#furby drama
i am not a dramatic person. but there is one person in the furby fandom that when i see them i cringe so hard. they have a huge ego and their furby collection is i think one of every furby (inclu. kid cuisine). they're younger too (last i saw them they were 16 i think) and like dude.. why are you letting furby clout turn you into a narcissist
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throwawayfurb · 2 years
Lmao apparently the drama with autorobotcollector was included in a deepdive video of the fandom
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compostwizard · 2 years
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what if furby had rly long legs
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sugarlime83 · 2 years
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Hello! I'm Sam the shiny pumpkaboo, I like pokemon, friendlocke, total drama, ROTTMNT, and I've been interested in furbys recently! Hope this place isn't awful lmao
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ace-up-your-sleeve · 8 months
ive had suspicions that his gangly ass has had a crush on me for a while (he acts the way he does with everyone but its more unhinged and touchy with me if that makes sense) but he is so goofy!!! why is he like that!!! ough help
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rosegoldenatlas · 7 months
They're siblings, your honor
All of the hermits are one great big psychotic family. Here are the roles of the ones I know enough to point out properly and even reasoning. Might make this a foster au BTW.
Xisuma is the father, obviously. But like he's the kind of dad that works night shift just to see his kids more often. He's the kind of dad that adopts kids by pure accident. He's the dad that is always there to give advice and definitely got half of those tips from the internet and the other half from personal experience.
Doc is the eldest child, he was adopted by X because one day he just fucking appeared with his three friends at X's house (its basically a mansion because of how much space he needs to keep all of these kids in check) trying to steal food and supplies. He got caught because he hit his head on a doorframe an it woke up X lol. Doc would be like 17 in the au and he would immediately find a reason to not like Grian.
Beef is one of the people who arrived with Doc, he is on month younger than him and he's the reason X let them stay he night because he immediately invoked pity.
Etho also arrived with Doc, he is two months younger than him and he was supposed to be the only one going in to steal because he knew how to be sneaky but he had no conception of what was needed to survive on the streets so the rest had to join him.
Bdubs was the final person who arrived with Doc and he is a year younger than he rest of the NHO (he came up with the name in the au) Bdubs and Doc have this weird sibling rivalry where they'll have a huge argument over something important then Bdubs will ask for a ride two minutes later and suddenly all is well with the world.
Grian is classic middle child vibes except he's the kind of middle child that causes so many issues that he actually gets attention constantly. When Doc arrived (Grian was adopted a year before Doc was) he immediately accidentally broke Doc's robotics project he had been working on since before they met. Immediately he realized he effed up while Scar was only scared because Grian was. Grian is like 15 btw
Scar is three weeks younger than Grian and he is the kid who always gets in trouble for the most obscure things in school. Like comes home early cause he was suspended for creating a pyramid scheme for monster energy drinks kind of obscure. Also he has scammed most of his adoptive siblings out of their allowances.
Cub is Scars twin in this, he helped with all of the scams and pyramid schemes. But he never gets caught. Nobody knows how but he never got into trouble in school even though he sold pens that had test answers written on a piece of paper in them.
Cleo is 17 in this, she is the on who is put in charge of the house when X is gone because the NHO was deemed irresponsible after the incident which ended with Grian, Scar and Mumbo locked in a closet with the NHO taunting them through the door. Cleo is the only child who owns a car and the one who is consistently begged to drive people places. She has since used this to her advantage and now has the others pay by the mile.
Ren is younger than Cleo but is older than Mumbo, he apparently knew Doc before they were adopted and was adopted first. Ren is the classic theatre kid and does drama after school every Wednesday and Friday. One time he was supposed to watch the younger kids because X was at work, Cleo was shopping and the NHO group was doing stuff. This ended with X coming back to Ren about to be sent to exile (the yard) because he had crowned himself as king of the house and the TV remote was his magic scepter and he wouldn't let anyone else switch the channel.
Mumbo is a year younger than Ren and he used to be considered the most mature, for all of five minutes until he started doing things, these include; making a custom lock on his door out of rubber bands and twine which proceeded to somehow work two whole times before it ripped the doorknob out of the door, making a semi sentient robot out of an old furby and a gameboy, naming it Grumbot then adopting it with Grian, and then accidentally setting his curtains on fire while he was testing a homemade microwave because he wants one in his room but couldn't afford to buy one.
Pearl is the same age as Grian in this, she is labeled the demon child by every other sibling except for Gem and Cleo but she embraces the title. She is called this because she is known to bring dangerous animals into the house and her room is half full of terrariums and tanks of animals. She has brought in multiple spiders and snakes from outside and kept them as pets, she also has a running joke of taping objects to the ceiling so they're upside down. Her biggest prank was attaching everything in grians room to the ceiling including his bed and nobody except Doc, Cleo and Pearl herself know how it happened.
Joel is somewhere between Grians age and Bdubs' age. He is known for getting caught while pranking people in the house consistently. Which is a good thing because most of his pranks will end in something catching fire. He has started multiple cults and has convinced people to give him money to 'support the religion' He makes way too much money from it because he has multiple siblings convinced that the made up gods are real. He uses this money to buy insane amounts of Lego's to build with. He shares them sometimes. He also has a girlfriend at his school (Lizzie) and also whatever odd thing with his friend (Sausage bc c!Joel is probs poly) whom he has 'joint custody' over a small child they babysit sometimes.
That's all of the hermits in the au, here is all of their age in order of oldest to youngest ig
Xisuma (32)
Doc (18)
Beef (18)
Etho (18)
Cleo (17)
Bdubs (17)
Ren (17)
Joel (16)
Mumbo (16)
Grian (15)
Pearl (15)
Cub (14)
Scar (14)
And here is the order in which they were adopted;
Cleo & Ren
[Two months later]
Grian & Scar
[One week later]
[Three months later]
[Two and a half weeks later]
[The next day]
[Seven months later]
Doc, Beef, Etho & Bdubs
Here is how/ why they were adopted.
Cleo and Ren were both originally foster kids and X was fostering them. They were about to age out of the system and be forced to live without any real help so X offered to adopt them.
Grian and Scar were runaways from their sucky homes and survived on the streets for a total of three days before X found them while he was at a picnic with Cleo and Ren. He took them in pretty quick.
Cub was actually Scars friend from school who tutored him sometimes, while staying over for dinner one night X asked about his home life. Cub explained that he had been emancipated and lived on his own. X offered to let Cub stay for a bit and Cub never really left.
Pearl just appeared in X's yard one day trying to catch a frog who had hopped into it. X was trying to find out where her parents were and she just sat there very confused on the concept of a parent and she claimed she had just appeared in existence one day. X was going to put her in the foster system but decided to just adopt her.
Mumbo was a kid up for adoption that Grian knew and Grian spent about three weeks convincing X to adopt him before X finally agreed.
Joel was found injured am knocked out in the forest one day and a pink haired girl (Lizzie) carried him over to the first safe looking house and knocked on the door. She was let in until Joel woke up, Joel said he was from space and X had decided that wasn't the weirdest story he's been told and yoinked him. X was close to adopting Lizzie until he found out Lizzie already had parents.
Doc, Beef, Etho and Bdubs were lab escapees who were apparently tested on in a shut down lab a few towns over. They had been living on the streets for a few months before they were caught trying to steal from Xisumas kitchen at five in the morning. They were adopted instantly.
Should I write this as a multi POV book of one shots from the same universe and put it on ao3? This is an idea just now occurring to me.
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furbyfashionistas · 9 months
for decades, the furby fandom has taken their furbs out and created extended and scandalous lore about said furbies' romantic lives, substance use, and transition timelines.
i think this site was created by the mods of one of the bigger MSN furby groups, who notably got in touch with dave hampton (of furby-inventing fame) multiple times and got him involved in the fandom antics.
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i wonder how uncle a-loh's doing these days
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uncle a-loh said trans rights and paid for kah-dah's gender-affirming care out of pocket all the way back in '02!
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people have been taking pictures of furbies with cigs and joints in their beaks since the dawn of the furb itself. it's a time-honoured tradition around these parts.
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drama! deception! blackmail! corruption! the furby MSN scene was no joke!
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bandtrees · 3 months
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got a ref down for my dialtownsona c: has inexplicable one-sided beef with god about their respective fursonas. millennia-old closed species drama, that is.
dog tries dogs hardest to be an upstanding gent and uplift the downtrodden citizens of dialtown - but it's easier said than done with the kinds of people who live in this town, and when dog can hardly look after dogself.
as a result, joey bible's kind of a jaded guy who tends to slack off on his job, but not without guilt on the matter, always compelled to try and be a good samaritan to varying degrees of success. if nothing else, he's giving more of an effort than his boss, so that's something.
joey was around long before the worldwide dialup and has been changing dogs head out to be various gimmick toys, etc, fitting the time period to, "like, inspire the children and junk?". dogs idog era is much preferred to the likes of dogs Furby era.
in the world of canon relations, he prides himself on being marginally more respected by mayor mingus than his boss is. he's a little smitten with phonegingi, too, but isn't everyone?
(full name "joeyseph", given to him by god (who doesn't even really remember MAKING angels, and sometimes thinks joey's just some guy gaslighting him?), who has claimed it was, quote, "to differentiate you from the other joseph from the bible". joey is still a bit mad about it.)
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dragonpastels · 8 months
Master post time!🐢
since I seem to have lost all control, I thought I'd put together this post to organize everything for you peeps!
Cracked Conscience
After Donnie has some rough few nights fighting the purple dragons him and the others are greeted by... A quite interesting version of Donnie's future self? What could this mean?
Main Comic
Chapter 1. Drama and Dragons
Chapter 2. A Different Shade of Purple
CC Ref Sheets
Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Colored) Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Linework) Tech Maintenance Fit Ref Sheet Evil Donnie Early Fit Ref Sheet
Future Leo Ref Sheet
Outdated: Evil Donnie Ref Sheets
Q&A With the Hidden City's Most Wanted!
Do you have a burning question to ask our wonderful host? Like their favorite color? What did they do today? Or deep philosophical questions? Or do you just want to give them unwarranted gifts? Well, here is your chance to ask until the feed drops!
⚠️Warning by submitting a question you accept the risk of the following: kidnapping, experimentation, dismemberment, collection, emotional damage, death. Any or all of these may occur per the host's discretion. This contract is legally binding and cannot be broken or altered.⚠️
4th wall breaks (Jack Horner Animatic Related) You're all on my list You Heathen Brother Opinions
Shiny Rock Bribe
Can I Pet him? (Bad Ending)
The Poke/Jupiter Jim Marathon Time!
Snack time with Insults for dessert!
What if I got in a Sparring Match?
Does he like plushies?
How many times have you set a building on fire?
A gift of flowers
GMF: Genetically Modified Furbies
How much sleep have you gotten? (why are you gray pt. 2)
IT'S 15 Rip Bozo (why are you gray pt. 3)
has he always looked this way?
the universe decides
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Color Reveal Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
about the color thing
jobs for hire
Still not kidnapping
Can I dig in your walls?
I wanna study him like a bug
music tastes
CC Year 1 Anniversary Mini Masterpost 🎈
CC Animatic Corner🎞️
Year 1 Anniversary Animatic (villain/character voice line compilation)
A very important message
Jack Horner Animatic (read disclaimer) Disclaimer: I recommend reading through Chapter 2 of CC. Although a few things have changed/are no longer canon. There are still a few scenes that are relevant to the comic. Therefore I recommend reading through Chpt 2 first to be surprised
How to Train Your Turtle
You like How to Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, you're in luck! Because these boys are now dragons and poor April is stuck with them after crashing on their island.
Chapter 1. Stranded
Ask Shenanigans
Dragon Logs
Dragon Shenanigans
Pre-Besties April/Donnie dynamic
Mikey the cuddle gremlin
A shiny rock for Donnie, tasty book snack
Have they heard music/do they like it?
will they have mutant forms/can Raph change his size?
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tf2-incorrect-quotes · 7 months
SOLDIER : soldier does not know what a furry is. he has a fursuit. he calls it his battle armor. its awful. it reeks. its handmade. possibly made using real fur. hes infamous at every con in the country. hes banned at the one in teufort. he uses his suit to blend in with the other con-attendees because he thinks they are actual, real anthropomorphic animals. he identifies heavily with his fursona and draws it frequently. PYRO : pyro SCOUT : hates them with a passion but if you ask him why he just says 'i dunno.. i just think its kinda weird'. probably out of some desperation for peer approval. but also at the same time itd be really funny if he just didnt care. pick your poison DEMO : demo is like "aye thats a wee bit odd" and then gets in an argument with scout about what his fursona would be because scout is like "with your halloween costumes i thought youd love being drawn as a hyena" (its a maned fox) and then he gives a long drunken (argument goes on for a long time) speech about why hed be . like. a cu-sith or something. ('those things aint even real' 'yes they fuckin are mate ive seen one with me own eye') . if he actually saw someone in a fursuit depending on sobriety and their sona he either wouldnt really care because people can have hobbies or he would start acting buddy buddy because he mistook it for the wulver HEAVY : heavy doesnt really care for that kinda stuff. doesnt see the point in wearing animal suits unless you are camoflaging among the bears in the siberian wilderness in order to get their meat without gaining the attention of the mother. pyro draws him a fursona once and hes like . mm. good. because bears are large and honorable creatures. SNIPER : sniper is a man who lives alone in a camper van whos job is sitting still all day. he would be a furry. see my vision boy. itd be some weird animal too like a reptile or something. he wouldnt be loud and proud about it. he dreams scout finds out in the way a bully finds out about the protagonists dark secret in a high school drama movie and then tells everyone else and then they kill him with hammers and he wakes up in a cold sweat. ENGINEER : engie doesnt bash it because hes glad folks have their hobbies and he can admire the creative skill and ability of the community. pyro draws him as a beaver sometimes (non anthropomorphic, just a beaver with a hardhat, goggles and overalls) and he doesnt mind and it starts becoming his favourite animal because of that. i dont think he'd ever really directly identify with the community though. probably calls them 'furbies' from time to time because he forgets the word. SPY : spy thinks theyre all degenerate freaks and is happy to loudly claim this. he has several incredibly expensive suits and attends cons frequently. hes been here for years. he tries to sneak around it and deny anything to do with them but the team Knows. they all know. MEDIC : i honestly didnt know for him. other mod suggested he has an awful flesh homunculus fursuit that lives and breathes on its own. you crawl inside and its sticky and wet and warm and pulses. doesnt even have anything to do with the subculture.
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Why is everyone in this community so petty? Its just furbies oh my god
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harlequin-kermit · 3 months
FAN ACCOUNT RATINGS FROM #the croaker movement
rating: 5/10
reason: google slides formatted posts; +1 for cool bedroom
rating: 3/10
reason: +1 for fraggle mention
rating: 4/10
reason: +1 for “fuck my muppet life”
rating: 1/10
reason: 1 post; lack of interaction since May
rating: 1/10
reason: lack of interaction since May
rating: 2/10
reason: toxic fanboying??
rating: 1/10
reason: lack of interaction since April
rating: 7/10
reason: mid; not much else
rating: 9/10
reason: +1 for being overall v nice; +1 for being nice to denise i guess
rating: 3/10
reason: +1 for artistic pfp; not many og posts
rating: 8/10
reason: +1 for 420 jokes; +2 for contribution to the “mpreg” thread
rating: 9/10
reason: v chill; kind?; +2 for lowkey/doesn’t start shit
rating: 2/10
reason: there’s already a fan5; starts drama (w/ other muppets & movement members); is attracted to mannequins and the nerds mascots & not muppets; +1 for entertaining posts
rating: 4/10
reason: there is already a fan69; +1 for furby zombification
rating: 5/10
reason: og fan69; +1 for og posts; emojis; lack of interaction since May
rating: 3/10
reason: has told others to kys
rating: 2/10
reason: accosted my eyes with kermit ass; +1 for reblogging 10 commandments (haven’t seen others do that yet); lack of interaction since May
rating: 7/10
reason: +1 for og posts; +1 for imitation
rating: 1/10
reason: +1 for doorstep shit; bad grammar; you and the-muppet-joker deserve each other
rating: 6.5/10
reason: +1 for being funny af/mpreg post; +2 for wife content; +1 for near-constant interaction
rating: 6/10
reason: +1 for nonhatred for women; +1 for og posts
rating: 5/10
reason: +1 for og posts; +1 for terrifying christian asks; mid
rating: 3/10
reason: +1 for imitation; lured me into a sense of security with normal kermit photos/reposts
rating: 3/10
reason: wrote jk fanfic?; +1 for og posts
rating: 5/10
reason: +1 for art; lack of interaction since May
honorable mentions:
rating: 9/10
reason: he’s cool; +1 for anti-muppet joker
rating: 5/10
reason: +1 for anti-muppet joker; too much hot/bright pink (my eYES); denise relationship??
rating: 6/10
reason: +1 for anti-muppet joker; wants to get together with kj??; miss piggy relationship??
rating: 8/10
reason: godsend for those scared to traverse the lowly bog that is the-muppet-joker’s blog (+4)
rating: 2/10
reason: accosted my eyes with color; misleading username; +1 for anti-muppet joker
main account:
rating: 0/10
reason: the original; +1 for speaking like a target-bin victorian orphan reject; +1 for entertainment; doorstep shit; -10,000 for existing; (would put numerically lower on the scale, but that’s reserved for me)
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furby-junkie · 8 months
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A Little More Info on "Furby Live on Stage"
The shows occurred from the 16th of Jan, 2014 until the 25th of Jan, at an event called the Dubai Shopping Festival.
The shows could be attended at the JBR Walk.
Three shows were presented each day, and the times for the shows included: 5 PM, 6:30 PM, and 9 PM.
Two news articles mention the shows were 20 minutes long, while two other sources mention each show had a duration of 25 minutes.
Aside from music and dancing, the shows featured a story, and had humor and drama.
Times mentioned
Mention of the dates and the shows being 25 minutes long
Luxury Travel Advisor Info
Mention of the shows being 20 minutes long
Second mention
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furblingsunited · 11 months
sorry for the absence it was not on purpose
my furby got here :)
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his full name is Doo-Ay Spring Trap Afton or Doo-Ay for short
hes so itty bitty and he's coming to help me in my drama performance coming up as a lil prop :3
he's pretty dirty but i dont know if i have the motivation to wash him :(
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skeleton-mischief · 6 months
Fresh Sans!
Yo, I'm Fresh! Don't you dare forget it, ya hear?¿ I'm the best thing you'll ever need!!
(Headcanons below :-) )
- Official Height: 6'3
- He/Him but doesn't mind gender neutral pronouns either
- Optimistic nihilist
- Confident, honest, assertive, teasing, deceitful, erratic, social, cocky, careless, playful, impulsive, perceptive, self sufficient, loud, self involved, apathetic, nosy, unfiltered, and individualistic
- Often, the parasite will willingly leap to other bodies once the husk is no longer usable, fashion becoming altered by whatever AU Sans it possesses
- a fan of TMNT, he owns action figures even
- carries around gum, figurines, stickers, pins, and other random items that somehow fit inside his pockets
- can do backflips effortlessly and is highly flexible, agile
- Speaks uniquely with words like "yo broseph," "that's not very swag, broski" etc.
- He has multiple versions of bro for him to name others
- skateboards to travel around frequently, his skateboard somehow manages to summon and even be shaped differently based on the AU
- Dances commonly and overall cartoonish with his movements, he can
- Often chews on gum or has suckers to eat since he doesn't smoke
- Uses slang and hardly, if ever, curses. If he does curse, it's beyond a serious reason to believe what he has to say
- Has a giant bat as his weapon of choice, but he has stolen multiple mili weapons and even has a magical nuke of choice
- His glasses express his emotion, or just say what he's thinking/saying
- Gets in others personal space but refuses others to do the same for him. Rarely does he actually worry though, since no one wants him super close to them
- Loves to wreck havoc and does not have any attachments to others as a result
- Annoys Error for funsies, along with Red or others that
- Magic smells and tastes of taffy/fruity candy
- No one can determine what he does or expect a planned attack, his erratic behavior is worse than any other AU
- Has the ability to warp his surroundings in an odd manner. Not quite a glitch but more of a colorful, chaotic way of altering his surroundings. He doesn't do it intentionally, but doesn't mind. For example, things seem to pop with intense color, things that are depressing altering to something else. Cigarettes = Suckers, Alcohol = Soda, etc
- Loves candy and has a sweet tooth, he rarely doesn't have candy in his mouth
- Travels into other AU's, but people are weirded out by him when he appears. He loves to confuse others
- Often seen as annoying, he has a tendency to not care
- He hardly ever is anything but happy, and even then he is never seen not smiling. There would have to be something wRønG to have him frowning
- Has multiple pins and jewelry, he will give you a gift he has if he likes you. It helps him identify you when he decides to travel and needs to remember what timeline of a character knows him
- Will gift people odd things, once he gave someone a Lego pack while another person was gifted a keychain
- Loves furbies to a concerning extent. He somehow got ahold of one that's conscious and carries it around with him. It's the only thing he's truly attached to
- Even if he doesn't have a lot of compassion, empathy, or sympathy, he won't involve others in his drama for the sake of "them not being able to handle his fun nature" (he actually does care for them, and just refuses to acknowledge it)
- Won't go out of his way to keep others safe often, but on occasion he has saved someone. No one can identify what the reason happens to be
- People tend to say "oh no, not him," when he appears
- He canonically can censor other people with their curse words, and in fact it's impossible to curse when he's around
- April 20th is his official bday (420 joke) but because Fresh doesn't like drugs he lies by telling others his birthday is April 1st
- Apparently has amazing Defense to the point that it's nearly impossible to kill him. Only the husk can die, since nothing can out speed the parasite. The only entity it's ever avoided is Reaper, as Reaper happens to be the only one to actually scare the parasite
- Has explosive furbies. He can activate them as if they were a detonator when thrown. When it lands on any intentional or unintentional target, it will explode into a great explosion of "murderous colors"
- Is horribly blunt, he'll say whatever is on his mind without concern. In fact, it can be absolutely the worst insult you've ever had
- He's quite affectionate. He'll hold people's hands, hug them, press foreheads, and even do a kiss now and again
- Has a lot of 80's and 90's fashion, but he just wears whatever makes him happy at the moment
- He doesn't classify himself as good or bad, as he only worries for himself. (....unless?)
- Usually watches other AU's when they're fighting, sometimes he'll fuck shit up as a result too even if it's someone he was on good terms with
- It rarely happens, but if he's angry enough his parasite will crawl out of his eye socket to wrap its tentacles around his glasses. The parasite often moves around the body, which would be around the ribs or the skull
- If he takes off his hat, usually something is underneath like a rubber duck or even a smaller hat
- Acts like he's friends with everyone, even if they absolutely disagree since he just wants a good time
- Taller than other Sanses usually so he looms over them or uses it to his advantage
- Loves to float around, either in air or in water (don't ask)
- His glasses stay on his head at all times. Always, as it's a "stamp" of his character
- Loves french fries and ketchup, though he doesn't need food often
- Usually likes 80's and 90's music but will listen to any for fun
- Adores seeing kids and spending time with them when it happens. He loves to get them to laugh, to play around
- Tom Cardy and Weird Al is his favorite artists
- Roller skates around and often customizes them
- He is one out of two individuals who knows that Ink is soulless
- Gender does not affect him, but he likes masc and gender neutral pronouns the most
- He is very in control of his emotions, he has never lost control of them. HOWEVER, there is a slim chance that if he ever fell in love or loved someone platonically, he would think that he was dying or that he was sick with something
- He's on the aroace spectrum, and there are no reports of him ever experiencing love or sexual attraction. There is a slim chance of love actually forming, romantic at least, but don't expect it to be anytime soon
- He doesn't care what people think, he would love to wear a dress or a skirt with a cute cardigan. Androgynous or masc outfits are what he likes, but he's not against wearing fem clothes
- Can he get drunk? Well, yes, but what gets him drunk isn't alcohol. He has a high metabolism, and it would have to be a specifically made magical beverage to get him wasted. In fact, alcohol, drugs, and smoking are things he avoids. He once snorted a whole ass pack of fun dip and pixie sticks. He didn't do it anymore after the incident.
Closing Notes: I won't really think about what he's like in a romantic relationship since I personally don't see it happening. If it was ever requested, I might consider it someday. I just think he'd form platonic relationships if anything. Thank you for reading :-))
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discount--dracula · 4 months
introduction post of my furbers + descriptions !!!
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penne (she/her)
a little shy, but very strong. she loves her wife and life itself. she also loves listening to aganist me! and the smell of grass. she's autistic so she's sensitive to loud noises and also has a very uninterested looking expression at all times, making it a little difficult to talk to other furbies. her friends are very understanding and accommodate her needs, though. she wants to learn how to play the guitar one day
penne is a trans lesbian
her birthday is june 13th
post where she's featured are tagged #penne peapod
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charlotte (she/her)
charlotte is half furby, 25% crow and 25% bat. she loves flea markets, antique shops, visiting people's dreams, tea parties, and shiny trinkets. what she also loves is her beloved wife penne. they're inseparable
charlotte is lesbian
her birthday is may 17th
posts where she's featured are tagged #madame charlotte the terrible
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strawberry cheesecake (she/her)
cheesecake loves all things cute and fluffy and pink. if she had her own room it would be filled with sanrio merchandise. she loves to play dressup and doing arts and crafts
cheesecake is trans
her birthday is march 18th
posts where she's featured are tagged #strawberry cheesecake heart
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blueberry muffin (he/they, former prefered)
muffin is cheesecake's twin. he likes climbing trees, singing, space, and candy. he LOVES going outside and usually isn't a fan of dressing up but has his moments
muffin is nonbinary
his birthday is april 29th
posts where he's featured are tagged #blueberry muffin star
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404 (they/xe/he, interchangably)
404 is an absolute loser and idiot, zero survival skills (/affectionate) xe enjoys battery acid (the drink, they have had bad experience with real battery acid), going to malls, sour candy, getting into trouble, and invader zim
404 is pangender and pansexual
xir birthday is april 13th
posts featuring him are tagged #404 name not found
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lucas (he/him)
world's biggest smelliest meanest hater. the only thing he finds joy in is others' failure and suffering. except for taking care of the twins, he loves doing that and is very protective of them
lucas is gay and homophobic /hj
his birthday is august 18th
posts where he's featured are tagged #crusty old lucas
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sylvester (he/him)
sylvie LOVES fashion and being nice fresh clean and organized. he loves going to the city to show off his beauty to the passerbys. he also enjoys trying new foods. he's well mannered and a sweetheart for the most part but can be a drama queen at times as well. sylvie is also a very smart furb, he likes to learn new things
sylvester is aroace
his birthday is unknown due to the sticker being faded :( we instead celebrate his arrival's anniversary, which is february 14th
posts where he's featured are tagged #sylvester nimbus ayloh
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dandelion fluff (she/they, interchangably)
dannie loves her superstitions and lucky charms. they talk to trees as a hobby. their favorite one is near a river and "heart shaped if you squint". huge enjoyer of thrift stores and vintage. afraid of thunder (the sky is mad!!) and huge sunlight enthusiast. also she may or may not be able to read minds
dannie is a demigirl lesbian
their birthday is november 8th
posts where she's featured are tagged #dandelion fluff the flower child
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riso (she/they, former preferred)
riso LOVES mitski and testing different perfume scents. she's a very kind and sensitive gal. riso is penne's older sister
posts where she's featured are tagged #riso risotto
riso is biromantic and asexual
her birthday is may 31st
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multivitamin (any pronouns) and spork (he/him)
feral things.
multivitamin is genderfluid and spork is transmasc. both are aromantic
posts featuring multivitamin are tagged #multivitamin frut juce, while posts featuring spork are tagged #sporkosaurus
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