#funny and dark at the same time but i feel like it fits them tbh
shootinwebs · 5 months
per my last email, headcanon that cherri and angel met at an abortion clinic dhdjfjjdjf
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heartlilith · 11 months
The Rising Signs
Aries Rising
❤️Probably has something that makes them stand out whether that be tattoos, scars, or a birth mark
❤️Masculine features - defined jawline, thick eyebrows, muscular body, intense eyes
❤️Always looks like they’re on their way to bitch someone out hahaha
❤️High energy placement - walks quickly and with purpose, hates slow people and slow drivers (probably drives fast too)
❤️Don’t mess with people they care about because they will bitch you tf out on the spot
Taurus Rising
🌿Chill reserved stoner vibes
🌿Not a morning person whatsoever
🌿Likes the finer things in life; you’ll see them in nice clothes and even if their clothes aren’t expensive they look like it because they take care of their stuff
🌿Loves going out to eat
🌿Probably has a mother who cooks some bomb ass food 
Gemini Rising
✨Ive noticed a lot of Gemini risings have blonde hair and usually on the taller side
✨Smarter than you or at least they think they are
✨They are smart though and know the most random facts ever … but interesting none the less
✨Loves music and has a diverse taste
✨People like them because they’re easy to talk to and they’re very interesting; they have cool hobbies/skills and they tell funny/memorable stories
Cancer Rising
🦀 Looks like 🌚 and also they really resemble dolls
🦀 Females can act bitchy or defensive when first meeting them because they’re really sensitive but don’t want you to know cause they think it’s a weakness
🦀Same with males but probably worse - feels like they have to take on more Martian traits because they feel like being sensitive is shameful
🦀They have the cheeks that grandmas always pinching
🦀They also have a resting bitch face just like Capricorn rising but unlike their sister sign they wear their emotions, you can always tell if they’re pissed off
Leo Rising
☀️Beautiful hair but we already know that - they also have full lips and literally resemble the sun - happy, good vibes, and just a beam of fucking sunshine
☀️Want to do everything fun they make great friends
☀️High self esteem and even if they don’t, you wouldn’t know because they naturally come off as confident
☀️Kids love them
☀️Very comfortable in their skin especially as they get older
Virgo Rising
🥑 They look really “clean” if you know what I mean - like they always look neat and simple in a good way
🥑Beautiful skin and symmetrical faces
🥑I’ve noticed these people can get along and talk with anyone about anything thanks to their mutable energy
🥑Likes to match everything - clothes and accessories, nails with outfits, etc
🥑Can look younger than they really are
Libra Rising
💕Super sociable, polite, and kind
💕Probably popular in highschool or at least in their friend group
💕Can be fake nice to someone and talk about them behind their backs later
💕Aesthetically pleasing instagram
💕Great at doing makeup
Scorpio Rising
🦂Dark just dark - their eyes look dark even if they’re light colored, dark auras, tattoos, literally looks like a fucking shadow ok
🦂Doesn’t realize they death glare people they hate
🦂I love these people tbh they’re so intriguing and beautiful in a mysterious way
🦂DEFINITELY attracts obsessive people and friends
🦂Probably feels like they’ve been 20 different people in their lifetime - always transforming their image and looks
Sagittarius Rising
🗿Ok legssss 👏 fr tho they have stallion legs
🗿Also likes the finer things in life and will probably get them because they’re lucky in life and blessed
🗿Really funny placement and someone you want to have around all the time to do fun shit with
🗿Carefree for the most part but they have certain triggers that they’ll cause a fit over
🗿Usually hates commitment (depending on other aspects and planets) because they don’t want to be tied down or have a loss of freedom
Capricorn Rising
🪵 Resting bitch face - their face literally screams “please don’t talk to me”
🪵Likes neutral colors for clothes and such
🪵Wise asf and literally downloads information from the gods or maybe they’ve lived 100 lives who knows but they definitely know
🪵Will not be falling for your bullshit or buying any dream you sell
🪵Strives to be self sufficient and independent - oh and also NO SCRUBS (shoutout TLC)
Aquarius Rising
💨Kinda look like aliens but in a hot sexy way
💨Can get along with anyone they talk to like Virgo Rising
💨Rebellious and a trendsetter who can attract a lot of copy cats
💨These people actually knew the song before it was famous
💨Has a lot of friends that are all different personalities - they could have one nerdy smart friend and another friend that’s the captain of the football team (this is cliche but yk what I mean)
Pisces Rising
🐟Looks like a mermaid
🐟Beautiful people and angelic looking but they can’t see that so when people compliment them or stare they don’t really get it
🐟Looks different in every photo they’re in
🐟Another placement that attracts creeps and stalkers
🐟Picks up everyone’s energies around them which is why it’s important for them to be around good people
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dailycupofcreativitea · 6 months
AHHHHH you're playing kingdom hearts? Please report back with your thoughts when you feel up to it it's my special interest 👀
Okay here are some thoughts I've spammed to my friends in the last few days! (BTW I read the manga already for the first game so I basically spoiled it but I was still equally as shocked when these things happened in the game lol)
By the way, spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played!
General thoughts:
SORA IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE 🥺 The voice actor voiced him PERFECTLY, he's exactly the perfect combination of hopeful, friendship, little kid, strong heart, over confident at times, stubborn, sweet. 😭💖
Told a friend I love Sora in a different way than I love Gohan, here were my thoughts: Gohan is more quiet, sweet, gentle, burdened with a lot of power that he seems hesitant to use and slowly builds his confidence throughout the show, I relate to Gohan a lot, sweet cinnamon roll that must be protecc, but forced to protecc others, etc etc Sora is sweet and gentle but loud, has a HUGE heart and he uses it to protect his friends with 100% confidence (he's more like Goku in that way), his heart is just unwavering and he doesn't seem to doubt himself often (at least in KH1), funny and goofy and his stubbornness can get him into trouble sometimes but his bonds with his friends give him strength, I don't relate to him but I would love to draw inspiration from him
"Shonen protagonist done by Disney" vibes (as put aptly by @genisflyingkites)
Riku is so insanely jealous of Sora it's hilarious, he's overall kind of a jerk and even Kairi said she wanted to leave the island without him, but also Riku is 15 and hormonal and Maleficent got to him so I don't really blame him for it
Donald and Goofy are way less annoying than I assumed they would be, I like that they seem refreshingly mature?? Donald is stubborn and beefs with Sora a lot and Goofy seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and is a deep thinker
Also I keep seeing memes of Donald constantly getting knocked out in game and being useless but for me Donald ALWAYS comes in clutch with the elixirs and ethers
That scene where Maleficent tells Riku that Sora replaced him and Kairi with Donald and Goofy was sad in both the manga and the game but what REALLY made my jaw drop was that SORA LOWKEY FELT THE SAME:
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(Yes he was fighting with Donald at the time too but LOOK AT HIS FACE!!! 😭🙏)
If Riku talked to Sora for more than 10 seconds at a time literally all of this would be resolved XD LIKE!! Sora is literally trying to find them! Riku please!
This scene had my sister and I's JAWS ON THE FLOOR:
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It was low blow after low blow! I read this in the manga too but somehow it hit harder in the game!
Hollow Bastion is a great OST and I've been listening to it on repeat. The map is also pretty nice but I wish I could explore more without heartless appearing every 5 seconds
Actually I also liked the OST "A Day in Agrabah"
I beat Riku's ass in 10 seconds and it was glorious (Ansem is a whole other story...still working on it)
Every single cutscene had the words "light" "darkness" "friendship" "heart" "memories" repeated over and over again to form a cutscene (I saw this in a Youtube video and thought it was incredibly accurate XD)
My sister and I were CRACKING UP during this cutscene because it made NO SENSE
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It just kept getting more and more non-sensical XD
I think Aladdin was my favourite world so far but tbh they were all pretty cool (Sora's Halloween Town fit was so cute! Also I loved flying around by Big Ben, and then getting the glide feature)
The Maleficent Dragon boss was really hard, cool, and fun; Tinker Bell really came in clutch
Also I gotta say this game is really hard to play because the control are so annoying, the jump function is annoying (I keep falling off and misjudging his jump), it keep glitching cause it's connected to the cloud or something, the directions are too vague so I have to follow a walkthrough while playing, and I have to keep stopping between plays because I get motion sickness from the wildly spinning camera really easily -- despite all that I am indeed having a blast
I think that's all my thoughts for now :3
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vix-png · 10 months
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THEM AND THEIR hypothetical POKEMON TEAM (i would like to hear other people's thoughts because i am unsure and i plan to post this on the subreddit eventually)
explanations under the cut (its gonna be extensive so be prepared) (this has been rotting in my brain for a while)
he has a secret soft spot for his pokemon, if they faint or get injured he worries really badly
he likes to bond with them during training :D he pesters the others for pokemon battles
umbreon, poochyena - i feel like they kinda just have the same 'mysterious, dark' vibes that kyborg wants to have has!! but funnily enough, they're not as scary as they seem. very affectionate!! like dogs!! kyborg loves them
riolu - okay so think with me here.. riolu/lucario can read auras and emotions and so they know that kyborg isnt a bad person and they know when he's trying to mask his emotions ??!!???? so riolu would be understanding of him n they'd be pretty close
also i'd just like to think riolu (and the rest of his pokemon) enjoy battling alongside kyborg
scorbunny/froakie - when i see these pokemon i think of athleticism and/or dexterity and i couldn't decide between the two :'3
scorbunny/froakie would go on runs / exercise with kyborg, they have a similar personality type where they're both brash, energetic, enthusiastic and they click easily like that!!
though i imagine froakie is more calculated in battles compared to scorbunny whos more impulsive
alolan vulpix - SPOILERS FOR EP 33 (?)
this vulpix, alongside hannibal (perhaps a dragonair) and gumbo (the linoone), was fighting against .. lets say abomasnow?
and during that fight lets say gum gum and kyborg interfered by sending out their pokemon and assisting in the battle n kyborg became really fond of the vulpix and decided to keep him as a per
WHY alolan vulpix? idk i think it'd be fitting since kyborg has some ties to snow and ice and also because i believe the region they were in during that arc was snowy !!1
he performs little shows with his lute and his pokemon!! and he also occasionally has pokemon battles
he loves his pokemon dearly tbh and i feel like all of them appreciate music in some way :3!!
pikachu - one of the pokemon he's owned for a long time! his pikachu particularly is quite fond of his trainer and his quirks n music, it helped the crew during the time bart was on the jebediah!!
i have no explanation for this one actually but a fun thought is that pikachu would evolve into an alolan raichu (look at the little guy surf!!) and this would mean that bart would live in the alolan region so who knows honestly... LISTEN HE JUST HAS A PIKACHU
chatot - a gift from marrrge to bart, passed down because the two started to bond while on the ship. they sang together n marrrge could tell they really had potential so boom kapow wachow
ALSO ABOUT THE MIMICKI NG THING chatot can mimic voices (from what i remember) and i think it'd be funny if it mimicked kyborg like the kenkus from that one library and it annoys kyborg to no bounds
mantine - caught during his time on the ship! mantine sometimes swim near ships in little packs and i suppose this one took a liking to bart, and bart was pretty fond of it as well :D not much to say here except for the fact its a silly little water guy
tauros - bart got like.. a baby auroch or something right?? idk i forgot but either way he is (weirdly) fond of beastly bulls and i suppose a tauros is a good substitute
i also like to imagine bart likes mounting (strange wording) his pokemon since it just means he doesn't have to walk much and he likes being a bit higher up than he usually is n tauros (and maybe mantine) are good for that
would he own the notorious pokemon? that is but a thought left for the audience.
he's weirdly lucky, seems to have a good chance at finding shiny pokemon and other rare things
wonder why
anyways, his pokemon r kinda just companions that he likes to hug and hang out with :) occasionally he does battle with them
floette - flower buddy!!! i'd like to think that gum gum likes to spend time in flower fields when he has the chance and the one thing he's honestly pretty knowledgeable in is flowers
so he might've met a flabebe or a floette and they became buddies! he had no idea it was a shiny until maybe one of the party members mentioned it
bulbasaur - okay so i struggled on this decision but then it came to me that bulbasaur is PERFECT idk they have the same vibes and it eventually starts growing a little flower when it evolves
i can't explain this one they just have the same vibes and energy. i think they'd go well together
tyrunt - so let's imagine that for some reason there were some fossil pokemon that kinda just escaped and that's how we explain the dinosaur encounters from rhe campaign
anyways he befriends the tyrunt in typical gum gum fashion (kyborg is SHOCKED because out of all the pokemon this one was a shiny) and they become friends! it loves hugs but it often initiated them running full speed and knocking over the victim (which is fine for gum gum, not fun for anyone else though)
despite gum gum's bad experiences with rum rum (WHICH BY THE WAY rum rum perhaps was a rockruff that evolved into midnight lycanroc or a houndour/houndoom and that bite wouldve HURT) he's still fond of puppies n yamper helped with this slight uneasiness he's felt
idk i think gum gum deserves a silly little puppy
all his pokemon r very cuddly :)
prefers mellow, calm pokemon since he finds it a bit tiring to keep up with high energy pokemon (unlike the other three)
his pokemon are quite well trained!! he's caught a lot of them and they're all very well taken care of
despite his pokemon being pretty strong, he doesn't find much use in pokemon battles
snivy - got the snivy during his time with his family! royal background buddies!!! snivy is a very calm pokemon (but it shares the same sass that mudd has), they're pretty close :D
linoone - GUMBO!!!!! at first, linoone wasn't too big of a fan of mudd but they gradually becamw closer! they do everything together, if you look at mudd linoone would always be on his shoulders or being carried
lycanroc - its the vibes honestly..
midday lycanroc is calm and loyal, and maybe mudd has raised it since it was a rockruff so they're also pretty well bonded!
idk i think they'd get along well
lapras, gogoat - both pokemon that remind me of mudd's personality
i cant explain this except for the fact that theyre correlated to some of the pokemon he's wild shaped into so ....
archen - i think it'd be funny if mudd just had a feral little pokemon . end quote
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lunathebee · 2 years
i have a request 👀 moon boys with fashionista gf, she’s always wearing a something nice and stylish but her aesthetic changes depending on her mood or the day. do you think they have favorites outfits of hers?? do they each prefer a different look on her than the others??? hehe thank you🤭 (i just love fashion bro you will never see me outside in a lame fit)
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A/n: ty for sending in a rq, this is such a fun idea!
Warning: none, just fluff
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🍓 Steven Grant 🍓
Steven would be AMAZED of your closet tbh
Like how do you know what to wear with what??
It's not that he doesn't want to be like you, he is just very comfortable with wearing the same jacket every day.
I don't think he'd be a fan of bright colors, but he'd still support you if you wore something bright.
Hes your biggest fan!
But yea Steven is more into warm color, like the color of dark coffee and beige and the autumn yk what i mean??
Its giving dark academia vibe
He also adored any accessories that's in heart shape
That's how he and you end up wearing couple necklaces 🥺🥺
It's subtle, he hides it beneath the layer of clothes, but it's there, he always make sure it's there <3
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🍓 Marc Spector 🍓
The definition of "overdressed gf and underdressed bf"
I'm sad to say Marc knows nothing about fashion or aesthetic or theme or whatever is trending
He is a simple guy, he gets a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and that it, that's his outfit
He'll probably complain about how long you took to get ready (he still loves you, it's just a BF thing)
He says stuff like "You look great", "That is amazing bae *kiss* let's go now"
Never ever told you to change into something you don't want
Very respectful, he have that lovesick grin when you're happy in your outfit
It's funny to say this, but you won't be able to change his mind about dressing differently or extra, he would do the opposite to YOU
Like unless it's a big event or you guys go somewhere that requires dressing up, you will dress up. But most of the time, you find yourself in a casual fit with Marc.
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🍓 Jake Lockley 🍓
Honey idk WHY but I always imagined Jake as this CEO/boss mixed with gangster
So if you're a fashionista, he would give you *hints* on what outfits he likes
Jake LOVES any bold color: gold, red, white, ANYTHING
Just make it satin/sleek
Sometimes if you're feeling a little feisty you could spray some glitter on them
Lord have mercy Jake would DIE for you
If it's a backless dress he would definitely leaves some kisses
He likes to keep you close to him so his hand is always on your waist
Jake love a woman who is fierce and strong, but also elegant
So two strap satin dresses with high heels are his all time fav
If you're feeling a little cold, his leather jacket will come in handy *wink wink*
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stanlunter · 4 months
As much as i can say that pilot toh episode has its own pluses and minuses about Luz's established relationship with people and the following plot and proto-worldbuilding. I'm currently trying to write a second chapter of TOH current fic, and, i currently feel a bit conflicted of what details from the pilot i shall add if i splitted 1ep into two chapters, well, to make it easier, although I'm trying to figure out to not mess the continuing mess up.
Hello! Thanks for a question!
Well, tbh, It's all heavily depends, since I don't know what exactly your fic is gonna be like, so It's hard to say what things you should take from the Pilot to it
But Imo, the most interesting things I found there that I would like to see are:
1. The idea of there being multipe worlds and that witches can travel between them and BI is just an enternational space between the worlds for everyone. It actually makes a lot of sense for the show and explains many things, such as the whole race thing in toh, like, why do some witches look like monsters, some like elves and some like elves with random monster details? Also who are all the monsters. And humans being hated there is also funny! The minus of this idea is that it kinda goes against the plot, so you can use it only if it fits your plot
2. Amity and Luz knowing each other before. Just like Luz having a crush on Amity first. This also can include the idea of travelling between the worlds, like it was in the pilot, but it doesn't have to. Luz could meet Amity just before their official first meeting and Amity could stand up for Luz the same way and Luz would start having a crush on Amity too! If in canon Luz's crush on Amity doesn't make that much sense and comes out of nowhere, in the Pilot it was shown that good that I love it much much more!
3. Eda wanting to use Luz to get rid of her curse. Yeah, this idea is very dark, but Imo It's also too interesting!
4. Hunter being a Caleb (prolly?) who had been sleeping for centuries and now became an annoying, but funny brat and a witch hunter. Again, this doesn't fit all kinds of fics, but I find this idea interesting and funny. Also the fact that he is gonna slowly recall everything makes it better Imo!
5. Lilith being able to turn into a giant bat-monster. I just love it! And I think It's also interesting
6. Lilith being a headmaster of a Hexside. Why? It makes her more related to Amity which would make their mentor – menty relationship better and more interesting and would also prolly give them more screen time
7. The whole idea of Luz falling in love with the first person who stood up for her (Amity) is good to me, bc It's actually relatable and sad, so I would try to keep it anyways, even if not with Amity, but if any random person
That's all for now, mb I'll remember else after!
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Hellu, hi, it's a me!
We miss cpc, I miss cpc and so my mind has been frolicking about somewhere and a thought occured.
What do you think CPC genderbend names would be? Like ofc Whitney fits perfectly either way. BUT I wonder, what names would work bc my brain is currently not working and conjuring up names like Fredolina and Blainia for some reason.
I'd like to say I am and will never be good at naming things, my new pokemon file is proof of that.
I'm also curious about the harder names like Calpernia, which is latin and not as popular or well used as the alternative Calpurnia which is Julius's wife. But tbh I dont wanna call male Calpernia, Julius nor Caesar.
WAHH GOSH I MISS CPC TOO </3 it's been months... the blorbos will be back soon ....i believe in them...
(on the pokemon files: I FEEL YOU LMAOOO the way i choose names i just. go with whatever i think of at the moment)
mocha n' i did some brainstorming on this together... and came up with gregory for gwendolyn (greg and gwen both the shorter version!!), plus mario for maria and lorenzo for lorena ofc. i think it would be funny if jamie was just the Same with the added funny of the twins having the white names haha- BUT mocha came up with jaye for jamie!! which is awesome cause like it can be heard as just Jay but it also has an E at the end which is JUST like jamie
plaid princes time!! i LOVE bianca or blaire for blaine. blaire maybe more since it's only a letter off, but they both have that Rich Mean Girl vibe. or at least blaire does. bianca though ... i could totally imagine fitting with blaine's ogre of the opera look?? BIANCA: cool and dark and mysterious n shit!!
lance: lana, leia, lane, something like that i think works!! this is kinda a stretch but i hc lance's full first name being lancelot and lancelot -> charlotte ( because of the lot Ha)
FREDERICK!! there's fredericka obviously but i love the vibes of francine for frederick, feels very nice and bookish like he/she is. and the fran nickname!! :)
for prez we were lookin at names with cal and that brought us to Calvin and Callum and could you imagine. caesar does have some sort of symbolism narrative sense maybe but it's also freakin caesar like no wonder you'd prefer to be called prez at that point (I JEST) please envision caesar!prez constantly having to hear everyone's stabbing jokes on the ides of march
jack = jacqueline and leelathae = leeamtham, misheard as liam like how we got lilyth
hmmm that's all i got for now!! i'd love to hear what everyone else thinks :D
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rec list part 2! (last updated: 10/22/23)
this time it's one shots! here's the link to the multi chapter rec list
and again, if you know the tumblr url of anyone i missed, let me know!
One shots
awake to eyes like your eyes (to hands that fit in your hands)
Leo has a tough time after a nightmare, but Raph will always be there for him.
starting off with a good one! god i care them so much. raph and leo hours post movie it is EVERYTHING i needed
Chiquitita (Or, The Complicated Art Of Forgiving Yourself)
Future Leo and Leo have a conversation about repentance.
oooohhhh my god this is like. so satisfying somehow. self forgiveness is a bitch but sometimes you look at the version of you who fucked everything up and realize just how small he is and it's. yeah. yeah
entangled, inseparable (the dark and the light; the sun and the night)
The twins get cursed by a body-swap spell.
i mean. yeah. yeah. body swap is one of my all time fave things and this one is REAL good. they are So Twins my god the BULLYING. AND there's mind meld which is another big time fave of mine it Does Not get better than this
Fibonacci (me again)
Leo is six when he (and his brothers) finally get their birthdays.
yeah yeah another one of my own fics But Anyway more twin hours (surprising absolutely no one) it's literally just fluff
I bend the definition of faith (@siliconforbrains)
In which Michelangelo refuses to leave his brother to die, and Leonardo somehow ends up in the body of his 16-year-old self. This changes everything and nothing at the same time.
god. god. this fic is incredible. wailing on the floor. super interesting take on the 'future leo goes back in time' idea too tbh
in my hour of weakness, you were there to see my courage fail (@stardustcoral)
Leo has a certified Bad Time™. His brothers help.
mostly focused on leo and raph but the others are there too at the end and Good God my heart. i can't explain why it's just so like . cathartic?? augh. legit made me cry which, let me tell you, does Not happen that often with fics
the carol that you sing (right within your heart) (@stardustcoral)
Donnie gives Leo quite the shocking gift: emotional vulnerability! Oh, and a battle-shell. Amongst other things.
disaster twins fluff my BELOVED. absolutely adorable post movie christmas fic i love them so much
The Kindness of Collision
One by one, in the timeline that ended the world, the Hamato family dies--and wakes up, somewhere kinder. One by one, in a timeline that saved the world, the Hamato family wakes up and remembers exactly how much they could have lost.
augh. UAGHH. i am SUCH a sucker for 'present turtles get memories from future turtles' in ANY form good god. them. the them
The 'KYS' Incident
Raph doesn't know how to use acronyms. This causes issues.
SORRY THIS ONE IS JUST. SO FUNNY. literally just what it says on the tin. if you know you know
Though the Truth May Vary (@kattythingz)
April is a big sister first and foremost, and copes with the End of the World™ accordingly. Leo is a little brother two-point-five-fourths of sometimes, and copes with his sister's coping accordingly.
THE RARE AND ELUSIVE APRIL + LEO DUO MY BELOVED... this bitch has it all - sibling bonding! post movie healing! april kicking ass and taking names! leo being his usual incredibly stubborn self until he gets through to her about how amazing she is! magical girl transformation! other spoilery things! what more could you want?
“Thanks, Donnie!” He said brightly, his other brothers chiming in with their own thanks after him. Donnie flapped his hands and giggled, making Leo clutch his new present tighter. Donnie did love them, and this was the proof.
YESSSS DONNIE GIFT GIVING LOVE LANGUAGE REAL!!! super sweet and in character i love it so much
Twins Don't Need to Have Logic
Leo stopped calling them 'twins' years ago and thought Donnie would've been grateful for that... Little does he know how his brother actually feels.
look i know i KNOW a lot of these are disaster twins focused but i'm just. so soft for them. anyway donnie secretly referring to leo as his twin my beloved
Worth it for the Laughter
Leo is absolutely certain that Donnie stole his teeth to use for science. Or maybe that's just the post-surgery painkillers talking.
leo gets his wisdom teeth out and says absolutely nothing embarrassing or incriminating whatsoever i prommy <3
your fears are all true (@remedyturtles)
'Donnie bring me toast.' A long pause. Leo felt an impression of confusion, then comprehension. Donnie sent back, 'Did you seriously just mind meld with me to request breakfast in bed?'
this fic has EVERYTHING. disaster twins? check. mind melding? check. existential dread? check. i love it here
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East Asian literature/movies/shows I've been currently enjoying:
The housekeeper and the professor (or my preferred title: Professor's beloved equation) by Yöko Ogawa – Japanese slice of life (find my short review here)
My neighbor Totoro by Studio Ghibli
Revenge: Eleven dark tales by Yöko Ogawa – slice of life-ish horror, truly grew on me
First Love: Hatsukoi – slice of life Japanese romance (find my analysis here), best thing I’ve ever watched
Little Forest – Korean slice of life movie, lots of food shots
Something in the rain – Korean slice of life romance
If cats disappeared from the world by Genki Kawamura – Japanese slice of life meets Goethe's Faust (but executes the trope better)
The guest cat by Takashi Hiraide – the most slice of life book I've read, very meditative
When the weather is fine – korean slice of life romance (find my posts about it here and here)
The Memory Police by Yöko Ogawa – dystopian fiction (if you enjoyed Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury you'll love that too)
I will be your bloom – Japanese... I don't even know how to describe the genre, it was wild, weird and wonderful, but won’t be everyone’s cup of tea
Sweet bean paste by Durian Sukegawa – Japanese slice of life, excellent in every detail
Your eyes tell – Japanese drama/romance – it wrecked me thank you very much, can't recommend it enough
Please look after my mom by Kyung-sook Shin – Korean drama, very emotional
Norwegian wood by Haruki Murakami – Japanese romance, psychological drama, but I wouldn’t call it a favorite
Crash course in romance – Korean rom com, quite enjoyable and fun to watch, really adorable and funny
Nowhere to be found by Bae Suah – a parabolic slice of life short story
Walking Practice by Dolki Min – a horror existential story about being human, not for everyone (tbh not really for me, but I was the editor of the translated version in my country)
Summer strike – aesthetic, calming and full of kdrama (fits the canon 100%), if it wasn’t for the murder case it would be perfect
Turn to me, Mukai-kun – honestly it felt like 90% of the characters on that show were either aro, ace or both and I’m so here for it
The setting sun by Osamu Dazai – a classic when it comes to today’s Japanese literature, I see the value of the story, but didn’t love it as I thought I would
Diary of a Void by Emi Yagi – weird, creepy at times, both comforting and confusing, gave me the same kind of chills as Revenge by Yōko Ogawa
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata – an amazing short story about intolerance, surface level relationships and the incredible mechanism where men feel entitled to use women both when they conform to social expectations and when they decide to live against them
Doctor slump – heartwarming and emotional, I laughed, I cried, despite being a romance it had a great plot line about mental illnesses
Welcome to Samdal-ri – for everyone who feels overwhelmed by the world and needs a place to return to, very emotional, I cried like a baby more than once, would watch three more seasons of it
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littledragondork · 1 year
TES Cat AU: Skyrim Thieves Guild
My self indulgent TES Cat art is done, at least my favorite Skyrim Thieves guild NPCs are, Probably gonna’ post the Companions next because I was drawing the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood and for the life of me I couldn’t get Cicero to look right lol, but I’ll take suggestions :3c
(I’m so down with doing the rest of the Skyrim Thieves Guild eventually)
Anyway, my art for Skyrim Cat AU Brynjolf, Karliah and Mercer Frey under the cut, with some design notes :3
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I wanted Bryn to be an orange cat, not only because I like orange cats and their low intelligence but because it just made sense. I also wanted him to be one of those massive fluffy cats, the ones that weight like 20lbs/9kg and have more fur than they know what to do with, he’d be 99% fur, go to pet him and your hand is just swallowed by the fur. I made him a mackerel tabby cuz’ I like mackerel tabbies and because they are just super common cat patterns. For a long time I wanted to give Brynjolf Sectoral Heterochromia, which is basically when one eye is 80% one color and has a little dot of another, in this case I wanted brown, but I couldn’t really get it to look right so I ultimately scrapped it.
He also has a docked tail because I liked the idea of all the known Nightingales having something fucked up with their tails.
I also did a little sketch with the thieves guild armor, I think it’ll fit like a harness with a few little pockets and bags. I imagine they’d all have dexterous enough paws where they can make stuff like furniture, buildings, tools, weapons, armor, cook food etc, makes everything a lot easier to me
I imagine all the Nords I’ll draw have ear tufts, extra fluffy paws and long fluffy fur coats, they’d probably slide on ice a lot lol, Think Maine coons, Norwegian forest cats, Siberians. I referenced Maine coons, Lynx and bobcats the most with Bryn here, but he is just a domestic cat.
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So, for Karliah (same with all elves tbh) I wanted big ol’ ears, I feel like I could have made them bigger but I decided against it because I didn’t want them to be in the way too much (might change that later though). She is also mostly back cat because I felt it was simple and cute (I have a black kitty and I love her). It’s also not shown here much but she’d have pretty short fur, and a thin and small build, think 10lbs/4.5kg.
Karliah’s tail is shortened and broken (a painless break, the kind that happened as a baby) as to go with ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ deal.
did a more meme-y sketch in this one, I was in a goofy mood and thought it funny how quick both Brynjolf and the Last Dragonborn were to just accept selling their souls.
I imagine all Dunmer would have black or dark grey base coats and those that are tabbies to have them be lighter than the base, so for example a black cat with white stipes or grey with red stripes. They, and all elves will be mostly based on the Oriental Long/short hair cats because of their big ol’ ears and narrow faces but I’ll take creative liberties of course.
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Last in this batch is Mercer Frey, I redesigned him at least 8 times, first he was solid grey+ Tuxedo pattern, then he was a dilute grey tabby, then a spotted tabby before I settled on a colorpoint because he was said to be “high born” and coming from a wealthy family, and I was like “hey, colorpoints are fancy cat coats and I can see a rich and powerful family wanting to breed that into their line” and thus Colorpoint Mercer was decided on. I knew 100% I wanted him to be grey because of the whole “grey fox” fan thing he has going on in the game
Seems like every time I would get near him in my playthough, any playthough of Skyrim actually, he’d look at me like I just spat in his drink so I tried to capture that here. Also the Knife cat meme because I thought it fit him.
he doesn’t have a tail because he doesn’t deserve one it’s with the ‘all Nightingales have fucked up tails’ bit.
I also wanted to share my ideas for weapons (still no clue how to do bows) but swords, great swords and daggers, would be little gauntlets made of the specific type of metal that go on the paws, and they would range in size and weight depending on the weapon its based on, so great swords would be huge metal claws while daggers would just be apart of a little leather glove that wraps around the paws. Lots of good ideas cooking up in my Autistic little mind lmao /pos.
I imagine all Bretons will just look like the average street cat, standard issue cats if you will, the common domestic short/long hair, probably have the most diversity in fur patterns and the like.
So that’s what I was able to get done in about about a few hours (with frequent breaks and work in between) A lot of the time was looking at both official art, fanart and the in-game models to get a good sense on the personality (both fandom and canon) and seeing what I can convert more easily to a non-humanoid design, a lot of shape language practice because I like shapes :3
I have a Solid design down for Ulfric but I wanted to do batches with like characters, so all Thieves guild girlies with each other and so all Civil War Girlies with each other, some might be drawn in pairs as well, like Hadvar + Ralof or Vilkas + Farkas.
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wrathfulmercy · 6 months
4. what genre do you primarily favour? 5. what are your top five fandoms to RP within? 6. what are you top five universes to RP within? 12. what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within? 19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)? 20. what age range do you most enjoy playing? 22. what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? 24. what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference) 25. what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference)
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Mun asks from here @wexarethewalkingxdead
4. what genre do you primarily favour?
Enemies to lovers, secret/forbidden relationships, slow burn, angst, horror. It has to hurt in a way and be dramatic :)
5. what are your top five fandoms to RP within?
TWD (even if i think the fandom itself is very toxic but that goes for most of them)
Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon
Peaky Blinders
Harry Potter
(Think I have no fifth one haha)
6. what are you top five universes to RP within?
Hmmm does that mean like the verses outside of fandoms? I hope so xD then…
Psychiatrist (for Alex)
Demon/dark wizard (for daemon and Tommy)
12. what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within?
Jrock fandom (back then everyone used faces of their favorite Japanese musicians which for me nowadays seems absolutely absurd xD how times can change)
19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)?
Canon. It was Kyo from Dir en grey
20. what age range do you most enjoy playing?
Anything close to mine so around 30 but also beyond. I even like teenager stories sometimes when it connects to a story we write now
22. what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching?
Definitely the way how rp in general works now or on tumblr. I also looked into other platforms to rp but this one is my absolute favorite. I found friends here to ask about formatting, terms, promos, tags and how u use gifs or whatever. I love that and appreciate every help any of you ever gave me cause it made me feel immediately welcome ❤️
24. what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference)
Matt smith. Never cared about him. Never watched anything with him. But then I saw him as Daemon and was amazed. Which is super funny cause I hated daemons character the first two episodes but as soon as he was covered in blood like Rick, negan and Tommy (yes that’s a pattern here), me and my friends were immediately like “I have to write that one”. The same literally happened about Cillian first. Never watched anything on purpose, never cared and I’m not into history or politics either so I thought I would hate peaky blinders. But then I watched it and was so amazed by his role that I absolute adore him now. Both characters were recommended for me to write tbh cause I always was like “hmmm can I do it” but my friends were very supportive so I’m very glad about these ideas ❤️ cause yeah, Tommy and daemon fit so perfectly to me and Rick and negan. Make them feral, psychopaths and covered in blood and I’m in 🤣
25. what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference)
Generally musicians or anyone besides actors. It’s a moral thing for me. Like in the past when I was younger I didn’t really see a problem with using real faces and personas for rps or fanfics, but now that I’m older I have so much respect for everyone famous and their privacy, that I make a clear cut between actors (cause they play roles and I write these roles they play not them as personal human beings) and everyone else cause a musician might have a stage persona, but it’s still them so I can’t write them cause it feels like I might be doing something uncomfortable for them if they would read it. I don’t know if that makes sense but I hope you know what I mean. Also in the past i wrote fanfics with anime characters, but I wouldn’t do that anymore cause I only feel connected to real humans and not animated figures anymore. I’m also generally very picky about faceclaims as well cause I need to have a certain connection to their real persona and support their morals to write them.
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dib-thing-wannabe · 9 months
Thoughts on every JT character + personal headcanon for each of them?
Oooooh dear, there's quiet a few characters, so sorry if I miss any-
Johnny Test: 8/10 Overall, a pretty good depiction of a 11 year old boy! I would be lying if I said that I didn't think of him as one of the best character's in the show. Headcanon: He does have a pretty big soft spot for babies/toddlers, as long as they aren't evil, of course.
Mary Test: 6/10 She's good, but doesn't have much of her own personality apart from Susan. I also dislike that she legit uses Johnny as a test subject. Y'all are gonna kill the boy if this continues! Headcanon: She actually doesn't find Gil that attractive, it's just that every other guy at her school is mid, so he's her best option.
Susan Test: 6/10 Same thoughts as Mary. Headcanon: Her favorite type of scientific experiments are with machinery, especially when building, cleaning, or taking them apart.
Hugh Test: 7/10 He's so malewife it's unbelievable. Now call me spoiled or too sympathetic, but I definitely feel like he should spoil his kids just a little more. Not with toys or something like that, but with attention. Susan and Mary are probably fine with the attention that he's currently giving them, but Johnny might just want some positive attention towards him. Headcanon: Despite making meatloaf 24/7, his favorite food is actually jack fruit. He just can't have it nearly as often because of how expensive it is.
Lila Test: 8/10 The girlboss ever. I just wish she would be able to spend more time with her family, but that's all that I think of her negatively. Headcanon: She actually dyes her hair brown, and her actual hair color is the bright red that Susan and Mary have, and also the color of Johnny's tips. At first it was because her job didn't believe that her hair color was natural so she was forced to dye it, but then she just kept it since she really liked the way it looked on her better than her red hair.
Dukey: 9/10 I am a sucker for smart yet silly characters, what can I say? He's probably the most well written character in the show, but that's not saying much tbh. Headcanon: He did ended up having a litter of puppies before he went in the pound that Johnny rescued him from, and he does try to visit them as often as he can.
Bling-Bling Boy / Eugene: 7/10 He's an interesting character, and I find him funny! I just wish that he wasn't such a creep with Susan- Headcanon: His main type is actually southern women from America with thick accents. Susan is just an outlier when it comes to his attraction.
Mr. Mittens and his butler, Albert: 5/10 Fun villains, but I don't think of them as anything more than that. Headcanon: That cat definitely will sit on Albert's paperwork and things like that while he's doing it to be a pain.
Mr Black and Mr White: 6/10 Similar to Susan's and Mary's dynamic when it comes to writing, but still good and funny characters in my eyes! Headcanon: They are in fact married to each other. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Brain Freezer: 10/10 Silly villain go brrrrrr!! So silly and such a good character to me, I love him sm. Headcanon: Despite being a cold and ice-based villain, he cannot stand on ice without special attachments to his footwear.
Gil Nexdor: 4/10 Average boring white boy, but he's a sweetheart despite that, so he's not the worse. Headcanon: He's aroace, so he truly does think that Susan and Mary don't want to be anything more than friends.
Dark Vegan: 5/10 He's a tab bit boring for my taste, being the trope of a scary villain but when he's in his civilian/normal attire he's just a wimpy guy. Headcanon: His favorite animal is actually snakes!
The Beekeeper: 5/10 Not very memorable or too interesting to me. Headcanon: Despite being a beekeeper, his favorite insect/bug is actually a stick bug!
Zizrar: 6/10 I love this silly mole king, but he's a bit too silly to be fighting with an 11 year old boy. Headcanon: He definitely just makes a hole that's barely big enough to fit him in it and just sits in it for a while. Maybe even sleep in it sometimes.
Sissy Blakely: 7/10 She's a good character! But she's also just a gender bend of Johnny tbh. Headcanon: She's bi with a preference towards men.
The General: 2/10 I hate how he's actually a good depiction of people in the military- Also, why are you placing most of your problems at your job on an 11 year old and his teenage sisters?! Headcanon: He's dead, actually. He's not canon, he isn't real, this was the Mandela Effect.
Johnny's teacher: 1/10 Biggest bitch in the show, and he's technically not even that big of an antagonist. Headcanon: He treats Johnny the way he does because he's actually close to losing his job and he thinks that Johnny's bad grades are the reason he's about to be fired, when it's simply because he's a bad teacher, and treating Johnny the way he doesn't certainly isn't helping him.
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choiscore · 2 years
moc ch. 49: a collection of random notes
to @hongism 💌
hi caly! <3 this is anon 🧸 speaking.
today i’m trying something new. im reading the new chapter and annotating every thought i have while doing it so that nothing that i want to say has the CHANCE to be forgotten. this will be LONNNNG. im sorry but it’s what you deserve (in a positive way ofc). so if like there’s a plot twist or something that’ll shake me to my core further down the chapter, im not there yet. that’s why i sound calm. i’ve not started reading yet, that’s the actually the reason im calm at all! now let’s start <3 you’re in for a ride my beloved im sorry in advance.
also i was obviously inspired to do this by @marknee’s post but my thoughts aren’t nearly as articulate and detailed as theirs. this is real this is me 🧍‍♀️ my rambling wouldn’t fit in one or two or even three asks
the first scene with mingi was funny. it’s a first to see him relaxed like this. he cracked a joke AND smiled??? groundbreaking. i love his dynamic with mc and w everyone in the crew tbh. i feel like he has so much to show us yet!!
nightingale. oof, the part where he asks if mc was in bed with san when he told her about him was a low blow. and nightingale implying that san could be lying…. i know you said he’s being more sincere than we think but i can’t help being suspicious of him :-( i love my baby but he IS SUS. also i picture nightingale looking something like a cyborg with the glowing eye is that weird? i dig his look 😎 also we all know that san did some really bad stuff in the past and he’s dangerous dangerous but id really love to see him lose it. just truly be the scourge’s dog. but preferably away from any of the crew members please.
“What if he asks San to kill next time? Then what?” uh this seems like it’s foreshadowing something. i wasn’t that serious CALY IM SCARED
“I did too, at one point. Until San asked to take me to the brig one day. Even when I was fully in the mouth of a monster, I did not feel it. Not until he clamped his jaw down around me.” yeah san scares me im scared of what he’s capable of im shaking in my boots rn but at the same time it’s kinda attractive ngl i just don’t want him to hurt anyone we love!!!! 😭
“You wish to know the ins and outs of how things turned out the way they did if only to know how to avoid the same fate for yourself later down the line.” she is smart yeah that’s what im talking about!!! sick curiosity + being kinda scared + the need/want to feel safe is something i’ll never get tired of. i think it’s human nature to be attracted to extreme experiences and concepts that like push the limits of everything you’ve ever known while also knowing that you’ll never be the same if you really go after those things. that’s part of being alive ;-)
“[…] I climbed over her dead body and I reached into that man’s chest to break it open and squeeze the life of his heart.” is this the same thing she did to the security guard or like she literally opened his chest up? 👁️
fuck san and mc have a lot in common don’t they. they’re both so powerful and dangerous but at the same time they seem so afraid of what they’re capable of… i mean i don’t know if san truly is, but some part of me feels like he’s scared he can lose control and hurt someone he loves… on the other hand, i don’t know if mc knows the true extent of her powers and that >is< scary.
i LOVE jongho and mc’s relationship. they’re one of my favorites my babies i love them!!! not luca giving them 1 (one) chocolate whdnshxhqvdba cute!!! / “Yes, I’ll see you later, woman! We fuckin’ live together, it’s not like you’re going off to war,” i love them i do!!!!
“No, but Vida in general is nothing pleasant.” this is funny because vida in portuguese means life. yeah jongho life is nothing pleasant sometimes you’re right…. also why did you choose this name, caly? im so interested in moc lore 🥸
not san being a fucking menace and scaring jongho??? i can see him standing in the dark staring at poor jongho hiding in his little corner like 🧍‍♂️ also im so intrigued by san and hongjoong’s relationship. he has the same authority as seonghwa, huh? interesting. kinda terrifying. is san scared of hongjoong? 🤔
hongjoong is so petty oh my godddddhhgg i know he’s like that in real life too. changing the course of the ship to somewhere else bc jongho wanted to get off at the next stop? petty bitch
“You’re making a home in a house that does not belong to you, though that is not entirely your fault. San has let you in. Now Nightingale has pulled up a chair for you at the table. I suppose all that’s left is for either Hongjoong or myself to open all the closet doors so that the skeletons can fall out.” it’s not like i haven’t told you this before, but im in LOVE with your writing caly. i don’t have enough vocabulary for this but i could read whatever you write forever. this snippet in particular is so cool, the house metaphor… I love it!
“Did you only fuck me because it reminded you of Hongjoong?” oh fuck here we go im grabbing my popcorn. oh my god mc is going for hwa’s throat but she’s SO RIGHT slay queen / “You were never after anything more than sex but you hoped it would change things?” oop 🫣 he caught her there i’ll say that
jfc how did they start ripping each other apart so quickly the tension snapped in like a second??? also hwa pointing that mc hates hongjoong so much that she considers anyone that cares about him idiots… i mean. i sincerely cannot believe that anyone likes him for the person he is. the captain is not a good person. yes i love him, i do, but he’s goddamn awful. my point being that those who care about him only do because, like hwa said, he gave the crew a safe space AND he manipulated those around him because he has that power. they care about joong because they have to, it’s a safety measure… / “When your hatred turns to infatuation, I’ll be sure to tell you all the ways in which Hongjoong has orchestrated the destruction of your psyche since your arrival here.” I AM ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING / mc is so mad that hwa is implying that she wants hongjoong i can’t wait to see where this takes us i’d pay to see them together djahsnshqvvsbabsjab?-!:!/$/!
“Take a long hard look at yourself, Y/n. A woman who was just on her knees before me. Pliant, obedient, with no control to call her own. Isn’t that where you belong, Y/n? My pretty weapon, my pretty Siren, my pretty treasure.” wow this whole scene w hongjoong. i held my breath the entire time jesus christ it was so INTENSE i don’t even know what to say, my thoughts are still processing. hongjoong is truly worthy of the scourge title, i could feel his madness and the humiliation mc was feeling through the screen…
hoooo okay. why do i feel like san is trying to manipulate mc with sex? with the lovely words and touches just like nightingale said? it doesn’t sit well with me the way he started to eat her out while she was crying, it truly doesn’t…. and not her seeing hongjoong while she’s with san??? this is so twisted oh my god
SAN CALLING HER MY TREASURE WAS SO FUCKING INTENTIONAL AND THE WAY HE KNEW HONGJOONG WAS GOING TO MAKE HER HIS LEFT HAND FOR THE MISSION CALY HE KNOWS EVERYTHING HE DOES!!!!! fuck i don’t trust san AT ALL he probably knows about what hongjoong did to mc and he’s trying to excuse everything his beloved captain does!!! fucking scourge!!!!
ugh caly this was a ride i feel like crying bc i missed moc so much! it’s always such a pleasure to wait and read what that beautiful brain of yours comes up with!!! it’s always worth it. thank you so much for sharing this absolute gem of a story with us. 💗 can’t wait for the interim!
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reyofluke-ocs · 10 months
8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, and 98 for Spotify Wrapped ask game
cries Ali I love you but whyyy
Send me 1-100 and I'll tell you what Spotify wrapped song it is and what oc/ship it applies to!
8. Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine
Really any ship that could become dark. Obviously the first to come to mind is Karina Lantsov and her relationship with Mal, Alina and Aleksander bc Aleksander would LOVE to drag all three into the darkness with him. But also some of my AUs for Eleanor Winters, especially the ones involving Lycan!Chris and alive Wesker (which totally does not turn into Eleanor x Chris x Wesker bc what am I if not predictable). For OCs themselves, likely Ashley Williams and Octavis Octavius. In TLoU P2, Ashley kinda goes off the rails at Joel's death (though I go back and forth between killing him and not). And Octavius, there's the whole anti-heroine Madame Octopus thing.
18. Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
ELEANOR. In fact, I should double check if I've added this to her playlist yet. The lyrics just scream the aftermath of House of the Rising Sun/All Things End. Goes with Ethan to figure what wtf is going on with Mia, gets (unknowingly) killed and turned into a B.O.W, goes through hell, meets and eventually falls in love with Chris only to get betrayed bc of Mother Miranda bullshit... should probably change this to be her them song tbh.
28. Ain't No Grave - Crooked Still
This is on my Ashley Williams playlist and fits her perfectly, because nothing will keep her from her loved ones (Ellie and later Joel). She grew up doing all sorts of questionable things just for Ellie; she's even willing for a good chunk of the journey to throw Joel to infected or groups if it'll buy Ellie time to escape and live.
38. Setting Sun - Lord Huron
Funny, as much as I adore this song, it's hard to apply it to an OC or ship without diving into massive AU territory. The Darkling I can see being like this, but Karina is a Malarklina ship so kinda not at the same time since he considers all three his? Same thing could apply to an AU involving Eleanor x Chris x Wesker or Lyall x Diana or even Luke x Jana. Pretty much add unhinged possessive behavior in a dark au to an oc or ship and you get this song, haha.
48. Fire and the Flood - Vance Joy
Romantically, Eleanor x Chris. Platonically... a lot. Eleanor & Ethan, Ashley & Ellie & Joel, Nelda & Eragon and Nelda & Murtagh.
58. Renegades - X Ambassadors
My Star Wars OCs. And DBH OCs. And havent introduced her yet but my Hunger Games OC, Ada Steelberg. Rebels and resistance in some way? Yeah, this song is for them.
68. Pompeii- Bastille
Eleanor Winters, Sidney and Donna Riley-Weathers, Maureen Prescott, Nelda (to a lesser extent when you factor in events from Murtagh). 'Does it almost feel like nothings changed at all?' And for all of them, in some way, that's true. Eleanor gets dragged back into facing off B.O.W.s in Romania; Sidney, Donna and Maureen all deal with Ghostface and being legacies of og Woodsboro survivors (and as the child of Sidney and Billy in Maureen's case). It's heavily hinted at in Murtagh that there's shaping up to be a new big bad that might have been behind Galbatorix and whatnot in Murtagh, so Nelda is going from one war to another, basically.
78. Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine
Even though it's on my Eleanor playlist, it could also fit Ashley, because of the lengths she's willing to go for the few people she cares about.
88. Gasoline - Halsey
Too many, tbh. Obviously it's added to my Eleanor Winters and Ashley Williams playlists but it also applies to my DBH OCs Fred and Christi bc of the lyrics 'I think there's a flaw in my code' bc you know, they become deviants and all.
98. In Dreams - Ben Howard
I have no idea. Mind immediately goes to Eleanor but also not quite because she does get a happy-ish ending with Chris even though she does lose Ethan. In a way it also kinda reminds me of Ashley. 'I may be troubled but I'm gracious in defeat'; she's okay with who she becomes and what she has to do for Ellie and later Joel. Idk this was honestly hard.
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soupbender · 2 years
I'd love the see the notes for Bad Fortune AU, on Tumblr or AO3 or wherever! Even a bulleted outline can be very entertaining 👀
I love your drawings about the AU where Zuko is a fortune teller!! Thank you for making them!! - AnonFisio
SORRY FOR REPLYING TO THIS SO SO LATE i am trying to finally shake off my hiatus a bit… and okay my notes are thee most confusing thing like even i barely understand looking at them now. but i do have a little segment of the first chapter written in that same document so im including that below:] if i reorganize the notes i may post them sometime since i will never ever finish this particular au tbh 😭
The midwives track rain-wet feet into the delivery room. Outside, the clouds are swirling so dark they blend into the night sky, thick and unforgiving, highlighted only in passing with the full moon.
These are not the proper conditions for a royal birth. Funny, how the heavens do not care about that.
(Or, perhaps, they do. Perhaps that is worse.)
It is nearly dawn by the time Ursa cradles her baby. She lies on a pillowed ledge by the round window, overlooking the gardens. Wind and water whip at the just-blooming flowers; scatter the fragile leaves. There is not a hint of thunder in the sky. No lightning cracking through the stars.
Zuko’s skin is cold as rain against hers.
The sun bursts over the horizon line just as Prince Ozai breaks into the room. Ursa holds Zuko tighter to her bare chest and privately wonders what it would be like to have a husband who she would hold her child out to. Who she would trust to cradle him.
Ozai barely glances at the boy before announcing, “The doctor will prepare a solution. The child will die peacefully.”
“No, please,” says Ursa, thinking she rarely says anything else these days.
Ozai considers, “Fine. Out of my mercy, he shall be left upon a cliff face. If the Spirits—“ here he raises a mocking brow, unimpressed as always in his wife’s belief in such things— “see fit, then the boy will be taken in by some other wretched soul.”
Ursa had not wanted the child, had not wanted the husband, had not wanted the marriage. This is a poorly-kept secret. But with Zuko pressed to her now, her heart speeds at the idea of leaving him (a feeling that will reoccur in her life, but thankfully she is no prophet and does not know this.) “What do the Fire Sages say?”
Ozai’s lip curls, “A reading, that’s what you want?” He gestures to the puddles in the grass, the overflowed pond, “Even I could spout that nonsense with omens like these. Clearly, he shall be no bender. He was not even born under the right stars.”
Here lies the center of the problem. Every member of the royal family has been born by the sign of the Dragon—Ursa had learned, upon her arrival at the palace, that the wedding time was very planned. It made her a little sick. Maybe it was this same sickness which had carried through her pregnancy, maybe that is why the child has been born a month too early. Maybe that is why he has been born a Rabbit—a sign of kindness. Of virtue. The same sign, incidentally, as his mother.
An embarrassment to the royal name.
“Let the Sages tell it,” Ursa begs, a choking sensation rising in her throat, “please, my dear. At least—consult the Firelord first.”
It sends a chill down her spine, the way Ozai’s eyes land on her, the gaze somewhere between wrath and disgust. But it unnerves her nowhere near as much as the way he looks at Zuko.
“You must already know,” is what he says. The words are quiet, gentled by pity. He says them only to her, carefully lowered that her husband looming in the corner might not hear.
Ursa gulps, considering pulling her baby right to her heart and running fast from the Head Sage.
“Get on with it,” Ozai snaps.
The sage’s eyes flick between them, panicked, before he collects himself; before he focuses on Zuko, asleep in his mother’s arms, this child cursed by his very birth. This child born too early and too cold. This child born with clouds over his head; without sun; without spark. Without any great glory. This child whose only piece of luck, it seems, is in being born at all.
“The level of prowess he will reach with bending is… unclear,” he announces, and Ursa’s heart drops to her stomach.
“He’s a bender?” Ozai asks, too calmly.
The sage’s eyes flash, frown deepening, recognizing the awfulness of his own honesty when he replies, “…It is unclear.”
“Roku’s granddaughter,” Ozai scoffs, “the result is just as worthless as his bearer.”
Ursa does not sob. She holds an eruption behind her throat—kept at bay, lock and key. She holds herself inside herself. She holds her heart with hedge cutters.
“But,” the Sage puts in, “he may yet have other talents. I foresee the possibility of a… truly glorious future for him.”
Ozai snorts, “The mightiest non-bender is still a non-bender. It’s a stain upon the royal name.”
“What other talents?” Ursa asks, except it sounds more like begging.
“A special ability,” the Sage answers, “unlike anything the Royal family has seen before. It could be the difference between the Nation’s victory or defeat.”
It is an act of courage, however meek, that the man looks her husband right in the eye when he speaks. That he emphasizes the sentence with care.
Ozai lets out a low, exasperated growl. It is an act of begrudgement that he says, “The boy has six months to spark.”
It is only after the prince and the sage leave that Zuko starts to cry.
“Good job, Zuko,” Ursa mumbles, half-mad and half-asleep, “Good job, darling.”
In a month’s time, the Fire Sages will lie about the date of Prince Zuko’s birth. In a month’s time, the entire nation will celebrate Ozai’s heir. In a month’s time, no one outside of Caldera will know the truth surrounding the little prince’s birth.
In six month’s time, Ursa will feed her son a spoonful of ground fire-flower. She will hate herself as she brings him coughing ash to her husband, as he hums his approval of his firstborn bender.
In nine month’s time, Azula will be born a dragon. The sunlight will reflect off Ozai’s sharp teeth, and only then will Ursa realize that he did not smile once the day of his son’s birth. Now here he is, bathed in midday light and summer heat, grin closer to a shark’s than a father’s.
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lluvia-otsana · 2 years
2,13,20 (book ask)
I got an ask, time to overshare -w-
If you make it to the end, you get a cookie (or you can cheat and scroll to the end!)
2. Top 5 books of all time:
Harrow is def no.1 by far for me, as much as I loved and devoured GtN in one sitting. Both of those books I've reread a million times and hold such a grip on me I can recite so many lines word for word, I can repeatedly open the books just to revisit scenes, I'm so invested in what will happen next in the series, and somehow they're even better on reread. There is always a portion of my mind now possessed by this series lol.
Ugh I'm bad at top 5 tho. I love the Murderbot series too but there's so many novellas in that series that if I include them TLT and Murderbot could take all the top 5 slots. It's sci fi action packed but also the narration is just such fun snark a bit like GtN.
In the same vein of the above books with their dark humor and banter I really enjoyed Nevernight. Probably also cuz the sidekick was a magical sarcastic cat made of shadows. And horny bi girl rep.
Also love When Women Were Warriors - it's my cheesy wholesome romance go to series. It's enemies to friends to lovers ish but soft.. except the swords.
Since the question says of all time, I will include that when I was a little weird kid I was obsessed with the Silverwing series and reread those a million times. Including and *especially* the very strange Firewing book that took place in bat hell lol. One of the main characters gets burned to death in the beginning! Great books for kids.
13. Do you have a goodreads?
Yeah, I've mostly been using that one lately. Trying to combine books/manga/webcomics in one site even tho goodreads isn't always great for shelving manga/webcomics.
If you wanna snoop and spend a second harshly scrutinizing me I think the link is:
Haven't been using it to keep track of books read per year as much until recently cuz I usually read physical books* and wasn't updating times before.
(*I live close to a gigantic indie bookstore I love to support. A dangerous place to live.)
20. What are things you look for in a book?
I like authors with a crazy imaginative mind. I wanna be thrown into a really different universe and experience the passion they put into the details of their beloved story. Bonus points for funny world building footnotes and appendices - I don't care that it detracts from the plot. I don't care if I don't know wtf is going on and I need to think and squint for foreshadowing and to understand the truth of what the characters are feeling - I like biting thru the layers of thick plot and characterization tbh. I love humor interwoven into the series and want to care about a diverse cast of characters. Not cuz it's forced in there but especially if it's SFF if you're gonna write an entirely different world why not put that care into writing different perspectives rather than the default usually cishet and male ones. I care more about the characters' motives and feelings and actions feeling real than them being morally correct. I don't need romance in it I can read diverse relationships, platonic or hateful or whatever (more fun if it's still intense in some way) But truthfully I am a sucker for deep monog romance if it fits somewhere in there.
Here 🍪 („• ᴗ •„)
(And thx for the excuse to ramble at myself @ghostlament)
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