#futon in my craft room
spectrology · 1 year
$800 for a craigslist futon. they should just give to me for free
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petiolata · 7 months
My life would be so much better if my kitchen had a closet.
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falsemortal · 1 year
I’ve put it off for months, but I finally got the futon couch frame upstairs and cleaned the mattress that goes on it. 🥺😭
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sluttysanemi · 3 months
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✧˚ · . – HIS WOUNDS.
a/n: i was walking up the stairs and then my arsehole got probed by my friends fingers
i also need to interact w more ppl so jst a little reminder my dms r open! nsfw version.
c/w: brief descriptions of wounds, suicidal mentality?, slight angst, then fluff.
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He's too rough with himself.
In the early midst of dawn, he shuffles his feet into the estate. Heavy trembles of breath exhale from his lips, as his chest and forearms are daubed in fresh scars. Droplets of sweat streak across his skin as he struggles to breathe smoothly. 
He is uncaring on how he inflicts himself harm. Even if the scars appear to grow heavier, and scathe his body further, he merely accepts them as a Hashira. 
He proceeds to the bathroom, with heavy feet, attempting to wash the ooze of crimson trickling from his skin. He carries a bucket, crafted of timber, beneath the tap, filling it with warm water. He has hazy eyes- worn and burnt out, rendering it difficult for him to see clearly. 
After filling the surface, he closes the faucet and picks a towel. He dips the material beneath the surface of water and squeezes the excess. Repeating the motions he is so accustomed to each night, he begins to apply the towel to his open wounds, extracting the blood.
Yet it hurts, no matter the number of times he does it. 
He sucks in air harshly between his teeth, his fingers clenching slightly. He relieves the pressure, allowing a moment to compose himself before attempting to wash it, yet again. He's whispering harsh phrases under his breath as he struggles through the agony. His brow furrows, and his breath continues to waver. 
You gradually stir from your shared futon, jarred awake by the subtle noise caused. You carefully sit up from the cushioning, following the trail of softly echoing groans and the melody of trickling water. 
You slide the door of the bathroom, coming witness of the scene. The silky fabric of the washcloth had darkened with blood, the material now a remembrance of misery. You gaze to the numerous slashes over his body. You can only feel sympathy.
It hurts to see your husband in such a position. 
Sanemi studies your worried expression before scoffing. He redirects his gaze to the wall. “You should be asleep.”, he spoke dismissively. 
You swallow nervously. “Sanemi…”
“I’m fine. Don’t bother with me. Just get some rest.”
You, however, remained by the door. There was a temporary tense sense in the air, as you both remained silent. 
You sighed quietly as you sealed the door, sitting alongside him. He glances at you, bewildered. 
“What the fuck are you–”
“Let me clean them.”, you said sternly, your tone offering no room of argument. 
He stares at you, his expression softening. He hands you the towel and sits up slightly. Draping the towel to the water again, you attempt to delicately clear around the newly formed injuries.
Sanemi's body loosened, observing how his severe pain had eased. His breathing grows softer as he settles. You have always been so tender.
A comfortable silence persists as you continued your work. 
Something was troubling you, however. You swallowed, eventually speaking up. 
“I'm worried for you, Shinazugawa.”, your words a kind whisper. 
He observes your expression before turning his attention to his own body. 
“Don’t be. I’m used to it. You shouldn’t get your head so wrapped around stupid shit.”
You swallow again. 
“But- You’re my husband. I- I can’t help but to worry.”
Your anxious remarks tore him inside. However, he chose to put other people before himself. Even at the cost of hurting himself. 
“I can take care of myself.”
You observe his face. His apathetic expression. You couldn't let him act so irresponsibly. You had to express your worries. 
You take his hand, trying to collect your words. 
“I just- I wish you wouldn’t be so unthoughtful. I know how important your swordsmanship is- and- and it’s admirable. You put yourself in front of others. But… If you’re prioritizing your life over others.. Who will take care of you?”
Sanemi listens to your heartfelt words, absorbing every detail. Every emotion. He swallows. 
“I know we’ve lost so many to these wretched demons. They only feed on the pain of our children, their mothers- and brothers. I- I just.”, you continue. 
“I just can’t bare to see the way you’re coming home. I hate seeing you so torn. And tired. I hate seeing my husband pain himself further each and every day.”
You felt a swell in your throat. It was going to spill. It was clawing from your throat. 
“I don’t want my husband to kill himself trying to protect everyone but himself. I don’t want him to die on a hill of misery, just like everyone we’ve lost. I- I couldn’t let that happen to you.”, you shook your head, trying to not picture his corpse. 
“I just couldn’t.”
Sanemi observes your expression. He felt his heart throb. He'd never been moved so strongly by an emotional display. 
Had he truly been so irresponsible with himself? Had he disregarded his wife's feelings?
He takes your hand, maneuvering it closely to his lips. He smiles tenderly. 
“You shouldn’t worry about it anymore.”, he said, pressing soft pecks against your fingers. “And I shouldn’t have been so dismissive of you.”
You watch, your gaze easing slightly. He continued to brush his lips against your fingers, eventually to your knuckle. 
“My sweet wife. Such a kind woman. Always lookin’ out for her husband, hm?”, he whispers softly. “Don’t get so conscious. I won’t be worrying you like this again.”, he admitted.
Your eyes widen slightly as you hear his words. “You won’t?” you whisper, your tone expressing disbelief. 
He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have been so reckless. I won’t allow those putrid things to scathe me so badly again.”, he passes you a sincere smile. “And I won’t scare you so badly, my sweet. I’ll be more gentle to myself.”
You experienced a sense of relief as his smile filled you with warmth. All your concerns and anxieties faded away at that instant replaced by a feeling of tranquility and happiness. 
In a moment filled with love and dedication, you gently press your lips to his, expressing your sense of fulfillment. During your embrace, you embody a bond through unspoken connection. The outside world fades, as you revel in the shared intimacy of spirits. The comforting warmth of the embrace surrounds you completely.
A serene atmosphere of love, and tranquility, as you enfold the thought of your husband's safety.
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The Big Move - Finished Edition
We're done! Took the 2 of us 5 days - using 2 grocery carts. The help we were supposed to get didn't show up, but you know what? It.got.done. *dusts off hands* Do I feel like I've aged 100 years in 5 days? Maaaaaybe. :D
I do wish that someone had been taking pictures, I'm sure there were parts that would win on a funniest video show. Like Matt pulling my mattress AND me - I was only there to support the other end of the mattress I guess and I can't walk as fast as I used to. Or me ending up as the filling in a mattress sandwich. I'm still kind of sore from that, lol.
All in all, things went better than I expected. I know I did things I shouldn't have but what can you do? Nobody wants to help, you roll up your sleeves (or pretend to in my case, I hate sleeves!) and do what needs to be done.
There were a few mishaps. My sheets got ruined moving the mattresses. My bedroom rug got ink spilled on it - I SAID to watch out for my craft cart! The air mattress we had (as a backup when Matt didn't want to sleep on the futon or for company) got popped.
Now that we're moved and settling in, I've been keeping track of things we either need, will need soon or would like to get. I'm going to post links to 2 lists. One is Walmart and has small things on it. The other is Amazon and has bigger things on it - like a frame and mattress for Matt since he has a "room" (actually a BIG walk in closet) now. And a table since we have room - eating on my bed kinda sucks. I'm going to start chipping away at them as I can - the lists are to keep track of it all. I'm sharing because I wouldn't say no to a pack of toilet paper, lol.
Amazon OR No Shipping Charge - WalMart
P.S. I haven't forgotten about checking into getting my eye surgeries. That's next!
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bluebird722 · 5 months
Attack on Titan: Junior High Story Ideas
Everyone in Year 1 cheers on Sasha at every eating contest, but only Mikasa is indifferent and ponders how Sasha is able to eat all of that food without getting a stomachache or gaining weight.
One student receives a Ninento Wii game as a birthday present, but the party turns into an endless competition between Mikasa and Annie at every available game. (Eren, on the other hand, doesn’t care; Wii did not have a simulation where the user could pretend to fight Titans.)
One time, Connie falls asleep in class and leaves a puddle of drool on his desk. Needless to say, Levi whacks and chases him all the way home (after the former rushes into the classroom, of course, and cleans it up).
With Marco’s help, Jean tries to film a documentary called “The Bachelor”, about his pursuit of and (attempts to) date girls in school. It does not go as planned.
At some point, Bertold accidentally kicks a student in the face because he is started out of his sleep and therefore his odd sleeping position. He ends up having to buy the student lunch to avoid being reported to Mr. Keith.
When Petra has a bad day, Eld and Gunther cheer her up by constructing a handmade pinata of Oluo’s face (with his tongue bleeding out) for them to whack until Oluo and the first years arrive. Sometimes the others ask what’s with the confetti and candy wrappers on the ground.
Sometimes Rico likes to improvise ODM gear as a swing on a tree branch when she wants to enjoy a warm day.
Partially to impress Christa, Reiner proves his strength by lifting classmates over his head like a barbell while standing, but Ymir sneaks heavy weights into the pockets of her uniform to humiliate him. Reiner almost pulls a muscle, and Ymir says to herself, “My work is done.”
Armin is almost kicked out of the school play because of his futon, which certainly does not fit into the storyline. Therefore, all the Year 1 students show up to the recital wearing their most childish blankets and futons as headwraps, like capes, or even improvised dresses.
Hange pays Annie to be the “translator” between the captive Titans and, as Eren and his friends joke, the “new definition to the term ‘mad scientist’” (who is already going further broke). Annie pretends that she is not as fluent as Hange would have liked, but she will sneak their favorite snacks and tries to plot a way for them to escape and chase Hange to the ends of the planet.
No student will ever forget that Mr. Hannes was once so intoxicated that he tried to kiss Erwin on the cheek. Fortunately, Ilse’s story claims that Hannes was teasing Erwin for being so serious.
Ymir blackmails Reiner to stay away from Christa by threatening to show a video she filmed of Reiner gushing over his newborn cousin, Gabi.
After Hitch complains about how Annie looks when she sleeps, Annie gets back at her by surprising Hitch with a room full of fluffy kittens, only to have Marco broadcast Hitch acting silly to the entire student body and Marlowe provide humiliating commentary.
For the school talent show, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie form a band called “Attack on Titan” to commemorate their victory over their gigantic peers. Only after the band No Name discontinues (due to graduation) do they become victorious.
As part of a fundraiser, Eren and the rest of Year 1 craft together two handmade manga series called “Attack on Titan” and “Attack on Titan: Junior High”, the latter based on their own experiences.
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oigimi · 1 year
. a little friend .
. nobunaga x reader . 1.2k words . fluff .
Everything that came with my life in the Sengoku had been pretty great so far. I had everything that anyone could ever ask for: Plenty of food, soft cushions to sleep on, luxurious clothes, friends who loved me, ladies in waiting who cared about me, and of course, the strongest, most handsome boyfriend in the world. Dating Oda Nobunaga was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. His love for me ran deeper than anyone could ever truly understand; ourselves included. Nobunaga would move heaven and earth if it meant bringing a smile to my face.
But he still had to leave often, and I hated it when he had to leave.
Being the legendary conqueror he was, Nobunaga was quite busy. He had battles to fight (that left me worried sick, even if I knew he wouldn’t get hurt), paperwork to read up on (that bored me), and councils to hold (that also bored me).
As I stood on the balcony of the tenshu, overlooking the area we ruled together, I found myself sighing. I missed him. I missed him a lot. And I knew he missed me too. These periods when Nobunaga was out left me cold and lonely, especially because most of the other vassals would usually accompany him. The ladies in waiting and the other seamstresses were quite nice, and I loved spending time with them, but it just wasn’t the same as being in the strong arms of my lover, or sneaking off with him for sweets in the middle of the night, or being in an onsen with him, in my most vulnerable state. Nobunaga brought out something in me that no one else ever had been able to before. And that’s why it was all the more painful when he was gone.
I did sign up for this, I told myself. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to stay in the Sengoku. As I changed into my pajamas, I got into the futon I usually shared with Nobunaga. If only there was a way to hold him even though he’s gone…
Wait. That’s it!
I looked across the room over at Bearsace. He wasn’t mine anymore, but I still made him. I could make something similar, and be able to hug him while Nobunaga was gone! It was a genius idea, I thought. As I laid my head back down, I began crafting what kind of stuffed toy I would craft. Something big, or something small? Elaborate or simple? What kind of clothes would it wear? What fabric would I use? How would I stuff it? Did stuffed animals even exist in this time? Oh, it didn’t matter. Once I was awake, all my questions would answer themselves.
The first and most important question was what kind of animal to make. Fortunately for myself, that was clear from the beginning. I swiped some soft black fabric and began working on a pattern for a little black cat with white paws, and a white-tipped tail. I giggled to myself, imagining Nobunaga as a cat. He’d be the kind to knock everything off tables, and swat at a sleeping human to wake up and feed him. He’d be a big cat too, one with lots of fluffy fur, especially on his tail.
Next was the cat’s clothes. I could try Nobunaga’s regular clothing, but since this cat would likely be in bed with me, he should probably be wearing something comfortable. With some different fabric, I made the cat a yukata similar to one my lover would wear in bed. It fit perfectly, and I even made it so I could take the yukata off if I wanted to try more outfits.
The whole project took a few short days, and with the passage of time came the safe return of the Oda forces. As soon as word hit my ears that they were back, I was down from my work room, front and center to greet everyone. The first person to return, obviously being Nobunaga himself.
“You’re back! Welcome home, Nobu!” I exclaimed, practically leaping into his arms. Nobunaga laughed, hugging me tightly and kissing me. He rubbed my back and squeezed me as if we’d been apart for years.
“It’s good to be back, and it’s good to see you,” he replied. Nobunaga slung me over his shoulder and carried me back up to our room, eager to make up for lost time together. As he went to set me down in the futon, something quickly caught his eye.
“Y/N, what is that?” He pointed to the cat plush seated on the pillow.
“Oh, that! Yeah, I made him over the week, see?” I grabbed the plush and showed Nobunaga. “He’s really soft and cuddly, and he kinda looks like someone we know, don’t you think?”
He narrowed his eyes, taking the cat from me. Nobunaga inspected it closer, moving its arms around. “He’s cute. Is he a friend of Bearsace’s?”
“Mmm, no. Not exactly. They’re unrelated. He’s more like a friend of mine.”
“A friend of yours? Are the people here not enough for you?” he teased, gently tugging on the cat’s ears.
I shrugged. “Well… that’s kind of it. You guys are all so great, I always miss you when you’re gone. Especially you, Nobu. I wanted a little friend to remind me of you when you’re away. In my time, people cuddle with these stuffed toys all the time. I thought that if I had something soft and cute to have when you’re gone, I’d feel a bit better about it.”
“Really?” Nobunaga’s face softened. He looked back down at the cat, and then at me. “Do you get that lonely when I’m gone?”
“It’s whatever, I mean… I’ll always miss you when you leave! I can handle it, it’s just the longer trips that are harder.”
“I see.” He put the cat down and hugged me tightly again. “Well you have no need for this cat now. I’m here.” As he rubbed my back and sighed, he added, “I always miss you too, you know. I don’t like being away from my lucky charm.”
I giggled. I had known he meant it, but something about hearing my boyfriend tell me outright that he missed me made my heart pound harder.
“Then I’ll only cuddle the cat when you’re gone. I prefer the real you anyway. You’re much cuter.”
“Cute? No. You’re the cute one. Not me.”
“Okay.” We met each other with a kiss, followed by a few more. It was nice to have Nobunaga back. Everything just felt normal again. Being loved and cherished and kissed and held like I was always meant to felt better than anything in the world. Nobunaga smiled at me, and leaned in to kiss my forehead afterward.
“Does he have a name?”
“Oh, I didn’t think of that. I haven’t named him yet.” I pulled away and looked at the cat. “Wait, I’ve got it! This little guy’s name is… Nobunyaga! Cuz he looks like you, and he’s a cat!”
“Nobunapaw also works.”
My lover just shook his head, laughing some more. “Let’s go with the first option. Oda Nobunyaga it is.”
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stormee-jiiva · 2 years
A Plush Doll
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lol I'm fucking miserable right now and tightly cuddling Kyo plushie is my number one comfort then I had the idea of this with it being some kind of reverse Isekai where instead of Kyō ending up in our world to find out he's fictional what if we were the fictional ones. I'm very tired.
theres no dragons mentioned but know that theyre there in my brain
Edit: omfg I'm dumb and forgot the title
Rengoku Kyōjurō x Fictional!MC
Warnings: I have literally no clue what I even wrote. Literally no proofreading.
Kyōjurō had owned the plush doll for years. His mother had made it for him as a small child after he'd read a certain book about a far off land full of all kinds of possibilities. As a child Kyōjurō adored your character, even if you weren't the main star of the show you certainly were to him. So much so that Kyōjurō's mother had gone out of the way to make an adorable little plush doll of you.
As the years passed and his duties as a demon slayer took priority Kyōjurō found himself forgetting of the plush doll still hidden away in his room.
It a particularly tumultuous autumn afternoon. Senjurō attending to his home as his father remained secluded in his room.
Senjurō had swept, and tidied almost every room in the estate that day before coming to his brother's room.
Kyōjurō had been gone on a mission for the past few days, and while his room wasn't particularly messy it could certainly use a little spruce up considering the disheveled futon, sticking out drawers and scrambled closet, not to mention the fine layer of dust that coated the majority of surfaces or the slight must in the air.
After such a long mission surely Kyōjurō would like to at least sleep in a comfortably made futon, or be able to relax in his room without breathing stale air. So, Senjurō got to work.
When Kyōjurō got home later the next day he was pleasantly surprised to come home to such a clean room, he expected the half abandoned look that had become ever present. Kyōjurō thanked his little brother profusely for doing such a good job, promising to get the little firecracker something special next time he was at the markets for being so thoughtful.
When Kyōjurō had finally gone to lay down in his futon he didn't certainly didn't expect to feel something poking at his back. Nor did he expect it to be the plush doll that he'd cared so much for as a child. Cradling the old yet perfect condition plush in his scarred hands.
Kyōjurō found himself reminiscing of the doll and the book they were based off. Senjurō must have found you when he was cleaning. Kyōjurō was grateful he did as the peaceful memories played in his mind. The time your character was first introduced, the way your character departed, when his mother noticed his infatuation and decided to oh so lovingly craft the beautiful plush doll that now sat cradled in his once soft hands.
Looking over to the books that'd been carefully arranged on his desk, Kyōjurō found your's. Going over and picking it out from the rest Kyōjurō sat back down on his futon with you cradled comfortably in his arms as he opened the pages to your world.
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hyenaswine · 1 year
so i'm nervous to announce this since the stuff that was there hasn't all found a final resting place yet, but i Did get the dining room table completely cleared off. i put out my sewing machine, my cutting mat, my light board, & my wacom tablet so those all have a space. the rest of the table is free & clear. having this open space allowed me to finally put together a package i've been trying to get mailed since october.
i'm down to the end of my cross stitch too, i'm putting just the final gray stitches in right now & then i'll only have the black left.
i really feel like i need to take everything out of the spare room & reconfigure it - a while ago i put all of my dvds in boxes in the closet & put my crafting stuff into the former dvd cabinet, but i kind of hate it & want my dvds back. my mom gave me a set of plastic drawers which will be good for storing fabric & i may go to the container store to get more IF i can figure out the space in there & make room for it. it's hard because i've got to fit the desktop computer, the futon, & the rat cage all in there & there's not much room for anything else. but i think if i can see the room EMPTY i can figure it out.
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flockofdoves · 10 months
survey: what was the most comfortable guest bed thats not always out in your hosts house as a bed that youve ever slept on, and was it comparable to just sleeping on a normal bed or was it still kinda a compromise?
i'm fantasizing about how i could furnish whats currently my roommates room once she moves out and i want to move me and my gfs desk there and also put a worktable for craft stuff but i also thought it could be nice to have a couch in there so one of us could relax in there on a laptop or something parallel working while the other is working at the desk or table.
but i wanna be able to host people so it'd be cool if it could turn into a bed. or if not then maybe in addition to the couch i'd get an air mattress or traditional japanese style futon or trundle bed under the couch if theres enough extra floor space for any of those (might not be tho but idk i've never actually looked in this room yet for more than a second).
but the amount of uncomfortable nights of sleep i've had on day beds/sofa beds/western style futons/inflatable mattresses/etc i wanna really make sure whatever i get is really comfortable for guests
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clickedbaita · 2 months
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Brittany and Rachel were seated in the back of the auditorium, the two having been invited by Finn to watch over some of the Glee rehearsals he was running for the kids. She was eager to see what they were practicing, having been leaning into the seat in front of her for the longest time before eventually falling into the back of it. She had started the moment there by shaking her head and apologizing that she hadn't said much to her since they got here, but she was looking forward to this. It was nostalgic and it was good to be back in Lima-- that felt weird to say out loud so she hadn't yet. Instead she talked about why she was back in Lima (partially changing direction after it was asked where she was staying), explaining quickly how her cousin was in the hospital after slipping on some ice-- beer involved with it.
"I mean, yeah, alcohol doesn't solve all your problems but it sure does way better than drinking milk, you know? That doesn't solve problems either, but it will definitely make you bloated whereas drinking makes you feel like a fairy dancing naked in the moonlight. I've always wanted to do that-- dance in the moonlight naked. Hey, wait, can we do that tonight?" She finally pulls her eyes away from the stage to look at @feelsinister, "Go dancing in the moonlight without any clothes on? I think that's actually what my cousin was doing when he--"
❛ stop changing the subject. ❜
Brittany blinks, pauses, and then continues with a grin, "Right, yeah-- I was gonna try staying at the hospital so my cousin didn't get lonely, but apparently that's not allowed due to some safety concerns and rather than stay at home because my room was turned into a craft closet with a fake futon I'm staying a the Holiday Inn... by myself." There's a break in the music and she looks back to the stage, speaking again, "Maybe I can find fairy wings to wear too..."
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soir-rouges-esprit · 1 year
x11.b: The Badlands, that is what I wish to capture… the second place in the dream was The Jesters' room in his old dungeon... he was sleeping on his bed and I on his futon... I can remember feeling at peace knowing his domicile wasn’t gonna try to evict me in the middle of the night… that I could leave my things where they were with ease of access without constant monitoring… a place where for a while… I called home even though I already had one… in this night I remember feeling again another inkling of that human experience…the ability to trust again in someone, in anyone… that before that night, I had my guard up always… that even in times where I thought I was calm and collected with no fear or walls put up… that I was wrong… that I was closed off, always, that I didn’t know truly until that night, what it was like to really be… freely open around another… I don’t blame myself now for not seeing that sooner, for the life I was living was trauma born, masked by bravado and projections of a person I wanted others to see rather than what I was… it was ok for me to be ignorant of my own inner workings, In fact… It was necessary in the process of crafting the person I am today…  the third place was of a stranger's home, decorated oh so thoroughly, with an amazing in-home upright piano, sleeping on once again another futon… this time the noise was minimal, almost muffled, and the window outside… was raining, but not as perusal… rain of soft, cold, intricate flakes that were as white as a hares fur in the dead of winter… as cold as it was outside… and ooooh, how the fear and even just the thought of that very chill scared me to my core as it had many a night alike… it could not however, penetrate the trusting warmth that was in that very room, that very night… The Sword Maiden, as I watched the snow fall through the mostly curtained window and as the sounds slowly got quieter and quieter with the very sword gifter herself resting in a very impractical chair separately, I remember the slow closing of my eyes… I remember knowing once again like our first meet, that truly if she were of evil intent, I would not live to see another human experience again… but not unlike last time however… that all seemed to fade for one reason or another, a feeling of complete trust, either foolishly given by I… or a feat oh so greatly won by her… such a storm indeed that woman walked with, nothing short of damn terrifying I’m sure to an outsider… but she like me… were children fascinated with storms… On that night once again I was gifted with another human experience… one where I could fill myself with complete ease of knowing that a gut feeling is a good feeling to follow, that it’s ok to listen to that gut even when your little trauma child buried deep wants to cry and scream and rip and tear itself out to tell you, that it is not!… that you can once again put all that to bed… and let all the warmth in, and allow someone to be in your space, without them being a disruption even in the slightest, for them to be… a helpful remedy to the very chaos that is… your mind… even if they in their own minds are born of chaotic influx, just as you… [To Be Continued]
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wikikilop · 2 years
Meld kitchen
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Meld kitchen full#
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Always fresh, tons of options My favorite thing to get is the traditional sweet potato, growing up I always had sweet, sweet potatoes but these are amazing. Baked sweet potato, Greek yogurt, cheddar cheese, chopped bacon, chives. See restaurant menus, reviews, ratings, phone number, address, hours. Combine the florals with a pattern that the other person might enjoy like plaid but to make them feel more unified, make sure they feature similar colors to tie them together. Delivery & Pickup Options - 168 reviews of MELD Kitchen + Sandwich Bar 'Great lunch spot. View the menu for MELD Kitchen + Sandwich Bar and restaurants in Bentonville, AR. We’ll put this in terms of patterns to make it simple to understand-but let’s say one person wants mini floral print sheet and the other wants nothing to do with flowers. Shelves, artwork, and the tops of sideboards or tables are all great places to creatively display things that mean something to your partner. Think outside the norms too, there are abstract ways to nod to someone’s interests.ĥ. The accessories and artwork in your home should feel collected and tell the story of your lives, both separately and together. Find a place for some of their favorite things. Petit Bayle / Meld Architecture - Kitchen, Table, Chair, Lighting. Here, combining two opposite styles together actually works!Ĥ. Image 13 of 20 from gallery of Petit Bayle / Meld Architecture. So a house that’s all midcentury modern would feel like you’re living in an episode of Mad Men.
Meld kitchen tv#
Oftentimes when a room feel too one note, it looks like a TV set. Totally different styles? This can actually be a blessing in disguise, if one of you loves more ornate and traditional furniture and the other loves minimal, modern pieces, it’s actually better to combine these two looks than commit to just one. Strive for nuance rather than basic, one-note shades.ģ. So instead of a cobalt blue, why not try something softer and lighter, maybe with some gray mixed in. You can keep your walls more neutral and play up an easy to change element like pillows or bedding, or you pay attention to the undertones of the color. Chef Dave draws on his experience as an engineer to put a new spin on classic breakfast and lunch dishes and to meld unique. Some colors might skew more traditionally masculine or feminine, but there’s still a way to use your favorite. You’ll be surprised how quickly your futon-loving significant other might change their tune once they realize how nice it is to invest in a quality piece of furniture.Ģ. Things like a comfortable sofa or the right bed, all pay for themselves over time. Find address, phone number, hours, reviews, photos and more for MELD kitchen + sandwich bar - Restaurant 1120 S Walton Blvd Suite 152, Bentonville. Sit down with your partner and figure out what items are worth an investment and a bit of a splurge so you can go into it together and make those things a joint purchase. Your budget. This is a stereotypical argument for a reason, if one person is fine with a fold out futon and the other has more expensive taste, it can be challenging to find a middle ground.
Meld kitchen full#
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sn0tcl0wn · 3 years
me realizing my hermit of a cat finally was able to leave his hiding spot upstairs and explore the house after being excommunicated from my room for his own good: oh thank god he's out and getting used to his new home. i wonder where he is :)
my cat in the basement:
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pagesofkenna · 4 years
i have three different styles of beds in animal crossing and i love ALL of them and want to use ALL of them but i can only afford to make one room in my animal crossing house a bedroom right now and also i don’t even use these beds
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roscgcld · 3 years
RYOMEN SUKUNA || my little flower
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: ryomen sukuna
pronouns: she/her 
notes: historical!sukuna x reader, slightly sexual (no smexy time involved lol - maybe another day ;)), quite fluffy towards the end
also - I’ve been reading so many sukuna hcs and imagines of him when he’s in his prime or during the historical era - so like excuse me as I politely simp for the man that is ryomen sukuna >< thank you 
references: https://www.japanese-wiki-corpus.org/literature/Ryomen-sukuna.html 
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Sukuna leans back into the futon with a tired sigh, two of his arms folded behind his head while the other two held you against him securely. His ruby red eyes glanced away from the ceiling to look down at the woman curled up in his embrace, sleeping peacefully against him whilst her own soft arms were wrapped around his muscular torso. He admired your peaceful features at first, but soon his eyes started to travel down your delicate neck and cleavage, your soft skin marked by dark splotches where he had marked you up for the world to see.
Just the sight of the hickeys and bite marks caused Sukuna to smirk once more, the feeling of pride traveling through him at the sight of the hickeys, both new and old, marring your skin. It was a sight he would never get bored of seeing, since it was a constant reminder to you that you were his and no one else’s. 
Many would question just how did this happen - how did a simple human manage to ‘tame’ the infamous Sukuna - the King of Curses, who spreads chaos and bloodshed in his wake? How did you, a mere human woman who looked far too kind hearted and warm, ended up with such a fearsome man? 
Well, how this came to be was actually a cute story.
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You grew up in a small village in Hida province, where many cities treated Sukuna as their patron deity. He was what people would call quite a cold ruler - one who would not hesitate to bring terror and bloodshed down on a town that had angered him. But at the same time, he was quite the generous man as well. He protects the people of the Hida and Mino Provinces, and many towns had florish and grow under his careful guidance.
Your town was one of the may towns that worshipped the Cursed Spirit, preparing offerings on special celebrations and always paying your respects whenever you go up to the ichinomiya on the weekends with your parents. It was because of one of these special celebrations that drew Sukusa to you.
It was one of the many days where offerings were given to him by townspeople, in hopes that they will still continue to get some form of protection from the unknown. He was their patron deity, after all. Even though many times he does all the things he does for his own benefit, it was nice to know that there are some who are gullible enough to think he does it for them. But he it’s one to complain - many of the offerings are things he does not mind indulging in. The best crops from the harvest, women for his ever growing harem, beautifully crafted weapons and clothes are the few he can keep in mind
Many times, he does not care to go through the offerings himself - Uraume goes through all of them and then gives him a general overview of everything. However, as he was walking past one of the neat piles of offerings, a particular garment box caught his eye; causing him to pause before he unwraps it curiously. 
Sitting inside the carefully wrapped package was a beautiful dark blue kinomo made of the finest silk, the fabric so smooth that it almost felt like water slipping through his fingers. Packed along with the kinomo was a beautifully crafted haori, a simple yet beautiful crane woven into the haori in white, the details done so carefully that when worn, the crane moves with the shifting of the fabric. The packet also came with a matching hakama made from the luxurious fabric, and a beautiful kaku obi made from navy blue, white and silver carefully weaved together into in a beautiful talent.
It was because of the level of craftsman ship that had Sukuna curious - who was the mastermind of something so beautiful?
He had went to the town where the garment was from and after some digging about, discovered about you. A daughter to a family of tailors, you were quite well known for your talents in embroidery and your mastery of the loom. Having gotten such talents, you crafted many beautiful pieces, and one of them was gifted to Sukuna himself recently. 
When he first saw you, he was struck by your beauty; how you had such a warm smile no matter who you were referring to. How your movements were graceful yet swift, your needle and threat embroidering the most beautiful depections of animals and flowers without a single mistake. How your voice was so sweet and calming that he can physically feel the tension from his body starting to unwind ever so slightly. If he could, he’d love to listen to your voice forever - which was what he intended to do. 
The first time you two met was actually in the dead of the night; you had stayed up later then usual, carefully embroidering a water lily onto a long fabric for a personal tapestry you wanted to hang in your room. A candle was burning by your work table, casting the engawa of your home in a soft but comforting glow; enough for you to do your work without straining too much. You were so fucsed on your work that you didn’t notice how the flames of your candle started to flicker in the glass holder; even though there was the air was still. Your eyes didn’t trail up from your tapestry even as a large figure quietly entered the hallway you were in; only pausing when you felt a huge presence looming over you.
Your bright eyes flickered upwards and met with four pairs of ruby red ones staring right back at you; all four of them shining in amusement. “You are quite oblivious, little one.” Sukuna hummed out with a soft grin, to which you just gave him a confused look as you tilted your head ever so slightly. “How did you get into my house?” You asked quietly, not even acknowledging how the man before you looked very different from what you’re used to; from the four muscular arms sprouting out from underneath the dark blue haori, the very same one that you had made for him. to the extra pair of eyes he sported on his face. Or how the top of his head was clearly brushing against the simple weed roofing of your family home.
“Is that really the first thing you’re going to ask, little one?”
From that day onwards, things definitely went a lot smoother then Sukuna could have imagined. At first the lack of reaction from you confused him, but he found it quite amusing nonetheless. Even after finding out that he was the same deity that you had heard stories of since you were in diapers, you acted no differently around him. You still talked and laughed with him like he was any other human. which for some reason made his heart feel warm and fuzzy. It makes him want to gather you up in his arms, protecting you from the horrors of the world.
The two of you will continue to meet up in the night like secret lovers; many nights he’d just lean against one of the pillars of your family home, with you perched in his lap as you work on different projects every night; talking about things that happen that day, or the funny stories that the townsfolk would share with you whenever they drop by to mend and purchase clothes, or when they dropped off freshly dyed fabrics. During a few of these nights Sukuna had suggested if you can help him mend a few of his kimonos, which you agreed to without hesitation. Some days you’d ever create new kimonos for him as well, which he would wear quite proudly. 
Soon these innocent nights of talking and laughter, him watching you do your work under the moonlight, to having you gasping and crying out for him as he took you over and over again in his grand bedroom; watching quite gleefully as he corrupted your innocence, ruining you for any other man. Ever since the first night you two shared in his bed, he knew that there was no turning back - there was no one else for him but you. 
And there was no way he was going to let some puny human even try to get in between the both of you.
With that he whisked you away from the somewhat mundane and boring life in your town, making you his entire world. He showered you with the finest gifts and opened the more human side of him to you; one that he thought he had lost the moment he had decided to go down the path he did. But you pulled these emotions out from him with ease, making him realise that he can chase all the power he want till the end of time and that will never satisfy him completely. 
All he needed was you, and everything feels right in the world.
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“I’ve lost you again, haven’t I?”
Sukuna’s eyes snapped towards the direction of your sleepy voice, watching how you gave him the most beautiful yet sleepy smile as you carefully shifted your body so it was pressed against his. He marveled how your naked bodies clicked together seamlessly, even with the clear size difference between the two of you. “You will always have my attention, flower.”
The sound of the simple nickname cause a small smile tug against the corner of your lips, remembering how that nickname came about. You have always love studying flowers, since you enjoyed embroidering different sorts of flora and fauna onto different tapestries that now adorned the walls of the home you two share. You had once told him about your love of flowers, and because of that, you had came home one day to the courtyard in your shared home turned into your private garden; with flowers from all across the country planted at every nook and cranny. 
When you had asked Sukuna about it, he just shrugs and gave you an indulge smile - as if asking were you really shocked by his gift to you. When he realised just how deep your love for nature was, he had started to call you ‘his flower’, and the name has stuck since then. “What a sweet talker.”
A chuckle rumbled deep within his chest as one of his hands found purchase along your back, starting to massage what he was sure were your sore muscles; watching in satisfaction as you melted more into his chest. “Only for you.” He admitted quietly, to which you just gave him a loving smile as you rest your cheek against his chest once more; a soft finger started to trace along the tattoos on his skin. This action caused him to relax further into the futon, sighing softly in content. “Sukuna? Can we take a bath?”
“I’m lazy.” Sukuna stated with a soft groan as he glanced down at you once more, only to be met by the soft pout that you just know gets him to give in. This caused him to scowl as he cupped your face in one of his hands, gently squishing your cheeks between his fingers as he pushes himself up into a seated position. “You little minx.” He growls playfully whilst you just gave him a teasing smile, straddling his lap with your legs on either side of his whilst one of your hands wrapped around his wrist; causing him to loosen his grip on you whilst letting out a loud sigh. “How annoying.”
His arms suddenly wrapped around you before he got up from the comfort of the warm futon, causing you to giggle as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Let’s go, flower.” He sighs dramatically before he walked you both to the bathroom, causing you to perk up before you lean over to press a loving kiss against his cheek; ignoring his soft eyeroll at your act of affection. As if he didn’t enjoy it whenever you do so. “I love you.”
“Of course you do.” He teases before he started to walk you two towards the bathroom, one of his hands skimming down to the small of your pack where a beautiful black tattoo rested against your soft skin; a tattoo that looks similar to the black lines that adorned his own skin. “You’re mine, after all.” He stated simply, causing you to roll your eyes at him playfully as he carefully sat you down on the wooden steps leading to the opening of the ofuro; watching as Sukuna started to prepare the bath for the both of you. “Wouldn’t it kill for you to just be a little nicer to me?”
Your teasing tone clearly didn’t win any points with him, who narrowed his eyes at you and before you know it you were suddenly pinned down against the wooden steps. A soft giggle left your lips at the narrowed eyes that stared back at you, causing Sukuna to scowl softly at your reaction. “Now you’re just asking for it, flower.” He growled before diving down to meet your lips in a passionate kiss; not being able to mask his smile at the sound of your soft laughter just as you wrapped your arms around him once more.
"My little flower..”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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