into your tent soon.
"Well, you should be checking out some of the other jobs- people don't normally trail to be a Medjack very often. There's only three of us and it's harder to get in this kluck-hole than it is out in the Maze. You could be a Track-hoe or a Builder, or even a Slicer if you don't mind the blood."
"Yeah, but I want to be a Runner," you scoff, shaking your head to try and hide your smirk. Gally might be right about this one.
Thats a first.
"Oi, Greenie," Newt appears in the doorway, "the shuck are you doin'? Get your ass to the Bloodhouse, you're tryin' out as a Slicer today."
Thomas pushes his lips into a thin line, nodding at you. "See you around." You give him an awkward wave and he leaves.
"The Greenie's shuckin' weird." You laugh, but when Newt doesn't respond, you look over at him. He face looks like thunder. "You good, mate?"
'Mate' is something you only say to Newt, mainly because you secretly adore his accent but also to lightly tease him.
"Yeah," he clears his throat, "yeah, so, you think Tommy's a freak?"
"I wouldn't go that far- but I don't think we've ever had a Greenie with such a shuckin' death wish before." Newt remains silent. "You don't like him?"
"No," he sighs, "I do. The shank's got a spark- we need more of that. I just..." He trails off, making eye contact with you. "Doesn't matter. I'll catch you later."
Newt leaves as fast as his arrived, leaving you very confused and slightly lost. That's until Clint stumbles into the Med Hut with Jeff carrying him, clearly still intoxicated.
You'd been wondering where they'd been.
The next couple of days are... strange, to say to say the least. Thomas came in almost every morning to speak to you, which started causing some exchanging of glances between your colleagues.
You, however, paid no mind to it.
Newt, however, did.
"Who does the Greenie think he is?" Newt grumbles to Minho, who is mouthfuls deep in a portion of of Frypan's stew.
"This about your little crush again?" The Runner says after swallowing.
"What? I don't have a crush."
"Dude, you've been complaining about Thomas all week."
"So? I don't have a crush on the shuckin' Greenie."
"Wha- no," Minho snorts, rubbing his face in his hands at his friends own cock-blocking. "You're jealous."
"Of Thomas."
"You have a thing for (Y/N), and the Greenie likes him too- so you're jealous."
Newt blinks. "What? No, I don't have a shuckin' crush, okay? He's just distracting him from work, a'ight? And Thomas needs to get his ass to work figuring what job he's gonna do. This isn't about (Y/N) at all."
"You're full of klunk," Minho says after sarcastically nodding, waving his fork around.
"No, you're full of klunk," Minho sighs. "You've been talking to and about this boy since he got here, and suddenly a new guy shows up, who clearly likes your 'bestfriend'," he puts that in air quotes, "and suddenly you're moping around like a shuckin' baby. You're thick as pig klunk if you ain't figured out what's going on by now."
There's a short period of silence as Newt processes everything. Shit, maybe he is jealous. He'd always liked you a little bit more than the other Gladers, but he kind of thought it was just admiration.
But he was jealous when Thomas pointed you out.
It made his skin crawl and his body burn.
"Shit," he mumbles, his elbows resting on the table and his hands in his hair. "I think I do like him."
"There ya go- shuckin' finally." Minho barks a laugh.
"So, what do I do?"
Minho hesitates, before just shrugging. "You don't see me having many romantic prospects around here, do ya? Box hasn't sent my type up yet," he attempts to joke, which just earns a glare from the second in command. He clears his throat. "Look, if your jealousy is getting to you that bad, just claims what's yours."
"Minho," Newt groans, "don't talk about people like that."
"You know what I mean- just ask him out. Tell him how you feel and get you a boy."
"I don't know if-"
"Suck it up, shank- I don't risk my life everyday to come back here and deal with this klunk." Minho stands up. "Alby has you running this joint for a reason- figure your shit out."
And with that, Minho walks away, probably to talk to someone who isn't causing him a headache with romantic issues.
Newt decides to see what happens, play it by ear and stick to his job. After all, he's a busy dude and- oh my God, is Thomas talking to you again?
Newt spots you sitting with Thomas. You look almost bored, probably thinking about some kind of medical solutions instead of listening to whatever nonsense Thomas is spewing.
But for some reason, this sparks a new wave of jealousy in him. Maybe Minho's right- about needing to talk to you, not claiming you.
You're a person, after all.
Standing up, he storms over to you.
"Hey," he taps your shoulder, pulling you out of your trance, "I need to talk to you." He jolts his head in a general direction away from the small group you're in.
"Oh, sure," you scramble up, following Newt as he walks away. You can practically see the steam coming off his head.
You walk a fair few metres away, ending up at the edge of the Deadheads.
"Newt, is everything okay-?"
"I like you!" He snaps, turning around and starting you.
"I like you, okay? I like you and all your dumb medical facts and the way you help Chuck when he's freaking out. I like you, like I have a crush on you and it's freaking me the shuck out! A-and watching you flirt with the Greenie is driving me nuts!"
"I wasn't flirting with-"
"I just- Minho told me to tell you and that's what I'm going. Make of it what you will but-"
There's something about the normally calm Newt losing his cool over you that is weirdly attractive. Not only is your long-time crush confessing to you, but he's actually possessive over it. Should that be attractive? Probably not, but it still is to you.
Newt is mid-speech when you step forward, grabbing his face with both your hands and pulling him towards you. Your lips connect and Newt completely freezes.
You pull away from the blond as he doesn't react. He looks at you for a second, panic taking over you. You go to speak but no sounds come out as he starts to grin.
Pulling you back in, he kisses you again, this time actually responding properly.
The kiss lasts a couple of seconds before you separate.
"Will you please be my boyfriend, (Y/N)?" He asks you.
You smile. "'Course I shuckin' will."
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Another Newt request: done. I'm slowly getting there, and I have a couple of Gally requests to get through, but dw we'll be back to our regularly scheduled Minho content first.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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hoedamn-eron · 2 years
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Your favourite regular always makes it for your last dance.
Warnings: 18+ for adult themes, no smut though. Like, one swear word. I'm not sure how strip clubs/dancing clubs work, so apologies for that, I've just taken a guess at them. This has, in fact, been proofread, but there's probably still mistakes. Word count: 1,094 GN!Reader, no use of Y/N.
A little drabble posting in the interim of He Found the Box of Condoms Part 3 and my Santi x Reader series.
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“Hey,” your name was called by your co-worker. “Your boy’s here.”
You couldn’t help the smile creep across your face. Being a client’s favourite meant easy tips and an easy shift; they usually pay well so the boss wouldn’t mind if you kept your client busy all night. You were still relatively new to the club so you only had the one favourite client.
He was running very late today, but that wasn’t new. He was taxi driver, so his hours were unpredictable, but he always knew when your shifts were, and he always made it before it ended. You were about to go on stage for your final dance of the night before you made your way home (he’d probably give you a lift).
You gave yourself a final spray of that new perfume you had wanted (vanilla scented – your favourite) and made your way to the stage as Pony played loudly from the speakers. It was cheesy, you agreed, but it was always a fun song to end the night, and you were feeling a little playful, especially now. You swung your hips as you took the steps to the stage, giving a seductive grin to the patrons who were already cheering you on.
Your eyes subtly scanned the room and there he was, sat towards the back in one of the red velvet armchairs, in his usual immaculate suit and his gloved hand wrapped around the whiskey tumbler as his eyes trained on you, a small smirk of his own on his face as he tipped his newsboy cap at you.
Jake Lockley was a little rough around the edges, but a true gentleman.
He first came in on your third week on the job. Like every other time he’d come in, he’d ordered a whiskey and took a seat away from the stage, before requesting a private dance in the back. That night, you were urged by the other dancers to be ‘the one’ that night, as a rite of passage in a way. He had made you nervous, at first; you were a greenie, and he was intimidating, in his fine suit and leather gloved hands (which you did not imagine touching you in all the best ways). But he put you at ease, telling you that he wasn’t expecting your best, he just appreciated pretty people. You had blushed at his words, which caused him to chuckle.
It seemed Jake had taken a liking to you, since he asked for you again the week after. And the week after that, and again the week after that.
That had been four years ago. He had asked you in the past if you would ever leave, and you’d answered honestly, “I make more in four days than others do in a month; why would I ever leave?”
He’d given you his signature smirk at that before offering you a ride home.
You reach the end of the stage, where the pole is secured to the ground. It’s cold to the touch and you swing your way around it, leg hooking over and you give the patrons a sultry look, biting your lip in a grin. You slide to the floor before settling on all fours before stretching your upper body, rolling your hips as the song thrums through your body, vibrating through you. You loved the thrill it gave you; knowing that you were the sexiest thing in the room and no-one could touch you.
You catch Jake’s eye as the other patrons throw their money at you. He’s always so unreadable, sitting in the back with his casual gaze on you. You felt your skin prickle and you suddenly felt so hot, despite your lack of clothing. He looked at you as though he was opening you up, reading your every thought.
You were so incredibly turned on by it.
You don’t break contact as you dance and sway to the music, your hands playing with your hair, throwing your head back as you rock your hips. You always loved putting on a show for Jake, on stage and his requested private dances, and you had no shame in admitting it. You knew nothing would happen between the two of you, but your little day dreams never hurt anyone.
The song came to an end and you ended it by swinging around the pole and ending in the splits on the floor, the notes still falling around you. You grin at the patrons before giving them a thank you and walking down the stage, swaying your hips again. You couldn’t wait to take these shoes off, and wipe off your make up, and get comfortable before going home. You see security collecting your notes from the stage and placing them in your designated bag as you go backstage as the next dancer is called.
You thank security as you pass them back towards the main floor, where they will place your bag of notes by your locker. You make your way over to Jake, who was already stood from his chair, looking at you with that grin on his face.
“You’re a little late,” you said, running your hand down his arm as you pout.
“Sorry, baby, I’ve been busy,” Jake replied. “Had to get the limo out, lots of hen dos tonight.”
“But you still made time for me,” you mutter, biting your lip as you grin at him.
Jake huffed a laugh through his nose. “Don’t I always?”
“I’m about to get off,” you grin at the double entendre. “But I can still give you a private show.”
Jake hummed as he smiled at you. “Would you like that here or at your place?”
That was bold of him. You both had flirted in the past, of course, it practically comes with the job, but there was something always unspoken between you and Jake. You were probably a little naïve, falling for a customer the way you did, and like you said before, Jake was a gentleman, and you knew him better than the other customers. But he’d never been so…outright like that. But Jake Lockley wasn’t a regular client…clients don’t offer the dancers lifts home after their shifts.
“Are you inviting yourself over to my place, Jake?”
Jake nonchalantly shrugged a shoulder. “If you’ll have me.”
Oh God, he was the most beautiful fucking man you have ever met. Why in God’s name would you pass this up?
You hum and you lean into him, your eyes hooded. “Take me home, Lockley.”
“Anything for you, doll.”
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Tagged - @eonnyx, @transparent-shark
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skaruresonic · 10 months
Sorry for venting in your inbox, but I need to talk about something
I did not participate in that discussion you had with that user who more or less said that it's rude to add negativity to a post (I won't make names, but you know what I'm talking about). And yet, I found out that I was blocked.
I have two hypotheses: one, they found out that I comforted you when I wished you a happy birthday (literally the only time I even mentioned the incident in public), so I was put in the category of "people who would attack me", or two, I am simply commonly associated with the Bad People, maybe there's a blocklist going around.
Isn't it fun? I barely even talk about IDW and I don't really interact much with the Sonic fandom anymore, but I'm still worth being blocked by association <3
I didn't follow that person so I won't sleep over it. But you know. Makes you wonder why we stick with the "bad clique" :^)
Possibility three: someone told them about your associations with us and they responded accordingly. This is what I'm talking about with keeping tabs on people. Someone is always holding a microphone up to your mouth, even when you say nothing.
You can never be taken on an individual basis because you're not an individual, you're part of The Haters(tm). That's why everyone was all "ummm isn't Your Group going to issue a statement? omg Greeny ur the only moral one" about Random's tweet.
All the more sickening when they mock us for being part of a "clique," as if A.) they don't belong to "cliques" of their own, and B.) gee I wonder why.
Funny how they got annoyed when I took "I consider only what you, the collective, write" to mean they tar us with the same brush. Maybe because, uh, you do.
At least their actions align with their words in that regard, though. That's all I'll say on the matter.
No, I do not have a "narrative" I'm pushing, somehow it just never occurs to people that I'm only trying to explain things as I see them. And yeah, I do get upset, because it's an upsetting experience, to be told that merely being a little snarky is the same thing as harassment.
It's not. I don't know how to explain that in a way that won't get taken as "harassment" - doing it calmly and doing it loudly will produce the same disdain anyway - so there's no reason to try.
Isn't it fun? I barely even talk about IDW and I don't really interact much with the Sonic fandom anymore, but I'm still worth being blocked by association <3
Same. I don't mind being blocked, btw. In fact, I'd encourage it. If you feel I'd be too toxic to interact with, by all means, help yourself. Curate your online experience. Just don't declare yourself morally superior for it, is all I'm asking.
Recently starting to wander into the weeds with my own work, and while it can be a lonely experience, it's also been something of a healing one because I don't feel fandom breathing down my neck. Would he Say That? I don't quite know yet, but finding out is a part of the journey.
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
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“We got something special planned tonight” Namjoon said as he led you to somewhere that you don’t know, a tower build by woods comes to the view, he walks towards the ladder turning his head to you “think you can catch up?” you give him a nod and climb after him after doing a quick scan around the area.
You look at the walls surrounding and the Glader’s working around the glade, Namjoon looks out as well before turning to you “This is all we got. We worked hard for it. if you respect this place. Tou and I will get along just fine” you turn to look at him feeling an underlining warning in his words before looking at the large wall that imprisoned you in here.
Did he seriously thought that you would hurt these boys?
You might’ve been offended at his words but your thoughts were somewhere else “what’s out there?”
  Namjoon looks down with a sigh seems like you’re going to be his problem he internally makes a note, he walks towards you and you stiffen not because your afraid of him so far you don’t feel like he would hurt you just for the fun it, it’s his intimidating aura and the authority he held what made you falter and maybe the fact that he undeniably handsome guy.
“We only have three rules here. First do your part, no time for any freeloaders” you nod at hi intense gaze slowly looking away “second, never harm another Glader.  None of this works unless we have trust. Most importantly never go beyond those walls.” Your gaze shift to him “do you understand me, greenie?”
You both locks your eyes together when suddenly “RAP MONSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRR” yell echoes around the glade Namjoon close his eyes for a moment seemingly tiring not to lose his cool, you both look down to see Jungkook waving his hands enthusiastically.
You turn to Namjoon “what’s a rap monster?”
“Nothing you need to worry about, let get down” Namjoon says as he goes down you glance at the walls one more time before following him down.
Jungkook seems to have a sudden confidence as he started conversing “it’s basically the same story for all of us. We wake up in the box, Namjoon gives us the tour…. then here we are.”  He ties the hammock
“Who where you talking to?” Jimin’s voice reach his ears as he turns and find you gone and jimin stand in your place.
“Where did she go?” he asks almost to himself jimin look back to see you walk to the center of the glade and he points to him.
Both jimin and Jungkook catch up with you.
“Hey, where you going?” Jungkook ask once he next to you, you open your mouth to say but close when you realize there someone else with you.
“Hi, I’m jimin” he said with a smile, he had an innocent face but the smile had a touch of mischief not to mention he was just as pretty as Jungkook you nod at him unable to say anything.
“I just wanted to see. “
“You can look around all you want, but you better not go out there” Jungkook adds as the three you walk, he on your left side with jimin on your right.
“Why not? What’s through there?”
“We don’t know. We just know what we were told.” Jungkook stand Infront of you halting you in your place.
Jimin stand beside him “Yeah, and you don’t want Namjoon to be mad at you. Trust me it’s not a pretty sight. We’re not supposed to leave.”
You, jimin and Jungkook glance at the entrance and to your surprise two guys come outside running, they have what it seems like a running gear at their back, the both guys stop when they see you.
“The new greenie is a girl?” A guy with a wide smile said sweat was dripping from his forehead but he was stunningly handsome guy come to think of so far everyone you meet was painfully handsome, even their skin looked flawless you wonder what’s their secret.
Did the box also bring skin care products…. wait a minute what is a skin care product?
“About that Namjoon wants to have a meeting, you better catch-up Hoseok” jimin said to the guy and they nod
 “You are no longer greenie Jungkook, how does it feel?” Hoseok give you small wave as the they jog past you, the other guy give you nod.
“I thought no one was allowed to leave” you look at them with a confused look on your face
“I said we’re not allowed to leave, they’re different, they’re runners.”
“They know more about the maze than anyone.”  Jimin, absentminded said Jungkook hit him in his arm making him yelp. “You can’t tell her that”
“Wait what?”
“What?” they look you like they didn’t just hand bickered a second ago
You raise an eyebrow “what? You just said maze” you point at jimin
He stutters “I did?”
“He did?”
 “yeah” you said not buying their innocent you go towards the opening of the wall making them run after you.
 “Where are you going?” Jungkook turns to jimin “you can’t keep it in you, can you?” he whispered
 “You know I can’t” he whispers backs before look at you standing from behind Jungkook “what are you doing?”
“I’m just gonna take a look” you said Jungkook grab your arm making you look at him and to where his hands on your arm, he takes back his arm when he sees your glare.
He turns to jimin “we told you, you can’t. no one leaves, especially not now.”
“It’s not safe “jimin come up behind Jungkook with a serious look on his face
“Okey, all right, I’m not gonna go” you said to them “I promise” they look at each other before giving a hesitant nod.
You slowly walk towards the entrance the maze seems ivy growing thick concrete walls stands taller, who build it? why? why they put you all in here?
It was dark you couldn’t clearly get a good look, to see more clearly you take a step forward but suddenly hands garb you wrapped around your frame making you startled. you let out a sudden scream as well as Jungkook and jimin, they didn’t see gally coming in they were focused on you and the next thing they see gally caging in you lifting you off the ground and your scream.
“Let me go asshole” you thrash around the guy that restricting you “get off me!”
Jungkook and jimin yell at gally to let you go already all the Gladers have come to see what’s the commotion.
“Clam down. clam down “
Having enough you scream on top your lung “get the fuck away from me. Put me down “
Jungkook having enough of this pull you out of gally grips you push away from also “don’t touch me”
You back away from the boys “what the hell is wrong with you guys?”
Namjoon put his hands out “just clam down all, right?”
You shook you head backing away from him “No, okey? Why won’t you tell me what’s out there?”
Yoongi glance at Jungkook and jimin who was being scolded by seokjin who come out with a frying pan in his hands, he turns to you “we’re just trying to protect you. It’s for your own good.”
Your body shook with anger “you guys can’t just keep me here. “
“I can’t let you leave” Namjoon slowly walks towards you only to stop by yoongi as you already walked back few feet away from the open of the wall.
“Why not?” you yell at them that when you hear the sound of machine creaking, the heavy thud makes everyone including you look at the entrance.
The sound of wind whooshing was eerie and the winds hit your face you fully turn to it “what the hell?” you pant, the gears turning made you look up and take a step back, the large wall close itself, Infront of you.
You flinch when gally come up to you “next time, I’m gonna let you leave.” With that he walks away Jungkook and jimin was taken away by Jin who grab them by their ears hi pan now in taehyung’s hands.
Namjoon and yoongi was still with you “yoongi you talk to her, welcome to the glade greenie” with that he also leaves.
Yoongi gives you a nod to follow him that how you found yourself sitting by log with yoongi by your side as the bonfire stared with drums playing, Namjoon was by their side as the gliders cheered, jimin, Jungkook and taehyung was dancing around seokjin was by the fire with a drink in his hands that was given by gally.
 “Hell of a first day, greenie” yoongi said you only nod looking out there in the open “here” he hands you a jar with a drink, you took a sip and spite back at the awful taste.
“Oh my god what the hell is that?” you cough setting down the drink as yoongi laugh at you “what was in that?”
“I don’t know, its Gally’s recipe. It’s a trade secret” he answers
You turn to see gally rassling with the Gladers “yeah, well, he’s still an asshole”
“He saved your life today.” His gaze was fully on you “trust me. The maze is a dangerous place.” He takes a sip from the drink.
 “we’re trapped here, aren’t we?”
“For the moment.” He nods his head before glancing at you and turns his body around pointing behind you “you see those guys? There by the fire? Those are the runners”
He points at Hoseok “that is Hoseok in the middle, he’s the keeper of the runners. Every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze. Mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out.”
“How long they been looking?” you glance back and forth between him and Hoseok
“Three years” his voice was indifferent when he said it
“And they haven’t found anything?”
“it’s a lot easier said than done.” He leans towards you making you freeze “listen” you do as he says and hears distant creaking sounds “hear that? It’s the maze, changing. It changes every night.” You could feel his hot breath on the side of your face, he stares at your face as you miss it as you got lost in thought and questions on your mind.
“How was that even possible?”
“You can ask the people who put us in here, if you ever meet the bastards.” He moves away from you and you took a second to fully accept the reality of your current situation. “Listen the truth is the runners are the only ones who really know what’s out there. They are the strongest and fastest of all. and it’s a good thing too because if they don’t make it back before those doors close then they are stuck there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze” you look at with your mouth open just when you thought things couldn’t get worse you hit with something else way worse.
“What happen to them?”
“Well, we call them grievers. Of course, no one’s ever seen one and lived to talk about it but they’re out there.”
You let out loud sigh both in exhaustion and what you just heard. “Well that enough question for one night. Come on” he stands up and pulls you with him while you protest. “you’re supposed to be guest of honor “
“Oh, no. I don’t do well with crowd” you state all you get a gummy smile form him making your protest die down at the smile on his face.
“Let me show you around.” He walks Infront of you as you slowly follow up after him. He points at gally and Gladers around him “they are the builders. They’re very good with their hands” he pauses for moment glancing at you, you cross your arms across your chest “not like that. They can build anything but not a lot going on upstairs” he points at his temple while saying. 
“He’s Winston keeper of the slicers” he pointed at the guys that laughing around then points at jimin who was dancing around with taehyung “you already meet jimin right. He is the keeper of med- jacks along with clint. And taehyung is the keeper of track- hoes”
“What if I want be a runner?” you said making him halt in his steps
He chuckles as if you’re joking “have you listened a word I’ve just said? No one wants to be a runner. And besides you gotta get chosen.”
“Chosen by who?” before he can ask you grunts as you get pushed into yoongi who caught you by your shoulders, gaining your foot you shrug off his concerned look and glance back at who pushed you to see it was gally and another boy who was wrestling.
“You alright, there greenie?” gally asks almost in mocking way “you wanna play with us?” he asked with a condescending grin on his face the boys behind him let out snickers at this.
Your face twisted in anger yoongi turns to him “stop it, gally” even though it was monotone his eyes held dominance as the Gladers was quick to shut their mouth.
Gally chuckles as he walks towards you “come on she is one of we have to treat her like that too”
Suddenly everyone starts to chant greenie around and yoongi shook his head already done with everything. From where Namjoon, seokjin and Hoseok was talking look up to where you standing the crowds around you and gally. They get up as well as jimin taehyung and Jungkook who first thought they caught him eating the food when he heard the word but quickly you came to his mind grabbing the bowl he also follows up.
You look around the boys wondering what the hell you are going to do now glancing at gally you sure he would kill you for some reason he really hates your guts is it because your female you don’t know but something tells you even you weren’t he would pick on you.
“Okey alright, come on I’ll go easy on you. The rules are simple, greenie. I try to push you out of the circle” you get inside the circle as he come to not intentionally but you didn’t want to stand next to him “you try to last more than five seconds.”  He concludes the boys around you laughs.
“ready” he asks you node he suddenly pounced at you and push you on to a group of boys, they push you to him and he throw to the ground.
Yoongi and Namjoon share a glance with seokjin, Jungkook wince with jimin when land on your front on the ground coughing. Taehyung feels a little happy because you kicked him earlier, he tries not burst out laughing at you. Hoseok thought this might help you get used to here.
“Come on, greenie we’re not done yet.”
“Stop calling me greenie” you straight your top dusting away the sand
“Stop calling you that? What you wanna be called? Sweetheart?” he grins at your angered face “what do you think, boys? She could be our sweetheart, right?” he asks them with a smug look on the face.
He come at you but you quickly move and push him done in anger everyone around you watched gally being face planted with amazement the boys mouth shaped in ‘oh’.
Jungkook’s plate fall down from his as he clapped for you with jimin, yoongi and Hoseok share a smirk an impressed look on taehyung’s face while seokjin and Namjoon tried not laugh at gally.
But it quickly turned into worry when gally charge at you without giving you any second to react and your head hit the ground hard and fast.
You grunt in pain but you suddenly forget the pain when your name come in to your conscious you whisper your name in heart beating fast.
You get up hastily “Hey, Y/n!” you let out a giggle that made jimin blush he quickly scan if anyone else notice it. “I remember my name. I’m Y/n!”
Your smile was contagious and bright that made the boys and Gladers smile at you as well jimin taking this opportunity yells your name and come running towards you hoping you wouldn’t kick him where it will really really hurt.
Soon everyone cheers your name and pat your back a beaming jimin lift your hand as if you won the wrestling.
 “Welcome home, Y/n” Namjoon said with a smile on his face.
Gally come up to you “good job... Y/n” he shakes your hands and everyone watches as you both talk the distant roaring make everyone turns their head
“What the hell was that?” you question not to anyone specifically
“That my friend, was a griever. Don’t worry, you’re safe with us. Nothing gets through those walls.” Gally answers for you before starting to leave.
“Alright guys. Let’s tuck it in for the night. Come on it was a good night.”
Jimin catch up with Jungkook and the later looked him with suspicioning glance “did you sleep well last night?” Jungkook nod at him “really? you should really take care of your health, sleeping in hammock isn’t good maybe we can switch places tonight?”
“It isn’t always good remember the times when fall of from it. but I got hang off it now. You don’t need to worry” Jungkook smile at Jimin’s worry for his health before he stops in his track. “Wait why do you only care now?”  something inside him clicks “you just want to sleep near the new greenie” he gasped at him.
Jimin nervously chuckles “what. No, I’m just take care of my fellow Glader and her name is Y/n remember.” Before he stand confidently “besides, she someone important to me, I can feel it in my bones”
Jungkook lazily observe him “really? Then I will ask Namjoon and yoongi then where I should sleep”
Jimin was quick to grab Jungkook’s arms “we shouldn’t disturb you can take my place”  
“No let me just ask them” he said innocently “there yoongi lets go ask him” he points at yoongi who had lantern in his hands as the walk around.
Jimin let him go before ruining away from yoongi who saw them talking and now walking towards them.
You lay beside Jungkook on the hammock wide awake while Jungkook was already knocked out for few hours you were awake then you don’t know when you fall asleep. You were dreaming you could hear a male voice saying your name and saying that everything going to change and it will all right and there a woman in white lab coat was there so many machines and screams of pain and agony.
The last thing you hear is WICKED IS GOOD. Was it a dream or memory.
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ultraviolencevinyl · 16 days
about me
my name is not Hannah
I am a minor do not come for me old man
I live in England but I kind of like it
eye colour: greeny greyish
hair colour: brunette
fav subjects at school: english, latin and biology
hobbies: reading, playing piano, playing cello, writing, baking
taste in books: to kill a mockingbird, the secret history, the outsider, the virgin suicides, girl interrupted, the queen’s gambit, frankenstein, dracula, lolita, anything by Oscar Wilde and Franz Kafka and Edgar Allen Poe, the bell jar
taste in films: the aristocats, the virgin suicides, bambi, buffalo ‘66, girl, interrupted, dead poets society, heathers, pearl, romeo and juliet, the year of living dangerously, beetle juice, the breakfast club,
taste in music: lana del rey, fiona apple, princess chelsea, hole, mitzki, tv girl, nirvana, the velvet underground and lou reed and nico, deftones, ethel cain, nancy and frank sinatra, mazzystar, cigarettes after sex, arctic monkeys, air, marina, taylor swift, the psychedelic furs, the smiths, the neighbourhood, melanie martinez, cults, abba, beach house, bon iver, queen, roar
favourite people: my mother, my father, my grandparents, the very short mental list of friends, anya taylor joy, lana del rey, fiona apple, winona ryder, angelina jolie, timothee chalamalabingbong, lana del rey, christina ricci, grace kelley, frank and nancy sinatra, marilyn monroe, lana del rey, dakota warren, lana del rey
favourite colours: pink, red and blue
fun fact: i can fit my whole fist into my mouth
my mother
my father
my grandparents
lana del rey
school (not the people in it)
fluffy socks
warm showers
long skirts
being a girl (sometimes)
patrick bateman
the bell jar
smiling at strangers
dancing in my room
singing in showers
lying in the sun
gilmore girls
gothic horror literature
cecilia and bonnie lisbon
vintage films
hitchcock films
polly torch clark
fiona apple
princess chelsea
kintsugi (song)
the smell of smoke
mia goth
anything cinnamon related
second hand books + bookshops
80s and 90s films
gruesomely and disgusting horror films
lady dakota warren
thank you very much for spending your time reading this
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nomoreusername · 7 months
Just a Pretty Face (part 3)
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Pairing:Minho x female reader
Summary:After Minho is telling Newt the truth about his master plan you overhear.
I personally have had a great time annoying Y/N in the maze. In fact, I've been putting her down as my running partner so much that Newt pulled me aside just to ask what was going on.
"Nothing,"I shrugged.
"Minho, she hates you with a passion. Are you doing this to mess with her? Are you just so bored you're looking for a fight?"He interegated.
"Why do you assume there's a motive?"I asked.
"Maybe because the schedule has been with you two paired up for two weeks now."
"You make the schedule Minho. Why is it so important that she's always running with you?"
"It's a coincidence,"I shrugged.
"Minho. You're being weird. Just tell me why or I'll start making the schedules so-"
"No. Don't do that,"I frantically interrupted. He gave me a surprised look at my reaction.
"What is going on?"He repeated.
"Don't make the schedules,"I said again, dodging his question. Then, he gave me a look that let me know no amount of pleading would work. If I wanted to keep running with her I'd have to admit what I've felt for years. It wasn't a love at first sight thing, but that's not too far off. 
"Fine. I've been making Y/N my running partner because I want to spend time with her. She can't avoid me in the maze."
"Are you kidding me? Minho, why don't you just be a normal person and talk to her in the Glade?"
"She doesn't like me. If we're in the maze though then-"
"Then, I'll fall helplessly in love with you?"A voice asked. A very, very specific voice that I did not want to hear right now. 
"That's my cue to head out. Have fun working out whatever that is,"Newt said before just abandoning me. 
"So what was the plan Mr.King of the Glade? You assumed if I had to spend time with you I'd start liking you?"She repeated. 
"Something like that,"I admitted, turning around to face her. She was expressionless as she leaned against the wall.
"You realize I knew that, right?"
"What?"I asked, thinking I misheard her.
"Yeah. I knew your plan on the fifth day. You were being all chatty and joking around. I must say it was quite a change in character,"She remarked.
"If you knew why didn't you say anything?"I questioned.
"Easy. I was waiting to see how long it'd take you to be a normal person and tell me your feelings instead of forcing me to be in a close proximity with you all day,"She explained.  
"So you want a love confession or something?"I asked.
"Something like that. Give it your best shot,"She challenged.
And I like challenges.
"You've been in the maze with me so you've seen that I obviously don't hate you. I never actually even hated you. You just never even glanced at direction so I got your attention by getting on your nerves. The great plan was to slowly work my way up to where you want to hang out with me on your own free will,"I admitted.
"Are you joking? You've had a master plan this entire time?"
"That's what I said, isn't I?"
"And what was the next move genius? You'd find a magical love potion, and we'd love happily ever after?"She deadpanned, dramatically waving her hands in the air. 
"No. I was going to use my natural charm,"I corrected.
"You might be the dumbest person I have ever met. You're lucky I like you,"She sighed.
"What?"I asked in disbelief.
"I said you're lucky I like you you moron. I'll tell you what. Meet me by the maze walls next Greenie night, and we can hang out. Let's see if your natural charm will win me over,"She suggested.
"It will,"I promised. 
"We'll have to see, won't we? Now stop putting me down as your partner every time. You can't focus if you're staring at me, can you?"
I didn't think she actually noticed. Not that it matters though. We make a good match most of the time, and during Greenie night I'll prove it.
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apollotronica · 5 months
i tried adding like . characters from stuff you arent into/arent as heavily into because uh Yeah . if i tried to actually remember what i like i could probably come up with A Bunch of other people to add here but unfortunately we share too similar interests. if i added people from things you are into it would be too predictable for you so Yeah . honorary mention to fumiya and luka. didn't add them because i already talked to you about them and you already know despite not really being into alien stage and charisma house . i tried thinking really hard about a character from jjba but i could only come up with one and the fact i was adding toi many green haired people was making me go crazy so . honorary mention to cioccolata . Wait perhaps even secco . from jjba . Yeah . ill try my best to remember anyone else Its so fun to find you in stuff
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OMG YAY I know thise guys for the most part . butalso never be afraid of adding too many greenies because i love bitches w annoyingly bright lime green hair U should get into something random nobodys ever heard of and get back 2 me
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peachysunrize · 2 months
I'll never understand why a good chunk of green fandom is so staunchly anti helaemond. Like, i get it, they are mostly Aegon fans, but still, it's obvious he doesn't care about Helaena in a romantic way, not to mention his constant infidelity and opinion about her. Moreover, their main argument is that it would somehow make the greens look like hypocrites. I mean, hello? The showrunners have already done that, with Alicent, Criston, hell, the whole green council. How would Helaemond make it any worse? Imo, it would actually be a great opportunity to give more scenes to both Helaena and Aemond since they are being heavily ignored so far, maybe even to humanize Aemond since he's apparently a baby eating monster this season, according to everyone. I'm not fooling myself coz I'm aware we most likely won't get a romantic Helaemond (I guess I'll have fics and headcanons for it), but at least I want to see them interact, to learn something more about these characters, maybe they could have Helaena be Aemond's confidant and advisor during his regency... It's not too much to ask, I think. However, some greenies refuse even this because it would somehow be disrespectful to Aegon?? I just don't get it. The fact is that Aemond and Helaena had great unspoken chemistry during their brief scenes in s1, and now they could expand on their relationship, romantic or not, and TG would only benefit from it.
Anyway, I would love to hear your opinion on this.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!!
I’m not a huge fan of helaemond myself not because I think they have no chemistry but because I think their canon relationships separately are more interesting than helaemond.
But!!!!! I totally agree that we would benefit from those scenes, especially if they are heavily weighted towards dialogues and plot lines, not just like the brief useless scene we got in the throne room with one sentence! I need them to interact, I need Helaena to be mad at Aemond for the death of Jaehaerys but again Hess wrote Helaena in a way that even she as jaehaerys’ mother should not mourn him cause common born babies die all the time💀
The thing is that good writing can change everything!!! Even if we get another fanon ship from this fanfiction Condal & Co are giving us, I hope we get at least a good written one! Helaemond isn’t a ship to be treated lightly like Alicole! This is the queen and the prince regent we’re talking about so them having a thing together could either benefit TG greatly or make them even more of a hypocrite.
All in all, fanfics exist for this reason to have fun and read what you’d like! We shouldn’t really have our hopes high about the scenes helaemond will have:(
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