#functional incontinence
templbodyshaping · 1 year
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had doctor appointment (GP not hospital) for bladder/incontinence issues.
it is probably happen for long time - since primary school. but because so much dehydration (hate water, don't feel thirst, only drink when prompt, scared to drink in school in case accident), not notice a lot until now fixing dehydration problem by drink juice (yum!). likely it is mostly cause from autism interoception problem, not feel bladder full. but also worse from FND and ME and mobility issues, can not get to toilet fast.
I will get referred somewhere, called "sphere", not sure what it is but mum and dad know.
mum and dad both came, helping for communicate and stay calm. got hot at the end but she had stick insects to look at, it helped !
worked very hard to walk from house to car, car into doctor surgery, sit in waiting area, walk to appointment room, then all same backwards after.
tired now but doctor is lovely , and proud for walking effort :)
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bleakfortune · 10 days
lalala la la lal ala la u dont have to read this your decision heed the warning tag
#cw scat#whatever#i like it as a offhanded accessory to neglect fear death impending doom etc. purposely invoking discomfort#not that liking it for the sake of it is bad but. idk. different intentions/focus.#i say all this because im thinking abt 1 my ddays au scenario thing where party gets braindead from like encephalitis or a head injury or w#atever and its just him and kobra and ks distraught obviously and (uncharacteristically! hed gladly old yeller anyone else or even p in any#other situation but hes fucked up here) like half takes care of him sometimes and molests him and theres spells where he spaces out for a#day or so and comes too to the both of them withered away moreso than usual and filthy and. yeah. p dies after a bit and k molests him some#more then kills himself.#its good w ddays because everyone everywheres malnourished and dying and fucked off research chems or we constantly so like. failing bodily#functions arent even gross to them thrers bigger problems to deal w. could go on abt my interpretation of its social culture forever but i#wont. anyways.#and 2 frank getting murderraped by some huge muscley guy and shitting himself in terror and getting made fun of for it. idk. its only#upsetting for the first bit then his heads stomped in to where hes actively dying and cant process anything other than pain#also bonus chronic pain/incontinence frm abuse as a child also mostly care abt frank w this k bye#yeah theres my piece. dont be mean plz and thx#definitely wont b a regular topic either i just Had to type it all out to organize my thoughts#text
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captainderyn · 1 year
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Voidling update! They’re doing so good even if they keep dragging potty pads and litter everywhere ❤️ the one with the good legs has ENTIRELY deemed me as friend and only wants pats, purrs, and more pats. He’s happy as a clam to flop down in front of you and get scritches and is going to be an absolute menace (affectionately) to whoever his forever person is.
The little man with the bad leggies has come around after a few kitty gogurt treats and let’s me touch though he doesn’t love it. More importantly, I’ve been able to crush up the steroid the vet prescribed into some wet food and either that or the consistent access to nutrition means he’s actually STANDING a bit and able to wobbly-walk a little bit!!
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discoverybody · 7 months
Find Out The Common Causes of Urinary Incontinence
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Urinary incontinence is a widespread problem that affects about 25 million people in the United States. There are several varieties of urine incontinence, each with its own underlying reason. Stress urine incontinence occurs when there is pressure on the bladder, which is frequently caused by weak pelvic floor muscles. Urge urinary incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is defined by an unexpected and urgent need to urinate, which is frequently caused by hyperactive bladder muscles. Overflow urinary incontinence occurs when the bladder does not completely empty, resulting in dribbling of urine. It can be caused by blockages or weak bladder muscles. Functional urine incontinence happens when a person is unable to use the restroom owing to mobility or cognitive impairments.
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healncure01 · 10 months
Best Functional Medicine Doctor | Heal n Cure
Elevate your health with the best functional medicine doctor at Heal n Cure. Our expert combines personalized care, advanced diagnostics, and holistic approaches for comprehensive well-being and enduring results.
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sheepinwolfcountry · 1 month
you’re not a disability advocate if you make fun of people with incontinence or people that drool or peoples motor functions or people with brain damage or people with low intelligence 👍
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vitalitymdsblog · 2 years
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mellowsadistic · 7 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 2
There was a horrible silence following the Magician’s words. Even though it had barely been ten minutes since they’d finished their lunch, all five ladies were beginning to feel an uncomfortable pressure in their bladder and bowels.
Abby was terrified. If she lost, she’d be made incontinent?! After what she’d seen, she had no doubt the Magician was capable of doing that. She glanced at the other girls. They looked utterly absurd with their bulky adult nappies pushing their thighs apart. She looked down at the bulging disposable diaper between her own legs, imagining what it would be like having to wear one all the time, to be so helpless that she couldn’t even control her most basic bodily functions, forced to pee and poop in her pants like some oversized infant! She felt sick. She couldn’t let that happen to her. She just couldn’t! Her life would be ruined! How would anyone find her attractive if she had to waddle around in stinky nappies wherever she went?! She’d just eaten a big lunch, and now, according to the Magician, her bladder and bowel control was the same as it had been when she was three years old. Had she been potty-trained at three? She must have been. Surely!
Becky was panicking. She knew for a fact that she hadn’t been fully trained until she was four years old. She thought about the disgusting little brats at her daycare, stopping in the middle of their play to squat down and poop their pants without any control at all. If she lost, she’d be just like them. No! That wouldn’t happen to her. It couldn’t! She hated changing messy nappies more than anything in the world. The idea that she might have her own dirty diapers to deal with was just too horrible to contemplate! She clenched her bum cheeks as hard as she could and focused on staying clean.
Madelyn knew she couldn’t let herself lose. There was no way she could show up at any of her women’s rights groups as a diaper-dependent thumbsucker. She’d be a joke! A cause of second-hand embarrassment for women everywhere! What kind of message would it be sending if an icon of the feminist movement was some kind of big baby? She sucked her thumb and concentrated as hard as she could on not pooping herself.
Katherine was trembling in fear. She couldn’t keep her job as a model if she had to wear stupid diapers under her clothes all the time!  She imagined trying to walk down the catwalk, waddling awkwardly, maybe even pausing halfway down to bend her knees, scrunch up her face, and fill her pants with a yucky mess. She’d probably be stuck doing diaper commercials for the rest of her career! Her outfits were so important to her – how she dressed was an expression of her identity, of her beauty and elegance. All diapers would do would show off how immature and helpless she was. If she ended up incontinent she might as well start wearing bonnets and baby dresses too!
Susie still had horrible memories from when she’d been potty trained. Her mother managed to combine a ruthless severity with a nauseatingly patronising tone. Whoopsie-daisy! Susie did a wee-wee in her pants instead of using the potty like a big girl! I think someone just earned herself some smacky bum-bum time and a week with nothing to cover her nappy when her friends come over! Yes she did! The idea of ending up back in nappies forever was unthinkable. Even now the prospect of wetting her nappy, let alone messing it, sent a terrible shiver down her spine. She couldn’t let this happen to her!
Becky was beginning to struggle. She knew she’d only lose if she messed herself, but she didn’t want to be the first to pee her diaper either. Her fidgeting became squirming, and her squirming became a full-on potty dance. She wasn’t the only one; pretty soon all five women were wiggling ludicrously on the spot, hands clutching between their legs. With a sudden, uncontrollable rush, Becky started pissing herself. She squealed in dismay, regretting it a moment later when she realised she might as well have just announced to everyone that she’d wet her nappy.
The Magician walked forwards with a knowing smile. “Has Becky had a little accident?” he asked. Ignoring her whines of displeasure, he brushed her hands aside and cupped the front of her diaper. “Oh yes,” he said happily. “I think I know a certain little girl who’s done lots of wee-wees in her pants.” He spun her around suddenly and pulled out the waistband of her nappy to peek inside. “But no poo-poos yet. What a big girl!”
Abby felt her own bladder give way shortly afterwards. It was disgusting! She hadn’t wet her pants since she’d been a very little girl, and it made her feel so small and pathetic, her nappy flooding with pee, the soggy padding pressed up against her nether regions. And she couldn’t even relax her stupid potty dance, because even though the pressure in her bladder had been relieved, there was a new pressure growing in her bottom, becoming stronger and stronger by the second. She pressed her hands to the back of her diaper, her brow furrowed in concentration.
The Magician looked on gleefully at the five grown women he’d reduced to potty-dancing toddlers. Madelyn whined around her thumb, wiggling in place and making her nappy crinkle noisily. Katherine whimpered, all her dignity and poise forgotten as she hopped from foot to foot in a ridiculous potty dance, both hands pressed against the seat of her Pampers, her breasts bouncing around on her chest, barely contained by her bra. Susie squirmed in place, her face set, beads of sweat appearing on her forehead as she concentrated with all her might on not messing her pants. Abby and Becky were looking the most desperate. There was real panic on their faces as they felt themselves on the edge of losing control, facing a future where stinky diapers would be their regular underwear.
Then, with a sudden loud fart, Becky helplessly bent her knees and stuck out her padded bottom. “Nooooo….” she whimpered, but it was too late. The beautiful, eighteen-year-old woman screwed up her face and started going to the potty in her own pants, just like those disgusting brats she had to change every day at work. She burst into tears as she pushed out a yucky mess uncontrollably into her nappy, too repulsed by what was happening in that moment to think about anything else.
Abby started crying too as, only a moment or two later, she also started messing her nappy like a giant baby. But when she looked up through her blurry eyes, she saw that Becky had pooped her pants first. Despite how disgusting she felt, how thoroughly she’d degraded herself in front of an audience, one of them a very attractive man, a faint smile of relief appeared on her face. She hadn’t lost.
The moment they saw Becky fill her pants, and Abby a few seconds later, Madelyn, Katherine, and Susie hurriedly toddled over to the plastic potties, tugged their sopping wet nappies off urgently, and planted their bare bottoms down on the tiny little things. They knew they must look totally ridiculous, three adult women perched on training potties sized for toddlers, but at least they didn’t look as absurd as Abby and Becky, standing bow-legged in their dirty diapers. They let go with immense relief, not even caring that they were doing number two in full view of everyone else in the room.
As Becky finished loading her nappy, she looked up to see the Magician smiling down at her sinisterly. “Well, it looks like we have our loser,” he said. “Although you probably won’t be able to tell just at the moment, sweetheart, you should know that you are now totally incontinent.”
“No!” Becky shrieked, her eyes wide and terrified. “I can’t! I can’t be incontinent! Please give me another chance!”
“Awww, sorry stinky-pants,” the Magician said in mock-pity, “but it’s back to nappies full-time for baby Becky.”
“Oh God no!” Becky wailed piteously, staggering backwards and staring down at the stinky diaper drooping heavily between her legs. She started breathing very fast. “This isn’t happening… This isn’t happening…”
Abby felt a little bit sorry for her, but she was glad it was Becky, and not her, who would be making big smelly messes in her pants for the rest of her life. Her own nappy felt disgusting, and although she was relieved she hadn’t lost, she still felt a shiver of fear at how close she’d come to being turned into some gross, pants-pooping baby-woman forever.
The Magician turned to the three women who’d made it to the potty. A pack of baby wipes materialised in his hand, and Madelyn, Katherine, and Susie suddenly realised they’d been provided with nothing to wipe their own bottoms with.
“No, wait!” Susie said desperately as the Magician approached her first. “Can’t we just do it ourselves? We didn’t even lose the challenge!”
“Come on now, sweetie. Get up and turn around. Daddy needs to wipe your bottom.”
Cringing in shame, but too scared of further punishment to resist, Susie got up, turned around, and presented her bottom to the Magician to clean. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying that none of the other girls were watching while the Magician worked at her messy bum with one cool wet wipe after the other. It reminded her once again of the days when she’d still been under her mother’s control. She’d made the mistake of smoking a cigarette in the bathroom once during her teens, and from that moment on she’d never been allowed privacy in the toilet – the bathroom door had to stay open at all times, and her mother would make sure to check on her regularly. But even worse had been when her mother had found a pair of her stained underwear in the clothes hamper. It had been hardly anything, but from then on, even though she’d been eighteen years old, her mother had insisted on wiping Susie’s bottom for her. With the threat of spankings, and many other punishments to keep her in line, Susie had had no choice but to give in. She blushed furiously as the Magician wiped her clean, feeling like the last three years of independence she’d experienced had suddenly been undone, and she was back in her mother’s house as nothing but an overgrown child.
“There we go!” the Magician announced when he was done. “All clean! Now onto the next little lady.” He moved on to repeat the process with Katherine and Madelyn. Like Susie, the two of them wanted to fight and argue, but they were too humiliated and broken down by what had just happened. They just wanted to get clean again, so they submitted meekly to getting their bottoms wiped like little girls who were still being potty trained.
Smiling in satisfaction, the Magician turned back to Becky, who was now looking dazed and confused.
“I had to go potty…” she whispered, as if she didn’t really believe what had just happened.
“You certainly did!” the Magician laughed delightedly. “But I’m afraid there won’t be any potties in your future from now on, sweetie. Just thick, crinkly diapers.”
Becky broke down into hysterical sobs, the full weight of what had been done to her finally hitting.
“Unless you win the competition, of course,” the Magician added, “in which case you can use one of your wishes to get back to normal.”
He turned to the other girls. “Your rooms are down the corridor on the left. You’ll see your names on the doors. But I expect you back in the dining room in half an hour or so, understand? You’ll be voting on which of you gets removed from the game this evening, so you’ll need some time to talk to each other. You can all go and change first. Except for Becky here.” He turned back to her, smiling maliciously. “Having a messy bottom is going to be an everyday part of your life from now on, sweetie, so you need to get used to toddling around in poopy pants.”
Becky started crying even more forcefully while the other girls hurried off to their rooms, their bare bottoms jiggling, and Abby waddled after them as quickly as she could in her messy nappy, desperate to get changed.
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ewingstan · 1 month
Discussion of disabilities in media ahead, this isn’t a thesis so much as some loose musings. Curious what people who’ve spent more time with these topics think. I’m on mobile so forgive the formatting change:
“I don’t want to be a pig,” Laurie whispered.
“A pig? What are you even talking about?” Miltona asked.
“I know we’re not supposed to use terms or labels for them, but… the boy in cubicle three and the girl in cubicle six. When we’re in the dormitories we talk and there’s obviously a set of procedures and protocols where a worker gets… demoted.”
….The Overseer collected a tissue from a stack of tissues on Donna’s undecorated desk. She wiped a dribble of moisture from the corner of Donna’s mouth. There was no reaction, no change in Donna. The older woman breathed at a set rate, blinked at a set rate, and even seemingly filled the catheter bag attached to her chair at a set rate.
So Teachers thing is gradually turning people from “guys indebted to me” to “literal non-autonomous tools.” The most obvious metaphor is turning men into machines, the metaphor Laurie uses is turning them into animals. The external manifestation is them being forced to work in a prison and the internal manifestation is the dignity-robbing lack of control over bodily functions. All of this is pretty effective at making Teacher out to be horrid. I do wonder if we get something unintentional from putting them all together.
An inglorious end tied to becoming unable to take care of bodily functions is a reoccurring trope for wildbow. Khepri covered in snot and tears she won’t wipe away, Lillian dooming the Fishmonger by giving him incontinence. Donna Sledge using a catheter and not having enough of herself left to wipe the drool from her mouth.
I’m kind of curious how people who have disabilities which make it hard to live independently feel about these. Is it frustrating to see a character’s use of a catheter be a narrative signal of their lack of personhood? If you’ve had the experience of losing a capacity, are books which portray the loss of such capacities as uniquely horrible something you’re frustrated by, or relate to? Do you feel seen by the way characters stop treating Donna like a person, feel like the struggles you face regarding how others treat you are on the page? Or are you frustrated that your condition is being compared to getting turned into a pig?
This isn’t really a complaint that wb is being uniquely ableist. I’m not even sure how you tell stories with “loss of some bodily/mental ability as horror” as a theme without running into similar concerns. I don’t necessarily think such concerns mean that we shouldn’t write those stories; I’m not going to come out against authors treating Alzheimer’s as tragic. And I do think this is effective writing, that it successfully makes Teacher out to be a horrible villain by robbing his victims of their dignity. It just reminds me that the standard of dignity being invoked is one that leaves a lot of people out. Not sure how I should weigh that.
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janeaustentextposts · 10 months
In regency times when someone would convalesce at someone else's house or at an inn, especially if that included them being unconscious for some amount of time....how did they handle that person's bladder and bowel stuff? Was that just considered a normal part of care from the woman of the house and her servants, like were they taught linen changes the way nurses are today? Or were they all left to just figure it out once it happened do you think?
The thing with being unconscious for a long time is...you're not really going to be eating and drinking much. Like they might wet your lips to try to hydrate you, but they won't risk you choking on anything more, and don't have ways of giving nutrition by other means that we have today, so normal bowel and bladder function would cease pretty rapidly, and at that point you've got bigger problems than what happens if you wet the bed, like you're gonna be dead soon.
Housekeepers and servants would definitely have a handle on changing bedlinens and maybe absorbent padding for invalids with bowel-control issues, (or say for people who have given birth/having post-partum bleeding or other uterine discharge issues while bedridden,) but they'd probably have some kind of bedpans or focus on getting someone up and moving enough to at least get onto a chamber pot ASAP.
I'll be honest, I work in healthcare and when it comes to incontinence, if you're not keeping someone clean and dry and repositioned while they're also bedridden, you're very quickly going to get bedsores, and if THOSE aren't kept clean, you're going to get an infection, and again, in the Regency era, you're very soon not going to have to worry about long-term incontinence in a bed.
Back then, if you largely stop moving/pooping/drinking on your own, you're going to be very dead very soon.
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imbecominggayer · 2 months
Writing Advice For Disabled Characters
Lesson One: GO HARD
When I see disabled characters who have symptoms that "just so happen" to be totally convenient and not problematic I want to fight you!
Write disabled characters whose burn scars actually come with nerve problems!
Write disabled characters who don't have a "tasteful beautiful and oh so symbolic" scar and just write "neutral scar that is beautiful not because of it's shape but because of the person it's on"!
Write disabled characters whose disability doesn't allow them to live totally indepedently! Maybe you can actually write mentally disabled characters who have caretakers and not have this be a flaw?
Write disabled characters who have "gross" symptoms such as urine/fecal incontinence!
Write disabled characters who don't have amazingly perfect friends who are respectful/understanding 100% of the time but they're trying!
Write disabled characters whose symptoms occasionally prevent them from doing the fun dangerous stuff because their mobility aid can't function properly or their chronic fatigue syndrome is acting up!
Keep this advice dear readers and writers: Disability is not a handbag that you can pick up and put down. Yes, disability is not the worst thing that can happen in a character's life BUT it's not a walk in the park.
If you can't handle representing disabled people in their not conventionally attractive and "easy" state then you don't want to write disabled people! You just want to write diversity brownie points that allow you to fawn over a hot "Technically Disabled" guy but not a "Real Life Disabled Person"
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renmorris · 1 year
you know the problem people are having with Jean isn’t…Jean right? his bigotry fulfills a purpose and important function in the narrative. I’m a Jean fan. I enjoy a well written miserable loser and Jean ticks a lot of my boxes. So it’s frustrating to be singled out by other Jean fans like this
what people have a problem with is the way popular fandom interacts with Jean. and his bigotry. when a character comes into the story to deride the main character's struggles, to insult him, to ask if he’s incontinent and to tell him that he doesn’t deserve a pension because he doesn’t try hard enough…
and then fandom bends over backwards to paint Jean as in the right about Harry. To make him his caregiver (he is not his caregiver, there are no references to this, this a Fanon invention) and to paint Harry as his abuser/rapist? that’s not something that’s in the text.
it’s like, weird. it’s weird, you cannot claim disco elysium is art and in the same breath refuse to interact with what makes it a complicated piece of art. you can’t just ignore the dialogues on ableism and addiction because you want your fav to be a nice guy. he is not a nice guy. he steals mustard from the homeless. very few people in this game are nice guys. Harry is definitely not a nice guy. that’s kind of the point
TLDR folks don’t have a problem with Jean. He’s a fictional character. What people have a problem with is the real life bile that a lot of fans spit out without any self reflection.
Like seriously some of you just seem to hate disabled ppl/addicts and see them as inherently evil. To reduce this to the idea of 'Jean hate' is just unfair and it feels like fandom is having two different conversations at once
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healncure01 · 10 months
Treatment for Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Female | Heal N Cure
Heal N Cure offers treatment for urinary incontinence in elderly females. Our compassionate care and tailored solutions address concerns, ensuring a comfortable and dignified approach to improved bladder health.
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Secretary Questions and Answers Part 1
What's the answer to life, the universe and everything?
Being nice to people you don't know. nd also large amount of cocaine
Why did you make the reading comprehension section in the last module?
I'm a librarian! Teaching literacy is half the fun of my job! The rates of functional illiteracy are quite high (up to 50% in some areas of North America). I believe that literacy is one of the few ways to better one's situation, and it starts with asking questions about what you are reading and trying to read in-between the lines. I like teaching people :)
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Did you do 9/11?
When I was a wee young lass,
What are some other interactive novels you would recommend?
Secretary Answer: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante!
Author Answer: For choice of games/hosted games, I like Night Road, the creme de la creme series, fallen hero (which is probably the most predictable recc ever), lies under ice was a really cool recent sci fi release, slammed! is old but pretty great. Separate to choicescript, Our Life Beginnings and Always has a special spot in my heart, it's very much a comfort game for me. I played Digimon Survive this year and although it's kind of a hybrid (it has a lot of turn-based strategy) it's a cool spooky VN. I like the zero escape series too, but also heavily criticise them the way that only somebody who likes something a lot can.
Secretary Answer: show off
What are the characters opinions about peeing in the shower?
nobody pisses in the shower excepts:
Vantage (time efficient)
Hypothesis (he also poops in the shower)
Beth (she's incontinent)
how do author and secretary come together to work on DYVJ? what's the synergy and system like (if there is a system)?
The author writes and does the creative management of the story. She chooses what is inputted in the story and all.
The secretary, me!, deals with a lot of the behind the scene stuff, and with participates in the character design and scene compositions. Create plot points, keep track of things, etc.
essentially, she writes and i am her HR manager. the blog was my idea :)
you guys gay?
i ate her pussy, yes
why is she named surpass
iirc it's because I wanted to evoke a sort of - I don't want to say "Superman" vibe, but I wanted to have a name that evokes power and force. It also feeds a bit into her personality. She's kind of cocky, I'm sure you've noticed, and 'Surpass' has a kind of 'come at me bro' feel to it, making it more the kind of name she'd pick.
Can we smooch Surpass?
Surpass is presently unsmoochable.
Very serious and important question that is totally serious and not at all not serious. At all. Ever. So. Would CG let MC pamper her and feed her sweets via hand? I want to hand feed my handler a Cannoli
CG would be unbelievably tsundere about anyone trying to pamper her.
How did you play Baldur's Gate 3?
my wife says i play games like a maniac. in stealth games (hitman, my beloved), i just run around with guns and kill everything and then finish the missions. allegedly im not supposed to play the game like that! bg3 was a similar experience: what do you mean im not supposed to kill story npcs for their loot? aradin, eat your heart out
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felinefractious · 3 months
Hi! My cat is DEFINITELY not a purebred manx. He just has no tail from random variation as far as I can tell. He currently doesn’t have any issues with pooping or movement or anything, but we know he was born tailless because he was found with another cat with the same lack of tail and same age. Anyway, he was found in the woods, and we got him from a foster system. Is it appropriate to call him manx? On forms and stuff, we usually put manx if there’s only one option, but then we put domestic shorthair as the first and manx as the second if there’s two options. We’re just trying to communicate the lack of tail. I just don’t want to be doing bad practices. I know that it isn’t helpful to call your cat a maine coon just because it’s big with long fur. It just feels like the tail thing is significant because of the health stuff that may arise.
Idk. I’m not trying to justify it, I’m just trying to state my reasoning, so I don’t sound silly. Please feel free to correct me.
Also, is it even possible to breed manx ethically? I feel like no because due to the nature of the short tail sometimes the spine is too short for them to be able to function properly. And sorry to pack so much into the ask, but do you know the likelihood of something to impact him later in life if he’s 4 and still has no problems? I keep trying to look it up, and all I find is issues tailless cats have from birth.
I’ve answered a similar ask sometime ago, which you can read here.
Essentially this is a rare circumstance where I consider misrepresentation to be acceptable so long as it’s due to an understanding of the inherent issues with Manx cats and the desire to both communicate this to your cat’s veterinary team and use it as an opportunity to educate.
If someone says “Your cat is awesome, I’ve always wanted a Manx!” you’re in the position to say “No, you don’t. I got very lucky but the gene responsible for their lack of tail frequently causes issues with lameness and incontinence.”
Symptoms of Manx syndrome are typically detected from an early age so if you haven’t seen any adverse effects by now it isn’t likely he’ll spontaneously develop them. However as he gets older monitor for issues like constipation and arthritis/pain, which commonly occur in senior cats to begin with but your cat may be more predisposed to based on the abnormal anatomy.
As for whether it’s possible to ethically breed Manx cats…
Unfortunately not.
Tailless cats are at the greatest risk of showing symptoms of manx syndrome but it can occur in Manx with longer tail types as well. The gene is not predictable and you can have 2 stumpy cats with mild symptoms produce a tailless/rumpy cat severely effected.
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