#future forcast
zyanprince · 1 year
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Pratibha Pandit
Know your better future with Pratibha Pandit, Solve your problems and know your Kundli Dosh according to Vastu. Be it the problem of husband, wife, business, job, or even mental stress. Pratibha Pandit who will also help you and at the same time will help you in improving your Future & personal and professional life with the help of Forecasting and Aura healing, so that you will be stress-free and confident.
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There's no point in writing on here anymore, so I'll stop. Goodbye, my lost pan. I'll never stop wishing for a magic wand to wave and make it all better. Untill then, your fairy's dream is dead, her dream truck will be sold, and all of the bikes too. There's no more happy ending for her, no more love worth fighting for, so i don't know how long I'll make it. Hopefully not long. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to think. Theres no point in keeping the projects, theyre just hunks of useless metal to me. I got them with the idea of having you there with me to fix them. Even the ones i got when we were appart. I always thought our love was endless. You've infected me, now I'm the hopeless romantic. Emphasis on hopeless. As always, you have first pick in the unlikely case you want one of them.
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 Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
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Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo This retrograde found me sitting in front of a medical center waiting for a deliver service to pick me up, in a malfunctioning wheelchair. I spent hours calling a call center to connect me with a driver who would pick me up. While I tend avoid personal matters in my forcast, wanting you to view the transit from your own personal lens, my recent surgery urges me to share my perspective with regard to the nature of all transits and this one in particular. We understand the planets through our own experiences and observations. The astrologer can only provide the framework what you may encounter. Retrogrades are times of personal reflection and review, where we evaulate our lives from the now clinical way and from the position of a human being who past decisions and effort demand reappraise and context. Mercury Retrograde will begin on Thursday, August 23th. It will remain in the sign of Virgo for the whole of the transitt. It ends on Friday September 15 at EDT, and 1:21 pm PDT..
Virgo is a sign that are governed or under the direct influence of the planet, Mercury. Virgo (Earth) represents thought applied with pragmatic, practical approach to the physical world. Stickler for rules, Virgo is able break things down to their components, determining how they work and what ways will make them work better. Virgo, as a sign, can be practical, hardworking, supportive and observant. They can also be hypercritical, demanding, insincere and preoccupied.
Mercury Retrogrades is a time of reflection and review, where one is encouraged to reexamine important past issues. During the transit, your daily routines may be shaken up; you may encounter mental challenges, or be required to make some alternate plans regarding some daily matters. Expect to be distracted and made to improvise a great deal into the coming weeks. You may find unpredictability and randomness to be the order of the day.
This transit will ask that you re-examine and re-evaluate some important questions of your life. Determine where you’ve allowed rote, mechanical thinking to supplant your intuition or sense of spontaneity. You may possibly revisit a past experience in service to fostering an exciting new one. Remember, Retrogrades are not the time to initiate new endeavors, but review past ones. The information you uncover from revisiting issues from the past will serve you in good stead in weeks following the end of the transit on September 15th.
Mercury retrogrades are notorious for their affect upon devices of planning and communication. Telephones, computers, written message and contracts may experience problems during its passage. Try not to initiate new projects or make commitment wherever possible at this time. Keep your focus upon existing concerns instead. In light of this transit it might be in your best interest to get a second opinion or an outside observer to help review your work. Reach out to those you trust and support your research with another set of eyes.
Virgos, This retrograde is not about what you need to do, but about what have you not yet done. It will ask you to look back upon previous efforts, determining if they can help you in the future. Rediscoveries you’ll make in the coming weeks may feed and renew concerns you are truly passionate about.
Pisces, at this time, expect important breakthroughs to occur, especially with regards to your personal plans. Rather than choosing a specific course, allow yourself to explore a variety of possibilities. Once the retrograde ends you’ll possess a wide array of knowledge that will help you make best the possible choice in service to your plans. Let your internal cues provide the answer you will need.
Gemini and Sagittarius, This retrograde may ask you to revisit some past matter and to determine its importance to your future. You may have to confront a dilemma that cannot be easily overlooked or ignored. Unraveling the knot that Mercury presents you with may prove highly productive, even cathartic.
In the next few weeks get in touch with your humanity, both acknowledging your frailties and allowing for a new perspectives. Spend time in spiritual practices and creative endeavors during this period. Any creative projects should prove helpful and instructive at this time. You should dwell upon things that predate the retrograde and be mindful of starting any new works during this period.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo may provide solutions to questions that honor the life you want to live. Listen to your inner truth and this transit may set you upon a course to an existence that is productive, bright and vigorous.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 20 years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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mepebeinjpn2023 · 1 year
Leaving our hotel bright and early, we headed on to Fukushima. It was great to see so much of the country side, we even had lunch with a bunch of pink pokemon, with Chansey being the favourite!
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We then moved away from pokemon and on to our first proper stop of the day; a sedimentary outcrop. Here we saw how the tephra (tephra is fragments of rock and volcanic glass) from historic volcanic eruptions were cemented into the rock's layers. We could see this in the coarser, darker layers in the rock. These layers can also be dated to find the ages of each of the volcanic eruptions with the right equitment! This can be really handy to understand the historic volcanic activity, which can help to forcast what to expect from future volcanic activity!
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We also saw a cute real frog (left) and cute rock frog (right) at the outcrop.
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The rock frog was placed there by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, which had flattened the low lying houses in the area.
The tsunami also impacted the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, who's cooling system later failed, causing an explosion and the spread of radioactive particles into the atmosphere. The Fukushima Disaster museum captured the sheer magnitude of the affects that the compound disaster had on the people in the area, and the sheer force behind the tsunami.
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This also really made me think about the similarities between the Tohoku 2011 disaster and the black summer bushfires in Australia - Tohoku's scale and impact was so unimaginably large, but both have lasting impacts; even if Australia's has been shorter and hasn't had to worry about nuclear radiation. While driving through places that had been affected by the tsunami, the missing buildings and blank plots of land really felt very close to what we still see in some places in Australia, for me Cobargo's main street came to straight to mind when I saw them.
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It was a really tragic place, but seeing their slow recovery highlighted the area's resiliency, to even something of this magnitude.
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bluediolonaci · 10 months
So one day.. I dream about a storyline. So when I woke up why not just wrote it:D
I have youtube
Mostly check out the phoenix protectors
My old art on Instagram and twitter: @bluediolonaci
And TikTok
I have Wattpad:
A lot of going hiatus but I came back with an improvement
Oria and Jannet a quest of forcasting divine reconnection :
A little animatics
Random art 1
The owl house fan art
Blaze fanart
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
Asked Twice
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Asked for a sip of rain Weather man now forcasts a hurricane. I might say, This whole ask and you shall receive thing Is getting a bit insane. Time to refrain my brain. Second time I asked First time was just a game. And then it came. Kind of made my day. All in the word play.
So pray for our Souls Released from the holds Futures look gold Cause we shattered their molds. And let the truth be told. We’re coming on strong, bold. Cards on the table No need to fold. Helps me unload. Strengthens my growth. Master water or fire I would say both. Even freed a few ghosts. No longer playing host. All the books you read Experience will teach the most.
~Introverted Sage~
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k00284992 · 2 years
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Artist research:
Anouk Wippecht + Aduben Darriba
Smoke dress 2012 (collab)
Anouk Wippecht is a hi-tech fashion designer from the Netherlands who specializes in engineering. She believes fashion is lacking micro controllers and sensors. Wippecht forcasts the future of fashion as technology becoming more and more embedded in the things around us. This dress was a collaboration between Wippecht and technologist Aduben Darriba. The dress works as a wearable smoke screen. The garment can detect when another individual comes close and creates a barrier of smoke around the wearer to camouflage her/him. The system calculates data about the personal space. Of the wearer that sends data to the smoke generator positioned between the shoulder blades. Wippecht considers the “smoke dress” a parasitic host that creates boarders between its host and others. Although I didn’t have access to this technology I still made a corset out of the recycled vapes. Her work inspired me to make it. The smoke comming from the dress reminds me of the smoke that’s come out when you vape.
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Property Tax Software Solutions For Forcasting
Property tax software solutions for forecasting can help property owners, managers, and assessors accurately predict future property tax liabilities. Here are some examples of software solutions that can be used for property tax forecasting:
AccurateTax - This software provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing property tax obligations. It can be used to track property values, calculate taxes, and forecast future tax liabilities. AccurateTax also provides access to real-time data and analytics to help property owners make informed decisions about their tax strategies.
TaxCalc - This software is designed to help property managers and assessors calculate property tax bills quickly and accurately. It can also be used to forecast future tax liabilities based on changes in property values or tax rates. TaxCalc includes a range of tools for managing property tax assessments, appeals, and payments.
ProVal - This software provides detailed analysis of property values, market trends, and tax rates to help property owners and managers forecast future tax liabilities. ProVal includes a range of forecasting tools, including scenario planning, trend analysis, and historical data analysis.
Vertex - This software provides a range of tax solutions, including property tax forecasting. Vertex can be used to calculate property tax liabilities based on changes in property values, tax rates, and other factors. It also includes a range of tools for managing property tax compliance, appeals, and payments.
Real Estate Tax Solutions - This software provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing property tax obligations. It can be used to track property values, calculate taxes, and forecast future tax liabilities. Real Estate Tax Solutions also provides access to real-time data and analytics to help property owners make informed decisions about their tax strategies.
property tax software solutions for forecasting can help property owners and managers accurately predict future tax liabilities and make informed decisions about tax strategies. These software solutions can save time and money while reducing the risk of errors and penalties.
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nahasscape · 2 years
Ynab budgeting emergency fund
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I don't think big companies are paying staff to forecast just for fun. When I first started budgeting, I made a goal of saving a 1000 emergency fund. When things like that happen, it helps to have money in the bank to deal with it. Just don't tell me that I don't need forecasting, I feel I do and I am used to the YNAB-way. A financial emergency is something unexpected that happens that has not been planned for elsewhere in the budget and needs to be dealt with immediately. But what I am asking you here is if you have advice on a program or a pre-made excel-sheet that is perfect for forecasting and using YNAB-exports in. Another example I would need it for, is if I were to have a regular salary and needed to save for a car, I would like to know at what date there would be sufficient amount of money to buy that car.įorecasting still fills a need with me, and I get that YNAB never will implement is since it isnt its target. If I were to lose my salary I'd like to know how far my "emergency fund" would last before I starve = knowing my action horizon or how fast I must act. YNAB will track your spending for you and let you know how. With YNAB you’ll create a budget based on your income and have a goal of getting one month ahead.
YNAB Budgeting Software YNAB (You Need a Budget) is budgeting software that is built around the zero-based budget. I still have a need for a way of forcasting future expenses, e.g. Emergency Fund: 250 Car Repair Fund: 25 Leftover Money: 0. What I wanted to say in the beginning was that I love how YNAB have helped me strutcture my budgeting, cut time I spend budgeting and learn the YNAB-philosophy's 4 rules.Īnyway, I'm going get to the point. I guess its another way of implementing rule 4 though. Instead I put the excess money in the "emergencey fund" and retracts money from it when the next month starts, when the salary comes in the end of the month I just refill the "emergency fund". Well I havent implemented rule 4 in the YNAB-way. In the rare event of a true emergency that catches you off guard, Jesse recommends that rather than spending money out of your global emergency fund, set up a new category for that expense. When I got hold of YNAB, I found the 4 rules really pedagogic and useful. For YNAB'ers that are following Rule 2, Embracing Your True Expenses, these aren't true emergencies, and they are already covered in the budget. My excel-sheets became quite complex (they did reflect the reality very accurate), but they were very time consuming (YNAB cut alot of meta-work here). I have used excel to budget my economy since i was 15.
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srisandeep · 4 years
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kakusu-shipping · 3 years
If I’m gonna keep making semi-connected trilogies I should really start linking them together. But at the same time I don’t know if there’s enough plot between them to validify calling them a connected trilogy.
Anyway this is a sort of sequel, sort of alternate branch to Save State and Calling Card because I’ve been having several conversations with Magnificus in my head for weeks and I want to do something self-indulgent.
Future’s Forecast
Magnificus X GN!Reader
In which you just want to know tomorrow’s weather report
In the top floor of the wizard tower was Magnificus, the Scrybe of Magiks. A short fern with a brush, a beard, and a huff to his voice.
You plopped yourself onto his back and sunk to the floor, sitting on the tail end of his foliage. The scratch of lichen and moss mixed with a strangely soft texture. There was something under all this leafage, but you would never know how deep it hid, as the thicket kept you from sinking far into the brush.
Good thing, you supposed, as leaning back into the comforting scratch was a large part of the reason you sat yourself atop Magnificus like he was a rug. That and the obvious annoyance it caused the wizard.
A deep rumbling huff that sounded more of an exhausted growl came from your bushy seat, he was working on some new painting when you’d made yourself at home near the base of his back. “There is plenty of open space to sit.” He spoke in an even tone, holding back irritants.
“Am I hurting you?” You tested, shifting to look up at him.
His expression remained even, the Scrybe of Magiks was not one to spin lies, so with that voice that huffed like a tired wolf he admitted, “No.”
You smiled in your victory, he wasn’t going to shoo you off without probable cause. Hindering his painting, causing him physical discomfort, these were reasons he’d evict you from the tower. But just being a mild annoyance? A slight pressure on the small of his back? He’d allow it, for you at least.
“Do you have no one else to bother?” He spoke with a hidden malice you chose to ignore as he returned to his painting.
“Not at the moment. Goob, Lone, and Pike are all off doing their own training.” Sense returning from the edge, Magnificus had treated his students more lax. It was unclear if he truly learned what was wrong with his teaching method, or if he’d just given up on keeping them as true students.
They didn’t seem to care either way.
“The other scrybes?” Magnificus offered, glancing out the windows of his tower. You shrugged.
“Didn’t check, I came straight here.”
Magnificus didn’t offer a reply to that, he simply returned to his work.
The gentle swishing of his paintbrush filled the silence. You hadn’t checked what he was working on, you weren’t particularly interested. Instead you sunk as deep as his foliage would allow into Magnificus’ back and stared at the sky out his tower windows.
Down so low on his back you would never notice he was moving, the sounds of the brush against the canvas your only evidence he continued to work rather than join you in staring out at nothing.
You could sleep here, same as you could sleep in Leshy’s woods, or Grimora’s fields. The rough brush of grass, moss, and thicket lulling you to a comfortable state of rest. You’d yet to find a comfortable nap spot in P03′s factory, but you were sure to find one some day, with or without the Scrybe’s permissions.
“Say, Mags,” You started, Magnificus gave a hum of acknowledgment, “What’s the weather looking like tomorrow?”
The brushing stopped abruptly.
The chance to bully Magnificus came to light with his clear distrust of a simply question. You rolled tp get a better look at his face as you repeated.
“The weather tomorrow. You see the future. What’s it like?”
Magnificus stared at you, waiting for some sort of punchline, the end of the bit so he could shrug off your foolishness and return to his work. But it didn’t come.
“...My premonitions are not for something as trivial as a weather report.” His even tone wavered, with a slight spit of insult. You tried to suppress your grin.
 “Oh come on, I know you’ve already seen what will happen tomorrow. Surely you saw weather it was sunny or raining, right?” 
“I did no such thing.” He turned his face to geto ut of your line of sight. You hopped from your spot on his tail end and followed his gaze.
“You’re telling me you didn’t look out the window at ALL tomorrow?” Speaking of the future like it already happened felt a little strange on your tongue, but Magnificus’ face as he attempted to avoid such a small matter for his own ego’s sake was well worth it.
“No. I do not. I spend the day studying in the cellar.” He finally decided, which was unlike him. He rather enjoyed painting in the light of his well windowed tower top.
“Well that sounds dreary.” You poked, leaning onto him, “Suppose it’s up to me to change that future then.”
Your smile was teasing, but in a good way. A ‘I’m not letting you lock yourself up for a full day’ way. A way Magnificus wasn’t quiet use to seeing.
Without much else, and without the answer to your question, you turned heel and made way for the stairs down the tower, “A think a lunchtime picnic sounds nice, suppose to be windy and slight overcast tomorrow.”
Magnificus tried to give argument, though he wasn’t sure what he was arguing against. You didn’t let him regardless.
“I’ll come get you around 1pm, so have all your studying done by then. And have something to contribute, I’m not making a whole lunch by myself.”
And with that declaration, you were gone, down the stairs to the third floor hatch, and out the tower. Magnificus watched from his windows as you left his lonely island, running into his returning students on your way.
“Lunch...” He huffed to himself, placing his paint brush on the window frame, “Suppose I’ll bake some bread...”
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onlypaintedsmiles · 3 years
I just really hate the girl I am.
I'm not the cute petite girl who gets picked up and swung around the room.
I'm not the girl who someone falls deeply in love with and writes poems or songs about.
I'm not sexy and mysterious.
I'm a fucking comedic relief who comes and goes out of people's lives with little to no impact.
I mean nothing to nobody and it's really starting to hit me hard again.
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rajyog7493 · 3 years
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swarajya7793 · 3 years
Significant Impact of COVID-19 on Liquid Natural Gas in the Chemical and Materials Industry | Data Bridge Market Research
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COVID-19 Impact on Liquid Natural Gas in the Chemical and Materials Industry
The epidemic of COVID-19 has caused immense and unforeseen social and economic tension. Its consequences are serious and it is too early to assess results, although its duration is uncertain. The LNG business is influenced in a variety of areas, with some obstacles but still having some prospects. The LNG industry will theoretically recover from this crisis more healthily than at the beginning of this year.
The first issue that impacted LNG (liquefied natural gas) was the collapse in the prices of crude oil. Brent crude oil dropped by mid-March 2020 to USD 24.88 per bbl from USD 70 per bbl in January 2020. The inclination to USD 34 per bbl in March compared with USD 64 per bbl in January may contribute to a decline in the price of LNG contracts, but the time gap embedded for other contracts which imply that the factors do not operate before mid-year. The average is around USD 64 per bbl.
Most of the customers gained lower spot rates last year because the majority of LNG was supplied under term contracts. In December 2019, the average LNG prices were USD 9.24 per MBtu imported into Japan. The real landed price could be half of that by mid-2020. Subsequent Asian markets are emerging from the current coronavirus or COVID-19. Crisis, low prices of the LNG are likely to boost the demand in the desired market.
Experts can see iron ore alternatives in Japan and Korea for gas / LNG, but demand in South Asia could be higher. Across Europe, a constructive reaction to demand is not expected to occur. For some time now prices were low as LNG traded is linked to gas hub prices instead of oil. Shortening has contributed to the lower gas usage and this is anticipated to decline in the second quarter as Europe ends the heating season. In March, LNG imports to Italy would possibly sum to only about one-third of last year's supply level in March.
Gas industries are now experiencing fresh threats as a consequence of two events: the COVID 19 pandemics and global oil demand fluctuations as a result in the shortage of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Along with this, the existing imbalance between supply and demand in LNG markets will intensify and lengthen, contributing to a lower price setting. It could threaten, in the short term, up to 8% of global demand for LNG (over 25 million tonnes, or MTPA), whereas another one or two years could continue in the low price setting.
Current industry developments will jeopardize potential ventures and bring some firms under tremendous financial pressure including offshore gas discovery and development businesses, LNG suppliers and project developers. Meanwhile, purchasers of LNG will leverage on low rates to improve the contractual terms and facilitate the change from coal to natural gas. All companies are now checking their competitiveness and strengthening their business place in this modern world whether they maximize the gains of surplus or mitigate their disadvantages. The LNG industry controlled the effects of excess production until the COVID-19 pandemic. After 2015, global liquefaction production development peaked over 30 MTPA annually and the availability of LNG grew by about 10% each year. Markets could absorb this extra supply by a sluggish Chinese gas market growth in the early quarter of 2019 and by northeastern Asian demand contraction, pushing spot prices from 7 to 11 dollars per million British thermal units (mmbtu) in Europe and Asia to less than USD 5 per mmbtu.
The condition is predicted to escalate significantly with COVID-19. Through reducing economic growth, the pandemic has reduced the demand for natural gas in China, the second largest importer of LNG before now and the most steadily increasing LNG industry. While economic performance in China indicates a turnaround, Chinese natural gas demand growth would slip by half from previous estimates, at the annualized pace of inflation.
The lock-ins was at sights as a consequence of rising prices for shipping to global markets and fast breakeven shale economies in the Covid-19. Companies in the value chain will react quickly, evaluate their position in light of the current business climate and take advantage of the short and long-term opportunity to gain value.
For instance,
In March, the Platts Gulf Coast Marker, which reflects the economies of American exports of LNG, was down below the Henry Hub. The U.S. LNG also seems vulnerable in a crisis- Asian consumers will just incur the toll payment for the cancelation of the U.S. LNG freight, whereas the cancelation of Australian or Qatar LNG freight requires the whole shipment to be billed or charged.
Major market players, similar to other LNG import companies, look unstable, this is most likely due to the contraction in business growth will lead to short-term impacts in energy production and the manufacturing companies. Early indicators in Italy have shown that after social distancing initiatives have been introduced, demand in certain sectors could have decreased in impacted regions by over 10 percent. While low LNG prices will allow some opportunities to switch to fuel in the short run, the structural and temporary existence of demand for natural gas is likely to restrict any potential upside on many markets, in conjunction with a rapidly falling overall energy demand.
·         Wärtsilä launched the compact reliq reliquary machine in July 2020, which is designed to reliquify boil-off gas (BOG) on-board gas carriers and LNG bunker vessels and to maintain the cargo cold in all working conditions. The lightweight architecture enables it to be mounted on established vessels without significant maintenance research
·         In April 2020, Arctic LNG 1, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NOVATEK received approval for geological surveys, discovery and development in Gydan Peninsula with SLH 16637 NR in the Bukharinskiy sub-subsolar ship field. The concession area is partly situated in the offshore waters of a Bays of Ob and Taz in the independent state of Yamal-Nenets (YNAO) and will be granted for duration of up to 2050. The conditions of authorization mandate that the LNG natural resource should be utilized in the YNAO and neighboring water areas for liquefied natural gas infrastructure
·         In June 2020, Wärtsilä’s emissions abatement technology received order to provide its volatile organic compounds (VOC) recovery system together with an LNG fuel gas supply system, for two new 124,000 DWT shuttle tankers. The ships have been ordered by Knutsen NYK Offshore Tankers (KNOT), a leading independent owner and operator of shuttle tankers, and will be built at the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine yard in Korea. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in April
·         In June 2020, Gazprom and RusKhimAlyans (project developer of the integrated gas processing and liquefaction complex; business was formed on a parity basis by Gazprom and RusGazDobycha) have concluded 20-year commercial contracts for the production of feed gas and selling of gas. The interconnected structure must also be supplied with raw resources in the long run
·         Gasum has launched new liquefied gas bunkering station in June 2020. The station is situated in the Port of Nynäshamn, Sweden, at the Ports of Stockholm. The new station had provided the innovative bunkering technologies that allow the ships to bunker environmentally sustainable fuel quicker than ever before. By implementing various strategies such as growing production capacity, new product releases, product availability, the manufacturers aim to achieve optimum market growth. The growth of LNG in application such as, transportation, industrial and power, and others is anticipated to offer favorable opportunities for the key players operating in the market. Factors such as the places for distribution and sales are expected to help improve the company's overall role. Small domestic players and emerging players in developing countries in particular are likely to gain opportunities to establish themselves on the market
In conclusion, the effect of Covid-19 on the availability of LNG would continue much longer than the effects on global demand for LNG. The U.S. has been the new epicenter for the epidemic of COVID after the move from China to Europe, as the third most populated nation in the world and the biggest natural gas user, the implementation of restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID is expected to have a significant impact. Effects on the world demand for electricity due to freezing weather from mid-March until the end of April, the rise in usage was led by an improvement in increasing the gasoline prices in the residential and business market. Whereas throughout the industrial sector gas use has been very stable and over the span has risen marginally. The energy sector seems most affected by COVID, but despite a downward trend in electricity demand, has increased gas and renewable energy production, especially coal, is offsetting energy generation from many other sources.
With the transition of Covid-19 from China to America, the USA has been the global epicenter for the COVID epidemic. The implementation of restrictions to limit the spread of COVID is expected to have a significant impact on the global gas market, is the third-largest country with the population and the largest consumer of gas. Since these restrictions in the US were enforced at the start of March, the consumption of petrol rose relative to 2019. The rise in usage is motivated by cooler weather, which raised the demand for gas in the residential and business sectors from mid-March to the end of April 2020.
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old-curse · 5 years
looks like it's gonna be an awkward one lads <3
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databridgemarket456 · 2 years
Global Paper Products Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028
Paper products market size is valued at USD 310.25 billion by 2028 and is expected to grow at a rate of 1.50% for the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.  Data Bridge Market Research report on paper products market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecasted period while providing their impacts on the market’s growth.
Global Paper Products Market Scope and Market Size
Paper products market is segmented on the basis of type, product and application. The growth amongst the different segments helps you in attaining the knowledge related to the different growth factors expected to be prevalent throughout the market and formulate different strategies to help identify core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
On the basis of type, the paper products market is segmented into converted paper product, unfinished paper and pulp mills.
The product segment for paper products market is segmented into coated stocks paper and uncoated stocks paper.
On the basis of application, the paper products market is segmented into graphic paper, sanitary and household, packaging paper, office and school supplies and others.
Get the sample copy of the report here:
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Paper Products Market
The paper products market is anticipated to witness tremendous growth in the forecast period which is attributed to the rapidly increasing demand for paper packaging in the FMCG, pharmaceutical, and hospitality industries.  Also the rising awareness regarding the adverse effects of using plastic packaging which is boosting scope for paper products application and is acting as a key determinant favoring the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. The major factors accountable for the growth of paper products market are the increasing hospitality and tourism industry, rapid urbanization, growing preference for ready-to-eat foods and requirement of better-quality packaging, growing usage of tissue paper in restrooms and dining areas associated with increasing hygiene concerns amongst consumers. Beside this, the increasing numbers of installations of new equipment by key manufacturers as well as the better standard of living and health awareness are acting as major growth drivers for the paper products market. The rapidly increasing urban population coupled with an increasing manufacturing sector is also helping the market to grow. 
On the other hand, the reason paper products has become such a popular material is that the growing awareness about environmental issues like biodegradability, global warming, and health problems created by plastic packaging materials which is highly supporting the growth of the paper products market. Furthermore, various market players are investing in R&D to manufacture products particular to household products coupled with the rapid rise in the customer awareness in context to the hygiene and spread of infectious diseases which will further offer a variety of growth opportunities for the paper products market.
One of the major obstructions to the growth of the paper products market is the fluctuations in the raw material prices and economic slowdown across various countries due to the COVID-19 outbreak, whereas the changing preference for off-premises consumption of food on account of busy schedules will accelerate the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2021 to 2028.
 This paper products market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographical expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on paper products market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Paper Products Market Country Level Analysis
Paper products market is analyzed and market size, volume information is provided by country, type, product and application as referenced above.
The countries covered in the market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Rest of Europe in Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Paper Products Market Share Analysis
Paper products market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to paper products market.
The major players covered in the paper products market report are KCWW, Procter & Gamble, Samson Paper Holdings Limited, Georgia-Pacific, KP Tissue inc., Essity Aktiebolag (publ), Shanying International Holding Co., Ltd., Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd, Cascades inc., International Paper, Oji Paper Co., Ltd, NIPPON PAPER INDUSTRIES CO., LTD, Stora Enso Oyj, Smurfit Kappa, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas, JK Paper, CENTURY PULP AND PAPER, Sappi, Irving Consumer Products Limited, ST Tissue LLC, Clearwater Paper Corporation and First Quality Enterprises, Inc., among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Market Segmentation
Chapter Three: Market Overview
Chapter Four: Executive Summary
Chapter Five: Premium Insights
Chapter Six: paper products market
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