#g center
xnitkov · 4 months
defense for spiritual warfare
*dealing with voodoo and energy draining
Ajeti i sure za zaštitu od spiritualnih napada i crne magije (iz knjige "Veliko Sunce bića tvoga")
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iza sabahnamaza pročitati pa puhnuti u ruke i protrljati se po glavi i cijelom tijelu. znači, sabahnamaz ja neradim...(i know) ali treba prije čitanja temeljito se otuširat, oprat uši, oči, stopala, ispuhat nos, oprat zube i nakon tuširanja nemoj se mazati nikakvim kremama ni uljima i nemoj stavljat dezodorans. I nakon što opereš usta nemoj ništa glupo/ružno govorit/psovat. I prije tuširanja se naravno, moraš israt.
E sad se možeš namjestit za čitanje ali prvo;
Klekneš na tapitić (nemoraš na tapitić, možeš na suho), posoliš oko sebe te stvoriš čarobni krug u kojem si zaštičen od svih negativnih sila i entiteta. Poprskaš unutrašnjost tog kruga kako bi ga zaštitio od svakog zla i napada.
To sve izgovaraš u sebi dok radiš.
Onda možeš počet čitat:
3x pročitaš - puhneš to što si pročito sebi u ruke i protrljaš se po glavi i prsima. po gotovo srčanu čakru.
jer ovaj je ajet je za lupanje srca i duševne bolesnike (ansioznost i depresija, beznadnost itd.) tako piše u knjizi (Veliko sunce bića tvoga). Piše da si ovo možeš čitati sam, ili ti netko drugi može ovo čitati nad glavom.
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checkadii · 3 months
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i am a man with a heart that offends with its lonely and greedy demands / theres only a shadow of me, in a manner of speaking, im dead
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galatariel · 1 year
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I really think not enough is said about "awkward" yet good-intentioned handhelds. By that I mean the tiny not quite sure how to hold on or balance themself, or the giant sort of wrapping their fingers around them and accidentally covering their mouth, so their speech is muffled, followed by an adjustment, a "sorry."
The kind among friends, the tiny one clambering into a palm, losing balance and tumbling as it shifts underneath them, the giant perhaps in a hurry. Little exclamations of "oops" or "woah," the giant cupping their hands around them and reassuring them that they won't fall out as they get reoriented. "I gotcha, little one."
Shit never fails to bring a stupid fucking smile to my face.
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lonestarflight · 3 months
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STS-51-G Discovery in flight. The primary mission of this flight was to deploy three communications satellites into orbit. These were Arabsat-1B for the Arab Satellite Communications Organization, Morelos-1 for Mexico and Telstar-303 for AT&T.
Date: June 17, 1985
NASA ID: 51G-S-100
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kyouka-supremacy · 9 months
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Finally gotten around scanning the September Animage issue. Please enjoy!!
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chipper-smol · 3 months
ngl i would read 100+ fics centered around Loop's identity being revealed to the party
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in-restless-walks · 6 months
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Simon & Garfunkel in the 1967 documentary The Songmakers.
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coochiequeens · 9 months
Woman’ is not an ambiguous term open to an evolving interpretation.” - the attorneys representing the women who want to keep the sorority house they pay $8,000 for male free.
By Genevieve Gluck December 14, 2023
The female complainants at the center of a lawsuit to have a trans-identified male removed from a sorority at the University of Wyoming have re-filed their appeal, demanding the court clearly define the word “woman.” Artemis Langford, previously known as Dallin, was accepted into Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) last September, spurring several women to file a lawsuit to have him removed.
In August, the case of Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity was dismissed on the basis that re-defining “woman” to include males was “Kappa Kappa Gamma’s bedrock right.” Despite hearing testimony from the women, some of whom stated Langford had “watched” them undress with an erection, Judge Alan Johnson rejected the women’s request to rescind Langford’s admission into the sorority.
However, on December 4, the young women filed an appeal to have the dismissal reversed, arguing that Langford’s presence in the sorority house “caused emotional distress in a personalized and unique way,” and demanding that the court clearly define the word “woman.”
In the appeal, the women reassert that Langford displayed “strange and sexual behavior” towards them, and caused them a level of discomfort and anxiety amounting to personal injury. It reiterates claims that Langford had been filming and photographing the women without their consent and had displayed a visible erection while in the house.
“Specifically, Langford’s unwanted staring, photographing, and videotaping of the Plaintiffs, as well as his asking questions about sex and displaying a visible erection while in the house, invaded Plaintiffs’ privacy and caused emotional distress in a personalized and unique way. And thus Plaintiffs have pleaded a viable direct claim. This Court should therefore reverse the district court’s dismissal of Plaintiffs’ derivative and direct claims,” the appeal reads.
Some of the allegations are a reiteration of previous claims, which Langford’s attorney, Rachel Berkness, has attempted to portray as both false and discriminatory during court proceedings. In June, Berkness filed a motion to dismiss the sorority women’s claims against Langford as “frivolous and malicious,” stating: “The allegations against Ms. Langford … were borne out of a hypothesis in search of evidence and pieced together using drunken party stories. Ms. Langford is not a victim; she is a target.”
The initial suit, filed at the end of March, had asserted that Langford, who is 6’2″, had been voyeuristically peeping on the women while they were in intimate situations, and, on at least one occasion, had a visible erection while doing so.
“One sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel … She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw [Langford] watching her silently,” the court document reads.
“[Langford] has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings,” the suit says. “Other times, he has had a pillow in his lap.”
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As evidenced by his Tinder profile, Langford is “sexually interested in women.” It was further stated in that Langford took photographs of the women while at a sorority slumber party, where he also is said to have made inappropriate comments.
“At a slumber party, Langford ‘repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, [and] breast cup size,’ and stared as one Plaintiff changed her clothes,” reads the appeal. “Langford also talked about his virginity and discussed at what age it would be appropriate for someone to have sex… And he stated that he would not leave one of the sorority’s sleepovers until after everyone fell asleep.”
Langford was also said to have taken pictures of female members “without their knowledge or consent.” Some of the women noted that they had “observed Langford writing detailed notes about [the students] and their statements and behavior.”
In May, a judge twice prohibited the women from suing anonymously, while stipulating that Langford’s identity should remain protected. Langford was referred to by the pseudonym “Terry Smith” and male pronouns in the legal documents. Six of the women then refiled the lawsuit under their own names, and are requesting that the court void Langford’s membership in KKG.
“It is really uncomfortable. Some of the girls have been sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. Some girls live in constant fear in our home,” one of the sisters, Hannah, told Megyn Kelly during an interview on her podcast.
Rather than addressing the privacy and safety concerns of the women in KKG, who had each paid $8,000 to live in the sorority house, “Kappa officials recommended that … they should quit Kappa Kappa Gamma entirely.”
In June, the sorority filed a motion to dismiss the suit, calling it a “frivolous” attempt to eject Langford for “their own political purposes.” According to the motion, the women suing were flinging “dehumanizing mud” in order to “bully Ms. Langford on the national stage.” The sorority invited the women to resign their membership “if a position of inclusion is too offensive for their personal values.”
In the motion, lawyers for Kappa Kappa Gamma attempted to depict the suit as an attempt by “a vocal minority” to impose their views on Langford and the rest of the sorority members.
“Perhaps the greatest wrongs in this case are not the ones Plaintiffs and their supporters imagine they have suffered, but the ones that they have inflicted through their conduct since filing the Complaint,” they wrote. “Regardless of personal views on the rights of transgender people, the cruelty that Plaintiffs and their supporters have shown towards Langford and anyone in Kappa who supports Langford is disturbing.”
The recent appeal against the suit’s dismissal, filed on behalf of the young women by Sylvia May Mailman of the Independent Women’s Law Center, the Law Office of John G. Knepper, Schaerr Jaffe LLP, and Cassie Craven of Longhorn Law firm, details several alleged violations of the sorority sisters’ rights, as well as KKG’s own policies.
“The question at the heart of this case is the definition of ‘woman,’ a term that Kappa has used since 1870 to prescribe membership, in Kappa’s governing documents,” the appeal states. “Using any conceivable tool of contractual interpretation, the term refers to biological females. And yet, the district court avoided this inevitable conclusion by applying the wrong law and ignoring the factual assertions in the complaint.”
It goes on to note that from 1870 to 2018, KKG defined “woman” to exclude “transgender women” and that any new definition may not be enacted without a KKG bylaw amendment.
Numerous examples are given of rules put forward by the sorority which use the term “woman,” with the attorneys maintaining that “‘woman’ is not an ambiguous term open to an evolving interpretation.”
KKG leaders who approved Langford’s membership have “subverted Kappa’s mission and governing documents by changing the definition of ‘woman’ without following the required processes.” Kappa President Mary Pat Rooney’s legal team has argued that Langford’s admission into the sorority was based on a 2015 position statement which asserts that KKG “is a single-gender organization comprised of women and individuals who identify as women.”
However, the women’s legal appeal points out that KKG can only change its membership criteria by amending its Bylaws, a process which requires a two-thirds majority approval vote by a Convention of board members. As a Convention to amend Bylaws to reflect the position statement was never held, the appeal states, Langford’s acceptance into KKG is a violation of accepted policies.
KKG leadership is also accused of using “coercive” tactics during the process of voting Langford into the organization in September 2022. After an initial anonymous vote conducted via Google poll failed to result in Langford’s acceptance into the sorority, Chapter leaders developed a second, non-anonymous voting system in which multiple sisters changed their votes because of “fear of reprisal.”
In addition to denying women anonymity, Wyoming chapter officials, after consultation with Kappa’s leadership, had told members that voting against Langford’s admission was evidence of “bigotry” that “is a basis for suspension or expulsion from the Sorority.”
Curiously, prior court documents also reveal that Langford was admitted to KKG despite not even meeting their basic academic eligibility requirements. 
While KKG requires applicants to have a 2.7 Grade Point Average (GPA), Langford only had a 1.9 at the time he submitted his membership request, and was not on a grade probation. The legal complaint notes that this indicates Langford’s application was “evaluated using a different standard.”
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In November, two longstanding alumni members of KKG revealed they had been expelled in an apparent retaliation for advocating that membership be restricted to females only. Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith had been members of the sorority for over 50 years, and had contributed to fundraising efforts for the organization.
Despite their long history of supporting KKG, Levang and Tuck-Smith were voted out by the sorority’s national leadership on November 9. Levang had been the past Kappa Kappa Gamma National Foundation President, while Tuck-Smith was an active contributor and organizer.
The women’s removal came after they had been vocally opposed to the admission of Langford to the KKG chapter at the University of Wyoming, and had supported a lawsuit launched by members of that sorority to have him removed.
Since news of the lawsuit first became widely circulated, Langford has received ample sympathetic coverage in mainstream media, with one MSNBC host labeling him “brave and unique.” In a recent profile by the Washington Post, Langford was given a platform to accuse the sorority sisters involved in the suit of lying while being compared to women who had historically been denied the right to a basic education.
#usa#university of wyoming#What is a woman?#Artemis Langford is Dallin#What is with TIMs choosing the names of goddesses?#Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG)#The case of Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity#Get Judge Alan Johnson of the bench#Transbian#The court system was offering to protect the creeps identity but not the women involved#The women each paid $8000 to live in the sororiety house#Independent Women’s Law Center#the Law Office of John G. Knepper#Schaerr Jaffe LLP#and Cassie Craven of Longhorn Law firm#from 1870 to 2018#From 1870 to 2018 KKG defined “woman” to exclude “transgender women”#any new definition may not be enacted without a KKG bylaw amendment#woman is not an ambiguous term open to an evolving interpretation#Convention to amend Bylaws to reflect the position statement was never held#Langford’s acceptance into KKG is a violation of accepted policies.#After an initial anonymous vote conducted via Google poll failed to result in Langford’s acceptance into the sorority#Chapter leaders held a second non-anonymous voting system in which multiple sisters changed their votes because of “fear of reprisal.”#While KKG requires applicants to have a 2.7 Grade Point Average (GPA)#Langford only had a 1.9 at the time he submitted his membership request#and was not on a grade probation. The legal complaint notes that this indicates Langford’s application was “evaluated using a different sta#TIMs claim to be victims but get a lot of perks#Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) would rather kick out two women who were active supports of the organization for decades than admit they were wrong
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infamous-if · 1 year
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Posted a short Seven x Avina drabble (in Avina's POV) in a new series I'd like to call An Unlikely Friendship. Available for both tiers!
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disease · 3 months
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after reviewing the new features included in iOS 18 (Beta)….. ???
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socialjusticeinamerica · 11 months
Sent out covertly through her Mackinac Center which is the political propaganda wing for her for profit charter schools. This came to light during her confirmation hearings. DeVos largely funded the “failed public education” scam which led to the rise of her charter schools, school vouchers, standardized testing, and ultimately George “Dubya” Bush’s fallacious “No Child Left Behind” scam.
It was all a scam with the goal of privatizing public education and plundering local and state education departments. It had the added bonus of dumbing down red states to the point where they would accept the incoherent ramblings of would be opportunist Trump. A notorious con-man who had/has plans of becoming a fascist dictator.
Public dollars belong in public schools. Your tax dollars should not be funneled into the purse of a right-wing billionaire oligarch running failing charter schools for profit. This is late stage capitalism, where the populace and natural resources have been drained and the oligarchs turn to plundering the government.
This story broke about six years ago but is still continuing to this day.
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heartscrypt · 7 months
hey guys did you know that there's a series of cfv 3ds games that never got localized or fan translated and ive been playing the roms through a shitty ocr screen translator. here are some of my favorite scenes from the first game so far (note: these scenes could be entirely wrong because the translator is kind of shitty but i digress)
- izaki asks you what gift he should get morikawa for his birthday. the choices are 1) one (1) grade 3 card 2) an astrology book and 3) a signature from ninja master m. clearly morikawa is an easy guy to get gifts for
- misaki practices her customer service greeting in the park because customers think she's too unfriendly. she gets tired of smiling, says her cheeks hurt, and then is basically like "this customer service thing is so dumb. cardfight me"
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- jun kidnaps you just to cardfight you God help me he is crazy
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- i don't have screenshots but there's this scene where you as the protagonist go to find kai bc u wanna fight him and miwa intercepts you like "kai? oh that lazy bastard he's probably napping ill take you to him"
- in the same scene kai wakes up from his nap and says hes too busy to fight you. its really funny because hes clearly not busy if hes asleep on a park bench and miwa is even like Oh yeaaaa so busy (sarcastically)
- kai does give u a couple cards in compensation. i think the protag gets a little pushy about it like "no i wanna FIGHT bitch" (translator was a little weird here) and miwa steps in like Hey hey heyyy 😅😅😅 Let's not poke the beast here this is the best u are gonna get kid
- miwas also prone to napping in parks apparently
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- i dont think this is the right translation but this next screenshot is extremely funny so i'm keeping it in
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aihoshiino · 6 months
this is more of a thought project than an actual question, but what do you think it would've been like had aqua's decision to reveal the identity of his past life to ruby backfired upon him? i'm not sure if the possibility would've even existed in the first place given how much sarina idolizes (haha. idolize.) goro, but i like to think about it sometimes because ruby has known the man as "aquamarine hoshino" (guy who is unfailingly stubborn and even frustrating at times) longer than she's known him as "goro amamiya" (a mostly well-adjusted guy from her perspective) and also because ruby has always been my favorite of the hoshino twins and i'm trying to cope with her characterization as of late. sobs
NGL, I do kind of think that Aqua's decision here has already been backfiring even if it doesn't seem quite as apparent on the surface. As Kana points out, while Ruby is acting fine and happy now, her leaning on Gorou-through-Aqua hasn't really addressed the core issues that are impacting her mental health. That relationship is kind of her single point of failure right now and the moment it's taken away from her, she's going to collapse.
This is why Tsukuyomi described Aqua revealing himself to Ruby as a 'bad move'. Sure, it got her back on her feet and ensured the movie would get made with her in the lead role but it has also made her incredibly reliant on the supposed promise that Gorou would marry her when she turned 16 (which, uh, isn't even what he said…!) and his presence in general. But Aqua's plan has been all but textually stated at this point to end in his death which, as I'm sure you can imagine, would be probably not great for Ruby's mental health to begin with but especially now she knows he's Gorou…!!!
That said, it is interesting to roll around a scenario where Aqua drops that reveal and Ruby rejects him… either out of not believing him or because his behavior as Aqua has shattered the pedestal she had Gorou up on. The idea of a version of the Movie Arc where Ruby is still in black hoshigan mode, playing a version of Ai who comes across as flawed, bitter and unsympathetic as a result of Ruby's own inability to be vulnerable… ouughh now we're fucking cooking….
That could be a really fascinating parallel to how Ai was rejected by everyone who saw her as she really was under her idol persona and you could have a lot of fun tying Ruby's gradual understanding of and empathy with Ai and her growing anger with regards to her exploitation to her realization that her all-or-nothing view of Gorou is similarly dehumanizing. Holy shit, now I'm imagining a version of the Movie Arc where Ruby keeps her black hoshigans all the way up to 134 and it's that moment of connection with Ai as a human being that finally breaks her out of it.
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Like, holy shit. This is already an incredibly powerful and moving series of pages, but can you imagine just how much harder they would've hit if this had been when Ruby's white hoshigan had blazed back to life? WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL.........
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lonestarflight · 2 months
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Mission Control after the safe recovery and delivery to Hornet of the Apollo 11.
Date: July 24, 1969
NASA ID: S69-40300, S69-40023, S69-40022, S69-40024, S69-40025, S69-40029
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clubhoops · 27 days
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the who: Natasha Cloud
the bag: Louis Vuitton Toiletry Bag
the shoe: Nike x PEACEMINUSONE G-Dragon Kwondo 1
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