#spleen center
xnitkov · 4 months
defense for spiritual warfare
*dealing with voodoo and energy draining
Ajeti i sure za zaštitu od spiritualnih napada i crne magije (iz knjige "Veliko Sunce bića tvoga")
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iza sabahnamaza pročitati pa puhnuti u ruke i protrljati se po glavi i cijelom tijelu. znači, sabahnamaz ja neradim...(i know) ali treba prije čitanja temeljito se otuširat, oprat uši, oči, stopala, ispuhat nos, oprat zube i nakon tuširanja nemoj se mazati nikakvim kremama ni uljima i nemoj stavljat dezodorans. I nakon što opereš usta nemoj ništa glupo/ružno govorit/psovat. I prije tuširanja se naravno, moraš israt.
E sad se možeš namjestit za čitanje ali prvo;
Klekneš na tapitić (nemoraš na tapitić, možeš na suho), posoliš oko sebe te stvoriš čarobni krug u kojem si zaštičen od svih negativnih sila i entiteta. Poprskaš unutrašnjost tog kruga kako bi ga zaštitio od svakog zla i napada.
To sve izgovaraš u sebi dok radiš.
Onda možeš počet čitat:
3x pročitaš - puhneš to što si pročito sebi u ruke i protrljaš se po glavi i prsima. po gotovo srčanu čakru.
jer ovaj je ajet je za lupanje srca i duševne bolesnike (ansioznost i depresija, beznadnost itd.) tako piše u knjizi (Veliko sunce bića tvoga). Piše da si ovo možeš čitati sam, ili ti netko drugi može ovo čitati nad glavom.
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aerithstrelitzia · 10 months
OH YEAH FORGOT TO SHARE BUT I BOUGHT A PHYSICAL COPY OF UNDER THE KNIFE! *AND IT'S COMING WITH THE GAME CASE!!!!!!* (no manual sadly *BUT THE CASE!!!!* I haven't gotten a DS game in it's original case in years :'D)
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godzexperiment · 1 year
what emotion do you create from?
You create from repentance. There is a feeling of burdensomeness that you can’t shake, that has led you to constantly repent. You feel as if your existence itself demands you apologize, and so your art is just that: an apology. It has become another aspect of your eternal repentance, a means of seeking forgiveness for simply existing as you are. For you, forgiveness is permission to be alive, to begin to shed the guilt of your painfully human self, with all its faults and imperfections. Your art is apologetic, presented as a means of making up for your own lacking. It seeks to produce something of worth to redeem the trouble you cause. Your work is the essence of your undeserved repentance, the culmination of your inability to forgive yourself for what could never be helped. It is an apology presented with an apology.
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todays-xkcd · 2 months
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IMO the thymus is one of the coolest organs and we should really use it in metaphors more.
Organ Meanings [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[A graph is shown with X and Y-axis without arrow or ticks. To the left of the Y-axis and below the X-axis there are labels with an arrow pointing up from the top of the Y-axis label and an arrow pointing right above the X-axis label, just beneath the x-axis.] Y-axis: How well I understand what it means when used in metaphors X-axis: How well I understand its actual biological function
[On the graph is a scatter plot with 13 labels. Each label is written inside a line that goes just around the words. There are most in the top right corner, but they are spread all over the graph. Here in approximate reading order from top left with indicating of where on the graph the words are located:] [Top left:] Appendix [Top middle:] Nerves Spine [Top right:] Heart Bones Stomach [Center left:] Liver Spleen [Center right:] Lungs [Bottom left:] Thymus Pineal gland [Bottom middle:] Kidneys [Bottom right:] Tongue
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Splenectomy Treatment
What is Spleen?
The spleen is a delicate, fist-sized organ in the upper left region of the abdomen. To be precise rests under the left rib cage near the stomach, which is an important part of the defence system of the body. It plays a role in the body’s blood production and immune system since it contains special white blood cells. Spleen also helps to remove or filter old red blood cells from the blood in circulation.
What is splenectomy?
Splenectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the whole spleen. The procedure is called a partial splenectomy, where only a part of the spleen is removed,
What to expect during the splenectomy surgery?
The Splenectomy procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon places a cannula that is a hollow tube, into the abdomen to inflate it with carbon dioxide gas to create a space for the operation. A laparoscope, a tiny telescope connected to a video camera, is put through one of the cannulas which projects the video of the internal organs and spleen on a video monitor. Several cannulas are placed in through multiple small incisions on the patient’s abdomen to allow the surgeon to place instruments inside the belly to operate and remove the spleen. A search and removal of any accessory that is extra spleens are performed since 15% of people have small, extra spleens. After the spleen is separated by cutting it from all that it is connected to, it is placed inside a special bag, morcellated that is broken into pieces and pulled out in the bag from the largest incision on the abdomen to remove it completely. Depending on the condition of the patient, the laparoscopic method may be converted to the open procedure such as a history of prior abdominal surgery causing dense scar tissue. The decision to perform the open procedure or to convert from the laparoscopic approach is made by the surgeon either before or during the actual operation, based on the patient’s condition.
What to expect after the splenectomy surgery?
After surgery patient is given Intravenous Fluids in the arm and pain medication to relieve the discomfort experienced from the small incisions. The surgeon gives the patients, discharge from the hospital when the patients resume oral food intake, urination and taking care of their own basic needs. Most patients return to their normal routine in a week after returning home.
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Do cry me a river
Imagine dis…
I re-watched some of my favorite anime when I was a kid and… Another idea popped up if I do say so myself.
If the words Yukina and Ice Maiden ring a bell then you know which direction I am heading…
Deep within Gotham, specifically, its underground city seems to be buzzing with intrigue and curiosity at something new. Now, when something new has appeared all of them are watching, as if it was not the usual drug or weaponry to use on the other heroes. All eyes were on them, each turn and each step this new player had brought into the game were all being watched and carefully cataloged.
But the moment it had proved its worth each and everyone, from the big names and players of the underground that stretches from Gotham to its neighboring cities to all those who had a single line of connection to the underground. All began clamoring to buy and claim such precious little things.
All of them began to whisper among the shadows and had all of them in traded hushed tones in fear of the Bats who may have or have not been listening.
Let me tell you… It wasn’t any ordinary rumors, but it was all because of a new production of pearls. Pearls, strange and enchanting pearls, that glowed with an otherworldly greenish blue hue. Unlike the typical black, white, pink, and rare blue pearls that adorned the necks of Gotham’s elite and the rich, these are not only rare, mysterious, and sought after not for their beauty but for the miracles they had performed.
These pearls were said to have amazing therapeutic abilities. Stories circulated about wounds healing in seconds, incurable diseases disappearing, and organs regenerating as if by magic. The pearls' magical qualities increased their value to astronomical levels, making them a sought-after treasure on the illicit market. Wealthy collectors and desperate folks were both eager to pay for everything to obtain them.
But despite their efforts to be quiet some noise and rumors had already reached the ears of Gotham’s vigilantes.
Gotham vigilantes had already heard of these new pearls slowly circulating in the underground world. Batman had it at the end of his priority as it was just a gemstone and in some cases had his attention, Red Hood didn’t even bother as it was not drugs and thought of it as another rich eccentric trend that soon to fade, so did the rest of the vigilantes dismissing them without a second thought.
One evening, Red Robin was on his usual patrol, this night his patrol route was line on keeping an eye out for the upper echelons of Gotham’s elite as there had been a massive Arkham breakout meaning that the rich were out for grabs for the usual kidnapping and ransom.  
He intercepted a poor attempt at a robbery between a wealthy civilian, their bag had released all of its contents in a fit of panic. Red Robin helped the said civilian to gather their things all up after he had tied the robber with some zip-ties. As he was gathering their things he picked up a unique-looking necklace. A simple silver necklace with a singular greenish-blue pearl in its center. The unusual color caught his attention but never thought any of it until tomorrow morning.
The next morning, As Tim was dressing up for his morning job as the CEO of Wayne Enterprise, he noticed something peculiar. The scar from his missing spleen, a constant reminder of a near-fatal injury, and another reminder that Ra is a creep for stealing a minor’s spleen had vanished. Alarmed and more awake than seconds ago, he hurriedly went to Dr. Leslie’s clinic for an impromptu check-up. The X-rays revealed the impossible, his spleen had regenerated as if it had never been missing in the first place.
The Bats are now scrambling for any information about the mysterious pearl that Red Robin had contact with just last night.
Meanwhile, Danny was imprisoned in a remote, strongly fortified manor. Unlike Yukina from Yuyu Hakusho, Danny's tears transformed into a powerful healing agent capable of miraculous recoveries.
This wealthy captor, who had been a player in the underground for quite some time yet always had the ambition to be more than just a buyer, when he became aware of Danny's existence and his tears' healing abilities, had been exploiting him to create the greenish-blue pearls that were now circulating in the black market.
Danny was not alone in captivity. He was accompanied by his younger, de-aged self, Dan and Ellie. Both had been captured and used as leverage to compel Danny's cooperation. The three were confined in separate, high-security quarters that were closely monitored and strongly guarded.
As chaos is slowly filling up the streets of Gotham, at the edge of the city’s border there stood a woman with a purpose.
Talia al Ghul, the Demon Head's daughter and mother of Damian Al Ghul-Wayne, commonly known as Robin, is well-known for her strategic abilities. She embarked on a personal mission to protect and save her son Danny from the pig who dared to hurt him.
Danny, Talia and Bruce's first kid had been hidden from the world, even her father, for his safety. Safety? She felt selfish for the first time, keeping Danny concealed from everyone except her. Talia had decided to keep him concealed, including from his brother, Damian.
Talia had lately received an unusual package—a VHS video with a green sticky note bearing the letters "CW." The film contained a warning and a guide, as well as critical information about the forces that had kidnapped her son and instructions on how to exploit something she had never seen before.
The tape revealed Danny's captor's identity, a wealthy and powerful figure deep within Gotham's underbelly who had discovered Danny's new powers and was forcing him to create healing pearls. The video also contained plans and security information about Danny's detention facility, as well as the network of individuals involved in this nefarious enterprise.
Talia devised a strategy based on the tape's information, contacting trusted allies and resources while also depending on her network and the element of surprise. Talia walks through the city like a ghost, her love for Danny so strong and unwavering that she is willing to eliminate anyone who endangers her son's safety.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: This one is for the month of August since I’m going to be a bit busy so ENJOY!!!
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a-d-nox · 3 months
human design: the authorities
your authority is what governs you to make decisions - if you want to make sound decisions, you should follow the advice that aligns with your authority.
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for those with a defined solar plexus. you are rooted in what you feel, not what you think. the only consistency you will find is the waves of emotions you will feel and changes in your mood you will experience. give yourself at least 24hrs when making a decision.
generators and manifesting generators exclusively - those with a defined sacral center without outer influences from other energies. you bypass thinking in turn for wisdom. ask yes or no questions, trust your gut, and use "uh-huh" and "uh-uh" sounds to find your answer.
manifestors and projectors exclusively - those with a defined spleen and without a defined sacral or solar plexus. everything you do is about survival. this is your most basic awareness. you worry about the now rather than the later. rely on your intuition and instantaneous recognition.
manifestors and projectors exclusively. listen to what you say over what your inner voice says to you. trust that you have the ability to complete anything. never wait or pause just do.
exclusively projectors with a defined identity connected to the throat and no other definition. you need to talk through your decisions with others to receive clarity. steer towards what brings you joy.
mental projected
exclusively projectors with ajna connected to the head or throat OR head, ajna, and throat all connected. you are tuned into sensory information of all that is around you. you also do well to talk to others to receive clarity.
exclusively reflectors. before you make a final decision spend at least one lunar cycle contemplating and gaining others advice. be attentive to your environment, and how the environment makes you feel. be patient in the meantime.
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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The 7 Ancient Planets Since ancient times there have been 7 Ancient Planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury with the Sun and Moon being also classed as Planets (or more correctly, Celestial Bodies). These 7 Planets were known to many ancient cultures and the Planets had energies applied based on their size, color, distance, speed of motion etc. Curiously, the Sumerians knew of these 7 planets plus another within our solar system which appears where the asteroid belt is. The knowledge of the 7 Planets was blended with the Theory of the Elements and Medical theory at an early time. There are 2 ways we can look at it: Western, Four Element: Saturn is Earth, Jupiter is Air, Venus is Water and Mars is Fire, the Sun being Yang (ultimate Fire) and the Moon Yin (Ultimate Water). Mercury is in the Center as Balance. Eastern, Five Element: As above, but Mercury is Metal Each planet has associations based on the Elements, Organs and Humors: Saturn is associated with the Earth, Spleen and Melancholy Jupiter with Air (Wood), Liver, Metabolism and Blood Mars with Fire, Heart, Circulation and Bile Venus with Water, Kidney, Fluid and Phlegm Mercury is associated with balance Sun with Fire, Heart and Yang Moon with Water, Kidneys and Yin So an Herb assigned to Jupiter will tend to nourish Liver and Blood, and so with the other Planets. Each Day of the Week is also assigned to a Planet from which their names are derived: Sunday–Sun Monday–Moon Tuesday–Mars Wednesday–Mercury Thursday–Jupiter Friday–Venus Saturday–Saturn A Lunar herb is best collected on the day of the Moon (Monday), and so with the other planets. Also, a cool herb could be more Yin tonic in nature if collected on a Monday, as compared to if collected on a Saturday which may be better to clear Heat and Damp. The day was also divided into equal proportions between sunrise and sunset, with each period being allocated a planet. So the first hour after sunrise on Sunday is allocated to the Sun, the next the Moon, and so on throughout the day. So a Lunar herb is best collected on Monday, and in the hour of the Moon. Later, this was taken further, and the Natal (Birth) chart was used to ascertain weaknesses in the Chart which could be treated or prevented with appropriate Medicine. Medical Astrologists would look for weaknesses in the Birth chart and aim to strengthen them with medicines. Even today in India, certain Healers study the Birth chart for weaknesses, then prescribe a particular Gem stone to be worn on a particular finger to restore balance. Each planet has an associated color, and stones of that color were associated with the planet. Astrology and the energetics associated with the Planets is just another method of energetic correspondence that was used by the Ancients to better understand and work with the Universe they lived in.
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kastlequill · 8 months
iv/v. unearth without a name: the wolf that seeks always his own kind
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pairing: keegan p russ x f!reader word count: 2.3k synopsis: the fourth and final time you hallucinate keegan tags: whumptober, psychological warfare, injury, brainwashing, hallucinations, amnesia, hurt no comfort, established relationship, ghost!reader, 4+1, no y/n warnings: canon-typical violence, torture, non-consensual drug use ao3: read here ← prev | next →
The day you finally broke started off like all the rest.
Tray of gruel, no spoon. Recreational beating, violent enough to put the ache in your bones and the blooms of purple in your flesh, but nevertheless mindful not to render you out of commission. And now, mind games with Rorke.
Another harsh knee slammed into your abdomen, bruising the spleen beneath layers of tender flesh. The blow would’ve had you in a fetal position if you weren’t currently hanging from the ceiling by bound wrists. So, instead, you twisted your hands to tighten your grip on the taut rope, hoping to ground yourself with something tangible, something real. Alas, the move only served to agitate the preexisting friction burns along your restraints.  
Rorke sighed. “This little game of yours is gettin’ old, don’t y’think?”
You silently agreed with the sentiment, but your outward expression remained stoic. Or, at least, as stoic as could be expected from a half-beat, nearly-gone prisoner of war. Fatigue and exhaustion had assumed residence in your headspace, the pair thick as thieves, and you were growing weary of their company. 
Thanks to Rorke breaking your orbital bone a few meet-and-greets ago, your right eye had swollen shut, so it hurt like a motherfucker to tear your gaze up from the blood-soaked floor. When he at last entered your field of view, you almost wished you hadn’t wasted the energy to do so in the first place. 
“I’ll make you an offer,” he started, leaning forward. His breath reeked something foul. “Tell me what I want to know, and maybe I let you walk out that door with all your limbs still intact.”
In your desire to put an end to this prolonged bout of suffering, the suggestion briefly appealed to you. That was, until you felt the unforgiving, unmistakable heat of shame burn deeply within your gut. 
The Ghosts—the guys, your guys—were depending on you. They were out there, saving the world or what’s left of it, and you were down here, protecting their secrets with your rotting mind, body, and soul, heedless to the sharp sting of their apparent betrayal. Despite the horrors Rorke had forced you to endure over the course of presumably several months, you continued to keep firm so as to buy your men the time they needed to fulfill their ultimate objective. 
Hold the line, Keegan had instructed you once, hand heavy on your shoulder. The intensity in his eyes had captivated you as the team readied themselves to embark on another suicide mission.
Hold the line ‘til I tell you to fall back. Know I’m always watchin’ everyone, everything, everywhere, so trust I won’t forget about you. Just ‘cause you’re out of sight doesn't mean you’re out of mind. Is that clear, rookie?
Crystal clear. As clear as the wad of saliva you now lobbed at Rorke’s face, landing on the dead center of his left cheek. You watched him process the small act of rebellion and predicted his impending streak of violence. Then, for good measure, you broke your vow of silence and whispered two words:
“Fuck you.”
You had taken Rorke for the Devil at the beginning of this whole ordeal, but the revulsion he’d evoked in you back then did not compare to the pure malignancy that now contorted his scarred face. 
“Guess I’m just gonna have to beat it out o’ you,” he resolved, cracking his knuckles. 
And so the torture ensued as it always did in this vile and twisted tango. Punch after punch, kick after kick, cut after cut—you somehow remained conscious through it all. Even when you finally began to black out, he didn’t for a second relent his rapid volley attacks. 
At this point, fear was a distant thing. Bitter acceptance, however, had never been closer. Its arrival marked the beginning of the end. 
Everything that would follow was entirely and utterly out of your control. 
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“What’s your name?”
“. . . I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“No, I. . . I can’t remember it. My name.”
“Alright. Next question—”
“—did I do something wrong? Where am I? Is this some kind of test—”
“—how about your mother’s name? Think you can tell me that?”
“My mother. . ? Is she here? Safe?”
“Her name, please. If you’re unsure of the answer, say the word ‘unknown’.”
“She’s. . . her name is. . .” 
“Is what?”
“Interesting? I’ll show you interesting. You better start explaining why I can’t remember her, or her face, or my own goddamn name.” 
“That’s what we’d like to know as well, considering you are the one who all but short-circuited her brain and forgot everything of note.”
“. . . I what?”
“Retrograde amnesia. Quite a severe case of it, at that.”
“You’re saying I gave myself amnesia? Impossible.”
“Evidently not.”
“Just what exactly is this place? And who the hell you people?”
“Answer our questions, then maybe we’ll answer some of yours. Now, do you recognize the man in this photo?”
“Should I?”
“Yes or no.”
“No. I don’t know who he is. I’ve never seen him before in my life.”
“Well, this certainly changes things. Not to worry, though. You’ve made your mind a blank slate, and we can most definitely use that to our advantage.”
“Sorry, could you repeat that last part? My ears are still ringing, and your mumbling makes it hard to hear a damn thing.”
“Not important. Moving forward, it’s imperative that you understand the Federation is here to support your want for revenge. We can begin training you—”
“Slow down, alright, you’re not making any fucking sense. Let’s rewind. Who’s the guy with the mask? What’s his deal?”
“That guy is Keegan P. Russ. He’s part of the terrorist organization that launched the attack that murdered your family. Their plan called for no survivors, but you beat the odds and clung onto life long enough for us to find and rehabilitate you. We extend our sincerest condolences and hope to ease your pain by helping you eliminate him.”
“. . . eliminate? Do you hear how absolutely insane you sound? You’ve got the wrong woman, pal. I don’t do revenge, and I’m no killer.”
“Perhaps not yet. But you will be. Of that, I have no doubts.”
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They pumped you full of drugs and said it was to aid in your recovery from old wounds. Although that sounded like a steaming pile of horse shit, the barricaded exits and the constant stream of guards meant you had no choice but to comply. 
Honestly, you didn’t much care if their words were honest or deceitful. With no sense of who you were or what you cared about, a numbness froze your heart and your mind. And with nothing to gain and nothing to lose, apathy usurped the majority of your other emotions and thoughts. 
Still, you had no wish to participate in whatever acts of vengeance the Federation had planned. You attended the training sessions held by Commander Rorke because knowing how to fire a gun and how to defend yourself were valuable skills to have. Taking a life was altogether absent from the equation. 
But things changed once you came across the man in the mask. 
He appeared like a mirage not too long after your first dose of whatever they injected into your system. Initially, you’d assumed it was a trick of the light, but you quickly ruled out that possibility because there was simply no logical explanation for why you would otherwise be able to conjure a perfect replica of a stranger. The only sensical answer was that he had actually infiltrated the compound and was actually standing before you. 
That was when you learned that the faceless man—Keegan Russ, they’d called him—was a downright asshole. 
He took a liking to beating the utter shit out of you. You were certain you’d never been so sore in your entire life, given no recovery time between each show of his strength. Russ also accompanied his physical hits with verbal degradation, and with every additional insult he hurled your way, the more it stung: 
Worthless. Burden.
At first, it struck you as rather odd that no one else in the compound seemed able to discern Keegan’s presence. You’d once asked the female guard who brought your meals why she kept letting an enemy breach their supposedly-secure base, but your only reply had been a confused look and a disbelieving laugh. 
Seeing ghosts already, eh? She had no sooner spoken the words before her smirk disappeared, replaced by a more serious expression. Be calm, none pass without the commander’s permission. 
So, naturally, you concluded that this Keegan Russ must indeed have a personal vendetta against you, going as far as to risk his life and sneak past several defenses just to make you his very own punching bag. Upon realizing the extent of his desire to reap the life to which he still felt owed, your previous general apathy gradually morphed into a refined, pinpointed hatred. The emotional detachment lingered, but you were suddenly filled with a reinvigorated sense of purpose. 
In your new unfeeling world, you couldn’t help but latch onto the one thing that had managed to reduce you to a volatile vessel of rage. 
As the intensity and frequency of the beatings increased, so too did your eagerness to return his damage in full. Luckily, Commander Rorke was always there to patch you up and mend your wounds, though he was never curious about how you acquired them. Amidst your painful meetings with Russ, the commander began to grow on you slowly but surely. 
However, despite your greatest efforts, you simply could not grasp why he wouldn’t just kill Keegan himself. After all, based on what you’d gathered from your conversations, he seemed to hate the guy just as much as you did, if not more. 
Perhaps you should be thankful for the fact that the task had fallen onto you, because it was now the sole reason you awoke in the morning and went to sleep at night. Nothing else mattered; there was only this mounting need for revenge. It fueled you with a limitless supply of motivation, and you were determined not to let even a drop of it go to waste. 
Glorious be the day you finally sink a knife into his abdomen, face to face so you can see how the light fades from his eyes. 
That’s too easy. Too quick, you decided, mind elsewhere as your body remained fixed in the training room, wrapped fists ricocheting off a sparring dummy. He needs a taste of his own medicine. Maybe a few rounds of torture first, then I’ll kill him. 
That didn’t sound half bad. Actually, it sounded quite good. 
Still, you needed to give this some more thought. Killing Keegan Russ properly was of the utmost importance. 
And you’d have only a single chance to get it right. 
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“Not applicable.”
“Not applicable?”
“I have no use for a name. My name is my designation, and I am a weapon of the Federation.”  
“Understood. Familial relations?”
“Irrelevant and unimportant.”
“How so?”
“Logically, they must’ve existed at some point, but their existence has been reduced to a shadow in my mind. No tangibility, no substance.”
“And your primary objective?”
“Neutralize Keegan P. Russ. Then incapacitate all remaining Ghosts.”
“Good. Any further questions?” 
“Just one—how do you want me to confirm his death?”
“It’s simple, really. Bring us his head, mask and all.”
“Consider it done.” 
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Harsh winds pierced the layers of your gear as it funneled through the trees encircling the cliff from which you conducted reconnaissance. A few hundred meters away, you observed four men tend to their contained campfire and watched their hound roll in the dirt to score an extra piece of meat. 
The group appeared to be preparing for a confrontation. One was cleaning the barrel of his gun, and another was sharpening the blade of his combat knife. The remaining two had risen from the ground and were now engaged in conversation. Of them, the more animated speaker was bald, and the other listened as he fiddled with a pair of radios. Your stare locked on his face, or, more importantly, the familiar mask that covered it. 
Keegan Russ’ mask. 
Bloodlust began to take root in every fiber of your being, but you forced yourself to reduce its intensity to a simmer. 
Patience, came Rorke’s characteristic drawl, so embedded into the walls of your skull after three months of nonstop training and conditioning that it seemed to have developed a consciousness of its own. An unwelcome guest capable of overriding the authority of its helpless host. You’ll catch ‘em soon enough. Act sloppy, and I’ll put a bullet in your kneecaps, hear? If those sons of bitches don’t kill you first, that is. 
Flashes of phantom pain bloomed at the spot on your forehead between your brows, right where he would’ve usually flicked you for insubordination or incompetence. A fairly lax disciplinary measure, all things considered, and any irritation it sparked in you was simply redirected onto your target. Although the meek form of corporal punishment felt humiliating, you knew Rorke had only wanted to make you stronger to ensure you would survive your encounter with Keegan Russ and emerge victorious. 
You heaved a shaky sigh and raised your visor before clenching your gloved hands into fists, squeezing tightly, then releasing. Coming here had been strictly for recon purposes; there’d be no contact today, much to your disappointment.
Soon, you reassured yourself, trigger finger twitching against your leg. 
Soon, the task to which you had devoted yourself for months on end would be over and done with. Soon, the haunting image of a man known to you only as your attempted murderer would linger no longer. And soon, the world would reorient about its axis and start to make a bit of sense again. 
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bogleech · 1 year
Ive always really admired your ability to draw just like super grotesque shit and I was wondering if you had any tips? grotesque not that its like "oh thats a spleen guy gross" but more the amount of pain and tension at the coffee shop, or any of the mortasheen creatures that involve maggots and moisture. I have tried several times to draw things that are rotting, or lumpy, or suffering, etc, and I can never finish those pieces.
If you mean it's just arduous designwise, I start with a huge canvas size (like 3000 pixels across), sketch it all out within that size and then zoom way in to draw little details with a normal size pen, or lately the "hard-edged" pixel pen so even the tiniest lines are fairly sharp. White highlights (even simple little white dots) make things look very moist and a dark blot of blurred colors, underneath the lineart and white highlight layers, can make them look translucent, here's what those quick steps do to a simple doodle of a slime:
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Additional wrinkle lines and simple messy speckles make a design look even more detailed and grungy. As an aside, these little details look best when they're clustering near solid lines and leaving some open space towards the center:
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If you mean how I can just "stomach" it though, I guess I just don't draw any gore or grime that really bothers me! Even when I drew Awful Hospital creatures based on revolting disease symptoms that I can't stand looking at in real life, it wasn't a problem because it was just natural to those creatures. A human eating a rotten smelly corpse would be horribly unpleasant but the video of the hyena rolling around in a maggoty wildebeest guts is cute because that's healthy normal hyena behavior. I do have a hard time allowing a creature to "suffer" even fictionally, and all my monsters end up being basically happy the way they are unless it's just a really crucial plot point that they aren't.
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virtually everything in mortasheen likes being whatever it is (you can also see that this design just has the same couple things applied as the slime doodle but with a couple more layers of shading)
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writingbyshiloh · 9 months
Doctor’s Touch
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AN: In my daydream, reader was a Dr who lost their licence, in this fic they just have a lot of anatomy knowledge. Also, I haven’t watched this show in like 4 years (I stopped when Alica had a gun pointed at the Professor) so forgive me if something is wrong
CW: Suggestive, no actual smut but some implications, thus MDNI/AGLESS BLOGS DNI
WC: 0.360k
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“Does everyone understand? Using these labels-” the Professor holds up the sticky notes with the names of internal organs and major arteries “- show on your cadavers where they are located.” 
You half-heartily flip through your stack, ignoring the “cadaver” lying on a clump of desks while you and your partner stand on either side of him. Due to the uneven numbers you got set with the only group of three, one of whom annoyed you to no end, and the other who was in your bed last night. 
The chatter in the room grows louder as the different groups get to work, deciding where the spleen and liver are located, or if a heart is really in the center of the chest. You start placing cards down on Berlin's torso, trying not to have flashbacks of the night before. There's a small bruise you sucked into his jaw facing you, but you doubt he noticed. He would have said something about it last night or this morning or…
“What are you doing?” Tokyo's voice dragged you back to reality. You glance up at her, trying to hide the bewilderment you’re sure is on your face. 
“Labeling? Like we’re supposed to?” 
“It’s wrong.” Her face leaves no room for argument, but you want to push back. All the details are supposed to be kept hidden, but you know the Professor wanted you for this job because of your medical knowledge. 
“I can assure you, it's not.” 
“The kidneys are too low.” Tokyo picks up the kidney card and moves it higher around the liver. You take the card and move it back, setting your hand over it so she can’t “correct” you again. The guise of the exercise allows you to touch him like that, without drawing looks from the other thieves or worse, the professor. 
“Ladies, ladies, please no need to fight. There’s plenty of me to go around.” Berlin croons under your touch. 
“You’re a cavador. Stop talking.” You snap at him, and try not to flinch when his hand snakes around and pinches the back of your thigh, above your knee. He smiles at how you shake your leg even though his eyes are now closed. 
You let Tokyo place a few more cards on his body, more concerned with how you are going to get back at him tonight.
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nochiquinn · 10 months
My roommate Sam has leukemia.
Her husband rushed her to the hospital on November 19th with severe pain and difficulty breathing. Her blood sugar was 44 (way too low) and her white blood cell count was 166,000 (way too high). Wellstar then dicked around for two days and watched her numbers fuck up, doing zero additional tests ("well you know it's a holiday weekend so it's hard to get people up here") until they finally actually transferred her to Northside Hospital's oncology center. This is where her (assumed) diagnosis changed from lymphoma to leukemia.
In no uncertain terms, Wellstar almost killed Sam. The ICU staff at Northside confirmed that if they had waited another day she would have died. "Another day and we wouldn't be discussing treatment, we'd be discussing either hospice or funeral."
Everything else is in the gofundme below, but to paraphrase: she had white blood cell buildup around her heart and lungs. Her spleen was also so swollen it was pressing on her heart, lungs, and stomach. Her kidneys started shutting down from trying to filter so many immature white blood cells out of her system. She's been on dialysis, leukapheresis, steroids, and insulin (to combat the rise in blood sugar from the steroids). She's gotten five transfusions of platelets and one regular blood transfusion. We're waiting on biopsy results for the exact form but right now it looks like acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). She's responding well to the treatments she's received so far, but it's still a long road ahead.
It's still very early days so stuff like disability and leave are still being worked out. We're going to have to start paying her insurance out of pocket, not just for her but because their type 1 daughter is also on it.
I keep calling these things "hurdles" but this might actually be a fucking wall. Scalable, for sure, but so much higher than we're used to having to climb. I was originally going to make an update on the house stuff about my partner's raise and the deal we made with the county and how it was going to make the house stuff easier, but instead I am making this post. Believe me, I do not want to be making this post. For several reasons.
The gofundme is here: Thank you and we love you.
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wraithsoutlaws · 5 months
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Fifteen lines Tagged by @chevvy-yates (thank you!) Rules: Post 15 lines (or less) of character dialog. You can include context for the scene if you wish!
"Found Hell at the bottom of a mine shaft. Looked the devil right in the eyes, but only one man walked back out. Still trying to figure which."
"Now you're just flirting, puppy."
"But here I am. Peachy-fuckin'-keen."
"It will be slow. Maybe it'll take days. I've done that before, you know. But you'll blow all the rest right outta the water. I'll hold you till you're cold."
"Don't worry. Just here for some fun."
"I like you, pet. You're too stubborn to die even if it's the only thing that'd bring you peace. Got that in common, you and I."
"Nobody goes near it, understand? Not in or out. Watch with your life or I'll end it."
"Guns in the front seat. You think you can reach it and hit me center 'fore I drive a knife through your carotid?"
"Quit bein' a bitch and shoot me."
"One particular night almost ended with my spleen cut out. That's when you know it's good."
"You can talk now or talk later. Only difference is how much blood you're gonna shed."
"I ain't trying to be a good person. I know what I am, and I got no reservations about it."
"I'll slice you into strips and bathe my sins in your blood."
"A man's car knows him better than anyone ever could."
"God is the only motherfucker who is crueler than me. But not by much."
tagging: @faepunkprince @therealnightcity @dreamskug @genocidalfetus @elvenbeard @streetkid-named-desire
(no pressure! tried to tag people who i've seen write but this is also an open invitation if you'd like to do it!)
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iknowshocker · 4 months
Anon from the last question here 🙋‍♀️ LOVED your answer and love a good Kai psychoanalysis 🙌
You mentioned it’s hc that 1994 Kai is virgin!kai, which got me thinking… did he ever really have any romantic or physical experiences? (Legacies Kai never happened in my mind 🥲)
And kind of on the same note, what do you think life was like for him when he was 18-22? It’s hc for me that he was homeschooled, but we don’t really know anything from the time he turned 18 until he was sent to a prison world
omg hi!! thank you for the question i've been having so much fun answering! i should have made a place to talk about my boy sooner, i could yap about him all day 😂
(oh man legacies kai my deeply insane beloved) he's really cracked out in those episodes but there are a few little moments where he feels like himself that i hold onto lol i just wish they hadn't put in his fling with the immortal teenager like he was 👉🏼👈🏼 close to being the only man to make it out of the TVDu without an inappropriate relationship i know there's an age gap with bonnie but it's simply not the same imo
okay here we go 18-22 kai:
so i assume, in the most affectionate way possible, that he gave off major JD from the heathers vibes. (the black cargo pants with the heavy ass combat boots?? he's a scary boy and he knows it lmao)
that age of young adulthood is such a volatile time, but for kai his resentments are growing, it's getting closer and closer to the merge, and if he can just wait it out a little longer everything is finally going to change. so lots of pent up energy, studying like crazy, in general running himself into the ground to insure everything goes the way he desperately needs it to. this also explains why he built up to such a violent snap. it's the one thing he's been holding on to, he was literally born for it, and then they still take it away.
those stupid christmas sweater photos make me think that everyone was living at home up until may 10th. unlike liv/luke i think joshua kept jo/kai close because he felt he needed to watch kai. i've always found it interesting that Jo goes into the medical field but Kai has the anatomy knowledge to cut out her spleen correctly lmao i hc they both had an interest in medicine, with him looking for a cure probably and jo maybe helping him at least at first. crazy to think that they probably would have still become a dr regardless of which one of them won the og merge!
anyway yes i think they were stuck living at home, with kai basically being held hostage and Jo being forced into a caretaker role since their mother died giving birth to the baby twins. (that's not like fully confirmed but the timeline works out so to me it's basically canon lol)
i mentioned kai having PTSD centered on touch and i think that would make any sort of social stuff hard for him. he's been taught to think he's dangerous and he's not been given any tools to keep from being that way. i hc most of his knowledge of his power came from trial and error, because joshua was like "alright no magic for you keep that in check demon spawn" from the time it manifested. (listen i could write dissertations on how despicable it is that they KNEW about gemini siphons and just refused to find ways to help him) that sort of fear/mistrust over his own abilities starting at such a young age would be totally crippling.
i read a fic once where he sleep siphoned Jo when they were young and nearly killed her during a nightmare. i could absolutely see things like that happening, and it leaving him terrified to do it again. but then his sociopathy developing would give him the ability to lash out without worrying about the guilt of his actions. but just because he doesn't let himself feel guilty doesn't mean he doesn't know what he did was wrong. i can imagine it would be so conflicting to need magic to work/feel normal but the only way to get it is to hurt the only people around you day to day. just a nightmare all around.
(have you seen the deleted scene with Jo/Kai? because that monologue from him lives rent free in my mind. the panicked breathing, the sad eyes, the desperation in his tone !! i just can't handle it lmao they 100% cut it because leaving it in and still killing him would have caused riots in the streets)
being homeschooled would limit the entire family's outside interactions, but i imagine they usually left kai at the house when they went out to the shops/coven gatherings/general outings. he does have basic people skills when we meet him so it's not like he's 100% ostracized but i do think a lot of his personality is him mimicking things he's seen in movies/mirroring the people around him in a given moment. he's faking it based off of what he thinks would be correct and when he gets it wrong you can see him deflate.
if he was allowed to go out growing up, i think he probably stuck to Jo and let her do the talking. so when she started pulling away from him too and he didn't have a buffer, it was probably easier to just stay home instead of risking it on his own.
i'm a person who hears his version of "they isolated me" and Jos "our parents saw him pulling away, isolating himself" and lands somewhere in the middle. i think they had rules over him not touching anyone/made it very clear he couldn't be trusted and that left kai feeling like "okay well f you guys i'll just go back to my room" it was just easier for him to go ahead and leave instead of let them bully him into leaving.
like he's the oldest, but do we think the other siblings listened to him ?? nah, man, there's simply no way. by the time they reached 22, no one in the house but liv/luke showed much interest in him. and he had to know that the older they got, they'd grow to believe joshua/fear him too. that had to be freaking exhausting, not to mention hurtful as hell.
(i mean... "When your family decides that you are nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash, well…I guess the best thing to do is prove them right, right?” like by the time we get to the red wedding, they broke him. there's no more second chances or trying again or believing they'll change. he's done. but he had to get pushed to that point and i think it was building his entire life.)
i hc as the oldest Jo/Kai shared a car, but to be so honest i always assumed he taught himself how to drive (fast lol) in the prison world. i would love to believe they snuck out to concerts together or had little adventures growing up but i think Jo turned on him somewhere around the time she realized she wasn't going to be allowed to go off to college. she would have had her own resentments around being stuck with him because of him, and so i don't see them having much of a relationship past the age of like 16.
to circle back to romantic relationships, i just don't think kai ever had an opportunity to be close enough to anyone for anything to happen romantically or even platonically pre prison world.
that's why bonnie showing up is such a big deal. she's this beautiful, funny, smart witch and she's just suddenly !! in his world !! the fact that he can't help getting close to her means everything to me. there's something about her/her magic that just tugs him in. "yeah but i wanted to feel your hand on my chest" come ON once you know the implications of that statement how do people not melt. babes is so touch starved he's dying for anyyyyoneeee to love on him.
bonkai sidenote: im a firm believer that grams was playing matchmaker. i hc she knew kai growing up and tried to help him when she could, which is why they went the prison world route instead of simply getting rid of him. without a bennett to bind the spell it wouldn't have been possible, so she agreed to keep something else from happening to him. she literally tells bonnie she gave up her peace so that bonnie could find hers, knowing 100% she was sending her to a world where kai was waiting/he couldn't be killed/and they would have to work together to escape. even more than that, damon wasn't supposed to go !!! so grams knew they'd be alone and either assumed bonnie could handle him or believed there was enough good in kai that it wouldn't go badly for bonnie or both lol we know from the jump that grams adores bonnie, there's not a chance in hell she would have sent her there if she thought for a second kai would hurt her. i just don't think she realized how sick he would become on his own, and adding damon into the mix changes the dynamics because kai is trying to come off stronger than he is.
yikes sorry i dont know how to discuss him without discussing bonnie 🙈
again thank you for your ask!!
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allmightluver · 1 year
The extent of All Might’s injury
**(Light gore warning-talking about organs and medical complications as well as injuries)**
This is all based on what Toshinori has told us as well as looking at it in an anatomical level.
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This is the best picture we have available of his scar’s placement. A reminder as well that in the manga the scar is actually higher on his chest.
You can see just how far this thing stretches: from his upper pectoral all the way down to his hip (that we know of). By trying to place a basic organ anatomy diagram as close to his positioning as possible, we get this.
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This isn’t perfect, but his positioning is hard to match 😅 we get the general idea of where the scar lies. And if we remove Toshi from the screen we can really appreciate the positioning of where this beast lies in contrast to his organs.
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Here I’ve outlined all the organs that are within the scar’s reach (marked in red). The blue circles are all the organs that lie directly underneath that crater in his chest. The pink circles are additional organs that are in the near vicinity and possibly could have been affected.
If we assume the center of his scar reached the deepest within his chest cavity, then the following would certainly have been either affected or destroyed:
Basically half of his rib cage
Half of the diaphragm
At least half of his liver
Both small and large intestines
Now given the close proximity and the idea that this wound would have been much larger when it happened originally, my thoughts are these could also be affected:
Pancreas-as it lies behind the stomach
The heart. It’s sits closer to the left lung, so it easily could have been affected as well.
The other lung could also have been damaged simply from the way half of his chest was crushed and pushed into the other side. This could account some for the constant coughing up blood.
It’s honestly amazing he’s alive, and still somehow managed to continue his career for so long without the public realizing there was a problem. But doing so only exasperated his already damaged body, and the more people he saved the more he willingly destroyed himself.
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omelettejunkie · 4 days
ethan eef eddy teddy plenty wenty twenty fenty trinty (trinity center :O) i lost mt thought process restart again☝️ ethan eeth eef spleen liver organ heart muscle blood blood organs heart ummmmmmm OH YEAH I NEED TK FINISH YOUR UPDATED MOODBOARD UGH I RELOST MY TRAINIF THOUGH KMS ethan treethan ian treeian freeian ian eeeeiaaaan eyean eeethAn ethiyan idk what km doing anymkre
UNLIKE LAST TIME THERE IS A POINT TO THIS, IM BORED😔😔😔 also no there isnt a point im just bored
how did you get spleen from eef??
like genuinely??
that's such a reach-
why do you always do this with my name 😭😭
why me?
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